APPMIN 05 05 1997REGULAR MEETING OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM May 5, 1997 3:00 Y.M. This regular meeting of the Arl in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman Walling at 3:19 p.m., who asked Commissioner Shamis to lead the flag salute. Chairman Walling asked for the roll call: I. ROLL CALL: Present: Corxnuissioners Johna Davis, Sharon Kennedy (arrived Nate), Elaine Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, and Chairman Watling. It was moved and seconded by Conunissioners Shamis/Reynolds to excuse Commissioners Cothran and Klein. Unanimously approved Staff: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. IL CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed III. PUBLIC" COMMENT: A. Sherry and David Chaffey introduced themselves as new residents of La Quinta and stated their interest in becoming involved in the P.rt in Public Places Commission. Mrs. Chaffey stated she was a retired facilities planner for a college in San Diego. N. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes -Chairman Walling asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of April 7, 1997. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Davis to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement - "Phere being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Davis to accept the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. C'. Department Report: 1. Community Development Director Jeny Heenan gave a report on the artwork to be installed at the corner of Washington Street and Highway 1 11 as well as the Civic Center art piece, both by artist Louis DelVlartino. APPS-S-47 Art In Public Places Commission May 5, 1997 2. Community Development Director Jerry Herman gave a report on the Car Wash artwork project and stated staff was reviewing the contract with Marcia Gibbons and hope to have on the Council agenda in May. 3. Staff informed the Commission that they had spoken with artist John Weidenhamer regarding a piece of artwork he would be interesting in donating to the City for the Temporary Art Program. V. BUSINF,SS ITEMS: A. Art in Public Places Work Plan 1. Chairman Watling asked the Commissioners to review the list of potential sites provided by staff, and identify the locations for permz~nent versus temporary art. 2. Commissioner Shamis asked that the comer of Washington Street and Calle Tampico be added to the list. 3. Commissioners reviewed the list and identified each ofthe locations as being potentially permanent or temporary art sites as follows: a. Washingtou Street at 52nd Street - Pcrmanent. b. Jefferson Street at Highway 1 11 - Permanent: c. Dune Palms Road southeast corner - Zither d. Highway 111 frontage (in front of the proposed auto dealerships)- Pcrmanent e. Highway 111 and Washington Street - Both f Fred Waring Drive at Washington Street - Either g. Miles Avenue at Washington Street - Either h. Calle Tampico at Washington Street - Permanetrl i. Jefferson Street Medians - Temporary j. Eisenhower Drive Medians - Temporary k, Eisenhower Drive Median in front of the La Quinta Hotel - Permanent 1. Calle Tampico Medians - Temporary m. Washington Street Medians - Temporary APPS-5-97 ~ Art In Public Places Commission May 5, 1997 n. Calle Cadiz - femporary o. Avenida Barcelona - Temporary p. Calle Estado - Temporal q. Avenida La Fonda - Temporary r. Frances Hack Park - Permanent s. Fritz Burns Park - Permanent t. Adams Avenue Park - Permanent u. Park across from the High School - Permanent v. Park in front of Ace hardware - Both w. Senior Center - Both x. Civic Center - Both y. Bear Creek Bikepath - Permanent z. Desert Sands Unified School Dist. - Permanent aa. La Quinta High School - Both bb. La Quinta Elementary Schools - Permanent cc. Top of the Cove - Pemlanent dd. La Quinta Historical Museum - Permanent 3. Commissioners prioritized the sites according to categories: a. Corner locations: 1.) Washington Street at 52rd Avenue 2.) Calle Tampico at Washington Street 3.) Once the entry signs had been installed they would review the list again. h. Street Medians l.) Calle Tampico 2.) Washington Street 3.) Eisenhower Drive 4.) Jefferson Street 5.) Avenida Barcelona, Calle Estado, and Avenida La Fonda would be considered later c. Parks l .) Calle Tampico at Avenida Bermudas (park in front of Ace Hardware) 2.) Adams Avenue Park 3.) Park across from the La Quinta High School d. Other Sites 1.) Bear Creek Bikepath APPS-~-97 3 Art In Public Places Commission May 5, 1997 2.) Senior Center 3.) Civic Center 4.) School Sites 5. Commissioners selected the priority sites: a. Washington Street at 52nd Street b. Eisenhower Drive median in front of the La Quinta Hotel o. Calle Tampico at Avenida Bermudas-the park in front of Ace Hardware d. Beak Creek Bikepath 6. Chairman Walling stated there was approximately $105,000 dollars available at the present time and asked if the Commission wanted to consider one large piece or several pieces. Commissioners discussed the funds that would be needed for the Temporary Art Program (pads for the street medians). [t was determined that two pieces at approximately $50,000 each would be considered and that $2,000 would be set aside for the pads in the street medians. 7. Community Development Director stated that the site in front of the Tradition project would require the City requesting an easement to install the art piece. It was suggested this site be put on hold temporarily. 8. Commissioners discussed the median in fiont of the t.a Quinta Hotel on Eisenhower Dtive and the Bear Creek Bikepath as the two priorities. It was suggested that the Hotel be contacted to see if they would be interested in contributing to the art piece. 9. Chairman Walling suggested that staff contact the Hotel and Ray Lopez, landscape architect for the Bear Creek Bikepath, to obtain their ideas. 10. Staff stated they would contact Mr. Lopez and inform him of what the Commission is proposing to do and ask his opinion as to what is the most meaningful way to incorporate signs into the project; if he can specify what shoulck be identificd; is there a story to be told; or if there are specific plans that should be identified. He could do this either by presentation or written report. In addition, they would contact the La Quinta Hotel as to their APPS-5-97 a Art In Public Places Commission '.Kay 5, i 997 suggestions and where would they like to be involved. Staff would explain the Commission's program and see if they would want one piece in front of the Hotel or one at each end of the median. 11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Kennedy to instruct staff to contact the La Quinta Hotel to obtain their direction regarding the artwork for the Eisenhower Drive medians and to contact Ray Lopez regarding a report on the Bear Creek Bikepath signs. The motion canied unanimously. 12. The Temporary Art Program would be started with approximate}.y three or four artists to start the program. a. Conunissioner Reynolds would contact artists who had expressed a desire to be involved in the program and determine what sites they are considering. b. Commissioner Kennedy asked how the program would be opened up to other artists. Staff stated it could be advertised .in the art magazines to get a broader representation. Discussion followed as to the different ways artists could be contacted. 13. Other considerations for the Work Plan would be: a. Workshop b. Artist Bank c. Brochure on the art program for the developers VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: VIII. FUTURE AGENDA [TEMS: A. Reviewing the Work Plan B. Reviewing of the Art in Public Places Ordinance. APPS-5-97 5 Art In Public Places Commission May 5. 1997 IX. A,D.fOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Planes Commission to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission on June 2, 1997. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:43 p.m. APP5-5-97