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LLA 1998-269
SEF'-02-9:3 10:4.5 PM F September 4, 1998 L A Q U I N T Mr. Jerry Herman � Community Development Director FOUNDATIC City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 RE: LLA 98-269 Dear Mr. Herman: The purpose of this letter is to confirm that La Quinta Arts Foundation agrees to provide up to 30' wide undeveloped access to the parcel of land on the west side of the parcel we will be acquiring, if requested by the City. We will determine the exact location of this access as we solidify our development plans. On behalf of La Quinta Arts Foundation, I thank you for your kind attention to this matter. LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION le'� C ze- Susan Francis Executive Director POST OFFICE BOX 777 09-08-98 08'44 LA QJIN A, CA 92:53 760 564 1244 FAX 760 564 681 RECEIVED FROM:760 564 6884 I` 4 • La Quinta Arts Foundation Specific Plan Due to policy changes occurring recently by various State and Federal environmental protective agencies, it appears that current General Plan requirements accommodating bike and pedestrian trail access to the Santa Rosa Mountains are being reconsidered. Various elements of the City's current General Plan identify general routes to accommodate trail access to a future community accomplish this, a special trail access dedication tn across the souern a portionof Mountains. To LQAF site along the Avenue 48 alignment may have been a general requirement when he current General Plan was written in October, 1992. Due to these policy changes and the 10 year updating of the General Plan, it appears access to Santa Rosa Mountains are intended to controlled areas with t me of'yearor strictions.t in consideration of these issues, in fulfillment with the intent of the General Plan Park and Recreation Diagram map and Open Space Policy Diagram map, the Outdoor Sculpture Gallery that the main drive approach connects to, will serve as a passive public neighborhood park area that will remain accessible to the public when access to other areas of the site are not in use, or when use is restricted during scheduled events. Decorative meandering pedestrian sidewalks/bikeways and parkway extending across the entire project site frontage along Washington Street areaalso proposed in this project, to be installed concurrent with construction of the site. 3.2 Off -Site Circulation Plan The subject site will be primarily accessed from the southbound lanes of Washington Street with de -acceleration and acceleration lanes incorporated into the public road design. Two drive approaches are proposed onto Washington Street, both of which will accommodate all entering and exiting vehicle traffic. U-turn movements will be required for traffic to the site north -bound on Washington Street, U-turning one-half mile north at the existing controlled intersection at Avenue 47 that is designed with a dedicated left - turn lane. The main entrance from Washington Street, measuring 40 feet wide is located a distance approximately 580 feet north of the project's south boundary, which is also the terminus of Avenue 48 from east of Washington Street. A 36 foot wide secondary entrance, located approximately 25 feet south of the north property line accommodates parallel parking on one side. Both of these drive approaches will be right -turn in and right -turn out only. Turning right onto Washington Street south leads to the Avenue 48 intersection that accommodates left -turn and turn -around (full access northerly. As noted earlier in this plan, a reciprocal parking agreement with St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church will permit the use by LQAF visitors of the adjoining temporary parking area north of LQAF site at times not interfering with church use. Similarly, within the terms of this agreement, those attending church functions will also be able to utilize LQAF parking lot. Access to the church's parking lot will be from the north from the controlled intersection at Avenue 47 that permits either north or south turns. June 20, 2000 53 g IA y, W W 1 no-i U' - (113.33N0b SS30I 1v 001 19 3S' HOf 1�1 ON I— SSV O) S I S S d 0 S 0 N d? 1 S r aCL NCL m � V W C O U • RECORDING REQUESTED BY: j I I WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: C9 o Doct en# on --.._as No. has not een compared w originai. *r-e7 GAILY L. ORSO County Recorder Ash, Danko, Hann s Company RIVERSIDE GC?UNTY GALIi=ORNIA c/o 444 S. FLower Street, 9th FLoor F____.�_�_ q �g Los Angeles, CA 90071-2901 j attn: Michael Blaylock [_SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE G R A N T D E L D The undersigned Grantors) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: (X) computed on full value of property conveyed, or TITLE ORDER ARC 2087599 O.:{ ) computed on the fu`11 value less liens or ESCROW ORDER NO.o.: encumbrances remaining at the time of sale FOR A VALVABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company, a Partnership who acquired title as Ash, Ackerson, Hodge and Company, a partnership hereby GRANT(S) to Ash, Danko, Hanna & company, a Partnership The following real property in Riverside County, State of California: described as: Exhibit A: parcels 1 & 2 ..sae attached for complete legal doseription This Deed is being recorded to perfect that certain lot line adjustment No. 98-269. Date: September 15, 1998 Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company a Partnership �..,.. r wf SL STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 3 mes Ash, general partner COUNTY mA OF [s on '9 2-1 ! before me, S personally appeared e-W-Ims Robert Ash, general partner proved to me on the basis nce) to be the person() whose of satisfactory evide name(4l is/ame subscribed to the within instrument the Charles Ash, general partner and acknowledged to me that he/ems executed and same in his/� authorized capacity {Q.oaa, that by his/hAr4tb4ir signature4s) on the instrument Loretta Danko, general partner the person($) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(@'} acted, executed the instrume su-4_ general partner Comb bdw 0 11731" witness my hen and official seal. � caraffft This area fox official notarial seal) rr,mp r r�mori c+r nr. i.ntedl :AS ;uaS Z e68d `•Wdtil�Zl 86-9-�00 !£8Z9 899 09L �J�NddW00 MOa0S3 3IXI0 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: I COPY of DOCument Re jon i I as No. I , has not been compared with original. GIFiEN RECORDED MAIL TO! G ARY L. O R c V O I County Recorder l ' RIVERSIDE -COUNTY CALIFORNiA" I SPACE ABOVS THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE G R A N T D E E D The undersigned Grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: (X) computed on full value of property conveyed, or TITLE ORDER NO.: 2087599 ( ) computed on the full value less liens or ESCROW NO.: 12327-JC encumbrances remaining at the time of sale FOR A vALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Ash, Danko, Haaaa & Company, a partnership who acquired title as Ash, Aekerson, Hodge and Company, a Partnership hereby GRANT(S) to Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company, a Partnership The following real property in Riverside County, State of California: described as: 8xhibit As parcels 1 e Z ..see attached for comPlete legal description This Deed is being recorded to perfect that certain lot line adjustment No. 98-269. Date: September 15, 1998 Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company a Partnership STATE OF C L RN BY CO F ) '% James Ash, ge a per r On before me, 1— personally appeared , R �ert sh, general partner personally known to me (or proved to me on t whose of sat'sf tory evidence) to be the person( name ) is re subscribed to a within in trument Charles Ash, general partner and kno dged to