LLA 1994-179DEPARTMENT .. s� :5 78-105 CALLS EST�p Z,w4ti� LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA`°1e92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT O� w�.. saws==a«aam= =4CC2� _ew OFFICE USE ONLY zoning, LLA No. Related Cases:- �! Reviewed Sys arear=o_aera=r_Mam a=s�_ _� ^_ildt@f :waaeeeaesr Ate L ICANT La Quinta Village Marketplace,. Name: Address; a California limited Partnership (Mailing) 7q6�9 9th Street Pedro 9073 Daytime (C ty (State (z p Phone:(310) 547- 326 i'ROPERTY 0 ... Owner "A �� "Name. RS La Quinta Village ' APR 2 6 Address t Na a California limited 7994 es ree San Pedro CA 90731 (C ty) state) Phon@t(310) 547-3326 Owner "9" (2 p Name t LaQuintaVillagePartnership, -------- ./ Address, ---l� a tnership 796 West 9th Street an Pedro y , CA 90731 (Cl State� „�2ip""�---- Phone: (310) 547-3326 _ Owner "C" Name; N/A Address; C ty state (zip Phone, _-----�� ERTY DATA Property At Assessor's Parcel Number= 71,7- 030 Address .Street (it any), Property Bs Assessor's parcel N te-� _ �G9_ oa-- Street Address (if anyj,' via_ Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number, -------__ Street Address (if any) : ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: ------- REASON FOR REQUEST:-OJus-r "--`� PLOPosta P/�.Pct2 Lp r cn is 3 7D dCLa,NQ Qd 7L' / a=acaaa=a=ot ftOO C. �==Cau_��..��.�.�Q9���F—� := cxa❑�_...__���..____. .. I/we hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application: (2) I/We have knowledge of and Consent to the filing of this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Owner "A- La QrrintaVillage "g"red Par-trier,44 y April 26, 1994 N�/ oseph W. Rich, Date General Partner owner "B" : La Qui/nta Vill 'I L1;RitM ParLM---ship , April 26, 1994 oseph W. Rich, Date General Partner Owner Name_ Representative Signature: (Attach Letter(g) of Authorization) MR/FOR.MLLA.001 JUNE 1989 N/A Date uate RECEIPT city o1 La Quinta, 76 -105 Caft E dQ ATE RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS FOR f c O. Box 1504 LLa Quinta GA 92253 19/ NO., �(JR� B y— 0 Tay D 4 , C(/ 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) M-7000 FAX 1(619) 777-7101 TO: 4:"4-UA ATTENTION: / L' 1) k?- rZt-�n» PROJECT: For your information and records. Copies as requested. Receipt. Date: S-(g-c - i �7 / / Other CD �jIY �9 Z GJ -,Avv�yv CiS �)• ��� � loy� c3P,e� 8 rg -fir our Y-e-c� . gaud) 6z ;, If you have any questions on the above please contact: the undersigned. i MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 1116COROINo 11[outsTio my AA "as ticeAffl PALL h"It the ue et/a/e 'in"11 lie "M MAN# SAIL elf 11`Iall1T it, r WIN" La Quinta Village LimiLPA Partnership sesel Asaeee 796 West 9th Street clya San Pedro, California 90731 euro L NAIL TAX STaTS111INTS TO None[ (� Ia Quunta ViiLige Lvnited Partnership Adam: 796 West 9th Street olt>a San Pedro, California 90731 SLAW L flTtl tP1la se._ Itclelr eo. — I SPACE ABOVE TN19 Uke FOR RICOROEA'9 U91 GRANT DEED LOT LINE AD7U=gT 94-179 THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARES) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAXIS computed on full value of property conveyed, or computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of safe. G unincorporated area (D City Of _ La Quints __ AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, La Quinta Village Limited Partnership hereby GRANT(s) to La Quinta Village Limited Partnership the following described real property in the County of Riverside , State of California: See Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made part hereof. Dated April 26, 1994 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Los Angeles {7 On this _ 26tltlsy cr April In the year 1994 before me, the undersigned, a Notary public In and for eald Stale, personally appeared Joseph W. Rich, General Partner Qpersonally known to me Q p10ved to me on the bails of tiallsfaelory evidence to"the poison whose name Is subscribed to this instrument, and eeknowl• edged to me that he (she or they) executed It. Josep . Rich, General Partner — La Quinta Village Limited Partnership Nancy R. Ventura 0 �P Cc:nm e1015933 Q ti C'N01W r"6LIC CALWORNIAO .USo.N-iELESCOLVATV (� r.�mn .nroA Ftb A 199e v'v�l CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No 5193 Stateof California l County of Los Angeles T( On Apri126,1994beforeme, Nancy R. Ventura (Notary Public) DATE NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER - E.G 'JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC' personally appeared Joseph W. Rich, General Partner NAMES) OF SIGNERS) []personally known to me - OR - ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their aw ancy R.Venturasignature(s) on the instrument the person(s),Comm 015933TARYPUBUC CALIFORNI or the entity upon behalf of which the LOSANGELESCOUNTY person(s) acted, executed the instrument. COMM F.xpres Feb A 1996 THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Though the data requested here is not regwred by law, it could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. WITNESS my hand and official seal. OPTIONAL SECTION Wl CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER Though statute does not require the Notary to fill In the data belav, doing so may prove invaluable to persons relying on the document. ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER(S) TITLE(SI ❑ PARTNER(S) [3 LIMITED ❑ GENERAL ❑ ATTORNEY -IN -FACT ❑ TRUSTEE(S) ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ❑ OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITYLES) La QuintaVillage Limited Partnership SIGNATU OF NOTARY OPTIONAL SECTION TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT Grant Deed NUMBER OF PAGES 2 DATE OF DOCUMENT April 25, 1994 SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED :1992 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION • 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 • Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184 CITY OF LA QUINTA LOT LINE ADJUSTMEIIT 94-179 Legal Description Southerly Adjusted Lot EXHIBIT "A" All that portion of land lying within the Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6; Thence S890 58'02"W (formerly recorded S89059'00"W), along the Southerly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said line being the centerline of Calle Tampico, a distance of 422.52 feet; Thence N00°01'58"W, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point in the Northerly Right - of -Way of said Calle Tampico per Grant Deed recorded August 10, 1992 as Instrument No. 295618, Official Records, Records of Riverside County, State of California, said Northerly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico being parallel with and 50.