RDA Resolution 2011-016RESOLUTION NO. RA 2011 - 016
FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 THROUGH 2O15-2016
WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 66002, the City of
La Quinta ("City") is required to review and adopt a Capital Improvement Plan (the
"Plan"); and
WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency is required to conduct a noticed
public hearing for consideration and adoption of the Plan; and
WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing has been given pursuant to
Government Code Section 65090; and
WHEREAS, the Plan is a five-year planning instrument used by the
Redevelopment Agency to identify capital improvement needs and to coordinate
financing and timing of those needs in a manner that maximizes the return to the
public; and
WHEREAS, the Plan is a statement of the Redevelopment Agency's goals,
objectives and priorities for a five-year Plan and the financial commitments required
to accomplish those objectives; and
WHEREAS, the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 through 2015-2016 Plan proposes
approximately $123,389,158 in improvement projects and $138,220,579 of
unfunded additional improvement projects over the five-year period, commencing
on July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2016; and
WHEREAS, the amount allocated from the Plan for first -year projects, called
the "Capital Budget," proposes $65,526,489 in improvements, as shown in Exhibit
1, which is attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution; and
WHEREAS, there is inadequate funding within the City's General Fund or
from other sources to completely and fully fund the improvements identified within
the Capital Budget; and
WHEREAS, the completion of the improvements identified within the Capital
Budget that are located inside La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1
Resolution No. RA 2011-016
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Years 2011/12 - 2015116
Adopted: April 5. 2011
Page 2
("Project Area No. 1 "), which are identified on Exhibit 1 as funded by "PA #1 " (the
"Project Area No. 1 Improvements"), will help to obtain the goals and objectives of
Project Area No. 1 as well as to afford an opportunity to eliminate conditions of
blight in Project Area No. 1; and
WHEREAS, the completion of the improvements identified within the Capital
Budget that are located inside La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2
("Project Area No. 2"), which are identified on Exhibit 1 as funded by "PA #2" (the
"Project Area No. 2 Improvements"), will help to obtain the goals and objectives of
Project Area No. 2 as well as to afford an opportunity to eliminate conditions of
blight in Project Area No. 2; and
WHEREAS, with the legislative body's consent and the satisfaction of certain
specified requirements set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 33445, the
California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000
et seq.) (the "CRL") authorizes redevelopment agencies to expend tax increment
funds to acquire real property for, and to fund the cost of the installation and
construction of, publicly owned buildings, facilities, and improvements; and
WHEREAS, certain of the Project Area No. 2 Improvements involve
construction of new publicly owned affordable housing buildings (the "Washington
Street Work"); and
WHEREAS, Health & Safety Code Section 33679 requires that before a
redevelopment agency can expend tax increment funds to fund the cost of the
installation and construction of publicly owned buildings the agency must prepare a
Summary Report to consider the agency's proposed payment for such installation
and construction, that the agency's board of directors and the legislative body
conduct a noticed joint public hearing with respect to the proposed payment, and
that the approval of the proposed payment be accompanied by certain findings and
determinations; and
WHEREAS, a Summary Report for the Washington Street Work has been
prepared and the joint public hearing has been conducted, in accordance with
applicable requirements of law; and
WHEREAS, the Agency Board of Directors has considered all the information
and evidence set forth in the Summary Report and presented by persons wishing to
appear and be heard concerning the impact of the Washington Street Work on
Project Area No. 2 and the City as a whole; and
WHEREAS, the Washington Street Work and all of the other Project Area No.
2 Improvements are in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan for Project Area
No. 2 and are of benefit to Project Area No. 2 and the City of La Quinta; and
Resolution No. RA 2011-016
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Years 2011112 - 2015/16
Adopted: April 5, 2011
Page 3
WHEREAS, the Project Area No. 1
Redevelopment Plan for Project Area No.
and the City of La Quinta; and
Improvements are in accordance with the
1 and are of benefit to Project Area No. 1
WHEREAS, all action required of the Agency to be taken precedent to review
and consideration of the Washington Street Work and all of the other Project Area
No. 2 Improvements, and the Project Area No. 1 Improvements by the Agency
have been taken in accordance with applicable law.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the La Quinta Redevelopment
Agency, as follows:
SECTION 1. The above recitations are true and correct.
