2011 09 20 CCCALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Council Members: e4.444d4a City Council agendas are available on the City's web page @ www.la-quinta.org CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 4:00 P.M. Open Session Beginning Resolution No. 2011-075 Ordinance No. 493 Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, and Mayor Adolph CLOSED SESSION — NONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF THE LA QUINTA LIBRARY AND MUSEUM QUARTERLY REPORT FOR APRIL THROUGH JUNE 2011 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — NONE 001 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 2011 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTERS DATED AUGUST 16, SEPTEMBER 6 AND SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORTS DATED JUNE 30 AND JULY 31, 201 1 3. RECEIVED AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED JUNE 30 AND JULY 31, 2011 4. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY: JUAN MAURICIO GARCIA; DATE OF LOSS — JUNE 28, 2011 5. APPROVAL OF SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 492 AMENDING SECTIONS OF TITLE 9 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO COMMUNICATION TOWERS AND EQUIPMENT, SATELLITE DISHES AND ANTENNAS, ROOF PROJECTIONS, AND TABLES OF PERMITTED USES 6. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) TO UTILIZE THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON DECEMBER 8, 2011, 8:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. 7. AUTHORIZATION OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR ONE MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 2011 CONGRESS OF CITIES CONFERENCE AND NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 9-12, 2011 IN PHOENIX, ARIZONA 8. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE OFF -SITE AND ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 29052, LUNDIN DEVELOPMENT, BLP DESERT, LP 9. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 31876, MAYER VILLA CAPRI, LP 002 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 10. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32225, SANTERRA, G5 ENTERPRISES, INC. 11. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32751, CITRUS EL DORADO, LLC 12. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32879, GRIFFIN RANCH, GRIFFIN RANCH, LLC AND MCCOMIC-GRIFFIN, LLC 13. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32879, GRIFFIN RANCH, GRIFFIN RANCH, LLC AND McCOMIC-GRIFFIN, LLC 14. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS FOR PUBLIC FACILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALONG CALLE SINALOA, AND PUBLIC SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB - LA QUINTA UNIT 15. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL FOR GRANTS ADMINISTERED BY THE CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (CAL EMA) I16. APPROVALOF A CONTRACT AMENDMENT AUTHORIZING VA CONSULTING, INC. TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON DUNE PALMS ROAD AND "A" STREET, PROJECT NO. 2009-10 17. APPROVALS OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES TO PREPARE THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR THE FRED WARING DRIVE MEDIAN ISLAND LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2011-04 18. ACCEPTANCE OF EISENHOWER DRIVE SIGNAL INTERCONNECT PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 2009-22, FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. CML 5433 (011), AND APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 19. APPROVAL, OF THE RATIFICATION OF ACTIONS TAKEN TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF TRAFFIC AND SAFETY FOR A FISCAL YEAR 2011/2012 SOBRIETY CHECKPOINT MINI - GRANT 003 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 20. ADOPTION! OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REMITTANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF FORMATION AND APPOINTMENT OF TWO MEMBERS TO AN AD HOC COMMITTEE TO REVIEW GRANT REQUESTS A. MINUTE ACTION STUDY SESSION NONE REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (FRANKLIN) 2. BOB HOPE CLASSIC FUND DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE (FRANKLIN) 3. CITY COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 4. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS 5. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 6. C.V. CONSERVATION COMMISSION (SNIFF) 7. C.V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (ROBERT COX) 8. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (FRANKLIN) 9. C.V.W.D. JOINT WATER POLICY COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 10. IID ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FRANKLIN) 11. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (FRANKLIN) 12. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES (HENDERSON) 13. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORT COMMUNITIES CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY (EVANS) 14. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION (ROBERT TEAL) 15. RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DIANE GUNN) 16. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 17. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY/SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP (ADOLPH) 18. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATED JULY 11, 2011 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER A. RESPONSE(S) TO PUBLIC COMMENTS B. QUARTERLY MARKETING REPORT 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK A. UPCOMING EVENTS AND CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR B. VOLUNTEER POLICE AND FIREFIGHTER'S ANNUAL DINNER AND HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE SCHEDULE C. MEETING SCHEDULE FOR JOINT CITY COUNCIL/COMMISSION MEETINGS D. VACANCIES ON THE BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION APPEALS BOARD, HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, AND HOUSING COMMISSION 4. BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JULY AND AUGUST 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JULY AND AUGUST 6. FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 7. PLANNING DEPARTMENT A. REPORT FOR JULY AND AUGUST B. INDIO POLO FIELDS GOLDENVOICE CONCERTS - STATUS UPDATE 8. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JULY AND AUGUST 9. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JULY AND AUGUST 10. FIRE DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT - NONE MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE ADJOURNMENT The next regular (meeting of the City Council will be held on October 4, 2011 commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. 005 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Veronica Montecino, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting of September 20, 2011, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 111, on ,September 16, 2011. DATED: eptember 16, 2011 VERONICA J ONTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices • The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7103, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. • If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangement should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 777-7103. A one (1) week notice is required. • If background material is to be presented to the City Council during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to, the beginning of the meeting. • Any writings, or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the City Clerk counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 6 SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 PRESENTATION: I La Quinta Library Quarterly Report April 2011—June 2011 Circulation The library circulated 67,621 items in the Fourth Quarter of 2010/2011, a 6% increase over the same period last year. During this three month period the library was open 724 hours with an average hourly circulation of 93 items. Door Count This quarter 56,545 people visited the library to check out materials, read newspapers and magazines, utilize the Internet service, attend programs, do homework, and purchase books from the Friends of the Library Book Store. New Borrowers In the period between April 1 and June 30, the staff issued 692 new library cards and replaced 450 lost cards. As of June 30, 2011 the library had 41,181 active borrowers, an increase of 35% over the Fourth Quarter of 2010/201 1. Public Computer Usage During this quarter, 10,162 computer sessions were logged on the library's 28 public access computers. In addition to people using library's public computers, many people enjoy the library's free Wi-Fi service with their personal laptops. Weekly Programming A Preschool Storytime for children 3 y2 to 5 years old was held eleven Tuesday mornings during the quarter. A total of 564 children attended. A weekly On -the -Lap Storytime for parents with babies and toddlers was held prior to the Preschool Storytime. Eleven programs were attended by 552 participants. Thursday @ Three is a weekly series of free programs featuring professional performers and is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Three -hundred sixty-two people enjoyed the two June programs. Monthly Programs On the third Saturday of the month families meet for Baby Play and Sign. This is a program that focuses on family communication and interaction using Baby Sign. Three programs were presented with 80 participants. In April the Friends of the Library finished their An Evening with Friends program series. Thirty-five people enjoyed the music of local entertainers Sergio and Shirley. The library offers two different monthly book discussion groups. Forty-eight people attended the five meetings. 007 Special Programs A special family program to celebrate Day of the Chi/d/Day of the Book/Dia de los Ninos/Dia los Libros was held on April 16. This year the library partnered with College of the Desert's Early Childhood Education Department and the East Valley Childcare Consortium to provide a morning of activities that started in the library and spilled out into the park. The event inside the library featured free books, crafts, food, and'a special visit by author Amada Irma Perez. The event was attended by 338 people. A day -long Summer Reading Kick -Off was held on June 16. This year's theme was One World, Many Stories. The very first day, 204 children registered for the Reading Rewards Program and by the end of June, 365 youth were actively participating. No -School -Today movies occur on days when the library is open and students are out of school. Our April 4, 2011 showing of the movie Tangled drew a crowd of 84 people. Fifty people attended our salsa making demonstration. The audience enjoyed tasting the salsa while listening to strolling mariachi musicians. Volunteers During this quarter 54 volunteers donated 788 hours of time. This includes eleven new student volunteers helping out in the library during their summer break. Volunteers, worked in the book store, shelved returned books in the library, helped with programs, and performed a myriad of other tasks. Friends of the Library The Friends of the Library continue to offer support in all areas. Library staff was very grateful to the Friends for supporting our Reading Rewards and Thursday @ Three programs. Their support allowed us to bring in quality performers, offer incentives and greatly contribute to the success of these programs. Outreach Over 600 students from 17 local elementary schools classes visited the library. 008 La Quinta Library Expenditures July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 Library Contract Expenditures (LSSI) 7/1/10 to 9/30/10 10/1/10 to 12/31/10 1/1/11 to 3/31/11 4/1/11 to 6/30/11 Total Year to Date Labor & Benefits $106,178.87 $97,408.21 $100,614.84 $101,400.64 $405,602.56 Materials, Net of Donations $(87.36) $151.64 $21.43 $85.71 Automation & Courier $23,192.491 $25,796.82 $19,578.88 $22,856.06 $91,424.25 Other Direct Costs $5,998.81 $3,404.26 $6,724.50 $5,375.86 $21,503.43 Zone Administration $6,843.58 $6,394.99 $7,286.85 $6,841.81 $27,367.23 Shared Costs $10,296.95 $9,622.01 $13,308.60 $11,075.85 $44,303.41 Library Contract Expenditures $152,510.70 $142,538.93 $147,665.31 $147,571.651 $590,286.59 County Expenditures 7/1110 to 9/30/10 10/1/10 to 12/31/10 1/1/11 to 3/31/11 4/1/11 to 6/30/11 Total Year to Date Personnel $837.96 $1,938.62 $1,692.92 $2,281.87 $6,751.37 Insurance $12,852.48 $3,272.78 $3,275.02 $3,062.56 $22,462.84 Miscellaneous Expenses $4,151.30 $829.65 $4,099.54 $2,595.99 $11,676.48 Miscellaneous Maintenance Charges $314.28 $174.60 $488.88 Special Program Expenses $11,009.78 $7,753.67 $4,117.32 $4,197.24 $27,078.01 Accounting Costs $115.90 $47.24 $82.77 $79.02 $324.93 Travel and Conferences $15.29 $24.301 $39.59 Support Services $5,023.91 $49,050.09 S38,477.23 $29,915.59 $122,466.82 County Expenditures $33,991.33 $62,892.05 $52,074.37 $42,331.17 $191,288.92 EXPENDITURESI $186,502.031 $205,430.981 $199,739.681 $189,902.821 $781,575.51 009 La Quinta Museum Quarterly Report April 2011—June 2011 Visitors The 3,859 people who visited the museum this quarter ranged from school -aged children to adults. This represents more than double the attendance for the same quarter of the previous year. Exhibits The exhibit on display this quarter was Jurassic Encounter, which opened in February 2011. Jurassic Encounter featured robotic dinosaurs, hands-on activities and actual fossils. Programming Two sessions of the Preschool Story Time for children ages 3-5 were held the first Wednesday of May and June 2011. Seventy-seven children attended these programs. These story time programs were a collaboration between the Museum and the Library. The museum's other special events attracted a total of 256 visitors. These events included: First Friday with Ted Herman; talks by naturalist Katie Barrows and paleontologist Eric,Scott; and a Coachella Valley Emergency Preparedness Network meeting. The Museum hosted fifteen field trips from local elementary and high schools during this quarter bringing 417 children to visit the facility. The museum's summer craft program for children, Junior Paleontologists, attracted 83 guests. Children made sand art dinosaurs, mobiles, and sun catchers. OSHER classes concluded at the Museum bringing 99 visitors. Volunteer Hours During this quarter three volunteers donated 32 hours of their time to the museum. Volunteers greeted visitors at the reception desk and helped with the set up for the special events held' at the museum. Gift Shop Total sales in the gift shop this quarter was $4,452.76. This represents a tripling of gift shop sales for the same quarter of the previous year. The gift shop's new dinosaur themed merchandise including plush dinosaurs, fossils, figurines, and magnets continued to sell very well throughout the quarter. 010 La Quinta Museum Expenditures July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 Museum Personnel Costs 7/1/10 to 9/30/10 10/1/10 to 12/31/10 1/1111 to 3/31/11 411/11 to 6130/11 Total Year to Date Salaries $29,625.00 $29,625.00 $29,625.00 $29,625.00 $118,500.00 Total Personnel Costs $29,625.00 $29,625.00 $29,625.00 $29,625.00 $118,500.00 Museum Programming Costs 7/1/10 to 9/30/10 10/1/10 to 12/31/10 1/1/11 to 3/31/11 4/1/11 to 6/30/11 Total Year to Date Special Speaker $22.50 $8,197.16 $9,002.57 $5,740.74 $22,962.97 Printing $672.36 $843.95 $3,684.70 $1,733.67 $6,934.68 Total Programming Costs 1 $694.861 $9,041.111 $12,687.271 $7,474.411 $29,897.65 Other Costs 7/1/10 to 9/30/10 10/1/10 to 12/31/10 1/1/11 to 3/31/11 4/1/11 to 6/30/11 Total Year to Date Travel $166.50 $314.71 $1,707.19 $729.47 $2,917.87 Supplies $24,592.87 $22,360.92• $16,885.95 $21,279.91 $85,119.65 Miscellaneous $9,565.18 $521.64 $3,830.52 $4,639.11 $18,556.45 Total Other Costs $34,324.55 $23,197.27 $22,423.66 $26,648.49 $106,593.97 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $64,644.41 $61,863.38 $64,735.93 1 $63,747.90 $254,991.62 Oil TAf 4 4 42"1 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: August 16, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Demand Register Dated August 16, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: i Approve Demand Register Dated August 16, 2011 BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants: 92819 - 92838} 92839 - 928661 92867 - 92905) Voids} Wire Transfers} P/R 36417 - 36427 P/R Tax Transfers} Payable Warrants: 92906 - 92983} FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash -City Demand of Cash -'RDA Demand of Cash - HA ti John M. Falconer, Finance Director 95,013.52 679,845.07 176,692.20 (180.00) 418,402.44 210,625.88 58,438.02 469,018.54 $2,107,855.67 $2,046,091.54 $61,364.13 $400.00 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR l STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING .' 012 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 7/26/11 - 8/09/11 7126/11 WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 7126/11 WIRE TRANSFER -TASC 8/1/11 WIRE TRANSFER -PERS 8/1/11 WIRE TRANSFER - HEALTH PREMIUM 814/11 WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 815/11 WIRE TRANSFER -ICMA 8/5/11 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 815/11 WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 8/9/11 WIRE TRANSFER - TASC TOTAL WIRE TRANSFER OUT $102,676.46 $988.37 $2,580.90 $105,472.79 $138,342.86 $10,983.09 $56,222.10 $147.50 $988.37 $418,402.44 013 I p p Ifl Ifl W N N r I . QO IMzr � � d W O r N N w Iwwor v v I W I S I a -qa I m m I I LL6 I r W S I P 40 O o 0 O O O O M M wN b b O O v �? 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Falconer, Finance Director 474,114.51 239,735.87 (22,339.51) 446,685.65 199,816.87 56,603.25 3,242,902.84 $4,637,519.48 $4,076,430.35 $561,089.13 $0.00 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 8110111 - 8/23111 8/10111 WIRE TRANSFER - FISCHER 5 PLEX 8/19/11 WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 8119/11 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 8/19/11 WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 8/23/11 WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 8/23/11 WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK TOTAL WIRE TRANSFER OUT $266,300.00 $10,683.10 $55.958.58 $147.50 $820.32 $112,776.15 $446,685.65 4 036 �oq w � �dmo� I W �WMO� a pQ d ��z � LLQ � W 2 � I 1 Ooo O to o Om N o o Mb P .1N M mbN�aamo P e O Nr P Y 000 O O O Ob M O 0 bb N Ml� N O O Pb Ill U H oilt ba Omb�1Yr1; PMYNIOmMM IrlWZ: OOm mb2m b UO l 2 tiN N PrMv MN Ill Ill Ill W W O O bM O m0 blll N S n 6 � M M N N N N N N Ill N M Ill ••� N �t P .1 M M b O N N M M N N .•� M M I 0 N I \ I N m O � 1 � I W F p .Yt s !k Ik Mt t R Y W Y J J J J J J J J J u a Q a a a a a a a 2 O O O O O O O C O O f U d d Z F !- F• f f H W F• W F- f m WWQ WW Hf fm d p EF- �+ pOJ 0 z 0 W W 0Z 0 SS 0 SS 0 Q 0 a 0 SS 0 J 2 d O Z O LLLL O O O YY O YY O U O S O YY O .+ O zz z O p z M q dd z dd z NY O o z dd z JM M i ZZZ Z U Z ZZ Z f Z Z 2 zW Z P Z Z Q O H i a Q 0 W W 00 W Q W ww W ww W U U U U U Z H U W r W m O W >N Sd l ZZM > :1 > MM > Z > d'd' > d6o q ff FF > »»>aa> > Mm > dfKl- > ON WWWh O 22 xx mmmmmJam l22 KN Fwl -HQ O d.\ U U J UWWWWWNNW N 00 a IL m mm WWWWWMMW Q mm m zZJ W mo mm IV LLLLW w > as as w Q Q w Kd'rc U SS U dd dd 33333mm3 d' dd rc• I LL HO OM.1 M 00 M mm 111 U1 b�b�bbbP M MM Z 2Q om .+ NN NN .l000n..�.w .1 Ill NN W o r r U! d w mNmm 1l1 MM M MM MM .•IM.�MPNNM eY MM MYl N opt .1 rr rr Itl ltl 111 lLl .1NNM Ill rr N Ill Ill zM 011l 111 b 00 N .-�N 00 Nl/lll Lh omlllmm r mCL m Z OQ�t Ill 00 0 00 pO ee OO011 OO Ill ee 0 O O m m O O O O O O O O e e e O e e O e m O O OZ � eM.� Ill eb M PP PP MMMMIll 111 lnr PP U I f.i Q c•+�OM1 m�t Q:1 .0+0.+ 0 .•+1 00 2 1ON 99999999 O .O•IO UMMMMM.MM1.+Zt N MM S > M 1- O N . . . .1M mM.1 M.1MM.1M M qMM u a. mow: 0 0 0 0 > o o M O f o 0 o e p e e e o 0 o e o O o W e o \f NNNNNN NN. d'NNwIll, SN MNNMNN NNWNN NNNNNNNNWNNNNNNNN hNull WNN w Y. 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Oz� 1 u O U Ir arw . ga u O 1 0 m W 1 I m o m 1 K 3 1 W S u O � W I r 1 o I N + 1 Q z 1 K O r.l r d M N K zu 1 Q N K W rq O O i- zz uQ " 062 Twr^F449 AV COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Demand Register Dated September 20, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated September 20, 2011 BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants: 93152 - 93175} 93176} 93177 - 93178} 93179 - 93207} 93208 - 93234} Voids} Wire Transfers} P/R 36437 - 36446) P/R Tax Transfers} Payable Warrants 93235 - 93353} FISCAL IMPLICATIONS Demand of Cash -City Demand of Cash -RDA Demand of Cash - HA Demand of Cash - HA COMM John M. Falconer, Finance Director 198,442.91 1,539.98 49,223.36 86,301.62 81,182.65 (96,366.14) 13,486,316.86 207,833.04 57,483.02 $14,671,066.08 $2,008,510.31 $12,651,503.89 $10,851.88 $200.00 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR I STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING 063 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 8/24/11 - 9/13/11 8/31/11 WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 9/1111 WIRE TRANSFER - HEALTH PREMIUM 9/1111 WIRE TRANSFER - US BANKIDEBT SVC 9/1/11 WIRE TRANSFER - PIERS 9/2/11 WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 9/2/11 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 9/2111 WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 917/11 WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 9/8/11 WIRE TRANSFER - PROP ACO TOTAL WIRE TRANSFER OUT $10,997.50 $103,565.97 $11,929,885.78 $2,659.91 $10,683.09 $55,493.94 $147.50 $988.37 $1,371,894.80 $13,486,316.86 m Oq W >OHI QMZI d MOr W IWtiDI (D r Z 1 Q r d . t•z rLLQ IWS 1 1 1 1 1 Y UHI WZr Sor 1 UOI it Qr 1 M rl O N 1 \ r b r N r m 1 O 1 W r a q Y 1 1 U r W 1 1 2 r fU 1 M 1 H 1 J Z1 .y O I >N Em r ON W .•1 1 MN „Y 1 a� H Qm WI o OI W 1 K• OLL 1 MO 1 Z.z 1 Q W 1 d x W 1 F Z Oz. o U U 1 a W qWr \f 1 YQI Uql S U Y m � O al o. 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H f d W U' Y" O O J 1 1 1 H 1 f q q QP W I ZZ d Z.U1- LL LL > JOO 0 d 0 Z O q l 00 WQO" W W w OOO z W Z 40 W UU y 0d u w d' F- -IQQ .r y 1•I >LL OC o HO V V N .1 N N o 1 00 I I O. 1 Ol IPIT I i l e 1 O 1 O 000 1 1 1 V 1 M 1 V MO Z-( ZQ 1 V V b MbbM O O I11111111 M 1 Wd M M Ill V If l Ill V O M Ill V V V M V M ma X .y .r N N .q .q .r .•I m .y .q .q .y W m l(1 .-I IIl It1 M .r N N M I(I Ill Ill Ill .P•I O 1[l W 1 mm O VVVIll M N V Ill Illm V V V VIll FI NV o Nmf O O O N C O O M m M W.•I 1 2 I .-1 .-I O W O O O O o O Ill 111111 O O O O b =O 1 Omm O. 0o00 O e o woo e o e Ow O z 1 O I U y� l 11 1 1 1 I UQ M9 1 I 0.•1 0.•I I,'N'' M 0M O= e.•1 oN MOO m 0 0M 0 O V V 1(1 ', .•I .I .-I Ifl .r .-1 .•I V V V .'1 rl .-I V O z W H W !J .•� .•I .1 .•I M .i .i .•I .1 .•I .•� .•I i^I .1 .•I rl .•I .•1 qW I W{00 0 NOON IN O WO o00 O WO O ZOO \h I NN N1 NNNN N N UN NNN N UN N I-INN Y Q 1 y \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N \ • \ \ \ \ M \ \ Q \ \ UPI d• M M Om M M M M M M > M U M M M M > M M H M M rl rl d' .•� Z .•I M .-I .4 M Z .•� .•� I S W \ \ Z \ \ \ \ \ \ \ W \ .•� \ \ \ \ W \ W N \ O \ \ U ZPP .•IP WPPPP P P yP PPP P yP P OPP U MOO d•O 20000 O O O -000 O O O LLOO L Y 1 d H Z W T Ir Z ZOO Z N O O O O e O o Om d 0 0 0 Q O F O O W o 0 m Woo O O o .•IO 0000 d'O .•IO YO JOO P Q I 1 1 L ;0000 U U Q 6' U CC z Z M 1 O J 2 Z < Q y o w Q I -I Z. 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LL 1 om -oW wx KQ LL.Q=U=1 NOW 1 wvN O'. WO K 0001 ww O i KK 0 KKK 1 LLLL 000 1 1 r95 H W O 1 x • S1- , O QW U 1 Z 1 y 1 1 N 1 � 1 O I , d , W , , 1 1 I � I W , m , , x 1 1 2 • UQ o OF O • > N Z Z F- •O 6 F- I y , W . f d z W F- I S , F- , 1 � W W 1 Q • xF- d.. QQ , WO , ZO I ON yc w 1 y v O u 1 N p W 1 J \ ZF- OC y > ]( O N 1 ILJ 076 , ev °+ oM J W N u U v Q W N U Q rcu mo Q� ZO P f 1 Z Z W W O N J > O O am OO OQ .F . O QQ Q 1 \ J d .p p d o � 2 U U a N. d N . Z 1 W Z N m I m S O , U O Z� 1 u0 . m Ifl O 1 n uN �. 1 rl 0 Qaa. dw, > rINNN 1 upl �} 1 y , W NZZZ N v\QQQ . 093M . O N O M S x 2 1 0 1 o0000I V , W N o S N .. .. U in Q 1 p O O O O > K O Q O Q N y > 1 p N I-.\� x m m I 1 \ wz.wW1 \ H W , Q Z Px mo FF . WOrowcc , PQ et, . FN , oy �_ U W W p . muwwm F Wx Q=Um. R,d-. OF - ow n1 O arc ddd. zu me a »> I -Co � F mz www. rw-o .y. dd ymy. � ?6 Xry Qu&rru 4c F' Ay OF'CKQ'9 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Receive and File Transmittal of Treasurer's BUSINESS SESSION: Reports as of June 30, 2011 and July 31, 2011 CONSENT CALENDAR: 2-. STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Receive and file. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Receive and File Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated June 30, 2011 and July 31, 2011 for the City of La Quinta. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended 1 /1 /86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. " 097 Respectfully submitted: 6 John M. Falconer, Finance Director Approved for Submission by: 'Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment 1: Treasurer's Report, City of La Quinta .. of 098 2 ATTACHMENT 1 MEMORANDUM TO: La Quints City Council FROM: John M. Falconer, Finance Directorfrreasurer SUBJECT: Treasurer's Report for June 30, 2011 DATE: September 7 ,2011 Attached is the Treasurer's Report for the month ending June 30, 2011. The report is submitted to the City Council each month after a reconciliation of accounts is accomplished by the Finance Department. The following table summarizes the changes in investment types for the month: Investment Beginning Purchased Notes Sold/Matured Other Ending Change LAIF Certificates of Deposit US Treasuries US Gov't Sponsored Enterprises Commercial Paper Corporate Notes Mutual Funds Subtotal $ 37,688,191 969,000 71,930,152 19,988,729 19,994,862 10,053,732 1,380,031 $ 161,904,697 $ .1,300,000 484,000 5,000,000 43,918,063 $ 50,702,063 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 $ (4,100,000) (729,000) (13,000,000) (5,000,000) $ 22,829,000 0 6,446 2,818 (1,974) (9,521) 0 $ 2,231 $ 34,788191 724,000 58,936,598 19,991,547 19,992,888 10,044,211 45,298,094 $ 189,775,529 (2,800,000) (245,000) (12,993,554) 2,818 (1,974) (9,521) 43,918,063 $ 27,870,832 Cash $ 782,812 $ 1,060,041 1 & 3 $ 277,229 1,060,041 Total 1 $ 161,121,885 $ 51,762,104 $ 22,829,000 $ 2,231 $ 190,062,758 $ 28,930,873 I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and Is in compliance with the California Government Code; and is in conformity with the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quints, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quima used the Bureau of the Public Debt, U.S. Bank Monthly Statement and the Bank of New York Monthly Custodian Report to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. yn!i 64"X-- John M. Falconer Finance DirectodTreasurer q/-71Zo(► Date Footnote . (1) The amount reported represents the net increase (decrease) of deposits and withdrawals from the previous month. _ (2) The amount reported in the other column represents the amortization of premium/discount for the month on US Treasury, Commercial Paper and Agency investments. (3) The cash account may reflect a negative balance. This negative balance will be offset with transfers from other investments before warrants are presented for payment by the payee at the bank. » 099 3 Treasurer's Commentary For the Month of June 2011 Cash Balances - The portfolio size increased by $28.9 million to end the month at $190.1 million. The major reason for the increase was the net proceeds received from the 2011 Project Area No. 2 Bond issue ($6,000,000) and the 2011 Finance Authority PA 2 Revenue Bond issue ($28,850,000). Offsetting these net proceeds were $7.4 million in Capital Improvement Project costs in June - $1.45 million for the Parker Village property, 1.45 million for the Yessayian Village property, $1.27 million payment to CVWD for a well site mitigation payment, $989,000 for the Varge Village property, $523,000 for the Adams Street Bridge project, and $402,000 for the Yessiayian 5-plex property. Investment Activity - The investment activity resulted in an average maturity decrease of thirty (30) days from the prior month to end the month of June at 126 days. The Treasurer follows a buy and hold investment policy with one investments of Commercial Paper and two investments in Certificates of Deposits made in the month of June. The sweep account earned $32 in interest income for the month of June and the bank fees for the month were $ 2,098 which resulted in a net decrease of $2,066 in real savings. Portfolio Performance - The overall portfolio performance had a six (6) basis point decrease from the prior month and ended at .35% for the month, with the pooled cash investments at .53%. The portfolio yield should continue to stay at these levels for the near future. At this time last year, the portfolio was yielding .35% which reflects the current interest rate environment. The portfolio had an unrealized gain of $269,103 as of June 30, 2011. Under GASB 31, this amount has been recognized as interest income in the year end Financial Statements as interest income which has been allocated across the various funds. Looking Ahead The Treasurer is still concentrating on safety first and foremost. In the short term, the Treasurer will be investing in the approved Rabobank interest bearing active deposit account as an alternative to LAIF. of 100 4 E E E E N O N n w E N C a C C C C d C "JO g C z C z z z C z z z z W O y` ME E n 0 o ryryH 0 L 'dB d U U 13 Q gwi m 1O a 1qp m c E 10 10 N a a 10 T a m m o m n m m o m O e a O 0 0.00 0 > m > m c O� o.E .E .E .E .E C 0 o E T N on O O O O O O O O O N O H 0 o o m c E a E f w N N. w o oo n 00 j 0 0 oc c= 0 0 N N 11 N W O U N d O'q 0 O O v 0 0 0 0 0 o000 0 0 0 0 00000 000 a e e a noon. v000 e e IL C yyry p N Onj' O ypj' q C noon. m So n N m 0 N O O O O O l.Nj Q 0 N 16 O O O O o. 0 0 oOnoo 000 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 oo o 0 �� e o o m o o o m o 0 0 0 0 � 00 o m 0 o e N 0 V] N O w O O 16 O O � Q H 0 0 o n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n o o E E _ o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n o o n LL'y O O O O O O 0 0. 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FUNJJ6VUIF F�NJJ4UVSF FUNJJ6VEF 105 i. - ,|!- |§_!� §.9.,•; § )§q !!!| � 106 10 City of La Ouinta Comparative Rates of Interest June 30, 2011 City of La Quince Average I I Treasur, BilWNote I I Three Month Aug.st2006 494% 5.01% 4,97% 48 4,97% 4,95% Sept 2006 498% 5.01% 4,99% 53 5,00% 5,02% 002006 5.00% 5.02% 5,01% 67 4.96% 5,10% Noy2006 5,04% 5.03% 5.03% 62 4.94% 5.13% Dec 2006 508% 5,04% 5.06% W 4.90% 5.13% Jan 2007 5.16% 5.12% 5.16% 64 4,98% 5.16% Feb 2007 5,19% 5,13% 5.17% 45 4,95% 5.18% Mar2007 5,21% 503% 5.15% 67 4.88% 521% Apr2007 5.20% 5,14% 5.15% 42 4.84% 522% May 2007 5,20% 6,05% 5.16% 32 481% 5.25% J Joe 2007 5.19% 4,88% 5.10% 85 4.81% 525% FY 07108 July 2007 5.21% 490% 5.12% 129 4.80% 526% August 2007 5.17% 4.85% 5.08% 109 4.59% 5.25% Sep12001 5.16% 4.86% 5.06% 129 400% 5.23% 002007 5.11% 4.85% 502% 116 395% 5.14% Nov2007 5.03% 4.83% 4.96% 99 3.34% 4.96% Dec 2007 4.95% 343% 4,45% 123 3.39% 480% Jan 2008 4.58% 3,33% 4.22% 96 231% 4.62% Feb 2008 4.12% 324% 385% 86 207% 4.16% Mar2008 4.07% 283%, 3.67% 74 1,50% 3.78% Apr2008 345% 327% 341% 82 1.70% 340% May 2008 3.14% 327% 3.17% 63 192% 307% June 2008 3.09% 1.94% 2.86% 80 2.14% 2.89% FY 08109 July 2008 2.99% 193% 2.17% 62 170% IN% 2.29% 275% 2.18% 279% August2008 3.16% 192% 2.88% 51 1,69% 1.89% 2.14% 2.38% 208% 278% Scpt20G8 2,81% 1,92% 2.64% 37 142% 1,79% 10% 200% 2.13% 271% - 002008 2,66% 2.61% 2.61% 29 0.90% 1,40% 172% 1.50% 207% 271% Noy 2008 2.38% 236% 2.36% 84 0.15% 049% 1.04% 1�26% 145% 2.57% Dec 2008 160% 0.18% 1.42% 116 0.05% 0.26% 0.59% 0.88% 0.97% 2,35% Jan 2009 1.36% 0.18% 1.23% 82 0.16% 0,35% 043% 0,88% 0.31% 205% Feb 2009 1.23% 0.18% 1,11% 75 0.30% 050% 0.61% ON% 048% 1.87% Mar2009 126% 0.18% 1.13% 69 0.20% 0.42% 070% 0,88% 0.37% 182% Apr2009 0.94% 0,18% 0.85% 54 0.31% 033% 0.59% 0.88% 0.28% 1.61% May 2009 0.92% 0.18% 0.84% 80 0.18% 0.30% 0.53% 0.88% 0.23% 153% June 2009 0.86% 0.29% 0,80% 111 0.20% 0,35% 055% 1.13% 0.26% 1,38% FY 09110 July 2009 0,69% 030% 0,65% 111 0.19% 0.28% 0.47% 1.00% 0.28% 104% August2009 0.64% 0,30% 061% 92 0.16% 0,26% 046% 1.00% 0.24% 0,93% Sept 2009 0.56% 0,31% 0.53% 112 0.12% 0.19% 0.41% 1.00% 0.19% 0.75% 002009 0.52% 0.31% 0.50% 90 0.08% 0,19% 0.38% 100% 0.19% 0.65% Noy 2009 056% 0.31% 0.53% 152 0.04%. 0,14% 0.32% 075% 0.15% 0,61% Dec 2009 0.66% 0.15% 051% 239 0.11% 0,20% 0.16% 1.00% 0.16% 0.57% Jan 2010 0,46% 0.15% 0.43% 179 0.06% 0.14% 0,34% ON% 0.13% 0.56% Feb 2010 0.51% 0,16% 048% 162 0.13% 0.19% 032% 0.88% 0,15% 0.58% Mar2010 050% 0.16% 047% 172 0.15% 0.24% 0,38% 100% 020% 0.55% Apr2010 052% 0,16% 048% 162 0.15% 0.24% 049% 100% 0.23% 0.59% May 2010 0.52% 0.16% 0.48% 116 0.11% 0.22% 037% 015% 0,28% 056% June 2010 0.53% 000% 0.35% 134 0,16% 0.22% 032% 0.63% 0.32% 053% FY 10111 July 2010 050% 0,15% 047% 119 0,16% 0.20% 0.30% 063% 028% 0.53% August2010 049% 0,15% 046% 108 0.15% 0.19% 026% 038% 0.26% 0,51% Sept 2010 0.55% 0.15% 0.51% 107 0.16% 0,19% 027% 0.38% 024% 0,50% 002010 055% 0,15% 0.51% 86 0,13% 0,17% 0.23% 0.38% 023% 0,48% Noy 2010 053% 0,15% 049% 84 0.18% 0.21% 0.28% 050% 0.23% 0.45% Dec 2010 0.67% 0.14% 0.52% 265 0.15% 0,19% 0.30% 0.63% 0.23% 046% Jan 2011 0,51% 0,14% 043% 206 0.16% 0,18% 0.28% 0.63% 024% 0.54% Feb 2011 055% 0.17% 046% 210 0.15% 0.17% 0.31% 0,63% 0,23% 051% Mar2011 054% 0.17% 045% 218 0.05% 0,13% 026% 0.75% 0.23% O.W% Apr 2011 0 59% O. V % 0.48% 192 005% 0.10% 0.28% 0,63% 0 20 % 0.69% May 2011 048% 0.17% 0.41% 156 0,06% 0.12% 0.20% 050% 0,16% 041% June 2011 0.53% 000% 0.35% 126 003% 0.10% 0.20% 1 0,38% 0,15% 045% 101 11 1 t 1 .,y y i � I 1 I 11 �1 1 I Ii 1 I 1 O • I 1 1 1 1 � 1 16 • C E c I¢ i w N Q I C I� E m ca w O. Q e: LL y L o 0 � � Z c r o � w dig � a F L � y ` O f� 1TQC FIr3L-, C N E y f0 U � ` a C N o m fA N m � m Y C c 16 {p E a+i ds V 3 N C O Z w Y C O O r C V /0 N U ea 0 O O O O O Y O O O 3 W O In V Cl)N N O7 O V � O O O O O O N O O O a 108 12 IO � MEMORANDUM TO: La Quinta City Council FROM: John M. Falconer, Finance Director/Treasurer SUBJECT: Treasurer's Report for July 31, 2011 DATE: September 13, 2011 Attached is the Treasurer's Report for the month ending July 31, 2011. The report is submitted to the City Council each month after a reconciliation of accounts is accomplished by the Finance Department. The following table summarizes the changes in investment types for the month: Investment —Beginning Purchased Notes Sold/Matured Other Endinq Change LAIF Interest bearing active bank deposit Certificates of Deposit US Treasuries US Gov't Sponsored Enterprises Commercial Paper Corporate Notes Mutual Funds $ 34,788,191 $ - 724,000 58,936,598 19,991,547 19,992,888 10,044,211 45,298,094 $ 40,554 $ 10,001,051 244,000 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 $ (13,450,000) (244,000) 0 5,561 2,912 0 (9,838) 10,919 $ 21,378,745 $ 10,001,051 724,000 58,942,159 19,994,459 19,992,888 10,034,373 45.287,175 (13,409,446) 10,001,051 0 5,561 2,912 0 (9,838) 10,919 Subtotal .$ 189,775,529 $ 10,285,605 $ 13,694,000 $ 12,284 $ 186,354,850 420,679 Cash $. 277,229 $ 4,349 1 & 3 $ 281,5784,349 F3] Total $ 190,052,758 $ 10,289,954 $ 13,694,000 $ 12,284 $ 186,636,428 16,330) I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code; and is in conformity with the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the Bureau of the Public Debt, U.S. Bank Monthly Statement and the Bank of New York Monthly Custodian Report to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. John M. Falconer Date Finance Director/Treasurer Footnote (1) The amount reported represents the net increase (decrease) of deposits and withdrawals from the previous month. (2) The amount reported in the other column represents the amortization of premium/discount for the month on US Treasury, Commercial Paper and Agency investments. (3) The cash account may reflect a negative balance. This negative balance will be offset with transfers from other investments before warrants are presented for payment by the payee at the bank. 109 13 Treasurer's Commentary For the Month of July 2011 Cash Balances - The portfolio size decreased by $3.4 million to end the month at $186.6 million. The major reason for the decrease were $1.2 million in Police costs, a $1.08 million franchise fee payment to Burrtec, a payment of $570,000 for retiree costs, and a $407,000 payment for general liability coverage. Capital improvement project costs for July totaled $218,412 - $113,700 was spent on the Landscape Green projects, and $ 54,000 was spent on the "A" Street extension off of Dune Palms Road next to the DSUSD Administrative Offices. Investment Activity - The investment activity resulted in an average maturity decrease of fourteen (14) days from the prior month to end the month of July at 112 days. The Treasurer follows a buy and hold investment policy with one investment in a Certificates of Deposit made in the month of July and the opening of the Rabobank interest bearing active bank deposit account. The sweep account earned $10 in interest income for the month of July and the bank fees for the month were $ 1,631 which resulted in a net decrease of $1,621 in real savings. Portfolio Performance - The overall portfolio performance remained unchanged from the prior month ended at .35% for the month, with the pooled cash investments at .53%. The portfolio yield should continue to stay at these levels for the near future. At this time last year, the portfolio was yielding .47% which reflects the current interest rate environment. Looking Ahead The Treasurer is still concentrating on safety first and foremost. In the short term, the Treasurer will be investing in the approved Rabobank interest bearing active deposit account as an alternative to LAIF. 110 14 E E a E Y 0 Y a `d E m 9 L- C O Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - d M C Z C Z C Z C Z Z C Z C Z Z Z W d j O O O 00 d N D SS„ O oo a QQ d d d Q U N 4QQ Y • �j C 12 _ 3 Y a R E�i y y adi v o u u i, u a 5 5 � O o `w °' E n H o a s� -E -E E -E- g''E f9u'rrm 0 8 N g O N H d LL' o N o N cEd Sy'pO .T_1 ._ NNNNN S� o mnc C O r v w v u wE rc w �- w_ yO N d c' `YSw En y_•S E O °�' '" O `m E d D d LL H Q U O o„ m y �q= m_' I7i Z LL w W u LL UO C N y O LL U D m p E V E m 0F10 w LL ry> N66 N N W VL w [Nis . N'y O J ¢¢ O Y 7 d d E E o Ion d Za d G Z O ij O m C N Y O G ; In fn 2 LL Y 01 0 m t i E D = rn d v qd N 'n O m E'o0 ivU�w� 'm mU Bi€ OU, w c EEE E O m E g E y c U r U"r o E m rn x o v m > o m U E€ w S Z 2 y o € `m S c E N in w U' `o_ E E LL' w r r L w `m d n jE iu ud`d ma Oommm E�� ¢ ¢ cmm Q C E O U 41 p w LL LL LL LL Y d 0 d O E w U'm J E o efE+b' ff ooEE �e e�R b b'a Ern £w✓+raN `�$nx o_f _cxfrvff �xx c$ry �S ago a?veeo vz""� a�dovo >�_�_ s�-� p &c Efflm mg 'CeCd pSm m=dCm oC,rv. �ao - aLL 9 p So og oo_ pp aS$$ coo o L�b gam m e_ o-- zv zm o xaooxxxaxx 'yt 'aoxxx 3a m8B 88 z�� avaoaeg %2�g S �rt v£ m a a m ay�m $a Va -unNFZ �� i� n, 9N aiNub t�w "3eF p ug _Qg�mo ya N ¢a _- a3'� Eo bU4 �amv�i� 'm;m� V iE SELL Vt$i mEV 5 c 3 112 16 \\ ))))))\\)j\� ])]i;! )\ §\j///)///( //\)§\j yp \\\ \}\\\\\\\\ 113 17 D 0 L 5 a m U c d c LL d C a f0 > T a d c Q d E E c c o g Z: O o m o m Z N o E M UcnU� r o 7 � O O O O o d N N N � io rn r � N 0 00 mLO0 m O 0 0 a m w av 00 �0Ln N C 00 N i0 (O O IL T Z L d 0 0 c Co a O. 0 m �d vv Y Y d d a a 0 0 CL c c ~ m m `m rnrn a c C C C C C — a d d N (A N N d d d d c c o (4) d A L d � d a c ILc Y d 6 m d y n a a qd� w > N C N N N Z O wly Ix J F w 0 rn o0v (O O M 10 4.47 co (3) N (O O ch "S'rv9 mq %nasal e na gF E - 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C E � w II li 0 N O] C C N I w I a N C � 7 � ■ N C N E N N C (0 Qqq � LL N O t O y Z C � O � E N � w v I a � N N ` N Q Q f N � C N N a- C y L V i N a � m 10 00)O 2 q 0 cc J +O+S ¢tn OY■� 1f OC N L` J V o o a o 0 0 o o 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 I- coLO V M U N O O O O o O o o o O LL a O ■ 1 1 1 1 I ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ / ■ 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I i i 1 113 22 S� �FCEAI OF,�QO� - AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 BUSINESS SESSION: 2_ ITEM TITLE: Receive and File Transmittal of Revenue CONSENT CALENDAR: 3 and Expenditure Report dated June 30, 2011 and July 31 , 201 1 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Receive and File Transmittal of the June 30, 2011 and July 31, 2011 Statements of Revenue and Expenditures for the City of La Quinta. Jsp4eect.1John MFalconer, Finance Director Approved for submission by - Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Revenue and Expenditures Report for June 30, 2011 2. Revenue and Expenditures Report for July 31, 2011 119 CITY OF LA QUINTA REVENUES - ALL FUNDS 07/01/2010 - 05130/2011 ATTACHIVILN I l FUNDS ADJUSTED BUDGET RECEIVED % RECEIVED General $37.518,372.00 $37,925,354.66 101.10% Library 2,588.848.00 2.230,740.18 86.20% Gas Tm Revenue 1,104,000.00 1.101,810.68 99.80% Federal Assistance 431,087.00 438,030.90 101.60% JAG Grant 20,523.00 20,522.87 100.00% Slesf (Caps) Revenue 100,090.00 100.403.22 100.30% Indian Gaming 0.00 0.00 0.00% Lighting 8 Landscaping 965,300.00 956,048.30 99,00% RCTC 0.00 0.00 0.00% Development Funding 0.00 0.00 0.00% Crime Violent Task Force 0.00 0.00 000% AS 939 54,600.00 58,026,59 106.30% Quimby 95,000,00 61,353,20 64.60% Infrastructure 1,450.00 2,762.47 190,50% Proposition lB 577,890.00 227.113.85 39.30% South Coast Air Quality 57,42400 72.92061 127.00% CMAQ/ISTEA 1,007,105,00 269,078.90 26.70% Transportation 446,300.00 343,044.79 76.90% Parks 8 Recreation 89,200.00 64,236,00 72.00% Civic Center 3.117,600.00 3.072,191,76 98.50% Library Development 35,500.00 25,915.00 73.00% Community Center 11,600.00 13,391.05 115.40% Street Facility 15,717.00 10,267.08 65.30% Park Facility 2.200.00 1,606.50 73.00% Fire Protection Facility 20,800.00 15,604,16 75.00% Arts In Public Places 33,92500 57.984.67 170.90% Interest Allocation 0,00 0.00 0.00% Capital Improvement 85,476.215.00 22.662.605.18 26.50% Equipment Replacement 34,376.00 84,15892 244,80% Information Technology 6,295.00 9,224.88 146.50% Park Equipment 8 Facility 2,600.00 2,149,550.13 82675.00% SllverRock Golf 3,652,60Z00 3,757.215.36 102.90% SilverRock Goff Reserve 63,429.00 65,17IA9 102,70% La Quinta Public Safety Officer 2,100.00 2,169.70 103.30% La Quints Financing Authority 9,297,837.00 9,288,844.26 99,90% RDA Project Area No. 1 97,935,477.00 98,140,926,18 100,20% RDA Project Area No. 2 41,097,934.00 41,391,066.51 100.70% La Quints Housing Authority 2,479,790.00 2,333,41543 94.10% Total $288,343,191.00 $226,952,758.48 1 78.70% 121 2 CITT OF LA QUINTA EXPENDITURES -ALL FUNDS ADJUSTED 0210112010- NDN2011 REM I G FUNDS General BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET PERCENT Library 0113.426.00 38,950,900. Oc 3162,52 9 921 % Gas Tax 1,Bo3.83800 1,676226,15 0.00 127,61185 92.9% Federal Assistance 1A90,702.00 1.157,936 78 0,00 332,765,22 TT)% JAG Grant 431,087.00 438030,90 0,00 (6,94390) 101.6% Sleet(Cpps) Revenue 20,643.00 20,522.87 0,00 120,13 99.4% Indian Gaming 100090.00 55,06147 0.00 45.02553 550% Ughring B Landscaping Dw %530000 0GO 952.295.92 Ow 0.00 0.00 13,0"08 0.0% 90]% RCTC 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 00% Development Agreement 0,00 0.00 000 O.W c0% CV Violent Crime Task Force 0DO 0.00 c.cc 000 00% AS 939 486,588.00 317,61397 0.00 168,94403 65.3% Quimby 10,264,76100 2,011,10431 0.00 8,273,556.29 196% Inimslroclure 393,074.00 000 0.00 393,074.00 0.0% Proposition 10 577,890.00 226.26710 0,00 351.622.90 392% South Coast Air Quality 308, IN 00 296)58.33 0.00 11,347.67 W3% CMAO 1,007, 10500 269 078.90 DM 738,02610 267% Transportation 4.645,42600 1 405.15 A,l 0.00 3,240,285 % 30.2% Patks S Recreation 9,BOc00 7,306.SO 0.00 2,493.10 746% Civic Center 261,858.00 250,510.54 0.00 11,3246 957% Library Development 12J00.00 12,38321 D.60 31679 97.5% Community Center 0.00 0.00 000 000 009's Street Fadliry, 654,50300 649,028.36 coo 5,474.64 99.2% Perk Fadlity 2,917.00 1,6%19 000 1,310.81 55.1% Fire Protection 6,Oc0.c0 4,87291 000 1127.09 012% Arls In Public Places 476,20(100 89,84998 0.00 386,350.02 18.9% Interest AllomOon 000 000 0,00 00) 00% Capital Improvement 85 476 217.W 21,507,74505 000 63.M,471.95 25.2% Equipment Replacement 640,38300 469,140.66 Dw 173,242.34 72.9% Information Technology 535,752.c0 414,348.28 0.00 121,40572 77.3% Park Maintenance Facility 5110.81500 533,290.60 0.00 27,524.40 95.1% SilverRork Goff 3,823,601.00 4.265,920.43 0.00 (442,31943) 1116% SilverBock Reserve 0.00 0.00 000 Dw 00% LQ Public SafetyOMcer 2,00000 0.00 O.cc 2,00000 0.0% La Quints Financing Authority 6,600,456.00 6.596850.95 coo 3,60505 999% La Quints Housing Authority 1,006.408.00 763,2I0A8 000 300074.In 0.00 RDA Protect Area No. 1 103,139,92800 70,712.694.85 0.00 24,426,233.15 76.3% RDA Prated Area No. 2 49945544.00 34.331,35073 0.00 15,614,193.27 fi8]% 122 3 CITY OF LA OUINTA 07/01/2010-0613012011 GENERAL FUND REVENUES DETAIL ADJUSTED REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED TAXES: Property Tax 2.259,500.00 1,759,516.22 499.983.78 77.870% No Low Property Tax Distribution 3,983,630.00 3,935.806.44 47,823,56 98.800% Statutory Tax- LO 208,473.00 170.779.85 37,693.15 81.920% Statutory Tax - Riverside Cnty $2,400.00 76,251.25 6.148.75 92.540% Sales Tax 4.977,750.00 5,242,023.41 (264.273.41) 105.310% Sales Tax Reimbursement 1,923,188.00 2,004,832.59 (81,644.59) 104.250% Document Transfer Tax 384,300.00 437.235.22 (52,935.22) 113.770% Transient Occupancy Tax 4,000,000.00 4,370,241.32 (370.241.32) 109.260% Transient Occupancy Tax- Mitigation Measures 251,000.00 354,810.05 (103.810.05) 141.360% Franchise Tax 1,484,600.00 1,607,829.41 (123,229,41) 108,300% TOTAL TAXES 19,554,841.00 19,959.325.76 (404,484,76) 102.070% LICENSE 8 PERMITS: Business License 286,400.00 285,269.67 3,130.33 98BI0% Animal License 29,700.00 33,698.50 (3.99850) 113.460% Building Permits 200,000.00 230,220.22 (30,220.22) 115.110% Plumbing Permits 25,000.00 29,653,50 (4,653.50) 118.610% Mechanical Peomits 19,000.00 29,200.37 (10,200,37) 153.690% Electrical Permits 28,000.00 32.23378 (4,233.78) 115A20% Garage Sale Permits 15,000.00 16,840.00 (1.84000) 112.270% Misc. Permits 67,00000 53.817.38 13.162.62 60.320% TOTAL LICENSES B PERMITS 672.100.00 710,933.42 (38,833.42) 105.780% FEES: Sale of Maps 6 Publications 4.000.00 1,600.68 2,399.32 40,020% Community Services Fees 351,550.00 358,341.63 (6,791.63) 101.930% Finance 550.00 360.00 190.00 65.450% Bldg 6 Safety Fees 170,000,00 169.77820 221.80 99.870% Bldg 8 Safety Lease Revenue 62,000.00 75.609.31 (13,60931) 121,950% . SNIP Fees 1.000.00 194.14 805.86 19.410% Community Development Fees 50,000,00 65,577.18 (15,577.18) 131,150% Public Works Fees 185.500.00 130,198,50 55.301.50 70A90% TOTAL FEES 824,600.00 801,659.64 22.940.36 97.220% Motor Vehicle In -Lieu 3,314,950.00 3.515,394,70 (200,444.70) 106.050% Motor Vehice Code Fines 102,900,00 107.562.33 (4,662.33) 104.530% Parking Violations 56.700.00 40,756.43 15,943.57 71.880% Misc. Fines 166,500.00 179,432A6 (12,93286) 107,770% Federal Govt Grants 192.700.00 52,667.84 140.032.16 27.330% County of Riverside Grant 37.500,00 52,89250 (15,39250) 141,050% Slate of California Gant 25.194.00 17,86182 7,332.18 70900% Fire Services Cretlit- Capilal(10150003375010) 4,235,374.00 4.032,597.83 202.776,17 95.210% Fire Services Cretlit - Oyer (10150003376000) 4,926,398,00 5.049,442.18 (123,044.18) 102.500% CVWD 16,800.00 16,80000 000 100.000% CSA152 Assessment 297,285.00 297,284.63 0.37 100,000% TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 13,372,301.00 13.362,693.12 9,607.88 99S30% INTEREST 2746,148.00 2.775,256,52 (29,108.52) 101.060% MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous Revenue 21700.00 44.923.71 (23,22371) 207,020% AB939 20,000.00 109,128.64 (89,128.64) 545.640% Insurance Recoveries 8,291.00 15.02364 (6,732.64) 18L200% Assmnl Dist Surplus 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Other Mitigation Measures 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Litigation settlement 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Advertising Coop 20,000.00 31,199.00 (11,199.00) 156.000% Cash Over/(Short) - 50.00 74.61 (24,61) 149,220% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 70,041.00 200,349.60 (130,308.60) 286.050% TRANSFERIN 278,341.00 115.136,60 163,204.40 41.370% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 37,518,372.00 370925,354.66 (406,982.66) 101.080% 123 4 CITY OF LA OUINTA 07MI12010-0613012011 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ADJUSTED 0N30111 REMAINING BY DEPARTMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET PERCENTAGE GENERALGOVERNMENT: LEGISLATIVE W5,048.00 657,469.72 0.00 7.578,28 69,50% CITYMANAGER'SOFFICE 451750 DO 453,90729 0.00 (2,157,29) 10040% DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1,763,500.00 1.630,143,97 0.00 133,356.03 92.N% MANAGEMENT SERVICES 2178465.22 2035502.31 0.00 14298389 93.41% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5,D50,]8300 4,] ,0 32B O.SO 281]39] 89.46% CITY CLERK 616154.00 510300.03 0.00 4565J.9] 88.BJ% TOTAL CITY CLERK 616,154.00 570.3000J 00 ,053.9] 06.03% COMMUNITY SERVICES PARKS B RECREATION ADMINISTRA 1,092,319.00 964,491 A6 0.00 127,827.54 88.30% SENIOR CENTER 304525 DO 352 894.54 ON 31,630.48 91 ])% PARKS B RECREATION PROGRAMS 310,52500 194,06864 Do 124,436.36 6093% LIBRARY 1,442.745.00 1,334,397,00 0DO 108,347.92 9249% PARK MAINTENANCE 1,174 0O7 00/05320201 D.00 1200041A 69]1% FINANCE: FISCAL SERVICES 986,230.00 952,699.91 000 35,530.09 96,40% CENTRAL SERVICES D430000 22447908 0.00 4982092 8L84% TOTAL FINANCE 1,2fi3,530.00 1,1 ,11899 0.00 05,3 L01 9324% BUILDING 6 SAFETY: BUILDING B SAFETY -ADMIN 332,ON) DO 378,091.31 0.00 (45,791,31) 113.19% BUILDING 680,30000 864,549.17 000 14,249.17) 100.49% CODE COMPLIANCE M5,I5000 911,461.06 0,00 34,288.94 96.37% ANIMAL CONTROL 370,79000 356,728.27 D.DD 14,06173 9621% FIRE 4,725,12600 4,830,491.64 000 (105,36584) 97.52% EMERGENCY SERVICES 161.55000 112,602M 0GO 48,887,56 69.74% CIVIC CENTER BUILDING-OPERATIO 1158975.00 1090 dd945 000 6852555 9409% TOTAL BUILDING B SAFETY 8,554,791.00 8,544.433. 0.00 10 ]5T 46 B 29% POLICE: POLICE SERVICES 12,733,306,00 12,030,306.57 0.00 702,99943 NA13% TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 12,733,306.00 12.030,306.57 O.00 ]02,999.43 94.40A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - ADMIT 1.41492500 1214,6A.20 000 200,247.80 85.85% CURRENT PLANNING 615.500.00 40 "'AB 000 131398.52 ]065% TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2,030,425.00 1,698,]]8 fib 0.00 331,646.32 8367% PUBLIC WORKS: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 630,090.00 560,33323 0.00 ]7.]56.A 90.66% DEVELOPM ENT B TRAFFIC 720.735.00 696,167.55 0.00 24,56T45 96.59% MAINTIOPERATIONS- STREETS 2,247.63100 1,266,955.35 0.00 980,67565 56.37% MAINTIOPERATIONS- LTGILANDSCA 1721,03000 1,574,32721 0DO 146,T02.79 91.48% CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT _ 1385520.00 1126 )8325 0.00 260 ]36.]5 88 ]4% TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 6,]13,DD6.D0 5212.566.59 000 1,490,439.41 19431 TRANSFERS OUT 5299,564.00 5,001,325.15 000 298,238.85 216.55% GENERAL FUND REIMBURSEMENTS (6.84882).00) (8231916.39) 0.00 181841081) 92.92% NET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES - 40,113,425.00 3S9WDOO 05 000 3,162,525.95 90.08% 124 .11 CITY OF LA OUINTA 07/01/2010-0613012011 ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL ADJUSTED REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED LIBRARY: County of Riverside 2,588,848.00 2,230,083.00 358,765.00 86A40% Contrbutions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 0.00 657.18 (65718) 0000% TOTAL LIBRARY 2,598.848.00 2,230.740.18 358.107.82 86.170% GAS TAX REVENUE: Section 2105 I 228,000.00 227,897.66 102.34 99,960% Section 2106 138,300.00 143,123.20 (4,823.20) 103.490% Section 2107 303,800.00 304.371.35 (571.35) 100.190% Section 2107.5 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 100,000% Section 2103 427,800.00 420,571.49 7.228.51 98.310% Traffic Congestion Relief 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 100.00 (153.02) 253.02 -153020% TOTAL GAS TAX 1.104,000.00 1.101,81068 2,189.32 99.800% FEDERAL ASSISTANCE REVENUE: CDBG Grant 431,087.00 431,08690 0.10 100.000% FEMA 0,00 6,944.00 (6,944.00) 0.000% Interest 0.00 000 000 0.000% TOTAL FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 431,087.00 436030.90 (6,943.90) 101.610% JAG GRANT Grant Revenue 20,523.00 20,522.87 0.13 100.000% Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL JAG GRANT 20.523.00 20,52267 0.13 100.000% SLESF (COPS) REVENUE: SLESF (Cops) Funding 100,00000 100,000.00 0.00 100.000% Interest 1 90.00 403.22 (31322) 448020% TOTAL SLESF (COPS) 100,090.00 100,403.22 (313.22) 100.310% INDIAN GAMING Grant revenue ! 0.00 0.00 O60 0.000% Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL INDIAN GAMING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% LIGHTING 6 LANDSCAPING REVENUE: Assessment 965,300.00 956,048.30 9,251.70 99.040% Developer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL LIGHTING S LANDSCAPING 965,300.00 456,048.30 9.251.70 99.040% RCTC RCTC Funding 0A0 0,00 0.00 0.000% Transfer in 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL RCTC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FUND Mitigation Measures 000 0.00 0.00 0,000% Interest j 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,000% Tansfer in 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL DEV AGREEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% CRIME VIOLENT TASK FORCE Member Contributions - Carryover 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Grant revenue -JAIB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% CLET Line 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Asset Forfeiture -Slate Adjudicated 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,000% TOTAL CRIME VII LENT TASK FORCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% AS 939 REVENUE: AS 939 Fees 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 4,600.00 8,02659 (3,426.59) 174.490% Transfer In 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 100.000% TOTAL AS 938 125 EP 0710112010.0613012011 CITY OF LA QUINTA ADJUSTED REMAINING % ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED QUIMBY REVENUE: Quimby Fees 60,000.00 0.00 60,00(K00 0000% Donations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00D% Interest 35,000.00 61,353.20 (26.353.20) 175.290% TOTAL QUIMBY 95,OOD.D[r1f353.'1Ir-3! INFRASTRUCTURE REVENUE: UMity refund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 1,450.00 2,762.47 (1,312.47) 190.520% Transfer in 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE 1,450.00 2,762.47 (1,312.47) 190.520% PROPOSITION 18 - S81266 Prop lB Grant 576.220.00 224,161.69 352,056.31 38.900% Interest 1.670.00 2,952.16 1282.1.R 176.780% TOTAL PROPOSITION 10 5/Y,890..00 2Z,ff3,95 3 �f5 39390% SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY REVENUE: S.C.A.Q. Contribution 48.900.00 64.128.41 (16.228.41) 131.140% MSRC Funding 8,224.00 8,224.26 (0.26) 100.000% Street Svreeping Grant 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 300.00 567.94 (267.94) 189.310% TOTAL SCAQ 57.424.00 72.920.61 (15AW61) 126.990% CMAQ/ISTEA State Grams 1,007,105.00 269,078,90 738,026.10 26.720% Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Transfer in 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 1,007,105.00 269,078.90 738,026.10 26.720% TRANSPORTATION Developerfees 341,50000 225.361.53 116,138.47 65.990% Interest 14,800.00 27,683.26 (12,883.26) 187.050% Donations 90,00000 90,000.00 0.00 100.000% Transferin 000 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 446,300.00 343,044,79 103.255.21 76.860% PARKS & RECREATION Developer fees 89,200.00 64,23500 24,965.00 72.010% Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Transfer in 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL PARKS 8 RECREATION 89,200.00 64.235.00 24,965.00 72.010% CIVIC CENTER 1 Developer fees 127,600.00 82,191.76 45,408.24 64.410% Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Transfer in 2.990,000.00 2,990,000.00 0.00 100.000% TOTAL CIVIC CENTER 3,117,600.00 3,072,191.76 45,408.24 98.540% LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT Developer fees 35.500.00 25,915.00 9,585.00 73.000% Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Transfer in 0,00 000 0.00 0.000% TOTAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT 35,500.00 25.915.00 9,585.00 73.000% COMMUNITY CENTER Developer fees 7,400.00 5.402.00 1.998.00 73.000% Interest 4,20000 7,989.05 (3,789.05) 190.220% TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 11,6D000 13,391.05 (1,791.05) 115.440% 126 CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL 0710112010 - 06130MIl ADJUSTED REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED STREET FACILITY Developer fees Interest Transfer In TOTAL STREET FACILITY PARK FACILITY Developer fees Interest TOTAL PARK FACILITY FIRE PROTECTION FACILITY Developer fees Interest TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FACILITY ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES REVENUE: Ms in Public Places Ads In Public Places Credits Applied Insurance Recoveries Donations Interest TOTAL ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND: Pooled Cash Nlocated Interest Transfer In TOTAL INTEREST ALLOCATION 12,800.00 8.660.89 4,139AI 67.660% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 2,917.00 1,606.19 1,310.81 55.060% 15,717,00 10,267.08 5,449.92 65,320% 2.200,00 1,606.00 594.00 73.000% 0.00 0.50 (0,50) 0.000% 2,200.00 1,606.50 593.50 73.020% 20,800.00 15,604.16 5,195.84 75.020% 0.00 0.00 OA0 0.000% 20,800.00 15,604.16 5,195.84 75.020% 30,82500 52,076.20 (21,251.20) 168.940% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 3,100.00 5,908.47 (2,808.47) 190.600% 33,925.00 57.984.67 (24,059.67) 170.920% 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,000% 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 121 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL 07/01/2010 - 06/=011 ADJUSTED REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: CVAG CVVJD County of Riverside Surface Transportation Funding City of Indio DSUSD IID RCTC Vista Dunes Housing LLP 58821-Bicycle Path Grant State of Califomia APP Contribution Developer Agreement Funding Litigation Settlements Transitions in From Other Funds TOTAL CIP REVENUE 1,920,627.00 658,016.04 1,262,610.98 34.260% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 163,206.00 102,010.60 61.195.40 62.500% 9,518,333.00 33,481A2 9,484,851.88 0.350% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 160,160.00 146.879.46 13,280.54 91.710% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 87,300.00 81.472.44 5,827.56 93.320% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 578,07500 159,29799 418.777,01 27.560% 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.000% 73,048,51100 21,481.447.53 51,567.066.47 29A10% 85,476,215.00 22,862,605.18 621813,609.82 339,110% EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND: Equipment Charges 27,77600 27,776.00 0,00 100.000% Capital Contribution 0,00 45,000.00 (45.000.00) 0.000% Sale of Fixed Asset D.00 0.00 ODD 0.000% Insurance Recoveries 0,00 ODD 0.00 0.000% Interest 6,600.00 11,38292 (4,782.92) 172.470% Transfers In 0.00 000 0.00 0.000% TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 34376.00 84,15892 (49,782.92) 244.820% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND: Charges for services 2,295.00 2,295.00 0.00 100.000% Capital Contribution 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000%. Sale of Fixed Asset 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 4,ODO.00 6,929.88 (2,929.88) 173.250% Transfers In 0.00 0.00 0.00 C000% TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 6295.00 9.224.88 (2,929.88) 146,540% PARK EQUIPMENT & FACILITY Charges for services Interest Capital Contributions TOTAL PARK EQUIPMENT 6 FAC SILVERROCK GOLF Green fees Range fees Resident Card Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Merchandise Food 8 Beverage Allocated Interest Income Transfers In TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE Interest Transfers In TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER FUND Transfer In Interest TOTAL LQ PUBLIC SAFETY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,000% 2,600.00 4,923.38 (2,323.38) 189,360% 0.00 2144626.75 (2144626,75) 0.000% 2600.00 2,149,550A3 (2,146,950.13) 82675.010% 3,111,458.00 3,229,389.69 (117,93169) 103.790% 117,656.00 101,688.00 15,%8.00 86.430% 105,000.00 $9,118,00 15,88200 84,870% 000 0.00 0.00 0.000% 306,493,00 314,163,52 (7,67052) 102.500% 12.000.00 22,254.85 (10,264.85) 785.460% 0.00 601.30 (601,30) 0.000% 0,00 000 0.00 0,000% 3652.607.00 3,757.215.36 (104,608.36) 102.860% 1,200.00 1,524.32 (324.32) 127.030% 6222900 63647.17 (741BA7) 102.280% 63429.00 65,171.49 (1,742,49) 102,750% 2,000,00 2,000.00 0.00 100.000% 10000 169.70 (69,70) 169.700% 211)D00 2.169,70 (69.70) 103.320% 128 :1 CITY OF LA QUINTA OTHER CITY FUNDS ADJUSTED 0613IN11 REMAINING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET LIBRARY FUND INTEREST ADVANCE 000 BOB 000 000 CAPITAL PURCHASES 000 Bw BOB 0.00 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 1,003,B38.00 16]6,228.15 000 127,61t85 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 000 0.00 TOTAL LIBRARY FUND000 - 121,6TM GAS TAX CONTRACT SERVICES 000 000 000 0DO REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 1,016,184.00 1,016,18400 000 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 4]4518.00 iH 152.]0 000 332 ]85.22 TOTAL GAS TAX FUNDgg FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND: TRANSFER OUT 431087005 435030.90 (8943.90) TOTAL FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND d]�OB7�-39503.000 JAG GRANT TRANSFER OUT TOTAL JAG GRANT 2064300 20.52287 0.00 120.13 SLESF(COPS) TRANSFER OUT TOTAL SLESF ICOPS) FUND 10009000 55,061.47 000 45,028S3 INDIAN GAMING FUND TRANSFER OUT 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INDIAN GAMING FUND 0,00 LIGHTING 8 LANDSCAPING ASSESSMENT DIST: REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 965,300.00 952,295,92 0,00 13,004.08 TRANSFER OUT 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 TOTAL LTGILANDSCAPING FUND RCTC TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 000 000 TOTAL RCTC 000 000 000 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FUND CONSTRUCTION 0.00 000 000 0.00 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND O.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 TOTAL DEV AGREEMENT FUND CRIME VIOLENT TASK FORCE OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00, 000 0.00 000 TRANSFER OUT 000 000 000 0.00 TOTAL CRIME VIOLENT TASK FORCE 000 Boo 0,00 AB 939 OPERATING EXPENSES 223.100.00 123,O 48 000 100,09552 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 69,20900 69,216.00 000 (7,00) TRANSFER OUT 1912]9.00 12562349 000 60 fi5551 TOTAL AB 939 QUIMBY FUND: FEASIBILITY STUDY 0.00 000 000 0.00 REIMBURSE DEVELOPER FEES 0.00 000 000 0,00 TRANSFER OUT 10,284.]61.00 2,011,104.]1 0.00 8,273,65629 TOTAL QUIMBY INFRASTRUCTURE FUND CONSTRUCTION 0.00 000 0.00 000 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 0.00 000 000 000 TRANSFER OUT 393,074.00 0.00 000 393,074.00 TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE 393.0,CM 000 0.00 393D7C00 PROPOSITION 16 - SB 1266 TRANSFER OUT TOTAL PROPOSITION I B FUND 5]],890.00 226,26].10 000 351622.90 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 48,900.00 56,00190 000 (7,90190) TRANSFER OUT 259206.00 239956.41 000 19249.57 TOTAL SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY 9 5 CMAQ PROJECT EXPENDITURES 000 000 0.00 000 TRANSFER OUT 100]10500 2690]8.90 000 ]J8028.10 TOTAL CMAQ - TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM COSTS 000 000 000 0.00 INTEREST ON ADVANCE 0.00 3,723.17 000 (3,723.17) CONTRIBUTION 0.00 000 000 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 4645436.00 1401,42T2] 0.00 3244008]a TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PARKS S RECREATION INTEREST ON ADVANCE 9,800.00 7,3%W 000 2.493,10 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 000 0,00 000 TOTAL PARKS B RECREATION _ CIVIC CENTER SERVICES 0,00 2,042.10 0.00 (2.012.10) INTEREST ON ADVANCE 60,100,00 46.]12.44 0.00 13,307.56 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 201,758,00 201,75800 0.00 200 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 000 000 000 TOTAL CBAC CENTER LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 000 000 INTEREST ON ADVANCE 12,70000 12,3B321 000 31679 TRANSFER OUT 000 000 0.00 0.00 TOTAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT 129 10 CITY OF LA QUINTA OTHER CITY FUNDS A USTED Owoml REMAINING EXPENDITURESUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET COMMUNITY CENTER PROGRAM COSTS ON O.W 0.DO Om TRANSFER OUT 000 0.00 - 0.00 OW TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER STREET FACILITY PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 ON ON 0. W INTEREST ON ADVANCE 13,100,00 8.125.75 0.00 4,97425 TRANSFER OUT 641403.W 6/090261 O.W 500.39 TOTAL STREET FACILITY _g5aPARK FACILITY PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0DO ON 000 TRANSFER OUT 2917.W 18N.19 000 1310.81 TOTAL PARK FACILITY FIRE PROTECTION INTEREST ON ADVANCE 6DOO.W 4872.91 0,00 1.127.09 TRANSFER OUT Om 0.00 0,00 O.W TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DIF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-APP 20000.00 15,02000 OW 4,980.W OPERATING EXPENSES-APP 4,700.00 960.98 0W 3,73902 ART PURCHASES 251,500.00 73,W9.N 0.GO 177,631.00 TRANSFER OUT 200000.00 0.00 0.00 2W OW.00 TOTAL ART IN PUBLIC PLACES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND PROUECT EXPENDITURES 04,824,6B2.N 21.332,005.73 BOB 53,492,675.27 PROJECT REIMBURSEMENTS TO GEN FUND 651,535.m 175,730.32 0DO 475j9O08 TRANSFER OUT O00 0.00 ON 000 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND OPERATING EXPENSES 460,099W 257,990.16 0,00 202,100.51 DEPRECIATION EXPENSES 175,06,1.00 209,142,20 0.00 (34,058.20) CAPITAL PURCHASES 5,20000 O.N 000 5,20000 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 nm nm nm INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND OPERATING EXPENSES DEPRECATION EXPENSES CAPITAL PURCHASES PARK MAINTENANCE FACILITY OPERATING EXPENSES DEPRECIATION EXPENSES CAPITAL PURCHASES TRANSFER OUT SILVERROCK GOLF OPERATING EXPENSES TRANSFER OUT SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE TRANSFER OUT IA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY CONTRIBUTIONS 287.150.50 0.00 110.879.26 0.SO 59,000.DO 5QA292 000 2452.08 "I 391.W 472.188.04 0.00 (30,797.04) 0.0 0.00 0.00 0,00 60,424W 455464 ODO 55869.38 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE FAC 3,761,372.00 4,202.273.26 000 ("0,901.26) 6222900 63"TIT 000 11194 TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF 382?!601 W 4.285,9 4d2.`3T943f ON O.W ON 000 TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE TOTAL LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY 2,OW.W 0,00 BOB 2.000.GO 130 11 CITY OF LA OUINTA REVENUES -ALL FUNDS 0710112011 - 0713112011 ATTACHMENT 2 FUNDS ADJUSTED BUDGET RECEIVED % RECEIVED General $31,877,692.00 $341,06775 1.10% Library 2,130,30000 (11770) 0.00% Gas Tax Revenue 994.900,00 0.00 0.00% Federal Assistance 175,000.00 0.00 0,00% JAG Grant 0.00 0,00 0.00% Sleet (Cops) Revenue 0.00 (49,61) C00% Indian Gaming 105,8",W 000 0,00% Lighting S Landscaping 964,219.00 0.00. 