PP 1977-2764March 31, 1977
Ins?i.a U T d i:lnie,trntivr Ccntcr
Oi.! - ,! Jtrrrt, Room SO4
J:ndio, Califnrnin 92201
(714) 3 -3277
Date 3/21/77
Applicant Mr. Charles F. White
P.O. I'm< 10
Pnim Descrt, CA 92260
pear Me. White:
(C 1� -t;) Plot Plan No. 2764'
Proposed Use Office Bldg
I <<,n1I P cr ptlon: Lots 1 & 2 Dr C "t
Patecl Number: 769-262-023-024
This letter a to r( approv1l of yotl np lc etion for con Lauer loll of
an of ricc building; on the r-0ut1I ,'t C01'1101 o� 1cr 1Iirl i Ln Pond l rnd i)r rt
C1u1L Drr.vc1, which is located in thr C -1' ;nnc in the La Quznta District
of Riverside County. This approv.l i., -: ubject to the following, conditions:
1. The developmrnt of the h rmirce; 71tall con;orrn sub tarlti.nlly with
Hint ns shoran on plot pl,"irl iIiarlcec rxbibi.t " A " on file with 18,30
• C -P -S Plot 1 No. 276
, „t
2. L'nrl.nlc; spaces sh be provided ❑ .. ^hotan rn necordaricc with . c -c 'ion
18.12, Rivcvr C:nrrnCy Orrlinaiac- to. 3 The parkin.,, area oral '•;
width of all.ry �':hal.l hlc run,i;lc d with 2' A.C. pnvilig,
3. k 1.1 1�1ndr,cnlIed are ml r?hown on thr. Epp v.'cVcJl 1.x1:ibit "A" shn1.1 be
S)l.l ttl t� °f t7iI P; , nr I71 C crAvr7" or pinnt'S;, A Ghril'll«l nr syntrlil
-mil all, lnnil_scapeo arczis rhnl.l bo mrintnined in n vi:;�ic
„rowHl roncit: ion. Cramll0covol nlicl nl'ltun „17x1.1 not 11c allowed to
cxceesl 2 in hr on =,trrnt f rontnl whcrr delior.n'trcl on thr
approved 7x1ilhit "A ".
4. Thr fol.lot:i.n- r(-)ar9 Cond 1171onr r;1a7.1. rlppl -y:
A. No adclit'ional ri';ht -of -way wi1..1 he rcT111'rd oal Avc'11101 La roncla
and Desert Club Drive since acirc,trnte ri ^.,ht -of -way rxi ts.