2010 05 25 PC MinutesMINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA May 25, 2010 7:04 P.M. CALL TO ORDER A. A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairman Alderson. PRESENT: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Weber, Wilkinson, and Chairman Alderson. ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen, and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: There being no comments, or suggestions, it was moved by Commissioners Barrows/Weber to approve the minutes of April 27, 2010 as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Environmental Assessment 2006-564, Conditional Use Permit 2006- 097 and Site Development Permit 2006-860; a request by Prest- Vuksic Architects for consideration of development plans for a proposed church parking lot located on the west side of Washington Street, between Avenues 47 and 48. Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 2010 Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Weber asked about the retention basin and the City's role in its maintenance. Staff gave an explanation of stormwater in the area and the. need for the basin. Principal Engineer Wimmer explained this was a cooperative project between the City and the church. The basin was sized to handle a portion of the runoff water from the church and the nearby neighborhood. The maintenance of the basin itself will be taken over by the Diocese and the dry wells will be maintained by the City. Commissioner Weber provided general review comments on the number of parking spaces. Staff explained the parking ratio formula. Commissioner Weber provided general review comments about the variety of lighting fixtures, types of bulbs and color indexes. Staff explained the information in the report, and said lighting specialist Ralph Raya was available to provide more detailed information. Commissioner Weber mentioned his concerns about grading the mountain area, blow sand, and the differences in elevations. Staff referenced an aerial photo and then pointed out the mountain in relation to the parking lot(s), with the explanation there would be a 6 to 8 foot elevation difference between the new and old parking lots. Commissioner Barrows also had concerns about blow sand generated from the west of this site. Staff said there was a potential of blow sand and explained what circumstances could cause that. Commissioner Barrows had several concerns about turf, including; 1) the turf at the bottom of the retention basin, 2) maintenance, and 3) the actual need for turf. She gave the example of the City's retention basin on Avenue 52 which was not lined with turf. She was concerned about consistency, and maintenance issues, in allowing turf in retention basins. Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer explained that maintenance had more to do with the functionality of the dry well. He explained that turf acts as a bioswale and avoids clogging of chambers; thereby causing expensive repairs. He did explain that the bottom need not be all turf. -2- Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 2010 Commissioner Barrows commented on the Architecture and Landscaping Review Commission (ALRC) Condition no. 69. Staff explained the Committee Members were concerned about maintenance and the possibility of the groundcover being trampled. Commissioner Wilkinson provided general review comments on sod issues; especially a compromise of sod allowed in the bottom of the retention basin. Staff said when the final dry well designs, and landscaping plans, are submitted they will determine what is needed to perform the bioswale function. Chairman Alderson provided general review comments on the archaeological monitoring; especially the cost. Staff explained how it would be handled and said the charges would be borne by the applicant. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to speak. Mr. John Vuksic, Prest-Vuksic Architects, 44-530 San Pablo Avenue, Palm Desert - introduced himself and asked for clarification on Condition no. 18 -page 59, third paragraph which references the Secondary Entrance. It mentioned left turn in and right turn out are restricted, and he asked why there was a restriction on right turns. He explained they want to be able to turn right and head south on the Frontage Road back onto Washington and asked for correction of that condition. He then referenced condition no. 69, page 70, which referred to removal of the landscaping. He explained the orientation of the parking lot and the reasons why they would like to leave the planters as designed. Commissioner Wilkinson asked about 1) the possibility of pass-thru locations, or decomposed granite (dg1, in the planters; and 2) rehabilitation of the Type R lamps. Mr. Vuksic said they had no objections to re-finishing the lamps and adding decomposed granite in the planters, if those conditions were added. Commissioner Barrows asked if trees were included in the planters. Mr. Vuksic said yes. -3- Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 2010 Commissioner Barrows asked for clarification of the ALRC condition requesting more turf since the applicant would later replace it with desertscape. Mr. Vuksic said they would prefer not to add the turf as they would be replacing it later. Commissioner Barrows asked for more information on the proposed lighting; including energy efficiency and color. Mr. Vuksic said Mr. Raya could address her concerns. Mr. Ralph Raya, MRC Engineering, 72-880 Fred Waring Drive, Suite C- 11, Palm Desert -explained the three types of lighting and their uses. He commented that the lamps would be different than those commonly used in parking lots. He further explained the shielding and effects on nearby areas and the fact that the lamps were "Dark Sky" compliant. Commissioner Quill provided general review comments on the types of lighting and the length of time each would be in operation. Mr. Raya provided an explanation of how the controls were set up and how the lighting would be utilized. Chairman Alderson was concerned about the mix of lights and the differences in the type of .light they emitted. Mr. Raya explained the types of lamps and how they would blend with each other. Commissioner Weber asked for clarification of the affect of the high pressure sodium lights,. the patina of the Type A lamp, and the color rendering index. Mr. Raya gave an explanation of the color index of the various lamps and their temperatures. He also discussed mixed lights and zones, and the eye's perception of the colors. Commissioner Barrows suggested the substitution of native shrubs such as Encilla, Brittle Bush, or Desert Apricot, for those listed. Mr. Vuksic suggested Mr. Horton, of HSA could talk further on that subject. He also discussed the entry median and the condition to enhance that median. He requested it be left alone at this point, and left open the possibility of later utilizing more desert landscape rather than turf, which is in the median now. -4- Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 2010 Mr. Mike Horton, HSA Design Group, 42-635 Melanie Place, Palm Desert introduced himself and said he didn't have a problem with substituting some local native plants. Commissioner Barrows asked if he could comment on the ALRC's concern about balance and the condition recommending the planting of palm trees. Mr. Horton discussed the recommendation of adding some Washingtonia hybrids, or Filiferas at both corners of the project and said they would also add a few palm trees in the other side to balance it out. Commissioner Weber asked Mr. Horton if he was adverse to