2011 03 08 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78 -495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
March 8, 2011 7:04 P.M.
A. A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to
order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairman Alderson.
PRESENT: Commissioners Barrows, Quill, Weber, Wilkinson, and
Chairman Alderson.
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Les Johnson, Planning Manager
David Sawyer, Assistant Planner Yvonne Franco,
and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker.
There being no comments, or suggestions, it was moved by Commissioners
Barrows /Wilkinson to approve the minutes . of February 8, 2011 as
submitted. Unanimously approved.
A. Conditional Use Permit 2003 -075, Amendment No. 2 a request by
Gary Yasuda for Milan Institute of Cosmetology for consideration of a
Conditional Use Permit Amendment to increase the square footage and
number of students per session for a beauty school within the
Regional Commercial (RC) District at Dune Palms Plaza located at 47-
120 Dune Palms Road, Suites C & D; located on the east side of Dune
Palms Road, approximately 300 feet south of Highway 1 1 1.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 8, 2011
Assistant Planner Yvonne Franco presented the staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the applicant was agreeable to the
reduction in parking spaces.
Staff responded they preferred to have 65.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if any alternative parking solutions had
been suggested.
Staff responded nothing was in writing from the applicant or property
owner, then explained the center's layout and parking.
General discussion followed on the available parking in the center and
surrounding areas.
Commissioner Weber referenced page 5 of the staff report, where it
states "...It is probable that not every student has their own vehicle
and estimating that up to ten of them will either rideshare or get
dropped off..." and asked whose estimate that was.
Associate Planner Franco responded it was staff's estimate.
General discussion followed on how staff had arrived at that figure.
Commissioner Weber asked if there was sufficient restroom space.
Staff responded that would be the decision of the Building & Safety
Department who received copies of the plans and had not made any
comments. Staff then explained the procedures followed in routing the
plans to Building and Safety and the Tenant Improvement Permitting
Chairman Alderson asked for a definition of "paying customers" since
the application was for a school for cosmetology.
Assistant Planner Franco explained that the students had to spend a
certain portion of their training time with the public and it was
necessary to set aside parking for those customers.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 8, 2011
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson opened
the public hearing portion of the meeting and asked if the applicant
would like to speak.
Ms. Betty Weber, Dean of Education, Milan Institute of Cosmetology,
41 -760 Jamaica Sands Drive, Bermuda Dunes CA (applicant's
representative) - introduced herself and said the estimate of 10 ride -
sharing students was actually very low. She added that about two -
thirds of their students either shared a ride, or were dropped off by
parents or family members and about one -third of them rode the bus.
She explained who their students were and that most of them were
young and could not afford cars. She did not think that the request to
allow 65 students was a problem as the parking lot was empty most
of the day; even on their busiest days. She commented on the nearby
businesses and the generally available parking in the center.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of the applicant.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if Ms. Weber could more clearly define
the number of students needing parking spaces.
Ms. Weber replied she thought about two - thirds of the students were
dropped off by parents or family members on their way to work.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked staff to explain how they arrived at the
parking figures.
Planning Director Johnson responded staff had been very generous in
defining the parking for this applicant since they would be occupying
over half the building. He also commented on the lowered use of the
parking lot by other patrons. He said this was a Conditional Use
Permit, issued in perpetuity, and no one could predict whether the
student demographics or other tenant changes could increase the
demand for parking spaces. He concluded that what occurred today
could change in the future and if there were any reservations on the
part of the Commission, staff would be more than willing to work with
them and /or the applicant to re -visit this use permit at a later date.
However, at this point in time, staff did not feel comfortable
recommending more students than what was currently recommended.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 8, 2011
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if staff had any information on the
landlord's position.
Planning Director Johnson responded he had not recently spoken with
the landlord, but in the past she had been very supportive of Milan
being there. He than asked his staff if they had spoken with the
landlord. Staff responded the landlord had received a copy of the
report and had not made any comments.
Commissioner Barrows commented that because two- thirds of the
students were dropped off they would not need parking spaces.
Ms. Weber said she did not see the need for the restriction since most
students did not drive and the clients would be parking out front.
General discussion followed on:
• The photographs presented, who took them and when.
• Sensitivity of parking available for paying customers.
• The parking north of the site.
• The parking calculations for this building.
Commissioner Weber asked if Ms. Weber was okay with the
restriction on overlapping the sessions.
Ms. Weber responded that would pose a problem and explained how
the training sessions were determined, the number of hours needed to
obtain an adequate amount of training and why and how hard it would
be to expand the program and fill classroom vacancies if the hours
were extended.
Chairman Alderson asked if she had heard of the condition prior to the
Ms. Weber said she had not, but the applicant might have been aware
of it.
Commissioner Quill commented on the possibility of having enough
parking spaces if the two classes did not overlap.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 8, 2011
Ms. Weber clarified the salon was not open to clients between 5:00
and 6:30. The salon floor was closed. The students worked on
theory (book work) during that time.
Commissioner Weber asked if Ms. Weber would be agreeable to
having a time limitation placed on the conditional use permit; in order
to assess the situation at a later date.
Ms. Weber said she would be agreeable if it was for the 65 stations.
Commissioner Quill asked how many students were currently
Ms. Weber said 20.
Chairman Alderson asked about the staff's determination of Code -legal
parking spaces.
Staff explained their determination and how they applied the "drop
off" credit.
General discussion followed regarding security lighting and the
applicant's cooperation in the past.
There being no further questions of staff, or comments from the
applicant, Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment.
There being no public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the public
hearing and opened the matter for Commission discussion.
Commissioner Quill said this was an appropriate location for clientele
who would be utilizing mass transit or ride - sharing. He said the
parking would be under - utilized and the conditional use permit should
be allowed with the 65 as requested by the applicant.
