LLA 1991-134CITY OF LA QUINTA ANNING i DEVELOPMENT DE ENT 78-105 CALLS ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 f ir�, APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OFFICE USE ONLY 90-015 /a57-0- Zoning: R - / - 10000 LLA No. _ 9/ - 13 4 Related Cases: Reviewed By: Date: ------------------------------- ------------------------------- APPLICANT Name: Landmark Land Company of California, Inc. Address: 78-150 Calle Tampico Daytime (Mailing) La Quints, CA 92253 Phone: 619 564-4500 (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY OWNERS Owner "A" Name: Landmark Land COmpany of California, Inc. Address: owns all parcels. Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "B" Name: Address: Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "C" Name: Address: PROPERTY DATA Property A: Property B: Phone: (City) (State) (zip) Assessor's Parcel Number: See attached sheets Street Address (if any): Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): i ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: To readjust property lines tg-�" tb o s gparific elan land use layout CA REASON FOR REQUEST: To be able to convey golf course property. 125.08' I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/we are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; (2) I/we have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Representative Signature: (Attach Let MR/FORMLLA.001 JUNE 1989 Vice s) of A Owner ' ' e Date owner "H": Name Date Owner "C": Name Date Date Land Company of California, Inc. Lc- 4 - 9/- 13v 1' _CITY OF LT OUXNTA Z� o� PLANNING G DEVELOPMENT DEPTMFNT 90-015 Ak 78-105 CALLE ESTADO ' LA QUINTAL CALIFORNIA 92253 fi ~01 FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT M -- 'C' OFFICE USE ONLY - C; N Zoning: %L ' 1- I aCJUc/ LLA No. 13 `, , Related Cases: Reviewed BY: 37LO Date: a // 7 APPLICANT ' Nance: Landmark Land Company of Califor-Aa Inc. Address: 78-I50 Calla Tampico Daytime '- (Mailing) La ouinta, CA 92253 Phone; (619)564-4500 (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY OWNERS ' I Owner "A" Name: Landmark Land Company of Califarnia, Inc. Address: _ owns all parcels. Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "B" Name: Address: (City) (State) (Zip) Phone: Owner "C" Name: Address: . (City) (State) (zip) Phone: PROPERTY DATA Property A: Assessor's Parcel Number: See attached sheets Street Address (if any): i Property 6: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): _ Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: To readjust Property -lines to fffiop-s (t4 sn nif1 plan land Ilse layout a 1 i25.o6 REASON FOR REQUEST: To be able to convey golf course property. ' • 3 $ 1 290433 I/We hereby certify thatt 1) I am/He are the record owner(s) -of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; (2) I/We have 3)The odge of and consent information submitted tintconnection he filing ofwith s thisieApplication is true and correct. Owns r 1 � -9j �° Date Owner "B": Name Date Owner "C": Home Date Representative Signature: Date vice esidan Land Land n (Attach Lette s) of A otion) Planning City of La Quinta �t�W 1Yl'DC STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 CouNTYoE Rl RRSIDH as. / - 7�_7e -I/ Company of California,, Inc. 29 i)433 Onlhb rSL1 ayol ---Auvat 91 I9—. bolero me. me umersigned. a Notary W6Go m and for saki Odmtyab Slale, GARY persmalty appeared kY.RRHY — ---------- Personally kr,am to MO(erpraved to me On the bests al s mfacf fy eddeem) 1. be Cray vice President. and'--_—_--_--___.—_ 3'eTsBRmrlawmmTcma tormaved Tmnaarmetasls�rrsatu+aararermarrerm SeaeTLy ontemrporalronThat axewfed Iha wI1Nn Wlrumer,t, roe ma-------- — and kha n to me to be me persons xho exewled the MWn Instrument On behalf of the corporation lhereln named, and OFFKIAt SEAL OcknMIOdgel b me that such corpormpn eaecufed the same, SHERRIE0. BROOKS pursuant to Psby lav , Ora resolution of ds eoardol Dh,,Mra NolOryPUOpc•COUlomla RNERSIDE COUNfy WITNESS ny hand"offidal seal, k1Y CortvNsdon faptres Noury�nmon, (rNe Ne(artllkW wn 290433 State of California ) County of Riverside ) ss On August Sb, 1991, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of California, personally appeared Stan Sawa, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that he executed /et.