The city council of the City of La Quinta, California, does
ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. Ordinance No. 457.57 of the County of Riverside,
three (3) copies of which are on file in the office of the City
Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, except as herein-
after modified, is hereby adopted as an ordinance of the City of
La Quinta, by reference, pursuant to the provisions of Sections
50022.1 et seq. of the California Government Code. Said ordinance
shall remain in effect until appropriately repealed, amended or
superseded by this City Council.
SECTION 2. Amendments.
(a) Whenever in the enactment of the County of Riverside
which is continued in effect by this Ordinance there is a refer-
ence to "Board of Supervisors", this reference shall be interpreted
to mean the "City Council of the City of La Quinta."
(b) Whenever in the enactment of the County of Riverside
which is continued in effect by this Ordinance there is reference
to "unincorporated area," this reference shall be interpreted to
mean "area within the City of La Quinta."
(c) Whenever it is appropriate under the circumstances, and
in the enactment of the County of Riverside which is continued in
effect by this Ordinance, there is a reference to the "County of
Riverside," said reference shall be interpreted to mean the "City
of La Quinta."
(d) Whenever in the enactment of the County of Riverside
which is continued in effect by this Ordinance there is a reference
to an office, department, official title, or other designation, the
reference shall be interpreted to mean that office, department, title
or designation in the governmental structure of the City, or if
there is none, any official or department or titleholder in the City
which has been specifically directed by the City Council or the City
Manager to perform the functions referred to or the duties imposed.
If the Riverside County official, department, titleholder or other
designation continues by law or by contract or otherwise to perform
the functions referred to or the duties imposed, then the said
Page 2
reference shall not be changed until such time as there is a
change in that situation of functions performed or duties imposed.
(e) Whenever in the enactment of the County of Riverside
which is continued in effect by this Ordinance, there is a refer-
ence to "National Electrical Code, 1978 Edition," such reference
shall be interpreted as "National Electrical Code, 1981."
(f) Whenever in the enactment of the County of Riverside
which is continued in effect by this Ordinance, there is a
reference to a committee, board, group, commission, or like
agency, such reference shall be interpreted to mean that these
agencies are acting as agents or agencies of the City of La Quinta,
until such time as the City Council has created an agent or
agency(s) within the city government structure to otherwise perform
the functions of the said County agency or agencies, and until such
time as said City agent or agency has commenced functioning and has
been directed to undertake the particular function or functions
theretofore performed by the said County agency or agencies.
SECTION 3. VIOLATIONS --PENALTIES. It shall be unlawful
for any person, firm, or corporation to erect,construct, enlarge,
alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish, equip,
use, occupy, or maintain any building or structure in the City,
or cause or permit the same to be done, contrary to or in violation
of any of the provisions of the County of Riverside Ordinance or of
any code adopted by this Ordinance. Any person, firm, or corpora-
tion violating, or failing to comply with, any of the provisions of
such Ordinance or Code shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense
for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation
of any of the provisions of such Code is committed, continued, or
permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation, such person
shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprison-
ment for not more than six months or by both such fine and
SECTION 4. Whenever in any provision of any code adopted
by this Ordinance, the word "shall" is used in connection with
actions, functions, or responsibilities of any public officer,
employee, agent, department, division, bureau, council, commission,
board, agency or the City itself, such word is not intended by this
City Council and shall not be construed as imposing any mandatory
duty to act in any specific manner, but such word shall be construed
in the same sense as "may" and is intended only to vest a discretion
to act or not to act, in accordance with the reasonable exigencies
of the particular situation.
SECTION 5. VALIDITY. If any section, subsection, clause
or phrase of this Ordinance or of the County of Riverside Ordi-
nance or of any code adopted thereby is for any reason held by
a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such a decision
Page 3
shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of
this Ordinance or of any code adopted thereby. The City Council
hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each
section or subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, and of
each code adopted hereby irrespective of the clauses or phrases
being declared invalid.
SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in
full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage, and shall
be operative on August 29, 1982.
SECTION 7. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days
after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at
least the three public places designated by resolution of the City
Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this
ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification,
together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of
ordinances of this City.
The foregoing Ordinance was introduced after reading of the
title and of the title of the County of Riverside Ordinance and of
the codes adopted thereby, before the City Council of the City of
La Quinta, California, at a regular meeting of the City Council,
and thereafter, following the public hearing pursuant to California
Government Code Section 50022.3, the foregoing Ordinance was finally
adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on July 6
1982, by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members Abbott, Baier, Cox, Henderson and
Mayor Wolff.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council
of the City of La Quinta, California, at a meeting held July 6, 1982, and that the
ordinance was posted in at least the three public places specified for such
postings by the City Council. �--
Th Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, State
of California, do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance No. 457 is amended to read, as follows:
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after Its
adoption. The Board declares that this ordinance shall be con-
strued as a continuation of existing Ordinance No. 457 and not as
a new enactment, except as to provisions of this ordinance which
are inconsistent therewith, and any permit previously issued
under Ordinance No. 457 and complying therewith shall be
deemed to comply with this ordinance. The Board further de-
clares that any modifications herein to the portions of the uni-
form ;odes required to be adopted pursuant to State Law are
essentially modifications previously adopted by this Board
which are being re-enacted as a part of the over-all revision of
the ordinance.
Choi rman
By R. D. Olivares
A. This ordinance shall apply to all buildings and structures,
or parts thereof in the unincorporated areas of the County
of Riverside, unless hereafter specifically exempted.
B. The finished floor elevation of all residential structures
used for human occupancy shall meet the following crite-
1. If specific floor elevations, recommended by the River-
side County Flood Control and Water Conservation Dis-
trict or Coachella Valley Water District in connection
with the granting of any permit or approval have been
fixed, those elevations shall be used.
2. If no elevations have been fixed in connection with a
permit or approval, the finished floor shall be located at'
the highest elevation required by the following criteria:
a. Level lots shall have the finished floor elevated a
minimum of one foot above the adjacent ground.
b. Sloping lots shall have the finished floor elevated a
minimum of one foot above the finished pad elevation
measured at the upstream edge of the structure.
c. Where the lot drains toward the adjacent road or is
subject to water impounded behind an adjacent road,
—' the finished floor shall be elevated a minimum of one (1)
foot above the center line of that adjacent road.
3. The requirements of this section may be waived or
provides equivalent flood protection or if the unique
characteristics of a building site make the requirements
C. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Director
for any structure if the construction thereof will violate the
provisions of any State law or County ordinance, including
Land Use Ordinance No. 348, the Flood Management Ordi-
nance No. 458, the Land Division Ordinance No. 460, the
Surface Mining Ordinance No. 555, the Alquist-Priolo Spe-
cial Studies Zoning Ordinance No. 547 or the County Fire
Ordinance 546.
O. There is hereby created the "Street Tree Committee"
which shall consist of the Planning Director, who shall be
chairperson, the Road Commissioner, the Director of
Building and Safety, and the Parks Director, or their repre-
sentatives. The duties of the Committee shall be as follows:
1. To develop, prepare and keep current o Street Tree
Planting Manual, for adoption by resofufion of the Board
of Supervisors. The Committee shall, from time to time,
recommend amendments to the Manual for adoption by
the Board.
2. To process applications for permits to plant local street
trees, including requests for exceptions from tree plant-
ing requirements.
3. To enforce the tree planting requirements.
E. The planting of street trees shall be required as follows:
1. No final inspection of any residential, commercial or
industrial building fronting upon a street, whether public
or private, shall be made by the Department of Building
and Safety unless the owner thereof has planted a tree or
trees as hereafter required or has paid a fee to the
Department of Building and Safety computed at the rate
of $75 for each required tree, or has been relieved from
the requirement to plant trees. When a person pays a fee
to the Department of Building and Safety in lieu of
planting required frees, the fee shall be placed in a
Street Tree Planting Fund. This fund shall be used for
the planting of required trees for the person, of the
direction of the Department of Building and Safety, at a
2. When a person applies for a building permit to construct
a residential, commercial or industrial building that
fronts upon a street, whether public or private, the De-
partment of Building and Safety shall furnish him with
an application to plant street trees and a copy of the
Street Tree Planting Manual.
a. The applicant shall furnish all required information
including the following:
(1) Location of the property.
(2) The type of soil on the property.
(3) Availability of water to the property.
(4) Type of other trees in the right of way within 300
feet, or the next intersecting streets on each side of the
(5) Tree species preferred by applicant (three
(6) Plat map of parcel of property, including drive-
way b. The application shall be filed together with the
application for a building permit and shall be referred to
the Road Department for processing and determination
of tree planting requirements. The application shall then
be returned to the Department of Building and Safety
and the permittee shall be notified of the tree planting
c. A person may be relieved of the requirement to plant
street trees by the Committee, if the Committee finds
any of the following conditions to exist:
(1) That tree planting is impractical due to unsatis-
factor soil, rock, grade or other topographical condi-
tions tat cannot readily be corrected.
(2) That a satisfactory water supply is not available.
(3) That tree planting will create conditions hazard-
ous to traffic.
(4) That the street is likely to be widened within a
reasonable period of time and trees cannot now be set In
their proper relationship to the ultimate right of way.
(5) That trees are already planted in the substantially
d. if a person desires to be relieved from the require
ment to plant street trees he shall, in addition to filling
out the first port of the application, also complete the
part thereof entitled "Request for Exception from Plant-
ing Street Trees." The applicant may request a hearing
thereon at the time of filing his application for an excep-
e. Whenever the applicant requests that he be relieved
from tree planting requirements, the application shall
be forwarded by the Department of Building and Safety
to the Planning Department. The Planning Department
shall investigate and study the request for exception
and -confer thereon with the Road Department. If the
partment shall set the matter for an informal hearing
before the Planning Department and Road Department
representatives of the Committee and shall give notice
thereof to the applicant. The hearing shall be held not
less than two nor more than four weeks after the filing
of the application. The Planning Department Shall no-
tifv the applicant by mail of the decision upon his
request for exception, whether or not a hearing is held
on the matter and shall forward a copy to the Depart-
ment of Building and Safety.
