CC Resolution 2011-027 Amended Records Retention ScheduleRESOLUTION NO. 2011 - 027 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN AMENDED RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE FOR DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES OF THE CITY AND APPROVING DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH WHEREAS, except for records less than two years old and certain other records, Government Code Section 34090 authorizes the head of the city department to destroy any city record, document, instrument, book or paper under his/her charge, without making a copy thereof, after the same is no longer required, with the approval of the City Council by resolution and written consent of the City Attorney; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes there are benefits of ease of administration to adopting a Records Retention Schedule governing the disposition and destruction of official city records in accordance with State and Federal laws, and records management best practices; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the Records Retention Schedule by Resolution 201 1-014 on March 15, 201 1; and WHEREAS, the City Council requested and received clarification on the retention of audio recordings of public meetings, and desires to change that retention period for certain public meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. The Records Retention Schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated as part of this Resolution is hereby adopted. 2. The destruction of records no longer required for administrative, legal, fiscal or historical reasons is approved provided it is done in strict compliance with the retention period set forth in the Records Retention Schedule. 3. Records are not to be kept beyond the retention period set forth in the Records Retention Schedule. 4. The Record Retention Schedule adopted by Resolution 2011-014 is hereby rescinded. Resolution No. 2011-027 Amended Records Retention Schedule Adopted: April 19, 2011 Page 2 of 2 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 19" day of April 2011 by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None O'l DON ADOL H, May City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: NTECINO, CMC, City Clerk California r (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSqWCity Attorney City of La Quinta, Call ornia City 01 La 014imia, caNjorNia RETENTION SCHEDULE TABLE OF CONTENTS 100 ADMINISTRATION -- - - - - — 101 Correspondence &Reference � 102 Publications - 103 Policies & Procedures 104 Public Relations 105 Information Technologies - - 106 Records Management 200 PLANNING AND REDEVELOPMENT - 201 - -- -- - - - - - — - - - 202 Historic Preservation i . - - - -- 203 Planning 204 Community Development Block Grant Prog 208 Redevelopment - !I - 300 ECONOMIC_ DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING - 301 Economic Development 302 Marketing 400 FINANCIAL AND FISCAL 401 General Accounting 402 Banking Records 403 Audits 404 Payroll - 405 Bonds - - - 406 Retirement ! -- -- 407 Investments 408 Revenue 409 Taxes - - - - --! -- — Page 1 of 31 -- 410 _ Budgets --- - ---- - -1 411 Cost Analysis Studies - — — - 412 Accounts Payable and Purchasing 413 Bids- 500 HUMAN RESOURCES AND RISK MANAGEMENT 501 Human Resources Administration 502 Personnel Records _ 503 Salary and Benefits 504 Classifications 505 Personnel Management- 506 Recruitment and Selection 507 Education and Training- 508 Safety and Medical Records 509 Labor Relations 510 Risk Management 600 CONTRACTS, SUPPLIES, AND EQUIPMENT 601 (Open) 602 Contracts and Agreements 603 - Inventory, Supplies, and Maintenance I - 700 LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE - 701 Legislative (inclu Board & Commission Agendas, etc) 702 Elections __-._ 703 _ Legatigations and Litigations l Inves 704 Legal Operations 705 Assessment/Special Districts J - _ 800 CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING 801 General Administration 8_02 Engineering Permits and Inspections 803 Engineering Maps, Plans, and Specs- 804 Building Permits and Inspections _ _ -- - _-- — --- — - — — - � - — 805 Building Plans and Specifications -- -806 Capital Projects -- - --- -- --- 807 Streets, Bridges, Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters, & Driveways Page 2 of 31 808 Storm Drainage, Flood Control& Sanitation 809 Traffic Engineering 810 Parking - ij- -- _--- - 900 (open) - - - ---- - 1000 PROPERTY 1001 Right_ -Of-Ways - - -- - - - 1002 Real Property 1003 Boundary Files Y 1004 Annexations 1100 PUBLIC FACILITIES 1101 Administrative Facilities 1 102 Parks and Open Space — - - - - 1200 UTILITIES, COMMUNICATIONS, AND TRANSPORTATION 1201 General Utilities 1202 Gas and Electric 1203 Water Service 1204 Telephone 1205 Cable Television 1206 _ Transportation 1300 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL 1301 General Administration 1302 Emergency Services 1303 Police Services 1304 Fire Services 1305 Animal Control 1306 Environmental Issues & Conservation 1307 Code Enforcement and Permits 1400 ARTS, RECREATION, AND EDUCATION 1401 Cultural Arts 1402 Recreation Programs and Activities 1403 Education Page 3 of 31 I i _ 1500 GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS & OFFICES _ 1501 United States 1502 State of California _ 1503 Regional - - — -- --- 1504 Riverside County -- ---- -- -- 1505 Intra-City 1506 Internatio—nal i DEPARTMENT CODES RETENTION SCHEDULE CITATIONS B+S Building & Safety/Code Compliance CC City Clerk B&P ;Business and Professions CAC (California Administrative code j _ CS 'Community Services CM City Manager Dept CCP i, Code of Civil Procedure Code of California Regulations _ - F Finance PL .Planning _CCR CEQA iCalifornia Environmental Quality Act CFR of Federal Regulations PW Public Works _!Code EC Election Code -- — _-- - FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act, 1993 _ GC ''.Government Code H&S j Health and Safety Code' HUD !Housing and Urban Development LQCC / CM I La Quints City Council Resolution / City Manger approval _ LQCC / CA jLa Quints City Council Resolution / City Attorney approval _ OMB j Federal Office of Management & Budget OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act PC --- I Penal Code POST Post Office Standards Training UFO (Uniform Fire Code _ USC United States Code WIC jWelfare and InstitutionsCode Page 4 of 31 oily 0114 aaida, eaei jormia_--- - -- - -- --- --- ---- -- RETENTION SCHEDULE j For all files, retention should be PERMANENT if contents have historical value. Retention pertains to original record except where otherwise noted in the Records Management Manual — UFFS Description TOTAL Primary _Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 100 ADMINISTRATION ADMIN. 101 CORRESPONDENCE & REFERENCE: 101.01 Chronological Correspondence current year + 2 years all departments CC:no GC34090(d)_ 101.02 Conferences & Meetings (external) destroy at will all departments CC:no non -record 101.03 City Boards, Commissions, Committees- General current year + 2 years supporting dept CC:no GC340901d) 101.04 Council Chamber Reservations / Facility Use current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 101.05 Suspense & Tickler Files, General Subject j current year + 2 years _ _ all departments GC34090 101.06 Departmental Staff Meetings, General Subject current year + 2 years _ hosting dept _ _CC:no CC:no GC34090 101.07 Work & Vacation Schedules until superseded all departments CC:no non -record 101.08 Telephone Directories j until superseded all departments CC:no non -record 101.09 Reference Materials _ until superseded all departments CC:no non -record 101_10 Instruction for Completing Specific Tasks destroy at will issuing dept CC:no non -record ADMIN._102 _ PUBLICATIONS:_ 102.01 Public Hearing Postings (non -legal) current year + 2 years issuing dept CC:no GC34090.7; 54960.1(c)(1) 102.02 Meeting Notices, Other current year + 2 years issuing dept CC:no_ GC34090 102.03 Display Ads & Misc. (non -legal) _ _ current year + 2 years issuing dept _ _ CC:no - GC34090 102.04 Subscriptions (non -City publications) _ _ _ _I destroy at will receiving dept CC:no _ non -record 102.05 Publication Rates until superseded FINANCE CC:no non -record 102.06 Web Site files current year + 2 years publishing dept CC:no GC34090 ADMIN.103 _ _ P_OLICIES_& PROCEDURES___ 103.01 Mission Statements until superseded + 2 years CITY MANAGER drive GC34090;40801 103.02 Administrative Policies until superseded + 5 years CITY MANAGER [sKared harGC34090d 103.03 (OPEN)103.04 Goals & Objectives I current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER hared drive GC34090 Page 5 of 31 UFFS D_e_scription TOTAL I Primary Scan / Citation Number _ RETENTION 1 Responsibility Image 103.05 !Organizational Charts until superseded + 5 years j j CITY MANAGER i shared drive '', 29 CFT 1627.3; Lbr Rltns Sec 1174; 29 CFR 1602.30.32; GC6250 at seq; 29 CFR; GC 12946, 34090 i ADMIN. 104 PUBLIC RELATIONS 104.01 Public Inquires &Complaints current year + 2 years j receiving dept CC:no' GC34090 104.02 104.03 Press Releases, Issued by City _-_- - Newsletter, Created by City .__ current + 2 years i j issuing dept j GC34090 -year __- - _ . _ I- until superseded + 2 years issuing dept ___CC:no - i CC:no GC34090 104.04 104.05 104.06 104.07 Other Publications, Created by City City Brochures & Calendars, Created by -City Public Ceremonies & Events, Produced b City City Anniversary Events - � until superseded + 2 years :! issuing dept CS:no GC34090 _ until superseded + 2 years issuing dept % CS:noproducing GC34090 current year + 2 ears dept current year + 2 years producing dept CS:no GC34090 CS:no GC34090 104.08 104.09 _ _ _'Other S_pe_cial Events, Pro-du--c-e-d by ._CitV Public Surveys/Questionnaires, Issued by City year + 2Vears I. producing dept i _GC34090 _ _current current year + 2ears issuing dept _-_CS:no CC:no GC34090 104.10 104.11 104.12 1 04. 