• a-�_ IM 29f)433 PARCEL "Bii That portion of SccUon 15, Township 6 South, Range 7 East. San Bernardino Meridian In the County of Riverside. State of California, also being a portion of Parcel 1 and 2 of Parcel Map 14286 as Recorded In Book 83 of Parcel. Maps at Pages 24 thereof, Records of Riverside County, California, and a portion of Parcels 4.5.6 and 7 of Parcel Map 14791 as recorded In Book 90 of Parcel Maps at Pages 83 through 85 thereof, records of Riverside County, California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest one -quarter of said Section IS: Thence S 02625'24" E along the westerly line or said Southwest one -quarter of said Section 15 said line also being the centerline of Madison Street a distance of 236.04 feet; Thence N 870341364 E a distance or 264.91 feet to the point of beginning: Thence N 850 14'10" E a distance of 439.13 feet: Thence N 89029'21" E a distance of 1039.48 feet; Thence S 79012'03" E a distance of 203.96 feet; Thence N 78"10'45" E a distance of 203.96 feet; Thence N 89029'21" E a distance of 1148.93 feet; Thence Southeasterly and Southwesterly along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 150.00 feet through an angle of 102044'30" an arc length or 268.98 feet. (The ending radial bears N 77-46-09" W); Thence S'46015'35" W a distance of 230.00 feet; Thence S 50°47'03' Z a distance of 365.97 feet; Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 200.00 feet through an angle of 14-28-16" arr are length of 50.51 feet; Thence S 65"15' 19" E a distance of 43.45 feet; Thence Southeasterly and Southwesterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having_a radius of 160.00 feet through an angle of 160°23'12" an are length or 447.88 feetto a point of compound curvature; Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 800.00 feet through an angle of 25'24'06" an are length of 354.67 feet: Thence N 59026'01" W a distance of 591.01 feet: Thence S 84"45'03" W a distance of 359.29 feet: Thence S 89921'17" W a distance of 420.90 feet; Thence N 79"50'19" W a distance of 321.02 feet: Thence S 87644'48" W a distance of 544.58 feet: Thence S 55'15'18" W a distance of 74.72 feet; Thence S 89*0141" W a distance of 250.50 feet; Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 281.50 feet through an angle of 3"04'26' an arc length of 15.10 feet to a point of compound curvature (The beginning radial bears N 63"4747' E); Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 518.50 feet through an angle of 67023'38" an are length of 609.88 feet to a point of reverse curvature: Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 24.50 feet through an angle of 88006'O1" an are length of 37.67 feet: Thence N 02"25'24" W a distance of 42.97 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 281.5o feet through an angle of 22'29'19" an arc length of 110.49 feet (the ending radial bears N 69"56'05" W) to the point of beginning. LGfI No y��3� 29f).'!33 PARCEL licit That portion of Section 15, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Mcrld(an In the County of Riverside, State of California, also being a portion of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 8835 as recorded 1n Book 33 of Parcel Maps at Page 53 thercofiRecords of Riverside County, California, also being a Portion of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 14286 as recorded In Book 83 of Parcel Maps at Page 24 thereof) Records of Riverside County. California, and a portion of Parcels 1.2,3,4,6,E and 7 of Parcel Map 14791 as Recorded In Book 90 of Parcel Maps at Pages 83 through 65 thereof, Records of Riverside County, Callfornla, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southwest one -quarter of said Section 15, said Zinc also being the centerline of Airport Boulevard; Thence S 89'13'13" W along the Southerly lint of the Southwest one -quarter of said Section 15 a distance of 89.60 feet; Thence N 00046'47" W a distance or 119.52 feet to the point of beginning; Thence S 89013'00" W a distance of 276.19 feet: Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 281.50 feet through an angle of 37"30'07" an we length of 184.25 feet (The ending radial bears N 36"43'07" E); Thence N 01935'57" E a distance of 353.91 feet: - Thence N 07049'51" E a distance of 362.06 feet; Thence N 49'2100" W a distance of 211.86 feet; Thence N 83918'45" W a distance of 688.38 feet; Thence N 40'57'06" W a distance of 271.81 feet; Thence N 04648'06" W a.distance of 54.78 feet: - - Thence Northwesterly and. Northeasterly along a curve concave Southeasterly having a - radius of 160.00 feet through an angle of 94" 17'12" an are length of 263.SO feet: Thence N 89029'06" E a distance of 916.37 feet: Thence S 85011'00" E a distance of 101.71 feet; Thence S 80"29'06" E a distance of 108.91 feet: Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 1885.00 feet through an angle of 17"55'37' an arc length of 689.79 feet (The ending radial bears N 27"26'31" E); - Thence S 41'42'55" E a distance of 632.14 feet; Thence N 89002'20" E a distance of 207.14 feet; Thence S 82"07'21" E a distance of 534.81 feet; Thence S 87°53'52" E a distance of 584,90 feet: Thence S 71'03' 13" E a distance of 290.24 feet; Thence S 02026' 19" E a distance of 332.75 feet; Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 182.00 feet through an angle of 31109'14" an arc length of 