Thyssenkrupp Elevator/City Hall 1105/19/2011 14:23 9519269162 JSHURTZ THYSSEWRLIPP PAGE 05/12 Purchaser. Dorf: TK-it - 156 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico Le Quinta, CA 92263 Hereinafter referred to as "Purchaser", 'you', and "your". 1a Quinta City Han 78.495 Calle Tampico La QuiMa, CA 92253 By: 1T"senKrupp Elevator Corporation 1601 S. Sunkist Street, Suite E Anaheim, CA 92806 Telephone: (856)939-0888, (951)634-2172 - raz: (866)76"620 E-Mail: jim.shurtz@thyssenkrupp.com Internet www.thyssenknqVelevator.com Hereinafter referred to as'ThyssenKrtpp Elevator Corporation",'Thyswril0upp Elevatw','we", "us" and "our". GOLD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT enKru% Elevator agrees to maintain purchaser's elevator equipment described below in accordance with this agreement. will endeavor to provide a comprehensive maintenance program designed to protect your investment and maximize the performance, safety, and life span of the elevator equipment to be maintained. Building Name Only Elevator Equipment To Be Maintained UnitQusrrtitY Manufacturer 1 ThyssenKrupp TAC20 ThyssenKruppElevator Americas Business Unit Type of Una Appfrcadon of Unit Unft ID orSedal# Hydraulic Passenger RS6o049 t#VM926 0 05/18/2011 14:23 9519269152 JSHURTZ THYSSENKRUPP PAGE 06/12 We will service your equipment described In this agreement on a regularly scheduled basis. These service visits will be performed during normal business working days and hours, which are defined as Monday througgh Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (except scheduled holidays)- All work normal performed before or after business working days and hours shall be considered °Overtime'. _ Thyssw*upp Elevatarwid perform the following services: • Examine our elevator a __ — components of your elevatorrssysetem r optimum operation. Our examination, Tu6deatlon and adjustment wUCcdvertls�fogowing o Control and landing positioning systems o Signeifi:dures o Machines, drives, motors, governors, sheaves, and wire ropes o Power units, pumps, valves, and jacks o Car and hoisiway door operating devices and door protection equipment o loadweighers, car frames end platforms, and counterweights terweights o Safety mechanisms • Lubricate equipment for smooth and efficient performance • Adjust elevator parts and components to maximize performance and safe operation Thyssenftpp Davatorwill provide full coverage parts repair and/or replacement for all components worn due to normal wear, unless specifically excluded in the 'hems Nat Covered' or 'Other Condftlons' provisions hereln. We maintain a comprehensive parts inventory to support our field operations. Ail replacement parts used in your equipment will be new or refurbished to meet the quality standards of ThyssenKrupp Elevator. Most specialized parts are available within 24 hours, seven days a week We will reiamp all signals as required (during regularly scheduled visits). ThyssenKrupp Elevator pperforms service in accordance with our written Maintenance Control Program. This program meets or exceeds any and all requirements of ASME A 17.1-2007 Code, Section 8.6. The Maintenance Control Program includes ThyssenKrupp Elevators Maintenance Tasks & Records documentation which shall be used to record all work performed on the equipment and is provided with each controller. We do not perform any tests unless such tests are specifically listed as included elsewhere In this agreement - G?RTAT2; - •• To help increase elevator perfomtance and decease downtime, our technicians utilize the latest Industry methods and teclmobgy available to us for your specific brand of elevator. They will be equipped With our toots, documentation and knowledge to troubleshootyour unique system, as well as access to a comprehensive parts replacement Inventory system. Behind our technicians is a team devoted to elevator excellence. Technicians are supported around the dock by a team of englnears and field support experts. Our North American technical support facilities continuously research advancements in the industry and In your equipment. Also, our internal quality control program ensures optimum and reliable operation of your elevator equipment To assure that quality standards are being maintained, we may conduct periodic field quality audit surveys. Your dedicated ThyssenKrupp Elevator representative will be available to discuss your elevator