I. If the applicant does not agree with the decision, he
shall have the right to appeal the matter to the Board of
Supervisors, by notifying the Planning Department, by
letter, within ten days of the mailing of the decision by
the Planning Department. The Planning Department
shall thereupon forward the matter to the Board of
Supervisors together with the decision and recommen-
dations of the Committee. The Board of Supervisors
may set the matter before itself for an informal hearing
or it may accept the recommendations and deny the
bequest for a hearing. If the matter is set for hearing
efore the Board, if shall be set not less than two nor
more than four weeks after the filing of the appeal.
The Clerk of the Board shall notify the applicant and
the Committee of any hearing dates and decisions of the
3. All tree planting requirements shall be determined in
accordance with the regulations contained in the Street
Tree Planning Manual, as adopted by the Board of Su-
pervisors. The Manual shall contain the types of trees,
the required spacing of trees, the standards for tree
location, the Planting and maintenance directions, the
correct season for panting of various species of trees,
the condition of trees to be planted, and other pertinent
F. Special Studies Zones. In addition to the requirements of
this ordinance, all applicants, for a building permit for a
structure used for human occupancy that lies within a
special studies zone delineated by the State Geologist pur-
suant to Section 2621, et seq., of the Public Resources Code,
and which is subject to Riverside County Ordinance No.
547, shall comply with all the provisions thereof, and no
building permit subject thereto shall be granted except in
accordance with the provisions of said ordinance, unless
the project has already been approved pursuant to the
provisions Ordinance No. 547.
G. Rubbish and Debris
1. Collection and Disposal. During the process of construct-
ing a building or structure, the construction site and the
general area around the site shall be kept clear of the
rubbish and debris that results from the construction
activities. Rubbish and debris shall not be allowed to
accumulate on, or be blown from, the site and shall be
consefrduction sites to an authorized or
removed from
AII con-
tainers the
shall be emptied periodically at an authorized
disposal area so they will remain usable for the collec-
tion of rubbish and debris. When the building or struc-
ture is completed, a final clean-up of the site shall be
conducted by the permittee.
2. Inspections. A permit holder shall not be entitled to and
no building inspector shall make, an inspection of any
phase of completed construction work, including the fi-
nal inspection, if the construction site or general area
thereof contains an accumulation of construction rub-
bish and debris. If a building inspector is unable to
conduct a requested inspection because of an occumula-
tion of rubbish and debris, a reinspection fee, in accor-
dance with the provisions of Section 305(g) of the Uni-
form Building Code shall be paid at the time of the
request for reinspection.
3. Rubbish and debris for the purpose of this section, in-
cludes but is not limited to, stub ends of cut lumber,
broken lumber and other scrap wood, scrap cement and
plaster, strop metal, paper cartons, wrappings, and
simil r materials that result from the process of con-
structing a building or structure.
SECTION 2. The Uniform Administrative Code, 1979
Edition, as adopted by the International Conference of
Building Officials, is hereby adopted and mode a part of
this Ordinance by reference (three c ies of which are
on file for use by the public in the Of Ice of the County
Clerk) with the following modifications:
A. Section 104 (f), 203, 301 (b) 3, and Tables Nos. 3-B,
3 C 3-D, 3-E, 3-F, of the Administrative Code are
B. Boards of Appeal:
1. Section 204 of the Uniform Administrative Code Is
amended to read:
S.•Notice of Pendency of Proceedin Whenever notice of
defects has been given, the Guil ittg Director shall re-
cord In the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside
County, a notice that an administrative proceeding has
been commenced for the abatement of a public nui-
sance, describing the real property affected and starting
that the costs incurred therein may become a lien on
said property, and directing inquiry for further details to
his office, iving the address thereof.
6. Second Nonce. If the order of the Building Director in
the first notice shall not have been complied with within
45 days offer to all parties concerned by posting and
mailing in the some manner as the first notice which
not'CCC shall be entitled in letters not less than ihree-
fourfhs of an inch in height " NOTICE TO ABATE NUI-
SANCE." The notice shall direct the owner of the build-
ing or structure to appear at a hearing before the Board
of Supervisors at a stated date, time and place to show
cause why such building or structure should not be con-
demned as a nuisance and be abated as herein provided.
The hearing shall be set not less than 15 days after the
posting and mailing of the notice by the Building Direc-
The Building Director shall file a copy of the notice and
an affidavit of service with the Clerk of the Board in the
some manner as the first notice, but the failure of any
owner or other person to receive such notice shall not
affect in any manner the validity of any proceedings
taken hereunder.
7. Hearing. At the time fixed in the notice, the Board of
Supervisors shall proceed to hear the testimony of the
Building Director, and the owner of the building or
structure or his representatives if present at said hear-
ing, and other concerned parties who may desire to
testify, regarding the condition of the building or struc-
ture, the estimated cost of reconstruction, repair or re-
moval, and any other relevant matter. Upon the conclu-
sion of the hearing, the Board shall make its decision
and, in the event that it so concludes, it may declare the
building or structure to be a nuisance and direct the
owner to abate the some by having the building or struc-
ture property reconstructed or repaired, or by having it
razed or removed, and further notifying the owner that
if said nuisance is not abated within 30 days after post -
ing and mailing of the Board's decision, the building or
structure will be razed or removed by the County of
Riverside and the expense thereof shall be a lien on the
lot or parcel of land upon which the building or structure
is located.
At any time within ten days after the Board's decision
directing the abatement of a nuisance, the Building Di-
rector shall post a copy of the Board's decision on the
building or structure and mail copies thereof to all par-
ties concerned In the some manner as the First notice,
and he shall file an affidavit thereof with the Clerk of the
Board. The Board may grant any extension of time to
abate said nuisance that it may deem justifiable upon
8. 'dime 16Brtnp Action. Unless the owner or holder of an
Interest of record brings an action in a court of compe-
tent Jurisdiction within 30 days after the date of mailing
and posting on said premises of the notice of the decision
of the Board, contesting the validity of any proceedings
leading up to and including the decision of the Board, all
obiections to the proceedings and decision will be
deemed to have been waived.
9. Jurisdiction to Abate. Thirty days after the mailing and
posting of the Board's decision, the County shall have
jurisdiction to abate such nuisance by razing or remov-
ing the building or structure, unless withing the 30-day
period an extension of time is granted by the Board. In
the event that the nuisance is not abated wihtin the
prescribed time, the County may thereupon raze and
remove the building or structure or have the some done
under its direction and
10. Sale of Materials. The building materials contained In
such building structure so razed or removed may be sold
by the Building Director at public sale to the highest
responsible bidder after not less than five days' notice of
intended sale published at least once in a newspaper of
general circulation published in the County either before
or after a building or structure has been razed or re-
moved, and any amount received from the sale of such
materials shall be deducted from the expense of razing
or removing the building or structure. The Building Di-
rector shall keep an itemized account of the expenses
involved in the razing or removing and shall deduct
therefrom any amount received from the sale of the
building materials. If the Building Director determines
that there will be no materials that are saleable, he shall
nppt advertise for bids.
11. Stotement of Expense. The Building Director shall cause
to be posted conspicuously on the property from which
the building or structure was razed or removed, a veri-
fied statement showing the gross and net expense of the
razing or removing and all other costs, together with a
notice of the date, time and place when and where the
statement shall be heard by the Board, which shall be
not less than five days after the posting and mailing of
the statement. A copy of the statement and notice shall
be mailed to all concerned parties in the manner as is
prescribed for the first notice and filed with the Clerk of
the Board together with an affidavit of posting and mail-
12. Hearing on Statement of Expense. At the time fixed for
the hearing on the statement of expense the Board shall
consider the statement, together with any objections or
protests which may be raised by the property owner or
other concerned parties. The Board may make any such
revision, correction or modification in the statement as
it may deem Just, and thereafter shall render its deci-
sion on the statement. The Board's decision on the state-
ment and on all protests and objections which may be
made shall be final and conclusive.
13. Payment — Lien. If payment is not made within ten
days offer the Board's decision on the statement, the
Building Director shall transmit the statement and the
Board's decision to the County Auditor who shall place
the amount thereof on the assessment roll as a special
assessment to be paid with County taxes, unless sooner
paid. At the some time, the Building Director shall file in
the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County a
notice of lien, describing the real property affected, a
Wmmory oqf the action taken to abate the nuisance and
e omount of the lien claimed by the County of River-
14. Release of Lien. Upon payment in full of the costs of the
abatement proceed(na and the expense of the work done.
or upon order of the Board of Supervisors, the Building
Director shall execute and record with the County Re-
corder a release of the recorded lien on the property. If
an assessment has been placed on the assessment roll
and is thereafter paid to the Building Director, he shall
notify the County Auditor who shall cancel the assess-
ment on the roll.
15. In the event that the amount received from a sale of
materials exceeds the expenses of abatement, such ex-
cess shall be deposited with the County Treasurer to the
credit of the owner of the property or to such other
person legally entitled thereto, and such excess shall be
payable to the owner or other person upon producing
evidence of ownership satisfactory to the Treasurer.
16. The Building Director is authorized to pay from funds
appropriated to him the cost of a title search to deter-
mine who are the concerned parties, mailing expense
and the expense of all work done or caused to be done by
him in the repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal
of a building or structure under this section. All of such
costs shall be included in the statement of expense filed
by the Building Director.
17. The Board may continue any hearing provided for here -
In from time to time. Upon the close of a hearing, the
Board shall render its decision not later than 15 days
18. Other Remedies. Nothing herein shall preclude the use,
by the County of Riverside or any person adversely
affected of an other remedy, civil, criminal or other-
wise, for the abatement of a nuisance instead of or In
addition to any of the provisions of this section.
SECTION 4. The Uniform Building Code, 1979 Edition, including
the Appendix and the Standards referred to in Chapter 60 of the
Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the International Confer-
ence of Building Officials, is hereby adopted and made part of
this ordinance by reference (three copies of which are on file for
use and examination by the public in the Office of the County
Clerk) with the following modifications:
A. Section 203, 204 and 205, Chapter 3 Appendix 51 and 53 of
the Uniform Building Code are deleted.
B. The second paragraph of Section 502, of the Uniform Build-
ing Code is amended to read:
No change in the character of occupancy of a building shall
be made without a Certificate of Occupancy, as required by
Section 308 (a) of the Uniform Administrative Code. The
building official may issue a Certificate of Occupancy pur-
suant to the intent of the above exception without certifying
that the building complies with all provisions of this code.
