LLA 2000-343o._ City of LOQuinta 0 Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No,2�y 3�2> Related Apps: APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose of the review is to allow reconfiguration of two or more adjoining lots into sizes or shapes appropriate for desired uses and in compliance with Municipal Code requirements. APPLICANT Century -Crowell Communities (Print) MAILINGADDRESS 1535 South "D" Street Phone No. (909) 381-6007 CITY, STATE, ZIP San Bernardino, CA 92408 Fax No. (909) 381-0041 PROPERTY OWNERS *Owner "A" Name: H.A. Andersen Address: c/o Century -Crowell Communities (City) (State) (Zip) *Owner "B" Name: Janet C. Kerwood Address: c/o Century -Crowell Communities (City) (State) (Zip) *Owner "C"Name: Arland J. Andersen Address: c/o Century -Crowell communities Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) *Attach sheet for additional owners PROPERTY DATA Property A: Assessor's Parcel Number: 6 0 4 - 0 7 2 - 0 0 8 Street Address(ifany):corner of Jefferson St. & Fred Waring Dr. Property B: Assessor's Parcel Number: 6 0 4 - 0 7 2 - 0 0 6 Street Address (if any) -corner of Jefferson St. & Miles Ave. Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): _ DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: Two quarter , quarter section lots, become a 10`8 Acres corner commercial lot @ Fred Waring Dr. & Jefferson St. and a 63.5 a A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 1/6/98 cdi Additional Property Owners Owner "D" Name: Max F. and Nelda J. Bayha Address: c/o Century -Crowell Communities Phone: City) (State) (Zip Owner "E" Name: Address: Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "F" Name: Address: Phone: City) (State) (Zip) El I Additional Signatures of Property Owners SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Sit- /%5 DATE NAME OF APPLICANT Max F. and Nelda J. Bayha (Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT_ NAME OF APPLICANT (Print SIGNATURE OF APPL NAME OF APPLICANT Print REASON FOR REQUEST: Divi n of property between exina owners prior to developing separate commercial and residential sites. APPLICABILITY The following criteria must be met to approve a lot line adjustment: Cl The adjustment shall not create a greater number of parcels than originally existed. ❑ The resulting parcels shall conform with City Zoning and Building Codes. ❑ The adjustment shall not cause existing uses or improvements of the property to be out of compliance with any provision of the City Codes. MINIMU A SUBMISSION REOUIREMENTS ❑ Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels. ❑ An acceptable legal description of each existing parcel and a metes and bounds description of each new parcel proposed. ❑ Closing calculations for each new parcel proposed. ❑ Original, unrecorded Grant Deeds for each new parcel with the following: ❑ State on the Grant Deed when all affected parcels are under one ownership. GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged Owner A hereby GRANTS to Owner A the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) See Exhibits A and B attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. NOTE: 'This grant deed implements the revised lot configurations pursuant to Line Line Adjustment _-_ as approved by the City of La Quinta. All property subject to this lot line adjustment is owned by a single entity, hence ownership conveyance is a nonessential secondary function of this deed. The primary function of the deed is to provide constructive notice of the revised lot configurations pursuant to Government Code Section 66512 (d), and to perfect the intent of the Lot Line Adjustment _ as approved. ❑ State on Grant Deed when affected parcels are under multiple ownership: GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner A hereby GRANTS to Owner B the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) that portion of land in Lot A which is overlaid by the reconfigured shape of Lot B pursuant to LLA -_ approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. AI6:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 1/6/98 edi GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner B hereby GRANTS to Owner A the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) that portion of land in Lot B which is overlaid by the reconfigured shape of Lot A pursuant to LLA _- approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of Lot Line Adjustment = _ as approved by the City of La Quinta. O Attached to the Grant Deeds shall be Exhibits A and B, a metes and bounds legal description of the new parcels and a plat (8%a" x 11 ") of the new parcels, respectively (see attached sample Exhibits A and B). O If structures or other improvements exist on the affected parcel(s), provide separate plot plan showing dimensioned location in relation to new property lines. O Filing fee for Lot Line Adjustment. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. If the nunber of lots adjusted exceeds two, then a Public Works Department plan check fee of $50.00 per lot (over two lots) shall be paid in addition to Lot Line Adjustment fee. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT %/W�J, NAME OF APPLICANT Centur Crowell Communities TE (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER "A" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE NAME OIFOWNER H.A. Andersen DATE; (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER `B" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: �Cl/J2L �' 0 s DATE _ 7�-l� �G NAME OF OWNER Janet C . Kerwood DATE (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER "C" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: S'Z'Jy(& S DATE NAME OF OWNER Arlan J. Andersen DATE (Print) (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) I hereby certify that all information contained in this application, including all plans and materials required by the City's application submission requirements, is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. I hereby grant the City authority to enter onto the property to conduct site inspections and to post required public notices. A16:LLA 1-7/16197 Appvd 1/6/98 cdi August 23, 2000 W.O. 2512 EXHIBIT "A" LLA NO. ADJUSTED LOT "A" A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; SAID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 8, PAGE 8 OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH SECTION LINE OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 89°28'48" WEST, 80.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0003 1'12" EAST, 55.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 55.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 89°28'48" WEST, 551.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00020'20" EAST, 814.54 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89031'36" EAST, 577.00 FEET, TO A POINT 55.00 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 20; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 55.00 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 20, NORTH 00°20'20" WEST, 789.93 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 25.00' RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90010'52", A DISTANCE OF 39.35 FEET, TO T14E TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 10.789 ACRES, MORE OR LESS J.J. SONER, RCE 24069 LICENSE EXPIRES 12-31-01 August 23, 2000 W.O.2512 EXHIBIT "A" LLA NO. _- ADJUSTED LOT`B" A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; SAID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 8, PAGE 8 OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH SECTION LINE OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 89°28'48" WEST, 80.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00031' 12" EAST, 55.00 FEET; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 55.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 89°28'48" WEST, 551.92 FEET, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 00020'20" EAST, 814.54 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89031'36" EAST, 577.00 FEET, TO A POINT 55.00 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 20; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 55.00 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 00°20'20" EAST, 1707.99 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 25.00' RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 8905 1'56", A DISTANCE OF 39.21 FEET; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 50.00 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 89-31'36" WEST, 1246.92 FEET, TO THE EAST LINE OF TRACT NO. 25691, AS FILED IN BOOK , PAGES _ AND _, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF TRACT NO. 25691, NORTH 00018'44" WEST, 2546.91 FEET, TO THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT NO. 22982, AS FILED IN BOOK 195, PAGES 4 THROUGH 9, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TO A POINT 55.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 20; August 23, 2000 0 W.O.2512 EXHIBIT "A" LLA NO. _- ADJUSTED LOT "B" THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 55.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 20, NORTH 89°28'48" EAST, 693.68 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 63.549 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. J.J. SONER, RCE 24069 LICENSE EXPIRES 12-31-01 PAGE August 23, 2000 W.0.2512 EXHIBIT "A" LLA NO. LOT "A" THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; SAID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 8, PAGE 8 OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; EXCEPTING THOSE PORTIONS CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BY DEEDS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 28, 1966 AS INSTRUMENT NO.96188 AND JANUARY 23, 1968 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 6772 BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. August 23, 2000 W.O. 2512 EXHIBIT "A" LLA NO. LOT `B" THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; SAID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 8, PAGE 8 OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; EXCEPTING THOSE PORTIONS CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BY DEEDS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 28, 1966 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 96188 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. page 1 Project: 2512 Tue Aug 22 08:59:41 2000 Lot Map Check ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot name: ADJ LOT A North: 11839.1950 Line Course: N 00-20-20.0 North: 12653.7190 Line Course: N 89-28-48.0 North: 12658.7280 Curve Length: 39.3489 Delta: 90-10-52.0 Chord: 35.4112 Course In: S 00-31-12. RP North: 12633.7290 End North: 12633.8769 Line Course: S 00-20-20.0 North: 11843.9617 Line Course: S 89-31-36.0 North: 11839.1950 Perimeter: 2772.7383 East: 13592.8561 W Length: 814.5382 East: 13588.0384 E Length: 551.9222 East: 14139.9379 Radius: 25.0000 Tangent: 25.0791 Course: S 45-25-46.0 E 0 E Course Out: N 89-39-40.0 E East: 14140.1647 East: 14165.1643 E Length: 789.9290 East: 14169.8365 W Length: 577.0000 East: 13592.8562 Area: 469,988 sq.ft. 10.7894 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0001 Course: N 77-48-56.1 E Error North: 0.00001 East: 0.00006 Precision 1: 48,771,576.9030 Lot name: ADJ LOT B North: 12597.2360 East: 13531.5223 Line Course: S 89-28-48.0 W Length: 693.6780 North: 12590.9405 East: 12837.8729 Line Course: S 00-18-44.0 E Length: 2546.9069 North: 10044.0714 East: 12851.7517 Line Course: N 89-31-36.0 E Length: 1246.9205 North: 10054.3724 East: 14098.6296 Curve Length: 39.2112 Radius: 25.0000 Delta: 89-51-56.0 Tangent: 24.9414 Chord: 35.3138 Course: N 44-35-38.0 E Course In: N 00-28-24.0 W Course Out: N 89-39-40.0 E RP North: 10079.3715 East: 14098.4231 End North: 10079.5194 East: 14123.4227 Line Course: N 00-20-20.0 W Length: 1707.9892 North: 11787.4787 East: 14113.3204 Line Course: S 89-31-36.0 W Length: 577.0000 North: 11782.7120 East: 13536.3401 Line Course: N 00-20-20.0 W Length: 814.5382 North: 12597.2360 East: 13531.5224 page 2 Project: 2512 Lot Map Check Perimeter: 7626.2440 Area: 2,768,193 sq.ft Tue Aug 22 08:59:41 2000 63.5490 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0001 Course: S 68-49-37.4 E Error North:-0.00003 East: 0.00007 Precision 1: 95,122,494.2067 a.A. 020-020 7 7 0 2 6 SEC.6 T,6S.,R.7E 020-0I6 69-16 "sluvxo�� tsnei ue[vsas'"ouaw°NaswR�sv� i CITY Of LA QUINTA 020-000 wr wt cav[ enx soul [o-spot ox BJImINC SITE molnu¢[s 19 020-016 QQ 020-017 r J A fi8 r9 ua. ,. in O 713 eP, ice. blur3s ^d z I n 23 " v Y 1L. i NIM 35 O KJ n tap I ,pM Ir4.t MIaK 773 ' ,e••°' >: m„ k9� v, I� i ® 27 772 29 i - - Li 1azoa/s A 1]fi7 Lai /(Sr" r b b( 9l ^ 91 lof 773 29 Q Wy / ILP nK nos bl l9f \ nn Krn l 1 i l l ' I I 118 263176-90 1R 28470-1 F it i 1J YB 269/12-17 iR 28611 4rf RO IIYt° 0 YI[e Y i ' L7 IOM N 110-1e Sep 1899 ASSESSUt 5 YAP BK. 770 K. 26 l„ 1 Riverside Ccun1Y, Calil II NIs uw Fu a rcvKan ra ti sEsscx p01&OSCS ONLY. Iq 1I/81Clir Is �ss+lm rm 1� a nE wle snw. Asscss�a•s rurcu 1ui iGi u"}FLr F.,. ! � L01-S0.11 OR @lll➢IIG SIiC CIAIXVKES. 713 21 �.1 2s POR.SW 6 T.6S.,R.7E CITY OF LA QUINTA I 20410-2 IB 263%18-90 TR 28M-1 IRA 020-0I6 11 770 29 26492 200' kal = 0 TRA 020400 7 7 0- 3 0 iH15 YW nAS PAEPNtfO ftll ASSCSSuflll PU'8'OSfS GIRT. Ip 11181L1tt POR. SW 6 T . 6S . , R.7E ozo-015 76sa3 IS ASSl11m F➢A M ACORUY OF C, GALA SHOIM. ASSESSOR'S PA4CEL wT lal mttr rlw Laui L01-sPtn on dII1DIXG slrc a1mlRula6. CITY OF LA QWNTA 020-017 020-0I] 1. - 200, i 26 AN0.i 0 36 s sa 377 I m IS i6 11_ 19 38 I ,za.n :. ae ,o.0 `a+p 31 14 a.s1 20 39 �•!r 6 9 p! m O30 12 ++" ue.v — >♦ 21 _12 } asr • I � iPw _ _ - -ft— — _. _ O 14 \y �aa Ja. nrv+*r dr 7RA 36 32 i 2 _\ + ,p.� ` I r♦ S , + 4O }� 53 5Y 51 !0 : 31 226 O ra• `' 4♦• +p. Y+ .� ue.ee • r+. 3e + u 27 4a 26 7d 3 yY 67 , P vzr.n.gv°• zr. a+1i✓ I + Be q 120 12' I♦ ', `Iry QY ++ A4♦ e Mal a0j ♦I C O 1 10 266/5740 TRACT NO 2841D-2 ASSM'S MW BK. 770 PG. 30 M ; 269/12-11 TRACT ND 28611 Riverside County, Calif. - 773 /+�� ® i9 30 To ft�lf-1 141.61 rx M67 f�3 r]a.\ oO _ �Gy� Pql tOf 1 66 ZT t 36 - IS a 9 4 y 49 Ga I)LP PL,1 �Q 17 53 I7 a.)• a J 45 - I r Iu 19 ao2 AC S / 173 33 m To .,, w O 4257 41 Oa g� t i0 � m m� vm-oa TPA Ozo- " �,s � m 2J ( Q 34 39 IT � � E Sa •a.,c G Om o a s ,•s.,] A 31 O \.y _ at 774 In.,• 29 O6 J5 _ m 26 V AC EM_ u..x o0 �g J7 _ 28 Y a V u O Pox •or 1- 114 ...,,,., 09 w s 35 I' w ' I90 36 - � - INUE = 90 a Y ISM. az O t 'SI-N 3.7 13 1RA c2o-0 020-M x S34 _ IfI.N ay O 3 t ` J6 S P, C 2 30 29 d � O S . fO1 LOT w Ji z� 6 s I f M AC 4l c - . 11tA 070- Icc.3c Vn r 1RA 020 .g 25 u tiM `�� O a RG awls e PLR LOT M Ite.1= 24 za O ° ce 27 to y • I p ; c3c O 22 ` n I I ••. 22 � � •• • 21 ` 1 ac.N rr� ai I � <t. m 12 •• uae 4 at , E E 16 18 li oo� u eaN+ _t. V PP V 35 � w .p NYA90 I90 E = Community Development P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PH:760-777-7125 FAX:760-777-7155 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: CITY MANAGER CITY ATTORNEY XXX PUBLIC WORKS DEPT PARKS DEPT. BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. SHERIFF'S DEPT. FIRE MARSHAL GENERAL TELEPHONE SUNLINE TRANSIT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS WASTE MANAGEMENT DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL _ DISTRICT JERRY HERMAN CHRISTINE DI IORIO CV WATER DISTRICT MEDIA ONE IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BIA - DESERT COUNCIL CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE OTHER: FROM: FRED BAKER, PRINCIPAL PLANNER DATE: SEPTEMBER 19,2000 APPLICANTS: DUDEK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CASE(S): LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 2000-343 LOCATION/SITE: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND JEFFERSON STREET PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE COMMENTS ON THIS PROPOSAL BY: OCTOBER 2, 2000. 