98.96 feet (The beginning radial bears N SW34'35" W and the ending radial bears N 27"25'21" W); Thence N 84"05'54" W a distance of 335.06 feet: - Thence S 81'35' 12" W a distance of 351.26 feet; Thence S 89'45'30" W a distance of 402.34 feet; Thence N 74'02'32" W a distance of 271.45 feet; Thence N 85'43'22" a distance of $56.23 feet: Thence N 70018'21" W a distance of 233.57 feet; Thence N 42450'20" W a distance of 255.76 feet; Thence Northwesterly and Southwesterly along a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 115.00 feet through an angle or 125' 14'43" an arc length of 251.38 feet; Thence S 11*42'30" W a distance of 458.89 feet to the point of beginning. LUi L1Nt AUJUSTMENT 6M a iapw v M DnN IWl v ffNw 4 IA a. �.> [.. sA.i. i (fRL[Y W aGs fowHY � .{�f � IMH. I' .W�ui•�l' I a�• I I YFM � IO Ss�Y ' M De I / `2 rMCEt b' I• I I I .� •I S I1 I rANCEI'D' •� . >.n ifn +aarm l I _ I L � �• r 1 I RFAYO Y.u� IDgI � Yv'1. � �� wttoI IYCil •c I � >0'>.I. I • 1tl.WYw • II » ``i a... == reaccw• ` L. I' I ~ l �AMI r•O. �q� • �9 iQVF II M NOTE ALL PROPERTY BEING AD.AISTED IS UNDER ONE bwuERSWP •+.+�.. �,; .. o �Y' Of a6,G(ru�ra, 78-105 Callel504 EstadO La Quint&, CA 922S) 619-S64-2246 619-S64-S617 (FAX) T0: �W c 4 0�t ::,p Vf U ATTENTION: �,Q, /ecJ �6-1+q'j PROTECT: �or Your information and records. 4e�4� y,_ 13Z ie %/- /3 Date:—/—�� /00 L2 copies as requested. L2 Receipt. a Other It you have undersigned. any questions on the above Please contact the M `4t!t4 Quwo 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 February 12, 1991 Mr. Lloyd Watson Landmark Land Company P. O. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 91-133 - PETE DYE COURSE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 91-134 - FOSTER TURF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 91-135 - THE GROVE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 91-136 - OAK TREE WEST Dear Mr. Watson: Your Lot Line Adjustment for the above referenced cases are hereby approved. You are hereby authorized to proceed with the recording of the deeds for these Lot Line Adjustments. All deeds must show the following statement: "This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment # " (insert proper number). — In addition, Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) 91-133 needs legal descriptions for parcels "C" and "H". LLA 91-134 needs a legal description for parcel "D"; LLA 91-135 needs a legal description for parcel "F"; LLA 91-136 needs legal descriptions for parcels "N, O, P, Q, and R". Please provide copies of the legal descriptions for the parcels referenced above to this Department as soon as possible. You will need these legal descriptions in order to proceed with the recording of the above deeds. A copy of the recorded deeds must be submitted to this Department as soon as possible. Failure to do so, may delay issuance of any building permits or approvals affecting these parcels. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please contact my office. Very truly yours, FRED BAKER PRINCIPAL PLANNER FB : bja Attachments: Approved legal descriptions and exhibits LTRJH.062 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 PARCEL "A" That portion of Section 15. Township 6 South. Range 7 East. San Bernardino Meridian in the County of Riverside. State of California. more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 15: Thence N 02"25'24" W along the Westerly line of said Section 15. said line also being the centerline of Madison Street a distance of 280.02 feet; Thence N 87°34'36" E a distance of 119.50 feet to the point of beginning: Thence N 02°25'24" W a distance of 321.80 feet; Thence N 80008'25" E a distance of 168.91 feet: Thence N 03°17'29" W a distance of 182.82 feet: Thence N 85055'01" W a distance of 165.78 feet: Thence N 02"25'24" W a distance of 87.41 feet; Thence N 81026'37" E a distance of 155.53 feet: Thence N 07°38'30" W a distance of 512.20 feet; Thence N 02045'33" E a distance of 408.99 feet. Southeasterly having a radius of Thence 136.50 Northeasterly along a curve concave feet through an angle of 37030'07" an are length of 89.34 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 463.50 feet through an angle of 3204510" an arc length of 264.96 feet (Me ending Thence radial bears N 87°40'27" W); Southeasterly along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 481.50 feet through an angle of 52*4628" an arc length of 443.50 feet (The 66°52' 13" beginning radial bears N 14005'45" E and the ending radial bears N E): Thence S 10°47'43" E a distance of 367.39 feet: Thence S 03049'46" E a distance of 384.03 feet; Thence S 08° 11' 15" E a distance of 405.20 feet: Thence N 87°04'50" E a distance of 651.48 feet; Thence Thence S 66*36' 11" E a distance of 152.94 feet: Southeasterly and Southwesterly along a curve concave