FA Resolution 1999-03RESOLUTION NO. FA 99-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF THE LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY, ESTABLISHING A RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE FOR THE DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES OF THE AUTHORITY AND APPROVING DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS IN ACCORDANCE HEREWITH WHEREAS, except for records less than two years old and certain other records, Government Code Section 34090 authorizes the head of the agency departments to destroy any agency record, document, instrument, book or paper under his or her charge, without making a copy thereof, after the same is no longer required, with the approval of the City Council by resolution and written consent of the City Attorney; and WHEREAS, the Authority Board desires to establish a retention schedule for records under the control of the executive officers in charge of various Authority/City departments and offices and to approve destruction of records in accordance therewith. WHEREAS, the State of California is in the process of adopting a recommended draft of a records retention schedule for use by municipalities; and WHEREAS, the Authority Board believes there are benefits of ease of administration to adopting said draft schedule. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of the La Quinta Financing Authority does hereby resolve as follows: 1. Definitions For purposes of this resolution, the following terms shall have the following meanings: "Department" means an agency, department or office of the administrative staff of the La Quinta Financing Authority/City of La Quinta. "Department head" means the executive officer in charge of a department. "Original" means the initial production of a record in its final form. It does not include preliminary drafts or subsequent photocopies. In the case of a signed document, the original is the document which was actually signed by the person or persons signing the document. Resolution No. 99-03 Page 2 "Public records" are writings in the custody of the La Quinta Financing Authority/City of La Quinta and containing information relating to the conduct of the business of the La Quinta Financing Authority/City of La Quinta. "Public record" does not include transitory writings. "Transitory writing" is a writing having no reason for retention after the purpose for which it was created has expired, such as routing slips, notices of meetings or events, writings retained solely for tickler, suspense or follow-up purposes, preliminary writings, computer print-outs, temporary draft blueprints, which are produced solely for temporary purposes, and the like. "Writing" means a document in written or printed form. 2. Purpose The purposes of this resolution are as follows: a. To assure public records are not destroyed while they still serve a useful purpose. b. To avoid the loss of room and shelf space caused by the retention of public records which no longer serve a useful purpose. C. To provide guidelines to Authority/City staff as to when public records may safely be destroyed. d. To avoid the necessity of requesting Authority Board approval for each individual case of public records destruction. 3. Scope a. This resolution is limited to originals of public records, except as otherwise provided in subsection "b" of this section. The department heads are authorized to establish rules or schedules for the destruction of copies of public records held within their respective departments which are not originals or copies subject to subsection "b" of this section. r Resolution No. 99-03 Page 3 b. Whenever the original of a public record is sent to a location outside the custody of the Authority/City (as, for example, correspondence for a Authority/City officer or employee to a person outside of the Authority/City government), one copy of that record shall be retained by the department sending the record as if it were the original of that record. C. This resolution is also limited to public records which are in the form of writing on paper or microfilm. d. Individual departments may adopt a policy of retaining documents for additional time if approved by the Executive Director. e. Where two guidelines appear to conflict, the longer of the two time requirements shall be applicable. f. Under the Development section "Building Construction" all permits and final plans for such construction shall be kept permanently, however, the final plans of said construction for residential non PUD development under two stories need not be retained more than CL+2. 4. Authorization for destruction of records a. The draft State Local Government Records Retention Guidelines, with the exception of those relating to police and fire, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", providing retention schedules for various types of public records, are hereby incorporated by reference herein. Subject to the provision of subsection "b" of this section, each department head may authorize the destruction of the public record or class of public records which is within the custody of his or her department and which is listed in the exhibits at any time after the time specified for retention of that record in the exhibits has expired. This resolution constitutes the consent of the Authority Board for the destruction of the public records in accordance with such retention schedules, and no further resolution of the Authority Board shall be required for such destruction. b. Prior to authorizing the destruction of any public record, the department head shall submit a list of the records proposed for destruction to the Authority's Legal Counsel for his or her consent to such destruction. The Authority's Legal Counsel may require the retention of any public record or class of public records beyond the period established for the retention of such records by the exhibits to this resolution, whenever, in his or her opinion, the continued maintenance of such records is in the best interest of the Authority/City. No record shall be destroyed without the written consent of the Authority's Legal Counsel. Resolution No. 99-03 Page 4 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 3d day of August, 1999 by the following vote: AYES: Board Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Chairman Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None — (-I, (XDk�c JOHN J. E A, Cha n La Quinta Financing Authority W SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, Secretary La Quinta Financing Authority APPROVED AS TO FORM: CZ' DAWN C. HONEYWELL, Authority Counsel La Quinta Financing Authority AS2: UU7 CALIFORNIA STATE RECORDS RETENTION CLASSIFICATIONS LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES DECEMBER 1998 `ADMINISTRATION Audit Community Services Elections General Subject Grants Human Resources Information Services Legal/Legislativ-e Municipal Clerk Policies & Procedures Public Information Public Financing Authority Risk Management EVEL`OPMENT( Administration Building Code Enforcement Engineering Environmental Quality Housing Municipal Facilities Planning Property Redevelopment INANC Accounting Administrative Services Fixed Assets License Payroll Purchasing Reports Treasurer *Anticipate will be addressed by County Officials PUBLIC SAFETY( Animal Control* Emergency Management Fire Safety Administration Personnel Property Reports Hazardous Materials Health & Welfare Law Enforcement Administration Investigations Patrol Services UBLIC'WORK Parks Sanitation/Solid Waste/ Wastewater Streets/Alleys Utilities Water TRANSPORTAT! Administrr'Jon Airport Ground Transportation Harbor GLOSSARY OF RECORDS RETENTION DEFINITIONS ACTIVE Recoras that are required for daN-to-day business and are sub;.-z: ;o frequent use: generally referred to more than once per month per file drawer. ADMINISTRATIVE VALUE l A record that assists in the operation of governmcnt. and insures administrative consastenc} and conunutn. serving a particular purpose for that office at that particular timc In appraisal, the usefulness of records for the conduct of current andior future administrative business needs. ADOPTION Final action by a legislative bodN . AGENCY -SPECIFIC Retention schedule which specifies the approved disposition of a SCHEDULE I record series unique in purpose and function to its creating agency. APPRAISAL The process of determining the value and thus the disposition of records based on their current administrative, fiscal, and legal value: their evidential and informational value: their arrangement and condition: their intrinsic value: and their relationship to other - records. ARCHIVAL RECORDS Records identified as having archival value or potential archival value on the agency records retention schedule. AUDIT Reyic%% for acceptance of records relating to operations, policies and procedures, financial documentation and historical documents by resulatine asencies. CLOSED/COMPLETED I A file or record on which action has been completed and to which an audit or further action is not likely to occur. COPY A reproduction of the contents of an original document which is not the official file coP), of the agency. Copies are usually identified by their function. i.e.. action coPe. reading file coPe. tickler file coPe. etc. In most instances. copies mll have a shorter retention than the official file coy (see Record Coos) of a record series. CURRENT Records %ylaen specified as the minimum retention period means that superseded. rescinded. expired. or no longer useful records may be removed from the files and mac be destroyed. DATE OF BIRTH The date on %%hich the birth of a person is documented. DEPARTMENT OF RECORD The depannnent that created or is responsible for retaining the official record or record copy. DISPOSITION The predetermined action taken with regard to. inactive records_ including form of retention (hardcopy or image). period of time retained (archive or destroy). where to store (on -site or oil -site). and method of destruction (recycle. burn or shred). DUPLICATE A document produced at the same time the original is made by use of a carbonized process (OCR or carbon paper). EVIDENTIAL VALUE In appraisal, the value of a record that documents the activities of an organization or agency. Accuracy, and completeness of the file / records. FILE INTEGRITY FISCAL VALUE Documents and accounts for receipt of or expenditure of public funds: such as budget, ledgers of accounts receivable and payable, payrolls. and vouchers. Documents availability of funds for operational purposes. In appraisal. records required until a financial audit is completed or financial obligations are fulfilled. HISTORICAL VALUE In appraisal, the value attributed to a record which preserves documentation on significant historical events including the City's operations. origin. policies. authorities. functions. and organizations. as well as significant administrative decisions. 