NOVEMBER 9, 2010
A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and La Quinta Boards,
Commissions, and Committees was called to order at the hour of 5:00 p.m.
by Mayor Adolph.
PRESENT: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor
Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Planning Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Weber,
Wilkinson, and Chairman Alderson
ALRC Members Arnold, McCune, and Thoms
Joint City Council/Commission 2 November 9, 2010
Meeting Minutes
Chairman Alderson reviewed the progress made since the last joint
meeting with the City Council.
Commissioner Weber stated the Non-Motorized Transportation Plan
will allow the Planning Commission to apply for grant funding; citizens
have expressed their desire for bike trails; the City has first-class trails
and the next step is to install the canal trail and eventually have trails
accessing Palm Springs to Salton Sea.
Commissioner Barrows stated the first step is for the City to adopt the
Non-Motorized Transportation Plan.
Commissioner Quill stated the Planning Commission is requesting the
City Council adopt the trails portion of the Non=Motorized
Transportation Plan, which will enable the Commission to pursue grant
funding for trails. Council Member Sniff asked Commissioner Quill if
he is familiar with the Plan. Commissioner Quill confirmed.
Council Member Sniff asked if the Commission has considered rail
service as a possibility for transportation to and from each end of the
Coachella Valley to alleviate traffic on the highways.
Mayor Adolph stated Coachella Valley Association of Governments
(CVAG) should consider railways as it is not an issue for the Planning
Commission to address. He further stated a joint effort of all
governmental agencies would be needed to make rail service feasible
in the Valley.
Council Member Henderson asked if the Planning Commission has
reviewed the Plan and recommended it to the City Council for
adoption. Commissioner Barrows explained the Planning Commission
has not officially made a recommendation to adopt the Plan; and
further stated the Commission's desire is to discuss the issue with the
City Council before presenting a recommendation.
Commissioner Quill stated if the City adopts the Plan already adopted
by CVAG, it would legitimize the Planning Commission's request for
grant funding.
Mayor Adolph asked if Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) is
involved with the Non-Motorized Transportation Plan.
Joint City Council/Commission 3 November 9, 2010
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Commissioner Quill explained CVWD has been involved in discussions
that include trails along the channel, Whitewater River, levies, and
other areas where they have jurisdiction.
Commissioner Weber stated he drafted a letter supporting the concept
for Mr. Steve Robbins' signature.
Mayor Adolph asked how the Planning Commission is going to finalize
this issue for the City Council's consideration.
Commissioner Quill stated the Commission will make a
recommendation for the City Council to adopt the Plan.
Mayor Adolph conveyed support for the Plan if this is an area the
Commission desires to pursue.
Commissioner Quill stated Planning Director Johnson has been
working to meet with the Cities of Indian Wells and Indio to connect
the trails system. Chairman Alderson clarified the connection with
those cities is the trail at the Whitewater channel.
Council Member Henderson conveyed support for the Plan; also
conveyed concern about cities providing funding through taxes and
the limited amount of grant funds; and stated funding may not be
available when the project is ready to be built.
Commissioner Weber stated all that is needed right now is to move
forward and start the Plan. Council Member Henderson stated the
Council feels the City has already supported trails in the community
and that the Plan has already started.
Commissioner Weber stated he has heard quotes of 51,000,000 per
mile and does not believe it will cost as much for the trails component
along the CVWD channel; the engineering has been primarily
completed for that component; and the Plan will help the retail vitality
on Highway 111 by providing other options of transportation in that
area during the next ten to twenty years.
Chairman Alderson stated the unit price per mile will vary from area to
Commissioner Quill stated the Commission is not asking the City to
fund the plan; with AB 32, SB 375, and the Greenhouse Gas issues,
Joint City Council/Commission 4 November 9, 2010
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the Plan is one more component to help the City comply with the
mandates established by legislation.
Council Member Franklin asked about access to the trail.
Commissioner Quill explained access points will be provided at major
arterials for the Whitewater Channel. Council Member Franklin asked
if consideration had been given to the steepness and steps for bike
and pedestrian access.