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, of said Centerline of Cal le Tampico, said point being distant thereon N890 58'02"E, along said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, 72.80 feet from a point of intersection with said Northerly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico and the Easterly line of the West One - half of the East 30 acres of said Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said point also being the Point of Beginning of the Parcel of Land being described; Thence N00°O1'58"W, a distance of 106.36 feet; Thence N89058'02"E, parallel to said Northerly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico, a distance of 201.08 feet; Thence S45001'58"E, a distance of 18.60 feet; Thence S000 01'58"E, a distance of 93.21 feet to a point in said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico; Thence S890 58'02"W, along said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tarip ico, a distance of 214.23 feet to the Point of beginning of the Parcel of Land being described. Said Parcel of Land contains 22699.714 square feet, 0.521 acres, more or less. This Deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment No. 94-179 as approved by the City of La Quinta THE KEITH COMPANIES - Palm Desert PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: David L. Weddle P.L.S. 5570 EXP. 9-30-97 ,4,4 Zi,/99¢ DATE LAND SUh �hlh `c,`"�•y'. i.. wFoc•1•, N0. 6570 • 9�1u�¢J i ,it )'I,F OF �CALIF�.:�_F EXHIBIT "B" IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA• COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, T 6 S R 7 E S 6 rA . 11 m w m A.P.N. 769-030-044 LLj cc ru ¢m ADJUSTED 001 R/W PER 867/151, � rJ LOT LINE N 45 01 58"W DEEDS. RIV. CO ono �w of . Z ZZ o o .m 18.60 REC 12-16-1930 O NZ^ H t-I vlo rm N 89"58'02"E LO �F- Q1m "B" Flo ¢� m PARCEL a� ¢I Zap X O "'I am inm m 22699. 714 S0. FT. �� �l¢ .. 2 rvu wJ ool m 0,521 AC. �� o o IN V) Nm¢ su om of Q¢ o� o POINT ..A.. oN ¢ ml Im 3C I z o O P.O.B. m z1 z PARCEL "8° uoi o z I C wm�o 72 .80 214.23 z 56. 30 1 I N 44- 58' 49"E N 833086°12 E to N 89'58'02"E 343.33 15.81 a a i m 0 20.00 1,� N 89'58'02"E 39,26 o N 89658402"E - LL 422.52 _ �— N 89`58'02"E E25.95 CALLE TAMTPICO o-25-50 31° n-ze o4 z1" s E coR . DETAIL R?90°2° R•170.00 N W 1/4, L-83.29 SEC 6 SCALE: 1" = 100' R/W PER 867/151, ri .. DEEDS, RIV. CO_ REC. 12-16-1930. ® LINE ESTABLISHED I a W a' 3 30' PER INST. NO. I c¢iz v A wa No ,o •0 E'LY LINE. 71� 94-081227, REC. qq I z v - o •B N.W. :L/4. SEC. E � o °a 2-28-1994, O.R. o30,00 246 .56 J J W U � m wwLnm z 276.56 o00 N 89 59'36'E N on IJ I W o W v o m z I o Q rot.N 89' S9' 36"E IV 7 m N ^ a 1285.80 6 7g 5 m o 9,1q B.,f I EXISTING LO 0 N 89559o96"E LOT LINE O Q I m F- m a A.P.N N 89`58'02"E 465.34 3 769-030-039 — — — c Z N'LY LINE, S'LY 430', cv; 1-a - S.E. 1/4, N.W. 1/4. U) m DLO 1 — — — PARCEL "A' SEC . 6 . mo 0 cv U7 o n a 430074.226 SO. FT. I A.P.N. 769-030-044 0 00 0 3C v a 9.873 AC. 3 o m - v m to "' . CO PARCEL W . W N V z o 011 ¢ 0m N01m 22699.714 S0. FT. z o m 0 01m 0,521 AC. ADJUSTED o — LOT LINE z 0 oQ1 / - S.E. CDR. _ o z 1/ N.W. 1/4, SEC. 6 m CURVE N 89' 58' 02"E A" ' �.11YO -gU1h1'i 330.61 I �11, = ti��0�............. 1, 7/ , N 89°58.02"E 825.95 1 �• ' � :s 1 iR 0L5S) R/W PER 867/151, m CALLE TAMPICO / s DEEDS, RIV. CO., — — — — — — i�';�j REC. 12-16-1930. S'LY �3 1/4E SEC. 6 SE-- E DETAIL 0ryy� ABOVE .......� LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 94— 171 PREPARED BY: PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: THE KEITH COMPANIES DAIE:1+a, ,j"v Coachella Valley 4`a DAVID L. WEODLE L.S. 5570 EXP. 9-30 9 RECORDIN4 REdUE6Tl9 BY owIn lie Ink An Illl/l 1141410119 /Maas /In i{SisNAIL ell r— Nee» La Qtinta Vi llage LimitvAl PsrGx:rship at NI Aaafeae 796 West 9th Street CIO& San Pedro, California 90731 state f L- MAIL TAX ITATWINTa TO Nyrle r � Ia Quul;a VilLige Lunited Partnership AdL#" 796 West 9th Street GMa San Pedro, California 90731 stale 1 TITU 01111 as._ IItICi NO. - (PACE ABOVE TNfI LINE FOR AECOROEA'9 11.111111 GRANT DEED LOT LINE ADJUS'JlvMl 94-179 THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAXIS$ p computed on full value of property conveyed, or p computed on full value less value of Ilona or encumbrances remaining at time of date. �) unincorporated area (2 Cityof_ La Quinta _ AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, La Quinta Village Limited Partnership hereby GRANT(s) to La Quinta Village Limited Partnership the following described real property to the County Of Riverside , State of California: See Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made part hereof. Dated April 26, 1994 STATE OF CALIFORNIA �99. COUNTYOF Los Angeles On this _ 26ttday or April In the year 1994 Dolore ma, tho undersigned, a Notary Public In end for Bald $Isle, personally appeared Joseph W. Rich, General Partner Qpersonmly known t0 me O proved to me on the bails of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name Is subscribed to this Instrument, and acknowl• adged to me that he (she Or they) executed It. W. Rich, General Partner La Quinta Village Limited Partnership Nancy R. Ventura; 0 Conm #1015933 a OTARN"IILIC CALIfORNIA^Q fff! ,Ob ANCALE6 GOLINTY •ores Fee 1 1008 ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California l County of Los Angeles Il On April 26, 1994 before me, Nancy R. Ventura (Notary Public) DATE NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER E.G. 'JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC' personally appeared Joseph W. Rich General Partner NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) ❑ personally known to me - OR - ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized -' Nancy R. Ventura capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their d0 _. Comm lfois933 /� signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), TARY PUBLIC CAUFORNIAyr or the entity upon behalf of which the LOUImESCOn person(s) acted, executed the instrument. m, FNGELELEFeb 4 1 Y 1 r THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Though the data requested here is rot required by law, it could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this loml. WITNESS my hand and official seal. No. 5193 OPTIONAL7m&yprove CAPACITY CLAIMNER Though statute does noary to fill In the data below, roveinvaluable to persons refent. Ej INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER(S) Py TITLE(S) PARTNER(S) LIMITED GENERAL ATTORNEY -IN -FACT ❑ TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAWCONSERVATOR OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) La Quinta Village Limited Limited Partnership SIG TORE OF NOTARY OP IONAL SECTION ZEMEW TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT Grant Deed NUMBER OF PAGES 2 DATE OF DOCUMENT April 26, 1994 SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ©1992 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION • 8236 Remmet Ave.. P.O. Box 7184 • Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184 CITY OF LA QUINTA LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 94-179 Legal Description Northerly Adjusted Lot EXHIBIT "A" ' M91 All that portion of land lying within the Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian. described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6; Thence N00° 00'24"W, along the Easterly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, a distance of 760.00 feet; Thence S89°59'36"W, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Westerly, measured at right angles, from said Easterly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said line being the Westerly Right -of -Way of Washington Street (formerly recorded Marshall St.) per Deed recorded December 16, 1930 in Book 867, Page 151 of Deeds, Records of Riverside County, State of California, said Deed hereinafter referred to as Document "A", said point being the Northeast corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to AMCOR Realty Fund III, a California Limited Partnership, per Lot Line Adjustment No. 94-177 approved by the City of La Quinta on February 25, 1994, recorded February 28, 1994 as Instrument No. 081227, Official Records, Records of Riverside County, State of California, said point also being the Point of Beginning of the Parcel of Land being described; Thence continuing S89°59"36"W, along the Adjusted Lot Line of said Lot Line Adjustment No. 94-177, a distance of 246.56 feet; Thence Soo* 00'24"E, continuing along said Adjusted Lot Line, a distance of 115.00 feet; Thence S11°19'58"W, continuing along said Adjusted Lot Line, a distance of 69.14 feet; Thence S890 59'36"W, continuing along said Adjusted Lot Line, a distance of 285.80 feet; Thence S00°00'24"E, continuing along said Adjusted Lot Line, a distance of 64.00 feet; Thence S89° 59'36"W, continuing along said Adjusted Lot Line, a distance of 250.00 feet to a point in the Easterly line of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 19730 as shown by map on file in Book 22 of Parcel Maps at Pages 89 and 90, inclusive, Records of Riverside County, State of California; Thence SOO 00'24'E, along said Easterly line of Parcel 3 and continuing along the Southerly prolongation of said Easterly line of Parcel 3, a distance of 483.58 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from the Southerly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said line being the Northerly Right -of -May of Calle Tampico (formerly recorded 51st Ave.) per said Document "A"; Thence N890 58'02"E, along said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, a distance of 330.61 feet to a point of intersection with the Easterly line of the West One -Half of the East 30 acres of said Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6 and said Northerly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico, said point being an angle point in said Right -of -flay; PAGE 2 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Legal Description Northerly Adjusted Lot Thence N00°00'24"W, along said Easterly line of the West One -Half of the East 30 acres, a distance of 20.00 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 50.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from said Southerly line of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said line being that certain line as described in Grant Deed recorded August 10, 1992 as Instrument No. 295618, Official Records, Records of Riverside County, State of California, said point being an angle point in said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, said Grant Deed hereinafter referred to as Document "B"; Thence N89058'02"E, along said Northerly Right -of -May of Calle Tampico, parallel to said Southerly line of the Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, a distance of 72.80 feet; Thence N00°01'58"W, a distance of 106.36 feet; Thence N89058'02"E, parallel to said Northerly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico, a distance of 201.08 feet; Thence S45°01'58"E, a distance of 18.60 feet; Thence S00° O1'58"E, a distance of 93.21 feet to a point in said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, said Northerly Right -of -May of Calle Tampico being parallel with and 50.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from said Southerly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6; Thence N890 58'02"E, along said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, a distance of 56.30 feet to an angle point in said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico; Thence Southwesterly on a non -tangent curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 200.00 feet through an angle of 25°50'31", an arc length of 90.21 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from said Southerly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said point being an angle point in said Northerly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico (the initial radial line bears S25°52'29"E); Thence N890 58'02"E, along said Northerly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico a distance of 39.26 feet; Thence continuing along said Northerly Right -of -Hay of Calle Tampico, Northeasterly, on a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 170.00 feet through an angle of 28°04'21", an arc length of 83.29 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 50.