The city council of the City of La Quinta, California, does
ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. The hereinbelow listed ordinances of the County
of Riverside, three (3) copies of each of which are on file in
the office of the City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California,
including any and all amendments thereto in effect as of the date
of adoption of this Ordinance, except as hereinafter modified,
are hereby adopted as ordinances of the City of La Quinta, by
reference, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 50022.1 et seq.
of the California Government Code. Said ordinances shall remain
in effect until appropriately repealed, amended or superseded by
this City Council.
SECTION 2. The Riverside County ordinances which are
mentioned in Section 1. as being herein adopted by reference are
as follows~
(1) 340 - Drilling of Water Wells~
(2) 348 - Land Use Ordinance Including Zoning District
(3) 369 - Permit System for Discharging or Depositing
(4) 421 - Requiring Certain Excavations to be Covered;
(5) 431 - Controlling the Location and Operation of
Hog Ranches;
(6) 454 - Regulating Storage, Installation and Main-
tenance of Motor Fuels' and Facilities
and Apparatus Therefor;
(?) 458 - Regulating Flood Hazard Areas and Implement-
ing the National Flood Insurance Program;
(8) 460 - Regulating Land Subdivision;
(9) 461 - Subdivision Road Development Standards~
(10) 463 - Providing for a County-Wide House Numbering
(11) 465 - Regulating the Sanitation, Safety and
Cleanliness of Public Swimming Pools;
(12) 468 - Control of Diseases in Livestock and
Regulating Corrals, Stockyards and
(13) 471 - Operation of Motor Vehicles on Riders' and
Hikers' Trails;
(14) 484 - Control of Blowing Sand;
(15) 492 - Regulating Food Establishments Other Than
(16) 521 - Regulating Transporting of Food for
Commercial Purposes in Wholesale Food
-- (17) 522 - Regulating Rock Festivals and Other Out-
door Festivals~
(18) 523 - Control of Flies by Health Officials~
(19) 524 - Regulating Oversize and Overweight Vehicles
and Loads~
(20) 525 - Regulating the Inspection, Maintenance and
Testing of Water Backflow Prevention
(21) 52? - Control and Abatement of Fly Breeding~
(22) 534 - Control of Animals Running at Large Other
Than Dogs and Cats~
(23) 540 - Regulation of Persons Cleaning Cesspools
and Similar Facilities;
(24) 543 - Prohibiting Public Exposure of Private Parts
and Female Breasts by Waiters, Waitresses
and Entertainers~
(25) 547 - Implementing the Alquist-Priolo Special
Studies Zones Act re Geologic Reports~
(26) 551 - Control of Bees~
(27) 554 - Establishing Health Service Fees;
(28) 555 - Implementing the Surface Mining and Reclam-
ation Act of 1975~
(29) 565 - Establishing Health Service Fees Relating
to Commercial Poultry Ranches~
(30) 567 - Regulating Food Handlers.
SECTION 3. Adoption by Reference of Implementing Regulations.
Additionally, all resolutions, rules and regulations of the County
of Riverside which have been so applicable in implementation of the
aforesaid ordinances or of mandates of State law (such as, but not
limited to, the California Environmental Quality Act), including the
fixing of fees, to the extent that the same are effective as of the
date of adoption of this Ordinance and are not inconsistent with
any similar enactment or ordinance of this City, shall remain in full
force and effect as resolutions, rules and regulations, respectively,
of the City of La Quinta, unless or until superseded by any enact-
ment, rule or regulation, present or future, of this City.
SECTION 4. Declaration of Intent Regarding Substitution of
Terms. Certain provisions of the county enactments referred to in
Sections 2 and 3 of this Ordinance reflect the county governmental
structure and contain references to officials, official titles,
commissions, and other designations which are not a part of the
internal structure of this City's government. In order to effec-
tively and intelligently administer the county enactments to the
extent that they are continued in effect by this Ordinance, it is
the purpose of this Ordinance to provide for the substitution of
the appropriate city officials, titles, or designations in the
said county enactments.
SECTION 5. Substitution of appropriate References to City.
(a) Whenever in the enactments of the County of Riverside
which are continued in effect by this Ordinance there is a reference
to "Board of Supervisors", this reference shall be interpreted to
mean the "City Council of the City of La Quinta."
(b) Whenever in the enactments of the County of Riverside
which are continued in effect by this Ordinance there is reference
to "unincorporated area", this reference shall be interpreted to
mean "area within the City of La Quinta".
(c) Whenever it is appropriate under the circumstances, and
in the enactments of the County of Riverside which are continued
in effect by this Ordinance, there is a reference to the "County
of Riverside", said reference shall be interpreted to mean the
"City of La Quinta".
(d) Whenever in the enactments of the County of Riverside
which are continued in effect by this Ordinance there is a refer-
ence to an office, department, official title, or other designation~
the reference shall be interpreted to mean that office, department,
title, or designation in the governmental structure of the City, or
if there is none, any official or department or titleholder in the
City which has been specifically directed by the City Council or
the City Manager to perform the functions referred to or the duties
imposed. If the Riverside County official, department, titleholder
or other designation continues by law or by contract or otherwise
to perform the functions referred to or the duties imposed, then
the said reference shall not be changed until such time as there
is a change in that situation of functions performed or duties
(e) Whenever in the enactments of the County of Riverside
which are continued in effect by this Ordinance, there is a refer-
ence to "Planning Commission, .... Area Planning Council," "East Area
Planning Council, .... Land Division Committee" or "Desert Area Land
Division Committee," such reference shall be interpreted to mean
that these agencies are acting as agents or agencies of the City
of La Quinta, until such time as the City Council has created an
agent or agency (ies) within the city government structure to
otherwise perform the functions of the said County agency or
agencies, and until such time as said City agent or agency has com-
menced functioning and has been directed to undertake the partic-
ular function or functions theretofore performed by the said County
agency or agencies.
SECTION 6. Violations. Punishment. (a) It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person to violate any provision or to fail to comply
with any of the requirements of any County ordinance adopted by
reference by this Ordinance. Any person violating any of such
provisions or failing to comply with any of the mandatory require-
ments of any ordinance adopted by reference by this Ordinance shall
be guilty of an infraction, unless such violation is specifically
prosecuted as constituting a misdemeanor. Each such person shall
be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any
portion of which any violation of any provision of any ordinance
- adopted by reference by this Ordinance, is committed, continued,
or permitted by such person, and may be punishable accordingly.
(b) Any provision or requirement of any ordinance adopted
by reference by this Ordinance, the violation of which or the fail-
ure to comply with which, is designated as an infraction, shall
---- be prosecutable as a misdemeanor upon a third violation and each
violation thereafter of the same provision by the same individual.
In addition, any such violation or failure to comply may be prose-
cuted originally as a misdemeanor in the discretion of the city
attorney or any deputy district attorney,upon a showing by the
enforcing agency of the seriousness of the particular alleged
(c) Any person convicted of a misdemeanor under the provisions
of this Ordinance shall be punishable for a first conviction by a
fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500), or by imprison-
ment in the County jail for a period not exceeding six (6) months,
or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(d) Any person convicted of an infraction under the provis-
ions of this Ordinance shall be punishable for a first conviction
by a fine of not more than Fifty Dollars ($50), for a second con-
viction within a period of one year by a fine of not more than
One Hundred Dollars ($100), and for a third or any subsequent
conviction within a period of one year by a fine of not more than
Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250).
SECTION 7. Whenever in any provision of any County ordinance
adopted by this Ordinance, the word "shall" is used in connection
with actions, functions or responsibilities of any public officer,
employee, agent, department, division, bureau, council, commission,
board, agency or the City itself, such word is not intended by
~-- this City Council and shall not be construed as imposing any man-
datory duty to act in any specific manner, but such word shall be
construed in the same sense as "may" and is intended only to vest
a discretion to act or not to act, in accordance with the reason-
able exigencies of the particular situation.
SECTION 8. VALIDITY. If any section, subsection, clause
or phrase of this Ordinance or of any County ordinance adopted
thereby is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdic-
tion to be invalid, such a decision shall not affect the validity
of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or of any County
ordinance adopted thereby. The City Council hereby declares that
it would have passed this Ordinance and each section or subsection,
sentence, clause and phrase thereof, and of each County ordinance
adopted hereby irrespective of the clauses or phrases being
declared invalid.
SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in
full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage, and shall
be operative on August 29, 1982.
SECTION 10. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days
after the passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in
at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the
-- City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this
Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification,
together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of
ordinances of this City.
The foregoing Ordinance was introduced after reading of the title
and of the titles of the County ordinances adopted thereby, before
the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, at a
re~lar meeting of the City Council, and thereafter, following
the public hearing pursuant to California Government Code Section
50022.3, the foregoing Ordinance was finally adopted at a regular
meeting of said City Council held on July 6, 1982, by the following
Ayes: Council Members Abbott, Baler, Cox, Henderson and
Mayor Wolff.
Noes: None
Absent: None~
I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City
Council of the City of La Quinta, California, at a meeting held July 6,
1982, and that the Ordinance was posted in at least the three public places
specified for such postings by the City Council.
of the
-': ORDINANCE NO. 348.2088'-'
JULY 22, 1982
Includes subsequent revisions.
For information regarding zoning in unincorporated areas of
Riverside County, call
9th Floor, County Administrative Center
4080 Lemon Street
Riverside, California 92501
Phone= (714) 787-6181
Desert Office:
46-209 Oasis Street, Room 304
Indio, California
Phone: (714) 342-8277
This Ordinance is subject to frequent amendment and has
been prepared in loose leaf form so that it may be main-
tained on a current basis. Revisions are prepared to
permit substitution of new pages for obsolete portions _
and are available without charge in the office of the
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 14th Floor, County
Administrative Center, 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside,
California 92501.
Article Page
I Riverside County Land Use Ordinance ,
III Zone Classifications .................. 8
IV Zonin~ Distric~s 10
V R-R Zone (Rural Resi~e~tiai)~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Va R-R-O (Rural-Residential, Outdoor Advertising).. . 18
VI R-1 Zone (One-F,-,ly l~ellings) . : :
Via R-lA Zone (One-Family D~ellings - ~o~n~ain'R~s~r~).. . 22
Vlb R-A Zone (Residential Agricultural) ......... 23
VII R-2 Zone (Multiple Family I~ellings) ......... 25
Vile R-2A Zone (Limited Hultiple Family I~ellings~ ..... 26
VIII R-3 Zone (General Residential) ..... 27
Villa R-3A Zone (General Residential- Mountai~ ieio~t[ [ [ [
VlIIb R-T Zone (Mobilehome Subdivison & Mobilehome Park . . . 31
VIIIc R-T-R Zone (Mobilehome Subdivision - Rural) ...... 36
VIIId R-I Zone (Planned Residential) ............ 38
VIIIe R-5 Zone (Open Area Combining Zone-Residential Develop.)
VIIIf R-6 Zone (Residential Incentive) ............ 42_1
IX C-1 and C-P Zone (General Coromercial) .........
IXa C-T Zone (Tourist Commercial) .............
IXb C-P-S Zone (Scenic Highway Cou~ercial) ......... 51
X I-P Zone (Industrial Park) ............... 57
Xa (Repealed) .
XI M-1 Zone (Light Hanufactur~ng) .............
Xla H-4 Zone (Medium Industrial) .............. 68/
XlI M-2 Zone (He. avy Industrial) .............. 71
XlIa M-R Zone (Hzneral Resources) .............. 73
XlIb M-R-A Zone (Mineral Resources and Related Hanufacturin§) 78
XlII A-1 Zone (Light Agriculture) .... 83
XIIIa A-P Zone (Light Agriculture with ?;uit~[ [ [ [ [ ' ' .
XIV A-2 Zone (Heavy Agriculture) ........... 90
XVb N-A Zone (Natural Assets) ~. 9
XVc W-2-H Zone (Controlled Development Area ! o i e e~) 99
XVI W-1 Zone (Watercourse, Watershed & Conservation Areas) 100
NII (Repealed) - -
XVIII General Provisions ................. 102
XIX Advertising Regulati~n~ ................ 136
XIXa Temporary Outdoor Events.' .............. 142.1
XIXb Hobilehomes ........... 142.4
xx A enaments CUa g ' . ...........
XXa (Repealed) --
XXI Definitions . . . 148
XXIII Validity ...................... 161
XXIV AuthenticatiOn ' 162
The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, State 6! California
do ordain a s follow s:
SECTION 1.1. This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the
Riverside County Land Use Ordinance.
SECTION 1.2. AGENCY. Pursuant to Section 65100 of the Government Code,
the planning agency for Riverside County shall consist of the Board of Super-
visors, the County Planning Commission, two area planning councils designated
East and West Area Planning Councils, and the Planning Departn~ent.
a. The County Planning Commission shall consist of seven members
appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The terms of three members
shall expire on June 30, 1973, and of four members on June 30,
1975. Terms of their successors shall he four years.
b. One member shall reside in each of the First, Second, and Fifth
Supervisorial Districts, and two members in each of the Third and
Fourth S upervisorial Districts.
c. The Commission shall perform planning and zoning duties specified
by law or ordinance not expressly delegated or reserved to another
body or officer, including proceedings for adopting or amending
general and specific plans, changes of zone, amendments to the
text of the zoning ordinance, appeals and review of land division
maps not otherwise delegated to an area council, and shall advise
the Board of Supervisors in related matters.
d. The Commission shall elect one member as chairman and one as
vice chairman, to hold office at the pleasure of the members.
Four members shall be a quorum and four affirmative votes shall
be-required to carry a motion. The Commission shall hold at
least one regular meeting per month. -
a. Planninq Councils
1. The East Area Planning Council shall have five members, each
appointed by the Board of Supervisors for a term of four years,
4-12-79 1
one of whom shall be a member of the County Planning Com-
mission. All members shall reside within the area Jurisdiction
of the East Area Planning Council.
2. The West Area Planning Council shall have five members o four
appointed by the Board of Supervisors for a term of four years
and one who is a member of the County Planning Commission.
All qualified Planning Commissioners from the First, Second°
Third and Fifth Districts 0 shall serve on the Council on a
rotational basis for a six month period, beginning with the
Commissioner from the First District. If a Commissioner is
unable to attend any meeting of the Council, the Commissioner
that is next in rotation to serve shall attend that meeting: how-
ever, such attendance shall not affect the six month rotation
period. All members shall reside within the area jurisdiction
of the West Area Planning Council.
b. The area jurisdiction of the West Area Planning Council shall consist
of the First, Second, and Fifth Supervisorial Districts and that portion
of the Third Supervisorial District lying west and south of a line run-
ning south along range lines from the northwest corner of Section 6,
T2S, R3E, to the southwest corner of Section 7, T4S, R3E, thence
east along section lines to the northeast corner of Section 13, T4S,
R3E, thence south along the section line to the northwest corner of
Section 19, T4S0 R4E.
c. The area Jurisdiction of the East Area Planning Council shall con-
sist of the Fourth Supervisorial District and that portion of the Third
Supervisorial District not in the area Jurisdiction of the West Area
Planning Council.
d. Each Area Planning Council shall elect one member as chairman and
one as vice chairman° to hold office at the pleasure of the members.
A majority of the members shall be a quorum, but not less than a
majority of all the members shah be required to carry a motion. Each
council shall hold at least one regular meeting per month, but shah
not be required to hold noticed public hearings at each meeting.
e. Each-Area Planning Council shall perform the duties specified by
ordinance, including proceedings on applications for conditional
and public use permits and variances, or to revoke or modify the
same, appeals of plot plans and administrative and advisory hatters
delegated by the Board of Supervisors which arise within their
re spective area jurisdictions.
SECTION ! .5. COMPENSATION. Members of the County Planning Commis-
sion and of ea. ch Area Planning Council shall receive such compensation and
travel expense for attending meetings of their respective bodies, and other
authorized travel, as may be fixed by or pursuant to the salary ordinance.
SECTION 1.6. PLANNING DEPARTMENT. The Planning Department shall be
headed by a Planning Director who shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors
to hold office at their pleasure, and shall include a staff of employees under
his direction as provided by or pursuant to the salary ordinance. The Planning
4-12-79 2
Director shall provide technical and clerical assistance to the County Planning
Commission and the Area Planning Councils, and with the staff of his depart-
ment shall perform functions relating to planning, zoning and land divisions
as may be required by law, ordinance or order of the Board of Supervisors.
Amended effective: February 3, 1977 (Ord. 348.1545)
April 12, 1979 (Ord. 348.1688, except for
paragraph a .2. of Section 1.4 which
shall be effective in July of 1979 upon
reorganization of the West Area
Planning Council.)
a. ~he General Plan of Riverside County, or any part or
element thereof, and any amendment to the plan or any
part or element ~hereof, shall be adopted in accordance
with the provisions of Section 65300 et seq. of the
Government Code, as now written or hereafter amended,
and this article. No element of ~he Riverside County
General Plan shall be amended more frequently than three
times during any calendar year. The Land Use Element
of the 6eneral Plan shall be set for public hearing
before the Planning Commission as follows:
1. Ali proposed amendments that lie within the area
jurisdiction of the East Area Planning Council shall
be set for the first hearing before the Planning
Con~ission at a meeting held in Indio or Blythe,
Cali lorn ia.
2. All proposed amendments that lie in all other areas
of the County shall be set for the first hearing
before the Planning Commission at its meetings held
.in Riverside, California.
b. All other elements of the General Plan shall be set for
hearing upon order of the Planning Commission or the
Board of Supervisors= but in any event, not more than
three times during any calendar year.
c. A proposal to adopt or amend any element of the General
Plan shall not be considered at a public hearing until
all procedures required by the Riverside County Rules
Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act
to hear a matter have been completed.
a. The owner of real property, or a person authorized by
the owner, shall have the right to request that the
County consider an amendment to the Land Use Element
of the General Plan as it has been applied to his
property. The right to request consideration of such
a change does not imply that the change will be approved.
b. Applications shall be made to the Planning Director, on
the forms provided by the Planning' Department, shall
supply all required information, and shall be accom-
panied by the filing fee set forth in Section 18.37 of this
SECTION 2.3. SPECIFIC PLANS. Specific plans, and amendments
thereto, shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions of Sec-
tion 65450 et seq. of the Government Code, as now written or here-
after amended, and this article. Any specific plan may be set for
hearing upon order of the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors.
a. The owner of real property, or a person authorized by
the owner, shall have the right to request that the
County consider a Specific Plan of Land Use or an amend-
ment to an adopted specific plan for the real property.
The right to request consideration of a specific plan
~ does not imply that the plan will be approved. When-
- ever any State law or the County General Plan or any
ordinance requires the adoption of a specific plan as
a condition to the approval of a project, an appli-
cation for a specific plan shall be made pursuant to
this section.
b. A proposal to adopt or amend a specific plan shall not
be considered at a public hearing until all procedures
required by the Riverside County Rules Implementing
the California Environmental Quality Act to hear a
matter have been completed.
c. Applications shall be made to the Planning Director,
on the forms provided by the Planning Department and
shall be accompanied by that filing fee set fomh in Section
18.37 of this Ordinance. The application shall supply all
required information, which may include part or all
of the following depending on the nature of the plan,
and shall be in the form of a text and accompanying
maps, plans and exhibits:
1. A preliminary development plan of the entire pro-
posed development, drawn to scale showing: land
uses, densities, lot design, traffic circulation,
street design, private roadways, pedestrian cir-
culation, estimated population, reservations and
dedications for public uses, including schools,
-- parks, playgrounds, and open spaces, major land-
scaping features. All elements and amounts to be
listed shall be characterized as existing or pro-
posed, including topography, and shall be shown
only in such detail as is necessary to indicate
clearly the intent of impact of development.
2. A tabulation of land area to be devoted to various
uses, including open spaces, and a calculation of
the overall density and the average densities per
n~.t residential acre of the various residential
areas proposed.
3. A stage development schedule showing various units
of development through completion and indicating
the areas and sizes of such developmental phases.
4. A statement and graphics describing the existing
topography, vegetation, soil conditions, and drain-
age of proposed development.
5. A statement proposing the method of maintaining and
perpetuating common open areas and facilities.
6. A description of the proposed grading program.
7. Identification of proposed future ownership and
maintenance of all streets, driveways, sidewalks,
-- pedestrian ways, open space areas, recreation
spaces, structures, and facilities.
8. Proposed use of natural features such as ponds,
lakes, river beds, floodplains.
9. Design and acreage of any golf courses and other
open space features, their intended means of
maintenance and whether to be public or private or
semi- private.
10. A statement of solid waste disposal and utility ser~ce.
11. Such additional information as may be required for a particul ar
d. Whenever a proposed Specific Plan of Land Use will substantially
determine the 1 ocation of any building sites for structures, a fl cod
protection study shall be submitted with the plan, along with the
fee set forth in section 18.37 of this ordinance.
e. Whenever a proposed Specific Plan of Land Use is for a project sub-
Ject to the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones, all requirements
under Riverside County Ordinance No. 457, shall be completed as a
part of the processing of the specific plan.
f. Whenever an application is filed for a Commercial Specific Plan, pur-
suant to the requirements of the C-I, C-P or C-P-S zones, the appli-
cation shall include the following additional information:
1. Proposed form of ownership and related application if required;
2. Description of basic types of uses, including their ultimate range
of square footage;
3. Market analysis;
4. Traffic analysis;
5. Where applicable, an analysis of the availability of employees
and employee housing necessary for the proposed development;
6. Architectural design criteria for the proposed shopping center; or
an architectural perspective depicting the basic architectural
theme of the project.
Proposals to adopt or amend the Riverside County General Plan or any Specific Plan
shall be heard in the following manner:
a. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the matter. Nctice
of the time, date and place'of the public hearing shall be given at least
21 days prior to the hearing by all the following procedures:
1. Publication once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Cour..ty.
2. Mailing to all owners of real property which is located w~thin 30C
~eet-of-~-he"e~ b~u,~la~g' v-r the ~r~ p~ot, a~ a~h owners
are shc~m on the last equalize~ assessment roll. Tf the number of
o~rners to whom notice would be mailed exceeds lO00, as an alternate
to this mailed notice, notice may be given by publication of a on~-
qu~ter page display adver%is~menz-In a newspaper of general
circulation in the County. A d/splay advertisement so published shall
also satisfy the publication requirement of su~sec~.ion a .1. o~
this section. -
b. After closing the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall render
its decision within a reasonable time, by resolution, including therein
its findings, and transmit it to the Board of Supervisors with a copy
mailed to the applicant. If the Commission cannot reach a decision
within a reasonable time after closing the hearing, that fact shall be
reported to the Board of Supervisors and shall be deemed a recom-
mendation to deny the proposal.
c. Upon receipt of a recommendation of the Planning Commission on
the general plan or amendment thereto, the Clerk o! the Board shall
~ set the matter for public hearing before the Board of Supervisors at
the earliest convenient day and shall give notice o! the time and
place of hearing in the same manner as notice was given of the hear-
ing before the Planning Commission.
d. Upon receipt of an affirmative recommendation of the Planning Com-
mission on the adoption, amendment or repeal of a specific plan,the
Clerk of the Board shall set the matter for public hearing before the
Board of Supervisors at the earliest convenient day and shall give
notice of the time and place of hearing in the same manner as notice
was given of the time and place of hearing before the Planning Com-
mission. If the Planning Commission has recommended denial of the
adoption, amendment or repeal of a specific plan, the decision of
the Planning Commission shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board of
Supervisors 0 who shall place the decision on the next agenda of the
Board held 5 or more days after the clerk receives the decision. The
decision of the Commission is considered final and no action by the
Board is required unless the applicant files an appeal accompanied
by the fee set forth in Section 18.37 within 7 days after the decision
of the Commission appears on the Board's agenda, or the Board orders
the matter set for public hearing. If the Board so orders, or if the
applicant files an appeal, the Clerk of the Board shall set the matter
-- for public hearing before the Board at the earliest convenient date and
shall give notice of the time and place of hearing in the same manner
as notice was given of the hearing before the Planning Commission.
e. After closing the public hearing, the Board of Supervisors shall render
its decision within a reasonable time and may approve, modify or dis-
approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission; provided,
however, that any proposed modification of the Planning Commission°s
recommendation not previously considered by the Commission shall
first be referred to the Commission for a report and recommendation.
The Planning Commission shall not be required to hold a public hearing
thereon, and failure of the Commission to report within 40 days after
the reference or such longer period of time as may be .specified by the
Board, shall be deemed to be an approval of the proposed modification.
f. Any hearing of the Planning Commission or the Board of Supervisors
may be continued from time to time.
PIAN. The Planning Department is designated as the planning agency, under the
provisions of Sections 65402, 65552, and 65553 of the Government Code, Section
15004 of the Education Code, and similar sections to report on public acquisitions,
dispositionso abandonments 0 and construction, as to conformity with the adopted
general plan or any adopted specific plan. The provisions of Section 65402 of the
Government Code shall not apply to abandonments, acquisions and dispositions,
including dispositions of the remainder of a larger parcel, which are for street
projects, lncluding widening and alignment projects, of a minor nature.
a. Whenever any county department or a public agency is processing
a project that requires a report under the provisions of the Govern-
ment Code, Education Code or simil ar sections, appl lcation shall
be made to the Planning Director on forms provided by the Planning
Department and shall supply all requested information, including the
1. The name, address and telephone number of applicant, including
information regarding any cooperating or involved agencies.
2. The legal basis for the project and an estimated time schedule for
development or action to be taken.
3. The location, address or legal description of the subject property
or area, together with a plat map and description of the proposed
project and uses.
4. The location of adjacent streets, easements, utilities, and other
features, both natural and constructed, that may affect or be af-
fected by the proposal.
5. Development plans of any proposed construction, including such
structural featu.~es as may be required to determine if the proposal
is in conformity with the general plan and any specific plan in ef-
fect in the area.
b. Planning Director's Report. Within 40 days after receipt of a completed
application, the Planning Director shall make a report to the applicant
as to the conformity of the proposed project with the adopted general
plan or any part thereof, or with any specific plan for the area. I f the
Planning Director does not report within the prescribed period of time
or such longer period as may be agreed upon, it shall be deemed a
finding that the proposed use is in conformity with the general plan or
any applicable specific plan.
c. A~eal. Within 15 calendar days after the date of mailing or delivery
of the report of the Planning Director, the applicant may appeal, tn
writing, to the Planni.ng Commission on the form provided by the Planning
Department. Upon receipt of a completed appeal accompanied by the
fee set forth in Section 18.37 of this ordinance, the Planning Director
shall set the matter for hearing before the Planning Commission, not less
than 5 nor more than 35 days thereafter, and shall give written notice
of the hearing, by mail, to the appellant. The decision of the Commission
shall be made within 30 days following the close of the hearing, shall be
final, and a copy thereof shall be mailed to the appellant.
Amended effective: February 3, 1977
6-27-78 (Ord. 348.1658) 10-23-80 (Ord. 348.1879)
5-8-80 (Ord. 348.1785) 1-22-81 (Ord. 348.1908)
9-25-80 (Ord.348.1855) 7-22-82 (Ol:d. 348.2088)
SECTION 3.1. ZONES. For the purpose of providing a uniform basis for
zoning, the following zone classifications may be applied to the lands in the
unincorporated area of the County of Riverside:
R-R Rural Residential
R-R-O Rural Residential, Outdoor Advertising
R- 1 One-Family Dwellings
R-lA One-Family Dwellings - Mountain Resort
R-A Re sidential Agricultural
R-2 Multiple Family Dwellings
R-2A Limited Multiple Family Dwellings
R- 3 General Re s idential
R-3A General Residential - Mountain Resort
R- 4 Planned Residential
R-5 Open Area Combining Zone - Residential Developments
R-? Mobilehome Subdivision and Mobilehome Park
R-?-R Mobilehome Subdivision, Rural
C- 1 General Commercial
C-T Tourist Commercial
C-P-S Scenic Highway Commercial
C- P Re stricted Commercia 1
I- P Industrial Park
M- 1 Light Manufacturing
M-4 Medium Industrial
~ M-2 Heavy Industrial
M-R Mineral Resources
M-R-A Mineral Resources and Related Manufacturing
A- 1 Light Agriculture
A- P Light Agricultural with Poultry
A- 2 Heavy Agriculture
W-2 Controlled Development Areas
R- D Regulated Development Area s
N-A Natural Assets
W-2-M Controlled Development Areas with Mobilehomes
W-1 Watercourse, Watershed and Conservation Areas
SECTION 3.2. USE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATIONS. It ts expressly declared
that the terminology used in Section 3.1 ts general only and ts not intended to
be descriptive of all uses allowed in the zone classifications. The zone clas-
sifications are specifically set forth tn subsequent articles of this ordinance
to which reference should be made to determine all the uses permitted therein.
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of any zone, the following rules
shall apply:
a. Where boundaries are indicated as approximately following street
lines, alley lines, or lot lines, such lines shall be construed
to be such boundaries.
b. Where a boundary line divides a lot, the location of such boundary,
unless the same is indicated by specific dimensions, shall be
determined by use of the scale appearing on the map.
c. If any public street, alley or other right of way is vacated or
abandoned, the land formerly in such street, alley or right of way
shall be included within the zone of the adjoining property on each
side. In the event such street, alley or right of way was a zone
boundary line, the new zone boundary line shall be the former
center line of such street, alley or right of way.
Amended effective: February 3, 1977 (Ord 348.1545)
SECTION 4.1. All the unincorporated area of the County of Riverside is
placed in a series of mapped zoning districts. All those areas shown within
the boundaries of the following maps are placed within the zone classifications
shown on said maps, as adopted or thereafter amended:
Adopted Ordinance
Map No. 2 - All the unincorporated area of 12-31-48 348
the County of Riverside not
included in one of the follow-
tng mapped zoning districts.
Map No. 3 - Whitewater District 4-18-49 348a
(Annexed into the City of Palm
Map No. 4 - Cathedral City District 2-20-50 348d
Map No. 5 - University District 11-16-50 348g
Map No. 6 - Beaumont-Banning District 8-27-51 348h
Map No. 6a- Beaumont-Banning District 6-29-64 348.292
Map No. 7 - La Mesa Miravilla (Now part
of Cherry Valley) 2-24-53 348j
Map No. 8 - Anza-La Sierra District 8-24-53 348m
Map No. 9 - West Corona District 7-26-54 3480
Map No. 10 - Cathedral City - Palm Desert
District 1-3-55 348p
Map No. 11 - Glen Avon District 1-3-55 348q
Map No. 12 - Desert Hot Springs District 2-21-55 348r
Map No. 13 - Calimesa District 1-23-56 348z
Map No. 14 - La Ouinta District 3-5-56 348dd
Map No. 15 - Rubidoux District 6-12-56 348hh
Da te
Adopted Ordinance
Map No. 16 - Idyllwfld District 1-14-57 348tt
Map No. 17 - Hemet-San ]acinto District 8-26-57 348eee
Map No. 18 - North Valle Vista District 12-23-57 348jJj
Map No. 19 - Florence (Now Part of Cherry
Va lley) 10- 6- $ 8 348yyy
Map No. 20 - Indian Wells District 10-20-58 348zzz
Map No. 21 - East Valle Vista District 11-10-58 348aaaa
Map No. 22 - Thomas Mountain District 4-13-59 348hhhh
Map No. 23 - North Elsinore District 1-26-59 348iiii
Map No. 24 - Lower Berdoo Canyon District 2-16-59 348jjjj
Map No. 25- Edgemont-Sunnymead District 9-21-59 348uuuu
Map No. 26 - Pedley District No. 1 10-13-59 348.2xxxx
(Now Pedley)
Map No. 27 - Lakeland Village District 11-30-59 348.2
Map No. 28 - San Gorgonio Pass District No. 1 1-11-60 348.10
Map No. 29 - Mira Loma District No. 1 1-11-60 348.12
(Prado-Mira Loma)
Map No. 30 - Bermuda Dunes District 12-12-60 348.53
Map No. 31 - Cherry Valley District 1-23-61 348.63
Map No. 32 - Ramona District 10-9-61 348. 103
Map No. 33 - Mecca District 4-2-62 348. 134
Map No. 34 - Pinon Flats District 7- 16-62 348. 146
Map No. 35 - Little Lake District 8-6-62 348.150
Map No. 36 - Lake Mathews District 2-18-63 348.173
Map No. 37 - Norco District 2-25-63 348. 175
Adopted .Ordinance
Map No. 38 - Prado-Mira Loma District 4-1-63 348. 182
Map No. 39 - Pedley District 5-6-63 348. 197
Map No. 40 - Thousand Palms District 5-13-63 348. 198
Map No. 41 - Lower Coachella Valley Dist. 7-1-63 348.208
Map No. 42 - North Riverside District 7-8-63 348.210
Map No. 43 - Banning Heights 5-11-64 348.282 ·
Map No. 44 - Palm Springs Highlands 8-17-64 348.306
Map No. 45 ~' E1 Cerrito 12-14-64 348.339
Map No. 46 - Sun City 8-24-70 348. 776
Map No. 47 - Blythe 6-14-65 348.376
Map No. 48 - Meadowbrook 7-6-65 348.380
Map No. 49 - East Corona 8-2-65 348.384
Map No. 50 - Painted Hills 8-16-65 348.389
Map No. 51 - Rtpley 8-16-65 348.390
Map No. 52 - EICartso 4-4-65 348.435
Map No. 53 - QuallValley 7-5-66 348.461
Map No. 54 - Pine Cove 6-12-67 348.513
Map No. 55 - Perris Reservoir District 6-19-67 348.514
Map No. 56 - Gavilan Hills 12-8-69 348.684
Map No. 57 - CaJalco 3-9-70 348.703
· Map No. 58 - Pass and Desert 3-30-70 348.712
Map No. 59 - Woodcrest 3-30-70 348.713
Map No. 60 - Sky Valley 4-27-70 348.731
Adopted Ordinance
Map No. 61 - Canyon Lake 8-24-70 348.775
Map No. 62 - Mead Valley 12-28-70 348.839
Map No. 63 - Valle Vista 2-22-72 348.862
Map No. 64 - Garner Valley 1-18-72 348.987
Map No. 65 - Cabazon 12-12-72 348.1118
Amended Effective: February 3, 1977 (Ord. 348.1545)
(a) Residential and Light Agricultural Uses.
(1) Any use permitted in the A-1 Zone, subject to the
conditions set forth therein, unless hereinafter
(2)Mobilehome, used as a one-family residence, sub-
ject to the following conditions:
a. Mobilehomes shall have a floor area of not less
than 450 square feet.
b. The area between the ground level and the floor
of a mobilehome shall be screened from view by
an opaque skirt entirely around the mobilehome.
(b) The following uses shall be permitted provided approval
of a plot plan shall first have been obtained pursuant to
the provisions of Section 18.30:
(1) Fishing lakes, commercial and noncommercial.
(2) Guest ranches and motels.
(3) Educational institutions, libraries, museums and
post offices.
(4) Golf, tennis, polo or country clubs, archery and golf
and driving ranges.
(5) Commercial uses for the convenience of and inci-
dental to any of the above permitted uses when located
upon the same lot or parcel of land.
(6) Feed and grain sales.
(7) Nurseries and garden supply stores.
(8) Pet shops and pet supply shops.
(9) Real estate offices.
(10) Signs, on-site advertising.
(11) Arts, crafts and curio shops.
(c) Public Utility Uses.
(1) Structures and installations necessary to the conserva-
tion and development of water such as dams, pipelines,
water conduits, tanks, canals, reservoirs, wells and -
the necessary pumping and water production facilities.
(2) Structures and the pertinent facilities necessary and
incidental to the development and transmission of
electrical power and gas such as hydro-electric power
plants, booster or conversion plants, transmission
lines, pipelines and the like.
Radio broadcasting stations.
4-12-79 14
(4) Telephone transmission lines, telephone exchanges
~-~ and offices.
(5) Railroads, including the necessary facilities in
connection therewith.
(6) Television broadcasting stations, antennas, and cable
installations, and micro-wave relay stations.
(d) The following uses are permitted provided a conditional
use permit has been granted:
(1) Airport or landing field.
(2) Auto wrecking yards.
(3) Any mining operation which is exempt from the pro-
visions of the California Surface Mining and Recla-
mation Act of 1975 and Riverside County Ordinance
No. 555.
(4) Cemetery, pet or human.
(5) Commercial fairgrounds.
(6) Commercial stables and riding academies.
(7) Commercial uses, the following:
a. Antique shops.
b. Automobile service stations and repair garages.
c. Bakery shops, including baking only when
incidental to retail sales on the premises.
d. Barber shops and beauty shops.
e. Bars and cocktail lounges.
f. Billiard and pool halls
g. Cleaning and dyeing shops.
h. Drug stores.
i. Equipment rental services, including rototillers,
power mowers, sanders, power saws, cement
and plaster mixers not exceeding 10 cubic feet
in capacity, and other similar equipment.
J. (Deleted)
k. Food, meat, poultry and produce markets.
1. Frozen food lockers.
m. Hardware stores.
n. Laundries and laundromats.
o. Liquid petroleum service stations, provided that
if storage tanks are above ground, the total
capacity of all tanks shall not exceed 10,000
- gallons. Storage tanks shall be painted a neutral
color and shall not have any advertising painted
or placed on their surface.
p. Liquor stores.
q. (Deleted)
r. Parking lots and parking buildings, pursuant to
the provisions of Section 18.12 (automobile
storage space).