Commissioner Weber further explained access would be made at the
arterials along Highway 1 1 1 and continue under the street to the other
Mayor Adolph stated there are only conceptual ideas to review in the
Commissioner Quill addressed three sections on Highway 111 where
no sidewalks exist; pedestrians endanger themselves to walk in these
areas because of having to walk in the street in areas with no
Council Member Henderson asked how ADA regulations would affect
the City providing temporary sidewalks that are susceptible to
breaking down by weather and usage.
City Attorney Jenson stated she does not know if there are ADA
specifications on the length of usage but there are requirements for
slopes, etc.
Chairman Alderson stated the Commission has reviewed this matter
with the Public Works Director and requested he provide information.
Public Works Director Jonasson stated staff reviewed the three
sections of concern on Highway 111 which comprises roughly 2,000
linear feet; expressed concern about using asphalt for temporary
sidewalks because of breakdown over time; and stated it would cost
approximately 5300,000 to install sidewalks at two of the three
sections because the City would have to acquire the Mannino property
on the north side of Highway 11 1 at approximately 5120,000.
Commissioner Quill suggested the City consider a way to economically
facilitate the installation of sidewalks for three or four years.
Mayor Adolph stated the issue is safety for pedestrians.
Joint City Council/Commission 5 November 9, 2010
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Commissioner Weber stated installation of a sidewalk on the north
side of Highway 111 would cost well above $300,000.
Chairman Alderson stated installation of asphalt sidewalks would be a
temporary fix, and conveyed concern about the legal aspect.
Commissioner Quill stated a temporary asphalt sidewalk would still be
ADA compliant.
Mayor Adolph asked what was installed for the temporary sidewalk at
Avenue 50 and Washington Street. Commissioner Weber stated it
was asphalt sidewalk and asked staff how long it lasted.
Public Works Director Jonasson stated the sidewalk lasted five or six
years and one of the reasons it was replaced was due to severe
warping after two to three years; and stated it did meet all ADA
Commissioner Weber stated concrete will last ten to fifteen years with
asphalt lasting three to five years. Council Member Henderson stated
staff did not provide the cost for asphalt sidewalks. Public Works
Director Jonasson explained there would be a cost savings in materials
but the main cost is for plans and preparation to publicly bid the
project; and stated concrete is 55 per square foot and asphalt is
53.50 and it would cost well over 5200,000 to install two sidewalks.
Chairperson Alderson stated the current situation is mild but has the
potential to put the City in a dangerous situation because there is an
unsafe walk area. City Attorney Jenson stated she disagreed with the
statement as the City has not accepted the improvements for
dedication of the property.
Commissioner Quill stated the bottom line is that there is a bad
situation for pedestrians and we're asking to make it safer for
pedestrians; and suggested City maintenance lay desert gold in the
areas with no sidewalks.
Al_RC Member McCune asked if the City Maintenance Division can
provide the work for the improvements instead of going out to bid.
City Manager Genovese stated staff can provide a report on the
concerns, benefits, and costs to consider installation of temporary
sidewalks on Highway 111 if Council desires.
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Commissioner Quill suggested the City Council observe what happens
in the areas where there are no sidewalks. Council Member Henderson
stated the City Council is aware of the situation.
Mayor Adolph suggested the matter be referred to staff to report back
to the City Council.
Chairman Alderson stated if this was a maintenance factor instead of
a public improvement project, the suggestion of the City Maintenance
Division performing the work would be applicable.
Council Member Evans asked if there .are other areas along Highway
111, including an area near the high school. Commissioner Quill
confirmed there are three locations including the high school.
Chairman Alderson stated the north and southbound sides of Adams
Street at the storm channel are hazardous for students walking to and
from the high school.
Mayor Adolph explained the pedestrians should cross on the west side
and not on the east side; stated there are sidewalks that take
pedestrians right down to the wash and across safely.
Chairman Alderson referenced a comment at last year's meeting
regarding water conservation and addressed a comment made by
Mayor Adolph regarding the water table and recharge basin; stated
tremendous progress has been made by CVWD, and generally
speaking, the water table has risen six feet.
Mayor Adolph stated the increase will occur when the Martinez
Recharge Station comes into effect, and there will be another 45,000
acre feet going into the aquifer.
Chairman Alderson recommended the City Council take a tour of the
recharging facility.