13 Awards & Donations Received by the City Awards, Proclamations & Donations Presented by the City 1Pillars of the Community Program Senior Inspiration Award Program PERMANENT ! CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 PERMANENT issuing dept CC:no li GC34090 PERMANENT CLERK+ COM SVC CS:yes GC34090 PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes GC34090 104.14 104.15 Civic Organizations & Clubs Community Education until superseded + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 until superseded + 2 years issuing dept CC:no GC34090 104.16 104.17 _ Promotional Activities Newspaper Clippings about City current year + 2 years issuing dept CS:no ! GC34090 PERMANENT CLERK CC:no - historic value 104.18 104.19 'Photographs: Historic or Public Property .City Seal Logo - Bird Flower Tree PERMANENT receiving dept _'' CC:no historic value _ PERMANENT CLERK CC:no historic value 104.20 104.21 City Pins :City Fla g j PERMANENT i CLERK CC:no historic value - PERMANENT BUILDING CC:no historic value 104.22 104.23 Acknowledgment Areas Program Keys to the City -I. PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes historic value - -_ --- PERMANENT I CLERK CC:no i -_ historic value 104.24 Sister City Program designation/correspondence PERMANENT CLERK j CC:no historic value ADMIN. 105 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 105.01 jComputer Software, programs & manuals until superseded + 2 years INFO SERVICES CC:no GC34090 105.02 105.03 . Telephone System programs & manuals Software Licenses until superseded + 2 years 'I INFO SERVICES CC:no GC34090 I until superseded + 2 years I INFO SERVICES CC:no GC34090 105.04 105.05 (OPEN) Warranties on Software & Equipment 4 until superseded + 2 years INFO SERVICES CC:no GC34090 Page 6 of 31 LIFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 105.06 Configuration Maps & Plans of Systems I current year + 4 years INFO SERVICES 105.07 Daily backup of system files 14 days INFO SERVICES 105.08 Weekly backup of system files 14 days INFO SERVICES 105.09 (OPEN) 105.10 (OPEN) E-Mail inbox and sent folders - (60 days to move reocrds out, 60 days 105.11 remainder is non -records) it 105.12 E-Mail deleted items folder (7 days to retrieve deleted items) 7 days ADMIN. 106 RECORDS__MANAGEMENT 106.01 Filing Systems &Procedures /Records Management Manual _ _?_until superseded + 2 years 106.02 Retention Schedule until superseded + 4 years 106.03 Records Destruction Authorizations PERMANENT 106.04 Records Inventories, Inactive in basement PERMANENT 106.05 Records Indexing Lists PERMANENT 106.06 Records Inventories, Active _ _ PERMANENT 200 PLANNING — & REDEVELOPMENT 201.00 (OPEN) 202.01 Historic Site Inventories 202.02 Master Plans 202.03 Preservation Case Files 202.04 Archeological Collections PLNIREDEV203 PLANNING 203.01 Tentative Tract Maps 203.02 Tentative Parcel Maps 203.03 Zone Changes 203.04 Variances 203.05 Major Use / Event Permits 203.06 Minor Use / Event Permits 203.07 Temporary Use Permits every employee every employee CC:no GC34090; CCP337.2, 343 NA LQCC Resolution NA LQCC Resolution non -record, no LQCC Resolution_ non -record, no LQCC Resolution CLERK CC:no CLERK shared drive CLERK I CC:yes depositing dept CC:no_ filing dept CC:no filing dept CC:no GC34090;40801 CCP343 GC34090 GC34090 GC34090 GC34090 PERMANENT PLANNING CC:no GC34090d, LQCC/CM until superseded + 2 years PLANNING CC:no GC34090 PERMANENT PL:yes GC3 PERMANENT _4090 -PLANNING---,-- PLANNING I PL: no. _ _ GC30490 PERMANENT PLANNING PERMANENT PLANNING j PERMANENT PLANNING PERMANENT PLANNING PERMANENT PLANNING PERMANENT .. PLANNING _ until expiration + 5 years PLANNING Page 7 of 31 PL:yes GC34090.7; H&S19850 PL:yes same as 203.01 PL:no GC34090 PL:yes GC34090.7; H&S19850; 4003; 4004 _ PL:no GC34090d, LQCC/CM PL:no _. GC34090d, LQCC/CM PL:no GC34090d, LQCC/CM UFFS Number Description _ _ TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation RETENTION Responsibility Image 203.08 (Conditional Use Permits PERMANENT I PLANNING PL:yes same as 203.04 203.09 Zoning Interpretations (Maps) current year + 2 years I PLANNING PL:no GC34090 203.10 (OPEN) 203.11 _ 203.12 203.13 203.14 General Plan Amendments Lot Line Adjustments / Can of Compliance _ _ --- ------ - Environmental Impact Files (OPEN) ---{---- I PERMANENT PLANNING PL yes GC50110, LQCC/CM PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090a PERMANENT �, PLANNING PL:yes I GC34090a --- - 203.15 203.16 Comprehensive Sign Programs _Temporary Signs (Real Estate, Political, etc.) PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090, LQCC/CM until expiration + 2 years i PLANNING PL:noI GC34090d 203.17 203.18 Monument / Sign Permits Sig -_ Directional Signs, City -owned PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes same as 203.04 until superseded + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:no GC34090 203.19 203.20_ Parcel Mergers w/o Parcel Maps PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes same as 203.04 _ 203.21 _(OPEN( Specific Plans PERMANENT ! PLANNING PL:yes same as 203.01 ICI 203.22 Moratoriums PERMANENT ! PLANNING PLno _' same as 203.04 203.23 203.24 Waivers Plot Plans / Site Development Permits PERMANENT PERMANENT ! PLANNING PLANNING PL:yes GC34090a PL:yes GC34090d, LQCC/CM 203.25 203.26_ .Second Unit Permits (OPEN) PERMANENT PLANNING B+S:no same as 203.04 203.27 203.28 Demographics and Statistics (OPEN) until completed + 4 years__' CITY MANAGER CC:no', GC34090d _ 203.29 203.30 '(OPEN)- Agricultural Preserves PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC34090a 203.31 203.32 Regional Planning Appeals case files until superseded + 2 years PERMANENT PLANNING dept. managing case PL:no i GC34090 CC:yes, PL:yes same as 203.04 ELMIREREV204 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ICDBG7 204.01 'General until completed + 4 years COMMUNITY SERVICES CC:no 24CFR570.502(b)(3); 241 CFR85.42; OMB Cir A - 110 (attach C), A102, 128; HUD regs 204.02 Applications - filed by year until completed + 4 years PLANNING CC:no same as 204.01 PLN/REDEV205 Of PENL i PLN(REDEV206 (OPEN) PLN/REDEV207 J0PENl Page 8 of 31 TUFFS Description ITOTAL Primary_ I ___Scan / Citation Number I RETENTION Resoonsibilitv e Imao 208.01 Fz11rxy 208.03 208.04 208.05 208.06 208.07 208.08 208.09 208.10 208.11 208.12 Redevelopment Plan Project Areas Housing Loan Programs (case files) Housing Loan Correspondence Rental Program: Multi -Family Housing (case files) Rehab Program: Residential (case files) Sewer Subsidy Program (case files) Rental Program: Single -Family Housing (case files) Assessment Subsidy Program (case files) Affordable Housing Database Rehab Program: Commercial (case files) Implementation Plans (5-year / Project Areas) IJ4a�tile\r!Iq� 1�:1 �l_F.TiL.[tl�ga7 PERMANENT RDA PERMANENT RDA and CLERK current year + 2 years RDA PERMANENT RDA and CLERK PERMANENT RDA and CLERK PERMANENT RDA and CLERK PERMANENT RDA and CLERK PERMANENT T RDA and CLERK until superseded + 2 years RDA and CLERK PERMANENT RDA and CLERK PERMANENT RDA CC:yes GC34090.7; H&S19850 same as 208.01 _ _CC:yes GC34090; CC:yes 24CFR570.502(b)(3); 24CFR8.42; OMB circ SA- __ 110 CC:no GC34090 CC:yes same as 208.03 CC:yes same as 208.03 CC:yes same as 208.03 CC:yes same as 208.03 CC:yes _ _ _____s_ame as 208.03 CC:no GC34090 _ CC:yes same as 208.03 PL:no _ GC34090 300 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING ECON/MKT301 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 301.01 Economic Development Plan li PERMANENT CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 301.02 Studies / Research / Demographics until completed + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090d 301.03 Business Development / Projects until completed + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090d ECON/MKT303 MARKETING 302.01 Marketing Studies while current + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090d 302.02 Videos & Photos while current + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 Page 9 of 31 OFFS_ Description TOTAL PrimaryL Scan / Citation Number _ RETENTION Responsibility image 400 FINANCIAL & FISCAL FINANCIAL 401 GENERAL ACCOUNTING 401 .01 401.02 -Budgetary 401.03 401.04 Chart of Accounts _ _ _-_..___. Accounting_until 9 YY Budget Adjustments Check Registers until audited + 7 ears .- - ___. _. - Y audited + 7 ears FINANCE I FINANCE F:no GC34090 F:no � GC34090 until audited + 7 years FINANCE - until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 F:no�i CCP337; GC34090 401 .05 - 401 .O6 Fixed Assets: Inventory, Valuation &Disposal - - - Requests for Payment (check requests) 111111; until audited + 7 years -- - - - __ until audited + 7 years ! FINANCE FINANCE GC34090; 26CFR301 65- F:no 1(F) F:no GC34090 _ 401.07 401.08 Demands and Warrants Petty Cash until audited + 7 years until audited + 7 years ! FINANCE FINANCE CC:no GC34090 F:no GC34090 401.09 _ 401.10 401.11 401.12 Statements of Indebtedness 'Monthly Financial Statements (Rev/Exp Rpts) rtAnnual Financial Statements & Reports State Revenues (Mandated Costs) until audited + 7 years current year + 2 years FINANCE FINANCE CC:no GC34090 CC:no I GC34090 until audited + 7 years ! FINANCE F:yes i GC34090.7 until audited + 7 years_ ! FINANCE F:no' GC34090 401.13 Fiscal Analysis current year FINANCE F:no non -record, compilation _ 401.14 Revenue Studies current year FINANCE F:no j non -record, compilation _ 401.15 401 .16 -- 401.17 401.18 (OPEN) Gann Regulations (see 410.10 for Gann Limit) (OPEN) Waste Management Fees - _I - until superseded + 2 years FINANCE CC:no 1 GC34090, 40801 while current + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 401.19 'Grants & Sponsorships (granted BY City) until audited + 7 years managing dept. F:no GC34090 + Dept extension FINANCIAL 402 BANKING RECORDS 402.01 'Bank Deposit Slips until audited + 7 years ! FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337 402.02 402.03 _ 402.04 402.05 Bank Statements Check Stubs, Canceled Checks _ _ Signature Cards and Authorizations (OPEN)--- _ -� until audited + 7 years until audited + 7 years FINANCE FINANCE_ F:no GC34090; 26CFR16001-1 F:no GC34090; CCP337 until separated + 5 years FINANCE F:no see Oath 1 402.06 402.07 402.08 402.09 _ 402.10 402.11 Bank Reconciliation Daily Cash Reports Irenamed from Daily Balance Reports) .Bad Checks _ Stale/Dated Checks Voided Checks _ Stop Payments _� until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no same as 402.02 current year FINANCE F:no j non -record, working papers until audited + 7 years FINANCE until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337 F:no i GC34090; CCP337 until audited + 7 years FINANCE I;_ F:no GC34090; CCP337 --_ - _ ..__.