Westerly having a radius of 250.00 feet through an angle of 131023'19" an arc length of 573.29 feet (The ending radial bears N 25°12'52" W); 1463.02 feet to the point of beginning. Thence N 89053'01" W a distance of PARCEL " B" That portion of Section 15. Township 6 South. Range 7 East. San Bernardino Meridian in the County of Riverside, State of California. more parUcularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest comer of the Southwest one -quarter of said Section 15: Thence S 02°25'24" E along the v7eSeYcll �erlinesoaMadlsonest Street one -quarter distance said Section 15 said line also being of 236.04 feet; Thence N 87*34*36" E a distance of 264.91 feet to the point of beginning: Thence N 85014'10" E a distance of 439.13 feet: 1039.48 feet. Thence N 89*29*21" E E a distance of a distance of 203.96 feet: Thence Thence S N 79°12'03" 78°10'45" E a distance of 203.96 feet: 1148.93 feet; Thence N 89°29'21" E a distance of Southwesterly along a curve concave Southwesterly Thence Southeasterly and 150.00 feet through an angle of 102044*30" an arc length of having a radius of dial bears N 77046'09" WI: 268.98 feet (Ibe ending ra Thence S 50°4TO3" E a distance of 365.97 feet: aof 4e concave arclength50 having of Thence Southeasterly along No 200.00 feet through an angle Thence S 65015'19" E a distance of 43.45 feet; Thence Southeasterly and Southwesterly along a curve concave Northwesterly hrough an angle of 160 having a radius of 160.00 feet t023'12" an arc length of 447.88 feet to a point of compound curvature: Thence Northwesterly alongaf curve concave ve arNortheasterly 1 ast rly 800.00 feet through an angle o of Thence N 59*28*01" W a distance of 591.01 feet; Thence S 84°45'03" W a distance of 359.29 feet. Thence S 89°21'17" W a distance of 420.90 feet: Thence N 79050'19" W a distance of 321.02 feet: Thence S 87644'48" W a distance of 544.58 feet; Thence S 55°15'18" W a distance of 74.72 feet: Thence S 89*01*41" W a distance of 250.50 feet: Thence Northwesterly along acurve 3°conca *concave arclength 281.50 feet through an angle m radial bears N point of compound curvature (Me beginning Thence Northwesterly along of 67°23'38" curve concave Southwesterly an arc length 518.50 feet through an angle !nt of reverse curvature: 1 having a radius of 354.67 feel: having a radius of of 15.10 feet to a 63°47'47" E): having a radius of of 609.88 feet to a po Thence Northwesterly along of 88 06'O1concave are length of 37.67nffeet radius o 24.50 feet through an angle Thence N 02°25'24" W a distance of 42.97 fret; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 281.50 feet through an angle of 22°29'19" an arc fbeenBt mg f 110.49 feet (the ending radial bears N 69 56'05" W) to the p g►nn PARCEL licit That portion of Section 15. Township 6 South. Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian in the County of Riverside. State of California. more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southwest one -quarter of said Section 15. said line also being the centerline of Airport Boulevard; Thence S 89013*13" W along the Southerly line of the Southwest one -quarter of said Section 15 a distance of 89.60 feet; Thence N 00"46'47" W a distance of 119.52 feet to the point of beginning; Thence S 89" 13'00" W a distance of 276.19 feet: Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 281.50 feet through an angle of 37030'07" an arc length of 184.25 feet (The ending radial bears N 36043'07" E); Thence N 01"35'57" E a distance of 353.91 feet; Thence N 07"49'51" E a distance of 362.06 feet; Thence N 49*21#00" W a distance of 211.86 feet'. Thence N 83"18'45" W a distance of 688.38 feet: Thence N 40"57'06" W a distance of 271.81 feet. " . dis t of 54 78 feet: Thence N 04 48 06 W a ante Thence Northwesterly and Northeasterly along a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 160.00 feet through an angle of 94" 17' 12" an are length of 263.30 feet; Thence N 89"29'06" E a distance of 916.37 Thence S 85"11'00" E a distance of 101.71 Thence S 80"29'06" E a distance of 108.91 Thence Southeasterly along a curve concai 1885.00 feet through an angle of 17"5537 ending radial bears N 27026'31" E); Thence S 41"42'55" E a distance of 632.14 Thence N 89002'20" E a distance of 207.14 Thence S 82"07'21" E a distance of 534.81 Thence S 87°53'52" E a distance of 584.90 Thence S 71"03'13" E a distance of 290.24 75 feet: feet; feet: e Southwesterly having a radius of an arc length of 589.79 feet (The feet: feet; feet; feet. feet; Thence S 02026'19" E a distance of 332. feet; Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 182.00 feet through an angle of 31°09'14" an are length of 98.96 feet (The beginning radial bears N 58034'35" W and the ending radial bears N 27"25'21" W): Thence N 84005'54" W a distance of 335.06 feet: Thence S 81"35'12" W a distance of 351.26 feet; Thence S 89"45'30" W a distance of 402.34 feet: Thence N 74"02'32" W a distance of 271.46 feet: Thence N 85"43'22" a distance of 356.23 feet: Thence N 70"18'21" W a distance of 233.57 feet: Thence N 42"50'20" W a distance of 255.76 feet; Thence Northwesterly and Southwesterly along having a radius of 115.00 feet through an angle 251.38 feet; Thence S 11042*30" W a distance of 458.89 feet a curve concave Southeasterly of 125014'43" an arc length of to the point of beginning. O�noE o04 mz�--a G rarn,wtwnp� diena",aau,ewtnaa 76► +^+ •Laadmerk Lend Co. of Calif. 