LLA 1989-052trlere CASE INFORMATION o Case No.LL-A Wit-Q Application Received'by -1-H Date OW-)er Application Checked by -1 f- Date / 23 Appl-isaas-: 7kA1c- 1-ac_ c-r A ti� �e= , ist�c_ �. Phone: _ Address: _),Z4CU PUMA Ax 7-vt -tC�iv CA �17E��5 Street C ty State Zip Code Owner:. C��C ttE .ice rtyAl_i� v I �px� l� Phone: Address: Representative: Phone: �c 7e-Z6z_ Address: 5 75 v4,uc- 1. Subject: F Lim 2. Location: 3. Environmental Information E.A. No.-E.I.R.No. Notice of Declaration Dat 4. Related Files: Q Fee I Filing Fee $ E.A. Fee $ - Total $ - Additional Fees $ Receipts for Fees: _ 5. Parcel Size/Acreage 3x•- 00(- 9. Circulation Element \k-Ag :e�t�,1rcy� 6. General Plan Designation Neel10. Housing Element 7. Zoning S -i` 11. Council District -� 8. Surrounding Zoning - I` 12. Assessor's P4 77--; 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4 Tentative Hearing Date Agency. Deadline Date Plot Plan Checked _ Legal Description Transmittals ro Heari Informati Date ti OnPnrV FY "A" Notice Aaencv Ex "A" Notice G;nei�al Telephone Road De artment Cit o Cal Trans County Planning Idater ua it CVCWO Home Owners Parks Bui)din —Dept, Health Dept. Fire City Engineer Other Transmittals sent by: Date: Public Hearing Notice Date: / Notice Mailed by: Notice Posted by: Date: Entered in: Counter Book: Page Parcel Applicant Notified f/Action: Agencies Notified: File Closed: Additional Pertinent Information: By AND wYaN IlrcosoeD YUL tYN OaaO .Yo. YYlase n.Y' wru awoww uLOw. r.LL •1Lt v.Tartlrra eo: sees r COACd ELLA VALLEY IAMYYIIIIID—p�D■/ CO. Pr 27820 Dorris Or 1ve, Sta. lug c,er A Carmel Valley, CA 93923 aril Attnl Virginia Cooper JITille Order No. 38-25694-8►scrow No. 10-10718 NJ Or n ,1 Alt SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RICORMILM-9 Una yrfF•r� GRANT DEED The undersigned derlsm that the documentary transfer tar is I.....6. 60 ........... . ........ and Is ............................................ ® computed on the full valor of the interest or property conveyed, or Is ❑ computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumhrantrs remaining thereon at the time of Aide. The land, lenenwrns or realty is located in ❑ unincorlmrsted area ❑ city of ......................._ _......... and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, MICHAEL A. FISCHER AND ANNIE L. FISCHER, husband and wife hereby GRANTISI to COACHELLA VALLEY LAND CO. LTD., a California Limited Partnership the following dnrribed real property in the county of Riverside , .tate of Calirornia: The North 25 feet of Lot 2, Block 82 of SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUTNTA, Unit No. 10, oa per map recorded in book 18, page 70 of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment 1 89 - G S Z__ as approved by the City of La Quinta. Dated Januay__18, 1989-_. Michael A. Fischer --Mt61�ei'' STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Orange_ 58 On his to .19th_ dayul _.January 19 89. before me ew unseasoned.• Notry PLtbcmaMb"wcoto &,dst ,peaanwyppsrslf Annie L. Fischer --------------------- -------------------- ---------,Omt4fasw pima or proved Is me on ea bale of aalslrAny eviderm 0 W as person wrosr name is ete.nta.droewwlmnaatbumeas .na.enowmd9.esat ebee.enrtadewYms. $onature of Notary O/Flt,aI SEAL VIOLA C. SERVI m ferref INdsial Users In coseimy CEpA 1990 Avsessor', Parcel No. . ' ' ­­ .......... ... ..' \I11I. 1.11f11 'l,%, LAN 1'fN IuaINY. IINF: IFNfIIIARTI 10SHOR'N, VAILASIIIRF.rTED AJ,Ir... l iry l Sow_.—.—_ CAL r fCT (Rm 241111 1 L LI ME ADTl11S'i WT GLLp - $oelOR1► 'p LOT 1 N OLD LoT Lo M 2 • fn 1-40 Many" -zo1 N L&r2 r 14 Sir- Mild Ler LIAO N '1Hta SeJtN t6 l� Ltr •0 a 1Q hl L. •J..L' d: 1 l' :.uu1J LIriS1UN gI�C�TE1-� 3�3 5 QtWot'DGO oWJarC• ee&c Hcl.t.A V*.L.LaY LAntCQ ADocess yt1'jS S*AAX IALW-,r-I PALM 0lsECT CL. gttbo &"41 Sir DEPARTMENT USE ONLY TCeataReod Owner WINIAGL A, { AJJIW L. FlsrM+ ola•r weMra —Z b Addre/e !sulA dJMe. yA•l, ttiYAtRreJ ,Le. 9Z4SS hmere eDDroed Map Propered BY %m*o L. Man16LL• BY Address M-116 yu.LLTo LagJwTe. C.6.QttSS Area/Dbtrkt 1 MaWNDINO REQUESTED Jay AND WNZN a/COee/O MAIL 'Hit 0970 AND. VMLaM OTNIe WI/a /NOWN 0/LDW, MAIL TAX /Tnr/MaNrs Tc Na'W COACHELLA VALLEY LAND Co. 27820 Dorris Drive, Ste. 102 mrrs Carmel Valley, CA 93923 ft.. LAttns Virginia Cooper Title Order No. 38-25690-IElrmus No, 10-10318 NO MR 'FMM g C $PACE ABOVE 'IAA LIME FOR RECOR ulIPe Us[ GRANT DEED The undersitmed declares that she documentary transfer tax is 6..... ^o„consideration and is computed on the full value of the Interest or properly ranveyrd, or is ❑ computed on the full %slue Ics the .clue of lira+ or enrumhrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. The land, tensmenia or really is located in ❑ unincorporated area ❑ city of .. .................. . FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDER ATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, COACHELLA VALLEY LAND CO. LTD., a California General Partnership hereby GRANT(b) to COACHELLA VALLEY LAND CO. LTD., a Califonria General Parntership the following described real property in the county of Riverside , state of California: Lot 1, and the Northerly 25 feet, of Lot 2, SANTA CARIIELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA, Unit 010, as per map recorded in book 18, page 70 of Maps, Records of Ri Veraide County, California. This deed reflects Lot Line adjustment A_ 89 - O S as approved by the City of La Quints. Dated .7anuary_18,_ 19P9 _ _ _ _ COACHELLA VALLEY LAND CD., LTD. a California Limited Partnership BYIW. Cusack, General PArener CAT, NO. NNM30 �'---' TOfO"A" "' ® TICOR TITLE INSURANCE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 C?UNTY OF Riverside } �• ad,a r On January 20, 1989 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for cep I (D said State, pens ndly appeared _ if. J. CUSACE _ s"1 , personally known to me or improved ro me on tee Maia of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument As i of the partners of the partnership Ihot executed the within instrument, and acknowledared t11 +. OFFICIAL SEAL tomle that such partnership executed the same. ti PFGISy RAUMGARONER W IINESS my h and official seal. :ir N 11 • - UNTY:a RIVFNSnIE COUNTY .... .. n e my Cvn E•o Oct.12 M Et I'EII AR(Af Signature -( '�'--_.. trials sat for ofkw noneW Nall -w I Lo LI NS ADTUSTMV4T CALL.re gOMORA .r JffiO.1 mw w a� LOT 1 OLD Le-r LIm r WR TtJeltTii 2b I.eT 2 .