3 "iI J PROPERTY OWNERS CERTIFICATION I, Jeanne Funkhouser, Certify that ono:61NN attached property owners list was prepared by Fidelity National Title Company pursuant to application requirements furnished by lete and true compilation of owners of the subject property and all other property owners within feet of the property involved in the application and is based upon the latest equalized assessment rolls. I further certify that the information files as true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that incorrect or erroneous information may be grounds for rejection or denial of the application. Name: Jeanne Funkhouser Title: Major Accounts Address: Fidelity National Title 1300 Dove Street, Suite 310 Newport Phone: Date Case # k ********************************************** * Acxiom/DataQuick Systems Report * * Riverside ********************************************** Prepared for: The Keith Companies Provided by: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE C&I Account Rep: 1300 Dove St., Suite 310 Prepared by: Jeanne, customer service Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 (949) 622-4939 ****************************************************************************** * Farms - 5 line : records 1 to 52 * * --- Search Criteria --- Parcel Number 770260002..770260003, 770260010, 770290013..770290014, * 770300001..770300013, 770300037..770300044, 770330004.. * 770330013, 770330030, 770330033, 770340001..770340004, * 770340027..770340034, 770340037, 770340039 * 52 matching properties were found Wed Oct 25 09:25:35 2000 ****************************************************************************** ** This information is sourced from public documents and is not guaranteed ** The following report was processed using the above parameters and. was provided by of FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE C&I ® Page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 ) Prcl:770-260-002 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:EXCEPTIONAL RES Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$1,139,165 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28470-01 Lot: -0093 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 66.82 A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 ) Prcl:770-260-003 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VACANT MISC Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$300 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28470-01 Lot: -000J Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 1.12 A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 ) Prcl:770-260-010 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:EXCEPTIONAL RES Ph: Zn: Sale: Date:11/14/96 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$7,477 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:437156 Tr: 28470-01 Lot: -0094 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 16.05 A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ) Prcl:770-290-013 Site: Ownr:PERRY,JAMES & DAPHNE Mail:6802 DREWRYS BLF*BRADENTON FL 34203 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$295,000F Date:03/05/99 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:92023 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0018 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 ) Prcl:770-290-014 Site: Ownr:CUMMINGS,CLIFFORD R & Mail:7144 YORK DR*HIGHLAND CA 92346 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$295,000F Date:01/27/99 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:32051 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0017 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 ) Prcl:770-300-001 Site: Ownr:PIKE,ROBERT W & LINDA Mail:811 N HAWTHORNE PL*LAKE FOREST IL 60045 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date:05/29/98 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:218834 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0019 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 ) Prcl:770-300-002 Site: Ownr:SAPORITO TRUST Mail:99 BRIARWOOD CIR*HINSDALE IL 60523 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$305,000F Date:05/28/99 Loans:$4,300,000 Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,395 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:237981 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0020 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 ) Prcl:770-300-003 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date:11/14/96 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,395 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:437156 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0021 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 ) Prcl:770-300-004 Site: Ownr:FOSTER,JOHN M & JOAN Mail:PO BOX 1202*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$355,000F Date:08/28/98+ Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,395 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:365293 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0024 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SOURCED FROM PUBLIC DOCUMENTS AND IS NOT GUARANTEED Copyright (C) 1998 Acxiom Corporation ® Page 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 ) Prcl:770-300-005 Site: Ownr:HUBBLE TRUST Mail:1202 DONNER PASS RD*TRUCKEE CA 96161 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$650,OOOF Date:02/08/00 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:46467 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0023 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ it ) Prcl:770-300-006 Site: Ownr:ROSE TRUST Mail:1232 ROSE LN*LAFAYETTE CA 94549 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$950,000F Date:01/14/00 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:15010 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0024 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 ) Prcl:770-300-007 Site: Ownr:SVABEK,JOHN & ROSE M Mail:12400 S NASHVILLE AVE*PALOS HEIGHTS IL 60463 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$395,000 Date:04/21/98 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:152945 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0025 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 ) Prcl:770-300-008 Site: Ownr:B H T Mail:42335 WASHINGTON ST F320*PALM DESERT CA 92211 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$650,000 Date:10/06/99 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:0% Un: Doc#:444543 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0026 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 ) Prcl:770-300-009 Site: Ownr:FISHER CAPITAL CORP Mail:78505 OLD AVE 52*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$280,000 Date:12/15/99 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:542173 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0027 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 ) Prcl:770-300-010 Site: Ownr:ALBERS,RICHARD A & AL Mail:55120 INVERNESS WAY*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$375,000F Date:05/27/99 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:0% Un: Doc#:232576 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0028 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 ) Prcl:770-300-011 Site: Ownr:ZIRKLE,WILLIAM H & LI Mail:722 SELAH NACHES RD*YAKIMA WA 98908 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$305,000 Date:04/22/98 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:155440 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0029 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17 ) Prcl:770-300-012 Site: Ownr:SLIFER,CAROL S Mail:PO BOX 16465*DENVER CO 80216 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$295,000 Date:07/17/98 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:296612 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0030 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 ) Prcl:770-300-013 Site: Ownr:FETTEROLF,FREDERICK C Mail:GLEN MITCHELL RD*SEWICKLEY 15143 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$295,000 Date:06/04/98 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,468 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:228904 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0031 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SOURCED FROM PUBLIC DOCUMENTS AND IS NOT GUARANTEED Copyright (C) 1998 Acxiom Corporation • ® Page 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 ) Prcl:770-300-037 Site: Ownr:CLARK,CLIVE Mail:53531 OAK HL*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$700,000F Date:04/26/00 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,395 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:155074 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0054 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 ) Prcl:770-300-038 Site: Ownr:GALL,LYNN S Mail:79691 ARNOLD PALMER*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$385,000 Date:07/29/98 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,395 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:314512 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0055 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 ) Prcl:770-300-039 Site: Ownr:GALL,LYNN S Mail:79691 ARNOLD PALMER*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$370,000 Date:07/29/98 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,395 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:314510 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0056 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22 ) Prcl:770-300-040 Site: Ownr:KELLY,JAMES F Mail:100 DRAKES LANDING 105*GREENBRAE CA 94904 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$385,000 Date:06/23/98 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,395 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:255467 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0057 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 ) Prcl:770-300-041 Site: Ownr:SIMS,M K & SUSAN C Mail:1824 THE STRAND*HERMOSA BEACH CA 90254 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$345,000 Date:05/29/98 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,395 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:220250 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0058 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 ) Prcl:770-300-042 Site: Ownr:BIGGINS,ANTHONY Mail:55499 OAK HL*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$390,000F Date:02/26/99 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,395 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:76404 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0059 Bdrms: Bths: - Lotsz: -- ------------------------- 25 ) Prcl:770-300-043 Site:78351 - -- TALKING ROCK TURN*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Ownr:GERSTEL,BRYAN R & BAR Mail:PO BOX 2402*RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date:06/01/98 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$10,395 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:222543 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -0060 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 ) Prcl:770-300-044 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date:11/14/96 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$104 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:437156 Tr: 28470-02 Lot: -000D Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 2.60 A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27 ) Prc1,:770-330-004 Site: Ownr:BECK,DEAN A & PATIRCI Mail:1776 STONE CANYON RD*LOS ANGELES CA 90077 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$365,000F Date:03/16/00 Loans:$365,000 Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:97015 Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0040 Bdrms: Bths: - Lotsz: 15,681 --------------------------------------------------- THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SOURCED FROM PUBLIC DOCUMENTS AND IS NOT GUARANTEED Copyright (C) 1998 Acxiom Corporation Page 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 ) Prcl:770-330-005 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0041 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 16,117 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 ) Prcl:770-330-006 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0042 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 16,117 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 ) Prcl:770-330-007 Site: Ownr:MYERS TRUST Mail:1404 MONTGOMERY ST*SAN FRANCISCO CA 94133 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$395,000F Date:06/16/00 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:231333 Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0043 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 16,117 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31 ) Prcl:770-330-008 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0044 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 16,552 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 ) Prcl:770-330-009 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0045 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 16,552 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33 ) Prcl:770-330-010 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0046 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 16,552 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34 ) Prcl:770-330-011 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0047 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 15,246 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35 ) Prcl:770-330-012 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0048 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 13,068 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36 ) Prcl:770-330-013 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0049 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 11,325 --------------------------------------- THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SOURCED - ------- FROM PUBLIC DOCUMENTS AND IS NOT GUARANTEED Copyright (C) 1998 Acxiom Corporation ' Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 ) Prcl:770-330-030 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:EXCEPTIONAL RES Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$198,373 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0123 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 6.02 A 38 ) Prcl:770-330-033 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VACANT MISC Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$499 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-000B Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 7,405 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 ) Prcl:770-340-001 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$5,847 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0001 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 16,117 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 ) Prcl:770-340-002 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$5,846 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0002 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 13,939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41 ) Prcl:770-340-003 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$5,846 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0003 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 13,503 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42 ) Prcl:770-340-004 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$5,846 Imp:096 Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0004 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 13,068 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43 ) Prcl:770-340-027 Site: Ownr:CROOO,ANNE E ETAL Mail:47211 VINTAGE CLUB DR E*INDIAN WELLS CA 92210 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$400,000F Date:03/30/00 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:117006 Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0027 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 13,068 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44 ) Prcl:770-340-028 Site: Ownr:SEAR,BRIAN E Mail:51 W LIGHTNING RANCH RD*WASHCE VALLEY 89704 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$255,000 Date:09/27/99 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:232575 Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0028 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 14,810 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45 ) Prcl:770-340-029 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0029 Bdrms: Bths: - -- Lotsz: 13,503 ----------------------------------------- THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SOURCED FROM PUBLIC DOCUMENTS AND IS NOT GUARANTEED Copyright (C) 1998 Acxiom Corporation ' Page 6 46 ) Prcl:770-340-030 Site: Ownr:NORRIS,GENE & MARILYN Mail:80155 MERION*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$305,000 Date:05/19/99 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:216458 Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0030 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 16,552 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47 ) Prcl:770-340-031 Site: Ownr:BROUGH,STEVEN 0 Mail:450 SUTTER 1426*SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$265,000 Date:04/28/99 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:179231 Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0031 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 13,068 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 48 ) Prcl:770-340-032 Site: Ownr:PRINGLE,PAUL C & CYNT Mail:555 CALIFORNIA ST 5000*SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$425,000F Date:04/12/00 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:135594 Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0032 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 12,196 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 49 ) Prcl:770-340-033 Site: Ownr:SAUNDERS,ROBERT L & A Mail:2021 DOWN WOODS LN*WINDERMERE FL 34786 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$375,000F Date:06/21/00 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$6,149 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:239085 Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0033 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 12,196 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50 ) Prcl:770-340-034 Site: Ownr:ROSITANO,ROBERT A SR Mail:14836 THREE OAKS CT*SARATOGA CA 95070 Use:VAC RESIDENTIAL Ph: Zn: Sale:$275,000F Date:06/30/99 Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$7,884 Imp:O% Un: Doc#:292500 Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0034 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 12,632 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51 ) Prcl:770-340-037 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:EXCEPTIONAL RES Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$31,038 Imp:O% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 Lot: L-0123 Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 1.80 A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 52 ) Prcl:770-340-039 Site: Ownr:TRADITION CLUB ASSOC Mail:78505 52ND AVE*LA QUINTA CA 92253 Use:VACANT MISC Ph: Zn: Sale: Date: Loans: Xmpt: Yb: Sgft: Asd:$499 Imp:0% Un: Doc#: Tr: 28867-00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot: L-000A Bdrms: Bths: Lotsz: 18,730 THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SOURCED