LLA 2005-433CE City of Lauinta Rs,nueCat ow Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quin ta Ca ' mia 92253 (7 7 ". 2 ; (760} 777-1233 PN4 rvn- OFFICE USE ONLY Card No.LL14 0S'y33 Date Recvd. 3 -1 S ' 6 i Fee: - 2-5io- oo Related Apps: . Logged in by. ^J " {U 1.� 'e`1 �,�--©� ...mi`JFPAR UFNOP6.?. APPLICATI OR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose of the review is to allow reconfiguration of two or more adjoining lots into sizes or shapes appropriate for desired uses and in compliance with Municipal Code requirements. f0 00 4 + 41 4. eO ^ + 41 41. S. 00 �f P i� dam' �� 'O ':' `� i� 'i' O~ + ��� �i� S` vy 0 4P 'A 1 y O- + * + ♦f i 'la' APPLICANT MAILINGADDRESS34-200 Bob Hope Drive PhoneNo.(760) 320-9811 CITY, STATE, ZIPRnnChf) Mirngp, RA g9970 Fax No.(7an) 39n-na r7 *Owner "A"Name:Shea La Quinta, LLC Address: 81-260 Ave 62 La Quinta, CA 9227t753 Phone:(760) 777-6006 (City) (State) (Zip) *Owner "B" Name: Address: Phone: (City) (State) (zip) *Owner "C" Name: Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) *Attach sheet for additional owners PROPERTY DATA Property A: Assessor's Parcel Number:764-270-028 Street Address (if any): Lago Court Property B: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: Adlust common lot line between lots 92 & 93 of Tract Map AI6:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 212000 edi REASON FOR REQUEST: APPLiCAB1LITY The following criteria must be met to approve a lot line adjustment: ❑ The adjustment shall not create a greater number of parcels than originally existed. ❑ The resulting parcels shall conform with City Zoning and Building Codes. ❑ The adjustment shall not cause existing uses or improvements of the property to be out of compliance with any provision of the City Codes. MINIMUM ';IJBMIqqTON EQ II EM NTc- ❑ Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels. ❑ An acceptable legal description of each existing parcel and a metes and bounds description of each new parcel proposed ❑ Closing calculations for each new parcel proposed. ❑ Original, unrecorded Grant Deeds for each new parcel with the following; ❑ State on the Grant Deed when all affected parcels are under one ownership. GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged Owner A Shea La Quinta, LLC hereby GRANTS to Owner A Shea La Quints, LLC the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of Califomia, described as (Property Description) See Exhibits A and B attached hereto and by ralerence made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed implements the revised lot configurations pursuant to Line Line Adjustment _ _ as approved by the City of La Quints. All property subject to this lot line adjustment is owned by a single entity, hence ownership conveyance is a nonessential secondary function of this deed. The primary function of the deed is to provide constructive notice of the revised lot configurations pursuant to Government Code Section 66412 (d), and to perfect the intent of the Lot Line Adjustment _ _ as approved. ❑ State on Grant Deed when affected parcels are under multiple ownership: GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner A hereby GRANTS to Owner B the real property In the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) that portion of land in Lot A which is overlaid by the reconfigured shape of Lot B pursuant to LLA approved by the City of La Quints. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto an_d ma_de a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of Lot Line Adjustment _ = as approved by the City of La Quints. A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 2/2000 cdi GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner B hereby GRANTS to Owner A the real property in the City of La Quints County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) that portion of land in Lot B which is overlaid by the reconfigured shape of Lot A pursuant td LLA approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of Lot Line Adjustment—*_ as approved by the City of La Quinta. ❑ Attached to the Grant Deeds shall be Exhibits A and B, a metes and bounds legal description of the new parcels and a plat (8%:" x 11 ") of the new parcels, respectively (see attached sample Exhibits A and B). ❑ If structures or other improvements exist on the affected parcel(s), provide separate plot plan showing; dimensioned, location in relation to new property lines. ❑ Filing fee for Lot Line Adjustment. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. If the nunber of lots adjusted exceeds two, then a Public Works Department plan check fee of $50.00 per lot (over two lots) shall be paid in addition to Lot Line Adjustment fee. 444444444>44•` ❖!/'.:°�10 i S j v�o�S�+'rfi �e0✓.440>.