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from said Southerly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said parallel line also being the Southerly line of that certain parcel of land vacated by the City of La Quinta per City of La Quinta vacation Resolution No. 92-31, recorded March 31, 1992 as Instrument No. 111244, Official Records, Records of Riverside County, State of California and recorded September 30, 1992 as Instrument No. 367353, Official Records, Riverside County, State of California, said point also being an angle point in said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, said 170.00 foot curve hereinafter referred to as Curve "A", said hereinbefore referred to Curve "A" also being the Northerly. Northwesterly and Westerly Right -of -Nay of said Calle Tampico and Washington Street per said hereinbefore referred to Document "A"; Thence N89° 58'02"E continuing along said Northerly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico, a distance of 6.94 feet to an angle point in said Northerly Right - of -Way of Calle Tampico; Thence N440 58'49"E continuing along said Northerly and Northwesterly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico, a distance of 15.81 feet to a point in said hereinbefore described Curve "A"; PAGE 3 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Legal Description Northerly Adjusted Lot Thence Northeasterly, continuing along said Northerly and Northwesterly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico on said hereinbefore described Curve "A", concave Northwesterly having a radius of 170.00 feet through an angle of 54°43'09", an arc length of 162.36 feet to a point in said Westerly Right -of -Way of Washington Street, said Westerly Right -of -Nay of Washington Street being parallel with and 30.00 feet Westerly, measured at right angles, from said Easterly line of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6 (the initial radial line bears S35 17"15"E); Thence N00* 00'24"W, along said Westerly Right -of -Nay of Washington Street, a distance of 560.09 feet to the Point of Beginning of the Parcel of Land being described. Said Parcel of Land contains 430,074.228 square feet, 9.873 acres, more or less. This Deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment No. 94-179 as approved by the City of La Quinta. THE KEITH COMPANIES - Palm Desert PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: OF David L. Weddle P.L.S. 5570 EXP. 9-30-97 DATE A EXHI®IT "®" IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA• COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. STATE OF CAL.IFORNIA. PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, T.6 S.. R.7 E . S.B.M I m 1' Ln 6 N ¢ . of o o a Lo W o I z HN 0 oo10 m rm m o a 1-1 H• X O V NI wm W -J o a ^ OI SU o �w O OI ¢¢ o zl z 72.80 A.P.N. 769-030-044 ADJUSTED LOT LINE N 45 01-58"W 1B.60 N 89'58'02"E 201.08 PARCEL "8" , 22699.714 S0. FT, a 0,521 AC. POINT "A" ^� P.0.8. o, PARCEL 'B" uoil o 214.23 + z R/W PER 857/151. DEEDS. RIV. CO., - REC. 12-16-1930. � s .1 MIS aIn ¢I 016 NI ¢LL'1 0 ~ m1 y Nl Im Z Z' /, I_ 56 3n .I/z 1' N . N 833086/12 E 10 N 89'58'02"EN "E 343.33 •� 20.00 In N 89'58'02"E 39, 26� oLL�- N 89- 58' 02"E 422.52 CALLE TAMPICO 1 G=25'50'31" DETAIL L0000_ -90.2f SCALE: 1" z 100' R/W PER 867/151. -. Cu ., DEEDS, RIV. CO.. I REC. 12-16-1930. ® LINE ESTABLISHED Ln I aw3 z a Q� (� PER INST. NO. 94-081227, REC. 1 acc u.i do p10 '-' 4q I z d o 'B 2-28-1994. O.R. •-0o JM'Cc o •\ o^ 4., G� O 3 I o^ 246.56 N JJWU w 276.56z - 0 wwmm N 89m "36"E0o ( oLD oz c N 89'S9'36" a 250.00 1 285.80 69. 19•S e^F EXISTING 1q N 89'59'36"E t LOT LINE rat,N A.P.N 769-030-039 89 58'02"E 465.34 _ N'Lv LINE, S'Lv 430' S.E. 114. N.W. 1/4, cc - - PARCEL A SEC. 6. c a 430074.228 SO. FT. I A.P.N. 769-030-044 C 9.873 AC. a Nm CO Q Io PARCEL "8" o N o10 22699.714 SO. FT. our o ool� 0.52i AC. ADJUSTED Z o Ovi / \ OT LINE o _ CD o z I/ CURVE N 89'58'02"E I m A 330.61 1 1 I- w w cc 1n z O Un z (a 3C 44'58'49'E - 15, B! �- 6.94 � N 89-58'02"E v m ^N r N^m z� 0 m ^im oa z Nu MW rma w^ Z-m mm¢ ¢in wmm a m x :woo ¢¢zm n=28'04'21' S.E COP - R-17O.00 N.W 114. L-83.29 SEC 6. 30' E'Lv LINE. N.W. 1/4. SEC. 6 30.00 I� Lu W N cc F- En o z J Q O 0 � U C z N N !SomO O 39 QON w N O - o Ln u n ¢ J o z 11 P N 89'58'02"E 825.95 ✓ I R/W PER 867/151, CALLE TAMPICO DEEDS, RIV. CO., - - - - - - REC. 12-16-1930. S'LY LINE, N.W. 1/4. SEC. 5 V SEE DETAIL ABOVE S.E. COR.. N.W. 1/4, SEC. 6 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 94-179 THE • " KEITH ?o;;;=° COMPANIES s.:::o" Coachella Valley ....... a,-6E> 6oa-"ua 1• • he f^, . "nl^ ^ose-t • CA _a__ PREPARED UNDER THE SUPEi DAVID L. WEDDLE L.S. 5570 EXP. 9-30-97 OF: DATE: AWtz W- 11 l THE KEITH COMPANIES Coachella Valley Planning • Civil Engineering • Environmental Services landscape Architecture • land Surveying • Public Works TO: Cit.v of 1.a tiYf-Z P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE 5 10/94 JOB NO. 40090 ATTENTION Jerry Hermon RE, La Quinta Villac e (Ralph's) WE ARE SENDING YOU Y] Attached ❑ Under separate cover via Hand Delivered the following items: COPIES DATE NO. DESCREMON 1 4/26/94 N/A Oricinal Documents (sic attire for UA 94-179 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: lFor approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use MAs requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE _ ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections 01 ❑ Resubmit _copies for approval ❑ Submit __ copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS 'Phey are planing to close escrow by Friday, can we be of help of ;he recordincl of this document? P1easP ralt_ COPYTO 41-865 Boardwalk Suite 101 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619) 346-9844 FAX (619) 346-9368 SIGNED C 78495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 May 2, 1994 Mr. Mike Rowe The Keith Companies 41-865 Boardwalk, Suite 101 Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 94-179 Dear Mr. Rowe: This is to inform you that your request for a lot line adjustment at the northwest corner of Washington Street and Calle Tampico is hereby approved. Please note that the original Grant Deeds will need to be attached to the approved exhibits prior to your taking the Grand Deed to the County Recorder. We will hold the legal description and map exhibits until the original Grant Deeds have been submitted to this Department for final approval. Please insure that a final recorded copy of the Grant Deed is submitted to the Planning and Development Department for our records. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR �, 43A -A. STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS:bjs c: Engineering Department MAILING ADDRESS LTR55.5I I P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CITY OF LA QUINTA LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 94-179 Legal Description of Adjusted Lots A11 those portion's of land lying within the Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, described as follows: DEDrri "e,- Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6; Thence N00°00'24"W, along the Easterly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, a distance of 760.00 feet; Thence S89059'36"W, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Westerly, measured at right angles, from said Easterly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said line being the Westerly Right -of -Way of Washington Street (formerly recorded Marshall St.) per Deed recorded December 16, 1930 in Book 867, Page 151 of Deeds, Records of Riverside County, State of California, said Deed hereinafter referred to as Document "A", said point being the Northeast corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to AMCOR Realty Fund III, a California Limited Partnership, per Lot Line Adjustment No. 94-177 approved by the City of La Quinta on February 25, 1994, recorded February 28, 1994 as Instrument No. 081227, Official Records, Records of Riverside County, State of California, said point also being the Point of Beginning of the Parcel of Land being described; Thence continuing S89059"36"W, along the Adjusted Lot Line of said Lot Line Adjustment No. 94-177, a distance of 246.56 feet; Thence S00° 00'24"E, continuing along said Adjusted Lot Line, a distance of 115.00 feet; Thence S11019'58"W, continuing along said Adjusted Lot Line, a distance of 69.14 feet; Thence S890 59'36"W, continuing along said Adjusted Lot Line, a distance of 285.80 feet; Thence SOO 00'24"E, continuing along said Adjusted Lot Line, a distance of 64.00 feet; Thence S890 59'36"W, continuing along said Adjusted Lot Line, a distance of 250.00 feet to a point in the Easterly line of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 19730 as shown by map on file in Book 22 of Parcel Maps at Pages 89 and 90, inclusive, Records of Riverside County, State of California; Thence S00°00'24'E, along said Easterly line of Parcel 3 and continuing along the Southerly prolongation of said Easterly line of Parcel 3, a distance of 483.58 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from the Southerly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said line being the Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico (formerly recorded 51st Ave.) per said Document "A"; Thence N890 58'02"E, along said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, a distance of 330.61 feet to a point of intersection with the Easterly line of the West One -Half of the East 30 acres of said Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6 and said Northerly Right -of -Way of Cal le Tampico, said point being an angle point in said Right -of -Way; PAGE 2 41 _ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Legal Description Adjusted Lots Thence N00°00'24"W, along said Easterly line of the West One -Half of the East 30 acres, a distance of 20.00 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 50.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from said Southerly line of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said line being that certain line as described in Grant Deed recorded August 10, 1992 as Instrument No. 295618, Official Records, Records of Riverside County, State of California, said point being an angle point in said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, said Grant Deed hereinafter referred to as Document "B"; Thence N89058'02"E, along said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, parallel to said Southerly line of the Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, a distance of 72.80 feet, said point hereinafter referred to as Point "A"; Thence N00°O1'58"W, a distance of 106.36 feet; Thence N89058'02"E, parallel to said Northerly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico, a distance of 201.08 feet; Thence S45°01'58"E, a distance of 18.60 feet; Thence S000 01'58"E, a distance of 93.21 feet to a point in said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, said Northerly Right -of -Way of Cal le Tampico being parallel with and 50.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from said Southerly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6; Thence N89° 58'02"E, along said Northerly Right -of -Way of Cal le Tampico, a distance of 56.30 feet to an angle point in said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico; Thence Southwesterly on a non -tangent curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 200.00 feet through an angle of 25050'31", an arc length of 90.21 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from said Southerly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said point being an angle point in said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico (the initial radial line bears S25052'29"E); Thence N890 58'02"E, along said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico a distance of 39.26 feet; Thence continuing along said Northerly Right -of -Nay of Calle Tampico, Northeasterly, on a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 170.00 feet through an angle of 28°04'21", an arc length of 83.29 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 50.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from said Southerly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6, said parallel line also being the Southerly line of that certain parcel of land vacated by the City of La Quinta per City of La Quinta Vacation Resolution No. 92-31, recorded March 31, 1992 as Instrument No. 111244, Official Records, Records of Riverside County, State of California and recorded September 30, 1992 as Instrument No. 367353, Official Records, Riverside County, State of California, said point also being an angle point in said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, said 170.00 foot curve hereinafter referred to as Curve "A", said hereinbefore referred to Curve "A" also being the Northerly, Northwesterly and Westerly Right -of -Way of said Cal le Tampico and Washington Street per said hereinbefore referred to Document "A", Thence N89° 58'02"E continuing along said Northerly Right -of -Way of Ca11e Tampico, a distance of 6.94 feet to an angle point in said Northerly Right - of -Way of Calle Tampico; Thence N44° 58'49"E continuing along said Northerly and Northwesterly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, a distance of 15.81 feet to a point in said hereinbefore described Curve "A"; Thence Northeasterly, continuing along said Northerly and Northwesterly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico on said hereinbefore described Curve "A", concave Northwesterly having a radius of 