me tha h /ehe/they exec ted the same in her/their autho zed caoncthe(instrument Loretta Danko, general partner that by i dr/their signature o the person( or the entity up n behalf of which the personYe} cted, executed the instrument. �� rtner /ss m ha ial, seal. WKJ. M witness Y Cam+ 1)r'-� Now NMe — Otsromra vMMw Oasri �,gSignatur (Th s aJ. seal) ?JAMA f tvnp.d or printed) e 86Ed (Wdtl:Zl 96-9-;30 °E9Z9 895 09L !,INVA00 M080S3 3IXIO :A8 ;U89 RECORDING REOUESTOD BY: I I } WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: I I I _SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE _ G R A N T D E E D The undersigned Grantor (a) declare (s): Documentary transfer tax is $ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: (X) computed on full value of property conveyed, or TITLE ORDER NO.: 2087599 ( ) computed on the full value less liens or ESCROW ORDER NO.O.: 208 encumbrances remaining at the time of sale FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Ash, Danko, Hanna & Cmanpany, a partnership who acquired title as Ash, Ackerson, dodge and Company, a partnership hereby GRANT(S) to Ash, Danko, Hanna rE Company, a partnership The following real property in Riverside County, State of California: described as: Exhibit As parcels i & 2 ..see attached for cossplste legal description This Deed is being recorded to perfect that certain lot line adjustment No. 98-269. Date: September is, 1998 Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company a Partnership STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) BY �q ) James Ash, general partner COUNTY OF ��� tow �c�� On Swr.22 before me, personally appeared. Ca li�tirE� 14s 4aerrti Ash ezel partnerpersonally known to me (or proved to me on the basof satisfactory evidence) to be the person( whosename() is/sire subscribed to the within instrument Ash, general rtner d the execute and acknowledged to me that he/�'�y' and same in hie/ier�+a� authorized capacity(�es�), l partner that by hie/��� signature(6) on the instrument Loretta Danko, generaP the person(p) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(,d) acted, executed the instrument. Mari _gener_al partner —�� Witness my hand and offic al sea enneth Ray G ` canon. 01 TANV PNKIC aft VEDMI M CM +Signature omet Exp. moy II 4Ir (This area z z Cali +, 86e,a .`Wdrl:ZL 96-9-�30 `•ESZ9 999 09L !,kNddW00 MOdOS3 3IXIG 9 ��aS RECORDING REQUESTED BY: i WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: J _SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE G R A N T D E E D The undersigned Grantors) declare (s): Documentary transfer tax is S — ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.t (X) computed on full value of property conveyed, or TITLE ORDER NO.: 2097599 ( ) computed on the full value less liens or ESCROW NO.: 12327-JC encumbrances remaining at the time of sale FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Ash, Danko, Manna & Company, a Partnership who acquired title as Ash, Ackerson, Hodge and Company, a partnership hereby GRANT(S) to Ash, Danko, Manna & Company, a Partnership The following real property in Riverside County, State of California: described as: Exhibit At Parcels 1 & 2 ..see attached for complete legal description This Deed is being recorded to perfect that certain lot line adjustment No. 98-269. Date: September 15, 1998 k 14ftAr$ STATE OF ) COUNTY OF o 4a )d On befor me, l person lly appeared Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company a partnership BY James Ash, general partner Robert Ash, general partner personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument Charles Ash, general partner and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature s) on the inst,XumpPF e a Danko, gener 1 partn r the person (s) or the entity upon behalf of whi:chSYl'te person(s) acted, executed the instrument.,., -.....Marilyn Hanna, general partner Witness my hand and official eal. $Si atur F CRI'!'ti s 'area for official notarial seal) Name (tvoed or nrinted) C'�n1+'� f S'3l-d ' �' 5 abed !JdgI:ZI 86-9-100 `•68Z9 895 09L `•,WVdW00 M083S3 3IXIO :AS }UaS RECORDING REQUESTED BY: i i WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: i d l SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Q R A N T D E E D The undersigned Grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: (X) computed on full value of property conveyed, or TITLE ORDER NO.: 2087599 ( ) computed on the full value less liens or ESCROW NO.: 12327-JC encumbrances remaining at the time of sale FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Ash, Danko, Hanna a company, a Partnership who acquired title as Ash, Ackerson, Hodge and Company, a Partnership hereby GRANT(S) to Ash, Danko, Hanna a Company, a Partnership The following real property in Riverside County, State of California: described as: Exhibit A: Parcels 1 & 2 ..see attached for complete legal description This Dead is being recorded to perfect that certain lot litre adjustment No. 98-269. Date: September 15, 1998 Ashr Danko, Hanna & Company a Partnership STATE OF ) BY ot� uo�� James Ash, general partner COUNTY OF � � On before me, personally appeare Robert Ash, general partner personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose is/are subscribed to the within instrument general partner Charles Ash, g name(s) and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and by his/hdr/their signature(s) on the instrument Loretta Danko, ge ral partner that the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. H#hna er Witness my hand and official seal. C gOF7 MMMc:1isignature� � msr Name {twed or orinte ) (This area for official notaria seal) a a6ea `.W49l:Zl 86-9-�00 `£8Z9 89g 09L !ANVdM00 MOUDS3 3IXIO :�9 ��aS RECORDING REQUESTED BY: WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: La Quinta AVE Foundation et al 78-080 Avenida La Fonda P.O. Box 777 La Quinta, CA 92253 Ano ument as No. I n compared,, it i original. GARY L. ORSO I County Recorder RIVERSIDE COUNTY CALIFORNIA I i _SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE G R A N T D E E D The undersigned Grantor (a) declare (a): Documentary transfer tax is $ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: (X) computed on full value of property conveyed, or TITLE ORDER NO.: 2087599 ( ) computed on the full value less liens or ESCROW NO.: 12327-JC encumbrances remaining at the time of sale FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company, a Partnership hereby GRANT(S) to La Quinta Art Foundation, as to an undivided 2/3rd interest AND The Roman Catholic Bishop of son Bernardino, A Corporation Sole, for the benefit of St. Francis of Assisi, La Quinta, CA, as to an undivided 1/3rd interest, as tenants in common. The following real property in Riverside County, State of California: described as: Exhibit A: Parcels 1 ...see attached for complete legal description Date: September IS, 1996 Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company a P rtnership STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Off' S ) amen Ash, general partner on C1111 2 bef re me, W; cs� � personally appeared--�c Robert Ash, general partner proved to me on ttie Dams of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(e) whose name() is/see subscribed to the within instrument Charles Ash, general partner and acknowledged to me that he/}executed the same in his/k"Aebei authorized capacity(iee.), and that by his/hsw 6a r signature(e4 on the instrument Loretta Danko, the person(@) or the entity upon behalf of which the general partner person( acted, executed the inatrument. M-AIN_ — — _ A&X.J_ yA _ay►a, general partner witness my hand d official seal_ Signature Name (typed o pr ted) 6l/Cl 86ed °Wd6l:ZL 86-9-�00 SL'NEERiJ, WIJBINGHE Ca+nmMw 0 11751 as No:a y rubac - C400MIa (ri Angow