J 4-12-7q
s. (Deleted)
t. Professional offices.
u. (Deleted)
v. Refreshment stands.
Restaurants and other eating establishments.
x. Shoe stores and repair shops.
y. (Deleted)
z. Stations, bus, railroad and taxi.
aa. Tire sales and service.
bb. Tourist information centers.
cc. Underground bulk fuel storage.
dd. Auction houses and yards.
(8) Dune buggy parks.
(9) Fruit and vegetable packing plants and similar uses.
(10) Hog ranches, subject to. the provisions of Ordinance
No. 431.
(11) Hunting clubs.
(12) Lumber production of a commercial nature, including
commercial logging or commercial development of
timber and lumber mills.
(13) Machine shops o
(14) The manufacture of:
a. Brick, tile or terra-cotta.
b. Cement and cement products.
c. Gypsum.
d. Lime or lime products.
(15) Menageries, animal hospitals and commercial dog
(16) Migrant agricultural workers mobilehome parks.
(17) Pen fed cattle operations, livestock salesyards,
livestock auction yards, and dairy farms.
(18) Race tracks, including but not limited to contests
between automobfle s, horse s, go- carts, and motor-
cycles, but not including contests between human
beings only.
(19) Recreational trailer ~arks.
(20) Rifle, pistol, skeet, or trapshooting ranges.
(21) Rodeo arenas.
(22) Trail bike parks.
(23) Trailer and boat storage.
(24) Travel trailer parks. -
(25) Disposal service operations.
(26) Meat cutting and packaging plants, provided there
is no slaughtering of animals or rendering of meat.
(27) (Deleted)
(28) Mini Warehouse Structures.
(29) Catteries, commercial.
7-2-81 16
(e) The following uses are permitted provided that the opera-
tor thereof holds a permit to conduct surface mining opera-
f tions issued pursuant to Riverside County Ordinance No.
555 which has not been revoked or suspended.
(1) Any mining operation that is subject to the California
- Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.
SECTION 5.2. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. Where a structure is
erected or a use is made in the R-R Zone that is first specifically per-
mitted in another zone classification, such structure or use shall meet
the development standards and regulations of the zone in which such
structure or use is first specifically permitted, unless such requirements
are hereafter modified.
(a) One family residences shall not exceed 35 feet in
height. All other uses shall not exceed 50 feet in
height, unless a height up to 75 feet for buildings or
105 feet for other structures is specifically permitted
under the provisions of Section 18.34 of this ordinance.
(b) Lot Area. One-half acre, with a minimum average width
of 80 feet, including the area to the center of adjacent
streets, shall be the minimum size of any lot except as
(1) Public Utilities, 20,000 square feet with a minimum
average lot width and depth of 100 feet.
(c) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required
by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Amended effective: 9-4-62 7-16-69 (Ord. 348.638)
6-16-65 (Ord. 348.371) 6-10-70 (Ord. 348.737)
9-1.5-65 (Ord. 348.391) 9-23-70 (Ord. 348.777)
1-19-66 (Ord. 348.422) 9-30-70 (Ord. 348.783)
5-31-67 (Ord. 348.506) 8-11-71 (Ord. 348.905)
8-2-67 (Ord. 348.518)
Formerly Article
Art. V and amended 5-4-72 (Ord. 348.1023) 10-2-75 (Ord. 348. 1470)
8-9-73 (Ord. 348.1189)12-10-75 (Ord. 348.1481)
5-30-74 (Ord. 348. 1327) 2-3-77 (Ord. 348. 1545)
6-20-74 (Ord. 348.1340) 4-21-77 (Ord. 348.1564)
11-7-74 (Ord. 348.1377) 9-8-77 (Ord. 348.1588)
3-20-75 (Ord. 348. 1429) 4- 12-79 (Ord. 348. 1688)
~:~.~ 7-10-75 (Ord. 348.1458) 11-29-79 (Ord. 348 .1729
~ ' (Operative 1-1-80)
11-29-79 '"' 17
Section 5.25. USES PERMITTED.
(a) Any use permitted in Zone R-R, subJect to all of the
regulations and procedures 'of the R-R Zone applicable
to such use.
(b) Outdoor advertising displays, each outdoor advertising
display shall be at least 500 feet from any other such
It is hereby declared that all of the unincorporated area of the
County of Riverside, not otherwise zoned, and on the effective date of
Ordinance 348. 1545 designated as being in the M-3 Zone shall, from
the effective date of Ordinance 348. 1545, be designated as being in
the R-R (Rural-Residential) Zone classification and the M-3 Zone Clas-
sification shall hereafter be known as the R-R (Rural-Residential)
classification. (See Art. V). All areas designated as being in the M-5
Zone shall hereafter be designated as being in R-R-O (Rural-Residential,
Outdoor Advertising) Zone and the M-5 Zone classification shall here-
after be known as the R-R-O Zone (Rural-Residential., Outdoor Advertising).
(See Art. Va). It is further declared that Ordinance 348. 1545 does not
rezone any property or change any uses presently permitted in the M-3
and M-5 Zone classifications; that the purpose of the change of desig-
nation from M-3 and M-5 to R-R and R-R-O is to eliminate the confusion
created by the use of the terms "M-3" ahd "M-$", which terms connote
an industrial classification even though the zone classifica'tions have
for some time been primarily rural residential zone classifications.
Article XXA and Section 18.40 of Ordinance No. 348 and Ordinance
No. $3? are repealed; however, this ordinance shall be construed as a
continuation of all affected articles and ordinances and not as new
enactments thereof except as to any portions thereof that are inconsis-
tent herewith.
Amended Effective: September 4, 1962
June 16, 1966 (Sections 3.26 and 3.27
(Formerly Article
IIIa- renumbered
Art. Va and amended) May 4, 1972 (Ord. 348. 1023)
February 3, 1977 (Ord. 348. 1545) .
2-3-77 18
(a) The following uses shall be permitted in the R-1 Zone:
(1) One-family dwellings.
(2) Field crops, flower and vegetable gardening,
tree crops, and greenhouses used only for pur-
poses of propagation and culture, including the
sale thereof from the premises and one unlighted
sign that does not exceed 2 square feet in size
pertaining to sale of the products.
(3) The noncommercial keeping of horses on lots not
less than 20,000 square feet in area'and 100 feet
in width, provided they are kept not less than
100 feet from any street and 20 feet from any
property line. A maximum of two horses per
20,000 square feet and, in any event, not more
than four horses on a lot will be permitted. If
a lot is one acre or more in area, poultry and
rabbits may be kept for the use of the Occupants
of the premises only. The poultry and rabbits
shall be kept in an enclosed area located not
not less than 50 feet from any residence and shall
be maintained on the rear portion of the lot in
conjunction with a residential use. If a lot is
two acres or more in area, two sheep or goats or
combination thereof may be kept in addition there-
to, provided they are kept not less than 100 feet
from any street, 20 feet from any property line
and 50 feet from any residence.
(4) Public parks and public playgrounds, golf courses
with standard length fairways, and country clubs.
(5) Home occupations.
(6) Planned residential developments, provided a
land division is approved pursuant to the
provisions of Ordinance No. 460 and the develop-
ment standards in Section 18.5 of this ordinance.
(b) The following uses are permitted provided a plot plan
has been approved pursuant to the provisions of
Section 18.30:
(1) Beauty shops operated from a home by its inhabit-
ants where no assistants are employed and the
on-site sign is unlighted and does not exceed
two square feet in area.
(2) Temporary real estate tract offices located with-
in a subdivision, to be used only for and during
the original sale of the subdivision, but not to
exceed a period of 2 years in any event.
Nurseries, horticultural.
3-16-82 19
(c) Deleted.
SECT/ON 6.2. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following standards
of development shall apply in the R-! Zone, except that planned
residential developments shall comply with the development standards
contained in Section 18.5 of this ordinance:
(a) Building height shall not exceed 2-1/2 stories, with
a maximum height of 35 feet.
(b) Lot area shall be not less than 7200 square feet.
The minimum lot area shall be determined by exclud-
ing that portion of a lot that is used solely for
'access to the portion of a lot used as a building site.
(c) The minimum average width of that portion of a lot to
be used as a building site shall be 60 feet with a
minimum average depth of 100 feet. That portion of a
lot used for access on "flag" lots shall have a
minimum width of 20 feet.
(d) The minimum frontage of a lot shall be 60 feet, except
that lots fronting on knuckles or cul-de-sacs may
have a minimum frontage of 35 feet.
(e) Minimum yard requirements are as follows:
(1) The front yard shall be not less than 20 feet,
measured from the existing street line or from
any future street line as shown on any Specific .
Plan of Highways, whichever is nearer the pro-
posed structure.
(2) Side yards on interior and through lots shall be
not less than 10 percent of the width of the lot,
but not less than 3 feet in width in any event,
and need not exceed a width of 5 feet. Side
yards on corner and reversed corner lots shall
be not less than 10 feet from the existing street
line or from any future street line as shown on
any Specific Plan of Highways, whichever is
nearer the proposed structure, upon which the main
building sides, except that where the lot is less
than 50 feet wide the yard need not exceed
20 percent of the width of the lot.
(3) The rear yard shall not be less than 10 feet.
(f) Automobile storage space shall be provided as
required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Amended effective:
1-15-64 (Ord. 348.251) 9-13-73 (Ord. 348.1201)
5-06-64 (Ord. 348.275~ 5-30-74 (Ord. 348.1327)
4-17-68 (Ord. 348.556) 5-01-75 (Ord. 348.1443)
3-11-70 (Ord. 348.700) 4-12-79 (Ord. 348.1688)
9-23-70 (Ord. 348.777) 7-02-81 (Ord. 348.1965)
5-04'72 (Ord. 348.1023} 3-16-82 (Ord. 348.2074)
10-19-72 (Ord. 348.1091)
20 (Next page is 22)
The following regulations shall apply in all R-lA Zones:
The following uses shall be permitted in all R-IA Zones:
(a) Any use permitted in R-1 Zones.
(b) One additional dwelling unit covering not more than 700
square feet of the lot area may be placed on any lot of
not less than 7200 square feet in area upon which there
exists a one-family dwelling and no guest dwelling.
(c) The keeping of horses for private, noncommercial use by
occupants of the premises, subject to all regulations or
limitations imposed by or pursuant' to law or ordinance
pertaining to the keeping of livestock.
(e) Real estate offices and insurance offices conducted as
home occupations, subject to the same limitations as
provided for home occupations in R-1 Zones.
SECTION 6.26. OTHER REGULATIONS. Building height limits,
required lot area, front yard required, side yards required and rear
yards required .shall be the same as in R-1 Zones. Lot coverage per-
mitted and distance required between main buildings shall be the same
as in R-2 Zones.
SECTION 6.27. Automobile storage space shall be provided as
required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
AMENDED EFFECTIVE: September 22, 1960
AMENDED EFFECTIVE:' July 27, 1966 (Ord. 348.459) Subsection (d) repealed.
May 30, 1974 (Ord. 348. 1327)
5-30-74 22
The following regulations shall apply in all R-A Zones:
SECTION 6.50. USES PERMITTED. Only the following uses shall
be permitted in all R-A Zones:
(a) Any use permitted in the R-1 Zone.
(b) Poultry and rabbits for the use of the occupants of the
premises only. All poultry and rabbits shall be kept in
an enclosed area, located not less than 50 feet from any
residence existing at the time such use is established.
(c) The noncommercial keeping of horses, cattle, sheep, and
goats on lots or parcels over 20,000 square feet in area
and 100 feet in width, provided they are kept, fed, and
maintained not less than 50 feet from any residence exist-
ing at the time such use is established. Two such animals
may be kept on each 20,000 square feet up to one acre and
two such animals for each additional acre.
(d) Wholesale nurseries, greenhouses, orchards, aviaries,
apiaries (subject to Ordinance No. 551), the raising of
field crops and tree crops, berry and bush crops, and
-- vegetable, flower and herb gardening on a commercial
scale; the drying, packing and processing of fruits (other
than canning), nuts, vegetables and other horticultural
products where such drying, packing or processing is
primarily in conjunction with a faming operation and pro-
vided the permanent buildings and structures used in
conjunction with such drying, packing, and processing
operations are not nearer than twenty (20) feet from the
boundaries of the premises.
(e) Farm Projects (Future Farmers, 4-H or similar projects.)
(f) The raising or breeding of guinea pigs, parakeets, chin-
chillas, or similar small fowl or animals, provided that
all such uses are kept and maintained at least 50 feet from
any residence existing at the time such use is established.
(g) A temporary stand, not exceeding 200 square feet in area,
used exclusively ~or the sale of products grown on the
premises, and a sign, not to exceed 6 square feet, adver-
tising the sale of said product. Off-street parking shall
be as required in Section 18.12, except that no paving
shall be required.
(h) Farms or establishments for the selective or experimental
breeding and raising of cattle, sheep, goats, and other
farm stock or animals subject to the permissible number,
conditions, and provisions set forth in subsection (c) of
this section.
(t) One mobllehome for each 4.$ acres, located upon a
parcel being farmed, which ts occupied by the owner or
operator of the parcel or his employees as a one-family
residence, provided:
(1) The mobilehome is not rented or held out for lease.
(2)The mobilehome is located not less than 50 feet
from any property line.
(3)The mobilehome is screened from view from the
front property line by shrubs or trees.
(4) The arrangement of the mobilehome, sanitary
facilities and utilities conforms with all of the
requirements of the Health Department, Department
of Building and Safety and State law.
(J) The grazing of sheep where such grazing operation Is con-
ducted on fields for the purpose of clearing stubble or un-
harvested crops, without limit as to the number of animals
per acre, for a period of not more than 30 days in any six-
month period for each parcel.
(k) Farms or establishments for the selective or experimental
breeding, raising, training and boarding of horses, subject
to the permissable number, conditions, and provisions set
forth in subsection (c) of this section.
(1) Dog kennels, non-commercial, on parc'els of land one acre
or larger in gross area.
(In) Catteries, non-commercial.
SECTION 6.51. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT. The same as in Zone A-1.
lot size of 20,000 squre feet,with a minimum width of 100 feet and a
minimum depth of 150 feet. No animals or fowl, other than domestic pets
and poultry and rabbits, for the exclusive use of the occupant, shall be
permitted on lots of less than 20,000 square feet.
SECTION 6.53. FRONT YARD REQUIRED. The same as Zone R-1.
SECTION 6.54. Automobile storage space shall be provided as
required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Amended: 1-15-64 (Ord. 348.251) 5-30-74 (Ord. 348.1327)
1-19-66 (Ord. 348.422) 12-12-74 (Ord. 348.1396)
6-10-70 (Ord. 348.737) 11-29-79 (Ord. 348.1729-
7-22-70 (Ord. 348.753) Operative 1-1-80)
The following regulations shall apply in all R-2 Zones=
(a} Any use permitted in the R-1 Zone.
(b) Two (2} family dwellings, multiple family dwellings,
bungalow courts and apartment houses.
(c) Boarding, rooming and lodging houses.
(d) Churches, educational institutions, public libraries,
museums and art galleries not operated for compensa-
tion or profit.
(e) Deleted.
(f) On-site signs, affixed to building walls, stating the
name of the structure, use, or institution, not
to exceed 5 percent of the surface area of the ex-
terior face of the wall upon which the sign is
(g) Any use otherwise permitted by this Section, regard-
less of the number of structures to be constructed
on a single legally divided parcel, provided a plot
plan has first been approved pursuant to the pro-
visions of Section 18.30 of this ordinance.
SEcTIoN 7.2. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT. The same as in R-1 Zones.
(See Section 6.2.)
SECTION 7.3. REQUIRED LOT AREA. The same as in R-1 Zones.
(See Section '6.3.)
SECTION 7.4. FRONT YARD REQUIRED. The same as in R-1 Zones.
(See Section 6.4.)
SECTION 7.5. SIDE YARDS REQUIRED. The same as in R-1 Zones.
(See Section 6.5.)
SECTION 7.6. REAR YARD REQUIRED. The same' as in R-1 Zones.
(See Section 6.6.)
SECTION 7.7. LOT COVERAGE PERMITTED. In no case shall more
than sixty (60) per cent of any lot be covered by buildings.
sEcTION 7.8. Automobile storage space shall be provided as.
required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
3-16-82 25
-- No two-story main building shall be closer than fifteen (15) feet to any
other main building on the same lot and no one-story building shall be
closer than ten (10) feet to any other one-story main building on the same
SECTION 7.10. AREA PER DWELLING UNIT. Every main building
hereafter erected or structurally altered shall have a lot or building site
area of not less than 2500 square feet for each dwelling unit in such main
AMENDED EFFECTIVE: September 22, 1960
September 23, 1970 (Ord. 348.777)
September 13, 1973 (Ord. 348.1201)
May 30, 1974 (Ord. 348.1327)
August 29, 1978 (Ord. 348.1664)
March 16, 1982 (Ord. 348.2074)
The following regulations shall apply in all R-2A Zones:
(a) Any use permitted in R-1 Zones.
(b) Multiple family dwellings.
(c} Deleted.
(d) On-site signs, affixed'to building walls, stating the
name of the structure, use, or institution, not to
exceed 5 percent of the surface area of the exterior
face of the wall upon which the sign is located.
thirty (30) feet.
SECTION 7.27. REQUIRED LOT AREA. 7,200 square feet.
(a) -Front yard, 20 feet.
(b) Side yard, 5 feet.
(c) Rear yard, 10 feet.
SECTION 7.29. LOT COVERAGE PERMITTED. In no case shall more
than 60 percent of any lot be covered by buildings.
two-story main building shall be closer than 15 feet to any other
main building on the same lot and no one-story building shall be
closer than 10 feet to any other one-story main building on the
same lot.
SECTION 7.31. Automobile storage space shall be provided as
required by Section 18.12 of this ord/nance.
Amended effective: September 22, 1960
September 23, 1970 (Ord. 348.777)
September 13, 1973 (Ord. 348.1201)
May 30, 1974 {Ord. 348.1327)
March 16, 1982 (Ord. 348.2074)
The following regulations shall apply in all R-3 Zones:
(a) The following uses shall be permitted provided ap-
proval of a plot plan shall first have been obtained
pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.30:
(1) Any use permitted in the R-2 Zone.
(2) Apartment houses.
(3} Nonprofit clubs and lodge halls.
(4} Fraternity and sorority houses.
(5) Hotels; resort hotels, and motels.
· (6) Nursery schools for pre-school day care.
(7} Institutions for the aged licensed by the Cali-
fornia State Department of Social Welfare or the
County Department of Public Welfare.
(8} Medical and dental offices.
(9) Chiropractic offices.
(10} Law offices.
(11) Architectural, engineering, and community plan-
ning offices~ provided there is no outdoor
storage of materials, equipment, or vehicles,
other than passenger cars.
(12) Real Estate offices.
(b) Accessory buildings, to a specific permitted use, pro-
vided that the accessory building is established as
an incident to a principal use and does not change
the character of that use.
(c) On-site signs, affixed to building walls, stating the
name of the structure, use, or institution, not to
exceed 5 percent of the surface area of the exterior
face of the wall upon which the sign is located.
(d) The following uses shall be permitted provided a
conditional use permit is obtained pursuant to this
(1) Deleted.
(2) Deleted.
(3) Parking areas for commercial uses.
(4} Evening nursery school, child care and baby-
sitting facilities, where 5 or more unrelated
children are kept under supervision by a person
licensed by the State Department .of Social
Welfare or Riverside County Department of
Public Welfare during any hours between 5 p.m.
and 8 a.m.
(e) Planned residential developments, provided a land
division is approved pursuant to the provisions of
Ordinance No. 460 and the development standards in
Section 18.5 of this ordinance.
SECTION 8.2. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS . The following standards
of development shall apply in the R-3 Zone, except that Planned
residential developments shall comply with the development standards
contained in Section 18.5 of this ordinance.
(a) The minimum lot area shall be 7200 square feet with
a minimum average width of 60 feet and a minimum
average depth of 100 feet, unless different minimums
are specifically required in a particular area.
(b) The minimum front and rear yards shall be 10 feet for
buildings that do not exceed 35 feet in height. Any
portion of a building which exceeds 35 feet in height
shall be set back from the front and rear lot' lines
not less than 10 feet plus 2 feet for each foot by
which the height exceeds 35 feet. The front setback
shall be measured from any existing or future street
line as shown on any specific street plan of the
County. The rear setback shall be measured from the
existing rear.lot line or from any recorded alley or
easement; if the rear line adjoins a street, the
rear setback requirement shall be the same as
required for a front setback.
(c) The minimum side yard shall be 5 feet for buildings
that do not exceed 35 feet in height. Any portion
of a building which exceeds 35 feet in height shall
be set back from each side lot line 5 feet plus
2 feet for each foot by which the height exceeds
35 feet; if the side yard adjoins a street, the side
setback requirement shall be the same as required for
a front setback.
(d) No lot shall have more than 50 percent of its net
area covered with buildings or structures.
-(e} The maximum ratio of floor area to lot area shall
not be greater than two to one, not including base-
ment floor area.
~ (f) All buildings and structures shall not exceed 50 feet
in height, unless a height up to 75 feet is speci-
fically peknmitted under the provisions of Section
18.34 of this ordinance. ·
(g) Deleted.
(h) Automobile storage space shall be provided as
required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Amended Effective: January 15, 1964 (Ord. 348.251)
January 19o 1966 (Ord. 348.422)
June 7, 1967 (Ord. 348.507)
September 23, 1970 (Ord. 348.777)
Septemb~. r 16, 1971 (Ord. 348.920)
May 4, 1972 (Ord. 348. 1023)
June 21, 1973 (Ord. 348.1180)
September 13, 1973 .(Ord. 348. 1201)
May 30, 1974 (Ord. 348.1327)
December 10, 1975 (Ord. 348.1481)
April 12, 1979 (Ord. 348.1688)
March 16, 1982 (Ord. 348.2074)
3-16-82 29
The following regulations shall apply in all R-3A Zones:
SECTION 8.25. USES PERMITTED. The following use's shall be
permitted in all R-3A Zones:
(a) Any use permitted in R-l, R-lA, R-2 or R-3 Zones.
SECTION 8.26. OTHER REGULATIONS. Building height limits,
required lot area, front yard required, side yards required, rear yard re-
quired, lot coverage permitted and distance between main buildings shall
be the same as in R-3 Zones.
SECTION 8.27. Automobile storage space shall be provided as
required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
AMENDED EFFECTIVE: September 22, 1960
May 30, 1974 (Ord. 348. 1327)
5-30-74 30
The following regulations shall apply in all R-T Zones:
SECTION 8.50. USES PERMITTED. The following uses shall be
permitted in the R-T Zone. Structures that do not conform to the zone
shall not be constructed or maintained in the }t-T Zone.
(a) One-family mobilehomes, with a floor area of not less than
450 square feet, for residential use as a part of a subdivi-
sion development.
(1) The following accessory structures and uses on individ-
ual lots: cabana, ramada, patio slab, carport or garage,
storage and washroom buildings, storage of camp and
boat trailers.
(2) (Deleted - Ord. 348.1411)
(3) Community recreation facilities, as a part of the
subdivision development.
(4) Temporary real estate tract offices, to be used only
for and during the original sale of the subdivision,
but not to exceed a period of 2 years per subdivision.
(5) Home occupations, only in mobilehome subdivisions.
(b) Uses permitted by Conditional Use Permit. The follow-
ing uses are permitted provided a conditional use permit
has been granted:
3-6-75 31
Mobilehome parks.
Trailer and boat storage areas, provided such
use is developed in conjunction with and
adjacent to a mobilehome park.
following standards of development shall apply to mobilehome sub-
(a) No real property shall be used unless' a subdivision
has been recorded pursuant to the provisions of the
Subdivision Ordinance and this Article.
(b) Deleted.
(c) Mobilehomes shall meet the following minimum lot
setbacks; 20 feet front yard, 5 feet side yard
and 5 feet rear yard. The 20 foot front setback
may be reduced on interior streets to 10 feet if
community recreation areas are developed as a part
of the subdivision.
Building height shall not exceed 2-1/2 stories
with a maximum height of 35 feet.
(e) Minimum lot size shall be either of the following:
(1) Minimum lot size of 7200 square feet, with a
minimum average width of 60 feet and a minimum
frontage of not less than 45 feet and a mini-
mum average depth of 100 feet for each lot.
Lots fronting on knuckle and cul-de-sac streets
may have a frontage of not less than 35 feet.
Lots that do not front on a street shall be
permitted only upon a finding by the Planning
Commission that it is impractical due to topo-
graphical conditions, terrain or configuration
of the parcel of land to develop full street
frontage lots. Such lots, designated as flag
lots, shall meet all lot requirements except
that requirement of street frontage but shall
have an access strip to a street not less than
20 feet wide and not exceeding 150 feet in
(2) Minimum lot size of 3,600 square feet, with a
minimum average width of 40 feet and a minimum
_ frontage of not less than 30 feet, if community
open areas or recreational facilities or a
combination thereof, are developed as a part of
the subdivision. The standards for the recrea-
tion area shall be as follows:
a. A minimum of 500 square feet for each
residential lot in the subdivision shall
be developed into usable community open
3-16-82 32
and recreation areas. The combined square
footage of con~nunity area and residential
lot area, not including streets rights-of-
way, shall tota! not less than 6,000 square
feet for each residential lot in the sub-
b. The community areas shall be designated on
the subdivision map and shall be located
entirely within the subdivision development.
(f) For subdivisions that include community open or
recreation areas, a community association with the
unqualified right to assess the owners of the resi-
dential lots for all maintenance operations and
other costs of the common areas and facilities and
the community association shall be established and
continuously maintained. The association shall have
the right to lien the lots of owners who default in
the payment of their assessments. The association's
lien shall not be subordinate to any encumbrance
other than a deed of trust or mortgage made in good
faith and for value which is of record prior to the
recordation of the lien of the association. Prior
to recordation of the final subdivision map, the
A developer shall submit for approval the declaration
of covenants, conditions and restrictions for the
project. The approved declaration shall be recorded
at the time of the recording of the final subdivision
(g) The following improvements shall be installed on all
lots used for residential purposes=
(1) A concrete slab or other metal or wood deck con-
taining at least 200 square feet.
(2) The area between the ground level and the floor
of a mobilehome shall be screened from view by
an opaque skirt entirely around the mobilehome.
(h) No common ar~a for storage of camp and boat trailers
shall be permitted unless it is designated on the
subdivision map.
(i} Not more than one mobilehome for residential pur-
poses shall be permitted on a lot.
(j) Whenever the soil is excavated below a mobilehome,
a retaining wall shall be installed extending six
inches above grade. Plans for the retaining wall
shall be approved by the Department of Building
and Safety.
3-16-82 33
any conditions imposed upon the granting of a conditional use permit, the
following minimum standards shall apply to mobilehome parks:
(a) The minimum site that may be developed for a mobilehome
park shall be 5 acres gross.
(b) Minimum area for each mobilehome site shall be 2500 square
feet with a minimum width of 30 feet.
(a) All mobilehome subdivisions and mobilehome parks that are
proposed to be constructed adjacent to, or across the street
from, land zoned R-1, R-lA or R-A, unless the gross area
of each lot in the mobilehome development is not less than
2 1/2 acres and the average width of each lot is not less
than 260 feet, shall have a common area consisting of a 20
foot minimum setback along all adjoining boundary streets
and a 15 foot side and rear setback along all non-street
boundaries of the development. Masonry walls 6 feet high
-- shall be erected along all boundary lines, except that along
~ all street boundaries the wall shall be erected 5 feet from
the right of way line. The area between the wall and the
street shall be planted in ground cover. Trees or shrubs
shall be planted within a 10 foot strip adjacent to the inside
of all boundary walls unless an interior street adjoins a
perimeter wall. All trees and shrubs planted shall be of a
variety that will grow to a height of not less than 15 feet
and shall be planted at intervals so that at maturity the
trees or shrubs will provide solid screening of the mobile-
home park or mobilehome subdivision. All plantings shall
be maintained tn a growing condition. In mobilehome sub-
divisions, approved provisions shall be required for the
continued maintenance of the landscaped common area sur-
rounding the development by a community association com-
posed of the owners of the individual lots or other legal
entity providing for participation by the individual lot owners
in the responsibility and cost thereof. The association shall
- have the right to place a lien upon the individual lots for all
necessary costs and expenses of maintaining the area.
Exception. The improvement and setback requirements
contained in this section (a) may be modified or eliminated
when the Commission finds that due to topographical con-
ditions or property ownership patterns the-~e requirements
are impractical and will not serve to protect the present or
future welfare of the public.
(b) Lots in a mobllehome subdivision or mobilehome park shall
not front on a street which is zoned R- 1, R- lA or R-A on the
~-- opposite side of the street.
(c)Automobile storage space shall be provided as required
by Section 18.12 of tkts ordinance.
Adopted: February !9, 1962
Amended Effective: March 30, 1965 (Ord. 348.356)
April 17, 1968 (Ord. 348.556)
May 14, 1969 (Ord. 348.628)
April 29, 1970 (Ord. 348.718)
September 16, 1970 (Ord. 348.??3)
March 24, 1971 (Ord. 348.860)
May 4, 1972 (Ord. 348. 1023)
May 30, 1974 (Ord. 348.1327)
March 6, 1975 (Ord. 348. 1411)
March 16, 1982 (Ord. 348.2074)
The following regulations shall apply in all R-T-R Zones:
SECTION 8.60. USES PERMITTED. Only the following uses shall
be permitted in the R-T-R Zone:
(a) One-family mobilehomes with a floor area of not less than
450 square feet for residential use as a part of a subdivi-
sion development.
(1) The following accessory structures and uses on
individual lots: cabana, ramada, patio slab, car-
port or garage, storage and washroom buildings,
storage of campers and boat trailers, tack rooms
and animal enclosures.
(2)The following agricultural uses on individual lots:
a. The noncommercial keeping of horses, cattle,
sheep, and goats, for the use of the occupants
of the premises, provided they are kept, fed
and maintained not less than 20 feet from any '
street and 20 feet from any residential use. A
--- total of 4 adult animals, plus the offspring
thereof until they reach the age of maturity, may
be kept for each 40,000 square feet.
b. The noncommercial keeping of rabbits, birds,
and poultry for the use of the occupants of the
premises, provided they are kept not less than
20 feet from any street and 20 feet from any
c. The noncommercial keeping of not more than 2
feeder swine, only in connection with a Future
Farmers, 4-H or similar farm project.
d. Orchards, the raising of field and tree crops,
berry and bush crops and vegetable, flower and
herb gardening on a commercial scale.
(3) Temporary real estate tract office located within the
subdivision, to be used only for and during the original
sale of the subdivision, but not to exceed a period of
two years for a subdivision.
- (4) Home occupations.
(b) Uses permitted by Conditional Use Permit. The following
uses are permitted provided a conditional use permit has
been granted:
(1) The keeping of animals other than those listed as a
permitted use.
3-6-75 36
following standards of development shall apply to mobilehome sub-
~ (a) No real property shall be used unless a subdivision
has been recorded pursuant to the provisions of the
Land Division Ordinance and this Article.
(b) Deleted.
(c) Mobilehomes shall meet the following minimum lot
setbacks: 20 feet front yard, 5 feet side yard,
and 5 feet rear yard.
(d) Building height shall not exceed 2-1/2 stories,
with a maximum height of 35 feet.
(e) Minimum lot size shall be 40,000 square feet net
area with a minimum frontage at the property line
of 100 feet and a minimum depth of 100 feet for
each lot. Lots fronting on knuckle and cul-de-sac
streets may have a frontage of not less than 50 feet.
Lots that do not front on a street shall be permit-
ted upon a finding that it is impractical due to
topographical conditions, terrain or configuration
of the parcel of land to develop full street frontage
lots. Such lots, designated as flag lots, shall meet
all lot requirements except that requirement of street
___ frontage, but shall have an access strip to a street
not less than 20 feet wide and not exceeding 150 feet
in length.
(f) The following improvements shall be installed on all
lots used for residential purposes:
(1) A concrete slab or other metal or wood deck
containing at least 200 square feet.
(2) The area between the ground level and the floor
of a mobilehome shall be screened from view by
an opaque skirt beneath the mobilehome and
appropriate landscaping.
(g) Not more than one mobilehome for residential purposes
shall be permitted on a lot. Not more than one
travel trailer and camper and boat shall be stored
on a lot.
(h) When any portion of a mobilehome is installed below
the level of the existing graded lot a retaining
wall-shall be installed below the mobilehome extend-
ing 6 inches above the grade. Plans for the retain-
.. ing wall shall be approved by the Department of
Building and Safety.
(i) Automobile storage space shall be provided as re-
quired by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Adopted effective 3-6-75 (Ord. 348.1411)
Amended effective 3-16-82 (Ord. 348.2074)
Supervisors finds that because of the rapid urbanization taking place in the
County, it is desirable to permit the development of subdivisions contain-
ing open areas that will be used for recreation purposes or will tend to pre-
serve the rural atmosphere of the area. Therefore, lots containing an area
less than the minimum lot area now established may be permitted provided
open areas are developed and maintained for the use and benefit of the
residents of the subdivision.
(a) One-family dwellings, and accessory uses or buildings
normally incidental thereto.
(b) Multiple-family dwellings subject to the provisions of
Section 8.96.
(c) Non-profit Community Centers, social halls, churches,
parks, and community recreation facilities, including but
not limited to swimming pools, and golf courses and the
normal accessory uses thereto.
(d) Community service areas and medical facilities designed
primarily for the use of the residents of the subdivision.
(e) On-site signs, affixed to building walls, stating the
name of the structure, use, or institution, not to exceed
5 percent of the surface area of the exterior face of the
wall upon which the sign is located.
SECTION 8.92. The R-4 Zone shall not be applied to any area contain-,
lng less than 9 acres.
(a) The minimum over-all area for each dwelling unit, exclusive
of the area used for commercial purposes and area set aside
for street rights of way, but including recreation and service
areas, shall be 6000 square feet.
(b) The minimum lot area for the individual lots used as a
residential building site shall be 3500 square feet. The
minimum width of each lot shall be 40 feet and the minimum
depth shall be 80 feet.
(c) One-family residences shall not exceed 35 feet in height.
All other buildings and structures shall not exceed 50 feet
in height, unless a height up to 75 feet is specifically per-
mitted under the provisions of Section 18.34 of this ordinance.
(d) The front, rear, and side yards shall be not less than that
established in Zone R-3, except that side yard areas may be
reduced if the dwelling units are arranged so that the party
wall is on the lot line.
(e) Off-street parking shall be provided as set forth in Section
18.12 of the Ordinance.
12-10-75 38
(f) Individual sewage disposal systems shall not be permitted
on lots containing an area of less than 6000 square feet
until a report has been received by the Commission from
r ..... the Health Department of the County of Riverside stating
that such a system wi 11 be acceptable.
(g) The recreation areas shall be of a size, based on the
particular use, adequate to meet the needs of the antici-
pated population, and shall be arranged so as to be readily
accessible to the residents of the subdivision.
(h) Adequate and permanent access from a public street to each
family dwelling shall be provided for pedestrians and
emergency vehicles.
Before any structure is erected or use established in Zone R-4, there shall
be a subdivision map recorded and a development plan approved as set forth
in Section 8.95.
(a) A subdivision conforming to the standards and conditions of
Ordinance 460, as presently worded or hereafter amended,
not inconsistent with specific provisions of this section,
shall be recorded. Ail lots not to be used for residential
purposes shall be given a lot letter instead of a lot number.
(b) A development plan conforming to the requirements of this
article and containing the following minimum information shall
be approved by the Planning Commission.
' (1) Location of each existing and each proposed structure
in the development area, the use or uses to be contained
therein. Typical plans indicating use on a lot may be
(2) Location of all pedestrian Walks, malls, recreation and
other open areas for the use of occupants and members
of the public.
(3) Location and height of all walls, fences and screen
planting, including a plan for the landscaping of the
development, types of surfacing, such as paving, turf-
ing, or other landscaping to be used at various locations.
(4) Plans and elevations of typical structures to indicate
architectural type and construction standards.
(c) Documents setting forth the method of conveying title, the
type of estate to be granted, the method of maintaining the
_ open areas and service areas, and the conditions of use of
the open or recreation areas shall be submitted to and
approved by the Planning Commission. The following mini-
mum standards shall be maintained:
(1) The right to use recreational facilities and service areas
shall be appurtenant to ownership of residential lots
within the development, or shall be made a covenant to
run with the land.
(2) Provisions shall be made for maintenance of the common
and service areas by a corporation, partnership, trust
or other legal enUty having the right to assess the
individual lot owners.
(a) Multiple family dwellings may be erected subject to the
following standards and conditions.
(1) The use shall comply with all provisions of the
R-3 Zone.
(2) A plot plan submitted pursuant to the conditions of
Section 8.95b indicating the location of buildings,
parking areas, and access shall be approved by the
AMENDED EFFECTIVE: January 15, 1964 {Ord. 348.251)
September 13, 1973 (Ord. 348.1201)
December 10, 1975 (Ord. 348.1481)
__ March 16, 1982 (Ord. 348.2074)
(a) The following uses are permitted provided a plot plan has
been approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.30
of this ordinance:
(l~. Golf courses and appurtenant facilities, including
clubhouses. A clubhouse is permitted to have customary
retail shop and restaurant facilities.