170.00 feet through an angle of 54043'09", an arc length of 162.36 feet to a point in said Westerly Right -of -Nay of Washington Street, said Westerly Right -of -Way of Washington Street being parallel with and 30.00 feet Westerly, measured at right angles, from said Easterly line of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6 (the initial radial line bears S35°17'15"E); • PAGE 3 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Legal Description Adjusted Lots Thence NOD* 00'24"W, along said Westerly Right -of -Way of Washington Street, a distance of 560.09 feet to the Point of Beginning of the Parcel of Land being described. Said Parcel of Land contains 430,074.228 square feet, 9.873 acres, more or less. DADrri "a" Beginning at the hereinbefore described Point "A"; Thence N00001'58"W, a distance of 106.36 feet; Thence N89058'02"E, parallel to said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico, a distance of 201.08 feet; Thence S45°01'58"E, a distance of 18.60 feet; Thence S00° 01'58"E, a distance of 93.21 feet to a point in said Northerly Right -of -Way of Ca11e Tampico, said Northerly Right -of -Way of Calle Tampico being parallel with and 50.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from said Southerly line of said Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6; Thence S89° 58'02"W, along said Northerly Right -of -Way of Cal le Tampico, a distance of 214.23 feet to the Point of beginning of the Parcel of Land being described. Said Parcel of Land contains 22699.714 square feet, 0.521 acres, more or less. THE KEITH COMPANIES - Palm Desert PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: LAND '11U III/ CAE5570 Da d,", P. 9 �� idL. 9-30-9ddle P.L.S. 5570 // EXP.//lye'O�F...... 'IX.A flA�c DATE EXHIBIT "B" IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA- PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, T.6 S., R,7 E . S B M I i' m m of N ¢ o o O 0 I z ? H Q I o J Nm ZO (J{ 3Im 3 XO I wm W J o a OI o 3U � W ¢¢ O O OI zi J72. z 1 . BO A.P.N. 769-030-044 ADJUSTED LOT LINE N 45 01'56 W 18.60 — N 89'58'02"E PARCEL "B" 22699,714 SO. FT. 0.521 AC. POINT "A" o P.O.B. PARCEL "B" �I o 214.23 + z R/W PER 867/151, DEEDS, RIV. CO., - REC. 12-16-1930. 3 � 3 I N Q N I` J NI Z I z1 I I W W Q I- z O LO z H U1 3C 56,30 . N 44`58'49"E �20.00 to N 89"58'02"E 39.26 422.52 m --- N 89�58'02"E CALLE TAMPICO e=25-50 31` DETAIL L-90 °°— =90.21 SCALE: 1" = 100' d R/W PER 867/151, —� DEEDS, RIV. CO., I ti REC. 12-16-1930. LINE ESTABLISHED ul 3 a w 3 C4 PER INST. NO. I wu v No —_ A A �•e [� 94-081227, REC. I 41 o(� 2-28-1994, O.R. ..o� Jm-00 o ' o.-, 4•\ o 246.56 1 a _ ww u�U z N 89�59566"E �C�j� oLO IJ o z ma NJ 89' 59' 36"E /V 1 p o m IL 1 285.80 79.56,. 69 250.00 EXISTING 14 E QN 89'59'36"E i LOT LINE roll A.P.N8958'02"E 769-030-039 465.34 _ N'LY LINE. S'LY 430' S.E. 114. N.W. 114, I SEC 6 m — — PARCEL A a 430074.228 SO. FT. I A.P.N. 769-030-044 c v 9,873 AC. a o Io m v� Q PARCEL "B" o OM cvolo 22699.714 SO. FT. om m o 0.521 AC. ADJUSTED v o0�Im LOT LINE z 0 0 oel 0 z I/ CURVE 1 N 89�58'02"E 330.61 15.81 6 N 89-58'02"E ti v -m v `-m fUN^ zi -- m O ? � Z Nu mw Imm �� m m mm¢ ¢ I - wmmo x xw o mwo ¢¢zm e=2804'21" S E. CDR _ R=170.00 N W 114. L=83.29 SEC 6 30 30.00 z G 1 N 89'58'02"E 825.95 �._.� 3 R/W PER 867/151. m CALLE TAMPICO i DEEDS, RIV. CO., REC. 12-16-1930. S'LV LINE. i N.W. 1/4, SEC. 6 SEE DETAIL ABOVE E'Ly LINE. N.W. 1/4. SEC. 6 s S.E. CDR . N.W. 1/4. SEC 6 LAN, "IIG�{// * o NO. 5570 e EN. 93-192 0 {{q�rF OF•nsLVFoP�� LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 94-179 BY: THE KEITH COMPANIES =a`e Coachella Valley as 66 UNDE DATE: DAVID L. WEDDLE L.S. 5570 EXP. 9-30-97 AFP E1 '94 12:37 RICH cLOPMENT CO AAAAAAAAAAA P.1/5 DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 796 WEST NINTH STREET, SAN PEDRO, CALIFORNIA 9073I (310) 547.3326 FAX (310) 547.1177 )FAX '.Z'FLAZIT SmTSS20LV' FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER: COMPANY NAME: e617-77 ATTENTION: DATE: TIME: FROM: NUMBER OF PAGES (including this page) RE z C�v/�' CC?MI�SEN2'S s//�� pp �lZSr70- 10T if you do not receive thenumberof pages (including this (--over pagel indicated in the space above, please contact this office immediately. EX/STin/� ' iT6'M 3 ti MCO 0 W COPY" Sum sere � r . M�j�j`13 --.1 r I Flrsl All .. !: ai . rME 1 w rOF l!-RO&P LAW OnlCa BEST, BEST & KRIEGER 2 YF= We Horn D1uva. mmr! lO U E C ;! U 194 ) rntr OPPItT. nilx nfl 7 eAfKl10 MIRA01. lA1Jrn1USA "M T"MONlt (6!9) MLrll A(nMM. A. wml, @P6 , �CCL'e4.fJn.%)C.'D6U PAM A e.rA• S Armilmsroa Petitioner 6 AaV-7u9-o10-OJ/; 719-0.ic-00.2, 7m7-O:f0-o.j! 7 6 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 10 11 In the Matter of the Estate ) Case No. INDIO 17261 12 of ) ORDER APPROVING FIRST AND ) FINAL REPORT, ACCEPTING 17 DAVID ALTMAN, WAIVER OF ACCOUNT, AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF 1/ Deceased. ) STATUTORY FEES AND DECREE �J ) OF DISTRIBUTION (Probate 15 Code S 11640, at seq.) m16 17 The Petition of BETTY ALTMAN, as Executor of the Estate of ' 18 i DAVID ALTMAN, Deceased, for Order Approving First and Final Report, 19 and Decree of Distribution, Best, Best i Krieger appearing as 20 attorneys for said Petitinner, coming on regularly for hearing on 21 December 30, 1993, the Honorable H. Morgan Dougherty, judge 22 presiding. The Court, after examining the Petition, finds that due 23 notice of the hearing on said retltion has wen given as toquirou 21 by law; that notice of death has been given as required by law; 25 that all of the allegations of the Petition are truer that all 26 personal property taxes duo and payaLle by the Estate ha--o been 27 26 Reraesu m To CelenI be r er'061 th bellow 61 Now r w woo em" rrhfr r/ 6r lei ravel 6 k ee+rer nl reMeer w r r M 611e1 we tln ew r 1 Mwr/�a►4nelMawW>.�k , n u 7 V 1 ' ►"aI E 1 paid; that said Report should be approved, said waiver of Account 2 accepted, and distribution ordered as prayed. 1 IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, AMMOGED AND DECREED AS fo114ws: d 1. Notice to creditors has been duly given as required by 5 law; 6 2. The waiver of Account be and it hereby is approved; 7 1, All act* of the Executer he, and they hereby are, B confirmed end approved; 9 a• The Executor is authorized to retain the sum of $200.00, 10 to cover necessary closing costs expected to be incurred in the 11 distribution Of the Estate, and l- •'urther authorized to 12 distribute, without further court order of this court, any excess 12 funds so retained to Betty Altman, Successor Trustee of The David 14 Altman Trust dated December 5, 198a, without further order of the 15 Court. 