•+e 6v0v0 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT I (/ NAME OF APPLICANTRobert S. Smith, (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER "A" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: NAME OF OWNER Ulrich Sauerbrev. As 14 DATE L DATE ' — 'TTT ___ ___ __ SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER `B" f IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: / DATE NAME OF OWNER DATE _ (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER "C" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE NAME OF OWNER DATE (Print) (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) I hereby certify that all information contained in this application, including all plans and materials required by the City's application submission requirements, is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. FALSE OR A.fISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL RE GROUA'DS FOR DENYING APPLICAT ION I hereby grant the City authority to enter onto the property to conduct site inspections and to post required public notices. A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 . Appvd 2/2000 odi .1 j FOXX05 73061 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, California 92260 Tel: 760.688,5773 1 Fax: 760.340.3683 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET To: Fred Baker From: John Hackett ext. 106 Fax- (760) 777-1233 Pages: 3 Phone (760) 777-7065 Date: 6/7105 Re: Canyon Ridge lot setbacks cc: "[Click here and type name]" 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Commsat ❑ Plows, Reply ❑ Pies" Recycle e Comments: Fred, Please find attached layouts of a couple of our proposed lots for Canyon Ridge. We are in the final design of the lot lines and we have 4 lots in question that we are not sure where to figure the house set back from. We have reviewed the city guidelines but a few of these are irregular and we are not sure how to interpret the codes. The most critical is lot #8 Is the front setback figured from point #2 at the 5' side yard set back and then 20' setback for the front or is it from point #17 It makes a difference of about 8 feet depending on where it is measured from. Lots labeled A-C: we are not sure at all where to measure from. None of the lots are considered "flag lots' per city guidelines because they all have a greater than 40' width at the extension of the lot where it meets the road. But we still are not sure what side is considered the front and where we should figure our set backs from. These lots at this point are not so critical since the current lot size will work for what ever will be designed there but we will need that information soon to design homes for those lots. Please call me when you have time this morning to discuss lot 8. Hopefully we can cover this over the phone. We have a meeting set up with our civil engineer this afternoon to finalize the lots boundaries. Thank you John Hackett —Project Manger This communication is intended for the use of the Waviduai andror entity to which it is addressed and may contain sensitive information that is of a confidential nature. In the event you have received this communication in error, please notify the undersigned immediately by telephone and destroy and/or dispose of this communication Immediately, FAUser Directo,,"'JOI INWrOOM JOhr, Hackett\0025 C nnyon RiJpTaz Covers\QR sot back questmi for l d ddbZY;ll05 ld/69:6 'iV/ S:6 9CN L 9 (]fl1) Noad d ddbL99kO0 ON/b9:6 'iV99:6 990d L 9 (Ni) WOad A I QD jr li ' t.J r v E d dd 991109'ON/b9:6 '1S/99:6 900d L 9 (:3(11) Nodd 1g0j=11111NE ID PLANNING ® CIVIL ENGINEERING ® LAND SURVEYING Letter of Transmittal Date: April 27, 2005 Via: Hand Delivery (� !`_. ,_1�.� Job #: 1538 `;,, r . To: Tim Nquven J� APR 2 7 2nn, �+rwU.NITv `H�'UINT CITY OF LA QUINTA Community Development DFp DEVEI oU? 78-495 Calle Tampico P.O. Box 1504, 92247 La Quinta, California 92253 From: Tony Maddox Re: Lot Line Adjustment No. 05-433 Project: Shea Trilogy at La Quinta CC: Ulrich Sauerbrey ❑ Urgent ® For Review ❑ Please Comment ® As Requested ❑ Other_ CITY. ITEM 3 Prints of revised Exhibit "B" plat for the LLA of Lots 92 & 93 in Tract 30023-4 1 Copy of your transmittal and revision markup • Comments: Tim — The above referenced items are for your review and continued processing of the LLA by the City. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you. 34200 BOB HOPE DRIVE ® RANCHO MIRAGE ® CALIFORNIA ® 92270 760.320-9811 s 760.323-7893 fax ■ www.MSACoNSULTINGINC.com Us Af Name: dredlin Dater. 02-28-05 Project: 1538 FINAL MAP P4 Time:: 10:22:59 Create Mapcheck Reports Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------_ Lot Name: PARCEL "A" Lot Area (Square Feet): 11490 Lot Area (Acres): 0.264 Course Data:(Mapcheck Through Radius Points Method) Point Northing Easting Direction Distance Begin 163901.4335 564439.3367 S7802515611W 44.00 163892.6103 564396.2304 N73045'41"W 84.59 163916.2649 564315.0151 N0601712111E 60.24 163976.1424 564321.6142 N48037155"E 81.79 164030.1968 564382.9959 S3400013411E 115.84 PC 163934.1718 564447.7886 RP 163909.1583 564477.0559 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: S4902615111E D.O.0 Arc: 148049113" D.O.0 Chord: N/A Radius: 38.50 Delta angle: 52005113" Tangent length: 18.81 Arc length: 35.00 Chord Direction: S1402813311W Chord length: 33.81 External: 4.35 Middle ordinate: 3.91 Radial Out: S7802515611W Point Northing Easting Direction Distance End 163901.4380 564439.3379 Closing Direction: S1500512911W Closing Distance: 0.0046 Error of Closure 1 : 90805 19ser Name: aespino Project: 1538 FINAL MAP P4 Create Mapcheck Reports Date: 03-08-05 Time: 13:35:10 Page: 1 Lot Name: PARCEL "B"===_________________________________ Lot Area (Square Feet): 14200 Lot Area (Acres): 0.326 