99 ro. c/o Don Tannehill „ 8 P.O. Box 1000 , q d t1iLI Le points, ...�� ni` Ca. 92260 _Y i` t, ' Landmark Lend Company of Calif tlwr P.O-Row 1000 (accounting dept)Ou La Ma Ca 92253 R 82303-$ " ""s 3590-IR 9PACSARM THIS LMPon RaCORDIp,$Use GRANT DEED 767-330-019 THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS S glcompaad on M value of property conveyed, or Cl Ieompuled On tug value less value of Ilene or encumbrances remelning at tints M sale [Virtlncorporsted area O cay of , AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, reaelpt of which Is hereby acknowledged, JOYCECO SERVICES, INC. A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION hereby GRANT(s) to LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION the tosowktg described real properlyIn the Hof Riverside . State of California: Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 14286, as per Parcel Map recorded in Book 83, pages 24 of Parcel Maps. in the office of the County Recorder of said County. "NO TAX DUE. THIS CONSUMMATES A TAX DEFERRED EXCHANGE. TRANSFER TAX DUE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS TRANSACTION COLLECTED AND PAID ON FIRST TRANSFER NAMELY GRANT DEED FROM VERNER TO JOYCECO SERVICES, INC, RECORDED CONCURRENT HEREWITH." JOYCECO SERVICES, INC. A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Dated Nov. 29, 1989 SYATs a CALFORMA COUNTY OF as on oM day to ,m me yNr to _ bekra ma, ale Ir,oaraenee, a Nntary Pudn m am Ia tIM, pow IV aprarae —___ "y N1,mR to ma lot o'ovao 10 m• an IM M tuts 1 to be Ilia palaat __._. IlfMla" __._ to ma wont relrumara, wol r:a b ma slat _-- a.anbtt a ,rw,un w� r r rr• vrI Wi,lr.r M NI mrr,Ml IIAA gal surrAww" as Dopy" ADO ► r __u.r..�+r�vwpsltl..aP„ 1. .TATII 06CALWOIINIA I County ofyC�1l�L ofIAoYe•wlreermreq On this L day of in m. f . A NOf4Fy Public th And for IM Y/le ceunly and eul• nuthe a' 10 %, Tduty COfit's m en•e.ne.wern, ' If if pnroNlly shown to isle (of pnNfid to me 10 INDIVIDUAL) on the pills of fiellshCloFy ewdenosl to a the p.rlon(q, (Id COPPOPATIONI Wnme ham1 II PopeC.Acu 10 to. IhatfUrssnl. snd fiCYnowle0gd Ina M IIM or Ih.yl I..Cubd to. Who ONOCufed the within Instrument /s e•MMMy, On behalf of the CC Pfss10Ml a. ecsnOwl•dp•a to me that such Corpo�eni.•caba w'nnM (0 PANTNF119NIP) the Insrument Pullu.nl to Ill a iclos find Oplfiws end a reeolullon of Ib Boefd of Olgflprs. That --.x•Culed the within InnlrumMl on Mhfilf of Ine pal• IN the hOhWMO flat hand officiallssa•m And day and'.WNFRWe,Ihaw IM des end Y•a llr 1IM Wlllbn MY el end./l affixed my saidount..nea... N0;'Y Puhim Il.'1�,.ji0 ftiYe 9leb of Ci.11tor. My Commission e.PIFM! 1, `y' CJ(P UL+tit Ynl.ry haI OrrCA4 Irk IPFNE RI!I I eafr. nI 'fxx th. O T, Pn n.l1 nY"xw qf•+•+In'M w m ,o (-L/-) --9 i-13y . NtaartorMe N*a1lteTifllrNT //-' aevmere p��QEAItJGE (O/45? • W{ NI I/171a1In 1. M Mm me rnM "am Port Face LANDMARK LAND COMPA14T OF CA. INC. P.O. BOX 1000 a LAQUIRTA, CA, 92253 We Pw. GRANTER, SAME AS THE ABOVE c� �nraoms R $0444-1 armor 2466-IR all. ,oil Ilk Mid l! GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTORS) DECLARES) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX Is S O computed on lull value of property conveyed, or C) computed on full value lees value of Ilona or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. O unincorporated ores O city of • AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged. WANSROP AND gLAPOK PROPERTIES, a California Partnership hereby GRANT(s) to LANDMARK LAND COMPANY Of CALIFORNIA INC., A DELANARS CORPORATION the following described real property In the County at RIVERSIDE . State of California: PARCEL At Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 14266, as per Parcel Map recorded in Book 83, pages 24 of Parcel maps, in the Office of the County Recorder _of said County. PARCEL St An *&moment for water pipeline purposes and ingress and *grate to meintain ooid pipeline over the Westerly 15 foot of Parcel 1 and Lot A of Parcel Map 14286, Official Records of Riverside County, California. Dsted JNMS 2, 1989 m� l cent RR. ore -11 D R. �an mnan.