16 S. The Executor is authorized and directed to pay to Rent, 17 Beat i Krieger, her attorneys, the sum of $25,JSO.00, as statutory 16 fees for legal services rendered the estate; 19 G. The assets Of the Eatatn in the hands of the Executor and 20 subject to distrihiitlon hereunder (attached hereto as Exhibit "A" 21 and incorporated herein by this reference), and all other assets of 22 the estate, known or unknown and whether described herein or not, 23 shall be distributed to Betty Altman, Successor TrusteO of The 24 David Altman 'trust dat.•cq December !r, 1988, 25 26 •ilymature of judge follows last attachment 27 26 -2- nra .d 01-1 hart 9""n 1 2 1 S 6 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 IS 16 17 Estats of DAVID ALTMAN No. Indio 12261 EXUDIT "A" 1 1. (1/2)Ainterestded in realty property located tof an in the CityvOfeone-half LaQuintet County �f Rtvermide. State of California, being Approximately 11.17 -...,',AgQonsor#B Parcel No. ;0 -cl7-o" , mnra particularly described as follows: quarterThat portion of e southwest quarter of the nnorthwest of Section Tovnship 6South, Aangs 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, according to the official plat thereof, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of the northw et quarter of said section, 19s.00 feet northerly from the southwest corner thereof; th-nce northerly on the westerly line of said section, 160.00 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the southerly line of said northwest quarter 173.00 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of @aid section, 160.00 feet; thensaid northwesy And t quarter, t75 0o nthe feet to ;thee pline of oint of beginning. That portion located within Avenida Bermudas. is 19 20 2. An undivided one-half (1/2) interest of an undivided one-half (1/2) interest In real property located in the City of La Quints, 21 .53 County oA sessor1sel State Parcel oNO.e1769-010-00 ,rymoreropatticularly 22 described as follows: hwest tel of 21 Thathe portion northwest fqueLter of sectionwest half of s fit Ttownship 6 rSouth, 24 Rany0 7 Zest, San Bernardino Meridian, according to the otfgoisl plat thereof. 25 =f[Apt that portion of the soot hweet quarter of the 26 northwst quarter of said Section 6, described as fellewm; as �7 is �n 'u CT 1 p ,^ alga i !lei 1 2 1 a S 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 11 1< 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 2♦ 25 26 27 28 ® w Beginning at a point on the westerly lino of the northwest quarter of said Section, 155.00 feet northerly from the southwest corner thereof; thence northerly on the westerly line of said section, 160.00 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the southerly line of said northwest quarur, !;S.Cc feet; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of said section, 160.00 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the southerly line of said northwest quarter, 175.00 fwet to the paint of beginning. Also except that portion locateL. within Aveni4a Bera Adas. Also except that portion of the south half of the northwest quarter of said Section 6, described an follows: Commencing at the west quarter corner of said section; thence north 0.061000 west 5o.00 feet; thence north 89.511^0" Fast 11.00 feet to the true point of b^ginning; thence continuing north 89•53120" east 80.00 feet; thence north 0006'Cow west lo5.00 feet; thence south 89.51120" west s0.o0 feet; thence south 0.061o0" east 105.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Also except that portion of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 6, described as follows: Commencing at the southwast corner of the northwest quarter of Section 6 of Record of Survey, as shown by map an file in Book 14, Page 42, of Records of Survey, Records of Riverside County, California; thence north 0.06,000 west, 50.o0 feet; thence north 89.57120" east, 111.00 feet, to the true point of beginninq; thence north 0.06100" west, 150.00 feet; thence north 89.531200 east, 82.47 feet; thence south 2.311200 east 150.14 feet; thence south 89051120" vest, 88.81 feet to the true point of beginning. Also except the following described portion: Commencing at the southwest corner of said northwest quarter; thence north 0.061000 west 50.00 feet; thence ::arth 99051120" east 201.81 feost to the southeast corner of that certain parcel conveyed to the Circle R Corporation, by deed recorded March 11, 1970, an Instrument No. 22761, Official Records; 2- IIrIt ,rV IINI 11OrI 4 S 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 is E s thence mouth 0006, east 20.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence north 89-51120" east 100.09 feet; thence north 00-06' west 200.00 feet; thence south 89-51120" west'to the intersection of a line that bears north 02.11120" west from the northeast corner of that certain parcel conveyed to the Circle K Corporation, by deed recorded Match 11, 1970 as Instrument No. 22761, Official Records; thence south 02.11'20" east to the northeast corner of said parcel conveyed to the Circle K Corporation; thence continuing south 02-21020" east on the east line of said narc-' •gn.11 feet to the "outheast corner thereof; thence south 0-06100" seat 20.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Also except th"t portion conveyed to the county of Riverside by deed recorded November 26, 1961 as Instrument No. 124850, Official Records. Also except any portion lying within Parcel Map 19720 as shown by map recorded in Book 122, Pages 89 and 90 of Parcel Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. Also except that portion conveyed to Landmark Land Co., a New York Corporation, by deeds recorded March 19, 19ei as Instrument NO.'S 48121, 46174 and 48125, Official Records. 1. An undivided one-half (1/2) interest In real property located in the City of La puinta, County of Riverside, State of California, being approximately 1.77 acres, Assessor's Parcel No. 769-010-018, more particularly described as follows: The southerly 110.00 feet of the east half of the east 10 acres of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 6, Township 6 South, Range 7 fast, San Bernardino Meridian, according to the official plat thereof. The said southerly 410.00 feet is measured along the east line of said southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 6; together with those portions of Calla Tampico and Washington Street an vacated by Resolution No. 92-11 redorde'1 September 10, 1992, as Instrument No. 367353, Official Records. ftcept th►• portion conveyed to the County of Dlverside by Deed recorded December 16, 1910, Book 867, Pace 151, of Deeds. RX 4 6 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 26 0 Also except that portion conveyed to the City of La t Quints, a municipal corporation, by grant dead recorded Auqust 10, 1992, an Instrument No. 295616, Official Records. -1 Datedt_ _r'7 3 G , 1993. • I1. Ib �,:... ... LJJ .. ...fl JUDGE OF WE 3UPERIOR COURT 0 aseaalweaupeeeaynn® : fie e• r warms suma w a� r city of to Ou(ata , .