LLA 1995-203%-111 yr LA YU1111A LANNING 6 DEVELOPMENT DEPAiMENT LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 922:53 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT II OFFICE USE ONLY ---- II it Zoning: LLA No. 6 II j� Related Cases: I II T 11 Reviewed By: Date: ( II II r— II -------------------------------------------- APPLICANT Name: Fred Wilson Address: 45000 Club Drive (Mailing) Indian Wells, CA 92210 (City) (State) (Zip) Daytime Phone: 772-1600 PROPERTY OWNERS Owner "A" Name: Montezuma Oeste, Inc. Address: 45000 Club Drive Indian Wells, CA 92210 Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "B" Name: Address: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "C" Name: Address: PROPERTY DATA Property A: Property B: Property C: Phone: Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Assessor's Parcel Number: 779-041-006 Street Address (if any): Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: with parcel #774-041-006. REASON FOR REQUEST: To create two lar lots. 774-041-007 774-041-008 IrL'QILII 772-1600 lots from three existin 44a" COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Greg Trousdell Associate Planner - Current Planning (619) 777-7061 P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (619) 777-7125 Planning LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (619) 777-71155 City Hall I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are! the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; (2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of: this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Owner "A": Montezuma Oeste, Inc. 9/15/95 Name Date Owner "B": Montezuma Oeste, Inc. 9/15/95 Name Date Owner "C": Montezuma Oeste, Inc. 9/15/95 Name Date Representative Signature: ;--� k� Date (Attach Letter(s) of Authorization) MR/FORMLLA.001 JUNE 1989 RECEIPT CRY of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico p, p Box 1. RECEIVED FROM DA E 19 ADDRESS- �) i FOR s / DOLLARS $ DUE La!( uinta CA 92253 r- � SEP-29-95 FRI 16:27 GEN* ESCROW FAX 10, 81Q, 1.8296 P.01/05 Cal CHICA00 44-900 SAN PAbLat PALM OtStRt, CA 91260 4' (619)560-J697 uIr-COPIF.0 No, (619) A41-9216 VlLtrAX TRANSMITTAL SlIBET FPOM T" VESX OF BETTY COIIAN0 " T� PLEASE DELIVER TOt NAME FAY NO. SUBJ ECT i HPGSAGP:� ff -'5w" 6-- - oz�-Me4- t�� �;; TOTAL tfO, OF PAGES (INCLUDING Covgv 9118PT) ir YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALIF AS SQON AS POSSIBLE, FROM! ijArTTfftomAN' tsepow OPFIC-ril PHONE No, 619/568-3627 rAx No, 619.1341-8296 DATE i !F —Y ') SEP-29-95 FRI 16:27 GENII. ESCRICVi RECORDING REaIfESTe0 BY City of La Quinta, Y.O. Box.1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 i Ilo fCo w' IEN R ecouuevmMneiniHIS OZED ANc610r 2 c,THEaw ee SMO•Nru ilti-M MAI-1 TAX STATEMENT TO: N--- Nfonte uma oeste, inc. szi c.r ColdwelA Banker Add-essS )ndpipr r Realty City'& 45000 Club Drive StstC z.p Indian wells, CA 92210 Tlnc Unlcr ply. CTC 1-101 �i2A - U�aUr s' Etira' N'J _,_ FAX NO. 61JJL3296 P. 02/05 ®UI I'Y of Di0oument Reccrtaec On SEP 2 8 1995. has n 4 ;real' cc' ".';Wad witil=f— Ori�s�d�^:!. R[VEF431r C)L NTY CRL1F:ODNIA SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Grant Deed THE UNDF.H�510tiTD CRANrOR(,j UECLAKH(s) i DOCUMENTARY TRA\SPHR TAX IS S y unincorporated LJ incorporated area I°� City of -L& CQ a7A i;�roat "10. ❑ computed On full value Of intcrE5t of property conveyed. or O computed on full value leSr; value of I;em or encurnhrnnces rcnuiring at time of stile, and 170R A VALUABLE CONSIDI ]l receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Niontezuma Ocste, Inc., a California Corporaticn hcrcbv GRANT($1 Lo Mcntezuma Oeste, inc., a California CorYnration the 4oliowi❑ , described real properly in the count, of Riverside ,stoic of Cnlifor."ia. I �I Lot 17 and the south l']aif of Lot 1,S, Block 178, Fanta Carmelita at S Vale La Quinta, Unit 18 as per map recorded in Book 19, �i pages 30 and 31 of Mops, Rccords of Riverside County, California This deed reflects Lot LIne Adjustment No. 95-203 09 as approved by the Cite of La Qiuinta, See Exhibit "A" D.ucd „ September 26, 1995 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF --R4-V,— --_ } S.S. On SeFLttett7k?e!_7_fi �_435before me, Diane Sedin a NOta7.� Pu is in nd for sawn G unty and State. Dersonally appP.nred .recerick W1 son personally Known to me (0r proved Ionia on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(g),rlAse name I t subscribed to the w hvr irwru nt and acknowlcig to me tha a nerthe eOufed the sanki z e0their auihonzea capacity(joj, and that I eAtheir slgnatureo r/n the mstlurilen'. the persbn(S); or the entityTi lon behalf of which the Pet url(uj ecteG, execUWd the instrument_ WITNESS my h in and official se." Signature '^11" 0 NA �' m c c U b- ii F JAQrVCzur1a OrLe, �Inc. "r-- —7X��� B J: Fredericli Wilson, Vice or, sident 4i '.•ry DIANE SEDIN K UU'NM N1J r-39 SS Tr' Nn . Np ry Pulp Kr �nWY C �� FIV.Rc1U CUVyI'� My Cu^.m st.n Fxp sa ?' .krr� A11/,'d,15T 1!1, i9S1' G (Th.a sres icr ellle:a: riCtc,, cea,) MAIL. TAX STATERIFNI'S TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ATIOW Amn. SEP-29-95 FRI 16:28 GE NFL ESCROW FA}; NO, 61&J18296 P. 03/05 454:t�l LQ j cij 3a z IL m U Q W .O Na A'£ W No, 30 23 0 !� �N I i 220 j J5 3 h 21 5 5 E c_ o err ol't �y /T Of 9 /O /5 )0 h f 4 to, CJa.Jr 12 N Q 3,0 le.s � 4)1 22 (3 )1 2/ (4)1 20i U 19 c /8 0 /7 C 16 C 15 /e /3 C M + -------------- SANTA CARMEL/TA AT VALE LA QU/NTA l a -r r r r 4 SEP-29-95 FRI 16:28 GEN ESCROW " RECORDING RFOUETED BY City of La Quinta. p, p, tfcS1 0 T.a Quinta, CA 92253 (No fee, Government Code 6103i AN-1 WHEPI R_�OFDEn MA:. Tl.,s e.a �Mq UVLCG� ,�, HEFw�;E SP'OWN BELOW, MAIL TAX 9TAfE6!EN' N,,,, MQntezurra. Oestc' Strf,, Coldwell Banker Addre;s Sandpiper Realty c.,e 4.5000 Club Dri,&c Tate Indian Wells, CA 92210 Tide Order No. ,._ F"v:vw Na. Cl(; hict /117--7-7 t cef-vU7� 67i6 FAX N0, 61#8296 P, 04/05 COPY Of DoCUM ,t red On YEP 2 8 ;M. as fkS,7,5 7A- h2S r.ct boar 00n"? `eG vv{th rt7iifi y SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Grant Deed THI'. UNDERSIGNED pRANTOR;,) DECLARE(,) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER T ��X 1S 5 --G- J unincorporated area yr, 2Cin of ' n �2UITvT'.� Farcd Nu. Q computed on full value of interest or property conveyed, of foil pmcd on full value less talue of liens or nnenmbtances i'err.Nimnb+ at time of ae}C, and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDF.RATIUN. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, � Montezuma Oeste, Inc., a California Corporation 3 y hctcb CiAANT(S) to w C Montezuma Oeste, Inc,, a California Cnrpr..ration ur the following dcSCribcd real ptuperty in the LLJ county of Riverside _state e-- o z t 2: mD Lot 19 and the Werth half of Lot 18, Block 178, Santa Carmelit.a a� c Vale La Quinta, [?nit 18 as per map recorded in Boo]: 19, U A pages 30 and 31 of Nlaps, Recvrda of Riverside County, California. This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustrrlt:,nt as approved by the Cty of La Quinta 13:41«I September 26, 1995 STATE OF GAL,IFORNIA COUNTY OF On sep-t9mber 26. 1995 beroro me, Diane 5edin a Notary Public in and for Said County and .4tate. personalty Appearad t Fraderl_4lilson personally known to me (or proved to me on the basTnf-illfaotory evidence) to be the P9rsonV, whose name s gk uasrn ed to the within instru0^,ent and aak'lowiedged to me t t huh Ith .eaxecuted the Same iq] j er/their authorized Capacity l Intl ghat il',w �edtheir signature(�'j'an the ,nstrl,rrlent the persan(S'�, or the entity upon behalf of which the perscr%acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my han and official seal 1 n �n Signature .//��� D!ANEStUIN CO1v7M tl 1001739 1 m, Nr zry F 'k' a NE9,S )E COt NTV O ^A Cunt:sr,In1 Fx nJC�us, ttl, ti97 tMe sen for eMida! nofatial :call MAIL TAX STA'KEI IFN:'S TO PARTY NHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE SEP-29-95 FRI 16 W \! •d` c � w o Q } A ) min a � Q 30 o � m m a s aY Q CO W ey .0 Na NEw' lJo, u 1 I'a 30 ESCROW IL FAX K 61 [8296 It,23 � Ik 2 22 105 3 21 ® ! b 4 .20 a ! l Ca /9 6 +�Uh�AN /T B I6 0 �9 h /5 /0 . 09 /2 } 4 Z R 3 0 P. 05/05 22 0 2/ o 200 U /9 J � IB G 07 /T 0 /6 C /5 is M CA L LF + SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA N x M 0 4 0 0 TaT4464Q" 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 September 26, 1995 Mr. Fred Wilson Coldwell Banker Sandpiper Realty 45000 Club Drive Indian Wells, CA 92210 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 95-203 REF: 774-041-006, 007 and 008 Dear Mr. Wilson: The preliminary Grant Deeds prepared for this application are approved. Please have the deeds notarized and, once signed, have them recorded. Copies of the recorded documents shall be mailed to our office so our records can be updated. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned employee. Sincerely, DT /C�R bF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 40USDELL 'G Associate Planner GT. Enclosures MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ��� i RECORDING REOUESTE0 City of La Quinta, P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 A D WHEN rRE Government MALS DEED ANND, NL SS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: Name Montezuma Oeste, Inc. Street Coldwell Banker Address Sandpiper Realty City& 45000 Club Drive State Indian Wells, CA 92210 Zip Tide Order No. Escrow No. CTC 1-101 (e-93) SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Grant Deed THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $ ❑ unincorporated area m City of LA QUIN'TA Parcel No. ❑ computed on full value of interest or property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Montezuma Oeste, Inc., a California Corporation hereby GRANT(S) to Montezuma Oeste, Inc., a California Corporation the following described real property in the county of Riverside state of California: Lot 19 and the north half of Lot 18, Block 178, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, Unit 18 as per map recorded in Book 19, pages 30 and 31 of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment No. 95-203 as approved by the City of La Quinta. See Exhibit "A" Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On } S.S. before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose names) islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal (This area for official notorial seal) Signature MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY NHOWN, MAIL AN DIRLUIGII "LI VC Name Street Address City & state 1 23 2 I zi U N o 22 O �5 3 22 O3 W ti � Q 2/ O4 ► b 4 0 2/ O4 h 200 i-j 5 20 hi5T o � 96 HcO 14 U /9 �3 u vEwr �t /8 15 �3 m 1 7 m T �J h OLDS - 75 /% C i� /7 ® B j- cI CT h /6 O O9 Z /6 o /5 o /0 Q /5 C a z U h /4 /4 /� 0 z 30 30 /oo � m W d r /2 a m w c� 79.99 Sa.o/ 79.99 D Na Nf M No. z; aQ/-Z3 0 � o4r-rs. � A CALLE I o SANTA CARMEL/TA AT VALE LA OU/NTA if 1/0 IN If RECORDING REQUEST City of La Quinta, P.O. Sox1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 NO AND WHEN Government D MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: Name Montezuma Oeste, Inc. Street Coldwell Banker Add,essSandpiper Realty city a 45000 Club Drive Zips Indian Wells, CA 92210 Title Order No. Escrow No. CTC 1-101 (9-93) II, SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Grant Deed THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $ —0- 0 unincorporated area / City of LA OUINTA Parcel No. ❑ computed on full value of interest or property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Montezuma Oeste, Inc., a California Corporation hereby GRANT(S) to Montezuma Oeste, Inc. , a California Corporation the following described real property in the county of Riverside , state of California: Lot 17 and the south half of Lot 18, Block 178, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, Unit 18 as per map recorded in Book 19, pages 30 and 31 of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. This deed reflects Lot LIne Adjustment No. 95•-203 as approved by the City of La Quinta. See Exhibit "A". Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On _ } S.S. before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shelthey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal (This area for official nolonal seal) Signature MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO PARTY SHOWN ON FOLLOWING LINE; IF NO PARTY SHOWN, MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE Name Street Address City & State 7 W p O ~ m 0- = CL.WLa Q co D va NEW 'Yo. I= Z/ oa/-Z3 -04 O4t-ISt 23O ,� 2 23U N o 22 0 i5 3 220 W ti � Q 2/ O4 ) b 4 0 2/let O 20 O �� 5 20 O5 To g"CO 14 6 U /9 C C uNe -O O �A � uI VhcA� 1 �. //��� y N61.44 NE /8 1 / p �q m T) `j \J\J h C Q h /6 O O9 16 C O ,p /0 Q /5 Q h /5 / E1430 /00 — 30 3 0N/3 �2 h /2a 0 + A CALLE I o SANTA CARMEL/TA AT VALE LA QUINTA 0 M N ~ r EEP-22"-1335 1E:24 CRISTE, PIDPIH ° GOLDS '.02 Law Offices of ROBERT L. PIPPIN MICKAEL A CRISTE IR WIN L. COLDS MARIE A, SOCHNEWICH VIA FACSIMILE ONLY City of La Quinta 79-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 [Facsimile no. 777-7155] CRISTE, PIPPIN & GOLDS 77-W COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE SLATE 220 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 September 22, 1995 TELEPHOMS: (619) 772.7100 FACSTMIL°: (619) 712-7111 Re, City of La Quinta Lot Line Adjustment Application number LLA95-203: Montezuma Oeste, Inc. Dear Mr. Trousdell: We are the attorneys for Montezuma oeste, Inc., a California corporation ("MOP'). The sole shareholder and director, and President and Secretary, of MOI is our client., Gerhard Heldmann. Mr. Heldmann is currently in Europe and is unavailable to any documentary transaction. We are informed by Mr. Heldmann that Fred Wilson, a Vice -President of MOi, is authorized to execute for and on behalf of MOI any and all documents necessary to effect the referenced Lot Line Adjustment. Please note that Mr. Heldmann anticipates executing the appropriate corporate authority documents later this year upon his return to the United States; however, Mr. Heldmann has specifically represented, for MOI, that the Lot Line Adjustment should proceed currently. We understand that this letter should satisfy the concerns of your Department and Dawn Honeywell, the City attorney, and will enable the Lot Line Adjustment process to proceed. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter, and please call should you have any questions. Siacl ely, P � Irwin . Golds Criste, Pippin & Golds ilg/ cc Fred Wilson (via fax 360-0229) 11glxld.�+m.isa TOTAL °.02 SEP-02-1995 10:23 0PISTE, PIPPIN & GOLDS Law Offices Of CRISTE, PIPPIN & GOLDS 77.364 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE ROBERT L PIPPIN SC71TE 220 MICIML A CRLSTE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 IRwTI L GOLDS MARIE A BOCHNEwiCH FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET DATE: 9— as - FAX NO. (619) 772-7111 NO FAXED TO: - NO, OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET):_ TELEPHONE: (619) 772J100 PACS:MI'.LE: (619):72.7: I 1 THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED, AND MAX CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPE ENT, OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROH017ITD, IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE A13OVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. MESSAGE: IF THERE AgANY PROBLEMS RECEIVING THIS FAX TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL "^ M�hL) AT (619) 772-7100, Ila � 1 a I W 0 W d � � 0 b W 7z 0 w12- m w Ck- z m W U .D Na NEW No. zi �- oa/-Z3 -14 042-tS - W j 30 O Q T 75 D T 75' t 30 23 O l 2 0 22 0 i5 3 2/ ® �` 4 2 0 ° O 14 V /9 6 C4J �t_ _iNc xew� r iNt � � �O 7 ' oc.o-«r LIME - /7 ® 8 Ullc�a� — O9 /6 O h /5 /0 r /4 \-/0.2JAc- L /2 -° 79.99 So•a/ � 30 13 c 23 U 22 O /7 O /6 /5 D /4 /0 o /3 iz 0 CALLE In SANTA CARMEL/TA AT VALE LA OU/NTA 0 if N 0 IN aFidelity National Title INSURANCE COMPANY SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 ATTN: MR GREG TROUSDELL, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REF: LLA 95-203 DEAR MR. TROUSDELL: THIS COMPANY DOES ASSURE THE CITY OF LA QUINTA THAT MR. FRED WILSON HAS AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTATION ON BEHALF OF MONTEZUMA OESTE, INC. A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, RESPECTIVE TO THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION. IF WE MAY BE OF FURTHER ASSISTANCE, KINDLY CONTACT THE UNDERSIGNED. VERY TRULY YOURS, LARRY A. WILLIAMS ASST. VICE PRESIDENT TITLE OFFICER cc: CRISTE,PIPPIN & GOLDS ATTN: MR. IRWIN L GOLDS r. R iy Ip i s I f 9 N S E P 2 9 199� PLAN.41N:O � FA'11, -hT 4344 Latham Street • Riverside, California 92501 • (909) 682-8880 CI U] 11CORDING RI-X)Ult4IP.D 1D- AND weIPN RECORDED MAIL T&HICAGO TIT' COMPANY Montezuma OC.Ie, Inc. Coldwell Banker Sandpiper Realty 45000 Club Drive Indian Wells, CA 92210 .O OZo GRANT DEED Ila yi� o `0 'ITIH UNDCRSIGNP,DGRANIbR(S) DCCIARI;(e) DOMMMARY TRANWLA IAx S55�NL rTIY 1'n% x puled on roll value of ptope"y I" wyed, or mm eampuled on full value lea Value of lien, or encurnboam ee"aietmg a hate of ult. u"Inromnested,m;j X I alyor La Ovinta , w FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Henry C. Griswold, a widower hereby GRANT(S) to Monterams Oesle, lac., a Califoral■ Corporalioa the following described property in the City of LIS Qagata, County of Riverside, State of California; Loge 17 and 18 of Block 178 of Seats Camellia of Vale La Qe,e1a, Unit No. In Book 19, pages 50 and JI of Maps, Record. of Riverside Cou:::,, al.-xni■ Henry c. awl Date: --December 15 1994 IS, as per map recorded STATE OF CALIFORNIA C'OUNr"r OF y E 6taM ) O" Cif ,=..n P, j3� 19wbnt ow,_j]�,-v7 m IV,• L'�nvv petaoewll5'y"" ared la e_..t•,. L fr.Q It,.. e-,1. .. -- _ pew"nally kno- w cue (.-; p,rnmd io mz on the ball d ulisfanay evide"ce) M he the pt"s).,A"e mme(a) u/ace avbacnlxd In-�• imminent and that and to that he/she/they eaecmed the am a bu/her/their aschorieed daP"edNKa) and that br hu/her/Ihelr silpulurt(a) on the imminent the Penn(%) or the entity upon behalf of nhieb the penat(a) eeted, emveed the nW rwndnt. wf1NESS a.,!a,W and official seal. Tau arts for orfinal Serial Seat. Kft m MY=C1 NELSON a OfRt:f 111 avglmog CdAtY c." tm AN M. 19115 y ) L 6 4 8 9 11 r ® � f ✓ . .,. ., , � ..�5�4'✓"'J�iFb�iK'iAa�.:: NiLifiW4MaNL W r..mk ,urn .. ,.. �. ...-... �... EXHIBIT A LOTS 17 AND 18 IN BLOCK 170, OF UNIT IS or SANTA CARNSLISA AT VALE LA QULNTA, IN THE CITY Or LA QUINTA, AS SNONN BY NAP RECORDED IN BOOK 19, PAGE 31 OF NAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDS- 0 t 4 8 9 7 i SENT BY:CB SANDPIPER 9-15-95 ; 4:5BF'M CB sANUPirdhK� ola'r7'I'i�o,s milAri 4- #JVA WC DATE: ! 15 9S NUMBER OF PAGES._" TO: G01 nCousbeL COMPANY: 77fE C PY OF (.,+ Q(Jtd t* FAX NUMBER: -7 -7 7- 715$r FROM'. b W L-yo y M ( i/CE MESSAGE. /f- ZO(< T, 7 /R' ��YC Ot)I- l��.J�/c72S/MdnnJ . E i /Ll ti (<N /tom �/tx) TIfi�1K 7?lL"SC /ti�E 66w,-Ml �� 7p ,/ FRED WILSON / (619) 772-1600 COLDIfELL BANKER SANDPIPER REALTY/FAX (619)360-0229 PER 9-ib-ac c;�arm : un oHivurlr::n- Vl'1I vC ws VVIAiH PLANNING 6 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE o 1 a r r I I I � 7 M L t'r t2S �- ==a.aa«='--=====---===-�___===________� �i OFFICE USE ONLYZ Zoning: L �No. � Related Cases: �1 Reviewed By: Date: II==C=....S�==IIaII3=aa'L'IIIIIIaaaaa===SC=CIIDIIIIII=OGCCD=�e..� ••�••••�- APPLICANT Name: Fred Wilson, Address: 45000 Club Drive Daytime (Mailing) Indian Wells, CA 92210 Phone; 772-1600 (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY OWNERS Owner "A" Name: Montezuma Oeste, Inc. Address= 45000 Club Dgiv Indian Wells CA 922 0 Phones 772-1600 C ty (State) ((LIP) Owner "B" Name: Address: Phone: (City) (State) Z 8 Owner "C" Name: Address: Phone: (City) (State) (zip) PROPERTY DATA Property A: Assessor's Parcel Number: 774-041-006 street Address (if any): Property B: Assessor's Parcel Number: 774-041-007 Street Address (if any): Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: 774-041-008 Street Address (if any): ADJUSTMENT REQUE' with parcel #774-04 REASON FOR REQUEST: To create two larger lots from three existing lots. q, V COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 DEPARTMENT , cA. Yth Greg Trousde9 4p7 A.aaiew plm rom-Current %aanmp (010) 777.7MI P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO I619) 777-712$ Plannlny LA QUINTA. CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (010) 777J�8 CpY Nell StNi nY�un SNNur'ir't�t � a- �-yo w•7a�v LQ k Q 2 0 VA 75 1 c W y0 1 30 n JAIVUr rcrt, 0 22 210 rb 4 • 20 O i� 5 �c0 ^^tor «NF to `V 0�0 &OTC /7 ® 8 (R9 16 O h /5 G ti /4 f I ©0.2J ect reo /3 !� /2 N Q 0 0 W Q 30 1 3 4 23 22 Q 2/ Q 200 -Wo 158 140 a @ Ma M6a Mo.I— z a } N 04t-s6j + CALL£ SAWA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUANTA UP M x M O M Jt:IVI UT•�U )A1NVrir`tR 0-17—Jv 1 v•uVrnl , w JMIVur item ulorrlliw�w r RECOROINO RICIVIl EO er 1 m wdn amtJal-a RAIL TVIA aala All Intl& aTMUISI SHORN Shall OWL TAX mTTSRaaT TO: NO" r City of La Quinta Aemwt P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta. CA 92253 City a swe L(No fee, Government Code 6103LJ - -- MAIL TAX aTATlNlNTa TO NAM, r Montezuma Oeste, Inc, avlel Coldwell Banker Sandpiper Realty Call. 45000 Club Drive L Indian Wells, CA 92210 J Tma Small aL lXsasr ro. t SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED IMt UNUEFSRiNkU UHANTQMI,5) OECLARO(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ '0' -- ❑ Computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value lesevalue of Hers or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. [Q unincorporated area ❑ City of _ LA QUINTA AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Montezuma Oeste, Inc„ a California Corporation hereby GRANT(s) to Montezuma Oeste, Inc., a California Corporation the following described real property In the County of Riverside , State of California: Lot 17 and the south half of Lot 18, Block 178, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, Unit 18 as per map recorded in Book 19, pages 30 and 31 of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment No. as approved by the City of La Quinta, STATE OF CALIFORNIA lea, COUNTY OF — On this _ _day St . In The year appeared persona ly known to me proved to me on the basis of of otory evidance to be the person whose name Is subscribed to this instrument. and ecknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed it Signature NOMIRY PUlUC IN 4N0 yoR SAID 6faTf I�i� uu ler elhclai nobrlel mn StNI by;Ud SANUNih'tFt y-17—ao c uirrn 1110001011414 REQUESTED KWII11Y1111MLWIN IRAU 91IM" I7NIRII/1 Ialea NOad Name r C't of La Quinta 611.661 y P.O. Box 15D4 AEern. La Quinta, CA 92253 ein L(No fee, Government Code 6103,,..j MAIL TAT eTATIMENT6 TO r Name Montezuma Oeste, Inc. West Coldwell Banker Aldus. Sandpiper Realty °Din 45000 Club Drive Indian. Wells, CA 92210 TITL! /1111 alNtaoe W VIu OAIVV®Cn'� uiaiii, iu�.w &PAC$ A$OVE TNIS LINE FOR RECORDER'$ USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR($) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of hens or encumbrances remaining at time of Sala ❑ Unincorporated area ❑ city of — LA QUINTA AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Montezuma Oeste, Inc., a California Corporation hereby GRANT(&) to Montezuma Oeste, Inc., a California Corporation the•lollowing described real property in the County of Riverside , State of California! Lot 19 and the north ha:f of Lot 18, Block 178, Santa. Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, Cnit 18 as per map recorded in Book 19, pages 30 and 31 of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment No. as approved by the City of La Quinta. Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA �SS. COUNTY OF 1 On rh1* dAY of ,n the ser hotore me. Ina underaloned• a Notary Puollc to and for $aid State, OeradnatlY appeared O personally known to me O proved to me on the basis Cl actory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this Instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed It. Signature NOTARV FVOUC IN AND FOR bAIP #TATG iTNlr use for ediciU nebr4l uaq JCIVI n7•LA) JN!YVr1rCR a- 1 o-yQ G•u I rl GJ JMIVU�CR� G I D f i l l 177.M G I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; (2) I/we have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Representative Signature: (Attach Letter(s) MR/FOFMLLA.001 DUNE 1969 Owner "A": Montezuma Oeste, Inc_. 9115/95 Name Date Owner "B": Montezuma Oeste_. Inc. Name Date Owner "c": Montezuma Oeste, Inc. 9/1WR Name ate Date S 157 AAX of Authorization) 5EP-20-1395 13:33 ROBERT L PIPPIN ►4ICHAEL A. CRISTE 1RWIN E. COLDS MARIEA- BOCHNEWICR ® -R15TE, PIP?I^I & GOLDS Law Offices Of CRISTE, PIPPIN & GOLDS 77-564 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE SUITE 220 PALM MsERT. CA 92211 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET FAX NO. (619) 772-7111 DATE 9 p -, NO. FAXED TO: 7;27 - TO CAPTION OF DOCUMENT: SENDER: 6>P .�,0� CLIENT: NO. OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) 0.01 TELEP,RONE: (619) 7724100 FA CSIMIL.E: (619) 772.7111 THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED, AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRMI.EGED AND CONFIDENTIAL, IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBPI'ED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE, ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. . MESSAGE IF THERE ARE- A,N, Y PROBLEMS RECEIVING THIS FAX TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL �L�i/.(/Fv✓ AT (619) 772-7100_ SE0-20-1995 13:40 CR15It, �IF"111 & uuLub Law Offices of CRISTE, PIPPIN & GOLDS 77-564 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE ROBERT L. PIPPIN SUITE 220 MICHAEL A. CR17M PALM DESERT. CA 92211 IRWN L COLDS MARIE A. BOCHNEWICH September 20, 1995 VIA FACSIMILE ONLY City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (Facsimile no. 777-71551 Attention- Greg Trousdell - Communit E Development Department TELEPHONE: (619) 772 7160 FACSIMILE: (6191 7 ii-1111 Re: City of La Quinta Lot Line Adjustment Application number LLA95-203; Montezuma Oeste, Inc. Dear Mr, Trousdell: Enclosed please find a copy of a letter issued this date by Fidelity National Title Insurance Company confirming for the benefit of the City, relative to the referenced Lot Line Adjustment Application of Montezuma Oeste, Inc., the authority of Fred Wilson to execute for'Viontezurna Oeste all documentation as to the lot line adjustment. Fidelity will be delivering to the City for your files the original signed September 20 letter. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter, and please call should you have any questions. Sincerely, AImnLy . Golds Criste, Pippin & Golds ilg/ Enclosure cc Larry Williams (via fax 909-682-8837; w/o enc.) cc Fred Wilson (via fax 360-0229; w/enc.) vlg/heldm�nn.=i� . CEP-20-1995 13:43 1u'-un Fidelity ati al Title 1NSU ANCN COMPANY SVPTENBER o, 1995 Cm INTA, F' LA QUINTA 78-49 CAL E TAMPICO LA t CA, 92253 A7"C MR G EG TROUSDELL, COMM NITY DEVELOPMENT JU:Fi CLA 9 -203 DEAR Nk. T OUSDELL: Till$ COMPA Y DOES -ASSURE THE CITY OF LA QUINTA THATjMR. F. WILSON HAS AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMEN ATION DEHALt OF &0NT9ZUMA OESTE, INC. A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, RESkCTIVE TO THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION. 7.F WE MAY E OF FURTHER ASSISTANCE, kINDLY CONTACT THE UN VERY 'TRULY YOURS, bAR Y! A�S9 LAMS ASSp. VICE PRESIllENT T]TI,E OFFi ER aa7 C�ISTE�PIPPIN 6 GOLDS A,"rN: R. IRWIN L. GOLDS �j 44 Lalham StrcN - Riverside, Calif dilk 92501 • (909) 66D46E0 I' • END. •• a IGNED. TOTF4� P.3? 44 Lalham StrcN - Riverside, Calif dilk 92501 • (909) 66D46E0 I' • END. •• a IGNED. TOTF4� P.3? i fI 7&495 CALLE TAMPICO — ILA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 777--7067 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL TO: FROM: OUR FAX NUMBER: 619-777-7155 txtxttx+txtt+x+tx+tt+t+tttttt+t+x+t+x+xt+txttt+xt*+*ttti:xtx+x OPERATOR: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: (Including cover sheet) DATE SENT: TIME SENT: x++xxt+ttt++ttt+++t+t+t++tt+t+tt+t++x++tt+tt+ttttt+t+t+ttxtxx ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: FAXFORM/CS 1 -, ' T� 3CP-20-1395 13:33 ZRISTE, PIPPIN 3 a0'"D3 ® p,01 Law Offices of CRISTE, PIPPIN & GOLDS ROBERT L PiPPRa 77-564 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE MICHAEL A. CRISTE SUITE 220 TELEPHONE (619) 771-TI00 1RW N I-GOLDSPALM DFSBRT. CA 92Z11 FACSIMILE. (b 19) 772.7I 11 MARIE A. BOCHNEW ICH FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET FAX NO. (619) 772-71 If DATE: 9 r�� - 5Z5- NO. FAXED TO CAPTION OF DOCUTN ENT. CLIENT - NO, OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHE 3 THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED, AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHH3TTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. . MESSAGE - IF THERE ARE Atff PROBLEMS RECEIVING THIS FAX TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL AT (619) 772-7100. 5EP-20-1995 13:40 CRISTE, PIPDIN & GOLDS Law Offices of CRISTE, PIPPIN & GOLDS 77-564 COUNTRY CLUE DRIVE ROBERT L. PIPPIN SUITE 22E MICHAEL A. CRISTE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 IRWIN L. GOLDS MARIE A'BOCHNEWICH September 20, 1995 VIA FACSIMILE ONLY City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (Facsimile no. 777-71551 Attention• Greg Trousdell - Communi'y Development Depa -nem P.02 TELEPHONE: 01% 7-,2-7i no FACSIMILE: (619) 771-711I Re: City of La Quinta Lot Line Adjustment Application number LLA95-203; Montezuma Oeste, Inc. Dear Mr. Trousdell: Enclosed please find a copy of a letter issued this date by Fidelity National Title Insurance Company confirming for the benefit of the City, relative to the referenced Lot Line Adjustment Application of Montezuma Oeste, Inc., the authority of Fred Wilson to execute for Montezuma Oeste all documentation as to the lot line adjustment. Fidelity will be delivering to the City for your files the original signed September 20 letter. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter, and please call should you have any questions. Sincerely, Irwin L. Golds Criste, Pippin & Golds ilg/ Enclosure cc Larry Williams (via fax 909-682-8837; w/o enc.) cc Fred Wilson (via fax 360-0229; w/enc.) slg/Aeldmann.=5s �:.r-��-lyy5 15�41d CRISTE, PIPPIN s 10LDS � p,;3S Fidelity ational Title INSU ANC!? COMPANY i SEPTEMBER 0, 1995 CITY QF LA QUIMTA YS-49} CAL E TAMPICO I,A 1 NTA, CA, 92253 ATP MR G EG TROUSDELL, COMM NITY DEVELOPMENT IkEF 3 LLA 9 -203 IDEAR AR. T OUSDELL: TlIIS COMPA Y DOES, ASSURE THE CITY OF LA QUINTA THAT iMR. FIU D WIL90N HAS AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMRNIATION N f DEHALt OF ONTBZUMA OESTE, INC. A CALIFORNIA CORPOR4TION, ' JIESiyE TIVE TO THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION. 7.F' WI> MAY E OF FURTHER ASSISTANCE, KINDLY CONTACT THE UNDERSIGNED. f I VERY tRULY YOURS, I#R Y A.LLIAS ASS.' VICE PREI;IDENT TITLE OFFI ER f+ cao C�iTSTE PIPPIN 6 GOLDS Aj'TN: R. IRWIN L. GOLDS I j fi 7 ' i i l I� 4 a L.Iham Sint • Rivcnlde, Cd1ilbmis 9250I • (909) sBZ-6b80 T'OTRL P. 37 V F V OF V TO: FROM: 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 �J (619) 777-7067 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL FAX NUMBER: // 7 J z - S > Zy OUR FAX NUMBER: 619-777-7155 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OPERATOR: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: _ (Including cover sheet) DATE SENT: TIME SENT: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: R /aS• rt.,, c,a It, FAXFORM/CS SEP-E0-1995 17:35 ROBERT L PIPPIN MICHAEL A. CRL9TE IRW N L BOLDS MARIE A. HOCHNEWICR ® CRISTE, PIP?lll & GOLDS .. Law Offices of CRISTE, PIPPIN & GOLDS 77-564 COUNTRY cLua DRIVE SUITE 221) PALM DESERT. CA 92211 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET FAX NO. (619) 772-7111 DATE' 9 c�� -�._ NO. FAXED TO' 7;2 TO CAPTION OF DOCUMENT: CLIENT: NO. OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET)' 9 P.aI TELEPHONE: (619) 772-1loo F.ACSIMELE:(619) 772,7111 THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH PI' IS ADDRESSED, AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. MESSAGE' IF THERE ARE AAY PROBLEMS RECEIVG THIS FAX TRANS'SSION, PLEASE CALL 1-INAT (619) 772-7I00. SEP-2C�-1935 13:40 CRISTE, "IP"IN & GLILUS ® Law Qfilces Of ROBERT L. PIPPIN MICHAEL A. CRIM IRWINL. GOLDS MARIE A. BOCHNEWICH VIA FACSIMILE ONLY City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (Facsimile no. 777-71551 CPJSTE, PIPPIN & GOLDS 77-564 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE SUITE 220 TELEPHONE: (6191772 700 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 FACSIMILE.: (619) 7724111 September 20, 1995 Attention- Greg Trousdell - Community Development Department Re: City of La Quinta Lot Line Adjustment Application number LLA95-203; Montezuma Oeste, Inc. Dear Mr, Trousdell: Enclosed please find a copy of a letter issued this date by Fidelity National Title Insurance Company confirming for the benefit of the City, relative to the referenced Lot Line Adjustment Application of Montezuma Oeste, Inc., the authority of Fred Wilson to execute for Montezuma Oeste all documentation as to the lot line adjustment. Fidelity will be delivering; to the City for your files the original signed September 20 letter. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter, and please call should you have any questions. Sincerely, 4In11j0o 41d Criste, Pippin & Golds ilg/ Enclosure cc Larry Williams (via fax 909-682-8837; w/o enc.) cc Fred Wilson (via fax 360-0229; w/enc.) ilg/heltlnOnn=s6 , PPP-20-1995 13:4D CRISTP. PIPPIN & 5O'LD3 Fidelity7v4�!nmal Title ImuNY SVPTENBER ; 0, 1995 CITY JIF LA QUINTA 79 9 CAL E TAMPICO IAt A7"C :AMR G EG TROUSDELL, COMM NITY DEVELOPMENT RFF; LLA 9 -203 DEAR MR. T OUSDELL: Teti$ 4�014PA Y DOES.ASSURE THE CITY OF LA QUINTA THATiMR. F W.ILSON HAS AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMEN ATION DEHALt OF ONTEZUMA OESTE, INC. A CALIFORNIA CORPOP4TION, R2 0E TIVE TO THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION. IF WE MAY BE OF FURTIIER ASSISTANCE, KINDLY CONTACT THE ON VERY i'RULY YOURS, i I AR �� ASS VICE TIT E OFFI Cco C�.ISTE A; TN: IPPIN 6 GOLDS . . IRWIN L. GOLDS P.�3 w 144 Lal)ram Street , Riverside, Califw da 92301 • (909) 662.509 II r 1 i TOTRI- P.D?