FROM PUBLIC DOCUMENTS AND IS NOT GUARANTEED Copyright (C) 1998 Acxiom Corporation * Acxiom/DataQuick Systems Report * * * Riverside ********************************************** Prepared for: The Keith Companies Provided by: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE C&I Account Rep: 1300 Dove St., Suite 310 Prepared by: Jeanne, customer service Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 (949) 622-4939 ****************************************************************************** * Labels - 3 up copiable : records 1 to 52 * * * --- Search Criteria --- Total 3 Sets printed * Parcel Number 770260002..770260003, 770260010, 770290013..770290014, * 770300001..770300013, 770300037..770300044, 770330004.. * 770330013, 770330030, 770330033, 770340001..770340004, * 770340027..770340034, 770340037, 770340039 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 52 matching properties were found Wed Oct 25 09:28:36 2000 ****************************************************************************** ** This information is sourced from public documents and is not guaranteed ** The following report was processed using the above parameters and was provided by of FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE C&I 0 770-260-002 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-290-013 JAMES & DAPHNE PERRY 6802 DREWRYS BLF BRADENTON FL 34203-7860 770-300-002 SAPORITO 99 BRIARWOOD CIR HINSDALE IL 60523-8711 770-300-005 HUBBLE 1202 DONNER PASS RD TRUCKEE CA 96161-2802 770-300-008 B H T 42335 WASHINGTON ST F32 PALM DESERT C 92211-8031 770-300-011 WILLIAM H ZIRKLE 722 SELAH NACHES RD YAKIMA WA 98908-9022 770-300-037 CLIVE CLARK 53531 OAK HL LA QUINTA CA 92253-6242 770-300-040 JAMES F KE:LLY 100 DRAKES LANDING 105 GREENBRAE CA 94904 770-300-04:3 BRYAN R GERSTEL PO BOX 240:2 RANCHO SANPA 92067-2402 770-330-005 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-260-003 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-290-014 CLIFFORD R CUMMINGS 7144 YORK DR HIGHLAND CA 92346-5043 770-300-003 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-300-006 ROSE 1232 ROSE LN LAFAYETTE CA 94549-1202 770-300-009 FISHER CAPITAL CORP 78505 OLD AVE 52 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-300-012 CAROL S SLIFER PO BOX 16465 DENVER CO 80216-0465 770-300-038 LYNN S GALL 79691 ARNOLD PALMER LA QUINTA CA 92253-4716 770-300-041 M K & SUSAN SIMS 1824 THE STRAND HERMOSA BEACH 90254-3468 770-300-044 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-006 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-260-010 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-300-001 ROBERT W & LINDA PIKE 811 N HAWTHORNE PL LAKE FOREST I 60045-2210 770-300-004 JOHN M & JOAN FOSTER PO BOX 1202 LA QUINTA CA 92253-1202 770-300-007 JOHN & ROSE SVABEK 12400 S NASHVILLEI AVE PALOS HEIGHTS 60463-1761 770-300-010 RICHARD A ALBERS 55120 INVERNESS WAY LA QUINTA CA 92253-4682 770-300-013 FREDERICK C FETTEROLF GLEN MITCHELL RD SEWICKLEY 15143 770-300-039 LYNN S GALL 79691 ARNOLD PALMER LA QUINTA CA 92253-4716 770-300-042 ANTHONY BIGGINS 55499 OAK HL LA QUINTA CA 92253-4730 770-330-004 DEAN A & PATIRCIA BECK 1776 STONE CANYON RD LOS ANGELES C 90077-2802 770-330-007 MYERS 1404 MONTGOMERY ST SAN FRANCISCO 94133-2802 El 770-330-008 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-011 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-030 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-002 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-027 ANNE E CROCO 47211 VINTAGE CLUB DR E INDIAN WELLS 92210-2802 770-340-030 GENE & MARILYN NORRIS 80155 MERION LA QUINTA CA 92253-5040 770-340-033 ROBERT L & AMY SAUNDERS 2021 DOWN WOODS LN WINDERMERE FL 34786 770-340-039 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 *** 52 Printed *** 770-330-009 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-012 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-033 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-003 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-028 BRIAN E SEAR 51 W LIGHTNING RANCH RD WASHCE VALLEY 89704 770-340-031 STEVEN 0 BROUGH 450 SUTTER 1426 SAN FRANCISCO 94108 770-340-034 ROBERT A ROSITANO 14836 THREE OAKS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 770-330-010 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-013 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-001 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-004 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-029 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-032 PAUL C PRINGLE 555 CALIFORNIA ST 5000 SAN FRANCISCO 94104-2802 770-340-037 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-260-002 770-260-003 770-260-010 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC TRADITION CLUB ASSOC TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE 78505 52ND AVE 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-290-013 JAMES & DAPHNE PERRY 6802 DREWRYS BLF BRADENTON FL 34203-7860 770-300-002 SAPORITO 99 BRIARWOOD CIR HINSDALE IL 60523-8711 770-300-005 HUBBLE 1202 DONNER PASS RD TRUCKEE CA 96161-2802 770-300-008 B H T 42335 WASHINGTON ST F32 PALM DESERT C 92211-8031 770-300-011 WILLIAM H ZIRKLE 722 SELAH NACHES RD YAKIMA WA 98908-9022 770-300-037 CLIVE CLARK 53531 OAK HL LA QUINTA CA 92253-6242 770-300-040 JAMES F KELLY 100 DRAKES LANDING 105 GREENBRAE CA 94904 770-300-043 BRYAN R GERSTEL PO BOX 2402 RANCHO SANTA 92067-2402 770-330-005 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-290-014 CLIFFORD R CUMMINGS 7144 YORK DR HIGHLAND CA 92346-5043 770-300-003 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-300-006 ROSE 1232 ROSE LN LAFAYETTE CA 94549-1202 770-300-009 FISHER CAPITAL CORP 78505 OLD AVE 52 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-300-012 CAROL S SLIFER PO BOX 16465 DENVER CO 80216-0465 770-300-038 LYNN S GALL 79691 ARNOLD PALMER LA QUINTA CA 92253-4716 770-300-041 M K & SUSAN SIMS 1824 THE STRAND HERMOSA BEACH 90254-3468 770-300-044 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-006 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-300-001 ROBERT W & LINDA PIKE 811 N HAWTHORNE PL LAKE FOREST I 60045-2210 770-300-004 JOHN M & JOAN FOSTER PO BOX 1202 LA QUINTA CA 92253-1202 770-300-007 JOHN & ROSE SVABEK 12400 S NASHVILLE AVE PALOS HEIGHTS 60463-1761 770-300-010 RICHARD A ALBERS 55120 INVERNESS WAY LA QUINTA CA 92253-4682 770-300-013 FREDERICK C FETTEROLF GLEN MITCHELL RD SEWICKLEY 15143 770-300-039 LYNN S GALL 79691 ARNOLD PALMER LA QUINTA CA 92253-4716 770-300-042 ANTHONY BIGGINS 55499 OAK HL LA QUINTA CA 92253-4730 770-330-004 DEAN A & PA'TIRCIA BECK 1776 STONE CANYON RD LOS ANGELES C 90077-2802 770-330-007 MYERS 1404 MONTGOMERY ST SAN FRANCISCO 94133-2802 770-330-008 770-330-009 770-330-010 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC TRADITION CLUB ASSOC TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE 78505 52ND AVE 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-011 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-030 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-002 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-027 ANNE E CROCO 47211 VINTAGE CLUB DR E INDIAN WELLS 92210-2802 770-340-030 GENE & MARILYN NORRIS 80155 MERION LA QUINTA CA 92253-5040 770-340-033 ROBERT L & AMY SAUNDERS 2021 DOWN WOODS LN WINDERMERE FL 34786 770-340-039 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 *** 52 Printed *** 770-330-012 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-033 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-003 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-028 BRIAN E SEAR 51 W LIGHTNING RANCH RD WASHCE VALLEY 89704 770-340-031 STEVEN 0 BROUGH 450 SUTTER 1426 SAN FRANCISCO 94108 770-340-034 ROBERT A ROSITANO 14836 THREE OAKS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 770-330-013 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-001. TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-004 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-029 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-032 PAUL C PRINGLE 555 CALIFORNIA ST 5000 SAN FRANCISCO 94104-2802 770-340-037 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 J. 1 770-260-00:2 770-260-003 770-260-010 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC TRADITION CLUB ASSOC TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE 78505 52ND AVE 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-290-01.3 JAMES & DA:PHNE PERRY 6802 DREWRYS BLF BRADENTON :FL 34203-7860 770-300-00:2 SAPORITO 99 BRIARWOOD CIR HINSDALE I:L 60523-8711 770-300-005 HUBBLE 1202 DONNER PASS RD TRUCKEE CA 96161-2802 770-300-008 B H T 42335 WASH:INGTON ST F32 PALM DESERT C 92211-8031 770-300-011 WILLIAM H ZIRKLE 722 SELAH NACHES RD YAKIMA WA 98908-9022 770-300-037 CLIVE CLARK 53531 OAK HL LA QUINTA CA 92253-6242 770-300-040 JAMES F KELLY 100 DRAKES LANDING 105 GREENBRAE CA 94904 770-300-043 BRYAN R GERSTEL PO BOX 2402 RANCHO SANTA 92067-2402 770-330-005 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-290-014 CLIFFORD R CUMMINGS 7144 YORK DR HIGHLAND CA 92346-5043 770-300-003 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-300-006 ROSE 1232 ROSE LN LAFAYETTE CA 94549-1202 770-300-009 FISHER CAPITAL CORP 78505 OLD AVE 52 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-300-012 CAROL S SLIFER PO BOX 16465 DENVER CO 80216-0465 770-300-038 LYNN S GALL 79691 ARNOLD PALMER LA QUINTA CA 92253-4716 770-300-041 M K & SUSAN SIMS 1824 THE STRAND HERMOSA BEACH 90254-3468 770-300-044 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-006 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-300-001 ROBERT W & LINDA PIKE 811 N HAWTHORNE PL LAKE FOREST I 60045-2210 770-300-004 JOHN M & JOAN FOSTER PO BOX 1202 LA QUINTA CA 92253-1202 770-300-007 JOHN & ROSE SVABEK 12400 S NASHVILLE AVE PALOS HEIGHTS 60463-1761 770-300-010 RICHARD A ALBERS 55120 INVERNESS WAY LA QUINTA CA 92253-4682 770-300-013 FREDERICK C FETTEROLF GLEN MITCHELL RD SEWICKLEY 15143 770-300-039 LYNN S GALL 79691 ARNOLD PALMER LA QUINTA CA 92253-4716 770-300-042 ANTHONY BIGGINS 55499 OAK HL LA QUINTA CA 92253-4730 770-330-004 DEAN A & PATIRCIA BECK 1776 STONE CANYON RD LOS ANGELES C 90077-2802 770-330-007 MYERS 1404 MONTGOMERY S'T SAN FRANCISCO 94133-2802 cyi. �U 770-330-008 770-330-009 770-330-010 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC TRADITION CLUB ASSOC TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE 78505 52ND AVE 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-011 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-030 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-002 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-027 ANNE E CROCO 47211 VINTAGE CLUB DR E INDIAN WELLS 92210-2802 770-340-030 GENE & MARILYN NORRIS 80155 MERION LA QUINTA CA 92253-5040 770-340-03:3 ROBERT L & AMY SAUNDERS 2021 DOWN WOODS LN WINDERMERE FL 34786 770-340-039 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 *** 52 Printed *** 770-330-012 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-330-033 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-003 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-028 BRIAN E SEAR 51 W LIGHTNING RANCH RD WASHCE VALLEY 89704 770-340-031 STEVEN O BROUGH 450 SUTTER 1426 SAN FRANCISCO 94108 770-340-034 ROBERT A ROSITANO 14836 THREE OAKS CT SARATOGA CA 95070 770-330-013 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-001 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-004 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-029 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 770-340-032 PAUL C PRINGLE 555 CALIFORNIA ST 5000 SAN FRANCISCO 94104-2802 770-340-037 TRADITION CLUB ASSOC 78505 52ND AVE LA QUINTA CA 92253-2802 El Eel Community Development P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PH:760-777-7125 FAX:760-777-7155 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: CITY MANAGER CITY ATTORNEY XXX PUBLIC WORKS DEPT PARKS DEPT. BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. SHERIFF'S DEPT. FIRE MARSHAL GENERAL TELEPHONE SUNLINE TRANSIT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS WASTE MANAGEMENT DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FROM: DATE: APPLICANTS: CASE(S): LOCATION/SITE: JERRY HERMAN CHRISTINE DI IORIO CV WATER DISTRICT MEDIA ONE IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BIA - DESERT COUNCIL CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE OTHER: FRED BAKER, PRINCIPAL PLANNER SEPTEMBER 19,2000 DUDEK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 2000-343 SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND JEFFERSON STREET PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE COMMENTS ON THIS PROPOSAL BY: OCTOBER 2, 2000. ac men s Fo I City of La Uinta I Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development. Director pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose of the review is to allow reconfiguration of two or more adjoining lots into sizes or shapes appropriate for desired uses and in compliance with Municipal Code requirements. APPLICATdF Century -Crowell Communities (Print) MAILING ADDRESS 1535 South "D" Street Phone No. (909) 381-6007 CITY, STATE, ZIP San Bernardino, CA 92408 Fax No. 909) 381-0041 PROPERTY OWNERS 'Owner"A"Name: H.A. Andersen Address: c/o Century -Crowell Communities Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) 'Owner "B" Name: Janet Address- C/o Century - (City) (State) (Zip) *Owner "C"Name: Arland J. Andersen Address: c/o Century -Crowell communities (City) (State) (Zip) *Attach sheet for additional owners PROPERTY DATA. Property A: Assessor's Parcel Number: 6 0 4 - 0 7 2 - 0 0 8 Street Address(ifany):corner of Jefferson St. & Fred Waring Dr. Property B: Assessor's Parcel Number: 6 0 4 - 0 7 2 - 0 0 6 Street Address (ifany):corner of Jefferson St. 6 Miles Ave. Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: Two quarter,quarter section lots, become of 10.8 Acres, corner commercial lot @ Fred Waring Dr. & Jefferson St. and a 63.5 acre residential lot A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 1/6/98 cdi Additional Property Owners Owner "D" Name: Max F. and Nelda J. Bayha Address: c/o Century -Crowell Communities Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "E" Name: Address: Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "F" Name: Address: Phone: City) (State) (Zip) REASON FOR REQUEST:Divisii3l'i of property between existing owners prior to developing separate commercial and residential sites. APPLICABIILITY The following; criteria must be met to approve a lot line adjustment: ❑ The adjustment shall not create a greater number of parcels than originally existed. ❑ The resulting parcels shall conform with City Zoning and Building Codes. ❑ The adjustment shall not cause existing uses or improvements of the property to be out of compliance with any provision of the City Codes. MINIMUM !iUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: ❑ Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels. Cl An acceptable legal description of each existing parcel and a metes and bounds description of each new parcel proposed. ❑ Closing calculations for each new parcel proposed. ❑ Original, unrecorded Grant Deeds for each new parcel with the following: ❑ State on the Grant Deed when all affected parcels are under one ownership. GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged Owner A hereby GRANTS to Owner A the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) See Exhibits A and B attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed implements the revised lot configurations pursuant to Line Line Adjustment _ --- as approved by the City of La Quinta. All property subject to this lot line adjustment is owned by a single entity, hence ownership conveyance is a nonessential secondary function of this deed. The primary function of the deed is to provide constructive notice of the revised lot configurations pursuant to Government Code Section 66512 (d), and to perfect the intent of the Lot Line Adjustment _._ as approved. ❑ State on Grant Deed when affected parcels are under multiple ownership: GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner A hereby GRANTS to Owner B the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) that portion of land in Lot A which is overlaid by the reconfigured shape of Lot B pursuant to LLA approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 1/6/98 cdi GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner B hereby GRANTS to Owner A the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) that portion of land in Lot B which is overlaid by the reconfigured shape of Lot A pursuant to LLA approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of Lot Line Adjustment — _ as approved by the City of La Quinta. ❑ Attached to the Grant Deeds shall be Exhibits A and B, a metes and bounds legal description of the new parcels and a plat (8V2" x I V) of the new parcels, respectively (see attached sample Exhibits A and B). ❑ If structures or other improvements exist on the affected parcel(s), provide separate plot plan showing dimensioned location in relation to new property lines. ❑ Filing fee for Lot Line Adjustment. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. If the nunber of lots adjusted exceeds two, then a Pubbe Works Department plan check fee of $50.00 per lot (over two lots) shall be paid in addition to Lot Line Adjustment fee. . :•+:•❖rw•: .•••r•: .