10-0670 (RC) Truss Calcs Revision 1MADISON CLUB LOT 113B SUBMITTAL' SET 01/10/2012 PATES FABRICATORS d� JAN 17 2.012 'l aNe �A. D cn .� mo > ��r- ^_ C o i - A z 0 Z �D d� JAN 17 2.012 'l aNe �A. 1 15'• 10 1i2• i 1 a-4 1/2' 1 Lo -yr ,-az'� 1 o ` e A54 (4 31 WO`° W, WAD REZ,A ASCiIIIA"MMR, E. Ti2-2Tn-d.® SU 78 . ,, Id -2 62- 2' 09 ° I �.. ymEA11EWED ❑ REVISED AIS ESUBMIT ❑ REJECTED ❑ FUX2NISH AS C RECTEP 8 ° Correc': ens or conjrneos wade on th shop ckow ings digins this re:,=_w do.not relieve ci actor froW Jim CITY • • If�— -1 compliance with tl;e requ re=.Zts of I and specifications. Tii:5, check is orgy r review of �_-- is®1A'11. A49 200ftf MAG WAD , 101111 ■ ■ ■ ■ �� =Ira, 119n11hk . , / DEPT.Ra.fl given in the contract documents. The contractor 4s 0 0respansi'ule for confine* and sorrel �I tities a -,-.d dimensions; seleetiggqfa4- rie' t on p c`.esses f39 (2 1 II■I��1 _ 1 Now=�I i�1II -i�■®I■■,r,r,■i■�: ve11NowPAP i,perfa #ng 0 0h is wort: in a safe satisfactory / c D - - A38 ( A48 v ` ' .: .� iii■;�I�■;Ili■i ! ISI ' I . -� irk • CONSTRUCTION II■��'� I II AM0 - NEminim mom DATE 13 F II■II�I�I�■I, �:n�■Q�■�■ :IIS„�■� —��I�I'_ Gil 1 10] l■go PATES FABRICATORS All trusses to be cambered I t 112 I times dead load deflection to ensure final deflection does not exceed 1/2” JoName: Madison Club Lot 1 13B Old World Address: ° A7 -o e A54 (4 31 WO`° W, WAD REZ,A ASCiIIIA"MMR, E. Ti2-2Tn-d.® SU 78 . ,, Id -2 62- 2' 09 ° I �.. ymEA11EWED ❑ REVISED AIS ESUBMIT ❑ REJECTED ❑ FUX2NISH AS C RECTEP 8 ° Correc': ens or conjrneos wade on th shop ckow ings digins this re:,=_w do.not relieve ci actor froW ' o compliance with tl;e requ re=.Zts of a drawing$ and specifications. Tii:5, check is orgy r review of �_-- is®1A'11. A49 200ftf MAG WAD project and general ccnr.It l.ce with t. inlormaigg w41 ( given in the contract documents. The contractor 4s 0 0respansi'ule for confine* and sorrel �I tities a -,-.d dimensions; seleetiggqfa4- rie' t on p c`.esses f39 (2 1 II■I��1 dinatin.s; his ��� ve11NowPAP i,perfa #ng 0 0h is wort: in a safe satisfactory / c D - - A38 ( A48 v ` ' � : I�I•I �I�!\I��II'�� ! ISI I . -� irk II■��'� I II AM0 - F II■II�I�I�■I, � :IIS„�■� —��I�I'_ 1 10] l■go ' �1•I�iI _ ■■■,'�■I■I'■ �_ �'i1■� • ISI .�_1�:1�I��i� __ - MaEff • r..,:��T:ti�: ■ ■ .LID :.. SII 11 MUS26 A 14 WGR8EAM cm I M1.1526. A15 WGMEAM W52G Ala r 1 W526 A19 E,I !I-■�r �l!- W526 A25 ILDGIRMFEAM 13 LU526 A35 LIDGRAXAM WC26Z A53 MOM 2 MU526 A59 WGRIBEAM A55 in 200 FLF DRAG LDAD .� NIM111:0.0010 ME PATES FABRICATORS All trusses to be cambered I t 112 I times dead load deflection to ensure final deflection does not exceed 1/2” JoName: Madison Club Lot 1 13B Old World Address: ° A7 -o e A54 (4 31 WO`° W, WAD REZ,A ASCiIIIA"MMR, E. Ti2-2Tn-d.® SU 78 . ,, Id -2 62- 2' 09 ° I �.. ymEA11EWED ❑ REVISED AIS ESUBMIT ❑ REJECTED ❑ FUX2NISH AS C RECTEP 8 ° Correc': ens or conjrneos wade on th shop ckow ings digins this re:,=_w do.not relieve ci actor froW ' o compliance with tl;e requ re=.Zts of a drawing$ and specifications. Tii:5, check is orgy r review of general confarrnance with the design sept .of t1W A49 200ftf MAG WAD project and general ccnr.It l.ce with t. inlormaigg w41 ( given in the contract documents. The contractor 4s 0 0respansi'ule for confine* and sorrel rag nil. qu.sn- tities a -,-.d dimensions; seleetiggqfa4- rie' t on p c`.esses f39 (2 1 and techniques of construction; co dinatin.s; his work with that of all other trades; : i,perfa #ng 0 0h is wort: in a safe satisfactory / c D - - A38 ( A48 v ` ' 11'-I I 1/2' '• N De5lgner: M Manuel Cecena Protect Manager: Marilyn Clardie Job #: M-639 Plan / Elevation: Madison - Lot 1 13 5 4 W54G 53 -> BEAM I W54G 57 -> BEAM I W54G 54 > BEAM 'T 1 , r p .1 i1- -- J 1 I � ' I I - -----7 — ': t- I I--� r --1 i- 1 Ir Ii I REZA ASGHARPOUR, P.E. CONS UILTANTS L� i;U3VIEWED ❑ REVISED AND ;?EOSUBMIT ❑ F; s.IECTED ❑ FURMSi-1 AS CORRECTED 6-I tTections or co^unents made on the shop draw- LrnS rine .; this revi-3w do r[ot relieve contractor from compliance with the requirennents of the drawings and specifications.{Tlr.s check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance wiih the information given in the contr-act documents. The contractor is rlrsponsible for -confirming and correlatinl- ail. quan- tities and dimensions; selecting fabrication prccessss and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe satisfactory / manner. By 12 Q [ Date—I LL - SPATES FABRICATORS All trusses to be cambered I it 1/2 times dead load deflection to ensure final deflection does not exceed 1/2" Job Name: Madison Club Lot 11313 Old World Address: I Designer: Manuel Cecena Project Manager: Marilyn Clardle Job #: M-639 Plan / Elevation: Madison - FLOORS VIII...... LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:2x4 OF H1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF R1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF f!1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 2-04-00 0-00-00 Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (tion). Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,918HS,M16 = M.Tek MT series 2-03-12 3-07-02 Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade of str tight fit al Connect witt M -2x4 at cer N 7[ O O 1 M -4x5 <PL: 8-00-12 TRUSS SPAN 28'- 10.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REOUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-07-06 5-09-13, 5-09-13 12 2.00 — T ign CA W(M eCOMPU�put _ SPAT Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss des.gn requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tight fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are permissible at inlet board areas only. 5-08-01 5-09-13 5-08-01 5-09-13 M -2x4 M -2x4 = M -4x4 11-02-12 5-09-13 5-08-01 6-01-05 11-06-04 17-03-12 28-10 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - Al Scale: 0.3046 >PL: 9-02- R. :6 EXP. 3/31/13 t2 m 0 v WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted Al 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters Shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. �1 S EQ . : 5061 1 10 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPINVTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII VIII II I VIII VIII VIII III I IN IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(7 Q -Z to. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). >PL: 9-02- R. :6 EXP. 3/31/13 t2 m 0 v II IIII ThA iBRICA*_TORSe Ompu�put [MC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #18BTR BC: 2x4 OF #188TR WEBS: 2x4 OF #18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 2.04-00 0-00.00 +• For hanger specs. - See approved plans Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector pplate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,MIBHS,M16 = MiTek MT series 0 ui 0 u') N n 0 C) < 1 <PL: 8-00-12 5-09-02 5-05-10 5-09-13 5-08-01 6-01-05 11-06-04 17-03-12 TRUSS SPAN 28'- 10.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50,0 PSF ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 10.0 PSF 12'- 0.0' TO 26'- 0.0' V LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=( -31) 41 1- 8=( O) 1031 1- 2=(-1105) 0 5-12=( -546) 0 2- 3=(-1068) 0 8. 9=( 0) 1024 8. 3=( 0 216 12. 6=( 0 488 3- 4=( -70) 132 10.11=(-103) 0 3. 9=(-1135 0 6.13=(-1509 0 4- 5=(-1900) 0 11.12=( 0) 1854 9.10=( 0) 299 13. 7=( -212) 0 5. 6=(-1406) 0 12.13=( 0) 1315 10. 4=(-1246) 0 6. 7=( -54) 15 4.11=( 0) 1913 11. 5=( -182) 21 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 554V -99/ 92H 5.50' 0.59 OF ( 625) 11'- 4.5' 0/ 1634V 0/ OH 5.50' 1.74 OF ( 625) 28'- 10.0' 0/ 986V -99/ 92H 5.50' 1.05 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.035' @ 2'- 3.2' Allowed = 0.369' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.103' @ 17'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.136' @ 17'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.103' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.008' @ 28'- 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.016' @ 28'- 6.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 13-00-10 15-09-06 2-03-13 3-07-01 5-07-06 5-09-13 5-08-01 5-09-13 12 2.00 v M -2x4 28-10 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A2 Scale: 0.2369 C; 0 v 3• > >PL: 9-02-04 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A2 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or buss engineer. 3. Aa lateral force resisting elements such temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM si stab firy bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout that' lenggth by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywa0(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. l S EQ . Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes fug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabdcation, handling, shipment and Installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shag be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII I I II I IIII I III III I III IIII IIII 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate des'gn valvas see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 gMiTek). C; 0 v 3• > >PL: 9-02-04 EXP. 3/31/13 111111- M M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF N1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF H18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF g18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plateprefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (Or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series c'It r` 0 0 1 M -4x5 12 3.00 c__1_ TRUSS SPAN 14'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7,0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 7-00 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 7-01-12 M -5x8 a n. _ Tr sign Mred Solhpu�put _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. : 200.00 LF DRAG LOAD. Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note: Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span LION. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 7-00 6-10-04 12 a 3.00 4 M -2x6 7-00 <PL:14-00- JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A3 14-00 Scale: 0.5584 N 3 r` 0 M -4x5 0 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, otherwise noted: A 1. Builder end erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes is adequate 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown t. truss designer or truss engineer. 1. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' and at 10' hin res h unless bathed throughout their length by drywall BC DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. as plyelywood . continuous sheathing such as plywood aired where s and/or continuous 1. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown . . 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031604 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provltled. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss, end placed so their center TPIANTCA In BCSI, espies of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincide with joint center 1 111 11 11111 111111 1111 1 1 11111 11 11111 1111 Inches. 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). N 3 r` 0 M -4x5 0 EXP. 3/31/13 "111111M M M r= M M M M M M M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF 2100F BC: 2x4 OF 41&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N �I O O 1 7-00 12 3.00 0 TRUSS SPAN 14'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL.LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. I'M -4x4 7-00 _ Tt�ign _red �ompu_lput - SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1-2=(-1137)0 1.4=(0) 1010 4.2=(0) 247 2.3=(-1137) 0 4.3=(0) 1010 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REOUIREO BAG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' O/ 700V -35/ 35H 5.50' 0.75 OF ( 625) 14'- 0.0' 0/ 700V -35/ 35H 5.50' 0.75 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.105' @ 7'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.436' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.223' @ 7'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.654' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.288' @ 7'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.654' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.223' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.007' @ 13'- 6.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.017' @ 13'- 6.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design Necked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 12 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers a 3.00 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 7-00 7-00 L 1 <PL:14-00-12 14-00 Wedge required at heel(s). JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A4 Scale: 0.5030 N O EXP. 3/31113 ?.11/Zy///,< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer. not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 7 o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DES. BY: EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of can structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031605 fasteners are complete and at no rime should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. "design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition' of use. TRANS I D : 326783 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if fabrication, handling,shipment and installation of components. P mpo necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center TPINVTCA in BC51, copies of which wit) be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center fines. IIIIII I III II II VIII I III VIII VIII I I IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311. ESR-1988(MiTek). N O EXP. 3/31113 ?.11/Zy///,< VIII SPATHES FignI Se(MColnpumput m LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION, Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series M-3 0 m 0 TRUSS SPAN 16'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12-10-04 6-04 6-06-04 M -4x5 12 a n' <PL:10-00-12 6-02-04 6-08 3-01-12 6-04 16-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A5 9-08 3x5 Scale: 0.3626 CBC20lO/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-2628) 213 5-7=( -35) 152 1-5=( -792) 0 2.8=(-2647 913 2.3=(-1301) 526 6-8=(-1143) 3568 1.6=( -819) 3205 8.3=( -187 182 `11��,//►1 A2 3.4=( -689) 0 8.9=(-3162) 3203 5.6=(-3225) 3078 8.4=( -331) 1251 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review 7-6=( 0) 100 4-9=(-1061) 117 and Warnings before construction commences. 6.2=( -482) 584 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED ERG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 2. Design assumes the top and bo0om chords to be laterally braced at 01- 0.0' -102/ 1071V -3200/ 3200H 5.50' 1.14 OF ( 625) stab. tity bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 16'- 0.0' -111/ 1062V -3200/ 3200H 5.50' 1.13 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L1240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.092' @ 61- 2.2' Allowed = 0.503' 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.130' @ 6'- 3.6' Allowed = 0.754' 3-01-12 M AX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.190' @ 6'- 3.6' Allowed = 0.754' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.130- 3-01-12 MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.054' @ 15'- 10.3' necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provitled. MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.079' @ 15'- 10.3- 12 ICOND, 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. a 3.00 <PL:10-00-12 6-02-04 6-08 3-01-12 6-04 16-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A5 9-08 3x5 Scale: 0.3626 Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. >PL:11-00-12 a EXP. 3/31/13 OF ■ WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: `11��,//►1 A2 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review _Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bo0om chords to be laterally braced at DES . BY: AM stab. tity bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' O.C. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenth by 66 DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as pywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(aC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SE Q .: 5061112 SEQ. fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes NII bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provitled. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shell be located on both feces of truss. and placed so their center TPIIWTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with Joint center lines. III I I I II I VIII VIII 11111111111111 IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. Far basic wnnector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1986 (rrliTek). Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. >PL:11-00-12 a EXP. 3/31/13 OF LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 16'- 0.0' GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: TC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR 0 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1,25 Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes Be: 2x4 OF 4I&BTR Truss: SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 2x4 OF 41&BTR and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF Be LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 -OC. UON. OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. TOTAL LOAD = 50,0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc ADDL: TC UNIF LL+DL= 84.0 PLF 6'- 0.0' TO 101- 0.0' V M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes 1u0 bearing at a9 supports shown. Shim or wedge it M-3 0 C13 0 <PL:10-00-12 ADDL: TC CONC LL+DL= 168.0 LBS @ 6'- 0.0' ADDL: TC CONC LL+DL= 168.0 LBS @ 10'- 0.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. LOADS AS GIVEN BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12-10-04 3-01-12 5-10 3-06-11 3-05-09 3-01-12 12 168# 168# I'M -4x4 A n- 12 a 3.00 x5 N cp 0 N 5-10 7-00-04 3-01-12 5-11-12 10-00-04 16-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A6 Ts�e�ofnpu�put lw SPATESFABRICATORS CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 I. 2=(-3375) 0 6- 7=( 01 161 1. 6=(-1074) 0 3- 9=(-1538) 0 2. 3=(-3530) 0 8. 9=( 0) 2194 1. 8=( 0) 3262 9. 4=( 0) 274 3. 4=(-1040) 0 9.10=(-71) 62 6. 8=( -200) 5 9- 5=( 0) 1145 4. 5=( -975) 0 2. 8=( -742) 0 5-10=(-1125) 0 7- 8=( 0) 94 8- 3=( 0) 1350 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 1152V -90/ 70H 5.50' 1,23 OF ( 625) 16'- 0.0' 0/ 1131V -90/ 70H 5.50' 1.21 OF ( 625) >PL:11-00-12 Scale: 0.3188 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.053' @ 51- 9.6' Allowed = 0.503' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.231' @ 5'- 9.6' Allowed = 0.754' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.281' @ 5'- 9.6' Allowed = 0.754' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.231' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.014' @ 0'- 3.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.055' @ 15'- 10.3' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. R - EXP. 3/31/13 -"' /13//2 ,< OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A1. 0 Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown truss designer or truss engineer. 3All latl oral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stab. bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. y 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE • 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall BC). 3. 2.Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown < < 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061113 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a nonoonosive environment, TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes 1u0 bearing at a9 supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is truss 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by f 8. Plates shall be located on both feces of truss,, and placed so their center TPIANfCA in BC51, copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincide wiz joint center lines. IIIIII I I II I I II III I III I III IIII III Di 9. Digits indicate size of plata in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1968 iTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.053' @ 51- 9.6' Allowed = 0.503' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.231' @ 5'- 9.6' Allowed = 0.754' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.281' @ 5'- 9.6' Allowed = 0.754' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.231' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.014' @ 0'- 3.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.055' @ 15'- 10.3' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. R - EXP. 3/31/13 -"' /13//2 ,< OF IIIIII r i Tt=sign oared MornpuMput I" SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF g18BTR BC: 2x4 OF N188TR WEBS: 2x4 DF H18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 0 7 0 M-3: M-3: < M -3x5 M -4x6 12-10-04 5-11-12 12 3.00 (---- TRUSS SPAN 19'- 4.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 6-10-08 I I M -4x4 A n' .r 6-06-04 6-06-04 12 a 3.00 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=(-2306) 0 5. 6=( 0 459 1. 5= -777) 0 9. 3=S -1) 151 2- 3=(-1188) 0 6- 7=( 03 110 1. 8=� 0) 2221 9. 4=1 0) 1050 3- 4=(-1168) 0 8. 9=( 0)2279 5. 8=( •549) 0 4.11=(•828) 0 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Nates 9-10=(-542) 55 7- 8= •117) 0 Truss: 10-11=( -16) 55 8. 2=� -129) 17 and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 9=(-1241) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' 0/ 756V 0/ 534H 46.00' 0.81 OF ( 625) 3'- 10.0' 0/ 246V 8/ 459H 46.00' 0.26 DF ( 625) 15'- 6.5' 0/ 111V -560/ OH 46.00' 0.12 DF ( 625) 191• 4.5' 0/ 826V -18/ 16H 46.00' 0.88 OF ( 625) 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 SEQ. : 5061114teners MAX LL DEFL = •0.077' @ 51- 11.3' Allowed = 0.390' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = •0.160' @ 5'- 11.3' Allowed = 0.585' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.237' @ 5'- 11.3' Allowed = 0.585' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.160' 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.022' @ 19'- 2.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.053' @ 19'- 2.8' 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 tines coincide with joint center lines. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chard live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top 5 chord. Insure tight fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are -3X5 permissible at inlet board areas only. <PL:10-00-12 3-10 2-00 7-00-04 2-08-04 3-10 L � I 5-11-12 13-04-12 L I 19-04-08 0 0 >PL:11-00-12 3x5 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A7 Scale: 0.3058 a EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A7 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Nates 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2'o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lengg�th by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061114teners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a nonlorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes fug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPINVTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request, tines coincide with joint center lines. III III III VIII I II VIII I III VIII I II IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in ruches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1888 (MITek). a EXP. 3/31/13 II III) TtMsiBRIC�A�T re ( Ompu�put SPA LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF p18BTR BC: 2x4 OF g18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF 418BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION.BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C CN C18 CN18 (or no refix) = Com uTrus Inc TRUSS SPAN 18'• 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1-2=( -89) 260 1.6=(-209) 83 2-6=( -311) 7 5.8=(-749) 0 2.3=( -84) 299 6-7=1 0) 1205 6.3=(-1444) 0 3-4=(-1010) 0 7.8=( -39) 69 3.7=( -306) 14 4.5=(-1007) 0 7.4=( -27) 130 7-5=( 0) 893 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 2'- 0.0' 0/ 1024V .57/ 70H 5.50' 1.02 OF ( 625) 181- 0.0' 0/ 782V .57/ 70H 5.50' 0.83 OF ( 625) P r r BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=LI360, TL=L1240 M,M20HS,Y18HS,M16 = M>Tek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. MAX LL DEFL = -0.020' @ 51• 10.2' Allowed = 0.503' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.040' @ 5'- 10.2' Allowed = 0.754' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.059' @ 5'- 10.2' Allowed = 0.754' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.040' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.006' @ 17'- 10.3' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.014' @ 17'- 10.3' 11-05-12 6-06-04 Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, 2-01-12 3-08-14 5-07-02 6-06-04 interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 2 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 12 1 3.00 2 3.00 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N O O 1 M I I M -4x4 A nu 9-02-04 6-06-04 2-00 16-00 6 L <PL:10-00-12 18-00 wedge required at heel(s). JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A8 Scale: 0.3720 3x5 EXP. 3/31/13 �" ll/Z9///'5 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, ted: AD 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review is ade uaterfor the Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown truss designer or buss engineer. 3All [a anal force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE stabi.lity bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 7 o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywati(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031609 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at as supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 6. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIAnITCA in SCSI. copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines. Vies coincide with joint center lines. de coincide III I I I II II I III I I I III I III IIII 9. Digits size of plate in CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. ba 1nectoESRt1 designvalues see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) aFor nd ESR l 3x5 EXP. 3/31/13 �" ll/Z9///'5 IIIIII r r r T4Wi9n "Wed �Dmpu�put _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF g1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF k18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF H18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON.. LETINS: 1.04.00 0.00-00 Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plateprefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N 9. 1 0 CD. 1 TRUSS SPAN 18'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 11-05-12 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=( -377) 0 1- 6=( -580) 2891 1. 2=(-2688) 689 5- 9=(-897) 0 2- 3=(-2360) 33 6. 7=( -647) 2911 7- 3=( -51) 72 3- 4=(-1527) 109 7. 8=( -646) 2911 3- 8=(-1279) 299 4. 5=(-1252) 0 8- 9=(-1733) 422 8-4=( 0) 208 8- 5=( -449) 1800 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 01 1019V -689/ 2953H 29.50' 1.09 OF ( 625) 2'- 5.5' -781 102V -2911/ 3185H 29.50' 0.11 OF 625) 18'- 0.0' 01 934V -1794/ 415H 5.50' 1.00 OF 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L1360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.056' @ 5'- 10.2' Allowed = 0.503' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.121' @ 5'- 10.2' Allowed = 0.754' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.174' @ 5'- 10.2' Allowed = 0.754' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.121- M Ax .121'MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.021' @ 17'- 10.3' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.034' @ 17'- 10.3' 6-06-04 COND,_2 ;__200.00__ELF -ORAG-LOAD Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 1-03-12 4-06-14 5-07-02 6-06-04 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 12 12 Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 3.00 c a 3.00 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers M -4x5 A ns 11 M -5x5 <PL:10-00-12 5-08-14 5-08-14 6-06-04 18-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A9 Scale: 0.3733 tx5 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for theadesign parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : E E stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywafl(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S E0 .: 5031610 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shell be located on both laces of truss. and placed so (heir center in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. VIII I II III III III I II I I I III IIIITPIIWTCA 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). tx5 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 IIIIII Th*MiBRICAeTORS( Ornpul put SPAT LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:2x4 OF kt&BTR BC: 2x4 OF 41&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF kt&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 3-10 12 a 3.00 M -2x4 TRUSS SPAN 3'- 10.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-10 <PL:10-00-12 ;x5 4 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A10 Truss: /M% DES. BY: EE DATE: 11/28/2011 SEQ.: 5031611 TRANS ID: 326783 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences, 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the fimilations set forth by TPINVTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E Scale: 0.5654 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or dryvrall BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at a0 supports shown. Shim or wedge it necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center tines coincide with joint center lines. 9.Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. 10. For basic connector ptato design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) andfor ESR -1311, ESR -1888 (MiTek). Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, WWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tight fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are permissible at inlet board areas only. EXP. 3/31/13 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF fl16BTR BC: 2x4 OF k18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF fl18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series co 0 0 N o I M -3x5 o/ 1 <PL:10-00-12 TRUSS SPAN 6'- 0.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REOUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 6-00-08 M -2x4 6-00-08 5-11 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A11 >PL:10-04-04 ThIMign Iced - olnpu��put' SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-70) 22 1-3=(-32) 23 2.3=(-249) 1 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 316V -34/ 46H 5.50' 0.34 OF ( 625) 6'- 0.5' 0/ 288V -34/ 46H 1.50' 0.11 OF (1782) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX TC PANEL LL DEFL = -0.118' @ 3'- 1.5' Allowed = 0.393' MAX TC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.190' @ 3'- 1.5' Allowed = 0.589' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.066' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.000' @ 0'- 5.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.000' @ 0'- 5.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Scale: 0.5860 EXP. 3/31/13 !/31/2'< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless othenoted: Al 1 ntractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. Builder and erection contractor the 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: DES. BY: AM DATE: 1/6/2012 and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such temporary and permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer or complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or truss engineer. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their len$h by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5061115 TRANS I D : 329250 II II VIII II I VIII VIII VIII VIII I I IIIITPI/WfCA 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.7. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by in SCSI. Copies of which will be furnished upon request. C CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. end are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full beating at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. a. Plates shall W located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center Ones Coincide with Joint center lines. 9. Diens Indicate size of plate to Inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 !/31/2'< IIIIII M TAWign lWre (MCMompumput SPATES LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF k1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF k1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 7 C` O O 1 12 3.00 0 TRUSS SPAN 6'- 0.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 6-00-08 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. M -2x4 L L 6-00-08 5-11 <PL:10-00-12 >PL:10-04-04 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - Al2 > m 0 0 N CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-702) 692 1.3=(-1200) 1205 2.3=(-374) 121 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' -58/ 438V -1208/ 1208H 5.50' 0.47 OF ( 625) 6'- 0.5' -83/ 413V -1208/ 1208H 1.50' 0.15 DF (1782) Scale: 0.5925 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 51- 9.6' Allowed = 0.182' MAX DL DEFL = 0.000' @ 5'- 9.6' Allowed = 0.273' MAX TL DEFL = 0.002' @ 5'- 9.6' Allowed = 0.273' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.066' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL =0.008' @ 0'- 5.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.008' @ 0'- 5.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 00.00F F®RG Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 3. /13//Z'< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, tesi Truss: 2 Al DES. BY: AM DATE: 1/6/2012 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences, 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stab 6ty bracing must be designed M designer of complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Is ade uate for the and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or truss engineer. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywal](BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + SEQ. : 5061116 TRANS I D : 329250 III II I II I VIII III I III I I I IIII III 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads beapplied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIMfTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a noncorrosive environment. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes NII bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center tines coincide with joint center fines. 8. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. 10. For baisic connectoESRt1688ig Tek). values see ESR -2528 (CompuTrus) and/o VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 51- 9.6' Allowed = 0.182' MAX DL DEFL = 0.000' @ 5'- 9.6' Allowed = 0.273' MAX TL DEFL = 0.002' @ 5'- 9.6' Allowed = 0.273' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.066' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL =0.008' @ 0'- 5.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.008' @ 0'- 5.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 00.00F F®RG Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 3. /13//Z'< II IIII Th�ign MWed �ofnpu�Put _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF g18BTR BC: 2x4 OF #18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF H18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LETINS: 3-00-00 0-00-00 " For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series co 0 0 v N O 0 TRUSS SPAN 17'- 0.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF ADDL: TC CONC LL+DL= 144.0 LBS @ 16'- 0.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 2-11-03 2-08-15 5-08-03 5-08-03 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=( -301) 281 1-6=(-1095) 2522 1-2=(-2697) 1167 2-3=(-1827) 342 6.7=(-2331) 3250 3-6=( -841) 643 3-4=(-1432) 148 6.4=( -271) 782 4-5=( -647) 664 4-7=(-1252) 182 7-5=( -346) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' -134/ 904V -3408/ 3408H 5.50' 0,96 OF ( 625) 17'- 0.5' -14/ 1024V -3408/ 3408H 2.50' 1.09 OF ( 625) 12 j 144# 3.00 0 L � L 8-06-04 8-06-04 <PL:10-00-12 17-00-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A13 Scale: 0.3543 Go 0 0 T VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.169' @ 2'- 10.3' Allowed = 0,546' MAX OL DEFL = -0.263' @ 2'- 10.3' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL DEFL = -0.191' @ 51- 7.7' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.263' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.048' @ 0'- 5.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.060' @ 0'- 5.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: Al 3 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: DES. BY • EE DATE 11/28/2011 and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by continuous sheathing such as plywood shealhing(rC) and/or drywa8(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + SEQ. : 5031614 TRANS I D : 326783 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations sal forth by 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes lull bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage isprovided. 8. Plates shell be located on both feces of truss. and placed so their center III I I I II II VIII I IIII II I I IIII IIII TPIANTCA in SCSI, Copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E Dies coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digiti indicate size of plate in Inches. 10. For basic connector plate des'gn values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) andlor ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). Go 0 0 T VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.169' @ 2'- 10.3' Allowed = 0,546' MAX OL DEFL = -0.263' @ 2'- 10.3' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL DEFL = -0.191' @ 51- 7.7' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.263' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.048' @ 0'- 5.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.060' @ 0'- 5.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 II IIII SPATr ESS FignMSe(MColnpuv"put _ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF qt&BTR BC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF R1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 2.06.00 0.00.00 •' For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,U16 = MiTek MT series GO 0 0 v TRUSS SPAN 17'- 0.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF ADDL: TC CONC LL+DL= 144.0 LBS @ 16'- 0.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 2-05-06 3-02-13 5-08-03 5-08-03 12 1449 3.00 0 11 -A 8-06-04 8-06-04 <PL:10-00-12 17-00-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A14 Scale: 0.3613 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 WARNINGS: 1.2=( -41) 15 1.6=(0) 1374 1.2=(-1508) 0 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review 2-3=(-1457) 0 6.7=(0) 872 3-6=( -316) 53 3.4=(-1198) 0 IIIIII 6-4=( 0) 482 II 4-5=( -64) 71 VIII VIII 4.7=(-1015) 0 TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E Dies coincide with joint center tines. 9. Digiti indicate size of plate in inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). 7.5=( -286) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED ERG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' O/ 729V -89/ 95H 5.50' 0.78 OF ( 625) 17'- 0.5' 01 837V -89/ 95H 2.50' 0.89 OF ( 625) 2-05-06 3-02-13 5-08-03 5-08-03 12 1449 3.00 0 11 -A 8-06-04 8-06-04 <PL:10-00-12 17-00-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A14 Scale: 0.3613 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.049' @ 5'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.546' MAX DL DEFL = -0.054' @ 5'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL DEFL = -0.103' @ 5'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.054' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.011' @ 16'- 9.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.023' @ 16'- 9.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live la ad per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. CD 0 0 v EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted Al 4 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: DES. BY: EE DATE: 11/28/2011 and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2'o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their len�ggth by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywaD(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5031615 TRANS I D : 326783 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component, S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations all forth by 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates she" be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center IIIIII VIII II II I II VIII VIII VIII I I IIII TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E Dies coincide with joint center tines. 9. Digiti indicate size of plate in inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.049' @ 5'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.546' MAX DL DEFL = -0.054' @ 5'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL DEFL = -0.103' @ 5'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.054' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.011' @ 16'- 9.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.023' @ 16'- 9.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live la ad per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. CD 0 0 v EXP. 3/31/13 IIIIII ThA ign oWeCATORS AAWfnpu�put LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF 918BTR BC: 2x4 OF 918BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF 918BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 2-06-00 0-00-00 •+ For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,Ml8HS,MI6 = MiTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 17'- 0.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF ADDL: TC CONC LL+DL= 144.0 LBS @ 16'- 0.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=( -220) 217 1-6=(-1088) 2504 1-2=(-2685) 1134 2-3=(-1859) 381 6-7=(-2331) 3251 3-6=( -847) 657 3.4=(-1423) 144 6.4=( -283) 787 4.5=( -648) 665 4.7=(-1252) 181 7.5=( -347) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' -134/ 904V -3408/ 3408H 5.50' 0.96 OF ( 625) 17'- 0.5' -14/ 1024V -3408/ 3408H 2.50' 1.09 OF ( 625) 2-05-06 3-02-13 12 5-08-03 5-08-03 144# 3.00(---- M -2X4 8-06-04 8-06-04 <PL:10-00-12 17-00-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A15 Scale: 0.3565 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.182' @ 2'- 4.5' Allowed = 0.546' MAX DL DEFL = -0.299' @ 2'- 4.5' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL DEFL = -0.224' @ 5'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.299' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.048' @ 0'- 5.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.060' @ 0'- 5.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading(creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2. 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD, Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.O,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp 8, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load perIBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. co 0 0 v EXP. 3/31/13 L WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, ted Al 5 1. eviller and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes uate for the 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review is adequate Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : E E 3. temporary end permanent All lateral force resisting elements such 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(SC). DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ C �1 SE Q 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326783 ld any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condi0on- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsib fry for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center III II VIII VIII VIII III VIII III I III III 7PIANfCA in SCSI. copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.182' @ 2'- 4.5' Allowed = 0.546' MAX DL DEFL = -0.299' @ 2'- 4.5' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL DEFL = -0.224' @ 5'- 7.7' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.299' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.048' @ 0'- 5.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.060' @ 0'- 5.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading(creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2. 