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LLA 2004-418
City of L uinta FINANCE t Revenue Code 3 OFFICE USE ONLY m Community Development Department Case No.k4A —_ �e�or 78-495 Calle Tampico Date Reevd.j� La Quinta, California 92253 Fee: (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 RelatedApps: Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose of the review is to allow reconfiguration of two or more adjoining lots into sizes or shapes appropriate for desired uses and in compliance with Municipal Code requirements. 4 44. e- �.. A 1 40 -> -e �O ��� ��O �O y ��� `� ��� 4.0 40� -f -.0 y 4r ��� ��� 41 41 + + ��� ��� �r ��� ��� ��� 40 *40 -4e -e -O 43 + -i APPLICANT David H. Williams, P.L.S. c/o: Tetra Tech, Inc. (Print) MAILINGADDRESS 17770 Cartwright Road, Suite 500 Phone No: (949) 250-6788 CITY, STATE, ZIP Irvine, California 92614 Fax No. (949) 60B-5965 PROPERTY OWNERS *Owner"A" Name: Tlhan Refioglu Address: 616 Waterbury Lane Foster City, California 94404 Phone: (408) 544-1059 (City) (State) (Zip) *Owner 'B"Name: N.D. La Quinta Partners, LLC Address: 81-100 Avenue 53 La Quinta, California 92253 Phone: _ (City) (State) (Zip) *Owner "C" Address: Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) *Attach sheet for additional owners PROPERTY DATA Property A: Assessor's Parcel Number: 772-410-032 Street Address (if any): N/A (golf course) Property B: Assessor's Parcel Number: 772-470-016 Street Address (if any): 80885-0 Via Savona Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: Relocate line between lots to provide additional area to APN 772-470-016 per attached Exhibits "A" and "B". Av--� A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 2/2000 edi GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner B — N.D. La Quinta Partners, LLC hereby GRANTS to Owner A - Ilhan Refioglu the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) that portion of land described as "Transfer Parcel" pursuant to LLA _ approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of Lot Line Adjustment -_ as approved by the City of La Quinta. ❑ Attached to the Grant Deeds shall be Exhibits A and B, a metes and bounds legal description of the new parcels and a plat (8'/," x 11 ") of the new parcels, respectively (see attached sample Exhibits A and B). ❑ If structures or other improvements exist on the affected parcel(s), provide separate plot plan showing dimensioned, location in relation to new property lines. ❑ Filing fee for Lot Line Adjustment. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. If the number of lots adjusted exceeds two, then a Public Works Department plan check fee of $50.00 per lot (over two lots) shall be paid in addition to Lot Line Adjustment fee. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT NAME OF APPLICANT David H? Williams, P.L.S. (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER "A" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: L /fM NAME OF OWNER SIGNATURE OF P IF NOT SAME AS NAME OF OWNEI (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER "C" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: NAME OF OWNER (Print) ./ DATE DATE T DATE 7bky- kTE DATE DATE I(Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) I hereby certify that all information contained in this application, including all plans and materials required by the City's application submission requirements, is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. I hereby grant the City authority to enter onto the property to conduct site inspections and to post required public notices. A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 212000 cdi 1! n L b� \-9 H. ILHAN REFIOGLU 5613 DAWN M. REFIOGLU 616 WATERBURY UN (650) 349-4609 Date d9 EJ pif 11-35/12010 FOSTER CRY, CA 94404 Pay tol A Do Order the C�1 �f �0. �LLIN 10. .D 25D Orderof--.---T"`F �h BankofAmerlca -- ' CustomWince F,vfte� city 5U9 F. wnsd,de Blvd F.so City CA i A LO/ a 1_•... ....... ..... ._. _ __. 1: L 2 L0003Sae; 56 1,3111 i087Sill L75599' - �hVf a -wow TO: TIM FROM: CAROLYN RE: TWO LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS LLA 05-432 & 05-433 DATE: 3/16/05 TIM: These two LLA's are listed under Stan's name, but he thought you might be able to do them. He said the procedure for processing a Lot Line Adjustment is: 1. Send the paperwork to Public Works to check and make sure the engineering specifics are correct. Certa"i 2. When the information comes back - and is correct - you write a letter to the client similar to the one I have attached. 3. 1 have included file - LLA 2004-418 - for you to go through and see how these are processed. 4. If you have any questions, please see Stan. Thanks. /CW 1 P.O. Box 1504 LA QuiNIA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 C.Ai.i.e TAN1111co (750) 777-7000 La QUINT -v, CALIPORNiA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 January 7, 2005 Mr. David Williams P.L.S. C/o Tetra Tech, Inc. 17770 Cartwright Road, Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 Subject: Lot Line Adjustment 2004-418 Dear Mr. Williams: The Community Development Department has approved your request for a lot line adjustment on Via Savona in the Hideaway project. Enclosed is the approved original Grant Deed and exhibits for this adjustment. The Grant Deed must be completed, signed and notarized by the affected property owners. All of the original approved documents are to be recorded with the County Recorder with a recorded copy given to us for our files. Until the recorded copy is received, our Lot Line Adjustment file is not complete. Attached is a letter addressed to the County Recorder for you to present to them indicating that we have approved this lot line adjustment. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 760 777-7064. Very Truly Yours, STAN SAWA Principal Planner Encl. C: Brian Ching, Public Works Department P:\stan\lla pm\lla 2004-418 Itr app.doc Order No. Escrow No. Loan No. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE: .....Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; _..Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrancece s remaining at of sale Signatur fEteel rant or Agent determining tax - Finn Name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, N.D. LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC, A Delaware Corporation hereby GRANT(S) to All that certain real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: "Transfer Parcel" pursuant to LLA 9004 - 141S approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibit "A" and "B" hereto and made a pan hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of Lot Line Adjustment '7-0.94} _ r-I'IS as approved by the City of La Quinta. Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On personally appeared before me, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: )ss ) 1002 (1/9a) CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California } 1R wex5i ct b } ss. County of JJJ Or >Et^ Q before me,'hLl'✓•'hYllvi - lAY1�Ph' /KJ/QYv l ICE Dale /1 _ N me arid Title of OYcer (e.g.. "Jane Doe, Notary PubM1c' personally appeared _[�5„ L . i-�yPytSDVtI �1 Namefs of Slgnerts] KATHRYN L. HUNTER Commission q 1382692 Notary public - California Riverside County My Comm. Expires Nov 1, 2Wb personally known to me proved to me on the basis of satisfactonr evidence to be the person($) whose nameN is/!rn: subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/tier/their authorized capacity(reig), and that by his/her/their signature($) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the personN acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. �Signewre I Notary PUO OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could preven' fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name Individual mP nl fwmd r,ere [I Corporate Officer — Title(s): El Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General El Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: C 1999 National Nolary Associalion • 9350 De ¢olo Ave., p.0 Eox 2002 • CM1atswotlM1. CA 91319-2402 • www nafiooalnorary org N,d No5907 Reorder Call Tall-F L800 976 6827 EXHIBIT "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN LOT "V" IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA,COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2, TRACT NO. 29894-2 FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82 OF MAPS, ALL IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 69' 15' 43" EAST 38.99 FEET; NORTH 600 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET; NORTH 13' 59' 59" EAST 118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "V" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31 ° 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30 37' 53" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 550 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 100 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 04' 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET, SOUTH 160 46' 24" EAST 22.25 FEET; SOUTH 10° 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET; SOUTH 00' 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET, SOUTH 78' 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET; SOUTH 660 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET, SOUTH 78° 40' 41" WEST 32.77 FEET; LOT i-INE ADJUSTMENT No. 'ZOOLt_ 1 lro APPROVED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA COMIMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT DEP Rq TMENT BY'Nk,�GlnAM DATE I 110-t5 Exhibit A NORTH 60' 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 10' 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 5 of 6 PREPARED BY Tetra Tech ISG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: �y5�Off.*144�q� qr 9�N ( No 41 iD^lDW#*lLLlA*MtSP'.L.S. 4131 * EW S M, I 8 LICENSE EXPIRES 6/30/06 P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 6 o` 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL1 ALL OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373, TOGETHER WITH A PORTION OF LOT "V" AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2, TRACT NO. 29894-2 FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82 OF MAPS, ALL IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL "C" THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 69' 15' 43" EAST 38.99 FEET; NORTH 60° 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET; NORTH 130 59' 59" EAST 118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LCIT "V" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31° 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3° 37' 53" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55' 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 10° 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 04` 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET; SOUTH 16° 46' 24" EAST 22.25 FEET; 2:,D LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. SOUTH 10° 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET, SOUTH 00' 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET, SOUTH 78° 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET, SOUTH 66' 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET; SOUTH 780 40' 41"WEST 32.77 FEET; APPROVED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 13YC�An GJ lAA?n DATE 1 EXhibit 7k NORTH 60' 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 10' 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 1 of 4 CONTAINING 0.350 ACRES MORE OR LESS INCLUDING SAID PARCEL "C" ALL AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT'B" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF PREPARED BY Tetra Tech ISG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: -Aj j vvrt<i YG�\ I 4� Al9� c�L1 O a Wo.4131 DAVID H. WILLIAMS, P.L.S.4131 y Exp.6-30-_006 4 LICENSE EXPIRES 6/30/06 OF P:\Land\PO213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 2 of 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL2 LOT "V" IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF AMENDMENT NO, 2, TRACT NO. 29894-2 FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82 OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT CERTAIN PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN SAID CITY OF LA QUINTA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 690 15' 43" EAST 38.99 FEET; NORTH 60° 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET; NORTH 13° 59' 59" EAST 118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "V" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31 ° 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3° 37' S3" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 550 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 10' 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 040 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET; SOUTH 16° 46' 24" EAST 22.25 FEET; SOUTH 100 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET; SOUTH 00' 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET; SOUTH 780 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET, SOUTH 66' 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET; SOUTH 78° 40' 41" WEST 32.77 FEET; LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. '4-004' 11) L APPROVED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPA TrAENT BY f: 7 in' 'AAA l r DATE o'r Exhibit A NORTH 60' 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 10' 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 3 of 4 PREPARED BY Tetra Tech ISG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: p y\dp,kL I-Aiv 9 R DAVID H. WILLIAMS, P.L.S. 4131 '° o� �N c LICENSE EXPIRES 6/30/06 a No. 4131 = * Exp.6-30-2006 P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT "Bn I DT r �„ 40.O1n 24'79"> — Cl EXISTING 10' r� PUBLIC UTILITY .�� 2. A EASEMENT r ^ /V J CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Cl <02'14'39" 245. 00 9.60'> C2 [03-37'53" 246,00' 15.59'1 C3 [23'59'42" 201.00' 84.13'] LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 <N26'39'25"E 7.12'> L2 [N55-12'16"W 14.62' L3 N55-12'16"W 7.30' L4 N55'12'16"W 7.32' L5 N10'28'22"E 24.31' L6 N16'46'24"W 22.25' L7 N10'23'20"W 13.42' L8 N10'21'31"E 23.74' P.O.B. =46.92'> <�=05'29'13-> [4=13'24'19" <46.92'> [L=114 64490.00j SUGGESTED CORRECTION J J 21 N12'31'18"E(PCC) APPROVED BY CITY OF LA 0 INTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAR ME BY ��fLIAlA _DATE Exhibit P '4557"ER] c �Q\ N31'20'48"E(Rl ��,q R64 <Q, 16.243g500 L?'q" 0 1 <0�8900� L1 Y � r J b PARCELL 1 m oo 0.350 AC. / v _ LO r -116 w ro 3.Qph P. P p0 30� z ? 