ALRC Commissioner McCune stated the City must continue to
educate the residents about water conservation and consumption; and
stated the City website connects to the CVWD's website.
ALRC Commissioner Thoms asked if the rebate program is still in
effect. Commissioner Weber replied "yes."
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Chairman Alderson asked ALRC Commissioner Arnold if the Trilogy
development has installed control devices for sprinklers in the common
areas. Commissioner Arnold responded "no".
Council Member Franklin asked if any of the homeowner associations
(HOA) in the City are aware of the smart controllers for their sprinkler
systems; and if there is any progress with informing them.
Chairman Alderson and ALRC Commissioner Arnold both indicated
they did not know.
Chairman Alderson stated CVWD is forming a grant program to
remove sod and install desert landscaping in common areas for HOAs.
Commissioner Quill explained the proposed program provides funding
for HOAs to replace turf landscaping with desert landscaping, and
they continue to pay the water rate used for turf landscaping to repay
the funding for the conversion; and stated many of the small HOAs
are facing financial hardships.
ALRC Commissioner McCune stated there are some programs for
installing smart controllers; CVWD is not anti-turf but are just
promoting efficient water use; CVWD recommends certain types of
controllers but there are other controllers that provide the same
function and CVWD recognizes them as well; and suggested the
information be provided to the HOAs.
Mayor Adolph asked staff if they have met with every HOA.
Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated staff has
not met with all of them; have other programs available and the
biggest challenge with HOAs is the magnitude of cost and leveraging
the cost with the members; stated we are completing installation of
smart controllers in four to five single-family homes per week and the
program is working reasonably well.
Council Member Henderson stated she believes there was discussion
last year regarding distributing the Green Report to the Planning
Commission. Assistant City Manager-Management Services Plumlee
stated the report is distributed widely for review. Council Member
Henderson suggested the Green Report be distributed with the
Planning Commission's agenda packets.
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Assistant City Manager-Management Services Plumlee stated staff
reaches out on a regular basis to HOAs and boards that are interested
in participating with the smart controller program; a green partnership
has been established with IID, CVWD, Southern California Gas and
attend the meetings; and staff attempts to schedule four to five
meetings a year.
Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans stated one
challenge at PGA West is that some of the homes are on common
lines and water meters.
Assistant City Manager-Management Services Plumlee stated there
was an opportunity to use smart controllers in the backyard of homes
at Trilogy.
Mayor Adolph asked what support the ALRC needs from the City
Council regarding issues brought before them.
Commissioner Thoms commended the City Council on their comments
regarding the Highway 111 landscape plans.
Council Member Evans asked what participation will the Committee
have to move forward with the design based on feedback from the
City Council.
Commissioner Thoms stated he is very interested in the plan and
design, and will be disappointed if it is just a planting plan similar to
other areas of Highway 1 1 1; and stated he would like something that
reflects La Quinta uniquely.
Council Member Evans asked what role the ARIC can play before the
City Council's comments are addressed and brought back for
City Manager Genovese stated the ALRC has not previously reviewed
public works projects but staff can accommodate if that is the City
Council's desire.
Council Member Henderson stated some of the concerns were that
developments were completed in a hurry and the ALRC was developed
to assist with the process; there is certainly merit to submit for the
ALRC's review, but unsure if the plans should be sent back for
another review upon the City Council's review.
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Commissioner McCune stated the ALRC would like to be available for
the Public Works and Planning staff and give a point of view.
Council Member Henderson stated the City Council would also have
the opportunity to review the ALRC's comments.
Commissioner Thoms stated they are currently working on landscape
planting on the west side of Washington Street south of Avenue 48;
and asked why that project was not brought before the Committee for
Council Member Henderson stated it was an approved capital project.
Public Works Director Jonasson stated the landscape plan is supposed
to come before the ALRC shortly as the contractor jumped the gun.
Commissioner Thoms stated he has seen things happening more in a
residential area rather than the public parkway.
Chairman Alderson adjourned the joint Planning Commission meeting.
Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting and reconvened it at
6:07 p.m. to meet in joint session with the Historic Preservation
Chairman Wright called the Historic Preservation Commission meeting
to order.