needs with you in all aspects of semce and modernization. In addition, you may receive recommendations for upgrades that will also provide you with budget options designed to enhance the appearance, performance and safety of or meet Code requirements foryour equipment over time. Service requests are defined as any request for dispatch of our technician to the location of the equipment covered in this agreement from one or more of the fallowing: you or your representative, the bugdmg or building's representative, emergency personnel, passengers through the elevator's communication device and/or from VISTA Remote Monitoring through the elevator's communication line- Service requests include minor adjustments and response to emergency entrapments that can be accomplished in two hours or less (excluding travel time) and do not Include regularly scheduled maintenance visits. We w111 respond to service requests during normal business working days and hours, as defined above, at no additional charge. Overtime Service Requests On all overtime service requests, you will be responsible for all labor costs including travel time, travel expenses, and time spent an the job. Such Costs will be invoiced at our standard overtime billing rates- Overtime service requests are performed before or after normal business working days and hours. �t J. 14 I I • 1 -• VIEW is ThyssenKrupp Elevator's customer oriented, ordine service adw. reporting system,. VIEW allows building owners and managers to monitor our maintenance and service call activity. VIEW can be accessed via the Internet anytime, day or night You can "VIEW service ftkets associated with a single elevator serviced under this agreement, for ail the elevators at the location serviced under this agreement, or across an entire portfolio of elevator equipment that is serviced by ThyssenKrupp Elevator. Special considerations regarding VIEW are set forth below. Elevmor Maintenance Agreamem - TK-iV-2156 TK CA 06/10 page 2 M 8 05/18/2011 14:23 9519269152 JSHURTZ THYSSENSRUPP PAGE 07/12 ® ViSTA® (Check box if included) VISTA Remote Monitodngg is ThyssenKnrpp Elevator's exclusive service for monitoring the status and performance of your elevatar(s). VISTA monitors compatibie equipment 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year. Constantly monitoring performance data on your equipment provides ThyssenKrupp Elevator the ability to respond to operational irregularities quiddy and more efficiently. With VISTA, we can often dispatch -a sewie2 tec�^:aan to your taint tin tmfmm nrryJntem+ptian in devamr se ce occurs. Sw&e! visits based on VISTA data will be made during normal business boomon normal business days. Special consider ons regardng V are .. ---- ---- ® (Check box if included) SoundNet Is ThyssenKrupp Elevator's 24.hour telephone monitoring and emergency call service. Our representatives are trained to handle elevetor calls and they can assess the situation and quiddy dispatch a bichniaan when necessary. If needed, they Can stay on the I'me to reassure a stranded passenger that help is at the wwaayy. Soundfiet maintains digital recordings and computerized records of the time, data, and location of calls received and action taken for the bene it of passengers and building owners. Special considerations regarding SoundNet are set forth below. ® P& 'odic T90na (Check box if induded) Thyssen Krupp Elevator will fast your equipment in accordance wth those annual periodic testing requirements as autlmed in the American National Safely Cade for Elevators and tualators, ANSI A 17.1, which are in effect at the lima this agreement is exectited. In the event that the state, city or local gweming authority in which the equipment is located has adopted different requirements, ThyssenlWpp FJevdtorvriIt test your equipment to accordance wkh those annual periodic testing requ rements in effect at the time firs agreement is executed. You agree to pay for any costsoftheinspeaorand/arirrspectionfees SpeaalconsderatronsregangPeriadeSafetyTestfngaresatfarthbelow_ on, You agree to provide ThyssenKrupp E19VPWT with current wiring diagrams that reflect ail changes, parts catalogs, and ma ntenance insructions forthe equipment covered by this agreement (exception: we will supply ON of the above for new Thyssen"i; elevators at no additional cost). You agree to authorize us to produce single copies of any programmable