61 U, 9 LEGAL VALLT I In appraisal. value attributed to a record series which documents business ownershim agreements. and transactions LIFE A record that i;as continuing value ;o the organization MINI1i IUIN-I RETENTION I The least amount of time a record must be kept DETERMINED BY PERIOD j ASS`.SS%tE:\T OF .ADNUMS T RATI\E_ LEGAL. FISCAL A\'D ! HISTORICAL. VALUES. PER.ILANE\T Recorded information %%hick is required b% late to b, retained: or I which has been designated for continuous presen ation because of its administrative or it istorical sienificanc:. i RECORD COPY The original or official coPy of a record maintained b> an agenc\ sometimes referred to as the designated original. or blue-ribbon co v. RECORD Amv documentary material. re_ardless of physical form or characteristic. made or received by an organization in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of business. and used by that Organization or its success or evidence of activities or because of informational value. RECORDS RETRIEVAL I Locating documents and delivering thein for use. RETENTION PERIOD The period of time that records must be kept according to legal and/or organizational requirements. RETENTION SCHEDULE A list or other instrument describing the record series. the length of time records are retained (nta} include active and inactive storage breakdown). the department of record. and the final disposition. SUPERCEDE The replacement of an existing document. TERMLN- TATION Designates the end of a specific terns. e.g.. appointed. elected officials' tenns: employment'. training. course. program: use or ownership. VITAL RECORDS Those records containing information necessan to continue the operation of government. affirm the powers and duties of � government and to protect the rights and interests of persons. VITAL RECORDS The document which identifies those records and record series that RETENTION SCHEDULE are classified as vital. specifies the means for the protection of those .records. and provides each department with a complete listing of all vital records for which the department is responsible. CITATIONS B&P - Business and Professions CAC — California Administrative Code CCP — Code of Civil Procedure CCR — Code of California Regulations CEQA — California Environmental Quality Act CFR — Code of Federal Regulations EC — Election Code FMLA — Family & Medical Leave Act, 1993 GC — Government Code H&S — Health & Safety HUD — Housing and Urban Development OSHA — Occupational Safety & Health Act PC — Penal Code POST — Police Officers Standards Training UFC — Uniform Fire Code USC — United States Code WIC — Welfare & Institutions Code LEGEND Records Retention AC = Active AD = Adoption AU = Audit CL = Closed/Completion CU = Current Year D.O.B.=Date of Birth E = Election L = Life P = Permanent S = Supersede T = Termination CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES INDEX Abandoned Vehicles Development 4 Abandonment Development 8 Abandonments/Vacations Public Works 3 Accident Reports - City Assets Administration 10 Accounting/Cash Reconciliations Law Enforcement 1 Accounts Payable Finance 1 Accounts Receivable Finance 1 Acquisition/Disposition Development 8 Adjustments Finance 2 Administration — General Subject Administration 4 Administration — Public Financing Authority Administration 10 Administrative/Internal Law Enforcement 1 Affidavit Index Administration 1 Agenda Reports (Master, Subject Files) Administration 8 Agendas Administration 8 Agendas, Board Public Works 1 Agreements Transportation 1 Air Duality Development 5 Airport Certification Transportation 2 Airport Noise Monitoring and Complaint Transportation 2 Alarm Records Law Enforcement 1 Annexation Case Files Development 8 Annual Financial Report Administration 1 Apparatus/Vehicle Fire Safety 2 Appeals, Civil Administration 8 Applications - Aircraft Storage Transportation 1 Applications - Parking 'Transportation 1 Applications - Slip Rentals Transportation 1 Applications - Special Events Transportation 1 Applications Finance 1 Applications, Absentee Ballots Administration 1 Applications, Boards, Commissions, Committees Administration 8 Appraisals Development 8 Acquisition/Disposition Development 8 Arrest/Conviction Law Enforcement 5 Articles of Incorporation Administration 8 Asbestos Development 5 Assessment Districts Administration 9 Assessment Districts Finance 1 Asset Forfeiture - Investigations/Proceedings Case File Law Enforcement 1 Asset Forfeiture - Notifications Law Enforcement 2 Assisted, Challenged Voters List Administration 1 Audits Finance 3 Auto for Hire Transportation 3 Ballots Administration 1 Ballots — Prop. 218 Administration 2 Bank Reconciliations Finance 1 Bank Statements Finance 4 Benchmark Data Development 1 Benefit Plan Claims Administration 5 Benefit Plan Enrollment, Denied Administration 5 Bids & Proposals (Unsuccessful) Development 1 ±13 INDEX Bids, RFQ's, RFP's Billing Records Billing/Customer Records Biographies Blueprints, Specifications Bond, Personnel Fidelity Bonds - Administration Bonds - Security Bonds - Development Bonds - Account Statements Bonds - Bonds and Coupons Bonds Bonds Bonds, Insurance Books, Fire Code Brochures, publications, newsletter, bulletins Budget adjustments, journal entries Budget Operating (copies) Budget Operating (copies) Budget Budget, Accounting Budget, Adopted Budget, Proposed Business License Calendar Calendar, City California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Canvass Capital Improvement Projects Capital Improvements, Construction Cards - Dispatch Cards - Field Interview Case Books, Investigative Case Files - Homicide Investigator's File Case Files - Narcotics (No arrest, Narcotics Cases) Case Files - Officer Involved Shootings Case Files Case Files, Planning and Zoning Case Log Case Records - (High Profile) Case Records - (Routine) Certificates (Building) Certificates (Planning) Certificates of Election Charter - Amendments/Measures Checks Chemicals/Film Inventories Citations-11357(e), Juvenile Citations-11357b H&S, 11357c H&S, 11360b H&S Violations Citations - California Vehicle Code Infractions (Duplicates) Citations - Cite and Release Citations - Parking/Traffic, Duplicates Citations - Transmittals Claim Files Claims, Damage N Finance Finance Public Works Administration Development Administration Finance Development Development Finance Finance Administration Development Administration Fire Safety Administration Finance Administration Finance Administration Finance Finance Finance Finance Administration Administration Development Administration Development Development Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Development Development Administration Administration Administration Development Development Administration Administration Finance Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement 9 Law Enforcement 9 Law Enforcement 9 Law Enforcement 9 Law Enforcement 1 Administration 11 INDEX Classifications and Appointments Administration 4 Closures - Public Works ? Code Books Development 1 Collections/Landfill Public Works 2 Community Development Block Grant and Administration 4 Urban Development Community Services — Library Administration 1 - Community Services — Placques Administration 1 Community Services — Sports Organization Administration 1 Congestion Management Development 6 Connection Records Public Works 6 Construction (Approved) Development 4 Construction Tracking, Daily Development , 5. Contractor Development 1 Contracts and Agreements — Excl. Capital Improvement Administration 9 Contracts and Agreements — Incl. Capital Improvement Administration 9 Correspondence Administration 4 Correspondence Development 1 Court - Daily Schedule - Law Enforcement 2 Court - Sign -in Logs Law Enforcement 2 Court -Tracking System Records Law Enforcement 2 Crime - Felony Crimes With Or Without Arrests Law Enforcement 5 Crime - Misdemeanor/Infractions Law Enforcement 6 Crime - Supplemental, Felony Capital Crimes, Law Enforcement 6 Crimes Punishable by Death, Life Imprisonment Deeds & Promissory Notes Development a Deferred Compensation Finance 3 Department Manual Law Enforcement 1 -- Deposits, Receipts Finance 1 Destruction - Guns Law Enforcement 6 Destruction - Narcotics Law Enforcement 6 Development (includes CDBG) Development 2 Development Agreements Development 1 Development Conditions Development 1 Development Standards Development 1 Disposition of Arrest/Court Action Law Enforcement 6 Drawings, Project Plan Development 1 Drawings, Traffic Control Plan Development 5 Easements, Dedications, Rights -of -Way Public Works 3 Employee Handbook Administration 5 Employee Programs Administration 5 Employee Rights Administration 5 Employee Time Sheets Finance 2 Environmental Review Development 6 Equipment - Communication Law Enforcement 1 Equipment - Inventory Law Enforcement 1 Equipment - Inventory/Sign-out Cards- r aoto Lab. Law Enforcement 10 Equipment - Operations Files - Photo Lab Law Enforcement 10 Equipment - Radio Logs (Communication) Law Enforcement 9 Evidence, Disposition Forms Law Enforcement 2 Exposure - Personnel Fire Safety 1 Facilities (Sanitation/Solid Waste/Wastewater) Public Works 2 Facilities (Utilities) Public Works 6 — Facility Rentals/Use Development 7 Fair Political Practices - Administration, Statements Administration 2 Fair Political Practices - Campaign disclosure, elected Administration 2 INDEX Fair Political Practices - Campaign disclosure, not elected Administration 2 Fair Political Practices - Campaign disclosure, unsuccessful Administration 2 Fair Political Practices - Candidate Statements Administration 2 Fair Political Practices - History Administration 2 Fair Political Practices - Statement of Economic Interest, Administration 3 Elected Fair Political Practices - Statement of Economic Interest, Administration 3 not elected False Alarm (Duplicate) Finance 6 Federal and State Administration 4 Field Books Public Works 3 Field, Non -fire and Logs Fire Safety 2 Financial, Annual Finance 3 Financial Records - Grants Administration 5 Financial Records, Public Financial Authority Administration 10 Fingerprint - Applicants Files Law Enforcement 2 Fingerprint - Inked/Palm Cards Law Enforcement. 2 Fingerprint - Records Latents Law Enforcement 3 Fingerprint - Suspect, AdLIUJuvenile Law Enforcement 3 Fire, Non -arson and Logs Fire Safety 2 Flood Control - Drainage Facilities Public Works 6 Flood Control - Flood Zones Public Works 6 Flood Control - Insurance Programs Public Works 6 Flood Control - Polices/Procedures Public Works 6 Flood Control - Reports/Studies Public Works 6 Flood Control Development 5 Flood Records Development 7 Franchises Development 1 Fueling Transportation 1 Gas & Electric Rates Public Works 6 General Administrative -Administration 10 General Orders Law Enforcement 9 General Orders, Policies/Procedures Fire Safety 1 General Plan Amendments - Approved Development 7 General Plan Amendments - Denied Development 7 General Plan and Elements Development 7 General Subject Files Development 1 Goals & Objectives Administration 4 Grants -Parks (refer to Admin.) Public Works 1 Grants - Street/Alleys (see Admin.), Public Works 3 Grants — Water (see Admin.) Public Works 7 Grants, Community/Urban Development (includes CDBG) Development 2 Grievance Files Law Enforcement 11 Guns, Dealers Record of Sale Law Enforcement 3 Hazardous Waste Disposal Hazardous Materials 2 Hazardous Waste-Asposal Transportation 1 Hearing or Revif,.i Administration 1 Historic Preservation Inventory Development 2 History, Sanitation Public Works 2 Hourly Employees Administration 5 Immigrant Administration 5 Incident Files Development 2 Incident Reports Administration 11 Incident Fire Safety 2 Incineration Plants, Sludge Public Works 2 Incinerator Operations, Treatment Plant Public Works 2 4. s INDEX Index, Attorney Case Administration 9 Informant files Law Ercrcanent .. — Inspection Development 4 Inspection, Runway Transportation 2 Inspection, Safety Self Transportation 2 Inspections, Fire Prevention Fire Safety 1 Insurance, ACCEL JT Powers Agreement Administration 11 - Insurance, Certificates Administration 11 Insurance, Liability/Property Administration 11 Insurance, Workers Compensation Administration 11 Internet, World Wide Web Administration 7 Interpretations Development 7 Intersection Records Public Works 3 Inventory Finance 2 Inventory, Equipment Parts & Supplies Transportation 1 Inventory, Equipment & Supplies Fire Safety 2 Inventory, Equipment - Parks Public Works 1 Inventory, Equipment - Water Public Works 7 Inventory, Information Systems Administration 7 Inventory, Records Administration 9 Inventory, Traffic Control Device Public Works 3 Inventory, Vehicle Ownership and Title Transportation 1 Investigations - Background Law Enforcement 11 Investigations - Background Hired Law Enforcement 11 Investigations - Notifications Law Enforcement 2 Investigations, Evidence Arson - Administration Fire Safety 1 Investigations, Evidence Arson - Reports Fire Safety 2 Investment Transactions Finance 3 — Invoices Finance 1 Jail - Daily Logs Law Enforcement 3 Jail - Inmate Record Law Enforcement 3 Jail - Inspection Files Law