2009 10 27 CC MinutesLA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 27, 2009 A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council/Commissions/ Board/Committees was called to order at the hour of 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph, who led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT -None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA -Confirmed STUDY SESSION 1-A. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, PLANNING COMMISSION, AND ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE. Chairman Alderson called the joint Planning Commission and Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) meeting to order. PRESENT: Planning Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Weber, Wilkinson, and Chairman Alderson ABSENT: ALRC Members Arnold, Rooker, and Thoms Council Member Henderson questioned the regular attendance of the ALRC. Planning Director Johnson stated the ALRC members are aware of the importance of attending the regularly scheduled meetings. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 2 October 27, 2009 Water Conservation Planning Commission Chairman Alderson stated he reviewed last years' minutes and much conversation was dedicated to water conservation; stated there has been an improvement to eradicating wastewater, eliminating sod, and recharging the aquifer. Mayor Adolph stated he and Council Member Henderson attended the dedication of Dike No. 4 wherein it was reported that the water table will be raised 100 feet within a year. Council Member Henderson stated it may have been said to take longer than a year. Energy Conservation Planning Commission Chairman Alderson addressed energy conservation, specifically referencing the success of the Vista Dunes project. Planning Commissioner Wilkinson reported on incentives given to residents in the City of Palm Desert who are using solar by applying the cost of the improvement to their property tax roll; and asked if the City of La Quinta is considering incentives for installation of solar power. Council Member Henderson stated this has been discussed before. Planning Commissioner Weber explained the AB 81,1 incentive on the tax roll. Assistant City Manager-Management Services Plumlee stated staff is working with Imperial Irrigation District (IID- to apply for funding for an AB 811 program and explained obtaining funding is the most difficult aspect of the program. Planning Commissioner Weber further explained the administration of the program in the City of Palm Desert and stated City staff is working with IID to make funding available to more residents. Planning Commissioner Barrows explained the County has the ability to establish districts for funding and place assessments on property taxes; and the County is working toward the opportunity to establish an AB 811 program. Planning Commissioner Wilkinson stated solar installation incentives should be focused on commercial buildings. Council Member Franklin asked how installation of solar energy can be incorporated into new development. Planning Commissioner Wilkinson stated without solar rebates there is no incentive to assist with the installation cost on new construction; and explained there is not much credit for installation of solar energy from Title 24 for new construction because of the inability to save electrical energy when solar power is not in use. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 3 October 27, 2009 Planning Commissioner Quill stated many cities are moving toward aclimate- action plan in their General Plan and establishing guidelines for renewable energy sources; and the City should decide if it wants to incorporate a climate-action plan into the its General Plan. Planning Commissioner Wilkinson explained the complication is with existing homes and suggested the City provide incentives. Planning Commissioner Weber asked if we want to establish an efficiency standard beyond Title 24 with the existing housing stock. Planning Director Johnson stated staff has identified sustainability as an element to be added as part of the General Plan update; and explained there is a different focus when addressing existing buildings with a certain threshold of modification; the entire structure must be brought up to a higher standard. Assistant City Manager-Management Services Plumlee stated staff has analyzed the existing housing stock in partnership with IID and promotes rebates for installing energy efficient appliances, including air conditioning and pool pumps. Planning Commissioner Barrows stated the benefits of energy efficiency for these types of energy improvements are more cost effective than solar. Council Member Sniff stated all municipal revenue is minimal and asked where this funding would come from. Planning Commissioner Barrows stated it is something to look into for the future. Council Member Sniff stated future building will be minimal at best; stated need to deal with energy efficiency in the present time with the current housing stock; and there is a need to be practical and deal with what we have. Council Member Franklin requested an explanation of the Desert Energy Partnership. Planning Commissioner Barrows stated the focus. is to promote and understand energy efficiency; and stated La Quinta has been a leader in reaching out to the community. Mayor Adolph stated awareness begins when a developer interacts with staff. Planning Commissioner Barrows stated the Planning Commission does not have anything specific to require of developers at this time. Planning Commissioner Weber further explained developers can be made aware of the City Council's desire for them to incorporate energy efficiency provisions in their development. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 4 October 27, 2009 Council Member Henderson requested staff compile a report with the recommendations made by the Planning Commission for a possible study session in the future. Planning Director Johnson stated staff is on the eve of updating the General Plan, which will have a sustainable .focus with policy and regulatory standards. In the meantime, staff will focus on what sustainable measures can be encouraged with new development. Council Member Henderson stated it is important to have this discussion, particularly in the environment we are currently in and to address the concerns of the Building Industry Association (BIA-. Planning Commission Chairman Alderson explained there are not enough financial incentives to implement solar in new construction. Planning Commissioner Wilkinson suggested incorporating the cost in the property tax and offering an incentive to reduce water usage for landscaping. Council Member Henderson asked if the City has an established water conservation landscape program. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans explained the landscape incentive program, which is partnered with Coachella Valley Water District (CVWDi, focuses on new landscaping and improving irrigation systems for existing residences. Planning Commissioner Wilkinson stated the question is how quickly does the City want to make an impact and where is the funding coming from. .Golf Cart Trails Planning Commission Chairman Alderson inquired about the status of establishing golf cart trails. City Manager Genovese stated the issue is scheduled for the next City Council meeting. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated staff is currently proofreading the staff report; there is a need to reduce the speed limit on Avenida Bermudas to 25 mph; Public Works Department will be making capital improvements to slow the speed; will implement a golf cart demonstration project within the Village; and explained Highway 1 1 1 access will be addressed in Phase II or possibly Phase III. Mayor Adolph stated golf carts need to be street safe. Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated golf carts must meet afl requirements including seat belts and a cariopy. Council Member Sniff asked if there will be any liability associated with certification of the vehicle, and City Attorney Jenson responded, "No." Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 5 October 27, 2009 Trails Planning Commission Chairman Alderson addressed trails in the City. Planning Commissioner Quill stated the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) has updated anon-motorized transportation plan; the Trails Alliance provided input in the update and suggested it be implemented in the City's General Plan; and as part of the AB 32 requirements, create connectivity to provide safe routes to schools and shopping in the City. Mayor Adolph asked if the City's multi-use trails meet the referenced criteria. Planning Commissioner Quill stated yes; non-motorized trails are part of SB 375 and AB 32, energy conservation and efficiency are all inter- connected; and he is hopeful these issues will be implemented in the General Plan: Parking Standards Planning Commission Chairman Alderson asked when the parking standards update would be presented to the Planning Commission. Planning Director Johnson stated staff has received feedback from the Planning Commission, entitlement reviews, and others regarding the need to re-visit this issue, including shade, covered parking, etc. Planning Commissioner Weber stated the general consensus is that the City is over-parked; there is a need to encourage less asphalt with a balance because of SB 375; the trend is less parking and asked if the provisions can be revised. Council Member Sniff stated the population will continue to grow and suggested projecting for the next 10 years. Council Member Henderson cautioned on "trending" the reduction of parking; and stated we had discussions about increasing the size of planter boxes in parking lots. Planning Director Johnson stated we went from a 4x4 to a 6x6 diamond planter box. Council Member Henderson asked if staff will revisit the size again. Planning Director Johnson stated staff is certainly willing to revisit that section of the Municipal Code with the City Council. Council Member Henderson stated she is hesitant to plant small shrubbery the public can walk over and suggested ground cover or gravel in the planters. Council Member Sniff stated trees should be larger when required. Planning Commission Chairman Alderson asked what the City will do with the land area if it reduces the amount of parking. Planning Commissioner Quill suggested letting the developer handle that with a larger building; stated that Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 6 October 27, 2009 the City never had a problem parking during the peak business time of the season. Council Member Sniff stated people will park as close to the store as they can and we need to look at the most practical. Telecommunication Standard Planning Commission Chairman Alderson asked if the Planning Commission has historically reviewed only the smaller of the two types of towers identified in the City code. Planning Director Johnson stated there has recently been an increase of interest