PP 1970-1017LOD UM- DIVISION TO: Rivs_sidc Ccu-aty Planning Comaissicrr, tM: il, E. StotticLyC: ^ Land Use Teclhznician l,AT&: October 19, 19'70 SUB.J: 18.30 Plot Plan 1O17 Circle "K" Market La Quinta, California A recent ;'isle: inopecticn o£ the Circle ";f" ibar%ot at 78110 Calla Tampico, La. Qcinta, rovsalsd the.: the maexot had be--n cv-ipleted oubstanti orally as shown on exhibit "A". Landscaping has been installed. Via additional riyataimy along Calla Tam.Dico and Avenida Bermudas has been acquired, Curb, Butte: and tie-in Paving have boon instalbode Us roccomond that this oae3 be closed. HO E. Stottlawor cce Ross Donley, Dasort Land Use Office Harry Schmitz, India planning Co.- mission