2010 10 12 PC MinutesMINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quints City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quints, CA October 12, 2010 I. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. A. A regular meeting of the La Quints Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Alderson. PRESENT: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Wilkinson, and Chairman Alderson. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager/Development Services Doug Evans, Planning Director Les Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Economic Development Project Manager Deborah Powell, Assistant Planner Eric Ceja, and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRI~IIATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: There being no comments, or suggestions, it was moved by Commissioners Wilkinson/Barrows to approve the minutes of April 27, 2010 as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Wilkinson, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN: None V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Site Development Permit 2010-915; a request by Tony Kraatz, Ken Garff Automotive Group for consideration of renovation and expansion of an existing vacant automotive dealership site located at the southwest corner of Highway 1 1 1 and La Quints Drive. Planning Commission Minutes October 12, 2010 Commissioner Wilkinson recused himself due to a business relationship with the applicant. Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Quill asked if the perimeter of the property was all turf and was it to remain. Staff explained where the turf was and the applicant's plan for landscaping the area. Staff further explained the City's current landscaping plan for Highway 1 1 1 and the auto dealers. Commissioner Quill asked if the Garff dealership would be adding turf and staff responded they would actually be removing turf. It would be more desertscape than what currently exists. Chairman Alderson commented on the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee's (ALRC) recommendation on the removal of turf in lieu of concrete and included comments on the inclusion of desert landscape planters and the removal of all of the green growth. Chairman Alderson asked about the blue accent not being part of the specific plan and why the applicant was able to modify it. Staff responded it was a matter of consistency with the specific plan for this particular development and explained the types of changes that would be made. General discussion followed on consistency with the nearby Mazda dealership and the expiration of its current entitlement. Chiairman Alderson pointed out the complexity of the traffic flow on the site and asked if the applicant would be submitting a sign program which would assist potential, and current customers. Stuff responded they were working with the applicant on an entire sign package which would include wayfinding directional signage for those entering the facility. Commissioner Barrows asked for clarification on an item in the staff report which stated, at a future point, the landscaping would be evaluated, the existing perimeter landscaping was being reviewed by -2- Planning Commission Minutes October 12, 2010 the City, and when the project comes back a more detailed landscape plan would be submitted at the time of building improvements. Staff said there were two items; 1) the infill of the pockets of landscape around the Cadillac dealership and the north facing wall in front of the service; which would be addressed in conjunction with the building permit, as a final landscaping matter, and 2) the landscaping along Highway 1 1 1. Staff explained the process of determination and that it would actually involve two other dealerships besides Garff Motors. Staff further explained they were addressing a multitude of items, including signage and vehicle display for all three dealership frontages at once. They would then work specifically with Garff Motors with regards to their other two frontages and go into a more drought-tolerant design for those areas. Commissioner Barrows questioned the wisdom of removing turf areas and replacing them with concrete. Staff responded they made that recommendation to the ALRC based on their site visits. Staff further explained the layout and reasoning for the decision. Commissioner Quill asked staff if the Simon Motors building would be lent vacant. Staff said yes. Commissioner Quill asked if the City intended for that site to become another dealership or could it be utilized for some other use. Staff said it was unknown at this time. There being no further questions of the staff, Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant would like to speak. Mr. Michael Hastings, Direct Point Advisors, 61 1 South Orchard Drive, Burbank, CA (representing Garff) introduced himself said he had his client, Mr. Garff with him, as well as the building crew and the architect, Walt Wagner. He said they were all there to answer any of thc; Commissioners' questions. Commissioner Barrows encouraged the applicant to update the landscaping as it was now kind of tired looking. Chairman Alderson asked about loudspeaker systems announcements -3- Planning Commission Minutes October 12, 2010 and the potential of disturbing nearby residences. Mr. Hastings replied they only had an internal paging system and no outside loudspeakers. The internal paging system would be completely enclosed within the structure. There being no further questions of staff, or comments from the applicant, Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment. There being none, Chairman Alderson opened the matter for Commission discussion and closed the public hearing. Commissioner Quill was concerned