2011 03 15 CC MinutesLA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15. 2011 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT — None CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH THE AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, DOUGLAS R. EVANS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND /OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 111 AND LA QUINTA CENTRE DRIVE. PROPERTY OWNER / NEGOTIATOR: TORRE NISSAN, GEORGE VELARDE City Manager Genovese stated there is a correction of the location for the Closed Session title where La Quir*.ta Centre Drive should state Auto Centre Drive. The Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 4:00 p.m. A91116T17uir�■ The City Council meeting was reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1 (Brown Act). Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. City Council Minutes 2 MARCH 15, 2011 PUBLIC COMMENT Michael Reinhardt, Executive Manager, Torre Nissan, introduced George Velarde, Dealer Principle, Torre Nissan; and gave a presentation of the remodeling and redesign of Torre Nissan, along with Kathy Gleason, Nissan North America West Region Area Manager, Philip Bum, Nissan North America Riverside Dealer Operations Manager. Mayor Adolph thanked the representatives for the presentation and Mr. Velarde for the partnership and being a part of the community. In response to Council Member Franklin, Mr. Reinhardt explained the commercial vehicle depicted in the brochure is the first commercial vehicle offered to the public; and further explained a task force has been compiled due to the recent disaster in Japan to address any issues; and the first shipment of vehicles are due to be dropped at the La Quinta location in 40 days. Council Member Evans asked about the number of dealerships to be converted and how the funding was provided. Mr. Reinhardt stated 62% of the 1 ,100 dealerships nationwide have been converted; and further explained other cities in conjunction with the dealerships have contributed funding for the conversions. Council Member Henderson stated there is emphasis on the commonality of the design of the exterior, and the right of the dealership to be called 'end ready'; there are some interior components necessary for the newer vehicles; any emphasis of being environmental friendly or are there any LEEDS components included. Mr. Reinhardt explained there will be charging stations at the dealership and available to the public free of charge. Council Member Henderson stated she heard there were seven to nine plants shut down in Japan. Kathy Gleason, stated there were seven to nine plants affected, anticipates losing only less than 2,500 vehicles, and getting the vehicles from the plant to the port is the issue. Council Member Henderson asked where other plants are located. Mrs. Gleason stated there are other plants located in Smyrna, Canton, and Mexico. Council Member Sniff stated he is pleased that Nissan is here to demonstrate potential negotiations; wishes good luck to the dealership; and would like them to continue to remain in and be a contributor to the City. City Council Minutes 3 MARCH 15, 2011 Ed Alderson, representing the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission, thanked the City Council for the Community Services Grant awarded; stated the construction of the new facility is underway, and will be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday in the new facility. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Council Member Sniff requested Consent Calendar Item Nos. 9, 11, 17 and 19 be pulled for separate consideration. ANNOUNCEMENTS — None PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION BY THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGARDING THE PROPOSED COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY IN THE WHITEWATER VICINITY Council Member Henderson stated she has observed a change of the physical location and the distance to the freeway. Supervisor Benoit stated the facility has not been changed to this particular site or showing it closer to the freeway. Council Member Evans asked if it will take some time to staff the facility and find funding. Supervisor Benoit stated finding funding to pay for 750 employees and 500 deputies will be difficult. Council Member Evans conveyed her appreciation of the presentation made to the Palm Springs Desert Resort Communities Convention & Visitors Authority (CVA), and the Task Force collaboration efforts. Council Member Evans asked if the Task Force has been established. Supervisor Benoit stated that both the City of Palm Springs and the County have compiled a list of suggested members and need to appoint 14 members; will hire a consultant to compile statistical data; and hoping to come up with a rational, objective evaluation. Council Member Sniff thanked Supervisor Benoit for making the presentation; stated he has an interest in this matter; it is imperative this project moves forward to provide incarceration as needed in light of the option to early release. City Council Minutes 4 MARCH 15, 2011 Council Member Evans stated everyone supports the need, it's the location that is the concern of those that are opposed to the project. Council Member Sniff stated there must be a financial consideration for not only staffing but maintaining the facility. Council Member Franklin thanked Supervisor Benoit for the presentation which was informational and provided understanding of the project. Mayor Adolph asked if there were problems with escapees at the Larson Justice Center. Supervisor Benoit confirmed and stated the Larson Justice Center is an older facility that is not as secured as the newer facility. Chief Deputy Stafford explained the incident occurred while transporting the inmate; and transferring inmates from one facility to another opens for the potential for a security breach. Supervisor Benoit pointed out the differences between the old and new facilities makes a difference with the security and safety. Mayor Adolph stated he does not believe the proposed location will not directly affect the City of La Quinta; conveyed his mix emotions with supporting the neighboring cities due to the possibility of misinformation. Supervisor Benoit stated the logic is not sustainable; and stated the County is pursuing a non - biased evaluation. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — None APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION — It was moved Council Minutes of March 1 1, Mayor Adolph abstaining. CONSENT CALENDAR by Council Members Sniff /Evans to approve the City , 2011, as submitted. Motion carried by a vote of 4 -0- 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MARCH 15. 2011 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORT FOR JANUARY 31, 2011 3. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR JANUARY 31, 2011 City Council Minutes 5 MARCH 15, 2011 4. APPROVAL OF FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 CITY COUNCIL GOALS 5. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST BY THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PLANNING COMMISSION TO UTILIZE THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON APRIL 20, MAY 25, AND JULY 6, 2011 FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. 6. APPROVAL TO EXCUSE PLANNING COMMISSIONER MARK WEBER'S ABSENCE FROM THE FEBRUARY 8, 2011 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 7. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR FOUR MEMBERS OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING MANAGER TO ATTEND THE 36 ANNUAL CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION CONFERENCE IN SANTA MONICA, CA ON MAY 15 -18, 2011 8. APPROVAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCES RECYCLING AND RECOVERY (CALRECYCLE) FOR A CURBSIDE HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE PROGRAM 9. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE FOR DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES OF THE CITY AND APPROVING DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS IN ACCORDANCE HEREWITH (RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -014) 10. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY ENTERPRISE ZONE (RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -015) 11. APPROVAL OF THE RATIFICATION OF ACTIONS TAKEN TO REPAY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS 12. TRANSMITTAL OF SINGLE AUDIT REPORT ON FEDERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AS OF JUNE 30, 2010 13. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010 -2011 (RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -016) 14. APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO CONSTRUCT THE AVENUE 50 WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2010 -14 15. APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TY LIN INTERNATIONAL TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE ADAMS STREET BRIDGE, PROJECT NO. 2006 -06 City Council Minutes 6 MARCH 15, 2011 16. APPROVAL OF PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENTS AND ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445 APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF AGENCY FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION OF LAND IDENTIFIED AS APNs: 770 -123- 002, 003 AND 004, VIRGINIA EVANS GARBUTT; 770 - 123 -006 AND 010, NIS YIELD PARTNERS, LP, TED NEWELL; 770 - 124 -002 AND 003, JAMES F. KELLY; 770 - 124 -009, NISPERO PROP, BOB HILL; AND 770 - 124 -007, MICHAEL A. FISCHER (RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -17) 17. APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT WITH THE ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP FOR DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES FOR THE WASHINGTON STREET APARTMENTS REHABILITATION PROJECT 18. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 33445 REGARDING FUNDING OF WELLSITES PURSUANT TO AN AMENDMENT TO DOMESTIC WATER AND SANITATION SYSTEM INSTALLATION AND IRRIGATION SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR SILVERROCK (RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -018) 19. APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A COST SHARING AGREEMENT AMONG THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AND THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE COACHELLA CANAL, A REGIONAL WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM, WITHIN THE SILVERROCK PROPERTY AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445 WITH RESPECT TO THE AGENCY'S EXPENDITURE (RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -019) MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Sniff /Evans to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and amended with the exception of Item Nos. 9, 11, 17 and 19 and with Item Nos. 10, 13, 16, and 18 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2011 -015 through 2011 -018 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM NO. 9 ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE FOR DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES OF THE CITY AND APPROVING DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS IN ACCORDANCE HEREWITH Council Member Sniff asked where the minutes of the City Council meetings are listed on the Retention Schedule, and where they are housed. City Clerk Montecino stated the minutes of the City Council meetings are listed on page 22 of City Council Minutes 7 MARCH 15, 2011 the staff report and are housed in the vault of the City Clerk Department. He further asked where the audio tapes of the Council meetings are listed on the Retention Schedule and how long are they kept. City Clerk Montecino could not answer. The City Council directed staff to bring back a Department Report in response to the questions. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE FOR DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES OF THE CITY AND APPROVING DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Franklin /Evans to adopt Resolution No. 2011 -14 as submitted, with a report back explaining the retention of the audio tapes for the City Council meetings. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM NO. 11 APPROVAL OF THE RATIFICATION OF ACTIONS TAKEN TO REPAY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS Council Member Sniff conveyed his concern of the verbiage used for the title on the agenda. Finance Director Falconer explained the verbiage using the word "Approval" is utilized on the agenda. MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Franklin /Evans to approve the ratification of actions taken to repay the Redevelopment Agency Loans. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM NO. 17 APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT WITH THE ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP (RSG) FOR DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES FOR THE WASHINGTON STREET APARTMENTS REHABILITATION PROJECT Council Member Sniff requested additional detail on this item. Assistant City Manager - Development Services Evans explained RSG will relocate residents while rebuilding the facility; and as opposed to bringing a third party, it is staff's desire to utilized RSG because of the established relationship. Council Member Sniff asked if the project is being funded ahead of time, and how did staff verify the amount of $1,472,000. Assistant City Manager - Development Services Evans explained staff took a look at other projects and figures and the City Council Minutes 8 MARCH 15, 2011 amount is in the ballpark of other projects. Council Member Sniff asked if RSG will be conducting design work and engineering services. Assistant City Manager - Development Services Evans stated RSG will help manage the design development, rural development, relocation plan of tenants, construction management and final disposition, and subcontract with landscape architects and engineers. Council Member Sniff asked if this will cover everything. Assistant City Manager - Development Services Evans stated it will cover everything under construction. MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Franklin /Evans to approve a contract with the Rosenow Spevacek Group to develop and implement the Washington Street Apartments project with minor modifications to be approved by the City Manager. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM NO. 19 APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A COST SHARING AGREEMENT AMONG THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AND THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE COACHELLA CANAL, A REGIONAL WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM, WITHIN THE SILVERROCK PROPERTY AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445 WITH RESPECT TO THE AGENCY'S EXPENDITURE Council Member Sniff stated he feels this matter is being rushed; conveyed concern of any omission of responsibility; asked why the City could potentially be spending so much money; what is CVWD expending and what is the difference to the City of La Quinta. City Manager Genovese stated the decision to expend the $11,000,000 or any amount of funds will be brought before the City Council at a later date for approval; and explained the only funds expended under this agreement is for design work. Council Member Sniff asked how was $11,000,000 decided upon and was it the highest amount. City Manager Genovese stated it may have not been the highest, and explained there were four alternatives the City Council reviewed and chose Alternative D, and this may have been the highest in cost as it includes the longest range of pipeline that would be installed. Council Member Sniff asked if staff has some firm understanding of the value of the benefits purchasing and how much is CVWD putting into this. City Manager Genovese explained staff has not begun the process of valuating the project; the decision whether to repair the canal or installing a pipeline will be brought before the City Council at a later time; and stated this agenda item is for approval of an agreement to implement a design. City Council Minutes 9 MARCH 15, 2011 RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -019 A RESOLUTION OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT AMONG THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AND THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445 WITH RESPECT TO THE AGENCY'S EXPENDITURE MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Henderson /Evans to adopt Resolution No. 2011-019, as submitted. Motion carried by a vote of 4 -1, Council Member Sniff dissenting. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS FOR CERTAIN LOCAL STREETS Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson stated there will need to be some consideration for the residents of the Cove when enforcing the new speed limit on Avenida Bermudas. City Manager Genovese stated public announcements can be placed on reader boards. Council Member Henderson suggested a two -week period of time for warnings from the Police Department. City Manager Genovese suggested deferring the enforcement to the Police Department. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -020 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DESGINATING SPEED LIMITS FOR CERTAIN LOCAL STREETS MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff /Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2011 -17 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 THROUGH 2015- 2016 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) Principal Engineer McKinney presented the staff report. City Council Minutes 10 MARCH 15, 2011 Public Works Director Jonasson reviewed additions to the CIP Council Member Franklin asked where the funding will be coming from for the added six projects. City Manager Genovese explained the funding for the added projects will be contingent upon the bond issues to be considered during the public hearing. Council Member Sniff conveyed his concern of depending on borrowed money. City Manager Genovese explained the only borrowed money would be from bond issues in response to the Governor's proposed budget. Council Member Sniff asked if there will be any funding to complete projects for Fiscal Year 2011 -12. City Manager Genovese stated the City currently has funding on hand for FY 2011 -2012, except for the added projects which are contingent upon the bond issues. Council Member Henderson stated it is important to have the discussion of funding; the projects have been in the CIP, and some have moved forward faster than others which is not unusual; some funding comes from Developer Impact Fees, and the City does this program on a yearly basis; fortunate to go forward next year with these projects, provide jobs, and enhance the City; does not impact the City in a negative way; and is afraid that the more we show our success the Governor will want to take more from us. Council Member Evans asked if the added projects are a part of the $142,000,000 and why are they being added at this time. Public Works Director Jonasson explained these projects were on the 'add' list and were moved forward because of the upcoming bond issue. Victor Villanueve, 79805 Amalfi Drive, thanked Mayor Adolph and Council Member Franklin for meeting with a few members of the Esplanade Homeowners' Association Board to discuss the traffic problems residents are having at the entrance /exit into the development; stated the development was conditioned by the City to have dedicated right -in and right -out turn lanes; there is another entrance /exit at Jefferson Street and dangerous to enter traffic; the Board commissioned on their own to conduct traffic volume counts, and according to the study a traffic signal is warranted. Further stated the CIP listed the future signal at number 17 out of 19 projects; stated the developer was required to post a bond which remains with the City; and suggested the City request additional funding from the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG). City Council Minutes 11 MARCH 15, 2011 Mayor Adolph stated he met with the City Manager a month ago regarding signalization at Madison Street and Avenue 54, and asked whether the funding from that project can be transferred to Esplanade. Council Member Henderson stated staff will need to review the traffic analysis and report back to the Council. Mayor Adolph stated staff knows the demographics and traffic on Jefferson Street. Council Member Henderson stated she did hear at the Transportation Committee meeting that the Jefferson Street overpass project is 6 to 7 years away. Jerry Lundin, lives in Esplanade development, stated exiting out onto Jefferson Street is very scary; explained some residents feel safer making a u -turn at the corner to exit the property instead of making a left turn. Council Member Franklin asked how does this work when the City of Indio is involved. Public Works Director Jonasson stated he has spoken with the last two Public Works Directors for Indio and requested this signal be included in their CIP; and further stated the City will probably have to seek other funding because of a certainty there will be a shortfall for funding this project. Council Member Henderson commended staff for the program. City Manager Genovese requested the City Council take up Department Report No. 1B at this time as Indio Police Chief Ramos and Services Manager Jim Curtis have attended the meeting to make a presentation. The City Council concurred. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1B. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE 2011 COACH ELLA /STAGECOACH MUSIC FESTIVALS Assistant City Manager - Management Services Plumlee presented the staff report. Jim Curtis, Human Services Manager, City of Indio, conveyed appreciation of the collaboration between Indio and La Quinta to address the traffic issues of the annual music festivals; explained staff was requested to cut costs for traffic control which impacted the festivals last year; stated the budget for the traffic control has been increased this year to provide adequate traffic City Council Minutes 12 MARCH 15, 2011 control, in collaboration with the City of La Quinta; explained a joint media plan is being conducted between Indio and La Quinta; have finalized traffic and media plans; and thanked the City of La Quinta for partnering with Indio, and for widening of Jefferson Street. Mayor Adolph asked what the City of Indio is doing to keep southbound lanes open on Jefferson Street. Mr. Curtis stated there will be delineators set up to keep southbound traffic flowing. Brad Ramos, Chief of Police, City of Indio, conveyed