OrdinanceThe Desert Sun 750 N Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92262 760 -778- 4578 /Fax 760 - 778 -4731 State Of California as: County of Riverside Advertiser: CITY OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1504 LA QUINTA CA 922471 2000247541 I am over the age of 18 years old, a citizen of the United States and not a parry to, or have interest in this matter. I hereby certify that the attached advertisement appeared in said newspaper (set in type not smaller than non panel) in each and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: Newspaper: The Desert Sun 2/10/2011 I acknowledge that I am a principal clerk of the printer of The Desert Sun, printed and published weekly in the City of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, Slate of California. The Desert Sun was adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation on March 24, 1988 by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California Case No. 191236. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 10th day of February, 2011 in Palm Springs, California. Declarant 1 No 511 Certificate of Publication ORDINANCE NO. 485 PROJECT AREA NO. 2 - FIFTH AMENDMENT WHEREAS the City Council of the Citv of to wtltHtA6, a. community meetin Was; held at the City Council' Chambers in City Hal l on January 10, 2011, to provide citizens an opFOdunity to provitle input antl ask questions of sits the pro Pposed Fifth Amendment; and WH U 11 the City Council and the A ency held a joint public hearing on January 16, 2011, con - ceming the adoption of the Fifth Amendment; and WHEREAS, notice of said joint public hearing was dulyy and regularl� published _as reauiretl by the CRL and a, copy a said not! ceand affidavit lication are on file with the Ciry`OIs of the City and Secretary of the Aggency; and WHEREAS, espies a the notice of riot public hearing. were mailed by first -class mai�to the last known assessee of each parcel of land in the Proj- act Area and Added Area, at his or her last known address as shown on the last equalized assess, ment roll of the County of Riversitla and were mailed to all ppropperty owners, residents, end busi- ness in the Project Area at least thirty (30) days onor to the joint public hearing; and WHEREAS, copies of the notice of joint public leering were mailed by certified mail with a return receipt requested to the governing body of each acing agency which receives taxes from property n the Project Area; and NHEREAS, the Agency has adopted on Novem- )or 2, 2010 its Resolution No. RA 2010 -010 ap- >roAngg and adopting the Report to the Council on he Fi9h Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan indd sub the Report to City Council to the ER. Section 3M7-1 of the .CgqLL. provides . hat to the extent wanamed %the -Flftfi Amend - nent, this Odinance shall contain the findings re- IIw ed by Section 33367 of the CRL; and NH EREAS the City Council has considered the leport to G Council for the Fifth Amendment, ud has provided an opportunity for all persons to e heard, and has received and considered all evi- lence and testimony presented for or against any nd all aspects of the Fifth Amendment. HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA IUINTA CALIFORNIA DOES ORDAIN AS OLLOft: action 1. The ouroose and infant of fho cm, improving the financial viability of the CY sized parcels of property that are inadi sized for proper usefulness and developm which are held in divided, and widely sl ownerships. d. Promote the rehabilitation of existlnp stock. Increase, improve, and preserve fhc of housing affordable to very low -, for moderate - income households. Section 2. The City Council hereby finds 1 termines that: a. The finding that the Added Area is none ous to the Project Area and is necessary fc live redevelopment. This finding is base the followingg conditions which are more f forth in the Heport to City Council: i. The Added Area will be used forthe cons and rehabilitation of low- and moderate housingg� ii. The Atltletl Area is not Included as apar Project Area for the purpose of obtaining tat ment; and iii. The Agency will not use the power of a domain in the Atldetl Area. I. The land uses proposed in the Fifth Armoric conform to the land uses approved in th Quinta General Plan; it. The hnancmq mechanisms proposed b! Filth Amendment establish 'a mechanism for ieving the goals of the General Plan, me which may not be implemented without reder Mont assistance; antl iii. The findings of the Planning Commissior the Fifth Amendment conforms to the Ge Plan.