Enforcement 3 Jail - Surveys Law Enforcement 3 Journals - Utility Billing Finance 1 Journals, Fire Station Fire Safety 1 Labor Distribution Finance 3 Land Uses, non -conforming Development 2 Landscape - Parks Public Works 1 Landscaping — Streets/Alleys Public Works 3 Ledger, General -Voucher Finance 1 Legal Advertising Administration 9 Licenses - Bicycle Law Enforcement 3 Licenses - Bingo, Mace Law Enforcement 3 Licenses - Business License Review Board Law Enforcement 3 Administrative Files Licenses - Duplicate (Pink), Secondhand Dealer, Law Enforcement - 4 Pawn Brokers Licenses, Permits Transportation 1 Liens & Releases - Recorded Development 4 Liens & Releases - Supporting Development 4 Lighting Public Works 3 Lobbyist Registration Administration 3 Locations Public Works 7 —' Logs Development 5 Logs - Administration Development 2 Logs - Auto Theft Law Enforcement 4 INDEX Logs - Case Assignment Law Enforcement Logs - Code Enforcement Development Logs - Daily, Activity Law Enforcement Logs - Daily, Officer Law Enforcement Logs - Daily, Report Summary Law Enforcement Logs - Investigative (Pre -Arrest) Law Enforcement Logs - Juvenile Detention Law Enforcement Logs - Property Control Law Enforcement Logs - Rap Sheet Law Enforcement Logs -Subpoena Law Enforcement Logs, Attorney Service Request Administration Logs, Fire Equipment/Gear Fire Safety Lot Split Cases Development Maintenance and Operations Transportation Maintenance and Operations - Municipal Facilities Development Maintenance and Operations - Parks Public Works Maintenance and Operations - Public Works Sanitation/Solid Waste/Wastewater Maintenance and Operations - Service Public Works Maintenance and Operations - Streets/Alleys Public Works Maintenance and Operations - Well & Pumping Public Works Maintenance, FAA Transportation Management Reports Administration Maps & Plats Development Maps - Parks Public Works Maps - Streets/Alleys Public Works Maps - Water Public Works Maps, City Boundary Development Maps, Plans, Drawings, Exhibits, Photos Development Maps, PrecinctsNoter Information Administration Maps, Septic Tank public Works Master Plans - Streets/Alleys Public Works Master Plans - Water Public Works Master Plans, Annual Development Media Relations Administration Medical Leave Administration Medical - Personnel Fire Safety Meter Operations Public Works Meter Reading Finance Minutes Administration Minutes, Board Public Works Motor Vehicle Pulls (DMV) Administration Municipal Code Administration Mutual Aid, Strategic Plans Emergency Management Negotiation Administration Network Information Systems (LANIWAN) _ Administration Nomination Papers .dminiStration Non -Criminal Occurrences Law Enforcement Non -Safety Employees Administration Notices, Meeting Administration Notifications and Publications Administration Oaths of Office Administration Opinions Administration Ordinances Administration Parades & Special Events File Law Enforcement Parking - Lots Public Works 6 4 U.Lt INDEX Parking - Regulations Public Works 4 Patrol Requests (Correspondence) Law Enforcement 9 — Pawn Slips/Tickets Law Enforcement 4 Permits - Alcoholic Beverage Control License Law Enforcement 11 Permits - Concealed Weapons Law Enforcement 11 Permits - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Public Works 7 System (NPDES) - Permits - Others Public Works 7 Permits Development 4 Permits Public Works 4 Permits, Construction Development 2 Permits, Encroachment Public Works 4 Permits, Hazardous Materials Storage Hazardous Materials 2 Permits, Improvement Public Works 4 Permits, Other Development 2 Permits, Oversize Load Public Works 4 Permits, Parking Public Works 4 Permits, Paving Public Works 4 Permits, Uniform Fire Code Fire Safety 1 Permits, Use (Temporary) Public Works 4 PERS Employee Deduction Reports Finance 2 PERS, Social Security, SSI Administration 6 Personnel Records (copies) Administration 6 Pest Control Development 6 Petitions - Elections Administration 3 Petitions - Legal/Legislative Administration 9 Photographs - Daily Report (Negatives) Law Enforcement 4 Photographs - Inmates (Negatives) Law Enforcement 4 Photographs - Negative Log Law Enforcement 11 Photographs - Negatives, Misc. Law Enforcement 11 Photographs - Personnel -Law Enforcement 11 Photographs Development 2 Photographs - Parks Public Works 1 Photographs - Streets/Alleys Public Works 4 Photographs, Negatives, Film Administration 11 Plans, Capital Improvement, Projects Public Works 4 Plans, Proposed Public Works 1 Policies & Procedures, Departmental Administration 4 Policies and Procedures - Naming and numbering Public Works 5 Policies and Procedures - Speed Limits Public Works 5 Policies and Procedures- Parks Public Works 1 Policies and Procedures - Water Public Works 7 Policy, Council/Proclamations Administration 10 Precinct Records Administration 3 Press Releases Law Enforcement 11 Press, Video P-;grams (Community Relations) Law Enforcement 11 Program Files and Directories Administration 8 Programs - Federal Aid Urban Public Works 5 Programs - Traffic Safety Public Works 5 Programs Development 6 Programs, Household Hazardous Waste Hazardous Materials 2 Projects, Not Completed or Denied Development 2 Promotional Marketing — Eternal, Internal Administration 4 Property Files Law Enforcement 11 Property Original Law Enforcement 6 Property, Pawn Broker/Secondhand Law Enforcement 11 r .+ INDEX Public Records Request Administration Radar Calibration Records Law Enforcamem Railroad Right-of-way Public Works Range Inventory Law Enforcement Rates - Sanitation/Solid Waste/Wastewater Public Works Rates - Water Public Works Reclamation Public Works Records Management Disposition Certification Administration Records Management Administration Records Retention Administration Recruitment Administration Recycling Programs Public Works Redevelopment Development Register Finance Registers, Transient Vessel Reservation Transportation Registration Files, Arson, Sex and Narcotics Law Enforcement Regulations Development Regulations Public Works Relocation Files Development Report, Accident (Copies) Transportation Reports -Accident and Incident (Aircraft) Transportation Reports - Accident Law Enforcement Reports - Accident Public Works Reports - Activity Law Enforcement Reports -Airport Operational (Administrative) Transportation Reports -Airport Operational (Regulatory) Transportation Reports - Audit Administration Reports - Bridges & Overpasses Public Works Reports - Chemical Emissions Law Enforcement Reports - Conservation Public Works Reports - Consumption Public Works Reports - Corrosion Control Public Works Reports - Dealer of Gun Sales, Duplicate Law Enforcement Reports - Departmental Administration Reports - Discharge Monitoring Public Works Reports - Drinking Water Corrections Public Works Reports - Federal and State Tax Finance Reports - Human Resources Administration Reports - Hydrograph_ Public Works Reports - Inspection Public Works Reports - Lead Service Line Public Works Reports - NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) Finance Reports - NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) Transportation Reports - Others Public Works Reports - Public Education Public Works Reports - Quality Parameters Public Works Reports - Sanitary Surveys Public Works Reports - Source Water Public Works Reports - Staff Administration Reports - State Certification Public Works Reports - Studies (Sanitation/Solid Waste/Wastewater) Public Works Reports - Studies Public Works Reports - Studies Public Works Reports - Survey Response Files Law Enforcement Reports -Tonnage Public Works Reports -Traffic Collision Fatalities Law Enforcement INDEX Reports -Traffic Count Public Works 5 Reports - Variances, Water System Public Works 9 — Reports -Vehicle Accident Public Works 5 Reports - Well Level Public Works 9 Reports Development 3 Reports Law Enforcement 7 Reports, Federal and State - Code Enforcement Development 5 ' Reports/Studies Public Works 4 Requisitions - Purchase Orders Finance 3 Requisitions - Stores Finance 3 Research Project Files Law Enforcement 7 Resolutions Administration 9 Resolutions, Board Public Works, t Restraining Orders, Emergency Protective Orders, Law Enforcement 12 Temporary Restraining Orders, Legal Stipulations, Orders After Hearing Reviews, Internal/External Periodic Administration 1 Risk Management Reports Administration 11 Roster of Voters Administration 3 Rosters (Divisional) Law Enforcement 12 Routes, School Bus & Truck Public Works 5 Safety Employees Administration 7 Salary Records Finance 3 Schedules - Daily Law Enforcement 12 Schedules - Municipal Clerk Administration 10 Schedules -Watch Assignment/Timekeeping Records Law Enforcement 12 Schedules, Class & Events Public Works 1 Sealed - Adult Found Factually Innocent Law Enforcement 8 -- Sealed - Juvenile Law Enforcement 8 Seismic Retrofit Program Development 3 Signage Public Works 5 Signs (Temporary) Development 4 Slip Rental Index Transportation 3 Slip Rental Permits Transportation 3 Slip Rental Waiting List Transportation 3 Soil Development 6 Soil Reports Development 6 Sources Public Works 9 Speaker Requests Law Enforcement 12 Special Districts Development 5 Special Projects Administration 4 State Controller Finance 3 Statistical (Crime Analysis) Law Enforcement 7 Statistical (UCR), Uniform Crime Reports Law Enforcement 7 Street Names and House Numbers Development 3 Street/Alley (Abandonment/ Vacation) r,evelopment 5 Studies, Special Projects & Areas Development 3 Subpoenas (Duplicate) Law Enforcement 8 Support Services Administration 4 Surplus Property - Auction Finance 2. Surplus Property - Disposal Finance 2 Surveyor Field Notes Public Works 9 Surveys Development 3 -- Surveys and Studies Administration 7 Surveys, Water System Sanitary Public Works 9 Tapes - Audio, Telephone and Radio Communications Law Enforcement 8 INDEX Tapes -Audio, Video Tapes - Surveillance!Security Video (Jail) Tapes Information Systems Taxes Receivable Tests - Bacteriological Analysis Tests - Chemical Analysis Tests - Quality Tests, Densitometer Results (Photo Lab) Traffic Signals Traffic Signals Training - Bulletins Training - Event Files Training - Lesson Plans, Range Training Materials Training - Personnel Training - Personnel (by name) Training - Schedules, Range Training Records - Non -Safety Training Records - Personnel (by name) Training Records - Safety Travel Records Underground Underground Storage Tank - Maintenance and Operations Underground Storage Tank - Compliance Uniform Vouchers (by name) Unsuccessful Grants Use of Force Supervisory Review Files Utility Rebates Valve Main Records Vehicle Assignment Vehicle Ownership & Title Vehicle - Assignment Reports Vehicle - Down Reports Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rates Vehicle - Repossession/Private Impounds Vehicle - Service Schedules Vendor Register Vests, Bulletproof Letters Violations, Drinking Water Violations, Building, Property & Zoning Volunteer Card Files Voter Affidavits Voter Registration Signature Copy Warrant Register Warrants - Felony Warrants - Misdemeanor Criminal Warrants - Parking Warrants - Served Warrants - Traffic Warrants - Unserved (Local) Weapons, Database Weed Abatement Weigh Scales Workers Compensation 10 Administration 9 Law Enforcement ? Administration 8 Finance 1 Public Works 9 Public Works 9 Public Works 9 .Law Enforcement 12. Development 5 Public Works 6 Law Enforcement 12 Law Enforcement 12 Law Enforcement 12 Hazardous Materials 3 Fire Safety 1 Law Enforcement 12 Law Enforcement 12 Administration 7 Administration 7 Administration 7 Administration 4 Public Works 6 Hazardous Materials 3 Hazardous Materials Law Enforcement Administration Law Enforcement Finance Public Works .Transportation Finance Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Administration Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Finance Law Enforcement Public Works Development Law Enforcement Administration Administration Finance Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Fire Safety Public Works Administration N I+ CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Admini.stration Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor AUDIT I f Annual Financial Report CL + 2 1 GC34090 Independent auditor analysis Bonds CL + 10 GC34090; CCP 337.5 Final bond documentation Budget P GC34090 Annual operating budget approved by Legislative Body Budget Operating (co ies) S GC34090 Departmental Reference Hearing or Review AU + 2 GC34090; OMB A-128 Documentation created and or received in connection with an audit hearing or review Reports i AU + 4 GC34090; OMB A-128 j internal and/or external Reviews, Internal/External Periodic CU GC34090; GC6250 Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or other summary, review, evaluation, log, list, statistics, except a report COMMUNITY SERVICES Libraries I CU + 2 GC 34090 Books, art, gifts, donations, exhibits, theatre, music, special events, etc. Plaques I P Historic value Sports Organization S + 2 ELECTIONS Affidavit Index CL + 5 EC 17001 Applications, Absentee Ballots and Envelopes E + .5 EC 17505; EC 17302 From date of election Assisted, Challenged Voters List E + .5 I EC 17304 From date of election Ballots E + .5 EC 17302 From date of election; ballots submitted to precincts/City Clerk that were not used - unless contested (EC 17302(c)) retention by court order 000023 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Administration Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record'5eries Title Retention citation Descriptor I� Ballots P California Property related fees (Assessment Prop. 218 Constitution Ballot proceeding) (Assessment Art. XIII Districts) Calendar E + 2 GC 34090 �I Canvass -- P GC 22932; Notifications and Publication of ' EC 17130; Election; Records used to compile final EC 2653 election results, including tally sheets, voting machine tabulation, detailed breakdown of results; special election results i Certificates of Election T + 4 GC 81009(a) Certificates of election; Original reports (d) and statements Charter P GC34458-60; Chapter designations by Secretary of Amendments/ GC34090 State following adoption of voters Measures Fair Political Practices Administration/ CU + 5 FPPC Opinions Campaign Statements and Conflict of Interest Campaign P GC81009(b) FPPC Filings disclosure, Elected ( ) Campaign E + 5 GC81009(b) FPPC Filings disclosure, Not Elected Campaign E + 7 GC81009 FPPC Filings disclosure - Unsuccessful(all other committees Candidate E + 4 Sample ballot retained permanently. Statements I History P GC 34090 History of elections, sample ballots. certificates of destruction, other resolutions re: elections 000021 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Administration Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Statement of T + 7 GC 81009(e) FPPC Filings economic interest - Elected Officials Statement of E + 5 GC 81009(b) FPPC Filings economic interest - Not Elected - Lobbyist Re istration P I EC 81009(b) Statements Maps, Precincts/Voter E + 2 GC 34090; Information EC 17501; EC 17301 Nomination Papers Successful E + 4 EC 17100 Unsuccessful E + 2 GC 81009(b) Notifications and I E + 2 GC 34090 Proof of publication or posting, Publications certification and listing of notice of posting; copy of newspaper notice and j certification of offices to be voted for at forthcoming election Oaths of Office T + 6 GC34090; Elected Officials �29 USC 1113 Petitions .75 EC 17200, From date of filing or election; 17400; GC Initiative, referendum, recall, Charter 7253.5; EC Amendments 14700 + GC 3756:8 Precinct Records E + .5 EC 17503 From date of election: Precinct official material; declaration of intention, precinct board member applications, orders appointing members of precinct boards and designating polling places Includes notice of appointment of office and record of service Roster. (Of Voters) E + 5 EC 17300 From date of election; Initiative, referendum recall, general municipal election, Charter Amendments Voter Affidavits CL + 5 EC 17000 000025 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Administration Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association s IIRecord Series Title Retention Citation Voter Registration Signature Copy CU + 5 EC 17000 Fire, special or school district i I GENERAL SUBJECT Administration P GC 34090 Biographies ICU + 2 1 GC34090 I li Classifications and Appointments P GC 34090; GC 12946; 29 CFR 516.6(2); 29 CFR 1602.4 Includes supplemental Personnel records. Wage rate tables 2 years. Correspondence/ Originating Department CU + 2 ( GC34090(d) If not attached to agreement or project file Goals & Objectives CU + 2 1 GC34090 j Departmental goals & objectives Policies & Procedures, I Departmental S + 5 I GC34090(d) Retain while current Promotional Marketin External 1 CU + 7 Internal 12 Reports Departmental �CU+2 I GC34090 Special/or final summary, review or - evaluation Staff CU + 2 GC34090 Non -agenda related, includes supporting documentation Special Projects CU + 2 GC34090 Support Services CU + 2 GC34090 Reproduction; printing; postal/mailing services, other internal resources Travel Records CU + 2 1 GC34090 GRANTS Community Development Block Grant and Urban Development T + 4 GC34090; 24 CFR 570.502 24 CFR85.42* Applications, reports, contracts, j supporting documents; *OMB Cir. A - 102, A-110, A-128 Federal and State CL + 5 GC34090 Refer to grant application close-out procedure 000026 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Administration — Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series'Title Retention Citation Financial Records CL + 5 GC34090 Refer to grant application close-out }; procedure I Unsuccessful CL + 2 GC34090 Applications not entitled ------------ HUMAN RESOURCES Benefit Plan Claims P GC6250 et May include dental, disability, seq; education, health, life and vision OMB A-129 including dependent care and 29 CFR Employee Assistance 1602.30; 32; *29 CFR 1637.3; 29 USC 1027; 29 CFR Lab Rel Sec 1627.3; 29 USC 1113 1174* Benefit Plan Enrollment, CL + 4 GC34090; Denied OMB A-128 Bond, Personnel Fidelity I T + 2 I GC34090 I Employee fidelity Bonds Employee Handbook S + 2 GC 34090 General employee information including benefit plans Employee Programs CL + 2 GC 34090; includes EAP and Recognitions GC 12946 Employee Rights GC12946; 29 May include Arbitration, grievances, General Employees T + 2 CFR 1602; 29 union requests, sexual harassment and Safety (Police) T + 5 USC 211 (e); Civil Rights, complaints, disciplinary 203(m); actions 207(g) Hourly Employees T + 6 GC12946; *29 CFR 1627.3, abor Relations GC34090* Section 1174 Immigrant Immigration 1-9's Reform/Con- trol Act 1986 Pub. L 99-603 000027 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Administration Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association !@cord 5eties Title Retention Citation Descri Medical Leave CL + 30 FMLA 1993 May include Family leave; US OSHA; certifications; tests; W-4's; *29 CFR 29 CFR; ' 1602.30.32; 49 CFR 193-9; 1910.20 !I Motor Vehicle Pulls DMV CL + 7 GC12946, ' `CA 91009; 8 USC 1324 a �I Negotiation P 29 USC Notes, notebooks, correspondence, !, Sections contracts, and Memorandums of 211(c), Agreements II 203(m), 207( ) q Non -Safety Employees T + 3 Reference: Non -safety employees may include: 29 CFR Release Authorizations; Certifications; 1627.3; Lbr Reassignments; outside employment; Rltns Sec commendations disciplinary actions; 1174; 29 CFR terminations; Oaths of Office; 1602.30.32; evaluations -pre -employee medicals; GC6250 et • fingerprints; identification cards (ID's seq; 29 CFR; *1607.4; 29 CFR 655.202; 29 CFR 516.o GC 12946, et seq; 45 CFR 1068.6(a) 34090' Personnel Records CU + 2 GC34090; Attendance; evaluations; drafts; (copies) GC6250 worksheets; postings PERS, Social Security, SSI P 29 CFR EEOC/ADEA 1627.3(2); GC 12946, 34090 Recruitment CL + 3 Reference: Applications, resumes, alternate GC12946; lists/logs, indices; ethnicity GC6250 et disclosures; examination materials; seq; examination answer sheets, job 29 CFR 1602 bulletins; eligibility; electronic et seq database 29 CFR 1607; 49 USC 2000(e)-8; 2000(c)-12 Reports CU + 2 GC34090 Employee statistics, benefit activity; liability loss 000028 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Administration Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association II Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Safety Employees T + 5 Reference: Police, fire, emergency employees may 29 CFR include; Release Authorizations; 16273; Lbr Certifications Reassignments; outside Rltns Sec employment; commendations 1174; disciplinary actions; terminations; 29 CFR Oaths of Office; evaluations -pre 1607.4; ' employee medicals •29 CFR 1602.30.32; 29 CFR 655.202; 29 CFR 516.6 et seq; 45 CFR 1068.6(a Surveys and Studies CU + 2 GC 12946, Includes classification, wage rates 34090; 29 CFR 516.6(2); 29 CFR 1602.14 Training Records CU + 7 GC6250 et Employee applications, volunteer Non -Safety seq • ! program training, class training materials, internships; Personnel (by T + 7 GC34090 Paperwork documenting officers' name) I internal and external training Safety CU + 2 GC34090 Certifications/designations Vehicle Mileage S + 2 GC 34090 Annual mileage reimbursement rates Reimbursement Rates INFORMATION SERVICES Internet, World Wide Web S + 2 I GC34090 Management/Policies and supporting S + 2 GC34090 documentation Hardware/Software Inventory logs; Inventory, information Systems systems manuals Network Information CU + 4 GC34090; Configuration maps and plans Systems (LAN/WAN) CCP 337.2; 343 000029 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Administration Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association [Record Series Title Retention Citation Desc Program Files and CU + 2 GC34090; Annual backup Directories CU + (2 GC34090.7 Daily backup mos.) i CU + 1 Monthly backup CU + .5 1 Meekly backup Tapes Information__ CU + 2 GC34090 System Generation " Systems LEGAL/ LEGISLATIVE Agendas CU + 2 GC34090 Original agendas and special meeting notices, including certificates of posting, original summaries, original communications and action agendas for Council, Boards and Commissior-- Agenda Reports (Master, I CU + 2 GC34090 (d) I Documentation received, created Subject Files) and/or submitted to Council Appeals, Civil CU + 3 CCP, 583.320(a)(3); GC 34090 Applications, Boards, CL + 2 GC34090 Not selected Commissions, Committees ( Applications, Boards, T + 5 GC34090; Selected Commissions, Committees GC40801 Articles of Incorporation P GC34090; CCP 337.2 Case Log CL + 7 CCP 337.2; From Close of cases listed; 343 Chronological listing of cases Case Records - (High f GC6254 Significant cases which have Profile) { z importance/or set legal precedence. Includes logs, complaints, police reports, court orders, motions, notes, briefs Case Records- (Routine) E 42 USC s1983 Includes logs, complaints, police reports, court orders, motions, note briefs, closing statements (unless minors - 3 years after attaining 18 oao0 3n CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Administration Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Contracts and Agreements T + 5 CCP 337.2, Includes leases, equipment, services Excl. Capital 343; or supplies Improvement B&P7042.5;* *PU7685; 48 CFR:2; GC53066 Incl. Capital P 2.08.110;* Construction Improvement I*GC37090a; 4004; H&S 19850 j Index, Attorney Case L GC6254 Including notations on activities related to case Legal Advertising CU + 4 CCP 343, 349 Includes public notices, legal et seq.; publications GC 911.2; GC 34090 Logs, Attorney Service CU + 2 1 GC34090 Service request, summaries of monthly I Request I requests Minutes P GC34090(d); Official minutes and .hearing GC36814; proceedings of governing body or GC40801 board, commission or committee Notices, Meeting CU + 2 GC 34090.71 Special meetings 54960.1(c)(1) Opinions S + 2 GC34090; Confidential GC6254 Ordinances I P GC34090(d)4 Charter amendments; municipal code 0806 Petitions CU + 1 GC50115; Submitted to legislative bodies GC6253 Resolutions P GC34090(d) Legislative actions 40801 Tapes, AudioNideo