•v•. �:7••••. :•� •. :•vt •.p. . SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT%I%�./_ //// yQiF/ DATE NAME OF APPLICANT Centur Crowell Communities (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER "A" N IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: r r, 4-2Z q,�DATE�� � NAME OF OWNER H.A. Andersen DATE (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER `B" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: - llyd- 9L.F 0 J DATE NAME OF OWNER Janet C . Kerwood DATE (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER "C" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: & � DATE S�� NAME OF OWNER Arlan J. Andersen DATE (Print) (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) 9- i/ I hereby certify that all information contained in this application, including all plans and materials required by the City's appheation submission requirements, is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION (:GIVEN IN THIS AF'F'LICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. 1 bereby grant the City authority to enter onto the property to conduct site inspections and to post required public notices. A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 1/6/98 cdi 1 Additional Sicinatures of Property Owners SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT OS DATE NAME OF APPLICANT Max F. and Nelda J. Bavha (Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME OF APPLICANT (Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT NAME OF APPLICANT (Print) August 23, 2000 11 W.O.2512 EXHIBIT "A" LLA NO. ADJUSTED LOT "A" A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; SAID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 8, PAGE 8 OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH SECTION LINE OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 89°28'48" WEST, 80.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0003 1'12" EAST, 55.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 55.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 89°28'48" WEST, 551.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00020'20" EAST, 814.54 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89031'36" EAST, 577.00 FEET, TO A POINT 55.00 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 20; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 55.00 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 20, NORTH 00°20'20" WEST, 789.93 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 25.00' RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90010'52", A DISTANCE OF 39.35 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 10.789 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. J.J. SONER, RCE 24069 LICENSE EXPIRES 12-31-01 AUL August 23, 2000 W.0.2512 EXHIBIT "A" LLA NO. ADJUSTED A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; SAID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 8, PAGE 8 OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH SECTION LINE OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 89°28'48" WEST, 80.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0003 1'12" EAST, 55.00 FEET; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 55.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 89°28'48" WEST, 551.92 FEET, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 00020'20" EAST, 814.54 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89031'36" EAST, 577.00 FEET, TO A POINT 55.00 FEET WEST OF THE FAST LINE OF SECTION 20; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 55.00 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 00°20'20" EAST, 1707.99 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 25.00' RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89051'56", A DISTANCE OF 39.21 FEET; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 50.00 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, SOUTH 89-31'36" WEST, 1246.92 FEET, TO THE EAST LINE OF TRACT NO.25691, AS FILED IN BOOK , PAGES _ AND _ INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF TRACT NO. 25691, NORTH 00-18'44" WEST, 2546.91 FEET, TO THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT NO. 22982, AS FILED IN BOOK 195, PAGES 4 THROUGH 9, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TO A POINT 55.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 20; PAGE 1 El August 23, 2000 0 W.O.2512 EXHIBIT "A" LLA NO. _- ADJUSTED LOT `B" THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND 55.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 20, NORTH 89°28'48" EAST, 693.68 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 63.549 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. J.J. SONEJI, RCE 24069 LICENSE EXPIRES 12-31-01 PAGE 2 August 23, 2000 11 W.O.2512 EXHIBIT "A" LLA NO. LOT "A" THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; SAID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 8, PAGE 8 OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; EXCEPTING THOSE PORTIONS CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BY DEEDS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 28, 1966 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 96188 AND JANUARY 23, 1968 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 6772 BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. August 23, 2000 C W.O.2512 EXHIBIT "A" LLA NO. LOT THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; SAID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 8, PAGE 8 OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; I7XCEPTING THOSE PORTIONS CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BY DEEDS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 28, 1966 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 96188 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. page 1 Project: 2512 Tue Aug 22 08:59:41 2000 Lot Map Check --------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Lot name: ADJ LOT A North: 11839.1950 Line Course: N 00-20-20.0 W North: 12653.7190 Line Course: N 89-28-48.0 E North: 12658.7280 Curve Length: 39.3489 Delta: 90-10-52.0 Chord: 35.4112 Course: In: S 00-31-12.0 E RP North: 12633.7290 End North: 12633.8769 Line Course: S 00-20-20.0 E North: 11843.9617 Line Course: S 89-31-36.0 W North: 11839.1950 East: 13592.8561 Length: 814.5382 East: 13588.0384 Length: 551.9222 East: 14139.9379 Radius: 25.0000 Tangent: 25.0791 Course: S 45-25-46.0 E Course Out: N 89-39-40.0 E East: 14140.1647 East: 14165.1643 Length: 789.9290 East: 14169.8365 Length: 577.0000 East: 13592.8562 Perimeter: 2772.7383 Area: 469,988 sq.ft. 10.7894 acres Mapcheck Closure - (uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0001 Course: N 77-48-56.1 E Error North: 0.00001 East: 0.00006 Precision 1: 48,771,576.9030 Lot name: ADJ LOT B North: 12597.2360 Line Course: S 89-28-48.0 W North: 12590.9405 Line Course: S 00-18-44.0 E North: 10044.0714 Line ,Course: N 89-31-36.0 E North: 10054.3724 Curve Length: 39.2112 Delta: 89-51-56.0 Chord: 35.3138 Course In: N 00-28-24.0 W RP North: 10079.3715 End North: 10079.5194 Line Course: N 00-20-20.0 W North: 11787.4787 Line Course: S 89-31-36.0 W North: 11782.7120 Line Course: N 00-20-20.0 W North: 12597.2360 East: 13531.5223 Length: 693.6780 East: 12837.8729 Length: 2546.9069 East: 12851.7517 Length: 1246.9205 East: 14098.6296 Radius: 25.0000 Tangent: 24.9414 Course: N 44-35-38.0 E Course Out: N 89-39-40.0 E East: 14098.4231 East: 14123.4227 Length: 1707.9892 East: 14113.3204 Length: 577.0000 East: 13536.3401 Length: 814.5382 East: 13531.5224 page 2 Project: 2.512 Tue Aug 22 08:59:41 2000 Lot Map Check Perimeter: 7626.2440 Area: 2,768,193 sq.ft. 63.5490 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0001 Course: S 68-49-37.4 E Error North:-0.00003 East: 0.00007 Precision 1: 95,122,494.2067 P LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. EXHIBIT "B" T.P.0.8. P.O.C. LOT A FRED WARING N 89'28.48" E Y325.65 DRIVE 7 Jo -- �0112-1 ---T - N89'28'48"E 69.3.68' - - N89'28'46"E 551. 92'90-10'�\ / I I / 25.0052 - T.P.O.B. L 11 LOT 6 55' C/ a h M m I n _ LOT A o AREA=10.789 AC. 41 C) 2 03 -- / I -- ADJUSTED LOT LINE— Or I\J:-� V41 OF SAC. 20 1 cl� u., Fi. % =-,, u,�.FS.1�L -- A.P.N. 604-072-008 m /1 — b � n N �I A � q a � b N l..l b 1 C.� I Q 3 LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED N a O N N LOT B 3 / m 11 N 3 Z AIZEA = 63.549 AC. o o L� N L� l z o LL o 2 v� ry 1/Lr, OTC INN -1/4, O S2C. 20 "� T- —T- f. J S.., Fi. / F-,, S,B,rB-,1\✓1, L,� A.P.N. 604-072-006 CID 25.00 T L = 39.21' � I I --L N89'31'J6"E 1246.92' - I MILES N 89'J 1'36" E-U26.89 N AVEUE 20 27 pROFESS/pN 3.50 c U yr^ s No. 24059 z 300 0 150 300 Soo rF Exp. 12/31/2001 >ti IGRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 300 feet. MSI ® Palm Desert Office: IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 75-150 Sheryl Avenue, Suite C A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF Palm Desert, CA 92211 THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF C I A T E S Tel. 760.341.6660 SECTION 20 T. 5 S., R. 7 E.. S. B. B. & M. ho)essirWhmmfarComplaProjals Fax 760.346.6118 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA RECEIPT city RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS FOR-.... ACCOUNT AMT, OF CASH ACCOUNT AMT. PAID ICHECN A M N M DUE ORDEF 78-495 Calle Tampico, P. O. DOLLARS $ 3, La Quiinta CA 92253 20e9/..I . 4.)�iU�� CENTURY CROWELL COMMUNITIES Payee: 100600 LA QUINTA, CITY OF Check No. - 1001717 Check Date - 08/31/00 -INVOICE DATE REMARKS GROSS DEDUCTIONS AMOUNT PAID .tI8272 083000 LOT LINE i,, _11ETNEEI� CQM&FiEB , : - 250_tl0--250:00 250,kk 250:0tr 717 CI'IY_OF LA QUINFA P, r -)X 1504 LA INTA CA 92253 Century Crowell Communities ayee: 100600 LA QUINTA, CITY OF Check No. - 1001717 Check Date - 08/31/00 INVOICE DATE REMARKS GROSS DEDUCTIONS AMOUNT PAID ............... I'i,I ,; 0Fidelity National Title Company PRELIMINARY REPORT In response to the application for a policy of title insurance referenced herein, Fidelity National Title Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules; Conditions and Stipulations of said Policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Exhibit A attached. Copies of the Policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements or amendments hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. The Policy(s) of title insurance to be issued hereunder will be policy(s) of Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, a California Corporation. Please read the exceptions shown or referred to below and the exceptions and exclusions set forth in Exhibit A of this report carefully. The exceptions and exclusions are meant to provide you with notice of matters which are not covered under the terms of the title insurance policy and should be carefully considered. It is important to note that this preliminary report is not a written representation as to the condition of title and may not list all liens, defects and encumbrances affecting title to the land. ♦Opv Oq�♦F, �. <' f SEAL Countersigned Ficiellty National Title Company BY P�ulMnt Ar EST E IIIII Fidelity National Title Company Builder Services 7344 Magnolia Avenue, Suite 275 • Riverside, CA 92504 (909) 637-0414 • FAX (909) 637-1936 PRELIMINARY REPORT TITLE OFFICER: John M. Glance TO: Tradition Club Associates 78-505 Old Avenue 52 La Quinta, CA 92253 ATTN: David Chapman YOUR REFERENCE.: TPM 29984 PROPERTY ADDRESS: ORDER NO.: y)IUUJ12 SHORT TERM RATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: October 4, 2000, 07:30 A.M. The form of Policy or Policies of title insurance contemplated by this report is: SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE 1 . THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 2. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: TRADITION CLUB ASSOCIATES, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company 3. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF TV\cy 10/23/2000 Er� ® Order No. 9790312 EXHIBIT "ONE" Lot 21 of Tract No. 28470-2, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside on file in Book 266, Page(s) 57 through 60 of Maps, Records of said County, California. 2 Ell Order No. 9790312 AT THE DATE HEREOF, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: Property taxes, including any personal property taxes and any assessments collected with taxes, for the fiscal year 2000-2001, Assessor's Parcel Number 770-300-003-8. Code Area Number: 020123 1st Installment: $93.99 OPEN 2nd Installment: $93.99 OPEN Land: $10,797.00 Improvements: $0.00 Exemption: $0.00 Personal Property: $0.00 Bill No.: 000047794 2. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions otChapter 3.5 (Commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation code of the State of California. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not disclosed by the public records. 4. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: County of Riverside Purpose: Roads Recorded: July 23, 1828, Book 771, Page 245, of Deeds Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: County of Riverside Purpose: Roads Recorded: December 23, 1830, Book 867, Page 1168, of Deeds 6. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Public utilities Affects: Within 10.00 feet of said lot along streets. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document Recorded: July 25, 1997, Instrument No. 262677, of Official Records NOTE: Section 12956.1 of the Government Code provides the following: If this document contains any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry, that restriction violates state and federal housing laws and is void. Any person holding an interest in this property may request that the county recorder remove the restrictive language pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 12956.1 of the Government Code:. ITEMS: (Continued) ® Order No. 9790312 Said covenants, conditions and restrictions provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. Said instrument also provides for the levy of assessments, the, lien of which are stated to be subordinate to the lien of certain mortgages or deeds of trust made in good faith and for value. And re -recorded August 15, 1997, Instrument No. 292176, of Official Records The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: December 11, 1997, Instrument/File No. 455311, of Official Records 8. The effect of a document entitled "Notice", by and between Coachella Valley Water District and Tradition Club Associates, LLC, recorded June 29, 1998 as Instrument/File No. 265367 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. s 9. The effect of a document entitled "Notice", dated March 23, 1998 by Tradition Club Associates, LLC, recorded June 29, 1998 as Instrument/File No. 265367 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 10. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: $18,000,000.00 Dated: December 7, 1999 Trustor: Tradition Club Associates, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company Trustee: Equitable Deed Company, a California Corporation Beneficiary: Bank of America, N.A., a national banking association Loan No.: Recorded: December 7, 1999, Instrument No. 1999-533436, of Official Records 11. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: $20,000,000.00 Dated: June 30, 2000 Trustor: Tradition Club Associates, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Trustee: Equitable Deed Company, a California Corporation Beneficiary: Bank of America, N.A., a national banking association Loan No.: Recorded: July 3, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-258227, of Official Records 12. A claim of mechanic's lien Amount: $38,159.41 Claimant: Archuleta Concrete Const. Co. Recorded: January 10, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-009483, of Official Records 4 ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9790312 13. Before issuing its policy of title insurance, this Company will require for review, the following documents from the Limited Liability Company named below. Limited Liability Company: TRADITION CLUB ASSOCIATES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (a) A copy of its operating agreement and any and all amendments, supplements and/or modifications thereto, certified by the appropriate manager or member. (b) Confirmation that its Articles of Organization (LLC-1), and Certificate of Amendment (LLC-2), any restated Articles of Organization (LLC-10) and/or Certificate of Correction (LLC-11) have been filed with the Secretary of State. (c) If the Limited Liability Company is member -managed a full and complete current list of members certified by the appropriate manager or member. (d) If the Limited Liability Company was formed in a foreign jurisdiction, evidence satisfactory to the Company, that it was validly formed, is in good standing and ;authorized to do -business in the state of origin. (e) If the Limited Liability Company was formed in a foreign jurisdiction, evidence satisfactory to the Company, that it has complied with California "doing business" laws, if applicable. After review of the requested documents, the Company reserves the right to add to the issuance of any policy of additional items or make additional requirements prior title insurance. END OF ITEMS Note 1. Section 12413.1, California Insurance Code became effective January 1, 1990. This legislation deals with the disbursement of funds deposited with any title entity acting in an escrow or subescrow capacity. The law requires that all funds be deposited and collected by the title entity's escrow and/or subescrow account prior to disbursement of any funds. Some methods of funding may subject funds to a holding period which must expire before any funds may be disbursed. In order to avoid any such delays, all fundings should be done through wire transfer, certified check or checks drawn on California financial institutions. Note 2. The charge where an order is cancelled after the issuance of the report of