C Au ft If - ficial notarial seal) `•68Z9 89g 09L !ANbdW00 M0a0S3 3IXIC :48 ;UOS RECORDING REQUESTED BY: WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: _SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RSCORDER'S USE 0 R A N T D E E D The undersigned Grantors) declare (a): Documentary transfer tax is $ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: (X) computed on full value of property conveyed, or TITLE ORDER NO.: 2087599 ( ) computed on the full value less liens or ESCROW NO.: 12327-JC encumbrances remaining at the time of sale FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company, a Partnership hereby GRANT(S) to La Quint& Art Foundation, as to an undivided 2/3rd interest AIM The Roman Catholic Bishop of San Bernardino, A Corporation Sole, for the benefit of St. Francis of Assisi, La Quinta, CA, as to an undivided 1/3rd interest, as tenants in common. The following real property in Riverside County, State of California: described as: Exhibit As Parcels 1 ...sae attached for complete legal description Date: September 15, 1998 STATE OF C"IFOR4!a_ ) Zy � Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company a Partnership BY James Ash personall appeare '; i �✓ o art Ash, general partner personally known to me (or proved to me on a basis of sa ie ctory evidence) to be the person ) whose name ) 2Mre subscribed to a within i strument Charles Ash, general partner and (((ackno edged to me that(d/she/they exec ted the same in /her/their authorized apacity( 0), and that by i /her/their signature on the instrument Loretta Danko, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the n(-A cted executed the instrument general partner pares tner witness my nd o f ' c 1 sea M1 M AINEM t o %1 flow #r1 MVAft-0d%M Signatu wM4rM Name Czfped or printed) (This area for o cla-1 no arialoseal) 6uvb abed °Wd6l:Zl 86-9-;00 •`E8Z9 89S 09L •`J.NVA00 MOHOS3 3IXIO :A9 ;UaS RECORDING REQUESTED BY; WHEN RECORDED MAIL, TO: 1 _SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE G R A N T D E E D The undersigned Grantor s} declare (a): Documentary transfer tax is $ ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: W computed on full value of property conveyed, or TITLE ORDER NO.: 208IS99 { ;I computed on the full value less liens or ESCROW NO.: 12327-JC encumbrances remaining at the time of sale FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company, a Partnership hereby GRANT(S) to La Quint& Art Foundation, as to an undivided 2/3rd interest AND The Roman Catholic Bishop of San Bernardino, A Corporation Sole, for the benefit of St. Francis of Assisi, La Quint&, CA, as to an undivided 1/3rd interest, as tenants in covimon. The following real property in Riverside County, State of California: described as: Exhibit As Parcels 1 ...see attached for complete legal description Date: September 15, 1998 Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company a Partnership STATE OF CALIFORNIA } BY COUNTY OF James Ash, general partner OnSslr_. m6 ryot before me, i "M QAy gc 4 personally appeared 9HMLat3 A SO Robert Ash general partner personally known to me (or proved to me on. the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(o) who name (if) is/ave subscribed to the within instrument rles Ash, gene a partner and acknowledged to me that he/!p executed the same in his/fir authorized capacity(i,ea), and that by his/Awm4tabe4r signature($) on the instrument Loretta Danko, general partner the person(;) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Witneas my hand and official seal. Signature Name (typed or printe9) 6l/gl abed `Vdd6l:Zl 86-9-;00 Marilyn Hanna, general partner Kenneth Ray 0 Cam". 0 ART Ic OM lm (This areeal) `•E8Z9 99g 09L `,INGdWOO MO KS3 3IXIO :A9 ;UaS r RECORDING REQUESTED BY: WHEN RECORDED MAIL T0: i i 1 I 1 1 i I I_SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE G R A N T D E E D The undersigned Grantor (a) declare (s): Documentary transfer tax is $ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: W computed on full value of property conveyed, or TITLE ORDER NO.: 2087599 ( ) computed on the full value less liens or ESCROW NO.: 12327-JC encumbrances remaining at the time of sale FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Ash, Danko, Hanna a Company, a Partnership hereby GRANT(S) to La Quint& Art Foundation, as to an undivided 2/3rd interest ADW The Roman Catholic Bishop of Ban Bernardino, A Corporation Sole, for the benefit of St. Francis of Assisi, La Quint&, CA, as to an undivided 1/3rd interest, as tenants in common. The following real property in Riverside County, State of California: described as: Exhibit A: Parcels 1 ...see attached for complete legal description Date: September 15, 1998 Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company a Partnership STATE OF ) BY COUNW OF K ) James Ash, general partner On A,4a . n before me, � � ' 1 �ff, cf, perso lly appeared G Robert Ash, general partner personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose names) is/are subscribed to the within instrument Charles Ash, general partner and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), andan that by hie/her/their signature (a) on the instrument re to Danko, general partne the persons) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Marilyn Hanna, general partner witness my h d and officia seal. Si a e � : Name (typed or printed) C.omth _6l (Thi's area :for official notarial seal) 61/9l abed •`WdOe:ZI 86-9-;00 ( `•EBZ9 89g 09L !XNVdN00 M08083 3IXIO :AS �u8S RECORDING REQUESTED BY: WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: j_SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE 0 R A N T D S Z D The undersigned Grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: (X) computed on full value of property conveyed, or TITLE ORDER NO.: 2087599 ( ) computed on the full value less liens or ESCROW NO.: 12327-JC encumbrances remaining at the time of sale FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Ash, Danko, Manna & Company, a Partnership hereby GRANT(S) to La Quints Art Foundation, as to an undivided 2/3rd interest AND The Roman Catholic Bishop of San Bernardino, A Corporation Sole, for the benefit of St. Francis of Assisi, La Quinta, CA, as to an undivided 1/3rd interest, as tenants in common. The following real property in Riverside County, State of California: described as: Zxhibit As Parcels 1 ...ass attached for complete legal description Date: September 15, 1998 Ash, Danko, Hanna & Company • a Partnership lk�»nm STATE OF �I COUNTY OFCA1n At%� ) ) On before me, personally appeared (L1 V��'11r.1n 111A BY James Ash, general partner Robert Ash, general partner personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument Charles Ash, general partner and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument Loretta Danko, general partner the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. "''Mril n H nna, general partner witness my hand and,official seal. ,� w - y4 a +`J Name (typed or printed) 6 11z l a6ed `•WdOZ:ZI 96-9-100 `£8Z9 999 09L seal ) `.,INVdW00 M08083 3IXIO :AS ;UOS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 98-269 PARCEL 1 A. PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CONIIViENCING AT THE NW CORNER OF PARCEI, 2 OF PARCEL MAP 15772 AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 79 OF PARCEL MAPS, PAGES 58 AND 59, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA.; THENCE N 8903l'OI" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 819.52 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING N 89°3101" E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 453.19 FT, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2.