in installing smaller cell phone towers; and explained staff reviewed the ordinance during the processing of requests for communication towers and brought forward the thought of making warranted changes to minimize the aesthetic impact. Planning Commission Chairman Alderson stated the conduit on towers can be hidden in the tree design. Planning Director Johnson agreed and explained that the rapid change in cellular and wireless technology has contributed to the difficulty of keeping up with the demand. Planning Commissioner Quill suggested an incentive for more aesthetic towers. Council Member Henderson stated we should set a reasonable standard for the companies to comply with for installation. Planning Commissioner Weber stated we should strictly enforce requirements for the maintenance of live palm trees surrounding the tower. Planning Commission Chairman Alderson stated there are no standards for smaller towers and the Planning Commission reviews the installation for aesthetics. Planning Director Johnson stated staff would like to explore the opportunity for new development to include installation of cellular towers in their design. Final Landscape Plans Planning .Commission Chairman Alderson explained the Planning Commission is referring vague landscaping schematics back to the ALRC for further review. Planning Director Johnson explained the applicant standards allow preliminary schematic plans as part of the entitlement review. As a result, the Planning Commission has often requested using the ALRC to review the more detailed final landscaping plans, which has become a standard condition of approval for all projects; the ALRC has suggested the Planning Director review them on a case-by-case basis and request detailed review by Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 7 October 27, 2009 the ALRC or Planning Commission when warranted. Council Member Henderson asked why the application criteria is not established higher and suggested landscaping plans be submitted to the ALRC and Planning Commission if the landscape designs have not been completed. Planning Director Johnson stated the current process typically works well as is and that the ALRC suggestion has merit. Mayor Adolph stated the idea was not to delay the review going through the process one time. Planning Director Johnson stated the current process is not delaying the entitlement process and is a subsequent action; the idea was to use the expertise of the ALRC and be sensitive not to hold up the entitlement process. Council Member Henderson stated it seems to be an administrative change in the process. Planning Director Johnson stated staff will review and discuss this further with the Planning Commission and if they wish more detailed plans, staff will request them for review. Chairman Alderson adjourned the joint Planning Commission meeting. Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting and reconvened it at 6:42 pm to meet in joint session with the Historic Preservation Commission. 1-B. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION. Chairperson Redmon called the Historic Preservation Commission meeting to order. PRESENT: Commissioners Puente, Sharp, Wilbur, Wright, and Chairperson Redmon ABSENT: None Mayor Adofph reviewed the process and opened the meeting. Chairperson Redmon stated the Commission has focused on working with developers for historic sites, and as growth continues, focusing on historic preservation funding through grants. In addition the Commission is working on a Historic Concept Report along with the Historic Records Survey; exploring the ability to implement a Mills Act ordinance; working with other cities who are establishing historic preservation committees; working on a flip map of historic sites; and State registration of historic sites along with the local government grant application. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 8 October 27, 2009 Council Member Franklin asked if property owners need to apply if they agree with complying with the Mills Act. Chairperson Redmon explained it is a local/State/Federal designation with a 10-year contract, a voluntary program, and the property must be maintained per the Commission's guidelines. Council Member Franklin asked who oversees the program. Planning Manager Sawyer stated it will be monitored by City staff. Chairperson Redmon confirmed the program is a local/State/Federal designation and the tax incentive may be as much as a 50% reduction in property taxes. Mayor Adolph asked if a history cloud would be placed on the title of the property. Planning Manager Sawyer stated there is a 10-year limit and it must be renewed annually. Council Member Henderson stated there was discussion 15 years ago regarding implementing the Mills Act, and the decision was not to pursue it. Commissioner Wright stated 15 years ago KSL was not willing to register the La Quinta Resort, but since the change of ownership, the new owners are interested in pursuing it. Council Member Sniff stated every historic building has been, altered and uhsure if the original state is known. Commissioner Wright stated the new thought of historic preservation is that the building does not have to be duplicated to its original state because that can get expensive. Commissioner Wilbur stated the language calls for ,preserving the historic .character. Council Member Evans asked how much grant funding is needed to implement these goals. Council Member Henderson stated ih the past the City received a 515,000 grant which