__ _ until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337 _- �- i FINANCIAL 403 AUDIT 403.01 403.02 Audit Reports, Internal .Audit Reports, External 4 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; OMB:A-128 4 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; OMB:A-126 Page 10 of 31 UFFS Description Number TOTAL RETENTION Primary Responsibility Scan / Citation image 403.03 Audit Guidelines 403.04 Audit Preparation Documents 403.05 Audit Working Files until superseded + 2 years until audited + 7 years I until audited + 7 years FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE F:no F:no GC34090; 40801 GC3409_0; OMB:A-128 I F:no GC34090; OMB:A-128 FINANCIAL_404 PAYROLL 404.01 404.02 Payroll Records, Active Payroll Records, Terminated until separation + 3 years 3 years FINANCE FINANCE F:no GC34090; 29CFR516.2 F:no GC34090; 29CFR516.2 404.03 Payroll Deductions and Authorizations j until separation + 3 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; 29CFR516.2 404.04 Payroll Schedules ' until superseded + 2 years FINANCE F:no GC72946; 29.6121 & 1602.14CFR5 .14 . GC34090; 29CFR516.2; 404.05 Time Sheets until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no 20CFR516.6(1);IRS Reg31.6001-1(e)(z); R&T19530; LC1174(d) 404.06 W-2 Forms PERMANENT FINANCE F:no 29CGC129 6 121; C72946 current year + 2 years FINANCE 404.07 Vacation and Sick Leave Balance Reports F:no GC34090 PERMANENT FINANCE 404.08 FICA - Medicare F:no same as 404.06 404.09 Workers' Compensation _PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCE �. - F:no same as 404.06 NCIAL 405 BONDS_ 405.01 Municipal Bonds until paid + 10 years FINANCE F:no _ GC34090;_ CCP337.5 405.02 Assessment Bonds until paid + 10 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337.5_ 405.03 Surety Bonds (Notary Public, etc.) until paid + 10 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.04 Revenue Bonds until paid + 10 years _ FINANCE F:no _ GC34090; CCP337.5 405.05 General Obligation Bonds j until paid + 10 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.06 Tax Allocation Bonds until paid + 10 years FINANCE F:yes GC34090; CCP337.5 405.07 Bond Annual Statements until paid + 10 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.08 Bond Register until paid + 10 years FINANCE F:no - GC34090; CCP337.5 405.09 Dev. Performance Bonds, CDs, Letters of Cr (w/o SIAO until paid + 10 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.10 Bond Foreclosures while current + 10 years _ _ FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337.5 FINANCIAL 406 RETIREMENT 406.01 Public Employees Retirement System PERS PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 29CFR1627.3 (2); GC72946; GC34090_ _ 406.02 Deferred Compensation Plans PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 406.01 Page 11 of 31 UFFS Number Description I TOTAL Primary Scan / j Citation RETENTION Responsibilitv image FINANCIAL 407 INVESTMENTS 407.01 .Investment Statements PERMANENT FINANCE F:yes GC34090; CCP337; GC53607 407.02 407.03 Investment Confirmations Investment Policy j PERMANENT FINANCE F:no same as 407.01 until superseded + 5 years FINANCE F:yes GC340901d) 407.04 Investment Monthly Reports until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:yes GC34090; OMB A-128 FINANCIAL 408 REVENUE 408.01 Accounts Receivable until audited + 7 years FINANCE I no - GC34090 408.02 408.03 Daily Cash Receipts Business Licenses until audited + 7 years until expired + 4 years FINANCE FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337 F:no GC34090; CCP337 408.04 408.05 Dog Licenses Fees Permit Fees until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 issuing dept until audited + 7 years and FINANCE PL:no GC34090 408.06 408.07 Development Impact Fees Development Agreement Fees until audited + 7 years', until audited + 7 years 1 PUBLIC WORKS and FINANCE__ PUBLIC WORKS and FINANCE CC:no'. GC34090 CC:no GC34090 408.08 408.09 .Fee Waiver Requests Franchise Fees until audited + 7 years i until audited + 7 years FINANCE FINANCE F:no GC34090 F:no GC34090 408.10 408.11 Fee Schedules Funding Program (ERAF, etc.) until superseded + 2 years until completed + 5 years imposing dept FINANCE PL:no GC34090 & 40801 F:no GC34090 408.12 408.13 Grants Received and Donations TO City Vehicle Impound Fees until completed + 5 years or grant close-out procedure applying dept some, GC34090 until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 _ 408.14 408.15 408.16 408.17 Fines Surplus / Auction Sales Promissory Notes TO City 'Grant Applications, Unsuccessful until audited + 7 years until audited + 7 years ! FINANCE FINANCE F:no GC34090 F:no GC34090; CCP337 until satisfied + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337 until rejected + 2 years applying dept no GC34090 FINANCIAL 409 TAXES 409.01 409.02 Sales Tax Property Tax, Applied Refuse Levy, etc until audited + 7 years_ j until audited + 7 years FINANCE FINANCE F:no CCP338 _ F:no CCP338 409.03 409.04 Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Gas Tax until audited + 7 years "' FINANCE F:no CCP338 until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no CCP338 409.05 Documentary Transfer Tax until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no CCP338 I FINANCIAL 41.0 BUDGETS 410.01 Budget Preparation Files current year + 2 years i preparing dept F:no GC34090 410.02 Revenue Estimates current year + 2 years estimating dept F:no GC34090 Page 12 of 31 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan !_ Citation Image Number I RETENTION Responsibility 410.03 Capital Expenditure Estimates _� current year + 2 years estimating dept F:no GC34090 410.04 Capital Improvements Budget, Approved PERMANENT FINANCE j F:yes GC34090 F:no GC34090 410.05 Budget Manuals & Calendars current year + 2 years FINANCE 410.06 Budget Status Reports current year + 2 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 :no GC34090 410.07 Budgets, Approved (CC, RDA, FA) _ PERMANENT FINANCE 410.08 Budgets, Special Projects PERMANENT supervising dept F:no GC34090 F:no GC34090 410.09 Financial Support Requests current year + 2 years department 410.10 Gann Appropriations Limit (for Regs see 401.16) _ PERMANENT FINANCE F:no GC34090 FINANCIAL 41.1 ` COST ANALYSIS STU_DIE_SS 411.01 Development Impact Fee (DIFI Studies & Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Studies until superseded + 2 years PLANNING and PUBLIC WORKS CC:no - GC34090d 411.02 User Fee Studies _ _ _ _ until superseded + 2 years oversight dept CC:no GC34090d FINANCIAL 412 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE & PURCHASING 412.01 Accounts Payable until audited 7 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 412.02 1099 Forms _ _+ until audited + 7 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 412,03 LQ Public Safety Officer Survivor Fund until audited + 7 years _ FINANCE CC:no GC34090 412.04 Purchase Orders until audited + 7 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 412.05 Authorization to Purchase (other than bids) until audited + 7 years FINANCE PL:no GC34090 412.06 Products, Services, and Catalogs (reference) destroy at will all departments CC:no - non -record 412.07 Purchasing Policy until superseded + 2 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090; GC40801 412.08 Vendors Lists & Brochures destroy at will FINANCE CC:no non -record 412.09 Pricing Lists destroy at will FINANCE CC:no non -record 412.10 Office Supplies Ordered by Depts. (w/o POs) destroy at will all departments PL:no non -record 412.11 Travel Request & Expense until audited + 7 years FINANCE PL:no GC34090 FINANCIA_L_413 BIDS 413.01 Invitation to Bid until audited + 7 years inviting dept CC:no _ _ _. GC34090 & 25105-1; __ CCP337 413.02 Unsuccessful Bids, Cap Improv Projects & Formal > $25K li until completed + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090d 413.03 Unsuccessful Bids, Services & Informal <525K until completed + 2 years CLERK CC:no _ _ _ GC34090d 413.04 Bids, Vehicles & Equipment, Invitation, Results, etc until audited + 7 years FINANCE PL:no/F:no same as 413.01 413.05 Bidders List, Pre -Qualified destroy at will PUBLIC WORKS CC:no non -record, reference 413.06 Consultant Information, General destroy at will _ interested dept CC:no E non -record, reference 413.07 RFPs / RFQs, Unsuccessful _ current year + 2 years _ _ CLERK CC:no same as 413.01 413.08 RFPs / RFQs, Successful until audited + 7 years CLERK PL:no same as 413.01 413.09 Bids, Other Services, Successful until audited + 7 years CLERK PL:no same as 413.01 413.10 Bids, Informal, Successful until audited + 7 years CLERK PL:no same as 413.01 Page 13 of 31 UFFS Number Description TOTAL Primary Scan / I Citation _ RETENTION Responsibility Image 500 HUMAN RESOURCES & RISK MANAGEMENT H_ R &AM 501 HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINIFERRATION 501.01 Personnel Policy until superseded + 2 years' , HUMAN RESOURCE shared drive GC34090 501.02 501.03 Employee Assistance Program Employee Handbook i until completed + 2 years 1 until superseded + 2 years', HUMAN RESOURCE HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no I GC34090, 12946 CC:no GC34090 501.04 501.05 _ Employee Orientation .Employee Incentive & Service Awards until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090 _ while current + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090; GC12946 501.06 501.07 Employee Newsletters Temporary Employment Agencies current year + 2 years'. HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090; GC12946 untiyear l terminated + 6 s ! HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090; GC12946 501.08 Affirmative Action Program - . until completed + 2 years , HUMAN RESOURCE _ CC:no _ GC34090; GC12946 HR & RM. 502 PERSONNEL RECORDS 502.01 Permanent Employees until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no', , 29CFT 1627.3; Lbr Rltns Sec 1174; 29CFR1602.30.32, 655.202, 516.6 at seq; GC6250et seq; GC12946, 34090, 1607.4; 45CFR1068.6(a) 502.02 502 03 Contract Employees _-__.