Course Data:(Mapcheck Through ----- -------------------------------------- Radius Points Method) Point Northing Easting ------------------------- Direction Distance PC 163901.4335 564439.3367 RP 163909.1538 564477.0547 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: N78025156"E D.O.0 Arc: 148049113" D.O.0 Chord: N/A Radius: 38.50 Delta angle: 44049140" Tangent length: 15.88 Arc length: 30.12 Chord Direction: S33058'54"E Chord length: 29.36 External: 3.15 Middle ordinate: 2.91 Radial Out: S33036116"W Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 163877.0880 564455.7466 S56023144"E 4.26 PC 163874.7303 564459.2947 RP 163854.3247 564445.7350 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: S3303611611W D.O.0 Arc: 233051137" D.O.0 Chord: N/A Radius: 24.50 Delta angle: 106018'41" Tangent length: 32.70 Arc length: 45.46 Chord Direction: S0301412411E Chord length: 39.21 External: 16.36 Middle ordinate: 9.81 Radial Out: S4000510311E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 163835.5798 564461.5109 S4905415711W 103.73 163768.7868 564382.1471 N4000510311W 114.50 163856.3907 564308.4192 N0601712111E 60.24 163916.2681 564315.0182 S7304514111E 84.59 163892.6135 564396.2336 N7802515611E 44.00 End 163901.4367 564439.3398 Closing Direction: S44018110"W Closing Distance: 0.0045 Error of Closure 1 : 108489 CITY OF LA QUINTA — CERTIFICATE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT I EXHIBIT •B• LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. CURVE DATA NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT Cl 212'37'22" 38.50' 142.87" -- C2 52'05'13" 38.50' 35.00' 18.81, C3 44'49'40" 38.50' 30.12' 15.88' C4 106'18'41" 24.50' 45.46' 32.70' C5 96'54'53" 38.50' 65.12' 43.45' Q n�iP to y5 / Qom° V -4 N PARCEL •A• 0 0 11,490 SQ. FT. Ix NfW / //lyR `9�/ W nor tNeusrfo N N 3 qs. v o N ° 6 z CN 7a.25'5fi� E �gE PARCEL •B• 14,200 SQ. FT. �Olq / o p��� No x k / LINE DATA NO. BEARING LENGTH L1 N 56-23.44" W 4.26' L2 IN 78.25.55 E 44.00' / (—) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER MB 365/96-107 MSA CONSULTING, INC. (Ilt qM��A.�.IN..�IERO, SmrrH & AssoclATEs, INC l ,.l.a�l.u.O Crva EN6WEE G ■ L \H SURVE G 34200 BoE HOPE DRm ■ RANCHO MutAoE ■ CA 92270 TELEPHONE (760) 320-98U ■ FAx (760) 323-7893 SHEET 1 OF 1 J.N. 1538 ' OF LA QUINTA - EXHIBIT "B' 153 152 SP/ TE OF LOT LOT LINE 41 �� M c o W PARCEL •C• ID 12,144 SQ, FT. 0 /4 Tao 5" NO. PARCEL •B• P.O.B. o� 9,377 SQ. FT. PAR."C"D" " NEW TED PAR. ppJUS I LOT LINE ^" i- PAR. "A" / 91.E PAR. "B" / N 7j'25 p7. �90 65' 1Y 128 CJ" y CO(I T LINE T ?� PAI�(i+BE DELErED — 0C�0O X j \ 10. two 13.Sgg "A° O' SQ• P 4C� \ \ 944 94�3 (—) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER MB 365/96-107 U2 MSA CONSULTING, INC. pM.�A��INIERO, SMITH ,& ASSOCIATES, INC •.•.u.l�V'IG Cttm. BxGmeaEEaG LAND SURVEyWo 34200 BOB HOPE DRrve ■ RANCHO MIRAGE a CA 92270 TMZMONE (760) 320-9M a FAX (760) 323.7893 SHEET 1 OF 1 J.N. 1538 04/f9/2005 10:44 FAX 7607771233 LA QUINTA COMM. OEV. 1?1 002/004 V ,V i 7Fl- P.O. BON 1304 LA QUIN ]A, C41.IF'Uk.^Ih 92247-1504 78-•f95 G�t.i.it TAMPICO (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 Ln Qurn"ra. CALlFoitNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 April 19, 2005 Robert Smith MSA Consulting, Inc. 34-200 Bob Hope Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (LLA 2005-433) Dear Mr. Smith, This letter is to inform you that the Community Development Department has reviewed your application request for a Lot Line Adjustment. We sent out your submittal to the Public Works Department for input. Attached to this fax are the comments made from them. Please make the necessary revisions and resubmit the Exhibit(s) with corrections to our Department. Please feel free to call me at (760) 777-7070 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Thank you. Sincerely, TIM NGUYEN Assistant Planner ID PLANNING ® CIVIL ENGINEERING E LAND SURVEYING Letter of Transmittal Date: March 9, 2005 via: Hand Delivery by Ulrich Sauerbrey Job #: 1538 To: Fred Baker CITY OF LA QUINTA Community Development 78-495 Calle Tampico P.O. Box 1504, 92247 La Quinta, California 92253 From: Tony Maddox Re: Tract Map 30023-4 LLA — Lago Court Project: Shea Trilogy at La Quinta CC: Ulrich Sauerbrey ❑ Urgent ® For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ As Requested ❑ Other QTY. ITEM 1 Complete City of La Quinta Application for Lot Line Adjustment Approval package 4 each Original, wetsigned Legal Description "A" for lots 92, 93 and Exhibit "B" 1 each Closure talcs, preliminary title report and highlighted Tract Map 30023-4, pages 1, 2, 3, 11 and 12 1 ea Check # 39723 in the amount of $250.00 payable to the Community Development Department; Check # 39724 In the amount of $100.00 payable to the Public Works Department Comments: Fred — The above referenced items are for your review. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you. 34200 BOB HOPE DRIVE Y RANCHO MIRAGE ® CALIFORNIA ■ 92270 760.320-9811 0 760.323-7893 fax ■ www.MSACONSULTINGINC.Com 04/13%2005 10:45 FAX 7607771233 LA QUINTA COMM. OEV. fQ 003/004 PLAN CHECK NUNISER PCN oslo7 Please use this Plan Check Number (PCN) on all correspondence while plans are in plan check TRANSMITTAL ME TO: _CITY MANAGER _PARKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING & SAFETY I CODE ENFORCEMENT FIRE MARSHAL f PUBLIC � )bna r _ PLANNING MANAGER _SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT--F�A DATE: SUBJECT: PROJECT REVIEW APR 0 8 2005 CASE: rr.a- os• y3� PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY ]SAVE ON TIDE ATTACIUED 1 jEM BY .