appreciation of the widening of Jefferson Street; stated the City hopes a media campaign will inform local residents of the traffic issues prior to the events; and stated the Police Department is informed of the surges of traffic occurring when the more popular musicians perform and will provide staff to accommodate. Mayor Adolph conveyed concern of the inability to access the Ralphs shopping center at the northeast corner of Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street. Council Member Evans asked if the City is actively involved with the media plans. Assistant City Manager- Management Services Plumlee confirmed and stated staff and Furino /Greene have reviewed the media plans, and will be releasing news announcements on behalf of the City of La Quinta. Council Member Evans conveyed concern of gated communities not being informed. Mr. Curtis stated Indio has good relationships with Homeowners' Associations in the venue area. Chief Ramos stated the Police Department conducts a canvass of Homeowners' Associations within a half -mile radius of the venue; and utilizes Twitter and Facebook to provide directions to the venue. Mr. Curtis stated the City of Indio will have a concert hotline and email address to provide information or resolve any issues immediately. Council Member Franklin thanked Mr. Curtis and Chief Ramos for their efforts and working with La Quinta staff. The City Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency meeting and to and until 7:00 P.M. City Council Minutes 13 MARCH 15, 2011 7.00 P_M_ PUBLIC COMMENT — None PRESENTATIONS — None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING AMONG THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AND THE LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY TO CONSIDER RESOLUTIONS REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS 1 AND 2 TAXABLE BONDS AND RELATED DOCUMENTS Chairman Adolph opened the Financing Authority meeting. Chairperson Henderson reconvened the Redevelopment Agency meeting. Finance Director Falconer presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Robin Thomas, Wedbush Securities, explained Project Area No. 1 bond issues will expire in 2034 with Project Area No. 2 expiring in 2039; confirmed new debt cannot be acquired during the term of the bonds; explained there are four different bonds, two for housing, one for Project Area No. 1 and one for Project Area No. 2; stated the rate is unknown for all four bonds at this time; and stated the total amount for the new bond issues is $78 million. Ms. Thomas further explained the tax increment has been calculated with no growth the next year and it is customary to have a financing coverage amount built in with $1.30 revenue for every dollar spent for La Quinta. Council Member Sniff asked how we pay these loans off if tax increment money continues to be reduced. Ms. Thomas explained there is enough built in the financing component the City can pro -rate several more years of reduced, assessed value before it becomes a problem. Council Member Sniff asked what the cost of bonds is. Ms. Thomas stated the interest rate today is just under 3% on an A rating, and the City may fall at an A+ rating with a low 1.5% rate. Finance Director Falconer stated the cost is $998,000. City Council Minutes 14 MARCH 15, 2011 In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Thomas stated the life span of the bonds for Project Area No. 1 goes to 2034 and Project Area No. 2 to 2039; explained the payment of the annual cost for the bonds come from tax increment funds; explained the City receives $15 million in tax increment annually in Project Area No. 1, with a debt service of $12.8 million, and Project Area No. 2 generates $2.2 million with a debt service of $1.4 million; and explained according to redevelopment law the City must have debt to receive tax increment funds. Council Member Sniff asked what the cost is in total for the life of the bond issues. Ms. Thomas explained the total for Project Area No. 1 is $300,000,000, and to repay all debt and Project Area No. 2 is $34,000,000. Council Member Sniff stated there is a limitation to the amount of debt the City should acquire; conveyed his concern on acquiring more than the City can bear; and with tax increment going down continually, there is a risk factor. Ms. Thomas stated the issuance of bonds has been approached conservatively with staff's input, and would not put the City at risk. Council Member Franklin asked how staff came to the amount of the four bonds. Ms. Thomas explained staff tried to issue as much debt as can be obtained and still leave enough funding for administrative costs. Council Member Franklin conveyed her concern of the amount of debt issued and the little amount of funds left over. Council Member Evans concurred with the concern of Council Member Franklin; stated the City was built by taking risks; stated it may or may not need to happen right away, and empowering the City Manager will give flexibility to issuing the bonds; and stated she will support the recommendation. Council Member Henderson stated Wedbush Securities technically has a fiduciary responsibility to the City. Ms. Thomas confirmed, and stated the success of her firm and competitors is to provide excellent customer service. Council Member Henderson stated the City has previously insured bonds. Ms. Thomas confirmed and explained the current insurer filed bankruptcy two months ago, but was required to set aside reserves to cover the bonds City Council Minutes 15 MARCH 15, 2011 insured. Council Member Henderson asked if the holders of the bond issues would get paid. Ms. Thomas confirmed. Council Member Henderson asked