putting in the palms per the ALRC's recommendation and how many would be involved. Mr. Horton said they were not adverse to the addition. There would be a total of six (of the same type) at varying heights (12 to 18 feet. He discussed their reasons for wanting to plant trees which were all of the same variety. General discussion followed regarding the types of trees chosen, color palettes, growth patterns, shade issues, maintenance, and location of each of the types of trees. General discussion then followed regarding the amount of turf and the percentage of sod needed in the retention basin. Staff's response to the discussion was that they anticipated there would be a possible 50% reduction in turf; from what was shown on the exhibits. Chairman Alderson commented on a portion of turf that could be utilized as a small entry treatment to the left side of the driveway. He asked if there would be a problem with that. Mr. Horton responded there would not. Chairman Alderson commented on the ALRC's requests for 1) the planting to be removed, in the planter aisles, and 2) additional palm trees. Staff responded that the ALRC's concerns were 1) plantings would get trampled and 2) there was rio continuity of planting with Washington Street. Staff explained there were suggestions of including decomposed granite (dg) and the use of stepping stones, but 5- Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 2010 it was brought out that the project conditions require that all the landscaping be maintained whether it got trampled or not. Chairman Alderson then provided general review comments on pedestrian traffic flow, the aesthetics of the site from Washington and his lack of support for the ALRC position. Mr. Horton agreed with the Chairman's statements, added his comments on the direction of pedestrian flow, and said he did not feel maintaining the landscaping was going to be an issue. Commissioner Weber asked Mr. Vuksic about the ALRC's recommendation no. 2; shortening the length of the medians at the end of each row of parking. Mr. Vuksic said he understood the intent behind that was to make it easier to turn into the drive aisles. However, he said they were concerned that it would expose the back of the car that was parked there, which could increase the possibility a car getting clipped. The medians were intended to act as a buffer and create a barrier between that last car and the drive aisle. Commissioner Weber commented on the width of the parking spaces. Mr. Vuksic said they were adequate. Commissioner Weber asked about the grading of the new temporary parking lot and the blow sand which would be removed. Mr. Vuksic provided ,comment on the possibility of a future building on that site and possible dirt relocation sites. Chairman Alderson asked if the site would be graded to accommodate the potential pad height of a future development. Mr. Vuksic said yes. Chairman Alderson commented on the telephone poles, used for landscaping purposes in the parking lot, and suggested they be replaced. Mr. Vuksic agreed. Planning Director Johnson suggested, while the public hearing was open, there be discussion of the conditions previously mentioned, beginning with Condition no. 18 (Secondary Entry; stating it was a typographical error and should read left turns in and out are permitted. -6- Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 2010 Staff then commented on Condition no. 69; that shrubs could be included and would function well in the parking area. He then gave examples of similar planters in the City, which have functioned well. Staff then commented on the shortening of the length of the end caps, and said they should be unchanged, as the change could cause safety concerns. There could be the possibility of softening the radius, but the length would need to remain at the standard stall length. Chairman Alderson asked if that adhered to the City standards. Staff responded it did There being no further applicant comments, Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment. There being no public comment, Chairman Alderson opened the matter for Commission discussion. Commissioner Quill said he disagreed with the ALRC's recommendations; except for the suggestion of using Washingtonia Filifera, or a hybrid variety, if the palm trees were to be added. Commissioner Barrows reiterated her concerns about the use of native plants in the landscape proposal. Commissioner Quill said he agreed with the reduction of the turf in the retention basin. Commissioner Weber agreed with Commissioners Barrows and Quill and requested specificity of tree types be added in Condition no. 71. There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Weber to adopt Resolution 2010- 015 recommending approval of Environmental Assessment 2006-564 as submitted. Unanimously approved. There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to adopt Resolution 2010- 016 recommending approval of Conditional Use Permit 2006-097 as submitted. Unanimously approved. -7- Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 2010 There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Barrows to adopt Resolution 2010- 017 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2006-860 with the following modifications: Condition 18 "Secondary Entry" portion to be modified to read: Secondary Entry (Frontage Road): Right turn in and out and left turn out are permitted. Left turn in is restricted. The following conditions be added, under Landscaping and Irrigation: Condition 64 (formerly condition no. 71) The applicant shall include, in the final landscaping plan, six (6) hybrid Washingtonia Filifera palm trees to be planted along the Washington Street frontage. Condition 65 The applicant shall work with staff to replace some shrubbery with native Coachella Valley species. Conditions 69, 70, 72, 73, and 74 be deleted, under Architecture and Landscaping Review Commission Unanimously approved. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Discussion regarding Commission Summer Meeting Schedule, which was followed by the decision to put this on the agenda for the June 8, 2010, meeting. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: A. Letter from Linda Paul, Real Estate and Zoning Manager for T-mobile, dated April 28, 2010. (General discussion followed) VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Commissioner Wilkinson gave a report on the City Council Meeting of May 4, 2010. (A brief summary of the meeting was given followed by discussion of several items.) -8- Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 2010 B. Chairman Alderson gave a report on the City Council Meeting of May 18, 2010. IA brief summary of the meeting was given followed by discussion of several items). C. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Barrows was scheduled to report back on the June 1, 2010, Council meeting. IX: DIRECTOR ITEMS: A. Planning Director Johnson advised the Commission they were invited to attend the City Council -Special Budget Meeting - on June 3, 2010, at 3:00 p.m. B. Planning Director Johnson reminded Commission there was a General Plan Update meeting, focusing on the Highway 111 Business and Property Owners, on May 26, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. and the public was invited. X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved by Chairman Alderson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting to be held on June 8, 2010. This regular meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. on May 25, 2010. Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California 9-