- THENCE S 01038'37" W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 395.53 FT, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 14655 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01058'10" AN ARC LENGTH OF 503.74 FT.; THENCE S 00019'33" E ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 1248.75 FT.; THENCE S 89033'54" W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE S 1/2 OF THE S 1/2 OF LOT 1 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AS SHOWN ON OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 1252.32 FT.; THENCE N 30*51128" E A DISTANCE OF 146.49 FT, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 200 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 38030'32" AN ARC LENGTH OF 134.42 FT.; THENCE N 69022'00" E A DISTANCE OF 257.67 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; _aeFESS, APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY � .. DATE �.- Ji'JI ..,. EXHIBIT a 1� Q I o�► 5 CASE NO. .I, ICA ag---AZO 15 �0W. 1va1ru rF cwr.. 6l/@L abed •'WdIZ:ZI 96-9-;00 `•E9Z9 99S 09L •'ANVdNO3 MONOS3 3IXIO :A8 �un PARCEL 1 Page 2 THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST WHOSE RADIUS IS 100 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75*5118" AN ARC LENGTH OF 132.40 FT.; THENCE N 06°29'38" W A DISTANCE OF 652.79 FT.; THENCE N 15019'06" W A DISTANCE OF 626.41 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 59037'06" AN ARC LENGTH OF 52.03 FT.; THENCE N 44958'25" E A DISTANCE OF 230.39 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34026'39' AN ARC LENGTH OF 30.06 FT.; THENCE N 79025'04" E A DISTANCE OF 94.53 FT, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTH EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. A CENTRAL ANGEL OF 70°2930" AN ARC LENGTH OF 61.52 FT, TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 100 FT. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 60050'57" AN ARC LENGTH OF 106.20 FT.; THENCE N 6904611" E A DISTANCE OF 140.17 FT.; THENCE N 23°2624" E A DISTANCE OF 91.81 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 42.677 ACRES (MORE OR LESS) :4.� APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY56 29+^Z DATE EXHIBIT CASE NO. 61/6l 868d •`Wd1Z:Z1 86-9-�00 '•EBZ9 899 09L `ANVdHOO M08OS3 3IXIG :A8 �uaS 46 0 9 co on Ot DOiCtimen# _. has no been CO as No. �,rdeq Gi9inal. real with GA RY L. ORSO RIVF�Sip spur N7y �Fo EXH131 F "A„ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 98 269 GRAPHIC SCALE ( rN r-r ) f inch 500 M N 619. 52' L C6 4 C4 � 4) t.P 127Z.71 ' 45.5.19' •� '' APN. 617-070-023 PARCEL 1 42.677 oc. After Adj. N 89+32'28' E • �_ : , 690.44' �°L + PROPOSED PARCEL 2 �, rLor U1NE I EXISTING LOT LINES f 40.21 Ac. N after odj. � qA N� s 0?s �� --N..L2* a = "' N 9'33'S4' E 1944.52' CURVE TABLE vann.c i rAvr_ru `lI �W I, ff" iY-� 1 i IM i M IpL-AiI�'A-Te•■ow-f•li�■r m ,, ,. .. Applicant. ASH, DANKO, HANNA & CO. A General Partnership 1363 Morago Dr. Los Angeles, Co. 90049 (310) 472-1802 LINE TABLE NO. BEARING DISTANCE I Elul M-� [��E�i�i"]i���7f�►l�.�l ial W W cx 01,58,10' 14655.00' 503 74' APN: 617— 070 — 025 POR. SW 114, SEC. 30, T. 5 S. R. 7 E, S.B.M. Enaineer: DAMES 0. FEIRO, CE=LS P_ 0. Box 12980 Palm Desert, Co. 92255 (760) 345-8015 6l1L a6ed 'Vld9l : Z l 86-9-;00 .`£9Z9 999 09L !ANVdW00 MOdOS3 3IXIO :A8 }UOS o �. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 98-269 PARS 1 A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER GE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDIO OSMETION RIDIAN,,MORE PARTICULARLY 5 SOUTH,DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BERNARD CONAVIENCING AT THE NW CORNER OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 15772 AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 79 OF PARCEL MAPS, PAGES 58 AND 59, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA.; THENCE N 8903101" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 819.52 FT, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING N 89031'01" E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 453.19 FT, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2; THENCE S 01038'37" W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 395.53 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE ; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 14655 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01058'10" AN ARC LENGTH OF 503.74 FT.; THENCE S 00019'33" E ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 1248.75 FT.; THENCE S 89933'54" W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE S 1 /2 OF THE S 1 /2 OF LOT 1 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AS SHOWN ON OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 1252.32 FT.; THENCE N 30051'28" E A DISTANCE OF 146A9 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 200 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 38030'32" AN ARC LENGTH OF 134.42 FT.; THENCE N 69022'OO" E A DISTANCE OF 257.67 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT By �.�AMlTi� DATE ' $ •'�`� EXHIBIT CASE NO. 6L/8 86ed `• UVdg l : Z l 86 -9 - �00 `£8Z9 899 09L •'ANVdW00 MOa0S3 3IXI0 :A8 DUOS W. PARCEL 1 Page 2 THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST WHOSE RADIUS IS 100 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75051'38" AN ARC LENGTH OF 132.40 FT.; THENCE N 06029'38" W A DISTANCE OF 652.79 FT.; THENCE N 15`19'06" W A DISTANCE OF 626.41 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; TI ENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 59037'06" AN ARC LENGTH OF 52.03 FT.; THENCE N 4495825" E A DISTANCE OF 230.38 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34026'39' AN ARC LENGTH OF 30.06 FT.; THENCE N 79025'04" E A DISTANCE OF 94.53 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTH EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. A CENTRAL ANGEL OF 70029'30" AN ARC LENGTH OF 61.52 FT. TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 100 FT. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 60°50'57" AN ARC LENGTH OF 106.20 FT.; THENCE N 69046'31" E A DISTANCE OF 140.17 FT.; THENCE N 23*2624" E A DISTANCE OF 91.81 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 42.677 ACRES (MORE OR LESS) Q `w — w APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT41 GATE EXHIBITyi_. 2' .''�' r'r£ CIVIL OF A CASE NO. 64/6 abed `•NdLI:ZI 86-9-�00 !E8Z9 99S 09L !ANVdN00 MOHOS3 3IXIO :A9 ;ue5 0 0 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 98-269 ,4. . 41 w a1' 1`i A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CoNpAENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 15772 AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 79 OF PARCEL MAPS, PAGES 58 & 59, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA.; THENCE N 89031'01" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 819.52 FT. TO A POINT ON SAID NORTH LINE AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RETURNING S 9903101" W A DISTANCE OF 819,52 FT. TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2; THENCE S 00016'34" E ON THE WEST LINE OF PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 821.06 FT_; THENCE S 89032'28" W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF LOT 2 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AS SHOWN ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 690.44 FT.; THENCE S 00012'01" E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF LOT 2 A DISTANCE OF 1325.24 FT.; THENCE N 89033'54" E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER A DISTANCE. OF 692.20 FT. TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE N 30051'28" E A DISTANCE OF 146.49 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 200 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 38030'32" AN ARC LENGTH OF 134.42 FT.;-nFESSI. APPROVED BY PLANNING A DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SY ':�,'J6 _ DATE A" I' gs EXHIBIT 2 3 A - CASE ND. ;1. /o q o. C•24 CIVIL 'rF OF C AVNI 6 UO l a6Ed •'WdLI:ZI 86-9-;00 '•£8Z9 89S 09L '•ANVdA00 M08OS3 3IXIO :A8 �UaS • 0 PARCEL 2 Page 2 THENCE N 69022'00" E A DISTANCE OF 257.67 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST WHOSE RADIUS IS 100 I''T. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75°51'38" AN ARC LENGTH OF 132.40 FT.; THENCE N 06029'38" W A DISTANCE OF 652.79 FT.; THENCE N 15019'06" W A DISTANCE OF 626.41 FT, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 59037-06" AN ARC LENGTH OF 52.03 FC.; THENCE N 44058-25" E A DISTANCE OF 230.38 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTH EASTERLY .ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34026'39" AN ARC LENGTH OF 30.06 FT.; THENCE N 79025'04" E A DISTANCE OF 94.53 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 70029'30" AN ARC LENGTH OF 61.52 FT. TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVE; THENCE NORTIERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 100 FT. A CENTRAL. ANGLE OF 60050'57" AN ARC LENGTH OF 106.20 FT_;.....� 4QlpFESSb APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY 4_56 DATE . 'I -I'll EXHIBIT i4 J� � 4 '� 5 CASE NO, �A' a$-aloq 6l/ll abed `•WdBI-ZI 86 9 ��0 `£8Z9 89S 09L '•ANVdW00 M083S3 3IXIO :AS SUBS PARCEL 2 Page 3 THENCE N 6904631" E A DISTANCE OF 140.17 FT.; THENCE N 23-2624" E A DISTANCE OF 9 1. 81 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 40.21 ACRES (MORE OR LESS) APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY DATE at "JL 1$ IN PsLs EXHIBIT 8 CASE NO. � 6L/Zl a6ed '•Wd@I:ZI 86-9-�00 •`E8Z9 89S 09L !ANddW00 M083S3 3IXIO :A8 �U8S FILE COPY 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 — (760) 777-7000 FAX (750) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 September 8, 1998 Ms. Cheryl Ward Morgan Ward Realty 48800 San Pedro Street La Quinta, Calif. 92253 SUBJECT: Approval of Lot Line Adjustment 98-269 Dear Ms. Ward, Your request, on behalf of Ash, Danko, Hanna & Co. for the revised Lot Line Adjustment 98-269 has been approved. Please prepare the necessary notarized Grant Deeds and have the Grant Deed and exhibits for this adjustment recorded with the County Recorder and give us a copy of the recorded documents for our files. Until the recorded copy is received, our Lot Line Adjustment file is not complete. Attached is the original of approved Exhibits "A" and "B", and a letter addressed to the County Recorder for you to present to them indicating our approval of this lot line adjustment. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7064. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner sbs Attachment c: Susan Francis, La Quinta Arts Foundation Ash, Danko, Hanna, & Co. Father Jack Barker, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Itr app Ila 98-269 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 15o4 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • • / I 9 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 September 8, 1998 County Recorder County of Riverside Post Office Box 751 Riverside, Calif. 92502 SUBJECT: Recording of Lot Line Adjustment 98-269 Dear Sirs: The City of La Quinta has approved the above noted Lot Line Adjustment. Please allow its recording as presented by Ash, Danko, Hanna, & Co. or their representative. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7064. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner sbs c:Altr rec 119 98-269 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 98-269 GRAPHIC SCALE 500 0 250 500 1000 2000 a 4y o z Lu 4 O LLJ LLJ C3 oi6 I Iz I Z Z J CL.. >- •c am � C) 11J -.0V(w\�J 0 CC CL.. IN FFXT 1 inch = 500 M T.P.O.B. r \. P.O.B. _ N 89'31 '01 " E 1272. 71 ' `. 819.52' 453. 19'--1 6 L6 v L G f C4 m 3 O Gh r APN: 617-070-023 b I PARCEL 1 o 42.677 cc. 2 Q, After Adj. lT, N N 89'32'28" E O1 69_ l� j • r �i i%ivi � 0.44' o _ � PROPOSED PARCEL I 2 m LOT LINE _ EXISTING LOT LINES :t 40.21 Ac. N after adj. — � N �Ati 0 � N N �p V Vj m I� i" I W W 0 1,58,10" 14655.00' 503.74' APN: 617— 070— 025 o '? 67'>'0 I �I 3 (,0��26 N ICI Cr, ko oI � io Q � Z co N 692.20' 33'54" E an IIC/ TA DAM11C r rAlr_ru C 1 38'30'32- 200' 1 134. 42' C2 75'51'3 100' 132.40' Cj 59'37'0 50' 52.03' C4 342639' 50' 30.06' C5 50'—Tl-.327 C6 60'S0'57" 100' 106.20' Applicant: ASH, DANKO, HANNA & CO. A General Partnership 1363 Morago Dr. Los Angeles, Co. 90049 (310) 4 72 —1802 1252.32_ 1944.52' LINE TABLE NO. BEARING DISTANCE L 1 N 30'51'28" E 146.49' L2 N 69'22'00" E 257.67' L3 S 44'5825 W 230.38' L N 79'25'04 E L5 N 69'4631 E 140.17' L6 N 23' 6'24 91.8 1 ' L 7 N 01 '3837" E 395.53' Z 0 r� V ZZ tX �+ ) POR. SW 114, SEC. 30, T. 5 S, R. 7 E, S.B.M. En inq_ eer _ JAMES D. FEIRO, CE—LS P. 0. Box 12980 Palm Desert, Co. 92255 (760) 346-8015 • LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 98-269 10,614:110DIV PARCEL-1 A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NW CORNER OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 15772 AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 79 OF PARCEL MAPS, PAGES 58 AND 59, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA.; THENCE N 8903l'O1" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 819.52 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING N 8903l'OI" E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 453.19 FT. TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2; THENCE S 01038'37" W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 395.53 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE ; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 14655 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01058'10" AN ARC LENGTH OF 503.74 FT.; THENCE S 00019'33" E ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 1248.75 FT.; THENCE S 89033'54" W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE S 1/2 OF THE S 1/2 OF LOT 1 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AS SHOWN ON OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 1252.32 FT.; THENCE N 30051'28" E A DISTANCE OF 146.49 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 200 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 38030'32" AN ARC LENGTH OF 134.42 FT.; THENCE N 69022'00" E A DISTANCE OF 257.67 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; , APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT QSpF E S S/p4 �4 By SGVtJV�rn DATE �� n EXHIBIT Exp. 12/3 CASE NO. LLB �$'� CIVIL Q 0 9 PARCEL I Page 2 THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST WHOSE RADIUS IS 100 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75051'38" AN ARC LENGTH OF 132.40 FT.; THENCE N 0602938" W A DISTANCE OF 652.79 FT.; THENCE N 15019'06" W A DISTANCE OF 626.41 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 59037'06" AN ARC LENGTH OF 52.03 FT.; THENCE N 44058'25" E A DISTANCE OF 230.38 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34026'39' AN ARC LENGTH OF 30.06 FT.; THENCE N 79025'04" E A DISTANCE OF 94.53 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, - THENCE NORTH EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. A CENTRAL ANGEL OF 70029'30" AN ARC LENGTH OF 61.52 FT. TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 100 FT. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 60050'57" AN ARC LENGTH OF 106.20 FT.; THENCE N 69046'31" E A DISTANCE OF 140.17 FT.; THENCE N 23026'24" E A DISTANCE OF 91.81 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 42.677 ACRES (MORE OR LESS) 44kgQ�5 D. APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT , 2 �2% E!od� DATE �'`�"�$ o. _.41 b a EXHIBIT « P, 2 .