PP 1978-3977a: (br V t
TC epo, ffiiieiit o f cBuOdiiiq acid Safety
County Administrative Center • 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor
Riverside, California 92501 • (714) 787 -6146
c December 19, 1980
J.L. Johnson
P.O. Drawer EE
Indio, Ca. 92201 1
Re: Plot Plan 4281, 3977 and 3909, Apartment and Commercial
Development, La Quinta Area
Dear Mr. Johnson:
It has been called to our attention by the Road Department that you,
as contractor of most of the above development along Callie Tampico,
are responsible for the clearing of the work area and relocation cost
of all existing utilities (see copy of -general notes from street im-
provement plans as approved 11 -16 -79 by Joe Guastello of the Road
Arrangements roust be made within the next two weeks with Imperial
Irrigation for relocating the power line so the street improvements
may be completed.
Mr. Tom Hill of Imperial Irrigation is aware of Riverside County's
concern regarding this dangerous situation.
If action is not taken by January 5, 1931, this office will have no
choice but to turn this over to the District Attorney.
Harvey S cttlemyer
Land Use Technician
HS /kb
Encl: (1)
cc: 11r. & Yrs. Lewis Halper Indio Imperial Irrigation (Tom Hill)
Charles F. White, Jr. 30ad Department (John Byrd)
Indio Reed Dept. (Warren Stallan) R. ad Department (Lee Johnson)
-Indio Le::d Use (Ross Donley)