(2) Noncommercial community association recreation and
assembly buildings and facilities.
(3)Lakes, including noncommercial fishing therefrom.
(4)Picnic grounds.
(5) Parking lots, only for above-listed permitted uses,
pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.12 of this
ordinance, except that not less than five percent of
the interior of such parking lots shall have distributed
landscaping in addition to the landscaping requirements
of Section 18.12.
($)Water wells and appurtenant facilities.
(7) On-site identification signs, maximum size - 10 square
(b) The following uses are permitted provided a conditional use
permit has been granted:
(1) Riding academies and stables.
(a) Lot area. This zone is to be applied to those areas within
subdivisions and other residential developments that provide
open space and recreational area and facilities for the
project. Therefore, no minimum lot size is established for
the zone.
(b) Yards. Whenever a building is to be constructed on a lot
in this zone, it shall have a front yard, side yard and
rear yard, each of which shall be not less than 50 feet.
If more than one building is constructed on one lot, there
shall be not less than 20 feet separation between the
(c) Trash areas. All trash collection areas shall be enclosed
with a solid fence or wall not less than six feet high.
(d) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required
by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
(e) All buildings and structures shall not exceed 50 feet
~._ in height, unless a height up to 75 feet is specifically
-- permitted under the provisions of Section 18.34 of this
ADDED EFFECTIVE: September 10 1971 (Ord. 348.912)
May 30, 1974 (Ord. 348. 1327)
December 100 1975 (Ord. 348. 1481)
Section 1. INTENT. The Housing Element of the Riverside
County General Plan has identified the need for affordable
hous£ng as one of the most significant housing problems in
the County of Riverside. It is the intent of the Board of
Supervisors in enacting the R-6 Zone to establish a specialized
zone that will, through incentives and consideration of a
specific housing proposal in connection with a proposed zone
change, facilitate construction of affordable housing. Pursuant
to the Housing Element, the density of a project shall be
dete~mined by the physical and service constraints of the
parcel being considered, during the hearing process, and may
exceed the density peru~tted for standard projects by the
Land Use Element.
The Board finds and determines and declares that it is
its intent that the R-6 Zone classification be used and
applied in areas where basic services such as water, sewer,
other utilities and adequate road circulation already exist
or can be reasonably extended. The Board further determines
that the R-6 Zone classification.shall be applied to a
specific geographic area only in conjunction with an approved
plan for development, including any necessary land division
maps, plot plans or other approvals, as required by the
County, and that applications for the R-6 Zone and related
projects are to receive priority processing by all County
depart~aents involved in the review and issuance of permits
for the development.
The Board further determines that when the R-6 Zone classi-
fication is applied to a specific area, it shall be used only
for the construction of the project approved in connection
with the granting of the zone classification, or for a pro-
ject that is thereafter specifically approved by the Board
as an affordable housing project to replace the previously
approved project. This requirement shall not prohibit the
County from allowing nonsubstantial changes in an approved
development plan that become necessary in the actual engineer-
lng of a project, provided that such changes shall not in-
crease the density of an approved project.
Section 2. USES PERMITTED. The followin§ uses are
permitted upon approval of a project in accordance with the
provisions of this Article:
(a) One-fAmily dwellings, including mobilehomes
on permanent foundations
(b) Two-fAmily dwellings and multiple family
(c) Planned residential developments
(d) Apartment houses
(e) Accessory buildings, provided there .is a
main building on the lot
(f) Home occupations
(g) Temporary real estate offices located within a
subdivision, to be used only for and during
the original sale of the subdivision
(h)Community recreation facilities as a part of
a development
developments shall comply with one of the following require-
ments in subsections (a), (b), or (c) and with subsection (d):
(a) 'The average selling price of the dwellin§ units
shall not exceed 807. of the average home sales
price in a market area. The market area and
average home sales price shall be determined
by the Board of Supervisors, or
· (b) The selling price of 257. of the dwelling units
shall be at an amount affordable to families
earning no greater than 120% of the County
median income, as determined by the Board of
Supervisors, or
(c) The selling price of 15% of the dwelling units
shall be at an. ~mount affordable to families
earning no greater than 807. of the County
median income, as determined by the Board of
Supervisors. -
(d) If a development is benefitted, directly or
indirectly, through the use of governmental
funds for site acquisition, extension of basic
services or roads, or other expenditures that
assist the development, the sales price deter-
mined pursuant to subsections (_a), (b), or (c)
of this section may be reduced by the Board
of Supervisors.
Section 4. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following
standards of development shall apply in the R-6 Zone..
(a) The allo~able density of a project will be
determined by the physical and service con-
straints of the property and the area in which
~-. the property is located; however, the density
of each approved development must exceed four
units per gross acre.
(b) The minimum lot area for sin§lc f~mtly de-
tached developments shall be 3600 square feet,
except that minimum lot areas may be reduced
to 2500 square feet as a part of a zero lot
line attached unit project.
(c) Lots shall have a minimum frontage of 30 feet
except that minimum frontage may be reduced
on knuckles and cul-de-sacs or as part of an
approved zero lot line attached unit housing
(d) i minimum of 30% of each lot's net area in a
single-family development shall be designed
for usable open space. Usable open space shall
be defined as those portions of the site not
encumbered by a structure. The net lot area
is defined as the total area contained within
the property lines. Side yard setbacks shall
be approved as part of the design of the pro-
ject. Setbacks for garages that open parallel
-- with the access way shall not be less than 20
(e) A minimum of 20% of the net lot area for apart-
ment developments shall be in usable Open space.
Hinimum front and rear yard setbacks shall be
10 feet. Additional setbacks, including side
yards, may be required depending on the height
of the structure and adjacent land uses. All
apart~nent projects shall contain at least four
d~ellin§ units. No application for conversion
of an apartment building to condominiums or
any other form of cooperative or units that
may be sold individually, shall be accepted by
the Planning Director, unless the matter has
first been presented to and approved by the
Board of Supervisors as being consistent with
the intent and purpose of the original approval
of the project to provide affordable housing.
(f) One-family residences shall not exceed 35 feet
in hei§ht. All other uses shall not exceed
....... 50 feet in hei§ht.
(g) One off-street parkin§ space shall be re-
quired for each d~elling unit, not~ithstand-
ing the apartment building parking standards
contained in Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
(h) Open space or recreational facilities pro-
posed in a project shall be subject to approval
of the County.
(i) Streets providing circulation within a develop-
ment shall be constructed to a minimum ~ridth
of 36 feet within a 56-foot right-of-way for
major interior streets and a minimum ~ridth of
32 feet of improvements ~rlthin a 50-foot right-
of-way for minor interior streets and cul-de-
sac streets. All improvements to be in accord-
ante with the improvement standards of Ordinance
(J) Design standards, dedications, and improvements
will be in conformance with the requirements
of Ordinances No. 460 and 461, and as approved
by the Road Commissioner, for all streets other
than interior streets.
(a) Applications for the R-6 Zone shall be filed
only in conjunction with an application for a
land division pursuant to Ordinance No. 460,
or an application for a plot plan pursuant to
the provisions of this ordinance. No~ith-
standin§ the provisions of State Law or County
ordinance providin§ for different processing
or time requirements for processing the various
applications, an applicant, by filing an appli-
cation for the R-6 Zone, shall agree that the
t~o or more applications shall be considered
to§ether and that approval of a land division
or plot plan shall not be final until the zone
change has been granted and shall not be used
until the zone change has gone £nto effect.
(b) All applications shall include floor plans and
elevations for each type of unit that is pro-
posed to be constructed, and such additional
information related to design or market area
as may be required by the Planning Director.
(a) The market area for a project and a tentative
sales price or median income determination
shall be made by the Board of Supervisors
during the processing of the applications
for the project.
(b) The County, from time to time, by resolution
of the Board of Supervisors, shall publish
information relating to home sales price,
market areas and median income in the County
of Riverside, which information shall be
available to prospective applicants prior to
filing an application for a project.
(c) The final determination of the home sales price
or median income for a specific project shall
be made at the time of issuance of building
permits for the project, provided, however, that
amount shall not be less than the tentative
amount determined during the processing of the
applications. The determination shall be made
by the Board of Supervisors upon the reco...,enda-
tion of the Planning Director, which shall be
initiated by application of the developer
~oordinated with the request for building permits.
(d) At the time of recordation of the final map,
a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and
Restrictions, approved by the County, shall be
__ recorded that establish the affordability
criteria for the development, including, but
not limited to, structure size, type and
reference to the method for fixing the sales
price for units in the development.
(e) In the furtherance' of the intent that the R-6
Zone be used only for the construction of
affordable housing, the Declaration of Covenants,
Conditions and Restrictions shall prohibit the
sale of lots without dwelling units sold on or
constructed there on in conjunction with the
sale of the lot; provided, however, this shall
not prohibit the sale of an entire tract, or
an approved unit thereof, for construction of
the units by the purchaser thereof.
Effective 8-~1-81
The following regulations shall apply in all C-1 Zones and C-P Zones:
(a) The following uses are permitted, only in enclosed buildings with
not more than 200 square feet of outside storage or display of
materials appurtenant to such use, provided a plot plan shall have
been approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.30 of this
(1) Ambulance serVices
(2) Antique shops
(3) Appliance stores, household
(4)Art supply shops and studios
(5) Auction houses
(6) Auditoriums and conference rooms
(?)Automobile repair garages, not including body and fender shops
or spray painting
(8)Automobile parts and supply stores
(9) Bakery goods distributors
-- (10) Bakery shops, including baking only when incidental to retail
sales on the premises
(11) Banks and financial institutions
(12) Barber and beauty shops
(13) Bars and cocktail lounges
(14) Billiard and pool halls
(15) Blueprint and duplicating services
(16) Book stores and binders
(17) Bowling alleys
(18) Catering services
(19) Cleaning and dyeing shops
(20) Clothing stores
(21) Confectionery or candy stores
(22) Costume design studios
(23) Dance halls
(24) Delicatessens
(25) Department stores
(26) Drug stores
(27) Dry goods stores
(28) Employment agencies
(29) Escort bureaus
(30) Feed and grain sales
(31) Florist shops
' (32) Food markets and frozen flood lockers
(33) Gasoline service stations
(34) Gift shops
(35) Hotels, resort hotels and motels
(36) Household goods sales, including but not limited to, new
and used appliances, furniture, carpets, draperies, lamps,
radios, and television sets, including repair thereof
(37) Hobby shops
(38) Ice cream shops
(39) Ice sales, not including ice plants
(40) Interior decorating shops
(41) Jewelry stores, including incidental repairs
(42) Labor. temples
(43) Laboratories, film, dental, medical, research or testing
(44) Laundries and la undroma ts
(45) Leather goods stores
(46) Liquor stores
(47) Locksmith shops
(48) Mail order businesses
(49) Manufacturer's agent
(50) Market, food, wholesale or Jobber
(51) Massage parlors, turkish baths, health centers and similar
personal service establishments
(52) Meat markets, not including slaughtering
(53) Mimeographing and addressograph services
(54) Mortuaries
(55) Music stores
(56) News stores
(57) Notions or novelty stores
(58) Offices, including business, law, medical, dental, chiro-
practic, architectural, engineering, community planning,
real estate
(59) One on-site operator's residence
(60) Paint and wallpaper stores, not including paint contractors
(61) Pawn shops
(62) Pet shops and pet supply shops
(63) Photography shops and studios and photo engraving
(64) Plumbing shops, not including plumbing contractors
(65) Poultry markets, not including slaughtering or live sales
(66) Printers or publishers
(67) Produce markets
(68) Radio and television broadcasting studios
(69) Recording studios
(70) Refreshment stands
(71) Restaurants and other eating establishments
(72) Schools, business and professional, including art, barber,
beauty, dance, drama, music and swimming
(73) Shoe stores and repair shops
(74) Shoeshine stands
(75) Signs, on-site advertising
(76) Sporting goods stores
(77) Stained glass assembly
(78) Stationery stores
(79) Stations, bus, railroad and taxi
(80) Taxidermist
(81)?atlor shops
(82) Telephone exchanges
(83) Theaters, not including drive-ins
(84) Tire sales and service, not including recapping
(85) Tobacco shops
(86) ?ourtst information centers
(87) Toy shops
(88) Travel agencies
(89) Typewriter sales and rental, including incidental repairs
(90) Watch repair shops
(91)Wholesale businesses with samples on the premises but
not including storage
(b) The following uses are permitted, together with outside storage and
display of materials appurtenant to such use, provided a plot plan
has been approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.30 of
this ordinance:
(1)Automobile sales and rental agencies
(2) Bicycle sales and rentals '
(3) Boat and other marine sales
-- (4) Ceramic sales and manufacturing for on-site sales, provided the
total volume of kiln space does not exceed 16 cubic feet
(5) Electrical substations
(6) Equipment rental services, including rotottllers, power mowers,
sanders, power saws, cement and plaster mixers not exceeding
10 cubic feet in capacity and other similar equipment
(7) Fishing and casting pools
(8) Golf cart sales and service
(9) Hardware stores, including not more than 1000 sq. ft. of outside
storage of lumber .
(10) Liquid petroleum service stations, provided the total capacity of
all tanks shall not exceed 10,000 gallons
(11) Mobllehomes, provided they are kept mobile and-licensed pursuant
to State law, used for:
a. Sales offices on mobilehome sales lots
b. Construction offices and caretaker's quarters on construction
sites for the duration of a valid building permit, provided they
are inconspicuously located
c. Caretakers or watchmen and their families, provided no rent is -
paid, where a permitted and existing commercial use is estab-
lished. Not more than one mobilehome shall be allowed for a
parcel of land or a shopping center complex
(12) Mobilehome sales and storage, trailer sales and rental of house
i ira tiers
(13)Nurseries and garden supply stores
(14) Parking lots and parking structures
(15) Sports and recreational Iaciltties, not including motor driven
vehicles and riding academies, but including archery ranges,
athletic playgrounds, sports arenas, skating rinks, stadiums,
and commercial swimming pools
(16) (Delete)
(17) (Delete)
(18) Trailer and boat storage
(19) Trucks and trailers; the rental of trucks not over 19,$00 pounds
gross vehicle weight, with body not to exceed 22 feet in length
from the back of the cab to the end of body; and the rental of
trailers not exceeding 6 feet tn width or 22 feet tn length
(20) Truck sales and service
(c) Outdoor advertising structures are permitted provided a plot plan shall
have been approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 19.3 of this
ordinance and a permit is issued by the State of California.
(d) The following uses are permitted provided a conditional use permit has
been granted pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.28 of this ordin-
(]) Sale, rental, repair, or demonstration q_f motorcycles, scooters, and
(2) Drive- in theaters
(3) Heliports
(4) Tire recapping
(5) Animal hospitals
(6) Body and fender shops and spray painting
(7) Swap meets
(8)AIl uses permitted in Subsection (a) of this Section that have more
than 200 sq. ft. of outside storage or display of materials
(9) Mini warehouse structures
(10) Lumber yards, including only incidental.mill work
(11) Building materials sales yards
(12) Undergound bulk fuel storage
(e) Accessory Uses. An accessory use to a permitted use is allowed
provided the accessory use is incidental to, and does not alter the
character of, the principal permitted use, including, but not limited
(1) Limited manufacturing, fabricating, processing, packaging, treat-
ing and incidental storage related thereto, provided any such
activity shall be in the same line of merchandise or service as
the trade or service business conducted on the premises and pro-
vided any such activity does not exceed any of the following re-
a. The maximum gross floor area of the building permitted to be
devoted to such accessory use shall be 25 percent.
b. The maximum total horsepower of all electric motors used in
connection with such accessory use shall be 5 horsepower.
c. The accessory use shall be so conducted that noise, vibration,
dust, odor, and all other objectionable factors shall be re-
duced to the extent that there will be no annoyance to persons
outside the premises. Such accessory use shall be located not
nearer than 50 feet to any residential zone.
d. Accessory uses shall be conducted wholly within a completely
enclosed building.
mercial Developments are permitted provided a land division is approved pursuant
to the provision of Ordiance No. 460.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article, no commercial
building or use shall be constructed on a parcel that is 15 acres in
size or greater, and no permits or approvals shall be issued by any
department of the County for such construction, unless the applicant
has applied for, and received final approval of, a Commercial Speci-
fic Plan pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 65450
et seq. and Section 2.3 et seq. of this ordinance. A proposed com-
mercial use shall not be broken into smaller units to avoid the require-
-- ment to file an application for a Commercial Specific Plan, and an
application for a plot plan may be denied on the basis that it is part
of a larger commercial proposal that requires the applicant to file an
application for a specific plan.
(b) A commercial specific plan shall comply with all the standards re-
quired for approval of a commercial plot plan. In addition thereto, no
Commercial Specific Plan shall be approved unless it is found that
there will be no adverse effect upon the public health, safety and
welfare of the general community, including such factors as the avail-
ability of employees and affordable housing for such employees and a
demonstrated need for a commercial center. The following additional
standards of development shall apply to those projects subject to the
Commercial Specific Plan requiremer~t:
(1)A minimum 15% of the site shall be landscaped and automatic
irrigation shall be installed.
(2) A minimum 50-foot building setback shall be required on any
boundary where the commercial property abuts a residential zoned
property. Twenty feet of the setback shall be landscaped unless
...... a tree screen is included, wherein the landscaping may be reduced
to 10 feet. The balance of the setback may be used for automobile
parking, driveways or landscaping. Block walls, or other appro-
priate fencing, may also be required.
/ (3) All outside storage, and all trash, loading and service areas, shall
be screened by structures or landscaping and located to minimize
noise or odor nuisance.
(c) Whenever a comprehensive Commercial Specific Plan or phase thereof
has been approved and is in effect, the requirement for a subsequent
plot plan or conditional use permit for certain uses may be modified
or waived. This determination shall be made as part of the approval
of a specific plan, provided that a detailed site plan and all re-
quired development standards are included as a part of the final ap-
proval of a specific plan.
(d) The requirement for a Commercial Specific Plan may be waived by the
Planning Commission upon a finding by the Commission that the pro-
posed commercial use consists of inftlling of an existing commercial
area. An application to waive a Commercial Specific Plan shall be
made in writing to the Planning Director, prior to filing an application
for a specific plan, stating fully the reasons therefor and accompanied
by a fee as set forth in Section 18.37 of this ordinance. The appli-
cation shall be placed on the regular agenda of the Planning Commission
as a discussion matter for the determination of the Commission. If
the Commission approves the waiver, the applicant shall be permitted
to file an application for any required plot plan, conditional use
permit or land division.
SECTION 9.4. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following standards of
development are required in the C-] and C-P zones:
(a) There is no minimum lot area requirement, unless specifically required
by zone classification for a particular area.
(b) There are no yard requirements for buildings which do not exceed 35
feet in height except as required for specific plans. Any portion of
a building which exceeds 35 feet in height shall be set back from the
front, rear and side lot lines not less than 2 feet for each foot by which
the height exceeds 35 feet. The front setback shall be measured from
the existing street line dnless a specific plan has been adopted in
which case it will be measured from the specific plan street line. The
rear setback shall be measured from the existing rear lot line or from
any recorded alley or easement; if the rear line adjoins a street, the
rear setback requirement shall be the same as required for a front set-
back. Each side setback shall be measured from the side lot line, or
from an existing adjacent street line unless a specific plan has been
adopted, in chich case it will be measured from the specific plan
street line.
(c) All buildings and structures shall not exceed 50 feet in height, unless
a height up to 75 feet is specifically permitted under the provisions of
Section 18.34 of this ordinance.
(d) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required by Section 18.12
of this ordinance.
(e) All roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from the
~ ground elevation view to a minimUm sight distance of 1,320 feet.
Amended EffecUve: 1-15-64 (Ord.348.251) 12-10-75 (Ord.348.1481)
11-10-65 (0rd.348.401) 4-21-77 (0rd.348.1564)
1-19-66 (0rd.348.422) 6-29-78 (0rd.348.1647) .
5-4-72 (0rd.348. 1023) 8-29-78 (0rd.348. 1664)
9-14-72 (0rd.348.1070)_ 4-12-7~) (0rd.348.1688)
10-19-72 (0rd.348. 1091) 10-23-80 (0rd.348. 1879)
...... 9-13-73 (0rdo348. 1201) 3-5 -81 (Drd.348. 1926)
7-25-74 (0rd°348.1349)
10- 2-75 (0rd.348.1470)
,/ 11-13-75 (0rd.348. 1476)
SECTION 9.25. USES PERMITTED. The following uses are permitted
provided approval of a plot plan shall first have been obtained pursuant to
the provisions of Section 18.30 of this Ordinance.
(1) Automobile service stations, truck service stations.
(2) Automobile sales, truck sales, new and used.
(3) Restaurants, drive-in restaurants', bars.
(4) Curio shops, gift shops.
(5) Signs, on-site advertising.
(6) Hotels, motels.
SECTION 9.26. DEV~-LOPMENT STANDARDS. The following shall be
the standards of development in the CAT Zone, unless a lot is to be
developed to a hotel or motel use. If a lot is to be developed to a hotel
or motel use, it shall meet all the requirements of Section 8.2 of this
Ordinance (R-3 Zone).
(a) The mint~num lot area shall be 10,000 square feet, unless a
different minimum is specifically required in a particular area.
More than one use shall be permitted on a lot.
(b) If a lot adjoins a lot zoned C-T, C-l, G-P, C-P-S, M-l,
M-2, or M-4, there is no side or rear yard requirement for
buildings which do not exceed 35 feet in height, but there
shall be a minimum 10 foot front yard setback. For all
other lots, the minimmn front, side and rear yards shall
be 10 feet for buildings which do not exceed 35 feet in
height. On all lots, any portion of a building which ex-
ceeds 35 feet in height shall be set bac]~ from the front,
rear and side lot lines not less than 2 feet for each foot
by which the height exceeds 35 feet. The front setback
- shall be measured from the existing street line or the future
street line as shown on an adopted specific plan for the
10-2-75 49
street. The rear setback shall be measured from the rear
lot line or any recorded alley or easement unless the rear
line adjoins a street in which case it shall be measured
as required for a front setback. Each side setback shall
be measured from the side lot line or from the existing
street line or any future street line as shown on an adopted
specific plan for the street.
(c) All buildings and structures shall not exceed 50 feet tn
height, unless a height up to 75 feet is specifically per-
mitted under the provisions of Section 18.34 of this
(d) (Deleted)
(e) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required
by Section 18.12 of this Ordinance. Not less than five
percent of the parking area shall be landscaped. No
· planting area shall be less than five feet wide at any point.
(f) Trash areas shall be screened with an opaque six-foot high
fence or wall and shall have an opaque gate.
Adopted Effective: September 22, 1960
Amended Effective: July 9, 1969 (Ord. 348.635)
May 4, 1972 (Ord. 348.1023)
September 13, 1977 (Ord. 348.1201)
October 2, 1975 (Ord. 348.1469)
December 10, 1975 (Ord. 348.1481)
12-10-75 50
The following regulations shall apply in all C-P-S Zones:
(a) The following uses are permitted, only in enclosed buildings with
not more than 200 square feet of outside storage or display of
materials appurtenant to such use, provided a plot plan shall have
been approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.30 of this
ord ina n ce:
(1) Ambulance services
(2) Antique shops
(3)Appliance stores, household
(4)Art supply shops and studios
(5) Auditorium s and conference room s
(6)Automobile parts and supply stores
(7) B~kery goods distributors
(8)Bakery shops, including baking only when incidental to retail
sales on the premises '
(9) Banks and financial institutions
(10) Barber and beauty shops
(11) Bars and cocktail lounges
(12) Bicycle sales and rentals
(13) Billiard and pool halls
(14) Blueprint and duplicating services
(15) Book stores and binders
(16) Bowling alleys
(17) Catering services
(18) Ceramic sales and manufacturing for on-site sales, provided
the total volume of kiln space does not exceed sixteen (16)
cubic feet
(19) Cleaning and dyeing shops
(20) Clothing stores
(21) Confectionery or candy stores
(22) Costume design studios
(23) Dance halls
(24) Deltcatessens
(25) Department stores
(26) Drug stores
(27) Dry goods stores
(28) Electrical substations
(29) Employment agencies
(30) Escort bureaus
(31) Feed and grain sales
(32) Fishing and casting pools
(33) Florist shops
(34) Food markets and frozen food lockers
(35) Gift shops
(36) Hardware stores
(37) Household goods sales and repair, including but not limited
to, new and used appliances, furniture, carpets, draperies,
lamps, radios, and television sets, including repair thereof
(38) Hobby shops
(39) Ice cream shops
(40) Ice sales, not including ice plants
(41) Interior decorating shops
(42) Jewelry stores with incidental repairs
(43) Labor temples
(44)Laboratories, film, dental, medical, research or testing
(45) Laundries and laundromats
(46) Leather goods stores
(47)Liquor stores
(48) Locksmith shops
(49) Mail order businesses
(50) Manufacturer's agent
(51)Market, food, wholesale or jobber
(52) Massage parlors, turkish baths, health centers and similar
personal service establtshrnents
Meat markets, not inciuding slaughtering
(54) Mimeographing and addressograph services
(55) Mobilehomes, provided they are kept mobile and licensed pur-
suant to state law, used for:
a. Construction offices and caretaker's quarters on construction
sites for the duration of a valid building permit, providing
they are inconspicuously located
b. Agricultural worker employment offices for a maximum of 90 days
in any calendar year
c. Caretakers or watchment and their families provided no rent is
paid, where a permitted and existing commercial use is estab-
lished. Not more than one mobilehome shall be allowed for a
parcel of land or a shopping center complex
(56) Music stores
(57) News stores
(58) Notions or novelty stores
(59) Nurseries and garden supply stores
(60) Offices, business
(61) One on-site operator's residence
(62) Paint and wall paper stores, not including paint contractors
(63) Parking lots and parking structures
(64) Pawn shops
(65)Pet shops and pet supply shops
(66) Photography shops and studios and photo engraving
(67) Plumbing shops, not including plumbing contractors
(68) Poultry markets, not including slaughtering or live sales
(69) Printers or publishers
{77011 Produce markets
Radio and television broadcasting studios
(72) Recording studios
(73) Refreshment stands
(74) Restaurants and other eating establishments
(75) Schools, business and professional, including art,
barber, beauty, dance, drama, music and swi=ing
(76) Shoe stores and repair shops
(77) Shoeshine stands
(78) Signs, on-site advertising
(79) Sporting goods stores
(80) Stained glass assembly
(81) Stationery stores
(82) Stations, bus, railroad and taxi
(83) Taxidermist
(84) Tailor shops
(85) Telephone exchanges
(86) Theaters, not including drive-ins
(87) Tobacco shops
(88) Tourist information centers
(89) Toy shops
(90) Travel agencies
(91) Typewriter sales and rental and incidental repairs
(92) I~atch repair shops
(93) Wedding chapels
(94) ~'holesale businesses with samples on the premises,
but not to include storage
(95) (Delete)
(96) (Delete)
(97) Gasoline service stations
(98) Golf cart sales and service
(99) Hotels, resort hotels and motels
(b) Uses Permitted by Conditional Use Permit. The follow-
ing uses are permitted provided a conditional use
permit has been granted pursuant to the provisions of
Section 18.28 of this ordinance:
(1) Automobile repair garages, body shops, spray painting
(2) Automobile sales and rental agencies
(3) Boat sales, rentals and services
(4) Car washes
(5) Drive-in theaters
(6) Equipment rental services, including rototillers,
power mowers, sanders, power saws, cement and plaster
mixers not exceeding 20 cubic feet in capacity and
other similar equipment.
(7) Heliports
(8) Liquid petroleum service stations, provided the
'" total capacity of all tanks shall not exceed
10,000 gallons
(9) Mortuaries
9-4-81 .53
(10) Sale, rental, repair, or demonstration of motorcycles, scooters,
or motorbikes of two horsepower or greater
~.. (11) Animal hospitals
(12) Sports and recreational facilities, not including motor-driven
vehicles and riding academies, but including archery ranges,
athletic fields, beaches, golf driving ranges, gymnasiums,
miniature golf, parks, playgrounds, sports arenas, skating
rinks, stadiums, and commercial swimming pools
(13) Tire recapping
(14) Tire sales and services, not including recapping
(l 5) Trailer and boat storage
(16) Travel trailers, mobilehomes and recreational vehicles sales
and service
(17) Truck sates and services
(18) Trucks and trailers; the rental of trucks not over 19,500 pounds
gross weight, with body not to exceed 22 feet in length from
the back of the cab to the end of the body; and the rental of
trailers not exceeding 6 feet in width or 22 feet tn length
(19) Underground bulk fuel storage
(2 0) Mint warehouse structures
(21)AIl uses permitted tn subsection (a) that have more than 200
square feet of outside storage of display of materials
(c) Accessory Uses Permitted. An accessory use to a permitted use ts
__ allowed, provided the accessory use is established on the same lot
or parcel of land, and is incidental to, and consistent with the
character of the permitted principal use, including but not limited to:
(1)Limited manufacturing, fabricating, processing, packaging, treat-
lng and incidental storage related thereto, provided any such
activity shall be tn the same line of merchandise or service as
the trade or service business conducted on the premises and pro-
viding any such related activity does not exceed any of the fol-
lowing restrictions:
a. The maximum gross floor area of the building permitted to be
devoted to such accessory use shall be 25 percent.
b. The maximum total horsepower of all electric motors used tn
connection with such accessory use shall be $ horsepower.
c. The accessory use shall be so conducted that noise, vibra-
tion, dust, odor, and all other objectionable factors shall
be reduced to the extent that there will be no annoyance to
persons outside the premises. Such accessory use shall be
located not nearer than 50 feet to any residential zone.
- d. Accessory uses shall be conducted wholly within a completely
~. enclosed building.
mercial Developments are permitted provided a land division is approved pur-
suant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 460.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article, no commer-
cial building or use shall be constructed on a parcel that is 15
acres in size or greater, and no permits or approvals shall be
issued by any department of the County for such construction,
unless the applicant has applied for, and received final approval
of, a Commercial Specific Plan pursuant to the provisions of Govern-
ment Code Section 65450, et seq. and Section 2.3 et seq. of this
ordinance. A proposed commercial use shall not be broken into
smaller units to avoid the requirement to file an application for a
Commercial Specific Plan, and an application for a plot plan may
be denied on the basis that it is part of a larger commercial pro-
posal that requires the applicant to file an application for a
specific plan.
(b) A Commercial Specific Plan shall comply with all the standards re-
quired for approval of a commercial plot plan. In addition thereto,
no Commercial Specific Plan shall be approved unless it is found
that there will be no adverse effect upon the public health, safety
and welfare of the general community, including such factors as
the availability of employees and affordable housing for such em-
ployees and a demonstrated need for a commercial center. The
following additional standards of development shall apply to those
projects subject to the Commercial Specific Plan requirement:
(1)A minimum 159~ of the site shall be landscaped and automatic
irrigation shall be installed.
(2)A minimum SO-foot building setback shall be required on any
boundary where the commercial property abuts a residential
zoned property. Twenty (20) feet of the setback shall be land-
scaped unless a tree screen is included, wherein the land-
scaping may be reduced to 10 feet. The balance of the setback
may be used for automobile parking, driveways or landscaping.
Block walls, or other appropriate fencing, may also be required.
(3)AIl outside storage, and all trash, loading and service areas,
shall be screened by structures or landscaping-and located to
minimize noise or odor nuisance.
(c) Whenever a comprehensive Commercial Specific Plan or phase
thereof has been approved and is in effect, the requirement for a
subsequent plot plan or conditional use permit for certain uses
may be modified or waived. This determination shall be made as -
'part of the approval of a specific plan, provided that a detailed
site plan and all required development standards are included as
a part of the final approval of a specific plan.
(d) The requirement for a Commercial Specific Plan may be waived by
the Planning Commission upon a finding by the Commission that
the proposed commercial use consists of lnfilling of an existing
commercial area. An application to waive a Commercial Specific
Plan shall be made in writing to the Planning Director, prior to
filing an application for a specific plan, stating fully the reasons
therefor and accompanied by a fee as set forth in Section 18.37
of this ordinance. The application shall be placed on the regular
agenda o! the Planning Commission as a discussion matter for the
determination of the Commission. If the Commission approves the
waiver, the applicant shall be permitted to file an application for
any required plot plan, conditional use permit or land division.
SECTION 9.53. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following shall be
the standards of development in the C-P-S Zones:
(a) There is no minimum lot area requirement, unless specifically
required by zone classification for a particular area.
(b) There are no yard requirements for buildings which do not exceed
35 feet in height, except as required for specific plans. Any'
portion of a building which exceeds 35 feet in height shall be
set back from the front, rear and side lot lines not less than two
(2) feet for each foot by which the height exceeds 35 feet. The
front setback shall be measured from the existing street line un-
less a specific plan has been adopted in which case it will be
measured from the specific plan street line. The rear setback
shall be measured from the existing rear lot line or from any
recorded alley or easement; if the rear line adjoins a street,
the rear setback requiremenf shall be the same as required for
a front setback. Each side setback shall be measured from the
side lot line or from an existing adjacent street line unless a
specific plan has been adopted in which case it will be measured
from the specific plan street line.
(c) All buildings and structures shall not exceed fifty (50) feet in
height, unless a height up to 75 feet is specifically permitted
under the provisions of Section 18.34 of this ordinance.
(d) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required by
Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
(e) All roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from the
ground elevation view to a minimum sight distance of 1,320 feet.
ADDED EFFECTIVE: July 19, 1967 (Ord. 348.517)
AMENDED EFFECTIVE: 5-30-74 (Ord. 348. 1327) 4-21-77(Ord.348. 1564)
6-20-74 (Ord. 348.1340) 4-12- 79(Ord.348. 1688)
7-25-74 (Ord. 348.1349) 7-26- 79(Ord. 348.1702)
11-13-75 (Ord. 348.1476) 10-23- 80(Ord. 348. 1879)
12-10-75 (Ord. 348.1481) 3-5 -81(Ord.348.1926)
9-4-81 (Ord. 348.2000)
9-4-81 56
The following regulations sh~ll apply in all I-P Zones:
(a) The following uses ale permitted provided an Industrial Park Plot
Plan has been approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.30
of this ordinance:
(1) Research and design facilities
(2') Office buildings
(3) Light manufacturing, conducted in an enclosed building, except
that incidental outside storage is permitted
(5)Wholesale distribution of manufactured products
(6)Public utility substations, not including power generation
(7)Animal hospitals
(8)Re s ta urants
(9)Financial institutions
(b) The following uses are permitted provided a conditional use permit
has been granted pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.28 of this
(1) Gasoline service stations
(2) Motels
(3) He Ii ports
(4) Mobilehomes for caretakers or watchmen and their families, pro-
vided no rent is p~id, where a permitted and existing commercial
or manufacturing use is established. Not more than one mobile-
home shall be allowed for a parcel of land or a manufacturing
Industrial Developments are permitted provided a land division has been ap-
proved pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 460.
SECTION 1.0.3. INDUSTRIAL PARK PLOT PLAN. Applications for an
Industrial Park Plot Plan shall be made pursuant to the provisions of Section
18.30 of this ordinance. In addition to the requirements of Section 1_8.30,
the application shall contain:
" (a) A description of the proposed industrial operation in sufficient de-
tail to fully describe the nature and extent of the proposed use.
(b) Plans or reports describing proposed method for handling traffic
conditions, noise, glare, odor and vibration.
(c) Plans or reports showing proposed method for treatment and dis-
posal o! sewage and industrial waste
~'-- (d) An architectural perspective of all buildings and grounds showing
the relationship of the proposed development to adjacent properties.
SECTION 10.4. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following standards
of development are required in the I-P Zone:
(a) The minimum lot size shall be 20,000 square feet with a minimum
average lot width of 100 feet.
(b) The maximum height of all structures, including buildings, shall
be 35 feet at the yard setback line. Any portion of a structure
that exceeds 35 feet in height shall be set back from each yard
setback line not less than 2 feet for each 1 foot in height that is
in excess of 35 feet. All buildings and structures shall not exceed
50 feet in height, unless a height up to 75 feet for buildings or
105 feet for other structures is specifically permitted under the
provisions of Section 18.34 of this ordinance.
(c) A minimum 15% of the site shall be landscaped and automatic
irrigation shall be installed.
(d) A minimum 25 foot setback shall be required on any street. A
minimum 10 foot strip adjacent to the street line shall be appro-
priately landscaped and maintained, except for designated pedes-
trian and vehicular accessways. The remainder of the setback
may be used for offstreet automobile parking, driveways or land-
(e)The minimum sideyard setback shall equal not less than 10 feet
for the two side lot areas combined.
(f) The minimum rear yard setback shall be 15' feet.
(g) A minimum 50 foot setback shall be required on any boundary
where the industrial property abuts a residential, agricultural or
commercially zoned property. A minimum of 20 feet of the setback
shall be landscaped, unless a tree screen is approved, in which
case the setback area may be used for automobile parking, drive-
ways or landscaping. Block walls or other fencing may be required.