— $?ATtOrCaurQANIA }a6 Etmn L. Raps -- , e.fe.a wa. ,M uneang�b. • NMMr ryry , aNN f wnaneal M N ry rwm m,.n N,M n.w_ M. MMWee VA or wow •law• M r+..ue wr Aar a+a Arwwes raew I r.nnn•hipI STATE Or CAlIe WOWNIA I a C Im or .IWS11 _ ____-_.. a 1 L-ffj.IAY� ... _ i Won. Joe. IM enAw•Ipn.A. • N„1•q I' Idly In pnd I'll .dd Vpl.. P11-11lr gp.prM_—.—_ — _. __--.—_— Mandl0M ___••'' `__ ___ In b_Qll L_�.a IM pnnrr• nl IM Mrinw•hip CIhpl 01.w.4 IM ."him Ip.lnnrrrr, pull wlnnrlMPM Iu nr. the rwh p•rrwr.hlp .wMM IM wn.. 1 {'ITNEIA pp�pt ppd prd o&kl rpl. L MPptw+_:./t lit•'r�71�_J_n�&LX.l!_-_ n�E� w rrI f#4Lllli'�'�� DtWN (.IMAM[ Ier��uryanpA .rfrr bw.r. looniot i I rulnn.hyl I .TAT(: Or CALIFORNIA AA. worm oP_— R lwn lEd__... __. _ 1-...._.._. " —— hdpn M. IM undw.ynM. p N,dnhu r I'ulrltr In old nbl Auu, p.r-pnnpllt pppwrM__.-- Vlnc�nr R. Ponhdn k,,­ni.*7;fI;_­­_-.pl IM Mrin.nrd dr pp1ln.F.hiph.l o w,uM It. rllhlp In.vuprnl, pM wkn..I dp.A I., on. hot .wh pprin...hlp .rwmM Ih. ur.. hpnnl to m NITNF.aA w hpnd and nlh114 wl. �p + {St /a•[14 e_c'�.N�to�.___. _._ IIIINNCK:dII Npnr ITrPM M Ihlpl.dl LI,r4 - l/-�3,/ peemoma R[OLAMEM r AN rl[wr rNA 1MI RN all, swltl rr.rwru tww Nlw 1.19 ..tw.t .r xr'.lAG^-nrk Lnnd (rr rnr; eerier:(„r•nll (( P.O. My Inoo .,.M M.+ r r,I .rM. F l t Q t N � 1 A t LO It V ohlrrRlrr 61020-11 or.IMIA ; 0S604JC SPACE AROV[ THIS LINT FOR RTCORDM D USE GRANT DEED THE UNDEnSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DE(LAREJS) DOCUMFNTAnY TIIANSFFR TAX Is E 172.15 EI roopndnd on lull value of property conveyed. or compulyd on hdl enure lenh vnlne of hens or encumbiaric"n fornnlnlnq at limn ql into f�l umneurpnraled area Ll city of . AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDEFIATION, tecrrpt of which is hereby acknowledged, John M. Printer and Joan R. Fnnter, hunband and wife an joint: t.enanla hereby GRANT(n) to Landmark Land Company of California Tne., a Delaware Corporatior: The followonq descnbod real property in the County of Riverside . State of California. Parcels 2 and 6 of Parcel Map No. 14791 1n Rook 90 Page 03-05 of Parcel Maps, Rccordn of Riverside County, California. (see Exhibit A for complete legal description) (apn 0767-330-026-0 6 767-33n-022-4) Onled-.Nov.-26, 1984 STATE OF CAL NI COUNTY On innl??G% envm /VOV ,nnnn vim In hnfmr me Inn nnrlm.iannd, A Nalroy enhlry m f+hnl',nu^t ! t In, pr,"nnn ^any_ n rA�3 �4-Llwr . �7J�g4•f••`,(1 'I,,,^nnnuy Lnnwn In no pn nrnvnn In mn nh Inn hn^r, nl ,nb,ln,Ao, nvulm¢m In hn Inn nnnnnS who.,, nnn,"y (.XJLf mihn nnnA to Inn within m.lrummF$l. And ACknnwlnnflnd Ire err 91101' ImV rr.nCub•A WITNE,r�4 my nnnn and ofhunl noel JJ t oh ia[r' n �M Jean A. Foeter v .IOYCC A COOPCR r f:mrny ronr.rc . av lrnvnA ,1 nm. nPr rDlUn7Y t � My tnmm, nrICII JUL 27, I^!9 non .q, tp MMnI nnV.,Fr wwr en III NAIL TAM MTAT#MNNI AA DNLfdTID ASDY1. SCMDOLE 'A CONTINUED m Parcels 1 and 6 of PARCEL MAP NO. 14791, as shorn by t('�S mop on file In Rook 90 pages 83, 84 and 85 of Parcel Maps, Records of Riverside County, CallfornLr M EkCEPT1N0 therefrom an undivided 5/7th interest In an easement for the construction, drilling, maintenance and use of a domestic rater well, storage tank, pumping plant, pipe lines, power Imes, and all appurtenants located as follows: The North 35 feet of the Sortth 65 feet of the west 15 feet nr the East 30 feet of Parcel 6 of PARCEL MAP NO. 14791, as shown by Map on file in Rook 90 pages 83, 84 and 85 of Parcel Maps, Records of Rl verslde County, California, as created by a document recorded January 6, 1987. LLA -`,/--13y • RECOMW O INOAPM BY • ANn WHErI PFCOnDFD MAT, THIS DIED AND UNI F55 OTH1176SE SHOWN flR ON. MAIL TAX SIATEMF NTS 16 Landmark Land Co. of Calif. 1 Pont office Boa 1000 La qulntn, Ca. 92257 r • T/o 77827-05 Cal 1,nnd J P.er 'ow 229--MB Eldorado Cncrn Parcel No. 767-330-025 A 767-130-021 1 at 0UO -1 *4 0939 w j87Y. / SPACE ABOVE 1 III LINE FOR RECORDERS U,E l� GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECLAPE(s) DOCU OWARY f RAN TF R TAX is $r 4 2 2 , 40- . COTpLtnd fin full VOILA of prra,nrtV COnV(1VAd, or R CO(TryrtM fin hill VOILA W ,A VOILIO Of llnrn of OnCLmEM]ncnl rMnalnlnq at tlml trl FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt Of which Is hnrot)V acknovdodgod. Dorf C. Crec, a widow, who ncqufred title an a married woman, an her vole and separate property, hereby GRANTS) to Landmark Lnn Company of California, Inc.., A Delaware Corporation, the following dnsnrltAd Tool propoeV L I the Unincorporated area County of Riverntde State of California SEA EXHIBIT "A", Attached hereto and made A part hereof: Doted --_Sepcemher 11, 1984 ,\��'n( /��•"..-�i Dori G. C.rPe VAT U CAiif 1 M Rvarilda _ -- — - — rnlNrv(M _ i T.,_Septemhe r_l l,_ 1984__.__._ i..r,..» n•r __ ___.___.__.____.___._. _._.__ flvFv,prn,rl OI4,1My 1\Mc •n rfruf Lv vOrl Sinrn I.r.'nrMN Mnrnwf Dori a. Crer .1rew n mn l r.lv.•n.l rn n� •� \fin 1+1.. N v,,,,r.. rrry rn.v�ra fir A �l� Manrmmrrrvfrr.n.wr.xrrn,.n �._$he VAINI `I�TX 1VIr.I r:Alr.rr x, .. .. .. _ St&ey_St vvjck ae mil« No �Mlau„u,r. •.