title, will be that amount which in the opinion of the Company is proper compensation for the services rendered or the purpose for which the report is used, but in no event shall said charge be less than the minimum amount required under Section 12404.1 of the Insurance Code of the State of California. If the report cannot be cancelled "no fee" pursuant to the provisions of said Insurance Code, then the minimum cancellation fee shall be that permitted by law. Note 3. California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18668, effective January 1, 1991, requires that the buyer in all sales of California Real Estate, wherein the Seller shows an out of State Address, withhold 3-1/3% of the total sales price as California State Income Tax, subject to the various provisions of the law as therein contained. NOTICE IF YOU BOUGHT, SOLD OR REFINANCED A HOME (RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY) IN CALIFORNIA BETWEEN JULY 1, 1989 AND FEBRUARY 28, 1997, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: Pursuant to a Settlement Agreement in a class action lawsuit filed in the Superior Court for Los Angeles County, a settlement agreement has been entered into that provides persons who bought, sold or refinanced residential real property !in the State of California between July 1 , 1989 and February 28, 1997, with certain rights. If you are such a person and you are now engaged in an escrow transaction with Chicago 'Title Company, Gateway Title Company, Benefit Land Title Company or Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, you have the following rights: If one of these companies previously handled a residential escrow transaction for you that involved residential real property in which a mortgage, promissory note, or similar debt instrument, repayment of which was secured by a duly recorded deed of trust, was fully paid, satisfied or discharged and a reconveyance of that deed of trust was executed and was delivered to one of those title companies for recording but was inadvertently not recorded, you have the right to request that a release of obligation or reconveyance be recorded in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. To obtain this right you must: (1) Establish to the satisfaction of the title company that you actually closed an escrow between July 1, 1989 and February 27, 1997, which was handled by one of the above listed title insurance companies, in which a mortgage, promissory note, or similar debt instrument secured by a duly recorded deed of trust was fully paid, satisfied or discharged and a reconveyance of that deed of trust was executed and was delivered for recordation to the title company that handled the prior transaction. Proof of said transaction shall be made by presenting a closing statement, preliminary title report, title insurance policy or a paid escrow invoice which identifies you and the prior deed of trust; and (2) Request in writing the recording of a reconveyance or release or obligation in the event that one inadvertently had not been previously recorded in the escrow transaction previously handled by one of the above -named title companies. If you believe that you are entitled to benefits as a class member, please send your written requests or any questions concerning the foregoing to Janet Borack, Legal Department, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, 17911 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 300, Irvine, California 92614. E ITEMS: (Continued) WIRE INSTRUCTIONS FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BUILDER SERVICES Order No. 9790312 SENATE BILL 1550, WHICH BECAME EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1985, REQUIRING THE TITLE COMPANIES TO DISBURSE ON COLLECTED FUNDS HAS RAISED MANY QUESTIONS. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS PROVIDED TO ASSIST OUT CUSTOMERS WITH THIS LAW: 'THE FASTEST METHOD FOR RECEIVING COLLECTED FUNDS IS BY WIRE TRANSFER OF FUNDS CREDITED TO YOUR ACCOUNT. THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD BE USED WHEN (FUNDS ARE BEING WIRED TO OUR BANK: A) WIRE FUNDS THROUGH THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK TO: FIRST BANK 11901 OLIVE BOULEVARD CREVE COEUR, MO 63141 ROUTING NUMBER: 081009428 B) FOR CREDIT TO:FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY TITLE TRUST ACCOUNT ACCOUNT NUMBER: FOR FURTHER CREDIT 9406910038 TITLE ORDER NO.: 9790312 7 !a„ s E » \\¥� §§. %■E °- _5 \{ f|&t &2 mm.- -.J) EXHIBIT A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY (6-1-87) EXCLUSIONS In addition w the Exceptions 'n Schedule 3, you are not insured against loss, costs, attorneys fees, and expenses resulting from: I. Governmental police power, and he existence or violation of any law or government is,latlon. This includes building and acting ordinances and also laws and regulations concerning: land use • imomym ants on the land • land d,,a,.n environmental promotion The excluspion does not apply to violations or he enforcement of these matters which appear In the public records at policy date. This exclusion does not limit the zoning coverage described in Items 12 and 13 of Covered This Risks. 2. The right w taka the and by condemns, it, unless'. notice of exercising Me right appears in the public records on the Policy Date • the taking happened prior to the Policy Date and is binding on you if you bought the land without m.-lens of Me tekin, 3.1ride Risks: • that are created, allowed, or agreed to by you • that are known to you, but not w us, on the Policy Date unless they appeared ki the public .ride • Mat result In no lass to goo • Mat fast affect your title, after the Policy Date - this does not (knit he labor and material lien coverage It Item 5 of Covered Title Risks 4. Failure to pay value for your title. S. Lack of aright • to any land outside the area specifically described and refired to in Item 3 of Schedule A or • n streets, allays, or v.bov yin that touch your land This exclusion does not Imit the access coverage it Item 5 of Covered Title Risks. SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS In addition m the Exclusions, you we not insured agakmt loss, costs, attomeys fees, and the expenses resulting from: 1. Any rights, interests, or clams of parties in possession of the land not shown by the public records. 2. Any easements or liens not shown by the public records. This does not I'mit the lien coverage in Item 5 of Covered Title Risks. Z. Any facts about the land which a correct survey would disclose and which are not shown by the public cords. This does not limit the forced removal coverage n item 12 of Covered Title Risks. 4. Any water rights or claims or title to water in or under the and. whether or not shown by the public records, CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY - 1990 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters eve expressly excluded from he coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of'. 1. (.)Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including butnot lmmid to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulatons) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating (i) are occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the And; Ili) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter acted on the land, flier) a separation in ownership or a change in he dimensions or area of h. land or any parcel of which he land is or was a part or fir) anywormentel protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent hat a notice of this enforcement hereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting die land has been recorded s the public records at Date of Policy. Its) Any governmental police power notexcluded by (a) above, except to the extent that. notice of tle exercise hereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting he land has been recorded in are public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise hereof has been recorded in he public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taxing which has occurred prior to Data of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, ancumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters: lad whether or not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but created, suffered, assumed or agreed w by the insured clement. (b) not known to the Canaan y, not recorded n he public records at Date of Policy, but known to the cored dement and not disclosed ki writing to the Company by he insured clamant prior to the date he insured clamant became an insured under this policy: (c) resulting 6 no loss or darruge to the insured claimant, (d) attaching or created subsequent As Date of Policy: or (s) resulting in Ass or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for me Insured mortgage or for the estate or Interest insured by this policy. Unenforceability of the lien of he inured mortgage because of the nobility or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or the'nabilily or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness, to comply with he applicable doing business laws of the mete In which the land is situated, Invalidity or unenfordeability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or clam thereof, which arises out of the tramillown evidenced by the insured mortgage and 's based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth 'n lending law. Any claim, which vises out of the transaction vesting in the insured this estate of Interest insured by this policy or the transaction creating Me interest of the inured lender, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy. state Insolvency or similar creditorsrights laws. SCHEDULE B, PART EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorney' fees or expense.) which wise by reason of: PART 1 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that 3. Easements, liens or encumbrusi or clams thereof, which are not shown by the public retards. levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a public agency 4. Discrepancies, conflicts n boundary lines, shortage n area,—croaMments, or any other facts which which may result a.. taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. the records of such agency or by the public records. 5. (a) Unpatented mining blame, (bl reservations or exceptions s patents or n Acts authorizing the 2. Any facts, ri,hm, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be issuance thereof; (c) water ri,mia, debris or fine to water, whether or not the matters excited under ascertained by an inspection of he land or which may be asserted by parsons in possession thereof. (a), (bl, or (d we shown by the public records. EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED) AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY (10-17.92) WITH A.L.T.A. ENDORSEMENT -FORM 1 COVERAGE AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LEASEHOLD LOAN POLICY I10-17-92) WITH A.L.T.A. ENDORSEMENT -FORM 1 COVERAGE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly, excluded from tha coverage of his polity and the Company will not pay loss «damage, cam, miner yi fees or expenses which arise by reason of: I. (a) Any law, ordnance ur governmental regulation (ncluding buthetl'mited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restrict", regulating, prohibiting or relating to (if the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ill the character, dimensions or location of any Improvement now or hereafter erected on the lend: (iiu a separation in ownership or a change the dimensions or was of tha land or any parcel of which die land k or was a part; or (Ivl environmental protection, or the effect of any v-lolation of these laws, ordinances or governmental reguations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance result from a violation or alleged violation affecting the lend has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any govemmental polka power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercIse hwaof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the and has been recorded In the public record. at Data of Policy. 2. flights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been retarded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be boding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defeo¢, hens, encumbrances, adverse clams, or other matters, (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the Insured clamant; (b) not known w the Cortpany, not recorded an the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the ured clamant and not disclosed h writing w the Company by the insured cliimant prior to the date Nsinsured clamant becane an nsured under this policy: (c) resulting 'In no loss or damage to the Insured clamant; 01 attaching or created sub.equart to Date of Policy (except to the extent that this policy insures the priority of the lien of the nmortgage over any statutory lien for services, label err material or to the extent insurance is afforded herein as to settlements for street improvements under construction or completed at Date of Policyb or (e) resulting in lots or damage which would not have been sustained ff he insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage. 4. Unenforcewiliry of he lien of the inured mortgage because of the inaol, or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or he inability or failure of any subeequant owner of the indebtedness, to comply with applicable doing business laws of the state n which the land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenfcrceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or clam thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the 'nsured mortgage and a based upon usury or any consumer credit promction or truth 'n lending law. 6. Any statutory lien for services, labor or materials (or the clam of priority of any statutory lien for warvicod, labor or materials over he lien of the insured mortgagel arising from an improvement or work related w the land which is contracted for and commanded subsequent to Date of Polity and a not financed in whole or in part by proceeds of the indebtedness secured by the nsured mortgage which at Data of Policy the insured has advanced or is obligated to advance. 7. Any clam, which arises out of the transaction creating Ne'nterast of the mortgages Insured by this Policy, by reason of the oparaticn of federal bankruptcy, state hsokii or similar creditors' rights laws, that a based on: Ill the transaction creating ,a interest of the inured mortgagee being deemed a fraudulent conveyance a fraudulent transfw; or (ill the suborditabon of the interest of the insured mortgagee as a result of the application of the doctrine of equitable subordina6m; or Gill the transaction creating the interest of the hsured mortgagee being deemed a preferential transfer ex cept where the preferential transfer results from the failure'. W to finery record the instrument of transfa; per (b) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a Judgement or Ibn creditor. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY (10-17-921 AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LEASEHOLD OWNER'S POLICY 110-17-92) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following m expressly excluded from the eaves,. of this policy and the Corepan, will not pay losx or damage, posts. attorneys fees or expenses which ar'Ize by reason of: I. (a)Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to bulldog and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulatbnal restricting, regulating, prohibiing w tell to 61 he oncy, ccupause, or enloyment of he land: It, the character, dmensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter acted on the land; (ib a separation in ownership or a change In the d'menslons or was of the Land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or Irv) environmental protection, or the affect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a m la(wn or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of Polity. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise heof eror a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulMg from a violation or alleged violation affecting tha lend has been recorded the public records at Date of policy. 2. Rights of ornment do em unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded an the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding horn coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Data of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchase for value without knowledge. 3. Defech. (lens, ancumbrances, adverse clams, or other mettas: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured clamant; Ile) not known to the Company, not recorded m the public records at Date of Policy. but known to the instired clamant and not disclosed an writing to the Company by the insured blamer, prior to me date line Insured claimant became an nsured under this policy, (c) resul frog n no loss or d—offf to the insured claimant; fill attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy, <r (e) resulting Inloss or damage which would not have been sustained if the hsured clamant had paid value for the estate or interest named by this policy. Any clam, which arises out of the transaction vesting rt the insured the estate or interest insured by his policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state 'osokandi or ssndar aedltori rights laws, that Is based on: lg the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a fraudulent nveyanee a fraudulent transfer: parr (nith. transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure'. (a) to bri record the instrument of transfer; w (b) of such recordation to inoart notice tu a purchaser for value or a judgement or lien creditor. The above ALTA policy forma may be issued to afford either Standard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In add'Ition to the above Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions from Covens an a Standard Coverage policy will also rmlude he fallowing General Exceptions: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE The porgy do.. not insure aoamst loss or damage (and he Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of. 3. Easets, ns or encumbrance., or claims heof, erwhich we not shown by the public record menlies. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary Imes, shortage n was. encroachments, or any other facts which act survey would disclose, and which are not shown by tha public records. 5. (al Unashamed mining clams: IN reservations or exceptions m patents or in All eutri the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, clams or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under la), (b) or (c) are shown by the public records. I. Taxes or as ...... her which we not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority That levies taxes or cormorants on real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or ssomments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by tie records of such agency or by the public records. 2 Any rnmedrights. by an nspinterface e ton of claims the land orhby mt hillyofthe pubrsons err cards but whhkh could be rice yenmaking own person ponewswoh but EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED) CLTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (6-2-98) ALTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (10-17-98) EXCLUSIONS In addition to the Exceptions in schedule 6, You are not Insured against lope, costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses resulting hom; 1. Governmental polipe power, and the existence or violation of any law or government regulation. This include. aranantes, 4me and regulation. concurring: building b, soong Land use a. `Prou'romts on Lend Lena owswn if environmental protection This Exclusion does not apply to violations or the enforcement of these matters if notice of the violation or enforcement appears n the Public Records at the Policy Date, This Exclusion does not knit the coverage described n Covered Risk 14, 15, 16, 17 or 24. 2. The failure of Your existing structures, or any part of them, to be constructed in accordance with applicable buildkiy codes. This Excursion doespply not ato violations of building codes if notice of the violation appears in the Public Records at hePolicy Data 3. The right to take she Land by candemn'ng it, unless: notice of extrowng the right appears In the Public Records at the Policy Date; or b. he taking happened before the Polity Date and is bnang on You If You bought the Land without Knowing of the taking. 4. Ruks'. that are created, allowed, or agreed to by You, whether or not they appear n he Public Records; It. that are Known to You at the Policy Date, but not to tlfunless they appear in the Pvblic Records at the Policy Data; Out sa..11 in no lass to You; or d. that first occur after the Policy Date - this does not limit the coverage described n Covered Risk 7, 8A, 22, 23. 24 ar 25, 5. Failure to pay wale for Your Tide. 6. Lack of a right - a. to any Land outside the area specifically described and referred to in paragraph 3 of Schedule A; and b. In streets, alleys, or waterways that touch the Land. This Exclusion does not knit the coverage described in Covered Risk 11 or 19. RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY ONE -TO -FOUR FAMILY RESIDENCE ENHANCED VERSION (1997) EXCLUSIONS In addition to the Exceptions in schedule 9, you are not insured against loss, costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses resulting from 1. Governmental police power, and the existence or violation of any law or government regulation. This dudes building and mnng ordinances and also laws and regulations concerning end u b. Improvements on he land; laid a pions; o E. environmental protection. This excision does not apply m violations or the enforcement of these matters which appear n the public cord. at Polio, Data. The exclusion does not Limit the coverage described in Item 12c and d, 13 and 18 of Covered Tide Risks. 2. Th. right to take the land by condemning it, unless: nonce of exercising the right appears It the public records on the Policy Data; or b. the taking happened prior to the Policy Date and 4 orders on you if you bought the land without knowing of the taking. 3. Tide Risks: that are created, allowed, or agreed to by you; b. that are known to you, but not to us, on the Policy Date - unless they appeared in he public record.; that result in no loss to you; or d. that fist affectyour titleeker he Policy Date- this does not knit he coverage dowsbeE in Items 3b. 8. 17 and 19 of Covered Title Saks, 4. Failure to pay vaNa for your title. 5. Lack of a right: (a) to any land outside the area specifically described and referred to in Item 3 of Schedule A or (b) in sweets, alleys, or waterways that touch your land. Tb's exclusion does not limit the coverage described in Items 5 and 12a of he Covered Title Risks. 0 Order No. 2168359 First American Title Insurance Company 3625 Fourteenth Street, (P.O. Box 986) Riverside, California 92502 (Area Code 909) 787-1700 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ATTENTION: DEBI NEWTON YOUR NO. 10482-DN DATED AS OF MAY 26, 2000 AT 7:30 A.M. IN RESPONSE TO THE ABOVE REFERENCED APPLICATION FOR A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, THIS COMPANY HEREBY REPORTS THAT IT IS PREPARED TO ISSUE, OR CAUSE TO BE ISSUED, AS OF THE DATE HEREOF, A POLICY OR POLICIES OF TITLE INSURANCE DESCRIBING THE LAND AND THE ESTATE OR INTEREST THEREIN HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, INSURING AGAINST LOSS WHICH MAY BE SUSTAINED BY REASON OF ANY DEFECT, LIEN OR ENCUMBRANCE NOT SHOWN OR REFERRED TO AS AN EXCEPTION BELOW OR NOT EXCLUDED FROM COVERAGE PURSUANT TO THE PRINTED SCHEDULES, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF SAID POLICY FORMS. THE. PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS FROM THE COVERAGE OF SAID POLICY OR POLICIES ARE SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED. COPIES OF THE POLICY FORMS SHOULD BE READ. THEY ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE OFFICE WHICH ISSUED THIS REPORT. PLEASE READ THE EXCEPTIONS SHOWN OR REFERRED TO BELOW AND THE EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A OF THIS REPORT CAREFULLY. THE EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS ARE MEANT TO PROVIDE YOU WITH NOTICE OF MATTERS WHICH ARE NOT COVERED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE TITLE INSURANCE POLICY AND SHOULD BE CAREFULLY CONSIDERED. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT IS NOT A WRITTEN REPRESENTATION AS TO THE CONDITION OF TITLE AND MAY NOT LIST ALL LIENS, DEFECTS, AND ENCUMBRANCES AFFECTING TITLE TO THE LAND. THIS REPORT (AND ANY SUPPLEMENTS OR AMENDMENTS HERETO) IS ISSUED SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FACILITATING THE ISSUANCE OF A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE AND NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREBY. IF IT IS DESIRED THAT LIABILITY BE ASSUMED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, A BINDER OR COMMITMENT SHOULD BE REQUESTED. BILL, CALLANAN - TITLE OFFICER Page I �Za 71(((cc 11 Order No. 2168359 TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: H. A. ANDERSEN, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST; JANET C. KERWOOD, A WIDOW, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST AND ARLAND J. ANDERSEN, A MARRIED MAN, AS HIS SEPARATE PROPERTY, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST; AND MAX F. BAYHA AND NELDA J. BAYHA, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST, ALL AS TENANTS IN COMMON THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: IN FEE THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CITY OF LA QUINTA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 1• THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; SAID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 8, PAGE 8 OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; EXCEPTING THOSE PORTIONS CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BY DEEDS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 28, 1966 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 96188 AND JANUARY 23, 1968 AS INSTRUMENT NO.-.6772 BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. PARCEL 2• THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; Page 2 Order No. 2168359 SAID PROPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY ON FILE IN BOOK 8, PAGE 8, OF RECORDS OF SURVEY, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; EXCEPTING THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BY DEEDS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 28, 1966 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 96188 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. AT THE DATE HEREOF EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS CONTAINED IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001, A LIEN NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. 2, THE LIEN OF SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES, IF ANY, ASSESSED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 3.5 COMMENCING WITH SECTION 75 OF THE CALIFORNIA REVENUE ANI> TAXATION CODE. 3. AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC OVER ANY PORTION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY INCLUDED WITHIN PUBLIC ROADS. 4 AI EASEMENT FOR THE HEREINAFTER SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, IN FAVOR OF CITY OF LA QUIN'rA, IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 43896 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. SAID EASEMENT IS FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (AFFECTS PARCEL 1) 5. ANY INTEREST OF THE SPOUSE, IF ANY OF H_ A. ANDERSEN WHICH SHE MAY HAVE ACQUIRED BY THE DEED TO HIM RECORDED AUGUST 17, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 321468 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. NOTE: WE WILL REQUIRE A QUITCLAIM DEED FROM THE SPOUSE PRIOR TO THE, ISSUANCE OF ANY POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE. G. ANY INTEREST OF THE SPOUSE, IF ANY OF ARLAND J. ANDERSEN WHICH SHE MAY HAVE ACQUIRED BY THE DEED TO HIM RECORDED AUGUST 1.7, 1993 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 321468 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, NOTE: WE WILL REQUIRE A QUITCLAIM DEED FROM THE SPOUSE PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE. Page 3 Order No. 2168359 7_ IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THIS REPORT WE WILL REQUIRE A STATEMENT OF INFORMATION FROM H-A. ANDERSEN TO DETERMINE IF THERE ARE ANY LIENS, DECREES OR OTHER MATTERS WHICH MAY AFFECT THE TITLE OR IMPOSE LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES THEREON. NOTE: THE FORM OF POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE CONTEMPLATED BY THIS REPORT IS: ALTA RESIDENTIAL, POLICY (6-1-87) EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1999 AT 6:00 A.M., THE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, ESCROW DEPARTMENT, RIVERSIDE OFFICE ONLY: FIRST AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY SANTA ANA BRANCH 421. NORTH MAIN STREET SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA 92701 ABA 1222,11255 CREDIT TO FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY DEMAND ACCOUNT ACCOUNT NO. 18015 WHEN WIRING, ESCROW NUMBER MUST BE REFERENCED. PLEASE HAVE CITY NATIONAL BANK NOTIFY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, ESCROW DEPARTMENT, WHEN WIRED FUNDS ARE RECEIVED. NOTE: GENERAL AND SPECIAL PRORATED TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000. FIRST INSTALLMENT: PENALTY: SECOND INSTALLMENT PENALTY: CODE AREA: A.P. NO: $6,178.90, PAID. $617.89. $6,178.90, PAID. $627.89. 020-011. 604-072-006-3. Page 4 [A 11 FIRST INSTALLMENT: PENALTY SECOND INSTALLMENT PE;VALTY CODE AREA: A-P. NO: NOTE: $6,178.90, PAID_ $617.89. $6,178.90, PAID. $627.89. 020-011. 604-072-008-5. COPIES OF THIS PRELIM WERE SENT TO: NOT APPLICABLE NOTE: SHORT TERM RATE APPLICABLE PLAT ATTACHED/BH Order No. 2168359 Page 5 0 MEMORANDUM: Order No. 2168359 THE INFORMATION HEREIN SET FORTH IS SUPPLEMENTAL TO PRELIMINARY REPORT NO. (ABOVE REFERRED TO), AND IS MADE A PART THEREOF. ACCORDING TO THE PUBLIC RECORDS, THERE HAVE BEEN NO DEEDS CONVEYING THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS REPORT RECORDED WITHIN A PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THIS REPORT, EXCEPT AS FOLLOWS: NONE Page 6 3 } * | ( ) { { I ��E �/Z ƒ�6, o m 00 rza Page ,eI Comment. «Ai � . k w ( a & B % \ . r` Grant Deed cr A. S]L lal I3fiMUCE lsW:l, MULIP r1.3'.IN'.1' .tin: RITA PAI-i711 Y. M)RRIS LLBI'r2/_ Trvstee and gAllID 1rL5i11:_ Tn stc_. Grant to the County of Rivmide all that teal property in Riverside Cwnty, California" described as follows: "17,e Northerly recurs tlnr 55 feet of the Nort',.I-t criirter of the Northeast quarter of Section 26, T. 5 S., R. 7 E., S.H.M. tampting the refrcm the Easterly 55 feet thereof. Together with a triangular parcel of land boUnA-d on the Ner-h by Ole Southerly line of the above described 55 foot wide strip of lam; bcnm," m the East by the Westerly line of said Easterly 55 foot strip of land; ,nd bo•.n(i-ci on ele Soot_`r- �t try tYe arc of a 25 foot radius c1u\-e, cencaiv to Ute SrxrtTr...-st and tangcmt w each of Ute b' described botmdary limn. 0 N �I L v11 j_ 1 C Sutncribirsq - -mess 'STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF RiVEk SIDE ) O . .... _ __. teforo rr.o personally a,pea•ed. -.. 1 .1 . ..--. I ....., �hosc address .z Covrthoux. 2.vside Cah(omia and �hn 4 known to me to tK the p^_ri, . hose name is zvtr x�I-.ed as a witness to the forcgcing deed who, beinq by me duly zw rn deln�cs and L,ys_ That .....__he sa ^� Ix rrn dly kno _ n h _. .to ['� the per,on _ ho s b',;Led to v.d de d, e>ecole the sor..c anA II v zmrl .r it nest �! .0 ted h_.... nanw the rcU .0 a r. tness 11,NALP D SUl_Lv tl _ C:wn1 D,,rY YJ Be trice UPa❑ .1 1���",tClat hid p aron e --- ita aron t e / Y t ` t1h s l�ub -z irusteo ,� David Luria, Trustee Aflc, %cording rctum to Rwd Commasiotu r" Cwrt use, Riverside" California. - -Y r � t C) $ �- SEATS OP --NEW YVNS oa Ji31Y__�l 1967 pT�pgpliC,Suit 0F K7Y0_K N sreTa or arm°` -- covxr't or ss. - C.)If o, Urhan A. bol�nas"ic' Phil aren - a__ e - -' LyrAy 10 IDO Ia b0 tbb- moult d ..they- i iuiPH w.' uam .m«� flblfc. S Tc tY Notary tfolk Coo no: 52 0581300 S" M -, ".Taim Eso4es. 44TH AVENUE - - - - �-CERTIfKATf OF.ACCETTANCf Of DEED -' (Gov.:Code 27261) -- - THIS IS TO CERTIFY Ihat theinteresi In red property conveyed oy the -deed dated _.-_. .._— - - --.._,_.__. imm A. Sol Uman and Beatrice Uman, Philip_ Parente - J.u]... - --- -- . and Rita Parente Morris Lubitz Trustee and David Lurie,`Trustee - - _-------------- ---- - _____. .. _._......... - COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political corporation and/or governmental eger y, 1. he,eby accepted by order - of the Board of Sopervhors on the dale below end the granne consents to recordmion thereof by its dolt aw horlaed officer. January 22, 1968 DONALD 0. SULLIVAN.. C—ty CI.lk - r7mm RFrnRnFn W1IMFNT W D. BALOGH. COUNTY RECORDER Grant Deed Agh -..c\._c='4..1i-'.(Y!_C1[1�.P�IiTRZ� lq`Lti 11 I'fiLhIP Y1A}]:T. +grl ?S"j7+.•'iY'J +' :a � i);1 I?1 L.IS. u:3.1y1Y1D_[.-MU -Truro s..I of.. I<i .l. ion .£ l nmax...,'toyo!••: Grant to ie County of Riverside all that real property In Rivcnide Cwory, Cahkrnla, Jew&Td as follows: the Easterly :cctrsnyular fifty -fits (55.00) .,cam III Wo 70rthe'st qru, rer of Section 20, T. 5 S., R- 7 E., S.B.'. , Together wi L'l a triangular parcel of lxv i to.: cieIf on U.' south J,- the northerly line of :%tiles Avenue, bo,ulded On the east Illy the enso rly line of the .tone 55 foot parcel, ar3 Lx ,Ieli on U'- rorthst by the .-+rc of a 25 foot r.dltrs curve, concave norttr..esterly and tangent to each of U:e alxxe descrited boundary lutes. P�fercnce is .`Y-,reby made to Deed Plot of Jeffr;at Street, Cite 780-En, rewrds of On C, my of Riverside Oyu:=.ty, Califcmia- Dated a 0AA< / L'-V/ lC..__ -. _.._. $ubx ibing mess STATEOFCALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) On....____....._.___.....__ _... -, baforc me personally appeared.__.. ...... .__.._._ ... ..__. »hose address is Coarlhovec, R,,,,-Je CaGfamia and •..hn m knr-..n Ic one to be the persc.n ..hose name is svb- .I"A as a wa Hess to the fo,rgning deed. who, lasing Ly me d;Ji seerq dcw;eS and salt. That .._...-he saw .to h the tx sc u. whose to c Jaed r...cute the „r + tl at s, ., «mess S tL,cnbcd .h _ name ILc: rin : t a .a Uxst D(i MU! I, MIL WAII County Clerk Deputy (rr.FA At r t- Sol Ltllart 1 2ln,r.._t � a ...✓ Uhut El P. tc r� Rita Parente � _ IYuac- � C is I lt�l `e _ DTvid lC, irs tee' orit4ng return to P'md Gmmissime{ -- u, Rrvcnide, California.. __ 1 p c I rz b iz a s ( u- tht und:\nib n.:(a S,.6ng 1bL1,.: ...i i ,.,:,1 (".....n/ c ,I qX, ivn. mdLr aTjr."d A_`01 Um•tr., "e-l':ric:r Rita Farerite N'rrr:rs my l.m�l r.�„f .. •✓:, ba m+a 1 ga,Pli -N. CARR-N-ITflf :.,;.1 - it p G..y Count o '-'-'='rL Y': r4: O Je.E_t r r 1'� _ j* IS O 1-to" no-. the r do ei� r l v \c r1 P bt c i. id I i t'rj� J - 1 �t0betlrtti 5 In, , _ _ro rle-I"d to the auf,i: L Y .mry r�1 tic :n ! h m'.f Cc+.wy t Sr.e ,y l 1 ;r CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF i EFD Cy (Gov. Code 77781) THIS IS TO CERTIFY 1hel the Ineeres1 1, Feel P.cpeay ron':ey,d by the deed deml .. 