�-� S �gv)�t/Ot CASE NO. `'�- • • LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 98-269 10,614:11,01 A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 15772 AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 79 OF PARCEL MAPS, PAGES 58 & 59, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA.; THENCE N 8903l'OI" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 819.52 FT. TO A POINT ON SAID NORTH LINE AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RETURNING S 89031OV W A DISTANCE OF 819.52 FT. TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2; THENCE S 00016'34" E ON THE WEST LINE OF PARCEL 2 A DISTANCE OF 821.06 FT.; THENCE S 89032'28" W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF LOT 2 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AS SHOWN ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 690.44 FT.; THENCE S 00012'01" E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF LOT 2 A DISTANCE OF 1325.24 FT.; THENCE N 89033'54" E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 692.20 FT. TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE N 30051'28" E A DISTANCE OF 146.49 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 200 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 38030'32" AN ARC LENGTH OF 134.42 FT.; �¢#3¢1. FSSfo�� APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ti D. BY DATE a...�. o. C. 41 m 35 EXHIBIT �1 11 �p(p.12/31/01 Q CASE NO. _ 1.1A "SS' dLlvCl �`�ql CIVIL �.`\ OF • • PARCEL 2 Page 2 THENCE N 69022'00" E A DISTANCE OF 257.67 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST WHOSE RADIUS IS 100 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75051'38" AN ARC LENGTH OF 132.40 FT.; THENCE N 06029'38" W A DISTANCE OF 652.79 FT.; THENCE N 15019'06" W A DISTANCE OF 626.41 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5903706" AN ARC LENGTH OF 52.03 FT.; THENCE N 44058'25" E A DISTANCE OF 23 0.3 8 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTH EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34026'39" AN ARC LENGTH OF 30.06 FT.; THENCE N 79025'04" E A DISTANCE OF 94.53 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST WHOSE RADIUS IS 50 FT. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 70029'30" AN ARC LENGTH OF 61.52 FT. TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST WHOSE RADIUS IS 100 FT. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 60050'57" AN ARC LENGTH OF 106.20 FT.; APPROVED BY PLANNING DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY ®- DATE 1 6 EXHIBIT P, 0K. Mr131 CASE NO. �� �l$-��Oq �OF PARCEL 2 Page 3 THENCE N 69046'31" E A DISTANCE OF 140.17 FT.; THENCE N 23026'24" E A DISTANCE OF 91.81 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 40.21 ACRES (MORE OR LESS) Of E S S/p� S D. F q� rt O o. C-. Al 6 � �. lZaUo, CIVIL F �F CA APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 8Y 2G T^ GATE �1 •$ "r 55 EXHIBIT 8 CASE NO. SEP-08-98 10 : 4� PM L4 7r-0 _4 6884 P _ 111 s 199B QUINT September 4, I998 Mr. Jerry Herman Community Development Director FOUNDATIC City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 RE: LLA 98-269 Dear Mr. Herman: The purpose of this letter is to confirm that La Quinta Arts Foundation agrees to provide up to 30' wide undeveloped access to the parcel of land on the west side of the parcel we will be acquiring, if requested by the City. We will determine the exact location of this access as we solidify our development plans. On behalf of La Quinta Arts Foundation, I thank you for your kind attention to this matter. LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION '-� le'� ; 'ee-� Susan Francis Executive Director POST OFFICE SOX 777 09-08-98 08:44 LA QUINTA, CA 92:53 760 564 1244 FAX 760 564 69 RECEIVED FROM:760 564 6884 P.01 14 C7 T-i'4t aF 4Q" MEMORANDUM TO: Christine di lorio, Planning Man ger FROM: Steve Speer, Senior Engin DATE: August 20, 1998 RE: LLA 98-269 The attached exhibits (A & B) are correct and acceptable for recording. There is another issue, however, that needs to be addressed besides the technical correctness of the legal descriptions. This lot line adjustment leaves three (3) separate areas in Parcel 2 that are developable, but have no legal access to them from Washington Street (see attached mark-up with highlighted areas that are potentially developable). The applicant needs to prepare and submit an access easement suitable for recording over Parcel 1 that provides access to the thr areas. Or record an access quitclaim on Parcel 2 relinquishing their rights to access th evelopable areas via routes that are considered mountainous by the La Quinta Municipa ode. F:\PWDEP-RSTAFFkSPEERkMEMOS\980820b.ss EXHIBIT"B, LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. GRAPHIC SCALE 500 LINE TABLE NO. BEARING 250 500 1000 2000 ( IN FEET ) i inch = 500 M T P.O.B. P.O.B. _ N 89'31 '01 " E 1272. 71 ' DISTANCE 8 19.51' 453.19 L19 L 1 N 30'51 '28" E 146.49' L2 N 69'22'00" E 120.5 1' L3 N 28'20'06 W 245.42' L4 N 20'33'56"E 76.14' L5 N 4739'51 "W 147, 09' L6 N 6739' 13"E 30.90, L7 N 24'56'13" E 85.79' L8 N 63'5526 E 42.2 1' L N 70' 12'3 W ' LIO N 52'2,T 43 E 57.64' L 11 N 35'46' 19 W 146.65' L 12 N 5733' 10 E 61.53' L 13 N 15' 19'05"W 42.54' L 14 N 40'20'23 W 1 18.63' L 15 N IV11'16 W 172.51' N 44'S8725 E 279.24' L 1 N 79'25'04 E 94. 3' L 1 N 69'43'33 E 139.57' L 19 N 23'2624 E 92. 1 1' L20 N 01'38'3 E 395.53' CURVE TABLE Nn nFl TA PAnil S 1 v I W W 01 '58' 10' 14655.00 503.72' Z 0 3 N 9,oN L 4 C4 f~f^^ Z c, L69LO2.' _ _ — 1252.32' — — N 89'33'54" E 1944.57 ATE s s1�1 kti W 34.42 LENGTH CURVE TABLErQ Li. F ,A 51.16' NO. DELFA RADIUS NGTH <u� 1 C16 Ll G o G1 3 APN: 677-070-02 PARCEL 1 o L 15 47.70 Ac. 2 After Adj. N 89'32'28" E C 14 L 14 L12 L13 690.44' .1 "1 C13 C12 . •PROPOSED PARCEL 2 L9 LOT LINE L8 8 C9 C11 L C10 L10 v EXISTING C7 LOT LINES 6 APN: 617-070-025 N35.19 Ac. after adj. s 1 38'30'32" 200' C2 97'42'06 30' CJ 48'54'02 100' 85.35' C4 26'31 '03 100' 46.28' C5 41'42'44 25' 18.20' C6 115' 19'04 50' 100. 63, C7 42'43'01 25' 7 8.64' C8 38'59' 13 50' 34.02' C9 45'5 1'S 50, 40.03' C 10 57*2239 50' 50.07' C 11 88111 103" 25' 38.48' C 12 20'53'43" 117.8.3' 42.97' Applicant: ASH, DANKO, HANNA & CO A General Partnership 1363 Moraga Dr. Los Angeles, Co. 90049 (310) 472-1802 C1j1 1 14' 13' 13" 35' 69.77' C 14 29'09'06" 50' 25.44' Es C 15 56'09'41 " 50, 49. 01 ' C 16 34'2639 50' 30.06, C 17 70'29'30" 50' 61.52' C 18 60'48'00" 100' 106. 12' Engineer: uJ No. C-24176 x ?. 12/31101 `r�qJ CIVIL FOF 0j\ POR. SW 114, SEC. 30, T. 5 S, R. 7 E, S. B. M. DAMES D. FEIRO, CE—LS P. 0. Box 12980 Palm Desert, Ca. 92255 (760) 346-8015 Approved By: Date: MEMORANDUM TO: Christine Di Iorio, Planning Manager FROM: Marcus Fuller, Assistant Engine r I VIA: Steve Speer, Senior Engine DATE: August 19, 1998 RE: Lot Line Adjustment 98-269 (Resubmitted) I have reviewed the resubmitted layout of Lot Line Adjustment 98-269 and offer the following comments: Exhibit "A": I . Revise the length of curve for the 14,655.00 feet radius curve adjacent to Washington Street from "503.72" feet to "503.74" feet. 2. Revise the length of "Line 6" from "92.81" feet to "91.81" feet. 3. Delete the "Approved By" signature box. Exhibit "B" Parcel 1 1. Revise the length of curve for the 14,655.00 feet radius curve adjacent to Washington Street from "503.72" feet to "503.74" feet. 2. Revise the length of "Line 6" from "92.81" feet to "91.81" feet. Parcel 2 l . Add the last two line segments (Lines L5 and L6) to complete the traverse. Mapcheck: No comments. F AP W DEPT\STAFF ,FULLER\MEMOS\ 1998\980819a.wpd JAMES D. FEIRO Civil Engineer - Land Surveo P.O. Box 12980 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92255 (760) 346-8015 FAX (760) 346-2548 TO K WE ARE SENDING YOU �1 Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ IUM T[M SF TRANSMITTAL DATE JOB NO. �� w ATTENTION the following items: ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION i L C;' CITY OF LAUUINTA f 1 i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FORBIDS DUE 19 REMARKS+) UA-`l �_,kL IL a ( /' )--w L/ VI A t.