PRESENT: Commissioners Redmon, Wilbur, Chairman Wright
ABSENT: Commissioners Puente, Sharp
Chairman Wright gave a brief review of the current projects; and
suggested the HPC work together with the Museum and Historical
Council Member Henderson stated she is a great supporter of the
HPC; and conveyed support for the HPC working with the museum
and Historical Society.
Joint City Council/Commission 10 November 9, 2010
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Council Member Evans asked why there is not a dedicated webpage
for historical information of the City.
Chairman Wright stated there is detailed historical information
available that has been collected .since 1994; stated the HPC should
be more involved with the Historical Society and Museum functions.
Council Member Henderson stated the survey conducted each year
enables the City to stay current on required statistics for eligible
funding. Chairman Wright confirmed and stated the City Council has
offered its support to continue with the surveys to be eligible for
grants and certification.
Council Member Franklin referenced an adobe structure on the corner
of Avenue 58 and Madison Street and asked what the process is for
declaring it an historical building. Chairman Wright stated the building
is on private property, and explained before any proposed demolition,
it must be presented to the HPC and a recommendation would be
brought before the City Council.
Council Member Franklin asked if there is any notation on the building
should the developer wish to demolish it.
Chairman Wright explained the building should be photographed and
documented, but the City must have permission since it is on private
City Attorney Jenson explained a procedure exists in the municipal
code to declare an historic building, but if the property owner disputes
the declaration, the municipal code does not apply.
Planning Manager Sawyer stated if the developer were to apply for a
grading permit, there must be an environmental review which would
trigger the process of declaring it as an historical building and protect
it from demolition.
Council Member Franklin asked how it receives the designation.
Planning Manager Sawyer stated there are criteria established by the
State based on the surveys conducted; and most of the properties in
the City are eligible for local identification once the designation is
Joint City Council/Commission 11 November 9, 2010
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Council Member Henderson stated the La Quinta Hotel & Resort does
not have the historical designation because they do not desire it due
to the restrictions established by the historical designation.
Planning Manager Sawyer explained the current owners of the
La Quinta Hotel & Resort have indicated they want to pursue the
historical designation and use it as an amenity to promote the resort.
Chairman Wright stated he would not be surprised if the Drummond
Company was supportive of preserving the building.
Council Member Evans asked what the plan is for distributing the
Chairman Wright stated the Commission talked about working with
the museum and Chamber of Commerce, La Quinta hotels, restaurants
and getting out in front of people.
Chairman Wright stated the HPC is working on the content statement
to get CLG qualification met; and one of the top priorities is to work
with the Historical Society.
Mayor Adolph stated he has spoken to the Palm Springs Museum to
collaborate with the La Quinta Museum for joint venture programs.
Council Member Sniff stated it took four or five years to get the
Commission established; and conveyed a desire to acquire information
on the physical history of the area.
Council Member Evans stated the history, factual information, and
Hollywood trivia about La Quinta could attract other industries to the
area to capture those moments as the Valley moves forward with the
Blueprint from the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership.
Commissioner Redmon thanked the Council for supporting the
Commissioners' attendance to the annual conference in Pasadena.
Chairman Wright adjourned the Historic Preservation Commission
Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting and reconvened it at
6:30 p.m. to meet in joint session with the Investment Advisory
Joint City Council/Commission 12 November 9, 2010
Meeting Minutes
PRESENT: Board Members Mortenson, Rassi, Spirtos, and
Chairman Park
ABSENT: Commissioner Blum
Chairman Park congratulated the incumbents on their re-election;
reported the Board conducted an extensive review of the workplan
and will revisit to make additional recommendations in June 2011;
intend to meet with auditors; wish to continue to serve the City
Council with liquidity and safety of investments; and stated Local
Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) will continue to be a challenge in the
Council Member Franklin asked if the board members attended the
LAIF conference this year.
Board Member Mortenson stated the conference was an eye-opening
experience; observed the conduct of business personally compared to
the technical manner of doing business.
Chairman Park stated his experience was learning the good news that
some business is conducted personally.
Council Member Evans stated there was a limit to investing into LAIF.