(h) Parking, loading, trash and service areas shall be screened by
structures or landscaping. They shall be located in such a manner
as to minimize noise or odor nuisance. Block walls or other fencing
may be required.
(i) Outside storage shall be screened with structures or landscaping.
Landscaping shall be placed tn a manner adjacent to the exterior
boundaries of the area so that materials stored are screened from
view. If a non-screened exhibit of products is proposed, tt shall
be part of the Industrial Park Plot Plan, and shall be set back at
least 10 feet from the street line.
O) Automobile parking shall be provided as required by Section
18.12 o! this ordinance.
· (k) All new utilities shall be underground.
(l) All roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from the
ground elevation view to a minimum sight distance of 1,320 feet.
(m) All signs shall be tn conformance with Article XIX of this ordinance.
(n) All lighting, including spotlights, floodlights, electrical reflectors
and other means o! illumination for signs, structures, landscaping,
parking, loading, unloading and similar areas shall be focused,
directed, and arranged to prevent glare or direct illumination on
streets or adjoining property.
Amended Effective: 9-22-60
5- 4-72 (Ord. 348.1023)
9-13-73 (Ord. 348.1201)
5-30-74 (Ord. 348. 1327)
7-25-74 (Ord. 348.1349) -
8-15-74 (Ord. 348. 1356)
12-10-75 (Ord. 348. 1481)
11-13-80 (Ord. 348.1880)
59(Next page ts 64)
(a) Any use permitted in Section 9.1 (c) of this ordinance
(G- 1 Zone).
(b) The following uses are permitted:
(1) Agricultural uses of the soil for crops, or grazing of not
more than two mature animals per acre and their im-
mature offspring.
(2) Boat building and repair (boats not to exceed 42 feet
in length).
(3) Building material sales yards, including the sale of
rock, sand, and gravel as an incidental part of the
main business.
(4) Car wa shes.
(5) Concrete batching plants and the manufacture of con-
crete products.
(6) Contractor's equipment and storage yards, or rental
yards for equipment used by contractors.
· - (7) Draying, freighting, or trucking terminals.
(8) Feed and fuel sales, retail or wholesale.
__ (9) Lumber yards, including only incidental mill work.
(10) Motorcycle, motorbike, or scooter sales, rental,
repair, or demonstration, but not including race tracks.
(11) On-site signs.
(12) Outdoor advertising, minimum 500 foot intervals, pur-
suant to the provisions of Section 19.3 of this ordinance.
(13) Public utility substations and service yards, but not
including power generation.
(14) Fence manufacture or assembly.
(15) Dwelling units on the same parcel as a permitted in-
dustrial or commercial use, provided such dwelling
units are occupied exclusively by the proprietor,
supervisor or caretaker of such industrial or commercial
use and their immediate family.
(16) Mobilehomes, provided they are kept mobile and
licensed pursuant to State Law, when used for:
a. Sales offices on mobilehome sales lots.
b. Construction offices and caretaker's quarters on
· ~ construction sites for the duration of a valid
building permit.
-'' c. Agricultural worker employment offices for a
maximum of 90 days in any calendar year.
d. Caretaker's quarters and office, located on same
! parcel as a permitted industrial use.
7-26-79 64
(17) Equipment rental services, including rototillers,
power mowers, sanders, power saws, cement and
plaster mb(ers.
~ (18) Liquid petroleum service stations, provided that if
...... storage tanks are above ground, the total capacity
of all tanks shall not exceed 10,000 gallons. Storage
tanks shall be painted off-white and shall not be per-
mitted to have any sort of advertising painted or placed
on their surface.
(19) Nurseries and garden supply stores.
(20) Trucks and trailers, the rental of trucks not over
19,500 pounds gross vehicle weight, with body not
to exceed 22 feet in length from the back of the cab
to the end o! the body; and the rental of trailers not
exceeding 6 feet in width or 22 feet in length.
(21) Truck sales and service.
(22) Recreational vehicle and boat storage.
(23) Dog kennels, non-commercial, on parcels of land one
acre or larger in gross area.
(24) Catteries, non-commercial.
(c) The following uses are permitted, provided they are con-
ducted entirely within a completely enclosed building
except for incidental storage.
(1) The manufacture, assembly, processing or repair of
the following products:
-- a. Articles or merchandise from the following pre-
.' viously prepared materials: cork, feathers, fiber,
hair, horn, glass, leather, paper, tobacco, and
paint, not employing a boiling or rendering process.
b. Ceramic products, provided there is no pulverizing
of clay.
c. Drugs, pharmaceuticals, and toiletries, not in-
cluding refining or rendering of fats or oils.
d. Food products, human or animal, not including
meat packing plants.
e. Furniture, cabinets, sash and doors, including
only incidental mill work.
f. Garments and any other products made of fabric.
g. Jewelry, optical goods, scientific or musical
instruments and equipment, toys, novelties, and
metal stamps.
h. Office machines.
i. Sheet metal products, such as heating and venti-
lating ducts, cornices, and eaves.
J. Signs, electrical and neon, commercial advertising
structure s.
· (2) Vehicle and trailer repair, overhauling, assembly,
rebuilding, painting or reconditioning; rebuilding of
I vehicle parts, accessories or assemblies; tire retreading
or recapping; battery manufacturing or rebuilding.
(3) Manufacture of recreation and utflitiy trailers, campers
and mobilehomes.
11-29-79 65
(4) Bakeries and candy factories; distribution and sale of
bakery or candy products on a retail or wholesale basis.
(5) Ice or cold storage plants; bottling or canning o! fruit,
vegetable or soft drink products.
'/~'-- (6) Motion picture studios, provided there are no outdoor sets.
(7) Fabrication of plastic, rubber or synthetic rubber products,
such as washers, gloves, bathing caps, tableware,
buttons, stamps, mats. The use of roll mills exceeding
60 inches in length or the use of Banbury Mills is
not permitted.
(8) Machine, welding, and blacksmith shops, provided that
impact machines shall not exceed a capacity of 2 tons
and non-impact machines shall be limited to 50 horsepower.
(9) Distribution plants; parcel delivery services.
(10) Veterinaries and animal hospitals.
(11) Wholesaling and warehousing.
(d) The following uses are permitted provided approval of a
plot plan shall have first been obtained pursuant to the
provisions of Section 18.30 of this ordinance.
(1) Carnivals, not to exceed 5 days duration in any
6 month period.
(2) Drive-in theaters.
(3) Tent revival meetings, not to exceed 30 days in any
6 month period.
(e) The following uses are permitted provided a conditional
use permit has been granted:
/ (1) Any mining operation which is exempt from the pro-
visions of the California Surface Mining and Recla-
mation Act of 1975 and Riverside County Ordinance
No. 555.
(2) Brewery, distillery, winery, or the bottling or pack-
aging of spiritous or malt liquor products.
(3) Cemeteries, columbariums, crematories, mausoleums
or mortuarie s.
(4) Dog kennels, commercial
(5) Heliports.
(6) Meat packing plants, provided there is no slaughtering
of animals or rendering of meat.
(7) Oil, gas and steam wells, including drilling and storage.
(8) Petroleum products stored above ground.
(9) Race tracks.
(10) Riding academies.
(11) Deleted.
(12) Storage or bailing of rags or paper, not inside a building.
... (13) Disposal service operations.
(14) Commercial Plant Food Operations. The manufacture,
mixing, bagging, packaging and sale of commercial
plant foods and fertilizers.
, (15) Catteries, commercial.
(f) The following uses are permitted provided that the operator
thereof holds a permit to conduct surface mining operations,
issued pursuant to Riverside County Ordinance No. 555,
which has not been revoked or suspended:
(1) Any mining operation that is subject to the California
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.
(g) Any use otherwise permitted by this Section, regardless of
the number of structures to be constructed on a single legally
divided parcel, provided a plot plan has first been approved
pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.30 of this ordinance.
SECTION 11.2. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following shall be
the standards of development in the M-1 Zone:
(a) Lot Size. The minimum lot size of any lot created after the
effective date of this ordinance shall be 10,000 square feet
with a minimum average width of 75 feet, unless different
minimums are specifically required in a particular area.
0u) Yard and Landsc_~ping Reouirernents:
(1) The minimum front, side and rear yards, where such
yards adjoin a street, shall be 25 feet for any lot
created after the effective date of this ordinance. The
front, side and rear street yards may be reduced to
5 feet for any lot created prior to the effective date of
this ordinance. Not less than 5 feet of the yard depth
shall be landscaped in the case of all lots. The re-
mainder of the yard may be used for driveways and
parking areas pursuant to the provisions of Section
18.12 of this ordinance.
(2) There is no minimum side and rear yard requirement
where the side or rear yard adjoins a lot zoned M-1,
M-2, M-4, I-P orW-1. Where the side or rear yard
adjoins a lot or parcel that is zoned other than M-1,
M-2, M-4, I-P or W- 1, the -minimum yard shall be
25 feet for lots created after the effective date of this
ordinance and 10 feet for lots created after the effective
date of this ordinance and 10 feet for lots created prior
to the effective date of this ordinance. The yard area
may be used for driveways, parking and outdoor storage
that does not exceed 8 feet in height. --
(c) Structure Heiqht. The maximum height of all structures,
including buildings, shall be 35 feet at the yard setback
line. Any portion of a structure that exceeds 35 feet in
height shall be set back from each yard setback line not
less than 2 feet for each 1 foot in height that is in excess
7-26-79 67
of 35 feet. All buildings and structures shall not exceed
$0 feet in height, unless a height up to 75 feet for buildings
o~ 105 feet for other structures is specifically permitted
under the provisions of Section 18.34 of this ordinance.
(d) Masonry Wall, Prior to occupancy of any industrial use
permitted in this Article, a six-foot high solid masonry
wall shall be constructed on each property line that
adjoins any parcel specifically zoned for residential or
commercial use.
(e) Automobile Storage. Automobile storage space shall be
provided as required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Amended Effective: 1-15-64 (Ord. 348.251) 8-29-78 (Ord. 348.1664)
3-30-65 (Ord. 348.356) 4-12-79 (Ord. 348.1688)
11-10-65 (Ord. 348.401) 7-26-79 (Ord. 348.1702)
5-14-69 (Ord. 348.628) 11-29-79 (Ord. 348.1729-
5- 4-72 (Ord. 348.1023) operative 1-1-80)
11- 7-74 (Ord. 348.1377)
12-10-75 (Ord. 348.1481)
9- 8-77 (Ord. 348.1588)
6-29-78 (Ord. 348.1647)
11-29-79 67.1
(a) Any use permitted in Section ll. 1 (a)0 Cb), Cc) and (d) of
this ordinance except paragraph (12) of subsection (b) -
outdoor advertising, subject to the regulations contained
therein (M-1 Zone).
(b) The following uses are permitted: (1) Feed and flour mills.
(2) Gas, natural, above sur/ace storage to 500,000 cubic
{3) Machinery storage yards, including sales and display.
(4) Riding academies.
Cc) The following uses are permitted provided they are con-
ducted entirely within a completely enclosed building:
(1) Abrasives, acids, manufacture of.
(2) Brewery, distillery, winery.
(3) Cleaning compounds, blending of.
(4) Forging works.
(5) Foundries.
{6) Ice, manufacturing, not including cooling towers and
brine tanks.
(7) Lumber, chemical treatment and impregnation of.
(8) Meat packing plants, not including slaughter of
animals, or rendering of meat.
(9) Metal, engraving, heat treating or pickling.
(10) Metal plating and finishing.
(d) The following uses are permitted provided a conditional use
permit has been granted:
(1) Airports and heliports.
(2) Animals research institutes or training schools.
(3) Animals, dead- the accumulation, storage, or render-
ing of their remains.
(4) Asphalt plants.
(5) Any mining operation which is exen~pt from the pro-
visions of the California Surface Mining and Recla-
mation Act of 1975 and Riverside County Ordinance
No. 555.
C6) Building mover's and wrecker's storage yards, in-
cluding alteration of buildings, not including junk or
salvage yards.
(7) Cemeteries.
(8) Cotton, ginning, cleaning, compressing and re-baling.
(9) Gas, natural, above surface storage in excess of
500,000 cubic feet.
(10) Hog ranches.
(11) Kennels, dog and cat.
(12) Off, steam or gas wells.
(13) Paper, shredding or storage.
(14) Petroleum bulk plant.
(15) Pound, animal.
(]6) Deleted.
(17) Racetracks.
(18) Rags, outdoor storage.
(19) Rifle, pistol, trap, or skeet ranges or shooting galleries.
(2 0) Deleted.
(2 1) Rubber, manufacture or reclaiming.
(22) Sand blasting plants, shot or grit.
(23) Sewage treatment and disposal plants.
(2 4) Smelting metal.
(25) Disposal service operations.
(26) Abattoirs.
(e) The following uses are permitted provided that the operator
thereof holds a permit to conduct surface mining operations,
issued pursuant to Riverside County Ordinance No. 555,
which has not been revoked or suspended:
(1) Any mining operation that is subject to the California
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.
(f) Any use otherwise permitted by this Section, regardless of
the number of structures to be constructed on a single legally
divided parcel, provided a plot plan has first been approved
pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.30 of this ordinance.
SECTION 11.26. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following shall be
the standards of development in the M-4 Zone:
(a) Lot Size. The minimum lot size of any lot created after the
effective date of this ordinance shall be 10,000 square feet
with a minimum average width of 75 feet, unless different
minimums are specifically required in a particular area.
(b) Yard and Landscaping R. equirements:
(1) The minimum front, side and rear yards, where such
yards adjoin a street, shall be 25 feet for any lot
created after the effective date of this ordinance. The
front, side and rear street yards may be reduced to 5
feet for any lot created prior to the effective date of
8-2 9- 78 69
this ordinance. Not less than 5 feet of the yard depth
shall be landscaped in the case of all lots. The
· remainder of the yard may be used for driveways and
parking areas pursuant to the provisions of Section
18.12 of this ordinance.
(2) There is no minimum side and rear yard requirement
where the side or rear yard adjoins a lot zoned M-1,
M-2, M-4, Z-P or W-1. Where the side or rear yard
adjoins a lot or parcel that is zoned other than M-l,
M-2, M-4, I-P or W-l, the minimum yard shall be
25 feet for lots created after the effective date of this'
ordinance. The yard area may be used for driveways
parking and outdoor storage that does not exceed 8
feet in height.
(c) Structure Height. The maximum height of all structures,
including buildings, shall be 35 feet at the yard setback
line. Any portion of a structure that exceeds 35 feet in
height shall be set back from each yard setback line not
less than 2 feet for each 1 foot in height that is in excess
of 35 feet. All buildings and structures shall not exceed
50 feet in height, unless a height up to 75 feet for build-
ings or 105 feet for other structures is specifically per-
mitted under the provisions of Section 18.34 of this
(d) · Masonry Wall. Prior to occupancy of any industrial use
permitted in this Article, a six-foot high solid masonry
wall shall be constructed on each property line that ad-
joins any parcel specifically zoned for residential or
commercial use.
(e) Automobile Storage. Automobile storage space shall be
provided as required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Amended Effective: 1-15-64 (Ord. 348.251) 5- 4-72 (Ord. 348.1023)
11-10-65 (Ord. 348.401) 11- 7-72 (Ord. 348.1377)
1-19-66' (Ord. 348.422) 3-20-75 (Ord. 348. 1429)
5-14-69 (Ord. 348.62_8) 12-10-75 (Ord. 348.1481)
10- 2-69 (Ord. 348.666) 9- 8-77 (Ord. 348.1588)
.. 11-25-71 (Ord. 348.953) 8-29-78 (Ord. 348.1664)
8-29-78 70
The following regulations shall apply in all M-2 Zones:
(a) The following uses are permitted:
(1) Any use permitted in the M-1 and M-3 Zones,
cluding those uses for which a conditional use or
surface mining permit is required, except as pro-
vided in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, but
not including public assembly uses, churches,
schools, hospitals, sanitariums, residential uses
mobilehome parks, travel trailer parks, recreational
trailer parks, migrant agricultural worker mobilehome
parks, trail bike and dune buggy parks and cemeteries.
(2) Any use otherwise permitted by this Section, regard-
less of the number of structures to be constructed on
a Single legally divided parcel, provided a plot plan
has first been approved pursuant to the provisions of
Section 18.30 of this ordinance.
(b) The following uses are permitted provided a conditional
use permit has been granted:
(1) Pen fed beef cattle operations.
(2) The manufacture, testing, or commercial use of
explosives for any purpose.
(3) Accumulation, storage, rendering, disposal or other-
wise processing the remains of dead animals.
(4) Sewage disposal plants.
(5) Off, gas and steam wells, including drilling and
(6) Petroleum refineries.
(7) Dump sites.
(8) Disposal service operations.
(9) Abattoirs.
(10) Any mining operation which is exempt from the pro-
visions of the California Surface Mining and Recla-
mation Act of 1975 and Riverside County Ordinance
No. 555.
(11) The production or manufacture of chemicals or acids.
(c) The following uses are permitted provided that the operator
thereof holds a permit to conduct surface mining operations,
issued pursuant to Riverside County Ordinance No. 555,
which has not been revoked or suspended: -.
1-18-79 71
(1) Any mining operation that is subject to the California
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.
SECTION 12.2. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following shall be
the standards of development in the M-2 Zone:
(a) The mh-~imum lot size of any lot created after the effective
date of this ordinance shall be 10,000 square feet with a
minimum average width of 75 feet.
(b) Structure Heiqht. The maximum height of all structures,
including buildings, shall be 35 feet at the yard setback
line. Any portion of a structure that exceeds 35 feet in
height shall be set back from each yard setback line not
less than 2 feet for each I foot in height that is in 'excess
of 35 feet. All buildings and structures shall not exceed
50 feet in height, unless a height up to 75 feet for buildings
or 105 feet for other structures is specifically permitted
under the provisions of Section 18.34 of this ordinance.
(c)Automobile storage space shall be provided as required
by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
(d) Junk yards or automobile wrecking yards, including
storage, shall be enclosed by a solid fence or wall, not
less than eight feet in height. Not more than two gates,
not to exceed twelve feet in width, may be installed in
the enclosing fence or wall for access purposes. Materials
within the enclosed yard shall not be placed so as to
exceed the height of the surrounding fence or wall.
Amended Effective: February 19, 1962
November 10, 1965 (Ord. 348.401)
January 19, 1966 (Ord. 348.422)
August 2, 1967 (Ord. 348.518)
June 10, 1970 (Ord. 348.737)
May 4, 1972 (Ord. 348. 1023)
November 7, 1974 (Ord. 348. 1377)
March 20, 1975 (Ord. 348. 1429)
December 10, 1975 (Ord. 348.1481)
September 8, 1977 (Ord. 348.1588)
August 29, 1978 (Ord. 348.1664)
January 18, 1979 (Ord. 348o 1674)
1-18-79 72
(a) Uses Permitted. Notwithstanding the requirements of
Section 12.51, the following uses are permitted on parcels
not less than 20,000 square feet in area:
(1) Agricultural use of the soils for crops, orchards,
grazing and forage.
(~-) Electric and gas distribution, transmission substations,
telephone and microwave stations.
(3) Water well and any use appurtenant to the storage and
distribution of water.
(4) Riding and hiking trails, recreation lakes, and camp
(b) The following uses are permitted in conformance with the
development and performance standards of this article
provided that the operator thereof holds a permit to
conduct surface mining operations, issued pursuant to
-- Riverside County Ordinance No. 555, which has not been
~ revoked or suspended:
(1) Mining, quarrying, excavating, beneficiating,
concentrating, processing, and stockpiling of rock,
sand, gravel, decomposed granite, clay, gypsum,
limestone, metallic ores, and similar materials,
and the rehabilitation of the resulting excavations.
(2) Rock crushing plants, aggregate washing, screen-
ing and drying facilities and equipment, and con-
crete batching plants.
The uses permitted in this subsection and any accessory
use established as a part thereof, shall assume a non-
conforming status pursuant to the provisions of Section
18.6 on the date that the mineral resource on the site
of such use or structure is depleted.
(c) Accessory Uses Permitted. Premises in the M-R Zone
may be used for accessory u'ses provided such uses are
established on the same parcel of land, are incidental
to, and do not substantially alter the character of any
--- permitted use, including but not limited to:
(1) Retail and wholesale distribution of materials pro-
duced on the site.
(2) Storage of trucks and excavating vehicles.
(3) Storage of materials and machinery used in the
(4) Scales and weighing equipment.
($) Offices and maintenance shop structures, including
use of mobilehomes.
(6) Residences and mobilehomes for caretakers or watch-
men and their families provided no compensation is
received the use of such residence, mobile-
home or mobilehome space.
(7) Maximum of two on-site signs, each not over 1000
square feet in area, advertising the products being
produced on the site.
(d) (Deleted)
Zone shall be subject to the following development standards.
(a) Lot Area. Not less than five acres gross.
(b) Lot Width. Not less than 200 feet.
(c) Yards. Front, rear, and side, not less than 50 feet for
any use permitted, except those uses permitted in
Section 12.50(a); provided further, however, that any
structure exceeding 50 feet in height shall have front,
side, and rear yard spaces equal to the height of said
(d) Structure Height. All buildings and structures shall not
exceed 50 feet in height, unless a height up to 75 feet
for buildings or 105 feet for other structures is specifically
permitted under the provisions of Section ]8.34 of this
(e) Off-Sfreet Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided
and improved as required in Section 18.12.
Premises in the M-R Zone used for any mining and quarry operations, rock
crushing and aggregate dryers shall be subject to the following standards.
(a) Noise Suppression. All equipment and premises employed
in conjunction with any of the uses permitted in the M-R
Zone shall be constructed, operated and maintained so as
to suppress noise and vibrations which are or may be
injurious to persons living on adjoining property.
(b) Roads and Driveways. All roads and driveways shall be
kept wetted.while being used or shall be treated with oil,
asphaltic concrete or concrete, or other palliative to
,-- prevent the emission of dust.
(c) Access Roads. All private access roads leading off any
paved public street onto properW used for any purpose
permitted in Section 12.50(b) or (c) shall be paved to a
minimum width of 24 feet with asphaltic concrete or equal,
not less than 3 inches in thickness with adequate com-
pacted base material for not less than the first 100 feet
of said access road.
(d) Air and Water Pollution. All operations shall be conducted
in compliance with the requirements of the Riverside CounW
Air Pollution Control District and the State Water Quality
Control Board.
(e) Slopes_of Excavations. No production from an open pit
quarry shall be permitted which creates an average slope
steeper than 1 foot horizontal to 1 foot vertical; provided
however, that a steeper slope may be permitted where the
soil content or material is such that a vertical-cut excava-
tion is safe in the opinion of the Division of Industrial
Safety, Department of Industrial Relations of the State of
-- Ca lifomia.
(f) Land.s_caping and Fencin~t. Excayation operations which
are located at any time within 500 feet of at least 10 build-
ings or mobilehomes used or designed for dwelling purposes,
shall be screened to a height of at least 6 feet by either
landscaping, berms, walls or solid fencing and the outer
boundaries of the area being excavated shall be enclosed
with a 6-foot high chain link fence, including all neces-
sary gates, except where such a fence would be impractica-
ble as in the bed or flood channel of a wash or watercourse.
(g) Hours of Operation. All uses shall confine operations on
the property, other than maintenance, to the hours between
6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. of any day, except those opera-
tions that are located not less than 300 feet from the outer
boundary of such property.
(h) Insurance. Before commencing operation in any quarry,
the owner or operator shall show continuing evidence of
insurance against liability in tort in the amount of
$300,000.00 arising from the production activities, or
operations incident thereto, conducted or carried on under
or by virtue of any law or ordinance. Such insurance shall
be kept in full force and effect during the period of such
(t) Pondin~. Where practicable, all excavation operations
~._ shall be conducted in such a manner as to prevent un-
- necessary pondtng or accumulation of storm or drainage
Rehabilitation. All property partially or totally depleted
of its mineral resources as a result of a use permitted by
this Article shall be rehabilitated in accordance with a
mining reclamation plan which has been approved pursuant
to the provisions of R~verside County Ordinance No. 555.
Added Effective: March 12, 1969 (Ord. 348.612)
Amended Effective: May 4, 1972 (Ord. 348. 1023)
September 13, 1973 (Ord. 348. 1201)
December 10, 1975 (Ord. 348. 1481)
September 8, 1977 (Ord. 348. 1588)
76 (Next page is 78)
(a) Uses Permitted. Notwithstanding the requirements of
Section 12.61 the following uses are permitted on parcels
not less than 20,000 square feet in area:
(1) Agricultural use of the soils for crops, orchards,
grazing and forage.
(2) Electric and gas distribution, transmission substations,
telephone and microwave stations.
(3) Water well and any use appurtenant to the storage and
distribution of water.
(4)Riding and hiking trails, recreation lakes, and
camp grounds.
(b) The following uses are permitted in conformance with the
· development and performance standards of this Article
provided that the operator thereof holds a permit to conduct
surface mining operations, issued pursuant to Riverside
County Ordinance No. 555, which has not been revoked
or suspended:
(1) Mining, quarrying, excavating, beneficiating,
concentrating, processing, and stockpiling of rock,
sand, gravel, decomposed granite, clay, gypsum,
limestone, metallic ores, and similar materials, and
the rehabilitation of the resulting excavations.
(2) Rock crushing plants, aggregate washing, screening
and drying facilities and equipment, and concrete
batching plants.
(3) Ore reduction plants, and specialty plants for
processing mineral products; and the manufacture of
block, pipe, tile, bricks, cement,'plaster, and
asphaltic concrete, provided that such plants and
manufacturing operations observe a minimum setback
of 300 feet from any zone, other than Zones M-R,
M-R-A, M-2 and M-4.
The uses and structures permitted in this subsection and
any accessory use established as a part thereof shall
assume a nonconforming status pursuant to the provisions
of Section 18.6 on the date that the mineral resource on
the site of such use or structure is depleted.
(c) Accessory Uses Permitted. Premises in the M-R-A Zone
may be used for accessory uses provided such uses are
established on the same parcel of land, are incidental to,
and do not substantially alter the character of any permitted
use, including but not limited to:
(1) Retail and wholesale distribution of materials produced
on the site·
(2) Storage of trucks and excavating vehicles.
(3) Storage of materials and machinery used in the operation.
(4) Scales and weighing equipment.
(5) Offices and maintenance shop structures, including use
of mobile homes.
(6) 'Residences and mobilehomes for caretakers or watchmen
and their families provided no compensation is received
for the use of any such residence, mobilehome or
· mobilehome space.
(7) Signs, on-site advertising.
(d) (Deleted)
Zone shall be subject to the following development standards.
(a) Lot Area. Not less than five acres gross.
(b) Lot Width. Not less than 200 feet.
(c) Yards. Front, rear, and side, not less than 50 feet for any
use permitted except those uses permitted in Section 12.60(a);
provided further, however, that any structure exceeding $0
feet in height shall have front, side, and rear yard spaces
equal to the height of said structure.
(d) Structure Heiqht. All buildings and structures shall not
exceed 50 feet in height, unless a height up to 75 feet for
buildings or 105 feet for other structures is specifically
permitted under the provisions of Section 18.34 of this
(e) Off-Street Parkinq. Off-street parking shall be provided
and improved as required in Section 18.12.
DIkRDS. Premises in the M-R-A Zone used for any mining and quarry opera-
tions, and related manufacturing shall be subject to the following standards:
(a) Noise Suppression. All equipment and premises employed
( in conjunction with any of the uses permitted in the M-R-A
Zone shall be constructed, operated and maintained so as
to suppress noise and vibrations which are or may be
· ~ injurious to persons living on adjoining property.
(b) Roads and Dr,:v?,..d~-.vs. All goads and driveways shall be
,,.- kept wetted while being used or shall be treated .with oil,
asphaltic concrete or concrete, or other palliative to
prevent the emission of dust.
(c) Access Roads, All priva!e access roads leading off any
paved public street onto property used for any purpose
permitted in Section 12.60(b) or (c) shall be paved to a
minimum width of 24 feet with asphaltic concrete or equal,
not less than 3 inches in thickness with adequate com-
pacted base material for not less than the first 100 feet of
said access road.
(d) Air and Water Pollution. All operations shall be conducted
in compliance with the requLrements of the Riverside County
Air Pollution Control District and the State Water Quality
Gontrol Board.
(e) Slopes of Excavations. No production from an open pit quarry
shall be permitted which creates an average slope steeper
than 1 foot horizontal to 1 foot vertical; provided, however,
that a steeper slope may be permitted where the soil content
or material is such that a vertical-cut excavation is safe in
the opinion of the Division of Industrial Safety, Department
of Industrial Relations of the State of California.
(f) Landscap. ing and Fencing. Excavation operations which are
located at any time within 500 feet of at least 10 buildings
or mobilehomes used or designed for dwelling purposes
shall be screened to a height of at least 6 feet by either
landscaping, betas, walls or solid fencing and the outer
boundaries of the area being excavated shall be enclosed
with a 6 foot high chain link fence, including all necessary
gates, except where such a fence would be impracticable
as in the bed or flood channel of a wash or watercourse.
(g) Hours of Overation. All uses shall confine operations on
the property, other than maintenance, to the hours bet~'een
6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. of any day, except those opera-
tions that are located not less than 300 feet from the outer
boundary of such property.
__ (h) Insurance. Before commencing operation in any quarry, the
owner or operator shall show continuing evidence of insurance
against liability in tort in the amount of $300,000.00 arising
(- from the production activities, or operations incident thereto,
'. conducted or carried on under or by virtue of any law or
ordinance. Such insurance shall be kept in full force and
effect during the period of such operations.
9-8-77 80
(i) Pondinq.. %¥here practicable, all excavation operatJoP. 5 shall
be conducted in such a manner as to prevent unnecessary
'.~_ ponding or accumulation of storm or drainage water.
Rehabilitation. All property partially or totally depleted of
its mineral resources as a result of a use permitted by this
Article shall be rehabilitated in accordance with the mining
reclamation plan which has been approved pursuant to the
provisions of Riverside County Ordinance No. 555.
Added Effective: March 12, 1969 (Ord. 348.612)
Amended Effective: May 4, 1972 (Ord. 348. 1023)
September 13, 1973 (Ord. 348. 1201)
December 100 1975 (Ord. 348.1481)
September 8, 1977 (Ord. 348. 1588)
81 (Next page is 83)
(a) Any use permitted in the R-1 and R-A Zones.
(b) The following agricultural uses:
(1) Farms for rabbits, fish, frogs, chinchilla or other small
(2) Water works facilities, both public and private, intended
primarily for the production and distribution of water for
irriga tion purpose s.
(3) Nurseries, greenhouses, orchards, aviaries, apiaries,
field crops, tree crops, berry and bush crops, vegetable,
flower and herb gardening. The drying, packing, canning,
freezing and other accepted methods of processing the
produce resulting from such permitted uses, when such
processing is primarily in conjunction with a farming opera-
tion and further provided that the permanent buildings and
structures used in conjunction with such processing opera-
-- tions are not nearer t]-,an 20 feet from the boundaries of the
(4) The grazing of cattle, horses,, sheep, goats or other farm
stock or animals, not including hogs, including the
supplementary feeding thereof, not to exceed 5 animals
per acre of all the land available; provided however, the
systematic rotation of animals with more than 5 animals
per acre is permitted so long as the total number of
permitted animals is not exceeded. For the grazing of
sheep or goats, the permissible number of animals per
acre may be multiplied by 3, except that there shall be
no 1L-nit to the perm. issible nurr,.ber of sheep which may be
grazed per acre when the grazing is for the purpose of
cleaning up unharvested crops, provided that such grazing
is not. conducted for more than 4 weeks in any 6 month
period. The provisions of this paragraph apply to mature
breeding stock, maintenance stock and similar farm stock,
and shall not apply to the offspring thereof, if such
offspring are being kept, fed or maintained solely for sale,
marketing or slaughtering at the earliest practical age
-- of maturity. In all cases the permissible number of animals
per acre shall be computed upon the basis of the nearest
equivalent ratio.
3-20-75 83
(S) F~.~:.s or e~!al?'.'is~.,mcnt~ for t],~ selective or e>:perimenlal
bree~fin~ ~r,d r~..~$:ng of cattle, sheep, goats, and horses,
subject to :l-~e 1.~mitattons set forth in subsection (b) (4) of
this section.
(6) Farms for the raising of hogs, not to exceed 5 animals per
acre of all the land available; provided however, the
systematic ro~tion of animals with more than 5 animals per
acre is permitted so long as the total number of permitted
animals is not exceeded. For the purpose of determining
the number of hogs on a p~rcel, both weaned and unweaned
hogs shall be counted. (See Ordinance No. 431 regarding
hog ranches).
(7) Future Farms, 4-H or similar projects conducted by the
occupants of the premises.
(8) A temporary stand for the display and sale of the agricul-
ture produce of an~' permitted use that is produced upon the
premises where such stand is located or upon contiguous
lands owned or leased by the o',vnet or occupant of the
(9) Dog kennels, non-commercial, on parcels of land one
acre or larger in gross area.
(c) A sign, single or double faced, not exceeding 12 square feet
in area per face, advertising only the sale of the services or the
products produced on the premises. The sign shall not be
lighted or bare flashing objects or banners.
(d) The following uses are permitted subject to the approval of a
plot plan pursuant to Section 18.30 of this ordinance. The plot
plan approval may include conditions requiring fencing and
landscaping of the parcel to assu~ that the use is compatible
with the surrounding area.
(1) Grange halls.
(2) Churches, temples, or other structures used primarily
for religious worship.
(3) Private schools.
(4) Libraries.
([5) Public utility facilities.
(6) A permanent stand for the display and sale of the agricul-
ture product of any permitted use that is produced upon
the permises where such stand is located or upon con-
tiguous lands owned or leased by the owner or occupant
of the premises.
(7) Mobilehomes, located on a parcel being farmed, which are
occupied by the owner or operator of the parcel or his
-- employees as one-family residences, provided;
a. The mobilehomes are not rented or held out for lease.
b. The mobilehomes are located not less than 50 feet
from any property line.
c. The mobilehomes are screened from view from the
front property line by shrubs or trees.
d. The anan?c.:::.-.,n: of t?.? mobilekomes, sa~H:a:T
facilities and ::t.~llties conforms with all of the
requirements of the Health Department, Depart-
ment of Building and Safety and State Law.
e. The area of the parcel being famed is not less
than 10 acres gross, or the number of laying hens
in a poultry operation is not less than 15,000 birds.
(8) Beauty shops.
(9) Real estate offices.
· (e) The follov,'ing uses are permitted provided a conditional use permit is granted:
(1) (Deleted)
(2) (Deleted)
(3) Any mining operation ~:'hich is exempt from the pro-
visions of the California Surface Mining and Recla-
mation Act of 1975 and Riverside County Ordinance
No. 555.
(4) Community auction and sales yards.
(5) Dog kennels, commercial.
(6) Farm labor camps or employee housing.
(7) Feed Stores.
(8) Packaged dry fertilizer storage, not including processing.
(9) Menageries.
(10) Oil production, not including refining or processing.
(11) Mink farms.
(12) Fraternal lodge hails.
(13) Catteries, commercial.
(f) The following uses are permitted provided that the operator
thereof holds a permit to conduct surface mining operations
issued pursuant to Riverside County Ordinance No. 555,
which has not been revoked or suspended:
(1) Any mining operation that is subject to the California
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.
(a) Lot size shall not be less than 20,000 square feet, ~vith
a minimum average lot width of 100 feet and 'a minimum
average lot depth of 150 feet, unless larger minimum lot
area and dimensions are specified for a particular area or
use, except as follows:
(1) (Deleted) -'
(2) The uses listed in Section 13.1 (d) (1), (2), (3), (4)
and (5) of this ordinance shall not be required to
have a lot area in excess of 20,000 square feet or
an a-,,erage lot width in excess of 100 feet, irrespec-
tive of the minimu.m zone requirements for a particular
a rea.
11-29-79 85
(b) Minimum yard requirerr..ents shall be 20 feet front y~.rd,
5 feet side yard, and ]0 feet rear yard.
(c) One-family residences s~,all not exceed 3S feet in height.
All other uses shall not exceed 50 feet in height, unless
a height up to 75 feet for buildings or 105 feet for other
structures is specifically permitted under the provisions
of Section 18.34 of this ordinance.
(d) Animals on existing lots less than 100 feet in width.
If the average lot width of an existing lot is less than
100 feet, animals shall be kept a minimum, of 100 feet
from the principal street frontage. If such lot is a
corner lot, animals shall also be kept not less than 20
feet from the rear lot line. For purposes of tkis section,
the principal street frontage is the street frontage with
the shortest dimension.
(e) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required
by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Amended Effective:
1-15-64 (Ord. 348.251) 9-16-70 (Ord. 348.773)
6-16-65 (Ord. 348.371) 3-11-71 (Ord. 348.859)
9-15-65 (Ord. 348.391) 8-11-71 (Ord. 348.905)
1-19-66 (Ord. 348.422) 5- 4-72 (Ord. 348.1023)
7-27-66 (Ord. 348.459) 10-19-72 (Ord. 348.1091)
12- 6-67 (Ord. 348.534) 2- 1-74 (Ord. 348.1281)
7-16-69 (Ord. 348.638) 5-30-74 (Ord. 348.1327)
4-15-70 (Ord. 348.710) 3-20-?5 (Ord. 349.1429)
12-10-75 (Ord. 348.1481)
9- 8-77 (Ord. 348. 1588)
4-12-79 (Ord. 348.1688)
11-29-79 (Ord. 348.1729-
operative 1- 1-80)
(a) One-family dwellings.
(b) The following agricultural uses:
(1) Farms for commercial egg production, hatching,
raising, butchering or marketing of chickens,
turkeys or other fowl, rabbits, fish, frogs,
chincilla or other small animals; nurseries,
greenhouses, orchards, aviaries, apiaries, field
crops, tree crops, berry and bush crops, vege-
table, flower and herb gardening. The drying,
packing, canning, freezing and other accepted
methods of processing the produce resulting from
such permitted uses, when such processing is
primarily in conjunction with a farming operation
and further provided that the pe_~r, anent buildings
~nd structures used in conjunction with such
processing operations are not nearer than 20 feet
" from the boundaries of the premises.
(2) The grazing of cattle, horses, sheep, goats or
other farm stock or animals, not including hogs,
including the supplementary feeding thereof, not
to exceed 5 animals per acre of all the land
available; provided however, the systematic
rotation of animals with more than 5 animals per
acre is permitted so long as the total number of
permitted animals is not exceeded. For the graz-
ing of sheep or goats, the permissible number of
animals per acre may be multiplied by 3, except
that there shall be no limit to the permissible
number of sheep which may be grazed per acre when
the grazing is for the purpose of cleaning up
unharvested crops. The provisions of this para-
graph apply to mature breeding stock, maintenance
stock and similar farm stock, and shall not apply
to the offspring thereof, if such offspring are
being kept, fed or maintained solely for sale,
marketing or slaughtering at the earliest practi-
cal age. The earliest practical age of maturity
for colts shall be 2 years. In all cases the
perm!ssible number of animals per acre shall be
computed upon the basis of the nearest equivalent
.... ratio. Livestock shall not be kept or maintained
within 50 feet of any residence in existence at
the time such use is established.
7-2-81 87
(3) Forms ur r.~,:b,l,'-
l:,reedin9 and re!sing of
horses, subject to the limitations set forth, in s.,_'bsection
(b) (2) of this section.
(4) Processing, packaging and marketing of v;aste products
produced on the premises.
(5) Future Farmers, 4-H, or similar projects.
(c) A sign, single or double faced, not exceeding 12 square feet
in area per face, advertising only the sale of the services or
the products produced on the premises. The sign shall not
be lighted or have flashing objects or banners.
(d) A temporary stand for the disl:lay and sale of tile aoriculture
produce of any permitted use that is produced :,pon the premises
where such stand is located or upon contiguous lands owned
or leased by the cypher or occupant of the prar.:ises.
(e) Public utility facilities.
(f) V~'ater works facilities, both l:.ublic and private intended
primarily for the production and distribution of water for
irrigation purposes.
(g) The following uses are permitted subject to th~ approval of
a plot plan pursuant to Section 18.30 of this Ordinance. The
plot plan a~n, roval., may include conditions :ec'".,.,r...~" fencing
and landscaping of the parcel to assure that the use is
compatible with the surrounding area.
(1) A permanent s~an~ for the display end~-~o:e of the
agriculture produce of any pe~'w, itted use that is pro-
duced upon the premises where such stand is located
or upon contiguous lands awned or leased by the owner
or occupant of the premises.
(2) Mobilehomes, located on a parcel being farmed,
which are occupied by the owner or operator of the
parcel or his emp!o?ees as one-family residences, ~ot
to exceed hvo in n,,.~.' o .
.... o_r, ~rovided:
(a) The mobilehomes are not rented or held out for lease.
(b) The mobilehomes are located not less than 50 feet
from any proper~y line.
(c) The mobilehomes are screened from view. from the
front property line by shrubs or trees.
(d) The arrangement of the mobi]ehomes, sanitary
facilities and utilities conforms with all of the
requirements of the Health Depsrtment, Depart-
ment cf Building and Safety and State Law.
(e) The area of the parcel being farmed is not
less than 10 acres gross, and in the event
of a poultry operation, the number of birds
is not less than 15,000.
(h) The following uses are permitted provided a conditional
use permit is granted:
(1) Mechanical processing and packaging, and
marketing, of waste poultry products other
than those produced on the premises.
SECTION 13.52. STRUCTURE HEIGHT. One-family residences shall
not exceed 35 feet in height. Ail other uses shall not exceed 50
feet in height, unless a height up to 75 feet for buildings or 105
feet for other structures is specifically permitted under the pro-
visions of Section 18.34 of this ordinance.
SECTION 13.53. MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE. 200 feet abutting on a
street; utility uses, 100 feet.
SECTION 13.54. MINIMUM FRONT YARD. 20 feet. 50 feet for
co~z~ercial poultry operations and all other agricultural operations
involving the keeping of poultry or animals.
SECTION 13.55. MINIMUM SIDE YARDS. 10 feet. 25 feet for
co~ercial poultry operations and all other agricultural operations
involving the keeping of poultry or m~imals.
SECTION 13.56. MINIMI~ REAR YARD. 10 feet. 25 feet for
commercial poultry operations and other agricultural uses relating
to the keeping of poultry or animals.
SECTION 13.57. MINIMUM LOT AREA. 5 acres including portions
included in public roads and other publicly o~ed facilities,
except utility uses which may have a minimum area of 10,000 square
SECTION 13.58. Automobile storage space shall be provided
as required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Amended Effective: September 15, 1965 (Ord. 348.391)
August 11, 1971 (Ord. 348.905)
May 30, 1974 (Ord. 348.1327)
December 10, 1975 (Ord. 348.1481)
February 12, 1976 (Ord. 348.i489)
July 2, 1981 (Ord. 348.1965)
7-2-81 89
(a) Any use permitted in Section 13.1 (a) and (b) of this
ordinance (A-1 Zone) and the following agricultural uses:
(1) Animal hospitals.
(2) Commercial fertilizer operations (on-site manure) -
the stockpiling, dD'ing, mechanical processing and
sale of farm anf~nal manure produced on the premises
as a result of any farming use permitted in this zone,
subject to the provisions of Section 18.39 of this
(3) Commercial poultry farms.
(4) Commercial stables.
(5) Dairy farms.
(6) Dog kennels, commercial.
(7) Hog ranches.
(8) 'Livestock sales yards.
(9) Menageries.
(10) Riding academies.
(11) Catteries, commercial.
(b) Signs, on- site advertising.
(c) A temporary stand for the display and sale of the agriculture
produce of any permitted use that is produced upon the
premises where such stand is located or upon contiguous
lands owned or leased by the owner or occupant of the
(d) Public fairgrounds including usual commercial uses
appurtenant thereto.
(e) The following uses are permitted subject to the approval
of a plot plan pursuant to Section 18.30 of this ordinance.
The plot plan approval may include conditions requiring
fencing and landscaping of the parcel to assure that the
use is compatible with the surrounding area:
(1) A permanent stand for the display and sale of the
agriculture produce of any permitted use that is
produced upon the premises where such stand is
located or upon contiguous lands owned or leased
by the owner or occupant of the premi§es.
(2) Canning, freezing, packing plants and drying yards
that are not in conjunction with a farming operation.
(3) Churches, temples, or other structures used primarily
for religious worship.
(4) Grange halls.
(5) Libraries.
(6) Mobllehomes, located on a parcel being farmed,
which are occupied by the owner or operator of the
parcel or his employees as one-family residences,
a. The mobilehomes are not rented or held out for
b. The mobilehomes are located not less than 50
feet from any property line.
c. The mobilehomes are screened from view from
the front property line by shrubs or trees.
d. The arrangement of the mobilehomes, sanitary
facilities and utilities conforms with all of the
requirements of the Health Department, Depart-
ment of Building and Safety and State Law.
e. The area of the parcel being farmed is not less
than 10 acres gross, or the number of laying
hens in a poultry operation is not less than
15,000 birds.
(7) Private schools.
(8) Public utility facilities.
(9) Truck transfer stations and depots for use in the
cartage, storage, maintenance, weighing and trans-
fer of agricultural commodities.
(10) Meat cutting and packaging plants, provided there
is no slaughtering of animals or rendering of meat.
(f) The following uses are permitted provided a conditional
use permit is granted:
(1) Agricultural equipment sales and repair yards.
(2) Beauty shops.
(3) Any mining operation which is exempt from the pro-
. 'visions of the California Surface Mining and Recla-
mation Act of 1975 and Riverside County Ordinance
No. 555.
(4) Commercial fertilizer operations (off-site manure) -
the stockpiling, drying, mechanical processing and
sale of farm animal manure not produced on the premises.
(5) Community auction and sales yards.
(6) Farm labor camps or employee housing.
(7) Feed stores.
(8) Mink farms.
(9) Oil production, not including refining or processing.
(10) Pen fed beef cattle operations.
(11) Real estate offices.
(12) Hunting clubs, skeet, trap, rifle and pistol ranges.
(13) Fraternal lodge halls.
(14) Abattoirs.
(g) The following uses are permitted provided that the operator
thereof holds a permit to conduct surface raining operations
issued pursuant to Riverside County Ordinance No. 555
which has not been revoked or suspended:
(1) Any mining operation that is subject to the California
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.
(a) The uses permitted in the A-2 Zone shall be subject to
the following development standards:
(1) Lot size shall not be less than 20,000 square feet,
with a minimum average lot width of 100 feet and a
minimum average lot depth of 150 feet, unless
larger minimum lot area and dimensions are specified
for a particular area or use, except as follows:
a. The uses listed in Section 14.1 (e), (3), (4),
(5), (?) and (8) of this ordinance shall not be
required to have a lot area in excess of 20,000
square feet or an average lot width in excess of
100 feet, irrespective of the minimum zone
requirements for a particular area.
(2) Minimum yard requirements shall be 20 feet front
yard,- 10 feet side and rear yard.
(3) One-family residences shall not exceed 35 feet in
height. All other uses shall not exceed 50 feet in
height, unless a height up to 75 feet for buildings
or 105 feet for other structures is specifically per-
mitted under the provisions of Section 18.34 of this
(4) Automobile storage space shall be provided as
required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Amended effective:
12-18-63 (Ord. 348.242) 12- 2-71 (Ord. 348.952)
12-22-65 (Ord. 348.414) 9-13-73 (Ord. 348.1201)
7-27-66 (Ord. 348.459) - 2- 1-74 (Ord. 348.1281)
12- 6-67 (Ord. 348.534) 5-30-74 (Ord. 348.1327)
7-10-70 (Ord. 348.737) 3-20-75 (Ord. 348.1429)
8-25-71 (Ord. 348.910) 12-10-75 (Ord. 348.1481)
10-10-71 (Ord. 348.935) 9- 8-77 (Ord. 348.1588)
( 11-29-79 (Ord. 348.1729-
operative 1- 1-80)
(a) Residential and Light Agricultural Uses.
(1)Any use permitted in the R-1 and A-1 Zones, subject to the con-
ditions set forth therein, unless hereinafter modified.
(2)When the gross area of a lot is less than one acre, the pro-
visions of the R-1 zone shall apply to the keeping of animals.
When the gross area of a lot is one acre or more, the pro-
visions of the A-1 zone shall apply to the keeping of animals.
(b) The following uses shall be permitted provided approval of a plot
plan shall first have been obtained pursuant to the provisions of
Section 18.30:
(1) Guest ranches.
(2) Educational institutions, libraries, museums and post offices.
(3) Golf, tennis, polo or country clubs.
(4) Meat cutting and packaging plants, provided there is no
slaughtering of animals or rendering of meat.
(c) Public Utility Uses.
(1) Structures and installations necessary to the conservation
and development of water such as dams, pipe lines, water
conduits, tanks, reservoirs, wells and the necessary pump-
ing and water production facilities.
(2) Structures and the pertinent facilities necessary and incidental
to the development and transmission of electrical power and
gas such as hydro-electric power plants, booster or conver-
sion plants, transmission lines, pipe lines and the like.
(3) Radio broadcasting stations.
(4) Telephone transmission lines, telephone exchanges and
(5) Railroads, including the necessary facilities in connection
(6) Television broadcasting stations, antennas, and cable
(d) The following uses are permitted provided a conditional use
permit has been granted:
(1)Airport or landing field.
(2) Any mining operation which is exempt from the provisions of
the California Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975
and Riverside County Ordinance No. 555.
(3) Cemetery, pet or human.
(4) Commercial fairgrounds and exhibitions.
(5) Drive-in theaters.
(6) Dune buggy parks.
(7) Fruit and vegetable packing plants and similar uses.
(8) Hog ranches, subject to the provisions of Ordinance
No. 431.
(9) Hunting clubs.
(10) Lumber mill.
(11) Lumber production of a commercial nature, including
commercial logging or commercial' development of timber.
(12) The manufacture of:
a. Brick, tile or terra-cotta.
b. Cement and cement products.
c. Gypsum.
d. Lime or lime products.
(13) Menageries, animal hospitals and commercial dog kennels.
(14) Migrant Agricultural Worker Mobilehome Parks.
· (15) Mobilehome parks.
(16) Pen fed cattle operations, livestock salesyards, live-
stock auction yards, and dairy farms.
(17) Race tracks, including but not limited to contests
between automobiles, horses, go-carts, and motorcycles°
but not including contests between human beings only.
(18) Recreational trailer parks .
(19) Rifle, pistol, skeet, or trapshooting ranges.
(20) Rodeo arenas.
(21) Trail bike parks.
(22) Trailer and boat storage.
(23) Travel trailer parks.
(24) Commercial stables and riding academies.
(25) Recreational lakes.
(26) Disposal service operations.
(27) Auction houses and yards.
(28) Mini Warehouse Structures.
(29) Catteries, commercial.
(e) The following uses are permitted provided that the operator
thereof holds a permit to conduct surface mining operations
issued pursuant io Riverside County Ordinance No. 555
__ which has not been revoked or suspended:
(1) Any mining operation that is subject to the California
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.
SECTION 15.2. DEVELO?MEN? STANDARDS. Where a structure is
erected or a use is made in the W-2 Zone that is first specifically permitted in
another zone classification, such structure or use shall meet the development
standards and regulations of the zone in which such structure or use is first
specifically permitted, unless such requirements are hereafter modified.
(a) One-family residences shall not exceed 35 feet in height. All
other uses shall not exceed 50 feet in height, unless a height
up to 75 feet for buildings or 105 feet for other structures is
specifically permitted under the provisions of Section 18.34
of this ordinance.
(b) Lot size shall not be less than 20,000 square feet, with a
minimum average lot width of 100 feet and a minimum average
lot depth of 150 feet, unless larger minimum lot area and
dimensions are specified for a particular area or use.
(c)Animals are not permitted on existing substandard lots that
are less than 20,000 square feet in size.
(d) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required by
Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Amended Effective: September 4, 1962
6-16-65 (Ord. 348.37]) 12-10-75 (Ord. 348.14811
3-23-66 (Ord. 348.427) 4-21-77 (Ord. 348.15641
7-27-66 (Ord. 348.459) 9-8-77 (Ord. 348. 15881
4-17-68 (Ord. 348.556) 11-29-79 (Ord. 348.17291
7-16-69 (Ord. 348.637) 3-5-81 (Ord. 348.19251
6-10-70 (Ord. 348.73~)
10-10-71 (Ord. 348.935)
5-4-72 (Ord. 348.1023)
5-30-74 (Ord. 348. 1327)
6-20-74 (Ord. 348. 1340)
11-7-74 (Ord. 348.1377)
3-20-75 (Ord. 348. 1429)
10-2-75 (Ord. 348. 1470)
(a} Uses Permitted. Any use permitted in the R-A
(Residential Agricultural) Zone.
(b) Uses Permitted Subject to Approval of a Plot Plan.
Any use permitted in the R-3 (General Residential)
Zone, upon approval of a plot plan pursuant to the
provisions of Section 18.30 of this ordinance.
(c) Uses Permitted by Conditional Use Permit. The
following uses are permitted provided a conditional
use permit has been granted:
(1) Mobilehome Parks.
(2) Travel Trailer Parks, Recreational Trailer Parks,
Trailer Storage Areas, only if such use or uses
are developed in conjunction with a mobilehome
(d) Planned residential developments, provided a land
division is approved pursuant to the provisions of
Ordinance No. 460 and the development standards of
Section 18.5 of this ordinance.
development for each use shall be the same as in the zoning classi-
fication that originally permits the use, including the zoning
classification requirements for planned residential development,
except as follows:
(a) The minimum lot area for all uses shall be 20,000
square feet, with a minimum average width of 100
feet and a minimum average depth of 150 feet.
(b) Mobilehome parks shall comply with the development
standards of Section 8.52 and 8.53 of this ordi-
nance (R-T Zone).
(c) Automobile storage space shall be provided as
required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
Added Effective: November 15, 1967 (Ord. 348.532)
Amended Effective: February 26, 1969 (Ord. 348.609)
March 3, 1971 (Ord. 348.851)
May 4, 1972 (Ord. 348.1023)
May 30, 1974 (Ord. 348.1327)
March 16, 1982 (Ord. 348.2074)
3-16-82 96
(a) Uses Permitted.
(1) One-family dwellings, guest dwellings, automobile
storage garages, accessory buildings.
(2) Field and tree crops.
(3) The grazing only of cattle, horses, sheep or goats,
subject to the following restrictions:
a. Not more than twoanimals for each acre shall
be permitted.
b. The limitation on the amount of animals shall
apply to mature breeding stock and maintenance
stock, and shall not apply to the offspring of
such stock, if such offspring are being kept,
fed and maintained solely for sale, marketing or
slaughtering at the earliest practical age. The
! permissible number of animals per parcel of land
shall be computed upon the basis of the nearest
-- equivalent ratio.
(4) Apiaries.
(5) Golf courses with standard length fairways and
customary appurtenant facilities, including club
houses, restaurants, and retail shops.
(6) Mobilehomes, located on a parcel being farmed,
which are occupied by the owner or operator of the
: farm, or employees thereof.
(7) Riding academies and stables, commercial and non-
(8) Fishing lakes, commercial and non-commercial.
(9) On-site signs, affixed to building walls, stating the
name of the structure, use, or institution, not to
exceed 5 percent of the surface area of the exterior
face of the wall upon which the sign is located.
(b) Uses Permitted Subject to Approval of a Plot Plan.
The following uses are permitted, upon approval of a plot
plan. pursuant to Section 18.30, on parcels of land not less
- than 7200 square feet in size, with a minimum front yard
depth of 20 feet and minimum side and rear yard depth of
10 feet:
(1) Public utility substations.
(2) Water wells and appurtenant pump houses.
(3) Picnic grounds for day use only.
(4) Museums and menageries, commercial and non-
9-13-73 97
(c) Uses Permitted by Conditional Use Permit.
The following uses are permitted provided a conditional
use permit has been granted:
(1) Travel trailer parks.
(2) Recreational trailer parks.
(3) Migrant agricultural worker mobllehome parks.
(4) Resort hotels.
(5) Any mining operation which is exempt from the pro-
visions of the California Surface Mining and Reclama=
tton Act of 1975 and Riverside County Ordinance No.
(6) Rock crushing plants, aggregate washing, screening
and drying facilities and equipment.
(d) The following uses are permitted provided that the operator
thereof holds a permit to conduct surface mining operations
issued pursuant to Riverside County Ordinance No. 555
which has not been revoked or suspended:
(1) Any mining operation that is subject to the California
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.
SECTION 15.201. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The following shall
be the standards of development in the N-A Zone, except for the above-
listed uses that are specifically allowed a lesser standard:
(a) Minimum lot size. 20 acres with a minimum gross width
of 400 feet.
(b) Minimum yard depths. Front 100 feet, sides 50 feet, rear
50 feet.
(c) Maximum building height, 20 feet.
(d) Automobile storage space shall be provided as required
by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
ADDED EFFECTIVE: April 17, 1968 (Ord. 348. 557)
- August23, 1973 (Ord. 348.1190)
September 13, 1973 (Ord. 348. 1201)
May 30, 1974 (Ord. 348. 1327)
June 20, 1974 (Ord. 348.1340)
September 8, 1977 (Ord. 348. 1588)
July 2, 1981 (Ord. 348. 1968)
7-2-81 98
(a) All uses permitted in the Wo2 Zone, subject to all the
provisions and development standards of the W-2 Zone
(b) Mobllehome used as a one-family residence, upon
approval of a plot plan pursuant to Section 18.30, and
also subject to the following conditions:
(1) Mobtlehomes shall have a floor area of not less
than 450 square feet.
(2) The area between the ground level and the floor
of a mobflehome shall be screened from view
by an opaque skirt entirely around the mobilehome
(3) A 25-foot setback shall be observed from the
front and rear property lines, and a 10-foot
setback from the side property lines; for the
mobllehome and all appurtenant structures.
SECTION 15.301. Automobile storage space shall be provided as
required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
ADDED EFFECTIVE: September 3, 1969 (Ord. 348.658)
AMENDED EFFECTIVE: September 16, 1970 (Ord. 348.773)
May 30, 1974 (Ord. 348.1327)
POLICY. There are some areas of the County which under present con-
ditions are not suited for permanent occupancy or residency by persons
for the reason that they are subject to periodic flooding and other hazards.
The provisions of this Article are temporary in nature, awaiting
detailed plans of development for the lands and areas so classified. The
regulations of this Article shall apply to lands so classified until either
(1) a drainage and storm water control plan approved by the Planning Com-
mission and the Board of Supervisors shall have been carried out and put
into effect, or (2) the lands have been subdivided and a final subdivision
map placed on record in accordance with the applicable state and county
regulations, including approval by the Planning Commission and Board
of Supervisors. In either of these two instances, the property may there-
after be reclassified into any other zone pursuant to regular zoning pro-
(a) The following uses are permitted in the W-1 Zone:
(1) Field, tree and bush crops; flower and herb gardening.
(2) Apiaries.
(3) The grazing only, of cattle, horses, sheep and goats
and similar livestock, subject to the restrictions as
to the number of animals per acre set forth in Section
13.1 (b) (4) of this Ordinance.
(4) Golf courses, not including the construction of
(5) Water works facilities, both public and private
intended primarily for the production and distribution
of water for agricultural purposes.
(6)Utilities, both public and private.
(b) The following uses are permitted provided a conditional
~se permit has been granted:
(1) Airports and heliports.
(2) Any mining operation which is exempt from the pro-
visions of the California Surface Mining and Recla-
mation Act of 1975 and Riverside County Ordinance
No. 555.
(3) Exploratory oil drilling, producing oil wells, oil
storage tanks and appurtenant facilities, but not
including refinerie s.
(4) Racing and competition events other than between
( .... (5) Hunting clubs, skeet, trap, rifle and pistol ranges.
(6) Travel trailer parks.
(7) Recreational trailer parks.
(8) Tennis, badminton, volleyball, squash, lacrosse,
handball, baseb all, racketball and football, courts
and sport recreational fields and uses.
(9) Buildings and structures in conjunction with any use
that is permitted under Section 16.2 (a) of this
(c) The following uses are permitted upon approval of a plot
plan pursuant to Section 18.30 of this Ordinance .'
(1) Signs, on-site advertising, unless previously
approved as a part of a granted conditional use
(d) The following uses are permitted provided that the operator
thereof holds a permit to conduct surface mining operations
issued pursuant to Riverside County Ordinance No. 555,
which has not been revoked or suspended:
(1) Any mining operation that is subject to the California
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.
SECTION 16.3. Automobile storage space shall be provided as
required by Section 18.12 of this ordinance.
SECTION 16.4. STRUCTURE HEIGHT. All buildings and structures
shall not exceed 50 feet in height, unless a height up to 105 feet is
specifically permitted for structures other than buildings under the pro-
visions of Section 18.34 of this ordinance.
Amended Effective: February 19, 1962
Ma), 4, 1972 (Ord. 348. 1023)
August 23, 1973 (Ord. 348.1190)
September 13, 1973 (Ord. 348.1201)
May 30, 1974 (Ord. 348.1327)
April 3, 1975 (Ord. 348.1435)
December 10, 1975 (Ord. 348.1481)
September 8, 1977 (Ord. 348.1588)
of this ordinance is in conflict with any other section thereof, or any
other County ordinance, then the more stringent requirements shall
SECTION 18.2. SCOPE OF REGULATIONS. All land, buildings
and structures in the unincorporated area of the County of Riverside
shall be used only as hereinafter provided.
(a) Private Projects.
1. No land, building or structure shall be used,
constructed, altered or maintained except in
conformance with the provisions of this
2. No use that requires a permit or approval of any
kind under the provisions of this ordinance shall
be established or operated until the permit or
approval is finally granted and all required con-
ditions of the permit or approval have been com-
3. No use that requires a permit or approval of any
kind under the provisions of this ordinance shall
be established or operated in violation of, or
contrary to, any of the terms and conditions of the
granted permit or approval.
4. The term "private project" shall include those
projects of local agencies which are subject to
County regulation under Government Code Sections
53090 to 53095, and shall also include any project
proposed to be established or operated on govern-
ment lands if the project is not primarily for a
governmental purpose unless the government agency
involved has exclusive Jurisdiction or the field of
regulation has been preempted by law.
(b) Public Projects.
- 1. No federal, state, county or city governmental
project shall be subject to the provisions of this
ordinance, including such projects operated by
any combination of these agencies or by a private
person for the benefit of any such government agency,
unless the agency provides by contract or otherwise
that the project shall be constructed or operated in
compliance with any or all provisions of this ordinance.
10-23-75 102
obtains, or files an application to obtain, a permit or approval of
any kind under the provisions of this ordinance, shall hold the
County harmless from any liability or claim of liability, including
any claims of the applicant, arising out of the issuance of the per-
mit or approval, or the denial thereof, or arising out of any action
by any person seeking to have a granted permit or approval held void
by a court of law.
(a} In addition to the requirements of this ordinance,
all applicants, for a specific plan of land use,
conditional use permit, public use permit, plot
plan or development plan or certificate of occupancy
approval, for a project, as defined in Riverside
County Ordinance No. 547, within a special studies
zone delineated by the State Geologist pursuant to
Section 2621 et seq. of the Public Resources Code,
shall comply with all of the provisions of'River-
side County Ordinance No. 547, and no permit or
approval subject thereto shall be granted except in
accordance with the provisions thereof.
(b) No application subject to the provisions of this '
section shall be considered as completed for filing,
and the time limitations for processing an applica-
tion shall not begin to run, until all requirements
under Ordinance No. 547 have been completed.
Planned residential developments shall be constructed in accordance
with the hereinafter listed requirements. In addition thereto,
planned residential developments shall be subject to, and shall com-
ply with, such additional conditions and requirements as are deter-
mined to be necessary in approving the development to make it com-
patible with the community in which it is proposed to be located.
(1) A subdivision map, prepared substantially in accord-
ance with the conditions of approval thereof and
the requirements of this section, shall be recorded
pursuant to Ordinance No. 460.
than 40% of the net area of a project shall be used
for open area or recreational facilities, or a com-
bination thereof. The net area of a project shall
be determined by excluding all streets, drives and
automobile storage areas. The total number of
dwelling units in a project shall not exceed that
which would be permitted if the project were a standard
lot development. The height of buildings shall not
exceed that which is permitted in the zone in which
the project is located. The maximum permitted density
and height limits may be reduced if it is determined
3-16-82 103
to be necessary for a p]anned development to
achieve comparability with the area in which the
'-- development is located.
YARD SETBACKS, Building setbacks from a project's
exterior streets and boundary lines shall be the
same as those prescribed by the zone in which the
project is located. In no case shall such building
setbacks for any project be less than those pre-
scribed in the R-3 Zone. The minimum building set-
back from interior drives shall be ten feet.
(4) STREETS. Streets, which may be permitted to be
private, shall be required in accordance with the
Provisions of Ordinance No. 460.
(5) RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES. The number of dwelling units
in one building shall not exceed two in the R-1 Zone
and all other zones that permit planned residential.
developments as an R-1 use, or eight dwelling units
in one building in the R-2 and R-2-A Zones. The
number of dwelling units in a building in the R-3
Zone and all other zones that permit planned resi-
dential developments as an R-3 use shall not exceed
that permitted by the R-3 Zone development standards.
Residential buildings shall have a minimum ground
-- floor living area of 1000 square feet and each dwel-
ling unit in a building shall have the minimum floor
living area required by Section 18.11 of this ordinance.
(6) RECREATIONAL BUILDINGS. Recreational, public assembly
and similar buildings may be permitted within a pro-
ject if they are intended for the primary use of
persons residing within the project and are located
so as not to be detrimental to adjacent properties.
(?} MAINTENANCE OF COMMON AREAS. A community association
with the unqualified right to assess the owners of
the dwelling units for all maintenance, operational
and other costs of the common areas and facilities
and the community association shall be established
and continuously maintained. The association shall
have the right to lien the units of the owners who
default in the payment of their assessments. The
association's lien shall not be subordinate to any
encumbrance other than a deed of trust or mortgage
- made in good faith and for value which is of record
prior to the recordation of the lien of the associa-
tion. Prior to recordation of the final subdivision
--- map, the developer shall submit for approval the
declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions
for the project. The approved declaration shall be
~ recorded at the time of the recording of the final
subdivision map.
3-16-82 104
(8) TRASH AREAS. Adequate enclosed trash pickup areas,
convenient to the residents which they are intended
to serve, shall be provided in the project.
SCREENING. A six-foot high masonry wall shall be
constructed on any project boundary line where the
adjacent property is zoned for a lower residential
density than that zone in which the project is
(10) WALKWAYS. Five-foot wide paved pedestrian walkways
shall be installed between the dwelling units and
the recreational areas of the project.
(11) ACCESS. Vehicular access openings into a project
shall be limited to one for each 400 feet of public
street frontage; however, all projects shall be
permitted two access drives regardless of the amount
of frontage.
(12) PARKING. Automobile storage space required shall
be as determined at the time of issuance of the
conditional use permit; however, in no event shall
there be less than 1.5 parking spaces for each one
bedroom unit and not less than 2.5 spaces for each
unit with two or more bedrooms. The required park-
ing spaces shall be provided entirely within the
development. Public street parking and tandem
Parking shall not be counted in this requirement.
1. When it is proposed by an applicant that occupancy
of a planned residential development be limited to
senior citizens, the application for the land
division shall include the statement that the
development is proposed to be limited to a Senior
Citizen Planned Residential Development.
2. Senior Citzen Planned Residential Developments shall
be constructed in accordance with all of the develop-
ment requirements of Section 18.5 and the. following
additional provisions=
a. The overall development shall be designed for
- ease of use by persons of advanced age.
b. No building shall be constructed that exceeds two
3-16-82 105
stories in height unless it contains elevators for the
use of the occupants.
c. Medical offices and facilities, not including hospitals,
-.. for the primary use only of the residents of the develop-
ment, shall be permitted as a part of the recreation~
public assembly and similar buildings allowed pursuant
to Subsection (6) of Section 18.5.
d. The covenants, conditions and restrictions for the
development shall require that one permanent resident
in each dwelling unit be 50 years of age or over and
that all other persons permanently residing in any
dwelling unit be 18 years of age or over.
ever a planned residential development for senior citizens has been con-
structed pursuant to Sections 18.5 and 18.6, or, whenever the Board deter-
mines that an area should be considered for senior citizen zoning, the area
may be set for hearing pursuant to the provisions of Section 20.1, et seq.,
to consider zoning that would limit the occupancy of dwelling units within
the area under construction to the hereinafter listed minimum ages.
Whenever the zoning symbol in a zone classification on any official
zoning plan map is followed by the initials "S.C.D." (Example: R-1-S.C.D.),
each dwelling unit in the area so zoned, that is occupied, shall be occupied
by at least one person not less than 50 years of age and no person under
__ 18 years of age shall permanently reside in any dwelling unit in the zoned area.
following provisions shall apply to all nonconforming structures and uses:
a. Any nonconforming structure or use may be continued and
maintained for the periods of time hereinafter set forth,
provided there are no structural alterations except as herein-
after allowed. Agricultural crops are not subject to the pro-
visions of this section; agricultural uses that involve
permanent structures are subject to this section, however
such uses shall be permitted to make any changes or improve-
ments that are required by any county or state law, including
structural alterations that are necessary as a part thereof.
b. A nonconforming structure or use may be maintained for the
following periods of time:
(1) Where the property is unimproved, 1 year.
(2) Where the only improvements are structures, the replace-
ment of which would not require a building permit, 3 years.
(3) Outdoor advertising, 5 years.
(4) General commercial uses, such as those primarily per-
__ mitted in C Zones, 30 years.
(5) General manufacturing uses, such as those primarily
permitted in M Zones, 40 years.
(6) Where a mobilehome is used for residential purposes and
the lot upon which it is located is improved with a sewage
disposal system approved by the Health Department, 8 years.
3-13-78 106
· A mobllehome owner shall have the right to extend the
amortization period to a total of 15 years, upon ap-
proval of a plot plan pursuant to Section 18.30 o! this
f-- ordinance and compliance with the following conditions
within the original 8 year period, in addition to the
approved sewage system:
a. The mobilehome shall have not less than 450 square
feet in floor area.
b. The lot shall be improved with a 200 square foot
concrete slab or wooden deck.
c. The area between the ground level and the floor of
the mobilehome shall be screened from view by an
opaque skirt entirely around the mobllehome.
d. The mobilehome and all appurtenant structures shall
have a 20 foot setback from the front property line,
a $ foot setback from the side property line, and a
10 foot setback from the rear property line.
(7) Commercial agricultural operations:
a. Dairy farms .............. 30 years
b. Goat, sheep and other small animal farms..10 years
c. Hog ranches ............. 10 years
d. Horse ranches .............. 20 years
e. Menageries .............. $ years
_ f. Pen fed cattle operations ........ 30 years
g. Poultry ................. 20 years
h. Rabbits ............... 10 years
(8) Noncommercial agricultural operations:
a. Goats, sheep and other small animals .... 3 years
b. .Hogs .................. 3 years
c. Horses and cattle ........... 3 years
d. Menageries .............. 3 years
e. Poultry ................ 3 years
f. Rabbits ................ 3 years
(c) Any part of a structure or land occupied by a nonconformtng use
which is changed to or replaced by a use that conforms to the
provisions of this ordinance as they apply to the particular zone
shall not thereafter be used or occupied by a nonconforming use.
(d) Any part of a structure or land occupied by a nonconforming use,
which use is discontinued for one year or more, shall thereafter
be used in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance and
_ the nonconforming right shall be lost.
(e) Any structure for which a permit has been legally issued, and on
which substantial construction has been performed on the site
before an amendment to the ordinance making the use nonconform-
ing, may nevertheless be continued and completed in accordance
(i~ with the plans and specifications upon which the permit was issued.
(f) The provisions of this section shall not prevent the recon-
struction 0 repairing or rebuilding and continued use of any
nonconforming structure that is damaged by fire, explosion
or acts of God; provided, however, any such rebuilding,
reconstruction, or repairing shall not extend the period of
nonconforming time in which the use must be eliminated.
(g) Any nonconforming dwelling unit may be repaired and main-
rained in conformance with any requirement of law; provided,
however, there shall be no structural additions to a noncon-
forming dwelling unit.
(h) Whenever dwelling units in an area are zoned, as part of
a senior citizen development, for permanent occupancy
only by persons above a minimum age, any person below
the minimum age requirement residing in a dwelling unit
in the area at the time the zone classification becomes
effective is not subject to the age restriction and may
continue residency in the dwelling unit for an unlimited
period of time. The right to continue such occupancy is
not transferable to any other person.
(t) The provisions of this section apply to structures and uses
which become nonconforming by reason of the adoption of
this ordinance or any amendment thereof, as of the effective
date of such adoption or amendment. No use shall be
deemed to have become nonconforming by virtue of decreased
lot size resulting solely from the acquisition of any portion
of the lot for public road or storm or drainage channel pur-
poses or the adoption of any specific plan for such purpose.
SECTION 18.9. DIVISION OF LAND. Whenever a division of land is
proposed, the total number of lots or density permitted shall be determined
pursuant to the General Plan for Riverside County, any applicable adopted
specific plan and Section 66474 of the Government Code. In any event, no
parcel shall be created that is below the minimum size allowed by the zoning
classification that has been applied to the parcel of land unless a variance
has been granted that allows smaller parcel sizes, or a planned residential
development that allows smaller lot sizes as a part of an overall develop-
ment has been approved by the granting of a conditional use permit.
SECTION 18.10. LOCATION OF DWELLINGS° Except in multiple
dwelling developments or where otherwise provided in this ordinance, every
dwelling shall face or front upon a street or permanent means of access to a
street, and in no event shall any dwelling face or front upon an alley.
10-19-78 108
SECTION 18.11. SIZE OF DWELLINGS. No dwelling shall be con-
structed unless it has a minimum floor living area of not less than 750.
square feet, provided, however, a larger minimum size dwelling may be
specifically required in any area of the County by an official zoning plan
map pursuant to Section 18.35 of this ordinance. Porches, garages, patios
and similar features, whether attached or detached to a dwelling, shall
not be included when calculating the floor living area.