1966 Irom ff tc G011r1T'i OF RIVERSIDE. and or Bove-nmenrei /jency, is hereby ecccoied by ordc ni ir.- Roerd of and the p,emce come#+a to reconle lion ih,mi by i:, dul, aviho(ired olllc er. i. t Dmc HOHAI_D D. SULI IVAH, �cv,ny (Ie,4 Ne WaomLy Fro RePi,NPtr ��tra4rzdm IISp 'RXCGJWM xCOlm[D M.m.tO, AtlD 12ity of is QI� port CTBor 1 04 -+QO�OIG 9 3 GRANT OF EASEMENT DEED ayaa•a1a•In•�� FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the rmelpt and tuffidemey of which is hereby admowledged, B. A. Andersen, Janet C. Kenaood, Arland J. Andersen, THE GRANTOR, Max F. Bayha and Nelda J Ba• ha _ hereby grants to. CITY OF LA QUINI'A, a California Munidpml Corporation, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE, a p=rpetual easement and right-of-way for pubhe street and pu blIc utMty P@POses, in, on, under, across and thmugh aA that real property dem ibed per Exhibit "A" and as shown on Extubit •,B•• attached hereto and made a part bereoL This Deed may be executed and recorded in any number nF c with The saw force and effect as if all parties aereto had executed the same Deed. Executed this 1-5-- day of r%QG_ 1995, at POn-t/C-2-7 02Fj6o / d rse B3� .��nnf• C Reri;�7 BY: — Arland J. Andersen By: Max P. Bayha Nelda J. Bayha ��� On this / Su day ofj.Qic<_.,..$. __. , 19 9s� , beforeme Penanaily appearead _ H A, e,�/1� known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, acknowledged said instrmment to be the free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that /L"e— was authorized to execute said instrument NC�jARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF 0-OVFICIALSEAL .Io=4 u MUSE residing at No MY ruauooatcoN (�j/ MY CON1dI5S10N EXPIfL�;,JT-21, 19?6 Mycor missonexpi=:_ p 2/-9.,> STATE OF COUNTY OF On this /�day of , 19 9.S , before me persc'mdly aFpearead �Lr"Ct�.�G �4„1 - known to me or proved to me on the basis of s sfactory evidence, acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and Purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that was authorized to execute said instrument N ARY PUBLIC TN AND FOR THE STATE OF " OffIC1AL SaAL of a. xauae ,residing at NOT?�IY R,9i1W.lEOpN C04 :IJNIN. 027M nn MY COMMIS"i1nN:1RHL� � 11.21. 19 My commission expires: f. Z/ -9d' LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 FAST, S.B.M., MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, SAID POLNT ALSO BEING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND JEFFERSON STREET; THFNCF SOL" EM237.r rA2�l Al 1�r1 c..,.....-...T.. vr.v anry .,cnicnLi;vE vF FRED WARING DRIVE, A DISTANCE OF 8627 FEET; THENCE PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTH 00°2T27- EAST, A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 55.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF SAID CENTERLINE, AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89W3 3r EAST, ALONG SAID PARALLEL UNE, A DISTANCE OF 6.02 FEET TO THE BEGINNING nr n rn vrr..+.., — _ _U rH ., yr „ ��VYOCLI a.unvc wrvCAvt sOUniWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90" 10'58", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 39.35 FEET TO A POINT ON A TANGENT LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 55.00 FEET WESTERLY OF SAID CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON STREET; THENCE SOUTH 000152T EAST, ALONG LAST SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 6.02 FEET; THENCE PEERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON STREET, SOUTH 89^43'31^ WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5.DO FEET; THENCE NORTH 45021'58" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 36.83 FEET; THENCE NORTH OC°27'2T' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. COMPRISING 491 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 0040 P CITY OF az� g0' �C9,9 PQN LA QUINTA 66' ea E-i W F EXISTING R/X PER----' vi TNST. NO. 0776, NORTH LINE p. AEC. 1/23/M O.R. HE 1/4, SEC. 20 /� N SO' 32' 33'E / s0 . CC CJt. _ _ G6.27 FRED IIARIIIG EXISTING IHST. REC. ryo R/N PER N�� No. 6772. .a of S/23/60, O.R. o N 8O'32'33'E 6.2- l T.P.O. s e-90'10'18' a.�6 nn L-• J. T-28.011 o �� N 0052j2VB6'W N 006.0,2 'N 12 s. az ,o f0pp NEXISTING R/N PERImo' INST. NO. 08188,REC, MUSS. O.RI 7" r. rARVUM CUMOX 1FA7, Srr, 301 PALM XFAMVS, CI /.C.LRL-7M (of*) JJ '-9NJ 0 U PARMAP NO. 200, Fa�,7 9G6s4�—�� m R. 20 DRIVE c/L SXISTING R/11 PER PM 186/AS-M m RIGHT OF WAY PLAT BA 1 9/20 ET OAF FRED WARING DRIVE CESIR TM IIIPTICfk POMON NE 114. NE 114, CHECK "C. 20, T. R 9.. P. 7 p M CH 10-40' JOB NO. 1017 11 11 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF DEED I HEREBY CERTIFY that the interest In real property conveyed by the Grant of Easement dated November 29. 1994 from H. A. Anderson. hitet C. Rerwood. Arland J. Aadrraes Mai F Barba and Neiiia J �(Grantor), to the City of La Quint&, a manic9pal corporation, is hereby rccgftd by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the La. Quiff City Council In action taken on January 16, 1996. Dated:: February 1, 1996 1 AUNDRA L. JUH LA, City Cleric City or La Qainta__ 0 iL am ,F-NSAP aeconne'n KxQ=zD lY AIla wrcc wroaoco u.n.ro. City of Li Qumia Pas OM. Box 150.4 L+Qumu4 CA 92253 GRANT OF EASEMENT DEED Mffi • FOR VALUABLE COIVhiTiERATii,N, the rsiiip: =n�-a -----lerr of which is hereby — admowltdged, R.A. Andersen, Janet C. Rerwood, Arland J. Andersen, •l r(,RANTOWjax P. Bavha and Nelda J. Bavha hereby graav to CITY OF LA QUV"A, a Californb Municipsi Corporation, hatinaR.er refvYed to as GRA1•TIEE, a perpet W casement and right-oFway for public street and public utility' purposes, in, on, under, *van and through aD tbat real property described per Exhibit "A" sand as shown on Exhibit "B" smached hereto and made a part hemr. This Deed may be executed and recorded in any number of counternarts with the same force and effect as if all parties hereto had executed the same Deed- I� Executed tbH•!� d day 'H. A. Andersen Cl BYZ . ». G4neet C. Rerw00d $v• Arland J. Anderson iMax F_ Bayi By: A/ elda J, Bayha .ALIFORNIA ) �(J ss. .iYOP if,iv:(L51j}F > on 1 L T.3 5 berore me.0t1 �5 1 t�o IA1L`r fit) ¢� ZL�_T_{ C _ • I � S._ CI_. . S.0 persona➢ r appeared _Q11i'A 1 .'r'1 parsoAatly known to me — OR— E] proved to me on the basis of, satisfactory evidence to be the persoa(y whose namaW islue subscnbed hereinabove and acknowledged to me that helelWiltay executed the sate In hislfiarlfieeir authorized capacityii"), and that by his/4dlheu signature(ar on this Instrument the parson(N. or the antiry, upon behalf of which the personWl acted. executed the Instrument. Witness imy hand and official seat. Z R. H_ JONES Z 5!_, COMM. 91017312 S I uua.o[ ccunn j yr (t..n Lena nmov 14 If0� � CAPACITY CLAIMED RY SIGNER: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officeris): 11�Fannerfs): ❑ Limited 1(General ❑ AttoreylrfFact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ GuandianlConservator ' ❑ Other: SIGNER IS RFPR SENTING p 6r f 13 P-13 w �I S 1 fit• B"Y 1 Ftvitit - Nam. of Y.noe(.t or ATTENTION NOTARY. Although the Inforrnatlon requested below is OPTIONAL it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certUicata to another document. Tide or Type of Document 7H1S ClRI'iFIGTi MUST IM-ATTACHED Number of Pages TO THE. DOCUMENT Date of Document DESCRIi[D AT RIGHT: Signorts) Other Than Named Above: 3 �L OF CAuDFFaRNIA ) ,:OUNTYOF On �a. Z- S .before me. �. .J� SJ �is �(5-M Es�- U L personally appeared \ pr ,l - �Y APorsolfally known to me — OR — ❑ proved to me on the has; of satisfactory evidence to be the personts) whose mmele) Isle. =Ah Fbed herekn bove and acknowledged to me that-hUshehkAW executed the same In 4airr eNehair authorized capadry(laa), and that by tiarherAMir signaturetsl on this Instrument the personl*, or the entity upon behalf of which the pe nR) acted, executed the instrument. Y)Tnntsa MY hand and official seal. Z R. H_ .TONES Z S 17312 COMM. +33017312 S COMrQt� P ® rveuc- P I awtuoc car"'• T «wo« CAPACITY CLAIMED BY STONER: ❑ [ncWkhral ❑ Corporate Officals): VT�Pannerts): ❑ Limited General ❑ Attorney-ir Fact 1 ❑ Tnlslae(s) 0 Gum:13antconservator 11 W07 SIGNER IS REPRESENTING Ne.w of P.rsoelrl w ATTENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL. it could prevent fraudulent atnuhment Of thla cartilkatu to another documem. Tltla or Typa of Document TWS CFItT)ACAT1 MUST N ATTACHED NBanbar of Pages TO THE DOCUMENT Dtna of Ddctment ),L- ZO 1 DESCMW AT RKMT: SWW(t) Other Than Named Above: .- CAUFORNIA J ) ss. -dNTYOF-rVQrS!/.L ) On _ ���dO�Q before me, I )O rl(r ni . p14 F / Ida t� D.bl c personally appeared nnti 0. Kofw6cJ NvnelqW--S`�pnuld ❑ PersoMlly known to me - OR - RJ proved to me on the basis or sarisfamory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(V(gare subscribed heteinabove and acknowledged to me that he/ee ttrey executed the Same in his their authorized capacity(bs), and that by hier their signaturepst on this Instrument the persort,4, or the entity upon behalf of which the personK acted. executed the instrument. witness my hand and of clai zaat. of Nwl CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: /" Individual ❑ Corporate Offlcer(e): r;a.1s1 ❑ Pen:ner(s): ❑ Um@ed 0 General ❑ Attomey-ImFacI O Trustea(s) ❑ GuardtaNConservator - ❑ Other. SIGNER IS REPRESENTING Nm nl Pusonp) or Endtyliesi ATTENTION NOTARY: Although the Information requested below Is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to another document. TMS CKR7RSAT1 MUST lq ATTACN[D - TO TFM[ �JMiMT r Dt3CAd1YD 5\T IO�iTI Title or Type of Document Number of Pages Date of Document Signers) Other Then Named Above: LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND JEFFERSON STREET; THENCE SOUTH 89�3Z33" WEST, ALONG SAID UtNI tKUNt Ur FKtU VVAXIN13 DRIVE, A DISTANCE OF 86.27 FEET; THENCE PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTH 00°2727" FAST, A DISTANCE OF-55.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 55.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF SAID CENTERLINE, AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89-=' EAST, ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 6-02 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 9Wl U58", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 39.35 FEET TO A POINT ON A TANGENT LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 55.00 FEET WESTERLY OF SAID CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON STREET; THENCE SOUTH 00"1629" EAST, ALONG LAST SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 6.02 FEET; THENCE PERPENDICULAR TO SAID CENTERLINE OF JEFFERSON- STREET, SOUTH 89043'31" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5-00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45021'58" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 36.83 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00027'2T' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT 01: BEGINNING. COMPRISING 491 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS OF RECORD. w M k & §/�,coo Ln � § § a �c e a:\\ , _\ EL 2 y\ Vo } } z B / / & \ / � o / § @ �~ K � r —. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF DEED I DEREBY CERTIFY that the interest In real property conveyed by the Grant of Easement dated November 29. 1994 from H. A. Andmm. Janet C. %erwood_ Arland J A"dm + MaxF. Rath_ and Ndda J 941ha (Grantor), to the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on beLatf of the: La Quints City Council In action taken on January 16, 1996. Dated. February 1,1996 w.UNDRA L. L&A�e, Clerk my of La Quints_ 0 seconded by pon° motion- of resolutior_ gap;�vlsor "ri' a,er and dui;; .car7`i�rd, the follo;ylrig _ t rvi Ors 01:tno County a: ;ho Board of Supo .. r-_.r.,.;:.e, i.ii rocvlar nraai<,n ssaorzr:.a3 W.C. .. E've p ra in va lq 5:; , t^.et th8 'Ltit --- 2)4th ci aof Fa bP'12^v___, ,o_, 078Cti-0- Cord .qnd L.ucin i?.: r'ord - the County o"3iversi3o, Stotn cf "::l:for'7i&:: br., end it .s 11or<sby t,e �. ac^,epted, and . FnSOL'f!:D that -a cony of resolution be -atta r. �:cd •:•:itclai;n dood, and that the sane be reeor ed to thc3 " cc a. - .t;to County of iiivarsir C o, nitfornia, D„ i.,,a . of' t`.lo Co.m.y Rcc<..,,d or of f-1sd in the re -..^orris of this E�oerd. call,.resulted Ps fOLIMS: .. F_. S::Jnervisors Hayden, F:'urren, Varner, Lowis-and Jorns. cos: None. A",o r3 t: Anne. gTATi G? CALIFGt?i:IA } Sri. CGJt. 1 G? °T.V;33SIDE ) L'GNAT, .County Clerk anti ��ex ,officio cleric of tki6 ?oerd of S,i ervisors"of said County,, hereby ;. ..eertif...the foregoing to be a f.111, true und' correct copy of the reso'iUU0,1 see, the deed 2Kth ds of May 19; >;ttr.chaa. hereto and entn erod bthe _ y - - in Kook 4.8 of Svporvisors*'tdinutos, at page Kid_ - therao'.. - IN "vITYo3SS 'u"7T,EREOP, I have hereunto set mmy 1'.and and affixed 2cth d8 of `7av - ,..19 3 my official eeal this — y G. A PElV�,2II., CLLi{tC ti r sty ' BC7,1476 ma 84 45th Mr-NLE AiiY tderv^y L. Ford) Q *_ C L a I :4 LIE -,D . L-cia, M. Ford) ' of the County of Rlyer;ida ,.,9tete,of C]ifornia, for and in. , the actual co::sideration r,s cw'e --- - Dollar_.' to tram ir. hard -laid, *::c .e•deiot of fv;-..'ch is herebv aek^.owl- edged, dohereby re:i.sc, relea-c and frorevcr quitclaim to the COUY.TY OF Ri7-3"T-lE, State of California, feL'o^ing described ease.:ent for p'ablic highway and public utility r"srposes, situated in t;e s^id County of Hiv^rside, State of California, to -wit: - The southerly .rectangular 56 feet of the southwest c.ne-quarter`of the northeast one-q�aazter (SW-1/4 of IdF-1/4) of Section 20, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, S.B.B. & M. ,N TITNESS '.THERMF we have hereunto sec our hand an•¢ Beal this. 24th day of Webruary - 1993 -SEAL. i I SEAL.' STATE OF CALT M1, ACRNOMiLCOONCNT — O[Mt0'!l,— W0.EM'N [OIrM YJ1 i,J„ fn.r...l..lr.nS r 15�e.... if to{\ .. 114 S•) FULL SECONVEVATNCE UNITED TITLE GIIASANCI" CONfAN}', n Celi G.rn.. ...rhan;inn, trusir_ under J-od of trust enrzcutrd _.$DMARII..D....147LiSR AITD...SIILA..Y....MILLER, husband.... and-*ita _- a+ tnmtor.. ... Adated..._.»a% 22nd . I950. and m o,d,d_ TU1Y:_ 0th _ _.. 19 50_., n Inrtfnmrnt -...... in. AnA _ eKr No 445. - 118 P380__ C .... _. ..Offs ial. R •t rd in the R t .I. ' Cmtm� Hac.nrr ,.f Riverside ,_.C,,utvy. -n thr 9m� I,f C hf i,. a. ha _InF !"'f"'n dll6 nd 1".lv nlm d t, ndea:. and a mt t t .m plian with said ru r an { in - .' :!.' n ' f n D liar e t I,( 'I h h 1 • - 'j ackh 1,dFavvm d, in hill aliafa..n of the dclt In . -cored I raid i I f trnnt DOFS it F,liF Al RFkfiSF RF LE IMF. ,z ]M QUITCfAND HECONb EY Ill the. per t rt per... 1"All'st tl d U r. m, I `th aa t w -ntv. tLr pr p rtv -< ,d n w h-id br said c r wrn Uon a� trust" S..d Vr, Iv cnbed m and Id dred -.,If tru t ¢rant 1 simavr in the... .. _ C mt. nf. _..Riverside... _... State of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said UN D'TITLE, C RANTY COMPANY. es trmtce, h Ab s her,.W.'A ell-yie r..r poste name to be nb-,ribed andatorpor atr sal etfiaed b. its propee. olhcen, th,lt,wmo duly a thtvtx�,911W Ixi.a t-. day of. .._:_._.. MGy..._.y. ... _...._. 17:53.... :NITGD E GUARANTY QOM jitiY ?r tm i iF rpnar ea�na 2rit..:da, f May ...... I953.bsrtre,ne 0 nniMis TustU6 In this._... __.. - __.. _ a Naar{ Ptrblii for :,,id Gmnq':ant S t•� r .=� IIY - - r known t, me 16 he th. ' '�ite�e�i �' c�t'i�d 'rpr Il bathe.. .. tPr <dent,and.. _..... .. .. _.... 6Se 6fiiani �ivrcta ry of U NII EII 'I'I fI F (LIARAN h COMPANl Trustee. the enrpnrot n that ryenrt d t(e "I'll" is roar mm�l. -and known to met Ir the 1 r: n. who acwad the Whin mNrum nt on behalf 1 the anrp orunm tb•n n nam d and z,kn IrdFrd to me that o f I" the mm a. wuc! Tru:tre_ WIThF Sc my hand Rctal e rlpj,ec AS r 2. I'SJ N t ry Pufflt r4- [or .;,I Cuucry a d titer I First American Title Insurance Company Dale:.tuhe 14, 2000 8scrow Number: 10482-BN. responsibility for information contained therein. 2: Seller represents that Seller is aware that under curmit law a properly owner may be responsible for clean-up of contaminated property due to hazardous substances. Seller represents that to the best of their actual knowledge, no environmental hazards or toxic contamination problems affect the property and Seller has not caused or permitted any hazardous materials to be placed, held, located or disposed of, on, under or at the premises. The representations of Seller shall survive the close of escrow. 3: BONDS: Buyer to post all subdivision bonds through its insurer, when required. 4: Seller agrees to allow Buyer to make any application necessary with the City of La Quinw and/or County of Riverside in its process of obtaining approval of maps and herewith gives permission to Buyer to sign any applications required by any governmental agency to process subdivision maps or obtain permits. 5: Seller grants to Buyer, its employees or agents the right to enter the property to do necessary investigations for its due diligence. Buyer agree to hold Seller harmless trom liability for injury to any person or property by reason of entry on such property. Buyer warrants that the property shall rennin free and clear of any mechanics liens by reason of any work done in connection with entering such property. G: Seller warrants to Buyer that the property is tree and clear of tenants, lessees, personal property or unrecorded agreements at close of escrow and that possession of subject property shall be granted u) Buyer at close of escrow. Such warranties shall survive the close of escrow. 7: Any agreement of the parties herein shall inure to the benefit of Ihck respective successors or assigns. 