PP 1976-2415"J
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Case PP 1976-2415
June 21, 1976
Proposed Use 23 unit apt complex
RSS :5044DO
Garden Apartments
Applicant C/O W.S. Allen
P.O. Box 807
of Alta Loma
La Quinta, CA 92253
Dear Mr. Allen:
Indio Administrative Conter
46 -209 Oasis Strect, Room 304
Indio, California 92201
(714) 347 -8511, Ext. 273
Re: 13.30 (R -3 *) Plot Plan No. 2415
Legal Description: Lots 1 thru 11, ex-
cepting Lot 6, Blk. 126, Unit 14 Santa
Carmelite, La Quinta
Assessor's Parcel Number: 773 - 071 -01
thru 11 (except OG)
This letter is to report approval of your application for construction of
a 23 apartnent unit complex at the southeast corner of Eisenhower Drive
and Calle Tampico, which is located in the R -3a (min. dwelling size - 1200
sq. ft.) Zone in the La Quinta District of Riverside County. This approval
is subject to the following conditions:
1. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with
that as .shown on plot plan marked Exhibit "A" on file with 18.30
R -3* Plot Plan No. 2415.
2. A minimum of 24 parking spaces shall be provided in accordance
with Section 18.12, Riverside County Ordinance No. 348. The park-
ing area shall be appropriately lined and striped.
3. All landscaped areas shown on the approved Exhibit "A" shall be
planted with groundcover or plants. A sprinkler system shall be
installed and all landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable
growth condition. Groundcover and shrubs shall not be allowed to
exceed 24" in height on street frontaGes where delineated on the
approved Exhibit "A ".