CU + 3 GC 34090.7 When used for minute preparation and �may r have historical value. MUNICIPAL CLERK Assessment Districts P GC 34090 Original documentation Inventory, Records CU + 2 GC34090; 80 Inventory of non -current or inactive OPS Atty. records holdings and location, indices. Gen. 106 Tapes may be recycled. Municipal Code P GC 34090 Su plements included 000031' CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Administration Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Public Records Request CL + 2 1 GC 34090 Records Management CL + 2 GC34090 Document includes retrieval, transfers - inactive Records Management Disposition Certification P I GC34090 Documentation of final disposition or records Records Retention_ Schedules S + 4 CCP 343 i POLICIES/ PROCEDURES General Administrative S + 2 GC34090; 40801 All city policies and procedures Policy, Council/ Proclamations S + 2 GC34090 Policies, directives rendered by Council not assigned a resolution or ordinar^9 number PUBLIC FINANCING AURTHORITY Administration P GC 34090 Financial Records P GC 34090, 40802, 53901 Management Reports 12 1 GC 34090 PUBLIC INFORMATION Brochures, publications, newsletter, bulletins S + 2 GC 34090 GC 34090 Calendar, City CL + 2 Media Relations CU + 2 GC 34090 Includes cable, newspaper, radio, messa a boards, presentations. RISK MANAGEMENT Accident Reports - City Assets CL + 7 29 CFR 1904.2; 29;* Reports and related records * CFR 1904.6 Bonds, Insurance I P CCP 337.2; 343 _ Bonds and insurance policies insui g ci property and other assets 000032 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Administration Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association �I Record Series Title Retention Citation Descri Claims, Damage I CL + 5 GC34090; IGC25105.5 Paid/Denied Incident Reports CL + 7 29 CFR Theft, arson, vandalism, property 1904.2; 29 damage or similar occurrence CFR 1904.6 (excluding fire/law enforcement) Insurance, ACCEL.JT P GC34090 (Authority California Cities Excess Powers Agreement Liability Insurance) — Accreditation/ MOD's/a reement/a endas Insurance, Certificates P GC34090 Insurance certificates filed separately from contracts, includes insurance filed by licensees Insurance, P GC34090 May include liability, property, Liability/Property i Certificates of Participation, deferred, I use of facilities Insurance, Workers P GC6410; Indemnity; PERS - working files - Compensation 29 CFR originals with Administrator 1910.20 Photographs, Negatives, I CL + 2 GC34090 Film Risk Management Reports CL + 5 OMB 1220- Federal OSHA Forms; Loss Analysis 0029; 29 Report; Safety Reports ; Actuarial CFR1904.4; Studies GC 34090 Workers Compensation P CCR 14311; Claim Files, Reports, Incidents 15400.2 (working files) originals filed with Labor Code Administrator 5405 Title 8 00003 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Development Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record series Title Retention Citation Descriptor ADMINISTRATION Benchmark Data CU + 2 GC34090d Horizontal, vertical &control Bids & Proposals CL + 2 GC34090d (Unsuccessful) Bonds - CL + 10 CCP 337.5 Housing; Industrial Development Development I Security CL + 2 GC34090 Documentation created and or received in connection with the performance of work/services for the city, or for parcel maps and subdivision work Code Books P GC34090e National Electrical Code, Uniform Building, Fire, Mechanical, Plumbing & Supplements Contractor CU + 2 GC34090d Current listing Correspondence CU + 2 GC34090d Working documentation Development L GC34090 Mitigation measures; filed with case files Conditions Development P CCP337, Infrastructure contracts, franchises. Agreements 337.1(a), Original maintained for 7 years. 337.15; GC34.090;48 CFR 4.703 Development P GC34090a Landscape mediums, parkway Standards landscape development, public works construction Drawings, Project Plan CU + 2 GC34090d Does not include those usually filed with case or project Franchises P GC65864, Including subdivision agreements, 65869.5, contracts for sale or purchase of 34090* property, cable, grant of easements and/pr involving construction of improvements *CCP 337.2, 343; AC16023 General Subject Files CU + 2 GC34090d Internal working files including correspondence 1 000034 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Development Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor j Grants, CL + 4 24CFR Project files, contracts,. proposals, Community/Urban 570.502(b) statements, reports, sub -recipient Development (includes (3); 241CFR dockets, Environmental review, grant CDBG) 85.42 & documents, applications, iriventory, OMB Cir. A- consolidated plan, etc. Includes Section 110, Attach. 108 loan guarantee 'OMB Cir. A-102 & C; ' , 128, HUD regulations Historic Preservation 2 GC34090d Historic structures & landmarks Inventory Incident Files l 2 1 GC34090d Emergency Call Outs Land Uses, I P GC34090a , Building or site usage which -does not nonconforming ( ' conform to current standards Logs CU + 5 Logs, registers or similar records listing permits, certificates of occupancy issued; may include inspection, building activity, daily, Ian check, utility Maps & Plats P GC34090a Engineering & field notes and profiles; cross-section of roads, streets, right-of- way, bridges; may include annexations, parks, tracts, block, storm drains, water easements, bench marks, trees, grading, landfill, fire hydrants, base maps, etc. Master Plans, Annual S + 2 GC34090 Special or long range program plan for municipalities — coordination of services; strategic planning Permits, Construction P GC34090a; Plans, building, signs, grading, H&S19850; encroachment, including blueprints and 4003; 4004 specifications Permits, Other CL + 2 GC34090d Alterations, encroachment, excavations, road, street sidewalks & curb alterations, transportation, swimming pool drainage, temporary uses, etc. Photographs S + 2 GC34090d Aerial photographs Projects, Not CL + 2 GC34090d Building, engineering, planning Completed or Denied KJ 000035 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Development Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record'Sefies'Title Retention Citation Descriptor Reports CU + 2 I GC34090 Activity, periodic Seismic Retrofit Program P I GC34090a Includes Certificates of Compliance Street Names and House Numbers P GC34090a Street dedications, closings, address assignment/changes Studies, Special Projects & Areas CL + 2 GC34090d Engineering, joint powers, noise, transportation Surveys P GC34090a [-Recording data and maps I 3 000036 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Development Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor BUILDING I h Blueprints, CL + 2 GC34090d Submitted by contractors with j Specifications application for permit and builds for Certificate of Occupancy Certificates L GC34090a Compliance, elevation, occupancy which l affect real property Construction P GC34090a; New commercial and residential (Approved) 4003; 4004; construction, tenant improvements room H&S 19850, additions, spa, signs, block wall, 19853 remodel including security bonds Inspection CL + 2 1 GC34090d Correspondence, fees, appeal requests, i I reports Permits P GC34909a; Plans, building, signs, grading, H&S 19850; encroachment permits 4003;4004 Signs (Temporary) S + 2 GC34090d 1 Home occupations, off -premise signs i CODE ENFORCEMENT Abandoned Vehicles CL + 2 GC34090d Case Files CL + 2 GC34090d Building, housing and mobile home code violation records including inspections; public nuisance rubbish and weed abatement, vehicle abatement, citations, massage parlor permits, general Liens & Releases, Supporting CL + 2 I GC34090 Utilities, abatement, licenses Recorded P 4 000031 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Development Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor .Los CU + 2 GC34090d Lien Recovery, citations, complaints Regulations S + 2 GC34090d Includes rules Reports, Federal and P GC34090a Code enforcement statistics; may State contain records affecting title to real property or liens thereon Violations, Building, CL + 2 GC34090d Supporting code enforcement activity Property & Zoning ENGINEERING Capital Improvement CL + 10 CC337.15 Supporting documents including bidders Projects list, specifications, reports, plans, work orders, schedules, etc. Construction Tracking, P CC337.15 Assesses value of real property Daily I I I Drawings, Traffic P GC34090a Signs, signing & striping, road Control Plan construction Flood Control CL + 2 GC34090d Storm Drains Special Districts P GC34090a Supporting documents re: improvement, lighting, underground utility; bonds, taxes & construction Street/Alley CL + 2 GC34090d Relinquishment of rights and fee title (Abandonment/ Vacation) Traffic Signals CL + 2 GC34090d Counts, collisions, accidents ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Air Quality (AGMD) CU + 7 CCP 338(k); Participants/voucher logs, Total Daily GC34090 Mileage Survey (TDM); various local authorities; Commute Alternative Asbestos P GC34090a Documents abatement projects, public buildings C1 00003.3 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Development — Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association LRecord Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor -California P GC34090a + Exemptions, Environmental Impact . Environmental Quality CEQA Report, Mitigation monitoring, negative Act (CEQA) Guidelines declaration, notices of completion and determination, comments, statements of overriding considerations Congestion CU + 2 GC34090d Ride sharing, trip reduction Management Environmental Review CL + 2 GC34090d Correspondence, consultants, issues, I conservation Pest Control CU + 2 I GC34090d I Pesticide applications, inspections & sampling, documents Soil I CL + 2 I GC34090d Analysis, construction recommendations Soil Reports P GC34090d Final Reports HOUSING Bonds CL + 4 CCP 337 Revenue Bond Documentation Programs CL + 3 24 CFR Includes comprehensive Housing 570.502(b)( Authority Strategy, Meeting Credit 3); 24 CFR Certificate, Housing bond advisory, 85.42 & HOME, In -Lieu Housing Mitigation, OMB Cir. A- Low/Moderate Housing, Rental Housing 110, #C Assistance Redevelopment Budgets P GC 34090, Includes annual audit 40802, 53901 Br-nd Issues P GC43900 et seq. 2 000039 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Development Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Capital Improvements, P 2.083110; Contains records re: Planning, design, Construction GC34090a; construction, conversion or modification _ 4004; H&S of local government -owned facilities, 19850; structures & systems GC34090a Facility Rentals/Use I CU + 2 GC34090 Permits, contracts, diagrams, schedules, insurance binders Maintenance & CU + 2 GC34090d Service requests, invoices, supporting Operations documentation; buildings, equipment, field engineering, public facilities including work orders and graffiti removal PLANNING Case files, Planning P GC34909a; Pertains to real property. May include and Zoning H&S 19850; blueprints, drawings, maps, plans, 4003;4004 reports, evaluations, correspondence, uses, permits, variances, studies, appeals, compliance certificates, lot line adjustments or other planning -related matters brought before legislative body Certificates L GC34090 Retain during life of structure Flood Records CU + 2 GC34090 General Plan,and P GC34090 Includes sphere of influence El-ements - - = General Plan Amendments Approved CL + 2 GC34090 Denied CU + 3 GC65103; ` ` GC50110 interpretations CU + 2 GC34090 7 000040 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Development Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Senes7itle Retention Citation Descriptor Maps, Plans, Drawings, Exhibits, Photos P GC34090; H&S 19850; GC34090.7 Zoning, tentative subdivision, parcel, land use map, aerial photos, specific plans PROPERTY Abandonment P GC34090a Buildings, Condemnation, Demolition Acquisition/ Disposition CL + 10 GC34090a; GC6254 Supporting documents re: sale, j purchase, exchange, lease