device(s) used In the equipment for the purpose of archival back-up of the software embodied therein. These items will remain your property. $8fehr. You agree to instruct or warn passengers in the proper use of the equipment and t by competent personnel to detect irregularities between elevator examinations_ You agree to the need for correction before the next regular examination. You agree to immediately sh 'megularities in either the operation or the appearance of the equipment, to immediately notih compintion of any repairs. You agree to give us immediate verbal notice and written notice v in or about the elevator. You agree to provide our personnel with a safe place to work, You secured doors, waterproofing, lighting, ventilation, and appropriate air temperature control to and 90'F. You also agree to maintain the elevator "t in a dry condition at all times. Sho contract with others for removal and the proper handling of such liquids. We reserve the right sole opinion, our personnel do not have a safe place to work. You also a ree that if Thyssen serviced under this agreement reveals an operational problem which, inyhyssenKmpp Bet riding public, ThyssenKmpp Elevator may shut down the equipment until such time as d ThyssenKrupp Elevator will Immediately advise you in writing of such action, the reason for covered by the terms of this agreement. keep the equipment under continued surveillance nmediatey, report any condition that may indicate down the equipment upon manifestation of Orly is, and to keep the equipment shut down unfit the hin ten (10) days Oher any occurrence or accident Tree to provide a suitable machine room, including naimain that room at a temperature between 50OF i water or other liquids become present, you will r discontinue work In the bulldiq whenever, in our forgElevator's inspection of a piece of equipment s sole judgment, jeopardizes the safety OF the operational problem is resolved. In that event, uth action, and whether any proposed solution is QJM You agree not.to permit others to make akerations, additions, adjustments, or repairs or replace arty component or part of the equipment during the term of this agreement. You agree to accept our judgment as to the means and methods employed by us forary corrective work underthis agreement. In the event of the sale, lease or other transfer of the ownership or management of the premises in which the eluntw(s) at equipment described herein are located. you agree to see that such transferee is made aware of this agreement and agrees to assume and/or be bound by the conditions hereof for the balance of the unexpired term of this agreement- Should the transferee fail to assume this agreement, you shall remain liable for all unpaid amounts, including those owed for the balance of the current unexpired term of this agreement sideretion of ThyssenKrupp Elevator performing the services herein specified, you expressly agree to indemnify, defend, save harmless, rge, release and forever acquit ThyssenKmpp Elevator Corporation, our employees, offfficers, agents, affiliates, and subsidiaries from and t any and all claims, demands, suits, and proceedings brought against ThyssenKrupp Elevator, our employees, officers, agents, affiliates ibsidiaries for loss, property damage (Inciudin d age to the equipment which is the subject matter of this agreemer�. personal injury or that are alleged to have been caused by the Purchaser or any others in connection with the presence, use, misuse, mauxenartce, lion, removal ntaradactura, desgn, operator or condition of the equpment covered by this agreement, or the associated areas riding such equipment Your duuttyy to indemnity does not apj>fy to the nmdent that the toss property damage (Inducing damage M the rem which Is the subject matter afeMs agreement), personal injury or death is determined to �e carsed by or resuhirg from the ne�lr'rggence SsenKropp Elevator an our employees. You recognize that your obligation to Thyssen(Wpp Elevator under this clause mdudes nt of all anomey's fees, court costs, udgments, sdtlements, Interest and arty ath¢r expanses of Ildgahon ads rig out of suit clams or (OSUf You expressly agree to name ThyssenKrupp Ele rater Corporation along wth Its officers, agents, affifunes and subsid arias as addifional insureds in your liability and any excess (umbrella) liability irusurence policy(ies). Such insurance must insure ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation, along with Rs toffcers, agents, affiliates and subsidiaries for those dams and/or losses referenced In the above paragraph, and for claims and/or or losses arising from the sole negligence ar responsibNly of ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation and/or its ofrcers, ageras, affiliates and sub sidiar es. Such insurance must specify that ns coverage s primary and non contributory. Yau hereby waive the dghe ci subrogation. Iberr�s Not . We do not ewer cosmetic, construction, or ancillary components of the elevator system, including the finishing, repenmg, or rep acemem of lire cab endostrre, ceifng frames, panels, andlorfixt res, hoistway door panels doorframes, swing door hinges and G"or Mamtemnin Agr ie nit TK-117.2150 tic GA 05110 Page 3 of 8 05/18/2011 14:23 9519269152 JSHURTZ THYSSEWRLPP PAGE 08/12 dosing devices, sills, car flooring, floor cavering, righting futures, celingg ti�,t bulbs and tubes, main fine powerswddtes, bresker(s), feeders to controller, below ground or unexposed hydraulic elevator system, inrJudrng but not limited to, jack cylinder, piston, PVC or other protective material; below ground or unexposad piping, alignment of elevator guide rails, smoke and fire sensors, fire seance reports, all commurilmdon and entertainment devices, security systems not installed by us, batteries for emergency; lighting and emergency lowering, air conditioners, heaters, ventilation fans, pit pumps and all other hems as set forth and excluded In this agreement BEGO1101tlORS With the passage oh time, equlpmenttecnnoiogy am oesigns w d under this agreememcannot, n our solo opinion,be safety repaired and is I l equipment manufacturer er an aftPtmarke source, that part or component shal s associated with replacing that obsolete part ar component as well as Oil chargaeRimlagy contpabble with that replacement part or component. in addition, mendations inthe ex sting des fin or function of the unh(s) nor will we be obligates mmended Dr d relied by insurance txxnparr es, govemmentai agencies or autlot ed ro service, renew, replace and/or repair the equipment due to any one or gsm of the equptnem; argrones negggerrce in connemon with the use or op t ors power failure, fir power surges that in arty way affect the operation of the i ing, acts of evil or migrary authorfies, strikes, Iodsottts, other Wbof disputes, the God or airy other reason or cause beyond our control that affects the use or ape or discharge us and our employees for any and all claims and/or losses (IrPcluding personal damage to the orooerty which is the subject rtlader of this agreement) assodated therev automatically rice ve an extension of time commensurate with any delay in performan expressly agree to release and discharge ThysseniGupp Elevator from any and all Clain out of the Qarfomtance of this agreement. In no event shall ThyssenKrupp flevator's li the remaining unpaid installments of the current, unexpired term of this agreement. Should your system require any of the safety tests on the commencement data of responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the governor or safetes on traction elevator the terms of this agreement until the test has been completed end the equipment passed shall be your sale responsibility to make necessary repairs and place the equipment in a under the terms of this agreement. We shall not be liable for any damage to the building of any safety tests we petform at any time under this agreement. If during the i oil Inoperable, you shall be responsible for all costs associated with necessary rwan( ) elevator codes in your local jurisdiction. In the event a third party is retained to enforce, construe or defend any of the terms and s hereunder, either with or without litigation, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover tiler stocked and readily available from mar the onsidered obsolete. You will be responsible for all iired to ensure that the remainder of the equipment Will nut be required to make any changes or :stag new attachments or parts upon the equipment or any other third party. Moreover, we shall not be of the following: anyone's abuse, misuse and/or in of the equipment; any lass of power, power nent; fire, smoke, explosions, water, stones, wind, t, ovl commotion, war, malicious mischief, acts of ,o nnuiemar,t_ You examssly agree to release and