SECTION 18.12. OFF-STREET VEHICLE PARKING. Off-street vehicle*
parking shall be provided in accordance with this section when the subject
building or structure is constructed or the use is established. Additional
off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with this section if an
existing building is altered, or dwelling units, apa~h~ents or guest rooms
are added, or a use is intensified by the addition of floor space or seating
capacity, or there is a change of use, at the time of such alteration,
addition, intensification or change of use.
10-19-78 108.1
· (a) .Location of Off-Street ?arkinq Facilities.
(1) Residential Uses. Required parking shall be located
on the same parcel of land as the residential building
which the parking is to se~,~e, and on that portion of
the parcel where the erection of garages or carports is
(2) All Other Uses. Required parking shall be located on
the same parcel of land as the use for which the off-
street parking is to serve or on an adjoining parcel of
land; except that it may be located on a parcel across
an alley if the nearest boundary of the parking facilities
is not more than 300 feet from the use it is to serve and
the parcel is in a commercial zone. Two or more com-
mercial or tndust_dal uses may Jointly develop and use
required parking facilities, but the minimum off-street
parking required for each individual use shall remain
the same and must be provided.
(b) Development Standards for Off-Street ?arkinq Facilities.
1'he following standards shall apply to the development of all
parking facilities 0 whether the space is required or optional.
(1) Surfacing. All parking areas and driveways used for
access thereto shall be surfaced as follows:
a. One and two-family residences. Where the resi-
dences are located on parcels less than 10,000
square feet in area, all parking areas and drive-
ways shall be paved with concrete, asphaltic
concrete, brick, or equal surfacing. If the parcel
is 10,000 square feet in area, or larger, all park-
ing areas and driveways may be improved with at
least three inches of decomposed granite, or equal.
b. All other uses.
1. Where 25% or more of the primary street frontage
within 660 feet in each direction from the subject
property, counting both sides of the street, is
in commercial, mobilehome park, multi-family
residential, or industrial use, all parking areas
and driveways shall be paved with:
a) Concrete surfacing with a minimum thick-
ness of 3½ inches and shall include
expansion joints, or
10-19-78 109
b) Asphaltic concrete paving compacted
to a minimum thickness of three inches
on four inches of Class 2 base. The
base thickness can be varied base on
the reconnnendations of a preliminary
soil report. The structural section
may be modified based upon the
recommendations of a Registered Civil
2. In all other cases, the parking areas
and driveways shall be treated with not
less than % gallon per square yard of
penetration coat oil, followed within
six months by application of % gallon
per square yard of seal coat oil, placed
on a base of decomposed granite, or
equal, compacted to a minimum thickness
of three inches.
6-25-82 109.1
gallon per square yard of penetration coat
oil, followed within six months by application
of ¼ gallon per square yard of seal coat oil,
placed on a base of decomposed granite, or
equal, compacted to a minimum thickness of
three inches.
c. If the property fronts on an unpaved street, all
surfacing requirements are deleted, except that
all parking areas and driveways shall be improved
with at least three inches of compacted decomposed
granite, or equal.
(2) Marking of paved or oiled parking areas.
a. H 5 or more parking spaces are provided, each space
shall be clearly marked with white paint or other
easily distinguishable material.
b. If 10 or more parking spaces are provided, and one-
way aisles are used, directional signs or arrows
painted on the surface shall be used to properly
direct traffic.
(3) Grading. All parking areas and driveways shall be graded
to prevent ponding and to minimize drainage run-off from
entering adjoining property without the permission of the
owner of the adjoining property.
(4) Lighting. Parking area lighting is not required; however,
if parking areas are lighted, such lighting facilities
shall be located, with hoods provided and adjusted, so
as to preclude the direct glare of the lights from shining
directly onto adjoining property or streets.
(5) Walls. All paved parking areas, other than those
required for residential uses, which adjoins proper~
zoned R-I, R-lA, R-2, R-2A, R-3, R-A, R-T, or R-T-A,
shall have a six-foot high solid masonry wall installed
in such manner as to preclude a view of the parking area
from such adjoining property, except that any walls
within 10 feet of any street or alley shall be 30 inches
(6) Landscaping. All parking areas shall be landscaped
a s follow s:
a. Whenever any parking area, except that provided for
one-family dwellings, adjoins a street right-of-way,
a five-foot wide planting strip between the right-of-
way and the parking area shall be established, and
continuously maintained and landscaped. ~ny plant-
ing within 10 feet of any entry or exit driveway shall
not be permitted to grow higher than 30 inches.
b. In addition, where more than 4 automobile spaces
are required on a lot or a parcel of land, not less
than 3 percent of the interior parking lot area shall
be landscaped, not including parking lots located in
enclosed structures. Planting along the exterior
10-19-78 110
perimeter of a parking lot will not be considered as
a part of the 3 percent interior landscaping. At
~ least one five-gallon size tree for every l0 spaces
or major fraction thereof shall be included in the
development of the landscaping program. All open
areas between any curbs, walls, and the property
line shall be permanently landscaped with suitable
materials and maintained.
c. All landscape planter beds in interior parking areas
shall be not less than 3 feet in width and bordered
by a concrete curb not less than 6 inches or more
than-8 inches in height adjacent to the parking surface
d. Landscaped areas shall be distributed throughout the
entire parking area as evenly as is appropriate in the
design of the parking facility.
e. A sprir~ler system shall be installed in all land-
scaped areas to insure the proper maintenance of
plant materials. Hose bibs shall be placed at
intervals of not less than 200 feet.
f. Where trees already exist, the parking lot shall be
designed to make the best use of this existing
growth and shade.
g. No parking space shall be located within 3 feet of
any property line. Any open areas in the interiors
so formed shall be landscaped with appropriate
plant materials and maintained in good condition.
h. Landscaping shall include shrubs, trees, vines,
ground covers, hedges, flowers, bark, chips,
decorating cinders, gravel, and similar material
which will improve the appearance of parking areas.
(7) Circulation and Parking Space Layout. All parking areas
shall be designed as follows:
a. The location and dimensions of aisle areas adjacent
to parking spaces shall be arranged in accordance
with the minimum parking standards adopted by the
Planning Commission.
b. For all uses other than one-family and two-family
dwellings, the parking layout shall be arranged so
as to permit vehicles to move out of the parking
area without backing onto a street. For all uses
other than one-family and two-family dwellings,
driveways which are more than 100 feet long or
which lead to parking areas with more than 10
parking spaces shall be not less than 20 feet wide.
All other driveways shall be not less than 10 feet
! (c) Number of Required Parking Spaces. The minimum number
of off-street parking spaces to be provided is established
10-19-78 111
as follows:'
(l) One-family dwellings, one space for each dwelling.
(2) Multiple-family dwellings and apartment houses, one and
one-half spaces for each 1 bedroom unit or less, and two
and one-half spaces for each unit with 2 or more bedrooms.
(3) Hotels, motels, clubs, guest ranches, and similar
uses, one space for each guest room or apartment.
(4) Churches, auditoriums, theaters, stadiums, nightclubs,
school multipurpose rooms, and other places of public
assembly, one space for each three seats; one seat being
hereby defined as an area of 7½ square feet in the
main room or place of assembly.
(5) Hospitals, one space for each bed.
(6) Homes for the aged, sanitariums, and convalescent
homes, one space for each three beds.
(7) General business under 2000 square feet of sales or dis-
play area, one space for each 250 square feet of sales
or display area.
(8) General business with 2000 square feet or over of sales
or display area, one space for each 150 square feet of
sales or display area.
(9) Furniture and appliance stores, one space for each
750 square feet of sales or display area.
(10) Automobile, boat, mobilehome or trailer sales or rental;
retail nurseries and other commercial uses not in a
building or structure, one space for each 2000 square
feet of display area.
(11) Bowling alleys, 3 spaces for each alley.
(12) Offices, business and professional, one space for each
250 square feet of floor area, excluding public corridors
and stairways.
(13) Dining rooms, bars, taverns, restaurants, cafes, and
similar uses involving the seating and serving .of the
public, one parking space for each 45 square feet of
serving area. The serving area shall include the entire
room or rooms within which serving is conducted.
(14) Drive-in restaurants, one space for each 30 square
feet of gross floor area in the building.
(15) Industrial uses, one space for each two employees on
the largest shift, plus one space for each vehicle kept
in connection with the use.
(16) Day child care centers, one space for each two
employees plus one space for each five children the
facility is designed to accomodate.
(17) Schools, private accredited general curricular, through
ninth grade, 1½ parking spaces per classroom plus any
applicable requirement in Subparagraph (4) above.
(18) Schools, private accredited general curricular, tenth
grade through twelfth grade, ten parking spaces per
cla s sroom.
(19) Colleges, business, prolessional, and trade schools,
one space for each two students which the facility is
designed to accomodate.
"' (d) Approval of Off-Street Parkinq Plan. A plot plan, pursuant
tO the provisions of Section 18.30 of this Ordinance shall be
filed for approval of all off-street parking facilities,
except for one and two-family residences, unless the off-
street parking facilities are approved as a part of a compre-
hensive conditional use permit or plot plan approval. The
· Planning Director may, without notice or hearing, permit
modifications to the Circulation,. Landscaping, and Parking
layout requirements where topographic or other physical
: conditions make it impractical to require strict compliance
with the se requirements.
;. SECTION 18.13. LOADING SPACE. On the same lot with every build-
ing or part thereof, used for manufacturing, storage, warehousing, goods
display, department store, wholesale store, market,'hotel~ hospital, laundry,
dry cleaning or other uses similarly involving the receipt or distribution by
vehicles of materials or merchandise there shall be provided and maintained
adequate loading space for-standing and for loading and unloading service
of such size and so located and designed as to avoid undue interference with
the public use of streets and alleys. -The loading space area shall be
__ improved with a minimum structural section of six inches of Portlan
;' Cement Concrete over a suitable base.
" SECTION 18.14. SALE OF A PORTION OF A LOT. Where a lot is divided
into separate ownerships and the area of either portion is such that the
number and location of the buildings thereon no longer conform to. the lot area
requirements of the particular zone, then, in the determination of the per-
missible ntumber and location of any buildings on either potion of the lot,
both parts shall be considered as one parcel only.
SECTION 18.15. YARD REQUIREMENTS. No required yard or other
open space around an existing building, or any building hereafter erected,
shall be considered as providing a yard or other open space for any other
building on an adjoining lot or building site.
a building for dwelling purposes is erected on a lot in a zone other than the
zone in which such building for dwelling purposes is first ordinarily or
primarily permitted by this ordinance, such lot shall be sublect to the same
requirements for yards, minimum lot area and percentage of lot coverage as
are specified in this ordinance for a lot in the zone in which such building
for dwelling purposes is first ordinarily or primarily permitted. This general
..... provi, sion shall prevail over any specific setback stated in Zones C- l, lvi- 1,
A-l, A-2.
( SECTION 18.17. ACCESSORY USES. The express enumeration of per-
mitted uses in all districts shall be construed to include necessary accessory
The provisions of this Section do not apply to agricultural structures in the
A-I and A-2 Zones.
(a) A detached accessory building may occupy not more than
one-half (½) of the required rear yard.
(b) No detached accessory building shall be within five (5)
feet of the front half of an adjacent lot. For the purpose
of this regulation a depth of not more than seventy-five
(75) feet shall be deemed to be such front half of such
adjacent lot.
(c) Where the average slope of the front half of the lot is greater
than one (1) foot rise or fall in a seven (7) foot run from the
established street elevation at the property line, or where
the front half of the lot is more than four (4) feet above or
below such established street elevation, a private garage
may be built to the street and side lines.
(d) In the case of an interior lot, no detached accessory build-
lng shall be erected so as to encroach upon the front half
of the lot, provided, however, such accessory building
need not be more than seventy-five (75) feet from the street
(e) In the case of a corner lot abutting upon more than two (2)
streets, no accessory building shall be nearer any street
line than one-fifth (1/5) of the width or length of the lot.
(f) In the case of through lots, no accessory building shall
encroach upon the required front yard on either street.
(g) In mountain resort areas at altitudes above 4000 feet a
private garage in any residential zone or on premises used
for residential purposes may be constructed to the same
building setback line as is required for a dwelling on the
same premises.
(h) No detached accessory building shall be nearer than 10 feet
to the main building.
(i) For the purposes of Section 18.18, where a lot is in a zone
permitting trailers for residential purposes and where the
property is subject to deed restrictions limiting the use of
the property to trailers for residential purposes, the trailer
shall be deemed to be a main building.
SECTION 18.19. YARD ENCROACHMENTS. Where yards are required
by this ordinance, they shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to
the sky, except as follows:
(a) Outside stairways or landing places, if unroofed and unen-
closed, may extend into a required side yard for a distance
of not to exceed three (3) feet and/or into the required rear
yard a distance of not to exceed five (5) feet.
(b)Cornices, canppies, and other similar architectural features
not providing additional floor space within the building
may extend into a required yard not to exceed one (1) foot.
Eaves may.extend three (3) feet into a required yard. One
(1) pergola or one (1) covered but unenclosed passenger
landing may extend into either side yard provided it does
not reduce the side yard below five (5) feet and its depth
does not exceed twenty (20) feet.
(a) Public or semi-public buildings in Zones R-1 and R-2 may
be erected to a height not exceeding 4 stories or 60 feet
when the required yards are increased by an additional 2
feet for each foot by which the height exceeds 35 feet.
(b) Structures necessary for the maintenance and operation of
a building and flagpoles, wireless masts, chimneys or
similar structures may exceed the prescribed height limits
where such structures do not provide additional floor space.
either lot line separating such lot from a street may be designated as the
front lot line. In such cases the minimum rear yard shall be not less than
a required front yard in the zone in which such lot is located.
Through lots one hundred fifty (150) feet or more in depth may be
improved as two (2) separate lots with the dividing line midway between the
street frontages and each such resulting half shall be subject to the same
regulations, applying to the street upon which each such hah faces.
SECTION 18.22. LOTS RECORDED. Any lot shown upon an official
subdivision map or record of survey map duly i)pproved and recorded or
any lot for which a bona fide deed has been recorded prior to the effective
date of Ordinance No. 348 may be used as a building site, provided the
required yard setbacks are maintained.
SECTION 18.23. Whenever any section of this ordinance requires a
determination as to the maturity of animals, the following periods of time
shall be used to establish the age of maturity:
Classification Age of Maturity
1. Birds and poultry 6 months
2. Cattle 18 months
3. ~oats 9 months
4. Horses 24 months
5. Pigs 8 months
6. Sheep 9 months
7. Other small farm animals 6 months
SECTION 18.24. WATER WORKS FACILITIES. Water works facilities,
4-21-77 115
both public and private, intended primarily for the production and
distribution of water for irrigation purposes, shall not be subject
to any of the provisions of this ordinance.
SECTION 18.25. S~INNING POOLS. Swimming pools may be con-
structed as follows:
(a) Private swinging pools for the use of the occupants of
the premises and their nonpaying guests shall be lo-
cated not nearer than five(5) feet to any property line
or dwe 1 ling ~
(b) Ail other swimming pools shall be located not nearer
than ten(10) feet from any property line or building:
(c) A swimming pool may be constructed contrary to sub-
division (a) above when it lies partially within and
partially without a dwelling ~hich conforms with all
other provisions of this ordinance.
SECTION 18.26. PERNIT APPLICATIONS. ~he following procedures
shall apply to all applications for approval of variances, condi-
tional use permits and public use permits:
(1) APPLICATIONS. Permit applications shall be flied with
the Planning Director, accompanied by the fees as set forth
in Section 18.37 of this ordinance, in accordance with the pro-
visions Of the ordinance for the type of permit requested.
(2) SETTING HEARING. A public hearing upon an application
shall be set before the appropriate hearing body when:
(a) The Planning Director has determined that the ap-
plication complies with all ordinance require-
merits, and
(b) All procedures required by Riverside County Rules
Implementing the California Environmental Quality
Act to hear a matter have been completed.
public hearing shall be given at least 21 days prior to the
hearing by the following procedures:
(a) Mailing to all owners of real property which is located
within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the proposed
....... pr0-~ct;-~S-'Shch o~rS are-shown on' the 'last- ecmalt~a
assessment roll.
(b) Publication once in a newspaper of general circulation in
the County.
(c) The Planning Director may reqvire that additional notice be
given by posting in conspic-ous places close to the
property affected.
(4) ADMINISTRATION OF OATHS. The Chairman may require that
witnesses be sworn.
(5) HEARING AND NOTICE OF DECISION. The hearing body shall
hear relevant testimony from interested persons and make its
decision within a reasonable time after the close of the public
hearing. Notice of the decision shall be filed by the Planning
Director with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, together
with a report of the proceedings, not more than 15 days after
the decision. A copy of the notice of decision shall be mailed
to the applicant and to any person who has made a written request
for a copy of the decision. If the hearing body is unable to make
a decision, that fact shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board in
the same manner for reporting decisions and shall be considered
as a notice of denial of the application by the hearing body. The
Clerk of the Board shall place the notice of the decision on the
next agenda of the Board of Supervisors held 5 or more days after
the Clerk receives the notice from the Planning Director.
of the hearing body is considered final and no action by the Board
of Supervisors is required unless, within 7 days after the notice of
decision appears on the Board's agenda, the applicant or an inter-
ested person files an appeal, accompanied by the fee set forth in
Section 18.37, with the Clerk of the Board or unless the Board
sumes Jurisdiction by ordering the matter set for public hearing.
If a timely appeal is filed or the Board assumes Jurisdiction, the
Clerk of the Board shall set the matter for public hearing before
the Board not less than 13 nor more than 60 days thereafter and
shall give notice of the time and place of the hearing in the same
manner as notice was given of the hearing before the hearing body.
visors shall hear the matter de novo; however, the documents and
the minutes of the hearing before the hearing body shall be a part
of the Board's record at its hearing on the matter. The Board shall
hear relevant testimony from interested persons and within a reason-
able time after the close of the hearing, make its decision sustaining,
reversing or modifying the decision of the hearing body.
(a) Whenever any person desires to obtain a transcript of the oral pro-
ceedings of a public hearing before the Board of Supervisors, Plan-
ning Commission or Area Planning Council, or desires to have a
record made of such proceedings, he shall, not less than 7 days
before the hearing, notify in writing the Clerk of the Board, if the
- hearing is before the Board, or the Secretary of the Planning Com-
mission if the hearing is before the Commission or a Council. The
written request shall be accompanied by a deposit of a sum equal to
one (1) day's fee fo~ a Court Reporter. The Clerk or Secretary shall
thereupon arrange to have a Court Reporter present at the hearing.
If the hearing is thereafter continued to another day, a like request,
deposit and arrangement for a Court Reporter shall be made, if the
record is desired. Such a person may directly arrange for attendance
and payment of a Court Reporter instead of making such arrange-
ments through the Clerk or Secretary by the person desiring the same.
(b) Whenever any person desires to obtain a Clerk's transcript of the
documents involved in a proceeding before the Board of Supervisors,
the Planning Commission or Area Planning Council, he shall make
a written request to the Clerk of the Board, if the matter is before
the Board of Supervisors or to the Secretary of the Planning Commis-
sion, if the matter is before the Planning Commission or an Area
Planning Council. The Clerk or Secretary shall determine the number
of pages involved and require payment in advance for the transcript
at the current rate.
a. BASIS FOR VARIANCE. Variances from the terms of this ordinance
may be g~anted when· because of special circumstances applicable
to a parcel of property · including size · shape · topography · location
or surroundings, the strict application of this ordinance deprives
such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity
that is under the same zoning classification.
A variance shall not be granted for a parcel of property which
authorizes a use or activity that is not otherwise expressly authorized
by the zone regulation governing the parcel of property, but shall be
limited to modifications of property development standards, such as
lot size, lot coverage, yards, and parking and landscape requirements.
b. APPLICATION. Application for a variance shall be made in writing
to the Planning Director on the forms provided by the Planning Depart-
ment and shall be accompanied by the fees set forth in Section 18.37
of this ordinance. If the use for which the v~rlance is sought also
requires, approval of a conditional or public use permit pursuant to the
provisions of this ordinance or approval of a land division pursuant
to the land division ordinance, the two applications shall be filed con-
1. Applications for a variance that do not require an approval of a
conditional or public use permit or land division ordinance ap-
proval shall supply the following information:
(a) Name and address of the applicant.
(b) Evidence of ownersktp of the premises or written permission of
the owner to make the application.
(c) A statement of the specific provisions of the ordinance for which
the variance is requested and the variance that is requested.
(d)A plot and development plan drawn in sufficient detail to clearly
describe the following:
(1) Physical dimensions of property and structures.
(2) Location of existing and proposed structures.
(3) Setbacks.
(4) Methods of circulation.
(5) Ingress and egress.
(6) Utilization of property under the requested permit.
9-25-80 llS(Next page is 120)
(e) Such additional information as shall be re-
/'' quired by the application form.
2. Applications for a variance that also require approval
of a permit or land division, shall be accepted
for filing only if the principal application is
accepted, and shall set forth the specific pro-
visions of the ordinance for which the variance
is being requested.
3. If the application for a variance is in connection
with a land division pursuant to the land division
ordinance, the application shall be construed to
be a waiver of any shorter time limitations on
processing both a variance and a land division:
including time limitations on appeals of either
application, so that both applications are pro-
cessed in the public hearing held under Section
18.26 as one unit to final decision.
c. PUBLIC HEARING. A public hearing shall be held on all
variance applications in accordance with the provisions
of Section 18.26, and all of the procedural require-
ments and rights of appeal as set forth therein shall
govern the hearing. All public hearings on variances
shall be heard by the Area Planning Council having
jurisdiction thereof, except variances in connection
with a request for approval of a land division pur-
suant to t~e land division ordinance, which shall be
heard by the Advisory Agency that has jurisdiction over
the proposed land division.
d. CONDITIONS. Any variance granted shall be subject to
such conditions as are necessary so that the adjust-
ment does not constitute a grant of special privileges
that is inconsistent with the limitations upon other
properties in the vicinity and zone in which the
property is situated, and which are necessary to pro-
tect the health, safety and general welfare of the
co,u, unity.
e. USE OF VARIANCE. Any variance that is granted shall
be used within one year from the effective date
thereof, or within such a. dditional time as may be
set in the conditions of approval, which shall not
exceed a total of 3 years, except that a variance
- in connection with a land division may be used dur-
ing the same period of time that the land division
approval may be used~ otherwise the variance
shall be null and void. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a vari-
ance is required to be used within less than three (3) years, the
permittee may, prior to its expiration, request an extension of time
in which to use the variance. A request for extension of time shall
be made to the Board of Supervisors, on forms provided by the Plan-
ning Department and shall be filed with the Planning Director. accom-
panied by a fee as set forth in Section 18.37 of this ordinance. With-
in 30 days following the filing of a request for an extension, the Plan-
ning Director shall review the application, make a recommendation
thereon, and forward the matter to the Clerk of the Board, who shall
place the matter on the regular agenda of the Board. An extension of
time may be granted by the Board upon a determination that valid
reason exists for permittee not using the variance within the required
period of time. If an extension is granted, the total time allowed for
use of the variance shall not exceed a period'of three (3) years, calcu-
lated from the effective date of the issuance of the variance. The term
muse" shall mean the beginning of substantial construction for which
the variance has been granted, which construction must thereafter be
pursued diligently to completion, or the actual occupancy of existing
buildings or land under the terms of the authorized variance, or the
recording of the final or parcel map in connection with an approved
land division. The effective date of a variance shall be determined
pursuant to Section 18.26 of this ordinance.
f. REVOCATION OF VARIANCE. Any variance granted may be revoked
upon the findings and procedure contained in Section 18.31.
SECTION 18.28. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS. Whenever any section of
this ordinance requires that a conditional use permit be granted prior to the estab-
lishment of a use, the following provisions shall take effect:
(a) APPLICATION. Every application for a conditional use permit shall
be made in writing to the Planning Director on the forms provided by
the Planning Department, shall be accompanied by the filing fee as
set forth in Section 18.37 of this ordinance and shall include the fol-
lowing information:
(1) Name and address of the applicant.
(2) Evidence that he is the owner of the premises involved or that he
has written permission of the owner to make such application.
(3)A plot and development plan drawn in sufficient detail to clearly
describe the following:
a. Physical dimensions of property and structures.
b. Location of existing and proposed structures.
c. Setbacks.
d. Methods of circulation.
e. Ingress and egress.
f. Utilization of property under the requested permit.
(4) Such additional information as shall be required by the application
(b) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. When the application is Iora con-
ditional use permit to establish a mobilehome park, travel trailer
park or recreational trailer park, the following additional infor-
mation is required as part of the application:
(I)A written statement from the Riverside County Health Department
stating that a water company has agreed in writing to serve all
spaces within the park or that the applicant has an acceptable
application for a water company permit on file with the State
Department of Public Health or the County Department of Public
Health, or the applicant has agreed in writing to form a domestic
water company to serve the mobilehome park, travel trailer park
or recreational trailer park.
(2) A written statement from the Riverside County Health Officer
stating the type of sewage disposal that will be permitted. To
aid in this determination, the Health Officer may require soil
percolation tests or other pertinent information
(c) (Deleted)
(d) PUBLIC HEARING. A public hearing shall be held on the application
for a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of
Section 18.26, and all of the procedural requirements and rights of
appeal as set forth therein shall govern the hearing.
(e) cONDITIONS. A conditional use permit shall not be granted unless
the applicant demonstrates that the proposed use will not be detrimental
to the health, safety or general welfare of the community. Any permit
that is granted shall be subject to such conditions as shall be neces-
sary to protect the health, safety or general, welfare of the community.
(f) USE OF PERMIT. Any conditional use permit that is granted shall be
used within one (1) year from the effective date thereof, or within such
additional time as may be set in the conditions Of approval, which shall
not exceed a total of 3 years; otherwise, the permit shall be null and
void. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a permit is required to be used
within less than 3 years, the permittee may, prior to its expiration, re-
quest an extension of time in which to use the permit. A request for
extension of time shall be made to the Board of Supervisors, on forms
provided by the Planning Department and shall be filed with the Plan-
ning Director, accompanied by the fee set forth in Section 18.37 of
this ordinance. Within 30 days following the filing of a request for an
extension, the Planning Director shall review the application, make a
recommendation thereon, and forward the matter to the Clerk of the Board,
who shall place the matter on the regular agenda of the Board. An ex-
tension of time may be granted by the Board upon a determination that
valid reason exists for permittee not using the permit within the required
period of time. If an extension is granted, the total time allowed for
use of the permit shall not exceed a period of 3 years, calculated from
the effective date of the issuance of the permit. The term "use" shall
mean the beginning of substantial construction of the use that is authori-
zed, which construction must thereafter be pursued diligently to
completion, or the actual occupancy of existing buildings or land
under the terms of the authorized use. The effective date of a permit
shall be determined pursuant to Section 18.26.
(g) REVOCATION OF PERMIT. Any conditional use permit granted may be
revoked upon the findings and procedure contained in Section 18.31.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance, the following
uses may be permitted in any zone classification provided that a public
use permit is granted pursuant to the provisions of this section:
(1) Educational institutions.
(2) Churches, temples and other places of religious worship.
(3) Government uses.
(4)Any hospital or other facility that is licensed by the California
Department of Public Health, or by the California Department of
Mental Hygiene, not including a family care, foster home or group
home that serves six or fewer persons.
(5)Any home or other facility for the aged or for children that is licensed
by the California Department of Social Welfare or by the Riverside
County Department of Public Welfare, not including a home or facil-
ity that serves six or fewer children or aged persons.
(6) Half way house.
(7) Public Utilities.
(b) APPLICATION. Every application for a public use permit shall be made
in writing to the Planning Director on the forms provided by the Planning
Department, shall be accompanied by a filing fee as set forth in Section
18.37 of this ordinance, and shall include the following information:
(1) Name and address of the applicant.
(2) Evidence that he is the owner of the premises involved or that he
has written permission of the owner to make such application.
(3)A plot and development plan drawn in sufficient detail to clearly
de s cribe the follow ing:
a. Physical dimensions of property and structures.
b. Location of existing and proposed structures.
c. Setbacks.
d. Methods of circulation.
e. Ingress and egress.
f. Utilization of property under the requested permit.
(4) Such additional information as shall be required by the application
form o
(c) PUBLIC HEARING. A public hearing shall be held on the application
for a public use permit in accordance with the provisions of Section
18.26 and all of the procedural requirements and rights of appeal as
set forth therein shall govern the hearing.
123(Next page is 125)
(d) CONDITIONS. A public use permit shall not be granted unless the
applicant demonstrates that the proposed use will not be detrimental
to the health, safety or general welfare of the community. Any per-
~ mit that is granted shall be subject to such conditions as shall be
necessary to protect the health, safety or general welfare of the core-
m unity.
(e) USE OF PERMIT. Any public use permit that is granted shall be used
within one (1) year from the effective date thereof, or within such
additional time as may be set in the conditions of approval, which
shall not exceed a total of 3 years; otherwise, the permit shall be
null and void Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a permit is required
to be used within less than 3 years, the permittee may, prior to its
expiration, request an extension of time in which to use the permit.
A request for extension of time shall be made to the Board of Super-
visors, on forms provided by the Planning Department and shall be
filed with the Planning Director, accompanied by a fee as set forth in
Section 18.37 of this ordinance. Within 30 days following the filing
of a request for an extension, the Planning Director shall review the
application, make a recommendation thereon, and forward the matter
to the Clerk of the Board, who shall place the matter on the regular
agenda of the Board. An extension of time may be granted by the
Board upon a determination that valid reason exists for permittee not
using the permit within the required period of time. If an extension
-- is granted, the total time allowed for use of the permit shall not ex-
ceed a period of 3 years, calculated from the effective date of the
issuance of the permit. The term "use" shall mean the beginning of
substantial construction of the use that is authorized, which con-
struction must thereafter be pursued diligently to completion, or the
actual occupancy of existing buildings or land under the terms of the
authorized use. The effective date of a permit shall be determined
pursuant to Section 18.26.
(f) REVOCATION OF PERMIT. Any public use permit granted may be re-
voked upon the findings and procedure contained in Section 18 31.
SECTION 18.30. PLOT PLANS. The following procedures shall apply to
all applications for approval of a plot plan that is required by any section of the
(a) CLASSIFICATION OF PLOT PLANS. Plot plans are classified as fol-
(1) Plot plans that are not subject to the California Environmental
Quality Act and are not transmitted to any governmental agency
other than the Riverside County Planning Department for review
and comment.
(2) Plot plans that are not subject to the California Environmental
(~uality Act and are transmitted to one or more governmental
agencies other than the Riverside County Planning Department.
(3) Plot plans that are subject to the California Environmental Ouality
(1) Filing. Applications for consideration of a
plot plan shall be made to the Planning Director
on the forms provided by the Planning Department,
shall be accompanied by that filing fee set forth in
Section 18.37 of this ordinance and shall include such
information and documents as may be required by the
Planning Director, in addition to the following:
a. Name and address of the applicant and all per-
sons that own any part of the subject prop-
erty, including evidence that all owners agree
to the application.
b. Location or address, and legal description of
subject property.
c. A plot plan, drawn to scale, that shows the
1. Boundary and dimensions of property.
2. Topography of the property.
3. Location of adjacent streets, drainage
structures, utilities, buildings, signs,
and other features that may affect the
use of the property.
4. Proposed development, including planned
buildings and structures, access, drain-
age, yards, drives, parking areas, land-
scaping, signs and walls or fences.
-- d. If the application requires a public hearing,
~ a list of the names and addresses of all
owners of real property located within 300
feet of the exterior boundaries of the prop-
erty to be considered, as shown on the last
equalized assessment roll and any update
issued by the County Assessor.
(2) Environmental Clearance. No application that re-
quires compliance with the Riverside County Rules
Implementing the California Environmental Quality
Act shall be considered at a public hearing until
all procedures required by the rules to hear a
matter are completed.
(c) REQUIREMENTS FOR APPROVAL. No plot plan shall be ap-
proved unless it complies with the following standards:
(1) The proposed use must conform to all the require-
ments of the General Plan for Riverside County
and with all applicable requirements of State law
and the ordinances of Riverside County.
(2) The overall development of the land shall be de-
signed for the protection of th% public health,
safety and general welfare; to conform to the
logical development of the land and to be com-
patible with the present and future logical devel-
opment of the surrounding property. The plan
shall consider the location and need for dedica-
tion and improvement of necessary streets and
sidewalks, including the avoidance of traffic
congestion~ and shall take into account topo-
graphical and drainage conditions, including the
need for dedication and improvements of necessary
structures as a part thereof.
~ (3) All plot plans which permit the construction of
more than one structure on a single legally di-
vided parcel shall, in addition to all other re-
quirements, be subject to a condition which pro-
hibits the sale of any existing or subsequently
constructed structures on the parcel until the
parcel is divided and a final map recorded in
accordance with Riverside County Ordinance No.
460 in such a manner that each building is lo-
cated on a separate legally divided parcel.
(1) Plot Plans Not Requiring Public Hearing. The
Planning Director shall approve, conditionally
approve or disapprove a plot plan based upon the
standards in subsection (.c) within 30 days after
accepting a completed application and give notice
of the decision, including any required conditions
of approval, by mail, to the applicant and any
other persons request~n_g_ notice.
(2) Plot Plans Requiring Hearing.
a. The Planning Director shall hol~ a public hearing on all
plot plans for which a negative declaration or an EIR is
prepared pursuant to the Riverside County Rules Implement-.
-- lng the California Environmental Quality Act. Notice of
th~ time, ~a~e a~d ~ ~ ~ p.LLi~ hearin~ shall b~
given at least 21 days ~rior to the hearing by the
following procedures=
(1) Mailing to all owners of real property which is
located within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries
of the parcel to be considered, as such owners are
-- ~h~wn-~ th~ last eguali=cfl aszessment roll.
(2) Publication once in a newspaper of general circulati~
in the County.
(3) The Planning Director may require that additional
notice given, by pojti.ng, in c~nspicuous places close
to the property affected. -
(e) 'APPEALS. An applicant or any other interested party
may appeal from the decision of the Planning Director
by the following procedure:
(l) Appeal to Planning Council. Within 15 calendar
...... days after the date of the mailing of the decision
by the Plannino ~_irector, an appeal, in '~ritinq.
may be made to the Planning Council having 3urns-
diction, on the form provided by the Planning
i,. Department, which shall be accompanied by a filing
fee as set forth in Section 18.37 of this ordinance. Upon
receipt of a completed appeal, the Planning Director
· ' shall set the matter for hearing before the Planning Council an¢
shall give written notice of the hearing, by
mall, to the applicant and appellant if the
plot plan did not require a public hearing. If
the plot plan requires a public hearing, notice
Of the appeal shall be given in the same manner
that notice was given for the original hearing.
All appeals that are within the area jurisdiction
of the East Area Planning Council shall be heard
by that Council; all other appeals shall be heard
by the West Area Planning Council.
(2} ADpeal to the Board of Supervisors. Within 15
calendar days after the date of the mailing of
the Plannlng Council's decision, the appellant
may appeal that decision, in writing, to the
Board of Supervisors, on the forms provided by
the Planning Department, which shall be accom-
panied by a filing fee of $25.00. Upon receipt
of a completed appeal, the Clerk of the Board
shall set the matter for hearing before the
Board of Supervisors not less than 5 days nor
more than 30 days thereafter and shall give
written notice of the hearing to the appellant
and the Planning Director. The Board of Super-
visors shall render its decision within 30 days
following the close of the hearing on the appeal.
(f) 'APPROVAL PERIOD. The approval of a plot plan shall
be valid for a period of one year from its effective
date, within which time the construction authorized
must be substantially begun or the occupancy author-
ized be in use; otherwise, the approval shall be
void and of no further effect.
(a) Any conditional use permit, public use permit or
variance granted pursuant to this ordinance may be
revoked by the Director of Building and Safety upon
his finding that one or more of the following con-
ditions for revocation exist.
(1) That the use is detrimental to the public health,
safety or general welfare, or is a public nuisance.
(2) That the permit was obtained by fraud or perjured
res timony.
(3)That the use is being conducted in violation of
the terms and conditions of the permit.
(4) That the use for which the permit was granted has
ceased or has been sdspe~ded for one year or more.
(b) Upon determination by the Director of Building and Safety
5 -8 -80
that grounds for revocation exist, the following procedure shall take
(1) NOTICE OF REVOCATION. Notice of revocation and a copy of
the findings of the Director of Building and Safety shall be mailed
by the Director by certified mail to the owner of the property to which
the permit or variance applies, as shown by the records of the Assesso:
o! Riverside County. The decision of the Director of Building and
Safety shall be final unless a notice of appeal is timely filed.
(2) NOTICE OF APPEAL. Within 30 days following the mailing of the
notice of revocation, the owner of the property subject to the per-
mit or variance may file a notice of appeal from the decision of
Director of Building and Safety with the Planning Director.
(3) SETTING HEARING. Upon receipt of the owner's notice of appeal
and the filing fee required by Section 18.37 of this ordinance, the
Planning Director shall set the matter for hearing within 30 days
before the hearing body having jurisdiction, to determine if grounds
exist for the revocation of the permit or variance.
(4) TESTIMONY UNDER OATH. All testimony' at the hearing shall be
taken under Oath.
(5) NOTICE OF DECISION. Notice of the Area Planning Council's
decision and a report of the proceedings shall be filed with the
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors not later than 15 days following
the date the decision ts adopted. A copy of the notice and the re-
port shall be mailed to the applicant and proof of such mailing shall
be indicated on the original notice filed with the Clerk of the Board
of Supervisors. If the Area Planning Council does not reach a
decision due to a tie vote, such fact shall be reported to the Board
of Supervisors in the same manner and within the same time for
reporting decisions and such failure to reach a decision shall con-
stitute affirmance of the Building Director's revocation of the permit
or variance.
Board of Supervisors shall place the Notice of Decision on the
Board's agenda for the next regular meeting to be held following
the lapse of 5 days after the Notice is ~iled with the Board.
cation or non-revocation of a permit or variance by the Area
Planning Council shall be final unless, within seven (7) days
following the matter at which the Notice of Decision was on the
agenda of the Board of Supervisors, the following occurs: -
a. An appeal to the Board of Supervisors Is made by
the owner of the property which is the subject of
the revocation proceedings, or
b. The Board of Supervisors orders the matter trans-
ferred to it for further proceedings.
VISORS. If either of the actions mentioned in paragraphs
a. and b. of Subsection 7 above are taken, the Board
of Supervisors may:
a. Refuse to review the Area Planning Council's
decision, in which case the decision shall be
final, or
b. Review a transcript or recording of the testimony
and all other evidence introduced before the Area
Planning Council, and, based upon that record,
affirm or reverse the decision of the Area Planning
Council or refer the matter back to the Area Plan-
ning Council for the taking of further evidence or
hearing additional argument in which case notice
shall be given to the owner of the property which
is the subject of the proceedings, or
c. Set the matter for hearing before itself. At such
hearing the Board of Supervisors shall hear and
decide the matter de novo as if no prior hearing
had been held.
of the Board of Supervisors on revocation of a permit or
variance is final.
SECTION 18.32. TIME LIMIT. Whenever by the terms of this Ordinance
or a provision of any permit or variance thereunder, a period is fixed within
which an act is required or permitted to be performed and the last day of
such period falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, then the next suc-
ceeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday shall be deemed the
last day of such period. If, by such provisions, any document is required
to be filed with the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission or other
body or officer, filing the same with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
shall be deemed filing with said Board, filing in the office of the Planning
Director shall be deemed filing with said Commission, filing with the
Secretary of such other body or in its office shall be deemed filing with such
body, and filing in the office of such officer shall be deemed filing vdth him.
If by any such provision a time limit for the performance of an act is per-
mitted to be extended or the period renewed, such renewal or extension, to
be effective, must be sought and obtained prior to the expiration of the time
LAND. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance, the follow-
8-29-78 129
lng matters may, without notice or public hearing, be approved, conditionally
approved or denied in accordance with the following procedure:
(a) The Planning Director may approve, conditionally approve or deny:
(1) SETBACK ADJUSTMENTS. Modifications of the front, rear or side
yard minimum setback requirements of the various zone classi-
fications in this ordinance.
(2) TEMPORARY USF. S. The temporary use of land in any zone classi-
fication, when such temporary use is in conjunction with the repair
or construction of streets, highways, or public utilities, for a
period of time not to exceed 6 months.
(b) The Planning Commission may approve, conditionally approve or deny:
(1) TEMPORARY USES. The temporary use of land in any zone classi-
fication, when such temporary use is in conjunction with the repair
or construction of streets, highways or public utilities, for a period
of time in excess of six (6) months.
(c) Applications, containing all required information, shall be filed
with the Planning Director, upon the forms provided by the Planning
Department, shall be accompanied by the filing fee set forth in
Section 18.37 of this ordinance, and shall be processed pursuant
to the provisions of Section 18.30 of this ordinance, including the
appeal provisions thereof, except that when the application is for
a temporary use for a period of time in excess of 6 months, the
Planning Director shall make a recommendation only, which shall
be submitted to the Planning Commission for decision.
(d) No request for a setback adjustment shall be granted unless it is
determined that the adjustment is consistent with the intent and pur-
poses of this ordinance; that there are special circumstances appli-
cable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topo-
graphy, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the
adjustment of the setback requirement, and that the adjustment will
not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the
community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of the parcel
for which the adjustment is requested.
(e) No request for a temporary use of land shall be granted unless it
is determined that the temporary use of the land will not be detrimen-
tal to the health, safety or general welfare of the community or
be detrimental to property in the vicinity of the parcel for which
the temporary use is requested.
(f) As a condition to approval of a setback adjustment or a
temporary use of land, the performance of such conditions
may be required as are determined to be necessary to
assure that the granting of the adjustment or use will not
be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare
of the community or be detrimental to property in the
vicinity of the parcel for which the request is made
including the following conditions:
(1) Regulations of points of vehicle ingress and egress to
the property.
(2) Require any necessary landscaping, fencing Or walls.
(3) Require the restoration of the property to a natural
appearance, including, but not limited to filling,
grading and levelling.
(4) Establish a time period within which the permission is to
be used and required conditions are to be completed.
SECTION 18.34. STRUCTURE HEIGHT. When any zoning classification
provides that an application for a greater height limit'may be made pursuant
to this section, the following alternative procedures may be used to determine
if the request shall be granted:
1. An application for a zone change may request a greater
height limit in accordance with the limitations of the
zoning classification. The specific height limit requested
shall be included in all notices regarding the zone change
and, if granted, the zoning placed upon the land shall
specifically state the allowed height limit.
2. An application for a conditional use permit or public use
permit for a specific use, may include a request for a
greater height limit in accordance with the limitations
of the zoning classification. The specific height limit
requested shall be included in all notices regarding the
permit, and, if granted, the permit shall specifically
state the allowed height limit.
3. For structures other than buildings, an application for a
greater height limit in accordance with the limitations of
the zoning classification may be made to the Planning
Director pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.30 of
this ordinance. If granted, the approved plot plan shall
specifically state the allowed height limit.
8-29-78 13!
SECTION 18.35. ASTERISK. When an asterisk (*) or any other
character follows the zoning symbol on any official zoning plan map, the
required minimum lot area, minimum area per dwelling unit, lot frontage,
size of dwelling, yard requirement, and structure height, or any of such
requirements, for the areas upon the map so marked, shall be as set forth
in the legend upon such map, notwithstanding any other provisions of
this ordinance.
(a) Whenever a Specific Plan for a highway has been adopted
by the County of Riverside, all requirements of this ordinance relating
to highway right of way lines shall be calculated from the adopted
planned future right of way line. No building, structure or other
J~'provement shall be constructed within the described planned right
of way lines, and no building permit shall be issued therefor, except
as hereinafter set forth.
(b) The following improvements shall be permitted to be con-
structed within the described planned right of way lines of a Specific
Plan, provided that they are appurtenant to a permitted use that is
conducted on an abutting parcel; that any required encroachment per-
mit pursuant to Ordinance No. 499 is first approved, and further
provided that an approved plot plan is granted pursuant to Section
18.30 of this Ordinance:
(1) Pedestrian access walkways.
(2) Vehicular access driveways.
(3) Fences not exceeding 30 inches in height.
(4) Landscaping that includes planters.
(5) Off-street parking areas, including parking spaces, drives,
aisles, turning and maneuvering areas, bumper stops or
wheelstops. Off-street parking within a Specific Plan area
shall not be credited toward providing required parking area
pursuant to Section 18.12 of this Ordinance.
(6) Lights to illuminate off-sWeet parking areas, pedestrian walk-
ways, vehicular access driveways, landscaped areas or
(7) Unlighted or nonflashing lighted directional signs located at
public entrances to, or exits from, off-street parking areas.
(8) Unlighted or nonflashing lighted single or double-faced
signs not exceeding 100 square feet in display area per
face, identifying a building or the merchandise or activity
available on the abutting premises; provided that:
a. The sign is necessary to a business to achieve visibility
or identification of the business by the traveling public
that is substantially equal to that of existing businesses
in the area.
b. The sign is a permitted use in the zone and does not
project over or extend into the existing street right
of way.
10-2-75 132
c.Not more than one such sign shall be permitted
on any lot or parcel.
d. The plot plan approval shall clearly fix the pro-
' posed location, size, shape and elevation of the
sign with respect to the lot or parcel on which
it iS tO be erected.
(c) As a condition to the final approval of a plot plan,
the applicant shall sign an agreement that he will
remove any such permitted improvements within 45 days
from the date of mailing of a written request to do so
by the Road Commissioner of the County of Riverside.
The applicant shall further agree that if the permit-
ted improvements are not removed within said 45 day
period, they shall become the property of the County
of Riverside or the public agency.having jurisdiction
over the right of way. The agreement shall be bind-
ing upon the applicant, his heirs, successors and
(d) All the provisions of Section 18.30 relating to appeals
from a plot plan decision shall apply to permits to
construct improvements within planned right of way lines.
(a) The follo~ring fees shall be paid to the Planning
Director and deposited into the general fund, the fund
--. of the Flood Control District or agency that provides
the flood hazard report and the appropriate road or
~ gas tax fund:
(1) C~an · of~
[ ~en~a~ ~und $1,180.00
b. Flood Control District' $ 75.00
c. Road Department $ 100.00
(2) General Pl~ ~nendment
a. General Fund $1,730.00 plus
$10.00 per gross acre
b. Road Department $ 140.00
(3) Specific Plan of Land Use
a. General Fund $4,380.00 plus
$10.00 per gross acre
b. Flood Control $ 335.00
c. Road Department $ 450.00
(4) Conditional Use Per,nit
a. General Fund $1,025.00
b. Road Department $ 400.00
" c. Flood Control District $ 270.00 plus
$ 2.00 per lot or site
9-18-81 133
(5)Conditional Use Permit (Mobile Home Parkr
R. V. Park)
a. General Fund $1,025.00 plus
-- $10.00 per lot or site
b. Road Department $ 400.00
c. Flood Control District $ 270.00 plus
$ 2.00 per lot or site
(6) Public Use Permits
a. General Fund $1,025.00
'b. Road Department $ 400.00
(7) Variances
a. General Fund $ 825.00
b. Road Department $ 400.00
Applications for Variances filed Simultaneously
(8)~.Kith an A lication for A royal of a Lan~rmite
a. General Fund ~ 500.00
b. Road Department $ 50.00
· (9)' Plot Plan Approvals that are not Exempt from
the C~lifornia Environmental quality Act
a. General Fund $ 275.00
b. Road Department $ 400.00
c. Flood Control District $ 160.00
i' (10) Plot Plans that are Exempt from the California
ot or
a. General Fund $ 200.00
b. Road Department $ 400.00
c. Flood Control District $ 160.00
(11) P10t Plans that are Exempt from the California
Environmental quglity Act and are not Reviewed
by any Governmental A~encies other than the
Riverside County Planning Department
a. Planning Department $ 75.00
(12)Temporary Uses for a Period of Time not to
Exceed Six (6) Months
a. Planning Department $ 100. O0
(13) Setback Adjustment~
a. General Fund $ 100.00
9-18-81 133.1
(l&) All A eals to Plannin Commission,
a. General Fund $ 1 75.00
b. Road Department
Only if Road Conditions
Appealed $ 50.00
(15) Ce.rti~icate o.~ Zonin Com liance--
(16) Hobilehome on Fouadat:l. on
a. Genera[ Fund ~ 2.5.00
(17) Extension of Time-Variancesf
Conditional and Public Use
a. General Fund $ 25.00
9-18-81 133.2
[a) Matters Requiring Public Hearing. Whenever an application
for a change of zone, or for a permit or variance that requires
a public hearing, is terminated for any reason, upon request
of the applicant a refund of fees paid may be made by the~'
Planning Department in accordance with the following
schedule. If any portion of the application fee has been
paid out by the Planning Department to another Jurisdiction
for services to be rendered in connection with
application, no refund of that portion of the fee shall be
made by the Planning Department to the applicant.
% of RefUnd
(1) Application accepted by the department,
fee not receipted 100~
(2) Application accepted and fee receipted
by department, but no processing begun 90~
'-, ~ (3) Application processed, but public hearing
.- not advertised or noticed 509~ ~-'"
(4) Public hearing advertised or noticed but
hearing not held 20%
... (5) Public hearing held by Planning Commission 0% ~'~
MANURE). The following regulations shall apply to the commercial stock- .,
piling, drying, mechanical processing and sale of farm animal manure (with-/_
the exception of poultry operations) produced on the premises, in any zone'
that permits such use:
(a) The minimum parcel size on which such fertilizer pro-
cessing operation will be permitted is ten gross acres
with a minimum parcel width of 660 feet.
(b) Driveways and employee parking areas shall be surfaced
with an asphaltic penetration coat at the rate of 1/2 '-
gallon per square yard followed in six months by an
asphaltic seal coat.
(c) There shall be no manufacturing of chemical additives
on the premises.
(d} Inorganic chemical additives shall be limited to ten per-
cent by volume of the organic manure processed.
{e) The use shall comply with all requirements of the Riverside_
County Health Department and the Riverside County Air
( Pollution Control District and the State Regional Water
Quality Control Board. "
(f) Hanure stockpiles shall be maintained at least
150 feet from any road right of way and 35 feet
from side and rear property lines.
..... (g) No manure stockpile shall exceed a height of 25
/ fee~.
(h) Stockpiles shall be shaped to a one to four mini-
mum slope to prevent detrimental water seepa§e
into the ground and minimize the stockpile area
subject to rainfall.
(i) There shall be no draining of runoff water from
any stockpile area onto adjoining properties.
SECTION 18.40. (Repealed)
Amended Effective:
1-15-64 (Ord. 348.251) 6-03-75 (Ord. 348.1457)
3-10-64 (Ord. 348.261) 10-02-75 (Ord. 348.1669)
4-15-64 (Ord. 348.265) 10-23-75 (Ord. 348.1468)
11-10-65 (Ord. 348.401) 12-10-75 (Ord. 348.1481)
1-19-66 (Ord. 348.422) 11-11-76 (Ord. 348.1536)
6-16-66 (Ord. 348.446) 1-20-77 (Ord. 348.1540)
7-06-66 (Ord. 348.455) 2-03-77 (Ord. 348.1545)
9-27-67 (Ord. 348.528) 4-21-77 (Ord. 348.1564)
11-15-67 (Ord. 348.531 & 3-13-78 (Ord. 348.1626)
_. Ord. 348.532) 6-27-78 (Ord. 348.1658)
: 12-06-67 (Ord. 348.533 & 8-29-78 (Ord. 348.1664)
, Ord. 348.534) 10-19-78 (Ord. 348.1667)
2-21-68 (Ord. 348.545) 6-12-79 (Ord. 348.1688)
4-17-68 (Ord. 348.556) 7-05-79 (Ord. 348.1697)
2-26-69 (Ord. 348.609) 9-20-79 (Ord. 348.1717)
7-16-69 (Ord. 348.638) 5-08-80 (Ord. 368.1785)
10-15-69 (Ord. 368.636) 9-25-80 (Ord. 348.1855)
4-15-70 (Ord. 348.709) 1-08-81. (Ord. 368.1901)
9-23-70 (Ord. 368.777) 1-22-81 (Ord. 348.1908)
9-30-70 (Ord. 368.783) 7-02-81 (Ord. 348.1951 &
3-24-71 (Ord. 368.861) Ord. 348.1965)
7-11-71 (Ord. 348.905) 8-28-81 (Ord. 348.1989)
8-25-71 (Ord. 368.910) 9-18-81 (Ord. 348.2001)
3-30-72 (Ord. 368.1009) 3-16-82 (Ord. 348.2074)
5-04-72 (Ord. 348.1023) 6-25-82 (Ord. 348.2087)
1-25-73 (Ord. 368.1125) 7-22-82 (Ord. 348.2088)
4-05-73 (Ord. 348.1173)
9-13-73 (Ord. 348.1201)
7-09-74 (Ord. 368.1368) _
11-07-74 (Ord. 348.1377)
3-06-75 (Ord. 348.1411)
6-03-75 (Ord. 368.1635)
SECTION 19.1. All outdoor advertising displays and on-site adver-
tising structures and signs in the unincorporated area of the County of
Riverside shall conform to the applicable provisions of this Article. If any
specific zoning classification contained within this ordinance shall impose
more stringent requirements than are set forth in this Article, the more
stringent provisions shall be required.
SECTION 19.2. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this ordinance, the
following words or phrases shall have the following definitions.
(a) "Outdoor Advertising Display" means advertising struc-
tures and signs used for outdoor advertising purposes,
not including on-site advertising signs as hereinafter
(b) "Outdoor Advertising Structure" means a structure of any
kind or character erected or ~r, aintained for outdoor adver-
tising purposes, upon which any poster, bill, printing,
painting or other advertisement of any kind whatsoever
may be placed, including statuary, for outdoor adver-
tising purposes.
( (c) "Outdoor Advertising Sign" means any card, cloth, paper,
metal, painted, plastic or wooden sign of any character
placed for outdoor advertising purposes, on or to the
ground or any tree, wall, bush, rock, fence, building,
structure or thing, either privately or publicly owned,
other than an advertising structure.
(d) The words "Outdoor Advertising Structure" and "Outdoor
Advertising Sign" as defined in subsections (b) and (c)
do not include:
(1) Official notices issued by any court or public body
or officer;
(2) Notices posted by any public officer in performance
of a public duty or by any person In giving legal
(3) Directional, warning or information structures
required by or authorized by law or by Federal,
- ~' State or County authority; including signs neces-
sary for the operation and safety of public utility
(4) A structure erected near a city or county boundary,
which contains the name of such city or county and
the names of, or any other information regarding,
" civic, fraternal or religious organizations located
9-13-73 136
(e) "On-site Advertising Structures and Signs" means
structures and signs that are erected or maintained to
advertise goods sold, business conducted or services
rendered on the parcel of land upon which the sign is
(f) "Freeway" means a divided arterial highway for through
traffic with full control of access and with grade separa-
Lions at intersections.
(g) "Highway" means roads, streets, boulevards, lanes,
courts, places, commons, trails, ways or other rights-of-
way or easements used for or laid out and intended for the
public passage of vehicles or of vehicles and persons.
(h) "Edge of a Right-of-Way" means a measurement from the
edge of a right-of-way horizontally along a line normal
or perpendicular to the centerline of the freeway or high-
way o
(i) "Maximum Height" means the highest point of the structure
or sign measured from the average natural ground level at
the base of the supporting structure.
~) "Free Standing Sign" means any sign which is supported
by one or more columns or uprights imbedded in the ground,
and which is not attached to any building or structure.
(k) "Surface Area" means that area of outdoor advertising signs
and on-site advertising signs as measured by the smallest
geometric form such as a square, rectangle, triangle, or
circle, or combination thereof, which will encompass the
face of the sign on which the message is displayed.
(l) ' "For Sale, Lease or Rent Sign" means a sign advertising
that the property or structure upon which the sign is
located is for sale, lease, or rent.
(m) "Shopping Center" means a parcel of land not less than
3 acres in size, on which there exists 4 or more separate
business uses that have mutual parking facilities.
(n) "Directional Sign" means a sign used to direct and control
vehicular or pedestrian traffic that is located upon the
same parcel of land as the use that it is intended to serve.
erect or maintain an outdoor advertising display in the unincorporated area
of the County of Riverside, except in accordance with the following provi-
sions. The changing of an advertising message or customary maintenance of
a legally existing display shall not require a permit pursuant to this section.
(a) Standards.
(1) The zone classification of the land on which the
display is to be erected or maintained shall
specifically permit outdoor advertising displays.
(2) Each display shall be at least 500 feet from any
other such display, unless in a particular zone a
different interval shall be specified, in which
event the minimum distance between such displays
shall be not less than such interval.
(3) The maximum surface area of the display shall not
exceed 300 square feet.
(4) The maximum height of the display shall not exceed
25 feet.
(5) No display shall be affixed on or over the roof of
any building, and no display shall be affixed to the
wall of a building so that it projects above the
parapet of the building. For the purposes of this
section, a mansard style roof shall be considered
a parapet.
(6) No display shall be erected within an established
setback or building line or within road right-of-way
lines or within future road right-of-way lines that
have been established by a specific plan.
(b) Applications for Permit.
(1) Application. No outdoor advertising display shall
be erected until a permit therefor has been issued
by the Riverside County Planning Director. Applica-
tion for such permit shall consist of a plot plan, in
triplicate, containing the name, address and tele-
phone number of the applicant, and a general
description of the property upon which the display is
proposed to be placed, and showing the precise
location, type and size of the proposed display,
property lines and dimensions, location of and
distance to nearest displays and nearest buildings
within 500 feet in each direction, nearby public
and private roads and other rights of way, building
setback lines and specifically planned future road
right of way lines, in such manner that the property
and the proposed advertising display may be readily
ascertained and identified. If the applicant holds
a permit for such advertising display issued by the
State of California, the year and number of the
State Permit shall be shown; if such permit has not
yet been issued, the applicant shall notify the
Planning Director of its number within 10 days after
such State permit is issued. If the Planning Director
determines that the proposed display conforms to the
requirements of this ordinance, he shall promptly
endorse zoning approval on the three copies of the plot
9-13-73 138
plan, file one copy, forward one copy to the Director of
Building and Safety, and return one copy to the applicant,
which shall then be the permit; if he determines that the
display does not conform to the requirements of this ordinance,
he shall notify the applicant, giving his reasons. Promptly
upon completing the erection of the outdoor advertising display,
the applicant shall notify the Planning Director thereof in writ-
lng. If the erection of the outdoor advertising display has not
been completed pursuant to the permit within two (2) months
after the date of its issue, the permit shall thereupon be void.
No fee shall be charged for the application or the permit.
(2)Appeal. If the Planning Director refuses to issue a permit,
or summarily revokes a permit pursuant to paragraph 3, the
applicant or permittee may, within ten (10) days, appeal to the
Board of Supervisors by letter stating the reasons why he be-
lieves such action to be improper, which shall be accompanied
by the filing fee set forth in Section 18.37 of this ordinance.
The Board of Supervisors shall cause the appeal to be set for
hearing at a regular meeting to be held not less than 13 nor
more than 22 days after the hearing is set and the Clerk shall
mail or deliver written notice of the hearing to the Planning
· Director and to the applicant or permittee at least ten (]0) days
before the hearing. At the conclusion of the hearing or con-
tinuance thereof, the Board of Supervisors shall finally decide
the matter The effect of notice of revocation shall be sus-
pended until ten (10) days after such decision.
(3) Revocation. Any permit which has been issued as the re-
sult of material misrepresentation of fact by the applicant
may be summarily revoked by the Planning Director who shall
thereupon forthwith give written notice of revocation to the
applicant. Within ta~ (10) days thereafter any display author-
ized by said permit shall be removed. Failure to remove such
display within said ten (10) day period is a violation of this
ordinance. Nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed to
authorize the installation or maintenance of any outdoor adver-
tising display in violation of any State law or regulation.
No person shall erect an on-site advertising structure or sign in the unin-
corporated area of the County of Riverside that is in violation of the pro-
visions contained within any specific zoning classification in this ordinance
or that is in violation of the following provisions.
(a) Free-Standing Signs
(1) Located within 660 feet of the nearest edge of a
freeway right of way line.
a. The maximum height of a sign shall not exceed
45 feet.
b. The maximum surface area of a sign shall not
exceed 150 square feet.
(2) All Other Locations.
a. The maximum height of a sign shall not exceed
20 feet.
b. The maximum surface area of a sign shall not
exceed 50 square feet.
(3) Shopping Centers - All Locations.
Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraphs
1 and 2, an alternate standard for free standing
on-site advertising signs for shopping centers is
established as follows:
-- a. The maximum surface area of a sign shall not
,, exceed 50 square feet or .25 percent (1/4 of 1%)
of the total existing building floor area in a
shopping center, whichever is greater, except
that in any event, no sign shall exceed 200
square feet in surface area.
b. The maximum height of a sign shall not exceed
20 feet.
(4) Number of Free-Standing Signs - All Locations.
Not more than one free-standing sign shall be per-
mitted on a parcel of land, except that if a shopping
center has frontage on 2 or more streets, the shop-
ping center shall be permitted 2 free-standing signs,
provided that the 2 signs are not located on the same
street; are at least 100 feet apart and the second
sign does not exceed 100 square feet in surface area
and 20 feet in height.
(b) Signs Affixed to Buildings - All Areas
(1) No on-site advertising sign shall be affixed on,
above or over the roof of any building, and no on-site
-- advertising sign shall be affixed to the wall of a
building so that it projects above the parapet of the
building. For the purposes of this section, a mansard
( style roof shall be considered a parapet.
(2) The maximum surface area of signs affixed to a
building shall be as follows:
a. Front wall of building -
The surface area of the sign shall not exceed
10~ of the surface area of the front face of the
b. Side walls of a building -
The surface area of the sign shall not exceed
10% of the surface area of the side face of the
c. Rear wall of a building -
The surface area of the sign shall not exceed
5% of the surface area of the rear face of the
(c) Directional Signs - Directional signs to advise patrons.
of location, distance or purpose shall be permitted on a
parcel of land as follows:
(1) The maximum height of such signs shall not exceed
3 feet.
(2) The maximum surface area of such signs shall not
exceed 6 square feet.
(d) On-site Identification Signs - On-site Identification signs
__ affixed to the surface of walls, windows, and doors of
permanent structures, which do not exceed 4 inches in
letter height and do not exceed 4 square feet in area are
permitted in addition to any Other sign permitted in this
or rent signs shall be permitted to be placed in all zone classifications sub-
ject to the following regulations.
1. For one and two family residential uses - one sign not
exceeding 4 square feet in surface area and not more
than 4 feet in height.
2. For multiple family residential uses - one sign for
each separate frontage on a street, each sign not
to exceed 16 square feet in surface area and not
more than 8 feet in height.
3. For commercial uses - one sign for each separate
frontage on a street, each sign not to exceed
24 square feet in surface area and not more than
8 feet in height.
-- 4. For industrial uses - one sign for each separate
frontage on a street, each sign not to exceed 32
square feet tn surface area and not more than 10
~ feet in height.
9-13-73 141
5. For agricultural uses - one sign for each separate
frontage on a street, each sign not to exceed 16
square feet in surface area and not more than 8
feet in height.
(a) On-site subdivision signs, advertising the original sale
of a subdivision are permitted within the boundaries of a
subdivision, upon approval of a plot plan pursuant to
Section 18.30 of this ordinance and subject to the follow-
ing minimum standards:
1. No sign shall exceed 100 square feet in area.
2. No sign shall be within 100 feet of any existing
residence that is outside of the subdivision
boundarie s.
3.No more than two such signs shall be permitted
for each subdivision.
4.No sign shall l~e artificially lighted.
(b) Off-site subdivision signs advertising the original sale
of a subdivision, shall be permitted in all zone classi-
fications, except the C-P-S, N-A, and W-1 Zones,
provided a conditional use permit is granted pursuant to
the provisions of Section 18.28 of this ordinance, and
subject to the following minimum standards:
1. No sign shall exceed 100 square feet in area.
2. No sign shall be within 100 feet of any existing
3.No more than two such signs'shall be permitted
for each subdivision.
4. The maximum period of time a sign may remain in
place shall be two years.
5.No sign shall be artificially lighted.
6. An agreement, secured by a $100 cash bond, shall
be executed with the County for each sign, assuring
the removal of the sign within the allowed time
period. The bond and agreement shall be filed with
the Department of Building and Safety.
ADDED: 9-13-73 (Ord. 348. 1201)
Amended Effective: 1-20-77 (Ord. 348. 1540)
6-27-78 (Ord. 348. 1658)
9-25-80 (Ord. 348. 1855)
SECTION 19.$1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this article is to provide
for the regulation and control of temporary outdoor events that are conducted in
the unincorporated area of the County of Riverside. The Board finds, as a legis-
lative matter, that the occurrence of large temporary outdoor events at a loca-
tion other than an existing permanent facility that is designed, constructed and
authorized to conduct such events is a danger to, and is detrimental to, the
health, safety and general welfare of the public. The Board determines, there-
fore, that temporary outdoor events, with an anticipated attendance at any one
time of 5,000 or more persons proposed to be conducted in the unincorporated
area of Riverside County shall be held only in a permanent facility intended for
such purposes.
SECTION 19.52. DEFINITIONS. The following terms shall have the
following meanings for the purposes of this article:
a. "Outdoor Event" means an event to which the public is invited,
with or without Charge, which is held out of doors on a temporary
basis including, but not limited to, music festivals, stage or
theatrical shows 0 sports events, fairs, carnivals, automobile or
-- animal races and tent revival meetings.
· Outdoor eventS are classified as follows:
1. "Major Outdoor Event" means an outdoor event at which five (5)
thousand or more people may be expected to be in attendance
at any one time.
2. "Minor Outdoor Event" means an outdoor event at which less
than five ($) thousand people may be expected to be in attend-
ance at any one time.
b. "Established facility" means an existing permanent facility that
is designed and constructed to conduct certain outdoor events
therein, which is a legally authorized location to conduct an
event which is proposed to be held therein, and which has the
facilities to conduct the event, including, but not limited to,
seating areas, vehicle parking, sanitary and health facilities
and potable water. It does not include shopping centers.
SECTION 19.53. In the unincorporated area of the County of Riverside,
__ State of California:
a. No major outdoor event shall be held except at an established
facility designed, constructed and authorized to conduct such an
event, which has sufficient facilities to accommodate the number
of people expected to attend the event.
b. No minor outdoor event shall be held except at an established
facility designed, constructed and authorized to conduct such
an event, which has sufficient facilities to accomodate the
number of people expected to attend the event, except as pro-
vided in Subsection c of this section.
c. Minor outdoor events that are not held at an established facil-
ity are permitted at any location in the unincorporated area pro-
vided that a permit is granted in accordance with the provisions
of this Article.
d. No person shall operate, maintain, conduct, advertise, sell or
furnish tickets for a temporary outdoor event unless the event
conforms to the provisions of this Article and, if required, a
permit has been finally issued pursuant to Section 19.54.
a. Applications. Applications for a permit for a minor outdoor
event shall be made to the Planning Director in accordance with
__~ the procedural provisions of Section 18.30 of this ordinance.
All of the procedural provisions of Section 18.30 shall apply to
the permit, except Subsection (c) thereof relating to require-
ments for approval and Subsection (f) relating to the use of a
b. Special Transmittal Provisions. Upon receipt of a complete
application, the Planning Director shall transmit copies of the
application to the County Sheriff, the Department of Public
Health, Road Department, County Fire Warden and Department
of Building and Safety who shall review the application and
provide written comments and recommendations to the Planning
Director. A copy of the application shall also be transmitted
to the California Highway Patrol.
c. Requirements for Approval. No application for a permit for an
outdoor event shall be approved by the Planning Director unless
the applicant affirmatively demonstrates that the holding of the
event will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general
welfare of the community in the area of the proposed event and
1. There is adequate area to conduct the event and to accomodate
the anticipated attendance.
2. Sufficient automobile parking will be provided for the antici-
pated attendance.
[--'- 3. Food service operations, medical facilities, solid waste
facilities, sewage disposal methods and potable water ser-
vice are certified by the Health Officer.
4.Fire protection plans and facilities are certified by the County
Fire Warden.
5. Security operations plans are certified by the County Sheriff.
6. The site will be cleaned and restored to its original condi-
tion or better at the conclusion of the event.
7. Public roadways providing access to the event are capable of
accomodating the anticipated traffic volumes in a reasonable
and safe manner with minimal disruption to local traffic cir-
SECTION 19.55. CAMPING. If overnight camping is 'proposed, a
.temporary trailer park permit shall be required to be issued by the County Health
Director pursuant to the provisions of the California Health and Safety Code.
SECTION 19.56. BOND. As a part of the approval of a permit, the
permittee may be required to execute an agreement with the County of Riverside,
secured by a cash bond in the amount considered necessary to restore the site
to its original condition.
SECTION 19.57. REVOCATION~ An issued permit may be revoked by
the Planning Director at any time if the permittee does not fulfill all of the con-
ditions of approval. (County Ordinance Nos. 451 and 522 are hereby repealed)
Adopted: 3-5-81 (Ord. 348. 1926)
SECTION 19.75. INTENT. The California Legislature has en-
acted Section 65852.3 of the Government Code (effective July.l,
1981) which provides that counties and cities shall not prohibit
the installation of qualified mobilehomes on approved foundation
systems on lots that (1) are zoned for single-family dwellings and
(2) are determined to be compatible for such mobilehome use. Land
Use Ordinance No. 368 permits the installation of mobilehomes, not
on foundations, in several of its existing zone classifications,
subject to certain requirements and standards; it further pro-
vides for the exclusive use of mobilehomes in the R-T and R-T-R
zones. It is the intent of the Board of Supervisors, in adopting
this Article, to enact provisions that will allow mobilehomes to
be installed on foundations on compatible lots in compliance with
Government Code Section 65852.3; to continue to allow the instal-
lation of mobilehomes not on foundations in certain zone clas-
sifications, and to continue to provide for the exclusive use of
mobilehomes in the R-T and R-T-R Zones. This Article is intended
to supplement the provisions of this ordinance relating to mobile-
homes, but shall take precedence over any portion of this ordi-
nance that is inconsistent herewith.
SECTION 19.76. FINDINGS. Pursuant to Section 65852.3 the
Board determines that all lots zoned to permit the construction
of conventional single family dwellings are compatible for the
installation of a mobilehome on a foundation system if the instal-
lation utilizes roof overhang and roofing and siding materials
that are compatible with the neighborhood in which the lot is
located, provisions for automobile storage compatible with the
neighborhood are constructed or installed and the mobilehome com-
plies with all other requirements of this Article.
be installed on a foundation on any lot in the unincorporated
area of the County of Riverside, that is zoned to permit the con-
struction of a conventional single-family dwelling, if it meets
the following conditions:
(a) The mobilehome shall be certified under the
National Mobile Home Construction and Safety
Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C., Section 5401
-et seq.) and shall bear a California insignia or
Federal label as required by Section 18550(b) of
the Health and Safety Code.
(b) The foundation system shall meet the requirements
of Section 18551 of the Health and Safety Code.
7-2-81 142.4
(c) The mobilehome shall contain a minimum of 750
square feet of floor living area. Porches, garages,
patios and similar features, whether attached or de-
tached, shall not be included when calculating the
~ -. floor living area.
(d) The mobilehome shall have a roof overhang of not
less than 16 inches unless it is determined that
it is not compatible to the neighborhood in which
the mobilehome is being located.
(e) The mobilehome shall have roofing material and sid-
ing material that is compatible with the neighbor-
hood in which the mobilehome is to be located.
(f) A garage or other automobile enclosure compatible
to the neighborh'ood in which the mobilehome is
being installed shall be constructed, unless it is
determined that it is not required to achieve
(g) The mobilehome shall be used only as a single-
family residential use and shall comply with all
the setback and height requirements of the zone in
which it is located.
(a) Applications· Applications to install a mobilehome
on a permanent foundation shall be made to the
Planning Director, on the form provided by the
Planning Department, accompanied by the filing fee
set forth in Section 18.37, and shall include such
information and documentation as may be required by
the Planning Director, including the following:
1. Name and address of the applicant and all owners
of the subject property, including evidence
that all owners agree to the application·
2. Location or address, legal description and zoning
of the property on which the mobilehome is to be
3. A site plan of the entire property showing loca-
tion of the mobilehome and all accessory build-
ings, including all dimensions and setbacks.
4. Certification that the mobilehome complies with
the National Mobilehome Construction and Safety
Standards Act of 1974.
5. Photographs that show the mobilehome in sufficient
detail with regard to siding material, roof over-
hang and roof materials.
6. Photographs that depict the type of structures,
'" siding and roofing materials and roof overhang
of structures in the neighborhood in which the
mobilehome is to be located.
7-2-81 142.5
(b) Processing of Applications. Within 10 days follow-
ing the acceptance of an application as bein§
complete, the Planning Director shall determine
whether the request meets all of the requirements
of this ordinance and shall determine the roof over-
hang, roofing and siding materials and any auto-
mobile enclosure necessary to achieve compatibility
with the ~eighborhood. Upon approval of the applica-
tion, the Planning Director shall forward the origi-
nal thereof to the Building Director, file one copy
and return one copy to the applicant, who shall
then obtain all necessary installation and construct-
ion permits from the Building Director. If the
Planning Director is unable to approve the applica-
tion, it shall be returned to the applicant, along
with a statement of the reasons therefor, giving
notice that the applicant may meet with the Planning
Director to discuss the matter.
(c) ~ If the Planning Director does not approve
application or requires conditions which the
the ,.
applicant believes are not necessary to achieve
compatibility with the neighborhood, he may appeal
to the Board of Supervisors within 15 days follow-
ing the mailing of the final decision by the Plan-
ning Director by filing a letter with the Clerk of
the Board stating the reasons why he believes the
action to be improper. The Clerk shall cause the
appeal to be set for hearing at a regular meeting
of the Board, held not less than 13 nor more than
30 days after receiving the appeal and shall mail
-or deliver written notice of the hearing to the
Planning Director and to the applicant or permit-
tee at least 10 days before the hearing. At the
conclusion of the hearing or any continuance there-
of, the Board of Supervisors shall finally decide
the matter.
visions in the various zone classifications that allow mobile-
homes, subject to conditions and requirements contained therein,
shall remain in effect unless amended or repealed. Ail specific
mobilehome provisions in the various zone classifications in
Ordinance No. 348 refer to mobilehomes not on a foundation system
and shall continue in effect irrespective of the fact that cer-
tain zones may then provide for mobilehomes both on and not on a
foundation system. Eor purposes of permit issuance, the mobile-
home on a foundation is allowed whenever a conventional single-
family dwelling is allowed, subject to the requirements of this
Article; the mobilehome not on a foundation is allowed whenever
it is specifically so provided in the various zone classifica-
tions in Land Use Ordinance No. 348, subject to any requirements
set forth therein.