—COMMENTS: L `�J L \ ✓y Ck V� C\ G� O S �✓v�- S L--%�O 1...�' d.�. i (A_.�) 1 Z' K �o i `` l,S ..-.�o w. `. ` �- w:l. -�- a � i A�j \ . `..., \i.l J ✓ 1 �- t= 3.0o4 04/19/2005 10:45 FAX 7607771233 LA DUINTA COMM. DEV. lij 004/004 CITY OF LA QUINTA - CERTIFICATE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT EXHIBIT 'B' LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. �3 Q°�f5 F1 CURVE DATA NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGEN Cl 12'37'22" 38.50' 142.87' C2 C3 C4 52-0513 A4'49'40" 106'18 41" 38.50' "38.50' 24.50' �35.00' v30.12' 45.46 ✓ 15.88' 32.70' C5 -96'54 53' '38.50' ✓65.12 43.45' Lo+ i tI-tls Q�° C ° (vlblh� 0 / / 94 1" = 50' Qv- ,p / v� E• 06 / PA GEL 'A' / _ \ ,h e �6�%NEW j 11,49 SO. F7. / 'NE steo 59 q 0 66' \ / / PARC '13' o J / 1bi LINE DATA N0.4��RING ENGTH Lt44 W26L256 E 44. � � (—) INDICATES LE CaS- F3 P RECORD O lr DATA PER M9 366/96-107 MSA CONSULTING, I:NC. o, SMrrx & A6SOC7ATFINC.�110 m" N5 34200 Boa HOPE Dxrve r RANCHO Mrn UE ■ CA 92270 Te1.ePFC0— (760) 320-9911 ■ FAX (760) 323.7893 SHEET 1 OF i J.N. 1538 • 04/ 0/2005 10:44 FAX 7807771233 LA QUINTA COMM. OEV. 0 001/004 .FAX TRANSMITTAL City of La Quinta Community Development Department' �Fro of 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Phone: 760-777-7125 Fax : 760-777-1233 • ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ • • •♦ ♦+♦ •♦♦ •♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦•♦ A i • •b i • i.:♦ •♦r♦•• ♦b•O D• i ♦ d• •1 O•D♦ P• •O ♦1 •♦• ••• •♦• 9• •♦♦. ♦♦♦4 ••• `• ••n ••••D ♦H♦• TO: RAbe'f+ &n ►-}-h FROM: Tim N r1 DATE: 4YIfglaS FAX NO. (7616�) 3 f '0q7 9- FAX NO. (7- Pagel of t4 ♦�♦•��•��C�•�••�♦��•��•��•��%�d•P•••�••�•♦�O�♦♦�O♦••i•O P�aS ♦♦-♦.4.0♦+•♦Oi•a♦�'� •••••O ••�••••••Oa ••••��♦• ♦♦a•O 0♦•♦�•O •a�i••04� /tE'•�I�•Lfl dam. y$z�, If you did not receive all pages of this document, please call (760) 777- 70 70 ' MAILING ADDRESS: P 0 BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 p;Tzx. wpd Order No. Escrow No. Loan No. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ULRICH SAUERBREY SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC 81-260 AVE 62 LA QUINTA, CA 92270 DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ .................................................... SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE- .... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR .....Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or Agent determining lax - Firm Name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC APPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEI BY 11 h i� %CAY V DATE 5 /i hereby GRANT(s) to SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside EXHIBIT CASE NO. ALA Z(k$•y33 State of California, described as See Exhibits A and B attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof NOTE: This grant deed implements the revised lot configuration to Lot Line Adjusment as approved by the City of La Quinta All property subject to this lot line adjustment is owned by a single entity, hence ownership conveyance is a nonessential secondary functior of this deed. The primary function of this deed is to provide constructive notice of the revised lot configurations pursuant to Govermnen Code Section 66412 (d), and to perfect the intent of the Lot Line Adjustment as approved. Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ,., ,,.. )as. t before me, personally appeared personally known to me* (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the 'person(s) whose name(s);'is/are subscribed to the v t in instrument and acknowledged to me that fie/she/they executed the same in.'Fiis/her/their authorized capacity(ies), arid that by�his/her/their signa- tures) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, Signature I;-Z -, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: (This area for official notarial seal) CITY OF LA QUINTA - CERTIFICATE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT EXHIBIT 'B' I LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 6)16 / i c : � 08. LINE DATA BEARING LENGTH JbN 05'41'57" E 54.56' 50'03 27 E 31.39 50'52'44" E 55.57 59'03'59" E 5.96' 45'01'13E1 E 49.00' CURVE DATA NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH C1 10'52 26 158.00' 29.99' C2 03'38 00" 176.00' 1 1.16' C3 52'54 57" 38.50' 35.56' C4 52*05'14 38.50' 35.00' C5 39' 18 13, 158.00 108.38' C6 20'4117 158.00' 57.05' C7 68'26'37" 38.50' 45.99' C8 27'0149 38.50 18.16 C9 200'28 37" 38.50' 134.71 C10 70'51'57" 158.00' 195.42' \ m0. Pao 13 \ •G 2 0. \ 'b' F A ! ! 