or rental of J property by City Annexation Case Files P GC34090a Reports, agreements, public notices Appraisals CL + 2 GC34090; GC6254(h) Exempt until final acquisition or contract agreement obtained Deeds & Promissory I Notes P GC34090a' (' 24 CFR 570.502(b)(3); 24 CFR 8.42 & ( OMB Circ. SA-110 Maps, City Boundary P GC34090d Recorded maps, surveys, monuments Lot Split Cases P GC34090 Relocation Files CL + 2 GC34090 e.g., Redevelopment j 8 000041 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Finance Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association [Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor ACCOUNTING Accounts Payable AU + 4 GC34090 ( Invoices, check copies, supporting documents Accounts Receivable AU + 4 GC 34090 Applications - CL + 2 GC34090 Utility connections, disconnects, registers, service Assessment Districts P GC 34090 Collection information; Original documentation files with municipal clerk Bank Reconciliations AU + 5 GC34090; 26 CFR 16001-1 Statements, summaries for receipts, disbursements & reconciliations Billing Records AU + 2 GC34090 Customer name, service address, meter reading, usage, payments, applications/cancellations Budget J AU + 2 1 GC 34090 Budget adjustments, journal entries AU + 2 GC34090 Account transfers Checks AU + 5 GC34090; CCP 337 Includes payroll, canceled & voided checks Deposits, Receipts AU + 4 GC 34090; CCP 337 Checks, coins, currency Invoices AU + 2 GC34090 Copies sent for fees owed, billing, related documents Journals Utility Billin CU + 2 GC34090 Billing including monthly activity Leda-.7r, General P GC34090; * * CCP 337 Voucher AU + 4 GC34090; CCP 337 Account postings with supporting documents Taxes, Receivable AU + 3 CCP338 Warrant Register AU + 2 GC 34090.7 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Budget Operating (copies) S GC34090 Departmental Reference 000042 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Finance Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Budget, Proposed CU + 2 GC34090 I Presented to Council Adopted P GC 34090 FIXED ASSETS Inventory AU + 4 GC34090; Reflects purchase date, cost, account 26 CFR 301 number 65-1(F) Surplus Property Auction AU + 2 GC34090 Listing of property Disposal AU + 4 GC34090; Sealed bid sales of equipment CCP 337 Vehicle Ownership & Title L VC 9900 et Title transfers when vehicle sold seq. LICENSE Business T + 4 GC34090; Paid & reports CCP 337 PAYROLL Adjustments AU + 4 GC 34090 Audit purposes 29 CFR 516.5 — 516.6 Employee Time Sheets AU + 6 GC34090; Signed by employee for audit & FEMA 29 CFR Reports 516.2* *20 CFR 516.6(1); IRS Reg. 31.6001- 1 e (z); R&T 19530; LC 1174 d PERS Employee Deduction T + 4 GC34090; Record of deductions Reports CAC 22- (PERS Public Employee Retirement 1085-2 System) *26CFR 31.6001-1;29 CFR 516.5,516.6,LC1174d Register P GC34090; Labor costs by employee & program GC37207 000043 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Finance Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association k-ec*ord'Sedes Title Retention Salary Records T.+ 3 GC34090; 29 CFR 516.2 Deduction authorization, beneficiary designations, unemployment claims, garnishments PURCHASING Bids, RFQ's, RFP's Successful Unsuccessful AU + 4 AU + 5 CU + 2 GC34090; CCP 337; * Requests for Qualifications; Requests for Proposals regarding goods and services * GC 25105-1; GC 34090 Requisitions Purchase Orders* AU + 4 I GC34090; CCP 337 Original documents Stores ICU + 2 GC34090 Completed forms for ordering Vendor Register P GC34090 Alpha vendor listing of purchase orders, invoices, account numbers and check date REPORTS Audits ( P GC 34090 Deferred Compensation T + 5 GC34090; 26 CFR 16001=1* Records of employee contributions and city payments *29 CFR 1627.3(2) Federal and State Tax AU + 4 GC34090; 29USC 436 Forms 1096, 1099, W-4's and W-2's *26 CFR 31.6001.1-4; IRS REG 31.6001- 1 e (2);R&T 19530;29 CFR 516.6-516.6 Financial, Annual AU + 7 GC 34090.7 Investment Transactions P GC340P",; CCP 337; GC 53607 Summary of transactions, inventory & earnings report Labor Distribution AU + 2 GC34090 Costs by employee & program Meter Reading CU + 2 GC34090 State Controller P GC34090 Controller may destroy after 5 years Utility Rebates CU + 2 GC34090 000044 A CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Finance Final, December 1998 California City'Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation TREASURER Bank Statements AU + 2 FC 3368, Financing authority 30210; GC 43900 et seq. Bonds -- Account Statements CL + 10 GC34090; Monthly statement of transactions. CCP 337.5 Administration CL + 10 GC34090; Supporting documents CCP 337.5 Bonds and Coupons CL + 2 GC34090; Paid/canceled 53921 0000455 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Emergency Management Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record series Title Retention Citation Mutual Aid, Strategic Plans I S + 2 1 GC34090 r CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES - Fire Safety Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association >eries Title Retention Citation ADMINISTRATION Books, Fire Code S + 3 GC34090.1 CCP 340.5 Include OPS manuals I General Orders, Policies/Procedures I S + 2 Inspections, Fire Prevention CL + 3 UFC.103.34 Alarm/sprinkler systems, prevention efforts Investigations, Evidence Arson P I PC 799 Support prosecution resulting in homicide Investigations, Evidence Arson CL + 6 PC 800 Great bodily harm, inhabited structure or property Journals, Fire Station CU + 2 GC34090 Activities, personnel, engine company Permits, Uniform Fire Code CL + 2 GC34090 PERSONNEL Exposure T + 30 29 CFR 1910.1020 Sampling results; collection method -,logy, background Exposure T + 1 29 CFR 1910.1020 Laboratory reports and worksheets Medical T + 30 29 CFR 1910.1020 Medical T + 2 29 CFR 1910.1020; * _ Employees less than one year *GC34090 Training T + 2 GC34090 Certifications/desi g nations 000040 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Fire Safety Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association [Record:S e ties Title Retention Citation Descri PROPERTY ApparatusNehicle CU + 2 GC34090 CCP 340.5 • Repair and Maintenance '8 CAL Code Reg. 3203 b 1 Inventory, Equipment & Supplies CU + 2 GC34090 Logs, Fire Equipment/Gear CU + 2 GC34090 REPORTS Incident CL + 3 GC34090 CCP338 ' Dispatch and daily logs I *CCP 340.5 Field, Non -fire and Los ICU + 2 1 GC34090 Fire, Non -arson and Los CU + 2 I GC34090 Investigations, Evidence Arson CL + 3 1104.32 PC 801 • UFC Structure Weed Abatement I CL + 2 I GC34090 Reports, assessments, resolutions, documentation CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Hazardous Materials Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Hazardous Waste Disposal CU + 10 CAL OSHA; Documentation re handling and disposal 40 CFR of hazardous waste 122.21 Permits, Hazardous Materials CU + 2 GC34090 Departments consistently recommend Storage permanent retention of environmentally sensitive materials. Programs, Household S + 2 GC34090 Hazardous Waste 000047 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Hazardous Materials Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association s Ttle Retention Citation De Training Materials S + 2 Cal Code * Standards and Administration *Reg. 3204(d), et seg. Underground Storage Tank Compliance P GC34090a Documents re: storage Maintenance & Oper. CU + 2 GC34090 Location, installation, removal, remediation I 000048 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Law Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor ADMINISTRATION Accounting/Cash CU + 2 GC34090 Reconciliations Alarm Records CU + 2 1 GC34090 Claim Files CL + 6 PC 832.5 I Claim copy, correspondence, i photographs, supporting documents relative to incidents involving the Police Department filed by citizens '. Department Manual DePes is Chanto manual are recorded in ! ( 9 the General Orders (permanent) Equipment T + 2 GC34090 Retained until termination of Communication equipment use; Manuals, ! instructions, procedures Inventory I S + 2 GC34090 Listing of equipment assigned to division, to whom it is assigned ! Reports CU + 2 GC34090 Weekly/monthly/quarterly/ Activity annual activity/statistical reports by division. Retain only one form for retention period CU + 2 GC34090 Chemical Emissions Survey Response CU + 2 GC34090 Surveys, responses, correspondence Files with other agencies requesting statistical data INVESTIGATIONS Administrative/Internal CL + 5 PC 832.5 Initiated by citizens complaints or EVC 1045 internally initiated; includes GC 12946 complaint, reports, findings PC 801.5; 803(c) VC 2547 Asset Forfeiture CL + 2 GC34090 Investigations/ Proceedings Case File 000049 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Law Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Notifications CU + 2 GC34090 To legal property owner prior to case filing that property is subject to asset forfeiture proceedings. If case is filed, notification becomes part of forfeiture case file. Case Books, Investigative CL + 2 GC34090 Retained by division until a case is j suspended/closed; transfer to Records Division to be filed with l associated Daily Report (DR) file Case Files P PC 799 it Homicide i Investigator's File i Narcotics (No I CL + 2 GC34090 Retained by division until no longer arrest, Narcotics I useful for investigative purposes Cases Officer Involved CL + 25 I GC34090 Shootings Court CU + 1 GC34090. Printouts of daily court scheduling Dail Schedule ( 7 Sign -In Logs l CU + 2 GC34090 Logs officers' names, time in/out for court appearances Tracking System CU + 2 GC34090 Database records subpoena number,' Records officer name, case number, defendant name, district attorney name, court information disposition Evidence, Disposition Forms Attach to duplicate Property Report, file w/DR in Records Division Fingerprint T + 2 GC34090 Paperwork au:;ilorizing fingerprinting Applicants Files and background checks for city employment applicants and business license applicants Inked/Palm Cards AC + 20 Persons booked into detention facility; (Copies distributed to county, state, federal agencies) 000050 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Lave Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor i Records Latents Approp. 