-q •Ip 1:IR3WfN 16 tip ..p, OI.o I.T L�.le 3 — ,,1 21 to QI iftwotpp0 Ov446R•eeA4Hvi-LA V4Lt.6Y L&4o Aoomess �It1't5 �swnowAt K,P•� t;t DEPARTMENT USE NLY .:< - 1. Record Owner MKdAOL A,.y AJJr1 1. f7scdnc This Certificate of�•FarreFMerOer Na 69'at•t is >n AMMU ft-A - JN► V/AY, FY l**W .e4 q-Z 9 here y approved. v4 Map Prepared BY BAN t. M&OWL. By ""V• --- Addmu S'<•4TB VALIiTc LAgJiJT► Ce..rt49% -- '`: Aree/DistAct-- a' m 8 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTH WISE SHOWN BELOW. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: HANK ADDRESS CITY e STATE =1e L J Title Order No. Escrow No. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED The undersigned declares that the documentary transfer tax isS.................................................................................. and is ❑ computed on the full value of the interest or property conveyed, or is ❑ computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. The land, tenements or realty is located in ❑ unincorporated area ❑ city of.................................................................................................... and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, MICHAEL A. FISCHER AND ANNIE L. FISCHER, husband and wife hereby GRANT(S) to COACHELLA VALLEY LAND CO. LTD., a California Limited Partnership the following described real property in the county of Riverside , state of California: The North 25 feet of Lot 2, Block 82 of SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA, Unit No. 1.0, as per map recorded in book 18, page 70 of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment of La Quinta. - -- (Individual) STATE OF On appeared q g / - O S Z- as approved by the City 18, 1989 PYA 4 a( �W�" � / - - - � Mighel' A. Fischer ie L. Fis SS. for proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evi nce) to be the perarm within instrument and acknowledged that whose executed the same. WITNESS In Public in and for said State, (known tome) subscribed to the y a and official seal. RM FFICIAL SEALSignature AlffvIGARDfFi/ Puohc-C,=lfforniafiSIDE COON ry. Exp. Oct. 12, 1992 Form 3213 (CA 12-82) (nw amAJw-ffia-I AON6".1) CAL-1ICT (Rev 2-tltl) :D ABOVE RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS WISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: NAYS ADDRESS CITY STATC ZIP 1 Title Order No. Escrow No. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED The undersigned declares that the documentary transfer tax is8.................................................................................. and is ❑ computed on the full value of the interest or property conveyed, or is ❑ computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. The land, tenements or realty is located in ❑ unincorporated area ❑ city of....__....._.................--...............-------------....................-----......... and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, COACHELLA VALLEY LAND CO. LTD., a California General Partnership hereby GRANT(S) to COACHELLA VALLEY LAND CO. LTD., a Califonria General Parntership the following described real property in the county of Riverside state of California: Lot 1, and the Northerly 25 feet of Lot 2, SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA, Unit #10, as per map recorded in book 18, page 70 of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. This deed reflects Lot Line adjustment # by the City of La Quinta. 8 C7 — 0 5"2 as approved Dated January 18, 1989 COACHELLA VALLEY LAND CO., LTD. a California Limited Partnership CAT. NO. NNO0630 TO 21946 CA (1-83) (Partnership) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Riverside T 3S. By :/ W. Cusack, General Partner Cro TIC®R TITLE INSURANCE On January 20 1989 said State, personally appeared W J before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for CUSA K personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person _ who executed the within instrument as of he partners of the partnership that executed the within ti instrument and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my h and official seal. 71 Signature e aumgar ne PcOFFICIAL SEAL CGY BAUMGARDNER Not2ry Public -California RIVERSIDE COUNTY My Comm. Exp. Oct. 12, 1992 J. a P ECTED ABOVE CAL-1/CT (Rev 2-88) (This area for official notarial sell '-----Malividual) STATE OF CALIFORNIA , z) _ / } SS. uerore me, ' ' a Notary Public in and for said State, pe�� ly ppear d oe/ A. r Cf� (known to me) (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose namefc_ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that `� o executed the sa OFFIi:IAL SEAL WITNESS and and official seal. / �. PFCGY BAUMGN: DNE .t natur RI1 (iSIDE COUNTY Sfg%k E My Comm Exp. Oct. 12, 1992 Form 3213 (CA 12-82) rTAi. ..f roffv:.l.,ial.0 . �.._.. ....,,.... _.. ...... ..... ...................� .. ,...o..,. ..... .� . .................................................................................. and is ❑ computed on the full value of the interest or property conveyed, or is ❑ computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. The land, tenements or realty is located in ❑ unincorporated area ❑ city lof ...--------- ...._....................... ........... .......... ...................................... and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, MICHAEL A. FISCHER AND ANNIE L. FISCHER, husband and wife hereby GRANT(S) to MICHAEL A. FISCHER AND ANNIE L. FISCHER, husband and wife as Joint Tenants the following described real property in the county of Riverside , state of California: The South 25' of Lot 2, and all of Lot 3, Block 82, SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE: LA QUINTA, Unit No. 10, as per map recorded in book 18, page 70 of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. This deed reflects Lot Line adjustment of La Quints. 