or related to the ledial, special or laces arisina out yssenKrupp laevator assumes no l slam on hydraulic elevators under live system fall any of those tests, it ereecca blefar further coverage star resulting from the performance e test, that feature is found to be into compliance with the applicable of this agreement or to collect any monies due and reasonable ettomey's fees. You hereby waive trial by jury. You agree thatthis agreement Mall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state where the equipment is located. You consent to jurisdiction of the courts, both state and Federal, ofthe state in which the equipment Is located as to all matters and disputes arising out of this agreement. in the avant any portion of this agreement is deemed invalid or unerdarceeble by a court law, public policy or statute, such finding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion of this agreement. Our rights under this agreement shall be cumulative and our failure to exerdse any rights given hereunder shall not operate to forfeit or waive any of said rights and any extension, indulgence or change by us in the method, mode or manner of payment or any of its other rights shall not be construed as a waiver of any of its rights under this agreement. L. The price for the services as stated in this agreement shall beTwo Hundred S'ody-Five dollars ($ 265M) per month, excluding taxes, payable quarterly in advance. Wit __ 1u joint. This agreement is effective for fee (5) years starling )uaeQ1, 2t711 and iron -cancelable. To ensure continuous service, this agreement Ill be aatomaoaafiy renewed for sucoessrve five (5) year periods, unless either paAy timely serves whiten notice upon the other party of its I to cancel at least ninety (90) days but oat more than 120 days hefore the end �, the initial fve l5i year per od, ar at least ninety (90) days but not more than 120 days before the and of arty subsequent five (5) year renewal period. Notice shall be sent by certified mall, return receipt requested to the address set forth on page 1 of this agreement Tine Is of the essence. M. Since our costs to provide you with the service sir forth rr semca under this agreement accordingly. In the event this of t the average rate paid to elevator examiners_ This rate paid to benefits and unian welfaregranted in place of or in addition to the I Insurance, sickness and accident insurance, and hospital insun x: of our service under this agreement and/or enact surcharges as Consumer price Index (CPp current rate. We also reserve the exdi agreement in the event that the equipment covered by this agreem, Ed111/ Pa and M=Ullt. You may elect to pay in advance for payment entitles you to a Na discount from the annual price in effect t Overdue I A service charge of Ph% per month, or the highest legal eve with ThyssenKmpp Elevator that are in any way related to your equipment ThyssenRntpp Elevator related to your equipment deWbed in this agreement, n ur eter Maintananee Agreement TK GA 0511D this agreement may increase, we reserve the right to rrs, we will adjust your monthly price based an the vator examiners consists of the hourly rate paid to ply rate. Fringe belvas include pensions, vacations, M. We also reserve the right to make additional Ieded W account for increased fuel prices when such ve fight to make additional adjustment to the price of is modified from Its present state )f service described in this agreement. Such a pre - is more, shag apply to all overdue acoaurrts you t agreement. If you do not pay any sum due to Cher it is billed pursuant to this agreement or any TK-117-2156 Page 4 of a ...... _..._...._.............. 05/18/2011 14:23 9519299152 JSHURTZ THYSSENKRUPP PAGE 09/12 other with us. widtin sixty (00) day* from the bli ng Bete we may also choose to co one or more a ute ����.+..�.�y.., _._ ____ ..a.0 .»ar.,.m.r��„dim,matermeunexoiredtermofthiSegrEErtletddueimmediatElY8S6qutdafeddama9as - _ tanamat is payment to equipment costs We incur that result from our essence. 