2011 07 12 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78 -495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
July 12, 2011
A. A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to
order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Alderson.
B. PRESENT: Commissioners Barrows, Wilkinson, Wright, and
Chairman Alderson.
ABSENT: Commissioner Weber.
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Les Johnson, City Attorney Kathy
Jenson, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Planning
Manager David Sawyer, Principal Planner Wally
Nesbit, Assistant Planner Eric Ceja, and Secretary
Monika Radeva.
C. Election of Chair: It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Wilkinson /Wright to nominate Chairman Alderson as Chair. There
being no further discussion, the nominations were closed and
Chairman Alderson was elected as Chair.
AYES: Commissioners Wilkinson, Wright, and Vice Chairperson
Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN:
Election of Vice Chair: It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Barrows /Wright, to nominate Commissioner Wilkinson as Vice Chair.
There being no further discussion, the nominations were closed and
Commissioner Wilkinson was elected as Vice Chair.
AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Wright, and Chairperson Alderson.
NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN: None.
Mr. Daniel Arvizo, Senior Planner with the City of Indio, 100 Civic
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Center Mall, Indio, CA, introduced himself and gave a presentation on
the American Planning Association and outlined why it might be
beneficial for the Planning Commissioners to become members and
attend its events.
Chairman Alderson asked Mr. Arvizo to leave his contact information
in case the Commission had any more questions.
Commissioner Barrows asked to confirm that the American Planning
Association (APA) Conference this year would be held in the Coachella
Valley area. Mr. Arvizo confirmed and gave information on the
A. Site Development Permit 2011 -917; a request by Coral Mountain
Partners, L.P. /City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, for consideration
of architectural, site, and landscaping plans for Coral Mountain
Apartments, a 176 -unit multi- family affordable rental housing community
on approximately 10 acres, located approximately 660 feet east of Dune
Palms Road, north of the DSUSD Administration Campus.
Principal Planner Wally Nesbit presented the staff report, a copy of which
is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Barrows asked if residents would be able to walk over to
the adjacently located shopping center, Komar Desert Center. Principal
Planner Nesbit replied there is a five -foot sidewalk proposed on the south
and east sides of the project that would give residents a pedestrian path
to the adjacent shopping center. He noted that the access points to go in
and out of the development were limited to the vehicle entry points.
Planning Director Les Johnson noted that staff was working with the
Komar Desert Center to provide a sidewalk connection from the center to
the development on the south side of the driveway located directly across
from the Costco gas station.
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Discussion followed regarding the connection points, striping, and the
preliminary plans for the pedestrian access point from the shopping center
to the development.
Further discussion followed regarding additional pedestrian paths of travel
available around the area.
Vice Chair Wilkinson said the submitted plans indicated that there would
be vehicular gates as well as a pedestrian gate on the northeast corner of
the development. Staff replied the applicant had decided not to go
forward with any of the gates and build it as an open community.
Planning Director Johnson said it would be, similar to the Wolff Waters
development located to the southwest, which was also an open
community. He noted the pool area would be completely gated, thus not
open to the general public, but only accessible to the residents with the
appropriate access.
Vice Chair Wilkinson asked staff to show the locations of the proposed
twenty -foot wall and why there was an additional wall next to the
indicated blue line. Principal Planner Nesbit showed where the twenty -
foot wall was located on the plans. He replied the shorter wall was a
sound wall and explained it consisted of short sections of wall in between
the buildings creating a staggered look to the development.
Vice Chair Wilkinson asked if the existing chain -link fence located on the
south side of the project would remain. Staff replied the fence would not
Planning Director Johnson said staff had been working with Desert Sands
Unified School District (DSUSD) to have the chain -link fence upgraded.
He gave a brief overview of the ongoing discussions.
Discussion followed regarding the landscaping in proximity to the DSUSD
bus gate and access road. Staff noted that the southwest corner would
be landscaped, but the landscaping would stop on the north side of the
access road, west of where the gate was proposed to be installed.
Principal Planner Nesbit noted that the submitted plans identified the
landscaping material along the north access road as decomposed granite
to eliminate maintenance issues.
Vice Chair Wilkinson asked if there would be a traffic signal on Dune
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Palms Road where the school busses were leaving from the DSUSD
facility. Staff replied the. traffic study and the environmental impact
report indicated the need for a traffic signal at that location and for
certain mitigation measures that would be implemented to facilitate traffic
, movement.,
Vice Chair Wilkinson asked if the ADA path of travel encompassed all of
the down stairs units. Staff replied that the applicant _was conditioned
through the Site Development Permit to comply with ADA , standards.
Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer explained that compliance with Federal and
State ADA standards did not require every single building to be ADA.
compliant, but if the,Planning,Commission deemed, necessary they could
condition the applicant to, provide for that.
Commissioner Wright said he was a strong advocate of the Highway 111
mixed use corridor concept and was pleased to see the - implementation of
a pedestrian access from the development to the Komar Desert Center.
He:noted his questions had already been answered.
Chairman Alderson suggested the proposed tot lot and, the pool area be
moved closer to each other. Planning Director, Johnson replied the
separation between the pool and the tot lot was intentional and he
explained why. He added, the main reason for separating the two areas
was to provide residents with multiple recreational locations within the
. •community.
Chairman Alderson said the additional access from Dune Palms Road to
the Komar Desert Center, though advantageous, could create. traffic
concerns and suggested the speed limit be reduced in.that area and be
regulated through the use of speed tables.
Chairman Alderson commended the Architecture and Landscaping Review
Committee on their review and comments on the project.
Chairman Alderson asked, for clarification on the proposed interactive
water feature in the area located behind the pool. Principal Planner
i, Nesbit replied . it was intended to provide a relief if the pool -was ever
overcrowded. He said no final design had been selected yet, but the idea
could be as simple as a few play surface water spouts.
Chairman Alderson asked if the twenty-foot, wall had any specific physical
-4 -.
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July 12, 2011
characteristics built into it that would deal with sound control. Staff
replied there was some specific sound deadening criteria incorporated into
the structural engineering of the wall.
Chairman Alderson said the Commission must be cognizant about
allowing any two -story structures on the north side of the project for
view protection. Planning Director Johnson said that the north property
was in a preliminary exclusive negotiating agreement with a car dealer,
but there weren't any plans indicative of height of the building or
anything concrete at this time.
Chairman Alderson asked if any solar cells would be installed on top of
the parking structures. Staff replied solar panels would not be installed
on top of the carports; however, there were four buildings that housed
solar panels on the roofs.
Chairman Alderson inquired about the parking lot light fixtures. Staff
replied the details on the fixtures was included in the . packet and
explained what they were.
Chairman Alderson said the submitted landscaping plans were very
difficult to read. Commissioner Barrows said she found them difficult to
read as well.
Vice Chair Wilkinson said the plans indicated that solar cells would be
placed on top of the carports. Staff explained that there were some
changes that were requested and implemented during mid - project review
and it would have been very burdensome for the applicant to provide new
sets of plans indicating those changes. Due to these changes, the
current plans incorrectly showed that there would be solar panels on top
of the parking structure. Further, staff noted that the applicant later
expressed concerns regarding the potential energy inefficiency in
transitioning the energy from the carports.
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson opened the
public hearing portion of the meeting and asked if the applicant would like
to speak.
Mr. Ron Gregory, A.S.L.A., President of RGA Landscape Architects, Inc.,
74020 Alessandro Drive, Suite # E, Palm Desert, CA, introduced himself
and said he was available to answer any questions the Commission might
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July 12, 2011
Vice Chair Wilkinson asked if the placement of the various transformers,
electrical boxes, gas and water meters, fire hydrants, sewer lines, PVC
lines, etc., were taken into consideration when constructing the
landscaping plans. Mr. Gregory replied they were taken into account as
the plans required the approval of Imperial Irrigation District (IID) and
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD).
Discussion followed regarding the landscaping plant palette.
Mr. John Vuksic, AIA, Architect with Prest Vuksic Architects, 39 Camino
Real, Rancho Mirage, CA, introduced himself and said the placement of
the different utility boxes and facilities had been addressed in great detail.
Vice Chair Wilkinson inquired about the engineering of the air - conditioning
ducts. Mr. Vuksic explained the way they were engineered to increase
energy efficiency.
Vice Chair Wilkinson inquired about the height of the roof parapets and if
the solar equipment would be at all visible. Mr. Vuksic replied there was
very little equipment on the roof, that it would not be visible, and that the
height of the parapets was approximately four feet and even shorter in
some places.