3 I, q U / O5 as approved by the City January 18, 1989 _ A l A: Fi r i nie L. Fi:scher STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF _Qrange _ SS. --- On this the 1 9th day of January 1919— before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Annie T.. Fi c h--------------------- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------- 17Fp94R9IIX1974f4'g lAgg or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personwhosename is subscribed to the within instrument and ackn�ed that she executed the same. Signature of Notary FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP ti OFFICIAL SEAL VIOLA C. SERVI m Notary Public-CaMomia Pnmpal Office In Orange County My Comm. Exp. Aug. 3, 1990 Assessor's Parcel No....................... ..................... MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO PART`,:SHORN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SO SHOWN, NIAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE Name CAL-1/CT (Rev 2-88) Street Address City & State LOT LOME A®Tt1ST MWT CALL-rm - SC►JORA 'p LoT 1 N OLD LoT UWE - 4 T& ►�Iaa3v as N L-aT 2 N wl i4 Ldr Loa 1(1 "Mrs SWW 257 r Ldr 2 N o Lo L•T Lo bi C-3 —• •� Le,T 3 -Q &COepEp__oWAC-A-GoAcHa"& V"L-GY LA.4= hooeftS Nl995 9SaAAPWAU4,F-1 Pet-M pE5E2 j GA, 174Q(i40 Record Owner W41446L 4.4 0441E L. Fiscrl62 Address im.k gao.4& WAq, FaLecrea.GA. 92435 Map Prepared By SAMOS e• Ar&JFLL- Address 54'47s V"AA:12) L&QdluTn. cA.g2253 Area/District iH 1 "w �Fo' 60:L44f &AJLL4MfK pp��.2 This Certificate of amm@el• #*Wr No.. �I is hby approved. BT Ti: Date � CITY OF LA QUI A PLANNING i DEVELOPMENT EPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT -------------'_ OFFICE USE ONLY li Zoning: II LLA NO • Related Cases: u Reviewed By: f: jfE(7/v1�19 I Date:If APPLICANT Name: T/41y--:- R gy�vct� Address: S? _��� ;��u.r-.z C, Daytime L-Ic� Phone: 3e5�6 3 (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY OWNERS Owner "A" Name: M ICh1V -(- -i- Ah)A L Address: 224Ci y�,nn� q� Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "B" Name: MICE-jAc—L- + Address: y-v q Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "C" Name: Lt.A Address: IBC C P'T C' A Phone: S E £3 0 �355 (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Property A: Assessor's Parcel Street Address (if Number: any): — Property B: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any):^ ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: REASON FOR REQUEST: T 3 ��n��jS f111' drl;i APPLICANT INSTRUCTIONS A request for a Lot Line Adjustment may be approved only if the following findings are made pursuant to Section 13.68.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels; 2. No additional parcels are created; 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the minimum development standards. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Completed and signed application form. 2. A map or the current Assessor's Map page showing the proposed lot line adjustment, including the following: dimensions, existing and proposed lot lines, and, unless property lies within the Cove area, all angles of direction . 3. A metes and bounds legal description. For Cove area lots, a legal description by lot, block, unit and/or tract number is acceptable. 4. Proof of ownership in the form of a copy of the original Grant Deed for the properties involved. 5. New, original, unrecorded Grant Deed(s) with the following noted on the Deed(s): - Correct legal description(s) for each adjusted property; - "THIS DEED REFLECTS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. __, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA." (The Lot Line Adjustment Number will be filled in by this office.) This is required whether or not there is a conveyance involved, as state law does not recognize a lot line adjustment by itself as a legal, recordable document. 6. APPLICATION FEE: $175 in cash or check payable to the City of La Quinta. The Planning and Development Department will review and, if complete and acceptable, the Planning Director will approve the Lot Line Adjustment Application. The Application will then be forwarded to the County Recorder's Office for recording purposes. MR/FORMLLA.001 APRIL 1988 M I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; (2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Representative Signature: (Attach Letter(s) Owner "A": Name Date Owner "B": Name Date Owner "C": Name Date !1� Date f Authorization) MR/FORMLLA.001 APRIL 1988 F7 I APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER Record Ow GoachfELLA VALLE*/ Lp.lcn Name s -- L{G.. F.:. PALM b050¢'f, oar Representative :rA hA 6 E. R. A461I Q L L- Name 52.275 �/.oL.L.Sa�y, LbQduffcl GA. 4i$-NZlo`3 -- PROPERTY DATA: Assessor Parcel Nos.: Parcel 1 Parcel 2 Parcel 3 Parcel 4 T►kg d,&a t rl -9 0r- 773 - 24a2 - 0:3 77S - 24P2 - o)2 Street Address of Property: 52. 275 �/aLLe.1p, REQUEST: (include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested) - - 14 , 4 'fa rogm A L-L"arm rwec e L- APPLICATION FEE: $175.00 in cash or check payable to City of La Quinta. (I/We) hereby certify that; 1.(I am/we are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this application; 2. (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application and, 3. The information submitted in connection with this applica- tion: is true and correct. Representative Signature: Case No. Related Cases (Letters ofq authorization may be attacneei) •� "C�/ hate 1 =� Date Date OFFICE USE ONLY DATE STAR' P. O. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado Ia Quintal California 92253 (619) 564-2246 Zoning: Related Cases Reviewed By: LLIsT- 'al:::? - osa CITY OF LA QUINTA r� PLANNING i DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Ch APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER OFFICE USE ONLY PM No.: Date Received: -- �1 �ao�9 PROPERTY OWNER: Name: p1�cF1AEL A. Fisepkr jA*1Nit L. FescHelZ Address: i 4AJA Whd F.ALLPd'f 4CALFAR41► 91GSS Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) REPRESENTATIVE: Name: _ Address: (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Assessor Parcel Numbers: Street Address of Property: RETEST Daytime Phone: i IHO SOLATH Parcel 1 773 -242 Parcel 2 ?73 - 2!0? - Ot Parcel 3 - - Parcel 4 - - 52295 AJENiph VALI.E�E� LA 09114I'A, Ca iJ Fig -AA i A (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested.) MR/FORMPM.001 APRIL 1988 SALE Escrow Instructions PEGGY BAUMGARDNER, C.E.O. Escrow Officer TELECOPIER No. (619) 341-8296 �e2er aL cascrocu 0a. 44-900 SAN PABLO AVENUE PALM DESERT, CA 92260-3537 (619) 568-3627 10-10318 _ Escrow Number January 1.8, 1989 Buyer will deposit the sum of $6,000.00 plus buyer's costs, prior to close of escrow. and will deliver to you any instruments which this escrow requires shall be executed by me, all of which you are instructed to use provided on or before January 31, 1989 you hold a policy of title insurance with the usual title company's exceptions, with a liability equal to the total considerations herein covering The North 25' of Lot 2, Block 82, Santa Carmelita at Vale Palo outside of Escrow Cash through Escrow Encumbrances