2011 07 19 RDA MinutesLA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JULY 19, 2011 A regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairperson Henderson. PRESENT: Agency Members Adolph, Evans, Franklin, Chairperson Henderson ABSENT: Agency Member Sniff MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Franklin /Evans to excuse the absence of Board Member Sniff. Motion carried by a vote of 4 -0. PUBLIC COMMENT — None CLOSED SESSION — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Executive Director Genovese stated a revised Demand Register has been distributed which depicts amendments to the payments related to the recent State action. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION — It was moved by Agency Members Adolph /Evans to approve the Redevelopment Agency Minutes of July 5, 2011 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JULY 19, 2011 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORT DATED MAY 31. 2011 3. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED MAY 31, 2011 AND INVESTMENT SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30, 2011 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 July 19, 2011 MOTION — It was moved by Agency Members Evans /Franklin to approve the Consent Calendar as amended. Motion carried unanimously. - None STUDY SESSION - None CHAIR AND AGENCY MEMBERS' ITEMS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Agency Members Evans /Adolph to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respec lly submitted, VERONICA ONTECINO, Secretary La Quinta Redevelopment Agency