02 4C� \ / T6 3 (—) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER MB 365/96-107 1" = 50' IDMSA CONSULTING, INC. MAWmRO, SMITH & ASSOCI!A SING Puxtm+o o Crva SxauammxIIro LAND y yZ:N 3ma 4200 BOB HOPE DRm ■ RANCHO MIRAGE ■ CA 92270 tr moxa (760) 320-98H ■ PAX (760) 323.7893 SHEET 1 OF 1 J.N. 1538 CITY OF LA QUINTA - CERTIFICATE OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT EXHIBIT •B• LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 153 I LINE DATA NO. BEARING LENGTH L1 L2 N 05'41'57" N 50'03'27" E E 54.56' 31.39' L3 N 50'52'44" E 55.57' L4 N 59'03'59" E 5.96' L5 N 45'01'13" E 49.00' A ? ' rn F� o PPROVEH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Y DATE _ XHIBIT ASE NO. / CURVE DATA NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Cl 10'52'26" 158.00' 29.99' C2 03'38'00" 176.00' 11. 66, C3 52'54'57" 38.50' 35.56' C4 52'0514 '" 38.50' 35.00' C5 39' 18" 3" 158.00' 108.38' C6 20'41'17" 158.02' S7.05' C7 68-26.37" 38.50, 45.99' C8 1 27'01'49" 38.50' 18.16' C9 200'28'37" 38.50' 11Ul C10 70'51'57" 158.00' 195.42' / (-) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER MB 355/96-107 IDMSA CONSULTING, INC. MAWMRO, SMITH & AssomT7� s INC. PLANNMG u CrvE. ENORnW NG o LAND SURVEYING 34200 BOB HOPE DR[ve ■ RANCHO MMAGE ■ CA 92270 TECEPHoNE (760) 320-9811 ■ PAX (760) 323-7893 SHEET 1 OF 1 J.N. 1538 3 i N 1 C—J [LLL Y, _ Fia�R O ' e M 2 J = r ? go �4 4yy 44. UL , _ c a mrr 41 U ca �e W �M4 q K-On q C A� f •�i p q ti ma`{ ( ♦ � u 636�T. o O8 a¢ mu I - o ICY 11o�1aaU5'-SOOZ-600Z'V�'aplsianlH Order No --. Lscrow No. I �Rsar�a o Uocumem R f;orded Loan No I WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: has no[ been COrTir"ciled With ULRICH SAUERBREY original. SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC a-ARRY VV. V'VARD 81-260 AVE 62 j C;rorariiy rlecorder LA QUINTA, CA 92270 �' ;�� ' } COUNTY CALIFORNIA DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $-......... ...Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR ...Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. h1vPQ Signature of Declarant or Agent betemining tax — Finn Name � pry GRANT DEED IRt� FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company hereby GRANT(s) to SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as See Exhibits A and B attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof ' NOTE: This grant deed implements the revised lot configuration to Lot Line Adjusment 2005 - 433 as approved by the City of La Quinta All property subject to this lot line adjustment is owned by a single entity, hence ownership conveyance is a nonessential secondary functior of this deed. The primary function of this deed is to provide constructive notice of the revised lot configurations pursuant to Govermnen Code Section 66412 (d), and to perfect the intent of the Lot Line Adjustment 2005- 432 as approved. Dated 0-1'Aru; Jy,--Luc'S Shea La Quinta, LLC STATE OF CALIFORNIA } BY: V �`^r COUNTY OF 1tlU Er\SiDL iss. Ulrich Sauerbre , Assistant Secretary, On n'11.1P C.}! , �, 005 before me, Shea La Quinta personally appeared eknown to met (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evi encersonally to -e t ettf pe On(s) whose name(s(isyare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that h`e�/she/they executed the same inifiis/her/their authorized caDacity(ies), and that b<15Rs/her/their.signa- to, �s) on the instrument the persons) or the entity upon behalf of which the persons) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, Signature kC-•L�.. I �1��t-'�`�L 1. L� . } p MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: R rr: (This area for official notarial seal) first American Title Company has recorded this mstrument by request as an accom- modation only and has not examined It for Tegularlfy �nd sulfleiency or as to Its effect Upon the title to any real property that may 'oe rescrhed herein. EXHlBi 1 44AYY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. J,UoS • 433 EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, LOT 92 AND LOT 93 OF TRACT MAP NO. 30023-4, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 365, AT PAGES 96 THROUGH 107, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDS, BEING IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M. APPROVEDW COiV'mONITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEWr BY Jien nlg,.,y-ti,J DATE EXHIBIT _A CASE MO. LLp 20o 5 - 433 2 EXHiEIT «A„ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. ,2soS' 433 PARCEL "A": IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT PORTION OF LOT 92 OF TRACT MAP NO. 30023-4, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 365, AT PAGES 96 THROUGH 107, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDS, BEING IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 92; THENCE SOUTH 78025'56" WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92 A DISTANCE OF 44.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE NORTH 73°45'41" WEST DISTANCE OF 84.59 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92; THENCE NORTH 06017'21" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 60.24 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 92; THENCE NORTH 48037'55" EAST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92 A DISTANCE OF 81.79 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 34°00'34" EAST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92 A DISTANCE OF 115.84 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, SAID POINT BEING ON A NON -TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 38.50 FEET, A RADIAL LINE PASSING THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 49028'51" EAST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92 AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 52005-13", .AN ARC DISTANCE OF 35.