2010 09 28 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
September 28, 2010
7:00 P.M.
A. A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to
order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Alderson.
PRESENT: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Weber, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson.
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager
David Sawyer, Assistant Planner Yvonne Franco,
Assistant Planner Eric Ceja, and Executive
Secretary Carolyn Walker.
There were two amendments requested: 1). Commissioner Barrows asked
that Commissioner Quill's name be added to those present at the meeting;
since he was in attendance; and 2). Commissioner Weber noted the starting
and call-to-order times were different and asked that they be corrected.
There being no further comments, or suggestions, it was moved by
Commissioners Weber/Barrows to approve the minutes of July 27, 2010
with corrections noted. AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Weber, and
Wilkinson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: Chairman Alderson.
A. Sign Program 2002-618, Amendment No. 3; a request by BRR
Architecture for consideration for a sign program amendment for The
Centre at La Quinta Sign Program to address new signage for Walmart
Planning Commission Minutes
September 28, 2010
located south of Highway 1 1 1, between Adams Street and Dune
Palms Road in The Centre at La Quinta.
Assistant Planner Yvonne Franco presented the staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Quill asked why the existing signs were being changed.
Planning Director Johnson replied this was a corporate move to update
their logo, and overall building appearance; including painting the
exterior and minor interior remodeling.
Commissioner Weber asked if there was any information on the tenant
Assistant Planner Franco said currently there were no proposed
specific tenant signs for those locations and commented on current
and previous tenants and their signage needs.
Commissioner Weber asked if there would be any issues with
directional signs.
Planning Director Johnson said staff did not anticipate any issues but
because this was a sign program amendment that language was
included in case something additional was proposed by Walmart. He
added, if so, it could be reviewed and considered by the Planning
Director and could be brought back to the Commission if there were
any major changes. Staff currently views the directional signage as
being a minor concern which could be handled administratively.
Discussion followed on the directional signs for the tire and lube area,
the elevation of the Walmart sign and its colors.
General comments were made to the applicant regarding the need for
trimming the parking lot trees and how that would improve the sign
There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson
asked if the applicant would like to speak.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 28, 2010
Mr. Tony Garza, BRR Architecture, representing the client, Walmart
Stores, introduced himself and acknowledged the comments on tree
trimming. Mr. Garza also said he would share that information with
the client. He then said if the Commissioners had any questions, he
was there to answer them.
Commissioner Weber asked Mr. Garza to comment on the tenant signs
and what they anticipated.
Mr. Garza commented on what tenants they now have and added
there were currently no tenant signs on the building. They were trying
to identify where the future sign locations would be, but stated
Walmart leaves that up to the tenants involved.
Chairman Alderson asked if they were planning two locations to be
determined later.
Mr. Garza said they were planning for the locations, but not for the
actual signage.
There being no further questions of staff, or comments from the
applicant, Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment.
There being no public comment, Chairman Alderson opened the matter
for Commission discussion and closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Weber said he remained sensitive to directional signs
and commented on a nearby location. He was not concerned if these
signs were going to be specifically for Walmart and nothing else in the
Chairman Alderson asked if he was comfortable with staff's previous
response on the directional signs and he replied he was.
There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Weber to adopt Minute Motion
2010-005 recommending approval of Sign Program 2002-618,
Amendment No. 3 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. Sign Program 2006-1017, Amendment No. 1; a request by Lucas
Coronet for consideration of a request for a sign program amendment
Planning Commission Minutes
September 28, 2010
for Coronel Plaza located at the southwest corner of Calle Tampico
and Avenida Navarro.
Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the staff report, a copy of which
is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked about the example showing duplicate
signs. He wanted to know if that was just an example or did they
actually want the signs at two different locations.
Staff said the graphics shown were just for illustration purposes. The
current sign program allowed one sign per tenant.
General discussion followed regarding fourteen sign locations, and
adding six for a total of twenty sign locations; since there were only
ten tenants. Comments were included on the amendment allowing
more flexibility for sign locations.
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if
the applicant would like to speak.
Mr. Lucas Coronel - 48-820 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta CA -
introduced himself and said he wanted to make a correction and noted
the request was submitted to allow the flexibility of having more than
one sign per tenant. The application was submitted using the example
showing two tenants with signs on the north and east sides of the
building. He explained where the building was located and where his
tenants' signs would get the most exposure. He added that he had
two tenants who were motivated to move to the site by its location
and they wanted the additional signs. He was asking for the flexibility
to have signs in more than one location; such as Old Town has. His
tenants needed the exposure from both sides of the building.
Chairman Alderson asked if he wanted the amendment to include
multiples of the same signs on the building.
Mr. Coronel said a maximum of two - on the north and east sides; if
the tenants chose to have them.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 28, 2010
General discussion followed regarding one sign versus two, the need
for flexibility, and clarification of the applicant's request.
Commissioner Barrows asked for clarification on where the single
tenant sign information was found in the staff report.
Staff responded it was on page 1 1, IV.A.1., where it stated "Each
tenant will be assigned one of the predetermined sign envelopes
approved by The City of La Quinta. The tenant sign may not exceed
this sign envelope." Staff continued, if the Commission wanted to
consider granting the applicant's request, that language would have to
be amended.
Mr. Coronel said the sign program was originally submitted in 2006
and the information the Commissioner's were presented in the staff
report was not something he turned in with the new amendment.
Staff responded by saying the application was not reviewed with the
understanding that there would be two signs, for a total of 20, on the
building. Staff commented that the Commission had the discretion to
pursue and consider the request by the applicant, with the potential
for 20 signs on this building. However, staff had not contemplated
this change in the analysis of the application, and it was not included
in the information provided to the Commission.
Mr. Coronel explained the motivation for requesting the 20 signs and
the need to accommodate two of his tenants.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked how many tenant spaces there were in
the building. Mr. Coronel responded there were ten and then
commented on the types of signs that were allowed in Old Town
versus those allowed on this building.
General discussion followed on the Sign Ordinance, signage space
available on the building, and the flexibility to offer equal exposure to
all the applicant's tenants.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if there were tenants sharing spaces in
this building (one subleasing from another. Mr. Coronel said he did
not have any subleases at present.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked what the applicant would do if a
Planning Commission Minutes
September 28, 2010
subleasee also wanted a tenant sign.
Mr. Coronet said he would have to explain the situation to them, that
this is what is available. They can take it or leave it.
General discussion followed on the additional signs, amending the sign
program, and possible sign locations.
Commissioner Quill asked how the signs were constructed. Mr.
Coronet said they were raised lettering that conformed to what was
currently on the building.
Commissioner Quill asked if they would be illuminated. The applicant
responded they would not.
There being no further questions of the staff, or comments from the
applicant, Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment.
There being no public comment, Chairman Alderson opened the matter
for Commission discussion and closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Weber commented on the good looks of this building
and the unfortunate state of the surrounding areas. He said the
building could accommodate the signage without a problem since the
signage was not optimal as currently set up. He added the proposed
signage made a lot of sense.
Discussion followed on what the current sign program was, what the
applicant was requesting, where the new signs were to be located and
General comments were made regarding the assignment of sign
locations and sign width versus the window width. Staff commented
that sign width information was included in the conditions of approval
as number four.
Commissioner Barrows asked if other village sign programs allowed
more than one sign per tenant.
Staff gave examples of the programs for Old Town and the Calle
Estado building saying there were mixed numbers of allowable signs in
those programs.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 28, 2010
Mr. Coronel said he had four small spaces, on the far south side of the
building, that would never be doubled up. He stated he could restrict
those to have one sign only.
Commissioner Quill asked if that meant the Commission could restrict
the amount of sign locations to 16.
Mr. Coronel said yes, that would work.
Commissioner Weber remarked that the signage on the tower should
be restricted to the width of the window. He added it is needed to
direct people and said the additional signs would help people in
locating this building.
Commissioner Quill suggested the approval state that six tenants
would be allowed up to two signs and four tenants would only be
allowed one sign. The applicant could pick and choose who those
would be.
Chairman Alderson asked Lucas Coronel if that served his needs.
Mr. Coronel said that was fine.
Commissioner Barrows suggested the language of the motion to be
made would be to 1) allow the six signs on the north and east
exposures of the tower; which was not previously a location where
signs were allowed, and 2) the maximum number of building-mounted
signs is limited to 16.
Staff added that within the recommendations on page 4, of the staff
report, there were four conditions of approval and suggested the
Commission focus on changing item number two as well as
consideration of the other three items; one of which addresses the
issue of the width of the signs in relationship to the windows.
General discussion followed to work out the appropriate approval
language concluding with six (6) tenants will be allowed up to two (2)
signs and four (4) tenants will be allowed one (1) sign.
There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to adopt Minute Motion
Planning Commission Minutes
September 28, 2010
2010-006 recommending approval of Sign Program 2006-1017,
Amendment No. 1, with staff's recommended Conditions of Approval
numbered 1, 3, and 4, and amending Condition No. 2, as follows:
2. The building shall not have more than sixteen (16) individual
building-mounted signs; which shall be assigned as six (6)
tenants being allowed two (2) signs and four (4- tenants being
allowed one 11) sign.
Unanimously approved.
A. Report of the City Council Meeting and September 21, 2010
presented by Commissioner Barrows, with additional comments by
Chairman Alderson and Planning Director Les Johnson.
B. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Quill was scheduled to report
back on the October 5, 2010, Council meeting.
C. Chairman Alderson thanked the Commission for their confidence in
him by re-electing him Chairman.
D. Commissioner Quill brought up and discussed the lack of paved areas
available, in certain sections on Highway 1 1 1, for citizens using public
transportation. Anecdotal evidence was given about how difficult it
was for the handicapped and elderly to maneuver in those areas.
Staff commented that this subject had been previously mentioned and
explained the steps being taken to address the problem.
Discussion followed with suggestions from the Commissioners on
ways to expedite a remedy.
Staff said they would pass the information on to the appropriate
Planning Commission Minutes
September 28, 2010
A. Director commented on the upcoming Joint Council Meeting scheduled
for November 9, 2010 at 5:00 p.m (for PC and ALRC) and asked for
the Commission's input on discussion topics. It was suggested the
Commissioners a-mail their topics to staff and noted the item will be
agendized at the next meeting for discussion. There should be no
more than two or three items.
B. Director gave an update of the status of the General Plan (20351.
Discussion followed on the update memo and the current status of the
General Plan; with emphasis on the traffic plan. Discussion followed
on the following points of the General Plan:
• Greenhouse Gas Emissions and an upcoming CVAG workshop
(October 18, 2010).
• Non-Motorized Transportation and Trails Plan and the City's
adoption of the Plan.
• Livability and sustainability.
There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioners
Wilkinson/Quill to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to
the next regular meeting to be held on October 12, 2010. This regular
meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. on September 28, 2010.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn ~Q/alker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California