2010 11 18 HPC MinutesMINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A Regular meeting held in the Study Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA November 18, 2010 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairperson Redmon. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call Present: Commissioners Maria Puente, Peggy Redmon, Allan Wilbur, and Chairman Robert Wright Absent: Commissioner Archie Sharp Staff Present: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Assistant Planner Yvonne Franco, and Secretary Monika Radeva C. Election of Vice-Chair It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Redmon/Puente to elect Commissioner Wilbur as Vice-Chair. AYES: Commissioners Puente, Redmon, Wilbur, and Chairman Wright. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Sharp. ABSTAIN: None. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wilbur/Puente to approve the minutes of August 19, 2010, as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Puente, Redmon, Wilbur, and Chairman Wright. NCIES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Sharp. ABSTAIN: None. P:Uteports - HPC\2011\HPC_1-20-11\HPC_MIN_l I-18-10_Approved.doc Historic Preservation Commission November 18, 2010 V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Introduction and La Quinta Museum Update from Johanna Wickman, Museum Manager Planning Manager David Sawyer introduced Ms. Johanna Wickman, Museum Manager of the La Quinta Museum. Ms. Wickman passed out brochures advertising the museum's current exhibits which would remain on display through December 31, 2010, and explained what they were. She said the museum releases a monthly newsletter on the first of every month and passed out the newsletter for the month of November. She noted the letter announced the museum's current exhibits as well as any upcoming events and programs. Ms. Wickman talked about the exhibit that would be on display in February of 2011. She said the theme would be Dinosaurs and two life-size robotic dinosaurs would be displayed along with three other dinosaurs with dioramas and fossils, as well as interactive stations for children. She said she was also planning on putting together a display case of fossils excavated in La Quinta. Chairman Wright said the Commission was interested in developing a closer relationship with the La Quinta Museum and the La Quinta Historical Society. He suggested having joint meetings with the La Quinta Historical Society and/or possibly holding the next Historic Preservation Meeting at the La Quinta Museum. Ms. Wickman explained the relationship and interworking between the staff responsible for running and caring of the La Quinta Museum, the City of La Quinta, the La Quinta Historical Society, and the La Quinta Library. Chairman Wright asked if the museum still held the open house evening events on the first Friday of every month. Ms. Wickman replied the open house events were held October through April on the first Friday of the month, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., and there was no admission charge. She gave an overview of the last two events and what was to follow in the upcoming months. She noted there wouldn't be an open house event during the P:~Reports - HPC~2011U-IPC_1-20-I 1V-IPC_MIN_11-18-10_Approved.doc 2 Historic Preservation Commission November 18, 2010 month of December because it coincided with the Christmas Tree Lighting event. Commissioner Wilbur asked if the museum had any archives that were not on display. Ms. Wickman replied there were 3-4 filing cabinets with different materials such as photographs, documents, letters, publications, and newspaper articles, owned by the La Quinta Historical Society but stored at the museum, which were currently being cataloged into a computer database and scanned to facilitate future access. Commissioner Redmon asked if these archives were available for viewing by the general public and if so how would one go about it. Ms. Wickman replied the archives were available to the general public, but because they belonged to the La Quinta Historical Society, they were the point of contact for requesting and scheduling the viewing. General discussion followed regarding what archives and artifacts there were and where they were being stored. Ms. Wickman gave an overview of the special events and bus and walking tours the La Quinta Historical Society had scheduled for the next few months. General discussion followed regarding the tours. Staff asked if the La Quinta Museum worked in conjunction with the other museums in the Coachella Valley. Ms. Wickman said she is a member of the Coachella Valley Emergency Preparedness Network which brought all of the local museums together for monthly discussions over funds and disaster emergency preparedness in case a disaster happened and records and archives needed to be preserved and cared for. These meetings led to the formation of the Desert Cities Museums Association (DCMA) and Ms. Wickman is the Secretary for the DCMA Formation Committee. She said the Association was expected to be fully incorporated and have a non-profit status by the end of the year. She explained the La Quinta Museum was very involved in the creation of the DCMA and all of the museums in the Coachella Valley were very excited about it as this would provide an opportunity for all of the museums to work and advertise together. She said a few of the Committee Members of DCMA would be giving a presentation at the California Association of Museums Conference in March of 207 1. P:\Reports - HPC\2011\HPC_1-20-11\I-IPC_MIN_] 1-18-]0_Approved.doc 3 Historic Preservation Commission November 18, 2010 Staff talked about the California Snoopy License Plate drive effort started by the Charles Shultz Museum in Santa Rosa to collect proceeds that would help support all museums in the state of California and encouraged the Commissioners to look into it and participate. Commissioner Wilbur asked since the City was unsuccessful in obtaining the CLG Grant for the curation process, if the City could accept gifts and monetary donations that would support the project. Staff said they would have to find out what would be acceptable. Staff said they would be applying for the CLG Grant again next year and possibly submitting two. separate applications; one of which would independently target the curation project. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: None VIII. PLANNING STAFF ITEMS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wilbur/Redmon to adjourn this Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next Meeting to be held on December 16, 2010. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned on November 18, 2010, at 3:25 p.m. AYES: Commissioners Puente, Redmon, Wilbur, and Chairman Wright. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Sharp. ABSTAIN: None. Submitted by Monika R Secretary P:~Reports - HPC~2011~IIPC_1-20-11UIPC_MIN_] 1-18-]0_Approved.doc 4