1) Retain for applicable case statute PC of limitation; 2) or until evidence- in Section case is destroyed; Hard copy and digitized Suspect, CL Law Adultsljuveniles suspected of a �I Adult/Juvenile Enforce- crime, taken for comparison. Destroy ment after original purpose achieved Manage- ment Guide by POST I� Guns, Dealers Record of Sale j CU + 6 PC 12070 Applicants, Monthly Gun Audits, Applications Denied, Stolen (DOJ File) Informant Files T + 10 Legal notifications, identification information, payment information, activities information Jail CU + 6 GC34090 Daily report of staffing, Daily Logs bookings/releases, transfers, transportation Inmate Record Dependent on facility's classification; see Laws and Guidelines for Local Detention Facilities by Board of Corrections State of California) Inspection Files CL + 6 Inspections by various agencies Surveys CL + 2 GC34090 Prepared quarterly, forwarded to State Board of Corrections Licenses CU + 2 GC34090 Bicycle Bingo, Mace ICU + 2 GC34090 Business License T + 1 GC34090 Review Board Administrative Files UGOi751 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Law Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Duplicate (Pink), CU + 2 GC34090 Original to licensee, Blue duplicate to Secondhand Dealer, DOJ; Pink duplicate retained by Pawn Brokers agency; renewals issued annually by local a enc Logs S I �I Auto Theft Case Assignment ICU + 1 j Daily i CU + 2 GC34090 !, Activity!j Officer ICU + 2 GC34090 Daily activity of incidents not ! reported by use of official report (! Report ICU + 2 GC34090 Report numbers, type, names, dates ( Summary I retained for research value Investigative (Pre- I CL + 10 I GC34090 Retained by division until cases are Arrest) j suspended and closed Juvenile Detention I CU + 2 GC34090 Logs document juvenile processir per CYA Property Control I CU + 2 I GC34090 Logs items coming into and going out of property room Rap Sheet j CL + 2 GC34090 Requests for criminal history Subpoena ICU + 2 GC34090 Subpoenas received/served daily Pawn Slips/Tickets I CU + 3 B & P 21628 Photographs Crime Scene, Reg istrant/Appiicant, Photo file, Accident. Retain according to practical and functional T GC34090 association. Assigned DR number, retained as Eaily Report (Negatives) form of evidence, destroyed at same time evidence for associated case is destro ed Inmates I CU + 20 By Prisoner number l (Negatives) CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Law Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Registration Files, Arson, Life of Fingerprint Card, photo, information Sex and Narcotics regis- also forwarded to DOJ trant within juris- diction Arrest/Conviction H&S 2 (Man- H&S Applicable to convictions occurring Section 11357 (b), (c), (d), (e) datory 11361.5 after January 1, 1996 or arrests not or H&S Section 11360 (b) destruc- followed by a conviction occurring 1 violations (Occurring after tion from after January 1, 1996; Exception: January 1, 1996) date of H&S 11357(e), the record shall be convic- retained until a juvenile offender tion or attains the age of 18 years, then date of destroyed pursuant to 11361.5 arrest with no , convic- tion) Arrest/Conviction Man- H&S Applicable to convictions occurring H&S Section 11357(b), (c), datory 11361.5 prior to January 1, 1996 or arrests (d), (e) or H&S Section 11360 Destruc- (c) not followed by a conviction (b) violations (Occurring tion occurring prior to January 1, 1996 for before January 1, 1996) (Upon violations of H&S Code 11357, 11364, notice 11365 and 11550 from Depart- ment of Justice) Crime See PC 800 Prosecution for an offense punishable Felony Crimes With descriptor PC 801 by imprisonment in state prison for eight Or Without Arrests years or more must commence within 6 years after offense commission. Commencement of prosecution defined in PC 804. Exception: See PC 803 - Tolling/Extension of time periods; Appeals process and "Three Strikes" also considerations in assigning retention. 000053 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Law Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Misdemeanor/ CL + 2 GC34090 I No arrests, identifiable property or Infractions i missing persons (See: Note 1)I' Supplemental, P PC 799 No statutory limitation for Felony Capital prosecution. Includes Murder, Crimes, Crimes kidnapping for ransom, treason, Punishable by Death, procuring execution by perjury, train Life Imprisonment wrecking, assault with a deadly weapon by a life -term prisoner, j bombing resulting in death or bodily injury, making defective war l materials that cause death Destruction P I Guns II Narcotics P I 6 Disposition of Arrest/Court Retention determined by action Action taken; i.e., recordable arrest or detention released no arrest) False Alarm (Duplicate) J CU + 2 I GC34090 I Non -Criminal Occurrences CU + 2 GC34090 Injured or sick persons; missing persons where person has been returned; traffic collision reports not used as the basis for criminal charges Property Original Until case Copy retained in records case file; is adjudi- Refer to Managing Property in Law cated/ Enforcement Agencies (By POST) disposi- tion deter- mined Range Inventory S + 2 GC34090 Quarterly reports of inventories of weapons and ammunition held by Department Range 000054 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Law Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association lRecord Series Title Retention Citation r Reports CU + 2 GC34090 Arrest & Citation Register; . Arson Offenses; Crimes Against Senior Citizens; Death in Custody; Domestic Violence; FBI Include Return A/Supp; �. Hate Crime Incidents; Homicide Reports, Supp.; Officers Killed or Assaulted; Original to FBI - DOJ; Uniform Crime Reports Statistical (Crime Analysis) CU + 2 GC34090 Internally generated information using activity logs, citizen calls, current and past crime statistic reports, finance dept expenditure and budget records; citations, crime reports, accident reports, permits, receipts. Reports created for variety of purposes including increases/decreases in criminal activity; officer workload, deployment, time usage Statistical (UCR), Uniform Crime CU + 2 GC34090 Originals sent to FBI, DOJ Reports Mandatory to DOJ (LEIC); FBI include Return A/Supplement; Supplementary Homicide Report; Law Enforcement Officers Killed or Assaulted; Monthly Return of Arson Offenses Know to Law Enforcement; Number of Violent Crimes Committed Against Senior Citizens; Monthly Report of Domestic violence Related Calls for Assistance; Monthly Arrest and Citation Register; Monthly Hate Crimes Incidents; Death In Custody Reporting. Research Project Files CL + 2 GC34090 May include request forms, background materials, staff reports, final project reports and supporting data 000055 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINcj Law Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Sealed Manda- PC 851.8 General provision: Upon petition, Adult Found tory records of agency must be sealed Factually Innocent Destruc- and destroyed in accordance with the tion Upon provisions set by court record; and exceptions. Pursu-ant ' to Court Order Juvenile Manda- WIC 826 Upon petition, local laws tory (a) & (b) enforcement records within WIC Destruc- WIC 781 826(b) may be destroyed as ordered tion upon (a) by the court, if related probation and and juvenile court records have been pursu-ant destroyed by the probation officer. to court Records involving arrests, detenti order and/or petitioning juvenile before juvenile court Subpoenas (Duplicate) CU + 2 GC34090 Tapes CU + 180 GC34090. Exception: Recordings used as Audio, Telephone days 6 evidence in a criminal prosecution or and Radio claim filed or litigation or potential Communications claims and litigation shall be preserved for 100 days after conclusion of the court action Surveillance/Security CU + 13 I GC34090. Video (Jail) mos. 6 Use of Force Supervisory CU + 2 GC34090 Includes review forms, arrest report Review Files copies, logs Warrants Recall Recommended by the California —awl Felony after 10 Enforcement Warrant Officer's years. Association Excep- tion: Murder/ Escape 000056 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Lave Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association IERecord Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Misdemeanor Recall Recommended by the California Law Criminal after 5 Enforcement Warrant Officer's ears Association Served CU Includes Warrant Service Information Card, alpha index card Unserved (Local) Until served, recalled or purged PATROL Cards CU + 2 GC34090 Dis atch Field Interview CL +. 2 GC34090 Citations CL + 2 11361.5 11357(e), Juvenile H&S 11357b H&S, 11357c CL + 2 11361.5 'CA Admin Code, Chapter 1, Title 11, H&S, 11360b H&S H&S" Sec. 708 Violations Cite and Release CL + 2 GC34090 California Vehicle CU + 90 GC34090 Original is forwarded to court. Code Infractions days Du licates Parking/Traffic, CU + 2 GC3409.0. Originals are forwarded to court after Duplicates 7 agency processing; includes citations electronically created Transmittals CU + 2 GC34090 Listing of citations forwarded to court, filed for reference Equipment CU + 2 GC34090 Documents problems, malfunctions, Radio Logs resolution to provide equipment Communicationperformance history General Orders P Patrol Requests CU + 2 GC34090 From citizens for patrol presence (Correspondence) Radar Calibration Records T + 2 GC34090 Documentation of Radar instruments retained during use/ownership 000057 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Law Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Reports I CL + 2 I GC34090 I Non -Jury Accident Traffic Collision P ! Fatalities Uniform Vouchers CU + 2 I GC34090 Authorize purchase (by name I Vehicle Is Record of assignments Assignment Reports I Down Reports CU + 1 Printouts reporting which vehicles i are down for repair, maintenance, etc. Repossession/Private CU + 2 I GC34090 Impounds - Service Schedules is I GC34090 Vests, Bulletproof Letters ICU + 2 I GC34090 I Authorization to purchase ' Warrants Recall Recommended by the California L i ' Parking after 1 Enforcement Warrant Officer's year Association Traffic Recall Recommended by the California Law after 5 Enforcement Warrant Officer's ears Association Weapons, Database P Departmentally -owned weapons, personal weapons, alternate weapons, secondary handguns; produces inventory reports SERVICES IS Chemicals/Film Inventorier Equipment T Inventory/Sign-out Cards- Photo Lab Operations Files - T Retain until equipment no longer Photo Lab owned/used by department; Manuals, instructions, procedures for use/operations of photographic equipment 000058 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Law Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerics' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Grievance Files CL + 2 GC34090 ! Grievance filed by employees, I . I I supporting documentation II Investigations, CL + 2 GC34090 Non hired Background Background Hired P I Include original reports' re: PC 832.5 investigation's Parades & Special CL + 2 GC34090 Reports, memos, correspondence, Events File scripts, supplier information, assignments, deployments, !' supporting documentation Permits L + 2 GC34090 I Approval process Alcoholic Beverage i Control License li Concealed Weapons L + C + 2 GC34090 I I! Photographs S + 2 GC34090 j Personnel Negative Log ICU + 2 J GC34090 Negatives, Misc. CU + 2 GC34090 Not case -related (Public relations, promotions, events, ceremonies, staffphotos) Press Releases CU + 2 GC34090 Press, Video Programs CU + 2 GC34090 Collection of videos of programs and (Community Relations) events; outside press coverage of department Property Files CU + 2 GC34090 Original reports and supplemental documentation (Lost, Found, Safekeeping) Property, Pawn CU + 2 GC34090 Sales, slips. Dealer required to file Broker/Secondhand duplicate with agency Reports CU + 6 GC34090. Original maintained by DOJ. Dealer Dealer of Gun Sales, mos. 7 required to file duplicate with agency Duplicate 000059 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Law Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association [:Record -series Title Retention Citation Descri Restraining Orders, Cu Destroy after law enforcement Emergency Protective (see actions described in .PC 273.5, 273.6, Orders, Temporary descriptor) 646.9, 12028.5, 13700 and Family Restraining Orders, Legal Code Sections 6380-6383 are fulfilled Stipulations, Orders After and effective date of restraining Hearing I order has expired. Rosters Divisional) J S + 2 GC34090 I Personnel assigned to division. Schedules CU + 2 GC34090 Schedules of Officers on duty Dail Watch Assignment/ CU + 2 GC34090 Timekeeping Records Speaker Requests I CU + 2 GC34090 Community and business requests for ublic appearances, s eaken Tests, Densitometer Results T + 2 GC34090 _ Daily tests of development (Photo Lab) chemicals/processes for quality control. Training P Bulletins I Event Files CU + 2 GC34090 Correspondence, brochures, promotional materials, info on speakers, guests, supporting documents Lesson Plans, Range CL + 15 I Scope, content, time period of courses Personnel (by name) T + 7 GC34090 Paperwork documenting officers' internal and .xternal training Daily, weekly, monthly schedules of Schedules, Range CU + 2 GC34090 training events at range Volunteer Card Files T + 2 GC34090 Volunteers' identification, contact information 000060 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Law Enforcement Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record'Series Title Retention Citation Descri Note 1: The destruction of felony, misdemeanor and infraction Crime/Supplemental Reports is permitted providing: 1. They do not relate to an unadjudicated arrest except for H&S 11357 or H&S 11360 violations; 2. They do not relate to unserved warrants; 3. They do not involve identifiable items which have not been recovered; 4. They do not relate to PC 290, PC 457.1, or H&S 11590 registrants; 5. They do not relate to violations listed in PC Sections 799 and 800;' 6. The cases are not presently involved in either a civil or criminal litigation. 000061 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Public Works Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor PARKS Agendas, Board CU + 2 GC34090 I ! Grants (refer to Admin.) Inventory, Equipment AU + 2 GC34090 Warranties, purchase orders # Landscape CU + 2 GC34090 Drawings, contracts, complaints, j specifications, photos, reports Maintenance/ CU + 2 GC34090 Includes work orders, inspection, repairs, Operations I cleaning, reports, complaints Maps j P GC34090 Minutes, Board I P I GC34090 Photographs S + 2 ( GC34090 Plans, Proposed CU + 2 ' GC34090 Policies and Procedures S + 2 GC34090 Railroad Right-of-way CL + 3 36 CFR 64.11 Reports Accident CL + 2 GC34090 Others CL + 2 GC34090 Studies CL + 2 GC34090 Resolutions, Board P GC34090 Schedules, Class & CU + 2 I GC34090 Irrigation, plot plans Future plans, new sites, expansions Includes rules and regulations Land acquisitions, correspondence, improvements, statutory records Patrons, employees Future sites, expansions Enrollment, liability releases, evaluation! 000062 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Public Works Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor SANITATION/ SOLID WASTE/ WASTEWATER Collections/Landfill I CU + 2 GC34090 I Daily records, usage Facilities CU + 2 GC34090 I Correspondence, maps, patron list History, Sanitation ( P GC34090 Where City -owned Incineration Plants, Sludge CU + 2 40 CFR 61.54 Sludge, sampling, charging rate to measure mercury content Incinerator Operations, Treatment Plant CU + 2 40 CFR 60.153 Gas flow through wet scrubbing, oxygen content of exhaust gas, sludge rate, temperatures, fuel flow, total solids and volatile solids Maintenance and Operations CU + 2 GC34090 Includes work orders, inspection, repairs, cleaning, repo s, complaints Maps, Septic Tank P I GC34090 Location maps Rates CU + 2 GC34090 Recycling Programs S + 2 GC34090 Regulations S + 2 GC34090 ( Includes legislation 2 000063 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Public Works Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Reports Studies CL + 2 GC34090 Tonnage _ CU + 2 GC34090 i STREETSIALLEYS I I I Abandonments[ Vacations I P j GC34090 Closures P I GC34090 Easements, Dedications, Rights - of -Way P GC34090 Field Books P GC34090 Grants (see Admin.) Intersection Records CU + 2 GC34090 Includes correspondence, volume counts, accident history Inventory, Traffic Control Device S + 2 GC34090 Signs, lights Landscaping CU + 2 GC34090 ` pants, tree maintenance, work orders Lighting CU + 2 GC34090 Maintenance, work orders Maintenance/ Operations CU + 2 GC34090 Includes work orders, inspection, repairs, cleaning, reports, complaints, signals, striping 3 O00064 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Public Works Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Maps P GC34090 Fire hydrants, lighting districts, wheel chair ramps, storm drains, streets, sidewalks, sewers Master Plans I CU + 2 GC34090 Copies Parking Lots I CU + 2 ( GC34090 Regulations I S + 2 GC34090 Reports/Studies CL + 2 I GC34090 Permits Encroachment P I GC34090 Improvement CL + 2 GC34090 May include curbs, sidewalks; Applications for excavation, fill, alterations Oversize Load CL + 2 GC34090 Parking CL + 2 GC34090 Residential Paving CL + 2 GC34090 Use (Temporary) CU + 2 GC34090 Includes Special Events Photographs S + 2 GC34090 Includes aerials Plans, Capital Improvement, Projects P GC34090 Streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm drains El 000065 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Pubfic.Works Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Procedures Naming and P GC34090 numbering Speed Limits S + 2 GC34090 Programs Federal Aid CL + 3 23 CFR Urban 633 (a) & (c) Traffic Safety S + 2 GC34090 Drivers Education, Pedestrian Safety, Bicycle Lanes Reports Bridges & L GC34090 Life of structure Overpasses Inspection CU + 2 GC34090 Includes intersection, sidewalks. Bridges and Overpasses, keep life of structure Studies CL + 2 GC34090- Traffic volume, accident history, requests, statistics, drawings supporting traffic devices Traffic Count CL + 2 GC34090 Evaluation of traffic volume Vehicle CL + 2 GC34090 Accident Routes, School Bus & S + 2 GC34090 Truck routes, access ramps, rest areas Truck Signage L + 2 GC34090 Log books, index register cards, inventory lists, records of traffic signs 5 000066 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Public Works Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Traffic Signals L Logs, drawings, wiring diagrams, codes, circuit numbers, installation records, testing and maintenance. Weigh Scales S + 2 GC34090 UTILITIES I ' i Facilities T + 2 GC34090 I if city owned Gas & Electric Rates S + 2 I GC34090 i Underground P GC34090 I GC4003, GC4004; H&S 19850 WATER Billing/Customer Records CU + 2 GC34090 Billings, correspondence, complaints. Connection Records P GC34090 Maps, water line connections Flood Control Drainage Facilities P GC34090 Includes dams, lakes, basins, creeks f Flood Zones P GC34090 Includes flood maps Insurance Programs S + 2 GC34090 Includes copies of policies, rules, programs Policies/ Procedures S + 2 GC34090 Rules and Regulations Reports/ I CL + 2 I GC34090 Studies 6 00006'7 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Public Works Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record 'Series Title Retention Citation Descriptar Grants (see Admin.) Inventory, Equipment CU + 2 GC34090 Locations P GC34090 Mains, valves, hydrants, wells I Maintenance and y CU + 2 GC34090 Includes work orders, inspection, repairs, Operations cleaning, reports, complaints Service CU + 2 GC34090 Includes work orders, entry cards, manholes, service to property owners Well & CU + 2 GC34090 I Times operational, power used and Pumping quantity Maps P I GC34090 I Line location; easements E J Master Plans CU + 2 GC34090 I Copies Meter Operations CU + 2 GC34090 Reader reports, orders, tests Maintenance Reports Permits National P 40 CFR Municipalities of 100,000/more, compliance Pollutant 122.28 with Clean Water Act re: pollutants Discharge Elimination System NPDES) GC34090 May depend on terms -of state or federal Others CU + 2 agency Policies and S + 2 GC34090 Includes rules and regulations Procedures Rates S + 2 GC34090 _J 7 00-0069 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Public Works Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Reclamation CU + 5 40 CFR Daily operations including sewage flow, 122.41 grit removal, chlorine usage, lab analysis results, etc. Reports Conservation CU + 2 GC34090 I I Consumption CU + 2 GC34090 Corrosion CU + 12 40 CFR Compliance documentation Control 141.91 Discharge CU + 5 40 CFR Average amount of pollution discharged Monitoring 122.41 into waters of municipality. Drinking CU + 10 40 CFR Water 141.33 Corrections Hydrograph P GC34090 Daily flow of streams Lead CU + 12 40 CFR Compliance documentation Service Line 141.91 Public CU + 12 40 CFR Compliance documentation Education 141.91 Quality CU + 12 40 CFR Compliance documentation Parameters 141.91 Sanitary CU + 10 40 CFR Statistics, reports, correspondence Surveys 141.33 Source CU + 12 40 CFR Compliance documentation, e.g. lead & Water 141.91 copper State CU + 12 40 CFR Compliance documentation Certification 141.91 8 000069 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINE Public Works Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Variances, CU + 5 40 CFR Water 141.33 System Well Level I CU + 2 I GC34090 I , Sources CU + 2 I GC34090 May include wells, rivers, lakes, districts Surveyor Field Notes P GC34090 Notes preparatory to maps of water installations j Surveys, Water System CU + 10 40 CFR Statistics, reports, correspondence Sanitary 141.33 Tests Bacteriological CU + 5 40 CFR Cqmpliance records include location, da Analysis 141.33 method and results; corrections,. analysis of bacterial content Chemical CU + 10 40 CFR Compliance records include location, date, Analysis 141.33 method used and results; corrections, analysis of chemical content Quality CU + 12 40 CFR Compliance documentation including 141.91 sampling data, analysis, reports, surveys, documents, evaluation, schedules, valves, etc. Valve Main Records P GC34090 Violations, Drinking CU + 3 40 CFR Retention applies to each violation Water 141.33 E Ou0070 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Transportation Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title- Retention Citation Descriptor ADMINISTRATION Agreements T + 4 CCP 337 Including concessionaire, slip rental, I facility storage Applications y T + 2 GC34090 II Payment invoices, inventory listings, billing Aircraft Storage correspondence and other related Parking documents Slip Rentals Special Events CU + 2 GC34090 Permits, correspondence, related documents re use of rights of way (I Fueling A + 3 CCP 337 Meter readings, fuel consumption reports, invoices, receipts and records pertaining to°refueling operations Hazardous Waste CU + 10 CAL Documentation re: the handling and Disposal OSHA; disposal of hazardous waste 40 CFR 122.21 Inventory, Equipment L + 2 Includes vehicles, aircraft, vessels and Parts & Supplies related documents re repairs Inventory, Vehicle L + 2 Owner's manual, warranty documents, Ownership and Title Department of Motor Vehicle title and registration, and related documents Licenses, Permits CU + 2 Forms, related do.:umentation re: licenses and permits required by federal and state agencies Maintenance/ L + 2 GC34090 Related to requests for service and work Operations orders for fuel, vehicle and equipment maintenance and repairs i 0000'71 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Transportation Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Report, Accident CU + 2 GC34090 Memos and working documents (Copies) Vehicle Assignment CU + 2 GC34090 Log books, request forms, lists AIRPORT Airport Certification P 14 CFR Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 139.207b required manuals & 171.13- 171.213 Airport Noise CU + 10 Correspondence, studies, memos, report - Monitoring and log books, documents related to Complaint assessment of noise levels at airports an resolution of complaints Inspection, Runway CU + 10 Maintenance including Inspection reports, work orders and related records Inspection, Safety Self CU + 2 CFR Safety inspection and related document 139.327 include reviews and analysis of all aspects of airport operation Maintenance, FAA P 14 CFR Forms and reports required by FAA 171.13 - including Forms FAA-198, -418,-6030-1, - 171.213 6790-4 Reports -F— Accident and CL + 8 Accidents, injuries, property damages, Incident general conditions re pilot and aircraft (Aircraft) Airport P Annual and special reports to federal anc Operational state regulatory agencies. (Regulatory) 2 0000742 CALIFORNIA RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES Transportation Final, December 1998 California City Clerks' Association Record Series Title Retention Citation Descriptor Airport CU + 2 Logs, statistical summaries; administrative Operational records (Administrative) NOTAM (Notice CU + 3 ii Reports re: conditions affecting airport to Airmen) maintenance/operations II III GROUND TRANSPORTATION Auto for Hire I T + 4 I GC34090 I License, permits for Taxicabs, shuttles, etc HARBOR Registers, Transient A + 3 Reservation applications, receipts, and Vessel Reservation index registers relating to boats in transit, temporarily moored Slip Rental Index CU + 5 Annual and periodic reports of slip renters Slip Rental Permits CL + 2 Applications, statement of rental conditions, vessel inspection check sheets, copy of DMV registration, boat owner information, and other documents re: dock slip spaces Slip Rental Waiting CU + 2 List 3 0000741,