Commissioner Wilkinson agreed with Commissioner Quill's comments
and then asked for clarification of building percentage the applicant
would be occupying.
Staff did not have an exact number since the proposed expansion had
not be utilized yet and commented on the current lessees, and
vacancies, in the building.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 8, 2011
General discussion followed regarding amount of vacant space
currently available, as well as the possibility of shared parking
agreements with the owner of the parcel to the north of the applicant.
General discussion followed on the Municipal Code standards for
determining the parking ratio for a specific use, and the fact that this
parcel had a 1:400 parking ratio versus 1:200, which had been
established with their specific plan.
Staff then presented the Commission with several options to allow
them to the opportunity to revisit this item at a future date of their
Commissioner Wilkinson expressed concern about the cost to the
applicant if the improvements were done in two phases.
Staff explained it would be a similar environment to what was there
currently with over 40 stations but only 20 students per class.
Commissioner Barrows went over some of the previously mentioned
concerns such as 1) why the parking standards were 1:400 versus
1:200, 2) the fact that the building that had been almost empty for
quite some time, and 3) there was a business that wanted to occupy a
significant piece of that space and they should be accommodated.
She added that there didn't appear to be a problem with parking and
the Commission should allow them to have more students, possibly
for a specific time period. She was okay with the parking because it
appeared to be adequate.
Chairman Alderson re- opened the public hearing and asked Ms. Weber
to come back to answer additional questions.
Chairman Alderson asked Ms. Weber for her thoughts about doing the
tenant improvements in two phases.
Ms. Weber responded she did not make those decisions as she was
the Dean of Education. She did say, as a former salon owner, that it
cost more money to come in little and then try to make it big, rather
than to have extra stations that are not used.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 8, 2011
Chairman Alderson asked her if the improvements had to be done in
two phases, would that cause her to scale down her proposed tenant
Ms. Weber responded she would probably not, but would probably
look for another spot. She emphasized that was her comment and not
that of the corporation and she was not suggesting that would happen
Chairman Alderson asked if the Commissioners had additional
questions. The Commissioners had no further questions and he closed
the public hearing portion of the meeting and returned to
Commissioner comments.
Commissioner Weber commented that it would make more sense for
the applicant to build out to their maximum capability. He suggested
if the application were approved for 65 it would be better to come
back sooner rather than later to re -visit the parking. He added it
would also make sense for the applicant to explore a shared parking
agreement with their neighbors to the north to help mitigate the
Chairman Alderson asked if he would support 48 with a reassessment
in one -year.
Commissioner Weber said he might even support 65 with a short time
frame to review what the impact is.
General discussion followed on the occupied and vacant square
footage of the building and the layout of the parcel; including Bob's
Soccer Shop, Milan, other occupants and vacant space.
Commissioner Quill asked Ms. Weber for the next session starting
Ms. Weber responded she did not have it but could get back to staff
with that information.
Discussion followed on the when the sessions would start and stop.
Also, since this was a school, why the parking requirements differed
Planning Commission Minutes
March 8, 2011
from any other school, i.e., high schools; which are actually exempt
from Municipal provisions.
Commissioner Wilkinson echoed Commissioner Weber's comment on
possibly seeking a shared parking agreement. He added that he was
surprised that the landlord didn't have any response to the parking
Staff said the landlord approved the application when it was submitted
and three weeks prior to the meeting the property owner responded,
in writing, that they were okay with the proposal.
Chairman Alderson expressed his concerns about the parking, and said
he would support the 48, to come back in 6 months, or 65 right now
and to deny the request to add Condition 10.
General discussion followed clarifying the Commission's position
before making a motion.
There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Barrows /Quill to adopt Resolution 2011-
003 recommending approval of Conditional Use Permit 2003 -075,
Amendment No. 2 as conditioned in the staff report, with the
following amendments:
1. Condition No. 6 to be revised to read —
Each session shall have no more than 65 students, at any time, in
order to mitigate parking impacts on the property.
2. Condition No. 10 shall be deleted.
3. The Conditional Use Permit is to be re- visited to make sure the
designated parking is adequate and has not impinged upon any of
the neighboring retail businesses. This review shall occur in 18
months from the date of April 18, 2011, which is the beginning of
the next class cycle.
Unanimously approved
Planning Commission Minutes
March 8, 2011
A. Report of the City Council Meeting of February 15, 2011 by Chairman
Alderson. (Commissioner Barrows thanked Chairman Alderson for
covering the February 15, 2011, Council meeting on her behalf.)
B. Report of the City Council meeting of March 1, 2011 by
Commissioner Quill. Report included a brief recap of the discussion of
budget, Public Works, and redevelopment items
C. Chairman Alderson requested the addition of discussion on the
following March 1, 2011, Public Hearing Item:
Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Municipal Code Section
9.60.030 to Permit Review of Alternative Fence Materials Not
Currently Identified in the Code, and Section 9.120.010 "Table of
Permitted Uses" to Add the Sale of Golf Carts as a Conditionally
Permitted Use in the Golf Course Zoning District.
Chairman Alderson stated the Council did not accept the Planning
Commission's recommendation on these items and asked staff to
outline the reasons for the Council's action. Staff summarized the
Council's comments.
D. Chairman Alderson noted Commissioner Weber was scheduled to
report back on the March 15, 2011 Council meeting.
E. General discussion followed on:
• The bridge at Adams and Whitewater.
• The Whitewater Trail
• The Avenue 52 /Jefferson Roundabout
• Utilization of the Planning Commissioners' expertise.
A. General discussion on the California Planners' Institute.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 8, 2011
There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioners
Quill /Weber to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to
the next meeting to be held on March 22, 2011. This meeting was adjourned
at 8:31 p.m. on March 8, 2011.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn W ker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California