� P.O. fibs 1104 e la Word. CA 121011 4 L Iao too. 0eaaremtat Cede 11071J _r Ameoe Realty •Food III Ar + $2300 Cntorpr Ue Rq a Coachella, CA 92201 1" L J tAaa aatNN anaw� NKt AaOI{ feM LIRA /aR GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE($( DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAXIat •0• O CWPAOd en full Wallis Of property ccyed, or C3 ads Puledonhdl0ahte1mvalueolllonserefKumbranCearemainingattimeofsale. Q unincorporated am O COW La ou(nta AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, reoslpt of which Is hereby acknowledged, AMCOR Realty Food III, A California Limited partnership herstry ORANT(s) to ARCOR Realty Fund 111, a California Limited partnership the following described real property In the City of La 0 u f n t a County of R I eor t l do , State of California: Sao fIo I11T 'A' L U1118IT '1• attached hereto and by Chit reference made a part hereof. Rttie Deed reflects Lot ISne Adjustment No. 9/-177 as approved by the City of La points. A L tyAta Cp CALIOMM ad. CC(arnp R:urrade In on ode �_dayN riM/uwrA geNww .11 a pparamnMyhnemnNM v _ O prewd N awe M RN MIN el AaatlaewwyarNMae 1A N M series shoed mNN Is eeberued to Oft hNhmwmt ore achnem4 Meld N M all a*(w se 6.00 were p. GO'AoCyyFAAF044 JO1OQ:p1 i MIep1 CC iN Ct. 23« On, n oeprrbV iS. IWa r LINE N r� T saw mop eeramrwmawwaorr�rwneo red � ti nm,.rrr,N L tINIIIT 'a' City or th wags LOT LIVE ADJUSInIIt Legal Oescrlottoe Southerly adJsotod Lot All that Pertlee Of land fylat withls the Seuthcalo- sealant, oft Re .Northwest One.0gartgr ten of Section A. Townghlp 6 South. g@ meridian, described No follows: COmNSOCing at the southeast corner of fold Southeast One-Ouortgr Of the Northwest OWOOarter of section 6: Thence N00e00'11'W, $1001 the Easterly Ilse of sold werthwelt One -Quarter of section I. a distaste or 160.00 feet: tosses S69e59'3601i, a distance Of 20.00 feet to a pint In a Ilse parallel with and 20.00 fast Westerly, measured At right t91os. from 1810 Elderly lifts of sold lopthwast One-Oosrtor of Section 6, said list WHO the masterly 119ht-of•Noy of WaseiNgtas Street (formerly retarded Marshall St.l Par Ottd racordso December 16, 1920 In took 061, page ISI of Dsedt. Records of Riverside Cooney. State of California, sold polet befog the Point of 6e91enlag Of the Parcel of Land being described. Theme, Centlnatn9 Sasetg'36'W, I distance of 246.116 left; Isaacs 1100e00'21'l, a distinct of 11S.00 feet: Thence SIle19'St'W, a distance Of 69.14 fast: ihoncg SNeS9'26'm, a dTetance Of 265.80 feet: Those* 300e00'24'l. a distance of 64.00 feet: Thence S119e69'26'11, a distlett of 250.00 fast to a octal In the Esettrly lino of Parcel 0 of Parcel Nap 10. 19230 at shown by RIP On file In look 22 of Parcel Maps It ►ages a9 and go. Inclusive, Records Of Riverside County, Stott of California. Thence S00•00'21't, along sold Latterly Ilea of Parcel S and continuing 61001 tot Soutwerly prolongation of sold Eaeierly line of ►arcel 2, a distance of aBS.Sg feet to a point In a line parallel with and 00.00 feet Northerly, massured at right angles, from the Southerly tins of sold Northwest One -quarter Of Sgctlon 6, sold line befog the Northerly light-Of-wq Of Calls Tampico (formerly recorded Slat save.) per Deed recorded December 16, 1900 In loot Sit. plot ISI of Osadg. Records of tiverslde County, State Of California, Thence Note 56'02't, along cold Northerly llght•of-msy of Calls Tampico. a dlstance of 200.61 fast to a point of latersectles with the easterly loot of the raft Ong-Neif of the Cut SO acres of sold Southeast One -Quarter of the Northwest One -Quarter of Section 6 and said Northerly 219111-of-m0y of Calls Tampico: Thence N00e00'21'11, along sale Easterly fine of the most Opt -Nell of the Last SO ter,,. 0 dleiance of 400.00 fast to a point of letersectlon with solo Easterly flee of the West One -Half of the East 10 acres see the Northerly line of the Southerly 150.00 feat of said southeast one -Quarter of the Northwest one -quarter Of Section 6: z' A. I JUSTRERT .spittle" 11 Adjusted tat felt 'A' ?React Ogle 1/1020t. tore l It to cold Sootherly line of tale Saw the ast not -Overtop of the Northwest One-Guarw of Section 6, a distance of ad S.11 feet to a point to sold westerly Right -of -Ray of Washington Street: Theme@ NO0e0012vit. along said westerly Right -et -Way of Washl"glue Street, a distance of 110.01 feet to toe Polat of beginning of the Parcel of toed being described. Sold Parcel of tend contains 219094.613 s0uire feet. 6.e07 acres. more or less. This Deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment ►a. 91-177 as approved by the city of to quints. TNC MTN CONPARIES - Palo Desert ►RE►ABED UNDER TNC SUPERVISION Of: Ii�r 1 -1 - ..• P.L.S. SSIO ESy.�9.30.91 %d, Q, / me DATE 0 N EXHIBIT "B" ._---- CITY OF LA OUINTA. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ATION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, 7.6 4 . R.7 F . ' N N yaISO AP 00 a2169' P��G� b PARCEL ' IOT a �3y20 \, ` 81q PARCEL •°• 1 9i sI � I a Be 10 �A.ifio I 1 PARCELI'8. 63e754.e92130. FT. 12.36e 4C. I 1� TED 1 ST '$ LODIE L n a I JJ WW Je e o0e ' eg- J N 1 C• f a = NI 69. 79•: n u e 270.06 I 267.64 I N 69•59'36 E 1 = A.P.N 709-030-039 — — — PARCEL aA' 279094.673 30. FT. 11.407 AC. gqq N e9•6e'020E A.P.N. 7e9-o3o-oAo N 31-00'31'M 129.12 OIISTINB LOT LINE • W•LT LINE PER INST. N0. tell. �! REC. 1-1e-f 0e2. O.R., RIV. CO. -E'LT LINE. N.M. 1/4. SEC. 9 -R/M PER 667/191. DEEDS. RIV. CO.. REC. 12-16-1230, 30, 30.00 W - } 1 ee • H ._ !TO Q 16'E a�•°1 oR N 'a• o^ z e ; O z l e � Aes.3A Z N e9•5e•02•E a ►_+ N N•LV LINE. S'LT Qo'. ` S.E. 1/4. N.M. 1/4. to ]3 SEC. 6. 0 NOT A PART � I R/N ern *"Its, --/ S ! I rAI I_F T►wPTCQ DEEDS, RIV. CO.. J AEC. 12-10-1930. e'LT LINE. N.M. 1/4. SEC. 6 S.E. COR.. N.M. 1/4, SEC. 6 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. PREPARED BY: PRLPAREO UNDER THE SUPEI THE KEITH �C I COMPANIES �1 U. ;*hells Ve11eV AVID L. MEDDLE OATC:ry epyFf I HM 3 y M N mail 2:059 p €1pg2p '96