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE PASSING THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 78025'56" WEST, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO EXISTING EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, �o AND RIGHTS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD. CONTAINING 11,490 SQUARE FEET OR 0.264 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. t RE P - it APPROVED BY OOfulNIONIV DEVELOPNIEPJT 9� NO 5a76 1 BY in tS gvti DATE 5 31 U$ \__� ��_ EXHIBIT n n,�� fl() uLA ZOOS 33 ._.__.,. ��i)E",gtli�YlYI-;:`ELOPiMD"ITDFAR-1 All DATc EXHIBIT "A„ t�q Boas LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 74(-<' q?3 PARCEL "B": IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, LOT 93 TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT 92 OF TRACT MAP NO. 30023-4, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 365, AT PAGES 96 THROUGH 107, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDS, BEING IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 93, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 38.50 FEET, A RADIAL LINE PASSING THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 78025'56" EAST; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY, SOUTHEASTERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY LINES OF SAID LOT 93 THROUGHT THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES: (1) SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 44049'40", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 30.12 FEET; (2) THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 56°23'44" EAST A DISTANCE OF 4.26 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.50 FEET; (3) THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 106'18'41", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 45.46 FEET; (4) THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 49-54-57" WEST A DISTANCE OF 103.73 FEET; (5) THENCE NORTH 40°05'03" WEST A DISTANCE OF 114.50 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINES OF SAID LOTS 93 AND 92 NORTH 06017'21" EAST A DISTANCE OF 60.24 FEET; THENCE LEAVEING THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92 SOUTH 73045'41" EAST A DISTANCE OF 84.59 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 93; THENCE NORTH 78025'56" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 44.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Page 1 of 2 SUBJECT TO EXISTING EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, RIGHTS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD. CONTAINING 14,200 SQUARE FEET OR 0.326 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. LAND APPROVER BY COMMUNITY UEVE! OPMENT DEPARTrJEN e BY T,n� .w DATE513� 05VANTHONYO MA � / L_ � A, EXHIBIT R P. CASE NO. LL& e-Ooc•�f3 s� No.547s CN - Page 2 of 2 CITY OF LA QUINTA - CERTIFICATE OF LOT LIME ADJUSTMENT I EXHIBIT 'B' I LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 05-433 7 1' = 50' LEGEND CURVE DATA NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANj2.7 Cl 212*37'221. 38.50' 142.87" C2 52*05'13" 38.50' 35.00' C3 44'49'40" 38.50' 30.12' C4 106' 18'41 " 24.50' 45.46' C5 96'54'53" 38.50' 65.12' Q p 0 o ° c� / tp 22 PARCEL •A• i� h Q �6h/ N , ,�0 / X/ 011,490 SQ. FT. \ / V NeW COr N LAD,)us �rEO / y / / s/ e r'PJ J� � � �� / i' 84.59 1 W I '-' 'o �Q A p / 3'1B G E TO a PARCEL •B• . U �!G/ / / / ��� �� tip 14,200 SQ. FT. / ��l /QQ�J x\ o o / , / �cp APPROVED BY CO MUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTME, LINE DATA NO. BEARING I LENGTH L1 I N 56-23'44" W 4.26' L2 IN 78-25'56" E 44.00' BY )lr.N tom.// DATE 5151Io5� EXHIBIT 15 i / (—) INDICATES RECORD CASE NO. L L A Z60S-433 EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE DELETED EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN NEW ADJUSTED LOT LINE DATA PER ME 365/96-107 MSA CONSULTING, INC. MAirr�Exo, Storm & ASSOCIATES, INc. — — — — PLANNwa . crE ENGINES G ■ LA S&,,,yc, ID 34200 BoB HOPE DwvE • RANCHO MmAGE • CA 92270 TELEPHONE (760) 320-9811 . FAx (760) 323-7893 J.N. 1538 SHEET I OF I P.O. Box 1504 LA QUIN1A, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLF TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINLA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 May 31, 2005 L Ln Tony Maddox MSA Consulting, Inc. 34-200 Bob Hope Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment 2005-433 Dear Mr. Maddox, The Community Development has reviewed your application (LLA 05-433). Based on zoning compliance and correctness of the property descriptions, the City has approved your request for lot line adjustments for Lots 92 & 93 (APN: 764-270-028). Attached is the original Preliminary Title Report and Exhibits A and B. Please have these documents recorded with the County Recorder and give us a copy of the recorded documents for our files. Until the recorded copies are received, the Lot Line Adjustments are not complete. This letter shall be presented to the County Recorder as verification that the City has approved the adjustment and requests its recordation. By execution of this approval, the applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of these Lot Line Adjustments. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (760) 777-7070. Sincerely, TIM NG YE Assistant anner Enclosures Wr 11, EXHIBIT "A" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. "o5. 433 EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, LOT 92 AND LOT 93 OF TRACT MAP NO. 30023-4, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 365, AT PAGES 96 THROUGH 107, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDS, BEING IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M. APPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEN, BY liw. N aJ DATE EXHIBIT A CASE NO. LL* 200 5 - 933 11 EXHIBIT "A" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. oUGS4 933 PARCEL "A": IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT PORTION OF LOT 92 OF TRACT MAP NO. 30023-4, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 365, AT PAGES 96 THROUGH 107, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDS, BEING IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 92; THENCE SOUTH 78025'56" WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92 A DISTANCE OF 44.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE NORTH 73045'41" WEST A DISTANCE OF 84.59 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92; THENCE NORTH 06017-21" EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 60.24 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 92; THENCE NORTH 48037'55" EAST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92 A DISTANCE OF 81.79 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 34000'34" EAST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92 A DISTANCE OF 115.84 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, SAID POINT BEING ON A NON -TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 38.50 FEET, A RADIAL LINE PASSING THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 49028'51" EAST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92 AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 52005'13", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 35.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE PASSING THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 78025'56" WEST, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO EXISTING EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, /o LAND RIGHTS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD. / k� CONTAINING 11,490 SQUARE FEET �" OR 0.264 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 7E. PAPPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAR"fiu:t : �I�47sBYI in 44vti� DATE 7 3OS _ OF C Ali EXHIBIT A r�pi:ml) uatoo5�m�____._._.. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTI BY , llai N Gn GATE 5131 KS r..XHIPIT . EXHIBIT «A" LLEr,--6c6- y33 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 14x. U33 PARCEL "B": IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, LOT 93 TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT 92 OF TRACT MAP NO. 30023-4, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 365, AT PAGES 96 THROUGH 107, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDS, BEING IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.M., AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 93, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 38.50 FEET, A RADIAL LINE PASSING THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 78025'56" EAST; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY, SOUTHEASTERLY AND SOUTHWESTERLY LINES OF SAID LOT 93 THROUGHT THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES: (1) SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 44-49-40", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 30.12 FEET; (2) THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 56023'44" EAST A DISTANCE OF 4.26 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.50 FEET; (3) THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 106-18-41", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 45.46 FEET; (4) THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 49°54'57" WEST A DISTANCE OF 103.73 FEET; (5) THENCE NORTH 40-05-03" WEST A DISTANCE OF 114.50 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINES OF SAID LOTS 93 AND 92 NORTH 06017'21" EAST A DISTANCE OF 60.24 FEET; THENCE LEAVEING THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 92 SOUTH 73045'41" EAST A DISTANCE OF 84.59 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 93; THENCE NORTH 78025'56" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 44.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Page 1 of 2 E SUBJECT TO EXISTING EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, RIGHTS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD. CONTAINING 14,200 SQUARE FEET OR 0.326 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. APPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAIRTIVIEfe BY fm DATE 5131105 EXHIBIT A CASE NO. LLA 433 Page 2 of 2 ' OF LA OL A - CERTIFICATE OF LOT L E ADJUSTMENT EXHIBIT •B• I LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 05-433 CURVE DATA NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT Cl 212-3722' 38.50' 142.87' C2 52-05.13" 38.50' 35.00' 18.81' C3 44'49'40" 38.50' 30.12' 15.88' C4 105" 8'41" 24.50' 45.46' 32.70' C5 96'54'53" 38.50' 65.12' 43.45' 0 Cep %lb �1g1 2 6-1 QJ10 / Q. 7` JF, I"o PARCEL •A• i� ,5 Q. �6clq �/ 11,490 SQ. FT. l New / ,12,E -1 ` / / / tor '10,Jtjs N v 23,4547 I U rpJ S�iO 84.ss w L2 A o� BOroll /G / ypP B \ � LOT 11NE TO \ / / �o °�S c� PARCEL •B• � 0 2A 14,200 SQ. FT. / �yl ��J �C��° a 0 // 10�. G A S � / �0 boa o y° �y APPROVED BY CO MUNITY DXLOPMENT DEPARTME, LINE DATA NO. BEARING LENGTH L1 N 56'23'44" W 4.26' L2 IN 78'25-56" E 44.00' BY VAJ f.