of Reco,d Encumbrances of Reco d New Encumbrances Total Consideration La Quinta, Unit #12 As per map recorded in book 18 page(s) 70 of maps in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, Calif. (Memo: Property Address: Vacant Lot (Assessor's Parcel No. 773-262-013) ) showing title vested in: COACHELLA VALLEY LAND CO., LTD., a California Limited Partnership FREE FROM ENCUMBRANCES EXCEPT ONLY THE ITEMS NUMBERED BELOW: (1) General and Special taxes for the fiscal year 1988 , 19 89 , which are not delinquent as of close of escrow (2) The lien of supplemental taxes, If any, assessed pursuant to Chapter 498, Statutes of 1983, of the State of California (3) Bonds/Assessments: None (41 Covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights, rights of way, easements, and the EXCEPTION OR RESERVATION OF WATER, OIL, GAS, MINERALS, CARBONS, HYDROCARBONS OR KINDRED SUBSTANCES ON OR UNDER SAID LAND, now of record, if any This escrow is contingent upon ability to obtain approval from the City of La Quinta regarding lot line adjustment. Regardless of the preprinted portions of these instructions, buyer to pay title premium, documentary transfer tax, and full escrow fee. Seller to pay taxes and liens of record, if any. All parties signing this agreement hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of these instructions. Prorate taxes based on latest available tax bill as of Close of escrow Prorate insurance handed you as of n/a or buyer will hand you new insurance at his option. Prorate Homeowner's Association dues as of n/a Prorate interest on loans of record as of n/a Prorate rents and adjust deposits as of n/a based on rent statements handed you. Any rents in arrears are to be disregarded in your prorations. Credit seller and debit buyer the amount of impounds, if any, as disclosed by beneficiary statements from the holders of the loans of record. I/We agree to pay escrow lees and charges as charged. EACH PARTY SIGNING THESE INSTRUCTIONS HAS READ THE ADDITIONAL ESCROW CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE. REVERSE SIDE HEREOF AND APPROVES, ACCEPTS AND AGREES TO BE DOUND THEREBY AS THOUGH THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF APPEARED OVER THEIR SIGNATURES. COAC/HEE LL/A\[VVALLLE A'ND yCO..,LL%TD., a California Limited Partnors nip BV/ /J �i �— Buyer's Signature Buyer's Signature Y The foregoing terms. provisions, conditions and instructions. and those on the reverse side hereof are hereby approved and accepted in their eri and concurred in by me will hand you necessary documents called for on my part to cause title to be shown as above, which you are authorized to deliver when you hold or have caused to be applied funds set forth above within the time as above provided. Pay your escrow charges, my recording fees, charges for evidence of title as called far whether or not this escrow is consummated, except those the buyer agreed to pay. You are hereby authorized to pay bonds, assessments, taxes. and any liens of recortl, including prepayment penalties, if any, to show title as called for. Pay Documentary transfer lax on deed as required. Pay commission as follows S NONE tt E to Seller's Signature Seller's Signature — Michael A. Fischer Annie L. Fisc er ,11—. 2240 Yuma Way, Fullerton, Co. 92635 Pnone — PD 12/66 1. Your duty to act as escrow holder does not commence umd the "Opening of Escrow" wtlich is defined as the -script by escrow harder of these instructors, stoned by all parties. Unit such same either party may usllatera" y Collinsi and upon rraten request deiivered to you, the patty may withdraw funds and documents he previously handed to you 2. All funds In this escrow shall be deposited with a State or No' ona oar:: wrih other escrow tuns_ iVa!sa rfsbursonrents byycur check; checks not presented for payment within six months after data are sunsect to service charges in accordance with your schedU e .n ditec; from time to time. Make all adjustments and prooshons an the basis cf a 36 day month Close of Escra.-' is the cry trot mere arc zcorded. All documents and funds due the respective parties herein are to be mailed to the addresses set cut below their respectva s gnahres mines Otherwise instructed Our signatures on any documents and instructone pe rionlno to .his 7,c�o- indicate our uncont000ral approval Of same Vlherever provision is made herein for the payment of any sum, the delivery of ary instrument or (he, parformarco o' any act "outside of escrovr " you as escrow, holder shall have no responsibility therefor, she not be concerned therewith and are speajma ly received of any obligation retail le thereto. 3. You shall not be, responsible or iiabie in any manner whatscaver for the sufficiency or corrr;c.-oss as to form. manner of execut.on or validity of any documents deposited in escrow, nor as to the identity, ant only or rights of any parson crxecul.rg the same, either as to documents at record or those handled lr this escrow. Your dollar, hereunder shall be sinned to the safekeep of) OI scab money and documents race. /ad by you as escrow holder, and for the disposition of the same m accordarce with the written detractions a-- ry you in this escrow You shall not be required to take any aelisr In connection anth the cdlloction, mafun'y or apparent outlaw: of ary : ors deposited -n I,.s escrovr, unless otherwise irs'.ructed. 4. Seller guaramess. acd /ou sham be fu y ;),elected m assurn!nq, that as to an nsc carded yo❑ Baal- led cy s is talcs, has not been hypothecated and Ida! -ell noccszz ;f also urns m ,. ori. rvc i o paid. You .III' I , c,.. ;;ir+nmani enj+ inucrr.'.co po,icy handed you for use m thus escrow , ,-u, you shah not be responsible lo• verinfrg fl•.o acceptance of fine crib put cy by the ir,uran-0 company. ESCROW HOLDER WILL I,,' Cc NO A? -I FIvlPT TO VL-RIFY FI IF RECEIPT OF HE REO 1-0 Sn'CNviEfv BY i HE ISSUIi4o COIAPANY. You are hereby placed c r th .t 1 HE OU �t'r, fcor On i IF INSu 0 r OR HIS REPRtSEh rr t Vlssued compam, may deny coverage for any duce that d tl'ro insu ^ca corona Ip =��uid far o receive held assigns; the Toss suflercc y �iaye - E TO Y+ERFY IHE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ASSIGN.