Finance Director Falconer explained the State raised the maximum
permissible investment to 550 million per account but the Board
decided to remain at 540 million per account; the City has an overall
investment cap of 30% of our portfolio, which is 5147 million cash,
even though the Investment Policy allows up to 80% of the 5147
Council Member Henderson stated LAIF has always been an issue with
the Board and City Council in regard to limitation and the political
Finance Director Falconer stated he believes it got down to 25%.
Council Member Henderson stated the tenor of the political world has
been to lean toward LAIF in one direction or another; the City
continues to have a very conservative approach with LAIF and she
Joint City Council/Commission 13 November 9, 2010
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asked if the Board has seen it the same in the political world. Board
Member Mortenson confirmed.
Council Member Henderson asked if he has observed decision-makers
leaning toward a conservative approach in the financial world.
Board Member Mortenson stated the lean toward a conservative
approach may have played a role in personal beliefs but not how the
funds are invested.
Council Member Henderson stated at one time there was a concern
about overloading the Board and those decisions would be based on
"leanings," which is why the City has a conservative approach about
LAIF; the City has let the investment creep up to 30% and it would be
interesting to receive a report on the increase.
Board Member Mortenson stated who knows how much is political
and in essence supporting a certain belief.
Council Member Henderson suggested the Board think about the issue
personally and discuss it; stated there are limits established by LAIF,
and asked what the City can do with the money.
Finance Director Falconer stated the City has an Investment Policy and
there are limits established for investing in certain categories. Council
Member Henderson asked if there is more money that the categories
allow to invest. Finance Director Falconer explained as the portfolio
decreases, hopefully property taxes will increase in January and allow
more room; and stated we may have to look at alternative investments
or short-term treasury bills.
Council Member Sniff stated LAIF has had some bad investments and
enormous losses.
Finance Director Falconer explained CaIPERS has a different
investment focus and has had a significant amount of losses but LAIF
has not had any losses.
Council Member Sniff asked where CaIPERS invests their money.
Finance Director Falconer explained out of 51.7 billion, 5600 million
were invested in U.S. Treasuries.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Finance Director Falconer stated
he is not aware of any secure investments at this time.
Joint City Council/Commission 14 November 9, 2010
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Finance Director Falconer stated PERS invests in hedge funds,
equities, bonds and have a lot more risk.
Mayor Adolph noted the interest shown on the PERS annual statement
is tremendous at 6 or 8%, and he has not received nearly as much in
other investments.
Chairman Park cautioned against investing in hedge funds; and stated
the future challenge when interest increases will be where to invest
the City's funds as the investment policy restricts where it can go.
Board Member Spirtos commended the Board and staff; and stated it
is phenomenal that the city continues to adopt a balanced budget in
the current economic situation.
Council Member Sniff asked the Board what clever or new financial
device they would recommend to increase the City's income in the
next six months.
Board Member Mortenson stated the investment policy statement is
secure; and what we should be concerned about is monitoring our
debt which is deflating the dollar.
Chairperson Park noted you have to take risks to receive returns.
Council Member Sniff agreed there must be some precarious risk to
receive a higher income, but no one can command anything.
Chairman Park stated La Quinta is the envy of other cities.
Mayor Adolph stated the City must stay the course until the economy
Council Member Sniff asked if there are other municipal investment
boards in the Valley. Finance Director Falconer stated Palm Desert
has one and Indio has a finance committee.
Council Member Franklin conveyed pride in the Board and the work
they do.
Chairman Park adjourned the Investment Advisory Board meeting.
Joint City Council/Commission 15 November 9, 2010
Meeting Minutes
Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting and reconvened it at
7:00 p.m. to meet in joint session with the Community Services
PRESENT: Commissioners Blakeley, Engel, Lawrence, Leidner, and
Chairperson Fitzpatrick
Chairperson Fitzpatrick congratulated the incumbents for their election
to office; acknowledged the generosity of the Council to provide
educational, healthy programs to La Quinta at low cost; credited staff
for working with the community; noted the City received an award for
its participation in the Coachella Valley Healthy Living program and in
tough economic times is keeping recreational programs for its
Chairperson Fitzpatrick conveyed appreciation for the completion of
long-awaited capital improvement projects; and stated the Commission
feels it is important to continue looking for additional property for a
sports complex.
