2010 11 10 IAB MinutesINVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING November 10, 2010 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Investment Advisory Board was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairman Park followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Board Members Mortenson, Park, Spirtos and Rassi ABSENT: Board Member Blum STAFF PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia, Senior Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT - III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA -Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on October 13, 2010 for the Investment Advisory Board Board Member Mortenson requested that the following correction be made to page 2, tenth paragraph; In response to Board Member Mortenson, Mr. Falconer advised that due to the fact that the policy states that the maximum maturity can only be extended ~ ~ three to five years, [...] ~._._ MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Spirtos/Mortenson to approve the minutes of October 13, 2010 as amended. Motion carried unanimously. V. BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for September 2010 Mr..Falconer presented and reviewed the staff report for the month of September, advising the Board that the portfolio decreased by 512.18 million ending the month at 5151.34 million. The decrease in the portfolio was due to the following: the semi annual debt service payment of 511.2 million, the Capital Improvement payments of 51 .29 million, and the notable payments for the Adams Street Bridge at 5374,000, the Cove Fire Station at 5287,000 and the Laguna de la Paz Sound wall at 5154,000. Mr. Falconer further advised that page 7 reflects the reinvestment of a 510 million T-Bill with the new rate at .19% and the old rate .18%, and a slight increase in the portfolio yield at .55% and previous year's yield at .53%. In response to Board Member Mortensen, Mr. Falconer advised that page 4 VI. Correspondence and Written Material, Item A., reflects the current yields (i.e. three month, six month, etc...). Further discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff in reference to the possibility of extending the yield curve out further. In response to Board Member Spirtos, Mr. Falconer advised that on page 3 "Cash Balances," the payments listed are recurring payments and not final payments. He further advised that the payments represent eight to ten bond issues with two assessments districts due to mature in approximately five years. Mr. Falconer advised the Board that Ambac who insured several of the RDA bond issues declared bankruptcy. Due to the current status of Ambac, the City will be preparing the annual disclosures to the appropriate regulatory agencies, which is part of the City's due diligence. This item will be presented to the City Council the second meeting of December. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding Ambac and their current lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service. MOTION - It was moved Board Members Mortensen/Spirtos to review, receive, and file the Treasurers Report for September 2010. Motion carried unanimously. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Month End Cash Report -October 2010 Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the Month-End Cash Report advising the Board of several transactions reflected on page 2 for the 2 month of October. One of the transactions involves transferring available monies into LAIF. Mr. Falconer summarized for the Board the process of the investments and specific transactions. In addition, he advised the Board that due to the reduced amount of cash in the portfolio in the month of October, the November Treasurers Report will possibly reflect over 10% being held in medium term notes. In response to Board Member Spirtos, Mr. Falconer advised that the "Notes" column on page 12 stated that the gas tax was not received, due to the states budget crisis and will be remitted later in the year. Noted and Filed B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports -August 2010 and LAIF Conference Materials Mr. Falconer advised that LAIF's current portfolio balance is S4 billion more than it was in the previous year with the average life remaining the same and the yields half of what they were. Mr. Falconer commented that it appears that the state is currently investing more in U.S. Treasury Securities at this time. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding the LAIF Conference and conference materials. Noted and Filed VII. BOARD MEMBER ITEMS -None VIII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Board Members Mortenson/Spirtos to adjourn the Investment Advisory Board meeting at 4:49 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Viank~a Orrantia Senior Secretary 3