Commissioner Barrows asked if the carports would be built in a way to
support possible solar panels in the'lluture. Mr. Vuksic said the intent
was to have the solar panels on the roof of the buildings only because
there was a lot of room up there as well as there was room for the
mechanical equipment, and research had shown that they would be more
efficient at those locations. Therefore the carports would not be
designed to support solar panels.
Chairman Alderson said the downside of having solar panels on the
carports was that they would be visible from the two -story units.
Commissioner Barrows asked what passive solar designs were
incorporated into the project. Mr. Vuksic enumerated a few, mentioning
the desert contemporary design architecture which incorporated deep,
thick walls, deep rises for the windows to maximize shade, in addition to
metal awnings and long narrow overhangs, high quality windows, high
efficiency appliances, etc.
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Commissioner Wright said he was pleased with the architecture of the
development and that it was reminiscent of the Costco center. He
commended RGA Landscape Architects, Inc. for the selection of plant
material that really compliments the architecture. He said he was very
pleased with the proposed plans and was very much in support of the
Chairman Alderson asked why there was an undeveloped triangular piece
of land on the northwest corner of the site. Planning Director Johnson
explained that piece of land was part of the adjacent lot on the north and
not part of this project.
Chairman Alderson asked if the elevations would be as presented in the
proposed plans. Mr. Vuksic replied.that was the intent, he added the
color palette consisted of desert hues and a lot of accent colors.
Chairman Alderson asked if the Commissioners had additional questions.
The Commissioners had no further questions and he closed the public
hearing portion of the meeting and returned to Commissioner comments.
Vice Chair Wilkinson commended the applicant's team for a job well
Commissioner Barrows asked if the memorandum from the Public Works
Department clarifying the conditions of approval should be included in the
motion. Staff replied the memorandum should be included.
There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows /Wilkinson to approve Resolution 2011 -008
approving Site Development Permit 2011-917 as recommended by staff
and subject to the condition change submitted with the memorandum
distributed by the Public Works Department.
AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Wilkinson, Wright and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN:
B. Environmental Assessment 2010 -608 and Tentative Tract Map 36279 a
request by Pedcor Commercial Development for consideration of a
recommendation for a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental
Impact and a Tentative Tract Map, to create 11 single - family residential
lots on 9.14 gross acres, located at the southwest corner of Madison
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Street and Avenue 51 (also known as Vista Bonita Trail).
Principal Planner Wally Nesbit presented the staff report, a copy of which
is on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
There being no questions of staff, Chairman Alderson opened the public
hearing portion of.the meeting and asked if the applicant would like to
Mr. David Turner with Coachella Valley Engineers, 77933 Las Montanas
Road, Suite #101, Palm Desert, CA, introduced himself and said he was
available to answer any questions from the Commission.
Vice Chair Wilkinson asked if the ,existing building on the site would
remain. Mr. Turner replied the building would remain and explained what
the building was originally intended for. He said currently the building
would be used to store landscaping equipment and later on when the site
would be developed, if it did not fit within the plans, it would most likely
be removed.
Mr. Turner asked to clarify condition of approval #112 stating that there
would be no further use of the structure, he asked if the existing use of
the structure could continue.
Commissioner Wright noted he was supportive of the applicant continuing
to use the existing structure to store landscaping equipment.
Commissioner Barrows said the way the condition was written, it did not
allow for any further use of the existing structure. Staff replied the intent
was to forbid further expansion of uses•and to simply limit it to what it
was originally intended for. Staff noted that the Building and Safety
Department must also inspect the structure to ensure that it was
structurally sound and compliant with Building and Safety codes.
Commissioner Barrows suggested staff clarify the wording of the
condition because as it read, it did not reflect staff's intention. Staff
replied the condition would be clarified to read that no further expansion
of the use of the structure would . be permitted.
Mr. Turner asked to clarify condition of approval #110. He said when
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tract 30378 was originally approved there was no height limitation
applied, but tract 33085 had a height limitation of twenty -two feet. He
expressed a concern about the applied height limitation as he believed the
existing structure already exceeds it.
Discussion followed regarding the density and height limitations of the
development and the height limitation per the La Quinta Municipal Code.
Staff explained why the twenty -two feet height limitation was applied.
Chairman Alderson asked to confirm that the project to the west was the
Orchards. Staff replied the property to the west outside of the lines of
this map was actually the La Quinta Polo Estates.