%iEiCT OF HE POLICY BY THF_ ISSUING 5. The adiustm;.n', and cronst tars called to-, shall be compared as set forth below, or as others se amended in writ no (a) Taxes rrc od ng of ax Elt horn react tars oo personal property not conveyed throuc the escrow, based on current year's taxes, or. bawree'. July ref ano I overl In ur cadt y Car pried on :awed -te!y preceding year ta,, as. Ir each case, use the t turns from the tax bill h qnl ad yen oy the I-. or',gu ,a 1 -nee ycu uy Ina nt ' cor­pany, without iiabi ly On , our part as to [heir corre�tr-as. Seller agrees to pay prior to r101roquv�cy, airy taxes n I rhai ano perso-sal pro xody not Being sod herein, which is a lien on the real property berg conveyed. You are not to be concemeJ writ sarro. (b) Interest on IJ:ongages anchor Trust Ciezds of resole, mortgage irsurance p'emwms,'urds sound in Impound Account for future payment of faxes, fire or moregace connotes, as Iliac os-c by aol, berefo ary statement received :n at^row. If any benef:aary eta ement discloses that the unpaid PRIIVC oAt A/.iOl.. D E ONI AsY TP'USI DEED OF Fit CORD IS WORE OR I. FEE THAN THE ArmOJNT HEREIN SET FORTH, adjust the d6arance :n cash lh•ough this escrow, unless otherxise provided for isreir. 6. Deliver assurances of tie end :nrar Wince e0!haes `any, is holder of sensor encumbrance or hit moor, or if [here be no encumbrances, then to the buyer or his order. 7. If the donations of this escrovr have ru ::con compCed vrth prior to trio expiration of tame provides for hereinor any a. ension thereof, you are nrve7heless 10 complete tho esrvw, :-s scot as tee Carr itGas, Oxcepi as to :me, have been comp led with unless v,,ritten demand shall have been made upon you not to complete if I-aPowving receipt al such virriden demand rot to conlDICe the escrovr, you are to prcmpf.y man a copy Of said demand, by regular mad, to the an x ps^y as specified in paraorapn 2 thereof U are ; ^ Ca^ objection thereto f'om suc4 other party is received by you nu later than 6-00 O'C,Ock Crot. on the seventh (7ih) busmass day follovieri ;ra-r markrg a copy Of said demand, you are reinumed to: (a) coTnoly with the Virden eem; to rol ccmplete this escrow; and (b) return ali aeries and dgeunenb, upon payment at your cancellation fees. seats and cx9e7ses. to the party or parties depositing the same earth you, and (c) you of, y cancel hi escrow nd be rItheved of any further cubes or obligations whil r .. --Cl -'roto If written objection is received vaton t10 time stated, you shall proceed n accordance with to she of paragraph 5 hereof. &. NO NOTICE, DEMAND OR CHAfal OF NISTRJCTIONS SHALL BE OF ANY EFFECT rl J -SCRO!e? UNLESS GIVEN IN WRMNO BY ALL PARTIES AFFECTF_O THEREBY. In the event confocting da-ands or notices are -tic w served upon you or any controversy arises between the parties herein Or with a third person growing cut of o.etauna to Wic L stirs-- - al:' nave the absolute righ to withhold and stop ail further proceedings in, and performance of, this escrow, cold you receive written no,., -o-. sehisfactory to you of the settlement of the controversy by agreement of the parties thereto, or by fine luogement of a court Of coni nnsts each All of the parties to this escrow hereby joini and severally promise and agree to pay promptly cn demons as well as to incur f • ;,go and IO 'noid you harm as from and againt all Iidgater and interpleader costs, damages, judgementsattorneys fees, expenses, col ciar io , and lastir,as of every kind .vhich, in goad faith, you may incur or suffer in connection with or arising out of this escrow, whether said lit nation ithehur ader, obligations, liabilities or expenses arise during the performance of Ibis narrow, er subsequent thereto, diri or indirectly. 9. You are hereby authorized to deposit any funds o' dccdmants handed you under these escrow instruG ons, or cause the same to be depos ted, with any duly authorized sub -escrow agent, subject to your Order at or prior to close of sserocr, in [do event such deposit shall be necessary or convenient for the consummation of this escro,v_ 10. All parties agree that as far as your rights and Irabil. ties are Involved, /his transaction is an escrow &rid not ray other loge relation and you are an escrow holder only on the within exprcasod !urns, and yos shall have no responsibility of rout ... rq m-, o. any of the part, as to this escrow of any sale, resale, loan, exchange, or other k, szt,on involving any property herein described o. of crny p-o r^ahzed by any person, firm or corpora- tion (broker, agent and parties to th,: —r(Vor any ether escrow Included) in connection t erhw. n. -cga, class of the fact that such transactions) may be handfed by you in this escrow: or m another aseroaI. 11. You are not to be concerned with the oiving of any disclosures required by Federal or State law, specifically but not exclusively, RESPA (Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act). Hegoleuon Z (Truth in Lending disclosures) or other warnings, or any ,varranhes, expressed or Implied. Neither are you to be concerned wtih the effect of zoning ordinances, land division regu.arons, or bui dog iselectone which may pertain to or affect the land or improvements that are the subject of this escrow. 12, The parties to this escrow have satisfied themselves outside Of escrow that the transaction covered by this escrow is not in violation of the Subdl- vision Map Act or any other law regulating land division, and you as escrow holder are relieved of all responsibility and/or hand ty in connection therewith, and are not to be concerned with the enforcement of said laws. 13. In the event any Offer to Purchase, Deposit Receipt or any othar form of Purchase Agreement is deposited in this escrow, n is understood that such document shall be effective only as between the parties signing sale document. You as escrow holder are not to be coratemed l the terms of such document and are relieved of all responsibility and/or facility for the enforcement of such terms and your only of sty being to comply with the instructions set out in this escrow. In connection with any loan transaction Involving an FHA, or VA loan, you are authorized to deliver a copy of any such document to FHA, VA or lender as the case may be. 14. Time is of the essence of these escrow instructions. In the avant of failure to pay fees or expenses due you hereunder, on demand. I agree to pay a reasonable fee for any attorney's services which may be required to collect such fees or expenses. 