-__--------. Part -Time Employees until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no same as 502.01 -_ until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no same as 502.01 502.04 502.05 _ Temporary Employees - Terminated Employees until separated + 5 years I HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no - same as 502.01 until separated + 5 years. HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no', same as 502.01 502.06 502.07 - (OPEN) (OPEN) -- HUMAN RESOURCE HUMAN RESOURCE _ 502.08 Fingerprint IDs until separated + 5 years i HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no same as 502.01 502.09 ,Oaths of Office - Employees until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no j same as 502.01 HR & RM 503 SALARY and BENEFITS 503.01 503.02 Salary Benefit Plans Salary Surveys until superseded + 2 years current year + 2 years i HUMAN RESOURCE HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090 CC:no _�, � GC72946 34090; ! 29CFR516.6(2); 29CFR1602.14 503.03 Consumer Price Index (CP0 Files I current year + 2 years ! HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090 503.04 503.05 _- Salary Schedules Retirement Benefits current year + 2 years until superseded + 2 years ! HUMAN RESOURCE HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no i same as 503.02 CC:no 34090 503.06 503.07 Medical- Insurance 'Sick Leave Policy until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no _ GC34090 until superseded + 2 years -, HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no � GC34090 503.08 Life In Benefit until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090 Page 14 of 31 UFFS Description ITOTAL Primary Scan / _ Citation i RETENTION Responsibility Image Number 503.09 Management Compensation until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no_ _ GC34090 ! GC6250 at seq; OMB A- 129; 29CFR1602.30, 503.10 Disability case files, short & long-term PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no 1602.32, 1627.31637.3; Lab Rel Sec 1174; 29USC1027,1113 HR & RM 504 CLA$$IFI_QATIT�( NS ----_ -- - T 1 29CFT1627.3, 504.01 Position Classifications until superseded + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no 1602.30.32; Lbr Rltns Sec 1174; GC 12946, 34090, _ 6250 at seq _ 504.02 Job Descriptions _ until superseded + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no same as 504.01 CC:no 29CFR516.6(2), 1602.14; 504.03 Classification Surveys current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE GC12946,34090 504.04 Reclassification Requests until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no same as 504.01 504.05 Employee Evaluations until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no same as 504.01 I HR_&_ RM 505 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 505.01 Personnel Progress & Activity Reports current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE_ CC:no GC34090 505.02 Personnel Counseling until separated + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE _ _ CC:no _ GC34090, 12946 CC:no 29C1602.14; 505.03 Personnel Questionnaires II current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE 11 GC1296(2L C12946, 34090 29CFT1627.3, 505.04 Personnel Actions until separated + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no 1602.30.32; Lbr Rltns Sec 1174; GC 12946, 34090, 6250 at seq 505.05 Planning & Organization current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090 505.06 Organization Charts I until superseded + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no same as 505.04 HR &.RM 506 RECRUITMENT _&_SELECTION _ GC12946, 6250 et seq; 506.01 Applications for Employment while current + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no 29CFR1602 at seq, 1607; 49USC2000 Isle & (c)12 506.02 Tests & Examinations while current + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no T same as 506.01 506.03 Eligibility Lists, Active while current + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no ' same as 506.01 506.04 Eligibility Lists, Inactive while current + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no same as 506.01 506.05 Recruitment Advertising while current + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no same as 506.01 Page 15 of 31 LIFFS Number Description TOTAL Primary Scan / '', Citation RETENTION Responsibility Image 506.06 .Notifications of Appointment until separated + 5 years !. HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no 29CFTl 627.3, 1602.30.32; Lbr Rltns Sec 1174; GC 12946, 34090, 6250 at seq HR& RM 507 EDUCATION & TRAINING 507.01 507.02 Conferences & Seminars Educational Programs current year + 7 years_ attending dept Pi GC6250 current year + 7 years sponsoring dept PL:no i GC6250 507.03 507.04 Educational Reimbursement Program Training Programs In House current year + 7 years !LHUMAN_ RESOURCE CC:no_ GC6250 current year + 7 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no 1 GC6250 507.05 Training Materials, In House current year + 7 years 1 HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no 'I GC6250 HR & RM 508 SAFETY &MEDICAL RECORDS 508.01 Individual Medical Records until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE I! CC:no 29CFT1627.3, 1602.30.32; Lbr Rltns Sec 1174; GC 12946, 34090, 6250 et seq I11 508.02 508.03Required Accident Reports Physical Exams until disposition + 7 years until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no 29CFR1904.2, 1904.6; 29 CC:no same as 508.01 — 508.04 - Safety Reports while current + 5 years -- '', HUMAN RESOURCE Lfiro OMB1220-0029; 29CFR1904.4; GC34090 508.05 508.06 Safety Investigation Files (OSHA, etc.), _ - _ —� Safety Policy & Procedures until disposition + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no ! same as 508.05 until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090, 40801 -- --- _ 508.07a DOT Testing: results exceeding .02, positive drug results, refusals to submit to testing, employee assessments & referrals by Substance Abuse Professionals, calendar year summaries Ire: Commercial drivers only) 1 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR: no Omnibus Trans Emp Testing Act of 1991; Fed DOT reg of 1994- 49CFR40 and382; Calif . Vehicle Code 345201a1 508.07b DOT Testing: records documenting the collection process for, drug & alcohol test, training of supervisors Ire: Commercial 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR: no same as 508.07a 508.07c _drivers _only) _ DOT Testing: results under .02, negative drug tests, canceled (drug tests Ire: Commecial drivers only) _. 1 year I HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no i same as 508.07a HR & RM 509 LABOR RELATIONS 509.01 Labor Relations Policy until superseded + 2 years I HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090, 40801 509.02 509.03 _ —' Fair Labor Laws and Standards _l._ .Employee Associations & Unions until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no _�I GC34090, 40801 PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no 29USC211(.c6 203(m),207(9) 509.04 Negotiations / Meet and Confer PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no same as 509.03 Page 16 of 31 UFFS Number Description TOTAL RETENTION Primary Responsibility Scan /_ . Citation image 509.05 Memorandum of Understanding IMOUI PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCE_L_ CC:no same as 509.03 509.06 Impasse Procedures PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no same as 509.03 509.07 Grievances, Non -Safety Employees until separation + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC72946; 29CFR1602 509.08 Discrimination Complaints, Non -Safety Employees until separation + 2 years 11 HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC72946; 29CFR1602 509.09 Discipline Policy until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090 HR & RM 510 J RISK MANAGEMENT 510.01 Claims for Damages Against the City T until disposition + 5 years_ CLERK CC:no GC34090, 25105.5 510.02 Damage to City Property _ _ _ until disposition + 7 years _ RISK MGMT _ _ CC:no 29CFR1904.2, 1904.6 510.03 Liability Insurance, Policies PERMANENT RISK MGMT CC:no GC34090 510.04 Property Insurance, Policies j PERMANENT RISK MGMT CC:no GC34090 510.05 Unemployment Insurance, General Info until superseded + 2 years RISK MGMT CC:no _ GC34090 510.06 Workers' Compensation, General Info Iuntil superseded + 2 years ---RISK MGMT CC:no _ GC34090 510.07 Workers' Compensation, Case Files I PERMANENT _ RISK MGMT CC:no _ CC814311,15400.2; LaborCode 5405 Title 8 GC6250; OMB A-129; 510.08 C.O.B.R.A., Case files PERMANENT RISK MGMT CC:no 1602.32 2& 1637.3; Lab & 1637.3; Lab Rel Sec 1174; 29USC1027& 1113 510.09 Accident & Injury Reports, Employee until disposition + 7 years RISK MGMT CC:no 29CFR1904.2; 29 510.10 Accident & Injury Reports, Non -Employee until disposition + 7 years RISK MGMT CC:no _ 29CFR1904.2; 29 510.11 O.S.H.A. while current + 5 years RISK MGMT CC:no OMB7220-0029 29CFR1904.4; GC34090 Certificates of Insurance - required by the City from Parties to follow retention of file to which ~- 510.12 Contracts, Permits, Events, etc it relates requiring dept CC:no GC34090; CCP 337 Page 17 of 31 UFF_S Description TOTAL Primary Scan / i Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 600 CONTRACTS, SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT C,-Si & E 601 (OPEN) C S & E , __ CONTRACTS &AGREEMENTS ORIGINALS TO BE HELD IN CITY CLERK'S OPFICE PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC37090a, 4004; H&519850; 2.08.110 _ 602.01a _ 602.01b _ _ 602.02 602.03 Contracts and Agreements: 9 Capital Improvements,_ Real Property, Settlements _ _ Contracts and Agreements: Services, Equipment, Maintenance, License A_gr, etc. _ (OPEN) Promissory Notes (loans) & Grants to Residents Code Compliance Assistance _ _ _ PERMANENT (State requires exp+5 yrs) _ _ CLERK CC:yes 1 Dept request - research value i PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090a; ! 24CFR570.502(b)(3); I 24CFRB.42; OMB Circ.SA- 110 602.04 602.05 Lease Agreements Franchise Agreements g PERMANENT (State exp+5 requiresP Y CLERK CC:yes Dept request - research l value -- _ yrs) CLERK PERMANENT (State, _ERMA requires ex +5 rsl CC: es Y !