C. Division 2 of Section 1101 of the Uniform Building Code is
amended to read: 'Fences over 3 feet high, if more than 50
percent closed; wire fences over 6 feet high; tanks and
D. Section 1807 (a) of the Uniform Building Code is amended
to read:
(a) Scope. This section shall apply to all Group B, Division 2
office buildings and Group R, Division 1 Occupancies,
each having floors used for human occupancy located
more than 55 feet above the lowest level of fire depart-
ment vehicle access. Such buildings shall be provided
with ether an a roved automatic sprinkler system in
occorc�ance with Section 1807 (c), or safe areas of refuge
((l(compartmentation) in accordance with Section 1807
t E. Sec io)n 2307 of the Uniform Building Code 1s amended by
adding the following sentence:
For roof members supporting concrete file roofs, the maxi-
mum allowable deflection will be L/240 live load plus dead
F. Section 2510 (h) of the Uniform Building Code is amended
by adding the following sentence:
All trusses will be stamped with the manufacturer's name,
the name and I.C.B.O. approval number of the quality
control agency doing the inplant inspections.
G. Section 2517 (f) 2, of the Uniform Building Code is amended
to read: In all stud wall partitions, including furred spaces
so placed that the maximum dimension between horizontal
framing members Is not over 6 feet, and so placed as to be
not less than 4 inches from the horizontal break of the
gypsum lath or other sheet lath.
H. Chapter 26 of the Uniform Building Code is amended by
adding the following sections:
Permit to Supply Ready -Mixed Concrete.
(a) No person shall supply ready -mixed concrete to any
person in the unincorporated area of the County of Riv-
erside, without an unrevoked, current permit issued by
the County of Riverside. The annual fee for a permit
shall be $75 which shall be submitted with the applica-
tion for a permit and each renewal of a permit. Applica-
tions for a permit shall be made to the Building Director
upon the forms provided by the Deportment of Building
and Safety, which shall provide all requested informa-
tion including the following:
1. Name, home and business address of applicant.
2. Trade or firm name. p�
3. Address or location of the applicant's plant.
4. A complete description of applicant's Qp
ment and plant, including the capacity thereof.
5. A copy of applicant's proposed weighmaster's certifi-
6. The name and address or location of all sources of
aggregate to be used by the applicant in ready -mixed
concrete, and a certification that the aggrego a com-
plies with the Code standards.
7. A complete set of applicant's standard design mixes for
each class of concrete, which mixes shall be baed on
the materials being used by permittee and shall comply
with Code standards.
(b) Permittee shall keep current all information required
to be supplied to the Building Director and shall make
no change in source of material or mix designs with-
out approval from the Building Director. The Building
Director may require that test data from an approved
testing agency be furnished by permittee prior to any
change in either source of material or mix designs.
(c) A permit to sup ly ready -mixed concrete may be
revoked by the BBoard of Supervisors, upon recom-
mendation of the Building Director, upon a determi-
nation that a permittee has supplied ready -mixed con-
crete that does not meet the required standards, to
any person in the unincorporated area of the County
of Riverside, unless such concrete was specifically
ordered by the person to whom the concrete was
(d) Type V cement shall be used in all concrete in contact
with the soil in the Coachella Valley area of the Coun-
ty of Riverside. The Coachella Valley area shall be
In order to determine the suitaarl1Ty 01 allernaie motet v
ais and methods of construction and to provide for rea-
sonable interprefations of the technical codes, five
Boards of Appeal, consisting of members who are quali-
fied by education, experience and training to pass upon
matters pertaining to the hereinafter listed fields of con-
struction, are hereby created. The members of each
Board shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors
and shall hold office of its pleasure. The members of
each Board shall annually elect a chairman for each
Board of Appeal.
2. Each Board shall consist of five members for each of the
following fields of construction:
Structural: Two General Contractors; one Structural
Engineer; one Architect; one Material Sup-
Grading: Two Grading Contractors; one Civil Engi-
neer; one Solis Engineer; one Testing Lobo -
Mechanical: Two Heating, Ventilating and Aircondl-
tioning contractors; one Mechanical Engi-
neer; one Architect; one Mechanical
Equipment Supplier.
Plumbing: Two Plumbing Contractors; one Mechani-
cal Engineer; one Architect; one Plumbing
Electrical: Two Electrical Contractors; one Electrical
Engineer; one Electrical Utility; one Elec-
tri Supplier.
3. Any person tho Is aggrieved by a decision of the Build-
ing Director may appeal to the Board of Appeal for the
field in question, by fllin9 a written notice of appeal upon
the form provided by the Building Department within
fen days after the date of the decision. The effect of the
order or determination appealed from is suspended until
the termination of the hearing.
4. The Board of Appeal shall fix the time and place of
hearingthe appeal, which shall not be less than five nor
more tan twenty days after the date of filing of the
a peal, and shall give written notice of the time and
peace of the hearing to the appellant and the Building
Director. Witnesses may be sworn and examined and
evidence produced by the interested parties who shall
appear in person only. The Board shall keep a record of
each appeal and the proceedings thereunder.
5. The Board shall prepare written findings and conclu-
sions within five days after the close of the hearing and
make its recommendations to the Building Director
based upon such findings and conclusions. The affirma-
tive vote of three or more members of the Board shall
constitute the recommendation of the Board. The failure
to prepare findings shall constitute the recommendation
of the Board. The failure to prepare findings shall consti-
tute a recommendation approving the determination of
the Building Director.
C. Section 301 (b) 1. A. of the Uniform Administrative Code is
amended to read:
A. One story detached accessory buildings used as tool and
storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, in single
family residential zones, provided the projected roof
area does not exceed 100 square feet.
D. Section 301 (b) 1. B. of the Uniform Administrative Code Is
amended to read:
3. Fences not over 3 feet high.
Section 301 (b) 1. E. of the Uniform Administrative Code is
amended to read:
Retaining wall which Is not over 2 feet in height mea-
sured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall
unless supporting a surcharge or impounding flammable
F. Section 304 (a) of the Uniform Administrative Code is
amended to read:
(a) The fee for each building permit shall be as set forth in
Table 3-A and the fees for the Mechanical, Plumbing
and Electrical Permits are shown in Ordinance 457 Sec-
tion 5, 6 and 7 respectively. The Grading Permit Fees
are listed in the Uniform Building Code Appendix Chap-
ter 70 Table No. 70-B. The Grading Plan Check Fees are
shown in Table No. A0 A.
Any permit paid for by a check that is returned to the
County for "nonsufficient funds" will be automatically
The determination of value or valuation under any of
the provisions of these codes shall be made by the build -
in 9 official. • The value to be used in computing the
building permit and building plan review fees shall be
the total value of all construction work for which the
permit is issued as well as all finish work, painting,
roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning,
elevators, fire-exfinguishing systems and any other per-
manent equipment.
G. Section 304 (b) of the Uniform Administrative Code is
amended to read:
(b) Plan Review Fees. When a plan or other data are
regq�uired to be submitted by Subsection (c) of Section
302, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of
submitting plans and specifications for review. Said
plan review fee for buildings or structures shall be 65
percent of the building permit fee as shown in Table
No. 3-A.
Where plans are Incomplete or changed so as to re-
quire additional plan review, an additional plan review
fee shall be charged at the rate shown in Table No. 3-A.
H. Section 304 (d) 2. of the Uniform Administrative Code is
2. Fee. An investigation fee, in addition to the Permit fee,
shall be collected whether or not a permit is then or
subsequently issued. The investigation fee shall be equal
to the amount of the permit fee required by this code.
The minimum investigation fee shall be the some as the
minimum fee set forth in Table No. 3-A. The payment of
such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from
compliance with all other provisions of either this code
or the technical codes nor from any penalty prescribed
by law.
Section 304 (e) 2 of the Uniform Administrative Code Is
im nde I t read:
2. The uiiding official may authorize during the term of
the permit, the refunding of not more than 80 % of the
permit fee paid when no work has been done under a
permit issued in accordance with this code; however, a
minimum of $15.00 shall not be refunded on any permit.
J. Section 304 (e) of the Uniform Administrative Code is
amended by adding anew subsection to read:
4. When property for which a permit for a project has been
issued is annexed to a city, and the County loses jurisdic-
tion thereof before the project is completed, the portion
of onv fees collected under any section of this ordinance
in excess of expenses ui me ouimmw un"wi i,i —
refunded upon the recommendation of the Building Di-
rector and the approval of the Board of Supervisors.
The application for refund shall be made upon the usual
form of claim against the County, and the action of the
Building Director shall be advised thereon with a brief
statement of the amount approved for refund.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, any tee collected under
any section of this Ordinance for the State of California
shall not be refunded by the County of Riverside.
K. Thg following paragraphs are added to Table No. 3-A of the
Uniform Administrative Code:
S. Permit for a tent, travel trailer not exceeding 320 square
feet or other temporary structure ............. $15.00 each
(A person, to whom a building permit is issued, may secure a
Permit for a temporary dwelling to be erected on the some
premises and used for dwelling purposes pending the completion
anon or six mourns, renewaoie upon snowing oT necessiTv mere -
are. The permit is revocable unless construction of the oerma-
�nt building is commenced within 30 days of the issuance of
,1]iding pe it and construction is continued with reasonable
ligence. Inge permanent building to be erected is to replace or
es ore a previous building destroyed or made uninhabitable by
re or other casualty, the permit fee may be waived but may not
renewed unless the building permit has been issued).
6. Fee to transfer required permits to new owner $15.00
(Whenever a building for which a permit has been ov-
tained changes ownership during the construction peri-
od, the new owner shall report that fact to the Depart-
ment of Building and Safety.)
7. Fee for copies of official building plans .... 40 per sheet
(Whenever Section 19850 of the Health and Safety Code
requires that an official copy of the plans of a building
be maintained by the Department of Building and Safety
for the life of the building, a fee of .40 cents for each
sheet of the official building plans shall be paid by the
applicant before the permit is issued.)
SECTION 2. The Uniform Housing Code, 1979 Edition, as
adopted by the International Conference of Building Of-
ficials, is hereby adopted and made a part of this Ordi-
nance by reference (three copies of the code are on file
for use by the public in the office of the County Clerk),
with the following modifications:
A. Chapter 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of the Uniform
Housing Code are deleted.
B. Abatement of Unsafe and Substandard Buildings.The fol-
lowing procedures are added to the Uniform Housing Code
to abate unsafe and substandard buildings and structures:
1. Public Nuisance. Every substandard building or struc-
ture as defined in Section 17920.3 of the Health and
Safety Code is hereby declared to be a public nuisance
which shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demoli-
tion or removal in accordance with the procedure con-
tained in this section.
2. First Notice. The Building Director, upon determining
that a building or structure is unsafe or substandard
shall give a written notice of defects to all parties con-
cerned in the manner hereinafter stated. The notice
shall specify the conditions which render the buildings
or structure unsafe or substandard and if, in the opinion
of the Building Director, such conditions can be correct-
ed by repair, the notice shall state the work that is
necessary to repair of rehabilitate the building or struc-
ture. The notice shall require the owner to obtain all
necessary permits from the Department of Building and
Safety and to correct or abate the unsafe or substandard
conditions, either by repair, demolition or removal with-
in 30 days after the date of notice. If a building is
encumbered by a mortgage or deed of trust of record,
and the owner of the building shall not have complied
with the order on or before the expiration of 30 days
after the mailing and posting of the notice, the mortagee
or beneficiary under the deed of trust may within 15
days after the expiration of the 30-day period, comply
with the requirements of the notice.
3. Manner of Giving Notice. The Building Director shall
post a copy of the notice of defects in a plainly visible
Place on the building or structure and he shall send a
copy, by registered or certified mail, postafle Prepaid,
return receipt requested, to the owner of the land on
which the building or structure is located, as such per-
son's name and address appears on the last County
equalized assessment roll, and to each mortgagee or
beneficiary under any deed of trust that is of record; to
the holder of any lease that is of record, and to the
record holder of any other estate or interest in the build-
ing or structure or the land upon which such building or
structure is located, at the last known addresses of such
interest holders. If the address of any such person is
unknown, that fact shall be stated in the copy so mailed
and it shall be addressed to the person at the county
seat. Service by mail shall be deemed complete at the
time of deposit in the mails. The Building Director shall
file a coy of the notice of defects with the Clerk of the
Board along with an affidavit certifying to the persons,
date and manner in which such notice was given. He
shall also thereafter file any receipt cards which are
returned to him acknowledging receipt of the notice. The
failure of any owner or other persons to receive such
notice shall not affect in any manner the validity of any
proceedings taken thereunder.
4. Order to Vacate. Whenever, in the opinion of the Build-
ing Director, extreme and imminent hazard exists, he
shall give written notice ordering the occupants of any
such building to immediately vacate and, in the event
ty ootuineu, ne snare requesT Tne taw enrorcemenT agen-
cv having Jurisdiction to effect such a vacation or forth-
with take such action at law as Is required to cause the
premises to be vacated. A copy of the order to vacate,
which shall include the reasons for the order, shall be
posted on the building and mailed to all concerned par-
ties and filed with the Clerk of the Board in the same
manner as the notice of defects. Upon giving such order
to vacate, the Building Director shall cause to be posted
at each entrance to the building a notice to read: "DO
Building and Safety, County of Riverside." Such notices
shall remain posted until the required repair, demolition
or removal are completed. Such notice shall not be re-
moved without written permission of the Bulding Direc-
tor and no person shall enter the building except for the
purpose of making the required repairs or the demoli-
tion of the building, without the written permission of the
Building Director.
area west of the Coachella branch
)n Canal, south of Avenue 48 and
(e) A statement memorandum Issued by a licensed
weiQQhmaster, certifying the quantities of all materials
=9 to each batch of ready -mixed concrete at the
batch plant shall be provided for the purchaser by the
supplier. This statement or memorandum shall Indi-
cate the wafer added to the mix on the job site of the
customer's request. A copy of such statement or
(ne c randum showing the job location, shall be left at
thel o� site. A copy shall also be retained by the suppli-
for a period not less than five years and shall be
made available to the Building Director upon request.
(f) All suppliers of ready -mixed concrete shall furnish to
the Building Director, laboratory test reports on all
materials used for concrete, upon notice that perfor-
mance of finished concrete s below that for which It
was designed.
1. Section 2907 (a) of the Uniform Building Code is amended
by adding the following paragraph:
Finish grade shall be sloped to provide proper drainage
away from all exterior foundation walls. The slope shall be
not less than one inch per foot for a distance of not less than
3 feet from any point of the exterior foundation. Drainage
swales shall not be less than 3" deeper than the adjacent
finished grade at the foundation.
J. Section 3802 (b) 1, of the Uniform Building Code is amended
by adding the following paragraph:
E. All occupancies where the floor area exceeds 12,000
square feet, except Group R, Division 3, and Group M.
K. Fire -extinguishing equipment of the following types shall
be provided in all restaurant cooking appliance ventilating
SVs ems:
1. An approved fixed pipe inert gas system operated by
manual and automatic controls, or,
2. An approved fixed pipe dry chemical system operated by
manual and automatic control.
L. Special Construction Provisions for Hazardous Fire Areas.
The hazardous fire areas of the unincorporated area of the
County of Riverside are those portions so designated on the
maps entitled "Hazardous Fire Areas of Riverside Coun-
ty," on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Sapervi-
sQrs grid in the office of the County Fire Warden of River-
side County. All buildings or structures that are construct-
ed or moved Into hazardous fire areas, shall comply with
the following construction requirements:
1. Roof Covering. Root covering shall be fire retardant roof-
ing as specified in Section 3203 (e) of the Uniform Build-
ing Code, or other fire retardant roofing that has been
tested by the Underwriters Laboratory or other recog-
nized testing agency and accepted by the International
Conference of Building Officials.
2. Protection of Openings. Openings into attics, floors, or
other enclosed areas shall be covered with corrosion -
resistant wire mesh not greater than V, inch in any di-
mension unless such openings are equipped with sash or
3. Alterations. Existing buildings and structures in high fire
hazard areas, to which additions, alterations or repairs
are made, shalt comploy with these special provisions in
accordance with the provisions of Section 704 of the Uni-
form Building Code.
. Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code Appendix is
amended as follows:
1. Section 7003 of the Uniform Building Code is amended by
deleting subsection 1 thereof and by adding a new subsec-
tion 1 to read:
1, (a) Grading by public agencies or their agents,
in connection with the construction or main-
tenance of roods, or facilities for the gen-
eration, storage or transmission of wafer,
including floodwaters, or electrical energy.
(b) Grading done exclusively for agricul-
tural purposes in connection with crops or
annimals, but not including grading for
buildings or structures that require a build-
ing permit unless such grading is exempt
under other provisions of this section.
2. Section 7005 of the Uniform Build-
ing Code is amended by changing
the definition of the word "Com-
paCtion" and by adding the follow-
ing definitions, all to read:
COMPACTION: The densfftcafions of a fill.
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: An individual registered in the
State to practice in the field of Landscape Architecture.
SLOPE CONTROL SPECIALIST: A professional landscape ar-
c t ec or other professional person experience in erosion control
work, retained by the developer in a professional or consultative
capacity and responsible for analysis, plans, specifications, su-
pervision and Certifications regarding slope control planting and
related slope control work, other than grading, for a specific
SLOPING LOT: A lot having a tall from front to rear, rear to
front, side to side or diagonally across the lot of 5 percent or
more over a substantial portion of such lot.
TERRACED LOT: A lot having been graded so as to create a
relqtively flat usable area for a building site and associated use.
Such usable area shall be defined cis that portion of a (of having a
slope of less than S percent over a major portion of the lot, when
the remainder of such lot is to a natural slope.
3. Subsection (a) of Section 7006 of The Uniform Building
Code is amended to rend:
(a) Permits Required. Except as exempted in Section
7003 of this code, no person shall do any grading
without first obtaining o grading permit from the
Building Director. If substantiagrading is com-
menced prior to obtaining a permit, a fee equal to
twice the amount provided for in Table No. 70-B
shall be charged for the issuance of o grading per-
(i) No application for a permit for grading to excess of
2,000 cubic yards if the average natural slope (5 10
percent or greater, or 3,000 cubic yards in ail other
cases shall be accepted unless accompanied by a
campfeted Environmental Assessment form, and no
grading permit shall be issued therefore until all
procedures under the Riverside County Rules to
Implement the California Environmental Quality
Act of 7970, including the preparation of a final
Environmental Impact Report, if required, have
been completed. Grading which was environmental-
ly assessed under a previously approved protect
(Z) No hearing shall be required for the issuance of a
grading permit unless an environmental impact re-
port is required to be prepared. If a hearfna is
A Fee
required, notice of the time, place and dare of the
hearing shall be given in accordance with the re-
quirements of Section 608 of The Riverside County
Rules to Irriplement CEQA, of which hearing both
the proposed permit and the Environmental Impact
Reeppoort will be reviewed and considered by the
Building Director or his authorized representative.
Notice of the decision shall be mulled by the Build-
ing Director to the applicant and to any other per-
son that requests notice within 15 days after closing
the hearing.
(3) The decision of the Building Director to approve,
deny or impose special conditions upon a grading
permit for which an environmental impact report
was prE�pared and a hearing was held, may be ap-
pealed by the applicant or any interested party to
the Board of Supervisors. An appeal to the Board
must be tiled with the Clerk of the Board in writing,
on the form provided by the Building Department
accompanied by a filing fee Of 5145.00 within 15
calendar days after the date of the mailing of the
decision by the Building Director. Upon receipt of a
completed appeal, the Clerk of the Board shah set
the matter for hearing before the Board of Supervi-
sors not less than 21 days nor more than 45 days
thereafter and shall give written notice of the hear -
in q in the some manner as notice was given of the
original hearing. The Board of Supervisors shall
hear the matter de nova; however, the documents
and the minutes of the hearing before the Building
Director shall be a part of the Board's record at its
hearing on the matter.
The Board of Supervisors shall render its decision
affirming reversing or modifying the decision of the
Building Director within 30 days following the close
of the hearing on the appeal.
Paragraph 3 of Subsection (d) of Section 7006 of the Uni-
form Building Code is amended to read:
Limiting dimensions, elevations or finished contours to be
achieved by the grading and Proposed drainage channels
and related construction. The proposed final grades shall
indicate clearly all cuts, fills and slopes. Contours shall
be shown according to the following schedule:
Natural Slope Maximum Interval
2% or less 2'
Over 2% and up to 9% 5'
Over 9°k 10'
ubsection (g) of Section 7006 of the Uniform Building
ode is amended by adding a new sentence to read:
It a grading or encroachment permit is issued by the
Road Department, the Building Director shall waive the
fee for that portion of the grading work that is covered by
the permit issued by the Rood Department.
Section 7007, Table 70-A Plan Check Fees of the Uniform
Building Code is modified by adding:
of 40 cents for each sheet of the official grading plans,
aligns, calculations and soil reports shall be paid by the
of before such permit is issued.
Section 7009 of the Uniform Building Code is amended by
adding The following new paragraphs to read:
d) Height of Slopes. Cut slopes shall not be constructed
over 30 feet in height unless the Building Director Is
furnished evidence by a written report from a Soil
Engineer that such slope will be stable with a factor
(e) Area of Building Site on Terraced Lots. (Created by
Cut Methods). Each lot created by cut methods shall
have a minimum usable area sufficient to meet the
standards of Chapter 77 of the Uniform Plumbing
Code when a subsurface sewerage system is pro-
Section 7010 of the Uniform Building Code is amended To
(a) General. Unless otherwise recommended in the ap-
proved soil engineering report, fills shall conform to
the provisions of this Section.
In the absence of an approved soil enginnerin9 report
these provisions may be waived for minor fills not
Intended to support structures.
(b) F(II Location. FiII slopes shall not be constructed on
natural slopes steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical
or where fill slope toes out within 12 feet horizontally
of the top of existing or planned cut slopes.
Preparation of Ground. The ground surioce shall be
prepared to receive fill by removing vegetation, non-
complying fill, topsoil and other unsuitable materials as
determined by the soil engineer, and where the slopes
are 5 horizontal to 1 vertical or steeper, by benching into
sound bedrock or other competent material.
The surioce shall Then be plowed or scarified to a depth
of at least 6 inches and until the surface is free from
ruts hummocks or other uneven features which would
tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to
be used.
Where fills are made on terraced lots, hillsides or slopes
greater than S horizontal to 7 vertical, steps or benches
shall be cut into the original ground before filling is
begun. The design of said steps or benches shall be
subiecf to review and approval by the Building Director.
After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plowed
or scarified, it shall be disced or bladed until it is uni-
form and free from large clods; brought to the proper
moisture content- and compacted in the some manner
and to the some degree as required for the till material.
Said foundation shall be compacted to the full depth of
disturbance and In no case shall said depth be less than
FiII Material. Earth materials which have no more than
minor amounts of organic substances and have no rock
or similar irreducible material with o maximum dimen-
sion greater than 8 inches shall be used.
(e) Compaction. All fills shall be compacted to a
minimum of 90% of maximum density as
determined by the Uniform Building Code
Standard No. 70 or eauivalenf as approved by
modified to use a 10 pound hammer falling 25
times from a height of 18 inches on each Of 5
equal layers in one -thirtieth (7/30) of a cubic
toot compaction cylinder or other density
test methods which will obtain equivalent re-
sults. Where other methods are used, evi-
dence shall be submitted to show that for the
specific materials to be used, equivalent re-
sults will be obtained. Compaction of tempo -
(Continued on Pale D-7)
rare storage fills for a period of not greater
than 6 months shall not be required, except
where the Building Director determines that
compaction is necessary as a safety measure
to aid in preventing saturation, slipping or
erosion of the fill. Where compaction Is re-
t red, it shall be done in accordance with
the provisions of this Ordinance.
(f) Slope. The slope of fill surfaces shall be no steeper
than is safe for the Intended use. Fill slopes shall be no
steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical.
(g) Drainage and Terracing. Drainage and terracing
sholl be provided and the area above fill slopes and
the surfaces of terraces shall be graded and paved as
required by Section 7012.
(h) Height of Slopes. No fill slopes shall be constructed
over 30 feet in height unless the Building Director is
furnished evidence by a written report from the Soil
Engineer that such slope will be stable with a factor
of at least one and five -tenths (1.5).
(1) Area of Building Site on Terraced Lots (created by fill
methods). Each lot created by fill methods shall have
a minimum usable area sufficient to meet the stan-
dards of Chapter 11 of the Uniform Plumbing Code
when a subsurface sewage system is proposed.
9. The second paragraph of Subsection (b) of Section 7012
of the Uniform Building Code is amended to read:
"Swales or ditches" on terraces shall have a minimum
gradient of 2 percent and shall be paved with concrete 3
inches thick and 5 feet wide with an adequate cross
Seccttieon to carry off the storm wafer collected on the
10. Sfiubsection (a) of Section 7013 of the Uniform Building
Code is amended to read:
(a) Slopes. The faces of cut and fill slopes shall be pre-
pared and maintained to control erosion and to pro-
vide stability. Where cut slopes are not subject to
erosion due to the erosion -resistant character of ma-
terials, such protection may be omitted. Unless other-
wise recommended in the approved soil engineering
or engineering geoloqy report, cut and fill slopes shall
be planted in accolonce with this section. The pro-
tection for the slopes shall be installed as soon as
practicable and prior to calling for final permit ap-
1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. Cut slopes equal to or
greater than 5' in vertical height and fill slopes equal to
or greater than 3' in vertical height shall be planted with
grass or ground cover to protect the slope from erosion
and instability. Other slopes as deemed necessary by the
Building Director shall also be planted.
Slopes exceeding 15 feet in vertical height shall be plant-
ed with shrubs, spaced at not more than 10 feet on
center; or trees, spaced not to exceed 20 feet on center;
or a combination of shrubs and trees at equivalent spac-
ings, in addition to the grass or ground cover. The plants
selected and planting methods used shall be suitable for
the soil and climatic conditions. Plant materials and
planting patterns may be varied upon the recommenda-
tion of a Landscape Architect or a Slope Control Special-
ist with approval of the Building Director.
if a species other than those from the recommended list
of plants is selected, a written statement shall be sub-
mitted by a Landscape Architect or Slope Control Spe-
cialist certifying the plants suitability for erosion control
and slope stability. This statement must accompany the
grading plan at the time of submittal.
2. Landscape and Irrigation Plan Requirements.
Landscape plans shall be submitted for all slopes
required to be planted. The landscape plan may be
incorporated as part of the grading plan unless, in the
opinion of the Building Director, the plan becomes too
obscured to be effective. A landscape plan shall in-
(1) A slope planting schedule that provides common
and scientific names and specifications of all
plants, number and size of each tree and shrub and
the spacing of plants.
(2) The location of the planting.
(3) Details of the irrigation system.
Landscape plans involving more than four resi-
dences shall be prepared and signed by a Land-
scape Architect. This plan shall include details nec-
essary to com lete the project including scope of
work, materiaPs to be used (seed mixtures, plant
species listed by size quantity, fertilizer used and
rate of application), construction methods, mainte-
nance and time table for project completion.
(b) Irrigation Plan Requirements.
Slopes required to be planted shall be provided with
an approved system of irrigation designed to cover all
portions of the slope and shall be of sufficient clarity
to indicate the extenet of work proposed. Specifica-
tions for devices, size and type of pipe, flow rates and
pp�a^�pAntapproved backfiow preventiothe
be installed in each Irrigation system which conforms
to Chapter 10 of the Uniform Plumbing Code. When a
proposed slope requiring planting, less than 15 feet in
height, is situated in an area as fo make hand water-
ing possible, conveniently located hose bibs may be
accepted in lieu of the required irrigation system
when a hose no longer than 50 feet would be required.
If the planting requirements specified in Section 5 are
waived by the Building Director, the requirements
specified in this section may be waived.
Pigntinp shall commence as soon as slopes are complet-
ed on any portion of the site and shall provide for rapid
short term coverage of the slope as well as long term
permanent coverage. Minimum requirements shall in-
(a) Planting holes. Planting holes shall be excavated
twice as wide as the diameter and 2 inches less than
the depth of the root ball of the plant. The planting
Wes shall be backfilled with a mixture of native soil,
slowly decomposing organic matter and an appropri-
ate fertilizer.
(b) Staking. Each tree shall be staked in order to anchor
the root system and to support the trunk in an upright
Position. Stake material shall be of adequate dimen-
sion and length to support the tree. Ties used for tying
the tree to the stake shall have a broad surface to
minimize rubbing or girdling and have some elastic-
ity. In lieu of stakes a three wire tie -down system
may be used.
(c) Ground cover spacing. Ground covers are to be space
In such a manner that 100 % coverage of the planted
slope will be achieved in as short a time a possible.
Spacing of ground cover shall not exceed 12" O.C.
unless acceptable supporting horticultural evidence
recommending greater spacing is furnished to the
Building Director.
4. Waiver of Planting Requirements.
Waiver of the planting and irrigation requirements may
be approved by the Building Director If found to be
unreasonable or unnecessary for one of the following
(o) The erosion resistant character of material compos-
ing the slopes make planting unnecessary.
(b) The unavailability of water making irrigation either
impossible or impractical.
(c) Slope heights are less than those requiring planting by
Section 4, paragraph 10, a, (1).
5. Planting Maintenance. All vegetation planted for erosion
control shall be maintained in a healthy, vigorous condi-
tion. Maintenance of planted slopes shall include water-
ing, weeding and restoration of any plant material that
may die. Slopes that are affected by the future installa-
tion of wails, fences swimming pools or any other build -
In fl must be properly replanted upon the completion of
subsequent projects.
6. Bonding. A performance bond for all projects involving
more than 4 residences, in an amount established by the
Building Director, shall be filed with the County by the
developer at the time that the landscaping plan is ap-
proved to guarantee the installation of the irrigation
system and that the planting will become permanently
established. The bond shall be held for a one year period
and shall be released by the Building Director upon
approval of the final planting inspection.
7. Final Planting Inspection. A final planting inspection
shall be required for all building sites requiring plant-
ing. For building sites not requiring a performance
bond, the final planting inspection shall be approved
prior to the building permit final inspection. Any re-
quired irrigation system and all plantingishall be in-
stalled at the time of the final planting inspection. A
functional test of the irrigation system may be required.