15. if a party to this escrow unilaterally assigns or orders the proceeds of this escrow to be, said to other than the original parties to this escrow, such assignment or order shall be subordinated to the expenses of this escrow, liens of record on the subject property, and payments directed to be made by original parties together. If the results of such assignment or order would be to leave the escrow without sufficient funds to close, then you are directed to close neverthelessand to pay such assignments or orders only out of the net proceeds due except for such assignments or orders, and to pay them In the order in which such assignments or orders are received by you. You are to furnish a copy of these instructions, amendments thereto, closing statements and/or any other documents depiasned in /his escrow to the lender Or lenders and/or the real estate broker or brokers involved in this transaction, upon request of such lenders or brokers. In the event of an assignment Or transfer of interest by operation of law, with or without the approval or consent of any or all of the parties hereto, you shall retain the. right to deduct any and all escrfav costs, fees and expenses provided for herein from sad assigned or transferred lands, properties or rights, said assignment or transfer notwithstanding. 16. These instructions may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original regardless of the data of Its execution and delivery. All such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same document. 17. The parties to these escrow instructions authorize you to destroy those instructions and all other instructions and records in file escrow at any time after five (5) years from date of close of escrow. ESCROth' M.IP IMIES rl^c NOT AUTFI07117'_13 TO GIVE !.'cCtit!_ ?.DV1C=. jF ICU DcS!. ;%,DuFC=, CO"SU'_r '(OU. ?.Tl-O-:o:_•• BEFOAE SICMVt i SALE Escrow Instructions PEGGY BAUMGARDNER, C.E.O. Escrow Officer TELECOPIER No. (619) 341-8296 Al ice/ a(% iio- 44-900 SAN PABLO AVENUE PALM DESERT, CA 92260-3537 (619) 568-3627 10-10318 Escrow Number January 16, 1989 Buyer will deposit the sum of $6,000.00 plus buyer's costs, .prior to close of escrow. and will deliver to you any instruments which this escrow requires shall be executed by me, all of which you are instructed to use provided on or before January 31, 1989 you hold a policy of title insurance with the usual title company's exceptions, with a liability equal to the total considerations herein covering The North 25' of Lot 2, Block 82, Santa Carmelita at Vale Paid outside of Escrow Cash through Escrow Encumbrances of Record Encumbrances of Record New Encumbrances Total Consideration La Quints, Unit =12 As per map recorded in book 18 page(s) 70 of maps in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, Calif. (Memo: Property Address: Vacant Lot (Assessor's Parcel No. 773-262-013) ) showing title vested in: COACHELLA VALLEY LAND CO., LTD., a California Limited Partnership FREE FROM ENCUMBRANCES EXCEPT ONLY THE ITEMS NUMBERED BELOW: (1) General and Special taxes for the fiscal year 19 88 , 19 89 , which are not delinquent as of close of escrow (2) The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to Chapter 498, Statutes of 1983, of the State of California (3) Bonds/Assessments: None (4) Covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights, rights of way, easements, and the EXCEPTION OR RESERVATION OF WATER, OIL, GAS, MINERALS, CARBONS, HYDROCARBONS OR KINDRED SUBSTANCES ON OR UNDER SAID LAND, now of record, if any. This escrow is contingent upon ability to obtain approval from the City of La Quinta regarding lot line adjustment. Regardless of the preprinted portions of these instructions, buyer to pay title premium, documentary transfer tax, and full escrow fee. Seller to pay taxes and liens of record, if any. All parties signing this agreement hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of these instructions. Prorate taxes based on latest available tax bill as of close Of escrow Prorate insurance handed you as of n�a or buyer will hand you new insurance at his option. Prorate Homeowner's Association dues as of n/a Prorate interest on loans of record as of n/a Prorate rents and adjust deposits as of n/a based on rent statements handed you. Any rents in arrears are to be disregarded in your prorations. Credit seller and debit buyer the amount of impounds, if any, as disclosed by beneficiary statements from the holders of the loans of record. IAVe agree to pay escrow fees and charges as charged. EACH PARTY SIGNING THESE INSTRUCTIONS HAS READ THE ADDITIONAL ESCROW CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF AND APPROVES, ACCEPTS AND AGREES TO BE BOUND THEREBY AS THOUGH THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF APPEARED OVER THEIR SIGNATURES, COACHELLA VALLEY LAND CO., LTD., a California Limited Partnership Buyer's Signature By: Buyer's The foregoing terms, provisions, conditions and instructions, and those on the reverse side hereof are hereby approved and accepted in their entirely and concurred'm by me. I will hand you necessary documents called for on my pan to cause title to be shown as above. which you are authorized to deliver when you hold or have caused to be applied lunds set forth above within the time as above provided. Pay your escrow charges, my recording fees, charges for evidence of title as called for whether or not this escrow is consummated, except those the buyer agreed to pay. You are hereby authorized to pay bonds, assessments, taxes, and any liens of record, including prepayment penalties. 0 any, to show title as called tor. Pay Documentary transfer tax on deed as required. Pay commission as follows S NONE to Seller's 2240 Yuma Way, Fullerton, Co. 92635 Phone_ PD 12196 2 1. Your duty to act as escrow holder does rot commence un.il tine Oponing of Escrow" which is defined as the receipt by escrow holder of these instructions, signed by all parties. f-I such train either party may un!'ateraily cancel Pro upon .vnben request de iveri to you, the party may withdraw funds and documents he previously handed to you 2. All funds in this escrow shall be press led w.th a State or plat ono brew oath O h er escrow funds vlako c=sbursomfirls by ycur check: chocks not presented for payment within six months after date are surrieci is service charges in accordance with yc if schedule n i ffoct from time to time, intake all adjustments and prorahans on the oasis of a 30 day month "Olsen of Escrow" is the day instruments a:a -ncorded. All documents and funds due the respective parties herein am to se mailed to the ad roses set cut below ttaa rospecnva signanrres, unless otherwise instructed. Our signatures or any documents and ,nstrocr,nine peltainaog to this esorar nd,c ate our uncondrliocal approval of same Whenever proveter is made herein for the payment of any, sum, the delivery of far y instrument or Ins frerformarca o' any act "outside of escrow " you as escrow holder shall have no responsibility therefor, shall not he concerned therewith and are speclicady receved of any oblige hon elawe thereto. 