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD, Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.O,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp 8, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load perIBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. co 0 0 v EXP. 3/31/13 L "111111= LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF qt&BTR BC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 13-04 TRUSS SPAN 26'- 8.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0. O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. _ Th�ign O•ed t-ompuMput M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) 13-04 CO D. : 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tight fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are permissible at inlet board areas only. 6-08 6-08 6-08 6-08 M -4x6 A n" cm 5 � o O M -3x5 =M-5X5(S) M -3x5 <PL:10-00-12 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A16 26-08 Scale: 0.3371 EXP. 3/31/13 ?" ///2y///'< OF NOTES, unless otherwise noted: AlAL Truss: !/I,//�`�7►,\{►1 DES. BY: EE DATE: 11/28/2011 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown t. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review and approval is the responsiNYty of the building designer, not the truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenth by gg continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown . t1 S Eli . : 5031617 TRANS I D : 326783 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus hasno control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes NII bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on .0, faces of truss, and placed so their center 111111 I III IIIII I II III I I III III IIII IIII iP1ANfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E Dies coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits indicate size of plate In inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2528 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1088 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 ?" ///2y///'< OF IIIA...........=.....=. LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF 210OF BC: 2x4 OF #16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 3.00.00 3.00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N n O O 1 TRUSS SPAN 26'• 8.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 13-04 13-04 _ Th�ign _red �ofnpuMput M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1- 2=( -94) 56 1- 8=(0 3020 1. 2=(-3269) 0 2. 3=(•3179) 0 8. 9=(0� 2227 3- 8=( •411) 36 3. 4=(•2869) 0 9. 7=(0) 3020 8- 4=( 0) 630 4- 5=(-2869) 0 4. 9=( 0) 630 5. 6=(-3179) 0 9- 5=( -411) 36 6. 7=( -94) 56 6- 7=(-3269) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 1333V •67/ 67H 5.50' 1.42 DF ( 625) 26'- 8.0' 0/ 1333V •67/ 67H 5.50' 1.42 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.180' @ 13'- 4.0' Allowed = 0.858' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = •0.414' @ 13'- 4.0' Allowed = 1.287' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.594' @ 13'- 4.0' Allowed = 1.287' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.414' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.036' @ 26'- 2.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.090' @ 26'- 2.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 2-11-03 3-08-13 6-08 6-08 3-08-13 2-11-03 12 12 3.00 v M -4X6 a 3.00 A n^ <PL:10-00-12 8-10-11 M-.7A/(J/ 8-10-11 26-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A17 Scale: 0.2945 [ISKIM N O O EXP. 3/31113 ///Zy///'4 OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: Al 7 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE stab 6ty brat ng must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by drywall(BC). DATE • 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as pywood sheathing(TC) and/or 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031618 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports she-. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. T. Design assumes adequate drainage is 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b 9 I f truss. a 8. Plates shall be located on both feces of truss, ontl placed so their center TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. r Ones coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII I I II II II II II 111111111111111 I VIII VIII I I IIII 9. Digits Indicate size of plate In Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector Plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). [ISKIM N O O EXP. 3/31113 ///Zy///'4 OF SII III M ThA iBn NWeCATORS (MCa ompuMput _ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF IPIBBTR BC: 2x4 OF d188TR WEBS: 2x4 OF 1Y18BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 2.11.00 4.00.00 •• For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series OD O�O O TRUSS SPAN 26'- 1.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12-09 13-04 2-10-01 1-02-03 4-04-14 4-03-14 6-06-04 6-09-12 12 12 3.00 M -4x5 a 3.00 A n' CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=( -406) 320 1- 8=(-2875) 2050 1- 2=(-2573) 3555 2. 3=(-1819) 2742 8- 9=(-1821) 2977 3- 8=(-1026) 448 3. 4=(-1202) 2117 9-10=(-1919) 4587 8. 4=(-2570) 165 4. 5=(-1687) 85 10- 7=(-1915) 4592 4- 9=( -632) 1092 5. 6=(-1776) 188 9. 5=( -31) 360 6.11=(-2392) 0 9. 6=(-1611) 426 11. 7=( -505) 388 6.10=( 0) 224 11- 7=(-3464) 722 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' -1148/ 968V -5217/ 5217H 2.50' 1.03 OF 625 4'- 2.0' 0/ 1779V 0/ OH 5.50' 1.78 OF 625 26'- 1.0' 0/ 1122V -5217/ 5217H 5.50' 1.20 OF ( 625) wIF10-4A I Y1 J) 4-02 8-07 6-08 2-09-03 3-10-13 I. L j<PL:10-00-12 [PROVIDE FULL•J 8 26-01 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A18 Scale: 0.2564 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.318' @ 22'- 3.0' Allowed = 0.710' MAX DL DEFL = -0.411' @ 191- 5.0' Allowed = 1.065' MAX TL DEFL = -0.325' @ 221- 3.0' Allowed = 1.065' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.411' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.072' @ 0'- 2.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.099' @ 4'- 2.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lbconcentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N O O EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted Al 8 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: DES. BY: AM DATE • 1/6/2012 and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure.2' CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth ey continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywalt(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + �1 S Eli . : 5061117 TRANS I D : 329250 IIIIII I I II II IIIII IIIII 11111111111111 IIII 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIANTCA In SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. es trusses are to be used in a nocorrosive environment. 5. Design assumn and are for dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes fug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. S. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center Dies coincide with joint center Inches. 9. Digits indicatecoincide size of plate to Inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) anESR-1311, ESR -1888 (MiTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.318' @ 22'- 3.0' Allowed = 0.710' MAX DL DEFL = -0.411' @ 191- 5.0' Allowed = 1.065' MAX TL DEFL = -0.325' @ 221- 3.0' Allowed = 1.065' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.411' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.072' @ 0'- 2.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.099' @ 4'- 2.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lbconcentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N O O EXP. 3/31/13 II IIII T PATES Se ( OmpuMput SABR LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF kt&BTR BC: 2x4 OF #1&B TR WEBS: 2x4 OF NI&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 'OC. UON. LETINS: 0-10-09 3-00-00 « For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,MIBHS,M16 = MiTek MT series 0-10 N c; M Go C) C O « O <PL:10-00-12 3-02-03 TRUSS SPAN 26'- 1.0' CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1- 2=( 0) 62 1. 9=(-255) 40 1. 2=( -134) 265 SPACED 24.0' O.C. 2- 3=( -72) 303 9.10=( 0) 1242 3- 9=( -461) 0 1. This truss design is adequate for theadesign parameters shown. Review Truss: 3- 4=( 0) 329 10.11=( 0) 2305 9. 4=(-1764) 0 LOADING and Warnings before construction commences. 4- 5=(-1497) 0 11. 8=( 0) 2310 4-10=( 0) 278 LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF 5. 6=(-1520) 0 10- 5=( 0) 333 OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 6- 7=(-2432) 0 10. 6=( -945) 0 TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF 7- 8=( -107) 42 6-11=( 0) 216 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o. c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by 7. 8=(-2490) 0 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL continuous sheathing such as pywood sheathing(TC) and/or drym BC). REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 1/6/2012 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REOUIRED BAG LENGTH CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 01- 0.0' -41/ 252V -64/ 67H 2.50' 0.27 OF ( 625) AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4'- 2.0' 0/ 14BOV 0/ OH 5.50' 1.48 OF ( 625) 506111 8fasteners 26'- 1.0' 0/ 1086V -64/ 67H 5.50' 1.16 OF ( 625) 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 design loads be applied to any component. MAX LL DEFL = -0.092' @ 191- 3.7' Allowed = 0.710' MAX DL DEFL = .0.299' @ 19'- 5.0' Allowed = 1.065' 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.307' @ 19'- 3.7' Allowed = 1.065' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.299' 7• Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.021' @ 25'- 7.5' 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b 8 1 Y MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.050' @ 25'- 7.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed,Cat.2 Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. a Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord III II I II III live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers II 111111111111111 VIII which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 12-09 13-04 4-07-01 4-01-11 6-06-04 3-10-09 2-11-03 I'M -4x4 IYrIllVlUt: CULL tltAhlwU'JL5:1.`J.dl ���-�^�+\�+I 4-02-01 8-06-15 6-08 6-08 26-01 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A19 Scale: 0.2922 N O O EXP. 3/31/13 ?„ //3//2'< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: Al 9 1. Builder and erection contractor shook/ be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for theadesign parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. BY : AM 3. Ag lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o. c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as pywood sheathing(TC) and/or drym BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 506111 8fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condifion' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7• Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b 8 1 Y 8. Plates shell located on boli feces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. a III II I II III I VIII II 111111111111111 VIII I III IN I IIII 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2528 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). N O O EXP. 3/31/13 ?„ //3//2'< II IIII SPAT T�ABRICA re(MC OMPU'_put _ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF N18BTR BC: 2x4 OF H18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF H18BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 2.10.05 4.00.00 •. For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or n9 prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series i G 12-09 2-09-06 1-03-01 4-06-14 12 3.00 C--- TRUSS SPAN 26'- 1.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-01-11 6-06-04 M -4x5 CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=( -408) 324 1. 8=(-2935) 2157 1- 2=(-2519) 3450 2- 3=(-1758) 2632 8. 9=(-1834) 3035 3- 8=(-1016) 433 3. 4=(•1119) 1986 9-10=(-1918 4590 8. 4=(-2591) 200 4- 5=(-1655) 42 10. 7=(•1914` 4594 4- 9=( •635) 1057 5- 6=(-1776) 163 9. 5=( -12) 359 6-11=(-2393) 0 9- 6=(-1592) 425 11- 7=( •505) 388 6-10=( 0) 220 11- 7=(-3465) 719 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' •1105/ 941V -5217/ 5217H 2.50' 1.00 OF ( 625) 4'- 2.2' 0/ 1728V 0/ OH 5.50' 1.73 OF ( 625) 26'- 1.0' 0/ 1123V -5217/ 5217H 5.50' 1.20 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.317' @ 22'- 3.0' Allowed = 0.710' MAX DL DEFL = -0.413' @ 191- 5.0' Allowed = 1.065' MAX TL DEFL = -0.324' @ 221- 3.0' Allowed = 1.065' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.413' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.072' @ 0'- 2.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = •0.099' @ 4'- 2.2' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep( in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, 13-04 interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 6-09-12 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live loadper IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 12 a 3,00 nn­r-.t.r) 4-02-03 8-06-13 <PL:10-00-12 IPBOVIDE FULL BEARING*Jts*1.8.71 26-01 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A20 6-08 n 0 L rL 2-09-02 3-10-14 L Scale: 0.2564 EXP. 3/31/13 OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A20 I. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or buss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2- Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lengqth by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(6C). continuous 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061119 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for'dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes fug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if t 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitalions set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both laces of buss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center fines. IIII III II VIII I II VIII VIII I I I IIII IIII 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 OF VIII SPATMABRICAWe A=orgpu�put LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 16'- 9.5' TC: 2x4 DF g18BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 BC: 2x4 DF N1&BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 2x4 DF N18BTR; 2x6 DF SS A LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION, DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF Staple or equal at non-structural LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL vertical members (uon). REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. Connector plate prefix designators: BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP C,CN,CI8,CN1B (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 2-04-12 14-04-12 2-04-12 7-02-06 7-02-06 1 '1 12 3.00 o MHS -6X12 M -3x5 M -3x5 21-00 M -3x5 M -2x4 C> 00 M -3x8 0 0 N 0D M -3x8 v 0 to 0 co M-4) <PL:11-00-12 '0-09 8-10-02 12 a nn 16-09-08 7-02-06 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A21 Truss: /mUc. DES. BY: AM DATE: 1/6/2012 SEQ.: 5061120 TRANS ID: 329250 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPINV TCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E X5 M -5x6 co 0 > >PL: 7-07-08 M -2x6 Scale: 0.2536 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center fines coincide with joint center lines. 9.Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insuretigght fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are permissible at inlet board areas only. WEB BRACE SHOWN (+) MAY BE APPLIED TO EITHER SIDE OF WEB AT LOCATION SHOWN EXP. 3/31/13 V III ThA ign $WeCATORS ( ofnpuMput W LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF qt&BTR BC: 2x4 OF qt&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF qt&BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek IT series 2-04-12 II 2-04-12 12 3.001 IIM-44 A n' M-: M 0 0 0 o M-300< rn m C� M -3x10 v 0 0 Cl) <PL:14-06-00 TRUSS SPAN 16'- 9.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 16.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 16'- 9.5' V BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR A 20 PSF LIMITED STORAGE LIVE LOAD AT LOCATIONS) SPECIFIED BY CBC 2010. THE BOTTOM CHORD DEAD LOAD IS A MINIMUM OF 10 PSF. 14-04-12 7-00-10 12 7-04-02 0-07-04 1-09-08 7-04-02 16-09-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A22 7-00-10 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=(-272) 0 6.7=( -99) 46 5.1=(-1131) 0 3.8=(-231) 59 2.3=(-344) 0 7.8=( -24) 721 5.6=( -39) 6 8.4=( 0) 891 3.4=(-793) 0 8.9=(-122) 135 1.7=( 0) 973 4.9=(-986) 0 7.2=( -210) 31 7.3=( -679) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 1088V -126/ 185H 5.50' 0.39 OF (1870) 16'- 9.5' 0/ 1079V -126/ 185H 5.50' 1.15 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.024' @ 01• 7.2' Allowed = 0.529' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.027' @ 9'- 5.8' Allowed = 0.794' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0,037' @ 9'- 5.8' Allowed = 0.794' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.027' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.230' @ 16'- 7.7' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.211' @ 16'- 7.7' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 3x5 m 0 u7 >PL:11-00-12 Scale: 0.2716 EXP. 3/31/13 ?. //3//2 ,< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A22 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Moles 1. This truss design Is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2. 2• o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by 2' DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or dry.[ FBC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. S C 1.//�� r1 . : 5061121 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is 6. This design is furnished subject to the lim(tations set forth by f truss, a 8. Plates shall be located on both feces of truss, end placed so their cantor in BCSI, espies of which will be furnished upon request. Ines codwith joint center lines. IIIIII II II VIII I II I III I I VIII I II IIII7PINVECA 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR•2529(CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1888 (rvliTek). EXP. 3/31/13 ?. //3//2 ,< IIIIIM M== M M M M M M M M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #16BTR BC: 2x4 OF #16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #16BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON, BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series m 0 co <PI 2-04-12 2-03 12 3.00 o I I M 8x8 M-2 = M -10x10 v 0 LO 0 C -D 14-06-00 TRUSS SPAN 16'- 9.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR A 20 PSF LIMITED STORAGE LIVE LOAD AT LOCATION($) SPECIFIED BY CBC 2010. THE BOTTOM CHORD DEAD LOAD IS A MINIMUM OF 10 PSF. 14-04-12 7-02-06 7-04-02 2-04-12 7-04-02 7-00-10 16-09-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A23 5x6 co 0 >PL:11-00-12 _ Th�ign _r'ed t OMPuMput _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2= -278) 279 6-7=( 0) 0 1.5=( -179) 5 3.8=(-1416) 1163 2-3=' -990) 752 7.8=(•1342) 1995 5-7=(-3297) 3702 8-4=(-1664) 2465 3-4=(-1275) 630 8.9=(-3318) 3337 5.2=(-4417) 3844 4-9=(-1976) 1046 GENERAL NOTES, led or 7-2=(-3738) 3975 7.3=(-2151) 1521 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' -1012/ 2009V -3358/ 3358H 5,50' 0.72 OF (1870) 16'- 9.5' •1008/ 2013V -3358/ 3358H 5.50' 2.15 OF ( 625) truss designer or truss engineer. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.032' @ 2'- 4.7' Allowed = 0.529' 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by MAX OL DEFL = •0.026' @ 9'- 8.9' Allowed = 0.794' MAX TL DEFL = •0,036' It 2'- 4.7' Allowed = 0.794' continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywag BC . RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.026' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.083' @ 16'• 7.7' 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.086' @ 16'- 7.7' This truss does not include any time dependent 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If G Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, necessary. Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Scale: 0.2691 EXP. 3/31/13 7+' //3//Z ,< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, led or A23 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes the 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review isunless adequate Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval Is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywag BC . DATE • 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061122 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center TPINVrCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Ines coincide with Joint center lines. IIII II I I II I I II IIII III IIII I I II IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 7+' //3//Z ,< IIIIIIM = M M== M M M r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN1B (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series M-3) N O O 1 6-05 TRUSS SPAN 12'- 9.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12 2.00 6-04-08 _ Th�ign =red > Ompumput SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed,Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tigght fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are permissible at inlet board areas only. 1.00 12 <PL: 9-00-12 M -2x4 rn 0 5 IV 6-05 6-04-08 � L 12-09-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A24 Scale: 0.5130 EXP. 3/31/13 I /3 / /Z '4 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A24 1. Builder and erection contractor shouts be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown truss designer or truss engineer. 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : AM stability bracing must be designed b/ designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061123are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition" of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus hasno control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPINVECA in SCSI, copies of which will be tarnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. II III I II I I II VIII I I VIII III 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -Z 10. For values see ESR•2529(CompuTrus) andba ESR-1necor31 1, EValeaeaig1Tok). EXP. 3/31/13 I /3 / /Z '4 IIIThA ignWreABRICATORS(MCMolnpu�put LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF g18BTR BC: 2x4 OF g188TR WEBS: 2x4 OF p188TR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. •' For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,U20HS,A118HS,MI6 = MiTek IT series TRUSS SPAN 12'- 9.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 16.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 12'- 9.5' V LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 6-05 12 9.00 v M -2x4 <PL: 9-00-12 -12 6-05 6-04-08 I. I 12-09-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A25 Scale: 0.4805 CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-579) 0 1.4=(0) 2248 1.2=(-1860) 0 3-5=(-194) 7 WARNINGS: 2.3=( -43) 12 4-5=(0) 2224 4-2=( 0) 358 A25 2.5=(-2211) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' O/ 656V -45/ 29H 5.50' 0,70 OF ( 625) 12'- 9.5' 0/ 619V -45/ 29H 3.50' 0.23 OF (1782) 3. Aa lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 DES. BY: AM MAX LL DEFL = -0.086' @ 61- 6.5' Allowed = 0.401' 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.199' @ 6'- 5.1' Allowed = 0.602' CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.285' @ 6'- 5.1' Allowed = 0.602' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.199' 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.014' @ 12'- 7.7' fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.034' @ 12'- 7.7' TRANS I D : 329250 Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCOL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes fug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.8, MWFRS, 6-04-08 interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Desi n checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by which is non -concurrent with other live loads. M -2x4 <PL: 9-00-12 -12 6-05 6-04-08 I. I 12-09-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A25 Scale: 0.4805 i 0 on 0 >PL:10-01-04 EXP. 3/31/13 OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A25 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibitiy of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. Aa lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa9(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061 124 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a nonKorrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes fug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by S. Plates shag be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center TPINVTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. fines coincide with joint center lines. III IIIII I IIIII IIIII I I I III I I II IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR-1986(MiTek). i 0 on 0 >PL:10-01-04 EXP. 3/31/13 OF LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc U,U20HS,U18HS,Ml6 = MiTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 18'- 0.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 6-00-03 6-00-03 TI_sign_red MDmpuMput - SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. :200.00 D G LOAD. Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13,8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed,_Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Tru­ss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span LION. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tigght fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are 6-00-03 permissible at inlet board areas only. 12 3.00 o M -2X4 M -4x5 M-30 M -3x8 I, L J<PL:14-06-00 18-00-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A26 Scale: 0.4382 cm O O M EXP. 3/31/13 71. ///79/// '< OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A26 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. BY: 3. All lateral force resisting elements such temporary and permanent Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2. 2• o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall BC). DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3, 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031627fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used n a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. for and are for -dry condition" of use. 6. Design assumes Ng bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the gmiletions set fold by 6. Plates shag be located on both faces of viii, and placed so (heir center TPINVTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. Ones IIIIII IIIII IIIII I II IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII 9. indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). cm O O M EXP. 3/31/13 71. ///79/// '< OF ign SII III SPATES FABRICA- a (MIMPU>�put _ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF k1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF #I&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF H1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. LETINS: 2-06-00 0-00-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 18'- 0.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)tDL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.069' @ 51- 11.7' Allowed = 0.571' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.152' @ 5'- 11.7' Allowed = 0.856' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.215' @ 5'- 11.7' Allowed = 0.856' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.152' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.012' @ 17'- 9.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.028' @ 17'- 9.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 2-04-13 3-07-05 6 00-03 6-00-03 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 12 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 3.001 M -2X4 live load perIBC 2009 due to maintenance workers whish is nn............ nnn..nnnnt with n+hot If., lnndc 9-00-04 9-00-04 <PL:14-06-00 18-00-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A27 Scale: 0.3674 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1.2=( 0) 65 1-6=(0) 1564 1.2=(-1820) 0 Truss : 2-3=(-1676) 0 6.7=(0) 1026 3-6=( -347) 37 3-4=(-1384) 0 DES. BY: EE stab. tiry bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure 6.4=( 0) 530 DATE: 11/28/2011 4.5=( -77) 20 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4-7=(-1210) O SEQ. : 5031628 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. 7.5=( -211) 2 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG REQUIRED ERG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 911V -93/ 135H 5.50' 0.97 OF ( 625) 18'- 0.5' 0/ 893V -93/ 135H 5.50' 0.95 DF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.069' @ 51- 11.7' Allowed = 0.571' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.152' @ 5'- 11.7' Allowed = 0.856' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.215' @ 5'- 11.7' Allowed = 0.856' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.152' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.012' @ 17'- 9.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.028' @ 17'- 9.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 2-04-13 3-07-05 6 00-03 6-00-03 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 12 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 3.001 M -2X4 live load perIBC 2009 due to maintenance workers whish is nn............ nnn..nnnnt with n+hot If., lnndc 9-00-04 9-00-04 <PL:14-06-00 18-00-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A27 Scale: 0.3674 Lr) EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A27 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised o/ all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE stab. tiry bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by drywall(BC). DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031628 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. Design assumes adequate drainage is Ptrussed. 6. This design is furnished subject to the fimitations set forth b 9 I B. Plates shell be located on both feces rl traea. end placed er their center B. r TPINVTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Ones coincide with joint center lines. IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII III I IIIII IIII IIII IIII 9. Digiti indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2528 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (fvliTek). Lr) EXP. 3/31/13 II IIII TIt_sign rred MOMPUMPUt _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR BC: 2x4 DF H1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON.. LETINS: 2.00-00 0-00-00 Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 18'- 0.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 1-11-01 4-01-02 6-00-03 6-00-03 12 3.00 v M -2x4 9-00-04 9-00-04 I. L j<PL:14-O6-00 18-00-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 1138 Old World - A28 Scale: 0.3549 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted 1.2=(-11) 62 1-6=(0) 1548 1.2=(-1829) 0 2.3=(-1671) 0 6.7=(0) 1027 3-6=( -331) 38 truss designer or truss engineer. 3.4=(-1377) 0 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 6-4=( 0) 522 4-5=( -77) 20 DATE: 11/28/2011 4.7=(-1210) 0 continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(eC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 7-5=( -210) 2 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ 8RG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 911V -93/ 135H 5.50' 0.97 OF ( 625) 18'- 0.5' 0/ 893V -93/ 135H 5.50' 0.95 OF ( 625) 12 3.00 v M -2x4 9-00-04 9-00-04 I. L j<PL:14-O6-00 18-00-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 1138 Old World - A28 Scale: 0.3549 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.081' @ 51- 11.7' Allowed = 0.571' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.188' @ 5'- 11.7' Allowed = 0.856' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.268' @ 5'- 11.7' Allowed = 0.856' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.188' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.012' @ 17'- 9.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.028' @ 17'- 9.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 M -2.5x4 or equal at non-structural diagonal inlets. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N O r O it EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: A and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES . BY: EE stab fty bradng must be designed by designer of complete sttucture. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(eC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. REQ -05031629 � fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes lull bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components,necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage isprovided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in SCSI. copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII VIII II II VIII I III I II I I I III IIII 8. Digits indicate site of plate to Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2528 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1888 (MiTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.081' @ 51- 11.7' Allowed = 0.571' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.188' @ 5'- 11.7' Allowed = 0.856' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.268' @ 5'- 11.7' Allowed = 0.856' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.188' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.012' @ 17'- 9.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.028' @ 17'- 9.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 M -2.5x4 or equal at non-structural diagonal inlets. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N O r O it EXP. 3/31/13 IIIIII SPATES e( ornpu�put _ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:2x4 OF H1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF M1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF M1&BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Be LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LETINS: 2.00.00 0.00-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2OHS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series OIO TRUSS SPAN 18'- 0.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL: Be CONC LL+DL= 40.0 LBS @ 10'- 2.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP LOADS AS GIVEN AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 1-11-04 0-09 5-03-04 5-01-08 4-11-08 CBC20lO/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1- 2=( 0) 70 1. 7=(0) 1443 1. 2=(-1743) 0 9- 6=(-201) 1 2. 3=(-1581) 0 7. 8=(0) 3202 3- 7=( -3) 172 3. 4=(-1554) 0 8. 9=(0) 1230 7- 4=(-1824) 0 4- 5=(-3135) 0 4. 8=(-180 103 5. 6=( -75) 19 8- 5=( 0� 2197 5- 9=(-1535) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' 0/ 926V -93/ 136H 5.50' 0.99 OF ( 625) 18'- 0.5' 0/ 918V -93/ 136H 5.50' 0.98 OF ( 625) 12 3.001 M -2X4 12 _.__ 12 2-10 7-04-08 7-10 L L j<PL:14-06-00 18-00-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A29 Scale: 0.3549 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.109' @ 71- 11.1' Allowed = 0.571' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.252' @ 7'- 11.1' Allowed = 0.856' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.361' @ 7'- 11.1' Allowed = 0.856' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.252' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.060' @ 17'- 8.6' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.153' @ 17'- 8.6' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers �( which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N O <r O LO QRpFESS/O\ CA:�No 0806 z EXP.3/31l13 �4 SNW �lFOF CAIUF��/ WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A29 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown �. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE ' stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 21 o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by continuous sheathing such as sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. plywood 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031688fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than . Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326785 design loads be applied to any component. and are for dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b 9 I Y 8. Plates shell be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA In BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. III II II II VIII I I II111111111111111 I VIII I II IIII III 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.109' @ 71- 11.1' Allowed = 0.571' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.252' @ 7'- 11.1' Allowed = 0.856' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.361' @ 7'- 11.1' Allowed = 0.856' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.252' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.060' @ 17'- 8.6' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.153' @ 17'- 8.6' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers �( which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N O <r O LO QRpFESS/O\ CA:�No 0806 z EXP.3/31l13 �4 SNW �lFOF CAIUF��/ SII Jill _ _ _ _ _ i S _ _ _ _ _ TI Sign_red MOlnpu_lput _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #188TR BC: 2x4 OF #18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #18BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. LETINS: 3.00.00 0.00.00 Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 17'- 1.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REOUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 2-10-14 2-09-07 0-10-02 4-10-03 5-08-05 12 3.00 v M -2x4 1-07-08 4-00-13 0-10-02 2-00-01 5-06 3-00-08 <PL:14-06-00 17-01 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A30 CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1- 2=( -317) 353 1- 7=(-1300) 2966 1- 2=(-2459) 558 10-11=( -167) 794 2. 3=(-1487) 0 7.10=(-1004) 2660 7. 8=( -677) 688 11. 5=( -200) 898 3. 4=(-1981) 215 10.12=(-2225) 3204 3. 8=( -997) 961 11.12=( 0) 308 4. 5=(-1528) 0 12.13=(-2182) 3365 4- 9=( -208) 64 5.13=(-1485) 86 5. 6=( -648) 639 8. 9=( -201) 422 13. 6=( -257) 42 8.10=( -842) 543 9.11=( -30) 290 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ 8RG REQUIRED ERG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' -41/ 1077V -3417/ 3417H 5.50' 1.15 OF ( 625) 17'- 1.0' -52/ 1066V -3417/ 3417H 5.50' 1.14 OF ( 625) 3 Scale: 0.3420 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A30 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown truss designer or truss engineer. 3. AB lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top end bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2• o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by ?BC). DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031631 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment, �] TRANS I D : 326783 6783 design loads be applied to any component. for and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is Provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in BC61, copies of which w 11 be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with Joint center lines. IIIIII I I IIIII IIIII III I IIIII I III IIII IIII 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). v 0 0 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.124' @ 51- 7.9' Allowed = 0.539' MAX DL DEFL = -0.249' @ 11- 7.5' Allowed = 0.808' MAX TL DEFL = -0.186' @ 61- 6.0' Allowed = 0.808' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.249' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL =0.047' @ 0'- 5.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.061' @ 0'- 5.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 "111111M SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF H18BTR BC: 2x4 OF f118BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF III 18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12.00. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 2.00.00 0.00-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,Ml8HS,M16 = MiTek MT series (D o 0 1 3-09-05 12 3.00 C --- TRUSS SPAN 17'- 1.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-08-05 5-08-05 _ TAMign =red 1_ofnpu�put _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1-2=( -11) 62 1-6=(0) 1430 1-2=(•1695) 0 2.3=(•1545) 0 6.7=(0) 959 3.6=( -311) 37 3.4=(•1281) 0 6.4=( 0) 483 4-5=( -73) 19 4-7=(-1135) 0 7.5=( -204) 2 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 863V -88/ 129H 5.50' 0.92 DF ( 625) 17'- 1.0' 0/ 845V -88/ 129H 5.50' 0.90 DF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = •0.071' @ 5'- 7.9' Allowed = 0.539' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.158' @ 5'- 7.9' Allowed = 0.808' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.225' @ 5'- 7.9' Allowed = 0.808' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.158' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.010' @ 16'- 9.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.025' @ 16'- 9.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord M-2 x4 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 8-06-08 8-06-08 <PL:14-06-00 17-01 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A31 Scale: 0.3795 EXP. 3/31/13 7", l//2y/l/ < WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A31 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences, and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. BY: EE 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o -c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by stab D brat n must be desi ned desi ner of cora late structure. ty 9 8 by 9 P continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE • 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until ager all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031632fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive onvlion ment. TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at a9 supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both feces of buss, end placed so their center f truss. a TPINYfCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. 1111111111111111111111 X11111111111111111)1111 9. Digits indicate size of plate to inches. II CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connectorplate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 7", l//2y/l/ < LUBBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF g18BTR BC: 2x4 OF N18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF k18BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series O O 1 G TRUSS SPAN 17'- 1.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-08-05 5-08-05 TtMsign1Wred M:ompu_lput No SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) COND. : 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed,Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tight fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are 5-08-05 permissible at inlet board areas only. 12 3.00 M -2x4 AA Rvl: M -3x8 <PL:14-06-00 17-01 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A32 Scale: 0.4505 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A32 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. lateral force resisting elements such temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE stability Sty bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure, 2• o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(M) and/or drywag(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031633 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes NO bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabdcation, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shag be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPI/WfCA in BCSI, espies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center tines. II III I VIII VIII I I I I III VIII II I IIII 9. Digits indicate size ofin inches. Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E ,plate 10. For basic connector plplate ate design values sea ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 III TMWiBRICWSedMCt ompumput = SPATES LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 11'- 2.0' TC: 2x4 OF p18BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 Be: 2x4 OF k18BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 2x4 OF f118BTR LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF Be LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL Connector plate prefix designators: REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 5-07 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-07 5-08-12 12 3.00 v M -5x7 7 nn 5-05-04 12 a 3.00 M -3x5 Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13,8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N 3 0 M -3x5 5-07 I L <PL:15-06-00 11-02 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A33 Truss: DES. BY: EE DATE: 11/28/2011 SEQ.: 5031634 TRANS ID: 326783 WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown �. 