8: Any moratorium by the City of La Quinta or County of Riverside or State of California which delays the processing or conhpletion or mapping process or the delay in issuance of any permit necessary for Buyer to proceeds with the development of the property shall increase the time limit of close of escrow to the ntmtber of days the nwrntoriuna is in effect. 9: Buyer has the right to place "coming soon" sign and a sales trailer on the proeery alter the feasibility period cads and Buyer elects to proceed in accordance with this instntction. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: SELLER AND BUYER AGREE THAT" I Ill AMOUNT 01, SELLER'S DMvIAGES IN THE EVENT OF BUYER'S DEFAULT WOULD BE IMPRACTICAL OR EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO FIX. THEREFORE, BUYER AND SELLER HEREBY AGREE TIIAT IF 'ESCROW FAILS TO.CLOSE BY REASON OF A MATERIAL DEFAULT OF BUYER, THE AMOUNT OF BUYER'S DEPOSIT AS REFLECTED WITHIN THIS INSTRUCTION, IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,000.00 IS A IZEASONA13LE ESTIMATE OF SELLER'S DAMAGES IN SUCH EVEN'p AND T1IAT SUChI SUM HALL. CO STITUT EI LIQUIDATED DAMAGES AND SHALL CONSTITU'I E 'ELLEI 'S SO N EX �US[Vl REMEDY. SELLIP. INITIALS( ) /''� BUYER INITIAL(S) RELEASE OF FUNDS TO SELLER PRIOR TO CLOSE: One day following the Confirmed Expiration of the Feasibility Review Period, provided; (1) Buyer has elected to continue with this transaction; (2) Buyer has delivered to Escrow holder Additional Deposit of $50,000.00 and; (3) upon receipt of this instruction signed by all parties hereto, Escrow holder is hereby authorized and instructed to release to Seller the sum of $100,000.00, Buyer is aware that there shall be no further to this release of funds. All parties understand that no authorization required from Buyer prior documents have been recorded and title to subject property will not have been conveyed to Buyer at the time of this release. First American Title Insurance Company is hereby relieved of any and all liability ayment of funds to Seller prior to closing. Once released, and/or responsibility in connection with the p and in the: event this escrow is not consummated lot- any reason whatsoever, Escrow Holder shall in no way participate in any attempt to recover the funds so paid to Seller prior to closing. At close of escrow, the u to of $100,000.00 is to be charged to Seller's account and credited to Buyer's account toward the p t° is e price herein. f, Seller Init,ia Buyer Injtial(s) An m ITI 1, INSri t IIUri 0 NS ATM IEI) 11 EItE I'll ANI) N1A1)K A PA It'r IILIt EOP A i in ebutow rcpresan1 my ngreuncn( and tad no udcdg anent of fhe Jaruguing. Scllcr luiii Sr:'i'� . Buyer Initials: _ ecy ana c \n toot Page 3 be a \t a,geats Oet \\\ens the SOe copy a CIAeS � Ot1m01 gV r First American Title Insurance Company Date: little 1.1, 2000 Esca'ow Number: 10482-I)N. responsibility for information contained therein. 2: Seller represents that Seller is awmc that under current law a properly owner may be responsible fur clean-up of contaminated property due to hazardous substances. Seller represents that to the best of their actual knowledge, no environmental hazards or toxic contamination problems affect the property and Seller has not caused or permitted any hazardous materials to be placed, held, located or disposed ol', on, under or at the premises. The representations of Seller shall survive the close of escrow. 3: BONDS: Buyer to post all subdivision bonds through its insurer, when required. 4: Seller agrees to allow Buyer to make ally application necessary with the City of La Quinta and/or County of Riverside in its process of obtaining approval of maps and herewith gives permission to Buyer to sign any applications required by any governmental agency to process subdivision maps or obtain permits. 5: Seller grants to Buyer, its employees or agents the right to enter the property to do necessary investigations for its due diligence. Buyer agree to hold Seller harmless from liability for injury to ally person or property by reason of entry on such property. Buyer warrants that the property shall remain free and clear of any mechanics liens by reason or any work done in connection wills entering such property. 0: Scller warrants to Buyer that the property is free and clear of lenants, lessees, personal property or unrecorded agreements at close of escrow and that possession of subject property shall be granted to Buyer it close of escrow. Such warranties shall survive the close of escrow. 7: Any agreement of the parties herein shill inure to the bcnvht of Ihcir respective successors or assigns. 8: Any moratorium by the City of La Quinta or County or Riverside or State of. California which delays the processing or completion of mapping process or the delay in issuance of any Permit necessary for Player to proceeds with the development of the properly shall increase the time limit of close of escrow to the number of days the moratorium is in effect. 9: Buyer his the right to place "coming soon" sign and a sales wailer on die property after (lie I'casibility period ends dud Buyer elects to proceed in accordance Willi this instruction. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: SELLER AND BUYER AGREETiIATTIIF, AMOUNT OF SELLER'S DAMAGES IN THE EVENT OF BUYER'S DEFAULT WOULD BE IMPRACTICAL OR EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO FIX. THEREFORE, BUYER AND SELLER HEREBY AGREE THAT IF ESCROW PAILS TO.CLOSE BY REASON OF A MATERIAL DEFAULT OF BUYER, THE AMOUNT OF BUYER'S DEPOSIT AS REFLECTED WITHIN THIS INSTRUCTION, IN THE- AMOUNT OF $100,000.00 IS A REASONABLE ESTIMATE OF SELLER'S DAMAGES IN SUCII EVENT AND THAT SUCH SU HALL CO S'I'ITUTE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES AND SlIA1.,I, CONSTITUXj LLLFI 'S SO N EX .l1 IVE REMEDY. SELLER. INITIALS( n _ BUYER INITIAL(S) RELEASE OF FUNDS TO SELLER PRIOR TO CLOSE: One day following the Confirmed Expiration of the Feasibility Review Period, provided; (1) Buyer has elected to continue with this transaction; (2) Buyer has delivered to Escrow Ilolder Additional Deposit of $50,000.00 and; (3) upon receipt of' this instruction signed by all parties hereto, Escrow Holder is hereby authorized and instructed to release to Seller the sum of $100,000.00. Buyer is aware that there shall be no further authorization required from Buyer prior to this release of funds. All parties understand that no documents have been recorded and title to subject property will not have been conveyed to Buyer at the time of this release. First American Title Insurance Company is hereby relieved of any and all liability and/or responsibility in connection with the payment of funds to Seller prior to closing. Once released, and in the event this escrow is not consummated for any reason whatsoever, Escrow Holder shall in no way participate in any attempt to recover the funds so paid to Seller prior to closing. At close of escrow, the a ip of $100,000.00 is to be charged to Seller's account and credited to Buyer's account toward the Ii A)a e price herein. -: Seller Initia s Buyer Initial(s) ADDITI II. INS'I'1lUC'I'IONS A'PI'ACIII:U III?It E'I'O ANU ALAUI: A I',AIt'I' IIU:IiLOr Al i ill t�Lulum nyu'rsartl up' ng n•enwn( aid ,i<Auu mlydg rncm uJ tlm Jorcguiug. Scller Initi Sr:� Buyer Initials: _ and G�« Ut ve \n Page 3 be a lC appeals Ge�t�t ad the Same copy t\VesOtV'�car �5r'tpW ey 0 TO: Christine di Iorio, Planning Manager FROM: Hector Guzman, Assistant Engineer I VIA: Steve Speer, Senior Engineer DATE: November 16, 2000 SUBJECT: LLA 2000-343 We have completed our review of the lot line adjustment referenced above and recommend approval with the following comments. 1. Provide Lot Line Adjustment numbers on exhibits. 2. Provide RCE stamp and signature on exhibits. hg Y 3 Erering, Planning, 75-150 Sheryl Avenu 760-341-6660 & ASSOCIATES, INC. Environmental Sciences and Suite C 760-346-6118 P+olesslonul Tuume p„ Cmnpiu Proieou Management Services Palm Desert, CA 92211 g LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: September 11, 2000 JOB NO.: 2512-01 TO: Greg Trousd —,fla—irt ni g Dept., -- OF: —.'—City of La Quinta O E FROM: Joe Soneji, P.E. SEP I I MM CITY OF LAQUINTA Regarding: Anderson Property PLANNING DEPARTMENT Comments: Lot Line Adjustment Enclosed please find the following: • Two(2) copies of the Lot Line adjustment application. • Title report and supporting document • Plan check fee - $150.00-planning / $100.00-engineering (2x$50.00) = 2$ 50.00 • One(1) copy of page 3 of the escrow instructions giving consent to Century to sign the application Please process these for the City's review/approval. Thanks, Bud,& & Associates, Inc. Joeeji, P.E. Principal JS:mo (✓) For Approval O Original(s) ( ) U.S. Mail (✓) For Review V) Copy(s) ( ) Express Mail ( ) For your Use ( ) Map(s) O Courier ( ) As Requested ( ) Print(s) ( )Hand Delivery ( ) Returned for Corrections ( ) Other: ( ) Picked -up O Other: (✓) Other: J.P. Reprographics 7 --O 4 /��_129mreev DATE: C�Jf C1 , 0cc)— NHS P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 (760) 777-7064 FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - STAN B. SAWA City Manager Public 'Works Department �VBuilding & Safety V Parks &: Recreation VFire Marshal Chamber of Commerce Imperial Irrigation District v Southern California Gas V Desert Sands School District CV Unified School District V CV Water District V Waste Management SUS Postal Service General Telephone �. Media One T/rn¢..lA)aCKLA �Sunline Transit _Caltrans (District II) _Agricultural Commission _ CV Archaeological Society BIA - Desert Council �City of hidio/k1 Ie is CV Mountam Conservancy CV Recreation & Parks Riverside County: Sheriffs Department V Planning Department LA QUINTA CASE NO(S):. a _Principal Planner - Current Principal Planner - Advan Associate Planner - 614� Curr. /Advan. V Planning Manager _ Community Development Director V Environmental Health PROJECT DESCRIPTION:6(�11/lfal.-/t, 4 (03t GtU(,4� wr6 a 0 l 5T- 66-E V,L." PROJECT LOCATION: 0� The City of La Quinta Development Review Committee is conducting an initial environmental study pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the above referenced project(s). Attached is the information submitted by the project proponent. Your comments are requested with respect to: I. Physical impacts the project presents on public resources, facilities, and/or services. 2. Recommended conditions: a) that you or your agency believe would mitigate any potential adverse effects; b) or should apply to the project design; c) or improvements to satisfy other regulations and concerns which your agency is responsible; and 3. If you find that the identified impacts will have significant adverse effects on the environment which cannot be avoided through conditions, please recommend the scope and focus of additional study(ies) which may be helpful. Please send your response by 04: � l . C—) . You are invited to attend the DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CONMTTEE meeting at La Quints City Hall: Date: Time: Contact Person:n G5;(A) (a Title: �r I V�I, �GI/t `��t ✓1 V1Dl Comments made by: Title: Date: Phone: Agency/Division: form.agy CITY OF LA Q UINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (760) 777-7125 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP Case No.:I' =� 41 `1_7 DateReceived: to ,1. 00 SOUTH OF FRED WARING, WEST OF JEFFERSON AND NORTH Location of Property: OF MILES AVENUE Assessor's Parcel No.: 604-072-066 and 604-072-008 Acreage 63 ± Zoning District R-1 Legal Description: PORTION OF NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T5S, R7E, S.ii M. PTOJE'.Ct Description: SUBDIVIDE 63- ACRES INTO 206 RESTDF.NTT AT, L0TPw*R,1 ya . STREETS CITY PARK AND RETENTION AREAS OCT- n U 2000 Related cases filed in conjunction with this request: '` -Y Ulm LA QUINI APPLICANT CENTURY CROWELL COMMUNITIES (909)381-6007 (Name) (Phone) 1535 SOUTH "D" STREET SUITE 200, SAN RERNART)TNO, CA 92408 (Address) OWNER(S) SEE TENTATIVE MAP FOR THE LIST (Name) (Phone) (Address) ENGINEER/SURVEYOR DUDEK & ASSOCIATES INC (760) 341 -6660 (Name) (Phone) 75-150 SHERYL AVE STE. r, PAT,M DFSFRT, CA 92211 (Address) Gontact Person JOE SONEJI Phone (760)341-6660 Signature of Authority for this application is hereby given: Signature of Property Owner(s) r �Date '12 yl4 (Written a S) ority may be attached) Date -2- Case No.�3H 1-1-7 CITY OF LA OU&A EA No. Zcco- NO'I • > °� Date Received: lo•a• OrJ ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO FM O`O LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM Please complete Parts I and II of this form and provide ALL of the additional materials requested in Part III. Failure to do so may delay the review and processing of your project. If you are unable to provide the information, or you need assistance, please feel free to contact the Environmental Quality Section of the Community Development Department at (760) 777-7125. PART 1. General Information I. What is the total acreage involved? 63 ± / 2,744,280 S.F. 2. Is there a previous application filed for the same site? YES X NO If "Yes", provide Case Number. Also provide the Environmental Assessment Number, if known, and Environmental Impact Report Number, if applicable. NOT KNOWN Case No. EIR No. PART I1. Existing Conditions (Parcel Map, Zone Change, Etc.) EA No. _ (if applicable) known) I. Project site area: 63 ± / 2,744,280 S.F. OCT 0 9 2000 (Size of property in square feet and acreage) MY Uk� LA W&-1 2. Existing use of the project site: VACANT 3. Existing use on adjacent properties: (Example: North, Shopping Center; South, Single Family Dwellings; East, Vacant, etc.) NORTH - VACANT. WEST - EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY SUBDTVTSTONS. SOUTH - NEW RESIDENTIAL/GOLF COMMUNITY BEING BUILT, EAST - GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY OF HERITAGE PALMS 4. Site topography (describe): (If any portion of the site exceeds 5% slope, attach a topographic display of the proposal site; if less than 5% slope, please provide elevations at corners of site). SPARSE VEGETATION ON DESERT SLIGHT UN—DULATTONS 5. Grading (Estimate number of cubic yards of dirt being moved): 300,000 C.YDS 6. Are there any natural or man-made drainage channel areas through or adjacent to the property? No x Yes_ (If yes, submit a display of such drainage channel areas.) Describe the disposition of these channels/areas should the proposal be implemented. 7.. Are there any known archaeological finds near or on the proposed site? No X Yes_ Ail I:tEnviroiunental Information Fonn 8. Describe any cultural or scenic aspects of the project site: VIEW OF MOUNTAINS TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. 9. Describe existing site vegetation and their proposed disposition should the proposal be approved: SPARSE DESERT VEGETATION TO BE REMOVED. (If any significant plant materials, e.g., mature tress, exist on the site, please prepare a site plan that illustrates their number, type, size and location.) 10. Describe accessibility of proposal site to the following utilities; gas, water and electricity. (If proposal site does not have immediate access, further describe necessary extension of services and provide a graphic display, 8-1/2" x I I" that indicates their present location in reference to the subject site): ALL UTILITIES AVAILABLE TO THE SITE. ON —SITE EXTENSIONS WILL BE MADE AS PART OF IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED BY THE DEVELOPER. 1 1. Additional comments you may wish to supply regarding your project. (Attach an additional sheet if necessary). A TENTATIVE MAP WAS PROCESSED THROUGH CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR THE SAME SITE ABOUT 10 YEARS AGO. NO FINAL MAP WAS RECORDED. A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT IS BEING PROCESSED CURRENTLY THROUGH THE CITY. PART III. Addliional Materi The following items must be submitted with this form: I. At least three (3) panoramic photographs (color prints) of the project site, or an aerial photo of the site. 2. A clear photocopy (Xerox or similar copy) of the appropriate portion of the U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle map, delineating the boundaries of the project site. Also, note the title of the map. I certify that I have investigated the questions in Parts I and II and the answers are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. JOE SONEJI, P.E. Name and Title of Person Completing Form Signature g Applicant Ail l:Tnviromnental hitonnation Fonn LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. EXHIBIT '"B" T.P.0.8. P.O.C. LOT A 7 Jc FRED WARINC N 89'28'48" E 13zs.65'DRIVE _ ---------- �0 I�1 ---T r— N89'28'48"E 693.68' — N8928'46"E 551.92' �\ = 25.00' T. P.0.8. L = 39,35' I LOT B 55' -- LOT A -- AREA=10.789 AC. I L, ADJUSTED LOI LINE 1 N89'31'36"E 577.00' NF-5 -J/':, JF 1\JJ -J/' CF SfLC, 20 -- r. s., r;. 7 Sc Baa,vJ, LI, A.P.N. 604— 072— 008 m NIN (11 0 b ^ N \I m ry 0 m ^� N 1I LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED ^Ln3 N 1 ry p IN MLOT B o o � AREA = 63.549 AC. O N IZ UJ✓ -JILT, o J\\JE 1/4, CF SIEC. 20 -r -r' 5 S., Fi, 7 E).B.Blim, J) A.P.N. 604-072-006 <�'I W -1 — �)I 55' T L = 39, 21' h I L _ N89'31'36"E 1246,92' \­1 MILE5 N 8977'36" E—7326.89 AVENUE 2U 2'1 PROFESS/p c N-4i y�0 � .1. .,0Nc✓� �2c 2 No. 24069 A 300 o +so 300 s'0 * Exp. 121 1/2001 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 300 feet. A CIVIA`\ Palm Desert Office: IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DLei 01 a IIFA 75-150 Sheryl Avenue, Suite C A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF Palm Desert, CA 92211 THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF & A S S O C I A T E S Tel. 760.341.6660 SECTION 20 T. 5 S., R. 7 E., S. B. B. Sc M. p,jwimwTim jacompltzftnu Fax 760.346.6118 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA