2010 07 27 PC MinutesMINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA July 27, 2010 CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. A. A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Barrows. B. PRESENT: Commissioners Quill, Weber, Wilkinson, and Vice Chairperson Barrows. ABSENT: Chairman Alderson STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Les Johnson, City Attorney Kathy Jenson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Assistant Planner Eric Ceja, and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker. C. Election of Chair: It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wilkinson/Quill to nominate Chairman Alderson as Chair. There being no further discussion, the nominations were closed and Chairman Alderson was elected as Chair. D. Election of Vice Chair: It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to nominate Commissioner Barrows as Vice Chair. There being no further discussion, the nominations were closed. And Commissioner Barrows was elected as Vice Chair. Vote for both items was: AYES: Commissioners Quill, Weber, Wilkinson, and Vice Chairperson Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Alderson. ABSTAIN: None. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: Sonya English, Desert Sun reporter assigned to La Quinta, introduced herself to the Commission. Planning Commission Minutes July 27, 2010 III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: There being no comments, or suggestions, it was moved by Commissioners . Wilkinson/Quill to approve the minutes of June 8, 2010, as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Quill, Weber, Wilkinson and Vice Chairperson Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Alderson. ABSTAIN: None. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Conditional Use Permit 2009-127, Amendment 1; a request by Royal Street Communications to allow for the co-location of six panel antennas for an existing telecommunication monopalm tower and equipment shelter located at 78-136 Francis Hack Lane. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Vice Chairperson Barrows asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Quill asked who was responsible for .the tower maintenance. Staff responded the records showed it was originally approved for Sprint, who would still be in charge of the maintenance. Commissioner Quill asked about previous and future enforcement of tower maintenance when it is in disrepair. City Attorney Kathy Jenson explained this was a County facility and provided background information on the County lease. General discussion followed regarding lease payments and property ownership. Commissioner Weber asked if the live palm trees were of equal height. Staff replied they were not. Commissioner Weber asked about the condition of the surrounding live palm trees. Staff responded they were in good condition. -2- Planning Commission Minutes July 27, 2010 Commissioner Weber commented on attention to the code side of things and making sure the antenna arrays are kept up. He then asked if all the cabling was to be internal to the structure and would remain so. Staff confirmed the existing cables were all internal and the new antennas would also have the cables on the inside. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairperson Barrows asked if the applicant would like to speak. Veronica Arvizu, representative of Royal Street Communications, 29504 Masters Drive, Murrieta CA -mentioned she had previously been before the Commission with similar applications and gave some background information on Royal Street Communications. She added this was one of the last sites needed, in the area, for coverage of the Coachella Valley. She then gave an explanation of its design and why it was an important site. She continued by requesting that Condition No. 15 be amended to read sixty (60) palm fronds, instead of eighty 1801 and explained why the decrease was needed. She told the Commission that Sprint had sold the tower to Crown Castle and she could answer any questions on their behalf. Commissioner Weber asked if the tower, structurally, could only handle 60 fronds or was the reduction based on the connection points for, or the weight of, the fronds. Ms. Arvizu said it was all of the above. A comprehensive structural analysis was done taking into consideration wind speeds, weight, and receptacle conditions. She pointed out that the replacement palm fronds were fuller and longer in length and, even with the reduced amount of fronds, the tower would look much improved. Ms. Arvizu also added that Crown Castle would be notified if there was any maintenance required. General discussion followed regarding the age of the current fronds, expected lifespan, and the manufacturing process of the fronds. -3- Planning Commission Minutes July 27, 2010 General discussion followed on different antenna arrays, manufacturers of the poles, diameter of the current pole and how the cables would be pulled up into the tower. Commissioner Weber asked if the applicant had an issue with the addition of Condition No. 19. Ms. Arvizu said she did not. General discussion followed regarding the various types of palms, and the choice of fronds used for screening; concluding with the decision that the applicant's choice was appropriate.. There being no further applicant comments, Vice Chairperson Barrows asked if there was any public comment. There being no public comment, Vice Chairman Barrows opened the matter for Commission discussion. There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Weber/Quill to adopt Resolution 2010- 019 recommending approval of Conditional Use Permit 2009-127, Amendment No. 1, as submitted with the following amendments: Condition No. 15 shall be amended to read: The applicant shall replace all of the existing and deteriorated faux palm fronds with new faux palm fronds. The applicant is to install a minimum of sixty (60/ faux palm fronds. Fronds shall extend to the lowest point of the new panel antennas. All faux fronds are to resemble ,live palm fronds in both color and appearance, as approved by the Planning Director. Condition No. 19 shall be added to read: The applicant shall stucco and paint the exterior of the equipment wall enclosure. The applicant shall stucco and paint the wall enclosure to match the existing walls at the site. AYES: Commissioners Quill, Weber, Wilkinson, and Vice Chairperson Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Alderson. ABSTAIN: None. -4- Planning Commission Minutes July 27, 2010 VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Continuation of the Consideration of Alternate Fencing Materials; a request by City of La Quinta-Planning Department -for consideration as to whether to allow sheet metal fencing as an alternate material for residential fences located City-wide. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Vice Chairperson Barrows asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if this was 24 gauge. Staff responded it was. Commissioner Wilkinson asked if that was what the staff would recommend. Staff responded there was no specific recommendation to the gauge, but offered it up as something to discuss with the Planning Commission. Commissioner Wilkinson referenced a photograph of a fence located at 46-700 Cameo Palms Drive and asked if it was 24 gauge. Staff responded that he did not know, but the residents were in the audience and the Commissioner could ask them. Commissioner Wilkinson referenced one of the photos showing a fence which appeared to be potentially sharp. He was concerned and wondered if staff had any recommendations for a solution. Staff responded, in researching other Valley jurisdictions, most notably Palm Springs and Palm Desert, they did not find any specifications regarding the inclusion of a cap. He emphasized staff was looking for feedback, so if the Commission felt it was necessary to include a cap, for safety and/or aesthetic reasons, they would be receptive to incorporating that language. Commissioner Quill asked several questions about galvanized fencing eventually rusting and the possibility of it being painted. Planning Director Johnson said staff had not focused on the issue of painting; but noted there was an exhibit showing a painted material. Staff was really looking for feedback from the Commission on that. -5- Planning Commission Minutes July 27, 2010 Commissioner Quill commented on the various aspects of metal fencing and asked if it would become a code enforcement issue if a galvanized fence were allowed to rust and deteriorate. Staff responded that unless' it was defined it would be treated no differently than a wood fence, from a code enforcement standpoint. The Commission would need to be definitive in that regard and provide staff with direction. Commissioner Quill commented on dented metal garage doors. He equated that with the aesthetics of dented 24 or 26 gauge fencing that remains functional, but looks bad. City Attorney Jenson said something could be added, in the Nuisance or other code enforcement section, that specifically said that rusted, or dented, galvanized fences are a nuisance and then impose an on- going obligation for maintenance. General discussion followed on what was currently in the Code regarding fence maintenance, disrepair, and rust issues, as well as oxidation and/or patina of metals. Vice Chairperson Barrows asked if, in addition to questions, was staff looking for input on potential issues to address. Planning Director Johnson said yes, and added staff was asking: 1) if the Commission liked the concept of the metal fencing material being used, 2) should it be allowed anywhere within any yard or should it be something limited to rear yard areas, 3) the issue of galvanized steel - establishing a minimum gauge for that, and 4) the mixture of materials. The Code currently does not allow for mixed materials, except for wrought iron and block, for view purposes. General discussion followed regarding property line metal fences, and the possibility of neighbors putting up separate fences or walls. Commissioner Quill commented on the reflective properties of metal in the desert heat and the possibility of combustion. He asked if staff had talked with the Fire Department. Staff responded they had not. _6_ Planning Commission Minutes July 27, 2010 General discussion followed with comments on how hot the metal could get and whether this was an issue or not. The conclusion was reached that a car was actually much hotter than the fence. Vice Chairperson Barrows said she was comfortable with the potential of allowing metal fencing. However, she was concerned about addressing issues such as rust, and the quality (or gauge) since those issues were not specifically addressed in other jurisdictions. Planning Director Johnson said staff could elaborate on that but he did not believe there were any definitive standards. He added, in talking with city planners of both Palm Springs and Palm Desert and in reviewing their municipal code, they did not separate metal from wood or any other fencing material and did not have special provisions for the use of it. Vice Chairperson Barrows concurred with Commissioner Wilkinson's suggestion of a cap as this could be a problem. General discussion followed regarding the reason for a cap, the type of cap; various trim pieces, and the possibility of any type of hazard if someone were to climb the fence. Vice Chairperson Barrows said other issues discussed were the mixture of materials, and the reality that any fence, whether wood or metal, needs to be well-maintained. She was concerned about addressing the maintenance issue if this material was going to be allowed. Commissioner Wilkinson wanted to ask Mr. Chapman what gauge his fence was. Vice Chairperson Barrows opened the meeting to allow public comments. Mr. Glen Chapman, 46-700 Cameo Palms Drive, La Quinta -said he believed it was 26 gauge and stated he took additional photos of the inside fencing area showing the bottom and top rails; which included a -7- Planning Commission Minutes July 27, 2010 cap. He also had photographs showing the readings of an infrared thermometer; comparing the temperature. of a hot car versus that of the metal fence. He then gave them to the Commissioners for review. General discussion followed regarding an aesthetically-pleasing finish, code violation provisions, definition of patina as opposed to rust, and the intentional use of rust as a protective coating on utility poles. Mr. Chapman said there were two types of galvanized metal; electro- galvanized and hot-dipped. Hot-dipped galvanized metal would rust eventually. Electro-galvanized was a different process with a sealer on it. The electro-galvanized material was galvanized all the-way through and would be around for 100 years before it rusted. Vice Chairperson Barrows thanked Mr. Chapman for the information and asked staff to outline the Commission's options; which staff did. Commissioner Wilkinson suggested there be some reference to the gauge of the metal Planning Director Johnson asked the Commissioners to include any specific language in their motion. Commissioner Quill asked if "mixing of materials" meant different types of metal Staff said not different types of metal, but combinations of metal and wood, metal and concrete masonry, etc. The Municipal Code currently does not allow for those mixtures to occur except when specifically identified and, for view-related matters, where block and wrought iron ornamental steel are combined. General discussion followed regarding all the suggestions and what should be included in the final recommendation. There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson adopting Minute Motion 2010-004 recommending staff prepare an amendment to La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.60.030 - Fences and walls - to include the following items: 8- Planning Commission Minutes July 27, 2010 1. The allowance of certain types of metal fencing in the City of La Quinta. 2. Statement of appropriate locations for that fencing; i.e., side yards, front yards, etc. 3. Specific gauge requirements. 4. If there are any signs of rust, discoloration, or it is any way dented or not uniform in appearance, the City of La Quinta Code Compliance Department will consider this a nuisance and follow-up accordingly. 5. Definition of mixed materials to be allowed. 6. A cap or some type of barrier must be included to guard against significant sharp edges related to the fencing. 7. Include a definition of patina versus rust. 8. Any metal fencing must be structurally sound to maintain its integrity over time. 9. Planning Staff will consult with Building and Safety Staff regarding structural, and other forms of building standards, to be included in the proposed amendment. 10. The proposed Amendment be brought back to the Commission, for consideration. AYES: Commissioners Quill, Weber, Wilkinson, and Vice Chairperson Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Alderson. ABSTAIN: None. C. General Plan Update: Consideration of Goals, Vision and Guiding Principles for the General Plan Update. Planning Director Les Johnson presented the staff report a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Following is a summary of Commissioner comments; • Sustainability and the addition of jobs. Residents are going to other cities for work. Creating scenarios; such as medical, clean technology, or industrial, to provide work in the City. (We need more jobs.) • Inclusion of additional revenue-generating sources in the community, besides sales tax, to become a totally self- sustaining community. -9- Planning Commission Minutes July 27, 2010 Discussion of businesses in terms of job-creation and various income-producing types of businesses to bring in revenue for utilization of other services. • Discussion of the possibility of sites for industrial areas. The City's efforts in working towards ajobs/housing type of balance. Discussion of the necessity of connectivity between neighborhoods to reduce traffic on arterial streets, and making it easier to get from one place to another in different ways. • Discussion of making the community aware of the City's heritage. Emphasize the area's natural cultural and historical heritage. Preserving habitat needs to be added. Mixed Uses and the possibility of changing some of the areas currently being used by "big boxes" to more of a mixed use. (2035 is a long way off and some of the big boxes may not stay.) • Economic development and discussion of diversification of our economic base; "are we sustainable as a retail and hospitality- focused entity?" • Discussion of something other than shopping, dining, and entertainment. • Continue to maintain streets, water and sewer, but include discussion on the most "efficient", not just "adequate", manner. City should be looking for new ways to do things better. General discussion followed on each of the Commissioners' suggestions. Planning Director Johnson thanked the Commissioners for their comments and said they would be incorporated in the report to be presented to the Council on August 3, 2010. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: A. Letter of Absence from Chairman Alderson. -10- Planning Commission Minutes July 27, 2070 VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Comments on City Council meetings of June 15, July 6, and July 20, 2010. B. Chairman Alderson is scheduled to report back on the August 3, 2010, Council meeting. C. The Commission was also reminded that the Planning Commission would be dark for the August 24`h meeting as well as the Council being dark for their meetings of August 17 and September 7, 2010. D. Discussion followed on some projects located on the Highway 111 Corridor, an update on redevelopment projects, and anecdotal comments about the connectivity problems along the Corridor. E. Commissioner Weber was congratulated on his new position as Manager for Coachella Valley Enterprise Zone. IX: DIRECTOR ITEMS: None X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioners Wilkinson/Quill to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting to be held on August 10, 2010. This regular meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m. on July 27, 2010. Respectfully submitted, C~'~~~xJ ~~a~w Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California -11-