PP 1978-3960•
August 30, 1973
Architectural Concepts. Inc.
4 0
Indio Administrative Center
46 - 209 Oasis Street, Room 304
Indio, California 92201
(714) 342 -3277
P.O. Drawar EE
AS, California 92201
RE: 13.30 (R -3) Plot Plan No. 3960
Legal Description: Lot 7, Fit 124
Snit 14, Santa Carrelita at Vale
Assessor's Parcel No. 773 - 075 -004
, Gentlemen:
This letter is to report approval of your application for construction of a fourplex
at Avenida ;Mendoza, east of Calle Tampico, which is located in the R -3 Zone in the
A?Quinta District of Riverside County. This approval is subject to the following
icon itions:
1 1 ' The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shorn
L on plot plan marked Exhibit "A" on file with 13.30 (R -3) Plot Plan No. 3960.
2. a. No additional right -of -way shall be required on Avenida ;Mendoza since
`\ adequate right -of -way exists.
1 b. Prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit applicant shall con -
struct concrete curb and gutter located 20 feet from centerline along
Avenida Mendoza with match -up A.C. paving at a grade and alignment as
approved by the Riverside County Road Co!xnissioner. Said improvements
shall be constructed at no cost to any government agency. All work done
within County right -of -way shall have an encroachment permit. All drive -
ways shall conforc: to Riverside County Standards No. 207 and 203.
3. A minimum of 4 parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Section 18.12,
Riverside County Ordinance No. 348. The parking area shall be surfaced with
Q asphaltic concrete paving.