7-2-81 142.6
SECTION 19.80. R-T and R-T-R ZONES. The sections in the
R-T and R-T-R zones which provide that such zones shall be used
exclusively for mobilehomes shall remain in effect; however, a
t,- person shall be pe~miCted co install a mobilehome in said zones
either on or not on a foundation system. A mobtlehome installed
on a foundation in the R-T and R-T-R zones shall not be required
to meet the requirements of Section 19.77 and 19.780 except
that the mobilehome shall comply with the National Hobilehome
Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1971 and the foundation
system shall comply with Section 18551 of the Health and Safety
Adopted: 6-2-81 (Ord. 348.1965)
7-2-81' 142.7
SECTION 20.1. Amendments to this ordinance shall be made in accord-
-- ance with the procedure set forth in Chapter 4 of the Planning and Zoning Law,
(California Government Code, Section 65800, et seq ) as now enacted or here-
after amended, and with the requirements o! this Article. An amendment to the
ordinance may be initiated by either the Planning Commission or the Board of
(a) The owner of real property, or a person authorized by the owner,
shall have the right to request that the County consider a change in
the zoning classification that has been applied to his property. The
right to request consideration of a zone change does not imply that
the change will be approved.
(b) Applications shall be made to the Planning Commission on forms pro-
vided by the Planning Department, shall supply all required informa-
tion, and shall be accompanied by the filing fee set forth in Section
18.37 of this ordinance.
(c) An application for a change of zone shall not be set for a public
hearing unless:
(l) All procedures required by the Riverside County Rules Implement-
ing the California Environmental Quality Act to hear a matter have
been completed.
(2) The requested change of zone is consistent with the Riverside
County General Plan.
(d) If the Planning Director determines that a requested change of zone is
inconsistent with the Riverside County General Plan, the application
will not be processed until the General Plan is amended and the re-
quest is consistent with the General Plan. The Planning Director's
determination shall be made within 10 days after a completed zone
change application has been filed with the Planning Department. A
determination that a requested zone change is inconsistent with the
General Plan may be appealed within 10-days after the Planning Dir-
ector has mailed or delivered notice of his determination to the appli-
cant, in writing, to the Planning Commission, which shall be accom-
panied by the filing fee set forth in Section 18.37 of this ordinance.
If an appeal is filed, the matter shall be set for a hearing before the
Planning Commission not less than 15 nor more than 45 days there-
after and notice of the date of hearing shall be mailed to t]~e appel-
lant. The determination by the Planning Commission as to consistency
with the General Plan shall be final; however, it shall not constitute
"~-- a final decision as to consistency of the proposed zone change with
the general plan.
SECTION 20.3. Amendments to this ordinance may be adopted by the Board
of Supervisors in the same manner as any other ordinance, except that whenever
an amendment proposed to change property from one zone to another, or to im-
pose, remove or modify any o! the roi]owing regulations:
(a) Regulate the use of buildings, structures and land as between in-
dustry, business, residents, open space, including agriculture,
recreation, enjoyment of scenic beauty and use of natural resour-
ces, and other purposes.
(b) Regulate signs and billboards.
(c) Regulate location, height, bulk, number of stories and size of build-
lngs and structures; the size and use of lots, yards, courts and
other open spaces; the percentage of a lot which may be occupied
by a building or structure; the intensity of land use.
(d) Establish requirements for off-stree~ parking and loading.
(e) £stabltsh and maintain building setback lines.
(f) Create civic districts around civic centers, public parks, public
buildings or public grounds and establish regulations therefor,
the amendment to the ordinance shall be adopted tn the following manner:
(1) a. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the
proposed aunendment. Public notice of the hearing shall be given '
including all the following information=
1. The time, date and place of the hearing.
2..A_. ~e.n_e._ra_l e_x~lanatlon of t~ =miter to ba =on~iaere6.
A oen~ra! Rescri..Dt~on of
4.Specification of the type a~d magnitude of the changes propose
5.The place where copies of the proposed changes may be obtaine~
6.The right to appear and be heard.
b...P, ublic._notice of_th_e hear~_ng shall be o~yen at least 21 days to the hearing by all the follow~--
1. Publication once in a newspaper of general circulation in
the County.
2. Mai]~n~ b~ first class m~! to any person who has filed a
written request with the Planning Commission and has provided
the Planning Department with a self-addressed stamped enveloD~
for that purpose.
3. Mailing to all owners of real property which is located
within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property to
be considered, a.~ .~uch owners are shown on the last
equalized assessment roll. If the number of owners to who~
notice would be mailed exceeds 1,000 as an alternative to
this mailed notice, notice may be given by publication of
one-quarter page display advertisement in a newspaper of
general circulation in the area affected by the proposed
'am~n~m=rrt~. A ~i~?lay aaver=lsemen= so
- also satisfy the publication requirement of subsection b I of
'this section.
4. In fha event that the Dro'_m~sed amendment has been requested by
a person other than the property owner as such property owner
is sho~ on the last equalized assessment roll, notice shall
a~so be g~ven ~y ~a.~.! to t~.e o~er of the property as sSown
on the last equalized assessment roll.
· (2)After closing the public hearing the Planning Commission shall ren-
der its decision within a reasonable time and transmit it to the Board
Of Supervisors in the form of a written recommendation, which shall
contain the reasons for the recommendation and. if the recommendation
is to change a zone classification on property, the relationship of the
proposed amendment to applicable general and specific plans. A copy
of the recommendation .shall be mailed to the applicant and proof there-
of shall be shown on the original transmitted to the Board of Super-
visors, If the Commission does not reach a decision due to a tie vote.
that fact shall be reported to the Board of Supervisors and the failure
to reach a dec. isi~n shall be deemed a recommendation against the pro-
posed amendment, ·
5-8-80 144. !
(3) Upon receipt o! the recommendation of the Planning Commission,
the Clerk of the Board o! Supervisors shall take the following action:
a. ]! the Planning Commission has recommended the approval of an
amendment to change property from one zone to another, or the
/. ..... approval o! an amendment to impose, remove or modify one of
the above-listed regulations, the Clerk shall set the matter for
public hearing be[ore the Board o! Supervisors at the earliest con-
venient day, and shall give notice of the time and place of the
hearing in the same manner as notice was given of the hearing
before the Planning Commission.
b. If the Planning Commission has recommended denial of an amend-
ment to change property from one zone to another, or dental of
an amendment to impose, remove or modify one of the above-liste
regulations, the Planning Commission's recommendation shall
be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, who shall
place the decision on the next agenda of the Board held 5 or
more days after the Clerk receives the decision. The decision
of the Commission is considered final and no action by the Board
is required unless the applicant files an appeal, accompanied by
the fee set forth tn Section 18.37 of this ordinance, within 7
days after the decision of the Commission appears on the Board's
agenda, or the Board orders the matter set for public hearing. If
the Board of Supervisors so orders, or if the applicant appeals,
the Clerk of the Board shall set the matter for public hearing
before the Board of Supervisors at the earliest convenient day
-- ' and shall give notice of the time and place of the hearing in the
same manner as ts provided for giving notice of the hearing before
'the Planning Commission.
(4)After closing the public hearing the Board of Supervisors shall ren-
der its decision within a reasonable time and may approve, modify
or disapprove the recommendation of the Planning Commission; pro-
vided, however, that any proposed modification of the Planning Com-
mission's recommendation not previously considered by the Planning
'cOmmission shall first be referred beck to the Planning Commission
for a report and recommendation. The Planning Commission shall
not be required to hold a public hearing thereon, and failure of the
Planning Commission to report within 40 days after the reference, or
such longer period of time as ma-y be specified by the Board of Super-
visors, shall be deemed to be an approval of the proposed modifica-
(5)Any hearing of the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors may
be continued from time to time.
(a) Without following the procedures othen~ise required p~eliminary to the
adoption of a zoning ordinance, the Board of Supervisors, to protect
.... the public safety, health and welfare, may adopt as an urgency measure
an interim ordinance prohibiting any uses which may be in conflict with
contemplated zoning proposal which the Board of
Supervisors, Planning Commission or the Planning
Department is considering or studying or intends to
study within a reasonable time. Such urgency measure
shall require a four-fifths vote of the Board of Super-
visors for adoption. Such interim ordinance shall be of
no further force and effect four months from the date of
adoption thereof; provided, however, that after notice
pursuant to California Government Code Section 65856
and public hearing, the Board of Supervisors may extend
such interim ordinance for eight months and subsequently
extend such interim ordinance for one year. Any such
extension shall also require a four-fifths vote for adoption.
Not more than the two such extensions may be adopted.
(b) Alternatively, an interim ordinance may be adopted by a
four-fifths vote following notice pursuant to said Section
65856 and public hearing, in which case it shall be of no
further force and effect one year from the date of adoption
thereof; provided, however, that after notice pursuant to
Section 65856 and public hearing, the Board of Supervisors
may by a four-fifthS vote extend such interim ordinance for
one year.
(c) When any interim ordinance has been adopted, every
-- subsequent ordinance adopted pursuant to this section,
( covering the whole or a part of the same property, shall
automatically terminate and be of no further force or effect
upon the termination of the first such ordinance or any
~ extension thereof as herein provided.
(d) Adoption of an interim ordinance shall be deemed an order
~ of the Board of Supervisors to the Planning Commission to
· initiate a zoning study of the land that has been placed in
the interim zone, which may include the study of other land
in the vicinity thereof.
(e) The Clerk shall schedule a public hearing before the Board
to consider an extension of an interim ordinance which shall
normally be at its second regular meeting before expiration
of the initial four-month period and of any eight-month
extension. The Clerk shall publish notice 10 days before the
hearing. This subsection shall not be applied if the effective
~ date of a subsequent permanent zoning ordinance applicable
to the same land will have passed before such expiration,
~- or if the interim ordinance, has been repealed, or if the
Board shall otherwise order.
(f) At or before the public hearing on the proposed extension of
an interim ordinance, the Planning Director shall make a
written report to the Board of Supervisors on the status of
the zoning study.
(g) The prohibition of uses by interim ordinance may in ~vhole
or in part be imposed by applying on an interim basis one
Or more of the zoning designations provided for by this
Ordinance No. 348 by reference to the applicable zoning
symbols preceded by "I-" or to the title of a zoning
classification preceded by "Interim".
(h) Whenever any area is placed in an interim zone, that area
is subject to all of the provisions of Ordinance No. 348,
including its penalty provisions, applicable to the zone in
which it has been placed. For the period of time that the
interim zoning ordinance is in effect the permanent zoning
is deemed superseded, but upon expiration thereof, the
permanent zoning shall_again be in full force and effect
unless it has been previously repealed or superseded by
new permanent zoning.
Adopted: 9- 22- 60
Amended Effective: 5-31-67 (Ord. 348. 506)
11-15-67 (Ord. 348.531)
9-30-70 (Ord. 348.783)
5- 4-72 (Ord. 348. 1023)
4- 5-73 (Ord. 348. 1173)
2-21-74 (Ord. 348. 1283)
1-20-77 (Ord. 348. 1540)
6-27-78 (Ord. 348. 1658)
5-8-80 (Ord. 348.1785)
9-25-80 (Ord. 348. 1855)
1-22-81 (Ord. 348. 1908)
7-22-82 (Oral 348. 2088)
For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words and terms used
herein are herewith defined.
When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present
tense include the future tense; words in the singular number include the
plural number and words in the plural number include the singular number.
The masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter gender. The word
"shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. The word "may"
is permissive.
SECTION 21.1. ACCESSORY BUILDING. A subordinate building or a-
part of the main building on the same lot or building'site, the use of
which is incidental to that of the main building, and which is used ex-
clusively by the occupants of the main building. The provisions of this
Section do not apply in A-1 and A-2 Zones. A trailer shall be considered
a main building if the requirements of Section 18.18 (i) are met. No ac-
cessory building shall be erected unless a main building exists.
SECTION 21.2. ACCESSORY USE. A use customarily incidental and
accessory to the principal use of a lot or a building located upon the same
lot or building site. The provisions of this Section do not apply in A-1
and A-2 Zones.
SECTION 21.4. ALLEY. A public or private thoroughfare or way,
permanently reserved and having a width of not more than twenty (20)
feet, which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting property.
SECTION 21.5. APARTMENT. A room or suite of two (2) or more
rooms in a multiple dwelling, occupied or suitable for occupancy as a
residence for one (1) family. _
SECTION 21.6. APARTMENT HOUSE. A building or portion thereof
designed for or occupied by two (2) or more families living independently
of each other.
SECTION 21.7. AUCTION. The sale of new and used merchandise
offered to bidders by an auctioneer for money or other consideration.
maintained space on the same lot or building site as the use it is de-
signed to serve, having an area of not less than 160 square feet with a
minimum width of eight (8) feet for each stall and so located and arranged
as to permit the storage of, and be readily accessible to, a passenger
automobile under its own power.
SECTION 21.9. AUTOMOBILE WRECKING. The dismantling or
wrecking of motor vehicles or trailers, or the storage, sale or dumping
of dismantled, partially dismantled, obsolete or wrecked vehicles or
their parts, outside of an enclosed building, but not including the incidental
storage of vehicles in connection with the operation of a repair garage,
providing the repair period of any one vehicle does not exceed 60 days,
and not including the active noncommercial repair of one personal motor
vehicle within a 120 day period.
SECTION 21.10. BASEMENT. A story partly underground and
having at least one-half its height measured from its floor to its finished
ceiling, below the average adjoining grade. A basement shall be counted
as a story if the vertical distance from the average adjoining grade to its
finished ceiling is over five (5) feet.
SECTION 21.11. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The Board of Super-
visors of the County of Riverside.
building where lodging and meals are provided for compensation for six (6)
but not more than fifteen (15) persons, not including rest homes.
SECTION 21.13. (Deleted)
SECTION 21.14. BUILDING. A structure having a roof supported
by columns or walls. (See "Structure")
SECTION 21.15. BUILDING HEIGHT. The vertical distance mea-
sured from the average level of the highest and lowest points of that portion
of the lot covered by the building to the uppermost portion of the building.
SECTION 21.16. BUILDING SITE. The ground area of a building or
buildings together with all open spaces adjacent thereto, as required by
-- this ordinance.
10-19-78 149
SECTION 21.17. BUNGALOW COURT. Two (2) or more dwelling
units detached or connected.
SECTION 21.18. BUILDING SETBACK LINE. The distance between
the proposed building line and the highway line or permanent access
easement located on the same lot.
SECTION 21.19. BUILDING, MAIN. A building in which is conduct-
ed the principal use of the lot on which it is situated. In any residential
district, any dwelling shall be deemed to be the main building on the lot
on which the same is situated.
a. CATTERIES, COMMERCIAL. Any building, structure, en-
closure or premises whereupon, or within which 5 or more cats
are kept or maintained primarily for financial profit for the
purpose of boarding, breeding, training, marketing, hire or
any other similar purpose. (See Ordinance Number 455 regard-
ing catterte s .)
b. CATTERIES, NON-COMMERCIAL. Any building, structure,
enclosure, or premises whereupon, or within which, $ or more
cats are kept or maintained, but not primarily for financial
profit. (See Ordinance Number 455 regarding catteries.)
SECTION 21.21. CLINIC. A place used for the care~ diagnosis and
treatment of sick, ailing, infirm and injured persons and those who are
in need of medical or surgical attention, but who. are not provided with
board or room, nor kept overnight on the premises.
SECTION 21.22. CLUB. A non-profit association of persons who
are bona fide members, paying regular dues, and are organized for some
common purpose, but not including a group organized solely or primarily
to render a service customarily carried on as a commercial enterprise.
for profit of chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese or other fowls, but not in-
cluding flocks of less than 200 birds, pigeons or smaller fowls, pets or
hatcherie s.
SECTION 21.23. COMMISSION. The Riverside County Planning
SECTION 21.24. COMPENSATION. The word "compensation" means
anything of value.
SECTION 21.25. COUNTY. The County of Riverside.
SECTION 21.26. DUNE BUGGY PARK. An open area used by dune
buggies or other all-terrain vehicles, for purposes such as, but not limited
to, hill climbing, trail riding, scrambling, racing and riding exhibitions.
SECTION 21.26a. DOG KENNELS. Any lot or premises on which 5 or
more dogs over 4 months of age are kept or maintained for any purpose or
1. DOG KENNELS, COMMERCIAL. Any building, structure, en-
closure, or premises whereupon, or within which, 5 or more
dogs are kept or maintained primarily for financial profit for
the purpose of boarding, breeding, training, marketing, hire
or any other similar purpose. (See Ordinance Number 455
regarding kennels.)
2. DOG KENNELS, NON-COMMERCIAL. Any building, structure,
enclosure, or premises whereupon, or within which, 5 or more
dogs are kept or maintained, but not primarily for financial
profit. (See Ordinance Number 455 regarding kennels.)
SECTION 21.26b. DAIRY FARM. A parcel or contiguous parcels of
land used primarily to maintain cattle for the production of milk, including
a building or bull dings for milking, processing of milk produced on the
premises, retail or wholesale sales and deliveries of such milk, and other
buildings and structures incidental to the operation.
storage and maintenance of vehicles and equipment used in the collection,
transportation, and removal of garbage and rubbish not including storage or
dumping of garbage or rubbish.
SECTION 21.27. DWELLING. A building or portion thereof designed
for or occupied exclusively for residential purposes including one family
and multiple dwellings but not including hotels, auto courts, boarding or
lodging houses.
SECTION 21.28. DWELLING UNIT. A building or portion thereof used
by one (1) family and containing but one (1) kitchen.
SECTION 21.29. DWELLING, ONE FAMILY. A building containing but
one (1) kitchen and used to house not more than one (1) family, including
domestic employees of such family.
SECTION 21.30. DWELLING, MULTIPLE FAMILY. A building or portion
thereof used to house two (2) or more families, including domestic employees
of each such family, living independently of each other, and doing their own
SECTION 21.31. DWELLING, GUEST. A building which occupies not
more than one-fiftieth (l/50) of the area of the lot on which it is situated,
which contains no cooking facilities and which is used exclusively for
housing of members of a single family and their non-paying guests. No
reduction of the general side or rear yard setbacks shall be allowed for
guest dwelling despite any other provisions of this ordinance.
11-29-79 151
SECTION 21.31a. DWELLING, RESORT. A building used exclusively
for residential purposes, containing not more than two kitchens, with
permanent interior means of access between all parts of the building,
and located on a lot in a recorded subdivision with an average lot area of
10,000 square feet or more. No such dwelling shall be erected unless
as a part of the purchase price of the property the purchaser receives the
privilege of use of recreational facilities such as golf courses, or polo
fields, which facilities are adjacent to and a part of the residential de-
No reduction of yard setbacks shall be permitted despite any other
provisions of this ordinance.
or universities, supported wholly or in part by public funds, and other
schools, colleges and universities giving general instructions, as deter-
mined by the California State Board of Education.
SECTION 21.33. ERECTED. The word "erected" includes built,
built upon, added to, altered, constructed, reconstructed, moved upon,
or any physical operations on the land, required for a building.
SECTION 21.34. FAMILY. An individual or two (2) or more persons
related by blood or marriage, or a group of not more than five (5) persons,
excluding servants, who are not related by blood or marriage, living to-
gether as a single house-keeping unit in a dwelling unit.
SECTION 21.34a. FARM PROJECTS. (Future Farmers, 4-H or
similar projects). Not more than five cattle, horses, sheep or similar
farm animals, or six goats or hogs, on parcels not less than 20,000 square
feet in size, being fattened or trained in connection with the education of
a person as a member of a recognized farm education organization.
SECTION 21.34b. FARM. A parcel of land devoted to agricultural
uses where the principal use is the propagation, care, and maintenance of
viable plant and animal products for commercial purposes.
SECTION 21.35. GARAGE, PRIVATE. An accessory building or a
main building or portion thereof, used for the shelter or storage of self-
propelled vehicles, owned or operated by the occupants of a main build-
ing and wherein there is no service or storage for compensation.
SECTION 21.36. HOME OCCUPATIONS. Home occupations means
those uses that are customarily conducted in a residence, provided such
uses must be incidental and secondary to the principal use of a dwelling
as a residence. The following criteria shall apply to any home occupation:
(1) No one other than a resident of the dwelling shall be em-
ployed on the premises in the conduct of the home occu-
12-12-74 152
(2) A home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the
dwelling and shall be incidental and secondary to the use
of the dwelling as a residence.
(3) A home occupation shall not be conducted in an accessory
structure and there shall be no storage of equipment or
supplies in an accessory structure or outside building.
(4) The residential character of the exterior and interior of
the dwelling shall not be changed.
(5) No vehicles or trailers except those normally incidental
to residential use shall be kept on the site.
(6) No signs other than one unlighted identification sign, not
more than two square feet in area, shall be erected on the
SECTION 21.37. HALF WAY HOUSE. A rehabilitation center for the
treatment, counseling, rooming and boarding of persons released from Jail,
prisons, hospitals and sanitariums.
SECTION 2t.38. HOTEL. A building designed for or occupied as the
more or less temporary abiding place of individuals who are lodged with or
without meals, in which there are six (6) or more guest rooms, and in which
no provision is made for cooking in any individual room or suite; jails,
hospitals, asylums, sanitariums, orphanages, prisons, detention home s or
similar buildings where human beings are housed and detained under legal
restraint, are specifically not included.
SECTION 21.39. HOTEL, RESORT. A hotel, including all accessory
buildings as defined in Section 21.38 of this ordinance and having a build-
ing site or hotel grounds containing not less than fifty thousand (50,000)
square feet. Such hotel may have accessory commercial uses operated
primarily for the convenience of the guests thereof, provided there is no
street entrance directly to such commercial uses, and further provided
such commercial uses shall not occupy more than twenty (20) per cent of
the ground floor area of such hotel building.
YARDS. The use of 200 or more square feet of any lot or parcel of land
for outside storage, wrecking, dismantling or salvage of any used or
secondhand materials, including but not limited to lumber, auto parts,
household appliances, pipe, drums, machinery or furniture. A proposed
or intended use by the owner of the used 6r secondhand materials does
not constitute an exception to this definition. The outside storage of
used or secondhand materials in an area less than 200 square feet is
permitted only on the rear half of a lot or parcel.
SECTION 21.41. KITCHEN. Any room in a building or dwelling
unit which is used for cooking or preparation of food.
10-2-75 153
SECTION 21.42. lABOR CAMP. Any building or group of buildings
where any number of farm help is housed where such farm help is employed
principally in the general area of the building site.
SECTION 21.43. IAKE, RECREATIONAL. A confined body of standing
fresh water containing more than 500,000 gallons of water and covering more
than one acre of surface area, not including reservoirs, duck clubs, bodies
of water contained within golf courses, and water storage used only for
agricultural or domestic purposes.
SECTION 21.44. LOT. (1) A parcel of real property as shown as
a delineated parcel of land with a separate and distinct number or other
designation on a plot recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of
Riverside County; or (2) a parcel of real property not so delineated and
containing not less than seventy-two hundred (7,200) square feet and
abutting on a street or alley and held under separate ownership from
adjacent property prior to the effective date of this ordinance; or, (3)
a parcel of real property not so delineated containing not less than
seventy-two hundred (7,200) square feet abutting on a street or alley,
if the' same was a portion of a larger piece of real property held under
the same ownership prior to the effective date of this ordinance. A lot
shall not come into existence solely because it is described as a parcel
of real property securing, or in part securing, a promise to pay money or
other thing of value whether its title is held by a trustee for such purpose
or not.
SECTION 21.45. LOT AREA. The total horizontal area within the
lot lines of a lot.
SECTION 21.46. , LOT, CORNER. A lot located at the junction of
two (2) or more intersecting streets having an angle of intersection of
not more than one hundred thirty-five (135) degrees, with a boundary
line thereof bordering on two (2) of the streets.
SECTION 21.47. LOT LINES. The boundary lines of lots are: front
lot line, the line dividing a lot from the street, or from a permanent access
easement located on the same lot. On a corner lot only one (1) street
line shall be considered as a front lot line, and such front lot line shall
be ~ determined by the Commission. Rear Lot Line: The line opposite the
- front lot line. Side lot lines: Any lot lines other than the front lot line
or the rear lot line.
SECTION 21.48. LOT, REVERSED CORNER. A comer lot, the side
street line of which is substantially a continuation of the front lot line
of the lot upon which it rears.
SECTION 21.49. LOT, INTERIOR. A lot other than a corner lot.
5-30-74 154
SECTION 21.50. LOT, KEY. The first lot to the rear of a reversed
corner lot and not separated by an alley.
SECTION 21.51. LOT, THROUGH. An interior lot having frontage on
two (2) parallel or approximately parallel streets.
SECTION 21.51a. MOBILEHOME PARK. Mobilehome park is any area
or tract of land where one or more mobilehome lots are rented or leased or
held out for rent or lease to accomodate mobilehome used for human habi-
tation. The rental paid for any such mobllehome shall be deemed to in-
clude rental for the lot it occupies;
Notwithstanding the foregoing definition, any person, not including
a mobilehome park operator, who owns a mobilehome and owns, rents or
leases the land upon which the mobllehome is located, is permitted to
rent, lease, sublease, let out, or hire out for occupancy the mobllehome
and the land upon which the mobilehome is located, without obtaining a
permit to construct or operate a mobilehome park.
(1) Any lot or premises on which more than one wild, non-
domestic animal of the following classifications are
(a) Venomous reptiles.
(b) Nonvenomous reptiles, not including turtles or
tortoises, that weigh more than 10 pounds.
(c) Birds or members of the aves class, not including
poultry, that weigh more than 20 pounds.
(d) Mammals that weigh more than 20 pounds.
(2) Any lot or premises on which wild, non-domestic
animals of the following classifications are kept,
regardless of weight, unless such animals are listed
in a zone classification as a permitted agricultural use:
(a) Ten or more nonvenomous reptiles.
(b) Twenty-five or more mammals.
(3) A tamed or trained wild animal shall not be considered
as a domestic animal.
PARK. A mobilehome or travel trailer park for agricultural workers the
rental of which ts restricted as follows:
(a) Not less than 80% of the trailer sites are restricted to
rental by migrant agricultural workers for a period of
time not to exceed nine months in any twelve month period.
4-15-76 155
(b) The remainder of the sites are restricted to rental by
permanent agricultural workers, and occupancy by the
owner or operator of the trailer park.
agricultural worker is defined as an itinerant agricultural worker that
travels from place to place for employment in the planting, growing and
harvesting of seasonal crops.
SECTION 21.51e. MINING OPERATION. The term mining operation
shall mean any process by which one or more substances which are clas-
sified geologically as minerals are extracted from the earth or stockpiled
including the reworking of mineral dumps which have been. artificially
created by mining operations.
was legal when established, but which because of the adoption or amend-
ment of this ordinance conflicts with the provisions of this ordinance
applicable to the district in which such building is situated.
SECTION 21.53. NONCONFORMING USE. The use of a building or
land which was legal when established, but which because of the adoption
or amendment of this ordinance conflicts with the provisions of this ordi-
nance applicable to the district in which such use is located.
SECTION 21.54. OCCUPANCY, CHANGE OF. The term "change of
occupancy" shall mean a discontinuance of an existing use and substitution
thereof of a use of a different kind or class.
SECTION 21.55. OCCUPIED. The word "occupied" includes: used,
arranged, converted to, rented, leased, or intended to be occupied.
SECTION 21.56. (Deleted by Ord. 348.1201)
beef cattle per acre being fed or fattened for marketing purposes whether
the owner or operator performs the feeding service for himself or others.
(Dairy herd replacements are not considered beef cattle).
SECTION 21.58. PERSON. The word "person" includes association,
company, firm, corporation, partnership, co-partnership or Joint venture.
SECTION 21.59. PIACE OF PUBLIC ASSEMBLY. Any place designed
for or used for congregation or gather of twenty (20) or more persons in
one room where such gathering is of a public nature, assembly hall, church,
auditorium, recreational hall, pavilion, place of amusement, dance hall,
opera house, motion picture theater, outdoor theater or theater, are
included within this term.
9-8- ??
dential development including, but not limited to, statutory and
non-statutory condominiums, cluster housing, town houses and com-
munity apartments, that is permitted reduced lot area, width and
depth requirements and buildin§ setback requirements, by integrat-
ing into the over-all development open space and outdoor recreational
facilities, and which may include recreational and public assembly
buildings intended primarily for the use of residents of the
project, within the development.
Co~nercial Development means a development that may be permitted
to have reduced width, depth and building setback requirements, and
have common access and common parking, provided a planned develop-
ment land division is approved pursuant to the provisions of the
Riverside County Land Division Ordinance.
Industrial Development means a development that may be permitted
to have reduced lot area, width, depth and building setback require-
ments, and have common access and co.,,.on parking, provided a
planned development land division is approved pursuant to the pro-
visions'of the Riverside County Land Division Ordinance.
SECTION 21.60. RANCH, GUEST. Any property containing 5 acres
or more operated as a ranch which offers guest rooms for rent and
.... which has outdoor recreational facilities such as horseback riding,
' swimming or hiking.
trailer park is any area or tract of land, within an area zoned
for recreational use, where one or more lots are rented or leased
or held out for rent or lease to owners or users of recreational
vehicles or tents and which is occupied for temporary purposes. A
recreational trailer park may have a membership organization that
provides for the use of lots in a park by members; however, members
shall not be granted title to, or allowed exclusive occupancy of,
any lot within a park, or occupy a lot within a park for more than
30 consecutive days at any one time, or more than 120 days in any
calendar year.
SECTION 21.62a. (Deleted)
SECTION 21.63. STABLE, COMMERCIAL. A stable for horses
which are let, hired, used or boarded on a commercial basis and
for compensation.
SECTION 21.65. STORY. That portion of a building included
between the surface of any floor and the finished ceiling next
above it or the finished under surface of the roof directly over
that particular floor.
7-2-81 157
SECTION 21.66. STREET. A public or an approved private
through fare or road easement which affords the principal means
of access to abutting property, but not including an alley.
SECTION 21.67. S?REE? LINE. The boundary line between a
street and abutting property.
SECTION 21.68. SPECIFIC PLAN, HIGHNAY. A pl'an adopted by
the County of Riverside, pursuant to the authority contained in
the California Planning and Zoning Law (Government Code, Section
65000, et seq.) establishing specifically planned future right of
way lines for a highway. Upon the adoption of a Specific Plan for
a highway, all requirements of this ordinance relating to highway
right of way lines shall be calculated from the adopted planned
future right of way line, except as shall, be othe~ise specifically
permitted in this ordinance.
SECTION 21.69. STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected
and the use of which requires more or less pe~..,anent location on
the ground or attachment to something having a pe~..,anent location
on the ground, but not including walls and fences six (6) feet or
less in height.
supporting members of a building or structure, such as bearing
walls, columns, beams, girders, floor joists or roof Joists.
SECTION 21. ?0(a). SNAP HEETS. The use, rental, or lease
of stalls or areas outside of an enclosed building by vendors
offering goods or materials for sale or exchange, not including
public fairs, or art exhibits.
SECTION 21.71. TRAIL BIKE PARK. An open area used by trail
bikes, or motorcycles, for purposes such as, but not limited to,
hill climbing, trail riding, scrambling, racing and riding
exhibit ions.
SECTION 21.72. TRAVEL TRAILER PARK. Travel trailer park is
any area or tract of land or a separate desiEned section within a
mobilehome park where one or more lots are rented or leased or
held out for rent or lease to o~mers or users of recreational
vehicles used for travel or recreational purposes.
SECTION 21.73. USE. The purpose for which land or a buildin§
is arranged, desi~ned, or intended, or for which either is or may
be occupied or maintained.
SECTION 21.74. USED. The word "used" includes occupied,
arranged, designed for or intended to be used.
SECTION 21.75. YARD. An open and unoccupied space on a lot
on which a building is situated and, except where other~se pro-
vided in this ordinance, open and unobstructed from the ground .to
the sky.
7-2-81 158
SECTION 21.76. YARD, FRONT. A yard extending across the full
width of the lot between the side lot lines and between the front
lot line and either the nearest line of the main building or the
nearest line of any enclosed or covered porch. The front lot line
shall be deemed to be the existing nearest right of way line of the
abutting street, road or highway, unless a different right of way
line for future use shall have been precisely fixed by law or
ordinance, or by formal action of the Board of Supervisors pursuant
to law or ordinance, in which event the front lot line shall be
deemed to be such different riEht of way line.
SECTION 21.77. YARD, REAR. A yard extending across the full
width of the lot between the side lot lines and measured between
the rear lot line and the nearest rear line of the main building
or the nearest line of any enclosed or covered porch, l~here a
rear yard abuts a street it shall meet front yard requirements of
the district.
SECTION 21.78. YARD, SIDE. A yard extending from the front
yard to the rear yard between the side lot line and the nearest
line of the main building, or of any accessory building attached
Amended Effective:
6-16-65 (Ord. 348. 371) 11-07-74 (Ord. 348. 1377)
3-23-66 (Ord. 348.427) 12-12-74 (Ord. 348.1396)
7-06-66 (Ord. 348.455) 10-02-75 (Ord. 348.1470)
7-27-66 (Ord. 348.459) 4-15-76 (Ord. 348.1497)
4-17-68 '(Ord. 348.556) 9-08-77 (Ord. 348.1588)
7-09-69 (Ord. 348.635) 10-19-78 (Ord. 348.1667)
10-15-69 (Ord. 348.636) 11-29-79 (Ord. 348.1729)
4-08-70 (Ord. 348.705) 11-13-80 (Ord. 348.1880)
6-10-70 (Ord. 348.737) 7-02-81 (Ord. 348.1968)
9-23-70 (Ord. 348. 777)
5-26-71 (Ord. 348. 884)
11-04-71 (Ord. 348.941)
5-04-72 (Ord. 348.1023)
9-13-73 (Ord. 348. 1201)
5-30-74 (Ord. 348.1327)
6-20-74 (Ord. 348.1340)
7-2-81 159
SECTION 22.1. ' ENFORCEMENT. The Sheriff, District Attorney,
County Surveyor, Building Inspector, County Clerk, Planning Director
and all County Officials charged with the issuance of licenses and per-
mits shall enforce the provisions of this ordinance.
lng permit shall be issued for the erection or use of any structure or part
thereof, or for the use of any land which is not in accordance with the
provisions of this ordinance. Any permit issued contrary to the provisions
of this ordinance shall be void and of no effect.
SECTION 22.3. LEGAL PROCEDUKE. Any building or structure erected
or maintained, or any use of property, contrary to the provisions of this
ordinance shall be and the same is hereby declared to be unlawful and a
public nuisance and the District Attorney shall immediately commence action
or actions, proceeding or proceedings for the abatement, removal and enjoin-
ment thereof, in the manner provided by law; and shall take such other steps,
and shall apply to such court or courts as may have Jurisdiction to grant such
relief as will abate or remove such building, structure or use and restrain
and enjoin any person from setting up, erecting or maintaining such building
or structure, or using any property contrary to the provisions of this ordi-
nance. It shall be the right and duty of every citizen to participate and
assist the County Officials in the enforcement of the provisions of this ordi-
SECTION 22.4. REMEDIES. All remedies provided for herein shall
be cumulative and not exclusive. The conviction and punishment of any
person hereunder shall not relieve such person from the responsibility of
correcting prohibited conditions or removing prohibited buildings, struc-
tures or improvements, nor prevent the enforced correction or removal thereof.
SECTION 22.5. PENALTIES. Any person, firm or corporation violating
any of the provisions of this ordinance or of any permit or exceptidn granted
hereunder shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars
($500.00) or 'by imprisonment in the County Jail for not to exceed six (6)
months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each separate day or any
portion thereof during which any violation of this ordinance occurs or con-
tinues shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense and upon conviction
therefor shall be punishable as herein provided.
ADOPTED: September 22, 1960
AMENDED EFFECTIVE: September 27, 1967
This ordinance and the various parts, sections and clauses thereof
are hereby declared to be severable. If any part, sentence, paragraph,
section or clause is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid, the remainder
of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby. The County Board of
Supervisors hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance
and each part thereof, regardless of the fact that one or more parts
thereof be declared unconstitutional or invalid.
ADOPTED: September 22, 1960
· ~TIC I~ XX1V
It is hereby expressly provided and declared that this ordinance
shall take effect thirty (30) days from and after its passage, and
prior to the expiration of fifteen (15) days from the passage thereof
shall be published once in the Riverside Enterprise~ a newspaper of
general circulation, printed and published in the County of Riverside,
together with the names of the members of the Board of Supervisors
voting for and against the same.
ADOPTED: September 22, 1960