SECTION 2. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a), the Agency
finds and determines that:
A. The Project Area No. 1 Improvements are of benefit to Project Area No. 1,
by helping to eliminate blight within Project Area No. 1, in that the Project
Area No. 1 Improvements consist of public infrastructure improvements, and
the Redevelopment Plan for Project Area No. 1 provides for the elimination,
and prevention of the spread, of blight and blighting influences through the
installation, construction, or re -construction of streets, utilities, and other
public facilities and improvements.
B. The Project Area No. 2 Improvements (other than the Washington Street
Work, which is addressed in Paragraph C below) are of benefit to Project
Area No. 2, by helping to eliminate blight within Project Area No. 2, in that
the Project Area No. 2 Improvements (other than the Washington Street
Work, which is addressed in Paragraph C below) consist of public
infrastructure improvements and one property acquisition, and the
Redevelopment Plan for Project Area No. 2 provides for the elimination, and
prevention of the spread, of blighting influences through the installation,
construction, reconstruction, redesign, or reuse of streets, utilities, curbs,
gutters, sidewalks, traffic control devices, flood control facilities and other
public improvements, and also provides for property acquisition as a means
of eliminating and preventing the spread of blighting influences.
C. The Washington Street Work is of benefit to Project Area No. 2, by providing
housing for low- or moderate -income persons, in that the Washington Street
Work consists of the construction of additional affordable housing units and
necessary on- and off -site improvements.
D. No other reasonable means of financing the Project Area No. 1
Improvements or the Project Area No. 2 Improvements are available to the
community, for the following reasons: (i) City monies are dedicated to
critical police, fire, and other necessary expenditures, including other capital
Resolution No. RA 2011-016
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Years 2011/12 - 2015/16
Adopted: April 5, 2011
Page 4
improvement projects; (ii) the only practical means of paying for the Project
Area No. 1 Improvements and the Project Area No. 2 Improvements is to use
Agency funding; (iii) without Agency funding for the Project Area No. 1
Improvements and the Project Area No. 2 Improvements the Project Area No.
1 Improvements and the Project Area No. 2 Improvements would not be
completed, all to the detriment of Project Area No. 1 and Project Area No. 2.
E. The Project Area No. 1 Improvements and the Project Area No. 2
Improvements are consistent with the Agency's implementation plan adopted
pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33490 (the "Implementation
Plan"), in that improving public infrastructure and facilities within Project
Area No. 1 and Project Area No. 2 are goals set forth in the Implementation
Plan, and acquiring the Village Area Land described in Exhibit 1 and
performing the Washington Street Work are proposed projects set forth in
the Implementation Plan.
SECTION 3. The Agency's expenditure for the Project Area 1 Improvements and
the Project Area No. 2 Improvements is necessary to effectuate the purposes of
the Redevelopment Plans for Project Area No. 1 and Project Area No. 2 and is in
the best interests of the City of La Quinta.
SECTION 4. The Capital Budget is hereby included in the Agency's Fiscal Year
2011-2012 operating budget, which appropriates funds for specific facilities,
equipment and improvements, and the Agency hereby approves the Agency's
funding of the Project Area No. 1 Improvements and the Project Area No. 2
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta
Redevelopment Agency held on this 5th day of April 2011, by the following vote to
AYES: Agency Members Adolph, Evans, Franklin, Sniff, Chair Henderson
La Quin Redevelopment Agency
Resolution No. RA 2011-016
Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Years 2011/12 - 2015/16
Adopted: April 5. 2011
Page 5
Fit III r*39
,La Quinta Redevelopment Agency
(Agency Seal)
La Quinta Redevelopgency