`) .+1 l L ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US i` •--�'' t'1�L �-�- y"l �z,�.s--� l-� �-�.s�1 _ � LL.L.�:�.�uYu:J ram.--�,��[� �- �--�-� COPY TO SIGNED: �- If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us q on Jul-30-98 04:51P Oliphant And Williams 760 6 0160 P..02 S: UK Te:1MLFRID IrN ESQ. FULLERTM&LEMANN•SCFUEFER R D4PCK 509-888. 7129/g9 14:2kOB Page 1 of 3 If FACSIMILE COVER PACE Date: 7129198 Time: 14:24:08 Pages: 3 To: WILFRID C. LEMANN, ESQ. Company: FULLERTON-LEMANN-SCHAEFER 8 DOMINICK Fax #: 909-888-5119 From: SIMON EXECUTIVE OFFICE Title: W.WOOD, CONTROLLER Company: SIMON MOTORS, INC. Address: 78-611 Highway 111 LaQulnta, CA 92253 USA Fax #: 760-771-2630 Voice #: 760-346-2346 Message: DEAR BILL, I AM FORWARDING THE FINAL LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVED BY THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION AND FATHER BARKER. WE HAVE FORWARDED COPY TO MR. BRAYLOCK FOR FINAL DISTRIBUTION, WE ARE PROCEEDING WITH THE NECESSARY ANTICS TO GET THIS THROUGH THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. CHERYL WARD FROM MORGAN-WARD REALTY IS IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING OUR ESCROW. THE NEXT STEP IS TO SUBMIT TO CITY FOR APPROVAL UNDER THE AUSPICES OF ASH, DANKO, HANNA 8 CO. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL ME. THANK YOU, FRED SIMON Jul-30-98 04:51P Oliphant And Williams 760 836 0160 P.03 Status: OK To: WILFRID C. L , ESQ FULLERTON-LEMANNSCHAEFER 4 OWK go" 7rz9M 14:24:08 Pago 2 of 3 C00*01A Fred J. Simon. Sr. PresidenVCEO C07 0 CMVM)LLgT CADILLAC Mr. Wilfrid C. Lraaan, Esq. ttltilowten, Lsmaan, Soboefor 215 ti B*Ztb ND~ Strea "a serna ano, Ca $2401 Haar dill: 4z) # rN OLOSUMLE 8utcx PONT04-amc July 10, 1996 i Dominic to your absee0e, i have had ae *ral oenversatiaw with V&Umr darker, WM heal notate Agent, repreaestatives of the La gainta Arts lbuadation and Dennis Danke. I think, at this point, it beboew" Ms to go back to the original Zscrow, Mtich all Madbars of the Ab ha►ily have signed. ?leis was the original agreeraat betere it was reviawd by vogeeat of the i s gaints Arts rooedation for s additional some to accommodate an awpUthestwr for then. tr eoaversatioea with representatives fram the yAs, 9"ata bgea NOnndation and ratbwr iarker have indicated that tbay wgald be willing to go back to the erigimal dsarow before the Modifications ware Made. This would pat us in the position of having a domment signed by all parties and all aa■bers of the Ash 1111maily with whieh we 4os14 psecaed to aloes at the aZ original acres. At this point, all we need to do to aecospliab this is to withdraw the lope ahaage, wbiob was admitted, end go with the origi>Aa1 1lacrow. This samIas to satislf everyone, gives us what we want so Mr can move forward. I hope rou agree so we can procand on this basis. vwsy truly Tours, $na)M IOTORI, me. J. i�i�_ Sidon/C30 cc: rather Jock fa�rker, at. is o! Assisi Catholte Church Mr. Mchard Valentin, tern gainte Arts Foundation )ft. C'hWyl Wavd 7"11 HIe ~Y 111 • LA Ovr4TA, 0AUVCMNiA 92253 • (7M) 346-2345 • 1FAX (760) 771-2030 0 • _1 z440( 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (760) 777-7000 ii 01 THE FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 March 30, 1998 James D. Feiro P O Box 12980 Palm Desert, California 92255 Dear Mr. Feiro: Your request for Lot Line Adjustment 98-269 is approved. Please have the enclosed Legal Description and adjustment plat (Exhibit A & B) recorded with the County Recorder. The Grant Deed shall accompany the preceding documents. Please submit a copy of the recorded documents to the Community Development Department. This will complete the application process. It should be noted, however, the original intent of this lot line adjustment (but not a requirement) was to separate the developable land from undevelopable land in anticipation of future development plans for Parcel 1. For the most part this separation has been accomplished, except for one location where the toe of a ridge line encroaches into Parcel 1 (the developable lot). The encroachment into Parcel 1 occurs on the boundary line segment designated as L16 on the plat. The triangular "footprint" of the hillside encroachment into the developable parcel is approximately 25 feet at the encroachment apex and is approximately 45 feet wide along its base (ie the boundary line). Any future development on Parcel 1 will need to avoid the encroaching ridge, however, the encroachment is not a reason for denying the lot line adjustment as proposed. The documents for this lot line adjustment are technically correct and are suitable for approval and recording. Attached is a letter addressed to the County Recorder indicating our approval of this lot line adjustment. Sincerely, CHRISTINE DI IORIO Planning Manager CD:cw P:\CMSTI\Feiro letter 3-30.wpd ` 1 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 •- 0 LLF Z14 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 March 30, 1998 County Recorder County of Riverside Post Office Box 751. Riverside, California 92502 SUBJECT: Recording of Lot Line Adjustment 98-269 Dear Sir: The City of La Quinta has approved the above noted Lot Line Adjustment. Please allow its recording as presented by Mr. James Feiro or his representative. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7071. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CHRISTINE DI IORIO Planning Manager CD:cw MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 0 0 T-itit 4 a" MEMORANDUM TO: Christine di lorio, Planning Man ger FROM: Steve Speer, Senior Engine DATE: March 25, 1998 RE: Future Arts Foundation Property Lot Line Adjustment Engineering staff has reviewed the plats and legal descriptions for the subject lot line adjustment and find them technical correct and fit for approval and recording. Hillside Conservation Note It should be noted, however, the original intent of this lot line adjustment (but not a requirement) was to separate the developable land from undevelopable land in anticipation of future development plans for Parcel 1. For the most part this separation has been accomplished, except for one location where the toe of a ridge line encroaches into Parcel 1 (the developable lot). The encroachment into Parcel 1 occurs on the boundary line segment designated as L16 on the plat. The triangular "footprint" of the hillside encroachment into the developable parcel is approximately 25 feet at the encroachment apex and is approximately 45 feet wide along its base (ie the boundary line). Any future development on Parcel 1 will need to avoid the encroaching ridge, however, the encroachment is not a reason for denying the lot line adjustment as proposed. The documents for this lot line adjustment are technically correct and are suitable for approval and recording. F:\PWDEPT\STAFFkSPEERkMEMOS\980325c.ss RAERT & HELEN READ 48-241 Calle Floristas • La Quinta, CA 92253 March 28, 1998 Mr. Jerry Herman, Director CITY OF LA QUINTA Community Development Department Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253-1504 Dear Mr. Herman: It has come to my attention that the has acquired the land adjacent to St. and the Laguna De La Paz residential Street. The Foundation has announced a permanent home for the arts on this La Quinta Arts Foundation Francis of Assisi Church community on Washington its plan for its version of land. This land was zoned for residential purposes at the time I purchased my home, which abuts the property, in 1991. I strongly object to changing the zoning of the land for any use other than residential purposes. As you are certainly aware, there is ample land in other sections of the City which can be used for the Arts Foundation and such use would not encroach upon a resident's enjoyment of his property. The donor of this property was undoubtedly fully aware of the residential use at the time of its purchase, and no change in its use should be permitted at this time. Please keep me informed of applications, petitions or requests of any kind for action by City officials to change the use of the property from residential, so that I may taken the necessary action to oppose any such change. Sincerely, �6" 6: � ROBERT M. READY 70dlcls e 1 LA QUINTA AERIALS, WASHINGTON ST. Project: 70D-001 Fri Mar 20 08:49:21 1 998 Lot Area Listing ---------------------------------------------------------------- Lot name: par.l Perimeter: 6932.61 Area: 2,077,790 sq.ft. 47.70 acres Lot name: par.2 Perimeter: 7427.53 Area: 1,532,883 sq.ft. 35.19 acres ge 1 LA QUINTA AERIALS, WASHINGTON ST. IN Project: 70D-001 Fri Mar 20 08:51:46 1 998 Lot Map Check -------------------------------------------------------- Lot name: Line Length: 146.49 Curve Length: 134.42 Line Length: 120.51 Curve Length: 51.16 Line Length: 245.42 Curve Length: 85.35 Line Length: 16.14 Curve Length: 46.28 Curve Length: 18.20 Line Length: 147.09 Curve Length: 100.63 Line Length: 30.90 Course: N 30-51-28 E Radius: 200.00 Delta: 38-30-32 Course: N 69-22-00 E Radius: 30.00 Delta:-97-42-06 Course: N 28-20-06 W Radius: 100.00 Delta: 48-54-02 Course: N 20-33-56 E Radius: 100.00 Delta:-26-31-03 Radius: 25.00 Delta:-41-42-44 Course: N 47-39-51 W Radius: 50.00 Delta: 115-1 - Course: N 67-39-13 E 1 R T-ESS1D�,� 4,, �� D. w No. C-24176 � Page 1 EXP.12131l01 ,q CIVIL l�OP CN ki 70dlcls 0 Curve Length: 18.64 Radius: 25.00 Delta:-42-43-01 Line Length: 85.79 Course: N 24-56-13 E Curve Length: 34.02 Radius: 50.00 Delta: 38-59-13 Line Length: 42.21 Course: N 63-55-26 E Curve Length: 40.03 Radius: 50.00 Delta: 45-51-57 Line Length: 37.42 Course: S 70-12-37 E Curve Length: 50.07 Radius: 50.00 Delta:-57-22-39 Line Length: 57.64 Course: N 52-24-43 E Curve Length: 38.48 Radius: 25.00 Delta:-88-11-03 Line Length: 146.65 Course: N 35-46-19 W Curve Length: 42.97 Radius: 117.83 Delta:-20-53-43 Curve Length: 69.77 Radius: 35.00 Delta: 114-13-13 Line Length: 61.53 Course: N 57-33-10 E Line Length: 42.54 Course: N 15-19-06 W Line Length: 118.63 Course: N 40-20-23 W Curve Length: 25.44 Radius: 50.00 Delta: 29-09-06 Line Length: 172.51 Course: N 11-11-16 W Curve Length: 49.01 Radius: 50.00 Delta: 56-09-41 Line Length: 279.24 Course: N 44-58-25 E Curve Length: 30.06 Radius: 50.00 Delta: 34-26-39 Line Length: 94.53 Course: N 79-25-04 E Curve Length: 61.52 Radius: 50.00 Delta:-70-29-30 Curve Length: 106.12 Radius: 100.00 Delta: 60-48-00 Line Length: 139.57 Course: N 69-43-33 E Line Length: 92.11 Course: N 23-26-24 E Line Length: 453.19 Course: N 89-31-01 E Line Length: 395.53 Course: S 01-38-37 W Curve Length: 503.72 Radius: 14655.00 Delta:-1-58-10 Line Length: 1248.75 Course: S 00-19-33 E Line Length: 1252.32 Course: S 89-33-54 W Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0052 Course: N 29-12-16 W Error North:-0.00450 East: 0.00252 Precision 1: 1,344,934.97 ge 2 Project: 70D-001 998 Lot name: 4wompow.1 LA QUINTA AERIALS, WASHINGTON ST. Page 2 ME Fri Mar 20 08:51:46 1 Q�OFESv/®�� D. o, ;Q ON i'' No. C-24176 M �- EXP.12/31/01 `p� CIVIL ��\q grFOF CALF© 70d1cls • 40 Line Length: 92.11 Course: S 23-26-24 W Line Length: 139.57 Course: S 69-43-33 W Curve Length: 106.12 Radius: 100.00 Delta:-60-48-00 Curve Length: 61.52 Radius: 50.00 Delta: 70-29-30 Line Length: 94.53 Course: S 79-25-04 W Curve Length: 30.06 Radius: 50.00 Delta:-34-26-39 Line Length: 279.24 Course: S 44-58-25 W Curve Length: 49.01 Radius: 50.00 Delta:-56-09-41 Line Length: 172.51 Course: S 11-11-16 E Curve Length: 25.44 Radius: 50.00 Delta:-29-09-06 Line Length: 118.63 Course: S 40-20-23 E Line Length: 42.54 Course: S 15-19-06 E Line Length: 61.53 Course: S 57-33-10 W Curve Length: 69.77 Radius: 35.00 Delta:-114-13-13 Curve Length: 42.97 Radius: 117.83 Delta: 20-53-43 Line Length: 146.65 Course: S 35-46-19 E Curve Length: 38.48 Radius: 25.00 Delta: 88-11-03 Line Length: 57.64 Course: S 52-24-43 W Curve Length: 50.07 Radius: 50.00 Delta: 57-22-39 Line Length: 37.42 Course: N 70-12-37 W Curve Length: 40.03 Radius: 50.00 Delta:-45-51-57 Line Length: 42.21 Course: S 63-55-26 W Curve Length: 34.02 Radius: 50.00 Delta:-38-59-13 Line Length: 85.79 Course: S 24-56-13 W Curve Length: 18.64 Radius: 25.00 Delta: 42-43-01 Line Length: 30.90 Course: S 67-39-13 W Curve Length: 100.63 Radius: 50.00 Delta:-115-19-04 Line Length: 147.09 Course: S 47-39-51 E Curve Length: 18.20 Radius: 25.00 Delta: 41-42-44 Curve Length: 46.28 Radius: 100.00 Delta: 26-31-03 Line Length: 16.14 Course: S 20-33-56 W Curve Length: 85.35 Radius: 100.00 Delta:-48-54-02 Line Length: 245.42 Course: S 28-20-06 E Curve Length: 51.16 Radius: 30.00 Delta: 97-42-06 Line Length: 120.51 Course: S 69-22-00 W Curve Length: 134.42 Radius: 200.00 Delta:-38-30-32 Line Length: 146.49 Course: S 30-51-28 W Line Length: 692.20 Course: S 89-33-54 W Line Length: 1325.24 Course: N 00-12-01 W Line Length: 690.44 Course: N 89-32-28 E Line Length: 821.06 Course: N 00-16-34 W Line Length: 819.51 Course: N 89-31-01 E Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0089 Course: S 55-41-37 W Error North: 0.00500 East: 0.00733 Precision 1: 837,350.42 D. o Q rs LU No. C-24176 Page 3 EXP. 12/31101kp � '" ClVIL k City of La Quintet DATE: FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ry C itv Manager -Public Works Department /Building & Safety Parks & Recreation ,_-�ire Marshal —Chamber of Commerce Imperial Irrigation Distract Southern California Gas Desert Sands School District CV Unified School District Waste Management _US Postal Service _General Telephone _Continental Cablevision ✓Sunline Transit _Caltrans (Distract II) _Agricultural Commission _CV Archaeological Society_ BIA - Desert Council _City of Indio/Indian Wells CV Recreation & Parks April 7, 1998 ---P--nncipal Planner - Current Principal Planner - Advan Associate Planner - Curr._/Advan. �Ptannmg Manager —Community Development Director C.V.W.D. /Fish & Game Riverside County: �enff's Department Planning Department Environmental Health LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): The La Quinta Art Center/La Quinta Arts Foundation PROJECT DESCRIPTION: See attached letter - The purpose of the meeti nq i G tn r= nvirjA a preliminary review and provide the applicant with direction. The applicant wi11 hP present. PROJECT LOCATION: Washinaton Street - south of St. Francis of Assisi The City of La Quinta Development Review Committee is conducting an initial environmental study pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the above referenced project(s). Attached is the information submitted by the project proponent. Your comments are requested with respect to: Physical impacts the project presents on public resources, facilities, and/or services. 2. Recommended conditions: a) that your or your agency believe would mitigate any potential adverse effects; b) or should apply to the project design; c) or improvements to satisfy other regulations and concerns which your agency is responsible; and 3. If you find that the identified impacts will have significant adverse effects on the environment which cannot be avoided through conditions, please recommend the scope and focus of additional study(ies) which may be helpful. Please send your response by 4-19-98 You are invited to attend the DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE meeting at La Quinta City Hall: 4 b Date: 4-20-98 Contact Person: STAN SAWA Comments made by: "MC MAS G.Gh Time: 2.00 p.m. Ck&rted. -to X O &H Title: principal P1 annar Title: Date: Phone: Agency/Division: