2010 11 23 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
November 23, 2010
7:02 P.M.
A. A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to
order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Alderson.
PRESENT: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Weber, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson.
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager
David Sawyer, Assistant City Attorney Michael
Houston, and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker.
There being no comments, or suggestions, it was moved by Commissioners
Weber/Barrows to approve the minutes of November 9, 2010 as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. General Plan Update: for consideration of a proposed land use map,
land use designation consolidation, and general plan goals for the City
of La Quinta.
Planning Director Les Johnson gave some background on the item and
introduced Ms. Nicole Criste, (Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc.-,
Consultant for the City of La Quinta, who presented the staff report, a
copy of which is on file in the Planning Department.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 23, 2010
Planning Director Johnson advised the Planning Commission that staff
was looking for general feedback and comments to be forwarded to
the Council for their consideration at the December 7, 2010, meeting.
He then gave a general commentary on the economic development
portion of the General Plan update; including the Sphere of Influence,
tourist and commercial areas, and the importance of making sure we
remain a fiscally sound community now and for the next 25 years.
General discussion followed on the Vista Santa Rosa area and the
County's General Plan.
Commissioner Quill stated he liked the simplification of the land use
designations as it added flexibility to the general plan without having
to prepare general plan amendments. He asked if it would be possible
to allow localized, small commercial in residehtial zones such as what.
they have in San Diego, and possibly include this in the narrative
portion of the Residential Designations.
Ms. Criste said the details of that could go in the Zoning, but could be
established as a direction by General Plan Policy.
General discussion followed regarding commercial areas, smaller scale
commercial in residential areas, what areas are zoned commercial in
the southern end of the City and how the zoning could be done.
Commissioner Quill asked for the language to be written in the
designation to allow small commercial uses in residential
neighborhoods without the need for a general plan amendment.
Staff responded they would look at policy language to represent that.
Commissioner Barrows asked if the mixed use designation was
possible in the general and commercial zones. She referred to the
Tourist Commercial areas already on the map' such as PGA West and
the La Quinta Resort, which are surrounded by residential. She asked
why the mixed use was not applicable in all commercial areas versus
just the regular commercial
Ms. Criste explained that Tourist Commercial has traditionally been an
economic driver in terms of the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT),
which can be better than sales tax revenue thus preserving the value
of that land use. She commented that the Silverrock specific plan
Planning Commission Minutes
November 23, 2010
included a component that is resort commercial retail and it doesn't
preclude the mix of resort and retail but includes residential with a
resort component.
Commissioner Barrows said she was looking for flexibility and was
concerned as why that was excluded from mixed use.
Planning Director Johnson gave a brief definition of the Tourist
Commercial District and that there could be retail combined with a
Tourist Commercial focus. He then gave some examples.
General discussion then followed regarding Tourist Commercial, and
TOT, as well as where and how TOT was derived.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked about definitions of the zoning and
land designations and how they related to the County's designations;
which staff clarified.
Commissioner Wilkinson commented on the combining of open
spaces. He suggested golf courses and parks, be separate from
natural open spaces.
Ms. Criste verified that he wanted natural open space and water
course possibly listed as native environment, with golf courses, parks,
recreational facilities as a different designation.
Discussion followed on certain zoning designations occurring at the
master plan level.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the Open Space designation gave the
City any benefit from a Federal perspective.
Commissioner Barrows mentioned a natural community conservation
plan (sustainable community) could result in a credit through SB 375,
because of the land set aside for Open Space.
General discussion followed regarding the possibilities of the Open
Space designations and an SB 375 credit.
Ms. Criste noted both the hillside and water course areas, as currently
designated, were both conservation and they are no-build zones. She
Planning Commission Minutes
November 23, 2010
said the policy implementation on the SB 375 credit had not come out
as yet. She then stated that the areas that were currently hillside, and
water course, could be put under Open Space Conservation.
Staff explained that even in the hillside and open space areas the
zoning code still allowed building. He added it was difficult to do, but
there was an allowance for development to occur and the Commission
needed to understand that the City could not just say that nothing
could occur. A brief discussion followed regarding a current hillside
area that was conditioned to be dedicated.
Commissioner Barrows asked about current percentage of buildout in
the City. Ms. Criste responded that it was. about 80% within City
Discussion followed on available land and designations within the City
Discussion then followed on mixed use in the Village Commercial
zone. Ms. Criste then stated the mixed use policy will be included in
the general plan.
Commissioner Quill commented on a live/work plan, possibly in the
Cove. There was a short discussion and then staff responded that
home occupation was currently allowed; especially in the Cove. Staff
then explained what was allowed in home occupancy businesses.
Chairman Alderson said in conclusion the Commission concurred with
the direction that staff was going. He added the Commission would
like staff to include their suggestions in the Council report.
Commissioner Weber asked about the industrial component and
expressed a need for more light industrial land uses since there are
none currently within the City limits.
General discussion followed regarding the need for light industrial land
uses because of job creation potential and the .possibility of light
manufacturing and store front sales, in the same location. Also that
the City should consider, where appropriate, locations for land uses
such as research and development and value added production.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 23, 2010
Ms. Criste commented there were two aspects of this discussion: 1)
the potential for redevelopment that should not be precluded, and 2)
there is nothing that says existing office development that is currently
occupied might not change to something more R & D (research and
development) during the life of the general plan. Providing text that
describes a broad range of uses is definitely something that can be put
into the body of the document.
Commissioner Quill asked that the zoning designation be expanded to
allow it and then have a definition that allows it. He added there was
a lot of available space which could become something else and the
City needs to be able to be flexible.
Planning Director Johnson said staff would forward the
Commissioners' comments to the Council. He then thanked the
Commissioners and said they were not precluded from making
additional comments. If they had suggestions, they should call or e-
mail staff with them.
There being no further questions or discussion, the Commission voted
to pass their comments on to the City Council. Unanimously
A. Report of the City Council Meeting of November 16, 2010 presented
by Chairman Alderson. Questions and comments followed on the
subject of the roundabout or signal at the intersection of Sinaloa and
B. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Barrows was scheduled to
report back on the December 7, 2010, Council meeting.
C. Commissioner Barrows stated the Green Building Code was going into
effect in January and asked if the Commission would be discussing
the Code at a later meeting.
Staff responded all of the appropriate Code Amendments were taken
to Council, and adopted. They were not presented to the Commission
as they were "mandates" and not "optional" items.
Planning Commission Minutes
November 23, 2010
A. Comments on the upcoming American Planning Association
Conference possibly coming to the Valley in 2012; possibly to Rancho
Mirage. General discussion followed.
There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioners
Wilkinson/Quill to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to
the next regular meeting to be held on December 14; 2010. This regular
meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m. on November 23, 2010.
Respectfully submitted,
C u/ ~~~~~
Carollker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California