Commissioner Leidner conveyed appreciation for his reappointment;
stated he receives many inquiries regarding additional dog parks and
off-leash areas; and thanked the City Council for moving forward with
the capital improvement projects including the Seasons Park with a
large dog park and the expanded dog park at Pioneer Park.
Council Member Evans stated she was amazed to learn that each
home has two to three dogs; and stated there is a tight network of
dog owners and they are informed of the capital projects proposed.
Council Member Henderson stated the city is doing well to provide
many services but conveyed concern about being able to continue
maintenance of dog parks if cutbacks become necessary and the
burden on the community; residents have requested the City provide
different types of dog parks to accommodate their pets; stated the
children in the community come first; owners are responsible for their
pets and the city has assumed a great deal of the responsibility; will
be very cautious in considering additional dog parks in the future;
addressed increasing the fee for landscape and lighting to provide
Joint City Council/Commission 16
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November 9, 2010
additional funding for maintaining dog parks; and stated these issues
should be discussed when considering what amenities the community
Council Member Evans stated we are a healthy eating, active-living
city; some families utilize the trails and those who own dogs are
walking them whether in a park or not.
Council Member Henderson state
continue subsidizing the programs;
consider the impact.
the City may not be able to
and is asking the Commission to
Council Member Evans stated it is not just about dog parks, it is about
the environmental and community embracement of dogs; and the City
has some flexibility.
Commissioner Lawrence stated the Commission receives interaction
continually and understands Council Member Henderson's point.
Chairperson Fitzpatrick stated there is a limited amount of space and
the issue is very real; if you continue to build, more will come, and
end up with an impact to each facility that may be detrimental to the
Council Member Franklin stated she is anxious to see how well
residents use and maintain the dog parks.
Commissioner Leidner stated the City is aware of the problem in the
Cove and the lack of responsibility of dog owners on the trails.
Mayor Adolph stated the City is dealing with an image of the City, and
it is good to promote the fact that the City is providing recreation for
its residents at this time despite the current economic condition.
Commissioner Lawrence reported the Commission is working with the
Planning Commission on development of the Whitewater Channel
Trail; stated the trail creates an alternate mode of transportation, adds
another recreational amenity in the community; and the Commission is
seeking grants to provide funding.
Council Member Franklin stated CVAG just adopted the Non-Motorized
Transportation Plan and the Planning Commission will be presenting it
to the City Council for adoption.
Joint City Council/Commission 17 November 9, 2010
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Commissioner Lawrence stated the Commission is collaborating with
the Desert Recreation District to establish joint use of the La Quinta
Community Center.
Mayor Adolph asked if collaboration will include the Senior Center as
Community Services Director Hylton explained staff is currently
working with the District to utilize a portion of the Community Center
building for an exercise program. She explained staff got involved
with the District to establish a joint agreement to repurpose the use of
the Community Center, maximize the use of the building, and service
the residents better; and further explained although Stan Ford is still
with the District at this time, the Board of Directors assigned Kevin
Kalman to this venture.
Council Member Evans commended staff for their efforts and
conveyed disappointment about the lack of responsiveness from the
Desert Recreation District.
Community Services Director Hylton stated staff at the District has
recently been willing to discuss trading programs and joint use of
Mayor Adolph stated it is good news that staff is moving forward with
this venture.
Chairperson Fitzpatrick stated she attended the last meeting of the
District Board of Directors and they were very receptive and
supportive of the venture.
Council Member Franklin stated she established a challenge between
the Cities of La Quinta and Palm Springs during the next calendar year
while attending the First Annual Luncheon of the Healthy
Collaborative; and asked how the program will be monitored.
Community Services Director Hylton explained a wellness program will
be established for each community and be tracked by a website; and
stated the Healthy Collaborative will be establishing the programs and
forward the information to each city.
Commissioner Engel thanked the City Council for their support for
cultural and historical programs; and thanked staff for updating the Art
in Public Places Program.
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Commissioner Blakely stated the Commissioners have a good
relationship with each other; successful events include Art Under the
Umbrellas, Blues and Brews, wine tasting; the City residents support
all the events; and conveyed enjoyment in participating on the
Council Member Henderson asked the Commission to consider visiting
the concept and a policy for painting the signal light boxes; explained
there are two places residents cannot differentiate the signal box from
a clutter of other art pieces at an intersection near Old Town.