7elro Ce..YouraccFhu7ntao eatthis�reempmanager of fiyssonKruPP Elevator Suit tbnstitute n-dentirelythememthitheservicesheedm4e merreinandnootherchartd ttY bath Should your acceptatp�gyovem, evenin tcardha. Thispp Elevator represe^tetoptusated 6el�omwtted for arx�prance wthln one hundred twpnry (120) days from the Date Submhteedd by the No. agent or employee shall have the aufwdty to valve or modify any of the terms of mis agreement without the prior written-approval.of an authorized ThyssanKrupp Elevator manager- - - - - --- - _ - - -- Thyssen Elevator On: Gip' ot(a Quirde ------------ 113010111ml APpr Br (SIlalahaeoFAuthWraedlndrvid10 (Si MafAWtodted hrdM[4 s rysterMntpp Elevaem Repraset[taave) Tom Hartung Jeff sprosty JamesW Shurtz AccoumManaaer _.,... [) Bu9IMbar &'!Neafeety Director - (WiVfypeNome) Branch manager (Print prTYpeTltle) dune 7, 2011 (pear 'fyPeTdte) d G MUA3g-M fdaY 19, 2o11 (omesubmiaem (pate of Apprwaq Coate of Apprafj spedalCnnsideradons xm_ �oundNet� Through its SoumdNet communication center, ThyssenKrupp Elevator will provide 24-hour telephone montodngg an all elevator( maintained under the monitoring agreement, prWded such elevators are equipped with *pet adonel telephone egra end onward of a to a tescalto SoundNers call center. SoundNet Will receive Incoming emerggeency telephone calls from the elevators) and forward $ame m PurdYaser s dealgnated emergency Contacts- it shall be PurcFesees responsRtf'ny to submitanexeeryartedaC�MRaa Oara Sheet (attached as Exhibit 1 hereto) to se vi Ice. Purchaswo er understaand to ndS that n)o reVlslaoto elevator mergency Contacts In be made wlb ' : Th eenl(nop Elevator firss to the emergency t 9 durSuch retluest the term in writing. SotHWNet setvice dopy not include maintenance serviC2 for Customer's telephone equhym@em. Customer twins possession end control of its telephone equipment and Is, responsible tar ensudng uninterrupted operation of the telephones so that they are capable Of placing a cap to B¢vetw natnterance AereameM - - tIWpage ge6of a TK6A CUM a o8 05/18/2011 14:23 9519269152 .7SHURTZ THYSSENKRUPP PAGE 16/12 SumdNet's call center. SoundNet service cannot be provided without a telephone located within the elevators) described in this agreement that has the calling capability described above. shall not be held responsible or liable for any claim, injury, delay, death or detention of loss of fife, or loss to equipment fa lae, false alarms or interruption of telephone semce or inaccurate data set forth in arty relatE a. o- emergency or any other situation including, but notlimded to, -entrapment Of:persons, evacuation, repair or recur of any equipment if SoundNet is unable to reach CuStamer's designated emergency contacts, a service tedericien may be dispatched to the site at Purchaser's expense in accordance with Thysse upp 9e'rator s applicable billing rate. Purchaser agrees that it is within the reasonable discretion of SoundNa l service tag ri agra to as to c charges for Seerrvices pranic or ovact eMWAW ided by any Person, °rg� n l It o> orwMes cerhmaeated d as emergency of any wmcm am unavailable. Customer agrees to pay P� emergency or perceived emergency cast -- To enable remotetnonitoring serJide customer agrees to provide ThyssenKrupp laavatnrwith'orreror accessiblephaneiineperelevasu that data can betransmitted to ThyssenKrupp Elevator's monitoring facility. ThyssenKrupp Elevstarwill provide a toMme number for this purpose. Purchaser authorizes us to install and maintain ThyssenKrupp Elevator's remote monitoring equipment on purchaser's equipment. Purchaser understands that all remote monitoring equipment, both hardware and software, installed by us on purchawts equipment remains the property of ThyssenKrupp Elevator. If the service agreemart between ThyssenKrupp Elevator and customer is terminated for any reason, you authorize and unit allow us access to your pretrses to remove our remote mannoring equipment. The monitoring equipment Installed by ThyssenKrupp Elevator contains trade secrets belongrttg to us, and is installed for the use and benefit of our personnel only. You agree not to permit your personnel or any third parties to use, access, examine copy, disclose or disassemble the remote monitoring equipment while It is located on your premises. ThyssenKrupp Elevators top priority is the satisfaction of our customers. If during the term of this Agreement, ThyssenKrupp Elevator falls to of the propedy perform sat"" a accordance wth the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Purchaser shall advse lhyssenKrupp spec deficiency n cur ling and she allow a reasonable period of thirty (30) days from t e date of the written not ee to trorted the de5cienty, in the everd ThYssenHrupp Elevator fails to tarred the defic envy in the allotted