provided enough funds to conduct a survey. Planning Director Johnson stated the City is looking out to 2011 as any building 50 years and older are placed in the inventory of historic buildings; explained that applicants must be a Certified Local Government to apply for grant funding. Mayor Adolph asked if the Commission has surveyed the entire City to determine historical sites. Commissioner Wright stated every structure is in the survey, but the Commission missed a few areas due to annexation. Mayor Adolph asked if it extended as far as the sphere of influence. Commissioner Wright responded, "No." Council Member Henderson stated Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 9 October 27, 2009 any applications for annexation within the sphere of influence are processed through LAFCO for historic viability. Chairperson Redmon adjourned the Historic Preservation Commission meeting Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting and reconvened it at 7:09 p.m. to meet in joint session with the Investment Advisory Board. 1-C. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD. Chairman Ross called the Investment Advisory Board meeting to order. PRESENT: Board Members Olander, Rassi, and Chairman Ross ABSENT: Board Members Moulin and Park LAIF Investment Chairman Ross reported on the LAIF Conference he recently attended with Finance Director Falconer. Finance Director Falconer reported the S25 billion investment funds could not be borrowed against by the State. In response to Council Member Henderson, Finance Director Falconer explained the entire investment pool is S60 billion, which fluctuates day to day, and LAIF was giving loans as much as 40% of the investment pool. Chairman Ross stated the investment pool is very well managed and funded, but at some point the pool will lag at some point if the interest rate go up. Council Member Henderson asked what percentage of the City's investment portfolio is invested in the LAIF pool. Finance Director Falconer stated the City invests 28-30% of the entire investment portfolio in LAIF. Council Member Sniff asked what types of investments LAIF makes. Chairman Ross stated they invest in bank CDs and treasury bills, and continue to invest in Federal government agency issues, but not as much as they used to; and have reduced investing in the corporate commercial program and have been advised that three issuers, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft and Exxon Mobile, have been cited with AAA standing. Council Member Evans asked if any information was given on the future of investments in the current economy. Chairman Ross stated the presence at the annual conference was good forum to be in contact with LAIF as part of the ongoing review of the investments. Finance Director Falconer explained Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 10 October 27, 2009 the investment cycle and how LAIF interest rates usually lag the market when interest rates decrease and lag the market when interest rates increase based upon the average maturity of the pool. Certificate of Depository Account Chairman Ross explained sometimes the investment of LAIF is not appropriate place to earn interest and reviewed other investment sources such as CalTrust and the Certificate of Deposits of Account Registry Service (CDARS) Programs. Council Member Henderson asked how the Board feels about money market and mutual funds investment. Chairman Ross explained one of the funds utilized currently at Wells Fargo Bank is most likely an acceptable alternative. Council Member Sniff stated short-time interest rates are not much different than long-term investment rates. Chairman Ross confirmed. Council Member Sniff asked what the Board's perception of the economy is in the next year. Board Member Olander stated based on what is currently transpiring we must try to create jobs; as the dollar is falling, the question is we are flooding the world with our currency and causing problems for the future; alternatives are commodities and gold; the possibility exists that in the future other countries are looking at not using the American dollar for oil transactions; the government is spending out of control; the key factor is to get the value of the dollar up; supply and demands holds for currencies as well as goods; suggested looking at 10-year treasuries as they are yielding 3.5 %. Council Member Sniff asked if there would be any point to invest a modest amount in gold or silver. Board Member Olander stated there is a lot of risk in these precious metals that are similar to real estate. Board Member Rassi stated the market is volatile and unsafe. Council Member Henderson asked if investing in commodities is a violation of the City's Investment Policy. Board Member Rassi stated that is correct. Chairman Ross further stated going beyond the policy and reporting losses to the public is embarrassing. Chairman Ross stated the Board reviews the Investment Policy annually and will take a formal review and make recommendations to the City Council. In response to Council Member Franklin, Finance Director Falconer explained the Certificate of Deposits of Account Registry Service (CDARS) Program stating that it is a way to obtain Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Joint City CounciUCommission Meeting 11 October 27, 2009 (FDIC) coverage in an easier fashion by investing with one bank rather then by investing in individual banks. Council Member Henderson asked if staff is recommending the program. Finance Director Falconer stated