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary end permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 4. No load should be applied to any component unlit after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. S. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPI/WTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E Scale: 0.5710 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chards to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywall BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + . 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. and are for "dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes Nn bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1888 (MiTek). 0 EXP. 3/31/13 VIII TlMsignI re molnpt�lputSPA_ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:2x4 OF g18BTR BC: 2x4 DF g18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF N18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 0C. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 7 r --t 0 0 1 5-07 12 3.00 C--- TRUSS SPAN 11'- 2.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. IIM-4x4 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1-2=(-817) 0 1-4=(0) 716 4.2=(0) 177 2.3=(-817) 0 4-3=(0) 716 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 558V -28/ 28H 5.50' 0.60 OF ( 625) 11'- 2.0' 0/ 558V -28/ 28H 5.50' 0.60 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = .0.060' @ 5'- 7.0' Allowed = 0.342' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.156' @ 5'- 7.0' Allowed = 0.512' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.211' @ 5'- 7.0' Allowed = 0.512' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.156' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @ 10'- 8.5' 5-07 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.009' @ 10'- 8.5' 12 Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 12 3.00 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. <PL:15-06-00 5-07 11-02 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A34 5-07 Wedge required at heel(s). Scale: 0.5723 N r 0 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. end approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown ., truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by drywall(BC). DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031635 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full beating at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANfCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincide with joint center lines. VIII I I VIII (IIII III I I II VIII IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate In Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). N r 0 EXP. 3/31/13 IIIIIIS r Tt SignMred Molnpu�put>_ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&BTR; 2x4 SPF 1650F A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 1.00.00 0.00.00 For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,MIBHS,M16 = MiTek MT series O O O 2 TRUSS SPAN 10'- 7.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-00 5-07 0-11-08 4-00-08 5-07 12 12 3.00 o a 3.00 IIM-4x4 5-00 5-07 <PL:15-06-00 10-07 wedge required at heel(s). JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A35 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1-2=( -57) 0 1.5=(0) 693 1.2=(-866) 0 2-3=(-769) 0 5.4=(0) 679 5-3=( 0) 178 3.4=(-778) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' OI 528V -25/ 28H 2.50' 0.56 OF ( 625) 10'- 7.0' OI 542V -25/ 28H 5.50' 0.58 OF ( 625) Scale: 0.5318 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L1360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.047' @ 51- 0.0' Allowed = 0.331' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0:103' @ 5'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.496' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.135' @ 5'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.496' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.103' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.003' @ 10'- 1.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.009' @ 10'- 1.5' Wind: 90mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lbconcentrated top chard live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N n O EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A35 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY Ery bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by drywall(BC). DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. SL Q . : 5031636 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full beating at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is truss 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by f 8. Plates shell be located on both faces of truss,. and placed so their center TPINYTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request, tines coincide with joint center lines. III II I I VIII I I III I VIII I I I I IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -Z 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2528 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L1360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.047' @ 51- 0.0' Allowed = 0.331' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0:103' @ 5'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.496' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.135' @ 5'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.496' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.103' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.003' @ 10'- 1.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.009' @ 10'- 1.5' Wind: 90mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lbconcentrated top chard live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N n O EXP. 3/31/13 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 10'- 7.0' TC: 2x4 OF fl18BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 BC: 2x4 OF p18BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 2x4 OF R18BTR LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LETINS: 1 -OD -00 0-00.00 LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL Staple or equal at non-structural REOUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. vertical members (tion). Connector late prefix designators: BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP p p 9 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 c MiTek MT series 5-00 5-07 0-11-08 4-00-08 5-07 12 3.00 m O 0 0 N co O 0) O 1 G M -3x8 M -4x5 12 a3.00 5-07 )GPL:15-06-00 10-07 Wedge required at heel(s). JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A36 Scale: 0.5519 Tf Zign,Mred�ompu�put _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N 4 r O M -3x5 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, A36 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes uatotherwise the design 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review is adequate Truss : and Warnings before construction commences, and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. Aa lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' 10' unless braced throughout their lenggth by DES. BY: EE stab gry bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. o.c. and at o.c. respectively continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BQ. DATE11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031637 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition* of use. TRANS I D : 326783 S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 6. Design assumes Ng bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. neeessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by S. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss• and placed so their center TPIANTCA in BCSI, espies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with center enter fines. IIIIII I III II II VIII I IIII II VIII IIII IIII 9. Digits Indicate size of plate to inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) end/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). Tf Zign,Mred�ompu�put _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N 4 r O M -3x5 EXP. 3/31/13 "111111= M M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF #I&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF N1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,MIBHS,M16 = MiTek MT series 1-06 TRUSS SPAN 15'- 11.2' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)*DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 9-08-10 6-02-10 It 3-05-15 3-05-15 1-02-12 . 6-02-10 M -3x5 M -3x5 M -4x6 M TI_sign�red Molnpiflput - SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D * 00 00 D G OAD. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tight fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are permissible at inlet board areas only. 12 a 3.00 --3.00 3.00 C�- 12 12 5 -2x4 4-08-07 3-09-07 7-05-06 1-06 6-11-14 7-05-06 i I <PL:11-00-12 15-11-04 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A37 Scale: 0.4461 EXP. 3/31/13 ?,, ///2y///,< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review TCU $ $ : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where she" �. buss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the tap and venom chords be laterally braced at DES. BY' EE 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent braced unless throughoutCearCby sheathing such a DATE: 11/28/2011 stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. nd/or drywall ontinuous pyood sheathall 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + � (B ) 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor.SEQ. : 5031638 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at as supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be looted on both faces of buss. and placed so their center TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII I I VIII II II VIII VIII IIII IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate In inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1888 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 ?,, ///2y///,< M ate. M M M M M M M a r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF M1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc U,M20HS,Ml8HS,Mi6 = MiTek MT series M -3x5 N TRUSS SPAN 15'- 11.2' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 6.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 15'- 11.2' V ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 48.0 LBS @ 8'- 6.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 9-08-10 6-02-10 1-06 3-05-15 3-05-15 1-02-12 6-02-10 12 12 3.00 C--- a 3.00 M -5x10 Th�ign �ed f�mput�ut C - SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.60 1- 2=( -981)0 1. 7=(0) 797 2. 7=(-121) 0 5.10=(-2508) 0 2- 3=(-3546) 0 7. 8=(0) 790 2. 8=( 0) 2650 10- 6=( -264) 0 3- 4=(-4505) 0 8. 9=(0) 3709 8. 3=(-612) 0 4- 5=(-4449 0 9-10=(0) 2305 3- 9=( 0) 967 5- 6=( -20` 109 4- 9=(-183) 22 9- 5=( 0) 2739 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 875V -49/ 58H 5.50' 0.93 OF ( 625) 15'- 11.2' 0/ 863V -491 58H 5.50' 0.92 DF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.168' @ 8'- 5.5' Allowed = 0.501' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.444' @ 8'- 5.5' Allowed = 0.751' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.612' @ 8'- 5.5' Allowed = 0.751' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.444• MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.085' @ 15'- 7.3' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.235' @ 15'- 7.3' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 2x4 12 12 I. 148# 1-06 3-02-07 3-09-07 1-06 6-11-14 �PL:11-00-12 15-11-04 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A38 7-05-06 7-05-06 Wedge required at heel(s). 0 Scale: 0.3782 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless noted A38 1. Builder and erection contractor shouts be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review uate fort Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3AO lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent .DES 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 7 and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by . BY: EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. o.c. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywaa(BC). DATE 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031639 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a nort-corrosive environment, design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. TRANS I D : 326783 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 6. 'Design assumes fug bearing at as suDDons shown. Shim lir wedge it fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. .7. necessary. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by B. Plates shall be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their center TPIIWfCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dcoincide with joint center aces. Ones Ones 111111 IIIII II II IIIII IIIII 1111111111 IN IIIII 9. indicate size oplate In inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESRA 311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 II III M ThA ign IMeCATORS f(MC) mput@Wut I� LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 11'- 7.5' TC: 2x4 OF #18BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 BC: 2x4 OF #18BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 2x4 OF #18 BTR LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF '• For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 6.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 11'- 7.5' V C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 48.0 LBS @ 4'- 2.0' M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REOUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-04-14 6-02-10 4-02-02 1-02-12 6-02-10 M-: rh CD 12 3.00 C- =M -5x5 12 a 3.00 4-02-02 <PL:11-00-12 48# 11-07-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A39 7-05-06 CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-2371) 0 5.6=(-43) 73 5.1=(-613) 0 3-7=(-1426) 0 2.3=(-2331) 0 6.7=( 0) 1298 1.6=( O) 2203 7-4=( -264) 0 3-4=( -20) 109 2.6=(-299) 15 6-3=( 0) 1322 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 639V -46/ 58H 1.75' 0.68 OF ( 625) 11'- 7.5' 0/ 642V -46/ 58H 5.50' 0.68 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.052' @ 4'- 1.7' Allowed = 0.367' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.138' @ 4'- 1.7' Allowed = 0.551' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.189' @ 4'- 1.7' Allowed = 0.551' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.138' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.031' @ 11'- 3.6' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.084' @ 11'- 3.6' Wind: 90mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed,Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 2x4 0 to 0 L L >PL:10-03-14 Scale: 0.4620 EXP. 3/31/13 OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A39 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3All Is lone resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be lateral,, braced at DES. BY: EE stab. city bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2• o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenth by ggBC). DATE: 11/28/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall( 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031640 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326783 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTms has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. II III III II III IIIII 11111111111111 IN 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) andfor ESR -1311. ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 OF IIII ThA �iABRIgTORSn t_ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF k18BTR BC: 2 x 4 OF k1HBTR WEBS: 2 x 4 OF g18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 0.00.00 2-00-00 Stapleor equal at non-structural vertical members (tion). +' For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series M-3) TRUSS SPAN 23'- 1.5' LOAD DURATIONINCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-04-14 17-08-10 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRIOHF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=(-362) 0 7- 8=( -82) 70 7. 1=(-505) 0 4-10=( O) 208 2. 3=(-373) 0 8- 9=(-246) 96 1. 8=( 0) 339 5. 6=(-877) 0 3- 4=( -95) 375 9.10=(0 767 2- 8=(-280 2 4. 5=(-842) 0 10. 6=( 0� 771 8. 3=( 0 430 S. 6=( -19) 71 3- 9=(-832) 0 9. 4=(-863) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 537V -101/ 89H 1.75' 0.57 OF ( 625) 11'- 7.5' 0/ 123DV 0/ OH 5.50' 1.23 OF ( 625) 23'- 1.5' 0/ 588V -101/ 89H 5,50' 0.63 OF ( 625) 5-04-14 5-11-02 5-02-09 4-07-06 1-11-09 12 12 3.00 C:- a 3.00 I I M -4x4 A na m -OA IL(J) 5-04-14 6-02-10 5-00-13 <PL:11-00-12 23-01-08 IPROVIDE FULL BEARING Jts:79 6 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A40 6-05-03 Scale: 0.2803 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.035' @ 211- 2.8' Allowed = 0.368' MAX DL DEFL = -0.036' @ 161- 8.3' Allowed = 0.552' MAX TL DEFL = -0.057' @ 21'- 2.8' Allowed = 0.552' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)c 0.037' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.006' @ 22'- 8.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.011' @ 22'- 8.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep( in the total load deflection. The time designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 M -2.5x4 or equal at non-structural diagonal inlets. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N O O a EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, ted A40 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes isunless adequate for the 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stab iy bracing must be designed by designer of complete strucNre. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061720 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 8. Design assumes 1u8 bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. �. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shell be located on both feces of truss. and placed so their center TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Anes coincide with joint center lines. III II I I I II I VIII II 111111111111111 I VIII I I I IN I IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. for basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.035' @ 211- 2.8' Allowed = 0.368' MAX DL DEFL = -0.036' @ 161- 8.3' Allowed = 0.552' MAX TL DEFL = -0.057' @ 21'- 2.8' Allowed = 0.552' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)c 0.037' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.006' @ 22'- 8.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.011' @ 22'- 8.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep( in the total load deflection. The time designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 M -2.5x4 or equal at non-structural diagonal inlets. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N O O a EXP. 3/31/13 VIII Th�ign �ed fsmput�ut SPATES FABRICATORS (GS) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #18871 BC: 2x4 OF #1&8TR WEBS: 2 x 4 OF #1&8TR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. LION. LETINS: 0.00.00 2-00.00 •' For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series M -3x < 5-04-14 5-04-14 TRUSS SPAN 23'- 1.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 6-00-01 17-08-10 5-10-05 12 12 3.00 r--- a 3.00 I I M -4x4 A n CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=(-1049) 0 6- 7=(-75) 77 6- 1=(-1116) 0 9- 5=(-2682) 0 2. 3=(-1073) 0 7- 8=( O) 2037 1. 7=( 0) 1124 3. 4=(-2365) 0 8. 5=( 0) 2450 7- 2=( 0) 177 4. 9=(-2608) 0 7. 3=(-1218) 0 9- 5=( -66) 39 3. 8=( 0) 441 8- 4=( -300) 39 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 1140V -101/ 89H 2.50' 1.22 OF ( 625) 23'- 1.5' 0/ 1172V -101/ 89H 5.50' 1.25 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.112' @ 17'- 3.6' Allowed = 0.749' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.258' @ 17'- 3.6' Allowed = 1.123' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.370' @ 17'- 3.6' Allowed = 1.123' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.258' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.020' @ 22'- 8.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.049' @ 22'- 8.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed,Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 5-10-05 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. trr�wi 5-04-14 8-11-03 6-09-14 1-11-09 <PL: 9-00-12 23-01-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A41 Scale: 0.2928 N O O EXP. 3/31/13 //3//Z'< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless oche noted A41 1. Builder and erection contractor Should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review ot for Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywall(ac). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bradng and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061721 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing et all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth 8 I W 8. Plates shag be Doth feces of truss, and placed so their center TPINYfCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. with c tines coincide with joint center lines. VIII I I I II I I II III I II I VIII I II IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) g and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 1 a, . N O O EXP. 3/31/13 //3//Z'< I III SPATMABRICAe f(MC) IM mputwut LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 11'- 7.7' TC: 2x4 OF #188TR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 GENERAL NOTES, otherwise BC: 2x4 OF #18BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. is adequate thenoted: 1. This Truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review WEBS: 2x4 OF #18BTR and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the LOADING truss designer or truss engineer. TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. LON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. DES. BY: AM OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lengqthC). by DATE: 1/6/2012 TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF Staple or equal at non-structural 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and vertical members (uon). BC UNIF LL( 0.0)+DL( 15.0)= 15.0 PSF 1'- 8.9' TO 6'- 8.9' V •• For hanger specs. - See approved plans LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL design loads be applied to any component. Unbalanced live loads have been REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. LOADS AS GIVEN considered for this design. fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components, 7.Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by Connector plate prefix designators: AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 5-01-12 4-10-14 1-07-02 1, 1 M -5x7 =M -6x6 AA_7vA 17 M -3x5 M -2x4+ M -4x6 M -3x5 <PL:10-00-12 1-08-14 5-01-12 4-09-02 L 11-07-12 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A42 M -4x5 CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDFICq=1.00 1.2=(-1606) 2364 5.6=( -967) 1685 5.1=(-1383) 2230 7.3=(-3623) 2082 2.3=(-2368) 3201 6.8=( -929) 1664 5.7=(-3907) 1852 3.8=( -600) 505 3.4=(-1160) 418 8-9=(-2272) 2308 1.7=(-3404) 2172 8.4=( -989) 1770 6-7=( 0) 425 4.9=(-1170) 423 7.2=( -588) 107 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0 -312/ 1214V -2329/ 2329H 5.50' 1.29 DF ( 625) 11'- 7.7' -365/ 1161V -23291 2329H 5.50' 1.24 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.150' @ 6'- 9.3' Allowed = 0.358' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.069' @ 6'- 9.3' Allowed = 0.536' MAX TL DEFL = -0,196' @ 61- 9.3' Allowed = 0.536' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.069' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.022' @ 0'- 3.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.025' @ 0'- 3.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed,Cat.2, Exp.C, 1IWFRS1 interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tight fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are w permissible at inlet board areas only. 0 CID WEB BRACE SHOWN (+) MAY BE c� APPLIED TO EITHER SIDE OF WEB N AT LOCATION SHOWN Scale: 0.4270 EXP. 3/31/13 r/3//2 '< _OF CALF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, otherwise A42 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes is adequate thenoted: 1. This Truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lengqthC). by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall (B 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061 125 fasteners are complete and at no Ume should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition" of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components, 7.Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shell be located on Doth feces of truss, and placed so (heir center TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. III III III IIIII II II I II I I I IIII I I III 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) end/or ESR -1311, ESR-1988(MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 r/3//2 '< _OF CALF VIIISPATES FABRICAW.d fC Inpu>_put _ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #18BTR BC: 2x4 OF #18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <c 12'OC. UON. +• For hanger specs. - See approved plans Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,Mi6 = MiTek MT series M -3x5 1-07-02 TRUSS SPAN 11'- 7.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF BC UNIF LL( 0.0)+DL( 15.0)= 15.0 PSF 11- 8.9' TO 6' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REOUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-01-12 4-10-14 8.9' V LOADS AS GIVEN M -3x5 < M -2x4- M -4x6 M -3x5 <PL:10-00-12 M -2x4 0-03-08 1-05-06 5-01-12 4-09-02 t. ,L 11-07-12 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A43 3X5 N O (O O N CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=( 0) 623 5-7=( 0) 552 5-1=( 0) 700 6.3=(-1180) 0 2.3=( 0) 702 7-8=( 0) 564 5.6=(-1562) 0 3.8=( -152) 42 3.4=(-610) 0 B-9=(-120) 99 1-6=(-1007) 0 8.4=( 0) 591 7-6=( 0) 344 4.9=( -599) 0 6-2=( -487) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 687V -128/ 113H 2.50' 0.73 OF ( 625) 11'- 7.7' 0/ 628V -128/ 113H 2.50' 0.67 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.025' @ 61- 9.3' Allowed = 0.374' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.066' @ 6'- 9.3' Allowed = 0.561' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.091' @ 6'- 9.3' Allowed = 0.561' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.066' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.002' @ 0'- 3.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.005' @ 11'- 6.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7=05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Scale: 0.4173 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. BY AM 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced Throughout their len th by stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa3c). DATE • 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061126 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes lull bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge It S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is d.a 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by truss. 8. Plates shall be located on both feces of buss, end placed so their center othfc TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. IIII III I II I I III VIII I I I III I IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 "111111-- = = LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12 'OC. UON. Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 12 3.00 0 TRUSS SPAN 11'- 11.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REOUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 5-11-12 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-11-12 6-01-08 5-10 - Th�ign MWed t Ompu�put _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. 00.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2 Exp,C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Trusidesign requires continuous bearng wall for entire span UON. Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 12 a 3.00 7!JQ>SaLE M -2x4 11-11-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A45 5-11-12 Scale: 0.5675 7 3 �^ 0 M -3x5 R. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or buss engineer. DES. BY: EE 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywall$$). DATE: 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031645fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be appliedto any component. and are (at 'dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center 7PINVECA in BCSI. Copies of which will be furnished upon request. fines coincide with joint center 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 inches. 9. Digits indicate size of plate to inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, EPR -1688 (MiTek). 7 3 �^ 0 M -3x5 R. EXP. 3/31/13 "11111M M M = M M M M i = = M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF p1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF p1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series C -4/- C) -4/- 0 1 < 5-11-12 12 3.00 0 TRUSS SPAN 11'- 11.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE= 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REOUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. I'M -4x4 M Th Mign NWed f�mput_put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) <PL: 9-00-12 601WA 11-11-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A46 5-11-12 Wedge required at heel(s). Scale: 0.5676 CBC2010/IBC20O9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-906) 0 1-4=(0) 798 4.2=(0) 197 2.3=(-906) 0 4.3=(0) 798 BEARINGMAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRIG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 598V -30/ 30H 5.50' 0.64 OF ( 625) 11'- 11.5' 0/ 598V -30/ 30H 5.50' 0.64 OF ( 625) 1. This truss design is adequate for theadesign parameters shown. Review VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.071' @ 5'- 11.7' Allowed = 0.368' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.176' @ 5'- 11.7' Allowed = 0.552' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.235' @ 51- 11.7' Allowed = 0.552' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.176' 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @ 11'- 6.0' 5-11-12 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.011' @ 11'- 6.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 12 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, 12 3.00 interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywan$U 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ which is non -concurrent with other live loads. <PL: 9-00-12 601WA 11-11-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A46 5-11-12 Wedge required at heel(s). Scale: 0.5676 EXP. 3/31/13 OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A 1. Builder and erection contractor shouts be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for theadesign parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bonom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY • EE slabitity bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE: 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywan$U 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031646 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a nonKorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provitled. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by S. Plates shell be located on both feces of Uuss, and placed so their center TPINVTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. III III I II II II VIII VIII I III I I IIII 9.Digits Indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1888 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 OF ign (IIII SPATES FABRICATORS fG mpu1_put LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:2x4 OF k1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF p1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF qt&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT c= 12'OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. LION. LETINS: 0.00.00 2.00.00 Connector pplate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series M- �r. CO 0 cn (D 0 N M -2x4 TRUSS SPAN 11'- 8.8' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-08-10 4-00-09 12 a 3.00 1-11-09 12 0-03-08 5-04-03 6-01-01 0-03-08 11-05-04 I L � PL:11-00-12 11-08-12 >PL: 9-00-12 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A47 > Scale: 0.4695 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=( -642) 627 5.7=(-316) 1483 5-1=( -249) 12 2.3=1.1374) 230 6.7=( 0 1 0 5-2=(-2581 1491 3.4= -145 145 7.4=(-295 406 7-2=(( -425 184 3.4= -2141 881 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' -41/ 724V -2346/ 2346H 2.75' 0.27 OF 1782 11'- 8.8' -20/ 746V -2346/ 2346H 5.50' 0.80 OF 625 N Jc:) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.182' @ 9'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.368' MAX OL DEFL = -0.110' @ 5'- 9.0' Allowed = 0.552' MAX TL DEFL = 0.192' @ 9'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.552' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.110' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.043' @ 0'- 1.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.047' @ 0'- 1.8' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer Shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat .1 Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A47 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent .DES. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. T o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by drywrati(BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as ptyvrood sheathing(TC) and/or 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. �1 S Eli .: 5061 722 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non{offosive environment, TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any coponent. and are for "dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPINYTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies e cooincidwith joint center tines. de IIIIII III I II II VIII III I VIII VIII IIII IIII 9. Digits size of plate to inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software +7.6.3-SP2(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2528 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=( -642) 627 5.7=(-316) 1483 5-1=( -249) 12 2.3=1.1374) 230 6.7=( 0 1 0 5-2=(-2581 1491 3.4= -145 145 7.4=(-295 406 7-2=(( -425 184 3.4= -2141 881 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES 01- 0.0' -41/ 724V -2346/ 2346H 2.75' 0.27 OF 1782 11'- 8.8' -20/ 746V -2346/ 2346H 5.50' 0.80 OF 625 N Jc:) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS:LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = 0.182' @ 9'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.368' MAX OL DEFL = -0.110' @ 5'- 9.0' Allowed = 0.552' MAX TL DEFL = 0.192' @ 9'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.552' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.110' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.043' @ 0'- 1.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.047' @ 0'- 1.8' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer Shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat .1 Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=l.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 VIII i Th�ign MWed f mpui_put M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF 41&BTR BC: 2x4 OF ##&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF H1&BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 21 M -3x8 M -3x4 TRUSS SPAN 11'- 11.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF BEARING DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF LOCATIONS TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF 01- 0.0' 11'- 11.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-11-02 6-00-06 CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=( -141) 0 5-6=(0) 918 4.1=(-243) 0 2-6=(0) 202 2.3=(-1030) 0 6.3=f0) 922 4-5=( 0) 354 5-2=(-894) 0 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0/ 578V -28/ 67H 5.50' 0.21 OF (1870) 0/ 611V -28/ 67H 5.50' 0.65 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.059' @ 61- 0.9' Allowed = 0.368' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.139' @ 6'- 0.9' Allowed = 0.552' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.198' @ 6'- 0.9' Allowed = 0.552' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.139' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.015' @ 111- 6.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.041' @ 111- 6.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. <PL:11-00-12 0-09 5-03-14 5-10-10 11-11-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A48 Scale: 0.4998 9 N CD >PL: 9-00-12 a EXP. 3/31/13 //3//2 < OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by drywaugBC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061127 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over end assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center 7PINJrCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request tines coincide with joint center lines. III I I I VIII I II III VIII I I I IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). 9 N CD >PL: 9-00-12 a EXP. 3/31/13 //3//2 < OF VIII S M ThMign Med fnffifnpul_put SPATES FABRICATORS (GS) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 23'- 1.5' CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 TC: 2x4 OF kt&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 1. 2=(-1048) 0 6- 7=(-4585) 4626 6. 1=(-1259) 0 9- 5=(-3730) 671 BC: 2x4 OF N1&BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. 2. 3=(-1545) 324 7- 8=(-1903) 4322 1. 7=( -278) 1640 WEBS: 2x4 OF k1&BTR and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 3. 4=(-2498) 0 8. 5=( -999) 3995 7- 2=( -99) 232 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. LOADING 4- 9=(-2841) 0 7. 3=(-1505) 84 'TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF 9- 5=( -439) 295 3- 8=( -272) 810 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 121OC. UON. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 8. 4=( -895) 636 SEQ. : 5061723 TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329315 LETINS: 0.00-00 4.00.00 and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 8. Design assumes adequate drainage is routs. LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) •• For hanger specs. - See approved plans a 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center bothfaces REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 01- 0.0' 0/ 1285V -4625/ 4625H 2.50' 1.37 OF ( 625) 231- 1.5' 0/ 1304V -4625/ 4625H 5.50' 1.39 OF ( 625) Connector plate prefix designators: BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP fines coincide with joint center lines. III C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series II AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. II III I VIII VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 III IIII MAX LL DEFL = -0.156' @ 14'- 4.1' Allowed = 0.749' MAX DL DEFL = -0.270' @ 14'- 4.1' Allowed = 1.123' MAX TL DEFL = -0.271' @ 14'- 4.1' Allowed = 1.123' CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.270 - MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.088' @ 22'- 8.0' and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.118' @ 22'- 8.0' This truss does not includeany time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the 5-04-14 17-08-10 intended use of this component. 5-04-14 6-00-01 5-10-05 5-10-05 [COND. 2* 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Wind: 90mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 12 12 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, 3.001 a 3.00 interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 M -4x5 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 4.0" which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 2 4 M-4) < 5-04-14 8-11-03 4-10-10 3-10-13 I. L <PL: 9-00-12 23-01-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A49 Scale: 0.2925 N o O EXP. 3/31/13 \ENV WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, wr A49 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes the design 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review is adequate Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. DES. BY: AM 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete swclure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywal (eC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061723 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components, 8. Design assumes adequate drainage is routs. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b 9 I a 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center bothfaces r TPINVTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. fines coincide with joint center lines. III III III II I I II III I VIII I III III IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). N o O EXP. 3/31/13 \ENV JIM11111M � M r M== M M= M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #I&BTR BC: 2x4 OF kt&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 121OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series r 0 C3 1 9-03 4-04 TRUSS SPAN 18'- 6.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-11 M -4x5 4-07-08 9-03 ThMign OWed f�lnpu�put 4W SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) COND. 00.00F G OAD. Wind: 90mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insuretigght fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are permissible at inlet board areas only. 4-07-08 M -3x5 M -3x8 9-03 <PL:14-00- JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A5O 18-06 Scale: 0.4604 5 � r 0 M -3x5 EXP. 3/31/13 /a ENG1Nj WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A50 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2'o 10' unless braced throughout their lenggth by DES. BY: EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure, and at o.c. respectively continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE • 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031650 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. for and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIAMTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. VIII I I VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII III 9.Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Soflware7.6.3(lQ-Z A.For basic connector plate design values see ESR-2529(CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR-1988(MiTek). 5 � r 0 M -3x5 EXP. 3/31/13 /a ENG1Nj "111111= M = = = = = = M � = `"" LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:2x4 OF k1&BTR BC: 2x4 DF q1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF N1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON, BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON, LETINS: 2.00.00 2.00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2OHS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series s 9-03 1-11-09 2-07-15 12 3.00 TRUSS SPAN 18'- 6.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7,0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-07-08 =M -4x4 A n" 9-03 4-07-08 2-07-15 12 ::33.00 - ThMign Med 1 olnpuiput SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 I-2=( -43) 53 1. 8=(0) 1765 1. 2=(-1952) 0 2. 3=(-1883) 0 8- 7=(0) 1765 3. 8=( -375) 58 3. 4=(-1575) 0 8. 4=( 0) 390 4- 5=(-1575) 0 8. 5=( -375) 58 5. 6=(-1883) 0 6- 7=(-1952) 0 6. 