about the turf removal and did not want to leave it as a voluntary decision for the applicant. He commented on what could happen if this matter was left as voluntary. Staff responded the applicant was committed to the turf removal and desertscape, but if it was the Commission's wish, they could add a condition to identify adrought-tolerant landscaping approach. General discussion followed on landscaping; not only for Garff, but the City's plans for landscaping the two other dealerships as well. Cammissioner Barrows referred to condition of approval no. 66 but suggested an additional condition be added to address Commissioner Quill's concerns about the drought-tolerant landscaping. Chiairman Alderson asked if there would be adequate parking with the addition of two more buildings. Staff responded a parking anlysis was done and they were still overparked. General discussion followed regarding the size of the new site versus the old. Commissioner Barrows asked if they would be marketing electric vehicles and have aplug-in station at this facility. Chiairman Alderson re-opened the public hearing to allow the applicant's representative to respond. Mr. Hastings said yes, the sales of electric vehicles would be coming and they would have aplug-in station. He also added that they had -4- Planning Commission Minutes October 12, 201 G no problems with the addition of the drought-tolerant landscaping condition. Chairman Alderson then closed the public hearing. There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Barrows to adopt Resolution 2010- 020 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2010-915 as staff conditioned, including the recommendations of ALRC, as well as amending condition no. 54 to read as follows: Tl;re applicant shall modify the landscape along the project perimeter; Auto Centre Drive and La Quinta Drive. The modified landscape perimeters shall remove as much turf as is feasible and convert those areas to a desert landscape design to be approved by the Planning Director. The modifications to the perimeter areas shall coincide with the approved landscape improvements along Highway 111. A1(ES: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Weber and Wilkinson ABSTAIN: None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: Commissioner Wilkinson re-joined the meeting. A. Project Area No. 2 Amendment, a request by City of La Quinta - Redevelopment Agency for consideration of a report and recommendation on the adoption of the proposed Fifth Amendment to thE: Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2, located generally east of Washington Street between Hidden River Road and Mountain View Road. Economic Development Project Manager Deborah Powell presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Ms. Powell also referred to a memo, given to the Commission, which addressed a correction on Page 14, Section (612) G3; stating there was an incorrect number of dwelling units. The number should be 5,'35. A copy of the memo is on file in the Planning Department. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. There being no other Commissioner questions, Chairman Alderson -5- Planning Commission Minutes October 12, 2010 asked if the combined numbers for both of these units, added to what was already in existence, would take the City to a little over 1,507 units overall. Ms. Powell responded that was correct. There being no further questions of the staff, and the City being the applicant Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment. There being none, Chairman Alderson opened the matter for Commission discussion and closed the public hearing. There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows/Quill to adopt Resolution 2010- 021 recommending approval of the report and recommendation on the adoption of the Proposed Fifth Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 Amendment as submitted and including the correction, as identified by staff in Section G3. AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Wilkinson, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN: None VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Report on City Council Meeting of October 5, 2010, presented by Commissioner Quill. B. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Weber was scheduled to report back on the October 19, 2010, Council meeting. C. Commissioner Quill brought up the subject of the lack of sidewalks on Highway 111 and mentioned he meant to draft a letter which he hoped the Commissioners would all sign. Staff added the subject would be discussed at the November 9, 2010, Joint Meeting. However, if the Commissioners wished to discuss it at length it would have to be placed on the agenda of a future meeting. General discussion followed regarding which area was affected, what could be done to improve the situation, and the fact that the Council had stated it would be discussed at the Joint Meeting. -6- Planning Commission Minutes October 12, 2010 IX: DIRECTOR ITEMS: A. Director commented on the suggestions, submitted by the Commissioners, for the Joint Council Meeting scheduled for November 9, 2010. General discussion followed, with the Commissioners agreeing on the following three topics to be discussed at the Joint Meeting: • Pedestrian linkages • The Whitewater Channel Trail • Water conservation/efficient landscaping X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioners Quill/Wilkinson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting to be held on October 26, 2010. This regular meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m. on October 12, 2010. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Carolyn alker, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California -7-