0683� pp3 / z rf�r�C F J\filvc)j J' ,J, [XXXX] - INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT N0. 29894-3, M.B. 351/35-48 <XXXX> - INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 29894-Z M.B. 327/56-88 r s� i'o tiq N31"09'51"E( ) C2 L2 <3 L 4 c'3 w o, \N� m� 0 z 0.0J0 J�O I \aN,Q'C 0A5� �14`J �� TRANSFER PARCEL 0.137 AC. �•LE_, N7a a0 41„E - 3C 0 15 30 60 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 "=30' TETRA TECH INC. ONTARIO 8000 5909) 390 Q 17770 CARTWRIGHT ROAD PALM DESERT �760� 674-0629 SUITE 5009 A 92614 A 9 250-6I88 SAN DILGO (619) 6773-555505 e. A I,. a m,AdlUot1161W dwo _ EKISTING 10' PUBLIC UTILITY ASEMENT 7 �pV,pt LANO� ,o a No. 4131 EXF. 6-30-06 p- CF 1E PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION 01 i' dd / v DAVID H. WILLIAMS PLS 413- LICENSE EXPIRES 06/30/2004 0 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 ALL OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373, TOGETHER WITH A PORTION OF LOT "J" AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF TRACT NO. 32453 FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18 OF MAPS, ALL IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL "C" THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 69' 15' 43" EAST 38.99 FEET; NORTH 60' 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET; NORTH 130 59' 59" EAST 118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "J" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF TRACT NO. 32453; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31' 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30 37' 53" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55' 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 100 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 04' 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET; SOUTH 16° 46' 24" EAST 22.25 FEET; SOUTH 10' 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET, SOUTH 00' 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET; SOUTH 78' 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET; SOUTH 660 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET; SOUTH 78° 40' 41" WEST 32.77 FEET; Approved by: Date ❑ Planning Commission _ ❑ City Council tYCommunity Dev. Dept. _ Initials WA a Case No. 11YA 7 v!- `Vt Exhibit _ ❑ With Conditions NORTH 60' 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 10' 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. Reso # P:\Land\PO9213\0001\Suwey\LLA-LOT 116.doc Page 1 of 6 E CONTAINING 0.350 ACRES MORE OR LESS INCLUDING SAID PARCEL "C" ALL AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF PREPARED BY Tetra Tech ISG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: io�z W/� N C No.a131 — DAVID WILLIAMS, P.L.S. 4131 Exp.6-30.2006 LICENSE EXPIRES 6130/06 P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT 116.doc Page 2 of 6 ® 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 LOT "J" IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF TRACT NO. 32453 FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 16 OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT CERTAIN PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN SAID CITY OF LA QUINTA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES: SOUTH 69' 15' 43" EAST 38.99 FEET: NORTH 600 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET; NORTH 130 59' 59" EAST 118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "J" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF TRACT NO. 32453; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31° 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30 37' 53" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55' 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 100 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 04' 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET; SOUTH 16' 46' 24" EAST 22.25 FEET; SOUTH 100 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET; SOUTH 00' 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET; SOUTH 78' 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET; SOUTH 66' 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET; SOUTH 78° 40' 41" WEST 32.77 FEET; Approved bv: Date ❑ Plannino Commission O �Ity Council ,r' Commun,, ity Dev. Dept. '�"�,`5— Initia;s IN✓t't _ Case No. tJIwA- td 4 -4t6 _ Exhibit _ 0 With Conditions NORTH 60' 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 100 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING Rese # P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-L0T116.doc Page 3 of 6 0 0 PREPARED BY Tetra Tech ISG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: ((*,,,Exp toCNo4131DAVID .L ILLIAMS, P.S. 4131 .6-30-2006LICENSE EXPIRES 6/30/06 P:\Land\PO9213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 4 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN LOT "J" IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA.000NTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF TRACT NO. 32453 FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18 OF MAPS, ALL IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 69' 15' 43" EAST 38.99 FEET; NORTH 60' 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET; NORTH 13` 59' 59" EAST 118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "V" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF TRACT NO. 32453; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31' 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3° 37' 53" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55' 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 100 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 04' 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET: SOUTH 16' 46' 24" EAST 22.25 FEET; SOUTH 10' 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET; SOUTH 00' 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET; SOUTH 780 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET; SOUTH 66` 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET; SOUTH 78° 40' 41" WEST 32.77 FEET; c^c,� 'dev by; Da C P;annm .,, Commission _ ❑ City Council _ Li `Communiiy Dev. Dept. Initials t"tIkA _ Case No. L-h M4-414) _ Exhibit 0- _ O With Conditions _ NORTH 60' 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 10' 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. i'; c:5c 4r P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doo Pace 5 of 6 PREPARED BY Tetra Tech ISG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: DAVID H. ILLIAMS, P.L.S. 4131 LICENSE EXPIRES 6130/06 NO No. 4131 � * Ezp.B-30.2006 P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 6 of 6 LOT EXISTING 10' �^? PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT r v CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Cl <0214'39" 245.00' 1 9.60'> C2 1103'37"53" 246.00' 15.59' C3 23'59142" 201.00 84.18' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 <N26'39'25"E 7.12'> L2 N55'12'16"W 14.62' L3 N55'12'16"W 7.30' L4 N55'12'16"W 7.32' L5 N10'28'22"E 24.31' L6 N16'46'24"W 22.25' L7 N10'23'20"W 13.42' L8 N10'21'31"E 23.74' P.O.B. 1=46.92'> <4=05.2g'73", f_ [4=13'24'19"R692> �L=114.64� 000� SUGGESTED CORRECTION N EXH81T P, nning Commission y Council Community Dev. Dept. Initiialsy1�W1 2 2 0 N12'31'18'"E( Jibi 4No..Q —ILL 2a�4-yl8 ,2j - - - - RTl 2g, N14'45li'V(itj1 Conditions -T— �C1 cR cd,$ N31'20'48"E(R1 \ .4 001,9' S� V > >I r 0�, L1 �tiq j1j C) J r �`� \0.20' J / J y PARCEL/ 1 m 0.350 AC. / LOT -1-" w ' 11 G ^. N E" o w z PP 2 130PAl e \yP $6e3 �3 /z N31 09 51 E(R) C2 TISTING 10' LIC UTILITY ASEMENT vo o °vo �0 TRANSFER / Z / f PARCEL �' o �J N E 0.137 AC. 3 �'43.. N"18'21 09' E 29. [XXXX] - INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 29894-3, M.B. 351/35-48 <XXXX> - INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO, 29894-2, M.B. 327/56-88 N78'� �7t"c 0 15 30 60 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 "=30' 7 tk i OP 9;0 1 �O a No. 4131 `' * 1'` DF. 4.30ON it f CxvN PREPARED UNDER THE: DIRECTION TETRA TECH INC. IRVINEONTAR sag ONTARIO 909 390-67881 390-8000 000 (� ��, L 17770 CARTWRIGHT ROAD PALM DESERT 760 674-0629 DAVID H.WILLIAMS F SUITE 500, IRVINE, CA. 92614 PASADENA 818 683-0066 LICENSE EXPIRES 06 30 2004 / / 949-250-6788 SAN DIEGO 619 673-5505 L.nd\P02913\0001 \Survey\Lot L!,eAdi\ lot l 1611o.dwo P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINIA, CA1AFOR N A 92 24 7- 15 04 78-495 CAiir:Tvmi,ico (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 LA QcircIA. C.vi.iroauin 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 January 7, 2005 Mr. David Williams P.L.S. C/o Tetra Tech, Inc. 17770 Cartwright Road, Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 Subject: Lot Line Adjustment 2004-418 Dear Mr. Williams: The Community Development Department has approved your request for a lot line adjustment on Via Savona in the Hideaway project. Enclosed is the approved original Grant Deed and exhibits for this adjustment. The Grant Deed must be completed, signed and notarized by the affected property owners. All of the original approved documents are to be recorded with the County Recorder with a recorded copy given to us for our files. Until the recorded copy is received, our Lot Line Adjustment file is not complete. Attached is a letter addressed to the County Recorder for you to present to them indicating that we have approved this lot line adjustment. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 760 777-7064. Very Truly Yours, STAN SAWA Principal Planner Encl. C: Brian Ching, Public Works Department P:\stan\lla pm\Ila 2004-418 Itr app.doc Order No. ' Escrow No. Loan No. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE'. _._Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR .....Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. SignaRn f Decl rant or Agent determining tax - Firm Name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, N.D. LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC, A Delaware Corporation hereby GRANT(S) to All that certain real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: "Transfer Parcel" pursuant to LLA ? - - 41S approved by the City of La Quints. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibit "A" and `B" hereto and made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of Lot Line Adjustment taxi - 4NE as approved by the City of La Quinta. Dated t STATE OF CALIFORN]A }ss COUNTY OF On before me, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capaeity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: 1002(1/94) 0 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of RiYP.t51d�b ee. Or PX _Q before me, 4W.'�'{' 11gn I- . hoar 1tP.Y /�CJIQYU ���lC o-1e n _ Nine and rode of OXlcer le-g., -Jana Doe, Nolary Public') personally appeared Tt�Senh �- HYP.nSOytl , Na o.o) of egniain KATHRVN L. HUNTER �. Commission N 1382692 `z i ae Notary Public - California Riverside County My Comm, Expires Nov 1, 2006 ❑ personally known to me proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personN whose nameN ion* subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/Iter/thair authorized capacityO, and that by his/her/tIl signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(W acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. _ 6,174 t t �a� ISignalure e Notary PLI OPTIONAL — Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: _ Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: — Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer. Signer's Name: ❑ Individual Tor of thhmb hero ❑ Corporate Officer—Title(s): ❑ Partner — uLimited El General ❑ Attorney -in -Fact Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: 01999 National Notary Associdlion • 9350 De for. Av , PO. Bon 2402 • Ch. = .BR CA 913132402 -.,- nalionaingary.or, Prod No-590P Raoodc. Call Toll -Free 1-800 876-6827 I EXHIBIT "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN LOT "V" IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA,COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2, TRACT NO. 29894-2 FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82 OF MAPS, ALL IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 690 1543" EAST 38.99 FEET; NORTH 600 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET; NORTH 13' 59' 59" EAST 118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "V" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31° 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30 37' 53" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 550 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 100 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 04° 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET; SOUTH 160 46' 24" EAST 22.25 FEET; SOUTH 10° 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET; SOUTH 000 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET; SOUTH 780 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET; SOUTH 66' 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET; SOUTH 78° 40' 41" WEST 32.77 FEET; LGT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 700q- 4 l,F) APPROVED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT by �9v ' GL A m DATE D� Exhibit A NORTH 60' 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 100 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 5 of 6 PREPARED BY Tetra Tech ISG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: �p VN�S u D ID H. ILLIAMS, P.L.S.4131 ((*Emp No.�131 LICENSE EXPIRES 6/30/06 ' 82W6 P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 6 of 6 I LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL1 ALL OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINT.A, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373, TOGETHER WITH A PORTION OF LOT "V" AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2, TRACT NO. 29894-2 FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82 OF MAPS, ALL IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL "C" THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 69' 15' 43" EAST 38.99 FEET; NORTH 60° 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET, NORTH 13' 59' 59" EAST 118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "V" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31' 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30 37' 53" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 550 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 10' 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 04° 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET; SOUTH 16' 46' 24" EAST 22.25 FEET; SOUTH 10° 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET; SOUTH 00' 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET; SOUTH 78' 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET; SOUTH 660 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET; SOUTH 780 40' 41" WEST 32.77 FEET; LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. 200A -q),'� APPROVED BY CITY OF LA OUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY',�6 inn `JAvt/tf7n DATE I 7 Exhibit IN NORTH 60° 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 100 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT 16.doc Page l of 4 C E CONTAINING 0.350 ACRES MORE OR LESS INCLUDING SAID PARCEL "C" ALL AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF PREPARED BY Tetra Tech ISG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: hy\� ��N WILL/ L"y� N ¢ o N C I JAI%;, �•18•G� a No. DAVID H. WILLIAMS, P.L.S. 4131 * E¢p.6-30-2006 4� LICENSE EXPIRES 6/30/06 P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 2 of 4 0 PARCEL 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT "V" IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2, TRACT NO. 29894-2 FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82 OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT CERTAIN PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN SAID CITY OF LA QUINTA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 690 15' 43" EAST 38.99 FEET; NORTH 600 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET; NORTH 13° 59' 59" EAST 118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "V" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31 ° 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3° 37' 53" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55° 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 100 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 040 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET; SOUTH 16° 46' 24" EAST 22.25 FEET; SOUTH 10' 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET; SOUTH 00' 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET; SOUTH 78' 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET; SOUTH 66' 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET; SOUTH 78° 40' 41" WEST 32.77 FEET; LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. -2-004' q APPROVED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPA Tt✓3ENT BY '_`�.vl 4eAAA IA DATE 117 1 �S Exhibit NORTH 60' 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 10' 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 3 of 4 0 10 PREPARED BY Tetra Tech ISG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: ® y\Ut AL LAiv W14��9 9io DAVID H. WILLIAMS, P.L.S. 4131 oP �N C LICENSE EXPIRES 6/30/06 c No. 4131 t Exp.6-30-2006 # P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT "Bn L DT =13'24•ig„ N1231TS"E(PCC) '00'i- > /----- V_C1 EXISTING 10' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ll j 11J r., J CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH C1 <02'14'39" 245.00' 9.60'> C2 [03'37'53° 246. 00' 15.59'] C3 [23'59"42" 201.00' 84.18'1 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 <N26'39'25"E 7.12'> L2 [N55'12'16"W 14.62'1 L3 N55'12'16"W 7.30' L4 N55'12'16"W 7.32' L5 N10'28'22"E 24,31' L6 N16*46'24"W 22,25' L7 N10'23'20"W 13.42' LS N10'21'31"E 23.74' P.O.B. =46.92'> <6=05'29'U-=> [L=114.64'1 OO J SUGGESTED CORRECTION J J 21 No. ANPROVED BY CITY OF LA OUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAR ME BY 1an�luA� DATE 7 05 Exhibit — S N 14-45.57'"E(R� c4� N31-20148.E(Rl <a16345 0 4180 I J \ \0 20' �—N31'09'51"E( ) J ZZ-�, C2 J J J / / PARCEL/1 0.350 AC. / "G 7 N ! ^N LJ Z PP 2000 13 OP rn PL�003 0 Z 0 O,��OJ�p OVIDV `0 j TRANSFER_ / } - PARCEL � N � 0.137 AC. 2997 l r l � �e2 �60\ J 2 2 -�llll ��/JJ JJ S, r l\JJ J J�/J 11 / J J\J �' C) [XXXX1 - INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO, 29894-3, M.B. 351/35-48 <XXXX> - INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 29894-2, M.B. 327/56-88 N-78° 1 '7),.E 0 15 30 60 wzffzffrzzlA GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 "=30' PREPARED BY: TETRA TECH INC. IRVINE (949) 250-6788 ONTARIO (909) 390-8000 17770 CARTWRIGHT ROAD PALM DESERT (760) 674-0629 SUITE 500, IRVINE, CA. 92614 PASADENA (81 B� 683-0066 949-250-6788 SAN DIEGO (619) 673-5505 P AI ondAP7)29I2VOLD IASurvevALot LineAd Vof I I611a.dwo EXISTING \ PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 7 3- °N �?J�0 �_ W14 G.pG a No. 4131 A 9rF of cA�\F°�� PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF DAVID H WILLIAMS PLS 4131 LICENSE EXPIRES 06/30/2004 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: CITY MANAGER _PARKS DEPARTMENT _BUILDING & SAFETY _CODE ENFORCEMENT _FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JERRY HERMAN _ PLANNING MANAGER SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - STAN SAWA DATE: 10 17 ( C SUBJECT: PROJECT REVIEW CAS. PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY O b 6 iP cat t 11 1104' �L I ---COMMENTS: i _,,`� l �tti, /L� ' 1 �. T'• L� �, n��v� ,/ J OCT C 8 20F [rans.004 PLANiEcf/2 PCN C./ �,� Please use this Plan eck Numbw (VA4 on all correspondence while plane are in plan check o City of L uinta FINANCE Revenue Cod Community Development Department °Ebo, 6e 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No.UA 8 Date Recvd.-.I- ;L Fee: 6 t— Related Apps:_ Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose of the review is to allow reconfiguration of two or more adjoining lots into sizes or shapes appropriate for desired uses and in compliance with Municipal Code requirements. .. • .. .. .. I. .•. .. . .... .. • . ,. ..., .. .•. .;. ;. .. .•. .•. .;. ;. .. .. .•. .. . .•. .•. ...•... .•. f..•..•. .•..•. David H. Williams, P.L.S. c/o: Tetra Tech, Inc. MAILINGADDRESS 17770 Cartwright Road, Suite 500 Phone No: (949) 250-6788 CITY,STATE,ZIP Irvine, California 92614 Fax No. (949) 608-5965 PROPERTY OWNERS *Owner "A" Name: Ilhan Refioglu Address: 616 Waterbury Lane Foster City, California 94404 (City) (State) I(Zip) *Owner`B" Name: N.D. La Quinta Partners, LLC Address: 81-100 Avenue 53 La Quinta, California 92253 (City) (State) (Zip) *Owner "C" Phone: (408) 544-1069 Phone: Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) *Attach sheet for additional owners PROPERTY DATA Prope�y A: Assessor's Parcel Number: 772-410-032 Street Address (if any): N/A (golf course) Property B: Assessor's Parcel Number: 772-470-016 Street Address (if any): 80885-0 Via Savona Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: Relocate line between lots to provide additional area to APN 772-470-016 per attached Exhibits "A" and "B". A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 2/2000 cdi GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, OwnerB — N.D. La Quinta Partners, LLC hereby GRANTS to Owner A — Ilhan Refioglu the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) that portion of land described as "Transfer Parcel" pursuant to LLA _ approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of Lot Line Adjustment = _ as approved by the City of La Quinta. r ❑ Attached to the Grant Deeds shall be Exhibits A and B, a metes and bounds legal description of the new parcels and a plat (8%" x 11 ") of the new parcels, respectively (see attached sample Exhibits A and B). Cl If structures or other improvements exist on the affected parcel(s), provide separate plot plan showing dimensioned location in relation to new property lines. ❑ Filing fee for Lot Line Adjustment. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. If the nunber of lots adjusted exceeds two, then a Public Works Department plan check fee of $50.00 per lot (over two lots) shall be paid in addition to Lot Line Adjustment fee. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANTt4M NAME OF APPLICANT David H. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER "A" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: NAME OF OWNER Ilhan Refi (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER `B" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: O� NAME OF OWNER S7S EPH (— (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: NAME OF OWNER _ (Print) "C" i 8'18 •( 1 DATE___//23 DATE _ DATE D'3 ATE DATE DATE I(Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) I hereby certify that all information contained in this application, including all plans and materials required by the City's application submission requirements, is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. I hereby grant the City authority to enter onto the property to conduct site inspections and to post required public notices. A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 2/2000 cdi 0 EXHIBIT "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN LOT "V" IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA,COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2, TRACT NO. 29894-2 FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82 OF MAPS, ALL IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 69' 15' 43" EAST 38.99 FEET; NORTH 600 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET; NORTH 130 59' 59" EAST 118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "V" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31° 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30 37' 53" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 550 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 100 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 040 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET; SOUTH 16° 46' 24" EAST 22.25 FEET; SOUTH 100 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET; SOUTH 000 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET; SOUTH 780 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET; SOUTH 660 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET; SOUTH 780 40' 41" WEST 32.77 FEET; NORTH 600 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 100 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. P,\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOTI 16.doc Page 5 of 6 PREPARED BY Tetra Tech ISG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: N.4131 L JAMD H. LLIAMS, P.L.S. 4131 * !W-06-304IMS LICENSE EXPIRES 6/30/06 P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 6 of 6 Or No. Escrow No. Loan No. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE __.Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR ._..Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at of sale. Signalurd,clfDecl ant or Agent determining tax -Finn Name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, N.D. LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC, A Delaware Corporation hereby GRANT(S) to All that certain real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: "Transfer Pancel" pursuant to LLA approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibit "A" and `B" hereto and made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of Lot Line Adjustment Dated i STATE OF CALIFORNIA }ss COUNTY OF } On before me, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the per acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: as approved by the City of La Quinta. loot (1/9a) 0 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California l Rwuzr >id� } ss. County of JJ On,�JP.r^' Q before me, "h(-l'i'{ V`gki � _ 11AY11 P.T' QY bid N me and Tela of Officer (e g_ "Jane Dos, Notary Pu01¢") personally appeared T1�5 n.{15DytJ _ Namenj of 5ignd,ul KATHRYN L. HUNTER Commission # 1382692 z 'cs - Notary Public -California > �-'—: Riverside County My Comm. Expires Nov 1, 2006 personally known to me �( proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personN whose name(* is/len subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hisRler/their authorized capacity(tK), and that by his/her/their signature(N on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the personN acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. �iLi t /u� i".co, of Notary Public OPTIONAL — Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signers) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: i Individual Corporate Officer — Partner — ID Limited Attorney -in -Fact Trustee Title(s): ❑ General Guardian or Conservator Other: Signer Is Representing: Number of Pages: RIGNT7HUMBPnINT OFSIGNER II1' C 1999 National Notary Association •9350 Be Solo Axe P.O. Box 2402• Cbatswarth CA 913132402• www naiioIntrats, Ad Prod No. 5907 Reorde[ Call TOIPFn, 1 800 876-6827 !L � LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL1 ALL OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINT A, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10. 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373, TOGETHER WITH A PORTION OF LOT "V" AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2, TRACT NO. 29894-2 FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82 OF MAPS, ALL IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL "C" THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 69' 15' 43" EAST 38.99 FEET; NORTH 600 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET; NORTH 13' 59' 59" EAST 118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "V" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF AMENDMENT NO, 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 310 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30 37' 53" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55' 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 10° 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 04' 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET; SOUTH 160 46' 24" EAST 22.25 FEET; SOUTH 10° 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET; SOUTH 000 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET; SOUTH 780 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET; SOUTH 660 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET; SOUTH 780 40' 41" WEST 32.77 FEET; NORTH 600 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 100 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doc Page 1 of 4 ® EXHIBIT nBn 40 L o r -EFL, I�<<6A605.219' L4-7g974 '> I� Cl EXISTING 10' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT I JV J CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Cl <02'14'39" 245.00' 9.60'> C2 [0337'53'" -246.00" 15.59"] C3 [23'S9'42" 201.00' 84.18'] LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 <N26'39'25"E 7.12'> -L2 .[N55'12'16°W 14.62'1 L3. N55'12'16"W 7.30' L4 N55'12'16"W 7.32' L5 N10'28'22"E 24.31' L6 N16'46i24"W 2225' L7 PHO,23'20"W 13<42' L8 N10'21'31"E 23.74' l P.O.B. -'- 16=13'24'79" <46.92'> �L=114 64 �90.00 SUGGESTED CORRECTION �oa%� sv,,,,V\ V-,') „E( !/�q Lt ".q N 31.09"51 "E ( C2 / L2 J J / � PARCEL 1 co 0.350 AC. / w � M � o PG o03' 30P' Toll / "0 /� TRANSFER_ `PARCEL /N E 0. 7 37 AC. s9•ls, l m 3$ 9gq\..w 7 21 g"E J N 18 9.9 IV2\ J��r YA f l ]]JJ IL��J l\ J JJyJ� [XXXX] - INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 29894-3, M.B. 351/35-48 <XXXX> - INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT N0, 29894-2, M.B. 327/56-88 N1231'18"E(PCC) N 14'45 57"E R] 1 l cR -0 N31.2 <Q 16 3g5 004/ 2g l J ; J J J 4 CJ EXISTING PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT c 7 N, 32H71 LAND \ONXL c S �N aP O 2 No. 4131 A * DIP. e-30_06 0 15 30 60 OF C pE\f GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 "=30' PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF (949) 250-6788 (909 390-8000 ' 2T O 674-0629 (818N 683-0066 DAVID H. WILLIAMS PLS 4131 LICENSE EXPIRES 06/30/2004 FASTWeb Page 1 of 1 -:FASTWeb Search by: FASTWeb # �— LIDID ti Property Profile, r, ir'J New Search Open New Order Customer Service Request Order Recorded Does Comparable Sales I Neighbors I Tax Map I Street Map I Area Services I Demographics I School Into Imo: PropertvYratide: Property Services View Recorded Docs Lender Services Mortgage Leads TRV Reports Other Services News & Resources User/Office Search Customer Service FASTWeb Admin User Settings Authorized User List 80885-0 Savona Via La Quinta CA 92253 Combined Report Printabl, Property Information uwnerts/ nenogiu nnan i Parcel # 772-470-1 Property 80885-0 Savona Via Map Coord La Quinta, CA 92253 Census Tract 0456.03 Mailing Addr 616 Waterbury Ln County Riverside Foster City , CA 94404 Owner Phone Legal .20 ACRES IN LOT 116 MB 327/056 TR 29894-2 Lot Number 116 Characteristics Use Sfr Year Built Sq. Feet Zoning Lot Size .2 # of units Bedrooms Bathrooms Fireplace #Rooms Quality Heating Pool/Spa N Air N Style Stories Improvements Parking Flood Attributes Other Property Sale Information Sale Date 12/02/2003 $/Sq. Ft. Sale Price $1,700,000.00 1st Loan Doc No. 422694 Loan Type Doc Type Grant Deed Xfer Date Seller Sedona Homes Inc Lender $1,000,000.00 Conventional 06/03/2004 2nd Mtg. Prior Sale Amt. Prior Sale Dt. Prior Doc No. Tax Information Imp Value Exemption Land Value $102,000.00 Tax Year/Area 2003/20160 Total Value $102,000.00 Tax Value $102,000.00 Tax Amount $1,117.28 Improved sources and is deemed Privacy Information I Copyright ©2003 - The First Am no Corporation https://fwprodweb l .firstam.coin/FastwebfFASTOrderlpropertylookup.ASP?PageName=Pr... 8/17/2004 Builder Services 1300 Dove Sfreef Suite 300 Nevporf Beath, CA 92660 19491 6 2 2 — 4 8 4 5 FAX 19491 2 6 1 — 8 9 1 3 AMENDED PRELIMINARY REPORT O R 0 E R NO.: 9791523-B TITLE OFFICER. John M. Glance LOAN NO.: T0: The Hideaway 81-100 Avenue 53 La 0uinl a, CA 92253 A T T N: Jo hn Gaml in YOUR REFERENCE.. Amendment No. 2 TM 296942 SHORT TERM RATE: PROPERTY ADDRESS: EFFECTIVE OAT E: May 14, 2004, 0 7 : 3 0 A.M. The farm of P 0 1 icy or P 0 1 i c i e s of title insurance ccm empl of ed by }his report is: D.R, E. REPORT i THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 2. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: NO LA 0 U I N T A PARTNERS, LLC, a ❑el aware limited Ilahitity company 3. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF LA Q U I NTA, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF J M G \ c c 0 1 / 0 2 / 2 0 0 2 1 0 Order N01527-B EXHIBIT "ONE" PROPOSER TRACT MAP AMENDMENT N0. 2 OF TRACT N0. 29894-2, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE FOLLOWING. LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, AND LETTERED LOTS A AND N, OF TRACT N0. 29894-2, FILED IN BOOK 309, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, ALONG WITH LOTS 1, 2, 13, AND LETTERED LOTS D, L, V, X, AND A PORTION OF 0, OF AMENDED TRACT MAP 29894-2, FILED IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 58, INCLUSIVE,.OF MAPS, BOTH IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. 0 Order N1527-B AT THE DATE HEREOF, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN A 0 0 1 T ION TO THE PRINT EO EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 1 Taxes, Bonds or Assessment, if any, will be reported at a I of er date. 2. The lien cf s u p p I e m e n f al taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to f h e provisions of Chapter 3.5 (Ca come ncing with Section 751 cf the Revenue and Taxation code cf the State of California. 3. Wafer rights, claims or title to water, whether or not disclosed by the public records. 4. Easement Is) for the purpose sI shown below and rights i n c i d e n f al thereto dedicated, acquired, reserved or excepted for public use by Coachella Valley Water 0 is tr icI, formerly Coachella Valley County Water District In favor of The public Purpose Public roads and rights of way, private easements and rights of way for roads, pipe lines, ditches, and conduits on, over, under or across the herein described pr a p a r ty, existing far the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands by means of such roads and far the purpose of conveying irrigating and domestic wafer to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches and conduits. 5. Reservations contained in the Patent F r om. The United States of America R e c o r ded. July 31, 1905 in B o a k 3, Page 228 of Patents Which among other things recites as follows Subject fo any vested and accrued water rights for mining, a g r lc uI f ur a 1, manufacturing, or other purposes and righ is to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights, as may be recogni Zed and acknowledged by the local customs, laws and decisions cf the courts, and the reservation from the lands hereby granted, a right of way thereon for ditches, or canals c o n s f rucf ed by the auf h a r i t y of fhe United S t a f es. 3 ® Order N7527-B 6. Easement(s) for the purpaselsl shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: The United Sf of es of America Pur po se. A wafer pipeline Recorded: June 13, 1949, B 0 0 k 1063, Page 550 of Official Records Portions of said easement have been abandoned by document recorded January 23, 2001, as Instrument No. 2 0 0 1 - 0 2 9 6 9 0 of Official Records. 7. The fact thaf said land lies within the Coachella Valley Soil Conservation Dist -icf as evidenced by a Resol ut i a n and Br der recorded December 13, 1956 in Book 2011, Page 519 of Official Records of Riverside Ca u n f y, California. 0. Easement(s) for the pur pose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: City of La 0uinfa Purpose: Public street and public utility Recorded: January 14, 1991, Instrument No. 200785, of Official Records 9. E a s e m e n f I s) for the pur pos el sl shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a dccum e n f ; Granted to The City of La 0uinta, a General law Cify duly created and existing under the laws cf the Sf ate of California P u r pose. Public utilities Recor ded. Ocf Ober 28, 1999, Instrument No. 1 9 9 9 - 4 6 9 9 8 1 of D f f icial Records 10. Easement(s) far the p u r pose(s) s h 0 wn below and rights i nciden l al thereto as granted in a document; Granted fo: The City of La 0uinta, a Char f er City Purpose Public utilities R e c o r ded. February 0, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-046602, of 0 f f icial Records 11 Easement(s) for the p u r pos el s) s h a wn below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Coachella Valley Wafer District, a public agency of the Sf ate of California Purpose: Build a nd maintain an access road, and necessary devices and a pur he n a n c e s Recorded: Oct Ober 6, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-395093, of Official Records 4 ® Order N01527-B 12. E a s ement(s) for the pur p os e(s) shown below and rights incidental they efo as granted in a document; Granted to- Coachella Valley Water 01str i c t a public agency of the State of Ca I forma P ur pose Build and maintain an underground pipe line, and necessary devices and a pp urf en a n c es Recorded November 20, 2000, I n s I r u m e nt Na. 2000-463623, of 0ffi[ial Records 13. Recitals as shown on that certain Tract Map No. 29894-1, which, among other things states: "We also reserve private easements as indicated herein for ingress and egress and cons f r u c f i on, operation, and maintenance cf underground irrigation lines and ur i l hies. We also reserve a blanket easement far pr i v a f e drainage across Lots B through I, inclusive, Parcel N and Parcel 0. We also reserve a blanket easement for ingress and egress, and construction, operation, and maintenance cf sewer, water, storm drain and utility lines over and across Lots J through L, inclusive. and Lot 0". Reference is made to said map far full particulars 14. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Irrigation Water Service Agreement" dated May 16, 2001, executed by and between Coachella Valley Wafer District, a public agency of the State of California; and NRI -CCPI, a Delaware limited liability company recorded June 29, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-298678, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for f u I t particulars. 15. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Reciprocal Easement Agreement" d a f ed June 27, 2001, executed by and between NRI -CCP LLC, a OeI aware limited liability company; and NRI -L OLP Golf Properties, LLC, a Bel aware limited liability company recorded June 29, 2001, Instrument No. 2 0 0 1 - 2 9 8 6 8 1 of Official Records Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 16. Easement(s) for the p u r p os es(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. In F a v a r Of City of La 0uinta Purpose The right of ingress and egress cf service and emergency vehicles and p u b t i c utility purposes Affects: L e f ter ed Lots L, N and 0 5 0 Order Nef 527-B 17. Recitals as shown on that certain map, which, among other things states "Lettered Lots L, N and 0 are retained as private streets for private use for f h e sole benefit of ourselves, successors, assignees and lot owners within this tract". Reference is made to said map for full particulars. 1B. Easement lsl for the p u r poseslsl shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. In Favor 0f City of La 11ui n t a Purpose 10-Fo0t public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets, as shown thereon. 19. Recitals as shown on that certain map, which, among other things states "We hereby retain L e t f er ed Lots X for golf course and r el of ed purposes. We also hereby retain Lettered Lots A and 0 for open space, landscape, and entry purposes". Reference is made to said map for full particulars. 20. E a s e m e n f lsl for the p u r p o s es (s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. P u r po se Drainage and/or utility purposes and access purposes, all shown hereon for private use far f h e sole benefit of ourselves, successors, assignees and lot owners within this tract. P ur pose Construction, operation and maintenance of private underground sewer, water and utility lines reserved thereon A f e c t s Lots 76. Purpose: Construction, operation and maintenance of storm drain pipe lines and structures reserved thereon A f ec fs Lettered Lots V and X. 6 0 Order N01527-B 21, Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights i ncidenf al thereto as delineated or as offered for d aaic ation, on the map of said tract. In favor Of Coachella Valley Water District Purpose. Domestic water and sanitation purposes. The easements so d e d i c a f ed include the right to enter upon said lands, fo survey, construct, reconstruct, lay, relay, maintain, operate, control, use and remove pipe lines, fixtures, and appurtenances and to remove objects interfering with the construction, operation and ma i n f a n a n c e thereon. Affects: L e f f e r ed Lots L N and O. 22. Easement(s) for the p u r p o s e s l s ) shown het ow and rights incidental f h e r a f o as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said fr a t, In Favor 0f Imperial Irrigation 0istr ict Purpose: Inspection, repair, replacement, and removals of electrical lines, wires, cables, ducts, s u p p o r f s, Fixtures, facilities and appurtenances with the right of ingress and egress over and within same maintenance, operation and emergency vehicles Affects - Over all priva he sf re ets shown on this map and an additional ten (10.001 feet in width on both sides of and adjacent to all private and/or public streets shown on the map. 23. Recitals as shown on that certain map, which, among other things states: "The subdivider reserves the right to create easements burdening the residential lots depicted on this map for the exclusive use cf owners of the adjoining lots for such purposes as the subdivider shall identify when transferring the easements Reference is made fo said map far full particulars. 24. E a s e m a n t ( s ) for the p u r p o s e(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as reserved in a document; Reserved by: NRI -CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company P u r po se The right of Grantor to create easements burdening the property for the exclusive use of ow n.e rs of adjoining property for such purposes as Grantor shall identify when transferring such easements Recorded: October 5, 2001 Instrument No. 2 0 0 1 - 4 8 6 2 9 6 , of Official Records 7 . ® Order N1527-B 25 Intentionally 0e l e t ed 26. Intentionally Deleted 27. Easementls) for the p u r pose(s) shown below and righfs i nc i d e of al thereto as reserved in a document; Reserved by. NRI -CCP I, LL C, a Delaware limited liability company Purpose: The right 0f 6r antor to create easements burdening the property for the exclusive use of owners of adjoining property far such purposes as 5r a n f or shall identify when transferring such easements Recorded: 0 c t 0 b a r 12, 2001, Instrument No. 2 0 0 1 - 4 9 8 5 4 5 , of Official Records 28. Intentionally Deleted 29. Intentionally Deleted 30. Intentionally Deleted 31 Inf e n t i on ally Deleted 32. Intentionally Deleted 33. Matf e r s contained in that certain documenf entitled "Easement and R0 ad Maintenance Agreement" dated December 19, 2001, executed by and between NRI -CCP, LLC, a Delaware limited Iiahi lily company; and Country Club of f h e D e s e r f 0 w n a rs Association, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation recorded December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652760, of Official Records, among other things, contains or provides for: As set forth in said document. Reference is hereby made t0 said document for full - particulars. 