2010 08 19 HPC MinutesMINUTES
A Regular meeting held in the Study Session Room
at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
August 19, 2010
This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 3:04
p.m. by Chairperson Redmon.
A. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Roll Call
Present: Commissioners Maria Puente, Allan Wilbur, Robert
Wright, and Chairperson Peggy Redmon.
Absent: Commissioner Archie Sharp
Present: Planning Manager David Sawyer, Assistant Planner
Yvonne Franco, Executive Administrative Assistant
Lori Lafond, and Secretary Monika Radeva
C. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Redmon/Wilbur to
elect Commissioner Wright as Chairperson. AYES: Commissioners
Puente, Redmon, Wilbur, and Wright. NOES: None. ABSENT:
Commissioner Sharp. ABSTAIN: None.
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wilbur/Redmon to
table the election of the Vice-Chair position until the next regularly
scheduled meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission on
September 16, 2010. AYES: Commissioners Puente, Redmon, Wilbur,
and Chairperson Wright. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
Sharp. ABSTAIN: None.
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Historic Preservation Commission
August 19, 2010
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Redmon/Wilbur to
approve the minutes of April 15, 2010, as submitted. AYES:
Commissioners Puente, Redmon, Wilbur, and Chairperson Wright.
NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Sharp. ABSTAIN: None.
A. CLG Grant Update:
Planning Manager David Sawyer said the City of La Quinta's CLG
Grant Application was not approved. He explained the State had
received 19 applications and had only 14 grants available. He noted
the majority of the grants were given to cities with actual construction
rehabilitation projects in process, while the City of La Quints had
proposed an administrative project of digitizing the Historic Resources
Survey records.
Staff said the City would apply for the CLG Grant again next year.
Chairperson Wright suggested staff should refine the CLG Grant
Application for the upcoming year in order to stand a better chance of
obtaining the grant. Planning Manager Sawyer said staff felt that the
application, as submitted, was very well put together. He said the
Planning staff would begin digitizing the records even though the City
did not receive the grant. He noted staff was looking for help with the
completion of the Context Statement which required a historic
professional with credentials which the Planning Department does not
have on staff.
Staff said there would be a discussion in the future. regarding the
possibility of submitting two separate applications for the CLG Grant
and independently targeting the curation project with one of them.
Commissioner Redmon asked what help in particular was staff looking
for with updating the Context Statement. Staff replied it needed to be
more in depth technically. Discussion followed regarding those who
contributed to the project and the scope of work it involved. Staff
noted the Context Statement was never adopted by the City Council
and it was an important component of the City's Historic Preservation
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Historic Preservation Commission
August 19, 2010
B. Tour Brochure Update
Planning Manager Sawyer said staff had met with representatives
from the La Quinta Historical Society to go over the design of the Tour
Brochure; as well as obtaining their approval for the use of historic
images of the City for the Brochure. Staff had also given them an
update on other events the Historic Preservation Commission had been
involved in.
Discussion followed regarding some ideas suggested during the
meeting. Staff noted the representatives of the La Quinta Historical
Society were very cooperative and willing to share their resources
with the City and to work together with the Commission on different
C. Recap of California Preservation Conference -Grass Valley/Nevada
City, California -May 12-15, 2010.
Planning Manager Sawyer thanked the Commissioners for sharing their
comments on the California Preservation Conference with staff.
He said the Commission has been
Conference which is scheduled to
May 15 - 18, 201 1 .
authorized to attend next year's
be held in Santa Monica, CA, on
Commissioner Puente asked if staff had received her comments and
materials she had brought back from the Conference. Staff confirmed
that they were received.
Commissioner Redmon asked if anything had been discussed regarding
the travel arrangements for next year's Conference. She suggested
the Commissioners take the train from Riverside to Santa Monica.
She said it would be more economical than having everyone drive to
Santa Monica and on the way there and back on the train the
Commissioners could discuss and share their experiences. Staff said
they would look into it and provide more information to the
Commission at a later time.
Chairperson Wright said he was really looking forward to attending the
Historic Preservation Conference in Santa Monica next year. He said
he had been on a Conference there before, a couple of years ago, and
noted there was a lot to see in that area in terms of historic
preservation. He said Santa Monica and Pasadena were the leaders in
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Historic Preservation Commission
August 19, 2010
the historic registration of properties and the Commission could learn a
lot from this Conference.
He said he found the train suggestion to be a good idea and
recommended the Commissioners car pool to the train station in
Planning Manager Sawyer said the Coachella Valley Archeological Society
had scheduled their annual potluck for Tuesday, September 7, 2010, at 6:30
p.m. at the Cathedral City Community Center. No RSVP was required if the
Commissioners chose to attend the event.
Commissioner Redmon wanted to remind her fellow Commissioners, who
had to re-take the AB 1234 Ethics Training class before October 1, 2010,
that the training was now available on-line as well, in case they were not
able to attend the classes offered at La Quinta City Hall.
Chairperson Wright asked how often the training needed to be renewed.
Planning Manager Sawyer said he thought the training had to be renewed
every two years, but he would like to verify that information and get back to
the Commissioners.
Commissioner Redmon said the New Commissioners' Handbook was stated
the training was valid for two years.
A. Discussion regarding Work Program for Fiscal Year 2010/2011.
Planning Manager Sawyer passed out a summary of the key work program
items the Commission and staff were scheduled to work on during the
current budget cycle (FY 2010 - 201 1). The list included:
- Historic Tour Brochure
- Using Curation as a separate project to the CLG Grant Application
- Historic Context Survey
- Digitization of Historic Surveys
- Historic Register
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Historic Preservation Commission
August 19, 2010
Planning Manager Sawyer said the above stated projects were very labor
intensive. He said he had asked Assistant Planner Yvonne Franco to sit in
the HPC Meetings in order to get her more involved with some of the on-
going projects. He said Associate Planner Jay Wuu would be helping with
the digitization of the Historic Survey.
He noted staff would work on the above stated work program items as their
time allowed, but would not be put in the forefront and would give way to
immediate projects and daily duties.
Staff said the last work program item, Historic Register, required a lot of
communication and help from the La Quinta Historical Society
Chairman Wright talked about the formation of the La Quinta Historical
Society and its prior Board Members which included, Councilman Stan Sniff,
Councilwoman Terry Henderson, Commissioner Maria Puente, himself, and
others. He said at the time the Historic Preservation Commission was
formed back in 1994, the Historical Society and the Historic Preservation
Commission were pretty much one and the same, and he would like to
encourage a good working relationship between the two organizations again.
He suggested inviting the Historical Society Board Members to attend the
Commission's meetings and the other way around as well. Staff said they
would look into the Board's meeting schedule and try to coordinate some
meetings between the two organizations.
Chairman Wright asked staff to find out when the monthly "Open House" at
the La Quinta Museum was scheduled for, and said that would be a great
opportunity for the Commission to take time to attend, promote the historic
preservation of the City, and get in touch with the Historical Society
Commissioner Redmon asked if there was anything that would preclude the
City from being able to go to the private sector for donations for curation
project. Staff said they would look into it.
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Historic Preservation Commission
August 19, 2010
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Redmon/Wilbur to adjourn this Meeting of the Historic
Preservation Commission to the next Meeting to be held on September
16, 2010. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was
adjourned on August 19, 2010, at 3:34 p.m. AYES: Commissioners
Puente, Redmon, Wilbur, and Chairperson Wright. NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commissioner Sharp. ABSTAIN: None.
Submitte by
Moni a Rad
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