For building sites requiring a performance bond, slope
certification required by the next subsection shall be
a proved prior to the building permit final inspection.
The final planting inspection shall be performed at the
end of the one year bond period.
8. Slope Certification. A site inspection shall be performed
by the responsible landscape architect to assure compli-
ance with the approved plans and to perform a function-
al test of the sprinkler system. Said landscape architect
shall certify in writing to the Building Director that the
soils, additives and amendments, weed control, planting
of the slopes and the installation of the irrigation system
comply to the approved plans and to all the provisions of
9. Landscape and irrigation plan/plan-checking fee:
Before accepting a set of plans and specifications for
checking, the Building and Safety Department shall col-
lect a plan checking fee. The amount of the plan check-
ing fee for landscape and irrigation plan shall be as set
forth below:
Plan Check Fees:
1 to 4 lots..................................................$5.00 per lot
5 or more lots .............................. 20.00 + $1.00 per lot.
10. Landscaping Permit Fees.
A fee for each landscaping permit shall be paid to the
Building and Safety Deportment as set forth below:
Landscaping Permit Fees.
1 to 4 lots .................................................. $5.00 per lot
5 or more lots ............................. 20.00 + $2.00 per lot.
SECTION 5. The Uniform Mechanical Code, 1976 Edition, includ-
ing the Appendix thereof and including the Standards therein, as
adopted by the International Conference of Buildin%9 Officials, is
hereby adopted as a part of the Building Code of the County of
Riverside and mode a part of this Ordinance by reference (three
copies of which are on file for use and examination by the public
In the office of the County Clerk) with the following modifica-
A. Sections 201, 202, 203, 204 and Table 304 are deleted.
B. A fee for each permit shall be:
1. For the issuance of each permit...........................$3.00
2. For the installation or relocation of each forced -air or
gravity -type furnace or burner, including ducts and
vents attached to such appliance, up to and includiny
10,000 Btu/h..........................................................4.00
3. For the installation or relocation of each forced -air or
gravity -type furnace or burner, including ducts and
vents attached to such appliance over 100,000 Btu/h..5.00
4. For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace,
including vent........................................................4.00
S. For the installation or relocation of each suspended
heater, recessed wall heater or floor mounted unit heat-
er................................................ .. ...............4.00
6. For the installation, relocation or replacement of each
appliance vent installed and not included in an appliance
permit.................................................................... 2.00
7. For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heat-
ing appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling unit, absorp-
tion unit, or each heating, cooling, absorption, or evapo-
rative cooling system, including installation of controls
regulated by this code ............................................4.00
8. For the installation or relocation of each blr com-
pressor to and including three horsepower, or each ab-
sorption system to and including 100,000 Btu/h ...... 4.00
9. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or com-
pressor to and including three horsepower to and lnclud-
�n 15 horsepower, or each absorption system over
000 Btu/h and including 500,000 Btu/h ..............7.50
10. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or com-
pressor over 15 horsepower to and including 30 horse-
power, or each absorption system over 500,000 Btu/h to
and including 1,000,000 Btu/h................................ 10.00
11. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or com-
pressor over 30 horsepower to and including 50 horse-
power, or for each absorption system over 1,000,000 Btu/
h to and including 1,750,000 Btu/h .........................15.00
12. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or refrig-
eration compressor over 50 horsepower, or each absorp-
tion system over 1,750,000 Btu/h...........................25.00
13. For eoch air handling unit to and including 10,000 cubic
feet per minute, including ducts attached thereto..3.00
NOTE: This fee shot] not apply to an air handling unit
which is a portion of a factory assembled appliance,
cooling unit, evaporative cooler or absorption unit for
which a permit is required elsewhere in this Code.
14. For each air handling unit over 10,000 cfm............ 5.00
15. For each evaporative cooler other than portable ttyype3.00
16. For each ventilation fan connected to a single duct ... 2.00
17. for each ventilation system which is not a portion of any
eating or air conditioning system authorized by o per-
18. For the installation of each hood which is served by
mechanical exhaust, including the ducts for such
hood....................................................................... 3.00
19. For the installation or relocation of each domestic type
Incinerator.............................................................. 5.00
20. For the Installation of relocation or each commercial or
industrial type incinerator.....................................20.00
21. For each appliance or piece of equipt regulated by
this Cod@ bUt not classed in other appliance categories,
or for which no other fee is listed in this Code ...... 3.00
C. The fee for Solar Permit Fees shall be:
1. For issuing each permit........................................$3.00
In addition
2. For Collectors (including related piping and regulating
devices) up to 1000 so ft ........................................ 3.00
Between 1001 and 2000 so tt................................... 5.00
More than 2000 so tt .............................................. 5.00
(plus $1.00 per 1000 so It or fraction theref o2000 so
3. For Storage Tanks (including related piping and regu-
lating devices up to 750 gallons)............................2.00
Between 751 and 2000 gallons.................................3.00
More than 2000 gallons ...........................................3.00
(plus $1.00 per 1000 cu ft or fraction therf ov2000
4. For Rock Storage up to 1500 cu If .........................2.00
Between 1501 and 3000 cu ft...................................3.00
More than 3000 cu ft.............................................. 3.00
(plus $1.00 per 1000 cu ft or fraction thereof over 3000 cu
5. For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by
this Code for which no fee is listed ........................2.00
6. Plan check fee. Where specific plans are required, a
plan check fee shall be charged equal to one-half (1/2) the
total permit fee, excluding the permit issuance fee.
NOTE: These fees do not include permit fees for any parts
of the solar system which are subiect to the require-
ments of other applicable codes.
SECTION 6. Th@ Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, includ-
ing the appendices and the installation standards contained
therein, as adopted by the International Association of Plumbing
and Mechanical Officials, is hereby adopted as the Plumbiny
Code of the County of Riverside and made a part of this Ordi-
nance by reference (three copies of which are on file for use and
examination by the public in the office of the County Clerk),
except that Part I thereof, entitled Administration (Sections 10.1
through 20.14) is deleted and the following additions ore made
A. Scope. The provisions of this Code shall apply to all new
construction, relocated buildings, and to any alterations,
repairs, or reconstruction, except as provided for otherwise
in this Code.
B. Applications.
1. Applications for plumbing permits describing the work
to be done shall be made in writing to the Building
Director by licensed plumbing contractor or authorized
representative, by the owner of the property, or the
person, firm or corporation installing the work. The
application shall be accompanied by such plans, specifi-
cations and schedules as may be necessary to determine
whether the installations will be in conformity with the
requirements of this Code. If the installations conform to
all requirements and the applicant has complied with
the provisions of this Code, a permit shall be issued. No
deviations from the installation described in the permit
shall be made without the written approval of the Build-
2. the issuance or granting of a permit or approval of
plans shall not prevent the Building Director from there
offer requiring the correction of errors in said plans and
specifications or from preventing construction oper-
ations being carried on thereunder when in violation of
this Code or of any other ordinance or from revoking any
certificate of approval when issued in error.
3. Every permit issued by the Building Director under the
provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and
become null and void, if the work authorized by such
Permit is not commenced within 180 days from date of
such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit is
suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is
commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work
can be recommenced a new permit shall be first ob-
tained to do so, and the fee therefore shall be one-half
the amount required for a new permit for such work,
provided no changes have been made, or will be made in
the original plans and specifications for such work; and
provided, further that such suspension or abandonment
has not exceeded one year.
v t. It shall be unlawful for any person to install, remove,
alter, repair or replace or cause to be installed, re-
moved, altered, repaired or replaced any plumbing gas
--- or drainage piping work or any fixture or water heating
or treating equipment in a building or premises without
first obtaining a permit to do such work from the Build-
ing Director.
2. A separate permit shall be obtained for each building or
3. No person shall allow any other person to do or cause to
be done any work under a permit secured by a permiffee
except persons in his employ.
D. Work not Requiring Permit. No permit shall be required in
the case of any repair work as follows: The stopping of
leaks in drains, soil, waste or vent pipe, provided, however,
that should any trap, drainpipe, soil, waste or vent pipe be
or become defective and it becomes necessary to remove
and replace the some with new material in any part or
Parts, the some shall be considered as such new work and a
permit shall be procured and inspection made as hereinbe-
fore provided. No permit shall be required for the clearing
of stoppages or the repairing of leaks in pipes, valves or
fixtures. when such repairs do not involve or reauire the
replacement or rearrangement of valves; pipes, or fix-
E. Cost of Permit
1. EE ery ipplic nt for p permit to do work regulated by
th�s Code shad state in writing on the application form
provided for that purpose, the character of work pro-
posed to be done and the amount and kind in connection
therewith, together with such information, pertinent
thereto, as may be required.
2. Such applicant shall pay for each permit, at the time of
making application, a fee in accordance with the follow -
y schedule, and of the rate provided for each classif'
cation shown herein.
3. Any person who shall commence any work for which
permit is required by this Code without first having
obtained a permit, therefore shall, if subsequently per-
mitted to obtain a permit, pay double the permit fee
fixed by this section for such work, provided, however,
that this provision shall not apply to emergency work
when it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Building
Director that such work was urgently necessary and
that it was not practical to obtain a permit therefore
before the commencement of the work. In all such cases
a permit must be obtained as soon as it is practical to do
so, and if there be an unreasonable delay in obtaining
such permit, a double fee as herein provided, shall be
4. For the purpose of this section, a sanitary plumbing
outlet on or to which a lumbinpp fixture or appliance
may be set or attached, shall be construed to be a
fixture. Fees for reconnection and retest of existing
plumbing systems in relocated buildings shall be based
on the number of plumbing fixtures, gas systems, water
heaters, and similar fixtures and systems involved.
5. When interceptor traps or house trailer site traps are
installed at the same time as a building sewer on any lot,
no sewer permit shall be required for the connection of
any such trap to an appropriate inlet fitting provided in
the building sewer by the permittee constructing such
6. When a permit has been obtained to connect an existing
building or existing work to the public sewer or to con-
nect to o private disposal facility, backfilling of private
sewage disposal facilities abandoned consequent to such
connection is included in the building sewer permit.
F. The fee for each plumbing permit shall be:
1. For issuing each permit........................................$4.00
2. For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on
one trap (including water, drainage piping and backflow
protection therefore) .............................................. 2.50
3. For each building sewer and each trailer park sewer 5.50
A. Rainwater systems - per drain............................2.50
5. For each cesspool..................................................6.50
6. For each private sewage disposal system.............10.50
7. For each water heater and/or vent ........................2.50
8. For each gas piping system of 1 to 5 outlets ......... 2.50
9. For each gas piping system of 6 or more, per outlet .....50
d 10. For each inustrial waste pretreatment interceptor, in-
cluding its rap and vent, except kitchen type grease
Interceptors functioning as fixture traps................5.50
11. For installation, alteration or repair of water pipin
and/or water treating equipment ...........................2.5
12. For repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping2..
13. For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter h
cluding backflow protection devices therefore ........ 3.50
14. For vacuum breakers or backflow protective devices on
tanks, vats, etc., or for installation on unprotected
plumbing fixtures including necessary water piping 1 to
5............................................................................. 3.50
15. Over 5, each.............................................................50
�. Inspection. All work shall be inspected by the Buildin
Director to insure compliance with all the requirements of
this Code.
H. Notification. It shall be the duty of the person doing the
work authorized by the permit to notify the Building Direc-
tor, orally or in writing, that the work is ready for inspec-
tion. Notification shall be given not less than 24 hours
before the work is to be inspected.
bIt shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized
f the permit, to make sure that the work will stand the
ests prescribed in this Code, before giving notification to
the Building Director that the work is ready for inspection.
1. Violations. It shall be a violation of this Ordinance for any
person, firm or corporation to perform any work in violation
of any of the provisions of this Code regulating such work.
7. The National Electrical Code, 1978 Edition, as
by the National Fire Protection Association is
opted as the Electrical Code of the County of
pnd made a part of this Ordinance by reference
ies of which are on file for use and examination
ilic. in the office of the County Clerk), with the
A. Installation Standards. All
the unincorporated area a
B. The conductors and equipment required or permitted by
this Ordinance shall be acceptable only when approved.
The Building Director may classify as "approved" electri-
cal materials, devices, fittings and appliances used in elec-
trical installations that have been listed or labeled after
examination for safety as described in the National Electri-
cal Code, Article 90-8.
C. Used Materials: Previously used electrical materials shall
not be reused without written approval obtained in advance
from the Building Director.
D. The following modifications are made in the 1978 National
(a) (1) of the National Electrical Code is
!Ingle phase, 15-and 20-ampere recept
.d in bathrooms and garages of dwellir.
have ground -fault circuit interrupter pro -
EXCEPTION: Ground -fault circuit protection need
not be provided on receptacle outlets located in a
garage provided such outlets are single convenience
outlets and are Intended for use with fixed or station-
ary appliances.
2. Section 6804 (a) of the National Electrical Code is
amended by deleteing the sentence:
Where a swimming pool is installed at on existing dwell-
ing, at least one receptacle shall be installed not less
than 10 feet nor more than 15 feet from the Inside wail of
3. Liquidipnht Flexible fMeta Cor duit sholl�be fhe
em ... ............. ..............10.00
r oniv ap
Proved flexible conduit used for wiring exposed to the
S. Ref e)Soilding..................................................20.00
weather or temperature differentials. Installation shall
6. Any electrical work for which a permit is required, but
no fee Is herein provided ............................ 15.00/hour
be as required in Article 351 of the National Electrical
4. Overhead Electrical Conductors. Electrical conductors
............................................................ j5.00 minimum
7. Any electrical inspection where no permit is In-
volved 15.00/hour
�ic utility company shall be limited in proximity to new
M. Listed or labeled illuminated signs, new, relocated or al -
(to nearest square foot):
or existing swimming pools, by California Public Utili-
1. Up to and including 5 sq ft
ties Commission General Orders 95, Overhead Line Con-
. ....................................8.00
2. 6 - 25 sq. ft
struction, Rules 54.4 A4, 54.8 85, and Resolution No. E.
3. - 50 sq. tt12.00
- 1109, Appendix B and C, effective January 2, 1962.
5. Electrified Fences. Electrified fences for animal control
4. 1 - t20 so, ft ..................................................... 12.00
S. 101 - 200 sq. ft.....................................................14.00
shalt be identified by a permanent sign attached to the
6. 201 - .....................................................17.03
fence every 50 feet and on each gate. In addition, the
000 per.
Over per-sq.
electric fence charging equipment shall have a marking
d rgro...............ruct...........................03
N. Overhead and Underground Construction
to indicate product examination by a testing laboratory
such as Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
1. Poles, posts, anchors and pedestals, each..............5.00
E. Mobile Homes not in Mobile Home Parks. Electric service
supplying mobilehomes used for residential purposes in
other than approved mobile home parks shall have the
following minimum service requirements: Service conduc-
A. No person shall relocate on, or move onto any
premises, or permit To be relocated on, or moved
tors and equipment shall be rated at not less Than 100
amperes; branch circuit provision for six over -current de-
onto any premises, in the unincorporated area o}}
the County of Riverside, any building or structurk
F. Inspection and Utility Connections.
that is subiect to the provisions of this ordinancckk
without first obtaining a relocation permit from
1. When any part of a wiring installation is to be hidden
from view by the permanent placement of part of the
the Building Director.
building the person, firm or corporation installing the
B. The Building Director shall issue relocation ppermits my
for buildings
wiring shall notify the Building Director and such parts
and structures that conform a all ru the
standards of this ordinance which can be reconstructed
of the wiring installation shall not be concealed until
they have been inspected and approved by the Buiding
Director or his representative. The Building Director
the standards a this ordinance by
to conform al all alterations
performing alterations or repairs that do not exceed 25
shall have the power to remove, or require the removal
percent ofbuildingnot includ
ystem structure,
of any obstruction that prevents proper inspection of any
ing gground
C. Any person desiring to relocate a building or structure shall
electrical installation or electric equipment.
G. Electrical Fees. A fee for each permit shall be paid to the
first make an application for an inspection, upon the form
Building. Director as set forth in the following Fee Sched-
provided by the Building Director. The application shall be
accompanied by a fee of $60, except that if the building or
ule. Failure to obtain a permit prior to commencing any
electrical York for which a permit is required shall require
structure is located outside of The limits of the County of
Riverside, the fee shah be increased by cents for each
payment of a double fee, except that for emergency repair
work, o permit shall be obtained within 72 hours after
Commencement of The emergency work.
mile between the building and nearest point on the
boundary of the County of Riverside, measured by way of
the shortest route usually Traveled. As a part of the applica-
1. Permit Issuance ............. ............... ....................... 53.00
tion for inspection, the applicant shall furnish photographs
the building
2. Electrical service up to 100 amperes, minimum ....5.00
(a) Each additional 100 amperes or part there-
of or structure proposed to be moved, the
written report of a qualified termite inspector that it is free
from Termites or other vermin, plans, specifications and a
(b) Electrical service over 600 volts.......... 20.00
detailed written description of any proposed repair, alter-
ation or addition to the building or structure and such other
3. in addition the following fees shall apply to elec-
trical Systems:
information as may be required by the Building Director.
(a) Change or modify an existing electrical ser-
The applicant shall also furnish the legal description and
street address of the site on which the building or structure
vice on a single family dwelling...............10.00
(b) Change or modify an existing electrical ser-
is proposed to be located.
D. Upon receipt of all required information from the appli-
vice on .. commercial or industrial s
Tore 0.00
cant, the Building Director shall inspect the building or
(c) 5.001 per sq. ft.
structure proposed to be moved and the proposed reloco-
(1) Temporary wiring during construction
site. Upon completion of his inspection, the Building
Director shall prepare a written report which shall be
(d) s.00125 per sq. ft.
s (1) Warehouse -that part which is over 20,000
mailed to the applicant. The report shall contain the ap
proval or disapproval of the Building Director, and if ap-
sq tt•
(2) Storage garages where no repair work is
proved for relocation, shall specify all work that must be
performed To make the building or structure conform to
done, that part over 20,000 sq. ft.
(3) Aircraft hangars where no repair work is
this Ordinance and any other necessary requirements for
done, that part over 20,000 sq. ft.
relocation. This report shall be valid only for a period of 60
days after the date of issuance by the Building Director,
(e) S.0025 per sq. ft.
(1) Warehouse - that part over 5,000 so. ft. up
and only for the approved building or structure and op-
to and including 20,000 sq. tt.
proved site.
E. If the Building Director has approved a building'or siruc-
(2) Storage garage - where no repair work is
done, up to and including 20,000 sq. ft.
ture for relocation and has approved the relocation site, the
(3) Aircraft hangar - where no repair work is
applicant may, with the 60 day period after approval by the
Building Director, for relocation the
done, up to and including 20,000 sq. ff.
Any other occupancy not listed - that part
apply a permit and
necessary building permits to perform The work. The fee
for the relocation permit shall be $15 and the fee for re -
which is over 20,000 sq. ft.
(f) S.0075 per sq. ft.
quired building permits shall be determined from The appl)-
cable provisions of this Ordinance. As a part of The applica-
(1) Residential accessory buildings (attached
tion, the applicant shall certify that no changes have been
or detached) such as garages, carports, sheds,
rrodg to The building or structure since the date of inspec-
) Commercial parking garage and carport
for hotels and motels.
by the Building Director.
F. No relocation permit shall be issued unless the applicant
(3) Warehouses up to and including 5,000 sq.
shall first post with the Building Director a cash deposit,
the amount of which shall be based on the square footage of
(4) Any other occupancy not listed, that part
the structure to be relocated, as follows:
1. 750 sq. ft. to 1500 sq. ft............................. $1000.00
which is over 5,000 sq. ft., up to and including
2. 1501 sq. ff. to 2000 sq. ft ...............................1500.00
20,000 sq. ft.
Ts.0125 per sq. ft.