34. Matters in an instrument which, among other things, contain or provide for assessments, liens and the subordination thereof, provisions relating t0 partition, covenants, sand itions and restrictions, a provision that no violation thereof and no enf or ce me nhs cf any lien provided for herein shall defeat or render invalid f h e lien of a first mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value, (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status cr national origin). Recorded: December 31 2001 as Instrument/File No. 2 0 0 1 - 6 5 2 7 6 2 of Official Records. 8 Order No1527-B NOTE: Self ion 1P956.1 of the Government Code provides the fo 110wi ng: If this document contains any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry, that restriction violates state and federal housing laws and is void. Any person holding an interest in this property may request that the county recorder remove the restrictive language pursuant to subdly islon Irl of Section 12956.1 of f h e Gov er n m e n f Code. The of f e c t of a document entitled "Collateral Assignment of Dell a a n t ' s Rights" dated December 19, 2001 by and between NRI -CCP LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and Bank M i d w e s f N.A. recorded December 31 2001 as Instrument/File No. 2001-652763 of Off i[ial Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record far full and further particulars. Order N1527-B IF The provisions of said covenants, cond,fions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an irsrrnment Recorded: 0 e C ember 31 2001 Instrument No. 2001-652164, of Official Re Cor ds M o d i f i c a t i o n( s) of said covenants, conditions and restriction=_ Recorded March 14, 2002, Instrument No. 2 0 0 2 - 1 3 2 3 2 9 of Official Records The provisions of said c o v e n a of s, conditions and r esf r i c f ions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument R e : c r ded: March 21, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-201647, of 0fflcial Records A f acts. Lettered L o f 0 35. The effect of a document entitled "0amestic Water and/or Sanitation System Installation Agr eemenf", dated April 1, 2002 by and b e f w e e n Coachella Valley Water 0istr icf, a public agency of the Sf ate of California and NRI -CCP I, LLC, recorded May 15, 2002 as Instrument/File No. 2002-255078 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made fe the record far full and further particulars. 36. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Irrigation A g r eemenf" dated November 20, 2002, executed by and between ND La Dui nta Partners. LLC, a 0elaware limited liability company and The Hideaway Owners Association, a California non- profit mutual aenef it c c r poraiion recorded 0ecember 13, 2002, Instrument No. 2002-745941, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 37. Matters contained is that certain document enf it led "00mest is Water and Sanitation System Installation Agreement" dated June 20, 2003, executed by and between C o a c h a Ila Valley Water 01 a tr icf, a public agency of the State of California and N0 La 0uinta Partners, L L C recorded July 21, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-543684, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 10 Order N1527-B 38. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in f h e amount shown below, and any Other 0 b I , ga l i ons secured thereby Amount s25, 100, 000.00 Dated August 22, 2003 T r ustor: NB La 0uinfa Partner LLC, a OeI aware limited liability company Trustee Fidelity National Title Company Beneficiary American Bank of Montana, a M o n f a n a banking corporation Address. 1632 W e s f Main Sf reel Bozeman, MT 59715 Loan No. None shown Recorded: A u g u s f 29, 2003, Instrument No. 2 0 0 3 - 6 6 8 3 5 5 , of Official Records An instrument e n f if led "C of l of er a 1, Assignment of Decl a a n t ' s R i g h f s" rec0r d e d August 29, 2003 as Instrument/File No. 2 0 0 3 - 6 6 8 3 5 6 of Official Records. Reference is made ho said document for full particulars. 39. Intentionally 0eleled 40. Intentionally De 1 e f ed 41 Intentionally Deleted END OF ITEMS Note 1. Section 12413.1, California Insurance Code became effective January 1, 1990. This legislation deals with the disbursement of funds deposited with any title entity acting in an escrow or subescrow capacity. The taw requires that all funds be deposited and collected by the title entity's escrow and/or subescrow account prior to disbursement of any funds. Some methods of funding may subject funds to a holding period which must expire before any funds may be disbursed. In order to avoid any such delays, all fundings should be done through wire transfer, certified check or checks drawn on California financial institutions. Note 2. The charge where an order is cancelled after the issuance of the report of title, will be that amount which in the opinion of the Company is proper compensation for the services rendered or the purpose for which the report is used, but in no event shall said charge be less than the minimum amount required under Section 12404.1 of the Insurance Code of the State of California. If the report cannot be cancelled "no fee' pursuant to the provisions of said Insurance Code, then the minimum cancellation fee shall be that permitted by law. Note 3. California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18668, effective January 1, 1991, requires that the buyer in all sales of California Real Estate, wherein the Setter shows an out of State Address, withhold 3-1 /3% of the total sates price as California State Income Tax, subject to the various provisions of the law as therein contained. L______________________________________________________________________ Comment: Exhibit A Inserted Here 11 Fidelity National Financial Group f Companies' Privacy Statement July 1, 2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expectations of todays consumers and the requirements of applicable federal and state privacy laws. We believe that making you aware of how we use your non-public personal information ("Personal Information"), and to whom it is disclosed, will form the basis for a relationship of trust between us and the public that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Statement from time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative; From your transactions with, or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or others; From our internet web sites; From the public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, or from our affiliates or others; and From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrusion. We limit access to the Personal Information only to those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other legitimate business purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate settlement service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information; • to agents, brokers or representatives to provide you with services you have requested; to third -party contractors or service providers who provide services or perform marketing or other functions on our behalf; and to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permission, when we are required by taw to do so, or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities. We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relationship with you. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such documents may contain your Personal Information. Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors or Request Changes or Deletion Certain states afford you the right to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the right to request correction, amendment or deletion of your Personal Information. We reserve the right, where permitted by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. All requests must be made in writing to the following address Privacy Compliance Officer Fidelity National Financial, Inc. 4050 Calle Real, Suite 220 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services If we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. P° `9 H. ILHAN REFIOGLU 5613 DAWN M. REFIOGLU _ 616 WATERBURY LN (650) 349-4609 d� 21 Oi' 1I-35/1210 FOSTER CITY, CA 94404 Date 1037 Pay to the Otl Order of �' �"t LGG 1% 1 N'I1 a 2 J(D v e BankofAmerica Customer,Since Foster (Sty ��� 19 6 6 909 E Hillsdale Blvd Foster City CA 6WG1547W For LL2 1: 12 1000 3 5a1: Sr. i 3t" LOB? Sell 1 75 59111 0 MI2 0 J \ \ Ln N C7 N Q — �— r^ m rp P L% rn o � H N. p h0 r—� '1 I n co M zl J NIV zia L 'ON 133E LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 LOT "V" IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2, TRACT NO. 29894-2 FILED IN BOOK 359,. PAGES 68 THROUGH 82 OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT CERTAIN PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO 2003-404 IN SAID CITY OF LA QUINTA, AS SHOWN ON A GRANT DEED RECORDED DECEMBER 10, 2003 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2003-966373; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEASTERY AND EASTERY LINES OF SAID PARCEL "C" THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 69' 15' 43" EAST 38.99 FEET; NORTH 60° 41' 05" EAST 27.28 FEET; L• NORTH 13' 59' 59" EAST118.44 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 'V" BEING ALSO A 246.00 FOOT RADIUS NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTH- WESTERLY AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2; A RADIAL THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 31° 09' 51" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3° 37' 53" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.59 FEET; 4 � THENCE SOUTH 55' 12' 16" EAST 7.30 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES; SOUTH 100 28' 22" WEST 24.31 FEET; SOUTH 040 39' 20" WEST 28.58 FEET; SOUTH 16° 46"24" EAST 22.25 FEET, SOUTH 100 23' 20" EAST 13.42 FEET; SOUTH OW 57' 42" EAST 26.81 FEET; SOUTH 78° 21' 09" WEST 29.97 FEET; SOUTH 66' 18' 49" WEST 32.24 FEET; SOUTH 78° 40' 41" WEST 32.77 FEET; NORTH 600 01' 20" WEST 27.57 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY.LINE OF SAID PARCEL"C"; THENCE NORTH 10' 21' 31" EAST 23.74 FEET ALONG SAID PROLONGATION TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.doC Page 3 of 4 0 0 PREPARED BY Tetra Tech ISIS UNDER THE DIRECTION . * � Exp. 6-30-2006 /* P:\Land\P09213\0001\Survey\LLA-LOT116.dcc Page 4 of 4 Title CorporatOn RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Sedona HOmes, Inc, 49.960 Jefferson St., # 130-134 Indio, CA 92201 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Sedona Homes, Inc. 49.950 Jefferson St„ 4 130.134 Indio, CA 92201 I /2003 0e;00A Fee:46.00 Page t of 7 Reeerded in Offlelal Record* county of Riverside Gary L. Orse AsoeaserrI County Clark & Recorder II II III II III II II IIIIIII III III III I!I IIIII III IIII FT R LF7 C v LCNO REFUND NCMO E%NA THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARER) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX 0 0 ❑ Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed, OR ❑ Computed on the consideration or value lees liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, y Sedone Homes, Inc., as property owner, INTHLINOTru HAS RECORDED THIS IM6TPSMENT It IlIIICf At ACCOMMODATION ONIY AND HAS NOT UNI IN R a hereby GRANTS to RESULAIM AND SUFFICIENn 01 At ID n ANSI III THE TITLE TO AF REAL PROPINTY THATA R If SRMM THESNIN Sedona Homes, Inc., as property Owner, the reel property In the City of La Quints, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: SEE EXHIBITS "A" and "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND REFERENCED MADE A PART HEREOF, NOTE: THIS GRANT DEED IMPLEMENTS THE REVISED LOT CONFIGURATIONS PURSUANT TO LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO, 2003.404, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. ALL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT IS OWNED BY A SINGLE ENTITY, HENCE OWNERSHIP CONVEYANCE IS A NONESSENTIAL SECONDARY FUNCTION OF THIS DEED. THE PRIMARY FUNCTION OF THE DEED IS' TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF THE REVISED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CONFIGURATIONS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 66472(dl, AND TO PERFECT THE INTENT OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO, 2003-404 AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, DATED; 6 C- 3 ,2003 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY 0 On this day of d �lD`j��_, 2003, before me, the undersigned, a Notj Public in and for said State, personally appeared, 14Ae., r �n 1 "n personally known to me to be the person whose name le subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same In his authorized capacity and that by his elgnature on the Instrument, the person, or the entity, upon behalf of which the person acted upon, executed the Instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ,4edons Homes, Property Owner APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA COMM�NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT By; N� Title: Dote: Case No.: 4Lr4 30*1 -40V official notarial seal) 7.R -A Wd £b:l:t bB9Z-ZIL-Dnu ILLEGIBLE NOTARY SEAL DECLARATION GOVERNMENT CODE 27361.7 1 CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE NOTARY SEAL ON THE DOCUMENT WHICH THIS STATEMENT IS ATTACHED, READS AS FOLLOWS: NAME OF NOTARY: xz�- /vG� COMMISSION NUMBER: /ZI31�7J;7 �h COUNTY WHERE BOND IS FILED: _, Q I'w't�d"�L� STATE WHERE BOND IS FILED; /��, DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES: 9. 