� Dept request -research I value 602.06 :Subdivision Improve Agr (incl. related bonds) —i PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes same as 602.01 a C. S & E 603 INVENTORY. SUPPLIES & MAINTENANCE 603.01 603.02 603.03 Office Equipment Inventory & Manuals 'Office Supply Inventory & Information Vehicle Titles & Registrations destroy at will using dept CC:no non -record destroy at will using dept CC:no non -record until disposed + 2 years until disposed + 2 years until disposed + 2 years CLERK BLDG & SAFETY using dept CC:no CC:no GC34090 GC34090 603.04 603.05 603.06 603.07 Vehicle Maintenance Records Large Equipment Inventory & Manuals Large Equipment Maintenance Records 'Work Orders and Service Requests _ CC:no GC34090 I until disposed + 2 yearsI- BLDG & SAFETY until disposed + 2 years Ali issuing/receiving dept CC:no GC34090 CC:no GC34090 603.08 Vehicle Inventory until superseded CLERK CC:no non -record, compilation i 700 LEGAL & LEGISLATIVE LEGAL/LEG 701 LEGISLATIVE FILES 701.01 707.02 Minutes: CC, RDA, FA, HA Agendas and Staff Reports: CC, RDA, FA, HA PERMANENT PERMANENT (State requires 2 years) CLERK CLERK CC:yes IGC34090d,36814,40801 CC:yes Dept request -research value _ 701.03 701.04 Resolutions & Index: CC, RDA, FA, HA Ordinances & Index & Reference Documents PERMANENT'. CLERK CC:yes GC34090d, 40801 PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090d, 40801 701.06 (OPEN) Page 18 of 31 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / C_ita_tio_n Number RETENTION Responsibility Imo e _ GC34090 2yrs; dept 701.06 Agenda Packets: Boards, Commissions, Committees 5 years supporting dept CC:yes increased to 5 yrs - _ research value CC:yes GC34090d, 36814, 40801 701.07 Minutes: Boards, Commissions, Committees PERMANENT supporting dept 701.08 Resolutions & Index: Planning Commission PERMANENT supporting dept CC:yes GC34090d, 40801 701.09 Successful App.: Boards, Commissions Committees _ until expiration + 5 years CLERK------ _ CC:no GC34090, 40801 701.10 Unsuccessful App.: Boards, Commissions, Committees until disposition + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 701.11 State Legislative Info (i.e. Brown Act) until superseded CLERK CC:no non -record 701.12 Federal Legislative Info (i.e. FLSA) _ _ until superseded _ CITY MANAGER _ CC:no non -record 701.13 Ethics Certificates - all elected/appointed until expiration + 5 years CLERK CC:no GC34090, 40801 701.14 La Quints Muni Code, Supplements & Charter PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 701.15 City Council Appointments- Outside Agencies until -expiration + 5 years CLERK _ CC:no GC34090, 40801 701.16 (OPEN)---- _-- 701 .17 Proclamations Issued by City Council PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090(d), 40801 701.18 City Seal Logo Trademark Registration PERMANENT CLERK CC:no historic value 701.19 Historical Files PERMANENT _ all departments PL:no historic value 701.20 City Council Vacancy History PERMANENT CLERK_ CC:no_ GC34090 until superseded + 2 years CLERK 701.21 Handbook: Boards, Commissions, Committees _ CC:no GC34090 701.22 Housing Authority By -Laws PERMANENT _ _ _ CLERK_ CC:yes _ GC34090; CCP337.2 PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090; CCP337.2 701.23 Financing Authority By -Laws 701.24 Redevelopment Agency By -Laws PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090; CCP337.2 _..until superseded + 2 years _ CLERK CC:yes GC34090 701.25 City Council Rules of Procedure LEGAL/LEG 702 ELECTION FILES 702.01 Election Reference (calendar, precinct maps/lists, proof of pub/postings, cert. of offices) election date + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 702.02 Voter Registration, Roster of Voters current year + 5 years CLERK_ CC:no EC17000, EC17300 - Election Record (notifications/publication of elec, data used to EC17130; GC22932; 702.03 complile results, statistics, canvass, sample ballots, I PERMANENT CLERK CC:no EC2653; GC34458-60; certifications, history, Measures, Charter Amendments, results) GC34090 702.04 (OPEN) was election statistics 702.05a Election Ballots (all except 702.05b) f election date+'%year CLERK CC:no EC17302 702.05b Election Ballots re: Assessments, Property -related Fees PERMANENT CLERK CC:no California Constitution I Article XIII 702.06 Oaths of Office until expiration + 6 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; 29USC7113 702.07a Nomination Filings, Committee, Candidate & Campaign Statements -UNELECTED Candidates election date+ 5 years I CLERK _ _ _ CC:no _ EC17100; GC81009(b); �_ FPPC Opinions 702.07b Nomination Filings, Committee, Candidate & Campaign Statements -ELECTED Candidates PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC81009(b); FPPC Advice Letter A-06-151 Page 19 of 31 OFFS Number Description -- TOTAL RETENTION Primary Resoonsibilitv Scan / Citation Image 702.08 702.09 702.10 702.11 702.12 Election Historical Files 'Handbook: City Council — _ Major Donor & Indep Exp. Cmte Stmts Candidate Election Manuals Petitions: Recalls _ -I PERMANENT CLERK CC:no historic value superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no 'i GC34090 _until PERMANENT CLERK CC:no', GC810091b11g1 until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no j GC34090 6 mo5 after election results are 1CLERK certified CC:no Election Code 174001a) 702.13 Petitions: Initiatives, Referendums, Charter Amend. 8 mos after election results area certified CLERK CC:no Election Code 17200(a) LEGAL/LEG 703 LEGAL INVESTIGATIQN& LITIGATION 703.01 Requests for Public Records until completed + 2 years CLERK CC:yes GC34090 703.02 703.03 703.04 703.05 703.06 703.07 703.08 703.09 Requests for Agenda Mailings Litigations (City_a Party to Suit Summons Subpoenas) _ (OPEN) 'Protests / Petitions, submitted to Council Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Notices (non -City properties - City has an interest eg. lender, contractor, etc) Legal Investigations, Civil Subpoenas to Appear ! Depositions (City not a Party) Subpoenas for Public Records (City not a Party) until completed CLERK CC:no reference until settled + 2 years', CLERK I current year + 1 year CLERK CC:yes CC:no GC6254 GC50115 & 6253 same as related file CLERK CC:no j NA ' - until closed + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 current year + 2 yearsCLERK current year + 2 years I CLERK yes GC34090 yes GC34090 LEGAILEG 704 LEGAL OPERATIONS 704.01 704.02a 704.02b 704.03 704.04 Legal Operations, General Reference Notices of Violation / Citations / Incident Reports / Appeals: ISSUED Notices of Violation: RECEIVED by City Compliance Certification lie Prop. 218 property fees/taxes) Affidavits while current + 2 years '_ related dept CC:no GC34090 until settled + 2 years issuing dept CC:no GC34090 until settled + —2years receiving dept CC:no GC34090 - PERMANENT -PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34090 PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 704.05 Judgments and Dismissals PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 704.06 704.07 704.08 704.09 _ 704.10 704.11 Proof of Publication (legal published notices) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) Notices of Pendency (pre -lien notice) RECORDED Nuisance/Weed Abatements RECORDED RESOLUTIONS (also see 1307.02) Code Enforce/Animal Control: Adadaistrative Hearings _- City Attorney Opinions (confidential) PERMANENT publishing dept CC:yes, PL:yes CCP343,349 at seq; GC911.2, 34090 until separated + 7 years__' CLERK CC:no GC810091e1 PERMANENT CLERK PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090 CC:yes GC34090 until disposition + 2 years BLDG &SAFETY until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090d C — — CC:no GC34090, 6254 704.12 -- - -� 704.13 704.14 City Attorney Correspondence, General - - ---------_--—�-- 'Audio Recordings - Public Meetings 'FPPC Regulations (not filings) current year + 2 years receiving dept CC:no, GC34.09_0_ _ Council, RDA, FA, HA, Planning-- —�— Com = PERMANENT All I recording dept others = 5 years CC/PL:FTR GC34090.7, LO Council i Resolution 2011 until superseded CLERK CC:no i GC34090 Page 20 of 31 LIFFS Description TOTAL _Primary Scan / Citation Image Number RETENTION Responsibility 29CFT1627.3& 704.15 Notary Public Certification until separated + 5 years CLERK CC:no 29CFR1602.30.32; Lbr Rltns Sec1174; GC6250, 12946,34090 704.16 Small Claims until settled + 5 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; GC25105.5 704.17 Federal Laws (Labor, Public Works, etc.) I until superseded interested dept CC:no reference 704.18 (OPEN) _ _ _ 704.19 (OPEN) was petitions - duplicate of 703.05 704.20 Amicus Briefs / Amicus curiae until settled + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; GC25105.5 704.21 (OPEN) --_ - 704.22 Accidents Involving City Vehicles current year + 2 years RISK MANGEMENT CC:no GC34090 704.23 Confidential Attorney -Client Communications until superseded + 2 years receiving dept CC:no GC34090, 6254 CC:no GC34090 704.24 Public Safety Notices current year + 2 years CLERK 704.25 Conflict of Interest Code i until superseded + 5 years CLERK CC:no FPPC Opinions CC:no GC34090; GC25105.5 704.26 Conflict of Interest Cases / Disclosures / Waivers until settled + 5 years CLERK LEGAL/LEG 705 ASSESSMENT & SPECIAL DISTRICT$ 705.01 Assessment Districts, General (Formation, Proposals) while current + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 I PW:yes GC34090 705.02 Assessment Districts, Studies PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS 705.03 Assessment District 1988-01 _ PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.04 Assessment District 1989-01 PERMANENT _ CLERK PW:yes_ _ GC34090 705.05 Assessment District 1989-02 i PERMANENT _ _ _ CLERK PW:yes GC34090 PW:yes GC34090 705.06 Assessment District 1989-03 PERMANENT CLERK 705.07 Assessment District 1989-04 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes _ GC34090 705.08 Assessment District 1990-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.09 Assessment District 1991-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.10 Assessment District 1992-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.11 Assessment District 1993-01 PERMANENT CLERK _ PW:yes GC34090 705.12 Assessment District 1995-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.13 Assessment District 1997-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.14 Assessment District 2000-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes OC34090 705.15 - Assessment District 2000-02 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.16 Historic Preservation Districts PERMANENT _ PLANNING PL:no GC34090 705.17 CSA 152 (Cty Service Areas Assess.- NPDES) PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:no GC34090 Page 21 of 31 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / '', Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 800 CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING CNSTR/ENG801 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 801.01 801.02 Building Permit Statistic Reports Condemnations____________ _ until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no i GC34090d - PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS CC -no ',, GC34030a 801.03 Contractor Workers' Comp. Certificates (filed with Business Licenses) PERMANENT FINANCE i CC:no jCCR14311; 15400.2 Labor Code5405 Title8; GC34090 801.04 801.05 _ _ Utility Clearances Infrastructure Improvement Standards PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34090a PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34090a CNSTR/ENG802 ENGINEERING PERMITS & INSPECTIONS 802.07 -- 802.02Excavation Encroachment Permits Permits PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS :yes —1 GC34090a; 50; _ 4003,40044004 _ — — PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090a; H&519650; 4003,4004 802.03 802.04 Grading Permits 'Mobile Home Permits PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes', GC34090a; H&S79850; 4003,4004 PERMANENT I BLDG & SAFETY PL+ PW:yes ! GC34090a; H&579850; 4003,4004 802.05 802.06 Haul Permits Plan Checks until expiration + 2 years-1 current year + 5 years PUBLIC WORKS I BUILDING &SAFETY I, and PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090d _ PW:yes CC Assoc of CA 802.07 Inspection Logs current year + 5 years, inspecting dept PW:yes CC Assoc of CA CNST_R/EN0803 ENGINEERING MAPS, PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS 803.01 Final Tract Maps PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS and PLANNING PW:yes j GC34090 803.02 803.03 . Final Parcel Maps Grading Plans, Precise & Rough _ - - PERMANENT', PUBLIC WORKS and PLANNING PW:yes GC34090 L PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes I GC34090 803.04 T, Street Improvement Plans PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 803.05 Drainage Improvement Plans PERMANENT j PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 803.06Sewer 803.07 Improvement Plans —� -Water Improvement Plans PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 — PW:yes GC34090 803.08 803.09 - - —`_- Survey Maps Construction Codes, Engineering — _PERMANENT— PERMANENT PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 PW:yes GC34090A 803.10 Standard Drawings, Engineering PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090A 803.11 Landscape Specifications PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS and BUILDING & SAFETY PW:yes GC34090A Page 22 of 31 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Res onsibilit Image CNSTR/ENG804 BUILDING PERMITS & INSPECTIONS PW:yes GC34 4003 4004 9850; 804.01 Building Permits PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY 804.02 Demolition Permits (see 805.09 re: demo plans) g PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY PW:yes same as 804.01 CC:no _ GC34090d 804.03 Building Inspection Logs / Code Enforcement Logs until case completed +2 years BLDG & SAFETY 804.04 Inspection Requests current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY 1 PW:yes GC34090d 804.05 Utility Release Logs current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090d 804.06 School Fee Receipts for Bldg Permits _ _ _ _ _ PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY CC:no same as 804.01 6&S:no GC34090d 804.07 Permits, temporary structures/trailers until expired + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CNSTR/ENG805 BUILDING PLANS_ & SPECIFICATIONS 805.01 Building Plans, Guidelines PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY PW:yes GC34090a until closed + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY 805.02a Residential Plans -FINAL -not common interest B+S:yes_ _ GC34090a; H&S19850 _ 805.02b Residential Plans - FINAL - common interest or 3+ stories PERMANENT it BLDG & SAFETY PW:yes GC34090a, 4003,4004; H&S 19850, 19853 805.03 Multi -Family Residential Plans - FINAL PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY PW:yes same as 805.02b 805.04 Commercial Plans - FINAL PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY PW:yes same as 805.02b 805.05 Construction / Building Codes - State of CA, all editions- PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090a _ until expired + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY 805.06 Permit Application Packets w/ Plans (prior to permit) B+S:no GC34090a 805.07 Building Plans (Permit Issued, No Final) until expired + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no same as 805.02b 805.08 Address Creation Maps PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090a 805.09 Demo Plans & Bldg Plans for demolished bldgs, Res/Com until closed -+ 2 years BLDG & SAFETY - B+S:yes GC34090a; H&S19850 CNSTR/ENGB-g8 CAPITAL PROJECTS 806.01 Five - Year Plan i until superseded + 2 years CITY MANAGER. CC:no:no 806.02 Ten - Year Plan until superseded + 2 years CITY MANAGER _ ____ CC 409GC34090 409 GC34090 806.03 Projects, Reference Only 0 interested dept _ CC:no GC34090 806.04 Projects, In Progress PERMANENT _- _ PUBLIC WORKS_ PW:yes CC337.15 806.05 Projects, Completed PERMANENT _ PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes CC337.15 806.06 Building Plans, City Capital Projects PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS _ _ PW:yes CC337.15 CNSTRJENG8Q7 _STREETS. BRIDGES. SIDEWALKS, CURBS. GUTTERS & DRIVEWAYS 807.01 Street Improvements, General until superseded PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes reference 807.02 807.03 Street Planning, General Street Maintenance & Repairs current year + 2 years current year + 2 years �. PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes PW:yes GC34090 GC34090 807.04 Striping: Crosswalks, Bike Lanes - - _ current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS_ PW:yes _-GC34090 807.05 Street Naming & Signs PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes, PL:no. GC34090 807.06 (OPEN) Page 23 of 31 UFFS Number Description TOTAL _ Primary __ Scan/J Citation RETENTION Responsibility Image I 807.07 Medians, maintenance & operation p current + 2 Y Y !I- PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes Y _ GC34090 807.08 807.09 Sidewalks, maintenance &operation Curbs & Gutters, maintenance & operation j - current ear + 2 ears PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 year years - - current year + 2 ears PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes '_ GC34090 807.10 807.11 Driveway Approaches, maintenance & operation Street Sweeping, maintenance & operation current year + 2 years 1 PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 current year + 2 years_ PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.12 807.13Permits Permits, Driveway ----] Haul / Oversize vehicles PERMANENT j PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 until expiration + 2 years j PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.14 807.15 Street Lighting, maintenance & operation Bridges & Overpasses, maintnenance_&-operation current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS -.-PW:yes GC34090 current year + 2 years'_ PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.16 807.17 Street Closures & Detour Plans Temporary Street Closures (Property Ownership Retained) current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090a CNSTR/ENGa_0$ STORM DRAINAGE FLOOD CONTROL SANITATION 808.01 808.02 808.03 808.04 .Storm Drains 'Flood Control, Projects & Studies Evacuation Channels I Floodway Maps, by FEMA PERMANENT PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS 1 PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes'' GC34090 PW:yes GC34090 PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:Yes GC34090 PW:yes GC34090 _ 808.05 808.06 'Solid Waste Management, General Septic Systems, General destroy at will PUBLIC WORKS CC:no ' reference destroy at will PUBLIC WORKS CC:no reference -Sewer -& I i CNSTR/ENG8Q9 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 809.01 809.02 Traffic Control, General Info (OPEN) destroy at will PUBLIC WORKS CC:no'. reference 809.03 809.04 Traffic Signals Maintenance (OPEN) - current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes _ I, GC34090 _ 809.05 809.06 Traffic Studies & Surveys Traffic Consultants / Marketing current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090d destroy at will PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes reference 809.07 _ -- 809.08 ',Speed Zoning Studies 'Radar Equipment current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090d - until disposed + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 CNSTR/ENGS10 PARKING 810.01 _ 810.02 -- -(OPEN) -(OPEN)- �- 810.03 , _ - - - 810.04 '(OPEN) _ (OPEN) 810.05 810.06 (OPEN) Street Parking: Limited & Restricted Zones until superseded + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 I 900 (O PE N) Page 24 of 31 UFFS Description i TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation e _ Number RETENTION Res onsibilit_Imo 1000 PROPERTY PROPERTY 1001 RIGHT - OF - WAYS -----_,_. 1001.01 Easements, Granted BY the City PERMANENT CLERK I CC yes GC34090a 1001.02 (OPEN) was Irrevocable Offers to Dedicate, combined with 1002.01 1001.03 Encroachments PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS CC yes GC34090a 1001.04 Easements, Granted TO the City PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090a __ _ PROPERTY 1002 REAL PROPERTY -----_---------- --------- - ----- -- 1002.01 Property Acquisitions PERMANENT RDA and CLERK CC:yes GC34090a 1002.02 (OPEN) was Prop Leases - duplicates 602.04 CC:yes GC34090a f 1002.03 Street Vacations (City ownership relinquished) PERMANENT PLANNING and CLERK 1002.04 _ _ (OPEN) was Eminent Domain Acq - incorp in 1002.01 - 1002.05 Appraisals ti until disposition + 2 years RDA and CLERK_CC:no GC34090,_62541h) 1002.06 (OPEN) was Quitclaim Deeds - incorp in 1002.01 _ 1002.07 Grant Deeds, Granted BY the City (sold property) PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090a PROPERTY 1003 BOUNDARY FILES 1003.01 City Boundary Descriptions PERMANENT PLANNING and CLERK CC:yes GC34090a 1003.02 Sphere of Influence Files -- PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090a PROPERTY 1004 ANNEXATIONS 1004.01 Annexation, General until superseded PLANNING PL:no non -record, reference 1004.02 Annexation, Studies & Reports (Potential) until disposition + 10 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090a; GC6254 1004.03 Annexations PERMANENT CLERK yes GC34090a 1 100 PUBLIC FACILITIES FACILITIES1101 ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES, maintenance & 9.pPration ----------- 1101.01 Administrative Facilities, General j until superseded BLDG & SAFETY l— CC:no non -record, reference 1101.02 City Hall -Civic Center (construct. in project file) current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no_ GC34090 1101.03 Senior Center current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no _ _ _ GC34090 1101.04 Libraries i current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1101.05 Police Facilities current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC: no _ GC34090 1101.06 Fire Stations current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no_ GC34090 1101.07 Museums i current year + 2 years _BLDG & SAFETY_ _ CC:no GC34090 1101.08 Corporate Maintenance Yard current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY r CC:no GC34090 Page 25 of 31 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION :Res onsibilit Image FACILITI_ES1102 PARKS & OPE_ N SPACE - - _ _ 1102.01 Park Studies, General & Master Plan PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes GC34090 _— 1102.02 1102.03 - Parks, Specific Master Plans Park Naming & Acceptance Dates — PERMANENT PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC CO and CLERK VC __— �MMUNITY CS es Y GC34090 i CC yes i GC34090d 1102.04 1102.05 Park Operations & Maintenance Park Construction & Capital Improvements current year + 2 years PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC I, PUBLIC WORKS CS:no GC34090d CC:no j 2 .08.3110; GC34090a; 4004; H&S19850 1102.06 1102.07 Recreation Centers, General Info Dog Parks, General Info until superseded COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 until superseded COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1102.08 Skate Parks, General Info until superseded �, COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1200 UTILITIES, COMMUNICATIONS i& TRANSPORTATION U. C &T' 1201 GENERAL UTILITIES 1201.01 1201.02 Public Utilities Commission Reference Underground Utilities until superseded PERMANENT interested dept PUBLIC WORKS CC:no j GC34090 PW:no GC34090a 1201.03 - Easements from Property Owners to Utilities PERMANENT _ I CLERK CC:no GC34090a U C & T 1202 GAS and ELECTRIC 1202.01 1202.02 1202.03 Southern California Gas Company ',Imperial Irrigation District Southern California Edison until superseded interested dept CC:no GC34090 until superseded interested dept CC:no GC34090 _—�, until superseded I interested dept CC:no j GC34090 1202.04 1202.05 Rates, Rules, Regulations & Misc. Correspondence Energy Information I until superseded + 2 years until superseded j interested dept interested dept CC:no '� GC34090d CC:no _ GC34090 - _ _Solar U C & T 1203 _WATER SERVICE 1203.01 1203.02 Coachella Valley Water District Rates, Rules, Regulations & Misc. Correspondence � until superseded interested dept CC:no GC34090 _ until superseded + 2 years interested dept _- CC:no GC34090d i UC& T 12Q4 TELEPHONE 1204.01 1204.02 1204.03 1204.04 Telephone Services, Public Telephone Services, City Facilities _ Communication Facilities (inclu. Cell Towers) Rates, Rules, Regulations & Misc. Correspondence until superseded_ 'i_ interested dept CC:no GC34090_ - Luntil superseded interested dept CC:no GC34090 until superseded + 2 years I, interested dept until superseded + 2 years j interested dept CC:no GC34090d CC:no GC34090d I Page 26 of 31 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Res onsibilit Ima e U. C & T 1205 CABLE TELEVISION 1205.01 Television Cable Services, Public until superseded CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1205.02 Rates, Rules, Regulations & Misc. Correspondence until superseded + 2 years I CITY MANAGER CC:no _ GC34090d U C & T 1206 TRANSPORTATION 1206.01 Regional Transportation, General CC:no non -record, reference until superseded interested dept CC:no same as DIF 1206.02 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) until auditied + 7 years PUBLIC WORKS 1206.03 Bus Shelters / SUNLINE until superseded PUBLIC WORKS CC:no reference CC:no GC34090 1206.04 Taxi Service / Auto for Hire - Licenses & Permits until termination + 4 years FINANCE 1 300 SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL SAFE/ENV 1301 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION_ 1301.01 Public Safety, General until superseded + 2 years BLDG &_SAFETY CC.no GC34090 1301.02 Environmental, General until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 SAFE/ENV1302 EMERGENCY SERVICES_ 1302.01 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.02 Emergency Operations Plan (Standard OP) until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.03 Emergency Communications (FCC Radio License) li until expiration + 5 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no CCP337.2 & CCP343; B&P7042.5 1302.04 Emergency / Disaster Reporting until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.05 - Hazard Materials Contingency Plans -. until superseded + 2 years I- BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.06 Community Resources until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.07 Emergency Shelters PERMANENT _ BLDG & SAFETY CC:no _ _ GC34090 1302.08 Mutual Aid until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY� CC:no GC34090 1302.09 Warning System (Code Red) until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.10 FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency i until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.11 Emergency Training Programs (standards, admin.) until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY _ _ _ CC:no CalCode 3204d et seq. 1302.12 Disaster Service Works / CERT Train. Materials until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no _CalCode 3204d et seq. 1302.13 Disaster Volunteers (CERT Applications) _ until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.14 Disaster Exercises until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no CalCode 3204d at seq. SAFE/ENV1303 POLICE SERVICES 1303.01 Law Enforcement Services, General until superseded + 2 years CM: MGMT SVC CC:no GC34090 1303.02 Crime Reports current year + 2 years CM: MGMT SVC CC:no GC34090 1303.03a Accident Reports (no fatalities) current year + 2 years CM: MGMT SVC CC:no GC34090 1303.03b Accident Reports (involving a fatality(s) PERMANENT CM: MGMT SVC CC:no _ GC34090 1303.04 Alarm Systems current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1303.05 Vehicle Code Enforcement, copy long to Court) current year + 90 days BLDG & SAFETY CC:no _ GC34090 Page 27 of 31 UFFS - --_ --- Number Description -- - - - TOTAL _ I Primary ---- Scan / - Citation - RETENTION Responsibility Image 1303.06 303.0 --. Abandoned Vehicles - ---- hides - f current year + 2 ears yy BLDG & SAFETY !I CC:no GC34090 SAFE/ENV1304 FIRE SERVICES 1304.01 Fire Service, General until superseded + 2 yearsI, BLDG &SAFETY CC:no GC34090 i SAFEIENV1305 ANIMAL QNTRQ 1305.01 ,Animal Shelters, General current year + 2 years BLDG & GC34090 1305.02 1305.03 ,Animal Licensing, General (408.04 for Lic.fees) Animal Inoculations, Spay/Neuter Records (with license) _ current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 _ until expiration + 2 years j FINANCE F:no GC34090 1305.04 1305.05 _ 1305.06 1305.07 1305.08 1305.09 'Animal Disposal 'Do Reports: Case files and Logs _ 9 _ 9 Restraining Orders Vicious Animals Animal Complaints Filed :Petitions, Barking Dog 'Reports, Animal Bites tI _ _l current year + 2 years - BLDG & SAFETYrB B+S:no GC34090 _ current year + 2 ears i GC34090 BLDG & SAFETYB+S:no until completed + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY+S:no i year + 1 year BLDG &SAFETY _GC34090 B+S:no I GC34090 !, GC50115 & 6253 -current j PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.10 1305.11 Animal Owner Release Forms Animal Control Officer Logs: daily, weekly, monthly current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.12 1305.13 1305.14 Diseased / Injured Animal Treatment Authorization Animal Trap Lending Agreements Stat Reports: Animal Control current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 until expiration + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 destroy at will BLDG & SAFETY S drivel non -record, compilations SAFE/ENV1306 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES & CONSERVATION 1306.01Environmental - EA files PERMANENT', PLANNING PL:yes'' GC34090 1306.02 1306.03 Landscaping Guidelines Quality, Tests/Studies until superseded + 2 years ! PLANNING PL:no'' GC34090 & 40801 while current + 2 years j PLANNING PL:no I GC34090d 1306.04 1306.05 _Air 'Noise Control, Tests/Studies .Water Quality, Tests/Studies T while current + 2 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090d while current + 2 years' PLANNING CC:no GC34090d 1306.06 1306.07 Water Conservation, General Info .Resource Conservation Areas destroy at will PLANNING and CITY MANAGER CC:no ! reference PERMANENT PLANNING CC:no GC34090 1306.06 1306.09 1306.10 1306.11 Hazardous Waste, General Into Underground Storage Tanks, locations/issues -_ Energy Conservation, General Info City-Wide.Clean U Campaigns ---,-----PERMANENT until superseded !. PLANNING and CITY MANAGER CC:no i GC34090 _ I PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no I GC34090 - PLANNING and until superseded'' CITY MANAGER CC:no ',, GC34090 while current + 2 ears PUBLIC WORKS Y i PW:no GC34090 1306.12 1306.13 _P Tree Trimming- &Removal - - - Waste Collection & Recycling, General Info -- _ T current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:no GC34090 - destroy at will CM: MGMT SVC CC:no i non -record, reference_ 1306.14 1306.15 Landfills, General Info Archaeological Surveys destroy at will PLANNING CC:no non -record, reference PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC34090 Page 28 of 31 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION es onsibilit Responsibility Image 1306.16 C.E.Q.A: Calif. Environmental Quality Act PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no_ GC34090 1306.17 Endangered Species PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC34090 1306.18 CV Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan - PERMANENT PLANNING and PL•no GC34090, LQCC/CM CITY MANAGER - SAFE[ENV13O7 CODE ENFORCEMENT & PERMITS 1307.01 Weed Abatement, General (also see 704.09) until superseded + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1307.02 Weed Abatement Cases (also see 704.09) 2 until closed + years ---BLDG-& SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1307.03 Permits, Home Occupation / Home Businesses PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY B_+S:no GC34090 1307.04 Permits, Garage Sale j unit expiration + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY j B+S:no GC34090d 1307.05 Permits, Handbill Distribution until expiration + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no : GC34090d 1307.06 Permits, Soliciting or Peddling _ _until expiration + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no _ - - GC34090d 1307.07 Permits, Photography / Film until expiration + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090d 1307.08 Permits, Pool Draining until expiration + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090d 1307.09 Permits, Massage Therapist incl Med, Fingerprint. until expiration + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090d 1307.10 False Alarm Activation Notices current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1307.11 Lot Abatement Bids & Correspondence 1 until completed + 2 years BLDG &SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1307.12 Vehicle Abatements until settled + 5 years BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1307.13 Municipal Code Violations PERMANENT BLDG & SAFETY B+S:no Dept. Request (State _ - requires completed +2) _ 1307.14 Star Reports: Code Compliance destroy at will BLDG & SAFETY S drive non -record, compilations 1400 ARTS, RECREATION & EDUCATION ART/REC 1401 CULTURAL ARTS 1401.01 Art in Public Places PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes Dept request -historic (State -, requires 2 yrs) CS:yes Dept request -historic (State 1401.02 Civic Center Art Purchases PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC requires audit+7) 1401.03 Cultural Master Plans until superseded + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes GC34090 1401.04 Performing Arts current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes GC34090 1401.05 Art Foundations / Art Centers, brochures & history _ _ _ current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC_ GC34090 1401.06 Museum / Cultural Centers current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC _ _CS:yes CS:yes GC34090 1401.07 Tourism & Visitor Centers current year + 2 years CM: MGMT SVC CS:yes GC34090 ART/REC 1402 RECREATION PROGRAMS & ACTIVITIES 1402.01 Recreation Programs & Program Evaluations _ current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1402.02 Golf Courses, Public ;_ until completed + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC _ CS:no GC34090 1402.03 Skateboarding I until completed + 2 years _COMMUNITY SVC___ _ CS:no GC34090 1402.04 Trails, Hiking, Biking, Equestrian I until completed + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC _ CS:no GC34090 Page 29 of 31 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 1402.05 1402.06 Parades, Pageants & Community Events 'Equipment Rentals until completed + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 until audited + 7 years i COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1402.07 1402.08Registrations, 1402.09 'Facility Use Permits (incl. Park Permits) Adults Registrations, Minors current year + 2 years_1 COMMUNITY SVC CS:no _ GC34090 while current + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC_ CS:no GC34090 � age 18 + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090&Statute of Limmitation I A, RT/RE_C 1403 EDUCATION 1403.01 Desert Sands Unified School District current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 -- 1403.02 1403.03 _— ___ _ -- _Coachella Valley Unified School District LaQuinta High School - current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 _current 1403.04 College of the Desert _ 1 current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC 1403.05 Univ. of Calrf. Riverside, Palm Desert Campus current year + 2 years I CITY MANAGER __ --- —_ 1 500 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS & OFFICES CC:no GC34090 _I, CC:no i, _ GC34090 - GOV/ORG 1501 UNITED STATES / FEDERAL ORGANIZATIONS & OFFICES 1501.01 (LIST ALPHABETICALLY) I current year + 2 years interested dept CC:no GC34090 i GOV/ORG 1502 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ORGANIZATIONS & OFFICES 1502.01 (LIST ALPHABETICALLY) current year + 2 years_ dept CC:no GC34090 _(interested _ i _ _'i GOV/ORG_1503 LOCAL &7t_EGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS &OFFICES 1503.01 Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) current year + 2 years !, CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.02 1503.03 PS Desert Resorts Conv & Visitors Authority: CVA 'PS International Airport Commission current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 current year + 2 years j CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 _ 1503.04 1503.05 Coachella Valley Enterprise Zone Authority Western Riverside Council of Gov't (WRCOG) current year + 2 years l CITY MANAGER CC:no i GC34090 current year + 2 yearsCITY MANAGER CC:noj GC34090 1503.06 1503.07 Coachella Valley Recreation & Parks District So. Calif. Association of Governments (SCAG) current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no ! GC34090 current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no ! GC34090 1503.08 1503.09 Coachella Valley Mts Conservancy Commission _ . Salton Sea Authority _ current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no ! GC34090 current year + 2 years 'i CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.10 1503.11 1503.12 1503.1 3 Coachella Valley Assoc. of Governments ICVAGI _ _ _ Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) — Coachella Valley Mosquito & Vector District Coachella Valley Joint Powers Insurance Authority _ current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 _ _ _ _ I current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no' GC34090 j current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no'I GC34090 current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no i— GC34090 _ 1503.14 1503.15 Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport Authority 'Chamber of Commerce, La Quinta current year + 2 years' CITY MANAGER CC:no ' GC34090 — current year + 2 years I CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.16 1503.17 (Chambers of Commerce, Other Areas 1South Coast Air Quality Management District current year + 2 years i CITY MANAGER CC:no _ GC34090 current year + 2 years i CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 Page 30 of 31 OFFS Description TOTAL Primary --Scan -/ Citation Number RETENTION Res onsibiI,t Image 1503.18 (OPEN) was CVWD - duplicates 1203.01 CC:no GC34090 1503.19 Cal PERS current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER 1503.20 Coachella Valley Rescue Mission ( current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 1503.21 Marth's Village & Kitchen current year + 2 years i I COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 GOV(ORG 1504 RIV_E_RSIDE_C_ OUNTY 1504.01 Riverside County, General _ current_year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 CC:no GC34090 1504.02 County Recorder & County Clerk current year + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 1504.03 Auditor / Controller current year + 2 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 1504.04 Board of Supervisors _ _ current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER 1504.05 Office of Disaster Preparedness _ current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1504.06 Flood Control / Water Conservation District current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34090 1504.07 Housing & Community Development Dept. current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER 1504.08 Public Works Department CC:no GC34090 1504.09 Registrar of Voters current year years CLERK CC:no GC34090 _+_2 current year + 2 years _CITY MANAGER _ CC:no GC34090 _ 1504.10 Sheriff's Department _ _ _ _ 1504.11 Traffic Advisory Commission _ current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34090 current year + 2 years_ FINANCE CC:no GC34090 1504.12 Treasurer / Tax collector CC:no GC34090 1504.13 Public Health Services - current year + 2 years__- CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 _ _ 1504.14 Riverside Cty Transportation Commission_ (RCTC) current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER 1504.15 Department of Animal Control current year + 2 years BLDG & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 while current + 2 years - CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.16 Economic Development Program 1504.17 Department of Planning &Land Use current year + 2 years PLANNING Cc:no GC34090 current year + 2 years FINANCE CC:no _ GC34090 1504.18 Assessor's Office CC:no l_-GC34090 1504.19 Department of Social Services- - current year -+ 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.20 Riverside County Library System current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC 1504.21 Department of Parks & Recreation I current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 1504.22 County Court System current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.23 Department of Vector Control current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 - 1504.24 Fire Department current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.25 Riverside Cty Airport Land Use Commission I COCHRAN Regional airport- current year + 2 years -- CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 - __-.___.__-- GOV/ORG 1505 INTER / INTRA CITY FILES (LIST ALPHABETICALLY) current year +-2 years i __ interested dept CC:no GOV/ORG_1506 -- INTERNATIONAL OFFICES_& ORGANIZATIONS — — (LIST ALPHABETICALLY) I current year + 2 years interested dept CC no Page 31 of 31