-»-tip 01IE1C AL tIAL STACY STUVICK '1 NCIAiX PbeuC c / 81v[F:'Pr CO. CALIF. M. •Ir:O J , �i ��H.r•nrr•N�..w• Ea+R+atRen Ns _.CL# MAIL VAX glrFCRID ADM. is ■ t:XMIAl7 "A" Parcels I And 5 of Pnrcrl Map 14791 nn ahown by Map on file In punk 90. M pA%V,, 81, 84 and N5 of Pnreel flop a, glveraida County Rvr orda. An undivld^d 2/7tha intenwt In An rnnem^nt far the cnnatruction, drilling, ma'atenance and ase of A dumeatic w.ter well, stut.+ge tank, pumping plant, pipe Itnea, power linos and All Appurtenances located on follows: She North 35 feet of the Coutl•, f',, a0t of the West 15 feet of the Past 30 feet of Parcel 6 of Parcel Map 14791 An nhcvn by Parcel Map on file in Book 90, pngrs 83, 94 and 85 of Parcel IInpn, Hlvern.dr County Rer,rdn, no crunted by n dm:+unrttt recorded dnnaary h, 19112 no Inotrnenent No. 1616 LL/4 -` 1-l3y A RECORDING ncounrcD By AND WNFN RIC.On11Fn MAR TN19 Win ANn IIMffA ."'Erpr'.(,�W)WN n110W MAR IA, S411MFNIS 10 ... _I (� .John M. Fnstrr anrrr •'"'""n 79-2.4 Hacienda Ira QM In to SLn go:ntn, Cnllf. 92253 N I" 11 n..N103-77827-05, 229-MB (;Al Land Title -Eldorado nBn!k F.acrow ^Parcel 0767-330-021 b 767-330-025 1 r l70 1� z a IZ O p 3O ` U ¢,- 04 y U\7�f.0 �o��dp '4- ;. b gyp. n. r A # U < L Px V a SPACE ABOVE THIS UM! ,on A[COROU'S UK ;HAN'T DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(.) DECLARE(4) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX m f none Cl n,mpulM on lull Yalu" nl nmprll^ Ceamryrn nr LI r,,npwed On Inn vnllrp r,N vRlur nl IPM W rnillmhl.111cel rnmlM1 nlna JI Inllr „I . ,, „yl FOR A VALUARLI. C0Ni1nr RATION Irc^rpl of wfnrn n lmrno, nrkn".4,11'r.d Jonn B. FOALer, wife r,( John M. Fonhrr, hereby GRANT(S) to .John M Foster, A married vin nS film Sole and Acphrnte property, Iho Iollolinno an"cr,hnd rn.nl propnrly In it... County of Rlversldc Slnlr nl C.IIJnr n,d Parcels I and 5 of Parcel Map J4791 as shown by Map on file in Book 90, pages 83, 84 and 85 of Parcel Maps, Riverside County Records. An undivided 2/7thS interest In an easement for the construction, drilling, maintenance and one of n domestic wnter well, storage tank, pumping plant, Pipe ItneA, nowcr lines nrd all appurtenances locnted ns follows: The NOW. 35 feet Elf Lhe rrouth 65 feet of the went 15 feet of the FAnL 30 fret If Parcel 6 of Parcel Map 14791 as shown by Parcel Map nn file in Ronk 90. pages 83, 84 and 85 Mf Parcel Mnps,Rlvernlde County Records, as created b,r n document recorded .Ln ry 6, 1982 as In9trument No. 1636. I, the undernlgnell wife of the Crnntee herein, executed thin Crnnt Deed for the purpose of crenting title to the interest of John M. Foster, in Said property, ns his sole and separate property, free from all interest and claim of the undersigned, Dnlrn Au Rust 14. 19N4 AIAII nr LnIUOFINIA CouN11 n, Riverside On August 22. 1984 Lnn„n.. m. „rutrr• "nul A N,nnry I\mrv, ann air unq V.m I•. n„n r Joan B. Foster pnr.nnery known In m. Inrumr....",... n,"InHIM lennn wmm� n.mn in .yMY"M p. rA. wnn.n mbu em Ann M.nn.,.nn.nr„I Rho WRNIIra,mY n.nn u,n nlM1r wl w� �., Jean B. Foster 01 FC1AL MAL MONALFE BAUMANN No"" IN&V C&OT"t Le I.•ArreM DrA<1 M R•,Ar My cahmS Ent MAr 20, 10111 m,, 10.0F, "'•••' MAIL MAX 211lifYfMTIr At DIRECIFED AAOVI ,. necollim nEOue Srro Br uA 1n. i. .10 nl .It 0110 'Inn.110 J41Aw1111 WIt. A601 1 111' IIII.1.1 10 1..-. Landma•k Land Company �c� 1^^ P.O. Box 1000 r,.. La Quinta t rl. 92253 ntu nrnu An :� nrvnw An 20$610JC x W Y SPACF ABOVE TIIIS I INc ron nFConnrn4 1 GRANT DEED l l lF I INpf 1C;1(1Nf f) (111ANT011I81 Of CI ARr (`ll I)(7CllIdl NIAIIY IIIAWOEII IAX !.SI, ,G AC O rmnputod of, full vahu' of pruporty umveyrr! ur W eomruted on full value Iess vdhle of hone or enmunblanroY mrnnminp it tlmr of xalo IN ,mm, nrpurated nroa ❑ rAy nl ANIr I Oil A VAI tlAIIIJ COW;I l RAI ION nTolpt ill Wlbeh n, hrmhy arhnu Wlndged. JORN M. FOSTER and JOAN B. POSTER, husband and wife an joint tenants, an to an undivided 1/2 interest and CATHERINE M. FOSTER, a widow, as to An undivided 1/2 interest. hon,hy ORANT(,) to LANDMARK LANB COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA INC., A LPLA.WAPL COR, ORATION tho lollowuvl Ilosr.nbed real ptuporly Ili the Cnnnly of Riverside , state of Cahlnlnm Asrencorls Parcel Number(c) 767-330-023-5, and 767-330-024-6 and 767-330-027-9, and 767-330-028-0. For complete legal description, sec Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herewith. Dated Sept. 27, 19114 !OAll (II I1A11111hNIA ) rn11N,Y 1,1; 1,1111 n.. �"- a.ly..1 ,., II,..,,.,, I•I,Y I„ In nh ny,,, ,.,1 WITNf .nrvb"It 1-11111,.V.-vl '3/w( 3 y l �, ..1 E+411.rt ote. ���.s�wa.'wr a[ •SFr ..MAI(EAN If If r(MEMt1NDMfCttD AR0W. (i `NN G1�Q O M. rOST .R rA •r ;�� --7LV JY S. Fo'tTER CATIII:RINI: M. POSTER „"� OITICIAL JOYCA SF•\Ll V �;. T� E [txDn[a 1 If .' rn•n.r root r •:.o ,• •c•..