Discussion followed regarding residents' concerns, expressed in the past,
from the adjacent properties, during the original approval process,
regarding the density and height structures of the project. Staff noted
that, even though, no concerns had been expressed regarding the current
map, it was prudent to apply the same condition as applied to the
existing map located south of the project.
Discussion followed regarding the distance from the existing wall to the
street curb on the lots located along Madison Street and the depth of the
lots located on the west and east side of the project. Staff said the key
issue would be where the residences would be built on the lots.
Planning Director Johnson explained the applicable development
regulations regarding the set -back requirements and height limitations per
the La Quinta General Plan.
Planning Director Johnson said it was up to the Commission's discretion
to decide whether or not a height limitation was warranted for the entire
property. He reiterated that the project to the south had already been
conditioned to the same height limitation and that the adjacent La Quinta
Polo Estates project did not allow any two -story units.
Commissioner Wright referenced other projects within the City that had
certain lots with two -story units within the developments because the
depth of the lots allowed for set -back and height compliance per the La
Quinta General Plan requirements.
Mr. Turner said he brought up the questions regarding the height
limitation because the preexisting structure on the site exceeded the
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proposed. limitation. Staff clarified that condition of approval #112 was
worded in a way that acknowledged the existence of that structure and
its intent was to apply the zoning standards related to non - structural
development standards, such as lot coverage, etc., and not to a pre-
established structural condition.
Staff asked the City Attorney's input on how to properly address the
concern in the condition of approval. City Attorney Kathy Jenson replied
that if the concern was with the existing structure, referencing it in
condition #110 would eliminate any issues with condition #112.
Further discussion followed regarding the existing height limitations on
the adjacent lots.
Mr. Turner asked the Commission to consider amending condition #112
to apply the twenty -two feet height limitation only to structures located
less than 150 feet from Madison Street, but to allow for the height
limitation per the La Quinta Municipal Code for structures located farther
away than 150 feet.
Planning Director Johnson agreed with Mr. Turner's proposals and said
the Commission could consider amending the condition in such a way.
He pointed out there were other developments within the City, especially
particular to custom homes that had used architectural variations that
allowed for part of the residence to have second story architectural
Chairman Alderson asked if the height limitation was to be applied to lots
one through ten that would encompass the preexisting structures
exceeding the height limit. Planning Director. Johnson replied that
condition #110, as recommended by City Attorney Jenson, would
address the preexisting structure.
Commissioner Barrows asked for staff's or Mr. Turner's input on how the
condition should be worded.
Planning Director Johnson suggested imposing a single story and twenty -
two feet height limitation to lots one through six located within 120 feet
of the west property line. He said for Jots six and seven located along
the north property line, imposing some type of a set -back that would be
conditioned to the single story and twenty -two feet height limitation and
in this way ensuring that if there were to be any second story elements
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to the structure, they would be located at a reasonable distance from the
lots at the La Quinta Polo Estates.
Mr. Turner clarified that the only exception to the condition would be the
preexisting structure on lot six.
Planning Director Johnson suggested the condition also stipulate that the
applicant provide reference of the set -back boundary on the map so that
it would be clearly delineated exactly where the break would apply.
Discussion followed regarding the structural height limitation imposed by
the La Quinta Municipal Code for residences located along Madison
Chairman Alderson asked if the existing block wall around the project
would remain. Mr. Turner replied all of the existing walls would be
removed with the exception of the perimeter wall along Madison Street.
Chairman Alderson asked if the applicant had any intentions of rebuilding
the existing water feature located on the northern part of the project. Mr.
Turner said the location and condition of the water feature are being
evaluated. He expressed a concern that it might encroach into one of the
lots which would require the removal of at least a portion of it. He
added, if that affected the overall aesthetic look of the waterfall, then the
entire feature might have to be completely removed.
Chairman Alderson said the Commission would not be favorable of that
type of water feature due to recent developments regarding water
conservation. Mr. Turner said he could not give the Commission a
definite answer at this time.
Chairman Alderson asked if the existing electrical, water, and sewer
utilities would be sufficient to accommodate the proposed project. Mr.
Turner replied the electric, water, and sewer utilities had been installed.
He explained that additional water and sewer lines would have to be
installed based on meetings with the utility companies.
Chairman Alderson asked if the Commissioners had additional questions
of the applicant. There being no further questions he closed the public
hearing portion of the meeting and opened the matter for Commission
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There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wilkinson /Barrows. to approve Resolution 2011 -009
recommending to the City Council approval of Environmental Assessment
2010 -608, subject to the conditions submitted.
AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Wilkinson, Wright and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN:
There was no further discussion and it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wilkinson /Wright to approve Resolution 2011 -010
recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map
36279, subject to the conditions submitted with the following revisions:
a. Amend Condition 110 to be applied in accordance with the
provisions of Section 9.50.020 of the LQMC. In addition, the
one- story /22 -foot restriction shall also apply within 150 feet of
the west property line for Lots 1 through 6, and to any
structures within 40 feet of the north property line, for Lots 6
and 7. The restriction shall not apply to the existing structure
on Lot 6.
b. Amend Condition 112 to allow use of the preexisting building
once a special inspection has been conducted by the Building
and Safety Department.
AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Wilkinson, Wright and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN:
None. ,
C. Continued — Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2011-104 a request by the
City of La Quinta for consideration of an Amendment to the La Quinta
Municipal Code, section 9.170, Communication Towers and Equipment to
be effective City -wide.
Assistant Planner Eric Ceja presented the staff report, a copy of which is
on file in the Planning Department.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Vice Chair Wilkinson asked if staff could give an example of existing cell
towers within the City of La Quinta that did not meet the proposed code
amendments. Staff referenced towers that do and do not meet the
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proposed code amendments.
Discussion followed regarding existing towers, their height and aesthetic
Vice Chair Wilkinson asked if it was possible to have the existing towers
that were out of compliance be brought up to code. Staff replied that a
subsection of the proposed amendment stipulated that approved facilities
would have to be reviewed by the Planning Commission every ten years
which would allow the Commission to address any concerns at that time.
Planning Director Johnson said the proposed code amendment
encouraged applicants to incorporate the antennas into the architectural
design of the building.
Commissioner Wright said he was in favor of the proposed code
Chairman Alderson asked if the code amendment imposed restrictions as
to the location of cell towers within the City. Staff replied it did.
Chairman Alderson asked if the code addressed removal of the cell
towers if they were no longer utilized due, to possible technological
advancements in the future. Planning Director Johnson said the proposed
amendment to the code did address that issue and allowed for the
enforcement of a removal to occur.
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson opened the
matter for public comment.
There being no public comment, Chairman Alderson opened the matter
for Commission discussion.
There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright /Barrows to approve Resolution 2011-011
recommending to the City Council approval of Zoning Ordinance
Amendment 2011-104, as submitted by staff.
AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Wilkinson, Wright and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN:
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D. 2008 La Quinta Housing Element Update a request by the City of La
Quinta for consideration of a recommendation for adoption of the
proposed draft of the La Quinta Housing Element Update document.
Planning Director Les Johnson noted the memo included in the packet
requesting the Commission to open the public hearing and continue the
matter to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting on
July 26, 2011, at 7:00 p.m.
Planning Director Johnson encouraged the Commissioners to address any
questions they might have regarding the document with staff prior to the
Planning Commission meeting on July 26, 2011.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any. questions of staff.
There being no questions of staff, Chairman Alderson noted the City was
the applicant and asked if there was any public comment.
There being no questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright /Barrows to continue the 2008 La Quinta Housing
Element Update to the July 26, 2011, Planning Commission Meeting.
AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Wilkinson, Wright, and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN:
A. Discussion of July 5, 2011 Council meeting. Chairman Alderson gave
a brief overview of the items discussed including residents' concerns
regarding dog parks within the City, the new legislature regarding
Redevelopment Agencies, and concerns regarding the increased
number of music events within the neighboring communities and the
affects thereafter.
B. Commissioner Barrows is scheduled to attend the July 19, 2011, City
Council meeting.
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C. Noted that the new City Council Meeting Attendance Schedule from
July 5, 2011 — June 19, 2012, was included.
A. Planning Director Johnson suggested the Commissioners review and
consider the information provided by Mr. Arvizo at the beginning of the
meeting. He encouraged the Commissioners to attend and possibly
participate in any local Planning events that might be available within the
Coachella Valley and he mentioned a few events coming up.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Barrows /Wright to adjourn this regular meeting of the
Planning Commission to the next meeting to be held on July 26, 2011. This
meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m. on July 12, 2011.
Respectfully submitted,
Monika Radeva, Secretary
City of La Quinta, California