7=( -43) 53 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' 0/ 925V -46/ 46H 5.50' 0.99 OF ( 625) 18'- 6.0' OI 925V -46/ 46H 5.50' 0.99 OF ( 625) WARNINGS: VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 A51 MAX LL DEFL = -0.077' @ 9'- 3.0' Allowed = 0.586' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.171' @ 9'- 3.0' Allowed = 0.879' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.247' @ 9'- 3.0' Allowed = 0.879' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.171- .171'MAX I AxHORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.016' @ 188'- 0.5' and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the I10.5MAX HORZ. TL DEFL = 0.039 @ - Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, DES. BY • EE interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers stab Ery brat ng must be designed by designer of complete structure. which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 1-11-09 9-03 <PL:14-00-12 18-06 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A51 9-03 Scale: 0.3689 R - EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, les A51 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is atlequate for the design parameters shown. Review is adequate uate for the Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY • EE 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2' o.c. and at 10' O.C. respectively unless braced throughout their length by stab Ery brat ng must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(SC). DATE: 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031651 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibi ty for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage fac a is 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by f truss. a 8. Plates shell be located on both feces of truss. end placed so their center TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. 11111111111) 11111 111 1111 111 1111 1 1111 9.Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector Plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR-1988(MiTek). R - EXP. 3/31/13 1"11111M M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF If1SBTR BC: 2x4 OF N16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF H16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12 'OC. UON. Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N TRUSS SPAN 18'- 6.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. ThMign I•ed 10ofnpui put fW SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) Wind: 90 mph, h=20ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note: Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span DON. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tight fit at each end of let -in. Out10okers must be cut with care and are permissible at inlet board areas only. 9-03 9-03 I 1 4-04 4-11 4-07-08 4-07-08 M -4x5 M -3x53 M -3x5 M -3x5 M -3x8 9-03 <PL:14-00-12 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A52 f[:R& Scale: 0.4604 N 5 Io M -3x5 EXP. 3/31/13 OF 0 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless oche wise noted: A52 1. builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences, and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown .. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by BY: EE steWti biotin must be designed designer of complete structure. stability 9 g by g P continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031652fasteners are end at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at a8 supports shown. Shim or wedge it S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the I n'dIalons set forth by 8. Plates shag be located on both faces of truss, end placed so their center TPIANTCA in bCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. coincide with joint center lines. III I I I IIIII III III IIIII I III I III 9.Dies Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -Z 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) 0 and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). N 5 Io M -3x5 EXP. 3/31/13 OF 0 "111111M r M M = = = = r � = M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF N1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF kt&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF H1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. " For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN C"'CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M2bHS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek M series M -2x4 <o 0 v 0 CV <PL:10-00-12 L I, 0-03-08 TRUSS SPAN 6'- 10.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-03-07 3-07-01 12 a 3.00 6-07 6-10-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A53 _ TljWign =red �ompuMput SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-364) 372 4.3=(-614) 970 1.4=(-201) 0 2.3=(-714) 330 4.2=(-828) 434 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG REQUIRED ERG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' -71/ 472V -1375/ 1375H 2.50' 0.50 OF ( 625) 6'- 10.5' -59/ 483V -1375/ 1375H 5.50' 0.52 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.073' @ 3'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.207' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.031' @ 3'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.310' MAX TL DEFL = -0.094' @ 3'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.310' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.032' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.006' @ 6'- 5.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.008' @ 6'- 5.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. 0 Wind: g0 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2 Exp,C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked.for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Scale: 0.6082 EXP. 3/31/13 �'. //3//Z'< OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed b designer of complete structure. h 9 9 Y 0 P o.c. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywalt(BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061128 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non�corroslve environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both feces of Uuss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA In BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. VIII I III VIII VIII VIII I III VIII IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate In inches. CornpuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 �'. //3//Z'< OF VIII M�eIIMPUPut M SPATES LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF g18BTR BC: 2x4 OF fi18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF N18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. '• For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 6'- 10.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-03-03 3-07-05 M -2x4 12 a 3.00 N <PL:10-00-12 0-03-08 6-07 6-10-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A54 N n 0 CJ BEARING LOCATIONS 0'- 0.0' 6'- 10.5' Scale: 0.6092 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=( -29) 57 4-3=(0) 346 1-4=(-201) 0 2-3=(-420) 0 4.2=(-379) 0 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REGUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0/ 390V -51/ 37H 2.50' 0.42 OF ( 625) 0/ 396V -51/ 37H 5.50' 0.42 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.020' @ 3'- 3.6' Allowed = 0.207' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.031' @ 3'- 3.6' Allowed = 0.310' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.048' @ 3'- 3.6' Allowed = 0.310' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.032' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.001' @ 6'- 5.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.003' @ 6'- 5.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chard live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 I/3//2'4 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or buss engineer. 7. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporaryand permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be Laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywali(BC). 7. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061129 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. S. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shell be located on both feces of truss, end placed so their center TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. I'll/ I I II I VIII III III I Ill/ II III 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. besee ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) c 1711toEplate design ivalues aFornd CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=( -29) 57 4-3=(0) 346 1-4=(-201) 0 2-3=(-420) 0 4.2=(-379) 0 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REGUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0/ 390V -51/ 37H 2.50' 0.42 OF ( 625) 0/ 396V -51/ 37H 5.50' 0.42 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.020' @ 3'- 3.6' Allowed = 0.207' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.031' @ 3'- 3.6' Allowed = 0.310' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.048' @ 3'- 3.6' Allowed = 0.310' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.032' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.001' @ 6'- 5.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.003' @ 6'- 5.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chard live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 I/3//2'4 V III ThMignMWe ffeWinput_put SPATES FABRICATORS LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF 91&BTR BC: 2x6 OF SS WEBS: 2x4 OF IYIBBTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. •• For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series (2) complete trusses required. Join together 2 ply with 3'x.131 DIA GUN nails staggered at: 9' oc throughout 2x4 top chords, 5' oc throughout 2x6 bottom chords, 9' oc throughout webs. to 0 v M -5x6 5 CD•• N O < O � O <PL:10-00-12 3-00-11 TRUSS SPAN 6'- 10.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL: TC UNIF LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0)= 43.0 PLF 01- 0.0' TO 6'- 10.5' V ADDL: TC UNIT LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0)= 43.0 PLY 0'- 0.0' TO 6'- 10.5' V ADDL: BC UNIT LL( 134.1)+DL( 201.1)= 335.2 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 2'- 9.3' V ADDL: BC UNIT LL( 190.0)+DL( 285.0)= 475.0 PLF 2'- 9.3' TO 6'- 10.5' V ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 7.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 6'- 10.5' V ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 7.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 6'- 10.5' V LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. LOADS AS GIVEN BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-09-13 M -3x4 12 m 3.00 0-07 6-03-08 6-10-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A55 r- M -7x10 0 0 >PL: 9-00-12 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=( -854) 0 4.6=(-1374) 1374 5.1=(-218) 0 2.3=(-1550) 0 6.3=( -230) 1806 5.6=( 0) 3328 6-2=(-696) 2 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' -1438/ OV -1375/ 1375H 2.50' 0.00 OF ( 625) 01- 1.8' 0/ 3351V 0/ OH 2.50' 0.63 OF (1782) 6'- 10.5' 0/ 2340V -1375/ 1375H 5.50' 1.25 OF ( 625) Scale: 0.5257 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.007' @ 31- 1.1' Allowed = 0.207' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.016' @ 3'- 1.1' Allowed = 0.310' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.023' @ 3'- 1.1' Allowed = 0.310' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.016' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.011' @ 0'- 1.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.030' @ 0'- 1.8' CO D. 00.00 F D G LO D. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,8CDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lbconcentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 3" //3//2 ,( OF C WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the lop and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by drywoa(BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061130 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by B. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPInA?CA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. II II I I I II I IIII VIII VIII VIII II IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. Far basic connector Plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1966 iTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.007' @ 31- 1.1' Allowed = 0.207' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.016' @ 3'- 1.1' Allowed = 0.310' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.023' @ 3'- 1.1' Allowed = 0.310' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.016' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.011' @ 0'- 1.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.030' @ 0'- 1.8' CO D. 00.00 F D G LO D. Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,8CDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lbconcentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 3" //3//2 ,( OF C "111111= M M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF g18BTR BC: 2x4 OF k18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF k18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIS,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,U20HS,Mi8HS,M16 = MiTek MT series e� M M -2x < M -3x7 M -3x8 M-30 4-06 _ThMign SPATES FABRICATORS e(MColnpu> put _ 9-06 TRUSS SPAN 19'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 12 3.00 0 5-00 M -4x5 M -3x53 M -3x5 Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insuretigght fit at each end of let -in. 0utlookers must be cut with care and are 9-06 permissible at inlet board areas only. 5-00 4-06 12 a 3.00 9-06 9-06 I <PL:10-00-12 19-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A56 Scale: 0.4462 5 -2x4 EXP. 3/31/13 1i. l//2'//// '< N 7= WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A56 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY • EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa8(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + SEQ. : 5031656 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. �] TRANS I D : 326784 are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both feces of truss, and placed so their center TPI WTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincide with joint center lines. III II VIII II III II III I III I III IIII III 9.Olgits indicate sire of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). 5 -2x4 EXP. 3/31/13 1i. l//2'//// '< N 7= VIII SPATAMABRICAWeTORS 11=olnpu>_put LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 19'- 0.0' CBC2010/IBC2O09 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 TC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR A57 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review 1-2=( -10) 107 6-7=(0) 1632 1-6=( -186) 0 4-8=(-1824) 0 BC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the SPACED 24.0' O.C. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing ..at be installed where shown +. 2-3=(-1483) 0 7-8=(0) 1632 6.2=(-1824) 0 8.5=( -186) 0 WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&BTR 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY EE 3-4=(-1483) 0 2.7=(-296) 45 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c, respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE • 11/29/2011 LOADING continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rQ and/or chym (SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4.5=( -10) 107 7-3=( 0) 413 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF 7.4=( -296) 45 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH Connector plate prefix designators: 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 01- 0.0' 0/ 950V -65/ 65H 5.50' 1.01 OF ( 625) M,M20HS,918HS,M16 = MiTek MT series REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. TPI WfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. 191- 0.0' 0/ 950V -65/ 65H 5.50' 1.01 OF ( 625) IIIIII BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 VIII I AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. MAX LL DEFL = -0.039' @ 91- 6.0' Allowed = 0.603' IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.087' @ 9'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.904' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.126' @ 9'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.904' CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.087' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.016' @ 18'- 8.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.038' @ 18'- 8.5' and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek). Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 9-06 9-06 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 4-06 5-00 5-00 4-06 M-2) 12 12 3.001--- -M3.00 IIM-4x4 A n' 9-06 9-06 <PL:10-00-12 19-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A57 Scale: 0.3495 2x4 i EXP. 3/31/13 OF WARNINGS:GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A57 1. Builder and erection contractor shouldbe advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing ..at be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c, respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE • 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rQ and/or chym (SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. C /� SLIT .: 5031657 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes fug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the Bmitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center TPI WfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Ines coincide with joint center tines. IIIIII I I VIII I III VIII I II I I IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek). 2x4 i EXP. 3/31/13 OF VIII r ThMign 0",ed f=ofnput§put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&BTR; 2x6 OF SS A; 2x8 SP M-23 B TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series M -3x7 o M -3x4 7 <PL:10-00-12 TRUSS SPAN 19'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 9-06 9-06 9-06 3-10-02 5-07-14 3-06 6-00 5-00 2-08-12 1-09-04 12 3.00 o IIM-4x4 12 34.0" �Ml3x5(S) a 3.00 M -3x5 M -3x5 2,0" 4 M -4x14 � - M -5x8 o M -2x4 3-04-04 3-06 3-04-08 0-01-08 6-01-12 M -3x8 CDJ_ M -3x5 1 (2) M -1.5X4 OR EQUAL AT UPRIGHTS. M -3X4 M -2X4 7-06 1-06-08 14-00-06 1-05-10 13-05-12 0-06-10 19-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A58 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=(-2054 0 7- 8=( 0) 151 1- 7=(-811 0 4-11=(-1117) 0 2- 3=(-1439 0 9.10=( 0) 2061 1. 9=( 0� 2024 11.13=( 0) 753 3- 4=(-1427) 0 10-11=( 0) 1340 7. 9=(-188) 0 13. 5=( -296) 0 4. 5=( -444 0 11-12=( 0) 0 8- 9=( 0) 67 13-14=( 0) 55 5- 6=( -50; 67 14.15=(-17) 23 9. 2=(-211) 7 14. 6=( -56) 1 uaterfor the 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review is adequate 2.10=(-748) 0 15.16=( -3) 16 10. 3=( 0 334 6.16=( -54) 59 and approval is the responsibf ity of the building designer, not the 10. 4=(-135; 133 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 866V -68/ 62H 5.50' 0.92 OF ( 625) 17'- 2.8' 0/ 1047V 0/ OH 5.50' 0.35 SP (1975) 191- 0.0' -48/ 63V -68/ 62H 5.50' 0.02 OF (1870) continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywall(BC). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.042' @ 3'- 5.6' Allowed = 0.551' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.090' @ 3'- 5.6' Allowed = 0.827' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.132' @ 3'- 5.6' Allowed = 0.827' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.090' SEQ. : 5061131fasteners MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.014' @ 17'- 2.8' are complete and at no time should any loads greater than MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.033' @ 17'- 2.8' TRANS I D : 329250 Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, design loads be applied to any component. Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers fabrication, handling, pment and installation of components. shipment which is non -concurrent with other live loads. M -5x10 m 0 6 0 o CO > o 0 >PL:10-07-04 1-05-10 Scale: 0.3097 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, noted: � � 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes uaterfor the 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review is adequate Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibf ity of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporaryand permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at y o c and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their tonggth by DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure, continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061131fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes NII batt ng at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, pment and installation of components. shipment � 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center in SCSI, copies of which w g be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint lines. IIIIII I I VIII I II VIII I III I II I II IIIITPINVECA S.Digits indicate size of plateate in to IInches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuT us) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 IIIIMM=M........M==M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF g18BTR BC: 2x4 OF g18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF k1&BTR LON TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT Series A 2X6 DF SS B 2X8 SP M-23 9-06 9-06 3-06 6-00 12 3.00 v M -3x8 TRUSS SPAN 19'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+OL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. M111 3-10-02 5-07-14 5-00 2-08-12 1-09-04 S Th Sign Med f�MPUIS Ut !� SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 I. 2=(-2015 0 8- 9=( -231) 410 1. 8=( -797) 0 11- 4=(-1028) 1203 2. 3=(-1387; 0 10.11=(-2657) 5050 1.10=( 0) 1985 4-12=(-1756) 320 3- 4=(-1894) 284 11-12=( -296) 1681 8-10=(-3631) 3410 12- 5=( -141) 1040 4. 5=S-3203) 3015 12.13=( O) 0 9.10=( -6) 72 6-14=( -11) 38 5- 6=1.3556) 3579 14-15=( -12) 0 10- 2=( -660) 458 14- 7=( 0) 26 6- 7=(-3715) 3711 2-11=(-2250) 1395 7-15=( 0) 14 11- 3=( -71) 413 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 974V -3800/ 3800H 5.50' 1.04 OF ( 625) 16'- 9.8' -181/ 1311V 0/ OH 5.50' 1.31 OF ( 625) 191- 0.0' -841/ 957V -38001 3800H 5.50' 1.02 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.100' @ 31- 5.6' Allowed = 0.551' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.087' @ 3'- 5.6' Allowed = 0.827' MAX TL DEFL = -0.158' @ 3'- 5.6' Allowed = 0.827' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.087' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.067' @ 18'- 3.4' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.085' @ 18'- 3.4' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. M -4x5 Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 12 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, 4.0" a 3.00 interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 3 Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord M-3X5(S) live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers M-30which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 4 M -5x14 M -3x7 f a 6? M -6x14 1 o o 0 0 10 C3x 11 IC 13 o co oIT <8 g M -6x16 M -3x12 o M -3x6 M -3x4 1 0 0 M -2x4 M -2x4 >PL:10-07-04 PROVIDE FULL BEARING•Jts:B 13 15 (2) M -1.5X4 OR EQUAL AT UPRIGHTS. <PL:10-02-12 L � L 11 3-04-04 6-01-12 7-06 0-11-04 0-07-04 3-06 14-00-06 1-05-10 3-04-08 0-01-08 13-05-12 0-06-10 1-05-10 )- y 19-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A59 Scale: 0.2897 EXP. 3/31/13 ;, 1/3//Z'< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A59 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This (mss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or buss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary end permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY • AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061132 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes NII bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations sot forth by retl. S. Plates shall be located on both faces of husstruss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. III II I I I VIII VIII VIII III 11111111111111 VIII IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software +7.6.3-SP2(1 Q -Z 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 ;, 1/3//Z'< X111111MM==M....... M= LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF kt&BTR BC: 2x4 OF N1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. •+ For hanger specs. - See approved plans Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series M - Olt a <PL:10-00-12 TRUSS SPAN 7'- 2.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-06 3-08-08 12 3.00 c�- M -2x4 3-04-04 3-10-04 L L 3-06 3-08-08 3-04-08 0-01-08 3-08-08 7-02-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A60 0 v 0 N M -5x10 >PL:11-00-12 .de support _ Th _ ign �ed f�mputl ut SPATES FABRICATORS (GS) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-660) 0 4.5=(-47) 117 1-4=( -388) 0 6.8=( -453) 1216 2-3=(-427) 417 6.7=( 0) 0 1-6=( -275) 1020 2.8=(-1221) 463 4.6=(-1426) 1338 3.8=( -181) 24 5.6=( 0) 179 6.2=( -212) 132 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' -125/ 594V -1442/ 1442H 5.50' 0.63 OF ( 625) 7'- 2.5' -165/ 554V -1442/ 1442H 2.50' 0.21 OF (1782) Scale: 0.4940 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless oche wise noted A60 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : AM stab. Gy bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. fespectivey unless braced throughout their lenth by drywall(ggaC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061724 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes fug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is trussed. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both laces of buss, and placed so their center TPINVTCA in BCS( copies of which will be furnished upon request tines coincide with joint lines. 1 11111111 111111111 11111 1111 1111 1111 8. Digits indicate size of plateate In in ( Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector Plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.006' @ 3'- 5.6' Allowed = 0.218' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.015' @ 3'- 5.6' Allowed = 0.327' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.021' @ 3'- 5.6' Allowed = 0.327' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.015' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.010' @ 7'- 0.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.011' @ 7'- 0.8' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. R. EXP. 3/31/13 -",1/3//Z'< "11111..=M===MMM==� LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF k18BTR BC: 2x4 OF g18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF H18BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 0-00-00 1-00-00 Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series M M-3) TRUSS SPAN 26'- 2.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. _ ThMign �ed f�mput_put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) 13-01-04 13-01-04 COND. • 200.00 PLE DRAG LOAD. Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed,Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. Designchecked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tigght fit at each end of let -in. Out1 okers must be cut with care and are permissible at inlet board areas only. 1-05-08 5-10-12 5-09 6-01-12 5-11-15 0-11-09 12 12 3.00 o M -4x5 v 3.00 ;5 M -2X4 m -OAU m-OX8 M -5x10 a 3.00 3.00 r�-- 12 12 1-05-08 5-07-04 6-00-08 6-03-08 6-09-12 1-05-08 11-07-12 6-01-12 6-11-08 L I <PL:21-03-12 26-02-08 >PL:22-01-04 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A61 Scale: 0.3242 V. 7 0 0 EXP. 3/31/13 ?" ///71/y/ '4 OF •o WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Nates 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such es temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. T and et 10' respectivelyh unless bathed throughout their length by DATE • 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. hin continuous sheathing such as plywood meed where ) and/or drywaBgBC). continuous as y 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown « « 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installa9on of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031661 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes tresses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment, �] TRANS I D : 3267 H4 design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over end assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components, 7- Design assumes adequate drainage is Provided. 6. This design Is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b 9 1 8. Plates shall be located on both laces of truss. and placed so their center r TPINYfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Enos coincide with joint center fines. II I I I II II II III 11111111111111 I I III II IIII 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -Z 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). V. 7 0 0 EXP. 3/31/13 ?" ///71/y/ '4 OF •o VIII ThMign IMed f�fnputlwut SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF R11&BTR; 2x4 OF 210OF T2 BC: 2x4 OF N1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF 11J&B TR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N O M -3x M-2 TRUSS SPAN 26'- 2.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 13-01-04 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=( -89) 49 8. 9=(-18) 0 8. 1= 15 27 5.13=( -794) 0 2. 3=(-3322) 0 9.10=(-60) 128 1. 9=� -5` 216 12.13=( 0) 67 3. 4=(-4486) 0 10-11=( 0) 3385 2. 9=(-1412) 0 13.14=( 0) 1507 4- 5=(-4490) 0 11.13=( 0) 3700 2.10=( 0) 3110 13. 6=( 0) 1665 5. 6=(-3582) 0 12.14=( 0) 283 10- 3=( -886) 0 14- 6=( -132) 24 6. 7=( -18) 62 14. 7=( 0) 1783 3.11=( 0) 1015 6- 7=(-2139) 0 11. 4=( 0) 1714 11. 5=( O) 747 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 1'- 0.0' 0/ 1364V -98/ 66H 5.50' 1.46 OF ( 625) 26'- 2.5' 0/ 1258V -98/ 66H 5.50' 1.34 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.217' @ 131- 1.3' Allowed = 0.810' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.486' @ 13'- 1.3' Allowed = 1.215' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.702' @ 13'- 1.3' Allowed = 1.215' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.486' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.113' @ 25'- 9.0' 13-01-04 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.280' @ 25'- 9.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 1-05-08 5-10-12 5-09 6-01-12 4-10 2-01-08 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 12 12 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 3.00 M -5x6 v 3.00 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers r n, which is non -concurrent with other live loads. a 3.00 3.00 C:- 12 12 1-03-12 5-07-04 6-00-08 6-03-08 4-08-04 2-01-08 1-00 25-02-08 1-05-08 11-07-12 6-01-12 6-11-08 <PL:20-07-04 26-02-08 >PL:21-04-1 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A62 Scale: 0.2564 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A62 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibilty of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. DES. BY ' E E 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 19' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by stab lity bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component unit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031662 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes roll bearing et a9 supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set faith by be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their cantor 8. Plates shoo truss. TPI/WTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincide with joint center Ones. VIII I I VIII (III III I I I II I III IIII indicate size of plate in Inches. 9. DigR-I CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E Farits 10. Canal for PR-196designvol s sea ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/orbasic ), > 8 EXP. 3/31/13 0111111 _ M M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF f116BTR BC: 2x4 OF g18BTR; 2x6 OF SS B2, B3 WEBS: 2x4 OF kI&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series '• For hanger specs. - See approved plans WEB BRACE SHOWN (+) MAY BE APPLIED TO EITHER SIDE OF WEB AT LOCATION SHOWN = = = = M r r M 13-01-04 TRUSS SPAN 25'- 7,0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 1-05-08 5-10-12 2-07-14 3-01-02 3-00 12 3.00 v M -7x10 10.0" 5 �{ M -2x4 M -3x8 4 6 3 M -3x12 _ _ 4. 13 83 M -3x57 2 B2 12 MHS -10x14 14 71 - - M 4x12 M -3x10 o - -- M -3x12 M -2x4 'I IM -6x10 a 3.00 <PL:20-07-04 12 4 1-03-12 5-07-04 1-00 L 4 1-05-08 12-05-12 3-03-08 6-02-04 12 a 3.00 -4x8 M -2x4 �� 16 M -2x4 3.00 la 12 2-11-06 3-01-02 2-10-04 3-05-04 24-07 L 11-07-12 6-01-12 25-07 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A63 _ TAMign =red �OMPUMPut SPATES FABRICATORS (GS) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=( •170) 121 9-10=( -19) 0 9- 1=( •14) 27 5.14=(-2985) 2531 2- 3=(-4323) 517 10.11=(-5204) 5271 1.10=( -5) 229 14. 6=(-1015) 1147 3- 4=(-6141) 1284 11.12=(-4860) 8780 2.10=(-1410) 0 6.15=(-2780) 1876 4- 5=(-6717) 1884 12.13=(-4749) 10127 2-11=( -521) 4137 16-15=( 0) 100 5. 6=(•5507) 501 13-14=(•4745) 10124 11. 3=(-1243) 263 15. 7=( •546) 10 6. 7=(-3600) 0 14-15=(-3178) 8127 3.12=(•1252) 2202 15.17=(-4922) 4592 7. 8=(-4403) 287 16-17=( •253) 520 4.12=( •273) 20 15. 8=( -880) 4943 12. 5=(-2847) 2191 17. 8=(-1284) 0 13. 5=(-2286) 5082 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 11- 0.0' O/ 1445V -5117/ 5117H 5.50' 1.54 OF ( 625) 25'- 7.0' O/ 1370V -5117/ 5117H 5.50' 1.46 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = •0.511' @ 13'- 1.3' Allowed = 0.789' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.447' @ 13'- 1.3' Allowed = 1.183' MAX TL DEFL = •0.809' @ 13'- 1.3' Allowed = 1.183' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.447' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.301' @ 25'- 3.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.442' @ 25'- 3.5' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. CO D. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 8x 12 M -4x10 8 17 y o o M -4x12 > 6-02-04 6-04 >PL:21-04-12 Scale: 0.2200 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A63 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2• Design assumes the top and bonom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stab lily brat ng must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.t. end at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by dry DATE • 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or we 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061725fasteners are complete and at no Ume should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes foil bearing et all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling. shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations sal forth by 8. Plates shell be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPINVTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincide with joint center lines. III III III VIII II II VIII VIII I II /III III 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 9111111 = r• LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF 416BTR BC: 2x4 OF k168TR WEBS: 2x4 DF g168TR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LETINS: 1-00-00 1-00-00 Staple or equal at non-structural vertical members (uon). Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,Ml8HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N O (D,k— 1 G M -3x10 11-07 — ' ThMign M -ed f_olnpu> put!_ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) TRUSS SPAN 17'- 3.5' ICOND. 2: 200.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. I LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, SPACED 24.0' O.C. Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, LOADING interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF Note:Truss design requires continuous OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF bearing wall for entire span UON. TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chard live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. which is non -concurrent with other live loads. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP Truss designed for 4x2 outlookers. 2x4 let -ins AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. of the same size and grade as structural top chord. Insure tigght fit at each end of let -in. Outlookers must be cut with care and are 8-07-12 8-07-12 permissible at inlet board areas only. 3-04-07 4-03-14 4-03-14 3-04-07 0-11-07 12 12 3.00 c--- a 3.00 M -4x5 <PL:21-04-04 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A64 M -3x8 17-03-08 8-07-12 Scale: 0.4609 M -3x10 � N 7 o EXP. 3/31/13 .OF CALF' GENERAL NOTES, A64WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes uatotherwise the design 1. This truss design is adequate far the design parameters shown. Review is adequate Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 20 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the lop and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE stability bramust be designed by designer of wmplete structure. 2• o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEG. : 5031664 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage isprovided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by B. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, end placed so their center TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Ones coincide with joint center Ones. 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -Z 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). M -3x10 � N 7 o EXP. 3/31/13 .OF CALF' LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF NISBTR BC: 2x4 OF #1&8 TA WEBS: 2x4 OF N18BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. MON. LETINS: 2-00-00 2-00-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 8-07-12 1-11-01 2-04-13 12 3.00 C --- TRUSS SPAN 17'- 3.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-03-14 M -4x5 4-03-14 ThMign'Wed fMmpu-Mput M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=( -158) 187 1. 8=(-1709) 3261 1. 2=(-2056) 158 2- 3=(-1444) 0 8- 7=(-1709) 3261 3- 8=( -850) 814 3. 4=(-1315) 0 8- 4=( 0) 279 4. 5= -1315) 0 8. 5=( -850) 814 5. 6=�-1444) 0 6- 7=(-2056) 158 6. 7=( -158) 187 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZEINCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' 0/ 874V -3458/ 3458H 5.50' 0.93 OF ( 625) 17'- 3.5' 0/ 874V -3458/ 3458H 5.50' 0.93 OF ( 625) ign parameters shown. Review 1. This truss design is adequate forr the the design VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 and Warnings before construction commences. MAX LL DEFL = -0.095' @ 1'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.546' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.158' @ 8'- 7.8' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.229' @ 8'- 7.8' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.158' 7 o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL =0.036' @ 0'- 5.5' stabiiy bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.052' @ 0'- 5.5' DATE • 11/29/2011 0 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 8-07-12 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, SEQ. : 5031665fasteners interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 2-04-12 1-11-02 TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers 12 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. a 3.00 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8-07-12 <PL:21-04-04 17-03-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A65 8-07-12 Scale: 0.3864 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless othewe A65 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes ign parameters shown. Review 1. This truss design is adequate forr the the design Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibify of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : E E 3. An lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 7 o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by stabiiy bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) antl/or drywaUp). DATE • 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss Is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031665fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than . Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at a8 supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8, Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center 7PINVTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center tines. VIII IIII IIII VIII I III VIII IIII IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate size o1 plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 "11111M M=. M== LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF q1&BTR BC: 2x4 DF k1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF q1&BTR; 2x6 DF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 2-00-00 2-00-00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 8-07-12 1-11-01 2-04-13 If 12 3.00 0 TRUSS SPAN 17'- 3.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-03-14 IIM-4x4 8-07-12 4-03-14 2-04-13 12 a 3.00 r ThMign �ed f�mput-put I� SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=( 0 71 1. 8=(0) 1325 1. 2=(-1625) 0 2- 3=(-1444` 0 8- 7=(0) 1325 3- 8=( -211) 83 3- 4=(-1315) 0 8- 4=( 0) 279 4. 5=(-1315 0 8. 5=( -211) 83 5- 6=(-1444 0 6- 7=(-1625) 0 6- 7=( 0) 71 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 865V -43/ 43H 5.50' 0.92 OF ( 625) 17'- 3.5' 0/ 865V -43/ 43H 5.50' 0.92 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.071' It 81- 7.8' Allowed = 0.546' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.158' @ 8'- 7.8' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.229' @ 8'- 7.8' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.158' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.011' @ 16'- 10.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.028' @ 16'- 10.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 -� Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 1-11-01 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers i which is non -concurrent with other live loads. <PL:21-04-04 8-07-12 B-07-12 17-03-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A66 Scale: 0.3864 EXP. 3/31/13 /ENGEN% WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences, and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or buss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE • stability bracing must be designed designer of complete structure. y 9 by 0 P 2' o.c, and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 11/29/2011 9 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor- ontractor.SEQ. SEQ.: 5031666 fastener; are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component, and are for -dry crndi8on' of use. 6. Design assumes lull bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuT us has no control ovor antl assumes no responsib tiry for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components, 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shell be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their center TPINVTCA in BCS], copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. 11111111 111 1111 1111111111 11 1111 1111 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 /ENGEN% LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF k18BTR BC: 2x4 OF R188TR WEBS: 2x4 OF k188TR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc Y,Y20HS,M18HS,Y16 = YiTek YT series M CVTO TRUSS SPAN 17'- 3.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL: BC UNIF LL+OL= 6.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 17'- 3.5' V ADDL: BC CONC LL+DL= 24.0 LBS @ 9'- 2.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. S' ThiMign JWed f�mpufmput I= SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=(-1320) 0 7- 8=( -6) 151 7. 1=(-922) 0 4-10=(0) 2616 2- 3=(-3575) 0 8- 9=( 0) 1304 1- 8=( 0) 1290 10- 5=( 0) 1472 3- 4=(-3541) 0 9-10=( 0) 4141 2- 8=(-854) 0 5.11=(-718) 0 4- 5=(-5595) 0 10.11=( 0) 4138 2- 9=( 0) 2163 11- 6=( 0) 3718 5. 6=(-3958) 0 11-12=(-36) 96 3- 9=(-285) 14 6.12=(-886) 0 9. 4=(-809) 0 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 926V .60/ 62H 5.50' 0.99 OF ( 625) 17'- 3.5' 0/ 931V -60/ 62H 5.50' 0.99 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.227' @ 9'- 2.0' Allowed = 0.546' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.585' @ 9'- 2.0' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.812' @ 9'- 2.0' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.585' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.121' @ 17'- 1.3' 8-07-12 8-07-12 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.329 @ 17'- 1.3' Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 1-06 3-11-07 3-02-05 4-01-15 4-05-13 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 12 12 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 3.00 c-- a 3.00 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers M -5X10 which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 1() n" a 3.00 3.00 =-- 12 12 x12 124# � I 1-06 3-11-07 3-08-09 3-09-07 4-04-01 1-06 7-08 8-01-08 <PL:21-04-04 17-03-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A67 Scale: 0.3789 12 O a EXP. 3/31/13 1i. l//Zyil/ < OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A i. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This Truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibifity of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless Wooed throughout their lenggth by DATE: 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa9(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031667 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes NII bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth g 1 M 6. Plates shad be located on both laces oI Vuss, and placed so their center TPIAA?CA in SCSI. copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center Anes. IIII I II II II II I I I I I IIII III III 9. Digits indicate size of plate In inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. or Shoo designvalu s see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) basic c -nnec aFor nd 12 O a EXP. 3/31/13 1i. l//Zyil/ < OF II IIII T14ftiEgn IRICA e(MC1MMPUMput M SPA LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF g1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LETINS: 2-00-00 2.00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 17'- 3.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 I. 2=(0) 71 1. 8=(0) 1325 1- 2=(-1625) 0 2- 3=(-1444) 0 8- 7=(0) 1325 3. 8=( -211) 83 3- 4=(-1315) 0 8. 4=( 0) 279 4. 5=(-1315) 0 8- 5=( -211) 83 5- 6=(-1444) 0 6. 7=(-1625) 0 6- 7=( O) 71 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 865V -43/ 43H 5.50' 0.92 OF ( 625) 17'- 3.5' 0/ 865V -43/ 43H 5.50' 0.92 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.071' @ 8'- 7.8' Allowed = 0.546' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.158' @ 8'- 7.8' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.229' @ 8'- 7.8' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.158' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.011' @ 16'- 10.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.028' @ 16'- 10.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, 8-07-12 8-07-12 interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 1-11-01 2-04-13 4-03-14 4-03-14 2-04-13 1-11-01 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 12 3.00 0 IIM-4x4 A n" 12 a 3.00 8-07-12 8-07-12 L L <PL:21-04-04 17-03-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A68 Scale: 0.3864 T 0 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A 1. Builder and erection connector shouts be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility, of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE stability brat ng must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall SC). 3, 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bradng and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031668 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. and ere for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss. and placed so their center TPINVICA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincide with joint center lines. III II I (VIII VIII I III III II II IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). T 0 EXP. 3/31/13 *111111M M M M = M M � M M M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF g18BTR BC: 2x4 OF (lIBBTR WEBS: 2x4 OF g18BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 121OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LETINS: 2.00.00 2.00.00 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,918HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 0 8-07-12 1-11-01 2-04-13 12 3.00 v TRUSS SPAN 17'- 3.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43..0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 4-03-14 M -4x5 A nu 8-07-12 4-03-14 2-04-13 12 0 3.00 _ ThIftign -•ed1_ompu�put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRIDHFICq=1.00 1. 2=( -158) 187 1. 8=(-1709)3261 1- 2=(-2056) 158 2- 3=(-1444) 0 8- 7=(-1709) 3261 3- 8=( -850) 814 3- 4=(-1315) 0 8. 4=( 0) 279 4. 5=(-1315) 0 8- 5=( -850) 814 5- 6=(-1444) 0 6. 7=(-2056) 158 6. 7=( -158) 187 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED ERG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' OI 874V -3458/ 3458H 5.50' 0.93 OF ( 625) 17'- 3.5' 0/ 874V -3458/ 3458H 5.50' 0.93 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=LI360, TL=LI240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.095' @ 1'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.546' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.158' @ 8'- 7.8' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.229' @ 8'- 7.8' Allowed = 0,819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.158' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.036' @ 161- 10.0' MAX HORIZ, TL DEFL = 0.052' @ 16'- 10.0- ICOND. 2: 0 Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, -� interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 1-11-01_f Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non-ooncurrent with other live loads. <PL: 21 - 04 - 8-07-12 17-03-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A69 8-07-12 Scale: 0.3864 8 0 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless oche wise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown .. truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: EE 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa9(BC). DATE • 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031669 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. for and are for -dry condition." of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set faith by 8. Plates shag be located on both laces of truss, and placed so (heir center TPIANTCA In BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. de coincide Dies coincide with joint center lines. 111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 1111 9. Digits size of plate to inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). 8 0 EXP. 3/31/13 "111111= = = = M M M M = M = M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF pt&BTR; 2x4 OF 210OF T1 BC: 2x4 OF p1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF pt&BTR; 2x4 SPF 165OF A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. NOTE 2x4 BRACING AT 2410C UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc 9,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 12 3.00 0 11.10.08 HIP SETBACK 4.00.00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL(30.0)= 70.0 PLF 0'- 0.0- TO 4'- 0.0' V TC UNIF LL( 60.0)+DL( 45.0)= 105.0 PLF 4'- 0.0' TO 7'- 10.5' V TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 30.0)= 70.0 PLF 7'- 10.5' TO 11'- 10.5' V BC UNIF LL( 0.0)+DL( 21.0)= 21.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 11'- 10.5' V TC CONC LL( 80.0)+DL( 60.0)= 140.0 LBS @ 4'- 0.0' TC CONC LL( 80.0)+OL( 60,0)= 140.0 LBS @ 7'- 10.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 3-11-11 3-11-02 3-11-11 3-11-11 3-11-02 2-04-15 1-06-12 140# M -4x6 =M -6x(3 12 a 3.00 3-05 5-04 3-01-08 I, <PL:22-01-12 11-10-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A70 _ Th�ign MWed f§olnpul_put M SPATES FABRICATORS (GS) Scale: 0.4843 CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 I. 2=(-1351) 19 1. 6=(-17 1259 6. 2= -36) 94 2- 3=(-1570) 10 6. 7=(-24j 1554 6- 3= -162) 164 3- 4=(-1475) 9 7. 5=( -6) 595 3- 7=(-338) 61 WARNINGS: 4. 5=( -746) 8 7. 4=( -2) 955 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 748V -25/ 25H 5.50' 0.80 OF ( 625) 111- 10,5' 0/ 748V -25/ 25H 5.50' 0.80 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 and Warnings before construction commences. MAX LL DEFL = -0.166' @ 4'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.365' MAX OL DEFL = -0.167' @ 4'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.548' MAX TL DEFL = -0.333' @ 4'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.548' 2. 20 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.167' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0,008' @ 11'- 5.0' 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.017' @ 11'- 5.0' DES. BY • AM ' This truss does not include any time dependent stab lily bredng must be designed by designer of complete structure. deformation for long term loading (creep) in the DATE: 1/6/2012 total load deflection. The building designer CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and Wind: 90mph, h=25ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, SEQ. : 5061726 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS, fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 TRANS I D : 329315 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord design loads be applied to any component. live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Scale: 0.4843 N O EXP. 3/31/13 I /3//Z ,< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A70 1. Builder and erection contractor shook! be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 20 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY • AM ' stab lily bredng must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by continuous sheathing such as sheathing(TC) andfor drywall SC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. plywood 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061726 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-corfoslve environment. TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the kmitations set IoM by 8. Plates shall be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their center TPINVTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide wi h joint center fines. 111111 I III IIIII IIIII III I III I IIIII I I IIII 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). N O EXP. 3/31/13 I /3//Z ,< (IIII ThA �iABRIgnTORS LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 11'- 10.5' TC: 2x4 OF #1&BTRLOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 BC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 2x4 SPF 165OF; 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review T r u $ s : 2x4 OF #1&BTR A LOADING and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061727 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP design loads be applied to any component. AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 1-t O O 1 12 3.00 C--- 5-11-04 5-11-04 IIM-4x4 12 a3.00 BEARING LOCATIONS 01- 0.0' 11'- 10.5' 5-11-04 5-11-04 4 L )<PL:22-01-12 11-10-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A71 Scale: 0.4843 N p CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-755) 0 1.4=(0) 666 4.2=(0) 199 2.3=(-755) 0 4-3=(0) 666 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0/ 499V -200/ 200H 5.50' 0.53 OF ( 625) 0/ 499V -200/ 200H 5.50' 0.53 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.070' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.365' MAX DL DEFL = -0.093' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.548' MAX TL DEFL = -0.162' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.548' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.093' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @ 11'- 5.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.009' @ 11'- 5.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. CO D 00.00BS G DAD Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 '1,, //3//Z �,l -OF rill WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A71 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review T r u $ s : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c- and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by BY: AM stabitiry bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE • 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061727 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shell be located on Doth laces of buss, and placed so their center TPIANfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies wdicat with joint center fines. IIIIII I ( III I IIII IIII III I I I I IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(11_)-E 10. For basic connector Plate deal fin values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). N p CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1.2=(-755) 0 1.4=(0) 666 4.2=(0) 199 2.3=(-755) 0 4-3=(0) 666 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0/ 499V -200/ 200H 5.50' 0.53 OF ( 625) 0/ 499V -200/ 200H 5.50' 0.53 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.070' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.365' MAX DL DEFL = -0.093' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.548' MAX TL DEFL = -0.162' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.548' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.093' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @ 11'- 5.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.009' @ 11'- 5.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. CO D 00.00BS G DAD Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 '1,, //3//Z �,l -OF rill IIISPAT FABRICATORS a fG omput_put LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:2x4 OF N18BTR BC: 2x4 OF k18BTR WEBS: 2x4 SPF 165OF; 2x4 OF k18BTR A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 71 ntO O 1 TRUSS SPAN 11'- 10.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-11-04 5-11-04 12 12 3.00 C--- a 3.00 I'M -4x4 5-11-04 5-11-04 L L <PL:22-01-12 11-10-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A72 BEARING LOCATIONS 0'- 0.0' 11'- 10.5' Scale: 0.4843 N JCD CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=(-755) 0 1.4=(0) 666 4.2=(0) 199 2.3=(-755) 0 4-3=(0) 666 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0/ 499V -30/ 30H 5.50' 0.53 OF ( 625) 0/ 499V -30/ 30H 5.50' 0.53 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.070' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.365' MAX OL DEFL = -0.093' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.548' MAX TL DEFL = -0.162' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.548' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.093' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @ 11'- 5.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.009' @ 11'- 5.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation forlong term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 11:511Z '< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A72 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All totem/ force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE: 1 /6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impart bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. �1 SEQ . : 5061728 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses areto be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request, lines coincide with joint center lines. Ones IIIIII I III IIIII I II III I II I I III II I III 9. indicate size of plate In Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E A.For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2528 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1088 (MiTek). N JCD CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1-2=(-755) 0 1.4=(0) 666 4.2=(0) 199 2.3=(-755) 0 4-3=(0) 666 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0/ 499V -30/ 30H 5.50' 0.53 OF ( 625) 0/ 499V -30/ 30H 5.50' 0.53 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.070' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.365' MAX OL DEFL = -0.093' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.548' MAX TL DEFL = -0.162' @ 51- 11.2' Allowed = 0.548' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.093' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @ 11'- 5.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.009' @ 11'- 5.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation forlong term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. EXP. 3/31/13 11:511Z '< Th ' ign�ed f lnput_put SPATES FABRICATORS (GS LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 11'- 10.5' WARNINGS: CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 TC: 2x4 OF 111&BTRLOAD 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Nates DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. 1-2=(-755) 0 1-4=(0) 666 4-2=(0) 199 BC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. SPACED 24.0' O.C. 7. All lateral torte resisting elements such as temporaryand permanent nd 2.3=(-755) 0 4.3=(0) 666 WEBS: 2x4 SPF 1650F; stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown 2x4 OF q1&BTR A 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and LOADING C n SEQ. : 5061 729 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. for LL( 20.0){DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF 01- 0.0' 0/ 499V -30/ 30H 5.50' 0.53 OF ( 625) CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector Plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) 11'- 10.5' 0/ 499V -30/ 30H 5.50' 0.53 DF ( 625) Connector plate prefix designators: LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series MAX LL DEFL = •0.070' @ 51- 11,2' Allowed = 0.365' BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP MAX DL DEFL = -0.093' @ 5'• 11.2' Allowed = 0.548' - AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. MAX TL DEFL = -0.162' @ 51• 11.2' Allowed = 0.548' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.093' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @ 11'- 5.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.009' @ 11'- 5.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the 5111-04 5-11-04 intended use of this component. Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=9.0,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 12 12 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.8, MWFRS, 3.00 c:- a 3.00 interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. I'M -4x4 N n�O O 1 <PL:22-01-12 5-11-04 11-10-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A73 5-11-04 Scale: 0.4843 N JC> . /i'e``%( R. EXP. 3/31/13 //3//I'< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, inadeq uatenoted: A7 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Nates ign parameters shown. Review 1. This truss design is adequate for for the the design Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 7. All lateral torte resisting elements such as temporaryand permanent nd 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at Y o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. C n SEQ. : 5061 729 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. for and are for *dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set IoM by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss. and placed so their center TPIANfCA to BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII I I II II I II VIII II I VIII IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate size oplate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector Plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) end/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). N JC> . /i'e``%( R. EXP. 3/31/13 //3//I'< VIII ThMign ed SPAT AI Gff�mput=out f_ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF p1&BTR; 2x6 OF SS T2 BC: 2x4 DF p1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF p1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. NOTE 2x4 BRACING AT 24'OC UON FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED Connector plateprefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series HEMIEE 11.09.08 HIP SETBACK 4.00.00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 46.0)= 86.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 4' - TC UNIF LL( 60.0)+DL( 69.0)= 129.0 PLF 41- 0.0' TO 71 - TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 46.0)= 86.0 PLF 71- 9.5' TO 111 - BC UNIF LL( 0.0)+DL( 21.0)= 21.0 PLF 01- 0.0' TO 111 - TC CONC LL( 80.0)+DL( 92,0)= 172.0 LBS @ 4'- 0.0' TC CONC LL( 80.0)+DL( 92.0)= 172.0 LBS @ 7'- 9.5' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. [CMININ 9151M 3-11-11 1-11-01 3-01-04 2-09-08 172N 172N 12 12 3.00 o a 3.00 M -4x12 RA. qvR M -4x12 McII111F <PL:24-09-08 WIRBFa 11-09-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A74 WORNM 3-01 Scale: 0.5136 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/DHF/Cq=1.00 WARNINGS: 1- 2=( •147) 3 1. 6= -47) 1851 1- 2=(•1872) 47 8- 4=( 0) 280 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review 2. 3=(•1851) 47 6- 7=�-130) 2497 6. 2=( 0) 280 4- 5=(-1872) 47 3. 4=(-1851) 47 7- 8=(-130) 2497 6. 3=( -683) 88 0.0' V 4- 5=( •147) 3 8. 5=( -47) 1851 7- 3=( 0 104 9.5' V continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 3. 8=( -683j 88 9,5' V 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design trusses to be in . : 5061730 TRANS I D : 329315 9,5' V BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS fabrication, handling. shipment and installation of components. REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b g 1 01- 0.0' -3/ 884V -30/ 30H 5.50' 0.94 OF ( 625) 111- 9.5' I I -3/ 884V -30/ 30H 5.50' 0.94 OF ( 625) 9151M 3-11-11 1-11-01 3-01-04 2-09-08 172N 172N 12 12 3.00 o a 3.00 M -4x12 RA. qvR M -4x12 McII111F <PL:24-09-08 WIRBFa 11-09-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A74 WORNM 3-01 Scale: 0.5136 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.043' @ 5'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.362' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0,095' @ 5'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.544' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.138' @ 5'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.544' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.095' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.012' @ 11'- 4.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.030' @ 11'- 4.0' Wind: 90mph, h=30ft, TCDL=13,8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N n 0 EXP. 3/31/13 I/3//2'4 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A74 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review T PUS $ : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or buss engineer. DES. BY • AM 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively, unless braced throughout their length by stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + /� SE SEQ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design trusses to be in . : 5061730 TRANS I D : 329315 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. assumes are used a noncorrosive environment. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it S.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling. shipment and installation of components. d. 7• Design assumes adequate drainage is ruse. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b g 1 a 8. Plates shall located on both faces of buss, end placed so (heir center TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. r tines coincide with joint center lines. a IIIIII I I VIII I III II 111111111111111 VIII I I IN I IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.043' @ 5'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.362' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0,095' @ 5'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.544' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.138' @ 5'- 10.7' Allowed = 0.544' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.095' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.012' @ 11'- 4.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.030' @ 11'- 4.0' Wind: 90mph, h=30ft, TCDL=13,8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. N n 0 EXP. 3/31/13 I/3//2'4 IIIThA iBgn RICA-e(GSInpu>_put I_ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 11'- 9.5' GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A75 CBC201O/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 TC: 2x4 OF 91&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 1. 2=( -996 )0 1. 5=(0 905 5. 2=(-22 93 BC: 2x4 OF NI&BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. All lateral force resisting elements such 3. temporary and permanent 2- 3=( -971) 0 5. 6=(0; 916 5- 3=(-49� 146 WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR stability bracing must be designed by designerof complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout DATE: 1/6/2012 3- 4=(-1006) 0 6. 4=(0) 914 3- 6=(-26) 65 continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywati(SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown LOADING 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061731fasteners TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF design loads be applied to any component. for and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BAG REQUIRED BAG LENGTH BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII IIIII II II IIIII IIIII IIIII I III II IIII 01- 0.0' 01 590V -331 33H 5.50' 0.63 OF ( 625) LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 11'- 9.5' 0/ 590V -33/ 33H 5.50' 0.63 OF ( 625) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP MAX LL DEFL = -0.112' @ 6'- 3.5' Allowed = 0.362' Connector plate prefix designators: AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.232' @ 61- 3.5' Allowed = 0.544' C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.326' @ 6'- 3.5' Allowed = 0.544' M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.232' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005' @ 11'- 4.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.013' @ 11'- 4.0' 5-05-11 0-10-02 5-05-11 Wind: 90 mph, h=30ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 12 12 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, 3.00 c-- a 3.00 interior zone, load duration factor=11.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. O O 1 M -4x6 =M -6x6 4-11 2-01-04 4-09-04 I. L )<PL:24-09-08 11-09-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A75 Scale: 0.5511 N n O EXP. 3/31/13 1/I//Z'< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A75 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design Is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. bottom to be laterally braced All lateral force resisting elements such 3. temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and chords at their length by DES. BY : AM stability bracing must be designed by designerof complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywati(SC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061731fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than . Design assumes tmsses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. for and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is Provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII IIIII II II IIIII IIIII IIIII I III II IIII 8. Digits Indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). N n O EXP. 3/31/13 1/I//Z'< "11111.................. = = M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR; 2x6 OF SS T2 BC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&BTR; 2x8 SP M-23 A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24'OC UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series ( 2 ) complete trusses required. Join together 2 ply with 3'x.131 DIA GUN nails staggered at: 9' oc throughout 2x4 top chords, 9' oc throughout 2x6 top chords, 9' oc throughout 2x4 bottom chords, 9' oc throughout webs. 4-05-11 12 3.00 C---- r- C) ---- 11.09-08 HIP SETBACK 4-06-00 FROM END WALL LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 (Non -Rep) LOADING TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 460 = 86.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 4'• 6.0' V TC UNIF LL( 65.0)+DL( 74:8= 139.8 PLF 4'- 6.0' TO 7'- 3.5' V TC UNIF LL( 40.0)+DL( 46.0)= 86.0 PLF 7'• 3.5' TO 11'- 9.5' V BC UNIF LL( 0.0)+DL( 22.8)= 22.8 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 11'- 9.5' V TC CONC LL( 105.0)+DL( 120.8)= 225.8 LBS @ 4'- 6.0' TC CONC LL( 105.0)+DL( 120.8)= 225.8 LBS @ 71- 3.5' ADDL: TC CONC LL+DL= 200.0 LBS @ 61- 0.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP LOADS AS GIVEN AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. TRUSS NOT SYMMETRICAL, ORIENTATION AS SHOWN. 2-10-02 4-05-11 j200#12 a 3.00 225.80# 225.80# M -4x6 M -3x5 3-07 t. <PL:24-09-08 3-08-13 1-07-13 11-09-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A76 2-09-14 - Th Mign �ed f�Inpuiiput t_ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=(-2144) 0 1- 6=(0) 2008 6. 2=( 0) 170 2. 3=(-2008) 0 6. 7=(0) 2946 6. 3=( -976) 0 3. 4=(-1682) 0 7- 8=(0) 2946 7. 3=( 0) 572 4. 5=(-1784) 0 8- 5=(0) 1664 3. 8=(-1536) 0 8. 4=( 0) 288 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRIG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 1042V -33/ 15H 5.50' 0.56 OF ( 625) 11'- 9.5' 0/ 1042V -33/ 15H 5.50' 0.56 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.089' @ 4'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.362' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.244' @ 4'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.544' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.333' @ 4'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.544' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.244' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0,006' @ 11'- 4.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.017' @ 11'- 4.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=30ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. Scale: 0.4636 EXP. 3/31/13 ?,,//3//2,< OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless uate ted A7 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of eft General Notes for 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review othe Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM 3All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by stab. fry bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywa8(BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061 134 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full besting at all supports shown. Shim or wedge (1 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set IoM by 8. Plates shell be located on both feces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request lines coincide with joint center lines. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 ?,,//3//2,< OF "11111-- M = LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF 918BTR; 2x4 OF 210OF T2 BC: 2x4 OF g16BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF H18BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series M M M M M i M i M _ ThMign �ed f�lnpui_put M -05-08 5-10-12 12 3.00 C�- M -3x12 M -2x4 < <PL:20-07-04 1-03-12 L 11 1-00 1-05-08 TRUSS SPAN 26'- 2.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF ADDL: TC UNIF LL+DL= 72.0 PLF 19'- 3.0' TO 22'- 3.0' V ADDL: TC CONC LL+DL= 144.0 LBS @ 191- 3.0' ADDL: TC CONC LL+DL= 144.0 LBS @ 22'- 3.0' LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. LOADS AS GIVEN 13-01-04 13-01-04 5-09 6-01-12 M -5x7 7.0' 4 �! 5-07-04 6-00-08 25-02-08 L 11-07-12 26-02-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A77 144#► SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC201011BC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 I. 2= -91) 47 8- 9=(-1B) 0 8- 1=( -15) 27 5.13=(•1035) 0 2. 3='-3673) 0 9-10=(-60) 128 1- 9=( -3) 220 12-13=( O) 70 3- 4=(•5222) 0 10-11=( 0) 3750 2. 9=(•1520) 0 13.14=( 0) 2152 4. 5= •5229 0 11-13=( 0) 4890 2-10=( 0) 3450 13. 6=( 0) 2032 5. 6=}•4764] 0 12-14=( 0) 383 10. 3=( •994) 0 14. 6=( -221) 0 6. 7=( -12) 68 14- 7=( 0) 2526 3-11=( O) 1376 6. 7=(-3012) 0 11. 4=( 0) 2081 11. 5=( -204) 305 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 1'- 0.0' 0/ 1469V -98/ 66H 5.50' 1.57 OF ( 625) 26'- 2.5' 0/ 1664V -98/ 66H 5.50' 1.77 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.217' @ 13'- 1.3' Allowed = 0.810' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.631' @ 13'- 1.3' Allowed = 1.215' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.847' @ 131- 1.3' Allowed = 1.215' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.631' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.113' @ 25'- 9.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.331' @ 25'- 9.0' Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 4-10 2-01-08 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord 14411 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with other live loads. 6-03-08 4-08-04 6-01-12 6-11-08 Scale: 0.2564 2-01-08 -01 M -5x80 >PL:21-04-12 EXP. 3/31/13 -. //3//2 .( WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: A7 1. Builder and erection contractor shouts be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for theadesign parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2• o.c. and at 19' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by 2' DATE • 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061135 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shell be located on Doth feces of buss. and placed so (heir center TPINVECA In SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide citle with joint center lines. lines 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 9. indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector Plate desis see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) Max).(MiT and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 2-01-08 -01 M -5x80 >PL:21-04-12 EXP. 3/31/13 -. //3//2 .( VIII ThA ignI a ff�nlpui put LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF f!1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 19'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 9-06 3-06 6-00 12 3.00 t-- M 0 <PL:10-00-1 5-00 =M -4x4 CBC201011BC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 2=(-2278) 0 6. 7=(0) 168 1. 6=(-892) 0 9- 4=S-655) 0 2- 3=(-1731) 0 8- 9=(0) 2288 1- 8=( 0) 2246 4-10=1-162) 11 3- 4=(-1720) 0 9.10=(0) 2241 6- 8=(-208) 0 10-11=( 0) 85 4. 5=(-2273) 0 11-12=(0) 161 7. 8= 0) 69 10-12=(-200) 0 8. 2=�-237) 6 10. 5=( 0) 2218 2. 9=(-691) 0 12- 5=(-894) 0 9- 3=( 0) 440 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 950V -68/ 68H 5.50' 1.01 DF ( 625) 191- 0.0' 0/ 950V -68/ 68H 5.50' 1.01 DF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.060' @ 91- 6.0' Allowed = 0.603' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.135' @ 9'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.904' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.195' @ 9'- 6.0' Allowed = 0.904' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.135' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.028' @ 18'- 8.5' 9-06 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.068' @ 18'- 8.5' Wind: 90 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, 4-06 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 12 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord -o 3.00 live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers which is non -concurrent with Other live loads. 3-04-04 3-06 I 3-04-08 0-01-08 6-01-12 11-01-08 11-00 19-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A78 3x8 0 12 L ,L 5-01-12 4-04-04 rL > 4-04-08 �L ,L 0-01-08 4-04-08 L Scale: 0.3472 EXP. 3/31/13 RNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwisenoted: AWA 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes ign parameters shown. Review 1. This truss design is adequate for theadesign Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY • AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + - 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than . Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329250 design loads be applied to any component. and are for dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes NII bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shell be located on boththfecces of buss, and placed so their center in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request, tines coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII III I IIIITPINVECA 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) end/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 III ThMignI a ff�mpui_put SPATES LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR; 2x4 OF 2100F T2 BC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF qt&BTR; 2x6 OF SS A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON, BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series For hanger specs. - See approved plans r- 0 ,M -3x M -2x, 13-01-04 -05-08 5-10-12 12 3.00 C--- TRUSS SPAN 25'- 7.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 23.0) ON TOP CHORD = 43.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 50.0 PSF LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 5-09 M -5x6 r n" 6-01-12 CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1- 2=( -89) 49 8- 9=(-18) 0 8- 1=( -15) 27 5-13=( -818) 0 2. 3=(-3217) 0 9.10=(-57) 128 1- 9=( -5) 215 12.13=( 0) 64 3- 4=(-4267) 0 10.11=( 0) 3276 2- 9=(-1380) 0 13.14=( 0) 937 4. 5=(-4271) 0 11.13=(0) 3358 2-10=( 0) 3009 13. 6=( 0) 1963 5- 6=(-3256) 0 12-14=( 0) 234 10- 3=( -854) 0 14- 6=( -36) 86 6. 7=( -16) 49 14- 7=( 0) 1166 3-11=( 0) 908 6. 7=(-1696) 0 11- 4=( 0) 1608 11- 5=( 0) 828 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 11- 0.0' 0/ 1333V -98/ 62H 5.50' 1.42 OF ( 625) 25'- 7.0' 0/ 1227V -98/ 62H 5.50' 1.31 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.199' @ 13'- 1.3' Allowed = 0.789' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.444' @ 13'- 1.3', Allowed = 1.183' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.642' @ 13'- 1.3' Allowed = 1.183' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.444' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0,105' @ 25'- 1,5' 12-05-12 MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.261' @ 25'- 1.5' 4-10 1-06 Wind: 90 mph, h=25ft, TCDL=13.8,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 11, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, interior zone, load duration factor=1.6 12 a 3.00 Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2009 due to maintenance workers whirh is nnn-rnnrurrent with nther live loads. a 3.00 3.00 r---- 12 12 r 1-03-12 5-07-04 6-00-08 6-03-08 4-08-04 1-06 1-00 24-07 1-05-08 11-07-12 6-01-12 6-04 I L <PL:20-07-04 25-07 >PL:21-04-12 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A79 Scale: 0.2642 M -3x10 N O 0 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability brat ng must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' O.C. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywafl BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061732 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329315 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes fug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b g I Y B. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss. and placed so their center B. TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincide with joint center lines. III II I I IIIII I II III I11111111111111 III 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 MiTek). M -3x10 N O 0 EXP. 3/31/13 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 11'- 7.0' TC: 4x2 OF N18BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.00 BC: 4x2 OF f!1&BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 4x2 OF g1&BTR; (2)4x2 OF qt&BTR A LOADING LL( 40.0)+DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = 60.0 PSF TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LON. TOTAL LOAD = 67.0 PSF "ENGINEER OF RECORD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN OF LEDGER OR BEAM. HANGER ASSUMES LEDGER OR BEAM CAN ADEQUATELY SUPPORT HANGERS AND LOAD FROM TRUSS. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. 0-10 Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,MI6 = MiTek MT series WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 2-08-04 0-11-08 N O 2 2-07-08 2-07-08 1/8'Tvo r ThMign lWed > of ipu, put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/C1=1.00 1. 3=(-1529) 0 2- 4=(0) 0 2- 1=(-756) 0 7-10=(-625) 0 3. 6=(-1529) 0 4. 5=(0) 2082 1. 4=( O) 1650 10. 9=(-378) 0 6. 7=(-2082) 0 5. 8=(0) 2082 4- 3=(-378) 0 10.12=( 0) 1650 7. 9=(-1529) 0 8.10=(0) 2082 4- 6=(-625) 0 11.12=(-756) 0 9-12=(-1529) 0 10.11=(0) 0 5. 6=( -60) 106 8- 7=( -60) 106 BEARING MAX VERT ERG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' 0/ 776V 3.50' 0.35 OF ( 625) 11'- 7.0' 0/ 776V 2.50' 0.35 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.056' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.369' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.057' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.554' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.113' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.554' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.057' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.010' @ 11'- 5.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.016' @ 11'- 5.5' 2-08-04 ). �. 2-07-08 2-07-08 (. 2-08-04 0-11-08 2-08-04 L <PL:11-00-12 11-07 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B1 Scale: 0.6120 N O EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless oche wise noted: B1 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. 3. An lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by BY: EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa9(BC). DATE: 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031678fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be ed in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes lull bearing at an supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations sot forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. " III III III VIII VIII 111111111111111 I I VIII VIII II I IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plata in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software +7.6.3-SP2(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR4311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). N O EXP. 3/31/13 1"111111M � r LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 4x2 OF NI&BTR BC: 4x2 OF 81&BTR WEBS: 4x2 OF k1&BTR; (2)4x2 OF q19BTR A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. For hanger specs. - See approved plans M -2x4 where shown; Jts:1-2,4,7,9,11 Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 1-03-10 _= = = M M M M M ThEftign owed 4=Dmpui_put I� TRUSS SPAN 12'- 4.3' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.00 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 40.0)+DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = 60.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 67.0 PSF TRUSS NOT SYMMETRICAL. WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT ORIENTATION AS SHOWN. IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 1-08-08 2-06-12 1-10 SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1,00 1. 4=( 0) 0 2- 3=( 0) 0 2- 1=( -32) 0 9.10=( -95) 37 4. 5=( 0) 0 3. 6=(-424) 0 3- 4=( -236) 0 12.11=(-396) 0 5. 7=(-1130) 0 6- 8=(-424) 0 3. 5=( 0) 537 12-13=( 0) 1397 7.10=(-1130) 0 8- 9=( 0) 1294 6- 5=(-1060) 0 14.13=(-644) 0 10.11=(-1294) 0 9-12=( 0) 1294 5. 8=( 0) 1440 11-13=(-1294) 0 12.14=( 0) 0 8- 7=( -381) 0 8.10=( -318) 0 BEARING MAX VERT BRG REQUIRED ERG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 2'- 6.3' 0/ 1045V 5.50' 0.45 OF ( 625) 12'- 4.3' 0/ 639V 2.50' 0.29 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.083' @ 7'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.306' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.064' @ 7'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.458' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.128' @ 7'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.458' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL OEFL)= 0.064' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.005' @ 12'- 2.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.007' @ 12'- 2.8' 1-04-02 2-07-08 2-08-04 1/8'Tvb I. 1-04-02 Lam. 2-07-08 L �, 2-08-04 L 1-03-10 2-06-12 1-10 2-06-04 9-10 12-04-04 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B2 Scale: 0.5715 N O EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS:GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. Builder end erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval Is the responstbifity of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by drywall BC). DATE: 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060287 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329174 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes N9 bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 7.Design assumes adequate drainage Is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shag be located on both laces of Wss, and placed so their center TPIANfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. IIII I VIII I I II II III 11111111111111 III IIII IIII 9. Digits indicate site of plate in inches. CompuTrus, CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basicig values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) ghee design i N O EXP. 3/31/13 "111111A = w= s= w M M M== LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 02 OF N18BTR BC: 4x2 OF H18BTR WEBS: 4x2 OF /l18BTR; (2)4x2 OF R18BTR A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. For hanger specs. - See approved plans M -2x4 where shown; Jts:1-2,4,7,9,11 Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,MlBHS,M16 = MiTek MT series 1-01-14 1 t N C7 2 1-03-10 1-04-02 TRUSS SPAN 13'- 1.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.00 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 40.0)+DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = 60.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 67.0 PSF WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 2-06 2-08-04 2-07-08 1/8"Tvo TRUSS NOT SYMMETRICAL. ORIENTATION AS SHOWN. 2-06 2-07-08 M ThMign'M,ed 1_OMPUMPut _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 4=( 0) 0 2- 3=( 0) 0 2- 1=( -32) 0 9.10=( 0) 36 4. 5=( 0) 0 3- 6=(-419) 0 3- 4=( -234) 0 10.12=(-456) 0 5- 7=(-1264) 0 6. 8=(-419) 0 3. 5=( 0) 531 12-11=(-339) 0 7-10=(-1264) 0 8. 9=( 0) 1700 6. 5=(-1096) 0 12-13=( 0) 1387 10-11=(-1276) 0 9.12=( 0) 1700 S. 8=( 0) 1561 14-13=(-676) 0 11.13=(-1276) 0 12.14=( 0) 0 8- 7=( -329) 0 8.10=( -541) 0 BEARING MAX VERT ERG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 2'- 6.2' 0/ 1095V 5.50' 0.47 OF ( 625) 13'- 1.7' 0/ 694V 2.50' 0.32 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.042' @ 7'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.332' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.038' @ 7'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.498' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.076' @ 7'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.498' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.038' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.007' @ 13'- 0.2' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.011' @ 13'- 0.2' 2-06-12 <PL:11-00-12 1-04-02 2-07-08 1-03-10 2-08-04 2-07-08 2-06-12 2-06-04 10-07-08 L L 13-01-12 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B3 Scale: 0.5221 N O EXP. 3/31/13 �- 1/3//Z ,< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: B3 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences, and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM steWtiry bredng must be designed M designer of complete simcture. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE: 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060288 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329174 design loads be applied to any component. and are for *dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes lull bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. eis provided. 7. Design assumes adequate drainboth 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by S. Plates shell be located an both laces of truss, end placed so their center TPINVECA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. fines coincide with joint center lines. III III I II I III I II I I III II II IIII III 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1938 (MiTek). N O EXP. 3/31/13 �- 1/3//Z ,< LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 4x2 OF N1&BTR BC: 42 OF IY1&BTR WEBS: 4x2 OF H1&BTR; (2)4x2 OF q1&BTR A TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc U,M2OHS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N O < 2-08-04 TRUSS SPAN 11'- 8.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.00 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 40.0)+DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = 60.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 67.0 PSF WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 0-10 0-11-08 2-07-08 2-07-08 1/8"TVD M T11magn owed t ofnpu�put M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1- 3=(-1549) 0 2. 4=(0) 0 2- 1= -766) 0 7-10=(-607) 0 3. 6=(-1549) 0 4- 5=(0) 2127 1. 4=i 0) 1672 10. 9=(-389) 0 6. 7=(-2127) 0 5- 8=(0)2127 4. 3=(-378) 0 10.12=( 0) 1721 7. 9=(-1605) 0 8.10=(0) 2127 4. 6=(-648) 0 11.12=(-764) 0 9-12=(-1605) 0 10.11=(0) 0 5. 6=( -58) 109 8. 7=( -63) 103 BEARING MAX VERT BRIG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 01 784V 5.50' 0.36 OF ( 625) 11'- 8.5' 0/ 784V 2.50' 0.36 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.059' @ 61- 3.2' Allowed = 0.368' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.060' @ 6'- 3.2' Allowed =, 0,552' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.119' @ 6'- 3.2' Allowed = 0.552' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.060' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.010' @ 11'- 7.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.017' @ 11'- 7.0' 2-09-12 I, 2-07-08 d 2-07-08 L i 2-08-04 0-11-08 2-09-12 I. I <PL:11-00-12 11-08-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B4 Scale: 0.5929 N O EXP. 3/31/13 //3//Z �< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: B4 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This Truss design is adequate for thea design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lengg�th by drywall(BC). DATE • 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or continuous 3. 21r Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060289 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329174 design loads be applied to any component, and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes NII bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabdcadon, handling, shipment and installation of components. Design assumes adequate drainage face is ptruss, 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b g I a a. Plates shall be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their center 8. TPIAMfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. r foes coincide with joint center tines. III II I I IIIII III I IIIII IIIII II I II I IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). N O EXP. 3/31/13 //3//Z �< mil III - SPATMABRICAe (MC1lWmpu�put LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 4x2 OF 91&BTR BC: 4x2 OF p1&BTR WEBS: 4x2 OF N1&BTR; (2)4x2 OF k1&BTR A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON, BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON, M -2x4 where shown; Jts:3,6,10,20-22 Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. TRUSS NOT SYMMETRICAL. ORIENTATION AS SHOWN. TRUSS SPAN 20'- 9.5' CBC20101ISC2009 -MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.00 1. 3= -2508 0 2- 4=( 0) 0 2- 1=(•1296 0 16.19=(•1457) 0 SPACED 24.0' O.C. GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 3. 5= -2508 0 4. 7=( 0) 4065 1. 4=( 0) 2769 20.19=( 0) 121 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review 5. 6=S-5063) 0 7.11=S 0) 5117 4. 3=( -298) 0 22-21=( •20) 14 LOADING and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 6- 8=1.5063) 0 11-13=1 0) 3139 4. 5=(-1718) 0 LL( 40.0)+OL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = 60.0 PSF 8- 9=(•4590) 0 13-16=(-1387) 0 5. 7=( 0) 1102 DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 9.10=(•4590) 0 16-18=( 0) 0 7. 6=( •265) 0 TOTAL LOAD = 67.0 PSF 10.12=(-4590) 0 18-20=( 0) 0 7. 8=( -58) 147 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 12.14=(-1207) 299 20-22=( 0) 0 8-11=( •653) 0 ADDL: TC UNIF LL+DL= 40.0 PLF 17'- 3.5' TO 20'- 9.5' V 14.15=(-1205) 290 11-10=( -255) 0 LOADS AS GIVEN ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 25.0 PLF 0'- 0.0' TO 20'- 9.5' V 14-17=(-1205) 290 11.12=( 0) 1674 15.17=( •523) 1844 12-13=(-2290) 0 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 17.19=( 0) 1391 13-14=( -205) 0 19-21=( 0) 3 13.15=( 0) 2420 IIIII I I I II 16-15=(-1912) 0 II III I 11111111111111 INTPIANfCA BEARING MAX VERT BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. LOCATIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01• 0.0 0/ 1327V 5.50' 0.61 OF ( 625) 17'- 3.5' 0/ 2423V 5.50' 1.04 OF ( 625) 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.230' @ 9'- 0.5' Allowed = 0.546' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = •0.290' @ 9'- 0.5' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = •0.497' @ 9'- 0.5' Allowed = 0.819' 0-09 RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.290' �{ MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.039' @ 17'- 2.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.068' @ 17'- 2.0' 2-04-04 2-02-12 1-05-08 2-02-12 1-05-04 2-05-05 2-02-12 2-02-12 0-09- 4 2-02-12 0 -OT- 07 1-00 1 M -4x10 N O 2 4 < M -3x4 M -4x14 L L- 2-04-04 <PL:11-00-12 M -3x8 M -3x6(2 Flat) M -3x4 1/8°Typ M -4x10 I M -5x6 = M -8x8 M -3x10 4-05-08 �r M -3x6(2 Flat) 1. 4-05-08 4-05-08 17-03-08 20-09-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B5 1-05-04 1-08-12 1-08-12 3-06 Scale: 0.2702 EXP. 3/31/13 ?,, ///2y/// ,l OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: B5 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the lop and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY • EE 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2' and at 10' respectivelyly unless braced throughout their len th by stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous hill and/or drywall�C). continuous sheathing such as eying where DATE • 11 / 29 / 2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. p M 9 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ r aired s • 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5031682 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 326784- design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes fug bearing at a9 supports shown. Shim or wedge II 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by B. Plates shell be located on both laces of buss. and placed so their center in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center goes. IIIII I I I II II II III I 11111111111111 INTPIANfCA 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software +7.6.3-SP2(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 ?,, ///2y/// ,l OF VIII M ThMiBg. RICA- Mad(MC)1r rnpu jnput M SPATES FA LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS M -2x4 6 TRUSS SPAN 17'- 3.5' M -3x4 9 CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRIDHF/Cq=1.00 TC: 02 OF #1&BTR roWARNINGS: LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.00 1. 3=(-2528) 0 2- 4=(0) 0 2. 1=(-1306) 0 11-10=( -343) 0 BC: 4x2 OF #1&BTR SPACED 24.0. O.C. 3. 5=(-2528) 0 4. 7=(0) 4133 1- 4=( 0) 2791 11.12=( 0) 1136 WEBS: 4x2 OF #1&BTR; LO 2 5. 6=(-5189) 0 7. 8=(0) 5354 4. 3=( -299) 0 12.14=(-1778) 0 (2)4x2 OF #1&BTR A 11 LOADING 6- 9=(-5189) 0 8.11=(0) 5168 4. 5=(-1771)0 14.13=( -296) 0 M -3x4 M -3x5 LL( 40.0)+DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = 60.0 PSF 9.10=(-5354) 0 11-14=(0) 4138 5- 7=( 0) 1165 14.16=( 0) 2789 TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 10.12=(-5168) 0 14-15=(0) 0 7- 6=( -281) 0 15.16=(-1306) 0 BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. LION. TOTAL LOAD = 67.0 PSF 12.13=(-2527) 0 7- 9=( -180) 0 are complete and at no time any loads greater than shouldSEQ. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326784 13.16=(-2527) 0 8- 9=( -140) 0 Connector plate prefix designators: ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 10.0 PSF 0'- 0.0' TO 17'- 3.5' V S. CompuTrus has no control over end assumes no responsibility for the 8.10=( 0) 233 C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. M,M2OHS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series BEARING MAX VERT BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOADS AS GIVEN LOCATIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT II III III 0'- 0.0' O/ 1331V 5.50' 0,61 OF ( 625) IMPROPER INSTALLATION. VIII I II VIII IIII 171- 3.5' O/ 1331V 5.50' 0.61 OF ( 625) TRUSS NOT SYMMETRICAL. 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. ORIENTATION AS SHOWN. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E MAX LL DEFL = -0.233' @ 9'- 1.3' Allowed = 0.546' 1-03 MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.322' @ 9'- 1.3' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.555' @ 9'- 1.3' Allowed = 0.819' and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). -� RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.322' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0,037' @ 17'- 2.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.071' @ 17'- 2.0' 2-04-04 2-02-12 1-04-08 2-02-12 2-02-12 2-03-08 2-02-12 11, 2-04-04 .11 M -4x10 M -2x4 M -3x8 1 3 5 M -2x4 6 1/8'Typ M -3x4 9 M -3x4 10 roWARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes ++ L LO 2 4 7 8 11 M -3x4 M -4x14 M -3x8 M -3x4 M -3x5 3. All lateral force resisting elements such es temporary antl permanent 2. Design assumes Ne top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY EE 1/8'Typ stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. at 4-05-08 1-04-08 M -3x8 M -2x4 M -4x10 12 13 16 N O I 14 15 M -4x14 M -3x4 1 2-04-04 1 2-04-04 2-03-08 4-05-08 � L <PL:11-00-12 17-03-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B6 Scale: 0.4364 EXP. 3/31/13 0 29 61 14 OF roWARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such es temporary antl permanent 2. Design assumes Ne top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY EE stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. at 2' and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE • 11/29/2011 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component unlit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. : 5031683fasteners are complete and at no time any loads greater than shouldSEQ. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, TRANS I D : 326784 design loads be applied to any component. and are for *dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over end assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss. and placed so their center 7PI/WfCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. fines coincide with joint center tines. II III III II II VIII VIII I II VIII IIII IIII 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate tlesign values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 0 29 61 14 OF JR11111M.=......MM===M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 4x2 OF #1&BTR BC: 4x2 OF #1&BTR WEBS: 4x2 OF #1&BTR; (2)4x2 OF #1&BTR A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. MON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. MON. .. For hanger specs. - See approved plans M -2x4 where shown; Jts:1.2,4,7,9,11 Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 1-01-14 2-06 N O <PL:11-00-12 1-03-10 2.08-04 1-04-02 TRUSS SPAN 13'- 1.7' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.00 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 40.0)+DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = 60.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 67.0 PSF WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 2-07-08 1/8'Tvp 2-06 2-07-08 TRUSS NOT SYMMETRICAL. ORIENTATION AS SHOWN. 2-06-12 1-04-02 I 1 2-07-08 1-03-10 2-08-04 2-06-04 13-01-12 10-07-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B7 2-07-08 2-06-12 _ ThMign N•ed f�lnpui_put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1- 4=( -142) 142 2. 3=( O) 0 2- 1=( -32) 0 9.10=( 0) 41 4. 5=( -394) 394 3. 6=( -419) 0 3. 4=( -234) 0 10.12=(-1114) 347 5. 7=(-1264) 0 6. 8=(-3000) 2222 3. 5=( O) 531 12-11=( -342) 0 7-10=(-1719) 0 8. 9=( 0) 2905 6- 5=(-1360) 0 12.13=( 0) 1993 10-11=(-1373) 0 9-12=( 0) 2905 5. 8=( 0) 2293 14.13=( -914) 0 11.13=(-1564) 0 12-14=(-2629) 2629 117=( -3351 0 8.10=(-1272 190 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 2'- 6.2' 0/ 1359V -2629/ 2629H 5.50' 0.58 OF ( 625) 13'- 1.7' 0/ 931V -26291 2629H 2.50' 0.43 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.065' @ 01- 1.5' Allowed = 0.168' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.038' @ 7'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.498' MAX TL DEFL = -0.088' @ 7'- 11.5' Allowed = 0.498' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.038' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.023' @ 13'- 0.2' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.027' @ 13'- 0.2' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. N O Scale: 0.4174 EXP- 3/31/13 -OF CAUF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, noted: B 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is atlequate (or the design parameters shown. Review uaterfor the is adequate Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stabiity bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2'o.c. and at 10' ex. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE • 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywati(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060290 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329174 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes NII bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPINVECA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. III III III III I I I II II VIII III I III IIII 9.Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP- 3/31/13 -OF CAUF IIIIII ' i M Th�ign "Wed 1_olnpu�put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 11'- 1.5' CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDFICq=1.00 TC: 4x2 OF H1&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.00 B 1- 3=(-1498 0 2. 4=(0) 0 2- 1=(-727) 0 7-10=(-557) 0 BC: 4x2 OF q1&BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. Truss: 3. 6=(-1498j 0 4. 5=(0) 1979 1. 4=( 0) 1612 10. 9=(-375) 0 WEBS: 4x2 OF 91&BTR and Warnings before construction commences. and approval Is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 6. 7=(-1979) 0 5- 8=(0)1979 4. 3=(-375) 0 10.12=( 0) 1612 LOADING 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 7- 9=(-1498) 0 8.10=(0) 1979 4- 6=(-557) 0 11.12=(-727) 0 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LL( 40.0)+DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = 60.0 PSF 9.12=(-1498) 0 10.11=(0) 0 5. 6=( -73) 113 BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 8. 7=( -73) 113 2' o.c. and at 10'0.c. respectively unless braced throughout their tonggth by ?BC). TOTAL LOAD = 67.0 PSF CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. M -2x4 where shown; Jts:2.3,5,8.9,11 BEARING MAX VERT BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH Unbalanced live loads have been SEQ. : 5060291 LOCATIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) considered for this design. TRANS I D : 329174 01- 0.0' O/ 745V 2.50' 0.34 OF ( 625) and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes lug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT 11'- 1.5' O/ 745V 2.50' 0.34 OF ( 625) Connector plateprefix designators: IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series MAX LL DEFL = -0.052' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.357' 0-04-08 TPINVTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.052' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.535' III II I MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.104' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.535' I III III RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.052' I IIII III MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.009' @ 11'- 0.8' 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.014' @ 11'- 0.8' 2-08-04 0-06 2-08-04 2-07-08 2-07-08 < 1/8'Tvo 6 2-07-08 �L 2-07-08 L j 2-08-04 0-06 2-08-04 t. I <PL:11-00-12 11-01-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B8 Scale: 0.5872 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES unless otherwise noted: B 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval Is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10'0.c. respectively unless braced throughout their tonggth by ?BC). DATE • 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as pywood sheathing(M) and/or drywall 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060291 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a nonKorrostve environment, TRANS I D : 329174 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes lug bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by S. Plates shall be located on both feces of buss, and placed so their center TPINVTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. III II I VIII I III III I II I IIII III 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) ghee design ESR connector aFor nd/or 311. E EXP. 3/31/13 VIIISPATES FABRICATORS SWe IlMmpu�put M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 4x2 OF k1&BTR BC: 4x2 OF q1&BTR WEBS: 4x2 OF k1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,Ml8HS,Mi6 = MiTek MT series o M -3x4 <PL:11-00-12 TRUSS SPAN 4'- 0.0' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.00 SPACED 16.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 40.0)+DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = TOTAL LOAD = 1-00 2-08-04 1-03-12 1/8"TVD 2-08-04 4-00 1-03-12 0 M -3x4 0 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B10 Scale: 0.7476 CBC2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 GENERAL NOTES, noted: 3. 5=(0) 0 4- '=()01- 2=( 0) 22 8- 9=(-97) 0 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of a8 General Notes 5. 7=(0) 0 6. 8=(0) 0 4- 1=(-132) 0 13.14=(-66) 0 and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stab Dry bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. st CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or buss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2• o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their Ion by nggt continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywail(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 11.12=( -89) 0 9- 7=(-97) 0 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b e 1 r TPINVTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 1- 3=(-132) 0 9.10=( 0) 16 60.0 PSF 3- 6=( 0) 0 7.0 PSF 6. 5=( -90) 0 67.0 PSF BEARINGMAX VERT BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 179V 5.50' 0.08 OF 4'- 0.0' OI 179V 5.50' �625) 0.08 OF 625) WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.050' @ 2'- 8.2' Allowed = 0.103' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.050' @ 2'- 8.2' Allowed = 0.154' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.100' @ 2'- 8.2' Allowed = 0.154' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.050' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.000' @ 3'- 9.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.000' @ 3'- 9.8' M -3x4 0 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B10 Scale: 0.7476 EXP. 3/31/13 OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, noted: B O 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of a8 General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review uaterfor the is adequate Truss: DES. BY: AM DATE: 1/5/2012 and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stab Dry bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. st CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or buss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2• o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their Ion by nggt continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywail(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + SEQ. : TRANS IIIIII I I VIII 5060292 I D : 329174 VIII IIII VIII II I IIII IIII 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b e 1 r TPINVTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses ere to be used in a noncorrosive environment. and are for dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage face is provided. 8. Plates shell be located on both feces of buss. and placed so their center Dies coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits indicate size of p plate in inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 OF II IIII SPATMABRICAeTORS f(OD) fnput_put LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 4x2 OF H18BTR BC: 4x2 OF N16BTR WEBS: 4x2 OF H18BTR; (2)4x2 OF N16BTR A TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connectorplate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N O < WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 2-08-04 TRUSS SPAN 11'- 7.0' CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.00 I. 3=(-1750) 0 2- 4=(-2316) 2316 2- 1=( -966) 0 7.10=(-1311) 120 SPACED 24.0' O.C. 3. 6=(-1829) 0 4. 5=( 0) 3234 1- 4=( 0) 2193 10. 9=( -392) 0 B1 6. 7=(-2089) 0 5- 8=( 0)3234 4. 3=( -392) 0 10.12= 0) 2193 LOADING 7- 9=(-1829) 0 8.10=( 0) 3234 4. 6=(-1311) 120 11.12=� -966) 0 LL( 40.0)+DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = 60.0 PSF 9.12=(-1750) 0 10.11=(-2316) 2316 5- 6=( -108) 154 OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF and approval is the responsibility of the building designer. not the truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their len by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa0(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 8- 7=( -108) 154 TOTAL LOAD = 67.0 PSF 4. No load should be applied to any component unlit after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design bads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. G. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by in aCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes busses are to be used in a non-conos ve environment, and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full beating at a0 Supports shown. Shim or wedge it necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage isProvided. 8. Plates shall be located on both feces of truss, and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center tines. 9. Digits indicate size of plate In Inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) ForESR-1311, ESR -1888 (rwiTek). BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 0/ 989V -2317/ 2317H 3.50' 0.45 OF ( 625) 11'- 7.0' 0/ 989V -2317/ 2317H 2.50' 0.45 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.100' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.369' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.057' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.554' MAX TL DEFL = -0.138' @ 51- 3.8' Allowed = 0.554' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.057' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.026' @ 11'- 5.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.033' @ 11'- 5.5' 0-10 ,f- This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term 1 ding (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. 0-11-08 - 2-08-04 200.00 G 2-07-08 1/8'TVD 2-07-08 1. I. 2-07-08 1, 1 2-07-08 I, r 2-08-04 0-11-08 2-08-04 L I <PL:11-00-12 11-07 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B11 Scale: 0.5245 N O EXP. 3/31/13 ,/ tENGIN% WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted B1 1 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: DES. BY: DATE: AM 12/1/2011 and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of can structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer. not the truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their len by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa0(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : TRANS IIII II III) VIII 5034482 I D : 327074 11111111111111 II VIII III II I I II IN 4. No load should be applied to any component unlit after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design bads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. G. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by in aCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes busses are to be used in a non-conos ve environment, and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full beating at a0 Supports shown. Shim or wedge it necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage isProvided. 8. Plates shall be located on both feces of truss, and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center tines. 9. Digits indicate size of plate In Inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) ForESR-1311, ESR -1888 (rwiTek). N O EXP. 3/31/13 ,/ tENGIN% II IIII SPATES ABRICMire(MC�DIDpuMput _ LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 4x2 OF g18BTR BC: 4x2 OF N18BTR WEBS: 4x2 OF N18BTR; (2)4x2 DF qt&BTR A TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. '• For hanger specs. - See approved plans M -2x4 where shown; Jts:1-2,4,7,9,11 Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N O TRUSS SPAN 12'- 4.3' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.00 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 40.0){DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = 60.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 67.0 PSF TRUSS NOT SYMMETRICAL ORIENTATION AS SHOWN. WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 1-08-08 0 1-03-10 2-06-12 1-10 If 1-04-02 2-07-08 2-08-04 1/8'TVD <PL:11-00-12 I. �. 1-04-02 L �, 2-07-08 L 2-08-04 1-03-10 2-06-12 1-10 2-06-04 9-10 12-04-04 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B12 CBC20101IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1. 4=( -142) 142 2. 3=( 0) 0 2. 1=( -32) 0 9.10=(-249) 141 4. 5=( -394) 394 3. 6=( -440) 0 3. 4=( -236) 0 12.11=(-559) 0 5. 7= -1130) 0 6. 8=(-2843) 2030 3- 5=( 0) 557 12-13=( 0) 2259 7.10='-1635) 0 8- 9=( -377) 2773 6. 5=(-1304) 0 14-13=(-926) 0 10.11=(-1372) 0 9.12=( -377) 2773 5- 8=( 0) 2067 11-13=(-1811) 0 12-14=(-2470) 2470 1-7=( -447) 0 8-10=(-1350) 771 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ ERG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 2'- 6.3' 0/ 1314V -2471/ 2471H 5.50' 0.56 OF ( 625) 12'- 4.3' 0/ 879V -2471/ 2471H 2.50' 0.40 OF ( 625) Scale: 0.4465 N O VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TLcL/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.219' @ 7'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.306' MAX DL DEFL = -0.154' @ 9'- 8.0' Allowed = 0.458' MAX TL DEFL = -0.262' @ 7'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.458' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.154' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.020' @ 2'- 7.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.022' @ 2'- 7.8' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creepy in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 ELF DRAG LOAD,_ EXP. 3/31/13 ,,. i/3//2 ,< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: B1 2 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of an General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2X4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or buss engineer. DES. 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by BY AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of can structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywan BC). continuous DATE: 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + . 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060293 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329174 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes lull bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and Installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Isrovi 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both laces of truss.s. and placed so their center in BCSI, espies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. IIII III III VIII I VIII 11111111111111 III II II IIII IN 9. Digits indicate site of plate In inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E CompuTrus, 10. For basic connector Plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR-1988(MiTek). N O VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TLcL/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.219' @ 7'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.306' MAX DL DEFL = -0.154' @ 9'- 8.0' Allowed = 0.458' MAX TL DEFL = -0.262' @ 7'- 10.0' Allowed = 0.458' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.154' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.020' @ 2'- 7.8' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.022' @ 2'- 7.8' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creepy in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. COND. 2: 200.00 ELF DRAG LOAD,_ EXP. 3/31/13 ,,. i/3//2 ,< "11111M = M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 4x2 OF #l&BTR BC: 4x2 OF #I&BTR WEBS: 4x2 OF #18BTR; (2)4x2 DF #188TR A TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc 1I,M2OHS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series TRUSS SPAN 17'- 3.5' LOAD DURATIONINCREASE = 1.00 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 40.0)+DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = 60.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 67.0 PSF ADDL: BC UNIF LL+DL= 10.0 PSF 0'- 0.0' TO 17'- 3.5' V WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. LOADS AS GIVEN 2-04-04 2-02-12 1-04-08 2-02-12 2-03-08 1/8'TYp M -4x10 M -2x4 M-30 M -2x4 M -3x4 M -3x4 1 3 5 6 9 11 N O ++ 2 4 7 8 10 < I M -4x4 M -6x14 M -3x8 M -3x4 M -3x5 1/8'TVp 4-05-08 1-04-08 FII1P3Pa - _ Th; ign Med f�mput�ut l� SPATES FABRICATORS (OD) CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 1- 3=(-2860) 0 2. 4=(-3458) 3458 2. 1=(-1490) 0 10.11=S -547) 0 3. 5=(-2941) 0 4. 7=( 0) 6727 1- 4=( 0) 3395 10-12=1 0) 1518 5- 6=(-5526) 0 7. 8=( 0)7060 4- 3=( -305) 0 12-14=(-2330) 0 6- 9=(-5499) 0 8-10=( 0) 7139 4. 5=(-2300) 0 14.13=( -261)0 9-11=(-5609) 0 10.14=( 0) 6735 5. 7=( 0) 1550 14.15=( 0) 3314 11-12=(-5506) 0 14.16=(-3390) 3506 7. 6=( -292) 0 16.15=(-1490) 0 12-13=(-2926) 0 7. 9=( -676) 303 13-15=(-2845) 0 8- 9=( -341) 64 8-11=( -98) 581 BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED ERG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 0'- 0.0' 0/ 1530V -3458/ 3458H 5.50' 0.70 OF ( 625) 17'- 3.5' 0/ 1530V -3458/ 3458H 5.50' 0.70 OF ( 625) VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.305' @ 9'- 1.3' Allowed = 0.546' MAX OL CREEP DEFL = -0.329' @ 9'- 1.3' Allowed = 0.819' MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.566' @ 9'- 1.3' Allowed = 0.819' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.329' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.066' @ 0'- 1.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = -0.097' @ 0'- 1.5' 2-02-12 CO D. : 200.00 Pl. ' 2-04-04 M-300 M -2x4 M-400 12 13 15 N O 14 16 M -6x14 IIM-4x4 2-04-04 2-04-04 2-03-08 4-05-08 � L j<PL:11-00-12 17-03-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B13 Scale: 0.4359 EXP. 3/31/13 ?,!//2'//// '< OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, noted: Truss: B 1 3 DES. BY: AM DATE: 12/1/2011 1. builder and erection contactor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. All lateral torte resisting elements such as temporary and permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. isunless adequate for the 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at and at 10' hin respectively unless bathed throughout their lenggth by contlnuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(fiC). continuous 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5034484 TRANS I D : 327074 1111 1 111 111 11 111111 11 111111111 11111 4. No bad should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth 9 1 by TPIANICA in bCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request, CompuTrus, Inc. Software +7.6.3-SP2(1 Q -E 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes busses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing et e8 supports shown. Shim or wedge it necessary. d. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage Is f truss, a 8. Plates shalt a located on both feces of truss, and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center foes. 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) end/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 ?,!//2'//// '< OF II IIII ThA i n $WeCATORS ( OMPUMPut LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 4x2 OF H1&BTR BC: 42 OF q1&BTR WEBS: 4x2 OF ft1&BTR; (2)4x2 OF q1&BTR A TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 1210C. UON. Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,C18,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc U,M20HS,M18H$,Mi6 = MiTek MT series N O < <PL:11-00-12 2-08-04 TRUSS SPAN 11'- 8.5' LOAD DURATION INCREASE= 1.00 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 40.0)+DL( 20.0) ON TOP CHORD = DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = TOTAL LOAD = WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 0-11-08 1-01 C8C2010/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WRIGOF/Cq=1.00 1- 3=(-1768)0 2. 4=(-2341) 2341 2- 1=( -974) 0 7-10=(-1350 115 3- 6=(-1853) 0 4. 5=( 0) 3287 1. 4=( 0) 2212 10- 9=( -396 0 6- 7=(-2130) 0 5- 8=( 0) 3287 4. 3=( -396) 0 10.12=( 0) 2212 7- 9=(-1853) 0 8.10=( 0) 3287 4. 6=(-1350) 115 11-12=( -974) 0 60.0 PSF 9-12=(-1767) 0 10.11=(-2341) 2341 5. 6=( -111) 158 7.0 PSF 8- 7=( -111) 158 67.0 PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REOUIRED BRG LENGTH LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) 01- 0.0' 01 997V -2342/ 2342H 5.50' 0.46 OF ( 625) 11'- 8.5' O1 997V -23421 2342H 2.50' 0.46 OF ( 625) 2-07-08 2-07-08 1/8'TVD 2-08-04 L L 2-07-08 L L 2-07-08 �, L 2-08-04 1-01 2-08-04 11-08-08 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B14 Scale: 0.5054 VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.109' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.368' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.059' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.552' MAX TL DEFL = .0.148' @ 51- 3.8' Allowed = 0.552' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.059' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.027' @ 11'- 7.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.034' @ 11'- 7.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creepy in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. ICOND. 2: 200.00 a EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL unless uate ted: B 1 4 1. Builder and erection contractor shouts be advised of all General Notes for the 1. This Truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review sdesig Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporaryand permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY • AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their len&gth by DATE: 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or dry.U$c). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060294 fasteners are complete and at no Uma should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329174 design loads be applied to any component. and are for *dry condition' o1 use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. T. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b 0 I 8. Plates shall located on both laces of truss. and placed so (heir center r TPIANfCA in BCSI. copies of which will be furnished upon request, a fines coincide with joint center fines. VIII VIII VIII I I II I III II II I II IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR-19881MiTek). VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.109' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.368' MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.059' @ 5'- 3.8' Allowed = 0.552' MAX TL DEFL = .0.148' @ 51- 3.8' Allowed = 0.552' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.059' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.027' @ 11'- 7.0' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.034' @ 11'- 7.0' This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creepy in the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. ICOND. 2: 200.00 a EXP. 3/31/13 "111111M = = LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC:4x2 OF kt&BTR BC: 4x2 OF q1&BTR WEBS: 4x2 OF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CNIB (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,920HS,MIBHS,M16 = MiTek MT series _ Th�ign �ed t_olnpu�put _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) TRUSS SPAN 1'- 2.1' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. ::M -4x4 M -3x4 1 2 + I I I 0 0 I I M -3x4 =M -4x4 < 3 4 <PL: 0-00-00 L 1-02-02 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - A Scale: 1.0000 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span.UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. i EXP. 3/31/13 ­". /13//2'4 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, ted Truss: A DES. BY: AM DATE • 1/6/2012 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. All lateral2. l force resisting elements such temporary end permanent stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing- is adequate 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review uaterfor the and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the truss designer or truss engineer. Design assumes the lop and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2• o.c. and at IV o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywo C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ /� SE SG Q . : 5061109 TRANS I D : 329250 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsib tity for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 8. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPIANTCA in BCSI copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorros ve environment. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. Plates shell be located on both feces of truss, and placed so their center Foes coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits indicate size opf plata in ignches. ta, aFornd/or ESR -1311 o'plate de ig ivalues see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span.UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. i EXP. 3/31/13 ­". /13//2'4 "11111M = = M = = M = M M = = LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 1'- 0.4' TC: 4x2 OF N1&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE= 1.25 BC: 4x2 OF 41&BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 4.2 OF 91&BTR LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. N O =M -4x4 M -3x4 4 =M -4x4 1-00-06 <PL: 0-00-00 N O JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - B Scale: 1.0000 _ ThMign Med f�rnput�ut SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) Note -Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments asstated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: B 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bosom chords to be laterally braced at unless braced throughout their length by bracedthroughout BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plyctively g plywood s and/or tlrywan(BC). DATE • 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060384 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329181 design loads be applied to any component, and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth W 8. Plates shall be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their center in SCSI. copies of which will be furnished upon request, tines coincide with joint center lines. IIII II VIII IIII VIII VIII IIII II I IIII IN 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate desiggn values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MITek). _ ThMign Med f�rnput�ut SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) Note -Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments asstated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 I III _ _ _ = = _ _ M = = M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, les TRUSS SPAN 1'- 8.4' TC: 4x2 OF N188TR 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review uate for the is adequate Truss: LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 and Warnings before construction commences. BC: 4x2 OF N1&BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. buss designer or truss engineer. WEBS: 4x2 OF H18BTR 3. All lateral lona resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and boftom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2• o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lengqth by LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TRANS I D : 329181 design loads be applied to any component. TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR tOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. cm O =M -4x4 M -3x4 4 -M-4x4 L L 1-08-06 <PL: 0-00-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - C cm O Scale: 1.0000 w Th Mign PWed f�mpui_put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. ; 350.00 PLF DRAG LOAD, Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismiclIts ding is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, les C 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review uate for the is adequate Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. buss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral lona resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and boftom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2• o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lengqth by DATE: 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060385fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used Ino non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329181 design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and instatlation of components. Design assumes ed drainage is Ptrussed. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b 9 d located on both feces of truss. and placed ar (heir center s. Plates shell ca on 8. r TPIIWTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. a tines coincide with joint center lines. IIIII IIIII I I II II IIIII IIIII III IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). w Th Mign PWed f�mpui_put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. ; 350.00 PLF DRAG LOAD, Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismiclIts ding is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 IIIIII SPATES FABRICAWe( Omput put LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 4x2 OF #16BTR BC: 4x2 OF #1SBTR WEBS: 4x2 OF #16BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON.. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N O TRUSS SPAN 1'- 4.4' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. = M -4x4 M -3x4 < —T— M-3x4 <PL: 0-00-00 1-04-06 =M -4X4 N O JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - D Scale: 1.0000 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachmentsof components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 //3//2 '< OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: D 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. 7. All Is oral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY ' AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. and at respectivelyly unless braced throughout their lengg�th by DATE: 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. c ntin ea hin continuous sheathing such l ptywoodquired here s and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060387teners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-conosive environment. TRANS I D : 329181 design loads be applied to any component. and are for *dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by B. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIIWTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Ines coincide with joint center lines. VIII I I II I I III II II II I IIII III 9. Digits Indicate size of plate in ignchos. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E sic connectorvalues see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) 10. onn c or glato design and/orFor i Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachmentsof components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 //3//2 '< OF "111111M=...... = M M = = = M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS E TRUSS SPAN 1'- 2.4' 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review TC: 4x2 OF p1&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE= 1.25 and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the BC: 4x2 OF q1&BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. truss designer or truss engineer. WEBS: 4x2 OF qt&BTR .DES3All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at . BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. LOADING DATE: 1/5/2012 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. SEQ. : 5060388 DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329181 TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. N O =M -4x4 M -3x4 =M -4x4 1-02-06 <PL: 0-00-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - E N O Scale: 1.0000 _ Th�ign M -ed �omput put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. : 350.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note:Trus$ design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UO'. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 ?" 1/3//2,< WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: E 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown �. truss designer or truss engineer. .DES3All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at . BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE: 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown * + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060388 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329181 design loads be applied to any component, and are for -drycondition' of use. 6. Design assumes full beating at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, end placed so their center TPINVTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. 11111 1 1111111 111111 111111111111111 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E connectoR-1311,EPRt1988ig s see ESR•2529 (CompuTrus) 10 Forandbasicor ivalu _ Th�ign M -ed �omput put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. : 350.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note:Trus$ design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UO'. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 ?" 1/3//2,< 0111111--=M=,======M= LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 1'- 5.4' GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: TC: 4x2 OF 1118BTR F LOAD DURATION INCREASE= 1.25 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review BC: 4x2 OF g18BTR SPACED 24.0O.C. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the WEBS: 4x2 OF k18BTR 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. LOADING 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa0(BC). ]. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060386 TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: TRANS I D : 329181 design loads be applied to any component. C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. N O ::M -4x4 M -3x4 4 -M-4x4 L L 1-05-06 <PL: 0-00-00 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - F Scale: 1.0000 Th�ign''ed f_olnpui put M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. : 350.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structuralsystem for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 ENG1N�� �TFOF CAUFj WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: F 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. ]. temporary and permanent All lateral force resisting elements such 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY : AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. T o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/5/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa0(BC). ]. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5060386 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329181 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. B. Design assumes drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b g I caequate B. Plates shell be located on both faces of truss. and placed so their center r TPIAMTCA in BCSI, capias of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincide with joint center lines. 111111 1111 111 11111 11111111 1 1111 9. Digits Indicate size of plate In inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For band/oasic connectorde values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) (MiTek), Th�ign''ed f_olnpui put M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. : 350.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structuralsystem for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 ENG1N�� �TFOF CAUFj "11111 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR BC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,112OHS,Mi8HS,MI6 = MiTek MT series M -5x6 M -3x8 N O V O M -4x5 M -3x5 M -4x5 _ _ M -5x6 I < 3 5 <PL: 0-00-00 1-08-12 TRUSS SPAN 1'- 8.8' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. N O V O 117 WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - G Scale: 0.5500 ThignI a fM rnpui put SPATES Note:TrusS design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span LION. All connections and attachments of components to form the structuralsystem for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments asstated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 N WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, less ted G 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review is adequate for the Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 1Ag lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent . 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. and at respectively unless braced throughout their lengg1th by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood aired in ere s own drywall BC). c ntin ea hitt 3. 2z Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown t + 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061170fasteners are complato and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329252 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by S. Plates shag be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. III III I II II I II I III I III II II I IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1Q -E Ig'nndb85ESR-131 lotglin. ti.ipivaluTali).sseeESR-2529(CompuTrus) ThignI a fM rnpui put SPATES Note:TrusS design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span LION. All connections and attachments of components to form the structuralsystem for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments asstated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 N "111111= = ! GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: = = i M = M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. TRUSS SPAN 1'- 7.3' TC: 2x4 OF H1&BTR truss designer or truss engineer. DES. LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 2. Design assumes the top and bohom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by BC: 2x4 OF N18BTR stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood shoathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). SPACED 24.0' O.C. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. WEBS: 2x4 OF g1&BTR 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. C SEQ. : 5061 1 7 1 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329252 LOADING and are for "dry condition* of use. 6. Design assumes lull bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b 9 I OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF r TPINJfCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center linea. 111111 I III II I VIII I III I IIII II IIII TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) C,CN,CI8,CN1B (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M,M20HS,MIBHS,M16 = MiTek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. =M -6x6 M -3x8 N O O V is M -4x5 M -3x5 M -4x5 _ _ =M -6x6 t 71771771177- I < 3 5 <PL: 0-00-00 1-07-04 uo WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - H Scale: 0.5500 _ ThMign IMed 1_olnpUMput SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. 60.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connectionsand attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 N. WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: H 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bohom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood shoathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE • 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bddging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. C SEQ. : 5061 1 7 1 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used In a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329252 design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition* of use. 6. Design assumes lull bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no conUal over and assumes no responsib fry for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage Is truss, d. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth b 9 I f a center 8. Plates shed be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their r TPINJfCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center linea. 111111 I III II I VIII I III I IIII II IIII 9.Digits Indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -11311,E SR -1988 (MiTek). _ ThMign IMed 1_olnpUMput SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. 60.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connectionsand attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 N. "111111M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 OF 418BTR BC: 2x4 OF k18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF 416BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series =M -5x5 M -3x8 N O C O M -4x5_ =M -5x5 I I — < 3 5 <PL: 0-00-00 1-10-04 M -4x5 M -3x5 TRUSS SPAN 1'• 10.3' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. in WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - J Scale: 0.5500 _ Th�ign $Wed �olnpu�put M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structuralsystem for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: J 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. BY: AM 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c, and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their Ion by stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall C). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061172 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329252 design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by S. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIMITCA in BCSI, copies of which vri0 be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. IIII III III II I VIII III (III (IIII I IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR. 1988 (MiTek). _ Th�ign $Wed �olnpu�put M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structuralsystem for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 "111111..............==MMM WARNINGS: LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS K 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes TRUSS SPAN 1'- 7.3' Truss: TC:2x4 OF qt&BTR and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 truss designer or truss engineer. BC: 2x4 OF q1&BTR 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at SPACED 24.0' O.C. stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. WEBS: 2x4 OF pt&BTR DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5061173 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329252 LOADING end ere for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge II TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: and/or ESR -1311. ESR -1988 (MiTek). C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. N O 7 O to =M -6x6 M -3x8 M -4x5 M -3x5 M -4x5 I I _ _ =M -6x6 J� < 3 5 <PL: 0-00-00 1-07-04 U') WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - K Scale: 0.5500 _ ThMign $Wed 1_Olnpu�put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. 60.00 PLE DRAG LOAD. Note: 7russ design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, otherwise noted: K 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design Is is adequate quate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be Installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c, and at 10' o.c. respectively unless bmced throughout their lenggth by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5061173 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329252 are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. end ere for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge II S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on Doththfecces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. lines coincide with joint center lines. 111111111111111111 111111 111 11111 11111 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311. ESR -1988 (MiTek). _ ThMign $Wed 1_Olnpu�put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. 60.00 PLE DRAG LOAD. Note: 7russ design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 X111111 � M M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x10 SP M-23 BC: 2x4 OF #1&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series =M -5x5 N O rT O N M -3x4 <PL: 0-00-00 _ Th Mign �ed f�mpui_put M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) TRUSS SPAN 1'- 10.4' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1,25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. I, L 1-10-06 M -3x4 =M -5x5 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - M N O O O N WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. Scale: 0.8977 Note: Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments asstated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless oche wise noted M 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility, of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM ' stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ C �1 $E Q 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329252 stens s are complete end at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation on of components. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center TPINYTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. 11111111 11111111111 111111111111) 111 111 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) For ESR-1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). Note: Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments asstated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 011111 M * = M LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x10 SP M-23 BC: 2x4 OF g16BT1 WEBS: 2x4 OF ''&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. MON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON.. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,918HS,M16 = MiTek UT series <PL: 0-00-00 _ S ThM ign �ed f�mpuf put M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) TRUSS SPAN 1'- 10.4' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10PSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. M -3x6 M -2x4 1-10-06 M. JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - N WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. Scale: 1.0000 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: N 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY ' AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete struciure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lengqth by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathiag(TC) and/or drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design trusses to be in : 5061175fasteners TRANS I D : 329252 re complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. assumes are used a non -corrosive environment, and are for -dry condition.' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at as supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by S. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss. and placed so their center TPINVECA in BCSI copies of which will be furnished upon request. Ines coincide with joint center lines. 111 111 (1111 111111111 1 111111111111 9. Digiti indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E nector ghee .vale s see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) 10• and/or ESR -131 9aig Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 11111M..M=M====MM LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 0'- 11.7 - TC: 2x10 SP M-23 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 BC: 2x4 OF k1&BTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&8 TR LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12:0C. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12OC. UON. OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 0 '0 � co 0 rn M -7x6 M -3x10 MHS -3x12 < <PL: 0-00-00 MHS -3x12 M -3x6 M -7x6 0 00 'Co u7 WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - Q Scale: 0.5180 M Th Mign Med f�MPUIIput SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. ' 460.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 //3//2 < _ WARNINGS:._ GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: Q 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary antl permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY ' AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lengqth by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa0(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + + 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. SLIT . : 5061176 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329252 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge it S.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. fines coincide with joint center lines. 1 111111 1 111 111111 111 111 1111 1111 1111 9. Digits indicate size of plate to Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2549 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1088 (MiTek). M Th Mign Med f�MPUIIput SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. ' 460.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 //3//2 < VMIIIII=M=MM==M=M== LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: TRUSS SPAN 1'- 10.2' Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes TC: 2x10 SP 1-23 Truss :and LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the BC: 2x4 OF 418BTR 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. SPACED 24.0' O.C. WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&B TR 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY • AM ' stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' and at 19' respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 LOADING continuous hitt continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) end/or drywall(BC). 7. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF and are for "dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth 9 1 M 8. Plates shell located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. cO 0 co 0 1i =M -5x5 M -3x8 M -4x5 <PL: 0-00-00 1-10-04 M -4x5 M -3x6 =M -5x5 0 co 'CO v7 WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - R Scale: 0.5283 _ ThMign oWed f�mput put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. • 460.00 PLE DRAG LOAD. Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and at of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: R1, Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design Is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss :and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 7. All lateral force resisting elements such es temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY • AM ' stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' and at 19' respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous hitt continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) end/or drywall(BC). 7. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S C �In . . 5061 177 fasteners are complete and at no time should an loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-corroslve environment. TRANS I D : 329252 design loads be applied to any component. and are for "dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes fun bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. 7• Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth 9 1 M 8. Plates shell located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with jointTines. a IIIIII VIII III I I II III I I IIII II IIII ,center 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. onn c oESRto closi s see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) is connector ivalu aFor nd/or _ ThMign oWed f�mput put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. • 460.00 PLE DRAG LOAD. Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and at of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 VIII M M w LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x10 SP M-23 BC: 2x4 OF g18BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF 418BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LION. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series 0 co 0 =M -6x6 M -3x8 M -4x5 <PL: 0-00-00 M -4x5 I IM -4x4 =M -6x6 < 3 5 1-07-04 0 00 'C o> TRUSS SPAN 1'- 7.2' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - S Scale: 0.5283 ThMigneInpui put FABRICATORSSPATES (MC) Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: S 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for theadesign parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or buss engineer. 3. Ali lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY AM stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.p. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywan(BC). 2z Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ SEQ. 5061 178 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design trusses to be in : TRANS I D : 329252 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. assumes are used a noncorrosive environment, and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes NII bearing at a0 supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components, 7. Design assumes adequate drainage IS provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth 9 1 by 8. Plates shall be located on both feces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Ines coincide with joint tenter lines. III I I (II I VIII VIII I III VIII III IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). ThMigneInpui put FABRICATORSSPATES (MC) Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 IIIIIIM====== .M=== GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS T TRUSS SPAN 1'- 4.2' 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review TC: 2x10 SP 1-23 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 and approval is the responsibiity of the building designer, not the BC: 2x4 OF IYISBTR SPACED 24.0' O.C. truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at WEBS: 2x4 OF NISBTR 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporaryand permanent 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length byucture. stab lily bracing must be designed by designer of completestructure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa9(BC). LOADING TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TRANS I D : 329252 design loads be applied to any component. TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: S.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M,M20HS,918HS,M16 = UiTek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. =M -6x6 0 C- M -3x8 to MHS -3x8 I'M -4x4 MHS -3x8 �' _ _ =M -6x6 k < 3 5 <PL: 0-00-00 1-04-04 0 co 0 WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - T Scale: 0.5180 M Thign cared �ofnpuMput _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) COND. 60.00 L D Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structuralsystem for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted T 1. Builder and erection contractor shouts be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibiity of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shorn +. truss designer or truss engineer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporaryand permanent 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length byucture. stab lily bracing must be designed by designer of completestructure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywa9(BC). DATE • 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. S EQ .: 5061179 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329252 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at ail supports shown. Shim or wedge if S.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage isprovided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their center TPIANfCA in SCSI, espies of which will be furnished upon request. tines coincide with joint center fines. III I VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII IN I IIII 9. Digits Indicate size of plate to inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) g and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 iTel,). M Thign cared �ofnpuMput _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) COND. 60.00 L D Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structuralsystem for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 "111111- = = LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x10 SP M-23 BC: 2x4 OF kt&BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. LION BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series co 0 OD 0 M -4x6 M -3x8 4 M -4x5 3 <PL: 0-00-00 2 _ ThMign �ed i ..p.Mput _ SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) M -4x5 M -3x6 6 M -4x6 5 TRUSS SPAN 1'- 11.6' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1GPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 0 CC) 0 LO WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - U Scale: 0-5283 Note: Truss design requires continuous Z= wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 /13//2 < WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design Is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, truss designer or truss engineer. DES. BY: AM 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by stability bradng must be designed by designer of complete stmcture. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bradng required where shown ++ SEQ. : 5061180 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibiaty of the respective contmctor. S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, TRANS I D : 329252 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. and ere for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full beating at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsib tiry for the necessary. labdcation, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 6. Plates shell be located on both feces o1f truss. Vuss, and placed so (heir center TPIANTCA in SCSI, espies of which will be furnished upon request. lines. tines coincide with joint center tines. lines 11111111 11 11111111111 1111 1111 111 9. indicate size of plate in CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 L) -E 10. or p ato es gn values sea ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) aFor ndor ESR 1nec Note: Truss design requires continuous Z= wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 /13//2 < "111111=......=....M..=== WARNINGS: LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS V 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes TRUSS SPAN 1'- 8.7' Truss: TC: 2x10 SP M-23 and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 truss designer or buss engineer. Be: 2x4 OF 01&BTR 1. All lateral force resisting elements such temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at SPACED 24.0' O.C. stability bracing must be designed by designer or complete :structure. WEBS: 2x4 OF #1&B TR DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061181fasteners LOADING S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in noncorrosive environment. TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF Be LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TPI/WTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request, fines coincide with joint center goes. 1111111111111 11111111111 1111111 1 111 TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF Connector plate prefix designators: CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values See ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 0 m 0 M =M -5x5 M -3x8 M -4x5 <PL: 0-00-00 M -4x5 M -3x6 I l-1 =M -5x5 < 3 5 1-08-12 co00 m M WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - V Scale: 0.5283 _ ThMign`--ed f_Dmpu�put M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. : 460.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note: Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: V 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or buss engineer. 1. All lateral force resisting elements such temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY: AM stability bracing must be designed by designer or complete :structure. Z o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061181fasteners era complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in noncorrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329252 design loads be applied to any component. and are for 'dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if S. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage isrovided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shell be located on both feces of truss, and placed so (heir center TPI/WTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request, fines coincide with joint center goes. 1111111111111 11111111111 1111111 1 111 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values See ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) andlor ESR -1311, ESR -1988 ITek). _ ThMign`--ed f_Dmpu�put M SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) CO D. : 460.00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note: Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 IIII LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 200 SP M-23 BC: 2x4 OF 41&BT1 WEBS: 2x4 OF kt&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON.. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N O M -3x6 M -2x4 _ Th�ign Med f�mput�ut SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) 1-10-06 <PL: 0-00-00 TRUSS SPAN 1'- 10.4' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. 2 I I M -2x4 N II � M -3x6 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - X Scale: 1.0000 Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments ofcomponents to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in ad)acent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 �" //3//Z ,< OF C WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, ted: X 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes uaterfor the 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Is adequate Truss : and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. 1. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY ' AM stabitiy bracing must be designed by designer of complete stricture, 2 o.c. and at to' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywall C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061182 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329252 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If S.CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage isprovided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of buss, and placed so their center in BCSI. Copies of which will be furnished upon request. Dies coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII II I VIII VIII II I II II II II IIII7PIANDCA 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inness. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) — - and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments ofcomponents to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in ad)acent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 �" //3//Z ,< OF C IIII = LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x10 SP M-23 BC: 2x4 OF 411BTR WEBS: 2x4 OF 4 18BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12'OC. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. UON. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series N O =M -5x5 D M -2x6 3 <PL: 0-00-00 0-11-06 M TRUSS SPAN 0'- 11.4' LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0){DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 2 M -2x6 N O =M -5x5 4 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - Y WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. Scale: 1.0000 Th�ign - ed f�lnpu>_put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) COND. : 600 00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 OF WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless othe Y 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes for the de 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility of the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. truss designer or truss engineer. DES. BY: AM 3. All lateral farce resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywa8(BC). DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown .. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. SEQ. : 5061 183 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment. TRANS I D : 329252 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition- of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at a9 suppo is shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components.necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage isprovided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center TPINVTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. foes coincide with joint center tines. III II I II I I II VIII III VIII III IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inness. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) antl/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). Th�ign - ed f�lnpu>_put SPATES FABRICATORS (MC) COND. : 600 00 PLF DRAG LOAD. Note:Truss design requires continuous bearing wall for entire span UON. All connections and attachments of components to form the structural system for imposed seismic loading is the responsibility of the engineer of record. Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals in adjacent trusses. Note: Attachments as stated above must account for the component overturning moment. EXP. 3/31/13 OF VIII ThMignI a fM rfpu>_put WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: Z 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review SPATES LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility or the building designer, not the TRUSS SPAN 1'- 7.9' ICOND. 2: 600.00 PLIF DRAG TC: 200 SP M-23 BC: 2x4 OF k1&BTR LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACED 24.0' O.C. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at Note:Truss desi n requires continuous WEBS: 2x4 OF q1&BTR stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 bearing wa 1 for entire span UO;. TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( LOADING 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF All connections and attachments of components to form BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF the structural system for imposed seismic loading is necessary. TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF the responsibility 0f the engineer of record. Connector plate prefix designators: C,CN,CIB,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP Design assumes shear panel to align with verticals M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. in adjacent trusses. TPINVTCA In SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. r Vines coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII Note: Attachments as stated above must account I II III I I III VIII II IIII for the component overturning moment. 1 M -3x6 N O M -2x4 3 <PL: 0-00-00 1-07-14 2 M -2x4 N O M -3x6 4 JOB NAME: Madison Club Lot 113B Old World - Z WARNING: MARK TOP CHORD TO PREVENT IMPROPER INSTALLATION. Scale: 1.0000 EXP. 3/31/13 WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: Z 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This truss design is adequate for the design parameters shown. Review Truss: and Warnings before construction commences. and approval is the responsibility or the building designer, not the 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown *. truss designer or truss engineer. 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at DES. BY • AM ' stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by DATE: 1/6/2012 CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) and/or drywallBC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown SEQ. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. : 5061184teners TRANS I D : 329252 are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, and are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 5. CompuTrus has no control over end assumes no responsibility for the necessary. fabrication, handling, shipment and installation or components. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. n subject 6. This design is furnished to the limitations set forth b 9 I S. 8. Plates shell be located on both feces of truss. and placed so (heir center TPINVTCA In SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. r Vines coincide with joint center lines. IIIIII I I II III I I III VIII II IIII III 9. Digits indicate size of plate in Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software 7.6.3(1 Q -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek). EXP. 3/31/13 BCSII-B►1 SUMoIMARY SHEET - GUIIIDE FOUR HANDLI Spans over 60' may require complex pelam rmanent GENERAL NOTES NOTAS GENERALES Trusses are not marked in any way to identify the Los busses no estdn marrados de ning6n modo que frequency or location of temporary lateral restraint idenbfiquelafrecuendaolocalizad6nderestricd6nlateral and diagonal bracing. Follow the recommendations y arriostre diagonal temporales. Use las recomendadones for handling, installing and temporary restraining de manejo, instalad6n, restdcd6n yardostre temporal de and bracing of trusses. Refer to BCSI - Guide to los trusses. Vea el A711eto BC51- Guia de Buena Prdcfira Good Practice for HandlingInstalling. Restraining para el Maugic. Instalad6n. Restricri6n vArdostre de los & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses de Madera Conectadas con Placas de Metal*** Trusse *** for more detailed information. pard inforn idn mos detallacia. Truss Design Drawings may specify locations of Los dibujas de diseho de los trusses pueden especificar permanent lateral restraint or reinforcement for las localizadones de resMccOn lateral permanente o individual truss members. Refer to the BCSI- refuerzo en los mlembros individuales del truss. Vea la 83*** for more information. All other permanent hoja resumen BCSI-B3*** para mds informaci6n. EI bracing design is the responsibility of the building resto de los disefics de arriostres permanentes son la designer. responsabilidad del disefiador del edificio. AWARNING! The consequences of improper handling, erecting, installing, restraining and bracing can result in a collapse of the structure, or worse, serious personal injury or death. iADVERTENCIA! EI resultado de un manejo, levantamiento, instalaci6n, restriccidin y arrisotre lncorrecto puede ser la caida de la estructura 0 ai)n peor, heridos o muertos. ACAU0111=111 Banding and truss plates have sharp edges. Wear gloves when handling and safety glasses when cutting banding. WAUFMM Chapas de metal benen border afilados. Lleve guantes y lentes protectores cuando Corte las m atadur ls. HANDLING - MANEJO Avoid lateral bending. AcnimmUse Evite la tlexibn lateral. special care in windy weather or near power lines and airports. Spreader bar for truss The contractor is responsible for properly receiving, unloading and storing O O the trusses at the jobsite. Unload trusses to smooth surface to prevent damage. 0 El contrabsta Bene la responsabilidad de recibir, descargar y almacenar adecuadamente IDS trusses en la obra. Descargue los trusses en la derra liso para prevenir el dafio. 0 Trusses may be unloaded directly on the ground at the time of delivery or stored temporarily in contact with the ground after delivery. If trusses are to be stored horizontally for more than one week, place blocking of sufficient height beneath the stack of trusses at 8' (2.4 m) to 10' (3 m) on -center (o.c.). Los trusses pueden ser descargados directamente en el suelo en aquel momento de entrega o almacenados temporalmente en contacto con el suelo despuds de entrega. Si los trusses estardn guardados horizontalmente para mds de una semana, ponga bloqueando de alturd sufidente debris de la pila de los busses a 8 hasta 10 pies en centro (o.c.). Q For trusses stored for more than one week, cover bundles to protect from the environment. Para trusses guardados por mds de una semana, cube los paquetes pard protegedos del ambiente. Refer to BCSI*** for more detailed Information pertaining to handling and jobsite storage of trusses. Vea el folleto BCSI*** para informad6n mds detal- lada sobre el manejo y almacenado de los trusses en Brea de trdbajo. IMMUFMA9 Utilice cuidado especial en dias ventosos o cerca de cables electricos o de aeropuertos. Use proper rig- Use equipo apropiado ging and hoisting para levantar e equipment. improvisar. DO NOT store NO almacene unbraced bundles verticalmente los upright. trusses sueltos. DO NOT store on NO almacene en Cierra uneven ground. desigual. HOISTING AND PLACEMENT OF TRUSS BUNDLES RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR PAQUETES DE TRUSSES DONT overload the crane. NO sobrecargue la gr6a. NEVER use banding to lift a bundle. NUNCA use las atadurds para levantar un r paquete. A single lift point may be used for bundles of top chord pitch trusses up to 45' (13.7 m) and parallel chord trusses of 30' (9.1 m) or less. A WARNING! Do not over load supporting Use at least two lift points for bundles with trusses up to 60' (18.3 m). structure with truss bundle. Use at least 3 lift points for bundles with trusses iADVERTENCLA! No sobrecargue la greater than 60'(18.3 m). estructura apoyada con el paquete de Puede usar un solo lugar de levantar para pa- trusses. quetes de trusses de la cuerda superior hasta 45' R1 Place truss bundles in stable position. y trusses de cuerdas paralelas de 30'o menos. Puede usar dos puntos de levantar para Puse paquetes de trusses en Una posici6n paquetes mds de 60 pies. estable. Use por to mens ties puntos de levantar para paquetes mds de 60 pies. MECHANICAL HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SINGLE TRUSSES RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR TRUSSES INDIVIDUALES Hold each truss in position with the erection equipment until top chord temporary lateral restraint is installed and the truss is fastened to the bearing points. Scstenga cada truss en posicicin con equipo de gr6a hasta que la restriccOn lateral temporal de la cuerda superior este instaladd y el truss esti asegurado en los soporA.... Using a single pick -point at the peak can damage the truss. EI use de un solo lugar en el Pico para levantar puede hacer dan'o al truss. INSTALLATION OF SINGLE TRUSSES BY HAND RECOMMENDACCIONES DE LEVANTAMIENTO DE TRUSSES INDIVIDUALES POR LA MANO 21 Trusses 20' - 1=- 0 Trusses 30' (6.1 m) or (9.1 m) or f less, support less, support at near peak. quarter points. Soporte Soporte de Carta al pito los cuartos IDS trusses 4- Trusses up to 20' I de tramo los I - Trusses up to 30' -1o.de 20 pies o (6.1 m) trusses de 30 (9.1 m) mens. Trusses hasta 20 pies pies o mens. Trusses hasty 30 pies TEMPORARY RESTRAINT & BRACING RESTRICCION Y ARRIOSTRE TEMPORAL MUM Refer to BCSI-82*** for more Top Chord Temporary information. Lateral Restraint Vea el resumen BCSI-B2*** para mos infor- (TCTLR) maci6n. 2x4 min. 0 Locate ground braces for first truss directly in line with all rows of top chord temporary lateral restraint (see table in the next column). Coloque los arriostres de Cierra para el primer =90° truss directamente en linea con cada una de las filas de restnccl6n lateral temporal de la cuerda superior (vea la tabla en la pr6xima Brace first truss columna). �E securely before erection of additional DO NOT walk on trusses. a unbraced trusses. NO camine en trusses 4 sueltos. i�4 D VER TENCl�4 ! HOJ�I RVanoMm� de 60 1 DE BU_ENN,4 STALLING, RESTRAIINIIING AND BRACIING OF TRUSSES ease always consult a Registered Design Professio Plnal. 'STEPS TO SETTING TRUSSES LAS MEDIDAS DE LA INSTALACION DE LOS TRUSSES Q 1) Install ground bracing. 2) Set first truss and attach securely to ground bracing. 3) Set next 4 trusses with short member temporary lateral restraint (see below). 4) Install top chord diagonal bracing (see below). 5) Install web member plane diagonal bracing to stabilize the first five trusses (see below). 6) Install bottom chord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing (see below). 7) Repeat process on groups of four trusses until all trusses are set. 1) Instale los arriostres de Berra. 2) Instale el primero truss y ate seguramente al arriostre de tierra. 3) Instale los pr6ximos 4 trusses con restriccl6n lateral temporal de miembro corto (vea abajo). 4) Instale el arriostre diagonal de la cuerda superior (vea abajo). 5) Instale arriostre diagonal para los plans de los mlembros secundarios para estabilice los primeros cinco trusses (vea abajo). 6) Instale la restriccicin lateral temporal y arriostre diagonal para la cuerda inferior (vea abajo). 7) Repita 6ste procedimiento en grupos de cuatro trusses hasta que todos los trusses est6n instalados. Refer to BCSI-62*** for more information. Vea el resumen BCSI-82*** para mds informaci6n. RESTRAINT/ BRACING FOR ALL PLANES OF TRUSSES RESTRICCION/ARRIOSTRE PARA TODOS PLANOS DE TRUSSES 0 This restraint & bracing method is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses (PCTs). t See top of next column for temporary restraint and bracing of PCTs. Este m6todo de restriccicin y arriostre es para lodo trusses excepto trusses de cuerdas paralelas (PCTs) 3x2 y 4x2. Vea la parte superior de la columna pard la restriccicin y arriostre temporal de PCTs. 1) TOP CHORD - CUERDA SUPERIOR Truss Span Top Chord Temporary Lateral Restraint (TCTLR) Spacing i Espaciamiento del Arriostre Temporal de la Cuerda Superior Up to 30' Approx. 1/2 y (9.1 m) Diagonal braces truss length g' (2.4 m) D.C. max. Tagline TRUSSES UP TO 30' (9.1 45' (13.7 m) - 6' (1.8 m) D.C. max. TRUSSES HASTA 30 PIES not shown for clarity. 60' (18.3 m) - 4' (1.2 m) D.C. max. 80' (24.4 m)* 3/4" Attach reader bar Locate Spreader bar 1116,M. Toe -in T� oe.in above or stiffback ma&. 4' mid -height I y I _ Spbar lira to 5' *Consulte a un Professional Registrado de Disefio para trusses mds X tmss length de 60 pies. 1.5 m' loin. TRUSSES UPTO 60'(16.3 m) y TRUSSES HASTA 60 PIES - I 2r) to S ro tures bar CM Refer to BCSI-B3*** for Gable End Frame re- Tag !no I information. TRUSSES UP TO. AND AVER 60' (1&3 m) Para informaci6n sobre restric- TRUSSES HASTA Y SO -RE 60 PI INSTALLATION OF SINGLE TRUSSES BY HAND RECOMMENDACCIONES DE LEVANTAMIENTO DE TRUSSES INDIVIDUALES POR LA MANO 21 Trusses 20' - 1=- 0 Trusses 30' (6.1 m) or (9.1 m) or f less, support less, support at near peak. quarter points. Soporte Soporte de Carta al pito los cuartos IDS trusses 4- Trusses up to 20' I de tramo los I - Trusses up to 30' -1o.de 20 pies o (6.1 m) trusses de 30 (9.1 m) mens. Trusses hasta 20 pies pies o mens. Trusses hasty 30 pies TEMPORARY RESTRAINT & BRACING RESTRICCION Y ARRIOSTRE TEMPORAL MUM Refer to BCSI-82*** for more Top Chord Temporary information. Lateral Restraint Vea el resumen BCSI-B2*** para mos infor- (TCTLR) maci6n. 2x4 min. 0 Locate ground braces for first truss directly in line with all rows of top chord temporary lateral restraint (see table in the next column). Coloque los arriostres de Cierra para el primer =90° truss directamente en linea con cada una de las filas de restnccl6n lateral temporal de la cuerda superior (vea la tabla en la pr6xima Brace first truss columna). �E securely before erection of additional DO NOT walk on trusses. a unbraced trusses. NO camine en trusses 4 sueltos. i�4 D VER TENCl�4 ! HOJ�I RVanoMm� de 60 1 DE BU_ENN,4 STALLING, RESTRAIINIIING AND BRACIING OF TRUSSES ease always consult a Registered Design Professio Plnal. 'STEPS TO SETTING TRUSSES LAS MEDIDAS DE LA INSTALACION DE LOS TRUSSES Q 1) Install ground bracing. 2) Set first truss and attach securely to ground bracing. 3) Set next 4 trusses with short member temporary lateral restraint (see below). 4) Install top chord diagonal bracing (see below). 5) Install web member plane diagonal bracing to stabilize the first five trusses (see below). 6) Install bottom chord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing (see below). 7) Repeat process on groups of four trusses until all trusses are set. 1) Instale los arriostres de Berra. 2) Instale el primero truss y ate seguramente al arriostre de tierra. 3) Instale los pr6ximos 4 trusses con restriccl6n lateral temporal de miembro corto (vea abajo). 4) Instale el arriostre diagonal de la cuerda superior (vea abajo). 5) Instale arriostre diagonal para los plans de los mlembros secundarios para estabilice los primeros cinco trusses (vea abajo). 6) Instale la restriccicin lateral temporal y arriostre diagonal para la cuerda inferior (vea abajo). 7) Repita 6ste procedimiento en grupos de cuatro trusses hasta que todos los trusses est6n instalados. Refer to BCSI-62*** for more information. Vea el resumen BCSI-82*** para mds informaci6n. RESTRAINT/ BRACING FOR ALL PLANES OF TRUSSES RESTRICCION/ARRIOSTRE PARA TODOS PLANOS DE TRUSSES 0 This restraint & bracing method is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses (PCTs). t See top of next column for temporary restraint and bracing of PCTs. Este m6todo de restriccicin y arriostre es para lodo trusses excepto trusses de cuerdas paralelas (PCTs) 3x2 y 4x2. Vea la parte superior de la columna pard la restriccicin y arriostre temporal de PCTs. 1) TOP CHORD - CUERDA SUPERIOR Truss Span Top Chord Temporary Lateral Restraint (TCTLR) Spacing Longitud de Tramo Espaciamiento del Arriostre Temporal de la Cuerda Superior Up to 30' 10'(3 m) D.C. max. (9.1 m) Diagonal braces 30' (9.1 m) - g' (2.4 m) D.C. max. 45' 13.7 m) 20'(6.1 m) max. 45' (13.7 m) - 6' (1.8 m) D.C. max. 60' (18.3 m) not shown for clarity. 60' (18.3 m) - 4' (1.2 m) D.C. max. 80' (24.4 m)* 3/4" NOTICE . . &A RESTRICCION ,LATERAL Y EL ARRIOSTRE Material DIAGONAL r Bottom chords SON MUY Plywood or OSB 11MPORTANTEs► Diagonal braces Length �I Max. Bow hl /-1 Bow IT Length -► �� every 10 truss spaces 10'(3 m) - 15'(4.6 m) max. Same spacin 20'(6.1 m) max. as bottom chord lateral restraint Note: Some chord and web members Max I 1 i not shown for clarity. 3) BOTTOM CHORD - CUERDA INFERIORZZ 13 mm Lateral Restraints - 2x4x12' or 3/4" greater lapped over two trusses. 1 - Length ► v' ; ' ED Tolerances for Plumb ./line i 19 mm 0.9 m 1^ 25 mm 4' Out -of -Plumb. *Consult a Registered Design Professional for trusses longer than 60' (18.3 m). 5' *Consulte a un Professional Registrado de Disefio para trusses mds de 60 pies. 1.5 m' ED See BCSI-B2*** for TCTLR options. / Vea el BCSI-B2*** para las options de TCTLR. CM Refer to BCSI-B3*** for Gable End Frame re- straint/bracing/ reinforcement information. Para informaci6n sobre restric- d6n/arriostre/refuerzo para Armazones Hastiales vea el 0 Repeat diagonal resumen BCSI-B3*** braces for each set 4 trusses. Note: Ground bracing not shown for clarity. Repit a los arri- sotres diagonales para cada grupo 2) WEB MEMBER PLANE - PLANO DE LOS MIEMBROS SECUNDARIOS de 4 trusses. NOTICE . . &A RESTRICCION ,LATERAL Y EL ARRIOSTRE Material DIAGONAL r Bottom chords SON MUY Plywood or OSB 11MPORTANTEs► Diagonal braces Length �I Max. Bow hl /-1 Bow IT Length -► �� every 10 truss spaces 10'(3 m) - 15'(4.6 m) max. Same spacin 20'(6.1 m) max. as bottom chord lateral restraint Note: Some chord and web members Max I 1 i not shown for clarity. 3) BOTTOM CHORD - CUERDA INFERIORZZ 13 mm Lateral Restraints - 2x4x12' or 3/4" greater lapped over two trusses. 1 - Bottom chords i 10'(3 m)-15'(4.6 m) 1 max. •�•-al Diagonal braces every 10 truss spaces 20'(6.1 m) max. Note: Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. Eal RESTRAINT & BRACING FOR 3x2 AND 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES RESTRICCION YARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3X2 Y 4X2 10' 3 m) or Diagonal bracing Repeat diagonal bracing Refer 15' y4.6 m)' / every 15 truss spaces 30' to BCSI-B7*** for more information. Vea el resumen BCSY-B7*** para Cook%In ����nill j j a� inds n11e51HO o;IidJ_► Apply diagonal brace to vertical webs at end of cantilever and at bearing locations. All lateral restraints lapped at least two trusses. 'Top chord temporary lateral restraint spacing shall be 10' (3 m) cl mal. for 3x2 chords and 15' (4.6 m) cl for 42 chords. INSTALLING - INSTALACION Tolerances for Out -of -Plane. Material Out -of -Plumb Gypsum Board Tolerencias para Fuera-de-Plano. Plywood or OSB D/50 D (ft.) Length �I Max. Bow hl /-1 Bow IT Length -► �� Concrete Block 1 1/4" 6 mm 1' 0.3 m' 34 tiles high Max I 1 i Max. Bow p ; 13 mm 3/4" 3' 1 - Length ► v' ; ' ED Tolerances for Plumb ./line i 19 mm 0.9 m 1^ 25 mm 4' Out -of -Plumb. 1.1/4" 5' Tolerancias para D/50 max I Fuera-de-Plomada. 32 mm 1.5 m' 1-1/2 /1A mml s /� A m' CONSTRUCTION LOADING 45 mm CARGA DE CONSTRUCCION 2^ z DO NOT proceed with construction until all lateral 51 mm restraint and bracing is securely and properly in place. NO proceda con la construccicin hasta que todas las restric- Clones laterales y los arriostres esten colocados en forma apropiada y Segura. DO NOT exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to BCSI-84*** for more information. NO exceda las alturas mdximas de mont6n. Vea el resumen BCSI-B4*** para mos Informacidn. Maximum Stack Height for Material on Trusses Material Height Gypsum Board 12" (305 mm) Plywood or OSB 16" (406 mm) Asphalt Shingles 2 bundles Concrete Block 1 8" (203 mm) Clay Tile 34 tiles high i9 DO NOT overload small groups or single trusses. NO sobrecargue pequen"os grupos o trusses individuales. 19 NEVER stack materials near a peak or at mid -span. NUNCA amorl los materiales cerca de un pico. 0 Place loads over as many trusses as possible. Coloque las cargas sobre Lantos trusses comp sea posible. Position loads over load bearing walls. Coloque las cargas sobre las Paredes soportantes. ALTERATIONS - ALTERACIONES Truss bracing not FITUM Refer to BCSI-B5.*** shown for Clarity. Vea el resumen BCSI-BS.*** DO NOT cut, alter, or drill any structural member of a truss unless specifically permitted by the truss design drawing. NO Corte, altere o perfore ning6n miembro estructural de un truss, a mens que est6 especificamente permitido en el dibujo del disefio del truss. Trusses that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Manufacturer's prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturer's limited warranty null and void. Trusses que se han sobrecargado durante la construcci6n o han sido alterados sin la autorizaci6n previa del Fabdcante de Trusses, pueden hacer nulo y sin efecto la garantia limitada del Fabri- cante de Trusses. "'Contact the Component Manufacturer for more Information or consult a Registered Design Pmfesslonal for assistance. To view a non -printing PDF of this documenL visit www.sbdndustrv.com/bl. NOTE: The truss manufacturer and truss designer rely on the presumption that the contractor and crane operator (if applicable) are professionals with the capability to undertake the work they have agreed to do on any given project. If the contractor believes It needs assistance In some aspect of the construction project, it should seek assistance from a competent parry. The methods and procedures outlined In this document are Intended to enwre that the overall construction techniques employed will put the trusses Into place SAFELY. These recommendations for handling, Installing, restraining and bracing trusses are based upon the collective experience of leading personnel Involved with Wss design, manufacture and Installation, but must, due to the nature of responsibilities Involved, be presented only as a GUIDE for use by a qualified building designer or contracts It Is not Intended that these recommendations be Interpreted as superior to the building designer's design specification for handling, installing, restraining and bradng trusses and It does not preclude the use of other equivalent methods for restraining/bracing and providing stability for the walls, columns, floors, roofs and all the Interrelated structural building components as determined by the contractor. Thus, SBCA and TPI expressly disclaim any responsibility for damages arising from the use, appllcadon, or reliance on the recommendations and Information contained herein. SBCL soon. non. tourca TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 6300 Enterprise lane • Madison, WI 53719 218 N. Lee St., Ste. 312 • Alexandria, VA 22314W 608/274-4849 • www.sbcIndus.com 703/683-1010 * wwwApinst.orq NSTALACION, RESTR�ICCION Y ARRUOSTRE DE LOS TRUSSES faFO r, siempre Consula P te un rofesional Registrado de Disen- C13MpOrus. Inc. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing DETAIL FOR CONVENTIONALLY FRAMED VALLEY FILL VALLEY JACKS SPACED 24" o.c. CLEAR SPAN NOT TO EXCEED 8'-0". FOR SIZE AND GRADE SEE END JACK CHART OR RAFTER SPAN TABLE UNDER APPROPRIATE C.S.I. LOADING. VALLEY PADS 1)6 OR 2 - 20s. JACK POSTS - 2x4's TO BE PLACED UNDER VALLEY JACKS AT NO MORE THAN 8'-0' o.c. AND NAILED TO JACK PURLINS. JACK PURLINS - 2x4x4'-0" SPANNING OVER THREE TRUSSES UNDERNEATH AND PARALLEL TO VALLEY JACKS TO WHICH THE JACK POST SUPPORTS ARE NAILED. RIDGE BOARD - MINIMUM2)6 NO. 2 HEM -FIR. RIDGE POST 2x4's TO BE PLACED UNDER RIDGE BOARD AT NO MORE THAN 5'-0" o.c. AND NAILED TO RIDGE PURLIN. RIDGE PURLIN - 2x4 WHOSE LENGTH IS 1/2 THE VALLEY WIDTH AT THE POINT INDICATED BY A RIDGE POST. ornor 1— FILE NO: CALIF FILL DETAIL DATE: 01/20/08 REF: 25,15-1 DES: SC IBC 2009 / CBC 2010 SEQ: S151509 END WALL, GABLE END OR GIRDER TRUSS A M M M M M M M M M M i M M M M M M M M FOR GABLE ENDS OVER 6'-1' IN HEIGHT CompuTr us. Inc. •• MINIMUM GABLE STUD GRADE 2x4 CONSTRUCTION GRADE DOUG -FIR GABLE STUD SPACING 16- oc Custom Software Enaineerino Manufacturino Design conforms to Main Windforce-Resisting System also Components and Cladding criteria. Wind: 90 mph, h=30ft max, ASCE 7-06, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, ATTACHED WITH 16d DRAG GABLE 90C (+ 6'-l") DATE: 07/01/09 REF: 25-15 DES: SC IBC 2009 / CBC 2010 SEQ: S151507 SHEATHING TO GABLE END NAIL AT 6. o.c. NOTCHED PER OUTLOOKER SPACING PROVIDED 1 STUCCO OR OTHER SHEAR RESISTING MATERIAL ADEQUATE TO RESIST 180 PLF IS ATTACHED TO ONE FACE. STUCCO MUST BE ATTACHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH IBC TABLE 2306.7. 2 GABLE END TRUSS IS ADEQUATELY AND CONTINUOUSLY CONNECTED TO SUPPORTING BEARING WALL. 2x4 BLOCKS WITH 3-16d NAILS EACH END 2x4 BRACE WITH 4-16d NAILS 8d NAIL AT 6- o.c. 2x4 BLOCK WITH 2-16d TOE NAIL EACH END. 2-16d 1-16d 2-16d GABLE STUD 16d at 24- o.c. 16d at 24- o.c. 2-16d CampuTrus. Inc. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing (2) GARI F FND BRACING FOR GABLE END DRAG GABLE 100C (- 6'-1") DATE: 07/01/09 REF: 25-15 DES: SC IBC 2009 / CBC 2010 SEQ: S151508 FOR GABLE ENDS UNDER 6'-1- IN HEIGHT MINIMU M GABLE STUD GRADE - 2x4 DF No 1 8 BTR GABLE STUD SPACING 16- oc CONDITION 2 GABLE END TRUSS MAY RESIST UP TO 180 PLF DRAG LOAD, PROVIDED 1 STUCCOOR OTHER SHEAR RESISTING MATERIAL ADEQUATE TO RESIST 180 PLF IS ATTACHED TO ONE FACE. STUCCO MUST BE ATTACHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH IBC TABLE 2306.7. 2 GABLE END TRUSS IS ADEQUATELY AND CONTINUOUSLY CONNECTED TO SUPPORTING BEARING WALL. 10E AT 16'-0- o.c. OR AT RLINE. ATTACH WITH 16d MOWN IN O. RAL M-21 ATE Design conforms to Main Wind force -Re s isting System also Components and Cladding criteria. Wind: 100 mph, h=30ft max, ASCE 7-05, Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, gable end zone, load duration factor=1.6 M -2.5x4 CUTOUT FOR 4x2 OUTLOOKER CENTER VERTICALS VARY AS REQUIRED BY VENT SIZE OR OUTLOOKER CUTOUT FOR 4)Q OUTLOOKER OFF STUD 1x4 ADD-ON. ATTACH WITH 8d NAILS AT 9- o.c. 02 OUTLOOKER DETAILS OVER STUD �r rr rr r r r r rr �r rr �r rr rr ■r rr r� sr r� �r CampuTrus. lnc. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing FILE NO: Lateral Brace Detail DATE: 07/23/08 SEQ: 2787671 IBC 2009 / CBC 2010 Compression web bracing shown on CompuTrus designs is to resist buckling of those webs. An alternate method to brace the 2x4 bracing shown on a single member truss is to attach "T" bracing. T braci ng is a 2x member placed flat on the web as shown in the figures. 1-2x4 Brace Required 2 or 3-2x4 Braces Shown See appropriate CompuTrus Engineering See appropriate CompuTrus Engineering 2x4 T Brace 2x6 T Brace 2x4 T Brace I-- f Web f Web --a— Web The T brace must be at least 80% of the web length aril is attached with 10d nails at 6"o.c. throughout. Typical at trusses 24"o.c. only. If a 2x4 or 2x6 web requires a single brace, a 2x4 T brace maybe substituted. If a 2x4 or 2x6 web requires 2 or 3 braces, a single 2x6 T brace or a 2x4 T brace attached to the top and bottom of the web may be substituted. The T brace(s) must be of equal or better material than the web. Restraint required at each end of brace and at 20' intervals. Lateral Brace Trusses at 24"o.c. typical 2x4 lateral brace with 2-10d nails per truss. Refer to✓CompuTrus Eng. _I Brace must be 80% of the length of the web. 2x4 T Brace with 10d nails at 6"o.c. I✓ Aft. Lateral Brace M M M= M= r M M M r= M M M M M C13mpOrus. Inc. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing END VERTICAL MAY BE OMITTED IF TOP CHORD IS ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED. M -1x3 SEE CHART 2x4 or 2)6 M -2.5x4 M -1x3 I. SEE CHART FOR MAX SPANS I . AND LUMBER GRADES NOTE: CONNECTOR PLATES SIZED FOR HANDLING ONLY AND MAYBE REPLACED WITH EQUAL FASTENER. DEFLECTION CRITERIA (MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE) SLOPE < 4:12 = U240 LIVE LOAD SLOPE >= 4:12 = U180 LIVE LOAD IF DL — .5 LL (ALL SLOPES) = U180 TOTAL LOAD CEILING JOIST = U240 LIVE LOAD FILE Rafter/Erid Jack Chart NO: DATE: 07/01/09 REF: 25-1 RAFTER SPAN CHARTS - 2006 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACING = 24 O.C. RAFTER SLOPE RAFTER SLOPE RAFTER SLOPE <= 4/12 >= 4-7/12 >= 7-12/12 TC LL PSF20 20 16 16 16 16 TC DL (PS 8 1 15 7 1 14 7 1 14 TOTAL I (PSF) 28 1 35 23 1 30 23 1 30 SIZE GRADE SPECIE 2x4 SS DF 9-7-8 9-2-0 10-0-8 9-4-8 9-4-0 8-8-8 2x4 #1&BTR DF 9-5-8 8-9-0 9-10-8 9-2-8 9-2-0 8-7-0 2x4 #1 DF 9-1-8 8-2-8 9-8-8 8-9-0 8-11-8 8-5-0 2x4 #2 DF 8-7-0 7-8-0 9-4-0 8-3-0 8-10-8 8-2-0 2x4 CONST DF 7-6-0 6-9-0 8-2-8 7-3-0 8-2-0 7-2-0 2x4 STUD DF 6-6-0 5-10-0 7-2-0 6-3-8 7-1-0 6-3-0 2x4 STAND DF 5-7-8 5-1-0 6-2-8 5-4-8 6-2-0 5-5-0 2x4 SS HF 9-1-8 8-8-8 9-6-0 8-10-8 8-10-8 8-3-0 2x4 #1&BTR HF 8-11-0 8-4-8 9-4-0 8-8-8 8-8-0 8-1-0 2x4 #1 HF 8-11-0 8-0-0 9-4-0 8-6-8 8-8-0 8-1-0 2x4 #2 HF 8-5-0 7-7-0 8-11-0 8-1-8 8-3-8 7-9-0 2x4 CONST HF 7-4-8 6-7-8 8-1-8 7-2-0 8-0-8 7-1-0 2x4 STUD HF 6-6-8 5-10-0 7-1-8 6-3-8 7-0-8 6-2-8 2x4 STAND HF 5-8-0 5-1-0 6-2-8 5-5-8 6-1-8 5-5-8 2x4 240OF MSR 9-9-8 9-4-0 10-2-8 9-6-0 9-6-0 8-10-8 2x4 210OF MSR 9-5-8 9-0-0 9-10-8 9-2-8 9-2-0 8-7-0 2x4 1950F MSR 9-3-8 8-10-8 9-8-8 9-0-8 9-0-8 8-5-0 2x4 180OF MSR 9-1-8 8-8-8 9-0-0 8-10-8 8-10-8 8-3-0 2x4 1650F MSR 8-11-0 8-6-8 9-4-0 8-8-8 8-8-0 8-1-0 2x4 1450F MSR 8-6-8 8-0-8 8-11-0 8-4-0 8-3-8 7-9-0 2x6 SS DF 14-8-8 14-0-0 154-0 14-3-8 14-3-8 13-3-8 2x6 #1&BTR DF 14-2-0 12-8-8 15-1-0 13-7-8 14-0-8 13-0-8 2x6 #1 DF 13-3-0 11-10-0 14-5-8 12-8-8 13-10-0 12-7-8 2x6 #2 DF 12-4-8 11-1-8 13-6-8 11-11-0 13-6-0 11-10-0 2x6 STUD DF 9-7-0 8-7-8 10-6-8 9-3-8 10-5-8 9-2-8 2x6 SS HF 13-11-0 13-3-0 14-6-0 13-6-0 13-6-0 12-7-0 2x6 #1&BTR HF 13-6-0 12-2-0 14-2-8 13-0-8 13-2-8 12-3-8 2x6 #1 HF 12-11-0 11-6-8 14-1-8 12-5-0 13-2-8 12-3-8 2x6 #2 HF 12-2-8 10-11-0 13-4-0 11-9-0 12-7-8 11-7-8 2x6 STUD HF 9-7-0 8-7-0 10-6-0 9-3-0 10-5-0 9-2-0 2x6 240OF MSR 14-11-0 14-2-8 15-7-0 14-6-0 14-7-0 13-6-0 2x6 210OF MSR 14-5-8 13-9-0 15-1-0 14-0-8 14-0-8 13-0-8 2x6 1950F MSR 14-2-0 13-6-0 14-9-8 13-9-8 13-10-0 12-9-8 2x6 180OF MSR 13-11-0 13-3-0 14-6-0 13-6-0 13-0-0 12-7-0 2x6 165OF MSR 13-7-8 12-11-8 14-2-8 13-3-0 13-2-8 12-3-8 2x6 1450F MSR 1 13-0-0 124-8 13-7-0 12-8-0 12-7-8 11-9-0 MMMMMMM mm r m m�= ter' M S M CampuTrus. Inc. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing PRESSURE BLOCKING DETAIL FOR END JACK BOTTOM CHORD UP TO 8'-0" AT HIP NO. 1 WITH CEILING LOAD OF 10psf 3-1( L Bottom chord of Hip 2'-0" octypical �' No. 1 truss NOTE: Attach 2x4 Doug Fir pressure block to bottom chord of hip no. 1 with 4-16d nails. Bottom chords of end joints are attached with 3-10d nails at each end of the pressure block. FILE NO: PRESSURE BLOCKING DATE: 01/20/08 REF: 15,25-1 . DES: SC IBC 2009 / CBC 2010 Od Hip No. 1 truss 3-10d CompuTrus. Inc. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing Plate Pitch AQ 2.82-3.00 M -3x8 M -3x5 M -3x8 3.0013.50 M -3x8 M -3x5 M -3x8 4.50-6.00 M -3x6 M -3x5 M -3x8 Deflection Criteria: Live Load = U240 Dead Load = U180 -i- qi 12 2.82-6.00 VIb Extensions must be supported every 4-0-0 max. Extensions may be plated as shown for additional length. Use M -3x8 plate for 2x4 lumber, M -5x8 for 2x6. X Varies with pitch 0 - Do not overcut ripped chords. § - Shim all supports solid to bearing M -3x5 Cantilever • /NI -3x4 y -3x4 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 block FL grade Refer to Max Setback Lumber Grades TC LL/DL Max Setback TC LL/DL Max Setback R = 347# max. W = 1.5" min. 4 over 2 supportsR = 694# max. W = 1.5" min. SPF1650F(1.5E) 20/7 = 27# *8-8-0 2014 = 34# *8-0-0 SPF2100F(1.8E) 20/7 = 27# *8-10-0 20/14 = 34# *8-4-0 * Note: Max Setback is from inside of bearings. FILE NO: Hip Rafter -2x6(1.25) DATE: 07/01/09 SEQ: 2787668 IBC 2009/CBC 2010 Note Conventional framing is not the responsibility of the truss designer, plate manufacturer nor the truss fabricator. Framers erecting trusses are cautioned to seek the advice of a local, professional engineer regarding conventional framing. M-11111111101=111 WW Z�CC3MpUTPU�S1nr-- Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing TYPICAL ROOF TRUSS LAYOUT ALTERNATE FRAMING DETAIL AROUND 30" ACCESS I 24' 24" 1 24" 24" I 24' I 24" YI 24' NOTE: REFER TO APPROPRIATE ENGINEERING DETAIL FOR TRUSS TYPES DESIGNED FOR OVERSPACING. ADJUSTED ROOF TRUSS LAYOUT single member common (net 24" o.c.) 1 24" I 24" I 21" 30" clear 21" L 24' I 24" Section A -A FILE NO: 30" ATTIC ACCESS DATE: 07/23/08 REF: 25-1 DES: JAB IBC 2009 / CBC 2010 Ladder Frame Between trusses with 2x4 at 48" o.c. Section A -A (bottom dew) "111111M M= M M M= ,= M M M M M ter. M m r m PIGGYBACK STAN DAR D 10 f 2 PIGLOADCDURATIONTRUSSSPAN INCREASEO.11.25 0.0" MINIMUM LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS (OF ONLY) MAX. SPACING = 24.0" O.C. TC: 2x4 OF #2 LOADING BC: 2x4 DF N2 WEBS: 2x4 DF STD/STUD LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 1.0 PSF TC LATERAL SUPPORT — 12"OC. UON. TOTAL LOAD = 36.0 PSF ** 2x4 stripping required as shown. Join to bottom section of truss with 2-16d nails and top section with 2-16d toenailed to stripping. Stripping spaced at 2'-0" oc maximum. Connections are for vertical loads only. 4'-0" max 12 3to6F,;-,' RS - ROOF SHEATHING TO BE CONTINUOUS M -2x4 OVER JOINT. SHEATHING TO OVERLAP 2 A MINIMUM OF 12" OVER JOINT. M -2x4 RS ** ** M -2X4 JOB NAME: STANDARD CAP TRUSS Truss: r JL DES. BY: MJ DATE: 3/22/2011 SEQ.: 4790243 TRANS ID: 306829 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOTE: STRUCTURAL TRUSS SHOWN BELOW PIGGYBACK TRUSS IS FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO APPLIC- ABLE COMPUTRUS DESIGN FOR STRUCTURAL TRUSS BELOW. 4'-0" max sh uldvlsed of 16'-0" max M -4x4 4.0" MAXIMUM WIND SPEED = 100mph, MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 20ft. CATEGORY II, BUILDING EXPOSURE B or C ENCLOSED STRUCTURE, GABLE END ZONE ASCE 7-05, DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE = 1.60 4'-0" max 4'-0" max M -2x4 12 a3to6 M -2x4 /T,, ",, M -2x4 ** OF TOP CHORD AT STRUCTURAL TRUSS BELOW 3. All lateral force resisting elements such as temporary and permanent -- 2' o.c.. et 10' o.c. -1 --- respectively unless braced throughout their lenggth by stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(rC) and/or drywall(BC). CompuTms assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. No bad should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of buss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than S. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 6. This design is furnished subject to the fimitafions set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss• and placed so their center TPI/WrCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request, lines coincide with joint center Ones. 9. Digits indicate size of plate In Inches. CompuTrus, Inc. Software + Q -Z 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MrTek). M -2x4 RS DF EXP. 3/31/13 ?.3/2z///'4 t "1111M ..... = PIGGYBACK STANDARD 2of2 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 SPF 1650F or HF #2 BC: 2x4 SPF 1650F or HF #2 WEBS: 2x4 SPF 1650F or HF STD/STUD TC LATERAL SUPPORT - 12"OC. UON. = M= M M r r M M M M M M PIGGYBACK TRUSS SPAN UP TO 16'- 0.0" LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 MAX. SPACING = 24.0" O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 15.0) ON TOP CHORD = 35.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 1.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD = 36.0 PSF "- 2x4 stripping required as shown. Join to bottom section of truss with 2-16d nails and top section with 2-16d toe - nailed to stripping. Stripping spaced at 2'-0" oc maximum. Connections are for vertical loads only. @- Provide nail on plates where shown. Use Simpson TP39 or USP NP39 to each face of truss at 48"oC throughout. Use 8d x 1 1/2" COMMON nails. Do not use holes within 1.5" of the edge of member. Apply 4 nails from each face in each member. Nails must be staggered and equally divided between front and back face. 4'-0" max 4'-0" max MAXIMUM WIND SPEED = 100mph, MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = CATEGORY II, BUILDING EXPOSURE B or C ENCLOSED STRUCTURE, GABLE END ZONE ASCE 7-05, DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE = 1.60 NOTE: STRUCTURAL TRUSS SHOWN BELOW PIGGYBACK TRUSS IS FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO APPLIC- ABLE COMPUTRUS DESIGN FOR STRUCTURAL TRUSS BELOW. 16'-0" max M -4x4 4.0" 4'-0" max 4'-0" max JOB NAME: STANDARD CAP TRUSS HF OR EXP. 3/31/13 -1, 312z, 111 < SPF uiW esti c tra r shoultl ised of all Gen es a for e I ar sIew Thmn.s..ss-s Truss: nd e b l0 f ng es r.2 DES. BY: MJ DATE: 3/22/2011 �1 SEli . : 4790244 TRANS I D : 306829 4c o b b i be stat where she laDethe stability bracing must be designed by designer of complete structure. CompuTrus assumes no responsibility for such bracing. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsib fty for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by cru n3.All o herds late at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood shealhing(TC) and/or drywaII38C). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown ++ 4. Installation of buss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes busses are to be used in a noncorrosive environment, end are for -dry condition' of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge It necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their center 1111 11111 1111111 1111111111 11 111 1111 TPI/WTCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. CompuTrus, Inc. Software + Q -Z lines coincide with joint center fines. 9. Digits Indicate size of plate In inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -2529 (CompuTrus) and/or ESR -1311, ESR -1888 (MiTek). HF OR EXP. 3/31/13 -1, 312z, 111 < SPF CompuTrus. Inc. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing EXP. 3/31/13 OF CALIF' FILE NO: Bearing Block Detail DATE: 01/20/08 SEQ: 2787667 IBC 2009 / CBC 2010 Detail shows minimum spacing for a single bearing block. Double nail spacing and stagger nailing for two blocks. Greater spacing may be required to avoid splitting. A. Edge distance and spacing between staggered rows of nails (6 nail diameters) B. Spacing of nails in a row (12 nail diameters) C. End distance (15 nail diameters) If nail holes are pre -bored, some spacing may be reduced by the following amounts: Spacing may be reduced by fifty percent (50%) Spacing may be reduced by thirty-three percent (33%) Bearing block to be the same specie, grade and size as bottom chord (see approved CompuTrus engineering) H Nail Line / A III III + B. B. i A WAY Length of Block Varies (See approved CompuTrus engineering) Direction of load and nail rows Maximum Nail Lines (by Bottom Chord Size Minimum Nail Spacing Distance in inches Nail Type 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 A B' C. 8d Box .113"x2.5" 3 6 9 12 15 3/4 13/8 13/4 10d Box .128"x3' 3 5 7 10 12 7/8 1 5/8 2 12d Box .128"x3.25" 3 5 7 10 12 7/8 1 5/8 2 16d Box .135"x3.5" 3 5 7 10 12 7/8 15/8 21/8 20d Box .148"x4' 2 4 5 6 8 1 17/8 21/4 8d Common .113"x2.5" 3 5 7 1 10 12 7/8 15/8 2 10d Common .128"x3" 2 4 6 8 10 1 17/8 21/4 12d Common .128"x3.25" 2 4 6 8 10 1 1718 21/4 16d Common .135"x3.5" 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 21/2 .120"x2.5" Dia Gun 3 6 8 11 14 3/4 1 1/2 17/8 .131"x2.5" Dia Gun 1 3 5 7 10 12 7/8 15/8 2 120"x3.0" Dia Gun 3 1 6 8 11 14 3/4 1 1/2 1 1 7/8 .131"x3.0" Dia Gun 3 5 7 10 12 1 7/8 1 5/8 2 1 1 IMay 17, 2010 1 To Whom It May Concern: This is to verify that Spates Fabricators, Inc. of Thermal, CA is a Subscriber in the Timber Products Inspection (TP) and General Testing and Inspection (GTI) Truss Quality Auditing Program since June, 1990. The TP and GTI Truss Quality Auditing Programs are recognized by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) with the assigned number of AA -664. TP and the GTI quality assurance marks have been recognized in the West by the truss industry and code jurisdictions since 1969. TP currently audits truss manufacturing facilities nationwide. TP is conducting unannounced, third party audits at Spates Fabricators, Inc. of Thermal, ' CA, This facility is currently in good standing in the TP Truss Quality Auditing Program. Spate's Fabricators, Inc. personnel are authorized to, apply the GTI quality mark to trusses that are manufactured in accordance with the latest revision of the ANSI/TPI u 1 t 1 Standards. All stamping takes place at the truss manufacturing facility, under supervision of qualified plant personnel. If you have questions regarding the status of any plant in the TP/GTI Program, please contact me on my cell 208.818.7869. Sincerely, TIMBER PRODUCTS INSPECTION i4=111OV., ) V -O04 Brian Hensley Truss Manager -Western Division /jr Xc: File 105 SE 1241h Avenue Vancouver, Washington 98684 360/449-3840 a FAX: 360/449-3953 P.O. Box 919 C 1641 Sigman Road Conyers, Georgia 30012 770/922-8000 o FAX: 770/922-1290 u t ICC -ES Evaluation Report ESR -1988 Iwww.icc-es.org 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 1 1 r 1 1 1 DIVISION: 06 00 00 -WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section: 06 17 53 -Shop -Fabricated Wood Trusses REPORT HOLDER: MITEK INDUSTRIES, INC. 14515 NORTH OUTER FORTY, SUITE 300 CHESTERFIELD, MISSOURI 63017 www.mii.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: MiTek® TRUSS CONNECTOR PLATES: TL18, MT18, MT18HSTm, TL20 and MT20 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2009 Intemational Building Code (2009 IBC) ■ 2009 International Residential Code® (2009 IRC) ■ 2006 International Building Code® (2006 IBC) ■ 2006 International Residential Code® (2006 IRC ■ 1997 Uniform Building Code"m (UBC) Property evaluated: Structural 2.0 USES MiTek® metal truss connector plates are used as joint connector components of light wood -frame trusses. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 MiTeO TL18 and MT18: Models TL18 and MT18 metal truss connector plates are manufactured from minimum No. 18 gage [0.0466 inch total thickness (1.18 mm)], ASTM A 653 SS, Grade 40 steel, with a G60 galvanization coating [0.0005 inch thickness on each side (0.013 mm)] and having a base -metal thickness of 0.0456 inch (1.16 mm). The plates have teeth 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) long, punched in pairs formed at right angles to the face of the parent metal so that two teeth per hole occur along the length. The spacing along the longitudinal direction of each punched slot is 1 inch (25.4 mm) on center. The transverse centerlines of adjacent slots are staggered 0.10 inch (2.54 mm). The distance between longitudinal centerlines of the slots is 0.25 inch (6.35 mm). There are eight teeth per square inch (645 mm2) of surface area. Plates are available in 1/2 -inch (12.7 mm) width increments, up to 12 inches (304.8 mm), and lengthwise in 1 -inch (25.4 mm) multiples. See Figure 1 for details. Reissued June 1, 2010 This report is subject to re-examination in two years. A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® 3.2 MiTek® MT18HSTm: Model MTI8HSTA° metal truss connector plates are manufactured from minimum No. 18 gage [0.0466 inch total thickness (1.18 mm)], ASTM A 653, Grade 60, high-strength, low -alloy steel (HSLAS) with a G60 galvanization coating [0.0005 inch thickness on each side (0.013 mm)] and having a base -metal thickness of 0.0456 inch (1.16 mm). The plate has teeth 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) long, punched in pairs formed at right angles to the face of the parent metal so that two teeth per hole occur along the length. The spacing along the longitudinal direction of each punched slot is 1 inch (25.4 mm) on center. The transverse centerlines of adjacent slots are staggered 0.10 inch (2.54 mm). The distance between longitudinal centerlines of the slots is 0.25 inch (6.35 mm). There are eight teeth per square inch (645 mm2) of surface area. Plates are available in '/2 -inch (12.7 mm) width increments, up to 12 inches (304.8 mm), and lengthwise in 1 -inch (25.4 mm) multiples. See Figure 1 for details. 3.3 MiTek6TL20 and MT20Tm: Models TL20 and MT20114 metal truss connector plates are manufactured from minimum No. 20 gage [0.0356 inch total thickness (0.9 mm)], ASTM A 653 SS, Grade 40 steel, with a G60 galvanization coating [0.0005 inch thickness on each side (0.013 mm)] and having a base -metal thickness of 0.0346 inch (0.88 mm). The plates have teeth 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) long, punched in pairs formed at right angles to the face of the parent metal so that two teeth per hole occur along the length. The spacing along the longitudinal direction of each punched slot is 1 inch (25.4 mm) on center. The transverse centerlines of adjacent slots are staggered 0.10 inch (2.54 mm). The distance between longitudinal centerlines of the slots is 0.25 inch (6.35 mm). There are eight teeth per square inch (645 mm2) of surface area. Plates are available in '/2 -inch width (12.7 mm) increments, up to 12 inches (304.8 mm), and lengthwise in 1 -inch (25.4 mm) multiples. See Figure 1 for details. 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 General: All truss plates are pressed into the wood for the full depth of their teeth by hydraulic -platen embedment presses, multiple roller presses that use partial embedment followed by full -embedment rollers, or combinations of partial embedment roller presses and hydraulic -platen presses that feed trusses into a stationary finish roller press. Trusses must be assembled within the tolerances provided by the Truss Plate Institute's Quality Criteria for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, shown as Section 4 in ANSI/TPI 1 National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction. ICC -ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by /CC Evaluation Service, LLC, erpress or implied as _-_���^333�111 J _ to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. um. Copyright © 2010 Page 1 of 4 ' PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 1 F� 11 1 11 1 n t 1 i� 1 I� ESR -1988 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 4 4.2 Allowable Design Values: Allowable design values for MiTek® metal truss connector plates to be used in the design of metal plate connected wood roof and floor trusses are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Allowable design values are applicable when the connection is made with identical plates on opposite sides of the joint. This evaluation report is limited to the evaluation of connection capacity of the MiTek® metal truss connector plates listed in this report. The design, manufacture, and installation of trusses employing the truss plates have not been evaluated. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The MiTek® Industries metal truss connector plates described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 This evaluation report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions, when required by the code official, must be submitted at the time of permit application. In the event of a conflict between the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this document, the instructions in this document govern. 5.2 Each application for a building permit, using these truss plate connectors, must be accompanied by documentation showing that the design, manufacture, and proposed installation conform with the requirements of the applicable code. 5.3 This report establishes plate design values only. For items not covered by this report, such as truss design, fabrication, quality assurance and special inspection, refer to ANSI/TPI 1, engineering drawings and the applicable code. 5.4 The design values (lateral resistance values, effective tension strength ratios, and effective shear resistance ratios) used in the design of trusses, using MiTek® Industries metal truss connector plates, must not exceed those listed in Tables 1 and 2 of this report. Load combination reductions must be in accordance with the applicable code. 5.5 All lumber used in the fabrication of trusses using MiTek® Industries metal truss connector plates must be graded in compliance with the applicable building code, and must have a moisture content not exceeding 19 percent at the time of assembly. Wet service factors from ANSI/TPI 1 Section 6.4.5 must be applied to the table values when the lumber moisture content exceeds 19 percent. Allowable values shown in the tables of this report are not applicable to metal connector plates embedded in either fire -retardant - treated lumber or preservative -treated lumber. 5.6 Metal truss connector plates must be installed in pairs on opposite faces of truss members. 5.7 Galvanized G60 metal truss plate connectors subject to corrosive environments must be protected in accordance with Section 6.5 of ANSI/TPI 1. 5.8 MiTek® metal truss connector plates are manufactured in St. Charles, Missouri; Phoenix, Arizona; Tampa, Florida; Edenton, North Carolina; and Bradford, Ontario, Canada. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Data in accordance with the National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, ANSI/TPI 1- 2007. 6.2 Manufacturer's descriptive literature. 6.3 A quality control manual. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION The MiTek® connectors are identified by an imprint of the plate name embossed into the surface of the plate (for example, the MT201'" plate is embossed "MT20"). Additionally, boxes containing the connector plates must be labeled with the MiTek® Industries name, the metal connector plate model, and the evaluation report number (ESR -1988). I PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com ESR -1988 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 4 I TABLE 1 -ALLOWABLE LATERAL RESISTANCE VALUES, HYDRAULIC -PLATEN EMBEDMENT' (Ib/in'/PLATE) LUMBER SPECIES SG I AA I EA AE EE Pounds/ inch/Pair of Connector Plates Efficiency TL18, MT18, MTI8HSTm, TL20 and MT20Tm Efficiency Pounds/ inch/Pair of Connector Plates Douglas fir -larch 0.49 248 203 170 171 Hem -fir 0.43 188 159 133 141 Spruce -pine -fir 0.42 206 162 125 122 Southem pine 0.55 244 192 171 178 For SI: 1lb/in' = 6.9 kPa. ' NOTES: 'Tooth -holding units =psi for a single plate (double for plates on both faces when applying to area on only one face). To achieve values, plates must be installed on opposite sides of joint. AA = Plate parallel to load, wood grain parallel to load. EA = Plate perpendicular to load, wood grain parallel to load. I AE = Plate parallel to load, wood grain perpendicular to load. EE = Plate perpendicular to load, wood grain perpendicular to load. 'All truss plates are pressed into the wood for the full depth of their teeth by hydraulic -platen embedment presses, multiple roller presses that use partial embedment followed by full -embedment rollers, or combinations of partial -embedment roller presses and hydraulic -platen presses that feed trusses into a stationary finish roller press. TABLE 2 -EFFECTIVE TENSION AND SHEAR RESISTANCE ALLOWABLE DESIGN VALUES' t t t it PROPERTY FORCE DIRECTION TL18 AND MT18 MT18HS rm TL20 AND MT207"' Efficiency Pounds/ inch/Pair of Connector Plates Efficiency Pounds/ inch/Pair of Connector Plates Efficiency Pounds/ inch/Pair of Connector Plates Tension values in accordance with Section of TPI -1 (Minimum Net Section over the joint)' Tension @ 0° 0.5 1149 0.48 1596 0.49 857 Tension @ 90° 0.52 1208 0.5 1671 0.49 854 Tension values in accordance with TPI -1 with a deviation [see Section 5.4.9 (e) 11 (Maximum Net Section Occurs over the joint) Tension @ 0°0.59 1349 0.59 1975 0.59 1035 Tension @ 90° 0.53 1214 H0.51 1727 0.49 861 Shear Values Shear @ 0° 0.56 874 0.55 1099 0.51 604 Shear @ 30° 0.66 1023 0.57 1153 0.74 876 Shear @ 60° 0.83 1283 0.74 1492 0.82 970 Shear @ 90° 0.49 757 0.52 1052 0.58 686 Shear @ 1201 0.39 608 0.4 802 0.42 498 Shear @ 150° 0.45 702 0.37 745 0.5 592 For SI: 1 Ib/inch = 0.175 N/mm, 1 inch = 25.4 mm. NOTES: 'Minimum coated thickness is 0.0356 inch (0.904 mm) for 20 gage, or 0.0466 inch (1.184 mm) for 18 gage in accordance with Section 4.3.4 of ANSI/TPI 1. Minimum coating thickness for G60 is 0.0010 inch (0.025 mm) total for both sides in accordance with Section 4.3.6 of ANSI/TPI 1. 'Minimum Net Section - A line through the plate's tooth pattern with the minimum amount of steel for a specified orientation. For these plates, this line passes through a line of holes. 'Maximum Net Section - A line through the plate's tooth pattern with the maximum amount of steel for a specified orientation. For these plates, this line passes through a section of the plate with no holes. I PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 1 ESR -1988 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 4 0. 125"0.250" ' „mm „mm „mm � 000000000000 � " Ci � E u�000�o�o�o� � 'WDTH ��000000000000 0.375' 9.5 mm MT18, TL18, MT18HS, MT20, TL20 FIGURE 1—APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS OF MITEK CONNECTOR PLATES (inches) (1 inch = 25.4 mm) ' PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com