if the City continues to maintain insurance on the Transient Occupation Tax (TOT). Finance Director Falconer explained the City continues to carry catastrophic insurance for the La Quinta Hotel. Council Member Henderson stated she does not believe the market will recover in five years but will take longer; stated the resetting of the mortgages will put homes back on the market and there is no formula for moving forward; understands why the City must protect these funds; and stated there is a need to have operating costs established and feels staff has done the best job they can at this time. Mayor Adolph agreed with the comments made by the Council Members; the housing market was at its peak in 2006 and 2007; and asked if it is necessary to move forward on the housing bonds and hold on the other bond issues depending on the governor's actions. Finance Director Falconer explained there is $2.3 million of estimated excess in Project Area No. 1 and $1.4 million in Project Area No. 2, and an estimated amount of $3.7 million excess for housing; explained the $78 million in bond issues will substitute the $40 million used to pay -off the General Fund. Mayor Adolph stated that all we are doing is protecting ourselves. Finance Director Falconer stated staff will set aside 10% for debt service and the Treasurer will maintain the $7.8 million as a reserve in case of a shortfall. City Manager Genovese stated that in light of the concern of the margin, staff can run numbers at 135 coverage or 140 coverage ratio; and stated the City currently has bond insurance on a couple of current bond issues. City Manager Genovese questioned Ms. Thomas if the City is able to be selective on which debt service it pays first. Ms. Thomas stated the City cannot be selective and the bonds are written where the City must meet a parity tax which makes all the bonds equal. Council Member Sniff asked what the legal risk in issuing the bonds is and will it be challenged by the State. City Attorney Jenson stated she does not see a basis for the State to challenge the bond issue; does think the State recognizes the existing bonded indebtedness; there will be issues and if the legislation goes through, and the sale has not been done, the City would not be able to proceed. Ms. Thomas explained the bond contract has a cancellation clause if the bond does not go through, the City can cancel at no cost. City Council Minutes 16 MARCH 15, 2011 City Attorney Jenson stated the only thing that is pledged is the tax increment, no other funding sources can be taken. Council Member Franklin asked where the $7.8 million would be placed. Finance Director Falconer explained the funds will be invested with US Bank Trustee, and on a parity basis will invest in Treasury Bonds with a five year maximum to have quick access to the funds. Council Member Henderson asked if the interest will be reinvested into the account. Ms. Thomas explained usually interest earnings get transferred into an interest account to reduce the next debt service payment. The Mayor /Chairman Adolph, and Chairperson Henderson declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:49 p.m. There being no requests to speak, the Mayor /Chairman and Chairperson declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:49 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -021 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ITS LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA NO. 1, TAXABLE TAX ALLOCATION BONDS, SERIES 2011 AND MAKING CERTAIN DETERMINATIONS RELATING THERETO It was moved by Council Members Henderson /Evans to adopt Resolution No. 2011-021 as submitted. Motion carried by a vote of 4 -1, with Council Member Sniff dissenting. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -022 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ITS LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA NO. 2, TAXABLE TAX ALLOCATION BONDS, SERIES 2011 AND MAKING CERTAIN DETERMINATIONS RELATING THERETO It was moved by Council Members Evans /Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2011-022 as submitted. Motion carried by a vote of 4 -1, with Council Member Sniff dissenting. City Council Minutes 17 MARCH 15, 2011 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ITS LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS, TAXABLE TAX ALLOCATION HOUSING BONDS, SERIES 2011 AND MAKING CERTAIN DETERMINATIONS RELATING THERETO It was moved by Council Members Henderson /Evans to adopt Resolution No. 2011 -023 as submitted. Motion carried by a vote of 4 -1, with Council Member Sniff dissenting. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -024 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LOAN BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY It was moved by Council Members Evans /Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2011-024 as submitted. Motion carried by a vote of 4-1, with Council Member Sniff dissenting. STUDY SESSION ... continued 2. DISCUSSION OF THE DRAFT 2011 -2012 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Economic Development Project Manager Powell presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson asked if staff will be placing the new population number on the City sign. Economic Development Project Manager Powell stated the new number is based on estimates from the Federal census counts. City Manager Genovese stated the State Department of Finance will be updating its population estimate numbers; the new numbers will be posted on the signs. Council Member Henderson asked what does the City get from the State with a higher population. City Manager Genovese explained there are statistics that are based on population; for the last several years, the City has been given additional subventions because of the higher population. City Council Minutes 18 MARCH 15, 2011 Council Member Henderson stated that the statistics could indicate the Police Department could seem overstaffed because of the number per thousand. City Manager Genovese explained the City has not yet adopted a number per thousand, and looking at policing based on population would be problematic, as the City should look at the needs, for example in the commercial district. Mayor Adolph asked if these goals are basically the same as last year. Economic Development Project Manager Powell confirmed. Council Member Henderson stated staff took a good strategy as there doesn't seem to be any changes with the economy; and stated it is important to support businesses and encourage growth. Council Member Sniff stated the goals are very realistic as the economy doesn't seem to be changing in the next few months. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS C.V. Conservation Commission - Council Member Sniff reported the nexus study is creating doubts, confusion and a lack of consensus, and the discussion came down to continuing the matter to April; the fees of $40 per acre that are being contemplated are due to the loss of the Eagle Mountain sale; and the building community does not think the economy will significantly improve right away. Council Member Henderson stated the developers are upset that Eagle Mountain did not come to fruition and they feel the Commission is asking too much with the fees. League of California Cities - Council Member Henderson announced the next Riverside Division meeting is scheduled Monday, March 21, 2011, in Palm Desert. Riverside County Transportation Committee - Council Member Henderson reported there has been discussion of bringing a daily passenger rail service; Union Pacific has discussed this matter with the Commission; announced a train will run from Los Angeles to the Coachella Valley in celebration of Train Day, bringing passengers to stay and play for the weekend. The Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) and the Palm Springs Desert Resort Communities Convention & Visitors Authority (CVA) have signed on with this promotion, with CVEP providing monetary support; stated this will be a beginning to a discussion with Metrolink; and a resolution was passed and requested the cities to also adopt it in support. City Council Minutes 19 MARCH 15, 2011 National League of Cities — Council Member Henderson reported the Board established goals in preserving Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, but new members wish to cut the program due to their lack of understanding of what the funds provide; stated there will be cuts and all are protecting their special interest; this is a $4 billion allocation from the Federal Government that goes directly to the cities; there are an unbelievable number of cities throughout the country that depend on CDBG funding; and there is a push for a new transportation bill for next year, with an agreement for the need but there is a lack of funding. League of California Cities — Council Member Henderson reported a conference call will be conducted by the League on March 17, 2011 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and only the elected officials will be able to participate in the question- and - answer period; there is supposedly a vote tomorrow on the budget, the tax extension, and removal of the redevelopment agencies; the essence of the conference call is to explain various proposals that have been made public; California Redevelopment Agency's proposal is a voluntary proposal and will ask the members for a straw vote on the endorsement of any of the proposals, or the Governor's budget which includes the tax extension; the straw vote will be brought before the Board and will decide whether to support any of the proposals, budget or tax extension; and encouraged the City Council to participate in the conference call. CVAG Public Safety Committee — Council Member Evans reported Patrick Mahoney is gone from the committee, and Mary poach was appointed; and the Committee unanimously approved a recommendation for a resolution to be adopted regarding the pre - parolee program. All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS ..... continued 1C. QUARTERLY MARKETING REPORT Council Member Evans stated she is pleased the new iPhone app will be working soon; and asked if an app will be available for the Blackberry. Assistant City Manager- Development Services Evans explained an app for the Blackberry will be available next year. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' City Council Minutes 20 MARCH 15, 2011 Council Member Franklin referred to Consent Calendar Item No. 7 regarding the Historic Preservation Commission Member's attendance to the Annual California Preservation Conference, and requested a report be provided to the City Council. Mayor Adolph referred to a newspaper article regarding the roundabout spinning - out problems and spoke to the reporter to explain that 99% of the people like the roundabout as it provides constant flow of traffic; and was disappointed with the comments made as they were misleading. Council Member Evans thanked staff for organizing the United Way dinner table, and as Chair for next year's event, requested staff to begin thinking of a theme, and may require the Mayors to wait at the tables. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff /Evans to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respect Ily submitted, VERONICA ONTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California