staff is reviewing this program and the Board will discuss the possibility of investing in the program sometime in January. , Chairman Ross the program has been institutionalized and may be worth looking into investing. Council Member Franklin asked if the FDIC insured limit goes back down, are we okay. Finance Director Falconer explained the City's CDs mature every year in June and all of the City's investment CDs are under the current $250,000 limitation. He went on to state that he would take the temporary FDIC limit increase to 5250,000 into consideration when reinvesting to not exceed whatever FDIC coverage was in effect Chairman Ross stated the Board is appreciative of the City Council's support and working with very capable staff, and the Commission is open to any suggestions from the City Council Chairman Ross adjourned the Investment Advisory Board meeting. Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting and reconvened it at 7:45 p.m. to meet in joint session with the Community Services Commission. 1-D. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION. Chairman Spirtos called the Community Services Commission meeting to order. PRESENT: Commissioners Brodsky, Fitzpatrick, Lawrence, Leidner, and Chairman Spirtos ABSENT: Commissioners Biegel, Darroch Chairman Spirtos stated the Commission feels it is an honor to assist the City Council. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 12 Land Acquisition October 27, 2009 Commissioner Leidner addressed future land acquisitions and encouraged the City Council to continue acquiring property for a sports facility. Mayor Adolph stated staff is continually looking into property for a sports facility and at this point may have to investigate into the City's sphere of influence. Council Member Henderson asked each Commissioner to stated their preference of a 40-acre site outside the City boundaries or a joint use agreement with the School District for all their facilities. Commissioner Fitzpatrick stated she has had experience with joint use agreements and suggested both to enable shared use. Chairman Spirtos agreed with Commissioner Fitzpatrick. Commissioner Brodsky stated annexing property opens another can of worms. Commissioner Leidner stated it is advantageous to look into acquiring property, but joint use agreements are a good short-term accommodation: Sports Field Renovation and Use Chairman Spirtos stated modifications and improvements to the sports complex is underway; aware there is a design in the works for lighting and the renovations would add five fields; and stated the improvements would be a short-term resolution. Multi-Use Trails Commissioner Lawrence stated the Commission is appreciative of the City Council's support to maintain open space in the. City; stated installation of directional trail signs is a good thing for the community; distributed the trails map; reported the nature walks have been well attended; requested the City Council approve the Commission to obtain detailed design for a trail along the Whitewater channel. Council Member Franklin inquired about installing a trail in the wash. Community Services Director Hylton stated Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) is interested in discussing as well as the City of Indio to establish a trail on top of the wash. Council Member Henderson stated there are legal reasons of not installing the trail in the wash. Hylton stated it may be the liability issues. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 13 October 27, 2009 Council Member Sniff stated it takes a very modest amount of rain to have a flow of water. Chairman Spirtos stated not many people would use it while it is raining; and the City must be careful to have the trail visible for personal safety issues. Council Member Henderson asked if this project is being coordinated with the trails involved. Commissioner Lawrence confirmed. Dog Parks Commissioner Fitzpatrick stated the Commission has recognized the need for additional dog parks; and commended the City Council on increasing the size of the Seasons Park to accommodate a dog park. Staff has been forward- thinking on establishing a capital improvement program. Art in Public Places Commissioner Brodsky stated the Art in Public Places program is impressive; and appreciates the City Council generously contributes to an art piece for display in the program. Council Member Henderson stated the City Council feels the arts is an important part of the community. Mayor Adolph stated the Museum provides wonderful programs on art and history for the community. Fitness Venues Commissioner Fitzpatrick, on behalf of Commissioner Beigel, stated there is a need to provide fitness venues to the senior citizens of the community. Chairman Spirtos thanked the City Council for the ability to serve the community. Council Member Franklin stated the spirit of the Commission has changed since last year. Council Member Sniff stated the contrast between the original Cultural Arts Commission and the current Commission is drastic; and urged the members to continue to be enthusiastic and creative. Mayor Adolph conveyed appreciation for the Commission's participation and attendance at community events. Joint City Council/Commission Meeting 14 October 27, 2009 Chairman Spirtos adjourned the Community Services Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Evans to adjourn the City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously: Res ctfully submi d, Veronica J. M ecino, City City of La Q ta, California