) All other occupancies not listed, up to and
3. Over 2000 sq. ft ...........................................2000.00
In determining the amount of square footage, dwellings
Including 5,000 sq. ft.
with attached or detached garages will be considered one
H. Plan Check Electrical. Twenty-five percent of all fees
structure; all other structures shall be considered sepa-
rately and shall require a deposit for each structure. In lieu
charged, except permit issuance fee, when service switch
exceeds amperes or 300 volts.
of cash, the applicant may substitute a bank cashier's
EXCEPTION: Single family, individually metered multi-
family residential construction or where construction
check, a bank or savings and loan money order or, a bank
certificate of deposit. All of the above must be made pay -
check fee has been collected.
able to the County of Riverside Department of Building and
Safety. In for deposit be
I. q(ferVtion, Additions and New Construction. Where no
structural work is being done or where it Is impractical to
all cases no substitute a cash will
acceptable if it may be recalled b the applicant without
use The square footage schedule, convert to units as follows:
1. Each motor, transformer, appliance - 1-hp (horsepow-
the consent of the County of Riverside or if it requires any
act other than the cashing thereof for collection by the
er), 1-kw (kilowatt), 1-kva (kilovolt ampere) 1 unit
County of Riverside. The return of the cash deposit or other
2. Each 5 outlets, each 5 lighting fixtures or traction there-
gecurity, shall be conditioned upon The performance of all
the terms and conditions of a permit within the prescribed
of, where current is used or controlled...............1 unit
time limits on any extension thereof.
3. Multioutlet assembly (festoon type, plug mold, etc.)
each 20 ft. or fraction thereof unit
No relocation permit shall be issued unless the applicant
4. Unit Application
shall agree in writing to complete all required construction,
repairs and changes within 90 days of The date that the
1 unit.. ................................................................. $1.00
S. 2 - 5 units............................................................5.00
building or structure is moved to the site. The time limit
may thereafter be extended by the Building Director, upon
6. 6 - 15 units...........................................................6.00
7. 16 - 25 units
the request of the permittee, if he determines that the
- 8. 26 - 50 units
permittee is satisfactorily progressing toward completion
9. 51 - 100 units.......................................................19.00
of the work; however, no extension shall be granted if the
Building Director determines that an extension of time
10. 101 - S00 units......................................................25.00
l]. Each additional 500 units 10.00
would be detrimental to the public health, safety or wel-
J. Temporary Service
H. If the permittee does not complete all the required
1. Temporary or construction services (including poles or
construction, repairs and changes within the 90 day
pedestals) each .................................................... 10.00
2. Approval for temporary use of permanent service equip-
time period, or any granted extension thereof, the
Building Director shall give written notice thereof by
ment prior to completion commercial structure or final
inspection, each....................................................10.00
certified mail to the permittee, specifying therein the
work That has not been completed.
3. Additional supporting poles, each ...........................3.00
L. Miscellaneous
1. If The Building Director determines that substantial pro-
1. Area lighting standards (over 6 ft. in height) up to and
including 10 on a site, each
gress has been made on the work, he may allow an
additional period of time for the completion of the work.
a written notice shall then state the date that The
Over 10 on a site, each .......................................... 1.00
2. Private residential swim pools including supply wiring,
deposit shall be forfeited if the work is not thereafter
completed. If, on the expiration of the extension, the
lights, motors and bonding....................................10.00
a. Commercial swim pools
work has not been completed, the deposit shall be for-
................... .. .............15.00
4. Temporary sales stands includina service connections.
feited by the Building Director unless he shall determine
that sufficient progress has been mode to entitle permit-
tee to another extension.
l . 2. if substantial progress has not been made upon the work
within the 90 day time period or any previously granted
extension, the Building Director may forfeit the deposit
upon the expiration of the period of time without allow-
ing an additional period of time, in which case the writ-
ten notice shall state that the deposit has been forfeited
and reasons therefore.
3. Upon receipt of the forefeited deposit, the Building Di-
rector at his option, may cause the removal or demoli-
tion of sold building or structure. In the event that the
cost of removing or demolishing the building or struc-
ture is less than the required deposit, the excess thereof
shall be deposited with the County Treasurer to the
credit of the owner of the property or such other person
legally entitled thereto, which shall be payable upon
proof satisfactory to the Treasurer.
1. Temporary Relocation Permit. No building or structure
shall be moved to a temporary relocation site except in
accordance with the following provisions:
1. Any person desirin? to temporarily relocate a building
or structure shall first make an application for an in-
spection and pay required fees pursuant to subsection C.
of this section, except that he shall designate a tempo-
rory relocation yard in place of a permanent relocation
site, which yard must be zoned for such use.
2. The Building Director shall inspect the building or struc-
ture proposed to be moved, and issue his report all in
accordance with subsection D. of this section.
3. If the Building Director approves a building or structure
for temporary relocation, the applicant may within a 60
day period after approval by the Building Director, ap-
Fly for a temporary relocation permit. The fee for a
temporary relocation permit shall be $15.
4. A temporary relocation permit shall be valid for a one
year period, which time limit may be extended upon
application to the Building Director, for a six month
J. The Building Director shall have access to all premises
described in a relocation permit, whether permanent or
temporary in order to inspect the building or structure
involved, tke progress of the work, and to perform any of
the acts authorized or required by this ordinance.
K. No officer of this County who is authorized to issue a
permit to transport a building or structure upon a County
highway shall issue such a permituntil a relocation permit
has been issued by the Building Director for the building or
structure, or until the owner or person in control of the
building or structure has filed with the Building Director
an affidavit that the building or structure is not to be
located, temporarily or permanently, in the unincorporated
area of the County of Riverside. No building or structure
shall be transported upon any County highway unless the
owner or person in control thereof has obtained a permit
from the Road Commissioner.
SECTION 9. Prefabricated buildings, which are to be locat-
ed in Riverside County are subject to all of the provisions
of this ordinance regulatina the construction of new build-
nia Hea1Tn ana baTeTy c.oae tbection 1y96u et seq.) ana
Chapter 3 of Title 25 of the California Administrative Code.
A. A prefabricated building is designed as a building
which is assembled, or partly assembled, at a place
other than the site on which it is to be permanently
located. It shall not include the prefabrication of pan-
els which are then assembled at the permanent build-
ing site.
B. A special p`ermit shall be obtained for prefabricated build-
ings, in addition to regular building permits, if the building
is prefabricated outside of the limits of the County of River-
side. The permittee shall pay a fee of 62 cents per mile for
each mile traveled to the prefabrication site for inspection
purposes, from the nearest point on the boundary of the
County of Riverside measured by way of the shortest route
C. Factory Built Housing.
1. Definition. "Factory -built housing" means a residential
building, dwelling unit or an individual dwelling room or
Combination of rooms thereof, including units designed
for use as part of an institution for resident or patient
care, which is either wholly manufactured or is in sub-
stantial part manufactured at an off -site location to be
wholly or partially manufactured on -site in accordance
with regulations adopted by the Commission of Housing
and Community Development of the State of California
pursuant to Section 19990, Health and Safety Code.
2. Requirements. Factory -built hovsinpp installed in the
County of Riverside shall conform to all the require -
may De exempTea TFOm SVC
ons of the California Factor
s 19960 to 19997 inclusive of
and regulations adopted p
to 3150, Title 25, California
3. Inspections and Fee for Permit. The County of R
be made of the Installation of factory -built housing in the
County of Riverside shall be $75.00 and no other fee shall
be charged by the County. Division of Housing approved
components system will be treated as a conventional
house with full charge for plan check and permit fees.
SECTION 10. No person
be used for the purpose
cy as a dwelling, on i
an insig
and Col
home C
A. Applicatioi
forms pro'
B. The applic
the inforrr
Health on(
of the Cal
C. If the Bui
D. If i
)bllehome, to
l or occupon-
outside of a
area of the
no a permit
:Non and Safety Standards (Federal).
I be made to the Building Director, on the
y the Building Department, and shall be
a filing fee of u.
null be in accordance with, and supply ail
muired by, Section 18613 et seq. of the
Code and Section 5076 et seq. of Title 25
Administrative Code.
director determines that an installation
>ued, the applicant shall pay a permit fee
cuonce thereof.
e installation fails to meet all of the re -
Health and Safety Code and the Califor-
e Code, the Building Director shall notify
the necessary corrective work to be per-
nittee shall perform the required correc-
all request reinspeciion within a 10-day
period or any extension thereof authorized by the Building
Director. The request for reinspection shall be accompa-
nied by a reinspection fee of SM. If the corrective work
cannot be approved upon reinspection, the permittee shall
be so notified and each required request for reinspection
shall be accompanied by a fee of 530.
E. Mobilehome foundation systems shall be designed in accor-
dance with the provisions of Chapter 29 of the Uniform
Building Code, 1979 Edition, and local soil conditions.
1. Roof, wind, and seismic loads applicable to permanent
building foundations shall also be applicable to mobile -
home foundation systems.
2. Mobilehomes shall be installed in accordance with plans
and installation instructions provided by the manufac-
turer of the mobilehome, or, a California licensed engi-
neer or architect for an individual mobilehome where
manufacturer's installation instructions are not avail-
able, or, a Standard Plan Approval (SPA) from the
Department of Housing and Community Development
3. The foundation system and connection of the mobile -
home to the foundation system shall be capable of with-
standina the desion loads and concentrated loads identi-
tied in the installation instructions.
4. Fees and Permits:
a. Plan Check fee: $15.00
b. Mobilehome Site Preparation Permit: Current Site
Preparation Fees plus additional $15.00
c. Mobilehome Installation Permit: $35.00
d. $11.00 fee for each transportable section of the mobile -
home, made povable to the Department of Housing and
SECTION 11. if any section, subsection, sentence,
clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason,
held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not af-
fect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordi-
nance. The Board of Supervisors hereby declares it
would have passed this ordinance, and each section,
subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrre-
spective of the fad that any one or more sections,
subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases might be
declared unconstitutional.
SECTION 12. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days
after its adoption. This ordinance shall be construed as
a continuation of Ordinance No. 457 and not as a new
enactment, except as to provisions of this ordinance
which are inconsistent therewith. Any permit previous-
1y issued under Ordinance No. 457 and complyingq
therewith shall be deemed to comply with this ordi-
1 HEREBY CERTIFY that Younglove and McCandless.
at a regular meeting of the NO None.
board of Supervisors of said ABSENT: None.
county held on February 3, (SEAL)
1981, the foreqoing ordinance DONALD D. SULLIVAN
consisting of twelve sections City Clerk of the
was adopted by said Board by Board
the following vote: By: R. D. 011vares
AYES: Supervisors Abra- Deputy
ham, Schroeder, Ceniceros, 2/18tl