�j Z DATE 5%31�05' EXHIBIT g.. i / (—) INDICATES RECORD CASE No. LLA Boos-433 LEGEND EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE DELETED EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN NEW ADJUSTED LOT LINE DATA PER MB 365/96--107 IDMSA CONSULTING, INC. AM.-A^�E�-AHRo, SMITH & ASSOCIATES, INC. YWNNP/O O CIVH. ENQINEERIN6 ■ LAND SORveyiNo 34200 BOB Horn DRive a RANCHO MMA6R v CA 92270 TELEPHONE (760) 320-9811 ■ FAx (760) 323-7893 J.N. 1533 SHEET 1 of 1 Order No. Escrow No. Loan No. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ULRICH SAUERBREY SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC 81-260 AVE 62 LA QUINTA, CA 92270 DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ .......................................... ..Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR ..Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC hereby GRANT(s) to SHEA LA QUINTA, LLC the real property in the City of La Quinta bignature or Declarant or Agent determining tax- Firm Name GRANT DEED receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, APPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP RTMI BY I t+h 0�At tt/G��y"" DATE SJs� vS EXHIBIT 4ca',+ I CASE NO. LLA ZWS-g32 County of Riverside , State of California, described as See Exhibits A and B attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof NOTE: This grant deed implements the revised lot configuration to Lot Line Adjusment - as a All property subject to this lot line adjustment is owned by a single entity, hence ownership conveyance is a none sent ah secondary fpproved by te City of La unction of this deed. The primary function of this deed is to provide constructive notice of the revised lot configurations pursuant to Govermnem Code Section 66412 (d), and to perfect the intent of the Lot Line Adjustment as ap proved. Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF (i �,'�' "�,v_";. }ss. before me, Personally appeared t�.� -',personally known to mei(or proved to me gn the basis of satisfactory evklence) *to tie tfie'pei'6n(s) whose name(.s, .5s/are subscribed to the wigurt instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in'hrs/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by'his/her/their signs- ture s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity updh behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, Signature rr: MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: (This area for official notarial seal) CITY OF LA WINTA - CERTIFICATE OF LOT NE ADJUSTMENT EXHIBIT •B• I LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 05-433 �oF�l OOP �° d 0\ / CURVE DATA NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT C1 212'37'22" 38.50' 142.87' C2 52'05'13" 38.50' 35.00' 18.81' C3 44'49'40" 38.50' 30.12' 15.88' C4 106'18'41" 24.50' 45.46' 33.70' C5 96'54'53" 38.50' 65.12' 43.45' Q � ev A6 / 00. Q 1). / .61 N PARCEL •A• N 0 11,490 SQ. FT. / 2 \ / w / �rW N - rElD n ,�l 9`•9C / / f 0 84 N 78'25 56\ 0g Ro N 1 (53'i z° / / BE DE 5E0 g4 1 " = 50' LEGEND PARCEL B• / ,�, / / eo S� Cry ° 14,200 SO. Fr. / o��l �OQ�/�� Q �\� ri 0 v V�$0 EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE DELETED EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN NEW ADJUSTED LOT LINE LINE DATA NO. BEARING LENGTH L1 N 56'23'44" W 4.26' E2 N 78'25'S6" E 44.00' INDICATES RECORD DATA PER MB 365/96-107 MSA CONSULTING, INC. MArNmRo, SmrrH & AssocTATEs, INc. — — — — PLANNDvo n Ciw. ENGwul mo u LAND Suavaxwo ID 34200 BOB Hoes DRrvs • RANCHo MmAOE ■ CA 92270 TELEPHoNE (760) 320-98U ■ FAx (760) 323-7893 J.N. 1533 SHEET 1 of 1 F- CITY OF LA QUIN'TA - CERTIFICATE OF LOT L11QE ADJUSTMENT 6 1 EXHIBIT •B• I LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 05-433 1 CURVE DATA NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT Cl 212'37'22" 42.87' -- C2 52'05'13" 35.00' 18.81' C3 44.49'40" M5065.12' 30.12' 15,88' C4 106.18'47 45.46' 32.70' C5 96-54-53" 43.45' 5h / -�° ,m�^ ��, 2 ° �1 eye A ' O g6 N PARCEL 'A• 60 11,490 so. Fr. / NEW N i� 84.5 g 1 W �, 10 /P O / 0zo o G ' z CN j8•Zg'S6 E \J (<�� d9 �? \ / / / o �o3 PARCEL °B° / Jk. / ° 5�o� 14,200 SQ. Fr. LINE DATA NO. BEARING LENGTH L1 IN 55-26 44" W 4.26' L2 IN 78'25'S6" E 144.UU' i / (-) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER MB 365/96-107 LEGEND EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE DELETED EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN NEW ADJUSTED LOT LINE �—MSA CONSULTING, INC. I MAiNmRO, SMITH & ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNiNo ■ Cfvm ENOINE o ■ID LANO SvEvsrwG 34200 BOB HOPE Dry RE • RANCHO MIRAGE ■ CA 92270 TELEPHONB (760) 320-9811 ■ FAx (760) 323-7893 J.N. 1538 SHEET 1 of 1