3. You shall not be responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever for the sufficiency or car i ctness as to form. manner o(exrcuton pr validly of any documents deposdcd in escrow, nor as to ilia identity, aut,onty or rghie of any persa- , ccu'iirg the same, either as to documents of record or those handler, in Ihis escrow. Your duties hereunder shall he limited to the safekeop.rig sl s,.ch money and documents rece.,,ed by you as escrow holder, and for foe disposition of the same in accordance wdh the wrtan instructions ; try you in this escrov: You shall not be required to take any actor - connection with the collector, matur ly or appare it oullmi, of a'r, .-ens decasded n this escrow, unless othenrsa instructed. 4. Seller guarantees, and you shall be fully protected it ausi that as to any ry,. - -. handed you each po cy s In force, has not seen hypothecatedand that all lac eri ?rarriumi tins e.ere hi tacit cif paid. You -,ri t r c nnmc a aIy, ineurecec Policy handed you for use in this escrow o i you snail not be hisF i s bl e tc v rifyirg fie ace p'.anee of c , c- ^d poi cy'o iso ir- urance company. ESCROW HOLDER WILL vii,, NO A .C"'Fir Y1i Er4D>IP Of f{[HCC)U I-v 5 \'rdiEn SY-l-I' ISSUIi'JG CO;viPANY You are hereby placed c i notice that f the insi utca :o-ripary sh3Cd to to receive sold assign^. toe Issuing coo -pan ray d=ny covera e rotary loss suffean In Euyer- IT to LRc Jai GO I ON OF'! HE h'VSJRED OR H:S REPRESEN ATIVE TO 1rERIFY HE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ASSIGN41Eit7 Is, 1 HE POLICY BY I.'._ HSt-hir:G 5. The adjus'r n s and pro2-ions pollee to. stall he Omc.iled as set forth below, or as otherw se ameodcd in tatting (a) Taira ue nq at I bill Torne, w1ellid [a:, c nersono property not conveyed throrm r this escrow, based on current year's taxes, or. beencrin fury zrd so+,ernbe f t of c-awn four schi on imrroc iafoly preceding year s L* .as. in each case, ass do I giros from the tax bill han `ed you 'cry the soast, a-'.gu Bred o , i"o 1 [ c n•>mmny, without habfhty on +our pars as to their cor eariess- Seller agrees to pay prior to delinquency, any to =s on real and pursonul pro;tnny not being sold herein, wl, ,h is a Len on the real p�operty being conveyed. You are rot to be concerned •nth same in) Enterest on ivtortgages endlor T-u t D^ads of +erord- mortg-qa; insurance 9"omiwTs. funds :cruse in impound Account for future paymnn! of taxes, fire or mortggae m ,inane drur,:osed by any beneficiary statement received in e. wow 11 any beneficiary eta errant discloses that lion unpaid wi9cal 1pil A;,0UPT DUB. ON AlYY TFUS-f DEED OF R _CORD IS ;viORE OR LESS THAN THE AVOUNrf HEREIN SET FORTH, ad;ust the difference in cast 11-rough t'ns oscrovu dotes othermiso provided fur icrcin_ B. Deliver assurances of tiffs, and ir,cuanco policies it any, to holder of senior encumbrance or hid order, art [here be no encumbrances, then to the it or his order. 7. If t :o conditions of this escrov: have wit -ozio complied with prior to the expiration of time prodded for he-em or any ex ension thereof, you are ccvenbeless to complete the escrov z loan is the cordillera, except as to time, have bean comp ed r;lih unless written demand shall have been made upon you not to com.lito a '-rlim-nog receipt of such written demand not to complete tine escrow. you are to promptly man a carver said demand, by regular .rail, to the o i s X p iy as seesked in paragraph 2 hereof. Ur rriiten objection thereto from such other party is ,eoewed by you no later than 5:00 O C+o:., P ;if. on in,, saven.h f7th) business day folio tng you' mailing a copy of slid demand, you are irsbucted to 'a) comply with the wrl-eo d:ma id c net como!etn his escrow: and (b) return a!1 monies and doer. ants , pen oayrnt of your cancellation fens, Cass and :^e rses. to tloe party or parties depositing the, same v,Ito you and {c) "co r cancel his cscrC:r c bt ml ov d of any further dullos or i-bligano It r h r1 :s- ;-etc written ob)ea: or :s received within I to time stated, you snail pleaded .n a000rdanca satin to , , . ors of paragrapr B hereof. 8 NO NOTICE, DE:aIAd D OR CHAil OF INSTRUCTIONS 13HAL!_ BE OF ANY EFFECT Ix _ ESCROW UNLL-SS GI`/EN lire WRITING BY ALL PARTIES AFFECTED THEREBY. in the event conflichnn d^Tends or notices are 1,,c o: served upon you or any controversy arises behveen the parties hereto or with a third person growing out of cr •ei fling !o th sex+orv. ,nalnave Doe absolute right to withhold and stop all further proceedings in, and performance of, this escrov, unN you reeoive written tie, savor satisfactory to you of the settlement of the controversy by agreement of the parties thereto, or by final juagc. tent of a cou-t of comp 1 j ,nschslion All of the perforate this escrow hereby jointly and severaLy promise and agree to pay promptly on d�mand, as wel as to idea h, cu and to raid you harmless from and againt all Jugular aril interp Bader costs, damages.. judgements, attorney s fees, expenses, ohligat.Ons and liabilities m every kind wit ich, in good faith, you may incur or suffer in connection wdh or arising out of this cscrota, vremar said I'.tigers r ricrpioader, ob'igahons, liabilities or expenses arise during the performance of this escrow, a- subsequeni thereto, aloofly or indirectly. 9. You are hereby authorized to deposit any finds or docvd-ents handed you under these esc ow instrcct:ors, or cause the same to be deposited, with any duly authorized sub-recrow agent, sut))act to ycur order at or prior to close of oscrove, m the event such deposit shall be necessary or convenient for the consummation of this see Fly 10. All parties agree that as fares your rights pod Iiebditles are involved, this transaction is an es,.roohr and not na.y other legal relation and you are an escrow holder only on the within expressed 1, mi and you shall have no respor lity of r.othhnng ms a. any of the partiesto this escrow of any sale, resale, loan, exchange, or other ri, caclion involving any property herein described or of o: y p-oi : rcajvcd by any parson, firm or corpora- tion (broker, agent and parties to Ihis and/or any other escrow included) in connection iherevuth, roganoess of the tact that such transactioni may be handled by you in this escro.r or it another escrow. it. You are not to be concerned with the onfrg of any disclosures required by Federal or State lava, specifically out not exclisive'.y, RESPA (Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act). Reg:dauon Z (Truth in Lending disclosures) or other warnings. or any warranties, expressed or implied. Neither are you td be concerned ,nth the effect of zorinc ordinances, :and division regulations, or buitding restrictions which may pertain to or affect the land or improvements Inai are the subject of tics escrow. 