3 -n 7 PLACE OF EXECUTION OF THIS DECLARATION: San Bernardino DATE; SOUTHLAND TITLE C4� TRICIA REVETTA TITLE ASSISTANT 96"d Wd bb:TT b69Z-ZT-Dnu OWNERS EXISTING LOT #/ AP # NEW PAR NO, SEDONA HOMES, INC. 114 / 772-470-014 PARCEL "A" SEDONA HOMES, INC. 115 / 772-470-015 PARCEL "B" SEDONA HOMES, INC. 116 / 772-470-016 PARCEL "C" EXHIBIT "A" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO, 2003-404 PARCEL "A" (ADJUSTED LOT 114) IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, LOT 114 AND A PORTION OF LOT 115 OF TRACT NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56-88 OF MAPS OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARILY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 114, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOT EE (VIA SAVONA) OF SAID TRACT, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 640.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 00°41' 14"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 72.21 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6°27'53"; k' THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, S 5°19'00"E, 150.10 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 115, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 490.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 7042'30"E; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 56.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6032'53" TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 114; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 114 N 00052'29" W, 150.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOTAL AREA OF ADJUSTED LOT = 9,616 S.F. (0,22 AC., MORE OR LESS) SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS, OR EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. n=44 ,�; t3 91 Page I of 4 b0'd Wd bb:TT b69Z-ZT-DnH PARCEL`B" (ADJUSTED LOT 115) IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, A PORTION OF LOT 115 AND A PORTION OF LOT 116 OF TRACT NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN HOOK 327, PAGES 56-88 OF MAPS OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARILY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 115, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOT EE (VIA SAVONA) OF SAID TRACT, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 245.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 14°45'57'S; THENCE S 10'21'31" W; 151.15 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 116, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 95,00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 21°47'20"E; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLYL LINE 15.37 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09*16'02" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE HAVING A RADIUS OF 490.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 129 1'18"E; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 41.12 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04°48'2$"; THENCE N 05°19'00"E, 150.10 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOT EE OF SAID TRACT NO.29894-2, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 640.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 07009'07"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 59.9E FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5022' 11" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE HAVING A RADIUS OF 245.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 12031' 18"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 9.60 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02014'39" TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOTAL AREA OF ADJUSTED LOT = 9451 S.F. (0.22 AC., MORE OR LESS) SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS, OR EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY, Page 2 of 4 S0"I Wd Sb: TT b00Z-ZT—Dnu PARCEL"C" (ADJUSTED LOT 116) IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, A PORTION OF LOT 116 AND A PORTION OF LOT V OF TRACT NO. 29894.2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56-88 OF MAPS OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARILY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 115, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOT EE (VIA SAVONA) OF SAID TRACT, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 245.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 14°45'57"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE 70.90 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16034'51" TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 116; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 116, S 26°39'25"W, 7.32 FEET; THENCE S 13059'59"W, 118.44 FEET; THENCE S 60*41'05' Vh, 27.28 FEET; THENCE N 69°15'43"W, 38,99 FEET; THENCE N 10021'31" E, 151,15 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOTAL AREA OF ADJUSTED LOT - 9309 S.F. (0,21 AC., MORE OR LESS) SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS, OR EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. LSJ' GCa UPiift?.�r`m"Co-n &n0 nnwuJnh:n'✓�c DmernvisDselapnt. Ilitu s � DWla RQsu u1� Case No, -LIA 2W-46 i _ Exhibit d With Conaitions Page 3 of 4 ...A Wd Sb:Ti b66Z-ZT-qno LOT "V" (ADJUSTED LOT V) IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, A PORTION OF LOT V AND LOT 116 OF TRACT NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56-88 OF MAPS OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARILY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT V EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED AREA; COMMENCING AT THE MOST NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 115, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOT SE (VIA SAVONA) OF SAID TRACT, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 245.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 14045'57"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE 70,90 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16034'51" TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 116; THENCE S 26°39'25"W, 7.32 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 13059'59"W, 118.44 FEET; THENCE S 60041'05", 27,28 FEET; THENCE N 69015'43"W, 10.75 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 116 OF SAID TRACT; THENCE N 26039'25" E, 139.28 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALSO TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PORTION OF SAID LOT 116: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 116; THENCE N 26039'25" E, 4,71 FEET; THENCE N 69015'43"W, 28.24 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 95.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 21°47'20"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 28.25 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1702'24" TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, bP�2f2'leI by; Q Planning Commission * City Council D'Commurnry Dev. Dept. Initials Am o'f Case No, ►�6A_34#36-t ( Exhibit 0 With Conditions Page 4 of 4 JAld Wd Sb:TT 406Z-ZT-Dnu t LAN EXHIBIT 'B' ��y3ry�c "' 4uo, � LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2003-404 a NO. 5479 - - - - - - - - EX157ING LOT LINE TO 6E ADJUSTED L °' 9/70J04m NEW LOT LINE "reoP~ XL 0kf (MAM STREET) EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN P.o.B (Lor zr) [XMI - #0041ES Rr M DATA PER AB.J27/56-BB '^ PARL£1 A' KA P.a6. PARCELS 19 R C" T� F 1-70.0) ~— _ ( vV20 3 -640.00 [ eef"r) jcl �� D'J •22'l r • � 7 �7p�Obf\ 19 o 81 •�. ( 7.2' X / PARCEL PARCELof A iRl 9,616 S.F. I'll 9,451 SF, w I PARCEL / 9, 309 S. F / io L s6. qo' I J 1 .41 / L� \ , 1 R 490.0°7 ! �s 29�1j1' R.4. 0 0� cti ppJ p G C� E o 0 hh/ $(j rota DON Ic CURVE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING UR LENGTH RADIUS DELTA Lt " Ci 9.90 245.00 L2 . 10.75 599'7SL3"E C2 t5.J7 05.00 9 L31 4,71 926'39'25"W C31 McWE SURVEYI'NQ INC. 1 "" "'"" �" � 79-301 COUTRY CLUB DR„ ST£. 201 BERMUDA DUNES, CA 92201 WA YN£ A, McGEE (760)345-3828 FAX (760)772 5705 L.S. 5479 EXR SUPERVISION OF., DA TE Wd 9b=TT b66Z-ZT-onu FASTWeb Page 1 of 1 Search by: FASTWeb # �� ASOb Li ti allo New Search Open New Order Customer Service Request Order Recorded Docs Comparable Sales I Neighbors I Tax Map I Street Map I Area Services I Demographics I School Infc Property Services View Recorded Does Lender Services Mortgage Leads TRV Reports Other Services News & Resources User/Office Search Customer Service FASTWeb Admin User Settings Authorized User List 80885-0 Savona Via La Quinta CA 92253 Combined Report Printabl. Property Information Property 80885-0 Savona Via Map Coord La Quinta, CA 92253 Census Tract 0456.03 Mailing Addr 616 Waterbury Ln County Riverside Foster City, CA 94404 Owner Phone Legal .20 ACRES IN LOT 116 MB 3271056 TR 29894-2 Lot Number 116 Characteristics Use Sfr Year Built Sq. Feet Zoning Lot Size .2 # of units Bedrooms Bathrooms Fireplace #Rooms Quality Heating Pool/Spa N Air N Style Stories Improvements Parking Flood Attributes Other Property Sale Information Sale Date 12102/2003 $/Sq. Ft. Sale Price $1,700,000.00 1st Loan $1,000,000.00 Doc No. 422694 Loan Type Conventional Doc Type Grant Deed Xfer Date 06/03/2004 Seller Sedona Homes Inc Lender Wells Fargo Bk 2nd Mtg. Prior Sale Amt. Prior Sale Dt. Prior Doc No. Prior Doc Tvne Tax Information Imp Value Exemption Land Value $102,000.00 Tax Year/Area 2003/20160 Total Value $102,000.00 Tax Value $102,000.00 Tax Amount $1.117.28 tmnrnved various sources Privacxlnfo_r_mation I Coovright C7 200.3 - The First American Corporation https://fwprodweb l.firstam.com/Fastweb/FASTOrder/propertylookup.ASP?PageName=Pr... 8/17/2004 Sous,7,and Title Corporation RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Sedans Homes, Inc. 49-960 Jefferson St., # 130.134 Indio, CA 92201 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL T0: Sedans Homes, Inc, 49.950 Jefferson St., AC 130.134 Indio, CA 82201 ® M /SM 73 ZOOZ-001EII e/lee3 ea;OaA Faa:43.ee Page 1 of 7 Reeardad An Official Records County of Riverside Gary L. Ores Assessor, County Clark L Recorder IIIIII IIIIII (III IIIII IIIIIII III IIIIIII III Hill IIII III M 9 _I`.-- j .mac I u. I I ..sow. I— i wpr I wun n�uxo uc,w sxu+. THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(&) DECLARE(S) 9i3 r yam` C� DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX 8 0 ❑ Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed, OR ❑ Computed on the consideration or value lase Ilene or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. In tity of La ,into fWafarnia. - FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which le hereby acknowledged, l Sedan Homes, Inc., as property owner, NAt RECESSES rgMWRIJU�DIDT1111 NOWN IV tRIIBf AN M ACCOMMODATION ONLY AND HAS NOT hereby GRANTS to RESUTARRY AND SUFFICIENCY OR AS III 916i THI iTRU TO ANY REAL PRIM THAT MAY SE OBSCIB TOIN Sedan Homes, Inc„ es property owner, the reel property In the City of La Quints, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: SEE EXHIBITS "A" and "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND REFERENCED MADE A PART HEREOF. NOTE, THIS GRANT DEED IMPLEMENTS THE REVISED LOT CONFIGURATIONS PURSUANT TO LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO, 2003.404, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, ALL PROPERTY SUAJECT TO THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 18 OWNED BY A SINGLE ENTITY, HENCE OWNERSHIP CONVEYANCE /8 A NONESSENTIAL SECONDARY FUNCTION OF THIS DEED. THE PRIMARY FUNCTION OF THE DEED /8' TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF THE REVISED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CONFIGURATIONS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 88472(d), AND TO PERFECT THE INTENT OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2003.404 AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. DATED; 6 C4,3 , 2003 STATE OF CALIFORNIA I COUNTY 0 ) ss, On this day o} �D Gam, 2003, before me, the undersigned, a Not Public in and for said State, personally appeared, , personally known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same In his authorized capacity and that by his signsture on the Instrument, the person, or the entity, upon behalf of which the person acted upon, executed the Instrument, WITNESS my hand and official seal. 1 � edona Homes, Property Owner APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA COMM NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT By: r This: Data: _ and Iat Casa No.: LLA SMA -404 official notarial seal) 7.R'd Wd £b: T T i oez-ZT-Dnw ILLE0113LE NOTARY SEAL DECLARATION GOVERNMENT CODE 27301.7 I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE NOTARY SEAL ON THE DOCUMENT WHICH THIS STATEMENT IS ATTACHED, READS AS FOLLOWS: NAME OF NOTARY: xzll_ COMMISSION NUMBER: � i COUNTY WHERE BOND IS FILED:/�- 4 , fie/ t��,��� STATE WHERE BOND IS FILED ; / DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES: PLACE OF EXECUTION OF THIS DECLARATION: San Bernardino DATE: SOUTHLAND TITLE C4� TRICIA REVETTA TITLE ASSISTANT £0'd Wd bb:TT 400Z-ZT-Dnv u 0 OWNS EXISTING LOT #/AP # NEW PAR NO, SEDONA HOMES, INC. 114 / 772-470-014 PARCEL "A' SEDONA HOMES, INC. 115 / 772-470-015 PARCEL "B" SEDONA HOMES, INC. 116 / 772-470-016 PARCEL "C" EXHIBIT "A" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2003.404 PARCEL"A" (ADJUSTED LOT 114) IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, LOT 114 AND A PORTION OF LOT 115 OF TRACT NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56-98 OF MAPS OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARILY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 114, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOT EE (VIA SAVONA) OF SAID TRACT, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 640.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 00.41' 14"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 72.21 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6°27'53"; �1 THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, S 5019'00"E, 00.10 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 115, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 490.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 7042'50"E; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 56,00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6032'53" TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 114; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 114 N 00052'29" W, 150.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOTAL AREA OF ADJUSTED LOT = 9,616 S.F. (0,22 AC., MORE OR LESS) SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS, OR EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. Page 1 of Wd bb: SS b99Z-ZT-9no PARCEL"B" (ADJUSTED LOT 115) IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, A PORTION OF LOT 115 AND A PORTION OF LOT 116 OF TRACT NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56-88 OF MAPS OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARILY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 115, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOT EE (VIA SAVONA) OF SAID TRACT, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 245.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 14°45'57'E; THENCE S 1002 F31" W; 15 1. 15 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 116, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 95.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 21°47'20"E; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLYL LINE 15.37 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09°16'02" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE HAVING A RADIUS OF 490.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 12°31' 18"E; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 41.12 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04°48'29"; THENCE N 05019'00"E, 150.10 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOT EE OF SAID TRACT NO. 29894-2, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 640.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 07°09'07"E: THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 59.98 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5022' 11" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE HAVING A RADIUS OF 245,00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 1203 1'18"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 9.60 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02014'39" TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, TOTAL AREA OF ADJUSTED LOT = 9451 S.F. (0.22 AC., MORE OR LESS) SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS, OR EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. Page 2 of 4 Gold Wd Sb:ii b96Z-Zi—Dws PARCEL "C" (ADJUSTED LOT 116) IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNLAL, A PORTION OF LOT 116 AND A PORTION OF LOT V OF TRACT NO, 29894.2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56-88 OF MAPS OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARILY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 115, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOT EE (VIA SAVONA) OF SAID TRACT, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 245.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 14°45'57"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE 70.90 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16034'51" TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 116; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 116, S 26039'25"W, 7.32 FEET; THENCE S 13059'59"W, 118.44 FEET; THENCE S 60°41'05"W, 27.28 FEET; THENCE N 69°15'43"W, 38.99 FEET; THENCE N 1002111" E, 151.13 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, TOTAL AREA OF ADJUSTED LOT - 9309 S.F. (0,21 AC., MORE OR LESS) SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS, OR EXCEPTIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. [^, Plain nO Commission G f�itq Cou�cil fd'Gorr,nwn t Dtiv, Dept. ifLhiilB �� Case ivo, . LIA j*t- jp4 Exhibit With Conaitions Page 3 of 4 99'd Wd Sb=TT vooz-ZT-nnu LOT "V" (ADJUSTED LOT V) IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, A PORTION OF LOT V AND LOT 116 OF TRACT NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56-88 OF MAPS OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARILY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT V EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED AREA; COMMENCING AT THE MOST NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 115, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOT BE (VIA SAVONA) OF SAID TRACT, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 245.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 14°45'57"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE 70,90 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16034'51" TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 116; THENCE S 26°39'25"W, 7.32 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 13059'59"W, 118.44 FEET; THENCE S 60941'05", 27.28 FEET; THENCE N 69015'43"W, 10,75 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 116 OF SAID TRACT; THENCE N 26039'25" E. 139,28 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PORTION OF SAID LOT 116: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 116; THENCE N 26039'25" E, 4.71 FEET; THENCE N 69015'43"W, 28.24 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 95.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N 21°47'20"E; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 28.25 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 17002'24" TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. &l211uxieI k.Yl Li4 O Planning Commission 0 City Council "ommunjry Dev. Dept. Initials IHK'1-=1dr-7PJ' Case No, Lkg: Z 43 Exhibit L1 With Conditions Page 4 of 4 Wd Sb:TI b69Z-ZS-9nu Z9'd EXHIBIT wBw N��Gg4�` LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2003-404 % — — — — — — — — EXIS17NG LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSIED No. 5479 E'v B/30/04 NEW LOT LINE (PRfVA7t SIREET) (LOT fE) P.0_B..... I A . CURVE TABLE URVO LENGTH I RADIUS DELTA Ct 9 80 111 0 c2 1s.37 9s.o0 1 ' C31 2&25 95.00 £a9S11NG LOT LINE TO REMAIN [XMI. INDICATES RECORD DATA PER M,9.J271'W-W IN THE AkWE SURWYM INC. 79-301 COUTRY CLUB DR., STE. 201 SERMUDA DUNES, CA 92201 (760)345-3828 FAX (760)772-5705 WAYNE A. McGEE L, S 5479 EXP. r, YLS B R C' ZtF�sq , ao LINE TABLE LINE I LENGTH I BEARING 0 7.32 ' ' " L2 10.75 S69'15'43"E L3 4,71 326'39'25"W SUPERVISION OF., DA TE se•d Wd 91,=TT b90Z-ZT-Dnu 12/13/2004 12:17 FAX 7607771233 LA QUINTA COMM. DEU. 0.1001 * TX REPORT t TRANSMISSION OK TH/RH NO 2284 DESTINATION TEL x 96740839 DESTINATION ID ST. TIME 12/13 12:07 TIME USE 10'20 PAGES SENT 21 RESULT OK FAX T UNSMITTA L City of La Quinta Community Development Department, 1c�,4.;-no 78-495 Calle Tampico . La Quinta, California 92253 IT Phone: 760-777-7125 _ Fax 760-777-1233 TO: I Pt FROM: 44 gAyi 5G{Anf7C. DATE: T2� 3 04 FAXNO. FAX NO. (760) 777-12.33 Page 1 of 1 •��.`�.•�. •;.y y�y'i •�.�.y..�..�••;.yyH� .�N�•yNpyy•p'y,p• �.�H�• �•yyN�• �•y.�fy y. y. y. yy�•••.yyyyyr y�.�..;. 41q -fir FAX "RANSMITTAL City of La Quinta Community Development Department• 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Phone: 760-777-7125 Fax : 760-777-1233 .................................................... FROM: 45bWn SAA4,rf,. DATE: [c>l� (O/4 FAX NO. q4A 60S - 5411,S FAX NO. (760) 777-1233 Page 1 of .•.o..........•..o.•..o.•..•..•..•.o o..•..o.•..00..o o.•.o o..•.o o..00..00..o.•..•..•..00..o.o.•..o.•..•..•.o. o b ,, L .�G ►, i, I • • \IJ .� � � • !,� ate/ ' ..ar � / �� _�►i�• Vs Gl�fG •-w\ et Y C,40M rVkd&" If you did not receive all pages of this document, please call (760) 777-_7 D(.e. MAILING ADDRESS: P 0 BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 P:Tax. wpd 10/22/2004 15:05 FAX 7607771233 LA QUINTA COMM. DEV. 1�n001 Am ** TX REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 2043 DESTINATION TEL # 918498085965 DESTINATION ID ST. TIME 10/22 15:02 TIME USE 02'10 PAGES SENT 4 RESULT OK FAX TIUNSMITTAL City of La Quinta - Community Development Department- c�^�oar�9 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Phone: 760-777-7125 Fax : 760-777-1233 FAX NO. Aq" dd`d - 5ci (oS FAX NO. (760) 777-1233 Page 1 of 4 ++4*..`.000+44.i....fy'i..�.�i00�..0.'iiip �..�. �. �..�..�.�i.�..�..�.y'i4'i�i.�..�.. .1*..,.+.1*s l..1 + ",L�''1�r7�'1T�ln'!:!..�>:�ILZ�ZG��TiiAl.'rl�Crll� 7M FAX VANSMITTAL `s City of La Quinta = sw Community Development Department" CF`yOFT1'9� 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Phone: 760-777-7125 Fax 760-777-1233 .•. .•..•..•..•..•..•. .•..•..•..•. .•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. .•. .•..•..•. .•. .•..•. ...•..•..•. .•..•..•. .•..•..•..•..•. .•. .•. .•. .•..•..•..•..•. .•..•..•..•..•..•. .................................................... TO: 6qa t Iq a4 1;�,x T FROM: 4j'-AV-1 >Aw-k DATE: ip-(U3(.o+ FAXNO. 6 74-06 FAX NO. (760) 777-1233 Page 1 of a1 .•..•. o..•..•. o..•. o. o..•..•. o..•. o. o. o. .•..•. o. o..•..•..•. o..•. o. .•..•. o. o..•..•. .•. .•..•. .•..•. o. o..•..•. .•. .•. o. .•. .•. .•..•. .•..•. Comments: .- A IQ -fir If you did not receive all pages of this document, please call (760) 777- _70& MAILING ADDRESS: P 0 BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 P:\Fm. wpd 0 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO; CITY MANAGER PARKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING & SAFETY CODE ENFORCEMENT _FIRE MARSHAL XPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JERRY HERMAN PLANNING MANAGER SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - STAN SAWA DATE: 10I `1 .SUBJECT: PROJECT REVIEW CASE: 17. PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY �SGI 012 11 I ► --commENTS: tmng.004 Builder Services 1300 Dove Street Suite 300 Newport Beach, CA 92660 19491 6 2 2 — 4 0 4 5 - FAX 19491 2 6 1 — 8 9 1 3 AMENDED PRELIMINARY REPORT ORDER NO.: 9791527-B TITLE OFFICER John M. Glance LOAN NO, T0: The Hideaway 81-100 Avenue 53 La 0uinfa, CA 92253 ATTN: John Gamlin YOUR REFERENCE.. Amendment No. 2 TM 298942 SHORT TERM RATE. PROPERTY AUORESS: EFFECTIVE DATE: May 14, 2004, 0 7 : 3 0 A.M. The form of Policy or Policies of fit le insurance contemplated by this report is: O.R.E. REPORT 1 THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 2. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: ND LA 0 U I N T A PARTNERS, LLC, a Delaware limited I i a b if i t y c a m p a n y 3. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF J M G \ o c 0 1 / 0 2 / 2 0 0 2 i Order N161527-B EXHIBIT "ONE" PROPOSED TRACT MAP AMENDMENT N0. 2 OF TRACT N0, 29894-2, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE FOLLOWING. LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, AND LETTERED LOTS A AND N, OF TRACT NO. 29894-2, FILED IN BOOK 309, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, ALONG WITH LOTS 1, 2, 13, AND LETTERED LOTS D, L, V, X, AND A PORTION OF Q, OF AMENDED TRACT MAP 29894-2, FILED IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, BOTH IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. ® Order N 1527-B AT THE DATE HEREOF, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 1 Taxes, Bonds or Assessment, if any, will be reported at a later date. 2. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (Commencing with Section 75l of the Revenue and Taxation code of the State of California. 3. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not disclosed by the public records. 4. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto dedicated, acquired, reserved or e x c e p f ed for public use by Coachella Valley Water 0 i s t r ict, far mer I Coachella Valley County Water Oistr i c t In favor c f : The p u b I is Purpose Public roads and rights of way, private easements and rights of way Far roads, pipe lines, ditches, and conduits on, over, under ar across the herein described property, existing for the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands by means of such ra ads and for the purpose of conveying irrigating and da me sf is water to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches and conduits. 5. Reservations contained in the Patent From: The United States of America R e c o r ded. July 31, 1905 in Book 3, Page 228 of Patents Which among other things recites as follows: Subject to any vested and accrued water rights far mining, agricultural, manufacturing, or other purposes and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights, as may be recognized and acknowledged by the local customs, laws and decisions of the courts, and the reservation from the lands hereby granted, a right of way thereon for ditches, cr canals constructed by the authority of the United States. 3 ® Order N 1527-B 6. Easemenf(s) for the pur pas e(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: The United States of America Purpose: A water pipeline Recorded June 13, 1949, B a o k 1083, Page 550 of 0 ff is ial Records Portions of said easement have been abandoned by document recorded January 23, 2001, as Instrument No. 2 0 0 1 - 0 2 9 8 9 0 of Official Records. 7. The fact that said land lies within the Coachella Valley Soil Co n s e r va ti an District as evidenced by a Resolution and Order recorded December 13, 1956 in Book 2011 Page 519 of Official Records of Riverside County, California. 8. E a s ement(sI Far the purpose s) shown below and rights i ncidenY al thereto as granted in a document; 6 r anted to City of La ❑uinta P ur p a s e : Public sY r e e t and public utility Recorded: January 14, 1991, Instrument No. 200385, of 0 f f icial Records 9. E a s e m e n t ( s ) far the p u r pas e(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; 6r anted to The City of La 0uinta, a 6ener al Law City duly created and existing under the laws of the State of California Purpose: Public utilities Recorded: 0ctober 28, 1999, Instrument No. 1 9 9 9 - 4 6 9 9 8 1 , of Official Records 10, E a s e m e n t ( s ) for the p u r poses) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: The City of La auinta, a Charter City Purpose Public uY it if i e s Recorded: February 8, 2000, Instrument No. 2 0 0 0 - 0 4 6 6 0 2 , of Official Records it. Easement s) for the p u r pose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to Coachella Valley Water 0istr ict, a public agency of the State of California Purpose: Build and maintain an access road, and necessary devices and appurtenances Recorded October 6, 2000, Instrument No. 2 0 0 0 - 3 9 5 0 9 3 , of Official Records 4 Order No1527-B 12. Easemenf(s) for the p u r poses) shown below and rights incidental Cher e f o as granted in a document; Granted to- Coachella Valley Wafer D i s f r icf, a public agency of the State of California Purpose: Build and maintain an underground pipe line, and necessary devices and a p purY en a n c es Recorded: November 20, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-463623, of Official Records 13. Recitals as shown on That certain Tract Map No. 2 9 8 9 4 - 1 which, among other things sY at es "We also reserve private easements as indicated herein far ingress and egress and construction, a p e r a on, and maintenance of underground irrigation lines and utilities, We also reserve a blanket easement for private drainage across Lots B through I, inclusive, Parcel N and Parcel 0. We also reserve a blanket easement for ingress and egress, and construction, operation, and maintenance of sewer, water storm drain and u t i I i I y lines over and across Lots J through L, inclusive. and Lai Qr Reference is made fo said map for full particulars 14. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Irrigation Wafer Service Agreement" dated May 16, 2001, executed by and bef ween Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the St afe of California; and NRI -CCPI, a Delaware limited I i a b i I i f y company recorded June 29, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-298678, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document far full p a r f i c u I a s, 15. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Reciprocal Easement Agreement" dated June 27, 2001, executed by and between NRI -CCP LLC, a Delaware limited I i a h i I i t y company; and NRI-L0LP Golf Properties, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company recorded June 29, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-298681, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document far full particulars. 16. Easement(sl for the p u r poses(s) shown below and rights i nc i d e n t a t thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. In Favor Of City of La Dui n t a Purpose: The right of ingress and egress of service and emergency vehicles and p u b t i c utility purposes Affects: Lettered Lots L. N and Q 5 • ® Order 091527-B 17. R e c iIals as shown on that cerYa in map, which, among other things st aces "Lettered L c t s L, N and 0 are retained as private streets for private use for the s o t e benefit of ourselves, successors, ass i 9 n e e s and lot owners within this tract Reference is made fc said map for full particulars. 18. E a s eme of lsl for the p u r p o s e s ( s l shown below and rights i n c i d e n Y al thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. In Favor 0f City of La Ouinta Purpose: 1 0 - f o o t public utility easements c o n f igucus with and along h o t h sides of all private streets, as shown thereon. 19. Recitals as shown on that certain map, which, among other things states: "We hereby retain Lettered Lots X for golf course and related purposes. We also hereby retain Lettered Lots A and D far open space, landscape, and entry purposes". Reference is made to said map far full particulars. 20. E a s emenf lsl for the p u r poseslsl shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, cn the map cf said tract. P ur pose Drainage and/or utility purposes and access purposes, a t I shown hereon for private use for the sole benefit of ourselves, successors, assignees and lot owners within this tract. P ur pose Construction, operation and maintenance of private underground sewer, water and utility lines reserved thereon A f e c f s: Lots 74, P ur pose Construction, operation and maintenance of storm drain pipe lines and structures reserved Cher can Affects: Lettered Lots V and X. 6 Ll Order Nal 527-B 21. Easementls) for the pur p 0 s e s ( s ) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered far dedication, on the map of said it act. In Favor Of Coachella Vatley Wafer D i s tr i c I Purpose'. 0 0 m e s I is water and sanitation purposes. The easements so dedicaY ed include the right to enter upon said lands, to survey, construct, reconstruct, lay, relay, maintain, operate, cony r oI, use and remove pipe lines, fixtures, and appurtenances and to remove objects interfering with the construction, operation and maintenance thereon Affects'. Lettered Lots L, N and Q. 22. Easement(sl for the p u r p 0 s e s l s ) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered far dedication, on the map Df said tract. In Favor Of: Imperial Irrigation Oisf r i c t Purpose: Inspection, repair, replacement, and removals of electrical lines, wires, cables, ducts, supports, Fixtures, facilities and appurtenances with the right of ingress and egress aver and within same maintenance, operation and emergency vehicles A fecfs Over all private streets shown on this map and an addit1anal fen 110.00) feet in width on both sides of and adjacent to all private and/or pubtic streets shown on the map. 23. Recitals as shown cn that certain map, which, among other things states: "The subdivider reserves the right to create easements burdening the residential lots depicted an this map for the exclusive use of owners of the adjoining lots for such purposes as the subdivider shalt identify when transferring the easements". Reference is made to said map for f u t I particulars. 24. Easementls) for the p u r p0 s e I s ) shown below and rights incidental thereto as reserved in a d a c u m e nt, Reserved by NRI -CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited I i a b i i i t y company Purpose: The right of Grantor to create easements burdening the property for the exclusive use of ow n.e rs of adjoining property for such purposes as Grantor shall identify when transferring such easements R e c o r ded. October 5, 2001, Instrument No. 2 0 0 1 - 4 8 6 2 9 6 , of Official Records 7 0 Order N1527-8 25 26 27 28 Intentionally 0eIeted Intentionally 0eleted E asement(s) for the p u r p o s e l s ) shown below and rights , n c i d e n I al thereto as reserved in a document; Reserved by NRI -CCP I, LL C, a Delaware limited liability company Purpose: The right of Grantor to create easements burdening the property for the exclusive use of owners Df adjoining property for such purposes as 6 v a n t o r shall identify when transferring such easements Recorded October 12, 2001 Instrument No. 2001-498545, of Official Records Intentionally Deleted 29. Intentionally Deleted 30. Intentionally 0elet a 31. Intentionally Deleted 32. Intentionally Deleted 33. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Easement and Road Maintenance Agreement" dated December 19, 2001, executed by and between NRI -CCP, LLC, a 0 e I aware limited liability company; and Country Club of the Desert Owners Association, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation, recorded December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652760, of Official Records, among other things, contains cr provides for As set forth in said document. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 34. Matters in an instrument which, among other things, contain or provide for assessments, liens and the subordination thereof, provisions relating to partition, covenants, conditions and restrictions, a provision that no violation thereof and no e n f or c em ents of any lien provided for herein shall defeat or render invalid the lien of a first mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and far value, !deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin). Recorded: December 31 2001 as Instrument/File No 2 0 0 1 - 6 5 2 7 6 2 of Official Records. 8 0 Order 14/91527-B NOTE Section 12956.1 of the hover n m e n t Code provides the fallowing: If this document contains any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry, that restriction violates state and federal housing laws and is void. Any person holding an interest in this property may request that the county recorder remove the restrictive Ian 9 u a g e p u r su a n f to subdivision Icl of Section 12956.1 of the Government Code. The effect of a document entitled "Collateral Assignment of De cl a a n t ' s Rights", dated December 19, 2001 by and between NRI -CCP I LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and Bank Midwest, N.A. recorded December 31, 2001 as Instrument/File No. 2001-652763 of Off icial Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 9 AIF Order N o791527-B The provisions of said c o v enanfs conditions and r e sf r is ti 0 ns were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recor d e d December 31 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652764, of Official Records M o d i f i c a t i 0 n l s l of said covenants, conditions and restrictions Recorded March 14, 2002, Instrument No. 2 0 0 2 - 1 3 2 3 2 9 of Official Recor ds The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument R ec or ded. March 21, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-201647, of Official Records Affects -. Lettered Lot 0 35. The effect of a document entitled "Domestic Water and/ar Sanitation System Installation Agreement", dated April 1, 2002 by and between Coachella Valley Water Oistr ict, a public agency of the State of California and NRI -CCP I, LLC, recorded May 1S, 2002 as Instrument/File No. 2002-2S5078 cf Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars, 36. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Irrigation Agreement" dated November 20, 2002, executed by and between ND La 0uinfa Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and The Hideaway Owners Association, a California non - profit mutual benefit corporation recorded December 13, 2002, Instrument No. 2002-745941, of Off i c i a t Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars, 37. Matters contained in that certain document entitled " D o m e s I is Water and Sanitation System I n s t a l tation A g r a e m e n t" dated June 20, 2003, executed by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency cf the State of California and ND La Ouinta Partners, L L C recorded July 21, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-543684, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 10 ® Order No, 38. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness ,n the amount shown below, and any other ohl igations secured Cher eby Amount $ 2 5 , 100, 000. 00 D of ed August 22, 2003 T r u s I or ND La a u i n t a Partners, LLC, a 0eI aware I imited liability company T r u s t e e Fidelity National T i f le Company B en of iclar y- American Bank of Montana, a Montana banking corporation Address. 1632 West Main Street B o 2 e m a n, MT 59715 Loan No.. None shown R e c o r d e d August 29, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-66B355, of Official Records An instrument entitled "Collateral, Assignment of D ecIa r a n t ' s Rights" recorded August 29, 2003 as Instrument/file No. 2 0 0 3 - 6 6 8 3 5 6 of Official Records. Reference is made fo said document for full particulars. 39. Intent io na i I Deleted 40. Intentionally Deleted 41 Inf e n f i on a l ty Deleted END OF ITEMS Note 1. Section 12413.1, California Insurance Code became effective January 1, 1990. This legislation deals with the disbursement of funds deposited with any title entity acting in an escrow or subescrow capacity. The law requires that all funds be deposited and collected by the title entity's escrow and/or subescrow account prior to disbursement of any funds. Some methods of funding may subject funds to a holding period which must expire before any funds may be disbursed. In order to avoid any such delays, all fundings should be done through wire transfer, certified check or checks drawn on California financial institutions. Note 2. The charge where an order is cancelled after the issuance of the report of title, will be that amount which in the opinion of the Company is proper compensation for the services rendered or the purpose for which the report is used, but in no event shalt said charge be less than the minimum amount required under Section 12404.1 of the Insurance Code of the State of California. If the report cannot be cancelled "no fee" pursuant to the provisions of said Insurance Code, then the minimum cancellation fee shall be that permitted by law. Note 3. California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18668, effective January 1, 1991, requires that the buyer in all sales of California Real Estate, wherein the Seller shows an out of State Address, withhold 3-1 /3% of the total sales price as California State Income Tax, subject to the various provisions of the law as therein contained. Comment: Exhibit A Inserted Here 11 Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies' Privacy Statement July 1, 2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expectations of today's consumers and the requirements of applicable federal and state privacy laws. We believe that making you aware of how we use your nonpublic personal information ('•Personal Information"), and to whom it is disclosed, will form the basis for a relationship of trust between us and the public that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Statement from time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative; From your transactions with, or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or others; From our internet web sites; From the public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, or from our affiliates or others; and From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrusion. We limit access to the Personal Information only to those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other legitimate business purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate settlement service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information: to agents, brokers or representatives to provide you with services you have requested; to third -party contractors or service providers who provide services or perform marketing or other functions on our behalf; and to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permission, when we are required by law to do so, or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities. We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relationship with you. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such documents may contain your Personal Information. Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors or Request Changes or Deletion Certain states afford you the right to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the right to request correction, amendment or deletion of your Personal Information. We reserve the right, where permitted by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. All requests must be made in writing to the following address: Privacy Compliance Officer Fidelity National Financial, Inc. 4050 Calle Real, Suite 220 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services If we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.