time, Purchaser shag have the right to temunate this egreemer t upon thirty (SO) days pnar utter now to ThyrssenKrupp Cl Wntten notices shall be $ ant by certified mail, return receipt regmcested to the address set forth.on page 1 of this agreemem. Time rs of the essence. Mo ' ly HIR 5M60 Usrtin_g and Recozd Sr4 1 'on per ASME A 171 This Agreement includes monthly fire service testing and record completion in accordance with the American National Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, ANSI AI7.1 which is in effect in the Jurisdiction in which the equipment is located at the time this agreement is executed. At the conclusion of each calendar year, Purchaser assumes responsibgityfor maintaining long-term storage of such records. Extended 7fiBm emeltt Purchaser shag receive a discount for extended terms as indicated below by signatory acceptance upon commencement of this Elevator Maintenance Agreement: MMWIGMIdAgigmignal asce QM2 Initial and D& 7 Years 59b 10 Years 10% 15 Years 12% 20 Years 15% In the event you select an extended tens, the agreement will automatically renew at the expiration of the extended term for successive periods equal to the initial extended term. Ether party may terminate this agreement at the end of the initial extended term or mien notice prie end of or subsequent extended term by giving the other parry at least ninety (90) clay but not more than one hundred twenty (220) days to the end of the then current term. If far any reason, this agreement is terrrdnated prior to the end of the current term: a condition of such termination shall be drat you agree to pay us the full amount of the any discount you received during the original and any subsequenttemt- This is in addition to and not in Neu of any other rights or remedies we may have. TK-117-2166 aevatar mietbmace Agreement Page 6 of e TX GA 05110 - 05/18/2011 14:23 9519269152 JSHURTZ THYSSENKRUPP PAGE 11/12 YOU R=-' $ t a� �t�.t l • �A•4(7O rlGi111'1' ��� .'!. a'•eia F7!'il co msion or bmalw. Should the on the covered eli%i mis). This wanta�r�ityy exdur lential darnmo of any land and other cgnc66ora as Elevamr Mairttermm Agreement TK GA 05/10 TK-117-2156 Page 7ofe 05/18/2011 14:23 9519269152 J5 JRTZ THYSSEWRUPP PAGE 12/12 Cons lete Btfi)dina Infomtatan s — ---- — —atals- — ----- — forthe 78-495 Calle Tampico building larefed LaQuinta, CA 92253 at, Total No of Elevators in Building: FrhN i - Contaet Data ShW city, JO: I La Quinta CA 9Z-LbJ attnune: I Gres Butler Eletamrft Eftator Teleighone Number IndtAN Area Code 760 771-1059 1 1. 2. 3. 4- ff e w ream anyone at the above listed roan ers, and than the expre p cnmpanyl/stedbetont Flevator Service Company: Thyssenftpp Elevator phone Number. (866)939.OB88 In the event of an Emergency or perceived emergency, SoundNet has the express permission to contact one or more of the following (911 Is not srdfident, local phone numbers are requtnio.- pale Departmerrn [ 760 ) 863 - 8990 Fre Department [ _24_ — 4351 — Special lnamcdonsfremarks: It is the respansmdny of purchaser to Immediately advise Soundtlet in wrieng of arty changes to the contacts or numbers IiSad on this Contact Oato Sheet. Purchaser ag m to pact au charges for services incurred by any person, organization of munidpBldY as a result of any emergency or perceived emergency call. It is also expressly understood that SoundNet does not have and does not assume any duty or responsibility for any person.or entity that fans to respond to any emergency or per:eived emergency sdualion. n �.. 6.... ..•awrhne rrnrdnriq[ In the event of an emergency.,or perce ContactName smut errs uue or ur nc u, Tide •• ••^ -•- -- - myTdephone� Sewftdary Telephone A Maxwell Security 272-1212 None Paul Fuson Facilities Coord. 250-6723 cell F None Greg Butler Bldg/Safety Direc ) 777-7015 760) 250-6710 cell ss eroussran ar aserto contact the evaforservice Tr"s nlWpp Elevator Corpmat(on: Cipr of t a Quinta TfpfSSMKMW Elevd* Corporation Appravel: By: e e6 z'. enKrupp Ffavator RepresematNe) (Srgnsarre of Aueroritied Ind idual) (Signature oFAuthwized Individual) Tom Hartung Jeff sprasty Jamm X ShurS& (Print urType Name) (Print ofType Name) Account MaoaaeT Bu i 1 d i ng & Safety Director Brandy Manager f8861939 f�08 _ (Prirnar7ypeTRIE) (Print or Type Tide) May 19.2D11 6-8-11 (Date of Approva6 (Date of approves) (Date 5ubmilted) TK-117 2156 Elevffiw MaInWianceAereement page al8 TKCA One