12, The parties to this escrow have satisfied themselves outside of escrow that the transaction covered by this e cnow is not in violation of the Subdi- vision killed Act or any other law regulating [and division, and you as escrow holder are relieved of all responsibility and/or liability in connection therewith, and are not to be concerned with the enforcement of said laws. 13, In the event any Offer to Purchase, Deposit Receipt or any other form of Purchase Agreement is deposited in this escrow, I is understood that such document shall be effective only as between the part es signing said document. You as escrow harder are not to be concerned wild the terms of such document and are relieved of all responsibility arrd(or liability for the enforcement of such terms and your only duty being to comply with the instructions set out In this escrow. In connection with any loan transaction involving an FHA, or VA loan, you are authcrized to deliver a copy of any such document to FHA, VA or !ender as the case may be. 14. Time Is of the essence of these escrow instructions. In the event of failure to pay tees or expenses due you hereunder, on Jerrold. I agree to pay a reasonable fee for any attorney's services which may be required to collect such fees or expenses. 15. If a party to this escrow unilaterally assigns or orders the proceeds of this escrow to be paid to other than the original parties to this escrov, such assignment or order shall be subordinated to the expenses of this escrow, hems of record on the subject property, and payments directed to be made by original parties together. If the results of such assignment or order would be to leave the escrow without sufficient funds to close, then you are directed to close nevertheless, and to pay such assignments or orders only out of the net proceeds due except to such assignments or orders, and to pay them in the order in which such assigrmerts or orders are received by you. You are to furnish a copy of these instructions, amendments thereto, closing statements and/or any other documents deposited in this escrow to the lender or lenders and/or the real estate broker or brokers involved in this transaction upon request of such lenders or brokers. In the event of an assignment or transfer of interest by operation of law, with or without the approval or consent of any or all of the parties hereto, you shall retain the right to deduct any and all escrow costs, fees and expenses provided for herein from said assigned or transferred tunas, properties Or rights, sale assignment or transfer notwithstanding. 15. These instructions may be executed in counterparts, e2.ch of which shall be deemed an original regardless of the data o1 its execution and delivery. All such counterparts together chair constitute one and the same document. 17, The carries to these escrow instructions authorize you to destroy thaw instructions and ail other instructions and records in this escrov at any time after five (51 years from date of close of escrow. ESCROV! COC ?Aetli ARE NOT AUi NOR].ZZD TO Cot+Z I_ZCi•.f_ r%oki E. IF YOU DcSIRE -CfaL luryti Cot%fl I_T YOUR BEFORE SiGNINC. IRecording Requester City of la Quinta Mien Recorded, Return Zb: Ja Quinta Planning and Development Department P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta Comunity Develotrnent Department Record Owners Existing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers _.GcseHLL1LA _VALLEY L.d/Jo - TI& tIA -le vF 7-13=2G2-cis -?-MmA G46LL A- VALLE-r Ls1do '713-242-4:012 Legal Description of Merged Parcel 1rFJ6 OaLa%.j 0g-'86GIIgErO -0iI ImtofL%I Ltuz-Arreo 11~ITi+frz ST.+T of c"iFoiz4k&, edrawr( of go4eierJom, CrTVaF LAquikr . rNa dc2TF4 45 OF LoT 2 AnJp ALL Op "-r I $Lo4K-82 oFI eAa&Ai ILITO AT V&LE LegvlyTA UF1rT Io, " MOL MW 1?E4no1FVffo rq &-aw- FA a,$ of M&P5, IAtirlrc oFiI of -rke- 2S4&o¢DE2 of Se.IG eedtjW. CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. i OT � 9 .5 L. -p t �-t �RTN .GCS ots LOT 2 Record Owner CoatFi&L.t.A. VA.LA-64 4/4"7 Address 4199.5 pAW yKER'i ca. 922fi0 Map Prepared BY IJAM&s Q• A,490E1..L- Address 0,2,.275 L OJ'4711 ea' - scale l" = • ,01 SGAIL.� 1":40 Assesso/sParcel No. 1W d42TH YS of •113. 2to2-ai3 i A&A, 113.2wY•or2 2cording Feques Bl City of la Quanta Recorded, xeturn TO: ta Planning and elopment Department EBenefit 1504 ta. CA 92253 103 Government Code f La Quanta Community nt Department EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. Record Owners Existing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers mieWAOL&.Fl%4WFe S &441rrL.frI416sC 1#40Sodl'W06of 115-261-013 _ _W044401. A. FisAµ11e bawlb L.F1SGMa1e ii$• 2lo2-o1y Legal Description of Merged Parcel TN& lb&LovJ 1764,:MoAfiv Re -AL AWC-97Y LOGAT&O id 774A STATE of CaL1FoRrJls, C.ot1q-M of RWERslob, GIT-1 of LAQU104T4: IN& Soij* M i& of Ldr 2 ACID ALL of L grr 3 BLoGK. 0% OF SAdrA aAQWCLrrA 6.i VALE LA4a1.f '. ualT to, AS F*iL MAP 9640ADE0 14 Bove- PA464e OF MAPb, 11. Tge 41°P14S OF•rq& 4ouM14 RBco1LOSR mF SAID 4x114". Recording ReVA By I City of La Quinta When Recorded, _ Return `Ib• _ La Quinta Planning and Development vepartment P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta Cc mLm'ty Development Department II: ;1' { ; ti I I _-GALLE SoNII 1 Qj�• Lo T 1 IJo►eT'+f 25 c� P � Lar 2 Record Owner 4o"#4r'1'1 e• ✓ -6" fA497 Map Prepared By jb"rfe ►e. AV949l.L- Address sZ'275y6LL6?c, LA QU141id 4Z&. Area/District �I C > RT H 4o This certificate of Parcel Merger No. hereby approved. By - I me - Date is n Record Owner-WdAAft A. FIgaH002 � A"40 !.. noak&K Address 84M4. YJfA& WMd FUL69AT40nl, 4A{-Jr6i9.IIA- Map Prepared By T&M" ^4996LL Address 6�296 ovelJlDo.JALLe�a L,AQ� „� tqeau FoRnl I s q2Z 63 Scale I' = 40 Assessors Parcel No, IM Sov'FU 2S OF S ALI_ IIS• L02 •c,Iy