� PARCEL 1, Parcel 3 of PARCEL MAf No. I4791, as shwn by Map on file in Book 90 pages 03, 84 and a5 of Parcel Maps, Kz�4�1- Rrcor<'a of Aivrrsidv County, California. ': PARCEL IA: An undlvidR,1 1/7th interest in An easement for the construction, drilling, maintenance and use of A domestic water well, storage tank, pumping plant, pipe lines, poser lines, and all �;,purtenants, in And on the following, The North J5 feet of the South 65 feet of the West 1S feet of the Fact 30 feet of Parcel 6 of PARCEL MAP NO. 14791, as shown by Map on file in Book 90 pages 83, 84 and 95 of Parcel Maps, Records of Rivr�side County, Ca Iifornia. PARw EL 2: Parcel 4 of PARCEL MAP NO. 74791, as sham by Map on file in Book 90 pages 83, R4 end 85 of PAreRI MAPS, Records of Riverside County, California. PARCEL 2A, An undivided 1/7th interest in An easement for the construction, drilling, maintenance and use of a domestic water well, storsge tank, pumping plant, pi po lines, power lines, and all appurtenants, 1n and on the following: The North 35 feet of the South 65 feet of the Nest 15 feet of the East 30 feet of Parcel 6 of PARCEL MAP NO. 14791, ab shwn by Map on file in Book 90 pages 83, 84 and 85 of Parcel Naps, Records of Riverside County, 7alifornia. PARCEL. 3: Parcel 7 of PARCEL MAP NO. 14791, as sham by Map on file in Book 90 pages 83, 84 a.td'85 of Parcel Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. PARCEL 3A: An undivided 1/7th interest in an easement for the construction, drilling, maintenance and use of a doaestio water well, storage tank, pumping plant, pipe lines, power lines, and all appurtenants, In and on the following: The North 35 feet of the South 65 feet of the Nest 15 feet of the Fast 30 feet Of Parcel 6 of PARCEf. MAP NO. 14791, as shown by Map on file in Book 90 pe;es 83, 84 and 05 of Parcel Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. �-c- A-'� i- 1 3 y mi is lw:{9r1"M,.�Vw conowe � ��pk ��t}� ae ��p��/ ter( LAMI,1aA. Wp1[/Ykk ui Iebw wk s o o FtoF. maw a �} ' + Exewi'4 Landmark fond Comas of ,r "' �:lifornis, Inc. a Delmore a•�.'e Corporation ! 7:7 },r•T" ;y. `. P.O. Box 1000 is 0,001► M pr :Ua�� to Quints, Co. 92253 R e S sag •■■� �$ p t, se above aaton 0101304 sqest 3366-IR ttFAet ADM TWO LOW FM "COMM" Yes'711 APN n67-333-017-0 GRANT DEED -- -- - --- APN 0767-330-009-3 THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARES) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX to S rt9 computed on full value of property conveyed. or 13 Compu!ed on bon voice, leoo voice, at Ilsne or encumbrances remaining at time of vale. Yd unincomorow are, 0 edy of . AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. rSORW Of aattklt Ie hereby acknotrledged. FEW Enterpriwa /VI, a limited Partnership hereby GRANT($) to landmark land Company of California, Inc. , a Delmore Corporation the following deserlt,ed real p.Opettr In the County of Riverside , Slate of California: PARCEL NO. 1b Parcels 2 and 3 of Parcel Map 8835, as per Parcel Map recorded 1n Book 33 page 53 of Parcel Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. PARCEL NO. 2s The Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 15, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, according to the Official Plot thereof. EXCEPT the East and South 30 feet thereof for road purposes. Dated March 30, 1989 SS"~4w4whm TEOF CALIFORNIA 1 asday of - . I Nr _.}mdwn�Snad. a NotWV ue • uo Stela.�. pw•OneM k�oM'A to IM• • N of watalKlory widenC•) to Oe the,a Wowenhed to the w".h wh ye, l0 1he iMl_ M._ awatut•o x whNEn trey hand.M ontoml roll w"uw MOMA 4,N'T-II- pRt(t.c Wtci3'TlA.Ws'iM�S �hoPEatl�-c, b F.ci;pr(x(aNCS /Aida trrwr.,.r�.•e.vr uDt•a. wvmt •, • I" w.m wta.t OWN"I'm auu ru SrArfe/fmrS AS DO ATOM. (furpaatwA r e honer of t Pennrnhip) STATIOICALI 6)t IA } OL C4DUXT1 Of !_ belm twn, wrra0► nP/ttnd woo o petwtunT peen w as « / of,1rC the within h�uapeaar r tee Into w as M I �eLtj the la batytn�IM r e rr aorpnratfen ter encoded the wgeM rmarneat 1` heAarar the within bII. = � eMh panoadry eNeoaA IMML MRar ad dr wITN435' hatd ftk elder/LJ (iyntun 1 �j AMO1iKIII .seen a I:j:HY Public In tnd IM M FG 9--plaii-I � (m emit tw e:114d ODOM ed1 (Curpuntion is a hrtnrr of a hnner/Alp) P'�Aet otaupt"'trr"""ao 6TATL OF CALIFVIIA COUNTY or T/i��j/lV-l�.I�-I`IL rp On . S - �9 ^ before , de M 1:atary Pnblk bt Mad fM���Mfenrr�er etaa�orty� n I:atary Pnblk M aed fM1 taW gum, perwnNp appeared appeared } MManellp knevn to nit M r M o ppnpp ateeu t the within Imwmene a eM -f/ 2 �,�/ aura Wy It ne M prowd to me on the be =f rtl etory eeldrntx S to R/ri / iffi m iAe the mrpontlen that eteeatod the within t M e behalf of --- be it 1 ' Instrument, Mall aelmotnodpd to that web a c med tM ManM r w pent Mad thMt lionatun 6EMI MAY DAY t4t�AARtU Ca1M MWIt RebwlraMdd e.epY wD '