Commissioner Lawrence asked if the idea is to determine a maximum
amount of signal boxes to be painted.
Council Member Henderson explained the signal boxes on Highway
111 should be painted the same color of the building adjacent to
them; and requested the Commission become familiar with the Art in
Public Places program and be able to explain what it is, and the
limitation of expending the funds for art.
Chairperson Fitzpatrick stated the Commission has tried to be sensitive
to the location of the signal boxes; and agreed with Council Member
Henderson's comments and to be aware of the potential of visual
noise around the signal boxes.
Mayor Adolph noted Imperial Irrigation District installs the signal boxes
without any consideration of the position of the boxes; and the City
needs to insist the signal boxes be set back and landscaping provided
around it.
Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the Community Services Commission
Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting and reconvened it at
7:30 p.m. to meet in joint session with the Housing Commission.
PRESENT: Commissioners: Dorsey, Leidner,
Chairperson La Rocca
ABSENT: Commissioners Jamison, Polanco
Joint City Council/Commission 19 November 9, 2010
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Chairperson La Rocca thanked the City Council for their appointments
to the Commission; stated they have had one meeting; and asked
each Commissioner to introduce themselves to the City Council.
Commissioner Dorsey stated she has been a tenant of a City-owned
property for nine years, and looks forward to serving on the
In response to Council Member Henderson, Commissioner Dorsey
stated she has no immediate opinions of the Commission and is
becoming familiar with the Commission.
Commissioner Leidner stated she has been a resident of the City for
eight years and enjoys living in the City; works in real estate; has
rental property and is able to see both sides of the tenant/landlord
relationship; and congratulated the City Council for working through
two-thirds of the State mandate for low-income housing.
Chairperson La Rocca stated she has been in the City for eight years;
enjoys living in the City; has extensive experience in City government
and enjoys being able to work in a different capacity; has been able to
tour Vista Dunes; and is looking forward to review future projects.
Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans reviewed Item
No. 2 of the staff report regarding the acquisition and rental of homes
in the Cove; stated the City will be venturing out to rent a number of
the homes to renters not participating in the Section 8 Housing
Program to gain occupants in vacant rentals; and explained the
Housing Commission will review rental applications and help staff
transition the program from the Redevelopment Agency to the Housing
In response to Council Member Evans, City Attorney Jenson explained
the income level is the determinate for qualifications as a renter.
Assistant City Manager-Development Services Evans further explained
when the program was established there were sufficient Section eight
vouchers available and the units were occupied.
Chairperson La Rocca stated the Commission is looking forward to
tour all the low-income housing projects in the City; and the
Commission is anxious to learn about the program.
Joint City Council/Commission 20 November 9, 2010
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Commissioner Leidner asked if future developments will continue to
include the high building standards established by Vista Dunes.
Council Member Henderson stated it is very costly to build at the
LEEDS standard; there are other ways to meet those standards
without receiving the certification; and the City's effort will be to
reach the standard but not qualify for the program.
Mayor Adolph stated there are projects coming forth in the future and
the City Council will be sensitive in that standard environment when
working with the developers.
Chairperson La Rocca questioned how the City has been able to build
affordable housing without any community resistance. Council
Member Henderson commended staff for their efforts in
communicating with the community prior to development of affordable
Council Member Evans stated the City Council desires to make sure
that the projects blend in the community.
Council Member Sniff stated the City Council was sensitive to the
quality of affordable housing in the community prior to development of
the buildings.
Chairperson La Rocca stated many City residents have conveyed to
her that it is difficult to tell the Vista Dunes development is low-
income housing.
Commissioner Leidner stated most residents do not recognize the
developments as affordable housing units.
Council Member Franklin stated both Wolff Waters and Vista Dunes
projects are beautiful developments, and looks forward to the
Commission touring both of them; and commended staff for their
communication efforts to the community prior to development of the
housing units.
Chairperson La Rocca stated the Commission is looking forward to
serving the City Council.
Chairperson La Rocca adjourned the Housing Commission meeting.
Joint City Council/Commission 21 November 9, 2010
Meeting Minutes
There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members
Sniff/Franklin to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Respec ully submitted,
City of la Quinta, California