0.00% RCTC 0,00 0.00 000% Development Funding 0.00 0.00 000% Crime Violent Task Force 000 0.00 0.00% AS 939 4,30000 12,3N 89) -53.60% Quimby 50, 000.00 (17,497,68) -35.00% Infrastructure 100.00 (785.50) -785,50% Proposition 1B 0.00 0.00 000% South Coast Air Quality 4Q200.00 (166.69) 4).40% CMAQ/ISTEA 0.00 0.00 0.00% Transportation 523,30000 (4,03197) -OS0% Parks S Recreation 89,200.00 178400 2.00% Civic Center 127,600.00 1 99D00 1.60% Library Development 35.500,00 710.00 2.00% Community Center 13,30000 (2,123,28) -1600% Street Fatuity 20,000.00 134.00 0.70% Park Facility 2,200,00 43.M 2,00% Fire Protection Facility 29,800.00 280,00 0,90% Arts In Public Places 99,800.00 (130.58) .0.10% Interest Allocation 0.00 44,237,29 0.00% Capital improvement 82,863,087.00 218,412.17 0.30% Equipment Replacement 595,438.00 586,087.52 98,40% Information Technology 489,322.00 483,53194 98.80% Park Equipment 8 Facility 2,70060 - (1 406.65) -52.10% SilverRacl, Golf 3,841 591.00 100,95166 2,60% Silverfl Golf Reserve 68,340.00 (601 30) -0.90% La Quinta Public Safety Officer 2,1WC0 1,951 75 92.90% Supplemental Pension Savings Plan 200,954.00 0.00 0.00% La Quinta Financing Authority 8,164,371.00 0OD 0.00% RDA Projii No 54,590.545,00 (54,673,83) -0.10% RDA Project Area No. 2 28,186,371.00 (59,15863) -0.20% La Quinta Housing Authority 1,035,09000 71,844.98 6.90% Total $217323,16400 $1709,978.81 0.80% Note, Many interest income accounts have negative balances due to the reversal of GASS 31 unrealized income recognized In FY 2010/2011 131 12 CITY OF LA OUINTA EXPENDITURES -ALL FUNDS ADJU TED 0710112011 .0713112011 REM NING BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET PERCENT FUNDS $35,476,400.00 $1,7114,577.63 105,466.18 $33,588,356.21 5.0% General 1,776,094.00 281,195.00 0.00 1,494.899.00 15.8% Library 994,900.00 82,908.00 0.00 911,992.00 8.3% Gas Tax 175,000.00 0.00 0,00 175,D00.00 0.0% Federal Assistance 61,181,00 0.00 0,00 61,181.00 0.0% JAG Gent 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Slesf (Cops) Revenue 105,844.00 0.00 0.00 105,844.D0 0.0% a Indian Gaming 1,002,996.D0 83,583.00 0.00 919,413.00 8.3% Lighting Landscaping 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% RCTC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Development Agreement0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.0 0. CV Violent Crime Task Force 307,736.00 673131 2,000.00 238,425.90 219%.9 AS 939 8,319,543.00 ,0.10 500.00 0.00 8,319.043.00 0.0% Quimby 393.074.00 0.00 0.00 393,074.00 0.0% Infrastructure 351,633,00 0.D0 0.00 351,633.00 0.0% Proposition 1B 40,20000 0,00 0,00 40,200.00 0.0% South Coast Air Quality 416,026.00 0,00 0,00 416,026.D0 0.0% CMAQ 4,078,612.00 5,075.00 0.00 4.073.537.00 0.1 % Transportation 7,100,00 D.00 0.D0 7.100.00 0.0% Parks B Recreation 237,056.00 16,838.00 0.00 220,218.00 7.1% Civic Center 9.80000 0.00 0.00 9,800.00 00% Library Development 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.0% Community Center 10,000.00 0,00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0% Street Facility 2,200.00 0.00 0.00 2,20000 0.0% Facility Park Fa 4.700,00 0.00 0,00 4.700.00 0.0% Fire Protection 536,200.00 0,00 0,00 536,200.00 0.0% ArtsPr Public Places 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 00% Interest Allocation Interest 82,863.087.00 218.412.17 1,471.200.00 81.173,474.83 0.3% Improvement Capit589,339.00 14,500.24 31,089.94 543,748.82 2.5% Equipment Replacement 496,596.00 66,158.59 0.00 430,439.41 13.3% Information Technology 482,234.00 0.00 0,00 482.234.00 0.0% Park Maintenance Facility Park Mock 3.833,108.00 117,441.71 0,00 3,715,666.29 3.1% SilveGott 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% SilverRock Reserve 2.000,00 0.00 0.00 2.000,00 0.0% LQ Public Safety Officer 12,833.00 12,832,86 0.00 0.14 100.0% Supplemental Pension Savings Plan 8,164,37100 1,530.00 0.00 8,162.841.00 0.0% La Quints Financing Authority 993,D91.00 48,694.35 0.00 944,396.65 0.00 La Quinla Housing Authority 76,760,588.00 575,308.91 0.00 76,185,279.09 0.7% RDA Project Area No. 1 44,376,627.00 104,245.62 0.00 44,272,381.38 0.2% RDA Project Area No. 2 !Total 132 13 CRY OF LA QUINTA 07101I2011 - 07/31/2011 GENERAL FUND REVENUES DETAIL ADJUSTED REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED TAXES: Property Tax i, 764,800.00 0.00 1,764,800.00 0.000% No Low Property Tax Distribution 3,922,500.00 It= 3,922,500.00 0."% Statutory Tax - LO 190,000.00 0 00 190,000.00 0.000% Statutory Tax -Riverside Cnty 80,Wki 00 000 80,000.00 OD00% Sales Tax 5,352,00000 0,00 5,352,000.00 0.000% Sales Tax Reimbursement 1,784,00000 0,00 1,784,000.00 0.000% Document Transfer Tax 441,5(X),W 0.00 441,500,00 0.000% Transient Occupancy Tax 4,500=00 216,365.13 4,283,634,87 4,810% Transient Occupancy Tax- Mitigation Measures 251.000.00 387,50 250,612,50 0.150% Franchise Tax _ 1457730,00 0.00 1457730.00 0.000% TOTAL TAXES 19,743,53000 216,752.63 19,526,777.37 1.100% LICENSE A PERMITS: Business License 298,40000 19,37860 279,021,40 6.490% Animal License 32,300.00 2,427.50 29,872.50 7,520% Building Permits 188,300.00 16.091,50 172,208,50 8.550% Plumbing Permits 24,41W.00 2,001,00 22,399,00 8200% Mechanical Permits 2480000 2,253.50 22,546.50 9.090% Electrical Permits 25,200.00 2,276,93 22,923.07 9.040% Garage Sala Permits 16,100.00 1,040.00 15,06000 SAW% Misc. Permits 39,900.00 3,075A9 36,824.01 7.710% TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 649.400,00 48,545.02 600.854.98 7.480% FEES: Sale of Maps B Publications 18BS.W 47,85 1,837.15 2.540% Community Services Fees 369,360.00 152,173,10 237,186.90 WOW% Finance 7,800A0 0.00 7.800,00 0.000% Bldg A Safety Fees 167,210.00 11.805.20 155,404.80 7.060% Bldg B Safety Lease Revenue 73,100.00 9,270.00 63,630,00 12.680% SNIP Administration Fees 250.00 0.00 250,00 0.000% Community Development Fees 55,800.00 (345.00) %J45.00 -0.620% Public Works Fees 200,055.00 3.590.00 196.46500 11790% TOTALFEES 895,460.00 176,541,15 718,918.85 19.720% INTERGOVERNMENTAL Motor Vehicle In -Lieu 3,315,000,00 0.00 3,315,000.00 0.000% Motor Vehicle Code Fines 112,900.00 0,00 112, 900.00 0.00096 Parking Violations 42,900.00 2,622,00 40,27800 6.110% Misc. Fines 151400.00 8,34943 143.050.57 5.510% Federal Coin Grants 144,399.00 0,00 144,399.00 0,000% County of Riverside Grant 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,000% . State of California Grant 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,000% Fire Services Credit- Capital(10150003375010) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Fire Services Credit -Oper (10150003375000) 5,028,178.00 0.00 5,028, 178,00 0.000% CVWD 16,800.00 0,00 16AW,00 0.000% CSA152 Assessment 25300000 0,00 253000.00 OA00% TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 9,064, 577.W 10,971.43 9,053,605.57 0.120% INTEREST 1,043,900. 00 (112.106. 75) 1,1%,006J5 -10.740% MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous Revenue 16,400.00 7427 16,325,73 0.450% AB939 92.400.00 0.00 92,400.00 0.000% Rental income 25,000.00 000 25,000.00 0.000% Advertising Coop 25,000.00 3(X00 24,700.00 1.200% Cash Over/(Short) OAO (10.00) 10,00 0000% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 15BAD0.00 36427 158,435.73 0,230% TRANSFERIN 322.025,00 000 322,025.00 0.000% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 31,877,692.00 341,067.76 31,536,624.25 1.070% 133 14 CITY OF LA GUINTA 0710112011-07131/2011 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ADJUSTED 07131/11 REMAINING BY DEPARTMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET PERCENTAGE GENERAL GOVERNMENT: CITY CLERK COMMUNITY SERVICES FINANCE: BUILDING & SAFETY: POLICE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: PUBLIC WORKS: TRANSFERS OUT GENERAL FUND REIMBURSEMENTS LEGISLATIVE 830,989.00 73,557,22 0.00 757.431.78 8.85% CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 492,411.00 31,509.53 0.00 460,Wl.47 6.40% DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1,528,752.00 164,999.92 0.00 1.363,75208 10.79% MANAGEMENT SERVICES 1,645,399.00 336799.02 0,00 1310599.98 20.35% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 4,497.551.W 604,865.69 0,00 3,892,685.31 13.45% 574,071.00 61,215.28 0.00 512855.72 10.66% TOTAL CITY CLERK 574,071.W 61,215.28 0.00 512,855.72 10,65% PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 1,018,522.D0 80,187.49 6,545.00 931,789.51 7.87% SENIOR CENTER 422,56000 47,09&71 3,981.49 371,479.80 11.15% PARKS & RECREATION PROGRAMS 334,820.00 16,055.35 0.00 318,764.65 4.80% LIBRARY 1,422,69&00 196,566.31 0.00 1,224,129.69 13.96% PARK MAINTENANCE 1.077.556.00 64,339.76 0.00 1,013,216.24 5,97% MUSEUM 270,758,00 29,919.64 0.00 240,838.36 11.05% TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 4,546,912.00 436,167,26 10,526.49 4,10Q218.25 9.59% FISCAL SERVICES 974,738.00 83,538,63 0.00 891.199.37 &57% CENTRAL SERVICES 340,191,00 91.079.06 0.00 249,111.94 26.77% TOTAL FINANCE 1,314,929.W 174,617,69 0.00 1.140,311,31 13.28% BUILDING&SAFETY -ADMIN 282,327.00 19,442,70 0.00 262,884.30 6,69% BUILDING 553,689.00 63,339.39 0.00 490,349.61 11."% CODE COMPLIANCE 1,069,895.00 136,39602 0,00 933.498.98 12.75% ANIMAL CONTROL 459,697,00 65,264,37 0.00 394,432.63 14,20% FIRE 4.986,533.00 16,559,44 0.00 4,969.973.56 0.33% EMERGENCY SERVICES 195,392.00 28,030.83 0.00 167,361.17 14.35% CIVIC CENTER BUILDING -OPERATIONS 1,204, 194.00 65.777.96 0.00 1, 138,416.04 5.46% TOTAL BUILDING & SAFETY 8,751,727.00 394,810.71 - 0.00 8,358,916.29 4.51% POLICE SERVICES 12,773,180.00 58,687.22 0.00 12,714,492.78 0.46% TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 12.773,180.00 5B,687.22 0.00 12,714,492.78 0.46% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -ADMIN 935,241.00 53.456.32 0.00 881,78C68 5.72% CURRENT PLANNING 557,451.00 48,197.94 0.00 509,253.06 8.65% TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1,492,692.00 101,554,26 0.00 1,391,037.74 6.81% PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 579,532.00 DEVELOPMENT & TRAFFIC 603,874.00 MAINT/OPERATIONS- STREETS 2.873,672.00 MAINT/OPERATIONS- LTG/LANDSCAPING 1,533,561.00 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 1667 . 29500 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 7.257.934.00 NET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 849,914.D0 38,106B4 0.00 541.425.16 6.5B% 56,563.96 0.00 547,310.D4 9.37% 280,094.40 0.00 2,593,577.60 9.75% 67.207.79 000 1,466,353.21 4.38% 88 734.46 94 939.67 / 483 620,87 5.32% 530,707.45 W,939.67 6,532,286.88 7.31% 39,406,07 0,00 810,507.93 4.64% (6,582.510.00) (617,554.00) 0.00 (5964956.00) 9.38% 35,476.400.00 1,784,577.63 105,466,16 33,586,356.21 5.03% 134 15 CITY OF LA OUINTA 0710112011-O7131@011 ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL ADJUSTED REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED LIBRARY: County of Riverside 2,123,900.W 0,00 2,123,900.00 0000% Contributions 0,00 0,00 0.00 0000% Interest 6,40600 (117,70) 6,517.70 -1.840% TOTAL LIBRARY 2.130,300. 00 (117.70) 2,130,417,70 -0.010% GAS TAX REVENUE: Section 2105 205,200.00 0.00 205,200,00 0,000% Section 2106 128,600.00 0,00 128,60000 0,000% Sedion 2107 273,100.00 0.00 273.100,00 0.000% Sedion 2107.5 6,000. DO 0,00 6000.00 0,000% Sedion 2103 381,800.00 0.00 381,800.00 0.000% Traffic Congestion Relief - 0.00 0.00 O.W 0.WO% Interest 200.00 0.00 200,00 Doi TOTAL GAS TAX 994,900.00 0,00 994,9Di 0.000% FEDERAL ASSISTANCE REVENUE: CDBG Grant 175,000.00 0.00 175,000.00 O.WO% Federal Stimulus 000 0.00 O.W 0,000% Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.WO% TOTAL FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 175,00000 0,00 175,000,00 0,000% JAG GRANT Grant Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 0.00 0.00 1 0.000% TOTAL JAG GRANT O.W O.W 1 O.WO% SLESF(COPS)REVENUE: SLESF (Cops) Funding 0 W a 00 0,00 0.000% Interest O.W (49.61) 49.61 0.00()% TOTAL SLESF(COPS) 0,00 (49,61) 49.61 0000% INDIAN GAMING Grant revenue 105,644.00 DOD 105,644.W DOW% Interest 0,00 0,00 O.W O.WO% TOTAL INDIAN GAMING 105.844,00 0.00 105,844.00 0.000% LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING REVENUE: Assessment 964.219.00 0DO %1,219.W 0,000% Developer 0,00 0.00 0.W 0000% Interest 0.130 0.00 0.00 O."% TOTAL LIGHTING B LANDSCAPING 964219.OD 0,00 964219,00 O.WO% RCTC RCTC Funding O.W 0.00 0.00 0.000% Transfer in 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL RCTC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FUND Mitigation Measures 000 0,00 0,00 0000% Interest 000 0.00 0,00 0000% Transfer in 0.00 000 0.00 0,000% TOTAL DEV AGREEMENT O.W O.W 0.00 0,000% CRIME VIOLENT TASK FORCE Member Contributions - Carryover 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Grant revenue - JAW 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.OW% CLET Line - 000 0,00 0.00 0,000% Asset Forfeiture -State Adjudicated 0.00 DOD DOD 0,000% Interest 0.00 O.W D.W DOW% TOTAL CRIME VIOLENT TASK FORCE 0.00 0.00 1 DODG% AD 939 REVENUE: AS 939 Fees - 000 000 OW O.DW% Interest 4.300.00 (2,304S9) 6,604.89 -53,600% Transfer In 0,00 O.W 0.00 0.000% TOTAL AB 939 135 16 07/01/2011-07/31/2011 CRY OF LA QUINTA ADJUSTED REMAINING % ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED QUIMBY REVENUE: Quimby Fees 30.000.00 0.00 30,000,00 0.000% Donations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 20000.00 (1749768) 3749768 -87490% TOTAL QUIMBY 50.000.00 (17,497.68) 6749768 INFRASTRUCTURE REVENUE: Utility refund 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 100.00 (785.50) 885.50 -785,500% Transfer in 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000% TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE 100.00 (765SO) 885.50 -785500% PROPOSITION 15-SB1266 Prop 18 Grant 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,000% Interest 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.Wo% TOTAL PROPOSITION 1 B SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY REVENUE: S.C.AO. Contribution 40,OW.00 000 40.000.00 0.000% MSRC Funding 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.000% Street Sweeping Grant 0,00 0.00 000 0.000% Interest 200.00 (16669) 36669 -83350% TOTAL SCAQ 40,20000 (ISSAS) 40,366.69 -0410% CMAQASTEA State Grants 0.01) 0.00 0.00 0.000% Interest 0.00 000 0,00 0,000% Transfer m 0,00 0. W 0.00 0.000% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 0,00 O.W 0.00 00W% TRANSPORTATION Developerfees 441,500,00 3,860.00 437,640.00 0.870% Interest 1,BOO.W (7,891,97) 9,691.97 438.440% Donations 80.000.00 0.00 80,000.00 O.WO% Transfer in 0.00 0,00 0,00 OWO% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 523,3W.00 (4,01.97) 52]331.97 -0770% PARKS 6 RECREATION Developer fees 89,200.00 1,784.03 87,416,00 2.OD0% Interest 13.00 0,00 O.W 0.000% Transfer in 0.00 0,00 0,00 0000% TOTAL PARKS 6 RECREATION 89,200.W 1,784.03 87416.00 - 2000% CIVIC CENTER Developer fees 127,600.00 1,990.00 125,610.00 1.560% Interest O.W 0.00 0,00 0.0W% Transfer in 0.00 0.00 0,00 O OW % TOTAL CIVIC CENTER 127,600.00 1,99000 125,610.00 1560% LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT Developer fees 35,500.00 710.00 34,790.00 2,000% Interest O.00 0.00 0.00 O.OW% Transferor 0.00 0.00 0.00 OOW% TOTAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT 35,500.00 710,00 34790.00 2000% COMMUNITY CENTER Developer fees 7,400.00 148,00 7,252.00 2.000% Interest 5,900.00 (2271.28) 817128 -38500% TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 13,300 (2,123.28) 15423.28 -15.960% 136 17 CITY OF LA GUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL 07101I2011 .0713112011 ADJUSTED REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED STREET FACILITY Developerfees Interest Transfer In TOTAL STREET FACILITY PARK FACILITY Developerfees Interest TOTAL PARK FACILITY FIRE PROTECTION FACILITY Developerfees Interest TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FACILITY ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES REVENUE: Arts in Public Places Arts in Public Places Credits, Applied Insurance Recoveries Donations Interest TOTAL ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND: Pooled Cash Allocated Interest Transfer In TOTAL INTEREST ALLOCATION 17,800.00 134.00 17,666.00 0.750% 000 0.00 0.00 0.000% 2,200.20 0.00 220000 0.000% 20,000.00 134.00 19,866.00 0.670% 2.200.00 4400 2,156.00 2.000% 000 (0141 014 0.000% 2 200 00 43.66 2 156.14 1.990°b 29,800,00 280.00 29,52000 0,940% 0.00 0.00 0,000.000% 29,800,00 260.00 29,520.00 0940% 97.500,00 1,550,04 95,94996 - L590% 000 0,00 0.00 0.000% 0.00 000 0,00 a000% 000 0.00 0,00 0.000% 230000 (168062) 39 0062 -73,070% 99 800 00 (130 581 9993,58 2.130% 0.00 44,23729 (44,237.29) 0000% 0.00 0.00 000 0,000% 000 4423729 (4423T29) 0000% 1.1 m CITY OF LA QUINTA OTHER CITY FUNDS ADJUSTED 07I31/11 REMAINING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET COMMUNITY CENTER 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 000 STREET FACILITY ' 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 PROGRAM COSTS INTEREST ON ADVANCE 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 10,000. D0 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 TOTAL STREET FACILITY PARK FACILITY PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 OOD 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT - 2200.00 0,00 0.00 2200.00 TOTAL PARK FACILITY FIRE PROTECTION INTEREST ON ADVANCE 4,700.00 0.00 0.00 4,700.00 TRANSFER OUT 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DIF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-APP 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000. DO OPERATING EXPENSES-APP 4,700. D0 0,00 0.00 4,700,00 ART PURCHASES 111,500.00 0.00 0.00 11150000 TRANSFER OUT 400000.00 0.00 0.00 400000.00 TOTAL ART IN PUBLIC PLACES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 82,092,986.00 218,412,17 1471,200.00 80,403,353.83 PROJECT REIMBURSEMENTS TO GEN FUND 770,121.00 0.00 0.00 770,121.00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND OPERATING EXPENSES 415,388.00 14.50024 0.00 40Q88576 DEPRECIATION EXPENSES 173,953,00 000 0.00 173,953.00 CAPITAL PURCHASES 0.00 0.00 31,08994' (31,089.94) TRANSFER OUT 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND OPERATING EXPENSES DEPRECIATION EXPENSES CAPITAL PURCHASES PARK MAINTENANCE FACILITY OPERATING EXPENSES DEPRECIATION EXPENSES CAPITAL PURCHASES TRANSFER OUT SILVERROCK GOLF OPERATING EXPENSES TRANSFER OUT SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE TRANSFER OUT LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY CONTRIBUTIONS 350,495.00 65,788,69 0.00 284,706.31 84,101,00 000 0.00 84,10100 62000.00 367.90 0.00 81 MITT TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SQ000.00 0,00 0.00 50,000.00 432,234.00 000 000 432,234,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE FAC 3,765,568.00 117.441,71 0.00 3,649,126.29 fi6,540.00 0.00 0.00 fi6,540.00 TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE TOTAL LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY 2 00D.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION SAVINGS PLAN CONTRACT SERVICE TOTAL SUPPLE PENSION SAVINGS PLAN 12833.00 12.83288 0.00 0.14 138 19 CRY OF LA QUINTA OTHER CITY FUNDS ADJUSTED 07/31/11 REMAINING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET LIBRARY FUND INTEREST ADVANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL PURCHASES 000 0.00 0.00 000 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 1 ]76,094.00 281,195.00 0.00 1 494,899.00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0,00 TOTAL LIBRARY FUND GAS TAX CONTRACT SERVICES 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 994,900.00 82,908.00 0.00 911,992.00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0,00 Dw TOTAL GAS TAX FUND FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND: TRANSFER OUT 175000.00 0.00 175000.00 TOTAL FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 000 000 75 MOO JAG GRANT TRANSFER OUT TOTAL JAG GRANT 61.18100 000 Dw 61,181.00 SLESF(COPS) TRANSFER OUT TOTAL SLESF(COPS) FUND 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 INDIAN GAMING FUND TRANSFER OUT 105844.00 0.00 ODO 105,844.00 TOTAL INDIAN GAMING FUND LIGHTING 6 LANDSCAPING ASSESSMENT DIST: REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 1,002,996.00 83,58300 0,00 919.413,00 TRANSFER OUT 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL LTGI ANDSCARNG FUND RCTC TRANSFER OUT 0.DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL RCTC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FUND CONSTRUCTION 000 000 0,00 0.00 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 TOTAL DEV AGREEMENT FUND CRIME VIOLENT TASK FORCE OPERATING EXPENSES 000 DW 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CRIME VIOLENT TASK FORCE 0.00 AS 939 OPERATING EXPENSES 42,500.00 0.00 2,000. DO 40,500.00 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 71,580.00 5,965.00 0.D0 65,615.00 TRANSFER OUT 193656.0' 61,345.10 0.00 132310 SO TOTAL AS 939 QUIMBY FUND: FEASIBILITY STUDY 0.00 0.00 0.00 DOC REIMBURSE DEVELOPER FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 Dw TRANSFER OUT 8,319,543.00 500.00 0.00 8,319,043,00 TOTAL QUIMBY INFRASTRUCTURE FUND CONSTRUCTION Dw O.OD 0.00 0.00 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 0,00 000 0.00 0,00 TRANSFER OUT 393,074.00 0.00 0.00, 393,07400 TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSITION 1B-$81266 TRANSFER OUT TOTAL PROPOSITION 1 B FUND 351 633.00 0.00 0.00 351,633.00 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 40,200,00 0.00 0,00 402WW TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 TOTAL SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY 40.200,W 000 0.00 CMAO PROJECT EXPENDITURES 0,00 0A0 0.00 0,00 TRANSFER OUT 416,026,00 000 0,00 416,026,00 TOTAL CMAQ TRANSPORTATION 0.00 0.00 ODD 0,00 PROGRAM COSTS CONTRIBUTION 0.00 O.DO 0,00 0,00 TRANSFER OUT 4 W8,812.00 5,07500 0.00 4,073.537 AO TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PARKS 8 RECREATION INTEREST ON ADVANCE 7,100.00 0.00 0.00 7,100.00 TRANSFER OUT 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL PARKS d RECREATION 1.100, CIVIC CENTER - 0.00 DW 0.00 Dw SERVICES INTEREST ON ADVANCE 35000.00 0,00 0.DO 35.000.00 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 202.056,00 16,838.00 0.00 185,218.00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 ODD 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CIVIC CENTER LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT 00D 0.00 0,00 000 PROGRAM COSTS INTEREST ON ADVANCE 9,800.00 0,00 0,00 9,800.00 TRANSFER OUT 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 TOTAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT - 139 20 CITY OF LA OUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL 0710112011-07131/2011 ADJUSTED REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: CVAG CMD County of Riverside Surface Transportation Funding City of Indio DSUSD IID RCTC Vista Dunes Housing LLP SB821-Bicycle Path Grant State of Califonsa APP Contribution Developer Agreement Funding Litigation Settlements Transfers in From Other Funds TOTAL GIP REVENUE 2,674,622.On Ono 2,674,622.00 0.000% 0.00 0,00. 0.00 0.000% - 0:00 0.00 0,00 0.000% 20,292,59400 000 20,292,51NInO 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.D00% 000 0.00 0.00 0.000% 0.On 000 0,00 0.000 % 0.00 000 0.00 0.000 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 620, 9%00 0.00 620,959.00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 59,274, 912,00 218,412,17 59,056,499,83 0.370% 82,863, OBTOO 216,412,17 82,644,674S3 0.370% EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND: Equipment Charges 589,338.00 589,338,00 0.00 100.000% Capital Contribution 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Sale of Fixed Asset 0.On 0.00 0.00 0.000 % Insurance Recoveries 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.000% Interest 6,100.00 (3,250,48) 9,350.48 -53290% Transfers In 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 595,438.00 586,087,52 9,350,48 98,430% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND: Charges for services Capital Contribution Sale of Fixed Asset Interest Transfers In TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PARK EQUIPMENT S FACILITY Charges for services Interest Capital Contributions TOTAL PARK EQUIPMENT S FAC SILVERROCK GOLF Green fees Range fees Resident Card Merchandise Food 8 Beverage Allo,catetl Interest Income Transfersln TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE Interest Transfers In TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER FUND Transfer In Interest TOTAL LO PUBLIC SAFETY 485.522,00 485.521.65 0,35 100.000% 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,000% 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.000% 3,800,00 (1,98971) 5,78971 -52,360% 0 00 000 0,00 0.000% 489,322.00 483,531.94 5,790.06 98.820% o.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 2,700.On (1406.65) 4, 10&65-52.100% 0.00 0.00 000 0.000% 2,700.00 (1,406,65) 4,106.65-52.100% 3,326,983.00 $6,24955 3,240,73345 2.590% 140,945.00 2,658.On 138,287.00 1,890% 40,000,00 2,660,00 37,340,00 6,650% 321663.00 9,384.31 312,278,69 2.920% 12, 000.00 coo 12, 000.00 0.000% 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 3.841,591.00 100,951.86 3.740,639,14 2.630% 1,800.00 (601.30) 2.401.30-33.410% 66,540.00 0,00 66,540,00 OAO)% 68,340,00 (601.30) 68,941.30 -0.880% 2,000.00 2.000.00 0.00 100.000% 100.00 (48,25) 148.25 l8250%. 2,100.00 1,951.75 148.25 92.940% SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION SAVINGS PLAN Contributions 200,054.00 0On 200,05,100 0.000% Interest 900.00 0.00 900.00 0.000% TOTAL SUPPLE PENSION SAVINGS PLAN 200,954,00 0,00 200,954,00 0.000% 140 21 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Denial of Claim for Damages Filed by: Juan Mauricio Garcia; Date of Loss - June 28, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Deny the Claim for Damages filed by Juan Mauricio Garcia; Date of Loss - June 28, 2011. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The total amount of the claim is $8,572.10 CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: A claim was filed by Juan Mauricio Garcia with a reported date of loss of June 28, 2011 (Attachment 1). It was forwarded to Carl Warren & Co., the City's claims administrator. Carl Warren & Co. has reviewed the matter and recommends that the City Council deny the claim. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 2. Deny the Claim for Damages filed by Juan Mauricio Garcia with a reported date of loss of June 28, 201 1; or Accept the claim, or some portion thereof; or 141 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, 4%�t a �" Terry L. beeringer, Human Resources/General Services Manager Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1 . Juan Mauricio Garcia, Claim for Damages 142 ATTACHMENT 1 FILE WITH: CLAIM FOR DAMAGES RESERVE FOR FILING STAMP CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CityoflaQuinta TO PERSON OR PROPERTY CLAIM NO. ^ P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 c INSTRUCTIONS . 1. Claims for death, injury to person or to personal property must be filed not later than six months after rn o rn ro tV the occurrence. (Gov. Code § 911.2.) �c 2. Claims for damages to real property must be filed not later than 1 year after the occurrence. (Gov. cn o 17 Code § 9112.) o c 3. Read entire claim form before filing. T 4. See page 2 for diagram upon which to locale place of accident. — 5. This claim form must he signed on page 2 at bottom. - ca n M cn 6. Attach separate sheets, If necessary, to give full details. SIGN EACH SHEET. � TO: (Name of City] Date of Birth of Claimant Name of Claimant: Occupation of Claimant vYn. ," i Uo Gn r C I Cc Home Address of Claimant City and State Home Telephone of Claimant: Business Address of Claimant: City and State Business Telephone of Claimant Give address and telephone number to which you desire notices or communications to be sent Claimants Social Security No.: regarding claim: �~ When did DAMAGE or INJURY occur? Names of any city employees involved in INJURY or DAMAGE: Date: to/a8/ll Time: 9.r3P,-4 �mFplcer o yr Wu;h+aj If Claim is for Equitable Indemnity, give date claimant served with the complaint Date: vvnere ala UAMA(jt or INJURY occurs Describe fully, and locate on diagram on reverse side of Oils sheet. Where appropriate, give street names and address and measurements from landmarks: ACciden+ h�rpend whe,1 I wc5 fyrnln3 Tr,4c ryy Jri Ve WC'y of M/ house ,.rrr(5kq ou t�sr;de _ Je FFc rs,:,•, st I„arro c..4 cj 22.1. ACCt 4eyy4- k4p?,^ o!1 Je+'+fYSC:� Sa- .D �YGi$i ✓,) Y;''2f..A. ffel`--WeeA Ave t4Cf [w ✓,,i .Q..Ue. So Describe in detail how the DAMAGE or INJURY occurred. L,)c,S 8rlvih,,5 nol+ti bov111 Or, )ef��,'yvn S� l why �rjvirlg to,-rth Witt, MY ri:5k-p e%fnaf jipi- on L.,Agin 1 yo'f %'t Fcoen hehird 4y Police cLr i4viviry o.bov-i- uibY�ph cvA4 ,Mode P,y 6,,r Sri cw•d to-l-Ffly �a5�-teyerl +Aie uvkalc 10CClc mG my CV,✓' `nClodrhy bumfer, Mu Ff-ter��r , ")� r`1 7rJ;a+s, IcFf beck heal oi,GIC C-Kej ,.rvv! etc,. Why do you claim the city is responsible? 3of hi{ loy a QoI is e. cWFi Cer .r',,,, lv CQ ui rn', Shcr'i•4L(-- f`blice deP�r�vnerf. opfrC.er n"r`e. I'S l2ober4 rgi,,veS, Describe in detail each INJURY or DAMAGE 'T fie. trh('r�oh raP am.-hF'ron.9 (nih {ror+', beh�>! turtle. 1;m/ �,e�.c' Siwivt'� y�oC "w�.✓'GI 9C'f't'(h� Ji7:n1{ rG,l e, 1\,1 '1'"he ]?4tC1C ©r N'hy heGe• ill 0.. Pi,lh 1'�'1 hl _ Yl,.f'h'!- MctJOY {'1e.0.rf p.Gka" gl5n ;,.,y/ Ie.F+- ,+6A&uIdr_r S'i<1 e o eAver C� i,.aGS SEE PAGE 2 (OVER) THIS CLAIM MUST BE SIGNED ON REVERSE SIDE 143 z M n M m 0 t—' WC) CRZA The amount claimed, as of the date of presentation of this claim, is computed as follows: Damages incurred to date (exact): Estimated prospective damages as far as known: Damage to property ..................... $ von Future expenses for medical and hospital care .$ r Expenses for medical and hospital rare ..... $ A 47,% .1 o Future loss of earnings ............ . .......$ aan n Loss of earnings ........................ $ too yOther prospective special damages . , .......$ Special damages for ..:}?{r; 1, , zj . $ L17a r Pros ective eneral dams es $ 7 P 9 9 .............. Total estimated prospective dainages .......$ General damages ..... . ................. $ 7l�no _ ,Arc Total damages incurred to date .......... $ ? Total amount claimed as of date of presentation of this claim: $"^t ti 'r�t'ccfy 4r57:z? Was damage and/or injury investigated by police? yes _ If so, what city? / ra d " o ----.__--------------- Were paramedics or ambulance called? vt o If so, name city or ambulance _ If injured, state date, time, name and address of doctor of your initial visit. WITNESSES to DAMAGE or INJURY: List all persons and addresses of persons known to have information: Name Address Name Address Name Address HOSPITALS: Hospital Doctor Doctor Address Phone Phone Phone Phone READ CAREFULLY For all accident claims place on following diagram name of streets, including North, accident by"A-l'and location of yourself or you rvehicleatthe time ofthe accident East, South, And West; Indicate place of accident by "X" and by showing house by "B-t' and the point of impact by X." numbers or distances to street comers. If City Vehicle was involved, designate by letter'A' location of City Vehicle when you fiirstsaw it, andby'B"location ofyourself NOTE: If diagrams below do not fit the situation, attach hereto a pro per d iagram or your vehicle when you first saw City Vehicle; location of City vehicle at time of signed by claimant. 3-/- N cT ZZoI I L vJ �./ Inu use SIDEWALK 10 J CURBS \ A-\ 1� Tl ` -, CURB Z PARKWAY 7 SIDEWALK N Signature of Claim nt or person filing on his behalf giving relationship Typed Name: Date: to Claimant: all Gail JUcn C7grCiCi WITH CITY false claim is a felony (Pen. Code § 72.) 144 John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital MEMORIAL BOX 830913 (Use mall address below) HOSPITAL Birmingham, AL 35283-0913 ®IIIa VAriill`+tPs�l�l�6it�f�l,C�r;N;s�l�l�l#�l�i''4�.11111 x •2686 0202 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED #BWNHDLV #01166832798G0012# lun'Ih'Ill'IIIIPII"Ih'Ill'Ill6'lull'Ihll'h'plllllrgll JUAN M. GARCIA VORG=6 STATEMENT Page: 1 of 4 July 07, 2011 JUAN M. GARCIA Patient Reference Number: �11U► Hospital Code: 266 Payment Due Date: Due upon Receipt Date(s) of Service: 06/28/2011 - 06/29/2011 Message ID: PFssTM2 Thank you for choosing John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital Account Summary Total Charges ................................. .... $2,272.10 Adjustments.......................................$1,798.10 a Paid by Insurance ................................ ...... so.00 y Already Paid by Patient.................................so.00 Amount you owe now................................$474.00 Detach and return bottom portion with payment. Please make checks or money orders payable in U.S. funds to John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital and include your patient reference number. 1- July 07, 2011 33350 JUAN M. GARCIA Patient Reference Number: Payment Due Date: Due Upon Receipt Date(s) of Service: 06/28/2011 - 06/29/2011 Phone: John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital Ise habla Espafio0 Customer Service 800-346-0775 Monday - Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm 00283807 961026000222 33350•T900ECJ2Y000021 AMOUNT AU'17HORIZED / ENCLOSED $ LIfl c,h. 'r u 1 r,LJ <t -r cu n or . t Ins ra!r,, info' 4cUor ININIIgNHIIIIIHIN Bt16iiIIIIIt�NIHIIIHIINIItNHNHIIH r PAY114G BY MASTERCARD, DISCOVLR, VISA OR AM ERIC.AN E%PRESS, FILL DUI' OELOW. ❑ _ ❑ J MASirIIUflD D:3.OVn1 Ilimmow II ❑ ❑ --- +_ V8A ANIENICAJrxN0S5 CARD NUMOLR 1j—L u- l�1 f.%P Wll'. f' @ I M91 — CAROHOLDER:I:WAI;MF semmrYcml:+.: CM1N01101.00 W'Ar (1I011.1. O CA!UHOLDERPHONT, DUE DATE AMOUNT YOU OWE Due Upon Receipt $474.00 III'I'II'IIIIIIII nIIII'IIII"III'lllllhlllllllll11i16n11111 JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FILE # 57546 LOS ANGELES, CA 90074-7546 0057546 007134037 000047400 6 M ATE OF CM.IFORNIA IKAF: IV L:JLLIOIVIN r[CC1JFNI PAGE 1 OF 1 CHP 555 - Page 1 (Rev. 7-03) ON 061 _ _ — SPECIALCONDITIONS NUMBER HITARUN Cltt JWICIM DISTRICT LOCAI. REPORT NUMBER None; INJURED 1 FELONY ❑ Indio Desert 11061-5443 NUMBER IIITARUN COVNTV ______ REPORTING DISTRICT BEAT ALLIED MISD. Riverside 3309 4 0 ❑ DATE TII.,E R48B) NCICY OFFICER IO COLLISION OCCUPIEDOI 06128/2011 21:13 3309 191 Jefferson St _ MILEPOST INFORMATION �- DAY Or WEEK TOW AWAY PNOTOGRAPHS BY'. C7 NONE FEET Tuesday []YES X NO Piscatella -_- STATE VlY RCL H AT INTERSECTION WITH [:]YES ENO OR 955 FEET S OF Ave 49 PARTY DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER STATE CLASS NNBAG FEETPY VEH, YR. AIAKf/MODEL/COLOR - LICENSE NUMBER STATE 67498285 CA G FORD BILK EX128690 CA 1 _ _08 DRIVEN HAM[IFDYST, MIDDLE. USTI Q OWNER'S NAME u SAMF. AS DRIVER �- Riverside County, PE DES' STREET ADDRESS — —__ TRIM El❑SAME 82695 Carreon BI OWNER'S ADDRESS AS DRIVER -PATFIat 5293 Mission Blvd , Riverside, CA 92509 VEHICLE CITY ISTATE IZIP Indio, CA 92201 DISPOSITION OF VEHICLE ON ORDERS OF: rl OFFICER DRIVER ❑ OTHER LJ ❑ CY SEX HAIR EYES MJGHT WEIGXT OIRIHDATE MOE _ .._ T H PILIOR MECHANIGIIL DEFCCTB. NONE MPMENT ❑ PFFEfl TO NMMTIVE OTHER HOME PHONE BUSINESSPHONF. VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER'. ❑ (760)863.8990 VEHIR.E TYPE D�ES�CIUSE VEHICLE DAMAGE SHADE IN DAMAGED AREA MSURANCECMRIER POLICY NUMBER IJ UNH ❑ NONE Ur, R MINO County Insured Vehicle 01 OR ROLL OVER X❑ MOO ❑ MAJlJ DIR OF TMVEL ON STREET OR HIGHWAY SPEED LIMIT GA GOT—CALT N Jefferson St 55 icPmsG Mc/MX_ PARTY DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER STATE CId55 AIROAG SAFETY VEH. YR. MAKE I MODEL I COLOR LICENSE NUMBER STATE CA C GDP 97 HONDCIVBLK 3TTP133 CA 2 _ DRIVER NAME (FIRST. MIDDLE. LAST)-- ❑ Juan Mauricio Garcia OWNER'S NAME OSAME AS DRIVER - - Garcia, Juan FEOES GTREr:TADDREss TRIM ❑ L ---- OVINER'SAWRES$ a$aME AS DHNER PA PE—D CITYI STATE I ZW _ VEHICLE _ _ DISPOSITION OF VEKIE ON ORDERS OF ❑ OFFCER � DHNER � OTHER - ��fB��'I��IC555Y' SfX HAIR ETES pa 16 HEIGHT WEIGXT W M DIRTHDATE RACE AL _ 1RIORMEOHAH1MDEFECIS._— O NONEAPPARENT ❑ REFSRTONARRATIVE- OTHER HOME PHONE HUSINESSPHONE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER' ❑ bEH10.E 1WE DESCRIREVMnCLEDAMAGE SHADE IN DAMAGED AREA :NNone EGRRIGR POLICY NUMUER UO ❑NONE ❑MINOR None NONE 01 I � MOD, [] MAJOR [] ROLL OVER E DIR.OFT--1`E — ON STRECTORHIGHWAY SPEED LIMIT CA __ DOTCAL-T N I Jefferson St 1 55 mP/Psc .._...__IAcrMX .4 Piscatella, Chris DISPATCH NOTIFIED O YES Ej No ❑ NIA VIEWFR'SNAME DATE REVIEWED J. Bottoms 18K 07114/2011 APf)C (Rev. 02/07/07) Print Dale: 08/01/2011 fJVp1U l'UL/L-l: Ulawnl nrcn / STATE OF O LIFOf 'A TRAFFIC COLLISION CODING DATE OF COLLISION _ TIME QiDI) NCICNUM)ER O(FICERIQ -- -NUMOER ---- 06128111 21:13 3309 191 11061.5443 ONNERSNMIE /ADDTE9 NOTIFIED PROPERTY _ ❑YES []NO DAMAGE DESCRIPTION OF NAIADS SEATING POSITION OCCUPANrs SAFETY EQUIPMENT INATTENTION CODElc A -NONE IN VEHICLE B-UNKNOWN CLAP BELT USED M/C BICYCLE -HELMET L AIR BAG DEPLOYED DRIVER PASSENGER M-AIRBAGNOTDEPLOYED V-NO X-NO N-OTHER W-YES Y-YES A. CELLPHONE HANDHELD B. CELLPHONE HANDSFREE CELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT 0- D -LAP BELT NO'1 USED P- NOT RECUT RED E. SMOKING SMOKI 123 1-DRIVER 2 TOO- PASSENGERS E. SHOULDER HARNESS USED F- SHOULDER HARNESS NOT USED CHILD RESTRAINT EJECTED FRQMVEHICLE F -EATING 4 5 6 T. STA. WON. REAR G- LAP I SHOULDER HARNESS USED 0-IN VEHICLE USED R IN VEHICLE NOT USED O- NOT EJECTED G- CHILUK: H -ANIMALS 8- PR. OCC. K OR ry. LAP HARNESS NOT USED - 1 - FULLY EJECTED S. IN VEHICLE USE 2- PARTIALLY EJECTED I - PERSONAL HYGIENE OV UNKNOWN 0.Posi U MOWN J- PASSIVE REST USED VE REST RANT U VEIN EHICLE ER USE 3-UNKNOWM J-READING T -PROPERUNKNOWN USE 0. OTHER OTHE K- PASSIV[RESTRAINT NOT USED U -NONEW VEHICLE N K-OTHER ITEMS MARKED BELOW MICH ARE FOLLOWED BY AN ASTERISK I-) SHOULD BE EXPLAINED IN THE NARRATIVE PRIMARY COLLISION FACTOR MOVEMENT PRECEDING LIST NUMBER tl OF PARTY AT FAULT TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 1 2 SPECIALINFORMATION 1 2 COLLISION A VC SECTION VIOLATED: CITED N7 22350 fU NCTIONING A F1A2ARDDUS MATERIAL A STOPPED NOT FUNCTIONING' B CELL PHONE HANDHELD IN USE % B PROCEEDING STRAIGHT 0YESTACONTROLS L•JHO,RAS FI B OTHERIMPROPER DRIVING' RAS OBSCURED C CELL PHONE W1NDSf-RC-E IN VSE C RAN OFF ROAD ONTROLS PRESENT I -ACTOR' X % D CELL PHONE NOT IN USE D MAKING RIGHT TURN C OTHERTHAN DRIVER TYPE OF COLLISION E SCHOOL BUS RELATED E MAKING LEFT TURN A HEAD -ON F 75 FT MOTORTRUCK COMBO F MAKINGU TURN D UNKNOWN' B SIDESWIPE G 32 FT TRAILER COMBO G BACKING E FELL ASLEEP _ X CREAR END H HSLOWING/STOPPING WEATHER (MARK 1 TO 2ITEMS) D BROADS_DE__ I I PASSING OTHER VEHICLE % ACLEAR EHIT OBJECT J J CHANGING LANES B CLOUDY F OVERTURNED K _ K PARKING MANEUVER _ C RAINING G VEHICLE/PEDESTRIAN L _ L F.NTF.RINGTRAFFIC p SNOWING HOTHER". M _ MOTHER UNSAFE TURNING _ E FOG IVISIDILITY R. N N XING INTO OPPOSING VANE F OTHER': MOTOR VEHICLE INVOLVED WITH G DPARKED A NON COL JSION OTHER ASSOCIATED FACTOR (MARK 1 TO 2 ITEMS P MERGING G WNO B PEDEST'RIAN _ D TRAVELING WRONG WAY LIGHTING % OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE A VC SECTION VIOLATION: CITES ❑YES ❑NO _ R OTHER:' A DAYLIGHT _C D MOTOR VEH. ON OTHER ROADWAY B DUSK. DAWNE PARKED MOTOR VEHICLE BVC SECiTONVIOLATION'. CRIED ❑YES []NO X CDARK-BYRE STREET LIGHTS F TRAIN GBICYCLE D DARK-NOSTREETLIGHTS 1 2 SOBRIETY. DRUG PHYSICAL E STRFETLIGHTSNO'T HANIMAL. C VC SECTION VIOLATION, CITED DARK FUNCTIONING' -'----'— ( FIXEDOBJEC'T: IN OYES ❑NOp (MARK 1 TO 21TEMS) ROADWAY SURFACE AHADNOTBEENDRINKING X A HMV — .D—._—.--....—_....._.._.B E VISION OBSCUREMENT HOD - UNDER INFLUENCE B WET J OTTHER OBJECT' C HBO- NOT UNDER INFLU.' C SNOWVICY _ X INATTENTION' K DHBD.-IMPAIRMENT LINK.D SLIPPERY (MUDDY, OILYF_TC) G STOP AND GO TRAFFIC E UNDER DRUG INFLU.' ROADWAY CONDITIONS— "------(MARK H ENTERING/LEAVINGRAMP F IMPAIRMENT-PHYSICALA 1 TO 2 REMS) HOLES, DEEP RUTS' PEDESTRIANS ACTION I PREVIOUS COLLI SION G IMPAIRMENT NOT KNOWN B LOOSE MATERIAL ON ROWY. •J % ANOPEOESTRIANINVOLVED UNFAWLIARWTH ROAD _HNOT APPLICABLE C OBSTRUCTION ON ROADWAY B CROSSING IN CROSSWALK AT INTERSECTION DEFECTIVEVEH. F.DUIP. CITEDI K ❑YES NO SLEEPY/FATIGUED D CONSTRUCTION - REPAIRZONE _ C CROSSING IN CROSSWALK- NOT AT INTERSECTION E EROADWAY. WIDTH L 11NWVD..VED VEIiIf.L[ FLOOD F FLOODED' ' DCROSSING -NOT IN CROSS WALK MpTHFR G OTHER' E IN ROAD - INCLUDES SI IOULDER F NOT INROAD X N NONCAPPARENT X ___ H NO UNUSUAL CONDITIONS G APPROACH I LEAVING SCHOOL BIAS _ O RUNAWAY VEHICLE SKETCH O MISCELLANEOUS INDICATE NORTH 147 APDC (Rev.08/31/09) NintDate: 08/012011 INDIO POLICE DPPARTA N'T STATE OF CALIFORNIA INJURED/WITNESSES/PASSENGERS CHP 556 - Page 3 (Rev. 7-87) OPI 042 PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE Oi COLUS1ON TI MF. Q<0) NCICNUNDER -PICERID, NUMBER 0612812011 21:13 3309 191 11061.5443 EXTENT OF INJURY "X" ONE INJURED WAS ("X"ONE) YRTNCSS PASSENOER ADE SEM rATK SEVERE OTHERVIMBUE CWKNNT DRIVER PASS. fi0 &CY0.15T OTHER PARTY SEAT $gFETY EJELYEO ONLY ❑ n CNIY I ❑ 21 M INJURY ❑ INJURY ❑ INJURY ❑ OF PAIN X E] ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑_ NUl.9ER PJE 1 SOUP G Not Elected NAME DOB ADDRESS TEIPPHONE Juan Mauriclo Garcia (INJURSDONLY)TRANSPMEDBY --_� TAI NTO: - - Seek own medical DESCRIBE INJURIES Complaint of pain to head, back and shoulder ❑ UICTIM OF VIOU!NT MIME NOTIFIED 148 PHF.PARERS NAME I. D..UM8ER DATE RCVIERER5 NAA£ DATE Piscatella, Chris 191 07/14111 J. Bottoms 18K 07114111 INDIO POLICE DEPARTAIEN?'--_---'— AFDC (Rev. 06/16/06) Print Dale; 08/01/2011 STATE OF GALIFORNM NARRATIVE/SUPPLEMENTAL �Ylr am NUMDEII 11061-5443 PATE OF' INCOENTIOWURENCE TIMET24" NCICNUNOER CIFICER10 06128111 21:13 3309 191 -- WONE -- WONE ttfE$,P EMENTX rrkA Llfl.&.E) EA1A1 El MIT ANDRW UR]hlE FXJ^ NMtRgi NE ❑% Oq.USIONREiKNiT ❑ MURIITE El �HOOL BUS OTHER: I J $URA[MENTAL OTHER: HA2AR0014 AY.TERIAIS__ - CITY CCUNTY JUDICI&OSTRICT RVORTINGOSTRICT fiEAi CITATONNUMDCA Indio Riverside Desert L3309 4 SUBJECT STALE NGNNAYR�EUTED LOCATION YES El NO Jefferson St Investigation Narrative: FACTS: Notification: I received a call of a traffic collision with no injuries at 2116 hours. I responded from 46800 Jackson Street and arrived on scene at 2131 hours. All measurements were taken with a roll -a -tape. Scene Description: Jefferson Street is a three lane north/south roadway with a posted speed limit of 55 miles per hour (MPH). The roadway is straight and level and the surface is composed of asphalt. Jefferson Street is intersected by a private drive located at Jefferson Street. All roadway markings and signs were in good condition. No visual obstructions were noted or claimed. Refer to Factual Diagram. Parties: Party #1 (P-1, ) was contacted at the scene standing on the east side of Jefferson Street south of Jefferson Street. P-1 was determined to be the driver of V-1 at the time of the collision by his own statement and the statement of the other involved party. P-1 is employed by the Riverside County as a Deputy Sheriff and was driving a marked Sheriff vehicle. Vehicle #1 (V-1, Ford) was located on its wheels facing in a northerly direction in the number 3 lane on Jefferson Street south of Jefferson Street. V-1 had moderate 149 damage to the right ATE RERARERS NAME DATE REVIEWERSNANE O07 C. Piscatella 191 07114111 J. Bottoms 18K 7M 4111 INDIO POLICE DUARTMENT > • V STATE OF CALIFORNIA NARRATIVE/SUPPLEMENTAL PAGE 2 OF 6 VCATE NUMBER 11061.6443 OF MCDENT 10MURENCE 06128111 TIME (NW) 21:13 NCICNume 3309 OffICfRLD. 191 }GONE O�NVIRATME '%'CNE a COLUSIONRE:PWIT TYPE WMILMENTAL C%'ANLICARE1 _ ❑n BA UPDATE ❑ FATAL HIT AND RW UPDATE ^X Ll WPKDAENTAI ❑ OTHER: `•. HALTR000SMATERAL5_ ❑ SCHOOL DUS ❑ OTHER'_- CIW CODNtt .NDICIAL DSTRICT REPORTING DSTRILL BEAT COPTON NUNHER Indio Riverside Desert 3309 4 IOLATION - _-_—SUO.ECT STATEXGHNAYREWEO_- Il YES x❑ NO Jefferson St front bumper. The push bumper mounted to the front of the police car was pushed rearward which caused damage to the engine hood. There were no known prior mechanical defects or damage to V-1 that were noted or claimed. Party #2 (P-2, Garcia) was contacted at the scene. P-2 was sitting on the ground leaning against a wall. P-2 was determined to be the driver of V-2 at the time of the collision by his own statement and the statement of the other involved party. P_2 was identified by his valid California driver license. There were no passengers in V-2. P-2 did not have proof of valid car insurance at the time of this incident. Vehicle #2 (V-2, Honda) was located on its wheels facing in a southeasterly direction in the number 3 lane. The left front wheel jumped the curb. V-2 had moderate damage to the rear bumper area trunk and muffler. The rear bumper had fallen off and was lying in the street. The left rear axle appeared to be bent; however, P-2 was able to drive V-2 away from the scene. Physical Evidence: Refer to factual diagram. Other Factual Information: I photographed the traffic collision scene using a digital camera (see attached photos). The photo card was downloaded to DIMS (Digital Image Management System) at the police department. 1.50 PREPMER S NAME C. Piscatella 191 GATE 07114111 REVIEVvER'SNAAE J. Bottoms 18K GATE 07114111 INDIO POLICE DEPARTMENT AFDC (Rev.06/10106) Prim Date: 08/0IRUII STATE OF CALIFORWA NARRATIVE/SUPPLEMENTAL CHP 556 (Rev 7-90) OPI 042 PAGE 3 OF 5 DATE Of RTCOCNTIOMURMCE 06126N1 TIME RuO) 21:13 NCICWWER 3309 OfFICERI.0 191 NUMBER 11061-5443 -ONE I f-Xj WME IS] CMUSIONREPCRT TYPE BUPPIEMENTAI CICAPPLIf IXEI ❑ 0AUFOATE 1-1 FATAL Cl HIT MO RW UPDATE NARRATIVE Ij SUPK MMTAL n OTHER: it H POOW MM1TCRALS ❑ $GMOIX. BUS it OTHER: _— CITY Indio COUNTY Riverside NDICIAL DSTRICT REPdiTINGDSM111 Desert - 3309 BEAT 4 CITATONNDMBFR LOCATION --_-- SUBJF. CT STATE HGHNAYREIATCO ❑ YES I) ND Jefferson St STATEMENTS: Party #1 ( ) was contacted at the scene and related the following information. He was driving V-1 (Ford) northbound on Jefferson Street in the number 3 lane between 45 and 60 mph. While driving, P-1 reached over to pickup a charger cord. When he looked up, V-2 (Honda)was slowing down to make a right turn. P-1 said V-2 had its right turn signal on. P-1 said he ran into the back of V-2. Party #2 (Garcia) was contacted at the scene and related the following information. P-2 was driving V-2 northbound on Jefferson Street in the number 3 lane. P-2 slowed down to approximately 10 mph in order to make a right hand turn into 49450 Jefferson Street. P-2 had his right turn signal on. V-1 rear ended V-2 and spun the car around. P-2 complained of pain to his head, back and left shoulder. P-2 refused medical attention at the scene and said he would seek his own. OPINIONS AND CONCLUSIONS: Summary: P-1 was driving V-1 (Ford) northbound on Jefferson Street between 45 to 60 mph behind V-2. P-2 (Garcia) was driving northbound on Jefferson Street in front of V-1. P-1 reached for a charger and rear ended V-2 as V-2 was slowing down to make right turn into a private driveway at 151 pRfPAPER'S NAME C. Piscatella 191 DATE 07114111 REVIE R5NAhE J. Bottoms UK DATE 07114111 /ND10 POLICE. DIdPARTMENT APIXC (KCv. U(>/Fb/VU) YITnt UaLc: VOI V "-V' I $VQE OF V"FORNN NARRATIVE/SUPPLEMENTAL CHP 556 (Rev 7-90) OPI 042 PAGE 4 OF 5 DATE OF WCDENT I OCCURENCE TIME(24M) NCIONUM)ER OFFICER, 0. NUNAER 06128/11 21:13 3309 191 11D61.5443 X'ONC NARRATIVE X'OJE ❑% COLUSIONREPORT TYPE SUFPIF.MEZT jX-AFPLICR-O ❑ SA VPOAIE ❑ FATAL ❑ HIIANDRWUPDATE ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL. OTHER: ❑ IIAlARO(%6 MATEPoALS ❑ WH=WS CI OTHER: CITY LWNTY HOICK DSTRICI RF ORTINGDSIRICT MAT CITATONNUHAER Indio Riverside Desert 3309 4 _ _ _ LOCATION S akm STATE HOHNAYRWTED Jefferson St ❑ YES O ND Jefferson Street. Area(s) of Impact: The measurements were taken from a telephone pole # 1068510 located on the east side of Jefferson Street. AOI #1: The area where V-1 collided into the rear of V-2 was located within lane number 3, 861.5 feet north of telephone pole #1068510 and 13 feet west of the east curb line of Jefferson Street. AOI #2: The area where V-2's left front wheel left the roadway was located within lane number 3, 888.7 feet north of telephone pole #1068510 and 0 feet west of the east curb line. The AOI's were determined by vehicle debris, statements and point of rest of V-1 and V-2. Cause: P-1 caused this collision by driving V-1 (Ford) in violation of section 22350 CVC - Unsafe speed for conditions. This section states in part that no person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic upon and the surface and width of the highway and in no event at a speed which endangers the 152 PREPARER'S NAGIE C. Piscatella 191 DATE 07114/11 ftEVIENER5 NAIVE J. Bottoms 18K DATE O7 U111 LND/O POLICE Db'P.9RTMFNT APDC (Rev.06/)6/06) Ili inl Dale: 08/01/2011 STATE OF CALIFG IA NARRATIVE/SUPPLEMENTAL CHP 556 (Rev 7-90) OR 042 DATE CF INCDENT 10MURMCE TIME(2410) NCILNUMBER OFFICERI.D. NUMBCR 06128111 21:13 3309 191 11061.5443 WME WONE I] CWIJSiONREI`MT TYPE WMIEMENTAL CrAWLICR-E) O EA UPDATC ❑ FATAL ❑ HITANORWUPDATE CJ NARRATIVE ❑ WPPLEMENTAL ❑ OTHER: R HAiARDMMATF'RIALS__ ❑ SCHOOL BUS ❑ On1ER: CITY CWNtt NDICIAL gSiRILT RCPORi1NG DSTRICi EEAT CITATDNNUMSEA Indio Riverside Desert 3309 4 LOCATION SUBJECT _ STATE HGIWAY RENTED Jefferson St I ❑ YES 0 No safety of persons or property. P-1 (jjW was inattentive to his driving by diverting his attention away from the traffic ahead by retrieving a charger. When he directed his attention to retrieving the charger, he was unable to slow down his vehicle to stop prior to colliding with V-2. The cause was determine by statements from P-1 and P-2, the damage to the rear of V-2 and the damage to the front of V-1. RECOMMENDATIONS: None. 153 PREPARER'S NAME DATE ftEV IENER'SNALE DATL C Piscatella 191 07114111 J. Bottoms 18K 07114111 r INDIO POLICE DEPARTAENT 1u-+'+'v"°'v+„••, ••�1 �•. INDIO POLICE DEPARTMENT CASE # Arrest F-1 46800 Jackson Street 110615443 Crime 0 Indio, CA 92201 Non -Criminal 1XI Property and Evidence Page I of 1 OFFENSE(S) OFFENSE(S)coInt'd. TC NOWINJ Traffic Collision - Non Injury I 061281-11 -2-1:13- Tuesday- 106128111 21:13 $0.00 LOCATION 01: OCCUAENCE ­=G" -Nx TYPE OF LOCATION TYPE OF .AT BEAT SECT IT ®Jefferson St, Indio �E2 TEMS' IrEMN STATUS QUANTITY COLOR JCOLOR] I TYPE MAKE MODEL YEAR c h Dtosiprints Photo card SERIAL NUMBER BAR CODE LUE UE LOCATION I SING I $0. 0 $0.0 0.00 rii 9900 f— �r%LDRECEIPTISWED Photos of scene 154 Tra61-Pisca/191 Entercd by: Chris Piscatella AIIDC (Rev.10IJ/1111JI) i,rmtuaie:UwV11LVI1 Arrest Crime l❑r'�l Non -Criminal L.J OFFENSE(S) TIC NON-INJ Traffic Collision - Non Injury DATE. TIME AND DAY OF OCCURENCE 06/28111 21:13Tuesday TO _ LOCATION OF OCCURENCE _Jelferson St, Indio Commercial Street/Highway Condition:. Weather Clear Windy INDIO POLICE DEPARTMENT 46800 Jackson Street Lidio, CA 92201 Case MO DATE AND TIME REPORTED 060111 21:13 NAME TYPE OF I.00ATIOt Street/Highway Surrounding Area Residential Vehicle Passenger CASE # 11061.5443 PAGE 1 OF 1 4 1 E2 155 lla1=1-Pisca/l91 Entered by ChrisPiscatella+.��v�•.�-••-• ••••--._.___..__. 156 158 Wr f -�F�- COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Approval Of Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 492 Amending Sections of Title 9 of the Municipal Code Relating to Communication Towers and Equipment, Satellite Dishes and Antennas, Roof Projections, and Tables of Permitted Uses. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Ordinance No. 492 on second reading. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 15 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: On August 2, 2011, the City Council moved to take up Ordinance No. 492 on first reading. The City Council further moved to introduce Ordinance No. 492 on first reading. The motion to introduce Ordinance No. 492 carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None It 159 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt Ordinance No. 492 on second reading; or 2. Do not adopt Ordinance No. 492 on second reading; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. submitted, Veronica J. M$Ktecino, CMC, Citv Clerk Approved for submission by: `Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 10 160 ORDINANCE NO. 492 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 9.170 COMMUNICATION TOWERS AND EQUIPMENT, SECTION 9.40.040 TABLE OF PERMITTED USES, SECTION 9.60.080 SATELLITE DISH AND ANTENNAS, SECTION 9.80.040 TABLE OF PERMITTED USES, SECTION 9.90.020 ROOF PROJECTIONS, SECTION 9.100.070 SATELLITE DISH AND OTHER ANTENNAS, AND SECTION 9.120.020 TABLE OF PERMITTED USES WHEREAS, the City has found that changes in policies, procedures, and issues with permitting have arisen as staff implements the Zoning Ordinance that necessitate an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance ("Zoning Ordinance Amendment"); and, WHEREAS, said Zoning Ordinance Amendment has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (CEQA) as amended (Resolution 83-63) in that the La Quinta Planning Department has reviewed the Amendment under the provisions of CEQA, and has determined that the Amendment is exempt pursuant to Section 15061(6)(3), Review for Exemptions of the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 12`" day of July, 2011, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing for review of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment proposing to amend Section 9.170 Communication Towers and Equipment, Section 9.40.040 Table of Permitted Uses, Section 9.60.080 Satellite Dish and other Antennas, Section 9.80.040 Table of Permitted Uses, Section 9.90.020 Roof Projections, Section 9.100.070 Satellite Dish and other Antennas, and Section 9.120.020 Table of Permitted Uses; and recommended approval of the proposed Amendments to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on July 20, 2011, as prescribed by the Municipal Code, advertising the public hearing before the City Council on the Zoning Ordinance Amendment; and WHEREAS, The City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the 2nd day of August, 2011, and considered the evidence, both written and oral, presented at said hearing; and 161 WHEREAS, the City Council has made findings regarding the proposed zoning code amendment, in that the amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed zoning code amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Title 9.170 of the Zoning Ordinance of the La Quinta Municipal Code, is amended as identified on Exhibit "A", Exhibit "B", Exhibit "C", Exhibit "D", Exhibit "E", Exhibit "F", and Exhibit "G"; attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. FINDINGS. The City Council hereby finds that this Ordinance is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan insofar as it complies with the goals, objectives, and policies set forth in that document; and that the proposed zoning code amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. SECTION 3. ENVIRONMENTAL. The Planning Director has determined said Zoning Ordinance Amendment has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (CEQA) as amended (Resolution 83-63) in that the La Quinta Planning Department has reviewed the Amendment under the provisions of CEQA, and has determined that the Amendment is exempt pursuant to Section 15061 (13)(3), Review for Exemptions of the CEQA Guidelines. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be severable, and is any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or part of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operations to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered. SECTION 5. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be construed as necessary to effectively carry out its purposes, which are hereby found and declared to be in furtherance of the public health, safety and welfare. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take full force and effect and be in force 30 days after passage. SECTION 7. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution ..N 162 of the City Council, shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City of La Quinta. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta at a regular meeting thereof held on the 20" day of September 2011, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA MONTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 1b3 EXHIBIT A Chapter 9.170. Wireless Telecommunication Facilities 9.170.010 PURPOSE The purpose of this chapter is to provide a uniform and comprehensive set of standards for the [-I community concerns: A. To minimize adverse visual effects of towers and accessory buildings associated with wireless telecommunication facilities through careful design, siting and vegetative screening; B. To avoid potential damage to adjacent properties from tower failure through engineering and careful siting of tower structures; C. To lessen traffic impacts on surrounding residential districts; D. To maximize use of any new and existing telecommunication tower and to reduce the number of towers needed; E. To ensure radio frequency radiation is in c mpliance with federal requirements; and F. To allow new telecommunication towers in residential areas only if a comparable site is not available outside residential areas. 9.170.020 DEFINITIONS A. "Antenna" - any system of wires poles ro similar rlavicas hand fnr +K. +roncmic"i,... 10 or -. .-A:_ L..--. electromagnetic waves when such system is external or attached to the exterior of a structure. "Building -mounted" - any antenna, or other antenna associated support equipment resting on the ground, directly attached for affixed to the side of a building, tank, tower or other structure other than a telecommunication tower. C. "Co-locatinn" — A E. F. G. .0 L J. �nIaunbl iacnales- — an existing structure located in the ouhlir. rinh+-nf_wa,, "Free-standing Towers" includes all telecommunication towers used in association with the mounting and/or placement of antenna and associated equipment. . "General Population" - all persons who are not direct family members relatives, or employees of the owner or operator of a source of NIER of the owner or other users of the site of an NIER source. "Ground -mounted" - an antenna or other antenna .associated support -- -.._ - K. "Hand-held source" - means a transmitter normally operated while being held in the hands of the user. L. "Height of antenna above grade or ground" - means the vertical distance between the highest point of the antenna and the finished grade directly below this point. M. "Highest calculated NIER level" - means the NIER predicted to be highest with all sources of NIER operating. N. "Lattice Tower" - a three or more legged open structure designed and erected to support wireless telecommunication antennas and connecting appurtenances. Q. "Mononole" — a sinnln M. P. "Roof -mounted" - an antenna directly attached to the roof of an existing budding, water tank, tower or structure other than a telecommunication tower. Q. "SateuitP nich" -- ---`--•. - -- - R. "Shared Capacity" - means that capacity for shared use whereby *a"tower can accommodate multiple users simultaneously. Tower height, antenna weight, design and the effects of wind are prime determinants of capacity. S. "Sole -source emitter" - one or more transmitters only one of which normally transmits at a given instant. T. 0 165 U. V. w. 111cluumu, uut not nrnrtea to telecommunication towers Vehicle source" — a transmitter regularly used in vehicles that normally move about. 9.170.030 PERMITTED LOCATIONS A. Location Preferences _ 2. 3. wlflllw UIM ULa; 4. High Density Residential (RH); and the 5. Open Space (OS) and Flood Plain (FPS zoning districts 9.170.040 APPLICABILITY This chapter shall apply to all wireless telecommunication facilities for the transmission and/or reception of wireless radio, television, and other telecommunication signals including, but not limited to, commercial wireless communication systems such as cellular and paging systems, except those facilities defined in this chapter as exempt facilities. 9.170.050 EXEMPTION The following uses are exempt from this chapter but may be regulated by other . sections of the municipal code: A. Portable hand-held devices and vehicular transmission; B. Industrial, scientific and medical equipment operating at frequencies j designated for that purpose by the FCC; C. Government -owned communication facilities used primarily to Protect health safety and welfare; D. Facilities operated by nmuiriorc n4 E. A source of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation with an effective radiated power of seven watts or less; F. A sole -source emitter with an average output of one kilowatt or less if used for amateur purposes, such as CB radios- G. Goods in storage or shipment or on display for sale, provided the goods are not operated except for occasional testing or demonstrations; H. Amateur or "ham" radio equipment; 1. Satellite receiving dishes regulated by Section 9.60.080 and 9.100.070; and J. Any facility specifically exempted under federal or state law. 9.170.060 APPROVAL STANDARDS A. feaseaable lest. 16.7 the GkG Existing OR site vegetatieR be Mtefft shall OFeSOFYod to the Fn8)(mFRbIFR Shall be PONFAStOF e9FINRUSUS hedge a4 learit five feet un height be WithiR tWe VOaFs of plaRt;Rq shall apaoed Flat FAGFe of eveFgFOeR tFeeS than five foot aPaFt WMIR fifteeA feet of the site boundapt. With tFse tFUAIE net less than ene and one half lRehes diAFFIAtAF Within twenty five feet Che bewFidaFY of site must be, planted. am hundFod feet tali, Within tweAty five feet the bGURdaFV 'age than twe then and -m-Mis leny feet of site i9F 8 WWO of the site boundaFy feF a !9weF FROM test high when plaRted and epaeed Ret FneFe than fiftem feet apaFt. listed abeve he if finds that theyi may used themoity a. Ash'eve b. Do net affeet about the same the degFee of seF k, 99ROFal PlaR_ 169 *60 A. General Approval Standards for all Telecommunication Facilities include: U 1. Compliance with all federal and state statutes including but not limited to, FCC licensing NIER levels and FAA requirements 2. Addition of the planned equipment to an existing or approved tower shall not result in NIER levels in excess of those permitted by the FCC. 3. Antennas equipment and all ancillary components shall be stealth to the maximum extent feasible. 3. Towers shall not be located within primary image corridors as designated in the General Plan. 4. 5. All new towers shall be designed at the minimum height functionally required. No new telecommunication tower shall exceed one -hundred (100) feet in height. 6. The proposed tower shall be designed structurally to accommodate the maximum number of foreseeable users, including all potential co - location scenarios. 7. All accessory structures associated with a tower shall comply with the setback standards in the underlying zoning district. 8. Any guy -wire anchors shall be set back twenty-five (25) feet from any property lines. 9. Tower shall not be artificially lighted unless required by the FAA or state aeronautics division. 10. Existing on -site vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent feasible. C. Roof -mounted and Building -mounted Telecommunication Facilities: 1. All building -mounted facilities shall comply with Section 9.100.060 of the l..Q.M.C. 2. Equipment shall not be visible to.surrounding properties. 170 m 3. All equipment shall blend or architecturally match the existing design of the building. Elements used to screen roof -mounted or building- facility designs. All telecommunication facilities shall be stealth to the maximum extent feasible. 9.170.070 APPLICATION . . . . . .. . . . .. . . Wifoaft ._ • • .. •_ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 090 1.71 . IT .._.. .............. IT --- . . All new telecommunication facilities shall require a Conditional Use Permit. reviewed on a case -by -case basis. Upon review of an application for modification A. A site plan or plans drawn to scale and identifying the site boundaries; tower(s); guy wires; existing and proposed facilities; vehicular parking and access; existing vegetation to be added, retained, removed or replaced; and uses, structures and land use and zoning designations on the site and abutting parcels. B. A plan drawn to scale showing proposed landscaping, including species type, size,.spacing and other features. C. D coverage without the proposed site, predicted coverage with the proposed . site and existing sites. and the predicted coveraae of only the or000sed site. outside service. E. The applicant shall provide a project information and justification letter. The Incivae justnication tor the Selectea site ano a DeneniS summary on now we proposed site will improve wireless telecommunication access in the community. - - 173 F. A structural report from a California registered structural engineer. The report shall provide the following information: 1. Describe the tower and the technical, economic and other reasons for the tower design; 2. Demonstrate that the tower complies with the applicable structural j standards; I 3. Describe the capacity of the tower, including the number and type of antennas that it can accommodate and the basis for the calculation of capacity; 4. Show that the tower complies with the capacity requested under Section 9.170.060; and 6. Demonstrate that the proposed sources of NIER are incompliance with FCC guidelines. -j - G. The applicant shall request the FAA, FCC, and state aeronautics division to provide a written statement that the proposed tower complies with applicable regulations administered by that agency or that the tower is exempt from those regulations. If each applicable agency does not provide a requested statement after the applicant makes a timely, good -faith effort to obtain it, the application will be accepted for processing. The applicant shall send any subsequently received agency statements to the Planning Director. H. Evidence that the tower complies with Section 9.170.060A and a letter of intent to lease excess space on the tower and excess land on the tower site except to the extent reduced capacity is required under Section 9.170.060. I. The applicant shall provide a draft copy of the lease agreement between the - tower operator and the .property owner to. the Planning Department. Financial information may be blocked out. J. A letter of intent, committing the tower owner and his/her successor in interest to: i 1. Respond in a timely, comprehensive manner to any request, required 1 under Section 9.170.060, for information from a potential shared -use applicant, the tower owner may charge a party requesting information under Section 9.170.010 to pay a reasonable fee not in excess of the actual cost of preparing a response. 2. Negotiate in good -faith or shared use by third parties; an owner generally will negotiate in the order in which requests for information are received, except an owner generally will negotiate with a party, who has received an FCC license or permit before doing so with other parties. 3. Allow shared use if an applicant agrees in writing to pay charges and to comply with conditions described in this section. i I • . >- S.170.080 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE A. All new telecommunication towers shall be designed within the applicable 91 standards for human exposure to RF (Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure. Standards) fields. Failure to comply with FCC Standards will result in the 177 S.170.080 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE A. All new telecommunication towers shall be designed within the applicable 91 standards for human exposure to RF (Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure. Standards) fields. Failure to comply with FCC Standards will result in the 177 C. E. uneuuwnAep persons from accessing and/or - climbing a wireless telecommunication facility. F. All wireless telecommunication facility operators are required to notify the City of La Quinta's Planning Department within 60 days of any change of ownership of the facility. 9.170.090,REQUIRED FINDINGS OF APPROVAL A. The following findings shall be made by the Planning Commission and/or Planning Director prior to approval of any wireless telecommunication facility: 1. Consistency with General Plan The wireless telecommunication facility is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the general plan; EXHIBIT B 9.40.040 Table of permitted uses. Table 971: Permitted Uses in Residential Districts, following, specifies those areas and structures which are permitted within each residential district. The letters in the columns beneath the district designation mean the following: "P": Permitted as a principal use within the district. "A": Permitted only if accessory to the principal residential use on the site. ' C": Permitted if a conditional use permit is approved. "W: Permitted if a minor use permit is approved. IT': Permitted as a home occupation if accessory to the principal residential use and if a home occupation permit is approved. "S": Permitted if a specific plan is approved per Section 9.40.030, " V: Prohibited in the district. Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in - Residential Districts P=Principal use A - Accessory use C= Conditional use permit M- Minor use permit H= Home occupation permit S= specific plan required Medium - Low Medium Hlgh High Very Low Density Dewily Cove Density Density Density X - Prohibited use Residential ReddentW Residential Residential Resideotisl Residential Land Use RVL RL RC RM. RMH Rid Residential Data - Single-famiy detached dwellings P P P P P s Single-family detached patio homes (i.e., s S S S P - S "zero lot -line's Duplexes (Iwo units on the same lot) s - S S S P P Single-family attached dwellings (two units S- s X S P P per building with each unit on its own lot) Townhome dwellings (two or more units per S S X S P P building with each unit on its own lot) . Condominium multifamily ("airspace" S S X S P P units) Apartment multifamily (rmtal units) X X X P P P Mobilelhome parks C C C C C C - 179 Mobilehome subdivisions and manufactured homes on individual lots, subject to Swim P P P P P X 9.60.180 Resort residential subject to Section C C X C C C 9.60.320 Ouesthouses, subject to Section 9.60,100 A A A A A A Second residential units subject to Section A A A A A A 9.60.090 Living cad Care Usea day care facilities as an accessory use, g 8 or fewer children, subject toA A A A A X n 9.60.190day [Gup care facilities as an accessory use, g 9-14 children; subject to Section M M M M M90 regate living facilities, 6 or fewer P P P P P X s Congregate care facility C C C C- C C Residential care facilities, 6 or fewer P P P P P P persons Senior citizen residences, 6 or fewer P P P P P P persons, subject to Section 9.60200 Senior group housing, 7 or more persons, X X X X C C subject to Section 9.60.200 Tina share facilities, subject to Section C C C C C C 9,60.280 Bed and breakfast inns C C C C C C Open Space and Recreational Uses Public parks, playfields and open space P P P P P P Bicycle, equestrian and hiking trails - P P- P P P P Clubhouses and constantly pmk(cabanas P P P P P P Table 9-1 Permitted Uses In Residential Districts (Cont) - P — Principal use A —Accessoryuse C = Conditional use permit M = Minor use permit H = Home occupation permit S = Specific plan required LOW Medium Medium - -High High Very Low Density Density Cove Density Density Density X = Prohibited use Residential Residential Residential Rwidenti Resideatia Residendal Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Open Space and Rce atloaal Uses (Conn) Unlighted tennis and other game courts on A A A A A A private property, subject to Section 9.60.150 Lighted tennis and other game courts on M M M C C . C private property, subject to Section 9.60.150 Gulf courses and country clubs per Section P P P P P P 9.110.040 Driving range with or without lights C C X C C C Accessory Uses and Structures Home oaupmions, subject to.Section H H H H H H 9.60,110 180 into covers, dedca, and gaaebos, subject to A A A A A A La ion 9.60.040 Fences and walls, subject to Section P P P P- P P 9.60.030 Satellite dishes and other antennas subject m A A A A A A- - Section 9.60.080 Swimming pools, spas and cabanas, subject A A A A A A to Section 9.60.070 Garages ®d carports, subject to Section A A A A A A- 9.60.060 of household pets, subject to A A A A A A ction 9.60.120 lots of I acre or more, the ncommemial keeping ofboofed animals, [K.eping wl (except roosters) and rabbits, subject to ction 9.60.120. Hoofed animals include A A X X X X rses. sheep, goats, pot bellied pigs, and ilar. The keeping of horses is subject mtion 9.140.060 and limited to one horse per 2.5 acres. Other accessory uses and structures which are customarily associated with and subordinate to the principal use on the A A A A , A A premises and are consistent with the purpose and intern of the zoning district. Agricultural Uses - Tree crop forming gr—houes P X X X X X Field crop farming P C X X X X Produce stands, subject to Section 9.100. 1001 P M I X I X I X X Temporary Uw Garage sales - A A A A A 'A Construction and guard offices, subject to M M M M M M Sectiot9.60210 Use ofrekx;etable building M M M M M M Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts (ConL) P=Principal use A=Accessary use C = Conditional use permit M = Minor use permit — Home occupation Permit IS =Specific plan required Low Medium Mdlum- High High High Very Low Density Density Cove Density Density Density =Prohibited use Residential - Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Land Use RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Temporary Uses (Cant) Model home complexes and sales offices, M- Mm M M subject to Section 9.60250 Special outdoor events, subject to Section M - M9.60.170 Parking of recreational vehicles, subject to AA- X X Section 9.60.130 - Other Uses Churches, temples and other places of C C C C C C worship 181 Museum or gallery displaying sculpture, amvork or crafts, including schools for C C C C C C above, on 20 ames or more Community recreational vehicle storage lots, X X X P P P noncommercial Communication towers and equipment 0ee3.5M104`.a1a tole&} subject to C C C C C C Chapter 9.170 C hfy'871op'YdpeeFaattdegU�ip�dF IbiH"6..hbix?�E,g�mt€fao1�4Y1 IN L'i M M M tv: aubla�ict�taaftt�2�Q Utility substations and facilities M M M M M M Public flood control facilities and devices P P P P P P Director or planning Other principal, accessory or temporary uses - commission to determine whether use is permitted in not listed is this table accordance with. Section 9.20.040. (Ord. 480 § 1, 2010; Ord. 466 § 1, 2009; Ord. 445 § 1, 2007; Ord. 414 § 1 (part), 2005; EXHIBIT C 9.60.080 Satellite dish and other antennas. A. Purpose. Satellite dish and other antennas consistent with the design and location provisions of this section shall be permitted as accessory structures within any residential district. B. Permitted Commercial Antennas. Commercial television, radio, microwave, communication towers, and related facilities are permitted as principal uses in all districts subject to approval of a conditional use permit and conformance with the requirements of Chapter 9.170 (Wireless Telecommunication Facilities). Satellite dish and other antennas are permitted as accessory structures in nonresidential districts in accordance with Section 9.100.070. C. Permitted Noncommercial Antennas. Noncommercial privately owned television and/or radio antennas shall be contained entirely within a building except for: (1) satellite dish antennas and other antennas which cannot function when completely enclosed by a building; and (2) amateur radio antennas used by operators licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC, pursuant to 47 CFR Section 97). Such permitted outdoor antennas shall comply with the following design standards and requirements: I. Number. No more than one satellite dish and one amateur radio antenna shall be permitted per lot. 2. Height and Diameter. Satellite dish antennas shall not exceed eight feet in height measured from adjacent grade or finish floor and shall be no more than eight feet in diameter. Amateur radio antennas shall not exceed the maximum building height for the district as specified in Section 9.50.030. 3. Ground -Mounted Antennas. a.. Location. All ground -mounted antennas shall be located within the tear yard or may be located within an interior side yard if not within the required side yard setback. Such antennas are prohibited from exterior street side yards unless not visible from the street All antennas over six feet in height shall beset back a minimum of ten feet from all property lines. b. Screening. Ground -mounted satellite dish antennas shall be screened from view, including views from adjacent yards, by landscaping or decorative structures (trellis, arbor, fence, etc.). The dish antenna shall be a single color that blends with its surroundings (e.g., off-white, dark green, brown, gray or black). C. Disguised Antennas. An antenna which has the appearance of typical backyard furniture or equipment (e.g., satellite dish antenna manufactured to have the appearance of a patio umbrella) is not required to comply with the preceding location and screening standards but shall comply with height and size limits. Such an antenna may be placed on any patio or deck. 4. Building -Mounted Antennas. Roof -mounted and other building -mounted antennas are prohibited in all residential districts if over twenty-four inches in diameter unless completely screened from horizontal view via a parapet wall or other feature which is integrated into the architecture of the building. (Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 183. EXHIBIT D 9.80.040 Table of permitted uses. A. Uses and Structures Permitted: Table 9-5, Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts, following, specifies those uses and structures which are permitted within each nonresidential district. The letters in the columns beneath the district designations mean the following: 1. "P": Permitted as a principal use within the district. 2. "A": Permitted only if accessory to the principal use on the site. 3. "C": Permitted as a principal or accessory use if a conditional use permit is approved. 4. "M": Permitted if a minor use permit is approved. 5. "T": Permitted as a temporary use only. 6. "X": Prohibited in the district. 7 "S": Permitted under a specific plan. B. Uses Not Listed in Table. Land uses which are not listed in Table 9-5 are not permitted unless the planning director or the planning commission determines that such use is within one of the permitted use categories listed preceeding (e.g., principal use, conditional use, etc.) in accordance with Section 9.20.040. Table 93 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts P = Principal use- - A —Accessory we C = Conditional use Permit Regional Commecial Community Neighborhood Tourist once Major Commercial Park Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Community Facilities M = Minor use permit -T= Temporary use permit - X=Prohibited we Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC Remo Uses Retail stores under 10,000 - sq. 8. floor area per P A P P A A X bwincss Retail stores" 10,000— 50,000 sq. R floor area P C C C X X X Retail stores', over 50,000 sq. ft floor area C C C X X X X Food, liquor and convenience stores under P A P P A A X 10,000 sq. I floor men, - open less than 18 hours/day' Food, liquor and C X C - C C X X convenience stores under 10,000 sq. 8. floor area, open 18 or mom hoursldW Plant nurseries and garden supply stores, with no propagation of plains an the C X C C X X X premises, subject to Section 9.1 OO.120 (Outdoor storage and display) . Showroom/catelog stores, - without substantial on -site - P P P X X X X inventory General Services Barbershops, beauty, nail and tanning salons and P A P P. P A X similar uses Miscellaneous services such as travel services, photo developing, videotape rentals, shoe repair, P A P P P A X Appliance repair, and similar - Wes Laundromats and dry cleaners, except central. P X P P P X X cleaning plants Printing blueprinting and P P P P P P X copy services Pet grooming —without P X P P P X X overnight boarding - Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nouresidentlal Districts (Cont.) P=Principal use - A=Accessory use C = Conditional use - permit Regional Commercial Community Neighborhood Tourist Office Commuor nity - Commercial Park Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Facilities — Minor use permit T= Temporary use permit X— Prohibited use - Land Use - CR CP CC CN CI' CO MC Office and Health Services - Banks P X P P P P X General and professional P X P P P P C offices Medical offices — physicians, dentists, P X P P P P X optometrists, chiropractors and similar praditioners - Medical cemersrclinics-- four or more olhoes in one P X P C X P X building - Surgicen cis medical clinics P X P C X P - X Hospitals C X X X X- X C Convalescent hospitals C X C X X X C veterinary clinics/animal hospitals and pet boarding C C C C X X X (indoor only) - Diniog, DriuWng aad 185 Entertainment Uses - Restaurants, other than P A P P P X A drive -through Restaurants, drive -through P A P X P X X Restaurams, comter take- . om Willi ancillary seating, P P P P - P X X such as yoghurt, ice cream, pastry shops and similar Bus, invents and cocktail- C C C X- C X X lounges Dancing or live . entertainment as a principal C X C X C X X use Dancingorlive entertainment as an A - X C C C X X accessory use Theaters, live or motion C X C X C X X pitman Tobacco shops without make smoking, as per the P X C X C X X provisions of the Heath and - Sanitation Code - Cigar lounges, hookah bars, and similar tries with onsite smoking, as per the C X X X C X X provisions of the Health and Sanitation Code - Recreation Uses Bowling, pool "billiard C. X C X C X X centers as a principal use Pool or billiard tables as accessory use (3 tables or A A A A A A X less) Game machines, 11 or mom (as either a principal or C X C C C X X accessory use) Game machines as an accessory use, 10 or fewer A A 'A A A A X machines Golf courses and country clubs (see GC district X A X X. C A X permitted uses, Chapter - 9.120) Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nouresidmfiml Districts (Cout.) P = Principal use A = Accessory use C=Conditional ase permit Regional Commercial Community Neighborhood Tourist Office Major Community Commercial Park Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Fae11i0a M = Minor am permit T= Temporary use permit X = Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC C'N - CT CO I MC Recreation Uses (ConL) Tennis clubs or complexes C A C X X A C Health clubs, martial arts M M M M M M A studios, and dance studios, 5000 sq. ft. floor area or less Health clubs, martial arts studios, and dance studios, C C C C C C X over 5000 sq. iL floor area Libraries P X -P C P - P P Museum or gallery displaying sculpture, P P P P P P P artwork or crafts, including - schools for above Parks, unlighted playfietds P P P P P P P and open space Lighted playfrelds X X X X X X C Bicycle, equestrian and P P P P P P P hiking trails. Indoor pistol or rifle ranges X C X' X X X X Miniature golf7remestion C X X X C X X centers Assembly Uses la skating rinks C X C X X X C Lodges, union halls, social clubs and senior citizen C C C C X X C centers Churches, temples and other C C C C X C X places of worship Mortuaries and funeral C C C X X X X homes Public and Semipublic - - Uses Fire stations P P P P X P P Government offices and P P P P P P P police stations Communication rowers and C C C. C - C C C subject to Chapter 9.I70 E.bmimlmrcnnoSs.�N'drs'altii mrnupt¢d tIROJusna$fdClir�'J Electrical substations M M M X X X - M Water wells and pumping M M M X X X M stations Reservoirs and water looks X X X X X X M Public flood control P P P. P P P P facilities and devices Colleges and universities C X X X X X C Vocational schools, e.g., C C C X X C C barber, beauty and similar Private elementary,. C C C C intermediate and high 'C C C schools Private swim schools C C C X C X C Train, btu and taxi stations C X C X C X C Helicopter pads X X X X - C X C Public or private kennels and animal shelters (with X- C X X X X C indoor m outdoor pet boarding) Table 9-5 Permitted Uses In Nonresidential Districts (Cont.) P=Prinepal trx Regional Commercial Community Neighborhood Tourist Otiice Major Commercial - Park Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Community r 187 A = Accessory use - Facilities C = Conditional on - permit M = Minor an permit. T= Temporary use permit _ X— Prohibited an Land Use CR Cr CC CN Cr CO MC Public and Semipublic - - Uses (Cent) Golf courses and country - clubs (see OC district C A C X C A P permitted uses, Chapter . 9.120) Driving range unlighted P A C X P A P Tennis clubs or complexes C A C X C A C Health clubs, martial arts studios, and dance studios, P P P P P P A 5000 sq. I floor area or less - Residential, Lodging and . Child Care Uses Townhome and multifamily 0 C X X X X X dwelling as a primary use Residential as an accessory use, e.g., der C C C C C C C residences per Section 9.100.160 Child day care facilities, - centers and presUwuls as a principal use, subject to C C C C X C C Section 9.100.250 (also sea Accessory Uses) Senior group Musing, C X X X X X- X subject to Section 9.100.260 Roomingandhoarding C X X X X X X boom Single room occupancy (SRO) hotels, subject to C X X X X X X Section 9.100.270 - Emergency shelters P P P P P P P Transitional shelters for homeless Persons or victims C X X X X X- C of domestic abuse Single family residential S X X X X X X Mixed -use projects: residential and S X X X X X X otGce(commemial RV rental parks and ownershiprmembership C X C X C X X Parks Resort residential S X C X C X - X Hotels and motels C X C X C X X Timeshare facilities, subject C X - C X C X X to Section 9.60.290 Caretaker residences M M M M M M M Automotive Usess Golf cut, neighborroxi P p p X X X X electric vehicle (NEV), and 188 electric scooter sales Automobile service stations, C C C C x X X with or without minimart Cm washes C C C x x x x Auto body repair and X C X X X X X painting; transmission repair Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts (Coot.) P=Principal use A=Accessory use _ C = Conditional use permit Regional Commercial Community Neighborhood Tourist - 011ice Major Community Commercial Park Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Facilities M.= Minor use permit T—Temporary use permit X = Prohibited on Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO - .MC Automotive Uses' (Cony Auto repair specialty shops, providing minor auto maintenance: tire salcs/service, muffler, C C C X X x X brake, lube and tune-up services —not including major engine or drivetrain repair Auto and motorcycle sales C C X X x X x and rentals Used vehicle sales, not associated with a new -CC X X X X x vehicle sales facility, as per Section 9.100.030 Truck, recreation vehicle C C X X x X X and boat sales Auto parts stores, with no repair or parts installation P P P C X X X on the premises Auto or truck storage yards, X C x x x X X not including dismantling Private parking lots/gmages as a principal use subject to C C C X- C C X Chapter 9.150, Parking - Warehousing and Heavy Commercial Uses' Wholesaling/distribution centers, with no sales to C P X X X x x consumers General warehouses, with C P X - X x X- x no gales to consumers Mini -storage warehouses X xs X X x x X Lumber yards, outdoor (see retail stores for indoor x C X X X X x lumber sales) Pest control services - C C X X X x x Plumbing repair shops C P X X X X X Contmctm, public utility C C x x X x C end similar . equipment/storage yards Central cleaning or laundry C C C X X X- X plants Communication or relay faeilitieslamennas as C C C C C- C C primary use Industrial and Research User Indoor manufacture and assembly of components or finished products from materials such as cloth, X P X X X X X fiber, fur, glass, leather, . stone, paper (except - milling), plastics, metal, and wood Research and development P P X X . X X X Recording studios P P X X X X X Bottling plants X P X - X X X X Table 9-5 Permitted Uses is Nonresidential Districts (Coat.) P - Principal use A=Accessory use C- Conditional use pit Regional Commercial Community Neighborhood Tourist Once Major Community Commercial Park Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Facilities M—Minor use permit T= Temporary use permit X — Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC Industrial and Research Uses (Coot.) . Sign making, accept P P X X X X X sandblasting Sign malting, including X P X X X X X sandblasting Recycling centers as a primary use, collection and X C X X X X C sorting only, subject to Section 9.100.190 Otfsite hazardous waste facilities, subject to Section X C X X- X X X 9.100.230 Accessory Uses and Structures Portable outdoor vending uses (such as flower stands, M M M M M M M honing stands, etc.), subject to Section 9. 100.100 - Swimming pools as an M M M. X A M A accessory use Golfor tennis facilities as M - M M X A M A an accessory use Signs, subject to Chapter A A A A A A A 9.160 Fences and walls, subject to A A A A A A A Section 9.100.030 Antennas and satellite A A A A A A- A 190 dishes, subject to Section 9.100.070 Reverse vending machines A A A A X X A subject to Section 9.100.190 - Recycling dropoff bins, M - A M M X X A subject to Section 9.100.190 Incidental products or services for employees or businesses, such as child A A A A A A A day care, cafctcrias and business support uses Other accessory uses and structures which ere customarily associated with and subordinate to the principal use on the A A A A A A A premiss; and are consistent with the purpose and intent of the zoning district, as determined by the director Temporary Uses Christmas tree sales, subject - T T T T X X T to Section 9.100.080 - Halloween pumpkin sales, T T T T X X T subject to Section 9.100.090 Stands selling fresh product in season, subject to Sermon T T T T X X T 9.100.100 Sidewalk sales, subject to T-- T T T T T X Section 9.100.130 Table 9-5 Permitted Uses in Nonresidential Districts (Cont) P m Principal use A —Accessory are C — Conditional use Major permit Regional Commercial Community Neighborhood Tourist Offee Community Commercial Park Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Facilities M = Minor we permit T — Temporary are permit X - Prohibited use Land Use CR CP CC CN CT CO MC Temporary Uses (Cont) Temporary outdoor events, T T T T T T T subject to Section 9.100. 140 Combraction and guard offices, subject to Section T T T T T T T 9.100.170 Use of relocatsble building T T T T T T T subject to Section 9.100.180 Other Uses Forlumetelling and palmistry C I X I C I X X X X Sexually oriented businesses, subject to C X X X X X X Section 9.1I0.08e Other uses not listed in this table: per Section 9.20.040, 191 irector of planning ommission to determine 4wther use is permitted ' Other than convenience stores. Items said may include clothing, groceries, meat, drugs, jewelry, sundries, office supplies, pets, . furniane, appliances, hardware, building materials (except lumber yards), and similar retail items. ' With no consumption of alcohol on the premises. 7 If par of a mixed -use project per Section 9.80.020 or 9.80.030. ` Subject to Section 9.30.070 (RII, High Density Residential District) for density, Building heights, setbacks, etc. Affordable housing projects shall be subject to Section 9.60.270. Subject to Section 9.100.120, Outdoor storage and display. ` Mini -storage warehousing operating on December 17, 2009 (the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section), are considered legal, conforming land uses. Existing facilities may be reconstructed if damaged, and may be modified or expanded within the boundaries of the lot on which they occur as of December 17, 2008 with approval of a site development permit. Any modification or expansion shall conform to the development standards for the commercial park zoning district contained in Chapter 9.90, Nonresidential Development Standards. 7 Property must also be located within the SOB (sexually oriented business) overlay district (Ord. 480 § 1, 2010; Ord. 472 § 1, 2009; Ord. 471 § 2, 2009; Ord. 466 § 1, 2009; Ord. 449 § 1, 2007; Ord. 429 § 1, 2006: Ord. 414 § I (part), 2005; Ord. 397 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2004; Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1998; Ord. 307 § 1, 1997; Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 1.92 EXHIBIT E 9.90.020 Roof projections. A.Encroachments Permitted. Notwithstanding Figure 9-8 preceding, architectural features not containing usable floor space, such as chimneys; towers, gables and spires, are permitted to extend fifteen feet above the maximum structure height set forth in Table 9-8 following if approved as part of a site development or other permit. The aggregate floor or "footprint" area of such architectural features shall encompass no more than ten percent of the ground floor area of the structure. B.Antennas. Satellite dish or other antennas shall not extend above the maximum structure. height specified in Table 9-6 (see Chapter 9.170 for GGFRFR61AlGati8R40W8FG and equipment Telecommunication Facilities regelatiess' and Section 9.100.070, "Satellite dish and other antennas"). (Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1998; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) ... . ............. EXHIBIT F 9.100.070 Satellite dish and other antennas. A.Permits Required.. The following antennas are allowed in nonresidential districts: 1. Permitted Commercial. Antennas. Commercial television, radio, microwave, communication towers, and related facilities are permitted as principal uses in all districts subject to approval of a conditional use permit and conformance with the requirements of Chapter 9.170 (Communisatiera Wireless Telecommunication Facilities). 2. Permitted Accessory Antennas Other than Those Described Above. Roof -mounted antennas screened from a horizontal line of sight and ground -mounted antennas which do not exceed ten feet in height and which meet the requirements of subsection B of this section may be permitted as accessory structures without a minor use permit. All other antennas shall require approval of a minor use permit. B.Development .Standards. Antennas within nonresidential districts may be ground -mounted or building -mounted provided the following requirements are met: 1. Any antenna which is the principal use on a lot shall comply with the . district setback standards for main buildings. 2. A ground -mounted antenna which is an accessory use shall be located within the rear yard (minimum five-foot from the rear property line) or may be located within a side yard if not within the required side yard setback. Ground -mounted antennas are prohibited from exterior (street) side yards unless not visible from the street. 3. Antennas, including roof -mounted antennas, shall not exceed the building height standards for the district in which they are located. 4. All accessory antennas shall be screened from both horizontal and vertical line of sight. Decorative overhead structures such as trellises may be required if the antenna is visible from surrounding higher buildings or terrain. 5. Compliance with Section 9.170 of the L.O.M.C. (Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1998; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 194 EXHIBIT G 9.120.020 Table of permitted uses. Table 9-8, Permitted Uses in Special Purpose Districts, following, specifies those uses and structures which are permitted within each special purpose district. The letters in the columns beneath the district designations mean the following: 1. "P": Permitted as a principal use within the district. 2. "A": Permitted only if accessory to the principal use on the site. 3. "C": Permitted as a principal or accessory use if a conditional use permit is approved. 4. " M Permitted on a temporary basis if a temporary use permit is approved. 5. "X": Prohibited in the district. Table9-8 eresittedUsesInSpechdFurposeDistricts = Permitted on =Acceawry.use = Conditional use permit = Temporary use permit =Prohibited use - District Parksand Recreation Golf Course Open Spam Roodplain Hillside Conservatiou Overlay Sexually Oriented Business Overly Equestriam Overlay Ladd Use PR GC OS F'P HC• SOB* EOD• a S as and Reeresdonal Uses s aceP P P P P Pc arks, lakes and assive recreation facilities P X P P - P Xolds, li ted or um' P X X X X Xle, a striao and hikin trails P X P P P Pries and museumsC X X X C Xor comersC X C C' C Xouses and Comm ols/cabaftu P A X X X Xiscourtsm lexes, ublic. P A. X X X Xs clubs or com rivate C A X X X Xcourses V,bficd and country dubs, including clubhouses and - usescourses C P X X X Xcusto without above -ground snucmres, including ns tees and olf-cart Whs C P X P CX s Uses end Struoturessubjectto tcr9.160 A A A A A As and walls, subject to Section 9.100.030 A A A A Alite dish and otherpntetums, subject to Section A A A - A A.070Useso outdoor events, subject to Section 9. 100.040 T T T T Tr Usesa-W.l rosWontiel X X C X C X '• Table 94 Permitted Uses in Special Purpose Districts Continued =Permitted use —Accessory on = Conditional use permit Distrito = Temporary use permit = Prohibited use _ - Parks and Golf Open Floodplain Hillside Sexually Equestrian Recreation Course Space Conservation Oriented Overlay - Overlay Business Overlay ' Land Use PR GC OS FP RC* SOB* EOD• ultifmnily residential, commercial (except suually X X X X X X ++ 'ented businesses), office or industrial development exuall oriented businesses, subject to Section 9.140.050 X X X X X C +• mmrieation towers and equipment (fteegW'dip@;iri5}v C C C -C C - •• ,wens subject to ter 9.170 unieattmrfrsfvr+4apdx§mpmefit(fGlOcahooy l trt a„i M Vox 7a cotter 91U, Iectricai substations X X M- X M. X •+ Voter wells and pumping stations P P P P MI X •� ater tanks and reservoirs X M M X M X •+ ublic flood control facilities and devices P P P I P I P I P I•• her principal, accessory or temporary uses not listed Director or planning commission to determine whether use is permitted in accordance bove with Section 920.040. Uses arc subject to the additional requirements of the overlay district as set forth in Chapter 9.140. • As permitted in the underlying base district and in Section 9.140.060. Allowed only if permitted in the underlying base district and only if the additional requirements of the HC overlay district are met (per Section .140.040) and a conditional usa permit is approved. (Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ► ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA 1 I, VERONICA MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No. 492 which was introduced at a regular meeting on the 2nd day of August, 2011, and was adopted at a regular meeting held on the 20" day of September, 2011, not being less than five days after the date of introduction thereof. I further certify that the foregoing Ordinance was posted in three places within the City of La Quinta as specified in City Council Resolution No. 2006-115. VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California DECLARATION OF POSTING I, VERONICA MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted on pursuant to Council Resolution. VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 197 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Request by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to Utilize the Council Chambers for Public Hearings on December 8, 2011, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: 611011 �YWI. 14M PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a request from the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to utilize the Council Chambers on December 8, 2011, 2011, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: ►G7m BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) has requested that the Council Chambers be made available for a public hearing on December 8, 2011. The request meets all the requirements of facility use as contained in the City's Guidelines. A complete application has been submitted (Attachment 1) for the City Council's consideration. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve a request from the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to utilize the Council Chambers on December 8, 2011, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; or 198 2. Do not approve the request from the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to utilize the Council Chambers; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted,. W w-u'- - - Wanda Wis -Latta, Executive Assistant Approved for submission by: `Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Application 99 ATTACHMENT Organi W#m Local Agency Formation Commission of Riverside County Person(s) In Charge: Elena Medina Address: 3850 vine Street, Suite 110 Facility Requested: Council Chambers Riversi Type of Event: Public XX Private Description of Activity: LAFCO Commission Meeting Phone: 951-369-0631 CA 92507-4277 Date(s) of Use: Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011Size of Group: 100 Time of Use: Start (a.m./p.m.) 8:00 a.rrfinish (a.m./p.m.) 2:00 p.m. Total Hours of Use 6 x $32.00 /hour = Certificate of Additional Insured Attached: -or- City Insurance Requested: Fee Paid: S n/a Refundable Cleaning Deposit Paid: g n/a Session Room = $200 Council Chambers (up to 53 people) _ $300 Council Chambers (54 people plus) _ $500 Total Paid: g n/a The undersigned hereby agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the City of La Quints. relating to the use of public facilities. Date: -7 Signature: ZL, -ems J�vj Title: �x 4.�,✓�' " ss. sT. t� Deposit Required For: Deposit Returned: Date: $ n/a NOTE : The person signing the application and the atatemant of information must he an officer of the sponsoring orgsnLza Lion. It the person is not as officer of the organization tot which application is made, he/aha nust present written authorization from the group to sign. W T-df 4 so a" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Authorization of Overnight Travel for One Member of the City Council to Attend the National League of Cities 2011 Congress of Cities Conference and National League of Cities Board and Committee Meetings to be Held November 9-12, 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 7 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve authorization of overnight travel for Council Member Terry Henderson to attend the National League of Cities 2011 Congress of Cities Conference and the National League of Cities Board and Committee Meetings to be held November 9-1.2, 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012 Budget has allocated funds for travel, training and meetings for the City Council. Funds for this conference attendance are available in the Legislative Program's Travel, Training and Meetings Account (#101-1001-41 1.51- 01). Expenditures for this conference are estimated as follows: Registration $ 435 Travel $ 280 Hotel and parking (4 nights) $ 1020 Meals (5 days x $75) $ 375 TOTAL $ 2110 CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. 201 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The National League of Cities (NLC) will be holding their 2011 Congress of Cities Conference at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona November 9-12, 2011. The conference will feature a variety of sessions and discussion forums on topics such as Economic Development, Infrastructure, and Sustainability. The NLC Board and its various committees are also scheduled to meet during this conference. Council Member Henderson is the Board Liaison to the Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Relations Policy Committee and serves on the Legislative and Policy Committee. Council Member Henderson has expressed an interest in attending this conference. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve authorization for overnight travel for Council Member Terry Henderson to attend the National League of Cities 2011 Congress of Cities Conference and the National League of Cities Board and Committee Meetings to be held November 9-12, 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona 2. Do not approve the request for overnight travel; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Wanda Wise -Latta, Executive Assistant 4pp oved for subsi by: Thomas P. GenoveseCity Manager Attachment: 1 . National League of Cities 2011 Congress of Cities Conference Registration Form 202 Use a separate form for each registrant Duplicate form as needed. Please type or print clearly. r r 'y, � • "PHOENIX' ' ' � • PLEASE SELECT YOUR REGISTRATION TYPE: 3y "/7 11 By 9 1-;11 Abe, 9i 1'i11 TYPE OF REGISTRANT Early Advanced Standard On -site U Ni.C:Vember City $410 $435 $540 $640 cr IJ Asslate Member $410 $435 $ Si10 $640 1_1 SML idember Ciy $490 $550 $660 $760 ❑ f\on-crhember City_ $535 $625 $790 $890 _ ❑ Student $175 $175 $175 $175 IJ ., ou;e/ C,IJe$t' $&5 $85 $85 $85 [A Yc nth Dele9 le (15-1 8)- `ti 100 $100 $100 $100 ❑`(outhChepecete"'* $100 $100 $100 $100 ❑ Child 114 end ucder Free Free Free Fi Name Bale Gly/Orynnlzt�on Walling Addrss_ Gry Mote PLEASE CHECK IF YOU ARE J Newly Fleded C iflicicl J first-1 irne A@endee. PLEASE CHOOSE MUNICIPALITY SIZE: IJUnc;e 1,00.i-3U,JOi J 30,001 — 50.000 J 50,G(1 199.999 2^0 c,n0 .500.000 50C1001 — 1.000,000 J 1,000,000 amd C,ver PLEASE CHECK AI_L ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND nr;,r yam. LEADERSHIP TRAINING SEMINARS Leadership Training Seminars ore only offered to delegates registered for the full conference. Seminar Titles and Descriptions Available Online (www-nlcorg) WEONESDAY 1HURSDAY All Gay Seminor PM Seminars AM Seminars Leadership hmchemn J 101 S180 JLOS $120 J L09 $120 J 115 $40 AM Seminars IJ L06 $120 J Ll0 $120 J L02 SIM ❑L07 $120 rJl.11 $120 IJ 103 $120 J L08: $140 J Ll2 $120 7104 $120 ❑ L.13 $120 CONSTITUENCY GROUPS (o rOluemy group dues or fees can only be paid by fully registered delegates. Spouse, guest and youth registration mtegndes are net eligible for payment of mestituency group dues and fees. Asian Pacific American Municipal Officials (APAMO) '_j APAMO Dues,%Activifies (elecred/member city) $85 J APAMO Dues/Activities (elected/nanmember tiny) $100 J APAMO Dues/Activities (supporting/rogtomte member) $150 Gag Lesbian, Bisexual and Transponder Lnml Officials (GLBTLO) J GLBLO Dues/Activities $75 Hispanic Elected Local Officials (HELD) J FRO Dues/Achvities(elected/member chyi $130 J HELO Dues/Activities (elected/nonmember city) $140 J h[I.0 Oues/Activities (supporting/cotpomte mmi $155 J HELO Activihy Fee (nonmember only) $75 Notional Block Caucus of Local Elected Officials (NBC-LEO) J NBC-LEO Dues/Activifies (elected/member (ity) $215 J NBC-LEO Dues/Activities (elected/nonmember city) $240 J NBC{EI) Dues%Activifies (supporting member) $315 J NB(4EO Membership Luncheon Event (nonmember only) $85 Women in Municipal Government (WIMG) ❑ WIMG Dues/Award Luncheon/Activities (elected/member city) $11 s J WIMG Dues/kard Luncheon,/Activities (elected/nonmember (ity) $125 'j WIMG Dues/Awond Luncheon/Activities (supporting member) $145 CJ WIMG Award Luncheon/Activities (nonmember only) S145 OFFICE USE ONLY: puynleot (leckM Amount Registration Cancellation May: All leques s Trust be le[>i eJ n wftpi postmur4e cy October 17 2011 cro' one subject to o Sl00 m1i fee. No TOTAL REGISTRATION FEE: $ Foal reuds will be mode if you decide coca attend Far ficulor fop(tons. Noregishafionsocmtiens ncellowi06eaccepted by talepnone No mrc.11mmns will be act pled of.er Ondbel 17 2011 FOR MORE INFORMATION; nlcregucdho1JS1p9 Jlspurgo.rom or 888-319.3864 or 703-449-6418 d kloola MAk F Hr I il,," etivr.r o-w oYtt W exdae Lry d.l p..yrnb A.m ttnn .ryax.,unrvm �, trot cam rcilrv.,+14d1v,.. Iw1 trero Srt,Y,':l,h®:x! Aom,.'+ 1,.," 203 03 r COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the Off -Site and On -Site Improvements for Parcel Map No. 29052, Lundin Development, BLP Desert, LP RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time, for completion of the off -site and on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to September 20, 2012 for Parcel Map No. 29052, Lundin Development, BLP Desert, LP. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Parcel Map No. 29052, Lundin Development, is located on the northwest corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 50 (Attachment 1). On August 24, 1999, the City and BLP Desert, LP entered into an SIA for Parcel Map No. 29052. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require ?114 modifications in the standards or sequencing of the improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the improvements. " In a letter dated May 12, 2011 (Attachment 2), the developer requested a time extension to complete the off -site and on -site improvements. The developer has previously indicated that it obtained a prior extension of the deadline in exchange for its cooperation with the City regarding the construction of the main line sewer improvements on the property in 2002. The developer has recently provided proof that the bonds for the improvements are in full force and effect and that it has made its premium payments. The outstanding off -site street improvements include the widening of Avenue 50 on the north side. Other required improvements include storm drain, water, sewer, perimeter and median landscaping, undergrounding the power lines and pole relocation, and monumentation improvements. Staff recommends that the off -site and on -site improvements completion date be extended one year to September 20, 2012. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the time extension of the SIA for the off -site and on - site improvements. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the off -site and on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 20, 2012 for Parcel Map No. 29052, Lundin Development, BLP Desert, LP; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the off -site and on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 20, 2012 for Parcel Map No. 29052, Lundin Development, BLP Desert, LP; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 205 Respectfully submitted, 4othytRJoas of�, P.E. Public Wit ' r/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from BLP Desert, LP dated May 12, 2011 206 RESOLUTION NO. 2011- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE OFF -SITE AND ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 29052, LUNDIN DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Parcel Map No. 29052, Lundin Development, on August 24, 1999; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements in a timely manner constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, the Subdivider has indicated that it obtained a prior extension of the deadline in exchange for its coordination and assistance to the City with regard to certain sewer improvements; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1 . The time for the completion of the improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to September 20, 2012. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on September 20, 2012. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. ?In7 Resolution No. 2011- Parcel Map No. 29052, Lundin Development Adopted: September 20, 2011 Page 2 Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20t" day of September 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California nb ATTACHMENT 1 PARCEL MAP NO.29052 PROJECT SITE LUNDIN DEVELOPMENT VICINITY MAP 209 ATTACHMENT 2 'D A�� Development Co. May 12, 2011 Mayor and City Council City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 RE: Subject Parcel Map 29052 Dear Mayor and City Council: _G P W III MAY[ 6 2011 L i TIIYGE LA yUINI—'J P;i: MANAGER'S DEPT. -,.... '3W We request an extension of the time for contemplated off -site improvements associated with Parcel Map No. 29052, located at the NWC of 50'h and Jefferson. Off -sites along Jefferson were completed with public funds, including sigualization and intersection improvements at 50 h. Full right-of-way along north -side of 50'h has been dedicated, and associated off -site improvements are planned for construction concurrent with project development. The property was planned for an Albertsons anchored retail shopping center, which plans have now. been abandoned in their entirety, including on and off -site improvement plans, and no replacement project has been determined. Without development of the center or alternative project, no private funds are available to complete any improvements, including funds contemplated for off -sites. At City's request in 2003, the burden to construct and fund over $120,000 for a major sewer tnu&-line through the heart of our property was assumed by us, providing sanitary sewer to facilitate Rancho La Quinta's resort development and home construction schedule. We provided a free easement over our property and received no consideration for either this easement or construction of the sewer trunk -line;. .rather inconsideration for this contribution it was reaffirmed that City agreed any contemplated 50'h off -site improvements would be constructed in the future, concurrent with the shopping center or future replacement project. In the meantime City staff has expressed potential concern over traffic -flow including adequacy of pavement width along 50'h. Clarity is being provided by City staff to determine traffic counts, required traffic lanes,, utility relocations, etc. We will continue to discuss these items with Staff to resolve concerns for the interim, until future development of our property including off -sites. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, BLP Desert, a California limited partnership By: Herb Lundin Partner 16400 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 207 By: - Greg Beier Partner Huntington Beach, California 92649 - (562) 592.6020 • FAX (562) 592-6050 www.Luko.com, 710 f COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the Off -Site Improvements for Parcel Map No. 31876, Mayer Villa Capri, LP RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to September 20, 2012 for Parcel Map No. 31876, Mayer Villa Capri, LP. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: 1►G7M BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Parcel Map No. 31876 is located at the northeast corner of Fred Waring Drive and Washington Street (Attachment 1). On November 17, 2004, the City and Mayer Villa Capri, LP entered into an SIA for Parcel Map No. 31876. Section 6 of the SIA requires: 'that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the improvements. " 211 On April 17, 2007, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the off -site improvements to December 17, 2009. Since that time, staff has been working with the developer to secure a schedule or extension request for these improvements. In a letter dated July 29, 2011 (Attachment 2), the developer requests a time extension to complete the off -site improvements due to "the continuing problems in the national economy". The developer has not completed any of the improvements required as part of the SIA. Some of the required improvements have been constructed as part of the City's Capital Improvement Program. The earliest the developer anticipates being able to complete the remaining improvements is the end of 2014. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the second time extension of the SIA for one year to September 20, 2012. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 20, 2012 for Parcel Map No. 31876, Mayer Villa Capri, LP; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements time as specified in the approved SIA to September 20, 2012 for Parcel Map No. 31876, Mayer Villa Capri, LP; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, imothy R. o as o , P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 212 Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Mayer Villa Capri, LP dated July 29, 2011 213 RESOLUTION NO. 2011- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 31876, MAYER VILLA CAPRI WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Parcel Map No. 31876, Mayer Villa Capri, on November 17, 2004; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements,. of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by December 17, 2009, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the off -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to September 20, 2012. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on September 20, 2012. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. Resolution No. 2011- Parcel Map No. 31876, Mayer Villa Capri, LP Adopted: September 20, 2011 Page 2 Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 201n day of September 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 215 ATTACHMENT 1 PM 31876 - MAYER VILLA CAPRI w z 0 c5 z z 3 CCALE LAS BRISAS FRED WARING DRIVE PALM ROYALE DRIVE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 216 ._............ ATTACHMENT 2 THE ROBERT MAYER CORPORATION July 29, 2011 Tim Jonasson, Director of Public Works Public Works/ Engineering CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta CA 92253 Re: Parcel Map No. 3187 Subdivision Improvement Agreement —Off -site Improvements Request for Time Extension Dear Mr. Jonasson: REOEMEO AUG 02 2011 Development Serylces We are in receipt of your letter of April 15, 2011 concerning the status of our Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for a Final Parcel. Map 31876 covering our property at Fred Waring Drive and Washington Street. As you may be aware, the subject Parcel Map was approved and recorded some time ago and the SIA was put into place waiting for the project to move ahead. Subsequently, our firm processed a new entitlement (Mayer Villa Capri) for this property that we have kept active through the original two-year period and recently with a first one-yearextension. During the period that the SIA has been in place, the City has constructed some of the ultimate improvements called for in our original Conditions of Approval for Washington Street, Fred Waring Drive and Palm Royale Drive. At least some of these improvements are in their ultimate location and can be incorporated into the final improvement package. Despite our commitment to this development, the continuing problems in the national economy have made moving forward with our Mayer Villa Capri mixed use project highly problematic thus we would request an extension of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement for the property for the longest period possible. The earliest that we would see being able to complete the improvements at this point would be toward the end of 2014. If you have any questions concerning this please feel free to contact me at 949-759-8091, Ext. 234. V ruly yours, gb t , �ayer, Jr. Managi g Partner Mayer Villa Capri, LIP cc: Marvin Roos, MSA Consulting 660 Newport Center Drive. Suite 1050. Newport Beach, CA 92660 P.O. Box 8680. Newport Beach, CA 92658.8680 tel 949.759.8091 . fax 949.720.1017 217 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 32225, Santerra, G5 Enterprises, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: _ Q STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to November 11, 2011 for Tract Map No. 32225, Santerra, G5 Enterprises, Inc. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Santerra (Tract Map No. 32225) is located on the northwest corner of Avenue 58 and Madison Street (Attachment 1). On February 14, 2007, the City and G5 Enterprises, Inc. entered into an SIA for Santerra. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the improvements in 918 response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the improvements. " On April 1, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements to May 14, 2008. Since that time, staff has been working with the developer to secure a schedule to complete the punch list items for final acceptance or submit an extension request for these improvements. In a letter dated August 22, 2011 (Attachment 2), the developer requests for a time extension to November 11, 2011 to complete the remaining punch list items for final acceptance. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the second time extension of the SIA to November 11, 2011. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to November 11, 2011 for Tract Map No. 32225, Santerra, G5 Enterprises, Inc.; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved SIA to November 11, 2011 for Tract Map No. 32225, Santerra, G5 Enterprises, Inc.; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, othy R. J as P.E. Public Works Dir c r/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from G5 Enterprises, Inc. dated August 22, 2011 919 RESOLUTION NO. 2011- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO NOVEMBER 11, 2011 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32225, SANTERRA WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 32225, Santerra, on February 14, 2007; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by May 14, 2008, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the on -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to November 11, 2011 . Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on November 11, 2011. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the. Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. 2 20 Resolution No. 2011- Tract Map No. 32225, Santerra Adopted: September 20, 2011 Page 2 Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20th day of September 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO,. CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 221 TM 3222S SANTERRA PROJEC T S1 TE ATTACHMENT 1 541H I AVENUE AIRPORT BLVD. 587H I AVENUE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 292 By Email to Amy Yum [Ayu@la-quinta.org] August 22, 2011 Amy Yu Assistant Engineer II City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247 ATTACHMENT 2 LM9434 Tea Tree lane an Diego, CA 92127one 858-832-1120 Fax. 8SS-832-1130 r Dear Ms. Yu: Please extend our completion time for TM32225 for Onsite Improvements to Nov. 11 2011. All Items are completed except a portion of Item #7 on Punch list which will be completed by then. Sincerely, Respectfully submitted, Opfer, . President, CFO G5 Enterprises, Inc. �T °4 W OF T41F'9�w� COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 32751, Citrus El Dorado, LLC RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: IL STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to September 20, 2012 for Tract Map No. 32751, Citrus El Dorado, LLC. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Tract Map No. 32751 is located west of Jefferson Street, north of Avenue 52, and south of Avenue 50 (Attachment 1). On May 18, 2007, the City and Citrus El Dorado, LLC entered into an SIA for Tract Map No. 32751. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the improvements in 224 response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the improvements." On May 6, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements to May 1, 2009. Since that time, staff has been working with the developer to provide a schedule or extension request for these improvements. In a letter dated August 10, 2011 (Attachment 2), the developer requests a time extension to complete the remaining on -site improvements. The remaining on -site improvements include the final lift of asphalt of the on -site street, which will be performed at the build out stage of the twenty nine homes. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the second time extension of the SIA for one year to September 20, 2012. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 20, 2012 for Tract Map No. 32751, Citrus El Dorado, LLC; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved SIA to September 20, 2012 for Tract Map No. 32751, Citrus El Dorado, LLC; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, othy . ona s n, P.E. Public Wo s Di for/City Engineer 225 Approved for submission by: �ho4mas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Citrus El Dorado dated August 10, 2011 226 RESOLUTION NO. 2011- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32751 WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 32751 on May 18, 2007; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by May 1, 2009, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the on -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to September 20, 2012. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on September 20, 2012. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. 99% Resolution No. 2011- Tract Map No. 32751, Citrus El Dorado, LLC Adopted: September 20, 2011 Page 2 PASSED,- APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20th day of September 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California em ATTACHMENT 1 TM 32751 CITRUS ELDORADO L w U) z 0 c� z 1:0 50th 48th I AVENUE w F-- cn AVENUE PROJECT SITE NOT TO SCALE 54th 229 ATTACHMENT 2 LA QUINTA, CA August 10, 2011 CERTIFIED MAILNia Electronic mail RECEIVED Timothy R. Jonasson, City of La Quinta AUG 12 2011 Public Works Director/City Engineer: Development ServiCes 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA), On -site Improvements, Extension Request Citrus El Dorado, Tract # (32751) Dear, Mr. Jonasson We are in receipt of City of La Quinta letter dated August 1, 2011. Citrus El Dorado has completed all of the Subdivision Improvements (SIA), On -site Improvements with the exception of the final lift of asphalt on Letter Lot "A" the Street specifically from Lot 1 through 29. This is to be performed at the build out stage of construction for the twenty-nine home community. We look forward that this will be finalized approximately twelve to eighteen months depending upon economic conditions for the home building market and request City of La Quinta to grant an extension of time for this punch list improvement. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this request for time extension, please contact myself at 714-624-9401 or you may email sshaddix@craftsmenhomes.com. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Respectfully, Scott Shaddix, member Citrus El Dorado LLC 230 1157 N. RED GUM STREET, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: 714/630-7685 FAx: 715/630-7683 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, Griffin Ranch, LLC and McComic-Griffin, LLC RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: I a, STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to September 20, 2012 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, Griffin Ranch, LLC and McComic- Griffin, LLC. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Griffin Ranch (Tract Map No. 32879) is located south of Avenue 54, north of Airport Boulevard, east of Madison Street, and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On January 16, 2006, the City and Griffin Ranch, LLC and McComic-Griffin, LLC entered into an SIA for Griffin Ranch. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of 231 the improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the improvements. " On April 3, 2007, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2008. On December 2, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a second time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2009. On November 3, 2009, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a third time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2010. On November 16, 2010, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a fourth time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2011. In a letter dated August 9, 2011 (Attachment 2), the developer requests a time extension to complete the remaining on -site improvements due to the economic downturn which has delayed the completion of the Griffin Ranch Project. The remaining on -site improvements include the installation of the entrance gate on Avenue 54 and the completion of the grading, paving, storm drain, sewer, water, and landscaping improvements for the easterly half of the property. There are currently no homes in the easterly half of the property. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the fifth time extension of the SIA for one year to September 20, 2012. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 20, 2012 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, Griffin Ranch, LLC and McComic- Griffin, LLC; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved SIA to September 20, 2012 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, Griffin Ranch, LLC and McComic-Griffin, LLC; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 232 Respectfully submitted, imothy R. o assVnrlP.E. Public Works DirecCity Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Christopher McComic dated August 9, 2011 933 RESOLUTION NO. 2011- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32879, GRIFFIN RANCH WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, on January 16, 2006; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by September 16, 2011, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the on -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to September 20, 2012. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on September 20, 2012. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. 234 Resolution No. 2011- Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch Adopted: September 20, 2011 Page 2 Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20th day of September 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: I_tia1*1E VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 235 TM 32879 GRIFFIN RANCH Ll w V) NOT TO SCALE ATTACHMENT 1 MHUARwim 9 71 2-36 ATTACHMENT 2 TRAINS I WEST HOUSING 9 Midway Drive, Suite B San Diego, CA 92110 August 9, 2011 Mr. Tim Jonasson, City Engineer Public Works Department City of La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Tract 32879, Griffin Ranch Dear Mr. lonasson, •a � R;Ui 1 " 2011 AmentServloes Please be advised, that Trans West Housing Inc. (TWH) would like to request an extension of time to complete off -site and on -site improvements at the Griffin Ranch project. As you are aware, the economic downturn has caused for a tremendous change . in the real estate environment, therefore; the completion of the Griffin Ranch project has been delayed. We hope that the economic outlook changes and the project can move forward in the near future. Please let us know if this is acceptable to the City of La Quints Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, TRANS WEST HQYSING, IIN�NC. T. Christopher Mc Comic Officer n iD AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the Off -Site Improvements for Tract CONSENT CALENDAR: 13 Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, Griffin Ranch, LLC and STUDY SESSION: McComic-Griffin, LLC PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to September 20, 2012 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, Griffin Ranch, LLC and McComic- Griffin, LLC. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Griffin Ranch (Tract Map No. 32879) is located south of Avenue 54, north of Airport Boulevard, east of Madison Street, and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On January 16, 2006, the City and Griffin Ranch, LLC and McComic-Griffin, LLC entered into an SIA for Griffin Ranch. Section 6 of the ,SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of 238 the improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the improvements." On April 3, 2007, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2008. On December 2, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a second time extension for the completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2009. On November 3, 2009, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a third time extension for the completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2010. On November 16, 2010, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a fourth time extension for the completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 16, 2011. In a letter dated August 9, 2011 (Attachment 2), the developer requests a time extension to complete the remaining off -site improvements due to the economic downturn which has delayed the completion of the Griffin Ranch Project. The remaining off -site improvements include the completion of the multi -purpose trail, sidewalk, and perimeter landscaping by the entrance area on Avenue 54, which is being used as a construction entrance. The developer will also complete the parkway landscaping in front of the Mery Griffin home. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for approval of the fifth time extension of the SIA for one year to September 20, 2012. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved SIA to September 20, 2012 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, Griffin Ranch, LLC and McComic- Griffin, LLC; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements time as specified in the approved SIA to September 20, 2012 for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, Griffin Ranch, LLC and McComic-Griffin, LLC; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 239 Respectfully submitted, Timothy R J na n, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Christopher McComic dated August 9, 2011 24 0 RESOLUTION NO. 2011- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32879, GRIFFIN RANCH WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch, on January 16, 2006; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by September 16, 2011, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the off -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to September 20, 2012. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on September 20, 2012. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. 241 Resolution No. 2011- Tract Map No. 32879, Griffin Ranch Adopted: September 20, 2011 Page 2 Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 20t" day of September 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 2.42 ATTACHMENT 1 TM 32879 GRIFFIN RANCH w u) AVENUE 54 w w w w Lu t 0 tr o � u~i z z m O Y (n AIRPORT BLVD o VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 24.7 ATTACHMENT 2 TRANS I WEST HOUSING 9 Midway Drive, Suite B San Diego, CA 92110 August 9, 2011 Mr. Tim Jonasson, City Engineer Public Works Department City of La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Tract 32879, Griffin Ranch Dear Mr. Jonasson, 40 1 -1 2011 VWeapmentServices Please be advised, that Trans West Housing hic. (TWH) would like to request an extension of time to complete off -site and on -site improvements at the Griffin Ranch project. As you are aware, the economic downturn has caused for a tremendous change in the real estate environment, therefore; the completion of the Griffin Ranch project has been delayed. We hope that the economic outlook changes and the project can move forward in the near future. Please let us know if this is acceptable to the City of La Quinta. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, TRANS WEST HqYSINU, INC. T. Christopher Mc Comic Officer 244 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Approve a BUSINESS SESSION: Supplemental Agreement with Riverside County for CONSENT CALENDAR: I I - the Use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Public Facility and Street STUDY SESSION: Improvements along Calle Sinaloa, and Public Service PUBLIC HEARING: Funds for the Boys and Girls Club - La Quinta Unit RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution approving the Supplemental Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement (Attachment 1) to utilize the sum of $145,833 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Funds for public facility and street improvements along Calle Sinaloa ($125,350) and public service funds for the Boys and Girls Club - La Quinta Unit ($20,483). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The City will receive reimbursement of $145,833 in CDBG Entitlement Funds for the improvements on Calle Sinaloa ($125,350), and public service funds for the Boys and Girls Club - La Quinta Unit ($20,483). CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The purpose of this Supplemental Agreement, between the City and Riverside County, is to authorize the use of CDBG funds for Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012 in the amount of $145,833 in accordance with the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. This allocation reflects a proportional share of the Riverside County's entitlement allocation from Housing and Urban Development (H.U.D). The City submitted CDBG applications to the County for the projects in November, 2010; the applications were subsequently approved by the Board of Supervisors. 245 This Supplemental Agreement is for projects which have been approved by the City Council on November 16, 2010 under Resolution 2010-069 and are available with the beginning of the new Federal Fiscal Year which began July 1, 2011. Funds become available for reimbursement to the City upon approval of this Agreement by the City and the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. The City Council, at its meeting on November 16, 2010, approved an estimated total of $175,000 in CDBG program funds. However, due to the overall decrease in funds available for CDBG programs, the County has allocated a total of $145,833 for the City's CDBG program. Therefore, the allocation of $30,000 to the Coachella Valley Boys and Girls Club, La Quinta Unit will be reduced to $20,483. Additionally, the approved allocation of $145,000 in CDBG funds for public facilities improvements along Calle Sinaloa has been reduced to $125,350. For the past twenty-eight years, the City of La Quinta has been participating in the Urban Counties CDBG program with Riverside County. Entitlement Funds for previous CDBG Program years have been expended for projects such as: Senior Center construction, La Fonda Street construction and public service funds for the Boys and Girls Club - La Quinta Unit. Each year, the City is required to enter into a Supplemental Agreement with the County for the use of CDBG funds. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution to approve the Supplemental Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement) to utilize the sum of $145,833 in CDBG Entitlement Funds for public facility improvements along Calle Sinaloa ($125,350), and public service funds for the Boys and Girls Club - La Quinta Unit ($20,483); or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution to approve the Supplemental Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement to utilize the sum of $145,833 in CDBG Entitlement Funds for public facility improvements along Calle Sinaloa ($125,350), and public service funds for the Boys and Girls Club - La Quinta Unit ($20,483); or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. to 246 Respectfully Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Supplemental Agreement 247 RESOLUTION NO. 2011- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS FOR PUBLIC FACILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALONG CALLE SINALOA, AND PUBLIC SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB - LA QUINTA UNIT WHEREAS, the Community Development Block Grant Funds for Fiscal. Year 2011/2012 will be approximately $145,833 to begin July 1, 2011; and, WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta must submit to the Riverside County Economic Development Agency a signed Supplemental Agreement to utilize the Community Development Block Grant Funds; and, WHEREAS, the use of the Community Development Block Grant Fund was openly discussed and considered by the City Council at their regular meeting on November 16, 2010; and, WHEREAS, on November 16, 2010, by a majority vote of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, the following proposal(s), or reprogramming(s), were selected: PROJECT NAME 1. Public Facility Improvements along Calle Sinaloa 2. Fee Waiver/Reduction Program SPONSOR AMOUNT City of La Quinta $125,350 Boys & Girls Club $20,483 La Quinta Unit NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta as follows: 1. That the City of La Quinta does hereby approve the Supplemental Agreement for the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds for Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012 for the above -named project(s). .." 248 City Council Resolution No. 2011- Community Development Block Grant - Supplemental Agreement Adopted: September 20, 2011 Page 2 2. That the City Council hereby directs the City Manager to disperse the funding amounts in accordance with the programming procedures of the Community Development Block Grant program. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 20`h day of September 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor, City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: Veronica Montecino, CMC. City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 249 ATTACHMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 File No.: 4.LQ I1 Ll1, 4.LQ.13-11 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF 2011-2012 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS The COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE of the State of California, herein called, "COUNTY," and the CITY OF LA QUINTA, herein called "CITY," mutually agree as follows: 1. GENERAL. COUNTY and CITY have executed a Cooperation Agreement, dated July 2008, whereby CITY elected to participate with COUNTY, which has qualified as an "Urban County" for purposes of receiving Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, and to assist and undertake essential community development and housing assistance activities pursuant to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title 1, as amended, Public Law 93-383 hereinafter referred to as "Act'. Said Cooperation Agreement, dated July 2008, is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Agreement as if each and every provision was set forth herein. 2. PURPOSE. CITY promises and agrees to undertake and assist with the community development activities, within its jurisdiction, by utilizing the sum of $145,833, CDBG Entitlement Funds, as specifically identified in Exhibits A and B are attached hereto and by this reference are incorporated herein, for the projects: 4.LO.12-11 Boys and Girls Club Scholarship Program $20 483 4.1,0.13-11 Calle Sinaloa Sidewalk Improvement Project $125 350 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT. The term of this Agreement for the projects shall be for a period of one (1) year from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, and proceed consistent with the completion schedule set forth in Exhibits A and B. In the event that the projects are not substantially completed by the time set forth in the completion schedule due to unforeseen or uncontrollable causes, the COUNTY may consider extending the schedule for the completion of the project. Times of performance for other activities may also be extended in writing by COUNTY. If substantial progress toward completion in conformance with the completion 250 Page 1 of 14 r, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 for projects eligible under the following regulations must be reported to COUNTY no later than by June 15, 2012: 1. Public Services [24 CFR 570.201 (e)] 2. Acquisition [24 CFR 570.201 (a)] 3. Clearance Activities [24 CFR 570.201 (d)] 4. Interim Assistance [24 CFR 570.201 (f)] 5. Code Enforcement [24 CFR 570.202 (c)] All other eligible activities under this Agreement must be implemented, completed, and obligations reported by the CITY no later than the completion schedules set forth in the Exhibits to this Agreement. 5. COOPERATION WITH HOUSING ACTIVITIES. CITY shall cooperate with COUNTY in undertaking essential community development and housing assistance activities, specifically urban renewal and public assistance housing, and shall assist COUNTY in carrying out its Strategic Plan of the Consolidated Plan and other requirements of the Community Development Block Grant Program. 6. LEAD AGENCY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA). Pursuant to Section 15051(d) of Title 14 of the California Administrative Code, CITY is designated as the lead agency for the projects that are the subject matter of this Agreement. 7. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION. In contemplation of the provisions of Section 895.2 of the California Government Code imposing certain tort liability upon public entities solely by reason of such entities being parties to an agreement as defined by Section 895 of the Code, the Parties hereto, pursuant to the authorization contained in Section 895.4 and 895.6 of the Code, agree that each Party shall be liable for any damages including, but not limited to, claims, demands, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses including reasonable attorneys fees, resulting from the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of their employees or agents in the performance of this Agreement, and each Party shall indemnify, 251 Page 3 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 defend and hold harmless the other Parties from such claims, demands, damages, losses or liabilities for their negligence 8. INSURANCE. Without limiting or diminishing the CITY'S obligation to indemnify or hold the COUNTY harmless, CITY shall procure and maintain or cause to be maintained, at its sole cost and expense, the following insurance coverage's during the term of this Agreement. A. Workers' Compensation: If the CITY has employees as defined by the State of California, the CITY shall maintain statutory Workers' Compensation Insurance (Coverage A) as prescribed by the laws of the State of California. Policy shall include Employers' Liability (Coverage B) including Occupational Disease with limits not less than $1,000,000 per person per accident. The policy shall be endorsed to waive subrogation in favor of The County of Riverside, and, if applicable, to provide a Borrowed Servant/Alternate Employer Endorsement. B. Commercial General Liability: Commercial General Liability insurance coverage, including but not limited to, premises liability, contractual liability, products and completed operations liability, personal and advertising injury, and cross liability coverage, covering claims which may arise from or out of CITY 'S performance of its obligations hereunder. Policy shall name the County of Riverside, its Agencies, Districts, Special Districts, and Departments, their respective directors, .officers, Board of Supervisors, employees, elected or appointed officials, agents or representatives as Additional Insureds. Policy's limit of liability shall not be less than $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit. If such insurance contains a general aggregate limit, it shall apply separately to this agreement or be no less than two (2) times the occurrence limit. C. Vehicle Liability: If vehicles or mobile equipment are used in the performance of the obligations under this Agreement, then CITY shall maintain liability insurance for all owned, non -owned or hired 252 Page 4 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 vehicles so used in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit. If such insurance contains a general aggregate limit, it shall apply separately to this agreement or be no less than two (2) times the occurrence limit. Policy shall name the County of Riverside, its Agencies, Districts, Special Districts, and Departments, their respective directors, officers, Board of Supervisors, employees, elected or appointed officials, agents or representatives as Additional Insureds. D. General Insurance Provisions - All lines: 1) Any insurance carrier providing insurance coverage hereunder shall be admitted to the State of California and have an A M BEST rating of not less than A: VIII (A:8) unless such requirements are waived, in writing, by the County Risk Manager. If the County's Risk Manager waives a requirement for a particular insurer such waiver is only valid for that specific insurer and only for one policy term. 2) The CITY'S insurance carrier(s) must declare its insurance self - insured retentions. If such self -insured retentions exceed $500,000 per occurrence such retentions shall have the prior written consent of the County Risk Manager before the commencement of operations under this Agreement. Upon notification of self insured retention unacceptable to the COUNTY, and at the election of the Country's Risk Manager, CITY 'S carriers shall either; 1) reduce or eliminate such self -insured retention as respects this Agreement with the COUNTY, or 2) procure a bond which guarantees payment of losses and related investigations, claims administration, and defense costs and expenses. 3) CITY shall cause CITY'S insurance carrier(s) to furnish the County of Riverside with either 1) a properly executed original Certificate(s) of Insurance and certified original copies of Endorsements effecting coverage as required herein, and 2) if requested to do so orally or in writing by the County Risk Manager, provide original Certified copies of policies including all Endorsements and all attachments thereto, showing such insurance is in full force and effect. Further, said Certificate(s) and policies of insurance shall contain the covenant of the insurance carrier(s) that thirty (30) days written notice shall be given 253 Page 5 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RM to the County of Riverside prior to any material modification, cancellation, expiration or reduction in coverage of such insurance. In the event of a material modification, cancellation, expiration, or reduction in coverage, this Agreement shall terminate forthwith, unless the County of Riverside receives, prior to such effective date, another properly executed original Certificate of Insurance and original copies of endorsements or certified original policies, including all endorsements and attachments thereto evidencing coverage's set forth herein and the insurance required herein is in full force and effect. CITY shall not commence operations until the COUNTY has been furnished original Certificate (s) of Insurance and certified original copies of endorsements and if requested, certified original policies of insurance including all endorsements and any and all other attachments as required in this Section. An individual authorized by the insurance carrier to do so on its behalf shall sign the original endorsements for each policy and the Certificate of Insurance. 4) It is understood and agreed to by the parties hereto that the CITY'S insurance shall be construed as primary insurance, and the COUNTY'S insurance and/or deductibles and/or self -insured retention's or self -insured programs shall not be construed as contributory. 5) If, during the term of this Agreement or any extension thereof, there is a material change in the scope of services; or, there is a material change in the equipment to be used in the performance of the scope of work which will add additional exposures (such as the use of aircraft, watercraft, cranes, etc.); or, the term of this Agreement, including any extensions thereof, exceeds five (5) years the COUNTY reserves the right to adjust the types of insurance required under this Agreement and the monetary limits of liability for the insurance coverage's currently required herein, if; in the County Risk Manager's reasonable judgment, the amount or type of insurance carried by the CITY has become inadequate. 6) CITY shall pass down the insurance obligations contained herein I to all tiers of subcontractors working under this Agreement. 7) The insurance requirements contained in this Agreement may be '." 254 Page 6 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 met with a program(s) of self-insurance acceptable to the COUNTY. 8) CITY agrees to notify COUNTY of any claim by a third party or any incident or event that may give rise to a claim arising from the performance of this Agreement. 9. RECORDS AND INSPECTIONS. A. CITY shall establish and maintain records in accordance with 24 CFR Part 1570, Part 85, OMB Circular A-87, A-133 and 24 CFR 91.105, as applicable, and as they relate to the acceptance and use of federal funds under this Agreement. B. CITY shall obtain an external audit in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development single audit regulations (24 CFR Part 44.6). Audits shall usually be performed annually but not less frequently than every two years. Nonprofit institutions and government agencies that expend less than $500,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements, but records must be available for review by appropriate officials of the Federal grantor agency or subgranting entity. The audit report shall be submitted to the COUNTY within 180 days after the end of the COUNTY'S fiscal year. C. CITY shall maintain a separate account for CDBG Entitlement funds received as set forth in Exhibits (A and B). D. CITY shall, during the normal business hours, make available to COUNTY, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), or other authorized representative, for the examination and copying, all of its records and other materials with respect to matters covered by this Agreement. E. CITY shall not retain any program income as defined in Section 570.500 of Title 24 of the Federal Code of Regulations. Said program income shall be used only for the activities that are the subject of this Agreement. Further, all provisions of this Agreement shall apply to such activities. F. The CITY shall ensure that at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the persons is 255 Page 7 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 benefiting from all CDBG-funded activities or projects designated as serving limited clientele [570.208(a)(2)(i)] are of low and moderate -income and meet the program income guidelines attached as Exhibits (A and B). The CITY and City's Sub -recipients must provide the required income certification and direct benefit documentation. 10. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. CITY shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances and any amendments thereto and the federal regulations and guidelines now or hereafter enacted pursuant to the Act. More particularly, CITY is to comply with those regulations found in Part 85 and Part 570 of Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations. CITY is to comply with OMB Circular A-87, or any subsequent replacement. CITY is to abide by the provisions of the Community Development Block Grant Manual, prepared by COUNTY and cited in the above -mentioned Cooperation Agreement. CITY will comply with Section 3 of the Housing & Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, attached hereto as Exhibit "S". CITY will comply with the provisions of 24 CFR Part 570.200 0), attached as Exhibit "R," pertaining to inherently religious activities. 11. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. CITY and its agents, servants, and employees shall act at all times in an independent capacity during the term of this Agreement, and shall not act as, shall not be, nor shall they in any manner be construed to be agents, officers, or employees of the COUNTY. 12. TERMINATION. A. CITY. CITY may not terminate this Agreement except upon express written consent of COUNTY. B. COUNTY. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 12a, COUNTY may suspend or terminate this Agreement upon a thirty (30) day written notice to CITY of action being taken and the reason for such action: (1) In the event CITY fails to perform the covenants herein contained at such times and in such manner as provided in this Agreement; and (2) In the event there is a conflict with any federal, state or local law, " 256 Page 8 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ordinance, regulation or rule rendering any of the provisions of this Agreement invalid or untenable; or (3) In the event the funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above is terminated or otherwise becomes I unavailable. C. Upon suspension of this Agreement, CITY agrees to return any unencumbered funds which it has been provided by COUNTY. In accepting said funds, COUNTY does not waive any claim or cause of action it may have against CITY for breach of this Agreement. D. Reversion of Assets 1. Upon expiration of this Agreement, the CITY shall transfer to the COUNTY any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration of the Agreement as well as any accounts receivable held by CITY which are attributable to the use of CDBG funds awarded pursuant to this Agreement. 2. Any real property under the CITY'S control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds (including CDBG funds provided to the SPONSOR in the form of a loan) in excess of $25,000 is either: (i) Used to meet one of the National Objectives in Sec. 1570.208 until five years after expiration of this agreement, or for such longer period of time as determined to be appropriate by the COUNTY; or (ii) Not used in accordance with Section (i) above, in which event the SPONSOR shall pay to the COUNTY an amount equal to the current market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for the acquisition of, or improvement to, the property. 13. NONDISCRIMINATION. CITY shall abide by Sections 570.601 and 570.602 of I Title 24 of the Federal Code of Regulations which requires that no person in the United States Ishall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex, be excluded from participation in, be 25' Page 9 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with Community Development funds. 14. PROHIBITION AGAINST CONFLICTS OF INTEREST A. CITY and its assigns, employees, agents, consultants, officers and elected and appointed officials shall become familiar with and shall comply with the CDBG regulations prohibiting conflicts of interest contained in 24 CFR 570.611, attached hereto as Exhibit "Cl" and by this reference incorporated herein. B. CITY and its assigns, employees, agents, consultants, officers, and elected and appointed officials shall become familiar with and shall comply with Section A -I I of the County's CDBG Policy manual, attached hereto as Exhibit "Cl" and by this reference incorporated herein. C. CITY understands and agrees that no waiver of exception can be granted to the prohibition against conflict of interest except upon written approval of HUD pursuant to 24 CFR 570.611 (d). Any request by CITY for an exception shall first be reviewed by COUNTY to determine whether such request is appropriate for submission to HUD. In determining whether such request is appropriate for submission to HUD, COUNTY will consider the factors listed in 24 CFR 570.611 (e). D. Prior to any funding under this Agreement, CITY shall provide COUNTY with a list of all employees, agents, consultants, officers and elected and appointed officials who are in a position to participate in a decision making process, exercise any functions or responsibilities, or gain inside information with respect to the CDBG activities funded under this Agreement. CITY shall also promptly disclose to COUNTY any potential conflict, including even the appearance of conflict that may arise with respect to the CDBG activities funded under this Agreement. E. Any violation of this section shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement, and the Agreement shall be immediately terminated by the COUNTY. 15. PROJECT ELIGIBILITY. As to CITY or its claimants, COUNTY shall bear no 258 Page 10 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 011A `A liability for any later determination by the United States Government, the Department of Housing and Urban Development or any other person or entity that CITY is or is not eligible under 24 CFR Part 570 to receive CDBG funds. 16. USE OF PROPERTY. Whenever federal CDBG funds or program income are used, in whole or in part, for the purchase of equipment or personal property, the property shall not be transferred from its originally funded use, by CITY or sub -recipient, for a period of five (5) years from the close-out date of the grant from which CDBG assistance was provided. The CITY shall maintain a current inventory for COUNTY monitoring and review. 17. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO BE CAUSED BY PROJECT. CITY agrees to notify and to require any lessee or assignee to notify Riverside County Workforce Development Center of any and all job openings that are caused by this project. 18. PUBLICITY. Any publicity generated by CITY for the project funded pursuant to this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement, will make reference to the Contribution of the County of Riverside, the Economic Development Agency, and the Community Development Block Grant Program in making the project possible. 19. PROGRAM MONITORING AND EVALUATION. CITY and its sub -recipients shall be monitored and evaluated in terns of its effectiveness and timely compliance with the provisions of this Agreement and the effective and efficient achievement of the Program Objectives. Quarterly reports shall be due on the last day of the month immediately following the end of the quarter being reported. The quarterly written reports shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following data elements: A. Title of program, listing of components, description of activities/operations. B. The projected goals, indicated numerically, and also the goals achieved (for each report period). In addition, identify by percentage and description, the progress achieved towards meeting the specified goals and identify any problems encountered in meeting 259 Page 11 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I 28 goals. C. If the CDBG-funded Activity meets a National Objective under 24 CFR 1570.208 (a)(2)(i), CITY will report the following: I household incomes at: 1) Total number of direct beneficiaries (clientele served) with • Above 80% MHI • Between 50% and 80% MHI (Low -Income) • Between 30% and 50% MHI (Very Low -Income) • Less than 30% MHI (Extremely Low -Income) 2) Total number and percent (%) of the clientele served that have household incomes at or below 80% MHI 3) Racial ethnicity of clientele 4) Number of Female -Headed Households D. CITY and its sub -recipients shall report beneficiary statistics monthly to EDA on the pre -approved Direct Benefit Form and Self -Certification Form (certifying income, family size, and racial ethnicity) as required by HUD. Updated forms are to be provided to CITY by EDA should HUD implement changes during the term of this agreement. CITY and sub - recipients will collect and provide all necessary data required by HUD pertaining to the Specific Outcome Indicators as identified in the CPD Outcome Performance Measurement System. 20. SOURCE OF FUNDING. CITY acknowledges that the source of funding pursuant to this Agreement is Community Development Block Grant (CFDA 14.218). 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. It is expressly agreed that this Agreement together with the cooperation Agreement between the parties, embodies the entire agreement of the parties in relation to the subject matter thereof, and that no other Agreement or understanding, verbal or otherwise, relative to this subject matter, exists between the parties at the time of execution. 22. MINISTERIAL ACTS. The Assistant County Executive Officer/EDA or designee(s) are authorized to take such ministerial actions as may be necessary or appropriate to " 260 Page 12 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 implement the terms, provisions, and conditions of this Agreement as it may be amended from time to time by COUNTY. 23. PRIOR AUTHORIZATION. CITY shall obtain COUNTY's written approval from the Economic Development Agency prior to implementing the following "high risk" activities funded with CDBG assistance: A. Construction of public facilities (project plans and specifications); B. Acquisition of real property; C. Historic Preservation; D. Relocation; and F. Economic Development 23. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a writing signed by the duly authorized and empowered representative of COUNTY and CITY respectively. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the COUNTY and the CITY have executed this Agreement as of the date listed below. SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE 261 Page 13 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DATED: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: Suzanne Holland Assistant Director Economic Development Agency CITY OF LA QUINTA By: Mayor SH:JT:MD:ew 4 262 Page 14 of 14 EXHIBIT A File No.: 4.LQ.12-11 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT SCOPE OF WORK (PUBLIC SERVICE) I. GENERAL INFORMATION CITY NAME: City of La Quinta ADDRESS: 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247 CITY PROGRAM CONTACTS: Eric Ceja, Assistant Planner SUBRECIPIENT NAME: Boys & Girls Club of Coachella Valley ADDRESS: 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92247 PROGRAM CONTACT: Eric Ceja, Assistant Planner PHONE: (760) 777-7000 E-MAIL: FAX: (760) 777-7101 PROJECT NAME: Boys and Girls Club Scholarship Program PROJECT LOCATION: 49-995 Park Ave La Quinta, CA 92253 LEVEL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE: EXEMPT [24 CFR 58.34 (a)(4)] CDBG ELIGIBILITY CODE: 24 CFR 570.201 (e) Public Services PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY: City Funding $20,483 Project to be administered by County (EDA) on behalf of CITY: YES ❑ NO II. SCOPE OF SERVICE A. Activities City will be responsible for administering a 2011-2012 Community Development Block Grant for the Boys and Girls Club Scholarship Program in a manner satisfactory to the County of Riverside and consistent with any standards required as a condition of providing these funds. Such program will include the following activities eligible under the Community Development Block Grant program: Activity #I The Boys and Girls Club will use CDBG,fumis to provide membership "scholarships" to youth from low-incoine families. ",Scholarships" will allow eligible individuals to participate in after -school programs including concerts. recreation. arts, and crafts. N 263 Page 1 of 6 EXHIBIT A File No.: 4.LQ.12-11 B. National Objective All activities funded with CDBG funds must comply with one of more of the CDBG program's National Objective Criteria as required under 24 CFR 570.200(a)(2). CITY certifies that the activity (ies) carried out under this Agreement will meet the following National Objective: National Objective Criteria: 570.208 (a)(2)(i)(B) CFR Reference: Low Mod Limited Clientele Income Certification C. Levels of Accomplishment — Goals and Performance Measures The City agrees to provide the following levels of program services: Activity Units Total Total per Month Units/Year Unduplicated Persons Activity # 1 18 81 81 Activity #2 Unit of Service is defined as: Scholarships CPD OUTCOME PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Objectives (select one): ® Creating Suitable Living Environments ❑ Providing Decent Affordable Housing ❑ Creating Economic Opportunities Outcome (select one): ❑ Availability/Accessibility ® Affordability ❑ Sustainability (promoting livable or viable communities) D. City Capacity By executing this Supplemental Agreement, the City certifies that it and its subrecipients have the appropriate number of trained and knowledgeable staff, adequate facilities, proper equipment, required licensing and permitting, and sufficient amount of financial resources necessary to implement and carry out the activities funded with CDBG funds. City will immediately notify County of any significant changes in organizational management, assigned staff, change in facilities, loss or change in matching funds, or any other event that could potentially impact City's performance under this Agreement. Any changes in the above items are subject to the prior approval of the County. E. Performance Monitoring The County of Riverside will monitor the performance of the City and its subrecipients against goals and performance standards as stated above. Substandard performance as determined by the County will constitute noncompliance with this Agreement. If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the City within a reasonable period of time after being notified by the County, contract suspension or termination procedures will be initiated. 264 Page 2 of 6 EXHIBIT A File No.: 41Q.12-11 F. Program Budget It is expressly agreed and understood that the total amount to be paid by the County under this Agreement shall not exceed $20,483. Drawdowns for the payment of eligible expenses shall be made against the line item budgets specified in this Section and in accordance with performance. Payments may be contingent upon certification of the Subrecipient's financial management system in accordance with the standards specified in 24 CFR 84.21. The County may require a more detailed budget breakdown than the one contained herein, and the City shall provide such supplementary budget information in a timely fashion in the form and content prescribed by the County. Any amendments to the budget must be approved in writing by both the County and City. Line Item Amount Notes Total Direct Program Expenses Y Salaries Fringe Office Space (Program Only) �(] >r Utilities 0 Communications Reproduction/Printing r Y Supplies and Materials Mileage,, Equipment (Program Only) �, Audit a 2 i z I Transportation Other (Specify) * Scholarships for low ,II . ` income children Total Indirect Program Expenses Indirect Costs (Specify)* TOTAL CDBG BUDGET All indirect costs must be pre -approved by the County. City must submit an Indirect Cost Allocation Plan to County, in a form specified by County, demonstrating the appropriate share of general and administrative costs. 265 Page 3 of 6 EXHIBIT A File No.: 4.LQ.12-1 I G. Total Amount of Non- CDBG Leveraging SOURCE AMOUNT SOURCE AMOUNT SOURCE AMOUNT -i TOTAL i2L FEDERAL ta STATE LOCAL �? f PRIVATE 5t� (no leveraging indicated on 2011-2012 CDBG Application) TOTAL: $O III. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Accounting Standards The City agrees to comply with 24 CFR 84 or 85 as applicable and agrees to adhere to the accounting principles and procedures required therein, utilize adequate internal controls, and maintain necessary source documentation for all costs incurred. B. Cost Principles The City shall administer its program in conformance with OMB Circulars A-122, "Cost Principles for Non -Profit Organizations," A-21, "Cost Principles for Educational Institutions," or OMB Circular A-87, "Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments as applicable. These principles shall be applied for all costs incurred whether charged on a direct or indirect basis. C. Documentation and Record Keeping Records to be Maintained The City and its subrecipients will maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR 570.506, that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: i Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; ii. Records demonstrating that each activity undertaken meets one of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; iii. Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; iv. Records required to document the acquisition, improvement, use or disposition of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; V. Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; vi. Financial records as required by 24 CFR 570.502, and 24 CFR 84.21-28; and vii. Other records necessary to document compliance with Subpart K of 24 CFR Part 570. .a 266 Page 4 of 6 EXHIBIT A File No.: 4.LQ.12-11 2. Records Retention The City shall retain all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to the Agreement for a period of five (5) years. The retention period begins on the date of the submission of the County's annual performance and evaluation report to HUD in which the activities assisted under the Agreement are reported on for the final time. Notwithstanding the above, if there is litigation, claims, audits, negotiations or other actions that involve any of the records cited and that have started before the expiration of the five-year period, then such records must be retained until completion of the actions and resolution of all issues, or the expiration of the five-year period, whichever occurs later. 3. Client Data The City shall maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Such data shall include, but not be limited to, client name, address, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. Such information shall be made available to County monitors or their designees for review upon request. 4. Disclosure The City understands that client information collected under this contract is private and the use or disclosure of such information, when not directly connected with the administration of the County's or City's responsibilities with respect to services provided under this contract, is prohibited by applicable federal and State law unless written consent is obtained from such person receiving service and, in the case of a minor, that of a responsible parent/guardian. 5. Close-outs The City's obligation to the County shall not end until all close-out requirements are completed. Activities during this close-out period shall include, but are not limited to: making final payments, disposing of program assets (including the return of all unused materials, equipment, unspent cash advances, program income balances, and accounts receivable to the County), and determining the custodianship of records. Not withstanding the foregoing, the terns of this Agreement shall remain in effect during any period that the City has control over CDBG funds, including program income. 6. Audits & Inspections All City records with respect to any matters covered by this Agreement shall be made available to the County, HUD, and the Controller General of the United States or any of their authorized representatives, at any time during normal business hours, as often as deemed necessary, to audit, examine, and make excerpts or transcripts of all relevant data. Any deficiencies noted in audit reports must be fully cleared by the City within 30 days after receipt by the City. Failure of the City to comply with the above audit requirements will constitute a violation of this contract and may result in the withholding of future payments. The City hereby agrees to have an annual agency audit conducted in accordance with current County policy concerning subrecipient audits and OMB Circular A-133. 267 Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT A File No.: 4.LQ.12-11 IV. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND SCHEDULE Unless pre -approved by County, CITY will perform and complete the activities described in Section II in conformance with the schedule of tasks and milestones listed below: Tasks / Milestone Start Date Completion Date Attend Mandatory Cooperating City Training Execute Subrecipient Agreements (EDA must approve) Implement Program Activities Execute Supplemental Agreement & Notice to Incur Cost City Submit Quarterly Performance Reports to County County Monitoring of City Performance City submit Monthly Direct Benefit Reports City Submits Reimbursement Requests Monthly Submittal 19 Other Schedule ❑ CDBG Program Services Complete June 2011 June 2011 July 1, 2011 --- July 1, 2011 March 30, 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 15, 2011 January 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 TBD TBD September 2011 April 15, 2012 September 2011 April 15, 2012 V. SPECIAL CONDITIONS /PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS March 30, 2012 Sponsor must collect income self -certifications from every parent or legal guardian of every child participating in CDBG-funded activities. This includes family income, family size, and ethnicity. Sponsor is required to collect income verification documentation from at least 10% of the persons submitting the certifications. All of this documentation must be submitted to EDA on a monthly basis. Due to the funding amount allocated to this project, Sponsor is expected to complete CDBG funded activities by March 30, 2012, with the final reimbursement request and reports to be submitted no later than April 15, 2012. S'(IAIGTORN S10 I IttiAp e[_cs,Gxr l mrrT _NpI tw du . K 268 Page 6 of 6 EXHIBIT B File No.: 4.LQ.13-11 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT SCOPE OF WORK (NON-PUBLIC SERVICE) I. GENERAL INFORMATION CITY NAME: City of La Ouinta ADDRESS: 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247 PROGRAM CONTACTS: Eric Ceja Assistant Planner PHONE: (760) 777-7000 FAX: (760) 777-7101 E-MAIL: PROJECT NAME: Calle Sinaloa Sidewalk Improvement Project PROJECT LOCATION: Calle Sinaloa between Eisenhower Drive and Desert Club Drive La Quinta CA 92253 LEVEL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE: Categorical Exclusion 24 CFR 58.35 CDBG ELIGIBILITY CODE: 570.201 (c) Public Facility PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY: City Funding $125,350 Project to be administered by County (EDA) on behalf of City: YES ❑ NO II. SCOPE OF SERVICE A. Activities City will be responsible for administering a 2011-2012 Community Development Block Grant for the Calle Sinaloa Sidewalk Improvement Project in a manner satisfactory to the County of Riverside and consistent with any standards required as a condition of providing these funds. Such program will include the following activities eligible under the Community Development Block Grant program: Activity #1 CDBG funds will be used to construct a sidewalk and ADA compliant curb ramps and driveways on Calle Sinaloa between Eisenhower Drive and Desert Club Drive, where no sidewalk currently exists. Page 1 of 7 w 2-6 g EXHIBIT B File No.: 41Q.13-11 B. National Objective All activities funded with CDBG funds must comply with one of more of the CDBG program's National Objective Criteria as required under 24 CFR 570.200(a)(2). City certifies that the activity(ies) carried out under this Agreement will meet the following National Objective: National Objective Criteria: 570.208 (a)(2)(i)(A) CFR Reference: Low Mod Limited Clientele Presumed C. Levels of Accomplishment — Goals and Performance Measures The City agrees to implement and complete the following activity(ies): Activity #1 Prepare design and specifications for facility improvements. Activity #2 Implement and complete construction activities. CPD OUTCOME PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Objectives (select one): ® Creating Suitable Living Environments ❑ Providing Decent Affordable Housing ❑ Creating Economic Opportunities Outcome (select one): ® Availability/Accessibility ❑ Affordability ❑ Sustainability (promoting livable or viable communities) D. City Capacity By executing this Supplemental Agreement, the City certifies that it has the appropriate number of trained and knowledgeable staff, adequate facilities, proper equipment, required licensing and permitting, and sufficient amount of financial resources necessary to implement and carry out the activities funded with CDBG funds. City will immediately notify County of any significant changes in organizational management, assigned staff, change in facilities, loss or change in matching funds, or any other event that could potentially impact the City or subrecipient's performance under this Agreement. Any changes in the above items are subject to the prior approval of the County. E. Performance Monitoring The County of Riverside will monitor the performance of the City and its subrecipients against goals and performance standards as stated above. Substandard performance as determined by the County will constitute noncompliance with this Agreement. If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the City within a reasonable period of time after being notified by the County, contract suspension or termination procedures will be initiated. Page 2 of 7 1 4 270 EXHIBIT B File No.: 4.LQ.13-11 F. Program Budget It is expressly agreed and understood that the total amount to be paid by the County under this Agreement shall not exceed $125,350 Drawdowns for the payment of eligible expenses shall be made against the line item budgets specified in this Section and in accordance with performance. Payments may be contingent upon certification of the Subrecipient's financial management system in accordance with the standards specified in 24 CFR 84.21. The County may require a more detailed budget breakdown than the one contained herein, and the City shall provide such supplementary budget information in a timely fashion in the form and content prescribed by the County. Any amendments to the budget must be approved in writing by both the County and City. Line Item. 4 Design/Engineering Costs F a } a Project Administration Costs Construction Costs ®" Acquisition Cots � := Y+.e y ❑ + is a:., , , �, Relocation Costs ❑ f"' m �, Mb,ai rr Capital Equipment Costs ❑ :; a �' Code Enforcement Clearancerf Interim Assistance• s: Other: ❑ a i i s xT r Page 3 of 7 It 271 EXHIBIT B File No.: 4.LQ.13-11 G. Total Amount of Non- CDBG Leveraging TYPE �SOURCE'3 "AMOUNT . ��..�. s t a. r.. e, .. 7_ �.., ..t . w_i SOURCE �. AMOUNT _.a.� SOURCEr sa.. 'AMOUNT 1 ._._.+..,1,,...: TOTAL FEDERAL;�'Me� x � i �^' yufrh I�� ....t.x3(A.H:.r. .u-], _...._.i.«,t,. I .. _ � r Y ra r "I STATE/LOCAL' ` "3a� �4 Crty RDA $75 500 r , 3� f'd �; j $75,500 'OTHER �' f TOTAL: $75,500 III. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Accounting Standards The City agrees to comply with 24 CFR 84 or 85 as applicable and agrees to adhere to the accounting principles and procedures required therein, utilize adequate internal controls, and maintain necessary source documentation for all costs incurred. B. Cost Principles The City shall administer its program in conformance with OMB Circulars A-122, "Cost Principles for Non -Profit Organizations," A-21, "Cost Principles for Educational Institutions," or OMB Circular A-87, "Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments as applicable. These principles shall be applied for all costs s incurred whether charged on a direct or indirect basis. C. Documentation and Record Keeping Records to be Maintained The Subrecipient shall maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR 570.506, that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement. Such records shall include but not be limited to: i Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; ii. Records demonstrating that each activity undertaken meets one of the National Objectives of the CDBG program; iii. Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; iv. Records required to document the acquisition, improvement, use or disposition of real property acquired or improved with CDBG assistance; V. Records documenting compliance with the fair housing and equal opportunity components of the CDBG program; vi. Financial records as required by 24 CFR 570.502, and 24 CFR 84.21-28; and vii. Other records necessary to document compliance with Subpart K of 24 CFR Part 570. Page 4 of 7 e 272 1IM118,118 File No.: 4.LQ.13-11 2. Records Retention The City shall retain all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to the Agreement for a period of five (5) years. The retention period begins on the date of the submission of the County's annual performance and evaluation report to HUD in which the activities assisted under the Agreement are reported on for the final time. Notwithstanding the above, if there is litigation, claims, audits, negotiations or other actions that involve any of the records cited and that have started before the expiration of the five-year period, then such records must be retained until completion of the actions and resolution of all issues, or the expiration of the five-year period, whichever occurs later. 3. Client Data The City shall maintain client data demonstrating clienteligibility for services provided. Such data shall include, but not be limited to, client name, address, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of service provided. Such information shall be made available to County monitors or their designees for review upon request. 4. Disclosure The City understands that client information collected under this contract is private and the use or disclosure of such information, when not directly connected with the administration of the County's or City's responsibilities with respect to services provided under this contract, is prohibited by applicable federal and State law unless written consent is obtained from such person receiving service and, in the case of a minor, that of a responsible parent/guardian. 5. Close-outs The City's obligation to the County shall not end until all close-out requirements are completed. Activities during this close-out period shall include, but are not limited to: making final payments, disposing of program assets (including the return of all unused materials, equipment, unspent cash advances, program income balances, and accounts receivable to the County), and determining the custodianship of records. Not withstanding the foregoing, the terms of this Agreement shall remain in effect during any period that the City has control over CDBG funds, including program income. 6. Audits & Inspections All City records with respect to any matters covered by this Agreement shall be made available to the County, HUD, and the Controller General of the United States or any of their authorized representatives, at any time during normal business hours, as often as deemed necessary, to audit, examine, and make excerpts or transcripts of all relevant data. Any deficiencies noted in audit reports must be fully cleared by the City within 30 days after receipt by the City. Failure of the City to comply with the above audit requirements will constitute a violation of this contract and may result in the withholding of future payments. The City hereby agrees to have an annual agency audit conducted in accordance with current County policy concerning subrecipient audits and OMB Circular A-133. Page 5 of 7 M 273 EXHIBIT B File No.: 41Q.13-11 IV. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND SCHEDULE Unless pre -approved by County, City will perform and complete the activities described in Section II in conformance with the schedule of tasks and milestones listed below: Tasks / Milestone Start Date Completion Date Attend Mandatory Cooperating City Training Implement Project Activities Execute Supplemental Agreement & Notice to Incur Cost Tasks / Milestone Submit Quarterly Performance Reports to County County Monitoring of City Program/Performance Specific Project Activities August 2011 Auguts 2011 Upon Notification from EDA August 2011 September 2011 Start Date Completion Date October 15, 2011 January 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 July 15, 2012 October 15, 2012 January 15, 2013 April 15, 2013 July 15, 2013 To be determined by Program Manager 1. City executes Supplemental Agreement; receives authorization to incur cost letter 2. City prepares final construction documents for EDA review and approval 3. EDA authorizes City to advertise for bids 4. EDA reviews and approves bidding process 5. City awards construction contract 6. City and EDA conduct "pre -construction meeting" 7. EDA authorizes City to issue "Notice to Proceed" City Submits Reimbursement Requests Monthly Submittal ❑ Other Schedule ® Final reimbursement request to be submitted by May 15, 2013 CDBG-funded Project Complete April 30, 2013 Page 6of7 .09 274 EXHIBIT B File No.: 41Q.13-11 City Submits Monthly Direct Benefit Reports N/A V. SPECIAL CONDITIONS /PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS N/A Page 7 of 7 • a 275 EXHIBIT CI Prohibition Against Conflicts of Interest Page 1 of 4 § 570.611 Conflict of interest. (a) Applicability. (1) In the procurement of supplies, equipment, construction, and services by recipients, and by subrecipients (including those specified at § 570.204(c)), the conflict of interest provisions in 24 CFR 85.36 and OMB Circular A 110, respectively, shall apply. (2) In all cases not governed by 24 CFR 85.36 and OMB Circular A-110, the provisions of this section shall apply. Such cases include the acquisition and disposition of real property and the provision of assistance by the recipient, by its subrecipients, or to individuals, businesses and other private entities under eligible activities which authorize such assistance (e.g., rehabilitation, preservation, and other improvements of private properties or facilities pursuant to § 570.202, or grants, loans and other assistance to businesses, individuals and other private entities pursuant to § 570-203, § 570.204 or § 570.455). (b) Conflicts prohibited. Except for the use of CDBG funds to pay salaries and other related administrative or personnel costs, the general rule is that no persons described in paragraph (c) of this section who exercise or have exercised any functions or responsibilities with respect to CDBG activities assisted under this part or who are in a position to participate in a decision making process or gain inside information with regard to such activities, may obtain a personal or financial interest or benefit from a CDBG assisted activity, or have an interest in any contract, subcontract or agreement with respect thereto, or the proceeds thereunder, either for themselves or those with whom they have family or business ties, during their tenure or for one year thereafter. For the UDAG program, the above restrictions shall apply to all activities that are a part of the UDAG project, and shall cover any such interest or benefit during, or at any time after, such person's tenure. (c) Persons covered. The conflict of interest provisions of paragraph (b) of this section apply to any person who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected official or appointed official of the recipient, or of any designated public agencies, or subrecipients which are receiving funds under this part. (d) Exceptions: threshold requirements. Upon the written request of the recipient, HUD may grant an exception to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section on a case -by -case basis when it determines that such an exception will serve to further the purposes of the Act and the effective and efficient administration of the recipient's program or project. An exception may be considered only after the recipient has provided the following: 7.16 EXHIBIT CI Prohibition Against Conflicts of Interest Page 2 of 4 (1) A disclosure of the nature of the conflict, accompanied by an assurance that there has been public disclosure of the conflict and a description of how the public disclosure was made; and (2) An opinion of the recipient's attorney that the interest for which the exception is sought would not Violate State or local law. (e) Factors to be considered for exceptions. In determining whether to grant a requested exception after the recipient has satisfactorily met the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section, HUD shall consider the cumulative effect of the following factors, where applicable: (1) Whether the exception would provide a significant cost benefit or an essential degree of expertise to the program or project which would otherwise not be available; (2) Whether an opportunity was provided for open competitive bidding or negotiation; (3) Whether. the person affected is a member of a group or class of low or moderate income persons intended to be the beneficiaries of the assisted activity, and the exception will permit such person to receive generally the same interests or benefits as are being made available or provided to the group or class; (4) Whether the affected person has withdrawn from his or her functions or responsibilities, or the decision making process with respect to the specific assisted activity in question; (5) Whether the interest or benefit was present before the affected person was in a position as described in paragraph (b) of this section; (6) Whether undue hardship will result either to the recipient or the person affected when weighed against the public interest served by avoiding the prohibited conflict; and (7) Any other relevant considerations. to 277 EXHIBIT CI Prohibition Against Conflicts of Interest Page 3 of 4 Community Development Block Grant Policy Manual I.D. # A-11 (pg. 1 of 2) TOPIC: CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODED RIVERSIDE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE: October 1989 This Conflict of Interest Code is written to comply with Federal Regulations (24 CFR Part 85). These Regulations. "Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State, Local and Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments" require that grantees and sub -grantees will maintain a written code of standards of conduct governing the performance of their employees engaged in the award and administration of contracts. 1) No employee, officer or agent of the grantee shall participate in the selection, in the award or in the administration of a contract supported by Federal Funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. 2) Such a conflict will arise when: i) The employee, officer or agent; ii) Any member of the immediate family; iii) His/Her partners, or; iv) An organization which employs, or is about to employ any of the above has a financial or other interest in the firm's selection for award. 3) The grantee's or sub -grantee's officers, employees or agents will neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to sub -agreements except as noted in Section 4. 4) A grantee's or sub -grantee's officers, employees or agents will be presumed to have a financial interest in a business if their financial interest exceeds the following: i) Any business entity in which the official has a direct or indirect investment worth one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more. ii) Any real property in which the official has a direct or indirect interest worth one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more. 278 EXHIBIT CI Prohibition Against Conflicts of Interest Page 4 of 4 Community Development Block Grant Policy Manual I.D. # A-11 (pg. 2 of 2) TOPIC: CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE RIVERSIDE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE: October 1989 iii) Any source of income, other loans by a commercial lending course of business on terms without regard to official hundred fifty dollars ($250) to, received by or promised months prior to the time when than gifts and other than institution in the regular available to the public status, aggregating two or more in value provided to the official within 12 the decision is made. iv) Any business entity in which the official is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holds any position of management. v) Any donor of, or any intermediary or agent for a donor of, a gift or gifts aggregating two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more in value provided to, received by, or promised to the official within 12 months prior to the time when the decision is made. 5) For purposes of Section 4, indirect investment or interest means any investment or interest owned by the spouse or dependent child of an official, by an agent on behalf of an official, or by a business entity or trust in which the official, the official's agents, spouse, and dependent children own directly, indirectly, or beneficially a 10-percent interest or more. SIGOBGTORMM2007�EXHIBIT Cl. ao 279 EXHIBIT "R" Constitutional Prohibition In.accordance with First Amendment Church/State Principles, as a general rule, CDBG/ESG assistance may not be used for religious activities or provided to primarily religious entities for any activities, including secular activities. The following restrictions and limitations therefore apply to the use of CDBG/ESG funds. (1) CDBG/ESG funds may not be used for the acquisition of property or the construction or rehabilitation (including historic preservation and removal of architectural barriers) of structures to be used for religious purposes or which will otherwise promote religious interests. This limitation includes the acquisition of property for ownership by primarily religious entities and the construction or rehabilitation (including historic preservation and removal of architectural barriers) of structures owned by such entities (except as permitted under paragraph (j)(2) of this section with respect to rehabilitation and under paragraph (j)(4) of this section with respect to repairs undertaken in connection with public services) regardless of the use to be made of the property or structure. Property owned by primarily religious entities may be acquired with CDBG/ESG funds at no more than fair market value for a non -religious use. (2) CDBG/ESG funds may be used to rehabilitate buildings owned by primarily religious entities to be used for a wholly secular purpose under the following conditions: (i) The building (or portion thereof) that is to be improved with the CDBG/ESG assistance has been leased to an existing or newly -established wholly secular entity (which may be an entity established by the religious entity); (ii) The CDBG/ESG assistance is provided to the lessee (and not the lessor) to make the improvements; (iii) The leased premises will be used exclusively for secular purposes available to persons regardless of religion; (iv) The lease payments do not exceed the fair market rent of the premises as they were before the improvements are made; (v) The portion of the cost of any improvements that also serve a non - leased part of the building will be allocated to and paid for by the lessor; (vi) The lessor enters into a binding agreement that unless the lessee, or a qualified successor lessee, retains the use of the leased premises for a wholly secular purpose for at least the useful life of the improvements, the lessor will pay to the lessee an amount equal to the residual value of the improvements; (vii) The lessee must remit the amount received from the lessor under subparagraph (2)(vi) of this section to the recipient or subrecipient from which the CDBG/ESG funds were derived. 280 EXHIBIT "R" Constitutional Prohibition Page 2 The lessee can also enter into a management contract authorizing the lessor religious entity to use the building for its intended secular purpose, e.g., homeless shelter, provision of public services. In such case, the religious entity must agree in the management contract to carry out the secular purpose in a manner free form religious influences in accordance with the principles set forth in paragraph (j)(3) of this section. (3) As a general rule, CDBG/ESG funds may be used for eligible public services to be provided through a primarily religious entity, where the religious entity enters into an agreement with the recipient or subrecipient from which the CDBG/ESG funds are derived that, in connection with the provision of such services: (i) It will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of religion and will not limit employment or give preference in employment to persons on the basis of religion. (ii) It will not discriminate against any person applying for such public services on the basis of religion and will not limit such services or give preference to persons on the basis of religion; (iii) It will provide no religious instruction or counseling, conduct no religious worship or services, engage in no religious proselytizing, and exert no other religious influence in the provision of such public services; (iv) The portion of a facility used to provide the public services shall contain no religious symbols or decorations, other than those permanently affixed to or part of the structure. (4) Where the public services provided under paragraph (j)(3) of this section are carried out on property owned by the primarily religious entity, CDBG/ESG funds may also be used for minor repairs to such property which are directly related to carrying out the public services where the cost constitutes in dollar terms only an incidental portion of the CDBG/ESG expenditure for the public services. s CD130FOiiaisx doC A MTOMI EXHIBIT "S" Page 1 of 2 Economic Opportunities for Section 3 Residents and Section 3 Business Concerns Sec. 135.38 Section 3 clause. All Section 3 covered contracts shall include the following clause (referred to as the Section 3 Clause): A. The work to be performed under this contract is subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 170lu (Section 3). The purpose of Section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD assistance or HUD - assisted projects covered by Section 3, shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low- and very low-income persons, particularly persons who are recipients of HUD assistance for housing. B. The parties to this contract agree to comply with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR part 135, which implement Section 3. As evidenced by their execution of this contract, the parties to this contract certify that they are under no contractual or other impediment that would prevent them from complying with the part 135 regulations. C. The contractor agrees to send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which the contractor has a collective bargaining agreement or other understanding, if any, a notice advising the labor organization or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under this Section 3 clause, and will post copies of the notice in conspicuous places at the work site where both employees and applicants for training and employment positions can see the notice. The notice shall describe the Section 3 preference, shall set forth minimum number and job titles subject to hire, availability of apprenticeship and training positions, the qualifications for each; and the name and location of the person(s) taking applications for each of the positions; and the anticipated date the work shall begin. D. The contractor agrees to include this Section 3 clause in every subcontract subject to compliance with regulations in 24 CFR part 135, and agrees to take appropriate action, as provided in an applicable provision of the subcontract or in this Section 3 clause, upon a finding that the subcontractor is in violation of the regulations in 24 CFR part 135. The contractor will not subcontract with any subcontractor where the contractor has notice or knowledge that the subcontractor has been found in violation of the regulations in 24 CFR part 135. 282 EXHIBIT "S" Page 2 of 2 E. The contractor will certify that any vacant employment positions, including training positions, that are filled (1) after the contractor is selected but before the contract is executed, and (2) with persons other than those to whom the regulations of 24 CFR part 135 require employment opportunities to be directed, were not filled to circumvent the contractor's obligations under 24 CFR part 135. F. The contractor will certify that any vacant employment positions, including training positions, that are filled (1) after the contractor is selected but before the contract is executed, and (2) with persons other than those to whom the regulations of 24 CFR part 135 require employment opportunities to be directed, were not filled to circumvent the contractor's obligations under 24 CFR part 135. G. Noncompliance with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR part 135 may result in sanctions, termination of this contract for default, and debarment or suspension from future HUD assisted contracts. H. With respect to work performed in connection with Section 3 covered Indian housing assistance, Section 7(b) of the Indian Self -Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450e) also applies to the work to be performed under this contract. Section 7(b) requires that to the greatest extent feasible (i) preference and opportunities for training and employment shall be given ,to Indians, and (ii) preference in the award of contracts and subcontracts shall be given to Indian organizations and Indian -owned Economic Enterprises. Parties to this contract that are subject to the provisions of Section 3 and Section 7(b) agree to comply with Section 3 to the maximum extent feasible, but not in derogation of compliance with Section 7(b). S. IGDBGWORMS%20071EXHIBIT S doc 283 AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing CONSENT CALENDAR: %r Submittal for Grants Administered by the California Emergency Management Agency (CAL EMA) STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Submittal for Grants Administered by the California Emergency Management Agency (CAL EMA). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City of La Quinta has participated in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) annually for several years. The purpose of the EMPG program is "to sustain and improve comprehensive emergency management programs at the state, tribal and local levels for all hazards." The purpose of the SHSGP is "to address the identified planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events." The grants are administered by the Riverside County Office of Emergency Services and the California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA) for FEMA & DHS. 284 This year, new grant rules require that each application include a copy of a resolution of the local governing body, authorizing application and naming an "Authorized Agent" for its jurisdiction. In previous years, the City of La Quinta has used these grant funds for Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training and equipment, Emergency Operations Center (EOC) radio equipment, emergency response supplies, as well as first aid and other response -related equipment. This year, the City of La Quinta is requesting $10,890 under the EMPG program as a 50% reimbursement for expenditures to provide preparedness kits for CERT training graduates, the CodeRED° emergency notification service, a portable amateur radio, and other supplies. The City's SHSGP request for $7,085 is a 100% reimbursement intended to fund video production and additional booklets for La Quinta's neighborhood preparedness program, PREP (People Responding with Emergency Preparedness), and various CERT response supplies. The proposed resolution would authorize La Quinta's participation in the above grant programs. Without the grants, expenditures on these preparedness activities, programs, and supplies would be limited to the amounts authorized in the General Fund. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing submittal for grants administered by the California Emergency Management Agency (CAL EMA); or 2. Do not adopt the resolution; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respe tfully submitted, Gt g QButler Building & Safety Director / Approved for submissions by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 20 RESOLUTION NO. 2011 - ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND DESIGNATING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS/HER DESIGNEE AS AUTHORIZED AGENT FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND HOMELAND SECURITY GRANTS OFFERED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) AND THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (DHS) AND ADMINISTERED BY THE CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (CAL EMA) WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) annually offer Emergency Management and Homeland Security grants to local governments administered by the California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA) through all counties; and WHEREAS, the Riverside County Office of Emergency Services (OES) has requested that all jurisdictions apply for Emergency Management Program Grant assistance and the State Homeland Security Grant Program assistance to further the State of California's (State) efforts to prepare for natural and man-made disasters and terrorism related impacts to our communities; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of this authority Cal EMA is required to establish procedures governing the application, awarding, and management of the grants; and WHEREAS, Grant Application procedures require an Applicant's governing body to authorize by resolution its approval for submittal of the Grant Applications, and the designation by job title of the individual authorized to execute all Grant documents on behalf of the City of La Quinta (City); and WHEREAS, if. awarded, the City will enter into a Grant Agreement with Riverside County and Cal EMA for implementation of said Grant(s). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the submittal of application(s) to Riverside County OES for all FEMA and DHS grants for which the City is eligible. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager as Applicant Agent is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the City of La Quinta all grant documents, including but not limited to, applications, agreements, amendments and requests for payment, necessary to secure grant funds and implement the approved grant project. iW Resolution No. 2011- Supporting Grants Administered by FEMA/DHS Adopted: September 20, 2011 Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this authorization is effective for September 20, 2011 through September 20, 2016; time period not to exceed five (5) years from date of adoption; PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta at a regular meeting held this 20th day of September, 2011 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: i Resolution No. 2011- Supporting Grants Administered by FEMA/DHS Adopted: September 20, 2011 Page 3 M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Contract Amendment Authorizing VA Consulting, Inc. to Provide Additional Engineering Services for the New Traffic Signal and Street Improvements on Dune Palms Road and "A" Street, Project No. 2009-10 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR:, STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a Contract Amendment, in the amount of $27,100, for VA Consulting, Inc. to provide additional engineering services for the new traffic signal and street improvements at Dune Palms Road and "A" Street (Attachment 1), Project No. 2009-10, and authorize the City Manger to execute the Amendment. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is the project's approved funding and funding sources: Transportation DIF: Developer Funding: General Fund: RDA PA 2 Low Mod: RDA Project Area No. 2 Total Funding $215,000 $215,000 $150,910 $521,159 $500,835 $1, 602, 904 The following is the approved project budget: Construction: $1,155,686 Proposed Design CCO: $140,000 Inspection/Testing/Survey: $90,000 Professional: $50,000 Administration: $21,500 Contingency: $145,718 Total Estimated Expenditures: $1,602,904 M VA Consulting was awarded a contract of $79,296 to prepare the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) for the new traffic signal and street improvements at Dune Palms Road and "A" Street, Project No. 2009-10. With this amendment, the new contract total will be $106,396. The design budget is $140,000, so sufficient funds are available for this amendment. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: Project No..2009-10 is partially funded with redevelopment agency (RDA) Project Area No. 2 Funds. The project is subject to prevailing wage requirements. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Project No. 2009-10 is located on Dune Palms Road at the entry to former Sam's Club development and the newly aligned "A" Street. The proposed improvements include the installation of a new traffic signal, modifications to the former Sam's Club entry driveway, and a new street ("A" Street) to the east. "A" Street is intended to be a new roadway that will provide access to the Coral Mountain affordable housing project and will continue around that development to its second access point, and ultimately connect Dune Palms Road with the Komar Center (Costco). As part of the proposed improvements along "A" Street new domestic water and sanitation sewer systems and new electrical service will be installed for future use by the Coral Mountain Apartments development. On April 15, 2008 the City Council adopted Resolution 2008-023 approving the Fiscal Year 2008/2009 through 2012/2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The new traffic signal at Dune Palms Road and Retail Center (formerly the Sam's Club) is included within the adopted CIP and scheduled for funding during Fiscal Year 2008/2009. On April 21, 2009 the City Council adopted Resolution 2009-033 approving the fiscal year 2009/2010 through 2013/2014 CIP and making certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a). The "A" Street extension (Dune Palms Road easterly to Komar Center) is included within the adopted CIP and scheduled for funding during Fiscal Year 2009/2010. On July 21, 2009, the City Council authorized staff to distribute a Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain professional engineering services to prepare the PS&E for the new traffic signal and street improvements at Dune Palms Road and "A" Street, Project No. 2009-10, and appointed a consultant selection committee. On September 15, 2009, the City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement (PSA), in the amount of $79,296, with VA Consulting, Inc. to prepare 290 the PS&E for the new traffic signal and street improvements at Dune Palms Road and "A" Street, Project No. 2009-10. On May 17, 2011, the City Council approved the PS&E of probable construction costs, and authorized staff to advertise the new traffic signal and street improvements at Dune Palms Road and A Street, Project No. 2009-10, for bid. On June 7, 2011, the City Council approved a Standard Domestic Water System and Sanitation System Installation Agreement with the Coachella Valley Water District for the Coral Mountain Apartments, and authorized the City Manager to execute the agreement and easement documents subject to minor revisions by the City Attorney. On June 21, 2011, the City Council awarded a contract to the Hazard Construction Company, in the amount of $1,155,686, to construct "the new traffic signal and street improvements at Dune Palms Road and "A" Street, Project No. 2009-10; and appropriated additional Redevelopment Agency Project Area Number 2 Low/Mod funds in the amount of $171,234. Attached for the City Council's consideration is Contract Amendment 5 to the PSA with VA Consulting, Inc. for the new traffic signal and street improvements at Dune Palms Road and "A" Street, Project No. 2009-10 (Attachment 2). The contract amendment authorizes VA Consulting, Inc. to perform additional engineering services which include civil and landscape/irrigation design to modify the proposed retention basin on the northeast corner of the Dune Palms Road/"A" Street intersection, addition of Imperial Irrigation District (IID) utility relocation within the project PS&E, additional field survey work, and comprehensive utility coordination associated with the proposed water and sewer lines, and other related work necessary in order to expedite the project. Staff had VA move forward on this work in order for the project to stay on schedule so that the new bus access from Dune Palms Road could be completed prior to the start of school. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Approve a Contract Amendment, in the amount of $27,100, for VA Consulting, Inc. to provide additional engineering services for the New Traffic Signal and Street Improvements at Dune Palms Road and "A" Street, Project No. 2009-10, and authorize the City Manger to execute the Amendment; or -# 291 2. Do not approve a Contract Amendment, in the amount of $27,100, for VA Consulting, Inc. to provide additional engineering services for the New Traffic Signal and Street Improvements at Dune Palms Road and "A" Street, Project No. 2009-10; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, C'Trrn othy Public Wo Dir for/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Contract Amendment Number 5 292 F alloDESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL ATTACHMENT1 1 CITY OF INDIO —� ••� i�j�iG Gi �� J. �• a ORDER a. lows�•� ■•iYM ■•••. �� ■■ ■ UJI He ME: mom Z Legend ' ,, _ AVENUE 48 Cities�t! LA UUIN IA IX PROPOSED UJI WIN U- UJI ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Contract Amendment Authorizing VA Consulting, Inc. to Provide Addtional Engineering Services for the New Traffic Signal and Street Improvements on Dune Palms Road and "A" Street, Project No. 2009-10 APPLICANT: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer 293 FA7rTACHMENT 2 La;�u 4 4v V . S Qazhrcv . y r.. FCt�OF'(Ftt'V PROJECT NO. 2009-10 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT: NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON DUNE PALMS ROAD AND A STREET, PROJECT NO, 2009-10 CONSULTANT: VA Consulting, Inc. Attention: Max P. Vabid, P.E., President/CEO 6400 Oak Canyon, Suite 150 Irvine, CA 92618 CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. S Pursuant to the terms of the original Professional Services Agreement, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the original scope of work for this Contact. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, general conditions, and special provisions ofthe Contract. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE This contract amendment authorizes VA to perform additional engineering services to include civil and landscape/irrigation design to modify the proposed retention basin on the northeast corner of the Dune Palms Road/"A" Street intersection to be contained completely within parcel owned by the City of La Quinta, inclusion of the 11D Utility Relocation within the project PS&E, additional field survey work associated with the proposed sewer line, and other related work necessary to expedite the project . VA's scope of work and fee, dated July 12, 2011, is attached and made part of this contract amendment. Previous Contract Amount Through Contract Amendment No. 4- $134,926.00 Add this Amendment $27,100.00 Revised Contract Total $162,026.00 The contract completion date is extended through October 31, 2011. Submitted By: Approved By: Date: 4. 1%-1- l Date: ********************************-******t:k***********************+*+**&+******* 294 We, the undersigned Consultant, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, tf this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipmem, ,furnish all materials, perform all labor, except as may be noted above, and perform all services necessary ra complete the above specified work, and hereby acegrr as full payment the amount shown above, Accepted By: Consultant: Title: president and CEO Date: Ajj st 1 2011 295 VAII CONSULTING July 12, 2011 Mr, Nick Nickerson City of La Quinta Public Works/Engineering Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Nick: This letter is a change order request (Change Order No.5) for additional professional design services related to New Traffic Signal and Street Design for Dune Palms Road at "A" Street, Project Number 2009-10, in the City of La Quinta; California (agreement dated October 28, 2009). The additional services for this project include civil and landscape/irrigation design to modify the proposed retention basin on the northeast corner of the Dune Palms Roadl"A" Street intersection to be contained completely within existing City of La Quinta property, III) utility relocation in Project PS&E, dipping sewer manholes, and related items of work. The total fee for this change order is $27,100. A detailed Scope of Services (Exhibits "A") and Proposed Fees (Exhibit "B") are included with this letter. These services have been completed on a time and materials basis in accordance with the hourly rates of our original contract fee schedule. Please sign your approval where indicated below and return a copy of this change order request to our office. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Keith Rutherfurd or me at (949) 474-1400. Sincerely, A /,. / Maj.P. Vahid, P.E. Pfesident and CEO MPV/kam Enclosure cc: Keith Rutherfurd; Contracts X 1Pr0JWS%I059 U2�wIChongo Ordcro"05.doe Approved by: Nick Nickerson Date: VA Consulting, llic. Corporate Orrice Orange Cnuniy Division 6400 0A Canyon, $uiir 150 lui nc. CIA 92618 POude 9,19,474,1400 Pax 9419,261 5482 296 EXHIBIT "A" CHANGE ORDER REQUEST (CHANGE ORDER NO. 5) TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET DESIGN FOR DUNE PALMS ROAD AT "A" STREET LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA SCOPE OF SERVICES Retention Basin Design Modification VA has modified the former retention basin design shown on the improvement plans to relocate the proposed basin entirely within existing City of La Quinta right-of-way. The additional work included revising design of grading, storm drain and construction details, basin capacity calculations, and associated technical specifications, earthwork, construction materials quantity calculations, and cost estimates. 2. Retention Basin Landscaping and Irrigation Design Modification For additional Landscape and Irrigation Scope of Services associated with the modification of the proposed retentionbasin, see the attached Exhibit "C, Authorization for Additional Services — Dune Palms / A Street Intersection; May 10, 2011 by RGA Landscape Architects, Inc (RGA). 3. Field Verification of Existing Sewer Line Elevations VA dipped four manholes in the field and provided office survey and design support to verify existing 10-inch sewer line elevations at proposed points of connection with a relocated portion of the line will meet CVWD minimum grade requirements. 4. Incorporate IID Utility Relocation in Project PS&E VA reviewed the IID utility relocation and installation plans and incorporated them into the project PS&E for bidding. Tasks included revising the sheets for incorporation into the plan set, adding IID work items to the project bid schedule, and updating the project specifications and cost estimates. 5. Additional Bid Documents Preparation Support VA revised the project specifications and bid documents and prepared an order of work based on the window of construction opportunity afforded by the school summer recess for work affecting DSUSD bus yard access. Dates for project access milestones and requirements for avoiding liquidated damages relative to work adjacent to DSUSD property were identified. X �PmiecIWIMS 02P dmtmChange:Oraars+COXS coc 1 291 6. Stockpile and PM-10 Plan VA will prepare a stockpile plan at a scale of 1" = 40' based on existing aerial topographic mapping, boundary, and proposed RDA affordable housing site development plan provided by MSA Consulting, Inc. in CADD format. Plan will include existing and proposed 1-foot contours, vicinity map, horizontal control, all structures within 100 yards of the stockpile, erosion control, fencing, hydroseeding and a PM-10 plan for stockpile stabilization. VA will plot the required area based on perimeter slopes of 2:1 and stockpile height of approximately 6 feet. CVWD Water Easement Preparation VA will prepare up to two (2) additional meets and bounds legal descriptions and plats for an easement on behalf of CVWD for the proposed 12" DIP water line within "A" Street over. City of La Quinta Parcel 4 property. This task includes reviewing a current preliminary title report and copies of deed/easements/record maps for the affected property, preparing an exhibit of existing property lines and easements for discussion with the City and CVWD, and verifying proposed sewer line improvements are within existing CVWD easements. 8. Realignment of 8-inch VCP Sewer Affordable Housing Stub -out As directed by the City, VA will realign the 8-inch VCP sewer line stub -out for connection with the RDA affordable housing project sewer system. The stub -out will be relocated from RDA property to City owned Parcel 4 property. This task includes showing the proposed relocated stub -out on the exhibit prepared in, task 7 above, for concurrence of the alignment by the City and CVWD. 9. Project Management/Coordination VA performed additional coordination with City and RGA to transfer project base files, discuss project implementation timing and develop order of work, and to confirm design intent and details. This task includes 8 hours for project management and coordination activities performed relative to the tasks above and 8 hours going forward for coordination activities with MSA, CVWD, and/or City. %Psop,Is) f M902MN=Oi6nange QfdWMCO#5 do .2 2i a EXHIBIT "B" CHANGE ORDER REQUEST (CHANGE ORDER NO. 5) TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET DESIGN FOR DUNE PALMS ROAD AT "A" STREET LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA PROPOSEDFEES 1. Retention Basin Design Modification ........................ ................ _._......... ....._... $ 5,900 2. Retention Basin Landscaping and Irrigation Design Modification ...- ................ $ 1,600 3, Field Verification of Existing Sewer Line Elevations .. ......... ......... ._................. , $ 2,000 4. Incorporate IID Utility Relocation in Project PS&E....... .......... -................. ........ $ 1,500 5. Additional Bid Documents Preparation Support ................................................ $ 3,500 6. Stockpile and PM-10 Plan .................. .._.................. _...................................... $ 61100 7. CVWD Water Easement Preparation ......... .......... $ 2,700 8. Realignment of 8-inch VCP Sewer Affordable Housing Stub -out... ... ..... .......... $ 1,200 9. Project Management/Coordination.................................................................... $ 2,600 TOTALFEES............................................................................................................. $ 27,100 X\Pm�e0s1��902W1^ammlC�ange O�IXas�GOuieoc 3 299 T4hw 4 4Qabtrw COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Request for Proposal to Obtain Professional Landscape Architectural Services to Prepare the Plans, Specifications and Estimates - for the Fred Waring Drive Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project No. 2011-04 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: ! f STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Authorize staff to distribute a Request for Proposal (RFP) (Attachment 1) to obtain professional landscape architectural services to prepare the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) for the Fred Waring Drive Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project No. 2011-04. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: On April 5, 2011 the City. Council adopted Resolution 2011-026 approving the Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012 through 2015/2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and making certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a). The Fred Waring Drive/Palm Royale Median Island Landscape Improvements are included within the adopted CIP and scheduled for funding during Fiscal Year 2011/2012. The scope and limits of the project listed within the approved CIP included the installation of median curb and minor landscape improvements on Palm Royale adjacent to the Colonel Paige Middle School. The proposed improvements on Palm Royale were envisioned to be funded with Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Project Area Number 2 funds. Considering the unknown status of Redevelopment Agencies, staff recommends the proposed improvements on Palm Royale be removed from the project scope until the RDA funding issues are resolved. 30,0 The following is the funding and funding sources for the Fred Waring Drive Median Island Landscape Improvements: , Transportation DIF: Participatory Bonds Posted by Developer: Total Funding Available: $813,040 $ 202, 200 $1,015,240 The following is the anticipated project budget for the Fred Waring Drive Median Island Landscape Improvements: Construction: $707,670 Design: $70,767 Professional: $51,000 Inspection/Testing/Survey: $68,998 Administration: $35,384 Contingency: $81,421 Total: $1,015,240 As illustrated, adequate funding is available to support staff's recommendation. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: Excluding the improvements originally proposed on Palm Royale, the project is 100% funded with locally generated funds (either Developer Fees or Bonds). However, to maintain flexibility to allow the Palm Royale improvements to be added at a later date the project will be advertised as a prevailing wage improvement. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The project is located on Fred Waring Drive between Washington Street and Adams Street. The proposed improvements include the installation of landscape, irrigation, and low level lighting within the existing median islands. The landscape palette will be the City Council approved "desertscape" theme for primary image corridors. On April 5, 2011 the City Council adopted Resolution 2011-026 approving the Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012 through 2015/2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and making certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a). The Fred Waring Drive/Palm Royale Median Island Landscape Improvements are included within the adopted CIP and scheduled for funding during Fiscal Year 2011/2012. 301 The RFP to obtain professional landscape architectural services to prepare the PS&E for the Fred Waring Drive Median Island Landscape Improvements, Project 2011-04, has been prepared and is ready for distribution to qualified consultants. The consultant selection process outlined within City Resolution No. 2005-096, adopted December 6, 2005, shall be followed. In accordance with Resolution 2005-096, the guidelines for major services will be followed as the estimated cost may exceed $50,000. The City Manager intends to appoint a consultant selection committee consisting of the following members: Tim Jonasson, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer, Bryan McKinney, Engineering Services/CIP, Principal Engineer, and Nick Nickerson, Project Manager. If the City Council wishes to appoint a different committee, the committee would be subject to the Brown Act unless the committee consists solely of two council members. Contingent upon City Council authorization to distribute the RFP on September 20, 2011, the following is how the project is expected to proceed: City Council Approves PSA Proposal Due Date Recommendations to City Council Project Design (6 months) FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: September 20, 2011 October 27, 2011 November 15, 2011 November 2011 —May 2012 The alternatives available to the City Council include: Authorize staff to distribute a RFP - to obtain professional landscape architectural services to prepare the PS&E for the Fred Waring Drive Median Island Landscape Improvements, City Project No. 2011-04; or 2. Do not authorize staff to distribute a RFP - to obtain professional landscape architectural services to prepare the PS&E for the Fred Waring Drive Median Island Landscape Improvements, City Project No. 2011-04; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 302 Respectfully submitted, imothy R. na s n, P.E. Public Works Di for/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1 . Request for Proposal 303 ATTACHMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FRED WARING DRIVE MEDIAN ISLAND LANDSCAPEIMPROVEMENTS The City of La Quinta requests proposals from qualified professional landscape architect consultants to prepare plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) for the Fred Waring Drive Median Island Landscape Improvements, City Project No. 201 1-04. General Design Parameters The project is located on Fred Waring Drive between Washington Street and Adams Street. The proposed improvements include the installation of landscape, irrigation, and low level lighting within the existing median islands on Fred Waring Drive. The landscape palette will be the City Council approved "desertscape" theme for primary image corridors. The Street Improvement Plans which guided the street widening are available for review on the City of La Quinta web site at La-Quinta.org. The associated CAD files will be provided to the successful landscape architect for use in preparing the required base sheets. The design consultant will be responsible for providing a detailed project description, bid schedules, bid item descriptions, payment methods, special provisions, technical specifications, and any specification detail sheets and/or relevant standard plans. Samples of these specification documents are available for review within the City of La Quinta Public Works Department and on the City's web site, www.la-quinta.org. Services Requested Services and products to be rendered in performing all work associated with project development may include, but may not be limited to: • Base sheets are to be prepared from existing "As -built" street improvements plans. • Perform utility coordination, identify points of connections and coordinate same through affected utility provider, and obtain all necessary clearances from affected utility providers. • Prepare project plans, specifications and engineer's estimates of probable construction costs. ■ Plans will likely include: Title Sheet, Median Island Improvement plans, Landscape Planting Plan, Irrigation Plan, Electrical Plan, and Detail Sheets. 304 Page 1 of 5 ■ Project Specifications and Bid Documents will likely include the detailed project description, preparation of bid schedules, bid item descriptions, payment methods, special provisions, technical specifications, and any specification detail sheets or standard plans. • Consultant coordination will include an appropriate number of meetings with City staff. The consultant may be required to attend a City Council meeting. The design consultant will be expected to attend the pre -bid meeting and will respond to contractor requests for clarification during the bid process. • Consultant will assist the City during the bid and construction phases by responding to Requests for Information (RFI) and provide clarification on its plans as necessary. Project Development Process 1. Pre -Design Meeting Initial meeting between the consultant and City staff to clarify project design objectives. 2. Agency Approval A. Consultant will submit PS&E and/or other necessary documents to City to obtain approval. At a minimum, the consultant should plan for the following plan check submittals: (1) 1 st Review - Concept Review (2) 2nd Review - 85-90% Check Plans & Specs (3) 3rd Review - 100% Check Plans, Specs, & Engineer's Estimate (4) 4th Review - Preliminary Final (screen check) B. Based upon comments received from the City, consultant will revise the preliminary Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) and resubmit. C. Staff approved PS&E will be submitted to the City Council for final approval. D. All approved plans will be provided to the City on compact disk in AutoCAD 2008 format, as well as on "D" size Mylar. Specification documents, including technical specifications, will be provided in Microsoft Word for Windows format. The Engineer's estimate will be provided in Excel for Windows format. 305 Page 2 of 5 3. . Bidding Phase The consultant will be expected to provide assistance in preparing the necessary bid documents. Technical support during the bidding and award process.may also be required. 4. Construction Phase The consultant will be expected to, provide technical support during the construction phase. This work objective will include the review and response to Requests for Information (Rfl) and/or contractor questions. Proposal Format Proposals (work proposal and cost proposal) are to be submitted in separate envelopes clearly marked with the consultants name, address and phone number. Only one proposal per consultant will be considered. Proposal packages are to be submitted to the City on/or before October 27, 2011 at/or before 5:00 p.m. Proposals received after the stated deadline shall not be accepted. Proposal packages are to be delivered to: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Principal Engineer City of La Quinta Public Works Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Consultants are encouraged to keep their proposals brief and relevant to the specific work required. Proposals shall include the following items: 1 . Work Proposal (envelope 1) - submit 4 copies A. Cover Letter (1) The name, address and phone number of the consultant's contact person for the remainder of the selection process. (2) Any qualifying statements or comments regarding the consultant's proposal, the information provided in the RFP or the proposed contract. (3) Identification of sub -consultants and their responsibilities. B. Statement of Qualifications 11) A listing of proposed project personnel, including personal experiences and individual resumes for prime and sub -consultants. 306 Page 3 of 5 (2) Consultant's and sub:consultant experience with similar work, including names and current phone numbers of reference for listed projects. C. Project Understanding and Approach A description of the Consultant's project understanding and how the project objectives will be approached. D. Scope of Work Program A description of the tasks, sub -tasks, and work objective deliverables. E. Project Schedule A comprehensive Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule is to be submitted describing the nature and scheduling of proposed tasks and reflecting November 21, 2011 as the start date. The City Council meets the Vt and 3rd Tuesday of each month. The project schedule should include all approvals expected during the project period. 2. Cost Proposal (envelope 2) — Submit two (2) copies The consultant is to submit two copies of a detailed cost proposal for all services and materials anticipated in completing the project. Man-hours and extended billing rates per classification of personnel will be indicated for each task and/or sub -task. Selection Process Work Programs will be reviewed by a Consultant Selection Committee. The Committee will rank the consultants for contract negotiations based upon the materials submitted within the Work Proposal. The Committee may or may not choose to interview two or more closely -rated firms, but will not expect or schedule time for elaborate presentations. Cost proposals will be opened only after the ranking process is complete. The City will open contract negotiations with the top -ranked firm. The successful consultant will be expected to enter into the attached Professional Services Agreement included as Attachment 1. 301 Page 4 of 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA COST PROPOSAL SHEET FRED WARING DRIVE MEDIAN ISLAND LANDSCAPEIMPROVEMENTS The following is a summary of costs to provide the services outlined in the Request for Proposal for professional engineers and landscape architecture consultants to prepare the PS&E for the Fred Waring Drive Median Island Landscape Improvements and will be used as the basis for negotiating a Professional Services Agreement: Work Objectives Proposed Cost 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. 10. TOTAL LUMP SUM FIXED FEE: $ Consultant may include as many, or as few, work objectives it believes are necessary to complete the project. Attached herein is a detailed man-hour and fee breakdown for the tasks and sub -tasks defined in our proposal. Prime Consultant Date Signed Page 5 of 5 F9 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Acceptance of Eisenhower Drive Signal Interconnect Project, Project No. 2009-22, Federal Aid Project No. CIVIL 5433 (011), and Approval of Contract Change Order No. 1 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: I STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Accept Eisenhower Drive Signal Interconnect Project, Project No. 2009-22, Federal Aid Project No. CIVIL 5433 (011), as 100% complete; authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; authorize staff to release retention in the amount of $28,670, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion is recorded; and Approve Contract Change Order No. 1 and authorize the City Manager to execute the same. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is a budget summary: Project Budget Total Amount Spent Through July 31, 2011 Remaining Anticipated Inspection, Testing & Survey Costs Project Budget Amount Available Remaining Fiscal Commitment to Contractor Project Budget Amount Remaining After Construction Efforts Original Construction Contract Amount Pending Contract Quantity Change Order No. 1 New Contract Total Amount Paid to Contractor to Date Total Remaining Fiscal Commitment to Contractor Total Retention to be Released Contract Amount Remaining to be Billed by Contractor $ 451,000 ($281,201) ($ 2,000) $ 167,799 ($ 74,605) $ 93,194 $ 235,656 $ 51,040 $ 286,696 ($212,091) $ 74,605 ($ 28,670) $ 45,935 Adequate funding is available to pay the contractor's remaining billing ($45,935) and retention ($28,670) for project closeout. 309 CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: The project is partially funded with Federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) funding and Redevelopment Agency (RDA) funding. As such, the project was subject to prevailing wage requirements. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In April 2009, Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) issued a call for projects for CMAQ eligible improvements. The total amount of CMAQ funding available was $2,180,000. On May 5, 2009, the City Council adopted a resolution of the City Council approving the submittal of an application to CVAG for partial funding for the following five projects in order of priority: Project No. 1 — Traffic Signal Synchronization • Eisenhower Drive from Coachella to Calle Tampico; and • Calle Tampico from Eisenhower Drive to Washington Street Project No. 2 — Traffic Signal Synchronization • Adams Street from Westward Ho to Fred Waring Drive; • Miles Avenue from Adams Street to Dune Palms Road; and • Dune Palms Road from Miles Avenue to Fred Waring Drive Project No. 3 — City Owned Property PM-10 Stabilization • Use of contract farming on undeveloped property at SilverRock • Planting of Bermuda and Sudan grass on undeveloped areas not being farmed Project No. 4 — New Traffic Signal • Design and construct a new traffic signal at the intersection of Dune Palms Road and Retail Center Drive Project No. 5 — New Traffic Signal • Design and construct a new traffic signal at the intersection of Madison Street and Avenue 54 On December 7, 2009, CVAG's Executive Committee approved CMAQ funding, in the amount of $992,000, toward City project priorities 1, 2 and 5. On March 16, 2010, the City Council adopted a Resolution making certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a) and authorizing the expenditure of funds toward the City's traffic signal synchronization improvements at various locations; appropriated funding and approved the inclusion of the Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico Signal interconnect improvements within the Fiscal Year 2009/2010 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). , 310 On March 16, 2010, the Redevelopment Agency, adopted a Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of La Quinta making certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a) and authorizing the expenditure of funds toward the City's traffic signal synchronization improvements at various locations. On August 2, 2010, Caltrans District 8 approved the environmental document for the Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico signal interconnect improvements. On August 12, 2010, staff submitted the request for authorization to proceed with construction and requested the federal funds, in the amount of $310,000 be obligated towards the Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico Signal Interconnect Improvements. The City's request was approved at Caltrans District 8 and submitted to Caltrans headquarters for final approval. On September 21, 2010, the City Council approved the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E), and authorized staff to advertise the Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico Signal Interconnect Project, Project No. 2009-22. On October 19, 2010, Caltrans approved the City's request for authorization to proceed with construction, obligated funding, and authorized the City to advertise the project. On December 7, 2010, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute Program Supplemental Agreement No. 012-N to the City of La Quinta Master Agreement 08-5433R for Congestion Management Air Quality (CMAQ) funding toward the Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico Signal Interconnect Project, Project No. 2009- 22, Federal Aid Project No. CML 5433 (011). On January 4, 2011, City Council acted to award a contract with Pro Tech Engineering, Corp., in the amount of $235,656, to construct the Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico Signal Interconnect Project, Project No. 2009-22, Federal Aid Project No. CML 5433 (011), and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract. On March 24, 2011, a Notice to Proceed was issued with a forty-five (45) working day contract completion time starting March 28, 2011, and ending on May 31, 2011. Contract Change Order No. 1 extended the project for a total of twenty-three (23) working days due to equipment delivery delays by the signal controller supplier. The project was deemed substantially complete on July 8, 2011. As per project specifications Section 1500-3.2, no liquidated damages or early completion incentives are recommended. These improvements were constructed on Eisenhower Drive between Avenida Fernando and Calle Tampico, and on Calle Tampico from Eisenhower Drive to Washington Street, as indicated on the attached Vicinity Map (Attachment 1). 311 Contract Change Order No. 1 was issued to allow for additional potholing to locate utilities that could have been in conflict with the interconnect conduit during the boring operations, additional coordination with utility companies, excavation for a Verizon communications line which changed location in the field, and for adjustment between the bid quantities and the actual quantities installed. (Attachment 2) The project's construction effort is now deemed to be 100% complete and is in compliance with the plans and specifications. Prior to filing the Notice of Completion, staff must receive authorization from the City Council to approve this project as 100% complete and authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Accept the Eisenhower Drive Signal Interconnect Project, Project No. 2009-22, Federal Aid Project No. CIVIL 5433 (01 1) as 100% complete; authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; authorize staff to release retention in the amount of $28,670, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion is recorded; Approve Contract Change Order No. 1 and authorize the City Manager to execute the same; or 2. Do not accept Eisenhower Drive Signal Interconnect Project, Project No. 2009- 22, Federal Aid Project No. CIVIL 5433 (01 1) as 100% complete; do not authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; do not authorize staff to release retention in the amount of $28,670, thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion is recorded; do. not Approve Contract Change Order No. 1; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction Respectfully submitted, Timothy R. J n ss n P.E. Public Works Dirac r/City Engineer g12 Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments. 1. Vicinity Map 2. Contract Change Order No. 1 313 ATTACHMENT 1 -y 314 ATTACHMENT 2 r.• Sheet 1 of 3 CONTRACT: Eisenhower Drive Signal Interconnect PROJECT NO. 2009 22 CONTRACtOR: Pro Tech' Engineering Corp. CONTRACT CHANCE ORDER NO. II Phasaanttothcterms ofthoodgimal CoftneptAgrmnteMyou amhorcbydirectedto makethehereindesm-bed changesordathe following described work not included in the plun5 and speeificadons fortWs Contract Unless otherwise stated all work sha[1 conform to die terms general conditions, and special provisions of the original Contract DESCkTPTIOIY OF CHANICE This Canttdot Change Order allows for the installation ofootduit to the revised Vetizon Point of Oauwction. Total D,945.76 This Contract Change Order allows for additiamal potltoling ofUttlides not indicted on the project location diagram. Total 6 3 This Contract Change Order allows for a Contract Quantity Adjostrumt between Hid Quantities and Actual Quantities. Total Up• 21m _ *#*kRRRRRk»#k**wk*w*kkkkkf*k*ww»wRwwW*RW*kkwwwkwk*k*##*#»###xw**w***kk***k*xw*i#*#ik*w#RRw reason of this com w mdcr rho time.of completion is adjusted as follows -23- weeping days added to oontrW limo. date alma be: 07/Ol l - '##R»R****#*kk4kk#*wk*i,i'k»k%ekik*#kffxW#f*Rkk'kk#Rir**#k*#k#Rk*kk*R*kkk*f . Submitted By: Date: Approved By: Date: »»k#kRxxx*Park*k*WwRRw*»k*apx»w»w»kk*i##R#*RR»xR*ir*xkkwk#wwwRRRRRxwRR»k*k#xRRkwkwkkWxx#x#x* We, theloia'arslgnedContraclar; have!!lveacur�alconsldem7oatofhachan prmide all egarpme"4'tumdsh all materials, perJormdulaba� excap w may t spmgl'edwark and hereby accept os J1Jl peymenttlreamaonlehmm abovd; x Accepted agree, !, j rh/epropaml is appreved, thatwe will 'ernt aliserv/ces neceacay ro complain iheahove and indirect ovarheadexpenms fbr any delgya Contractor: Fw l ,r CrDate: t+auon+esanroseRvlcasmvvamr+[erxxon:asa_aonsrnucnotraaosasr.RpatowatrnttvsAaiNa wlhwrotAUlCnwnsrxa�erAV RM& RVAW[N1rl.naa 315 Li s � • u 1- � m :D �.Rq w 316 Pro Tech Engineering, Corp. !'.mo ms Del Mar, CA 92625 Phone (949) 27"935 Fu ") 270.2936 QUOTATION TODAY'S DATE I QUOTE DATE PROJECT NO. 13J u I41 I 13J u I -11 2009-22 Union IBEW SBE & WBE Contractor Local 441 I WOMAN OWN ,a.lic. No. 1 731356 ; C-10 TO: Project Name: City of La Quinta Eisenhower Traffic Signal 78-495 Calle Tempico Interconnect La Quita, CA 92247-1504 BID ITEM I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1 Pot Hole Existing Utility in Street, Eisenhower Ave. 23 EA $825.00 $18,975.00 2 Pot Hole Existing Utility in Street, Calle Tem ico 21 EA $825.00 $17,325.00 Total Price $36,300.00 Contractor Pro Tech Electric, Inc. Mike Niknafs Project City of La Quina, Leonard St. Sauver 317 No nalWl No.,Dee Pfto 1 nA FM .ENeaaw Me cmpaOfWbe Ls I Inmuo I si'moc vxoom milomme solm 9 TmMa CAWrM Ls I V-WD.W I t2,000m szoaa.00 $I.M.M $0.00 am" L9 t sm.m. I Somm mom a2W.W SDAO Rffrmb&vmircv,,duvwpdnwaNam 4 TTvAiCQMGIEWe;mowDdwwdmmu* smovcWhonmarmom LF ZIS 812.00 Its 82,7s0.W 812M sx7tikoo Koo LF ItASO MAazat 8199.094am $14A $10.306.00 S10,704AC P~AWlfdTS2MQMwCaWd*CWmat. 9 t Ls 1 3mmw I "P.269jua 530.739.00 S30.7moo $0.00 Xft �m WAAwtmso IV 7Damo-rwmLftm *Mocft cowmar eatl LS c S32=0 M,405.0 =,20,0 somdw-nguftm a FufNfis hxft Too Coritider nNWIMLaftim= *q*fi@d Isles ftvft at IM Wemdl-n Lo I 604,206 OD =RPOM MARSA soloo IFO*"W Own Tommirt, IcWtgo paw MMOGI W4VFMN 04* at on to I WPM 1 S2,000.OD s2m.00 S2. vottoc SUDaw Gwlaatena tad e°hWihahacanned am V*h Tkrm DOMM RM400ftdff (TM), Kat* to I $4.OMOD I 34MDO 14AM.40 KOOD-Do SDA 0"Mag wIr" In am Tdgl sw,4oAa H a—A—sa- 0-0 —if --,I —9c 0 al 318 Tit!t 4 4 49"1 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Ratification of Actions Taken to Submit a Grant Application to the California Office of Traffic and Safety for a Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012 Sobriety Checkpoint Mini -Grant RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the Ratification of. Actions Taken to Submit a Grant Application to the California Office of Traffic and Safety for a Fiscal Year 2011-/2012 Sobriety Checkpoint Mini -Grant FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The City has established a revenue account (101-1000-332.00-00) to accept the funding and corresponding expenditure account (1010-5054-421.36-50) to track the allocations. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The University of California, Berkley, Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC), will administer and coordinate the mini -grants for the OTS. The goal of the Sobriety Checkpoint Program for Local Law Enforcement Agencies is to reduce the number of victims killed and injured in alcohol -involved crashes in cities participating in the program. The mini -grants are available for personnel overtime costs, and new this year, checkpoint supplies. These funds are to be used to conduct sobriety checkpoints during the following two "National Impaired Driving Campaign" mobilization 1 319 periods: * The Winter Holiday period in December 16, 2011 - * The Labor Day period in August 17, 2012 - Septem nuary 1, 2012 r 3, 2012 The deadline to submit the grant application was September 15, 2011. City staff coordinated with the La Quinta Police Department to prepare and submit the application by the deadline. Under normal circumstances, City staff seeks City Council approval prior to submitting any grant applications. City staff is now asking for ratification of the grant application that was submitted. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council are: 1. Approve the ratification of actions taken to submit a grant application to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to be used ifor sobriety checkpoints; or 2. Do not approve the ratification of actions taken; 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Z! Thomas P. Genovese City Manager Attachment: 1. California Office of Traffic Safety Grant Application, Sobriety Checkpoint 1120 Page 1 of 4 Attachment 1 2905.0ananl APPLICATION SOBRIETY CHECKPOINT MIN14RANT PROGRAM FOR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES November 01, 2011- September04,2012 Sign and mall to: Sobriety Checkpoint Mint -Grant Program LIC Berkeley - Safe Transportation Research and Education Center 2614 Dwight YYay MC 07374, Berkeley, CA 94720.7374 Fax (510) 643-OW tl you have questions, email: Meckpoint�®bedcdeyxdu or call Sher Rauch at (510) 543.1774 Section 1: Contact and City Information Planes Identify where the sobrtey, Checkpoint would be conducted. what agency would be conducting the sobriety delckpoW. what agency would aulhmtre tit work PA.. the grantee agency) to be conducted In accordance wllh the terns and condaons of the grant and what office in the grantee 80OW would be authorized to receive the payments. An asterisk Indicates Nat the Morma0an Is required. . Location of Checkpoints: La Quints Name of Agency: La Quinta Police Agency Address Sbut (V 82-695 Or Cartoon Blvd Street (2): CItyMplCounry: Indic 92201 Riverside Agency Contact Nomerflue: Don Olson Corporal Contact TelephoefExiffax: (760) 804290 8464 (760) 863-SM Contact Email Address: djolson@dversidasheriflorg Contract City: Yes Name and title of the ORkleI whose signature on the grant document would 81gniy that the grantee agency agrees to the teem and condNorrs of the grant. Le., the Authorizing Official •: Name: Tom Genovese Tilde: City Manager Address, small, and phone on. of the Authorizkg oNdar: Street Address: 78.495 Cab Tampico City: Le Outran 21p Code: 92253 Telephone: (760) 777.7000 Fax: Q60) 777-7101 Small Address:tgonovue@lequbda.crg Address of the finance department. This wa be the address where payments are sanr: APplkam Agency: La Quints, Cfiy of Agency Office: Finance Department amid Address: P.O. Box 1504 City: La Quints Min: 92253.1604 Ngooffice authortu reco epsyma not Me finance department pious specify department name: Nomalphone noJamal of the contact for Vie office Owl would be au hortzed to receive the payments': Contact Name: Louse West Telephone; (760)777.7055 Email Address: LWestSequlnle.or0 Tax I.D. number of the agency that would be autlrortzed to recolse the paymens`. Tax ID 0: 95-3740431 The Authorizing OBidal or additional signatories as designated below may sign C Ms. If additional signatories may be needed (e g.. the AuNmbkg Official Is not available to sign a claim). it Is strongly recommended that the other slgnatmy(les) be Identified at this time: Additional Claims Signatory 01 First Morris: Don Olson Two: Corpoml Additional Claims Signatory 02 First Name: Jason Huskey Title: leknanant 321 _, :__t..a ,. o , nr„lfiniftwnic¢i7-index=54&-recid=18428a-relatedlecid=18428a-b... 8/16/2011 Page 2 of 4 Section 2: Number of Checkpoints Identify the manbmum number of checkpoints In each time period. A minimum of one checkpoint is required in each of the two mobiii uition periods. How many checkpoints during the Winter Holiday Mobilization, December 16, 1 2011 through January 1, 2012 (minimum one)? How many dnedkpoims during the Labor Day Mobilization, August 17 1 through September 3, 2012 (minimum one)? How many checkpoints in the months outside the above mobgtration periods (no 2 minimum)? The proposed Number of Checkpoints Is 4 How many DUI arrests do you average from a single checkpoint operation? 2 How many FSTs do you average from a single checkpoint operation? 10 How many elochol-involved fatelides did you have In 2010? 1 32.2 http://fmsl.nicelydone.cotdEniliwp/cgi?-index=54&-recid=1842&-relatedrecid=1842&-b... 8/ 1 &2011 rage's bf 4 Section 3: Personnel Overtime Hours and Rates For this application, state the maximum overtime eles for each Research andrce tage (REQUIRED) reimburses ntc the aqua) ovedime costs (hourly that would benefits). Describe (name) each overtime benefit ration personnel category that wmdtl be working under the grant. The Safe Tranaportaflon and the percentage (REOUel (0 9 A mmunity SONiersegory u j im and atlminisfm8ve personnel {e.g. community services Officers and Uerlcal personneq. Supervisors and officersltlepulies must be assigned solely to evCrt a costs for supervisors ie g. sergeants, corporals) ofGeerVidepubes. dispatchers,. be assigned solely 10 Operations. Dispatchers must be assigned $olely to the sobriety checkpoint ovedime Shifts. The C$O and cledcal personnel most hour ecoruetl from unemploutd be'Cove ed1h e.. refi ementduties {'InedicaV CnfaVvision insurance, uniform aoll data llowances t woultl not be covered}, only ring pat a -inn disability and unemployment insuence charges woultl be covered) ;ntliisio costs an not be alto covered e t be covered). Only benefits by the police department). ( e. individuals who are rAntmdted Grant funded operations may be conducted by personnel such as an officer, sergeant, corporal, deputy depending On the files Used by the. agency, Personnel will be deployed as nee rge l0 accomplish the grant goals and rvicas Officer m A Y Community sejecti eMcer, dispatcher, etc. Personnel Average Average No. Maximum Total Ya Category No. MOTHours Hourly OT Cost OAS01 Workers Total Personnel poi OT Rate Without Modicore Other Total b per Checkpoint Comp Other BgnMlta Benefit Checkpoint p Without aonefits Benefits Bonotits (o.A.g Amount Benefits (a x b x c) (Specify (Specify .ha) (d,'.at ) (a) lb) (c) (d) (a) below) below) iuPervisor (f) Ig) (h) (1) U) (k) Category (1) t0 8.0 $70.22 $5,017.60 Officer seed CateOOq (2) CSO 3 8.0 $37-91 $909e4 Dispatcher I 8A S38.79 $0,00 $7 t0.a2 $0.00 Clerical 1 fie S27.80 $222.40 soco Cominalist - Other (1) Other(2) rota)OTCost Without Benefits(sum Of column d)r $7.060,16 Total Benafit Amount (sum of column k): $0,00 Aaximum cost per checkpoint is (Total OT Cost wilhout Benefits + Total Benefit Amount): 67,06e.76 Specify Additional Benefits: (if any listed in column h and it: M w» I Z3 Page 4 of 4 Section 4: Checkpoint Supplies pmwed d evvega m m nmw dmwwnn of 10 PAS d uct pptes. end tChed4winoting eW • The cod cones.ded are � bWem0es wiu not be ralmina ed. Item Unit Price Qqr. Cost Cones $16.00 50 S600.00 Signage $210.00 3 $630.00 Vests (mezimum 10) PAS deviceslsupp0es $625.00 4 S3.30D.00 Lighting equipment $76.00 3 $225.00 Total Cost of Checkpoint Supplies: $4,965.00 Section 5: Total Amount Requested No. of Checkpoints 2) maximum Cost per Checkpoint (Section 3) EaOmatedCost ofCheckpoint 8uPose 4) Total Amount IllsOon (a) bon ( ) l(Seetlon (tlRequestedaxb) c) 4 $7.060.10 $4,956.00 $33,196.64 Submitted by: Signature Date Print Name TItielRank 324 hnpJ/final.nicelydone.com/f Viwplcgi?-index=54&-recid=1842&-relatW=cid=1842&-b... 8/16/2011 ceit,, 4 4 Q" MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager DATE: September 15, 2011 SUBJECT: Agenda Item No. C20 — September 20, 2011 Meeting Adoption of a Resolution Approving a Remittance Agreement between the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Staff is currently completing Exhibit "A" to the Remittance Agreement (Attachment 1 to report referenced above). This Exhibit, along with amended reference pages to the Agreement, will be provided to the Council on Monday, September 19, 2011. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. 325 Tw(f 4 4 a" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution Approving a Remittance Agreement between the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 24 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving a Remittance Agreement between the City and the Agency, authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement, and appropriate the funds to make the payment. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Adoption of the proposed Resolution and approval of the Remittance Agreement will result in funds being transferred by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency to the City in the amount of the remittance payments required to be paid by the City pursuant to Chapter 3 of Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code. According to the Department of Finance, the total amount of the City's required payment is $18,315,473. The City has appealed the Department's determination and has argued that with certain corrections to the calculation, the payment is $17,018,721. The Department is scheduled to issue a determination on the appeal on September 15, 2011, but that date may be continued. Whichever amount is due, the funding would come from the Agency. The staff is proposing that the payment be made as follows: $13,602,880 from the Agency's Low/Moderate Housing Fund and the balance from the Agency's Project Area No. 1 non -housing funds. It is possible that the Legislature will ultimately require that the Housing Fund be reimbursed at some point in time for this expenditure. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. 3 326 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On June 29, 2011, Governor Brown signed several budget trailer bills to implement the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2011/2012: AB x1 26 (the "Dissolution Act") immediately suspends all new redevelopment activities and incurrence of indebtedness, and dissolves redevelopment agencies effective October 1, 2011; and AB x1 27 (the "Continuation Act") allows redevelopment agencies to avoid dissolution under the Dissolution Act if their host cities/counties elect to comply with the alternative redevelopment program described in Part 1.9 thereof. Under the Continuation Act, a redevelopment agency can continue to exist if its host community commits to making certain payments beginning in January of 2012. On August 2, 2011, the City Council adopted an ordinance declaring the City's decision to comply with the Continuation Act in order to enable the Agency to resume its redevelopment activities. The Continuation Act allows the City to enter into an agreement with the Agency, whereby the Agency transfers portions of its tax increment to the City for the City to make its annual remittance payments. Further, the Continuation Act exempts the Agency from making the full Fiscal Year 2011-2012 allocations to the Agency's low and moderate income housing fund (the "Housing Fund"), as required by Health and Safety Code Sections 33334.2, 33334.4, and 33334.6, if the Agency makes the finding that there are insufficient other moneys available to meet the Agency's debt and other obligations, current priority program needs, or its obligations under the remittance agreement. As stated above, it is possible that the Legislature will ultimately treat this as a loan so that the Housing Fund eventually must be repaid for the funds used for the remittance to the state. The Agency has established three separate funds for each of Project Area No. 1 and Project Area No. 2: a Debt Service Fund, a Capital Project Fund, and a Housing Fund. When the Agency receives tax increment, 80% of the tax increment funds are deposited into the applicable Debt Service Fund to pay debt service on bonds and to make pass -through payments to other taxing entities, and 20% of the tax increment funds are deposited into the applicable Housing Fund. At the end of each fiscal year, any remaining balance (if any) in the applicable Debt Service Fund is transferred to the applicable Capital Project Fund to fund approved and budgeted projects and programs. As stated above, the State of California Director of Finance has notified the City that the 2011/2012 remittance payment amount is $18,315,473. Pursuant to the procedure set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 34194(b)(2)(L)(i), the City has timely appealed the DOF's calculation of such amount. According to the City's calculations, the amount of the remittance payment should be $17,018,721. The total available non -housing funds will be insufficient to make the 2011/2012 remittance payment, regardless of which amount is required to be paid. Specifically, staff has determined that less than $5,000,000 of the Agency's non -housing funds are available to fund the City's remittance payment. 327 Staff is proposing to fund the remittance agreement payment as follows: The estimated low and moderate housing tax increment revenues budgeted for in PA 1 and PA 2 for 201 1 /2012, respectively are $8,802,400 and $ 4,800,480. The total amount of $13,602,880 is proposed to be used toward the remittance payment with the remainder coming from non -housing funds. The justification for utilizing the housing funds for the remittance payment is as follows: With regard to the non -housing funds in Project Area 1, staff has identified only $4,712,593 that is not committed to a current project or needed to fund the Agency's existing obligations under existing contracts. As an initial matter, $9,204,891 of the capital project funds on hand are tax exempt bond proceeds that must be used to fund capital projects. The Agency's Bond Counsel, Bill Marticorena of Rutan & Tucker, has advised that those funds may not legally be used to fund the City's remittance payments. The remainder of the Agency's Project Area No. 1 non -housing funds are already earmarked for specific, on -going projects or will be needed to meet the Agency's obligations under existing contracts. Specifically, $3,284,621 of the Agency's Project Area No. 1 non -housing funds are committed in loans to the City's Park DIF and to the Library DIF. These loans were necessary to allow the Library construction and the La Quinta Park to move forward even though the DIF had insufficient funds. While those loans will eventually be repaid as future development pays into the Library and Park DIFs, with the slow down in the economy, it will take many years before the Agency is repaid. In addition, substantial Project Area No. 1 non -housing funds are already committed to the following: the installation of drought resistant landscaping at the Civic Center Campus, the Police Substation and Fire Station No. 70, the Eisenhower Signal Synchronization Project, the Washington Street Right Turn Lane at Eisenhower Project, the Calle Tampico Left Turn Lane at Washington Street Project, the Village Property Acquisition (which have not all closed), and well site mitigation for CVWD. All of these projects were underway before redevelopment was placed on hold. These projects and expenditures have committed over $2.8 million in Project Area No. 1 non - housing funds. After purchasing the SilverRock Resort property, CVWD required the Agency to enter into a Domestic Water, Sanitary Sewer and Irrigation Services Agreement with CVWD. The Agreement was entered in June of 2005. Under the Agreement, the Agency is obligated to construct or provide certain water, sewer, and other improvements in exchange for CVWD providing domestic water, sewer and irrigation services at SilverRock Resort. RBF Consulting has recently calculated the cost of the 4 328 improvements the Agency is obligated to provide. The current cost estimate for all of the outstanding improvements is $16,525,644. According to the Finance Director, as of the date of this report, the available fund balance in the Project Area No. 1 Capital Project Fund is $ 1,489,407. No non -housing funds are available from Project Area No. 2 for the remittance payment, The Finance Director has identified the available fund balance as $0. This is due to the numerous capital improvement projects that are already underway in the project area. These include: (1) The construction of "A Street", which is necessary to serve the Coral Mountain affordable housing project; (2) the undergrounding of Highway 111 utility lines; (3) the Jefferson Street Parkway Landscaping; (4) the Adams Street Signal Synchronization; (5) the installation of sidewalks and handicap ramps; (6) the redesign of the frontage of the Auto Dealers; (7) the Mira Flores Retention Basin improvements; (8) the Washington Street dual left turn at Ave. 48; (9) the Highway 111/Washington Street improvements; (10) the Washington Street Drainage Improvements; (11) the Miles Avenue Landscaping, and (12) Highway 111 sidewalk improvements. Project Area No. 2 also has a loan to the City's Transportation DIF for certain Highway 111 median improvements. This loan commits $1,280,239 of Project Area No. 2 funding, and as with the Project Area No. 1 DIF loans discussed above, there is very little prospect of this loan being repaid in the near term. For these reasons, Project Area No. 2 non -housing funding is simply not available for the City's remittance payment. In addition to utilizing the Project Area No. 1 fund balance ($1,489,407) for the City's remittance payment, Agency and City staff recommends that $3,223,186 in funding currently approved and budgeted in the PA1 CIP Fund for certain the SilverRock Resort improvements be transferred to the City for the 201 1-2012 remittance payment. With the inclusion of these funds, the total amount of Agency non -housing funds available to make the 201 1-2012 remittance payment is $ $4,712,593 Other than the $4,712,593 of Project Area No. 1 non -housing funds, all of the other non -housing funds held by the Agency are already specifically committed to priority projects and contracts and are not available to fund the remittance payment. As a result of this funding availability shortfall, the remittance agreement prepared by the City Attorney (the "Agreement") (Attachment 1) provides that the Agency may transfer to the City the funds that would otherwise be allocated to each of the Housing Funds for Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012 for purposes of the City making the remittance payment for Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012. 329 The California Redevelopment Association, the League of California Cities, and two cities filed a legal challenge to the Dissolution Act and the Continuation Act directly in the California Supreme Court. On August 11, 2012, the Court issued an order indicating that it would exercise jurisdiction over the lawsuit. The Court set an expedited briefing schedule to allow it to decide the case before the first payment is due in January 2012. The Court also stayed the effectiveness of all of the Continuation Act, and portions of the Dissolution Act. Because the Continuation Act is currently on hold, the Agreement provides that it is not effective until the Dissolution Act and Continuation Act have been upheld by the Court. The Agreement also attempts to preserve the Agency's and City' right to challenge the Dissolution Act and/or Continuation Act, and provides that it automatically terminates if any court of competent jurisdiction determines that either the Dissolution Act or Continuation Act are unconstitutional or otherwise invalid. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution approving a Remittance Agreement between the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta Redevelopment, authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement, and appropriate the funds to make the payment; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution approving a Remittance Agreement between the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, �LQt-&e-Qa Debbie Powell Economic Development/Housing Manager Approved for submission by: A � � o 7 1 Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment, 1. Remittance Agreement 330 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REMITTANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta ("City Council" or "City," as applicable) approved and adopted (i) the Redevelopment Plan for La Quinta Project Area No. 1 ("Project Area No. 1" or "Project Area No. 1 Redevelopment Plan," as applicable) on November 29, 1983, by Ordinance No. 43, as amended on December 20, 1994, by Ordinance No. 258, on August 19, 2003, by Ordinance No. 388, and on March 16, 2004, by Ordinance No. 402; and (ii) the Redevelopment Plan for La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 ("Project Area No. 2" or "Project Area No. 2 Redevelopment Plan, as applicable) on May 16, 1989, by Ordinance No. 139, as amended on December 20, 1994, by Ordinance No. 259, on February 3, 2004, by Ordinance No. 399, on March 16, 2004, by Ordinance No. 403, and on March 16, 2004, by Ordinance No. 404; and WHEREAS, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") is engaged in activities to execute and implement the Project Area No. 1 Redevelopment Plan and the Project Area No. 2 Redevelopment Plan (collectively, the "Redevelopment Plans") pursuant to the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code § 33000, et seq.) ("CRL"); and WHEREAS, as part of the 2011-12 State budget bill, the California Legislature enacted and the Governor signed, companion bills AB x1 26 (the "Dissolution Act") and AB x1 27 (the "Continuation Act"), requiring that each redevelopment agency be dissolved unless the community that created it enacts an ordinance electing to participate in an "Alternate Voluntary Redevelopment Program" and committing the community to make certain annual remittance payments to the county auditor - controller; and WHEREAS, on August 2, 2011, under the threat of dissolution pursuant to the Dissolution Act, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 491, pursuant to which it agreed, subject to certain contingencies and reservations set forth therein, to make the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 annual remittance payment, as well as the subsequent annual remittance payments as set forth in the CRL; and WHEREAS, the Continuation Act allows the City to enter into a remittance agreement with the Agency, whereby the Agency transfers annual portions of its tax increment to the City in amounts not to exceed the City's annual remittance payment amount to enable the City to make its annual remittance payments, and further 331 Resolution No. Approval of Remittance Agreement Adopted: September, 2011 Page 2 provides the Agency with an exemption from making the full Fiscal Year 2011-2012 allocations to the Agency's low- and moderate -income housing fund (the "Housing Fund"), as required by Health and Safety Code Sections 33334.2, 33334.4, and 33334.6 (the "Housing Fund Allocations"), if the Agency makes the finding that there are insufficient other moneys available to meet the Agency's debt and other obligations, current priority program needs, or its obligations under the remittance agreement (collectively, the "Agency's Total Obligations"); and WHEREAS, based on the facts set forth in the City's staff report, the other moneys available to the Agency are insufficient to fully fund the Agency's Total Obligations; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has prepared a remittance agreement (the "Agreement"), which provides, among other things, for the transfer of the 2011 - 2012 Housing Fund Allocations to the City to be applied towards the City's 2011- 2012 remittance payment; and WHEREAS, an action challenging the constitutionality of the Dissolution Act and Continuation Act has been filed in the California Supreme Court by the California Redevelopment Association, the League of California Cities, and two individual cities; and WHEREAS, on August 11th, 2011, the Court (i) issued an order indicating that it would exercise jurisdiction over the lawsuit, (ii) set an expedited briefing schedule to allow it to decide the case before the first annual remittance payment is due in January 2012, and (iii) stayed the effectiveness of all of the Continuation Act, and portions of the Dissolution Act; and WHEREAS, the City's approval of the Agreement is without prejudice to the City's right to challenge the constitutionality and legality of the Dissolution Act and/or the Continuation Act; and WHEREAS, all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. 332 Resolution No. Approval of Remittance Agreement Adopted: September _, 2011 Page 3 Section 2. Insufficient Other Agency Funds. Based on the facts set forth in the City's staff report, the City hereby acknowledges and approves the Agency's finding that there are insufficient other moneys available to the Agency to fully fund the Agency's Total Obligations. Section 3. Approval of Agreement. The Agreement, a copy of which is on file with the City Clerk, is hereby approved; provided, however, that the effectiveness thereof is conditioned on the Court upholding the Dissolution Act and the Continuation Act. Section 4. Effect of Final Court Decision. The Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event there is a final determination by any court of competent jurisdiction that the Dissolution Act and/or the Continuation Act are unconstitutional and therefore invalid, and all appeals therefrom are exhausted or unsuccessful, or time for filing an appeal therefrom has lapsed. Section 5. Implementation. The City Council hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager to take any action and execute any documents necessary to implement this Resolution, including, but not limited to, the Agreement. Section 6. CEOA. The City Council finds, under Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 15378(b)(4), that this Resolution is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act ( CEQA") in that it is not a 'project,„ but instead consists of the continuation of a governmental funding mechanism for existing projects and programs for which CEQA analysis has already been conducted, and does not commit funds to any specific project or program. Section 7. Severability. If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are severable. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Resolution irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion thereof. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held this 201h day of September, 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: 333 Resolution No. Approval of Remittance Agreement Adopted: September _, 2011 Page 4 ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 334 ATTACHMENT REMITTANCE AGREEMENT (CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34194.2) This REMITTANCE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into this day of September, 2011, by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation and charter city (the "City"), and the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic (the "Agency"). The City and the Agency (individually, a "Party," and collectively, the "Parties") enter into this Agreement with reference to the following: RECITALS A. On or about November 29, 1983, the City Council of the City (the "City Council") approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project (the "Project Area No. 1 Redevelopment Plan"), covering certain properties located within the City and defined in the Project Area No. 1 Redevelopment Plan as the "La Quinta Redevelopment Project" ("Project Area No. 1 "). The Project Area No. 1 Redevelopment Plan was subsequently amended on or about December 20, 1994, and on or about March 16, 2004. B. On or about May 16, 1989, the City Council approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 (the "Project Area No. 2 Redevelopment Plan"), covering certain properties located within the City and defined in the Project .Area No. 2 Redevelopment Plan as the "La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2" ("Project Area No. 2") The Project Area No. 2 Redevelopment Plan was subsequently amended on or about December 20, 1994, on or about February 3, 2004, and on or about March 16, 2004. C. The Project Area No. 1 Redevelopment Plan and the Project Area No. 2 Redevelopment Plan are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Redevelopment Plans," and Project Area No. 1 and Project Area No. 2 are collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Project Areas". D. The Agency has been and is engaged in activities to execute and implement the Redevelopment Plans pursuant to the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.) ("CRL"). E. Since adoption of the Redevelopment Plans, the Agency has undertaken redevelopment projects in the Project Areas to eliminate blight, to improve public facilities and infrastructure, to renovate and construct affordable housing, and to enter into partnerships with private parties to create jobs and expand the local economy. 882/015610-0040 335 2258772.1 a09/15/I1 F. Over the life of the Project Areas, the Agency hopes to implement a variety of redevelopment projects and programs to continue to eliminate and prevent blight, stimulate and expand the Project Areas' economic growth, create and develop local job opportunities and alleviate deficiencies in public infrastructure, and increase, improve, and preserve the City's supply of low and moderate income housing. G. As part of the 201 1-12 State budget bill, the California Legislature enacted and the Governor signed, from the 2011-12 First Extraordinary Session, Assembly Bills 26 and 27 ("AB x1 26" and "AB x1 27"), requiring that each redevelopment agency be dissolved unless the community that created it enacts an ordinance committing it to make certain payments. H. Specifically, AB x1 26 prohibits redevelopment agencies from taking numerous actions, effective immediately and purportedly retroactively, and additionally provides that redevelopment agencies are deemed to be dissolved as of October 1, 2011. I. AB x1 27 provides that a community may participate in an "Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program," in order to enable a redevelopment agency within that community to remain in existence and carry out the provisions of the CRL, by enacting an ordinance agreeing to comply with Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code ("Part 1 .9"). J. The Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program requires that the City agree by ordinance to remit specified annual amounts to the Riverside County Auditor -Controller ("County Auditor"). K. On August 2, 2011, City adopted Ordinance No. 491 ("Ordinance"), thereby agreeing to participate in the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program and to remit specified annual amounts in accordance therewith. L. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34194.1, in making remittances to the County Auditor pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 34194 or 34194.5, the City may use any available funds not otherwise obligated for other uses. M. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34194.2 ("Section 34194.2"), the City may enter into an agreement with the Agency, whereby the Agency will transfer a portion of its tax increment to the City, in an amount not to exceed the annual remittance required that year pursuant to Chapter 3 of Part 1.9, for the purpose of financing activities within the redevelopment area that are related to accomplishing the Agency's project goals. 882/015610-0040 2258772.1 a09/15/11 -2- 336 N. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the transfer of funds by the Agency to the City pursuant to the authorization in Section 34194.2, with said transfer of funds to be in an amount not to exceed the annual amount that is sufficient for the City to make the remittances required by Chapter 3 of Part 1.9 for the applicable fiscal year. 0. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34194.3, for Fiscal Year 2011-12, the Agency, by complying with the provisions of Part 1.9, shall be exempt from making the full allocation required to be made to the Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 33334.2, 33334.4 and 33334.6 (collectively, the "Housing Fund Allocation") upon the Agency making the finding that there are insufficient other moneys available to meet its debt and other obligations, current priority program needs, or its obligations under Section 34194.2. In accordance with Section 34194.3, the Agency hereby finds and determines that the Agency's Housing Fund Allocation for Fiscal Year 201 1-12 (the "FY 201 1-12 Housing Fund Allocation") cannot occur because the Agency has insufficient other moneys available to meet its debt and other obligations, current priority program needs, and its remittance payment obligations under Section 34194.2. The Agency makes these findings and determinations based on evidence that is on file with the Agency Secretary and has been presented to the Agency Board of Directors at the time of the meeting approving this Agreement, which include spreadsheets and other documentation setting forth the available fund balances of the Debt Service Fund, Capital Project Fund, and Housing Fund for each of the Project Areas. P. The obligations of the Agency under this Agreement shall constitute an indebtedness of the Agency for the purpose of carrying out the Redevelopment Plans for the Project Areas. Q. City understands and believes that an action or actions challenging the validity of AB x1 26 and AB x1 27 has or have been, or may be filed on behalf of cities, counties and redevelopment agencies. While the City intends to make the remittances as provided for in AB x1 27 and pursuant to this Agreement, the remittances shall be made under protest and without prejudice to the City's right to recover such amounts and interest thereon, to the extent there is a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that AB x1 26 or AB x1 27, or both, are unconstitutional or otherwise unlawful. The City reserves the right, regardless of any remittance made pursuant to this Agreement, to challenge the legality of AB x1 26 or AB x1 27, or both. R. To the extent a court of competent jurisdiction enjoins, restrains, or grants a stay on the effectiveness of the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program, the City shall not be obligated to make any community remittance for the duration of such injunction, restraint, or stay. Moreover, to the extent that a court of competent jurisdiction determines that either AB x1 26 or AB x1 27, or both, are unconstitutional and therefore invalid, and all appeals therefrom are exhausted or 882/015610-0040 2258772.1 a09/15/11 -3- 337 unsuccessful, or time for filing an appeal therefrom has lapsed, this Agreement shall be deemed null and void and of no further force and effect. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals, which are incorporated herein by this reference and are an integral part of this Agreement, the Parties mutually agree as follows: 1. Agency Obligation to Transfer Funds to City• Determination of Remittance Payment Amounts. The Agency shall transfer to the City in a timely manner, from "Available Agency Funds" (as that term is defined below), amounts sufficient for the City to make the remittance payments required by Part 1.9. The amounts of the remittance payments for each fiscal year shall be determined pursuant to Part 1.9, including Health and Safety Code Section 34194 ("Section 34194"). In the event that the City disputes the State Director of Finance's determination of the City's remittance payment amount for Fiscal Year 201 1-12, as determined pursuant to Section 34194, the City reserves the right to appeal to the State Director of Finance pursuant to Section 34194. The City's remittance payment amount for Fiscal Year 2011-12 shall be the final remittance payment amount determined after any applicable appeal to the State Director of Finance, and each remittance payment amount for fiscal years after Fiscal Year 2011-12 shall be based upon the final remittance payment amount for Fiscal Year 201 1-12, as determined after any applicable appeal to the State Director of Finance, as adjusted pursuant to Section 34194. As used in this Agreement, the term "Available Agency Funds" shall mean, (a) for the remittance payment for Fiscal Year 2011-2012, the sum of (i) all funds received and held by the Agency not otherwise restricted or obligated for other uses, including without limitation, for specific projects or programs, and (ii) the funds that would have comprised the FY 2011-12 Housing Fund Allocation should the Agency have been required to make the Housing Fund Allocation for Fiscal Year 201 1-2012; and (b) for the remittance payment for each fiscal year following Fiscal Year 2011-2012, all funds received and held by the Agency not otherwise restricted or obligated for other uses, including without limitation, for specific projects or programs. 2. City Obligation to Transfer Remittance Payment Amounts to County Auditor; Limited Obligation of City; No Commitment of Funds from City General Fund. Subject to the receipt of sufficient Available Agency Funds from the Agency, the City shall, pursuant to Part 1.9, timely remit to the County Auditor the remittance payment amounts as determined pursuant to this Agreement. The City's obligation to make such remittances shall be a special limited obligation of the City payable solely from payments received from the Agency pursuant to this Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to be or is a pledge or commitment of the City's general fund revenues or other City assets to make the remittance payments as provided for in Part 1.9, and any remittance 8821015610-0040 338 2258772.1 a09/15/11 -4- payments shall be made solely from payments received from the Agency pursuant to this Agreement. 3. Termination of Agreement and All City -Agency Agreements Upon Termination of City's Participation in Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program; Self -Executing. In the event that the City does not make a remittance as required by Part 1.9 and the State Director of Finance makes the determination described in Health and Safety Code Section 34194(d)(2) or 34194.5 that the Agency shall be subject to Parts 1.8 and 1.85 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code, this Agreement and all City -Agency Cooperation Agreements shall be terminated, and of no further force and effect, without the need for any further action by the City Council, Agency Board of Directors, or any City or Agency officer, official, employee, agent, or representative. For purposes of this Agreement, "City -Agency Cooperation Agreements" shall mean any and all agreements, whether written or oral or by arrangement or general practice, by and between the City and Agency, which are not defined as "enforceable obligations" pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 34167 or 34170.5 (as may be amended from time to time) and which obligate the Agency to pay the City any amount of money or other consideration, including but not limited to City -Agency loan agreements that are not otherwise "enforceable obligations" (as defined above). It is the intent of the City and Agency by agreeing to the terms and conditions of this Section 4 that, upon the termination of the City's and Agency's participation in the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program, neither the City nor the Agency shall owe any payments to the other Party, and that no payments from the Agency to the City pursuant to any City -Agency Cooperation Agreement shall be assigned to the State as contemplated by Health and Safety Code Sections 34193.2(b) and 34195(b). 4. Reservation of Rights; Payments Under Protest; Termination of Agreement If AB x1 26 and/or AB x1 27 Ruled Unlawful; Self -Executing. The City and Agency reserve any and all rights to challenge the legality of AB x1 26 and AB x1 27, and the City and Agency reserve any and all rights to benefit from any other legal challenge that determines AB x1 26 or AB x1 27, or both, are unlawful. All remittance payments made by the City pursuant to this Agreement shall be made under protest and without prejudice to the City's right to recover such amounts and interest thereon unless and until there is a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that AB x1 26 and AB x1 27 are constitutional and the remittance payments required therein are legally enforceable payment obligations of the City. For any action or actions challenging the validity of AB xt 26 or AB x1 27, or both, in the event that a court of competent jurisdiction enjoins, restrains, or grants a stay on the effectiveness of the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program, the City shall not be obligated to make any community remittance for the duration of such injunction, restraint, or stay, unless and until there is a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that AB x1 26 and AB x1 27 are constitutional and the remittance payments required therein are legally enforceable payment obligations of the City. For any action or actions challenging the validity 8B2/015610-0040 2258772.1 a09/15/11 -5- 339 of AB x1 26 or AB xt 27, or both, in the event that a court of competent jurisdiction determines that either AB x1 26 or AB x1 27, or both, are unconstitutional or otherwise legally invalid, and all appeals therefrom are exhausted or unsuccessful, or time for filing an appeal therefrom has lapsed, this Agreement shall be terminated, and of no further force and effect, without the need for any further action by the City Council, Agency Board of Directors, or any City or Agency officer, official, employee, agent, or representative. 5. Indebtedness of Agency Prior to October 1, 2011. The Agency's funding obligations in this Agreement are intended to be and shall constitute an indebtedness of the Agency, incurred prior to October 1, 2011, within the meaning of Article XVI, Section 16 of the California Constitution and Health and Safety Code Sections 33670(b) and 34194(c)(2). The Agency shall include the total estimated indebtedness incurred by Agency pursuant to this Agreement on the Agency's annual statements of indebtedness that Agency is required to annually file pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33675 (or successor statute). Any increase to the total estimated indebtedness that may occur after the effective date of this agreement shall constitute indebtedness incurred prior to October 1, 2011. 6. Subordination. Agency's funding obligations hereunder shall be junior and subordinate to (i) all existing Agency tax allocation bonds or other direct long- term indebtedness of Agency secured and to be repaid by tax increment funds, (ii) all pledges by Agency of tax increments for tax allocation bonds or other direct long-term indebtedness of Agency secured and to be repaid by tax increment funds, (iii) other Agency financial agreements or other contractual obligations of Agency with any person or entity not a party to this Agreement, including but not limited to any and all tax sharing or so-called "pass -through" agreements entered into between Agency and any taxing entity; (iv) any contingent obligations of Agency; and (v) other financial agreements or other contractual obligations between the parties to this Agreement. 7. Non -Recourse Obligation. No officer, official, employee, agent, or representative of Agency or City shall be liable for any amounts due hereunder, and no judgment or execution thereon entered in any action herein shall be personally enforced against any such officer, official, employee, agent, or representative. 8. Indemnity. In contemplation of Government Code Section 895.2 imposing certain tort liability jointly upon public entities solely by reason of such entities being a party to an agreement defined by Government Code Section 895, the Parties hereto, as between themselves, agree that the Agency shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City for any loss, costs, or expenses that may be imposed upon the City by virtue of a third party prevailing in a legal challenge to the validity, enforceability, or administration of this Agreement. The provisions of Civil Code Section 2778 shall be applicable to this Agreement. 340 882/015610-0040 _ 2258772.1 a09/15/11 -s 9. Acknowledgment of Litigation Challenging AB x1 26 and AB x1 27. As of the date of approval of this Agreement, the California Supreme Court has exercised original jurisdiction in California Redevelopment Association, et al., Petitioners v. Ana Matosantos, et al., Respondents, Case No. S194861, a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality and validity of AB x1 26 and AB x1 27. In conjunction with exercising original jurisdiction in that case, the Court issued a partial stay on the enforcement of AB x1 26 and AB x1 27 and the Court has indicated its intent to issue a ruling in the case in January 2012. As such, this Agreement is executed and entered into subject to the condition subsequent that the Court upholds the constitutionality and validity of both AB x1 26 and AB x1 27 which would then implement the City's remittance payment obligation under AB x1 27, as described in the Recitals of this Agreement, and require the payments by the Agency to the City as provided in this Agreement and. subject to the terms of this Agreement. As set forth in Section 4 of this Agreement, if the California Supreme Court, or any other court, determines that either AB x1 26 or AB x1 27, or both, are unconstitutional or otherwise legally invalid, and all appeals therefrom are exhausted or unsuccessful, or time for filing an appeal therefrom has lapsed, this Agreement shall automatically, and without the need for any further action by the City Council, Agency Board of Directors, or any City or Agency officer, official, employee, agent, or representative, be terminated and of no further force and effect. 10. Entire Agreement and Full Integration. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 11. Intended Parties; No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the City and the Agency, and their respective successors in interest; provided, however, that this Agreement shall be terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth above in the event that the City or any other public agency becomes the "successor agency" to the Agency pursuant to Parts 1 .8 and 1.85 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code. The City and Agency expressly covenant that there shall be no third party beneficiaries under this Agreement. 12. Waiver. Any waiver or amendment of the provisions of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties. 13. Severability. Each provision of this Agreement shall be severable from the whole, and if any provision of this Agreement shall be found contrary to law, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 341 882/015610-0040 _ 2258772.1 a09/15/11 _7 14. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in duplicate originals, each of which shall be deemed to be an original. [signatures on next page] 342 882/015610-0040 _ 2258772.1 a09/15111 -$ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above. "Agency" LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic 0 ATTEST: Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP Agency Counsel Agency Chair "City" CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation and charter city Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP City Attorney 343 882/015610-0040 2258772.1 a09/15/11 _9_ cew(t 4 4 Q" MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager and Executive DirectoO ^Y/ DATE: September 19, 2011 SUBJECT: September 20, 2011 City Council Agenda Item No. C20 & RDA Agenda Item No. C4 Attached please find a revised Attachment 1 - Remittance Agreement, with minor clerical revisions as well as the attachment of Exhibit "A". Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. ' ATTACHMENT REMITTANCE AGREEMENT (CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34194.2) This REMITTANCE AGREEMENT ("Agreement') is entered into this day of September_, 2011, by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation and charter city (the "City"), and the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic (the "Agency"). The City and the Agency (individually, a "Party," and collectively, the "Parties") enter into this Agreement with reference to the following: RECITALS A. On or about November 29, 1983, the City Council of the City (the "City Council") approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project (the "Project Area No. 1 Redevelopment Plan"), covering certain properties located within the City and defined in the Project Area No. 1 Redevelopment Plan as the "La Quinta Redevelopment Project' ("Project Area No. 1 "). The Project Area No. 1 Redevelopment Plan was subsequently amended on or about December 20, 1994, and on or about March 16, 2004. B. On or about May 16, 1989, the City Council approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 (the "Project Area No. 2 Redevelopment Plan"), covering certain properties located within the City and defined in the Project Area No. 2 Redevelopment Plan as the "La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2" ("Project Area No. 2") The Project Area No. 2 Redevelopment Plan was subsequently amended on or about December 20, 1994, on or about February 3, 2004, and on or about March 16, 2004. C. The Project Area No. 1 Redevelopment Plan and the Project Area No. 2 Redevelopment Plan are hereinafter collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Redevelopment Plans," and Project Area No. 1 and Project Area No. 2 are collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Project Areas"). D. The Agency has been and is engaged in activities to execute and implement the Redevelopment Plans pursuant to the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.) ("CRL") E. Since adoption of the Redevelopment Plans, the Agency has undertaken redevelopment projects in the Project Areas to eliminate blight, to improve public facilities and infrastructure, to renovate and construct affordable 345 882/015610-0040 2258712.1 a09/19/11 housing, and to enter into partnerships with private parties to create jobs and expand the local economy. F. Over the next few years, the Agency hopes to implement a variety of redevelopment projects and programs to continue to eliminate and prevent blight, stimulate and expand the Project Areas' economic growth, create and develop local job opportunities and alleviate deficiencies in public infrastructure, and increase, improve, and preserve the City's supply of low and moderate income housing. G. As part of the 2011-12 State budget bill, the California Legislature enacted and the Governor signed, from the 2011-12 First Extraordinary Session, Assembly Bills 26 and 27 ("AB 1 X 26" and "AB 1 X 27"), requiring that each redevelopment agency be dissolved unless the community that created it enacts an ordinance committing it to make certain payments. H. Specifically, AB 1 X 26 prohibits redevelopment agencies from taking numerous actions, effective immediately and purportedly retroactively, and additionally provides that redevelopment agencies are deemed to be dissolved as of October 1, 2011. I. AB 1 X 27 provides that a community may participate in an "Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program," in order to enable a redevelopment agency within that community to remain in existence and carry out the provisions of the CRL, by enacting an ordinance agreeing to comply with Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code ("Part 1 .9"). J. The Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program requires that the City agree by ordinance to remit specified annual amounts to the Riverside County Auditor -Controller ("County Auditor"). K. On August 2, 2011, City adopted Ordinance No. 491 ("Ordinance"), thereby agreeing to participate in the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program and to remit specified annual amounts in accordance therewith. L. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34194.1, in making remittances to the County Auditor pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 34194 or 34194.5, the City may use any available funds not otherwise obligated for other uses. M. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34194.2 ("Section 34194.2"), the City may enter into an agreement with the Agency, whereby the Agency will transfer a portion of its tax increment to the City, in an amount not to exceed the annual remittance required that year pursuant to Chapter 3 of Part 1 .9, for the purpose of financing activities within the redevelopment area that are related to accomplishing the Agency's project goals. 346 882/015610-0040 2258772A a09/19/11 N. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the transfer of funds by the Agency to the City pursuant to the authorization in Section 34194.2, with said transfer of funds to be in an amount not to exceed the annual amount that is sufficient for the City to make the remittances required by Chapter 3 of Part 1 .9 for the applicable fiscal year. 0. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34194.3, for Fiscal Year 2011-12, the Agency, by complying with the provisions of Part 1.9, shall be exempt from making the full allocation required to be made to the Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 33334.2, 33334.4 and 33334.6 (collectively, the "Housing Fund Allocation") upon the Agency making the finding that there are insufficient other moneys available to meet its debt and other obligations, current priority program needs, or its obligations under Section 34194.2. In accordance with Section 34194.3, the Agency hereby finds and determines that the Agency's Housing Fund Allocation for Fiscal Year 201 1-12 (the "FY 201 1-12 Housing Fund Allocation") cannot occur because the Agency has insufficient other moneys available to meet its debt and other obligations, current priority program needs, and its remittance payment obligations under Section 34194.2. The Agency makes these findings and determinations based on evidence that is on file with the Agency Secretary and has been presented to the Agency Board of Directors at the time of the meeting approving this Agreement, which include spreadsheets and other documentation setting forth the available fund balances of the Debt Service Fund, Capital Project Fund, and Housing Fund for each of the Project Areas. P. The obligations of the Agency under this Agreement shall constitute an indebtedness of the Agency for the purpose of carrying out the Redevelopment Plans for the Project Areas. 0. City understands and believes that an action or actions challenging the validity of AB 1 X 26 and AB 1 X 27 has or have been, or may be filed on behalf of cities, counties and redevelopment agencies. While the City intends to make the remittances as provided for in AB 1 X 27 and pursuant to this Agreement, the remittances shall be made under protest and without prejudice to the City's right to recover such amounts and interest thereon, to the extent there is a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that AB 1 X 26 or AB 1 X 27, or both, are unconstitutional or otherwise unlawful. The City reserves the right, regardless of any remittance made pursuant to this Agreement, to challenge the legality of AB 1 X 26 or AB 1 X 27, or both. R. To the extent a court of competent jurisdiction enjoins, restrains, or grants a stay on the effectiveness of the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program, the City shall not be obligated to make any community remittance for the duration of such injunction, restraint, or stay. Moreover, to the extent that a court of competent jurisdiction determines that either AB 1 X 26 or AB 1 X 27, or both, 882/015610-0040 _3_ 4 2258772.1 a09/19/11 are unconstitutional and therefore invalid, and all appeals therefrom are exhausted or unsuccessful, or time for filing an appeal therefrom has lapsed, this Agreement shall be deemed null and void and of no further force and effect. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals, which are incorporated herein by this reference and are an integral part of this Agreement, the Parties mutually agree as follows: 1. Agency Obligation to Transfer Funds to City; Determination of Remittance Payment Amounts. The Agency shall transfer to the City in a timely manner, from "Available Agency Funds" (as that term is defined below), amounts sufficient for the City to make the remittance payments required by Part 1.9. The amounts of the remittance payments for each fiscal year shall be determined pursuant to Part 1.9, including Health and Safety Code Section 34194 ("Section 34194"). In the event that the City disputes the State Director of Finance's determination of the City's remittance payment amount for Fiscal Year 2011-12, as determined pursuant to Section 34194, the City reserves the right to appeal to the State Director of Finance pursuant to Section 34194. The City's remittance payment amount for Fiscal Year 2011-12 shall be the final remittance payment amount determined after any applicable appeal to the State Director of Finance, and each remittance payment amount for fiscal years after Fiscal Year 201 1-12 shall be based upon the final remittance payment amount for Fiscal Year 2011-12, as determined after any applicable appeal to the State Director of Finance, as adjusted pursuant to Section 34194. As used in this Agreement, the term "Available Agency Funds" shall mean, (a) for the remittance payment for Fiscal Year 2011-2012, the sum of (i) all funds received and held by the Agency not otherwise restricted or obligated for other uses, including without limitation, for specific projects or programs, and (ii) the funds that would have comprised the FY 2011-12 Housing Fund Allocation should the Agency have been required to make the Housing Fund Allocation for Fiscal Year 2011-2012; and (b) for the remittance payment for each fiscal year following Fiscal Year 2011-2012, all funds received and held by the Agency not otherwise restricted or obligated for other uses, including without limitation, for specific projects or programs. 2. City Obligation to Transfer Remittance Payment Amounts to County Auditor• Limited Obligation of City• No Commitment of Funds from City General Fund. Subject to the receipt of sufficient Available Agency Funds from the Agency, the City shall, pursuant to Part 1.9, timely remit to the County Auditor the remittance payment amounts as determined pursuant to this Agreement. The City's obligation to make such remittances shall be a special limited obligation of the City payable solely from payments received from the Agency pursuant to this Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to be or is a pledge or commitment of the City's general fund revenues or other City assets to 882/015610-0040 148 2258772.1 a09/19111 make the remittance payments as provided for in Part 1.9, and any remittance payments shall be made solely from payments received from the Agency pursuant to this Agreement. 3. Termination of Agreement and All City -Agency Agreements Upon Termination of City's Participation in Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program; Self -Executing. In the event that the City does not make a remittance as required by Part 1.9 and the State Director of Finance makes the determination described in Health and Safety Code Section 34194(d)(2) or 34194.5 that the Agency shall be subject to Parts 1.8 and 1.85 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code, this Agreement and all City -Agency Cooperation Agreements shall be terminated, and of no further force and effect, without the need for any further action by the City Council, Agency Board of Directors, or any City or Agency officer, official, employee, agent, or representative. For purposes of this Agreement, "City -Agency Cooperation Agreements" shall mean any and all agreements, whether written or oral or by arrangement or general practice, by and between the City and Agency, which are not defined as "enforceable obligations" pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 34167 or 34170.5 (as may be amended from time to time) and which obligate the Agency to pay the City any amount of money or other consideration, including but not limited to City -Agency loan agreements that are not otherwise "enforceable obligations" (as defined above). It is the intent of the City and Agency by agreeing to the terms and conditions of this Section 4 that, upon the termination of the City's and Agency's participation in the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program, neither the City nor the Agency shall owe any payments to the other Party, and that no payments from the Agency to the City pursuant to any City -Agency Cooperation Agreement shall be assigned to the State as contemplated by Health and Safety Code Sections 34193.2(b) and 34195(b). 4. Reservation of Rights• Payments Under Protest; Termination of Agreement If AB 1 X 26 and/or AB 1 X 27 Ruled Unlawful; Self -Executing. The City and Agency reserve any and all rights to challenge the legality of AB 1 X 26 and AB 1 X 27, and the City and Agency reserve any and all rights to benefit from any other legal challenge that determines AB 1 X 26 or AB 1 X 27, or both, are unlawful. All remittance payments made by the City pursuant to this Agreement shall be made under protest and without prejudice to the City's right to recover such amounts and interest thereon unless and until there is a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that AB 1 X 26 and AB 1 X 27 are constitutional and the remittance payments required therein are legally enforceable payment obligations of the City. For any action or actions challenging the validity of AB 1 X 26 or AB 1 X 27, or both, in the event that a court of competent jurisdiction enjoins, restrains, or grants a stay on the effectiveness of the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program, the City shall not be obligated to make any community remittance for the duration of such injunction, restraint, or stay, unless and until 88210l5610.0040 -5- 349 2258772.1 a09/19/11 there is a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that AB 1 X 26 and AB 1 X 27 are constitutional and the remittance payments required therein are legally enforceable payment obligations of the City. For any action or actions challenging the validity of AB 1 X 26 or AB 1 X 27, or both, in the event that a court of competent jurisdiction determines that either AB 1 X 26 or AB 1 X 27, or both, are unconstitutional or otherwise legally invalid, and all appeals therefrom are exhausted or unsuccessful, or time for filing an appeal therefrom has lapsed, this Agreement shall be terminated, and of no further force and effect, without the need for any further action by the City Council, Agency Board of Directors, or any City or Agency officer, official, employee, agent, or representative. 5. Indebtedness of Agency Prior to October 1, 2011. The Agency's funding obligations in this Agreement are intended to be and shall constitute an indebtedness of the Agency, incurred prior to October 1, 2011, within the meaning of Article XVI, Section 16 of the California Constitution and Health and Safety Code Sections 33670(b) and 34194(c)(2). The Agency shall include the total estimated indebtedness incurred by Agency pursuant to this Agreement on the Agency's annual statements of indebtedness that Agency is required to annually file pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33675 (or successor statute). The estimated total indebtedness incurred by the Agency pursuant to this Agreement is shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Any increase to the total estimated indebtedness that may occur after the Effective Date of this Agreement shall constitute indebtedness incurred prior to October 1, 2011. 6. Subordination. Agency's funding obligations hereunder shall be junior and subordinate to (i) all existing Agency tax allocation bonds or other direct long- term indebtedness of Agency secured and to be repaid by tax increment funds, (ii) all pledges by Agency of tax increments for tax allocation bonds or other direct long-term indebtedness of Agency secured and to be repaid by tax increment funds, (iii) other Agency financial agreements or other contractual obligations of Agency with any person or entity not a party to this Agreement, including but not limited to any and all tax sharing or so-called "pass -through" agreements entered into between Agency and any taxing entity; (iv) any contingent obligations of Agency; and (v) other financial agreements or other contractual obligations between the parties to this Agreement. 7. Non -Recourse Obligation. No officer, official, employee, agent, or representative of Agency or City shall be liable for any amounts due hereunder, and no judgment or execution thereon entered in any action herein shall be personally enforced against any such officer, official, employee, agent, or representative. 8. Indemnity. In contemplation of Government Code Section 895.2 imposing certain tort liability jointly upon public entities solely by reason of such entities being a party to an agreement defined by Government Code Section 895, 882/015610-0040 _6- - A 3 5 0 2259772.1 a09/19/11 the Parties hereto, as between themselves, agree that the Agency shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City for any loss, costs, or expenses that may be imposed upon the City by virtue of a third party prevailing in a legal challenge to the validity, enforceability, or administration of this Agreement. The provisions of Civil Code Section 2778 shall be applicable to this Agreement. 9. Acknowledgment of Litigation Challenging AB 1 X 26 and AB 1 X 27. As of the date of approval of this Agreement, the California Supreme Court has exercised original jurisdiction in California Redevelopment Association, et al., Petitioners v. Ana Matosantos, et al., Respondents, Case No. S194861, a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality and validity of AB 1 X 26 and AB 1 X 27. In conjunction with exercising original jurisdiction in that case, the Court issued a partial stay on the enforcement of AB 1 X 26 and AB 1 X 27 and the Court has indicated its intent to issue a ruling in the case in January 2012. As such, this Agreement is executed and entered into subject to the condition subsequent that the Court upholds the constitutionality and validity of both AB 1 X 26 and AB 1 X 27 which would then implement the City's remittance payment obligation under AB 1 X 27, as described in the Recitals of this Agreement, and require the payments by the Agency to the City as provided in this Agreement and subject to the terms of this Agreement. As set forth in Section 4 of this Agreement, if the California Supreme Court, or any other court, determines that either AB 1X 26 or AB X1127, or both, are unconstitutional or otherwise legally invalid, and all appeals therefrom are exhausted or unsuccessful, or time for filing an appeal therefrom has lapsed, this Agreement shall automatically, and without the need for any further action by the City Council, Agency Board of Directors, or any City or Agency officer, official, employee, agent, or representative, be terminated and of no further force and effect. 10. Entire Agreement and Full Integration. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 11. Intended Parties• No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the City and the Agency, and their respective successors in interest; provided, however, that this Agreement shall be terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth above in the event that the City or any other public agency becomes the successor agency" to the Agency pursuant to Parts 1.8 and 1.85 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code. The City and Agency expressly covenant that there shall be no third party beneficiaries under this Agreement. 351 882/015610-0040 2258772A a09/19/11 12. Waiver. Any waiver or amendment of the provisions of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties. 13. Severability. Each provision of this Agreement shall be severable from the whole, and if any provision of this Agreement shall be found contrary to law, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 14. Counterp arts. This Agreement may be executed in duplicate originals, each of which shall be deemed to be an original. [signatures on next page] 352 882/015610-0040 2258772.1 a09/19/11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above. "Agency" LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic M ATTEST: Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER,. LLP Agency Counsel Agency Chair "City" CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation and charter city :- Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 353 882/015610-0040 _(3_ 2258772.1 a09/19/11 APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP City Attorney 154 882/015610-0040 _ 1 O_ 2258772.1 a09/19/11 EXHIBIT "A" ESTIMATED TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT [see attached] 355 882/015610-0040 2258772.1 a09/19/11 EXHIBf--T='A" ExhibitA Estimated ABx1 27 Payment 2011-12 18,315.473 2012-13 4.442,921 2013-14 4,680,210 2014-15 4,721,617 2015-16 4,867,267 2016-17 5,017.286 2017-18 5.171,806 2018-19 5,330,961 2019-20 5,494,891 2020-21 5,663,739 2021-22 5,837,652 2022-23 6,016,783 2023-24 6,201,288 2024-25 6,391,328 2025-26 6,587,069 2026-27 6,788,682 2027-28 6,996,343 2028-29 7,210,235 2029-30 7,430,543 2030-31 7,657,461 2031-32 7,891,186 2032-33 8,131.922 2033-34 8,379,881 2034-35 3,206,926 2035-36 3,303,898 2036-37 3,403.780 2037-38 3,506,658 2038-39 3,612,623 2039-40 3,721,766 Total $ 175,882,193 Notes: 2011-12 value based on Dept. of Finance current estimate and subject to revision Payments will fluctuate with changes in revenues. 356 T4t!t 4 4 Qum& COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: September 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Formation and Appointment of Two Members to an Ad Hoc Committee to Review Grant Requests RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: As part of the 2011/2012 Fiscal Year Budget, the City Council allocated $25,000 to fund Community Services Grants. If the City Council would like to have the grant applications reviewed by a committee before they are presented to the City Council, staff would recommend the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee comprised of two City Council members. This Ad Hoc Committee would review and recommend the 151 round of grants to City Council on October 18, 2011. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 2. Establish an Ad Hoc Committee to consider the 1st round of Grant Requests and appoint two City Council members to serve; or Do not establish an Ad Hoc Committee to consider the Vt round of Grant Requests; or I 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 357 Respectfully submitted, Edie Hylton Community Services Director Approved for submission y: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 358 REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 19 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES July 11, 2011 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Community Services Commission was called to order at 5:29 p.m. by Commissioner Fitzpatrick. Commissioner Lawrence led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Commissioners Blakeley, Engel, Fitzpatrick, Lawrence, and Leidner STAFF PRESENT: Edie Hylton, Community Services Director; Steve Howlett, Golf & Parks Manager; Maria Casillas, Marketing/Economic Development Project Manager; and Angela Guereque, Senior Secretary PUBLIC COMMENT Fran Lambert, 80175 Avenue 52 #1334, La Quinta, CA 92253. Yoga instructor looking to promote her instruction. Director Hylton suggested Ms. Lambert contact staff. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Motion - It was moved by Commissioners Blakeley/Leidner to confirm the agenda as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation by Johanna Wickman with the La Quinta Museum Ms. Wickman presented current information of the Museum happenings. The current Jurassic Encounter will end July 30, 2011. The attendance has been almost double from last year's numbers. The California Pioneers exhibit will be active in September 2011. There will also be a Civil War Reenactment at Lake Cahuilla on November 19 and 20, 2011. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of June 13, 2011 Minutes 359 Community Services Commission Minutes July 11, 2011 -2- Commissioner Fitzpatrick noted on page 3, paragraph 1, "speces" should be "spaces." Motion - It was moved by Commissioners Lawrence/Leidner to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR - None. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Election of Chairperson Director Hylton presented the staff report. Motion - It was moved by Commissioner Blakeley/Engel to recommend Commissioner Fitzpatrick as Chairperson for the Community Services Commission. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Election of Vice Chairperson. Director Hylton presented the staff report. Motion - It was moved by Commissioner Blakeley/Engel to recommend Commissioner Lawrence as Vice Chairperson for the Community Services Commission. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of a Temporary Art Donation from Joe Oaks to be Placed at the Library. Director Hylton presented the staff report. Commissioner Leidner asked is there was an extra cost for the insurance. Director Hylton stated that the insurance is covered under the City's current insurance. Commissioner Leidner asked what information will be placed on the pieces. Director Hylton stated that the artists name and title will be placed under the pieces. Contact information will be available from the Library staff. Commissioner Blakeley asked if an easel can be placed to guide people to the Temporary Art. Director Hylton stated staff would work with Joe Oakes on this. Motion - It was moved by Commissioner Blakeley/Lawrence to recommend the Temporary Art Donation from Joe Oakes be placed at the Library. Motion carried unanimously. 360 Community Services Commission Minutes July 11, 2011 -3- STUDY SESSION - None. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. Update on the City's 30`h Anniversary Celebration Events Maria Casillas presented the report. 2. La Quinta Community Fitness Center Marketing Plan Director Hylton presented the report. Kevin Kalman, Desert Recreation District, stated there were 48 new members and 43 existing members on Saturday and 87 total members on Monday. 3. Community Services Department Report for June 2011 COMMISSIONER ITEMS 1. Report from Commissioners Regarding Meetings Attended. 2. Calendar of Monthly Events PUBLIC HEARING - None. OPEN DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Leidner/Lawrence to adjourn the Community Services Commission meeting at 6:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION: A Regular Meeting of the Community Services Commission to be held on September 12, 2011 commencing at 5:30 p.m. in the City of La Quinta Study Session Room, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. bmitteA by: Ange1'a Guereque Community Services Senior Secretary 361 Department Report: I 1k Gam' 045 7 OF Tt� TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager DATE: September 20, 2011 /a SUBJECT: Department Report - Response to Public Comment The following public comment was made at the August 2, 2011 City Council meeting: 1. Brian Bilhartz, 43400 Bordeaux Drive, Local Representative for Humana Insurance Company, stated the organization is looking forward to making their presence known in the community and explained a scholarship program. 362 Department Report: T4tvl 4 4 Q" MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager DATE: September 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Quarterly Marketing Report Per the City's contract with Furino/Greene Creative, the first Quarterly Marketing Report for Fiscal Year 201 1-2012 is attached. 0 363 First Quarter Report of Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Implemented by FG Creative, Inc. Cooperative Program for City Businesses: Secured three strong cooperative initiatives to date, with several others taking shape. Commitment for renewal of the three -panel display in baggage claim at the Palm Springs airport has been confirmed, which will feature co-op partners Las Casuelas Quinta, SilverRock Resort, and Embassy Suites La Quinta for the 2011-2012 contract. In addition, two co-op billboards have recently been installed along Interstate 10 - one as a renewal of the Dine & Stay billboard featuring Las Casuelas Quinta and Embassy Suites; and the other as a new co-op billboard promoting the La Quinta Auto Centre, with all three La Quinta dealerships participating. (Attachments 1&2) Shopping & Dining Map/Brochure: The La Quinta Shopping & Dining Map has been redesigned and is now presented in a more attractive brochure format. The map was reconfigured to be more user-friendly, as well. (Attachment 3) PlaylnLaQuinta.com Website: Monthly updates to events and the shopping and dining directory continue to be made, while revamping the shopping/dining directory on the website to reflect the new printed map design. Business Brochure: Designed a new Business Brochure to be a resource for those looking to start or expand a business in La Quinta. To be distributed at City Hall counters, the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, and the next Mayor's Luncheon. It is also dropped off during personal business visits by Economic Development staff. (Attachment 4) i. 364 Public Relations: Wrote, edited and distributed press releases and provided follow-up to secure coverage of the following topics: (Attachment 5) • California Pioneers Exhibit at La Quinta Museum Groundbreaking Ceremony for Adam's Street Bridge August Pool Programs • July/August/September Events Also pitched the Museum's Civil War Re-enactment (taking place in November) to publications with long lead times. A full press release on the event will be generated in late October. Palm Springs Life Advertorial 2011: The City's annual advertorial in the progress issue of Palm Springs Life was completed and will be featured in the October 2011 edition of the magazine. The advertorial features an extensive update on the City as well as new photography. The piece will be included in an Economic Development magazine used by CVEP, as well. CVEP/2011 Annual Economic Report Ad: Refreshed a previous Economic Development ad using new photography and headline. (Attachment 6) Facebook "Fan Page": The City of La Quinta's Facebook Fan page has grown to over 4,800 fans using a "pay -per -click" advertising program. Posts are made throughout each week and are generating positive feedback. This paid advertising program started last fiscal year and is planned to continue through this year. Results for a typical month include statistics such as: over 475,000 impressions (people seeing the ads), 200 "likes" (people adding the City's page to their network of friends to receive updates), and a 3% click through rate (to the La Quinta tourism website). (Attachment 7) Pay -Per -Click Internet Advertising: This effective advertising program works with the major search engines such as Google, to place the City of La Quinta at the top of any searches using the keywords that have been selected. There are two programs starting up for this Fiscal Year: 1.30 • Local: This campaign will focus on the Coachella Valley as the geographic region, using keywords for dining, shopping, and activities/events. • Regional: This campaign will focus on the Southern California drive markets using keywords for local vacations, activities, events, and golf. Events Brochure: The 2011-2012 La Quinta Area Events brochure is currently in production and will be distributed through the Certified Folder program to over 160 outlets in the Coachella Valley, including hotels, visitor centers, and more. The goal is to begin distribution in October 2011. 2012 Calendar: Production of the 2012 City Calendar is currently in the works, using historic photography to create a retrospective piece that will chronicle La Quinta through the years while tying into the 30'h Anniversary. Fall 2011 Newsletter: The City's first installment of its annual newsletter is in the works, and as in past years, will include a message about the 2011-2012 budget as well as highlight upcoming events and other City -related news. The newsletter is scheduled to reach La Quinta mailboxes in October. Local Advertising Campaign: In November, print ads in The Desert Sun and radio ads on local stations will begin - promoting key La Quinta events as well as the Shop/Dine La Quinta message. 366 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 367 ATTACHMENT Z.: 1 368 ATTACHMENT 3 a� aka £Ei3 ar =iti' esocAc£mu ie—`.r N a" FQ.z ZF4a}z, A o.wa h oz pve d °dam= s"r d �rm xz• p.?g ��or g �a qm has" Z go5 O0 ^Y��g �9 eo 0 1° Gov Ea, na q % h p �1°. F E o Ei „ z+ d � E T n'� = _ •w °'` ¢vuv`uowxx eOCOo' uceammi-o> z3 oE$ w� „M000 S'`dard� _ mo'C`c 3m0 - ` e3J___oN yrrE3 "uuuo u`33€s aa»n„ - a<55 I I 370 x o� a zZ; Opw,"a= 3�,5�a�9LLs x o ti �W,lNx muu Wx" �d=3 2-9.�i0.±a dE�?u uo3 zy xV y €d Zi S E p= a Z Zae '�E 0,08^."aE WW" a x' - i ZQ'o'_.`N 9 Z ZZ.�^ems In 5 " Wa 4+V 3.a�3 .�i C132�3x`�Yi�3=muw`E �m� y r1lddomx v \ -� _ � � �ax ®W'F✓.. ® C \6 Poison V1'aM1lm on Si. ilw V y sh p' Diun a �t ®_ ® Yr`E � b� fir..; •� c 0 0 6.. IyFT•l � 80�ahyE E [n0f1d Op •_ madem�.. ���.. 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(760) 777-7035 • www.1A-0_u1NTA.ORG Media Contact: Johanna Wickman, Museum Director (760)-777-7170 johanna.wickmanarivlib.net September 8, 2011 MEDIA ALERT Press Coverage Invited What: Opening Reception of their newest exhibit, "California Pioneers" When: Friday, September 9, 2011 from 5:00 - 7:00pm Where: La Quinta Museum, 77-885 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, CA 92253 The reception and exhibition are FREE and open to all ages. During the reception, there will be living history re -enactors throughout the exhibit portraying the lives of early American pioneers and Civil War soldiers. The first 200 guests attending the reception will receive a free small bottle of real gold flakes! The "California Pioneers" exhibit will be on display from September 9th, 2011 - April 14th, 2012 during regular museum hours, 10am to 4pm, Tuesday - Saturday. Visitors will experience pioneer life in early California through the exhibit's artifacts, dioramas, and hands on activities! As guests stroll through the exhibit, they will be able to imagine the journey westward to California with a twenty-five foot covered wagon scene and experience the California Gold Rush through the "Gold Fever!" * display. This display spotlights the remarkable stories of individual Californios, women, Native Americans, adventurers and gold seekers who emigrated from all parts of the world during the tumultuous and colorful Gold Rush era. Visitors will also enjoy learning the language of 374 Morse code by sending messages back and forth to friends using the working telegraph system, housed in a mock telegraph office and railroad depot. "California Pioneers," also features various Civil War artifacts courtesy of the Lincoln Memorial Shrine including: a sword, musket, and a document hand signed by Abraham Lincoln. Another historical highlight of the exhibit features vignettes of La Quinta's early pioneers. For more information, please call 760-777-7170 or visit www.la-guinta.org. ' "Gold Fever.! The Untold Stories of the California Gold Rush" was organized by the California Exhibition Resources Alliance in concert with the California Council for the Humanities. 1 375 .� r CITY OF LA QUINTA • 78495 CALLE TA) (760) 777-7035 • WWW.LA-QUINTA.ORG Media Contact: Andrea Carter, FG Creative (760) 773-1707 or andrea@fgcreative.com For Immediate Release June 9, 2011 The City of La Quinta Breaks Ground for Adams Street Bridge Project LA QUINTA, CA - The City of La Quinta will be hosting a groundbreaking ceremony to kick-off construction of the Adams Street Bridge next Tuesday, June 14, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. The ceremony, which will be held near the intersection of Adams Street and Blackhawk Way just North of Highway 111, is open to the public. The Adams Street Bridge Improvement Project will provide a safe, all-weather crossing of the Whitewater Wash. The project will result in a 525 foot long and approximately 76 foot wide concrete bridge over the Whitewater River to replace the existing low water crossing. The new bridge will include a six-foot sidewalk on both sides of the bridge. "Our north La Quinta residents and businesses will be especially pleased to know construction of this project will soon be in progress," said Tim Jonasson, Public Works Director for the City of La Quinta. 'This bridge will add another viable artery to travel north and south within the City at times when the Whitewater Wash has flooded." The $13 million project is funded by the Riverside Transportation Commission (RCTC), Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), and the City of La Quinta. 376 Construction on the bridge is slated to begin late June 2011 and is scheduled for completion January 2013. For more information regarding this project or the groundbreaking, please contact the City of La Quinta's Public Works Department at (760) 777-7042. 371 CrIY OF LA QUINTA • 78-495 CALLS TA! (760) 777-7035 • www.lA-QUINTA.ORG FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 1, 2011 1A QuINTA, CA Media Contact: Andrea Carter, FG Creative (760) 773-1707 or andrea(a)fgcreative.com MAKE A "SPLASH" AT LA QUINTA'S FRITZ BURNS POOL IN AUGUST La Quinta, CA - The City of La Quinta, in partnership with Family YMCA of the Desert, presents the August line-up for the Summer Swim Program at the Fritz Burns Pool, located on the corner of Avenue 52 & Avenida Bermudas in La Quinta. The August swim programs offer Valley residents many opportunities to enjoy exercise programs, open / recreational swim, along with swimming lessons. Bring the entire family to the Fritz Burns Pool during August for affordable, cool summer fun! AUGUST POOL PROGRAM SCHEDULE: FREE SWIM NIGHT -on August 5th, families swim for free from 6:OOpm - 7:OOpm. • OPEN / RECREATIONAL SWIM - Monday through Friday: 2:OOpm - 4:30pm; Saturday: 10am - 1pm; and Sunday: POOL CLOSED. Fees: $2 for children 12 years and younger, $3 for those 13 and older. • ADULT LAP SWIM - Monday through Friday: 4:30pm - 6:30pm. Fee: $3 per person • SWIMMING LESSONS - Ten weekday classes beginning August 8th; Session Fee - $60; Classes: 4:30PM - 5:10PM: Parent -child, pike, eel and ray classes; and 5:20PM - 6:OOPM: Pike, guppy, minnow, and fish classes. Please register for all sessions by visiting the YMCA, located at 43-930 San Pablo Avenue, Palm Desert, CA, or online at www.ymcaofthedesert.org. YMCA program registration fee is waived for La Quinta residents! For more information about programs, swimming levels and descriptions, please call the YMCA at (760) 341-9622 or visit online at www.ymcaofthedesert.org. 378 Crn of [A %uireTA • 79-495 CALLS TAl (760) 777-7035 • www.(w-CLUINTA.oac Media Contact: Andrea Carter, FG Creative (760) 773-1707 or andrea fgcreative.com FOR CALENDARS CITY OF LA QUINTA JULY 2011 EVENTS Moonlight Movie Shrek The Final Chapter 3D Friday, July 1 Old Town La Quinta event lawn Movie begins at dusk. FREE Bring your blankets, low -back sand chairs and the whole family for fun and a movie under the stars. Admission is free. Come early and have dinner at one of your favorite La Quinta restaurants before the show, or order your food to go and enjoy your meal with the movie! The movie will be shown at Old Town La Quinta on the event lawn. On the Lap Story Time Tuesdays (July 5, 12, 19, & 26) 10am La Quinta Library FREE Story time for babies and young toddlers who are just beginning to learn about listening to stories and songs. Their parent or caretaker, who will provide war comfortable laps, accompanies little ones. For more information call (760) 564-4767. Preschool Story Time Tuesdays (July 5, 12, 19, & 26) 379 11 am La Quinta Library FREE This program is for children ages 3 and up who can sit independently, listen to stories and follow the Story time leader. It is an excellent way to prepare for kindergarten with an educational program that is a lot of FUN! For more information call (760) 564-4767. Story Time at La Quinta Museum Wednesday, July 6 10am La Quinta Museum FREE Special story time for children ages 3 - 5. A related craft will follow the story. For more information call (760) 777-7170. Thursday @Three Thursdays (July 7, 14, 21, & 28) 3pm La Quinta Library FREE This popular program returns with a variety of performers which will appeal to the whole family. Family Fun Night Friday, July 8 6 - 7pm $5.00/Family of Four; $2.00/each additional person La Quinta Pool at Fritz Burns Park Junior Paleontologists Summer Program Ages 10-12: July 6, 13 & 20 1-3pm Welcome young explorers! Parents can bring kids any time between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. on these dates to enjoy dinosaur activities and crafts. Parents must stay with children. More information: (760) 777-7170 '47 Baby Play & Sign Saturday, July 16 (3rd Saturday) 10:30am La Quinta Library Free A program that gives parents and their babies a chance to meet, play, and communicate using simple easy to learn signs. Walking Equals Long Life (W.E.L.L.) Sunday, July 17 (3rd Sunday) lam La Quinta Civic Center Campus FREE The City of La Quinta and W.E.L.L. invite you to walk in a group setting at the beautiful Civic Center Campus. The group is open to everyone to come out and enjoy exercising and socializing while improving their health. The City's mission is to encourage everyone, regardless of fitness level, to get out, exercise and have fun. For more information call (760) 777-7090. The Whodunnit? Mystery Book Club Wednesday, July 20 (3rd Wednesday) 10:30am La Quinta Library FREE Mystery lovers gather to discuss a month's titles. Books are available in advance at the library Reference Desk. Free Swim Night Friday, July 22 6-7pm Families swim for FREE! Jurassic Encounter Exhibit Tuesday - Saturday, Runs through July 30, 2011 10am - 4 pm La Quinta Museum 381 Experience the Jurassic era with breath taking dioramas featuring animatronic dinosaurs! See both Stegosaurus and Allosaurus move and roar in completely realistic scenes. Other exhibits include Pteranodon, Triceratops, and Utahraptor in fully landscaped displays. Come face to face with the most fearsome dinosaur of the Jurassic age with our life size Tyrannosaurus Rex skull! Compare your feet to Tyrannosaurus Rex and Iguanodon! Little aspiring paleontologists can excavate dinosaur bones in our outdoor dig station and make crayon rubbings of fossils to take home. Reading Rewards Monday -Sunday, Runs through August 26 All Day La Quinta Library FREE A program that rewards independent reading with books and prizes. Children from three to teen can earn points by reading or listening to the books they have checked out at the library. Points are then spent on prizes available at the library. Summer Aquatic Program La Quinta Pool at Fritz Burns Park La Quinta Pool offers various aquatic programs throughout the summer. Presented by Family YMCA of the Desert in partnership with the City of La Quinta. For registration or more information, call (760) 341-9622. Regular Pool Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:OOam-12:30pm 12:30pm - 2:OOpm 2:OOpm - 4:30pm 4:30pm - 6:30pm Saturdays: 10:OOam - 1:OOpm 10:30am-12:30pm Sundays: Closed for all activity Swim Lessons Only Closed for Lunch Recreational and Open Swim Evening Swim Lessons and Adult Lap Swim/Water Aerobics Recreational and Open Swim Weekend Swim Lessons 382 r~ CITY of LA QuINrA • 79 49S CAI.LE TAMeico,1A Q INTA, CA 922S3 (760) 777-7035 • www.IA-quiNrA oRG Media Contact: Andrea Carter, FG Creative (760) 773-1707 or and reaa-fgcreative. com FOR AUGUST CALENDARS CITY OF LA QUINTA AUGUST 2011 EVENTS Story Time at La Quinta Museum Wednesday, August 3 10am La Quinta Museum FREE Special story time for children ages 3 - 5. A related craft will follow the story. For more information call (760) 777-7170. Moonlight Movie Yogi Bear Friday, August 5 Old Town La Quinta event lawn Movie begins at dusk. FREE Bring your blankets, low -back sand chairs and the whole family for fun and a movie under the stars. Admission is free. Come early and have dinner at one of your favorite La Quinta restaurants before the show, or order your food to go and enjoy your meal with the movie! The movie will be shown at Old Town La Quinta on the event lawn. First Fridays Friday, August 5 5pm La Quinta Museum 383 First Friday programs offer live entertainment and fun for the whole family. Free Swim Night Friday, August 5 6-7pm Families swim for FREE! Fun in Huntington Beach Saturday, August 6 $29.00 8:00am-10:30am - Travel from La Quinta to Huntington Beach, CA 10:30am-2:30pm -At the beach 2:30pm-5:00pm - Travel from Huntington Beach, CA to La Quinta Join us for a fun trip to the beach. Swim, surf, or soak in the rays. Food and shopping available near the pier. Don't forget your towels, chairs, sunscreen, beach toys, etc. The Whodunnit? Mystery Book Club Wednesday, August 17 (3rd Wednesday) 10:30am La Quinta Library FREE Mystery lovers gather to discuss a month's titles. Books are available in advance at the library Reference Desk. Walking Equals Long Life (W.E.L.L.) Sunday, August 21 (3rd Sunday) 7am La Quinta Civic Center Campus FREE The City of La Quinta and W.E.L.L. invite you to walk in a group setting at the beautiful Civic Center Campus. The group is open to everyone to come out and enjoy exercising and socializing while improving their health. The City's mission is to encourage everyone, regardless of fitness level, to get out, exercise and have fun. For more information call (760) 777-7090. Reading Rewards Monday -Sunday, Runs through August 26 All Day La Quinta Library FREE A program that rewards independent reading with books and prizes. Children from three to teen can earn points by reading or listening to the books they have checked out at the library. Points are then spent on prizes available at the library. Summer Aquatic Program La Quinta Pool at Fritz Burns Park La Quinta Pool offers various aquatic programs throughout the summer. Presented by Family YMCA of the Desert in partnership with the City of La Quinta. For registration or more information, call (760) 341-9622. Regular Pool Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:OOam-12:30pm 12:30pm - 2:OOpm 2:OOpm - 4:30pm 4:30pm - 6:30pm Saturdays: 10:OOam - 1:OOpm 10:30am-12:30pm Sundays: Closed for all activity Swim Lessons Only Closed for Lunch Recreational and Open Swim Evening Swim Lessons and Adult Lap Swim/Water Aerobics Recreational and Open Swim Weekend Swim Lessons 385 Media Contact: Andrea Carter, FG Creative (760) 773-1707 or and reaCilfgcreative.com FOR SEPTEMBER CALENDARS CITY OF LA QUINTA SEPTEMBER 2011 EVENTS Moonlight Movie Nanny McPhee Returns Friday, September 2 Old Town La Quinta event lawn Movie begins at dusk. FREE Bring your blankets, low -back sand chairs and the whole family for fun and a movie under the stars. Admission is free. Come early and have dinner at one of your favorite La Quinta restaurants before the show, or order your food to go and enjoy your meal with the movie! The movie will be shown at Old Town La Quinta on the event lawn. For more information call (760) 777-7090. O n -the-Lap -S to ryti m e Tuesdays (September 13, 20, & 27) 10am La Quinta Library FREE This is a program for babies and very young children who are just learning to listen to stories and songs. For more information call (760) 564-4767. Preschool Story Time - 3 & up Tuesdays (September 13, 20, & 27) 11am La Quinta Library FREE This program is for children ages 3 and up who can sit independently, listen to stories and follow our leader Ms. Beth. For more information call (760) 564-4767. "Just Books" Tuesdays (September 13, 20, & 27) 2pm-3pm La Quinta Library FREE School age children will enjoy listening to "books and more books" read aloud by Ms. Beth. For more information call (760) 564-4767. Preschool Story Time at La Quinta Museum Wednesday, September 7 10am La Quinta Museum FREE Special story time for children ages 3 - 5 followed by a fun craft! For more information call (760) 777-7170. "California Pioneers" Exhibit - Opening Reception Friday, September 9 5pm-7pm La Quinta Museum FREE Celebrate the grand opening of "California Pioneers" with living history re -enactors scattered throughout the exhibit portraying the lives of early American pioneers and Civil War soldiers. The first 200 guests to the reception will receive a free small bottle of real gold flakes! For more information call (760) 777-7170. "California Pioneers" Exhibit September 9 - April 14, 2012 Tuesday -Saturday from 10am-4pm La Quinta Museum FREE 387 Come and experience pioneer life in early California through the exhibit's artifacts, dioramas, and hands on activities! Imagine the journey westward by viewing a twenty- five foot covered wagon scene; experience California's Gold Rush through the "Gold Fever!" display; and enjoy learning Morse code by sending messages to friends via the working telegraph system -where guests can walk in buildings built and decorated to a resemble a period train depot and an old west telegraph office. Guests will be able to viewvarious Civil War artifacts, courtesy of the Lincoln Memorial Shrine, including the following items: a sword, musket, and a hand signed document by Abraham Lincoln; and enjoy vignettes of La Quinta's early pioneers. For more information call (760) 777- 7170. The Adult Theme -Based Book Club Mondays (September 12, 19, & 26) 10am La Quinta Library FREE Topics are selected by the membership and will be announced at the first meeting. For more information call (760) 564-4767. Conversational Spanish Mondays (September 12, 19, & 26) 5:30pm La Quinta Library FREE Experience new techniques and methods to help you learn Spanish easier and retain longer through our very own method of learning language and culture. Session: Mondays, beginning September 12 through November 14th. Advanced registration required. For more information call (760) 564-4767. New Year, New Look! Wednesday, September 14 3:30pm La Quinta Library FREE A program for teens to learn what the new fashions are for the new school year. For more information call (760) 564-4767. Pre -Beginning Computer Class Thursdays (September 15, 22, & 29) NN 10am La Quinta Library FREE Join us for an interactive series and learn the basics of the computer. For more information call (760) 564-4767. Baby Play & Sign Saturday, September 17 (3rd Saturday) 10:30am La Quinta Library Free A program that gives parents and their babies a chance to meet, play, and communicate using simple easy to learn signs. For more information call (760) 564- 4767. Adult Wellness Walk Enjoy Nature and Get Healthy Saturday, September 17 (3rd Saturday) 8am La Quinta Cove FREE This is a collaborative program between the City of La Quinta and the Stewards of the Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve and Trail. All walks begin at the Shade Shelter on the Bear Creek Nature Trail at the Corner of Calle Ensenada and Avenida Montezuma in La Quinta Cove. For more information call (760) 777-7090. Walking Equals Long Life (W.E.L.L.) Sunday, September 18 (3rd Sunday) 8am La Quinta Civic Center Campus FREE The City of La Quinta and W.E.L.L. invite you to walk in a group setting at the beautiful Civic Center Campus. The group is open to everyone so come out and enjoy exercising and socializing while improving their health. The City's mission is to encourage everyone, regardless of fitness level, to get out, exercise and have fun. For more information call (760) 777-7090. An Afternoon with Teens Monday, September 19 (3rd Monday) 3:30pm La Quinta Library Free A series that will engage the youth in productive and enjoyable civic reflection discussions. The discussions will be based on different topics. Facilitated by Brent Cooper, Licensed Educational Psychologist. For more information call (760) 564-4767. The Whodunnit? Mystery Book Club Wednesday, September 21 (3rd Wednesday) 10:30am La Quinta Library FREE Mystery lovers gather to discuss a month's titles. Books are available in advance at the library Reference Desk. For more information call (760) 564-4767. La Quinta Historical Society Programs Cahuilla Lecture Saturday, September 24 10:30am-11:30am La Quinta Museum FREE The La Quinta Museum works closely with the La Quinta Historical Society to provide diverse and engaging programs related to local history and current exhibits. Presented by the La Quinta Historical Society. For more information call (760) 777-7170. Museums Galore Saturday, September 24 7:30am-3:30pm $34 Join us as we take you from La Quinta to Exposition Park, Los Angeles, which is home to several museums including: California African American Museum, California Science Center, *Natural History Museum, *IMAX theater, and much more! Moderate to heavy walking is involved on this trip. For more information call (760) 777-7090. Price includes transportation only. Admission to CAAM, CSC is free. * Natural History Museum, and *IMAX theater admission is extra. For detailed admission information, please visit www.expositionpark.org. 390 ATTACHMENT ol Ol (V C 0 JzO UWU R91 La Quinta California ATTACHMENT 7 ® Wall Hidden Purer a-) to 'a- Photos Do DISCnSSbnS Q Events EDIT About / Edit La Quints has somell for everyone) Golfing at SiNerRak Revert; dining... Mae 4,825 like time Likes SEEM Adams Street Bridge project visit palm springs Palm springs USA -'ay Target ®t��ggq w 2ulir:tta's Bakery SrmS,rlbe via SMS Subsnibe wa RSS Unlike Share La Quinta California j i Emt °'pe TraveVLeisureLa Quanta, California' 0' Ede Info 'PIPE)r-ipt SEEM wall La Quanta CalifgmW' Everyone (Top pasts) � Share: ''77 Status (j; photo Link V Video g;l Questoo Write something... ,T- W Quinta California Calling temps, M of... IIOS< suggesbans of fun thugs to dal m La Quanta this w¢akeM. 3,699Impressive; 0.960/a Ftttlback Sunday at I LPam 'like' ComIrlent I) Ilpeoplenkethis. Q V'iew all 1icanrtlents Melanie bvvson lay on my, Boat at ka Quanta desert Sunday at 12:57pn' WORSE se'I person Smtt Icnoflmiller Hang". In R.M. vary :) Sunday at 3:44pm Like Write d comment.. aL- La Quinp California "Nanny McPhee Returns Is tonight FREE MOONLIGHT MOVIE on the Old Town W Qulntir Event Lawn. The show Stag at dusk - (approximateip 2:30 p.m.) Bring �^ your family, friends and neighbors and enjoy a great night under the Stir Cane Cady and have dinner at an Old Town restaurant or order your food wScr and en3oy b with hie Show. Free to attend! ] 5591mpressbns' O.2cAC Feedback 5c,ea,CCr 2 at 2:39pm Like Comment ij 5 peapae like this. Write a comment.. Ted Walker bL'F'O Thank you for the friendship. http:ll...facebook.can/photo. p`Ipnd- 1015030009125286)8set =p. 101503C004 125286y8rype=1a11 pages/Evervthirgled/1925877974 67943 Everythingled I , nwnths client LED SPOTLIGHI IS HERMOSA F DEVELOPMENT uses our full line of LED lighting for Ham a ., y,6im1 Bosmess, Saving our customers over 65 %on there Lighting v ban Page'. 85 people like this, j if nnu,ns ago de Rxnmem Snme E \ byte Corneal hir. IS Wile a comment.. CIL La Quintal Califomia Wishing everyone a safe, happy and relaxing Labor Day Weekend' 2,512 Impression, 0-841/1cee,iti i^_rteila,1 2 at 1 1011, 01l Cg9ma.'tt Is' yW and 20 ah rls fike this. Write a CpmmCnt . La Quints California USE FaceW:k a5 td Quints CdllfanlU Lei lbdfiralipns 3f �rl Prdngte wtth an Ad ro View Insights jj Invbe Friends you and La Quints, California rn®yyy &1 2 (reads like this. e� Bob Hope Classic Quack 7ps Get more people to like your Page with Facebook Ads today! Sample Ad: La Quint, California Your ad text here P:mj [S like' Tustin Larson likes this AMertlse Pape Sponsored Create an Ad Horde" Motorcycles harley-davdson.can Dm'[ saime for canpranises. See why nothing ran canpare 0a Harley -David... when It Comes mdesgn, herbage, and iconic power. Equlszno If you "Like" ywr horse, Chak US art. We are darn thin95 in Equkre health Veer have never Seen before. All Natu21y s° Like' 138 people like this Groveport Dental Group We are offering Summer ra speciais on Invisalign and It inchick. Bleaching s: Llke - 1, 100 people hke this Active Life Family ChiropraNc `-ft% Helping people Move Naturally, Like Better, and Stay Well. s: Like' 1,468 people like this la Chat (1) 392 http://www.facebook.com/ 9/6/2011 SEPTEMBER 20 OCTOBER 4 OCTOBER 18 NOVEMBER 1 NOVEMBER 11 NOVEMBER 15 NOVEMBER 24 & 25 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 3 A CITY COUNCIL'S UPCOMING EVENTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY HALL CLOSED - VETERANS DAY CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY HALL CLOSED - THANKSGIVING 393 September 2011 Monthly Planner 1 2 3 August October S M T W T F SS M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 - 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 0 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10:00 AM Transp 3:00 PM City Council Meeting 10,00 AM -ALRC 9'.30AMAnimalCampus- Franklin Henderson CANCELLED 11 00 AM CVCG-Snlll 12:00 PM A Evi Enviran: Sniff Sniff Labor Day (CITY HALL CLOSED) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10:00 AM Pub. Shy 7:00 PM Planning 9:00 AM RCTC- 3:00 PM Historic Pow e:00 AM CVA-Evane Henderson Commission Henderson vation Commission 3:00 PM Mins. 4:00 PM Investment Consvorsancy-Franklin Advisory Board 5'.30 PM Community SeNICes CemrnI5510n 8:00 PM League Henderson 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3'.00 PM City Council Meeting 10:00 AM Homelessness Conte. -Franklin 9:00 AM LAFCO 12:00 PM HCRC-Franklin Henderson 25 26 27 28 29 30 10:30 AM RCTC Budget. 7:00 PM Planning 12:00 PM Sunline Adolph Henderson Commission 6:00 PM Exec Conte: Adolph I Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 9/6/2011 394 October 2011 Monthly Planner I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10:00 AM Trani 3:00 PM City Council 10 00 AM -ALRC 12 00 PM Mayors Lunch Henderson Meeting 0-00 PM IIO Energy Cnlle-Fanklin 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10:00 AM Pub. Sfty 7:00 PM Planning 9:00 AM RCTC I 00 AM CVCC-Sniff Henderson Commission Henderson 12:00 PM Fir l 5'. 30 PM Community 4:00 PM Investment Elicitor. -Sniff Services Caron ton 6:00 PM League Advisory Board Henderson I 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 10:00 AM Pub. Say- 3'. 00 PM City Council i 000 AM Homelessness 3:00 PM Historic Preset 9,00 AM CVA-Evans erson HendMeeting Cmte: Fmnklin yallen Commission PM HCRC-Franklin 2'.00 PM J.Cochan Rag.Airpor-Franklin 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 10:30 AM RCTC Budget 7:00 PM Planning 12.00 PM Sul Adolph 9'.00 AM LAFCO- Henderson Commission Henderson 30 31 September November 6:00 PM Exec Curve. S M T W T F S S M T W T F S Adolph I 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 II I2 13 14 15 16 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 iL- Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 9/6/2011 395 November 2011 Monthly Planner 1 2 3 4 5 October 3:00 PM City Council 10:00 AM -ALEC S M T W T F S Meeano 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10:00 AM Transp 7:00 PM Planning 9:00 AM RCTC 9.30 AM Animal Centro, Henderson Dpmml$Slpn Hepdef3pn Franklin 1100 AM CVCC-Snip 6:00 PM IID Fner9y Corte Franklin 4:00 PM Investment 12:00 PM Energy, JY1 Advisor Board Y Enviren.-Snip veteruus Grtv �' HALL CLOSED Election Day 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10:00 AM Pub. S1ty 3:00 PM City Council Meeting 10:00 AM Homelessness Core Franklin 3:00 PM Historic Preset 9:00 AM OVA -Evans Henderson 12:00 PM HCRCGFranklin vation Commission 3:00 PM Mtns. Conversancy Franklin 5:30 PM Community Services Commission 6:00 PM League Henderson 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7:00 PM Planning Commission 12:00 PM Sunline Adolph Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Holiday i )City Hall CLOSED) ICily Hall CLOSED) 27 28 29 30 10:30 AM RCTC Budget - December Henderson S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS IG 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 9/6/2011 396 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 38 k Fhj OFT TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Veronica J. Montecino, CMC, City Clerk DATE: September 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Volunteer Police and Firefighter's Annual Dinner and Holiday Open House Each year, the City of La Quinta honors the Police and Firefighter volunteers with a recognition dinner for their service. It has been customary to schedule the event during the first week of November. Last year's event was held on Thursday, November 4, 2010. The following dates appear to be available for consideration: Wednesday, November 2, 2011 Thursday, November 3, 2011 Friday, November 4, 2011 In the past few years the Holiday Open House has been held during the first week of December. Last year the event was held on Thursday, December 9, 2010. The following dates appear to be available for consideration: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 Thursday, December 8, 2011 Staff will proceed with the arrangements immediately upon selection of dates by the City Council. 397 Department Report: .5 G 04 QUM& CF`� OF TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Veronica J. Montecino, CMC, City Clerk p�� DATE: September 20, 2011 U 1� SUBJECT: Department Report - Meeting Schedule for Joint City Council/Commission Meetings The City Council has directed the City Boards, Commissions and Committees to meet with the Council annually. Past practice has been to schedule the joint sessions on one of the Tuesdays that the Planning Commission meets. Last year, the meeting was held on November 9, 2010 in the Study Session Room. Staff recommends beginning the meetings at 5:00 p.m. with the Planning Commission/Architecture & Landscape Review Committee. The remainder of the joint meetings could be scheduled in 30-minute increments as follows: 6:00 p.m. Housing Commission 6:30 p.m. Historic Preservation Commission 7:00 p.m. Investment Advisory Board 7:30 p.m. Community Services Commission The Planning Commission is scheduled to meet for their regular meeting on the 11`h and 25`h of October, and the 81h and 22n0 of November 2011. Staff will make the meeting arrangements on whichever date the City Council schedules. DEPARTMENT REPORT:.3 D � T OF Ttiti TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Veronica J. Montecino, CMC, City Clerk DATE: September 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Request for Direction Regarding Vacancies on the Building and Construction Appeals Board, Historic Preservation Commission, and Housing Commission On June 14, 2011, the City Council conducted interviews and made appointments to the various City Boards, Committees and Commissions. Although nine appointments were made, there remain four vacancies as follows: • Building and Construction Appeals Board - 1 vacancy, no term expiration • Historic Preservation Commission - 2 vacancies, one non-professional term to expire June 30, 2012, and one professional term to expire June 30, 2013 • Housing Commission - 1 vacancy, non -tenant term to expire June 30, 2013 Staff is requesting direction from the City Council regarding recruitment for the four unexpired vacancies. 399 DEPARTMENT REPORT; TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the ity Council FROM: Greg Butler, Director of Building & Safety DATE: September 20, 2011 RE: Department Report — July, 2011 Attached please find the statistical summaries for building permits, Animal Control, Code Compliance, and garage sale permits for the month of July. The statistical summaries depict the following highlights: • Year-to-date building permit valuation is $24,375,034 which represents an issuance of 106 building permits in July; • Animal Control handled 392 cases in July; • Code Compliance initiated 235 cases in July; • Garage sale permits generated $1190 revenue in July. 400 C 10 r1) r1 N O (N lV Ifl � N N M N O n i p � O��jLn ton 0 N Op 01 rl tO 'df 01 N { OD OD N O M (A ri rl P% N1O Os 40 n ;OIM N�O O1 et 0 I VIM M M N N v v MI a 10 i00�I; N Mjrl�l; O �0't0 MjtO rl O' i Q rljN{ M y 10'0Iv M N �.� � �O 01 O � M 1� N Iayr'O r OOIOOIr1iG1;O1M.� M! ! + j It tun) rQtrl N M!Y1 v41m iO. 1LI NI V41'4 rl Q! G N N10 %0 Ln'N NI'tif+9; p 'tlIO1I�, e N IHi.'0 Ln M frf'1��01+ 01 N 74 ;D co Ln M O at l O n! a+� . ., 10 Yl IA OD 1� tO ri 1 N O 0 d N 01 N M K N M 01 1� M O M "I N Ti �0 00 j0 MiaD Mjj0 KIN M O 01 01 O�n 0% O MIN 74- M TM MIN 0 v er OD Ln- O�O�OfOl�1M �I� ;O N M ;O I� Ol OI � � I t ��uI74 ���I i I- y --!- �M�`Q'IA N +i!rl M NIMIOl� ri �-I rI�M V n� O I�jN �OiO1 Of�;M' i M ID fll j N O N Lff M O (.Mi w M M V4 ,4Ijo j I M' O I� N V- Ml api O I I atrl rl �ri ri _ -- - - -- y H G M fr1iN M of I�jN ( O i ILM(� I N, Oia+ pI c 0 O� cn_iLL _n E olQLU)jpl.?.Ia— _ i Q i n. L >" 401 b ooagomNbrvorvopnoo p m ooNmrvbrdgobomNoo r I N i N q O d m N O N g O O q q N O,O m I w o b m O N m d m N m m g V q m O O q I w l b y r l m g n m O ry d d N N r i N m i a i N q m r b m m �a�aa� N.+oNomoganNm00000 0 Nq NmnNtigryNrI00N O p �'J; p p r m O g O N O r N O o p ry ry aai V Nbmei mbN 6a> N ,m,-, .riI m l N.� ry mOti NN Wm wN mNN : Oa ON � H a IaN F � dgOm OOmp N01pNrvd ry'i ei p N Imwl al N � mgomor mdr rvbmryn ra H H q a H a 4 �m� mdogrvr+rvrgromora000 m mpobmmNrgaogorv000 .� ' w N w N' w No OMInn no'igOmr m O r 'n \ N a a g b q N m b b b d n d. d O N Nry ra mn nN Nw m riN r a m n O N m N x \ H m OnF urX a� a� dNoogrvooboNb00000 r M a a l o .7 ry d o N m ry N o r g r ra O o o m a w O 7 pbNr r m.ao o Ngooq .a IN a a I H q r N N m O N b N N O N' JI w> m rvN ti ri ri r1m 4 .a rri w I qm 1 IN d ra H.� ry rvqL \ NO MI MOO" IWIN ur H la -I F� H H N F o s {+1 I I F N 01K I H I rvra N N N d N ri q F x w N I N I N o ry N N b g .... N m g o M o b S H a a N w o wm C a aool a m O F A w x m u o a z � a a a a H H M F m wp�F V' wFH 'l❑. a a a x ow N ON w N wx wM�11 , � u,uz (i QwuH a aaa x 1$ a H w w H /( HHo a 1 ° H.aou'° ooaaaz° oON O :U. H a N, Euuz au m s aa 492 H l u 14 1 awaa mows aaa wxxmmNNm . Fr O I- V N W ISO W O vN N co �(O COR M - - UI CN V W� M 00 Ln O N c0 O N cn f� O H l0 } U Q O O O O O O O Z O O O O O O O U 0000 O 1C)l O CL 4) o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nto N O N O N N N M� N O N N �- f* M O 0O 00101 N O O O O N cc N OD O Q N N N N O O N O o O co N w O O O O O N N +IP-1-1 O v 00, N I�a V �! n m V co O 0 0 W N co M co O O O O m N �. M O N' to M r •p v O O c0 O I-- m '- (p M 0 0 0 t W V N m to N M f0 Cp N N O t7 M LL M O O O O O O W co O N o v O N C v t0 N f0 O O c V r" _ F" ^ N CL ^ N C Gf O O 0 7 O o W w CL c d C C C Y c y J W N = N V a E E H Ea E yZ dE� 0 Ys mom' � c ? H F A h m H a a� E 'e w 10 w c uci a�i Li N U1 N N C N 41 C N N C w O F O ... 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C z W m wHmQ LU aaW z oVc -i anE V:3 0 o Q a W O VU� n �N a W z a)UO N E y 'ao wyE W Q V O pJz_ y IL yN wU JN O O yU (4LL0 O WO6 W z m m a 0i�a City of La Quinta Building Permit Statistics For the period: 7/1/2011 Thru 7/31/2011 App # Permit Date Type Address Job Value Fees Assessed 405 7/25/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 55-632 OAK TREE 35,000 641.21 571 7/15/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 50-160 WOODMERE 123,759 1,582.04 579 7/28/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 77-245 AVENIDA ARTEAGA 220,000 2,204.00 633 7/27/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 80-355 WEISKOPF 43,665 842.07 705 7/18/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 50-028 CALLE OAXACA 17,000 . 326.06 5 439,424 5,595.38 730 7/6/2011 WALUFENCE 52-210 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1,500 54.69 759 7/12/2011 WALL/FENCE 54-075 AVENIDA MADERO 672 19.00 774 7/18/2011 WALL/FENCE 78-121 AVENIDA LA FONDA 375 15.00 785 7/21/2011 WALL/FENCE 53-549 VIA BELLAGIO 1,154 29.00 796 7/27/2011 WALUFENCE 52-570 AVENIDA JUAREZ 368 15.00 806 7/27/2011 WALL/FENCE 78-845 LA PALMA DR 300 39.75 807 7/27/2011 WALUFENCE 51-880 TRADITION TR 1,083 27.00 808 7/27/2011 WALUFENCE 77-490 CALLE ARROBA 783 21.00 809 7/27/2011 WALL/FENCE 44-790 HARLAND DR 1,000 25.00 810 7/27/2011 WALL/FENCE 54-575 AVENIDA HERRERA 410 15.00 10 7,645 260.44 803 7/26/2011 DEMO - COMMUOTHER 54-175 AVENIDA HERRERA 5001 45.00 814 7/29/2011 IDEMO - COMMUOTHER 79-430 HIGHWAY 111 01 45.00 2 500 90.00 729 7/7/2011 ELECTRICAL 78-130 CALLE TAMPICO 1,200 19.69 733 7/6/2011 ELECTRICAL 78-285 HACIENDA LA QUINTA 500 33.50 760 7/13/2011 ELECTRICAL 51-910 AVENIDA VILLA 2,000 33.50 777 7/18/2011 ELECTRICAL 46-855 HIGHLAND PALMS DR 550 33.50 790 7/26/2011 ELECTRICAL 51-380 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1,500 33.50 5 5,750 153.69 721 7/1/2011 MECHANICAL 78-477 CALLE ORENSE 7,800 40.63 726 7/5/2011 MECHANICAL 51-735 AVENIDA RUBIO 8,623 41.25 728 7/5/2011 MECHANICAL 78-450 VIA SEVILLA 9,449 41.25 736 7/7/2011 MECHANICAL 51-505 AVENIDA HERRERA 12,437 50.63 7457/8/2011 MECHANICAL 51-230 AVENIDA OBREGON 12,396 50.63 746 7/8/2011 MECHANICAL 46-100 ROADRUNNER LN 13,787 50.63 752 7/11/2011 MECHANICAL 79-816 ARNOLD PALMER 9,100 71.25 753 7/11/2011 MECHANICAL 50-240 WOODMERE 12,000 82.50 755 7/12/2011 MECHANICAL 57-635 SEMINOLE DR 18,360 82.50 756 7/12/2011 MECHANICAL 77-956 GREY WOLF TR 7,000 63.75 757 7/12/2011 MECHANICAL 52-965 AVENIDA HERRERA 4,200 47.50 758 7/12/2011 IMECHANICAL 55-151 WINGED FOOT 1 12,0001 82.50 Page 1 405 City of La Quinta Building Permit Statistics For the period: 7/1/2011 Thru 7/31/2011 763 7/13/2011 MECHANICAL __ 78-275 WINTER COVE CT 4,820 50.63 771 7/18/2011 MECHANICAL 51-800 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 11,900 50.63 778 7/19/2011 MECHANICAL 79-262 CALLE PALMETO 9,855 50.63 780 7/19/2011 MECHANICAL 53-305 AVENIDA VILLA 3,800 39.38 781 7/19/2011 MECHANICAL 78-720 VIA SONATA 8,634 50.63 792 7/25/2011 MECHANICAL 78-265 CLOUD VIEW WY 7,665 50.63 793 7/25/2011 MECHANICAL 78-305 TERRA COTTA CT 3,325 39.38 795 7/25/2011 MECHANICAL 53-790 AVENIDA MADERO 4,200 47.50 797 7/25/2011 MECHANICAL 78-585 SAGUARO DR 1,447 39.38 798 7/25/2011 MECHANICAL 79-125 CINDY CT 13,000 50.63 799 7/25/2011 MECHANICAL 53-360 AVENIDA NAVARRO 7,981 50.63 813 7/28/2011 IMECHANICAL 18T465 CEDAR CREST 17,400 63.75 815 7/29/2011 MECHANICAL 79-350 CAMINO ROSADA 1 4,6101 47.50 25 225,789 1,336.32 406 7/7/2011 PATIO COVER - RESIDENTI 53-190 AVENIDA CARRANZA 4,190 144.11 516 7/1/2011 PATIO COVER - RESIDENTI 49-850 RANCHO SAN JULIAN 5,320 133.65 720 7/21/2011 PATIO COVER - RESIDENTI 49-275 VISTA ESTRELLA 8,000 163.35 722 7/1/2011 PATIO COVER - RESIDENTI 78-164 CALLE LAS RAMBLAS 3,925 103.95 800 7/26/2011 PATIO COVER - RESIDENTI 44-356 SUNDOWN CREST DR 4,535 118.80 801 7/26/2011 PATIO COVER - RESIDENTI 54-080 AVENIDA VALLEJO 3,352 103.95 6 29,322 767.81 735 7/7/2011 PLUMBING 46-381 ROUDEL LN 3,000 30.00 749 7/11/2011 PLUMBING 53-305 AVENIDA VILLA 2,400 30.00 761 7/13/2011 PLUMBING 78-650 AVENIDA LA FONDA 4,500 30.00 762 7/13/2011 PLUMBING _ 78-652 AVENIDA LA FONDA 4,500 30.00 767 7/14/2011 PLUMBING 44-030 CRISTOL PL .150 28.13 768 7/14/2011 PLUMBING 55-080 OAK TREE 150 28.13 787 7/21/2011 PLUMBING 48-210 CALLE FLORISTAS 800 28.13 791 7/25/2011 PLUMBING 51-970 AVENIDA CORTEZ 1,900 30.00 811 7/28/2011 PLUMBING 44-070 SUNDOWN CREST DR 750 28.13 9 _ .. _ 18,150 262.52 515 7/14/2011 REMODEL - COMMERCIAL 51-105 AVENIDA VILLA 3,000 179.10 572 7/1/2011 REMODEL - COMMERCIAL 79-255 HIGHWAY 111 30,000 642.56 626 7/18/2011 REMODEL - COMMERCIAL 79-200 CORPORATE CENTRE DR 50,000 865.62 710 7/27/2011 REMODEL - COMMERCIAL 80-202 AVENUE 58 12,000 246.19 731 7/26/2011 REMODEL - COMMERCIAL 43-576 WASHINGTON ST 15,000 327.30 5 110,000 2,260.77 166 7/19/2011 IREMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 54-575 AVENIDA HERRERA 1 24,0001 884.11 257 7/25/2011 IREMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 55-605 PEBBLE BEACH 1 1,000,000 6,471.84 Page 406 City of La Quinta Building Permit Statistics For the period: 7/1/2011 Thru 7/31/2011 470 7/18/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 54-187 SHOAL CREEK 100,000 1,159.99 535 7/7/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 53-040 EISENHOWER DR 1,476 57.75 540 7/11/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 53-530 AVENIDA VALLEJO 30,000 469.43 555 7/8/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 49-826 COACHELLA DR 12,000 390.19 560 7/1/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 52-777 EISENHOWER DR 2,500 89.10 713 7/20/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 51-461 VIA SORRENTO 10,000 193.05 714 7/20/201F REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 80-395 CAMARILLO WY 10,000 193.05 740 7/7/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 46-600 CAMEO PALMS DR 2,200 89.10 743 7/21/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 45-515 SUNBROOK LN 400 45.38 748 7/11/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 52-680 AVENIDA MENDOZA 2.000 74.25 782 7/20/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 52-680 AVENIDA MENDOZA 500 24.75 13 1,195, 076 10,141.99 682 7/5/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 51-494 VIA SORRENTO 24,000 530.95 709 7/8/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 51-382 CALLE PALOMA 20,000 471.55 737 7/8/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 81-195 CASPIAN CT 10,000 315.55 738 7/7/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 61-080 TALEA DR 31,000 617.65 739 7/7/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 61-142 FIRE BARREL DR 30,000 591.93 741 7/7/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 61-100 TALEA DR 30,000 644.43 742 7/11/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 50-595 BREVA 28,400 588.70 744 7/8/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 53-641 VIA PISA 49,690 813.93 789 7/25/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 80-505 CEDAR CREST 22,000 516.25 794 7/28/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 81-139 LAGUNA CT 41,500 728.13 10 286,590 5.819.07 783 7/20/2011 RE -ROOF - 76-905 AVENIDA FERNANDO 15,9751 30.00 1 15,975 30.00 485 7/29/2011 1 DWELLING -SINGLE FAMIL 80-403 VIA PESSARO 1 545,2881 4,534.58 541 7/29/2011 1 DWELLING -SINGLE FAMIL 53-408 VIA DONA 446,7281 3,814.35 2 992,016 8.348.93 765 7/13/2011 ISIGN 78-672 HIGHWAY 111 9,500 51.00 779 7/19/2011 SIGN 79-710 HIGHWAY 111 1,500 33.00 784 7/26/2011 ISIGN 78-995 HIGHWAY 111 4,000 33.00 3 15,000 117.00 448 7/8/2011 SOLAR 58-019 CARMONA 50,000 56.26 449 7/8/2011 SOLAR 58-295 CARMONA 53,000 56.26 453 7/28/2011 SOLAR 79-930 HORSESHOE RD 35.000 70.01 559 7/25/2011 SOLAR 60-587 DESERT SHADOWS DR 18,900 56.26 612 7/14/2011 SOLAR 57-551 BARRISTO CIR 32,000 56.26 631 7/8/2011 SOLAR 78-628 AVENIDA TUJUNGA 48,000 56.26 Page 3 407 City of La Quinta Building Permit Statistics For the period: 7/1/2011 Thru 7/31/2011 678 7/1/2011 SOLAR 61-605 LIVING STONE DR 12,000 56.26 723 7/20/2011 SOLAR 52-655 AVENIDA HERRERA 0 56.26 724 7/20/2011 SOLAR 51-255 AVENIDA DIAZ 32,000 79.38 9 280,900 543.21 772 7/18/2011 ISPECIAL INSPECTION 15765 AVENIDA CARRANZA 11001 100.00 1 100 100.00 106 3,622,237 35,827.13 Page 4 408 DEPARTMENT REPORT c&tlt 4 - XP Q9W(v TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Greg Butler, Director of Building & Safety DATE:, September 20, 2011 RE: Department Report — August, 2011 Attached please find the statistical summaries for building permits, Animal Control, Code Compliance, and garage sale permits for the month of August. The statistical summaries depict the following highlights: • Year-to-date building permit valuation is $26,499,683 which represents an issuance of 112 building permits in August; • Animal Control handled 416 cases in August; • Code Compliance initiated 277 cases in August; • Garage sale permits generated $1150 revenue in August. 4'19 .i N� O N N YI� N a N O m ? 10 a M1 I N i m N N 10 N( M N O C 0 '� b a a (A N 10 OD OD N OD O 0 O 0 4 .i 1ri M IO OI W m b MI N DD 01 a i m j in a N 10 M i m N a i a M IO 00 A N N M 0 ei 10 ! 7� rl N� MI � a ID t YI a M I N MI a Mi Q V 0 ` N y O, 07 N 0 M .Mi .Mi O N .Oi m O N - - IL N U. N O N N .4 m N M N( -' 0 H .-- Ip N m M N N O N m N M i M N .ai Ia0 coo 100 ! N !. 001 m%D In a 0 VM' ( O N CO m . ID .d it; CI 1D l 10 (h ( N MI DD M m N 01 CI N M O 10 .i N .1 10 w IyO M M M O 1 m; m M O m( 0 DD ( K OI i IO m M M M N O IO I N aN M .y CO 0 M .l '. O N N N N .0-0 .Ni m 0 d� O. 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O U O G— ~~v (n LL uiav)U NtAU wU) =U)U ��� ��UQOOQO i 3 m m 0(DxI'l 2a 413 Building Permit Statistics For the period: 8/1/2011 thru 8/31/2011 App Permit Date Type Address Job Value Fees Assessed 428 8/25/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 48-680 FULL MOON WY 25,000 517.44 561 8/1/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 79-580 MISSION DR 65,000 882.11 575 8/18/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 54-250 CANANERO CIR 35,714 690.00 606 8/3/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 78-216 LAGO LA QUINTA DR 28,523 529.15 619 8/18/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 52-845 HUMBOLDT BLVD 20,000 393.04 627 8/19/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL I 52-130 CITATION CT 34,000 683.54 664 8/3/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 80-384 RIVIERA 43,340 780.59 844 8/18/2011 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL 79-625 STAR FLOWER TR 4,500 310,35 8 256,077 4,786.22 848 8/9/2011 WALL/FENCE 53-470 AVENIDA ALVARADO 1,039 27.00 851 8/9/2011 WALL/FENCE 78-701 DEACON DR 1,500 35.00 873 8/16/2011 WALL/FENCE 55-755 PEBBLE BEACH 3,175 63.00 874 8/15/2011 WALL/FENCE 53-347 VIA MALLORCA 3,200 63.00 896 8/24/2011 WALL/FENCE 52-940 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 4,706 72.00 910 8/29/2011 WALL/FENCE 52-545 AVENIDA VILLA 1,516 37.00 914 8/24/2011 WALL/FENCE 80-355 WEISKOPF i 512 17.00 921 8/26/2011 WALUFENCE 54-200 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1 1,884 43.00 931 8/30/2011 WALUFENCE 78-447 HIGHWAY 111 1 425 15.00 9 17.957 372.00 ' 854 8/19/2011 DEMO - COMMUOTHER 78-430 HIGHWAY 111 2,000 45.00 1 2,000 45.00 828 8/2/2011 JELECTRICAL 52-350 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 1,0001 33.50 1 1,000 33.50 816 8/1/2011 MECHANICAL 51-044 CALLE OBISPO 5,500 41.25 817 8/1/2011 MECHANICAL 48-105 VIA HERMOSA 5,800 41.25 821 8/1/2011 MECHANICAL 79-855 FIESTA DR 1,335 41.25 827 8/3/2011 MECHANICAL 79-665 MANDARINA 13,710 50.63 833 8/4/2011 MECHANICAL 54-200 AVENIDA JUAREZ 1.650 30.00 834 8/3/2011 MECHANICAL 44-670 SAFFRON CT 5,000 41.25 836 8/3/2011 MECHANICAL 80-753 VIA SAVONA 8,950 41.25 838 8/4/2011 MECHANICAL 79-205 CANTERRA CIR 7,732 41.25 839 8/4/2011 MECHANICAL 52-025 AVENIDA HERRERA 8,500 41.25 840 8/5/2011 MECHANICAL 78-663 COMO CT 7,250 39.38 841 8/5/2011 MECHANICAL 47-355 VIA RAVENNA 6,700 39.38 845 8/8/2011 MECHANICAL 49-470 AVENIDA VISTA BONITI 4.E 50.63 Page 1 414 Building Permit Statistics 850 8/9/2011 MECHANICAL 79-840 CITRUS 21,284 82.50 856 8/9/2011 MECHANICAL 79-710 MISSION DR 7,400 50.63 864 8/11/2011 MECHANICAL 78-024 SAN TIMOTEO ST 1,000 30.00 865 8/11/2011 MECHANICAL 80-580 SPANISH BAY 500 30.00 868 8/15/2011 MECHANICAL 51-890 AVENIDA MORALES 7,000 50.63 875 8/16/2011 MECHANICAL 54-145 AVENIDA VELASCO 10,937 50.63 878 8/16/2011 MECHANICAL 53-120 EISENHOWER DR 7,000 50.63 883 8/16/2011 MECHANICAL 48-080 VIA VALLARTA 6,000 50.63 885 8/17/2011 MECHANICAL 79-850 TANGELO 1,000 26.88 886 8/17/2011 MECHANICAL 79-325 CETRINO 2,200 39.38 888 8/18/2011 MECHANICAL 78-895 MORNING STAR CT 7,912 50.63 890 8/18/2011 MECHANICAL 47-910 VIA NICE 6,000 50.63 891 8/18/2011 MECHANICAL 50-280 VALENCIA CT 3,000 39.38 901 8/22/2011 MECHANICAL 79-828 OLYMPIA FIELDS 11,800 50.63 902 8/22/2011 MECHANICAL 44-610 SAFFRON CT 11,517 50.63 907 8/23/2011 MECHANICAL 79-434 CETRINO 21,000 114.38 908 8/24/2011 MECHANICAL 79-010 DRY CREEK 500 30.50 911 8/24/2011 MECHANICAL 78-150 CALLE TAMPICO 7,000 60.00 912 8/24/2011 MECHANICAL 52-780 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 7,034 50.63 917 8/25/2011 MECHANICAL 78-910 MORNING STAR CT 6,000 50.63 918 8/25/2011 MECHANICAL 48-554 VIA AMISTAD 3,200 26.88 919 8/25/2011 MECHANICAL 53-660 AVENIDA HERRERA 7,385 50.63 9268/29/2011 MECHANICAL 80-619 OAK TREE 13,187 50.63 927 8/29/2011 MECHANICAL 81-675 DESERT WILLOW DR 18,700 82.50 928 8/29/2011 MECHANICAL 78-690 NAPLES DR 5,900 50.63 933 8/30/2011 MECHANICAL 52-170 AVENIDA HERRERA 5,000 50.63 938 8/31/2011 IMECHANICAL 160494 WHITE SAGE DR 6,679 50.63 939 8/31/2011 IMECHANICAL 78-563 PEERLESS PL 6,400 39.38 40 289,162 1,91 877 8/16/2011 PATIO COVER - RESIDENTI 44-850 SEELEY DR 5,360 133.65 897 8/22/2011 PATIO COVER - RESIDENTI 54-135 AVENIDA CARRANZA 1,915 74.25 932 8/30/2011 PATIO COVER - RESIDENTI 47-810 SUMAC ST 2,527 89.10 935 8/30/2011 PATIO COVER - RESIDENTI 81-139 LAGUNA CT 4,070 118.80 941 8/31/2011 PATIO COVER - RESIDENTI 47-855 ENDLESS SKY 732 34.65 5 14,604 450.45 764 8/8/2011 IPLUMBING 52-645 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 1,247 28.13 818 8/1/2011 IPLUMBING 54-837 SOUTHERN HILLS 500 22.50 819 8/1/2011 IPLUMBING 80-505 RIVIERA 450 22.50 825 8/2/2011 IPLUMBING 51-888 AVENIDA MENDOZA 200 22.50 Page 2 415 Building Permit Statistics 826 8/2/2011 PLUMBING 54-055 AVENIDA VELASCO 520 28.13 837 8/3/2011 PLUMBING 77-800 CALLE MADRID 700 28.13 8438/8/2011 PLUMBING 44-185 CAMINO AZUL 1,040 28.13 847 8/8/2011 PLUMBING 61-210 TALEA DR 300 22.50 904 8/23/2011 PLUMBING 51-800 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 1,000 26.25 909 8/24/2011 IPLUMBING 80-825 VISTA BONITA TR 1,500 22.50 929 8/29/2011 IPLUMBING 52-160 AVENIDA RUBIO 600 28.13 11 8,057 279.40 603 8/11/2011 REMODEL - COMMERCIAL 78-702 HIGHWAY 111 100.000 1,327.69 671 8/3/2011 REMODEL - COMMERCIAL 47-647 CALEO BAY 15,000 369.49 773 8/9/2011 REMODEL - COMMERCIAL 78-134 CALLE TAMPICO 12,000 314.45 786 8/15/2011 REMODEL - COMMERCIAL 79-740 HIGHWAY 111 . 12,000 293.06 855 8/23/2011 REMODEL - COMMERCIAL 78-430 HIGHWAY 111 200,000 1,911.44 863 8/30/2011 REMODEL - COMMERCIAL 78-370 HIGHWAY 111 5,000 142.24 6 344,000 4,358.37 849 8/29/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 79-205 SHADOW TR 6,000 176.78 893 8/19/2011 REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL 51-865 AVENIDA HERRERA 1 60 24.75 2 6,060 201.53 804 8/5/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 52-420 ROSS AVE 50,000 813.93 824 8/3/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 81-160 LAGUNA CT 18,500 419.20 832 8/8/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 54-315 AVENIDA VALLEJO 19,000 416.70 857 8/12/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 55-935 PINEHURST 23,000 516.10 871 8/16/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 80403 VIA PESSARO 28,000 577.98 879 8/18/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 61-266 LIVING STONE DR 24,000 545.95 882 8/18/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 55-197 RIVIERA 8,500 275.70 887 8/22/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 52-541 MERIWETHER WY 32,000 620.88 889 8/19/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 53-885 AVENIDA MARTINEZ 12,000 312.75 905 8/23/2011 POOL - RESIDENTIAL 51-740 AVENIDA VELASCO 30,000 599.43 906 8/25/2011 1POOL - RESIDENTIAL 51-905 AVENIDA OBREGON 18,000 441.85 11 263,000 5,540.47 876 8/16/2011 RE -ROOF 54-280 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 8,2001 30.00 894 8/19/2011 RE -ROOF 52-175 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 8,0001 30.00 900 8/22/2011 RE -ROOF 53-645 AVENIDA NAVARRO 9,9601 30.00 3 26,160 90.00 , 611 8/29/2011 IDWELLING - SINGLE FAMIL 53-165 HUMBOLDT BLVD 762,0041 6,021.29 Page 3 n 1 5 Building Permit Statistics 1 762,004 6,021.29 820 8/1/2011 SIGN 79-245 CORPORATE CENTRE 1 5,000 30.00 830 8/2/2011 SIGN 78-134 CALLE TAMPICO 1,750 30.00 842 8/5/2011 SIGN 79-740 HIGHWAY 111 8,000 45.00 852 8/9/2011 SIGN 78-570 HIGHWAY 111 2,500 30.00 853 8/9/2011 SIGN 79-050 HIGHWAY 111 10,000 33.00 881 8/16/2011 SIGN 79-255 HIGHWAY 111 5,618 33.00 6 32.868 201.00 452 8/26/2011 ISOLAR 53-630 AVENIDA NAVARRO 25,0001 56.26 483 8/19/2011 ISOLAR 51-915AVENIDA CORTEZ 28,7001 60.01 776 8/16/2011 ISOLAR 53-095 AVENIDA BERMUDAS 40,0001 56.26 3 93,700 172.53 903 8/22/2011 STRUCTURES OTHER THA 50-640 SPYGLASS HILL DR 3,000 131.29 923 8/29/2011 ISTRUCTURES OTHER THA 49-699 AVENIDA VISTA BONITI 5,0001 141.30 2 8,000 272.59 858 8/10/2011 ISPECIAL INSPECTION 52-225 DESERT SPOON CT 01 100.00 859 8/10/2011 ISPECIAL INSPECTION 52-275 DESERT SPOON CT 01 100.00 860 8/10/2011 SPECIAL INSPECTION 52-215 DESERT SPOON CT 01 100.00 3 0 300.00 112 2,124,649 25,034.98 41.7 Page 4 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 6 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Edie Hylton, Community Services Directol�c DATE: August 16, 2011 SUBJECT: Community Services Department Report for July 2011 Upcoming events of the Community Services Department for September 201 1: Computers *Basic Computer *Basic Internet and Email Adobe Photoshop Elements, Senior Center Intro to MS Outlook, Senior Center Use a Digital Camera, Senior Center Dance *Beginning Tap Class *Swing/Latin Fusion Hip Hop, LQHS Dance, Play, & Pretend, LQHS Beginning Ballet (5-10 yrs.), LQHS Ballet/Tap (4-6 & 7-10 yrs.), LQHS Jazz/ Hip Hop (3-5 yrs.), Fitness Center Pre -Ballet/ Jazz (3-5 yrs.), Fitness Center Hawaiian Dance (14 yrs. & up), Senior Center Dance & Cheer (6-9 yrs.), LQHS Performance, Rhythm & Tap (18 yrs. & up), LQHS Excursions Museums Galore Los Angeles Exercise & Fitness *Morning Workout *Mat Pilates W.E.L.L. Morning Walks, Civic Center Campus Adult Walks, Fred Wolff Bear Creek Nature Preserve Kids in Motion, La Quinta High School Core Strengthen Class, Senior Center Yoga AM, Library Yoga PM, Museum Jazzercise, Senior Center Zumba, Senior Center Free Programs *Quitters Leisure Enrichment Italian for Everyone, Senior Center Expressive Landscape in Acrylic, Senior Center Martial Arts Karate/ Taekwondo, Senior Center Music Beginning Guitar, Senior Center Rock Solo Class, Senior Center Special Events *Cruise Cuisine Luncheon Moonlight Movies, Old Town Special Interest *Beginning Sculpture *Expressive Landscapes in Acrylic *Basic Drawing Sports Y Rookies Open Gym Basketball & Volleyball *Senior Center class or activity 419 Community Services Department Attendance Report for the Month of July 2011 Summary Sheet Program 2011 2010 Variance Sessions Per Month 2011 2010 Leisure Classes 142 93 49 75 57 Special Events 432 360 72 3 2 Sports 681 633 48 21 22 Senior Center 708 737 -29 59 71 Total 1,963 1,823 140 1 S8 152 Senior Services Senior Center 429 441 -12 10 13 Total 429 441 -12 10 13 Sports User Groups La Quinta Park Use AYSO NO LA QUINTA PARK LQ Sports & Youth FIELD USAGE DUE TO SUMMER C.V. Revolution FIELD REHABILITATION Sports Complex LQ Sports & Youth 100 100 0 17 19 LQ Insanity 25 0 25 8 0 Facility/Park Rentals Senior Center Private Pa 0 0 0 0 0 (Sunday Church 375 600 -225 51 8 Museum Meeting Room 01 60 -60 0 1 Library I Classroom 360 180 180 6 3 Civic Center Campus Private Pa 0 0 0 0 0 Park Rentals La Quinta Park 200 200 0 4 4 Fritz Bums Park 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1 1,060 1,140 -80 40 35 Total Pro rams 3,452 3,404 48 208 200 Vnlunfnnr Mmus Senior Center 1 3421 193 149 Total Volunteer Hours 342 193 149 420 Community Services Program Report for July 2011 2n11 2010 2011 2010 Participants Participants, Variance Meetings Meetings Leisure Classes Acrylic Painting 4 3 1 4 3 Ballet/ Tap 4- 6 5 0 5 3 0 Dance And Cheer 3 0 3 4 0 Tai Chi Chuan 3 5 -2 7 8 Zumba 13 22 -9 8 9 Yoga - Morning 7 8 -1 4 4 Yoga - Evening 3 0 3 4 0 Guitar - Beg. 4 9 -5 2 3 Karate/ Taekwondo 4- 8 26 0 26 7 0 Karate/ Taekwondo 8 - 11 21 0 21 7 0 Karate/ Taekwondo 11 & up 22 0 22 7 0 Self Defense 7 0 7 1 0 Beg. Ballet 31 01 3 4 0 Dance, Play, & Pretend 3 01 31 4 0 Jazzercise 121 13 -11 81 8 BodySculpting/ Core Workout 6 0 61 11 0 Totals 1421 601 821 751 35 2011 2010 2011 2010 Participants Participants Variance I Meetings Meetings Special Events Moonlight Movie @ Old Town 200 306 -100 1 1 Padres Game Excursion 32 0 32 1 0 Fitness Center Grand Opening 200 0 200 1 0 Totals 432 300 132 3 1 2n11 2u10 2011 2010 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Sports Open Gym Basketball 376 380 -4 11 12 Open Gym Volleyball 74 86 -12 4 5 W.E.L.L. Walking Club 7 0 7 1 0 Golf Tour, Westin Mission Hills 52 31 21 1 1 Golf Tour, Indian Wells Golf Resort 48 36 12 1 1 Golf Tour, Heritage Palms 411 01 411 1 0 Golf Tour, Indian Springs Golf Club 41 01 411 1 0 Golf Tour, SilverRock 42 29 13 1 1 Totals 681 562 119 21 20 lCommunity Services Totals 1 1,2551 9221 3331 99 56 421 Monthly Revenue Report for July 2011 Monthiv Revenue - Facility Rentals 2011 2010 Variance Libra $ 100.00 $ - $ 100.00 Museum $ - $ - $ - Senior Center $ 1,237.50 $ 2,362.50 $ 1,125.00 Parks $ 260.00 $ 210.00 $ 50.00 Sports Fields $ 209.50 $ - $ 209.50 Monthly Facility Revenue $ 1,807.00 $ 2,572.50 $ 765.50 Monthly Revenue Senior Center $ 1,444.00 $ 1,143.50 1 $ 300.50 Community Services $ 5,635.00 $ 4,448.00 $ 1,187.00 La Quinta Resident Cards $ 3,010.00 $ 2,240.00 $ 770.00 Fitness Cards $ 1,235.00 $ 450.00 $ 785.00 Total Revenue $ 11,324.00 $ 8,281.50 1 $ 3,042.50 Revenue Year to Date Facility Revenue $ 1,807.00 $ 2,572.50 $ 765.50 Senior Center $ 1,444.00 $ 1,143.50 $ 300.50 Community Services $ 5,635.00 $ 4,448.00 $ 1,187.00 La Quinta Resident Cards $ 3,010.00 $ 2,240.00 $ 770.00 Fitness Cards $ 1,235.00 $ 450.00 $ 785.00 Total Revenue to Date $ 13,131.00 $ 10,854.00 $ 2,277.00 ` Decrease in revenue due to loss of church user group. 422 Senior Center Attendance Senior Center Program Report for July 2011 PaPoapat!on articipation ariance satins eetin s 20 0 20 20 Senior Activities ACBL 2 99ers' 122 119 3 4 4 Bridge, Social/Party 225 263 -38 14 13 Monthly Birthday Party 50 43 7 1 1 Monthly Luncheon (Patriot's Luncheon) 108 96 12 1 1 Movie Time 441 64 -201 4 5 Senior Activity Total 549 585 -361 24 24 Senior Leisure Classes Exercise 39 - 25 14 12 12 Mat Pilates 12 6 6 12 12 Quilters 34 29 5 4 5 Swing Latin Fusion 6 0 6 3 0 Ukulele Players 68 40 28 4 6 Senior Leisure Classes Total 159 100 59 35 35 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAMS 708 685 23 59 59 Senior Services Cool Center 61 90 -29 14 21 FIND 221 247 -26 5 5 Legal Consultation 5 6 -1 1 1 LIHEAP 21 31 -10 1 2 Notary/Financial Consults/Lobby 4 0 4 3 0 Volunteers 117 26 91 n/a n/a TOTAL SENIOR SERVICES 429 400 58 10 8 SENIOR CENTER TOTAL 1 11371 1085 81 69 67 423 Parks Activities Updates for July 2011 The sports fields at La Quinta Park and the Sports Complex were aerated and top dressed this month. Each summer, the fields are closed to condition and prepare the turf for the Fall use by the soccer, baseball, and football associations. The purpose of aeration is to relieve soil compaction which allows the turf grass to get the proper amount of air and nutrients in the soil. Top dressing is a practice of adding new sand to level the field surface, relieve compaction, and improve drainage. Vintage Landscape, Desert Sands Unified School District, and City staff are working together to improve the baseball infields at the Sports Complex. Currently, there is turf along the outside of the first and third base lines in the infields. This infield turf is uneven and difficult to maintain. The landscapers and school staff are working together to remove the infield irrigation and turf. Once the infield turf is removed, the areas will be filled -in with additional infield material which will provide a more level playing surface. Improvements continue to be made at the Fritz Burns Dog Park. A bottom rail was installed below the fence of the small dog section to prevent small dogs from being able to pass under the fence. New gate latches were installed that meet ADA standards as well as spring loaded hinges that provide self -closing gates. The fence was repainted and new shade canvas was installed over the two existing shade structures. Two more shade structures will be placed along with additional benches and new drinking fountains for each section. 42.4 The Gems symbolize the Wellness System Fees Ruby Level = $50.00 Self -Directed Program; One Year -Key Use Sapphire Level = $175.00 All Ruby Level Benefits; Pre -Fitness Assessment Test; Custom Designed Program by Personal Training Diamond Level = $295.00 All Ruby and Sapphire Level Benefits; Three Additional Personal Training Sessions • Members Sold is the # of memberships sold that day. • Walk-ins are people without membership cards that are paying a daily $5 fee. • Daily counts are the # of Members coming into the center that have had their membership cards scanned by us. • The totals at the end of each row is the total of all of the above transactions for the day. 4?_5 FM OF TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Edie Hylton, Community Services Director DATE: September 20, 2011 '11���" SUBJECT: Community Services Department Report for August 2011 Upcoming events of the Community Services Department for October 201 1: Computers *Use a Digital Camera *Basic Microsoft Word *Intermediate Internet & Email Adobe Photoshop Elements, Senior Center Play with PowerPoint, Senior Center Dance *Beginning Tap Class *Swing/Latin Fusion Hip Hop, LQHS Dance, Play, & Pretend, LQHS Beginning Ballet (5-10 yrs.), LQHS Ballet/Tap (4-6 & 7-10 yrs.), LQHS Jazz/ Hip Hop (3-5 yrs.), Fitness Center Pre -Ballet/ Jazz (3-5 yrs.), Fitness Center Hawaiian Dance (14 yrs. & up), Senior Center Dance & Cheer (6-9 yrs.), LQHS Performance, Rhythm & Tap (18 yrs. & up), LQHS Exercise & Fitness *Morning Workout *Mat Pilates *Yoga for Health *Chair Yoga *Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong W.E.L.L. Morning Walks, Civic Center Campus Adult Walks, Fred Wolff Bear. Creek Nature Preserve Kids in Motion, La Quinta High School Total Body Workout, Senior Center Yoga AM, Library Yoga PM, Museum Jazzercise, Senior Center Zumba, Senior Center 426 Free Programs *Quilters *Woodcarvers Leisure Enrichment Italian for Everyone, Senior Center Expressive Landscape in Acrylic, Senior Center Martial Arts Karate/ Taekwondo, Senior Center Music Beginning Guitar, Senior Center Second Level Guitar, Senior Center Rock Solo Class, Senior Center Special Events *Halloween Luncheon *Wellness Connection *Annual Health Fair Halloween Carnival Moonlight Movies, Old Town Special Interest *Beginning Bridge *Dog Training *Hooked on Loops *Beginning Sculpture *Expressive Landscapes in Acrylic *Basic Drawing Sports Disc Golf Tournament Open Gym Basketball & Volleyball *Senior Center class or activity 427 Community Services Department Attendance Report for the Month of August 2011 Summary Sheet Program 2011 2010 Variance Sessions Per Month 2011 2010 Leisure Classes 126 61 65 67 30 Special Events ` 250 744 -494 3 4 Sports 564 575 -11 24 22 Senior Center 755 770 -15 69 71 Total 1,695 2,150 -466 163 127 Senior Services Senior Center 374 419 -451 12 14 Total 374 419 -45 12 14 Sports User Groups La Quints Park Use AYSO 180 170 10 6 6 Sports Complex LQ Sports & Youth 75 60 15 22 18 Facility/Park Rentals Senior Center Private Pa 100 300 -200 1 2 (Sunday Church " 300 750 -450 4 10 Museum Meeting Room 0 60 -60 0 1 Library Classroom 60 180 -120 1 3 Civic Center Campus Private Part 0 0 0 0 0 Park Rentals La Quinta Park 100 50 50 2 1 Fritz Burns Park 0 0 0 0 0 Total 815 1,570 -7651 361 41 Total Programs 2,884 4,139 -1,2561 2111 182 Volunteer Hours Senior Center 121 162 -41 Total Volunteer Hours 1211 162 -41 400 people attended Safety Fun Fair in 2010; did not offer the event this year. ** 2 church groups met at Senior Center in 2010; only 1 church group this year. Community Services Program Report for August 2011 2011 2010 2011 2010 Participants I Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Leisure Classes Guitar - Beg. 4 3 1 3 3 Zumba 10 15 -5 9 6 Yoga - Morning 8 9 -1 4 3 Yoga - Evening 3 0 3 4 0 Dance And Cheer 3 0 31 4 0 Digital Camera 3 0 3 3 0 Karate/ Taekwondo 4 - 8 251 0 25 10 0 Karate/ Taekwondo 8 - 11 28 0 28 10 0 Karate/ Taekwondo 11 & up 23 0 23 10 0 Self Defense 7 0 7 1 0 Jazzercise 12 13 -1 9 9 Totals 126 401 86 67 21 2011 2010 2011 2010 Participants Participants Variance I Meetings Meetings Special Events Moonlight Movie @ Old Town 150 250 -100 1 1 Huntington Beach Excursion 50 0 50 1 0 Summer Golf Tour Banquet 50 52 -2 1 1 Totals 250 302 -52 3 2 2011 2010 2011 2010 Participants Participants Variance I Meetings Meetings Sports Open Gym Basketball 328 368 -40 15 14 Open Gym Volleyball 59 79 -20 4 4 W.E.L.L. Walking Club 4 0 4 1 0 Golf Tour, Desert Willow 45 27 18 1 1 Golf Tour, Marriott's Shadow Ridge 34 29 5 1 1 Golf Tour, Eagle Falls 46 36 10 1 1 Golf Tour, Classic Club 48 36 12 1 1 Totals 5641 575 -111 241 22 [community Services Totals 1 9401 9171 1 231 94 45 M Monthly Revenue Report for August 2011 Monthly Revenue - Facility Rentals 2011 2010 Variance Libra $ $ - $ Museum $ - $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Senior Center * $ 1,240.00 $ 3,850.00 $ 2,610.00 Parks $ 110.00 $ 60.00 $ 50.00 Sports Fields $ 120.00 $ 200.00 $ 80.00 Monthly Facility Revenue $ 1,470.00 $ 4,185.00 $ 2,715.00 Monthly Revenue Senior Center $ 2,765.50 1 $ 2,210.00 1 $ 555.50 Community Services** $ 3,775.50 $ 5,122.00 $ 1,346.50 La Quinta Resident Cards $ 2,380.00 $ 2,730.00 $ 350.00 Total Revenue $ 8,921.00 1 $ 10,062.00 $ 1,141.00 Revenue Year to Date Facility Revenue $ 3,277.00 $ 6,757.50 $ 3,480.50 Senior Center $ 4,209.50 $ 3,353.50 $ 856.00 Community Services $ 9,410.50 $ 9,570.00 $ 159,50 La Quinta Resident Cards $ 6,625.00 $ 5,420.00 $ 1,205.00 Total Revenue to Date $ 23,522.00 $ 25,101.00 $ 1,679.00 * Decrease in revenue due to loss of church user group. ** Decrease in revenue due to loss of Pageant of The Masters excursion this year, cost was $60 per person. 430 Senior Center Program Report for August 2011 Participation Participation Variance Meetings Meetings 2011 2010 2011 2010 Senior Activities ACBL 2 99ers' 150 161 -11 5 4 Bridge, Social/Part 221 301 -80 19 19 Monthly Birthday Party 48 45 3 1 1 Monthly Luncheon (B&G Luncheon) 108 107 1 1 1 Movie Time 38 39 -1 4 4 Wii Bowling/Golf 9 11 -2 3 4 Senior Activity Total 574 664 -90 33 33 Senior Leisure Classes Exercise 30 32 -2 14 13 Mat Pilates 15 6 9 14 13 Mature Driver 21 0 1 0 Quilters 40 241 16 4 4 Ukulele Players 75 441 31 3 8 Senior Leisure Classes Total 181 1061 54 36 38 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAMS 755 770 -36 69 71 Senior Services Cool Center 146 99 47 311 22 FIND 191 212 -21 51 4 HICAP 5 0 5 2 0 Legal Consultation 7 6 1 1 1 LIHEAP 7 21 -14 1 3 Notary/Financial Consults/Lobby/Geriatric 3 0 3 3 0 Volunteers 15 22 -7 n/a n/a TOTAL SENIOR SERVICES 374 360 -33 12 8 SENIOR CENTER TOTAL 1129 1130 .691 81 79 431 Parks Activities Updates For August 2011 The new dog park rules ordinance took effect on Friday, August 19, 2011. New signs for the rules were installed at the entrance of all three dog park facilities. The lake fountain at the Civic Center Campus was off for two weeks for servicing. The nozzle is secured by 8 cables that needed to be replaced by a licensed diver. The fountain has returned to normal operations. 432 The Gems symbolize the Wellness System Fees Ruby Level = $50.00 Self -Directed Program; One Year -Key Use Sapphire Level = $175.00 All Ruby Level Benefits; Pre -Fitness Assessment Test; Custom Designed Program by Personal Training Diamond Level = $295.00 All Ruby and Sapphire Level Benefits; Three Additional Personal Training Sessions • Members Sold is the # of memberships sold that day. • Walk-ins are people without membership cards that are paying a daily $5 fee. • Daily counts are the # of Members coming into the center that have had their membership cards scanned by us. • The totals at the end of each row is the total of all of the above transactions for the day. 433 Department Report: 7- A rr,Cy, OW�W OF Tl' TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Les Johnson, Planning Directo� DATE: August 16, 2011 SUBJECT: Department Report for the Month of July 2011 Attached please find a copy of the Planning Department Report which outlines the current cases processed by staff for the month of July 2011. 1 434 w g0 �a W Q � aH0 w Z N O w } J zQ z a W Q Q a 0 z w O H � a m ¢ D U U) w N w Y a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Q U a N Y N Y N Y a) Y a) Y N Y Q1 Y N Y a) Y U Y a) Y a) Y N Y a) Y N Y a) Y a) Y a) Y N Y a) Y a) Y a) Y LUO C E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E _E 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 7 z a m N N N N N N y N N N N N N N N N N y 0 N U) (AJ d 0000000,0,0 w00000w000n ac0 o z a z O_ J Y H W N O r IL F- H N C r+ fA N Z C Y a) C C Y c@ E c a) V E Y a) d V a a) a) m a E -00 7 d aEi ayia-0, C N d d C as C a) a (D N N +y+ N !_' Q � rL N Y O Q. C E E E C a� c ca a E E E a a� y Q m Q N a� E a T N E N Q cn d �' m a m N N C ` CO N a N cn C U C 'v N N *_' d m a) a3 U a� N (0 g °' o E a I- a) c a c c E a a Q a y '+- a' `m E m a m a� 0 N Co 0 0 o n. C m aD Q 0 c c `m Z>> �° O s U N CL O a� o a) 0 0 0 U a) o d a a) a .t c c o�� c� b .c a o a0i c aci o c; aci aci aEi o o � QUOwu ,c (D-j ddt)fnU)U)1—f-E > N N U) 435 7 F- N F- >o � N U O Q C) oz D O I O Ur N z_ z } z J J LL r�o 00 z O H a E: U N W O a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O W Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y � Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y i+ i•+ i•+ 4+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y W E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 0 a a.naaaaaaaaa.naaa Op oC > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ¢ a a7 N N N V1 N N N N N N N N N Vl N d a O O O, O O O N, 0 0 0, 0 0 — Q Q U W � H Q DO J LL Q � W z a CD Y N O 5 N C a) C Y C U 0)C E E J U c E _E y m -aa •�LU m o a N a a LL a W m a) a LL am m OoOc O v,a w o�(D< * c mpg -' °) m m rn a— Q C •a E T a) r— a) Y E E W W O H aE U am coLL C m c C 0 a N m g o m o.y, o E a Im Dg OE_ o c E>am a U z CE C a O z o Y YY V O 0 C c 47 0 IM Y O_ Y m a) O O O O QUO W i.�C7�cAcnfAfnHH>NN 1-F- 436 m r C� ptiS F TF�' TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Les Johnson, Planning Director DATE: September 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Department Report for the Month of August 2011 Attached please find a copy of the Planning Department Report which outlines.the current cases processed by staff for the month of August 2011. 1 437 F- z w a w 0 z z z J d O a w F- z w cr F- a W 0 0 N F— O D cD 0 LU Z H O F- F- g co E: 0 U cn 0 'o 'o -o -o -o -o _0 -o -o 'o a m m m m m m m 'o 'o 'o 'o N ¢ U o) N o) o) N N (DN N o) o) N N CD N N 0 a) a) N 0) N W E v 0 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E t L L L L .0 .0 9 L L L .0 L .0 L L .0 L .0 L L L L W Z o 7> 7 7 7> 7 7 n 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Z a C- N N N N N N N w N N N N N N N N N N N w N N J L0 0 0 � 0 0 0 O O 0 O N O, 0 0 0 0 0 L, 0 0 0 am a 0 z a w z o0. J H N Y H W N L LU m M U a " N Zco c C E N N a C U U E a `� a a rn M a E '0 aEi aNi � .� a- m 0) c Q c m Z d m ¢ c E E c L E E a EC N¢ a¢ N E CO ai 0) U c°'i 0 a� ¢ 0 co C d N N c Co Co` a a)Q) C C y C N �- C. m y a. F- a -0 c c0 co n- 7 'O 0 E >, N C a E� a u0i m C U Z J L i_i y 0 J m c 75 a D 0 Lr- 1 Y o 0) U 0 > o a� o o 0 0 Co .° C aD F o C .� c c 0 c a o aa) c c 0 0 o@ y + n b aci aci aEi = o o ¢UOwS(D - i a-d<nfnu)<nF-F-F->NN (n N } O N U Q CV) z IM OD �O Q 0 O U O N z z JJ a� nO 00 z O 0- a R U U) w O v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v a N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O W Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y W E E E E E E E E E E E'E E E'E E ' O a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a O ¢ > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Ccc L a N N tq N N N N N N N N N N N N N a a.00O�OOON�OOO�-OOP Qa U)W O F- _ Q DO J LL Q F W Q y W C G N N C E N o E `_' `m E OC C� W c C(D E E N y N m a v a a o o C M@= N V LL Q -� °� d N a c a)Q o c N aci O C1 'EL LMU a0 yQ O E yU ` `�° 0 Q m� m c c o c c a a� m a co o �O j N O CO W 0 O E a F- N C O O c o E E a c E> o Z>>> r L z C� '++ O 0 a y� 'Y 'Y U J J J _ m m N O) U C% "> y c C N N C C M C C 00 QUO W U.(7�cAinfn(AFTH>NN 439 M Department Report: ( L3 / T 04 C `N OF TNF' TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Les Johnson, Planning Direct DATE: September 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Department Report - Indio Polo Fields Goldenvoice Concerts — Status Update During the July 19, 2011 City Council meeting, Council Members considered the upcoming 2012 concerts proposed by Goldenvoice to be held at the Indio Polo Fields. Three concert events have been announced for April 2012, which are the Coachella Music and Arts Festival (weekend #1: April,13-15, 2012), Coachella Music and Arts Festival (weekend #2: April 20-22, 2012) and Stagecoach (April 27-29, 2012). During the meeting, Council members received comments from multiple residents: the owner of Empire Polo Club, Paul Tollett of Goldenvoice, as well as Indio City Manager Dan Martinez. Council members ultimately directed City staff to work with City of Indio staff and Goldenvoice to address the concert impacts. In response to the direction given, multiple resident meetings have been conducted over the past several weeks and at least one additional meeting is scheduled for later this month. The majority of these meetings are being conducted with representatives of neighborhoods located in close proximity to the polo fields where the concerts are held. A brief summary of the meetings held to date involving La Quinta residents is as follows: • July 21, 2011 — Community Meeting at La Quinta Resort: Approximately 50 persons attended the afternoon meeting. Goldenvoice representatives facilitated the meeting. Representatives from the City of Indio and La Quinta were also in attendance. The majority of those in attendance were Indio and La Quinta residents. Concerns brought forth during the community meeting primarily focused upon lack of security, traffic impacts 440 (namely ingress and egress to and from adjacent neighborhoods), noise impact from airplanes with advertisement banners, the need to complete road infrastructure improvements and hours of operation exceeding curfew times. • August 9, 2011 - Mountain View Country Club: Goldenvoice, Indio and La Quinta staff met with two representatives from the Mountain View Homeowner's Association (HOA). Primary concern with concerts is associated with short-term rental impacts to their community. Several incidents occurred during the 2011 concerts involving renters and their guests. Multiple loud parties and some minor vandalism occurred. Both HOA representatives acknowledged the need for them to improve managing existing .HOA regulations and possibly amending some language. Goldenvoice offered to pay expenses of additional HOA security and possibly additional police services during concerts. Goldenvoice also asked HOA representatives to specifically address any other items that could possibly be mitigated. HOA representatives agreed to provide requested information to Goldenvoice. All agreed to meet again on October 11, 2011. • August 16, 2011 - The Hideaway: Goldenvoice, Indio and La Quinta staff met with the head of security for The Hideaway. It was identified that homes in The Hideaway are being promoted by homeowners as premier rentals during the concerts. It was reported that there were approximately 25 rentals during the 2011 concerts. One of the most significant issues is with number of guests accompanying renters. This resulted in multiple incidents at the main gate during the Coachella concert between "guests" and security. Multiple vandalism incidents occurred within the neighborhood. Disturbances at the clubhouse also occurred that were caused by renters and guests. Several issues were also reported along Avenue 52 frontage. The Hideaway representative requested La Quinta police patrol during the Coachella concerts in the Avenue 52 area with the ability to respond to any issues that may arise at the main gate. It was reported that The Hideaway security will be able to adequately address internal matters. They have no issues or concerns with Stagecoach. La Quinta police identified that there will be two task force officers available during the 2012 concerts to specifically respond to concert related issues. Goldenvoice offered to pay costs to provide additional police resources. All agreed to meet again on October 11, 2011. • August 16, 2011 - Rancho Santana: Goldenvoice, Indio and La Quinta staff met with six individuals representing the Rancho Santana Homeowners Association (HOA). The HOA representatives identified key issues with the concerts this year, which primarily focused upon conflicts with the traffic management plan, noise impact from airplanes with advertisement banners, lack of security, event noise and exceeding event curfew time. Discussion regarding the traffic management plan focused upon what could be improved upon in 2012 as well as early communication with 441 Rancho Santana HOA regarding the plan. Indio staff reported that they are in communication with the FAA to try and stop the airplanes. Goldenvoice reported that they are willing to pay the HOA for the expense to add security as well as pay for additional police resources. In response to concerns regarding noise and hours of operations, Goldenvoice stated that they are attempting to improve the situation by better management of the event schedule, reducing the number of bands and having an earlier curfew time. Goldenvoice asked for the HOA to provide a specific list of items that they can mitigate. All agreed to meet again on or after October 11, 2011. In addition to the aforementioned meetings, a meeting with the Polo Estates Homeowners Association has been scheduled for September 29, 2011. No additional La Quinta Homeowners Association meetings or community meetings are proposed in the near future other than the aforementioned follow-up meetings. However, there has been discussion of one or more future community meetings being conducted closer to the concert dates as an opportunity to provide general information regarding the three concerts to interested parties as well as respond to any questions or concerns. Indio and La Quinta City staff, including City Managers Martinez and Genovese, met on August 8 and again on September 1, 2011, to discuss the upcoming 2012 concert season. Discussion primarily focused on the 2012 concerts contract between Indio and Goldenvoice, community outreach efforts, as well as monitoring of impacts associated with the 2012 concerts. During the September 1, 2011, meeting, it was reported that the contract will be considered by the Indio City Council at their October 5, 2011, meeting. In addition, Goldenvoice, Indio and La Quinta City staff have begun operations planning meetings for the 2012 concerts. As a result of the concerns raised by both Indio and La Quinta residents, a Neighborhood Resident Plan has been developed. This Plan identifies the process to address a multitude of topics, such as traffic, access, security, noise, communication, etc. specific to neighbors in close proximity to the venue. This is an operations plan, similar to others in existence (traffic, parking, camping, shuttle, security, media, EMS), which is intended to be a resource for internal use by staff directly involved with the concerts. Future updates regarding the preparation for the upcoming 2012 concerts will be provided to City Council with the next update scheduled to be provided at the October 18, 2011, meeting. 442 DEPARTMENT REPORT i 4 yaw MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: September 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Public Works Department Report for July & August 2011 Attached please find the following: Citizen Service Request Summary; 2. Encroachment Permit and Plan Check Services Summary; 3. Capital Improvement Plan Status Update; 4. Monthly Summary of Public Works Tasks; 6imothy R. J na s in Works Di for/City Engineer 443 ,; -- - 0 - 0 - © f NO - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ \ % 0 0 00 ,0 0 - 0 - - 0 , 0 ( k \� 0, 6 K\� f\�� ., � � \ � � \ \0 \ 0 0 ° 7 � 10 10 \ . 1 00 0 & 0 , , , 0 � - 0 \ \\o 0 0 oi- ca 0z 0 , 0 0 , , 0. , \ \ ( i<a ° § ( � \ \ /\ \ / , , o. 1 0 2 0 /! \\ \ % «\ £%. $ � \ « \ \§�0 0 � \ �my \<k.| r■|| `- !). � ,�- 15 °! §!� . \ .|� # !!■f,i-�� »_||■ �1 - \■ !- m*!' 2 ;& :■! » k a IT \ ƒ \\ 444 (n w }� U uj Y o U) U N } W r-rx In wr N U Z Z <M } 4 �tn 7t n. 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Code Activity 4 Men 4 Men 3 Men 1 Man Total 1000 Policing/Inspection 54 92 0 6 152 1001 Pot Hole -Repair/Patching 4 6 0 9 19 1002 Crack/Joint-Repair 0 3 0 0 3 1003 Pavement Marking/Legends 8 0 0 3 11 1004 Pavement Marking/Striping 0 2 0 0 2 1005 Curb Painting 0 0 0 0 0 1006 Other Traffic Controls 0 55 0 0 55 1007 Curb & Gutter Repair/Const. 0 0 0 0 0 1008 Other Concrete Repairs/Const. 0 2 0 0 2 1009 Street Sign Install (New) 2 2 0 0 4 1010 Street Sign Repair/Maint 66 15 0 0 81 1011 Debris Removal 23 65 0 4 92 1012 Right of Way Maint. 7 43 92 0 142 1021 CLEAN Catch Basin Inlet/Outlet 7 18 0 0 25 1022 Rondo Channel Outlet/Vault 8 0 0 0 8 1022A Desert Club Outlet/Vault 0 0 0 0 0 1023 S.D./ D.W./C.B. Repair/Maint. 7 5 0 1 13 1024 Gutter/Median Sand Removal 0 0 0 0 0 1025 Street Sweeping (Machine) 0 179 0 0 179 1026 Street Sweeping (Hand) 0 0 0 0 0 1027 Sidewalk/Bike Path Cleaning 0 0 0 0 0 1028 Dust Control 0 0 0 0 0 1029 Flood Control 0 0 3 0 3 1031 Parks/Retention Basins Inspection/Clean-L 3 20 141 0 164 1041 Irrig/ Weeding, Shrubs & Tree Trimming 14 20 190 6 230 1051 Landscape/Irrigation Contract Managemen 2 0 29 10 41 1052 Lighting/Electrical Contract Management 0 0 29 10 39 1061 Small Tools Repair/Maint. 0 0 0 0 0 1062 Equipment Repair/Maint. 4 4 0 0 8 1063 Vehicle Repair Maint. 0 29 0 0 29 1081 Trash/Litter/Recycable Removal 0 0 26 0 26 1082 Vandalism Repairs 3 13 0 0 16 1083 Graffiti Removal 270 69 30 9 378 1084 Maint. Yard Building Maint. 18 2 0 3 23 1085 Seminarsfrraining 16 16 6 4 42 1086 Special Events 0 0 0 0 0 1087 Citizen Complaints/Requests 86 12 0 0 98 1088 Meeting 1 30 7 20 58 1089 1 Office (Phone, paperwork, reports, Misc.) 45 38 16 49 148 SUBTOTAL 6481 7401 569 134 2091 1091 Over Time 2 4 6 0 12 1094 Jury Duty( 0 0 0 0 0 1095 Sick Leave 49 17 27 0 93 1096 Vacation 103 16 0 38 157 1097 Holiday 0 0 0 0 1098 Floating Holiday 0 0 0 0 0 1099 Worker Comp/ Bereavement/ STD 01 27 01 24 51 SUBTOTAL 154 64 33 62 313 TOTAL HOURS 802 8041 6021 196 2404 TOTAL MILES 4236 42621 34611 197 12156 451 Department Report: I LA UI TA PiLICE Served by the PJverside Cour¢y Sherffs Depart Police Department Monthly Report July 2011 C Prepared for C a 452 0 La Quinta Police Department SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY REPORT Captain Raymond Gregory Chief of Police Friday, July 1, 2011 9:24 AM -- Officers responded to the 79400 block of Corporate Center Drive in reference to a report of indecent exposure. Initial investigation revealed that the seven year old victim told his grandmother that his mother's boyfriend had exposed himself to him. Investigators assumed responsibility for the ongoing investigation. 2:05 PM -- Officers responded to a keep the peace call in the 53200 block of Avenida Mendoza regarding a child custody issue. An 11 year -old juvenile refused to go with the father and made threats to harm himself. The juvenile was transported to Indio Mental Health for a 72-hour evaluation. 4:59 PM --Officers responded to the 79200 block of Highway 111 in reference to a female causing a disturbance. Shannon Bills, 30, of Indio was contacted at the location. She was arrested and booked for being under the influence of a controlled substance and resisting arrest. 7:24 PM -- Officers responded to an assault with a deadly weapon call on Avenue 52, west of Jefferson Street. A passer-by saw a vehicle back out of a driveway onto westbound Avenue 52 running over the victim and dragging him into the street. The vehicle then drove westbound on Avenue 52, running over the ® victim a second time. The victim was transported by paramedics to Desert Hospital. Officers searched the area but were unable to locate the suspect vehicle. 10:57 PM -- La Quinta SET Team Officers conducted a traffic stop at Dune Palms and Blackhawk Way. The driver, Shane Jennings, 41, of Cathedral City was arrested for possession of methamphetamine. He was booked into the Indio Jail. Saturday, July 2.2011 7:25 AM -- Officers responded to the 44200 block of Ocotillo Drive in reference to a cat burglary. Investigation revealed an unknown suspect(s) entered the residence through an unsecured rear window and took the victim's wallet and computer hard drive. The victim, who is house-sitting for the homeowner, did not see or hear anything unusual during the time of the incident. 7:54 AM — Officers responded to the 52700 block of Avenida Bermudas in reference to a disturbance. Investigation revealed that Kenneth Lamar Anderson, 22, of Carson, was acting belligerent after consuming alcohol and smoking marijuana. Anderson was arrested for public intoxication and booked into the Indio Jail after receiving medical clearance. 8:00 PM --Officers responded to a residential burglary in the 51000 block of Avenida Vallejo. There was no evidence of forced entry and a possible suspect is an ex -roommate. Sunday. July 3, 2011 12:21 AM -- Officers responded to an unattended death in the 54500 block of Ave. Ramirez. After life- saving treatment failed, an adult male, 53, was pronounced dead by paramedics. It appears the death was from natural causes. 453 3:35 AM — Officers were assigned to investigate a domestic disturbance in the53000 block of Ave. Villa. ® Mike Mijarez, 18, of Thermal was arrested for spousal abuse and was booked into the Indio Jail. 4:34 AM -- Officers responded to a possible intoxicated driver. Maureen Patsi Dominguez-Cuen, 25, of Desert Hot Springs drove into a metal gate at the Fire Station, Avenue 52 and Desert Club. Dominguez- Cuen was arrested for DUI, hit and run, and driving without a valid license. 4:16 PM -- Officers conducted a pedestrian check at Eisenhower Dr. and 50" Ave. Eluias Carrillo, 26, of La Quinta was arrested and booked for possession of methamphetamine for sale. Monday, July 4, 2011 No Significant Activity Tuesday, July 5, 2011 3:29 PM — Officers responded to the 52900 block of Avenida Mendoza to serve an arrest warrant. Gustavo Castaneda, 25, of La Quinta was arrested and booked for felony warrants for domestic violence and burglary. 7:59 PM — Officers were dispatched to the 79700 block of Mira Flores in regards to a domestic dispute. Adriene Tirre, 39, of La Quinta was arrested and booked for spousal battery. Wednesday, July 6, 2011 5:30 AM -- Officers responded to the 49700 block of Candeleria Circle regarding a burglary. An unknown suspect(s) entered the garage through an unlocked door and stole two golf carts. ® 3:40 PM -- La Quinta SET team officers conducted a pedestrian check at Dune Palms and Desert Stream. Marcos Franco, 20, of La Quinta was arrested for a felony drug warrant and a misdemeanor drug paraphernalia warrant. He was booked into the Indio Jail. 6:00 PM — Officers were dispatched to the 79900 block of Highway I I I regarding a subject detained for theft. Joshua Sharp, 34, of Indio was arrested for shoplifting and cite released. 6:55 PM -- Officers responded to Avenida Obregon and Calle Arroba in reference to a suspicious vehicle at the location. Upon arrival, officers located two golf carts in the driveway of a home under construction. Both golf carts had been stolen during a residential burglary that occurred in the 49700 block of Candeleria Circle. The golf carts were released to the owner. Thursday. July 7.2011 2:31 AM — Officers received a report of a traffic collision on PGA Blvd inside the PGA West Country Club. Kerry Lawrence Cosgrove, 38, of Indio collided with approximately six raised curbs within the parking lot, puncturing two tires. It appears he was too intoxicated to figure out how to exit the parking lot. Cosgrove was transported to the hospital with charges of DUI pending. 6:42 AM -- Officers responded to the 78600 block of Forbes Circle in reference to an unattended death. An adult male, 64, of La Quinta was found unresponsive by his wife. Death appears to have been from natural causes. Friday, July 8, 2011 4:53 AM — Officers were dispatched to the 78800 block of Wakefield Circle in reference to a suicide ® threat. A male juvenile, 16, of La Quinta threatened to harm himself. For his safety and well being, the juvenile was taken to Oasis Mental Health for a 72-hour mental health evaluation. 454 ® 6:58 AM — Officers responded to the 77500 block of Calle Madrid in reference to a burglary. The victim left the front door unlocked when he went for a walk. Upon his return, he found that someone had entered his residence and stolen numerous items. 11:58 AM — Officers responded to the 46000 block of Washington Street in reference to a subject causing a disturbance. Hamilton Clark, 49, of Indio was uncooperative and had to be restrained. Clark was arrested for resisting a peace officer and booked into the Indio Jail. 6:55 PM -- Officers responded to a report of an attempted suicide in the 78000 block of Calle Cadiz. An adult female, 27, La Quinta was taken to Indio Mental Health for a 72-hour evaluation after she made threats to harm herself. Saturday. Julv 9, 2011 2:21 AM — Officers conducted a vehicle stop on Eisenhower Dr. and Washington St. Luis Fidel Garcia Carmona, 32, of La Quinta was arrested for driving under the influence. 9:36 AM — Officers responded to the 52600 block of Avenida Herrera in reference to a residential burglary. The victim is renting a room to an adult male who is suspected to be involved. Sunday, July 10, 2011 3:15 AM -- Officers were flagged down related to a theft which had taken place at 1:30 AM. An adult male stated that he was victim of a theft in the area of Ave La Fonda and Ave Bermudas. The victim stated that his bicycle with taken by the suspect. The victim was not injured and provided a description of the suspect and a related vehicle. ® 5:48 AM — Officers conducted a vehicle check on Hwy I I I and Washington St. The driver, Abraham Esparza Rubio, 48, of Coachella was arrested for driving under the influence. Rubio was booked into the Indio Jail. 10:08 PM -- Officers responded to the area of Jefferson and Hwy I I I in regards to an intoxicated driver. Gonzalo Pinuelas, 52, of Cathedral City was arrested and booked at the Indio Jail for driving under the influence. Monday, July 11, 2011 No Significant Activity Tuesday, July 12, 2011 No Significant Activity Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:38 PM — Officers were dispatched to an attempted purse theft in a parking lot at Highway I I I and Jefferson. An adult female, 59, was walking to her car when an unidentified male approached her from behind and grabbed her purse. The woman did not let go of her purse and the suspect ran to a vehicle occupied by three others and fled the location. Thursday, July 14, 2011 8:20 AM — Officers conducted a vehicle stop at Washington St. and Highway I I I and arrested Raul Canas, ® 35, of Desert Hot Springs for a misdemeanor warrant. He was booked at the jail 455 ® 1:10 PM -- Officers conducted a vehicle stop at Miles Ave. and Jefferson St. and arrested Sergio Torres Corona, 48, for being under the influence of a controlled substance, operating a vehicle without a valid driver's license and presenting false identification to a peace officer. 4:41 PM — Officers conducted a follow up to a criminal threat that occurred in the 51200 block of Calle Rondo. The suspect, Miguel Angel Diaz, 43, of La Quinta was located at his place of employment and was arrested. 5:40 PM — Officers responded to the 79900 block of Hwy I I I and arrested Anissa Martinez, 34, of Indio for commercial burglary. 8:00 PM -- La Quinta SET officers assisted D.A. Investigators with a fraud related search warrant in the 43400 block of Bordeaux Dr. The suspect was contacted in front of his residence. He attempted to run from Investigators who managed to detain him just inside the residence. The D.A.'s investigation is ongoing and the suspect was not arrested. 10:13 PM -- Officers responded to the 46500 block of Washington St. reference a report of sexual battery. Investigation revealed that Jose Luis Torres, 44, of Palm Desert followed the victim and touched her inappropriately. The victim signed a private person arrest form and Torres was arrested for sexual battery. Friday. July 15, 2011 7:37 AM — Officers conducted a vehicle stop in the 78700 block of Hwy I I I and arrested the driver, Frank Gonzalez, 43, of Coachella for possession of narcotics. Gonzalez was booked into the Indio Jail. Saturday. July 16.2011 ® 2:21 AM -- Officers arrested Brian Taylor, 23, of Palm Desert for DUI during a traffic stop at Washington Street and Miles Avenue. Taylor was booked into the Indio Jail. 8:23 PM -- Officers responded to the 79200 block of Hwy I I I and arrested two juveniles for shoplifting. The juveniles were released to their parents. 9:48 PM — Officers responded to the 79300 block of Hwy 111 and arrested Dominic Jamel Crawford, 18, of La Quinta for embezzlement from his place of employment. 10:06 PM — Officers responded to the 52100 block of Avenida Carranza reference an alarm and found the back garage door had been pried open. The homeowners are out of town and it is unknown if anything was taken. Sunday, July 17, 2011 1:33 AM -- Officers responded to the 54000 block of Avenida Villa in reference to a family disturbance. An adult male, 21, of La Quinta was found to be a danger to himself. He was transported to JFK Hospital and a mental evaluation hold completed. 7:49 PM -- Officers responded to the 52000 block of Avenida Diaz in regards to a domestic dispute. An adult female at the location was found to be a danger to herself and to others and was taken to JFK Hospital for evaluation. In addition, her 15 year old son had tried to intervene in his parent's argument and had been bitten by his mother. CPS was notified. ® 10:57 PM -- Officers responded to the 78900 block of Sonesta Way in reference a domestic disturbance. Michael Charron, 40, was arrested for domestic violence. 456 Monday, July 18, 2011 ® 10:57 PM - Officers arrested Michael Charron, 40, of La Quinta for domestic battery at a residence in the 78900 block of Sonesta Way. 4:00 PM - Officers responded to a burglary in progress at a residence in the 44400 block of Marigold. An unknown male adult entered the residence through an unlocked rear slider, and fled when confronted by the homeowner. The suspect was seen leaving in a white smaller SUV. 6:49 PM - Officers responded to a hit and run collision at Washington St. and Avenue 47. The driver of a Honda Civic collided into a Lexus and fled the scene. Officers searched the area and located the vehicle and driver at a nearby business. Angela Kay Hayes, 33, of La Quinta was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, hit and run, driving on a suspended license and violation of probation. No-one was injured and both vehicles sustained minor damage. Tuesday. July 19.2011 10:15 PM - Officers arrested Gerardo Adrian Cardena, 25, of La Quinta for public intoxication in the 51200 block of Avenida Vallejo. 10:15 PM - Officers arrested Dylan Carl Prouty, 18, of La Quinta and Eli Champaign, 18, of Palm Desert for commercial burglary in the 79290 block of Highway 111. A male juvenile was also arrested for conspiracy to commit burglary and released to his parents. Wednesday, July 20, 2011 12:52 PM - Officers responded to a shooting in the 78900 block of Sanita Drive and located two subjects ® who had been shot. Both victims were transported to a local hospital and treated for non -life threatening injuries. The investigation is continuing. 11:00 PM - Officers arrested Jesus Ballesteros Melendrez, 20, of La Quinta and Eduardo Ramirez, 20. of Indio for brandishing a firearm and criminal threats in the 51100 block of Avenida Ramirez. Thursday, July 21,2011 3:37 PM - Officers arrested David Yoesel, 39, of Palm Desert for prescription fraud and burglaries he committed at several pharmacies in La Quinta. 7:38 PM - Officers arrested Elias Carrillo Jr., 26, and Jose Jimenez, 22, both of La Quinta for commercial burglary and conspiracy to commit burglary in the 50900 block of Washington Street. Friday, July 22, 2011 1:12 PM - Officers responded to the 51500 block of Avenida Obregon regarding a sexual assault. The victim, 21, of Hemet was transported to a local hospital for treatment. Investigators responded and assumed the ongoing investigation. 11:42 PM - Officers responded to a residence in the 51500 block of Avenida Rubio regarding a past sexual assault. The victim,19, of La Quinta was walking on Avenida Diaz when physically assaulted by an acquaintance. The victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment. Investigators responded and assumed the ongoing investigation. Saturday. July 23, 2011 7:36 PM - Officers arrested a female juvenile,16, of Coachella for commercial burglary in the 79200 block of Hwy 111. 457 ® Sunday, July 24, 2011 No significant Activity Monday, July 25, 2011 11:43 PM - Officers arrested Edward Huxell, 26, of La Quinta for domestic battery at a residence in the 54000 block of Avenida Diaz. Tuesday, July 26, 2011 11:10 PM - Officers with the La Quinta Special Enforcement Team arrested James Francis Brown III, 28, and Raquel Clavijo, 28, both of La Quinta, for felony warrants in the 52000 block of Avenida Velasco. Wednesday, July 27, 2011 No Significant Activity Thursday, July 28, 2011 12:13 PM - Officers arrested Anthony'David Dongey, 18, of Palm Desert for commercial burglary in the 79200 block of Highway 111. 3:03 PM - Officers arrested Maria De Luz Trejo, 35, of Palm Springs for domestic battery in the 78000 block of Calle Barcelona. ® 4:20 PM - Officers arrested Edward Carhart, 52, of La Quinta for a felony narcotics warrant in the 78500 block of Sanita. 6:24 PM - Officers arrested Gerrard Beauchat, 50, of La Quinta for assault with a deadly weapon in the 51300 block of Calle Paloma. 5:35 PM - Officers arrested Eddie Pasqueda, 36, of Thermal for receiving stolen property and Alejandro Kason, 29, of Indio for violation of parole as the result of a vehicle enforcement stop at Avenue 48 and Dune Palms Road. 8:20 PM - Officers arrested Bradley James Bailes, age 45, of La Quinta for possession of drugs, resisting arrest, and felon in possession of a stun gun at a residence in the 48100 block of Via Hermosa during follow-up investigation into recent golf cart thefts. Friday, July 29, 2011 2:43 PM - Officers arrested Jorge Garcia, 38, of Coachella for public intoxication in the 52000 block of Avenida Diaz. 6:09 PM - Officers responded to a disturbance in the 79600 block of Morning Glory and arrested Marcella Suzanne Walsh Carbone, 32, of La Quinta for public intoxication, felony child endangerment, and assault with a deadly weapon. 11:34 PM - Officers responded to a single vehicle, non -injury traffic collision on eastbound Avenue 52, ® west of Jefferson Street. William Mendez, 21, of Ventura was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. 1 ; ® Saturday, July 30, 2011 12:09 AM - Officers from the La Quinta Special Enforcement Team conducted a vehicle enforcement stop on Avenida Bermudas and Calle Sinaloa and arrested Herbert Wallace, 32 of Palm Desert for driving under the influence and possession of illegal narcotics. 11 1:55 AM - Officers conducted a vehicle enforcement stop on Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street and arrested Maribel Garcia Salcedo, 26, of Indio for driving under the influence of alcohol. Sunday, July 31, 2011 1:22 AM - Officers responded to the 45300 block of Seeley Drive regarding a disturbance and arrested Jay Caughey, 36, of La Quinta for domestic battery. 3:45 PM - Officers conducted a traffic enforcement stop at Calle Sinaloa and Avenida Martinez, and arrested Ernesto Gomez, age 26, of Coachella for a felony fraud warrant. 4:07 PM - Officers arrested Wesley Schneider, age 59, of Valley Center for violation of a court order at Tampico and Bermudas. 0 459 0 C CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Enforcement Team July 2011 Sgt. A. Northrup Officer C. Bloomquist Officer S. Davis Officer J. Reinbolz Officer M. Ramos Officer J. Borrego 4Tn �lKb 4M QC' fdH*N P1!'iAwi� i y S.E.T. TEAM Officer J. Reinbolz SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2011 Type of Activity # of Incidents Type of Activity # of Incidents Programs 6 Search Warrant 4 Vehicle Checks/Stops 102 Probation/ Parole Search 17 Pedestrian Checks 27 Arrest Warrants Served 13 Follow-ups 31 Arrest/Filing-Felony 16 Property Value Recovered $10,050.00 Arrests/Filing- Misdemeanor 9 It 460 ® SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY Members of La Quinta SET worked in cooperation with the Riverside County Sheriffs Central Homicide Unit (CHU) with the service of two search warrants. The search warrants stemmed from a homicide investigation involving the death of a resident in the city of La Quinta during the month of June 2011. Both search warrant locations were outside of Riverside County. The service of the search warrants greatly furthered CHU's continued investigation. C La Quinta SET Officers assisted Palm Desert Station and the U.S. Secret Service with the former First Lady Betty Ford's funeral services. La Quinta SET was tasked with security and traffic control along Highway 74 in the area of the church. During the detail, no significant security risks or traffic accidents occurred while La Quinta SET was working the event. Officers from La Quinta SET worked in partnership with District Attorney Investigators in serving a fraud related search warrant in the city of La Quinta. The suspect was contacted in front of his residence. As the suspect attempted to run from D.A. Investigators he was detained just inside the residence. The same suspect has been involved in several incidents in the past two months which have included La Quinta SET and La Quinta. Traffic Units. The incidents include terrorist threats towards a particular school district in the Coachella Valley, driving under the influence in La Quinta, being involved in vehicle pursuits with law enforcement in La Quinta and Coachella, and disturbances involving his Homeowners Association in La Quinta. The suspect was not arrested during the service of the search warrant, however, DA Investigators are continuing their investigation. La Quinta SET worked alongside the Indio Station Investigators with a shooting investigation that occurred in north La Quinta. SET Officer's assisted by conducting interviews of witnesses, securing evidence and assisting with the search of the residence pursuant to a search warrant. La Quinta SET was also tasked with searching for the primary suspect. In addition to being the primary suspect in the shooting, he was a California Department of Corrections Parolee At Large. In the course of the investigation, La Quinta SET spoke with family members and friend of the shooting suspect. Through these interviews, SET officers developed a strong lead as to the whereabouts of the suspect. SET officers responded to an address in Cathedral City where they located and arrested the suspect. SET officers conducted a search of the residence where the suspect was found and located a firearm at the location. The firearm is believed to be the same gun used in the shooting. The suspect was arrested and transported back to the Indio Sheriff s Station where he was interviewed by Investigators. He was later booked into the Indio Jail. La Quinta SET officers arrested two suspects for outstanding felony theft warrants after the suspects failed to appear for court. The warrants steamed from thefts SET officers investigated in June 2011. This is another example of how the La Quinta Special 0 461 ® Enforcement Team ensures those suspected of criminal activity are held accountable for their actions. 11 SET Officers conducted a probation compliance check at a residence in La Quinta. SET officers initiated the probation search because the subject was a person of interest in the theft of a golf cart. During a search of the location, SET officers located methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia in the subject's room, however, he was not at the location. The following day, La Quinta SET Officers returned to the suspect's home to question him about the methamphetamine and about his involvement in the golf cart theft. Prior to the contact with the suspect, he ran from the location. After a short foot pursuit, he was caught and taken into custody. During a search of the. suspect's vehicle, officer's located an illegal stun gun. He was arrested for being a felon in possession of a stun gun, possession of methamphetamine, delaying a peace officer and violation of probation. Members of the La Quinta SET brought the suspect back to the La Quinta substation for questioning. During an interview, the suspect confessed to stealing several golf carts, painting them, and then reselling them. Officers recovered five stolen golf carts from various locations in the cities of La Quinta, Palm Desert, and Bermuda Dunes. The stolen golf carts were returned to the La Quinta Resort and La Quinta Country Club where they were initially stolen from. The suspect was booked into the Indio Jail. Officers from La Quinta SET have contacted several subjects within the city of La Quinta which have resulted in numerous arrests for narcotic violations, thefts, and outstanding warrants. La Quinta SET will continue their pro -active and community oriented policing efforts throughout the city which will result in more arrests of drug dealers, thieves, and career criminals in order to improve the quality of life for the residents of La Quinta. This continued hard work by La Quinta SET has kept the crime rate in La Quinta very low compared to other surrounding cities in the Coachella Valley. A 462 C CITY OF LA QUINTA Traffic Services Team Report July 2011 Traffic Officer M. Scott -- Motor 455 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY The City of La Quinta has seen steady increase in the number of traffic collisions for the year 2011. As of July there has been an increase of 6% of collisions on public roadways when compared to last year. However, there was a significant reduction in collisions for the month of July. When all collision activity was counted, the residents and visitors throughout our city saw a decrease of 62% for the month of July, in comparison to June. There has been an increase of 11.11 % in the number of Hit and Run collisions for the current year when compared to last year. Hit and Run Collisions are down 25% when compared to last month. Public roadway collision activity has decreased greatly during the weekdays and has remained consistent on the weekends. Our highest collision activity ( three collisions) occurred between the hours of 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm. 463 ® With our continued focus on occupant restraints, the City of La Quinta has seen an 83% decrease in the number of injuries resulting from collisions for the month of July. Vehicles Driving Under the Influence, Unsafe Sneed, and Right of Way Violations are the top three primary collision factors (75%) for the month of July. As a result, La Quinta Traffic Services focus their attention toward education and enforcement of drivers who violate these traffic laws. Since it takes a significant period of time to compile data, the monthly Traffic Collision Statistics and Data Report contain only those reports which have been completed. Often times collision investigations require further investigation and are forwarded to the La Quinta Traffic Team. Traffic Services dedicates their time to conducting proactive enforcement while also following up on investigative leads to solve crimes. The La Quinta Traffic Team has solved two Hit and Run cases and also will be filing charges on two other collisions which caused injury or death. In keeping with all developing trends, traffic services constantly shifts its focus to meet the leading causes of collisions within the city. 11 11 N CITY OF LA QUINTA School Resource Officer Report July 2011 Chief Deputy Rodney Vigue Addressing the Academy Students 6th Annual La Quinta Police Cadet Academy School Resource Officers Officer John Alexander Officer Chris Trueblood Officer Rebecca Smith Academy Highlights The 6th annual La Quinta Police Department Middle School Cadet Academy began June 271h on the campus of Summit High School. Approximately 50 cadets, ages 11 to 14 in grades six through nine, were introduced to public safety topics such as: Ethics, Defensive Tactics, Firearms Safety, Hazardous Device Safety and Drunk Driving Prevention. Students also participated in field trips to the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego and the Larson Justice Center in Indio. The five -week academy is a joint effort between the City of La Quinta, the La AWL Quinta Police Department and the Desert Sands Unified School District. 465 ® Graduation ceremonies were held on July 28, 2011 in recognition of 39 cadets who successfully completed the academy program. 11 n Academy participants and parents considered the academy a huge success and many of the cadets were already requesting information about attending the 2012 academy. Special recognition and appreciation is expressed to the members of Police Explorers Post 503 for their participation, support and assistance throughout the academy. M E Deputy Tracey Newton CITY OF LA QUINTA Business District Deputy Report July 2011 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITY Traffic Citations 1 Panhandling Citations 2 Business License Citations 1 Arrest Warrants 2 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY I arrested an individual for animal cruelty at a shopping center parking lot. The in- dividual arrested had chained a two month old puppy to the inside of his vehicle for thirty minutes. Temperature for the day exceeded 100 degrees, with humidity less than 10%. I responded to a report of an individual panhandling at a retail business center. During the course of my investigation I found that he had an active warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and booked into the Indio Jail. u 467 I contacted an individual who was panhandling at an intersection. I found that he had an active misdemeanor warrant. The subject was cited for the warrant and released from the scene. I conducted an extensive week long investigation of a prescription forgery case. It was learned that a patient of a La Quinta physician was telephoning various pharmacies and was fraudulently impersonating the physician. The subject contacted eleven pharmacies and was able to obtain prescription pain/sleep medications from six pharmacies. At one point, I received information that the subject was at a Desert Hot Springs pharmacy and was attempting to pick up a fraudulent prescription. Working cooperatively with the Desert Hot Springs Police Department, the subject was taken into custody and was booked into the Indio Jail for eleven counts of prescription forgery and six counts of burglary. I arrested an individual for burglary at a retail store after the subject admitted to entering the business with the intent to steal an item to sell for cash. BUSINESS/COMMUNITY EVENTS I attended a city council meeting on July 5, 2011. I attended a La Quinta Police Department community crime prevention presentation hosted by the La Quinta Country Club. u HE: El 1 J C.S.O. P. Curia CITY OF LA QUINTA Business District Community Service Officer July 2011 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY I am pleased to report that each business in La Quinta has been contacted regarding our "Business District' crime prevention effort. We will conclude our first round of business contacts through a series of August meetings in an ongoing effort to educate the business community and enhance communication with the law enforcement community. I have published the first "Business Neighborhood Watch" newsletter which will be distributed each quarter. Each issue will contain interesting articles related to crime prevention and will address topics of interest from the business community. (Copy Provided) In planning the next series of business community meetings I have invited Mr. Paul Hess, Emergency Services Coordinator for the City of La Quinta, to present his "People Responding with Emergency Preparedness Program" (PREP). ® In addition, I will launch the "Business Watch Decal Program" in which I will distribute Business Watch Decals to each business in the City of La Quinta. These decals are intended to demonstrate the unity and dedication of the business community to help reduce crime in our city. I attended the monthly Chamber of Commerce "mixer" at Embassy Suites. It proved to be a great opportunity to meet and interact with business chamber members. I look forward to attending future Chamber of Commerce events. 1J No] Le Quints Pollee BUMMER, 2011 Business Neighborhood Watch Thank You For Taking The Time To Read our Business Newsletter. This is the very first issue and we will be re- porting on issues that involve the Business Community and the Police as well as upcoming events, business meeting agenda, and other business articles in the coming issues. This publication will be available quarterly. Business Network Crime Watch Are You At Risk? Crime Prevention Is up to you. At our primary business meetings, we discussed what constitutes a crime. There has to be a desire, ability to create the crime and finally an opportunity. We cannot change a person's mind or reduce his ability, but we can change the opportunity. How can we change the Opportunity? Watch very carefully how we handle money In our opera- tions. Are we counting out in public view? Are our cash handling practices being done in a way that it is not in full view of the public? Do we vary the times and the way we take our deposit to the bank? These are just a few items we spoke about at our busi- ness meeting Issessing Risk and Implementing Crime Prevention Measmas Detecting Counterfeiting There has been several rases where counterfeit bills have been reported. Recently at our primary meeting, we dis- cussed the ways to identify a counterfeit bill. You have the tools to help your employees recognize a counterfeit bill. Remember, if the bill is in your deposit and it is counterfeit, the bank will keep the money and you will be out of those funds. Take a few quick moments and explain to your staff to look in the lower right hand comer of the bill if it is a $10, $20 or $50 bill. At the lower right hand corner of the bill is the de- nomination for that bill, when you rotate the bill upward or downward the numbers will change colors, if the bill is good. Feel the paper. Real currency is made to last 10 years and has tiny red and blue fibers embedded in the paper. Is that the right President on that bill? Make sure your employees are taking the 10 second check before putting that bill in their drawer. Security Checklist -Are you looking at your individual opera- Robbery Vs. Burglary — How do I know the Difference ? tion. A Burglary is the crime of either entering a building as a What can you do to make It more secure without making- k trespasser with the intention of committing theft, rape, appear more secure? grievous bodily harm, damage, or, committing one or more of these offenses or felony. A risk assessment is an important tool for gauging how likely your business is to be targeted. Are your doors and A Robbery is the stealing of property from a person by us - windows secured, do you leave lights on in your business? ing or threatening to use force Do you leave your cash register drawers opened ? Are laptops put away at night in your operation? Do you have motion detectors in your facility? What are your security measures that you have in place in your operation? By implanting these suggestions, you will make your busi- ness less appealing to criminals but safer and more attrac- tive to your valued customers. So, lets say that you are walking down the street and someone points a gun at you and demands all of your money out of your pockets. Is this crime a burglary or a robbery? Continued on the Other Side SUMMER, 2011 La Quinta Police Department 79440 Corporate Center Drin La Quinta, CA 92253 760-250-1388 Cell 760-777-7376 X 122 E-mail: Pcuda®dvemideshedfl.org Future Events Second Series of Business Meetings will start in August and continue through the end of the year. National Night Out, sponsored by Target Stores, will have a crime prevention fair at the Boys & Girls Club on August 2, 2011 from 4 PM to 7 PM. Continue to look here for special announcements and future events involving our businesses and neighborhoods in La Quinta. Business Watch ~ Program In Force Did you get your Business Watch — Program in Force Decal Yet? This is a new program we are offering to all our busi- nesses. What do you have to do to get a really great decal? Be ready to participate in our Business Neighborhood Watch Program. We have been having meet- ings to talk about Crime in our business shopping ar- eas. Now we need Q to take the next step in helping us, Help YOUI Display these Business Decals on the doors of your business. These Decals show you are in the fight to keep crime down in your facility. The Decal says on it " We report all Suspicious Activi- ties to our fellow Merchants and the La Quinta Police Department. What does That Do? It shows Your Customers, You are taking a Step to make them safer. It shows Criminals who have the desire and ability to com- mit a crime, that you are watching them and you are reporting them to your fel- low workers and the police. You as business owners, managers and employees are the greatest help in helping to fight crime in our communities. The Neighborhood Watch Programs that we have in vari- ous parts of our city, have helped us, help them by calling us when criminal activity has happened in the area. In those communities, there are large posted boards that display the information " This is a Neighborhood Watch Area". That means that the residents in that community have banned together to help fight crime, by watching for each other and reporting to the police suspicious activity, people who are in the area looking through personal items or suspicious vehicles that are driving by very slowly as though they are checking out the area. That is what a neighbor does for his neighbor and that is what we need for you to do in your businesses. Watch Out for each other. Report any suspicious acUvfty, vehicles and persons who seem to be asking the wrong questions or who seem to be checking out how many employees are in an operation, what time you are closing, or how many are there at open- ing. Consider an alarm system and camera's. 472 ICY POLICING L K E:r r 0 11 Danese Maldonado Volunteer Coordinator CITY OF LA QUINTA Citizens On Patrol Community Policing Office Monthly Volunteer Report July 2011 Summa of Activity Community Policin Office Number Citizens On Patrol Number Monthly Volunteer Hours 206 Traffic Control / Collision 0 Hours Y.T.D. 1,252 Business Checks 137 Hours 4/03 to Present 21,276 Training Hours 14 CPO Monthly Visits 75 Courtesy Notifications 0 CPO Y.T.D. Visits 670 Miscellaneous 0 CPO Visits 4/03 to Present 17,941 Neighborhood Patrol 58 Vacation Checks 62 Patrol Hours 101 Y.T.D. Patrol Hours 673 Hours 7/06 to Present 6,844 CA rate for value received for volunteers is $16.24 - 2010 totals to May = $16,264 savings. Total savings since 2003 = $379,431. CA rate for value received changed and is now $23.29 - 2010 totals since May 2010 = $42,481 Total savings since 2003 = $495,518.00 We currently have 12 active office volunteers who staff and maintain the Community Policing Office in Old Town. These volunteers do a variety of data entry functions as well as assisting community members who enter the office. We currently have 10 Citizen on Patrol volunteers serving our community. Three of our COP volunteers are out of the area and are inactive for the summer season. Two new team members have completed training and are now serving their community. 474 CITY OF LA QUINTA Post 503 Explorer Report Jul-11 Officer K. Moore Post #503 Explorers who supported the 6th annual La Quinta Police Cadet Academy. Left to Right Alejandra Ornelas, Jonathon Ornelas, Arturo Gonzalez, Hector Nuno, Leslie Reyes, Madison Meyer Seven explorers from post #503 supported the 61h annual La Quinta Police Cadet Academy during the month of July. Involved explorers assisted officers with the day to day operations of the five week program. Explorers supported the program under the supervision of Post Advisor, Officer Rebecca Smith. Explorer Post #503 is a self supporting program which is affiliated with the Learning for Life program conducted by the Boys Scouts of America. It is also a non-profit organization and contributions to Post# 503 can be used for tax purposes. Although Post #503 obtains funding through donations, the post also receives a large amount of material and logistical support from the Indio Sheriff Station Administration and the County of Riverside. 475 Exploring is a career education program for young men and women who are at least 14 ® years of age, (and have completed the eighth grade) and not over 20. Explorers must maintain at least a "C", (2.0) grade point average or better to be a part of the program. If you would like to be a part of the Indio Explorer program, contact Officer Kevin Moore at: 760-863-8990. C E V6 Department Report: 0 LA UNTA PiLICE Served by the Nverside County Sherffs Deparhnent Crime Statistics Summary June -- 2011 0 Prepared for 0 411 r71 I►J E 11 CITY OF LA QUINTA Crime Comparison -- June CRIME June June YTD 2011 YTD 2010 2011 2010 AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS 7 3 33 23 BURGLARY 30 35 226 238 BURGLARY - VEHICLE 15 11 152 99 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 17 14 96 97 HOMICIDE 1 0 1 1 NARCOTICS VIOLATIONS 15 13 125 130 ROBBERY 1 3 23 10 ROBBERY - CAR JACKING 0 0 1 0 SEX CRIME FELONY 4 4 14 25 SEX CRIME MISDEMEANOR 0 0 4 3 SIMPLE ASSAULTS 10 5 55 33 THEFT 51 49 331 370 VEHICLE THEFT 5 7 29 35 CITY OF LA QUINTA Average Response Time June 2011 TYPE OF CALL RESPONSE TIME MINUTES) NUMBER OF INCIDENTS EMERGENCY 5.6 3 ROUTINE 8.87 1,251 Data from Riverside Co. Sheriffs Department Data Warehouse, Average Response Time Report. 1 11 Crime Distribution Table Jun-11 % of Total Jun-10 % of Total AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS 7 4.49% 3 2.10% BURGLARY 30 19.23% 35 24.48% BURGLARY - VEHICLE 15 9.62% 11 7.69% DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 17 10.90% 14 9.79% HOMICIDE 1 0.64% 0 0.00% NARCOTICS VIOLATIONS 15 9.62% 13 9.09% ROBBERY 1 0.64% 3 2.10% ROBBERY - CAR JACKING 0 0.00% 0 0.00% SEX CRIME FELONY 4 2.56% 4 2.80% SEX CRIME MISDEMEANOR 0 0.00% 0 0.00% SIMPLE ASSAULTS 10 6.41% 5 3.50% THEFT 51 32.69% 49 34.27% VEHICLE THEFT 5 3.21% 7 4.90% Total 156 95.51% 143 98.60% CITY OF LA QUINTA June 2011 Crime Distribution 60 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - IO 0 a m m <o x <z m m � O-n m a [n S < m ra W Om m30 " Ca r Om �r zN -ai0 O� K ZK rC-� r �> �� mn o a Om m 479 0 11 Month to Month Crime Comparison June ba s0 El June 2011 30 OJune2010 20 F— 10 o, T m� a z r'x m� Om oy K z, -e K� ma -gym -raa o a om A Year to Date Crime Comparison June a0o .21 350 300 - 250 - 0 Yf D 2011 200 - ❑!, ' � 1 Month to Month Calls for Service Comparison June 2011 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 E 20,000 15,000 10,000 5, 000 0 11 o Jun-11 m Jun-10 --- Total Non-Crimnal Criminal Year to Date Calls for Service Comparison January -- June O YTD 2011 0 YTD 2010 13 89d 5,706rp- 3627,967 Z 536 7r39 Total Non -Criminal Criminal H LA IUNTA a;, LICL Served by the Fiverside County Sherffs Deparhnent Police Department Monthly Report August 2011 C Prepared for 11 ® La Quinta Police Department SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY REPORT Captain Raymond Gregory Chief of Police Monday, August 1, 2011 2:26 PM — Officers responded to Francis Hack Park regarding a report of vandalism. Officers arrested one male juvenile for felony vandalism, possession of vandalism tools and possession of marijuana. A second juvenile male was arrested for possession of vandalism tools. Three other juvenile males were arrested for possession of marijuana and tobacco products. 7:00 PM — The Business District Officer responded to the 79200 block of Highway I I I in reference to an individual being detained for theft. Carolina Garcia, 20, of Coachella was arrested for theft and booked into the Indio Jail. Tuesday, August 2, 2011 5:15 AM — Officers were dispatched to the 47700 block of Sumac Street regarding an unattended death. An elderly female, 70, was found deceased by her son. There were no suspicious circumstances observed at the scene. 10:45 PM — Officers arrested Juan Corrales, 21, of Cathedral City for possession of cocaine during a traffic ® stop at Washington Street and Avenue of the States in Bermuda Dunes. Corrales was booked into the Indio Jail. Wednesday. August 3.2011 12:56 AM -- Officers responded to an unattended death in the 57600 block of Interlachen. An adult male, 77, of La Quinta was found deceased by his wife. There was no indication of any type of suspicious circumstances. 7:00 PM — Officers were dispatched to the 77100 block of Calle Sonora in reference to an assault with a vehicle. Rodney Carl Cherland, 44, of Palm Desert was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and child endangerment. Cherland was transported to the Indio Jail and booked. 7:52 PM — Officers responded to Montezuma and Calle Chillon in reference to three juveniles stranded on a mountain top. Desert Search and Rescue members responded to the scene and assisted the juveniles in descending from the mountain top. Thursday. August 4, 2011 8:43 PM — Officers responded to the 79200 block Highway I I I reference a theft. Abdethalim Abdelhalim, 19, of Indio and Jamison Frank Mares, 18, of Indio were arrested for petty theft. 9:00 PM — Officers were dispatched to a report of a suspicious vehicle at Avenida Obregon and Avenida Montezuma. An adult male, 33, of La Quinta told deputies he wanted to kill himself. The male was detained and transported to Oasis Mental Health for a 72-hour evaluation. Friday. August 5,201 11 am ® 2:45 AM -- Officers responded to a hit and run traffic collision in the 54000 block of Avenida Diaz and located the suspect vehicle in the 52100 block of Avenida Mendoza. The driver, Jose Juan Valencia, 21, of La Quinta was arrested for hit and run and driving under the influence. Valencia was booked into the Indio Jail. 1:02 PM -- La Quinta SET Officers conducted a traffic stop at Highway I I I and Dune Palms. Nick Meraz, 25, of Coachella was arrested for possession of methamphetamine and Elizabeth Salazar, 25, of Indio was arrested for a misdemeanor shoplifting warrant. Both suspects were booked into the Indio Jail. 11:25 PM — Officers responded to the 79200 block of Hwy 111 in reference to a theft. Officers arrested Andrea Espinoza, 20, of Salton City and Yesenia Rubio, 21, of Indio for shoplifting. Both subjects were booked into the Indio Jail. Saturday. August 6.2011 2:01 AM -- Officers responded to the 52700 block of Avenida Carranza in reference to an attempted robbery. An adult male approached the occupants of the residence and brandished a weapon. The victims ran from the location and the suspect fled without taking any property. The area was searched with negative results. 4:00 AM — Officers were dispatched to the 78600 block of Hwy I I I regarding an alarm activation and found that the business had just been burglarized. The suspect made entry into the store by breaking the rear glass door. 5:33 PM — Officers responded to a domestic violence incident in the 44100 block of Mariposa Cf. Lee Brian Jennings, 38, of La Quinta was arrested for felony domestic battery. ® 7:05 PM — Officers responded to the 78900 block of Hwy I I I regarding a report of an act of embezzlement. Brendan Allen Huerta, 21, of La Quinta was arrested for embezzling money from the business. Sunday. August 7.2011 12:03 AM — Officers were dispatched to the 53900 block of Avenida Juarez in reference to a family disturbance. Holly Sanchez, 48, was arrested for possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia. 7:45 AM — Officers responded to a suspect information call in the 54600 block of Ave. Carranza and arrested a male juvenile, 17, of La Quinta for a felony battery warrant. He was booked at the Indio Juvenile Hall. Monday. August 8.2011 10:15 AM -- Officers responded to a report of a theft in the 44900 block of Dune Palms. A car stereo was stolen from an unlocked vehicle. 5:02 PM -- Officers were dispatched to the 81300 block of Golf View Drive in reference to a disturbance at the location. Donna Messerbeck, 62, of Palm Springs was arrested for vandalism and booked into the Indio Jail. Tuesday, August 9, 2011 10:00 AM — Officers arrested John Hodder, 46, for possession of stolen property in the 79200 block of Highway 111. E ® 7:54 PM — Officers responded to the 79200 block of Highway I I I regarding a theft. Rudy Martin Alafa, 24, of Mecca was arrested for shoplifting and two misdemeanor warrants. Alafa was transported and booked into the Indio Jail. Wednesday, August 10, 2011 8:00 AM — Officers investigated two thefts from unlocked vehicles in the 78600 block of Avenida Naranja. Fingerprint evidence was found at the scene. 8:30 AM — Officers responded to a report of a theft from an unlocked vehicle in the 50700 block of Guaymas. 9:00 PM -- La Quinta SET Officers conducted a traffic stop at Eisenhower and Calle Tampico. Gabriel Salazar, 27, of La Quinta was arrested for driving with a suspended license. During a parole search of Salazar's residence officer's found hydrocodone. Salazar was arrested for possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and violation of parole. He was booked into the Indio Jail. Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:00 AM -- Officers were dispatched to the 54300 block of Avenida Velasco regarding an allegation of elder abuse. Following investigation, Gina Moreno, 39, of La Quinta was arrested for elder abuse and booked at the Indio Jail. 3:25 PM — Traffic Services Officers attempted to make an enforcement stop on Miles Avenue and Jefferson Street. The driver of the vehicle failed to yield and fled from the officer. The driver eventually drove into a dead end parking lot and surrendered without incident. The driver, Henry Richard Duarte, 32, of Indio had a no -bail (Parolee at Large) warrant. He was also charged with driving under the influence of ® heroin, possession of heroin, possession of cocaine, and failure to yield. 8:40 PM — Officers responded to the 55300 block of Firestone regarding a report of a nude man in a backyard. Officers contacted the property owner who stated that he routinely walked nude on the fairway at night. The reporting party did not seek prosecution. 11:32 PM -- La Quinta SET Officers conducted a pedestrian check in the 43100 block of Palm Royale Drive. Jose Zendejas, 27, of Indio was arrested for possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was booked into the Indio Jail. Friday. August 12.2011 12:06 AM — Officers were dispatched to the 51500 block of Avenida Ramirez regarding a disturbance. An adult male, 20, at the location was breaking and throwing items. He was deemed a danger to himself and was transported to Oasis Mental Health. 5:10 AM -- Offices responded to the 47700 block of Dune Palms in reference to two vehicle burglaries which were reported by security. Officers were unable to locate or contact the victims and it is unknown what was taken. 11:55 AM -- Officers responded to the 77100 block of Calle Durango regarding a suicide threat. An adult make, 52, of Cathedral City was transported to Oasis Mental Health. 8:47 PM — Officers were dispatched to the 53800 block of Avenida Carranza regarding a mentally disturbed person who was making statements that she wanted to hurt herself. An adult female, 27, of Indio was transported to Oasis Mental Health. ® Saturday. August 13, 2011 485 ® 12:00 PM Officers responded to the 78700 block of Castle Pines Dr. regarding a theft. The victim had hosted a party at the location the previous evening and found numerous items missing when she awakened the next morning. 10:59 PM — While patrolling in the 55200 block of PGA Boulevard, Officers arrested Lorenzo Torrez, 57, of Colorado for driving under the influence. Torrez was booked into the Indio Jail. Sunday, August 14, 2011 2:02 AM -- Officers responded to the 78400 block of Hwy I I I in reference to a disturbance and arrested Kelly Hebenton, 25, and Jared Pistilloi, 24, both from Beaumont for public intoxication. 3:45 AM — Officers were dispatched to the 53400 block of Avenida Martinez in reference to a disturbance involving multiple subjects. Michael Anthony Avila, 36, of La Quinta became combative and was arrested for resisting arrest. 6:09 PM — Officers responded to a report of a residential burglary in the 79200 block of Desert Stream. The homeowner found the front door kicked in. 8:47 PM -- Officers responded to a report of a reckless driver in the area of Washington and Hwy 111 and located the driver as he pulled into his driveway in the 51400 block of Calle Kalima. Arturo Mondragon Gonzalez, 37, of La Quinta was arrested for DUI. Monday, August 15, 2011 2:26 AM -- Officers responded to the 78700 block of Avenida Naranja regarding a Health and Safety Code violation. Micah Phoenix, 29, of La Quinta was arrested for being in possession of a hypodermic ® needle. Tuesday, August 16, 2011 1:30 PM -- Special Enforcement Team officers conducted a warrant service in the 53600 block of Avenida Vallejo. Robert Valdez, 34, of La Quinta was arrested for a felony drug possession warrant. He was booked into the Indio Jail. 6:26 PM -- Officers were dispatched to the 51400 block of Calle Kalima regarding a report of an unattended death. An adult female, 63, of La Quinta was found deceased in her living room. No signs of a struggle or forced entry were found. The Coroner's Office responded to the location. Wednesday. August 17, 2011 12:50 AM -- Officers arrested Jennifer Michelle Goldstein, 24, of La Quinta for driving under the influence. Goldstein was involved in a single vehicle non -injury traffic collision at Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street. Goldstein was booked into the Indio Jail. 3:31 AM -- Officers were dispatched to a report of a suicide threat at Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas. Officers located Elliot Uriel Hernandez, 24, of La Quinta who initially refused to comply with officer commands. Hernandez was taken into custody and was arrested for public intoxication and resisting/delaying arrest. While at the scene, officers located another male who threatened to kill everyone. The male was uncooperative and provided the name "Buck Wild." Mr. Wild was taken into custody for a 72-hour mental health evaluation. 8:00 AM --Officers responded to a report of road rage and assault with a deadly weapon at Washington St. and Hwy. 111. Joseph Magnon, 47, of La Quinta was arrested and booked at the Indio Jail. ® 8:15 AM --Following an extensive investigation, the Investigations Unit arrested Anthony Comejo Ortiz, 54, of Indian Wells for multiple counts of lewd acts with a minor and for famishing methamphetamine to a minor. Ortiz was booked into the Indio Jail. 9:30 AM -- Officers were dispatched to the 78500 block of Ave. Tujunga regarding a vehicle burglary. 11:27 AM -- Officers responded to the 53300 block of Avenida Mendoza regarding a possible drowning. When officers arrived they found a neighbor starting CPR on a ten month old child. CPR efforts proved successful and CDF personnel transported the child to the hospital. 5:15 PM -- Special Enforcement Team officers conducted a warrant service in the 77200 block of Calle Hildago. Mario DeLaFuente, 45, of La Quinta was arrested for a felony warrant for drug possession. He was booked into the Indio Jail. 11:00 PM -- Officers responded to a domestic disturbance in the 47700 block of Dune Palms Rd. Jerome Black, 26, of La Quinta was arrested and booked into the Indio Jail for felony domestic violence. Thursday, August 18, 2011 8:27 AM -- Officers were dispatched to investigate a report of a vehicle burglary in the 47700 block of Dune Palms Rd. An unknown suspect(s) had smashed a passenger side window. 2:45 PM -- Officers conducted a follow up investigation of a fraud that occurred in the 78700 block of Castle Pines and arrested Javier Morales, 20, of Indio for possession of stolen property, grand theft, credit card fraud and battery. 9:00 PM -- Special Enforcement Team officers served a property related search warrant in the 51300 ® block of Avenida Vallejo. During the search warrant, officers recovered stolen property and located a small amount of methamphetamine. Shaun Akers, 30, of La Quinta was arrested for possession of stolen property and possession of methamphetamine. James Brown III, 28, of La Quinta was arrested for possession of methamphetamine. Both suspects were booked into the Indio Jail. Friday, August 19, 2011 12:34 AM -- Officers arrested Victor Simmons, 25, of La Quinta for driving under the influence at Washington Street and Sagebrush Avenue in La Quinta. Simmons was booked into the Indio Jail. 8:00 AM -- Traffic officers conducted an enforcement stop on Ave 52 and Jefferson St. Bryan Salazar, 20, of Coachella was arrested for DUI and was booked into Indio Jail. 3:10 PM -- Officers responded to the 44800 block of Via Mirabel and arrested Veronica Redelsperger, 47, of La Quinta for felony domestic violence. 3:10 PM -- Officers were dispatched to the 78100 block of Calle Las Ramblas regarding a burglary. Subsequent to the initial call and while checking the area officers located two additional residences that had been burglarized. 8:58 PM -- Special Enforcement Team officers responded to the 80100 block of Avenue 52 regarding a suspect information call. A male juvenile was arrested for possession of stolen mail. He was booked into the Indio Juvenile Hall. Saturday. August 20, 2011 12:02 AM -- Special Enforcement Team officers conducted a pedestrian check at Corporate Centre Dr ® and Dune Palms Rd. Christopher Rush, 36, of La Quinta was arrested for a felony drug possession warrant. He was booked into the Indio Jail. 487 ® 1:23 AM -- Officers contacted Karen Velazquez, 23, of La Quinta who was walking in and out of traffic in the area of Washington Street and Avenue 47. Velazquez was arrested for public intoxication and booked into the Indio Jail. 3:30 AM -- Officers conducted a vehicle stop on Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico. Jeanette Dismaya, 23, of Coachella was arrested for driving under the influence and booked into the Indio Jail. 9:40 AM -- Officers responded to a suspicious persons call in the backyard of a residence in the 78700 block of Calle Tampico. Robert Hartfield, 19, of La Quinta and Sage Carlos Cortez, 19, of La Quinta were detained. Investigation revealed that the subjects had stolen recycling items from the backyard of the residence. Hartfield was arrested for petty theft and Cortez was arrested for petty theft and resisting arrest. 7:08 PM -- Officers responded to the 79200 block of Hwy I I I and arrested Christina Flores, 18, of Indio for shoplifting. Flores was booked into the Indio Jail. 7:31 PM -- Responding to an alarm in the 44000 block of Mariposa, officers located a broken slider and bedroom window. The residence had been burglarized. The residence was alarmed and it appears that the suspects set the alarm off as they were leaving. 10:56 PM -- Special Enforcement Team officers responded to the 51400 block of Eisenhower Drive and arrested Joseph Alvarez, 33, of La Quinta for vehicle theft. Alvarez' girlfriend, Gloria Rodarte, 27, of La Quinta interfered with the investigation. Rodarte was arrested for obstructing a peace officer. Both Alvarez and Rodarte were booked into the Indio Jail. 11:21 PM -- Officers responded to the 79500 block of Sanita Drive in reference to a residential burglary. The overhead garage was forced open. ® Sunday, August 21, 2011 2:21 AM -- Officers were dispatched to a shots fired call in the area of Balada Court and Via Bolero. A search the area located shell casings in the driveway of a residence in the 49100 block of Balada Court. The neighborhood was canvassed and no victims and or damaged property were located. No one at the residence could provide any viable suspect information. 3:35 AM -- Officers contacted Leslie Nunez, 21, of La Quinta in the 49100 block of Balada Court and arrested her for a DUI warrant. Nunez was booked into the Indio Jail. 7:20 AM -- Officers responded to Eisenhower Drive and Hidden Canyon reference a single vehicle roll- over traffic collision. Javier Carranza Jimenez, 28, of Indio lost control of his vehicle crashed into the center median. The crash was not alcohol related. Monday. August 22.2011 12:59 AM -- Officers responded to the 81500 block of Rancho Santana Dr. regarding a suicidal subject An adult male, 40, of La Quinta had ingested an unknown quantity of pills and was transported to the hospital for a 72 hour evaluation. 8:13 PM -- Officers conducted a traffic stop at the intersection of Jefferson St. and Highway 111. The driver, Jorge Castaneda, 29, of Indio was arrested for an outstanding felony drug warrant and booked at the Indio Jail. 9:11 PM -- Officers were dispatched to the 78600 block of Highway I I I regarding a domestic violence ® call. George Jovan, 48, of Indio was arrested for domestic violence and was booked at the Indio Jail. Tuesday, August 23, 2011 ® 2:00 AM -- Officers conducted a pedestrian check at La Palma Drive and Adams Street and arrested Maurice Burrell, 27, of La Quinta for misdemeanor traffic warrants. Burrell was booked into the Indio Jail. 3:29 AM -- Officers investigated a report of unknown trouble in the area of Avenida Montezuma and Calle Sonora. It was reported that a woman was heard screaming in the area. Officers conducted an extensive search by vehicle and on foot but were unable to locate anyone in distress. The Bear Creek Trail was also checked by foot patrol. Wednesday. Aueust 24, 2011 5:00 AM -- Officers located and investigated five vehicle vandalisms in the area of the La Quinta Cove. In each incident the vehicle window had been shattered by a rock. 8:55 AM -- Officers handled an unattended death call in the 47900 block of Via Firenze. An adult female, 87, was found deceased at the location. There was no sign of foul play. 9:20 AM -- Traffic Services Officers conducted a traffic stop at the intersection of Eisenhower Dr and Calle Sinaloa. The driver, Anthony Williams, 30, of La Quinta was arrested for a felony warrant and was booked into the Indio Jail. 11:45 PM -- Special Enforcement Team Officers conducted a felony traffic stop of a stolen vehicle at Calle Tampico and Eisenhower Drive. The driver, James Gagnon, 32, of Yucca Valley was arrested for possession of stolen property and violation of parole. He was booked into the Indio Jail. Thursday. Aueust 25.2011 ® 6:00 AM -- Officers responded to a report of a vehicle burglary in the 43100 block of Palm Royale. There was no sign of forced entry to the vehicle. r LJ Friday, August 26, 2011 12:10 AM -- Special Enforcement Team Officers conducted a pedestrian check at Calle Hildago and Avenida Vallejo. Casey Bullock, 25, of Bermuda Dunes was arrested for possession of heroin and possession of methamphetamine. He was booked into the Indio Jail. 4:00 AM -- Officers were dispatched to a domestic disturbance in the 51900 block of Avenida Rubio. An adult female, 23, of La Quinta was transported to Indio Mental Health for a 72-hour evaluation. 4:12 AM -- Officers responded to a family disturbance in the 54200 block of Avenida Herrera. Troy Williams, 42, of La Quinta was arrested for public intoxication and booked into the Indio Jail. Saturday, August 27, 2011 1:47 AM -- Officers arrested Juan Garcia, 31, of Coachella for driving under the influence at Avenue 50 and Washington Street. Garcia was booked into the Indio Jail. 2:47 AM -- Officers arrested Kathleen Daly, 26, of San Clemente for driving under the influence at Avenue 50 and Washington Street. Daly was booked into the Indio Jail. Sunday, August 28, 2011 3:47 AM -- Officers were dispatched to the 54000 block of Avenida Juarez regarding a family disturbance. Nicolas Flores, 33, of La Quinta was arrested for public intoxication. Flores was booked into the Indio Jail. ME ® 12:30 PM -- Officers responded to the 52100 block of Ave. Velasco regarding a suicide threat. A female minor was transported to Indio Mental Health for a 72-HR evaluation. 5:41 PM -- Officers investigated a report of child abuse in the 43200 block of Parkway Esplanade. The victim did not have any visible injuries and Child Protective Services placed her with her father. Charges are being filed out of custody. Monday, August 29, 2011 1:08 AM — Officers responded to an alarm activation in the 78600 block of Hwy. 111. Officers found the front door to a business had been smashed. The business manager arrived and stated that nothing had been taken. 12:46 PM — Officers were dispatched to the 51400 block of Avenida Obregon in regards to a theft from a vehicle. The vehicle had been parked in the driveway and had been ransacked. Tuesday, August 30, 2011 8:37 AM -- Officers investigated the burglary of a vacant residence. Neighbors told officers that the property is in foreclosure. It is unknown if anything was taken. 9:07 AM -- La Quinta Special Enforcement Team officers conducted a follow to a burglary of a storage unit in La Quinta. Officers identified Andres Contreras Jr, 33, of Mecca as the suspect. SET officers responded to Mecca where they arrested Contreras who confessed to the burglary. Officers recovered a stolen vehicle and approximately $24,000.00 in stolen property. Wednesday, August 31, 2011 ® 4:24 AM — Officers responded to the 78900 block of Hwy I I I reference a burglary. An unknown suspect(s) forced entry into the business and took an undermined amount of money from a safe. 1:51 PM — Officers were called to the 51500 block of Avenida Obregon regarding a vicious dog. The dog had attacked a two year old child. The child was transported to the hospital for medical treatment. Animal Control was called to the scene and took possession of the animal. 8:35 PM -- Officers were flagged down in the 78600 block of Highway I I I regarding a theft from a business. Patrol officers located and stopped the suspect vehicle at Jefferson Street and Highway 111. Phillip Gonzalez, 25, of Indio, Omar Gonzalez, 21, of Cathedral City, Jeremy Payne, 18, of La Quinta and Fernando Gomez, 20, of Indio were arrested for burglary and conspiracy to commit burglary. E - 11 490 ll 11 CITY OF LA QUINTA Traffic Services Team Report August 2011 ''� .... a„'�' a-•� � H �:t�. �� �� � t �t'�;": +, v � i.att 6 s'v°, 5. � M:r•: y. 14 o, T � Motor Officer Training SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY The City of La Quinta continues to see a slight increase in the number of traffic collisions on public roadways for the year 2011. As of August, there has been an increase of 13.41 % of collisions on public roadways when compared to last year. When all collision activity was counted, the residents and visitors throughout our city saw an increase of 25% for the month of August, in comparison to July. There has been an increase of 32.14% in the number of Hit and Run collisions for the current year when compared to last year. However, Hit and Run Collisions on public roadways are down 60% when compared to last month. Injuries as a result of traffic collisions are also down 7.14% in comparison to last year. Public roadway collision activity has been highest during the weekdays with almost 75% of collisions occurring Tuesday through Thursday. The highest collision activity ® occurs between the hours of 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm. ® 491 O Vehicles Failing to Obev Traffic Signs & Signals, Unsafe Lane Changes, and Unsafe Speed are the top three primary collision factors for the month of August. As a result, La Quinta Traffic Services focus their attention toward education and enforcement of drivers who violate these traffic laws. E u Since it takes a significant period of time to compile data, the monthly Traffic Collision Statistics and Data Report contain only those reports which have been completed. Often times collision investigations require further investigation and are forwarded to the La Quinta Traffic Team. In keeping with all developing trends, traffic services constantly shifts its focus to meet the leading causes of collisions within the city. 492 11 CITY OF LA QUINTA Special Enforcement Team August 2011 Sgt. A. Northrup Officer C. Bloomquist Officer J. Reinbolz Officer M. Ramos Officer S. Davis Officer J. Borrego 1 1 f r , F �CJ a 3 +�" b.t. 1. 1 tAM VTTIGer M. Ramo5 e r rn,rn,r ADv Tvnn TiIP UnNTH nV-n T1.V 7011 Type of Activity # of Incidents Type of Activity # of Incidents Programs 8 Search Warrant 4 Vehicle Checks/Stops 113 Probation/ Parole Search 16 Pedestrian Checks 36 Arrest Warrants Served 10 Follow-ups 53 Arrest/Filing-Felony 15 Property Value Recovered $65,000.00 Arrests/Filing- Misdemeanor 10 493 ® SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY La Quinta SET Officers conducted a traffic stop on Eisenhower Drive and contacted the driver who had a suspended driver's license. Officers also discovered the driver was on California State Parole. SET Officers responded to the parolee's residence in the La Quinta Cove. During the parole compliance check, Officers located illegal narcotics in his bedroom. The suspect was taken to the Indio Jail and booked for possession of illegal narcotics and violation of parole. Members of La Quinta SET worked in cooperation with the Riverside County Sheriffs Central Homicide Unit (CHU) with two surveillance operations in the city of Lakewood. The operations stemmed from a homicide investigation involving the death of a resident in the city of La Quinta during the month of June 2011. Both operation locations were outside of Riverside County. Officers from La Quinta SET, with the assistance of the Coachella Community Action Team, served a property related search warrant in the La Quinta Cove. The warrant stemmed from a theft of gate motors that were taken from the Rancho Santana development. During the search warrant, La Quints SET Officers recovered the stolen gate motors and located several small bindles of methamphetamine. The suspect was arrested for possession of stolen property and possession of methamphetamine for sale. A ® second resident at the location was arrested for possession of methamphetamine. Both suspects were booked into the Indio Jail. The recovered gate motors were valued at $8,000. La Quinta SET Officers investigated a report of a stolen vehicle from the Mediterra Apartments. The investigation led SET Officers to a known thief and Riverside County probationer who lives in the La Quinta Cove. The suspect was contacted and arrested for possession of the stolen vehicle. The vehicle was recovered and returned to the victim. SET Officers conducted a saturation program in the area near Calle Tampico and Calle Quito where several vehicle burglaries have occurred. SET Officers noticed a suspicious vehicle in the area and conducted a records check on the license plate. The suspicious vehicle returned stolen out of Ranch Mirage. SET conducted a felony traffic stop on the stolen Jaguar at Calle Tampico and Eisenhower Drive. The driver of the vehicle was a California State Parolee from Yucca Valley. He was arrested for possession of a stolen vehicle and violation of parole. La Quinta SET conducted follow-up to a burglary of a storage unit, at the StorQuest facility in La Quinta. During the investigation, Officers learned the suspect of the burglary was from Mecca. Additionally, video surveillance showed a Chrysler Town and Country minivan at StorQuest during the burglary. The Chrysler had been reported stolen earlier in the month out of Coachella. SET Officers responded to Mecca and located the stolen Chrysler parked on 6th Street. Officers watched the vehicle for about two hours, 40 but no suspects returned to the vehicle. Shortly after recovering the vehicle officers 10 494 ® located the primary suspect driving in the area. The suspect was arrested and later confessed to the burglary. During the interview with the suspect, SET Officers learned the stolen property consisting of tools and a generator were being stored. at an address in North Shore. Officers responded to that location and recovered the stolen property with a value of approximately $24,000. The property and the Chrysler were returned to the owners. E LIB'' Officers from La Quinta SET have contacted several subjects within the city of La Quinta which have resulted in numerous arrests for narcotic violations, thefts, and outstanding warrants. La Quints SET will continue their pro -active and community oriented policing efforts throughout the city which will result in more arrests of drug dealers, thieves, and career criminals in order to improve the quality of life for the residents of La Quinta. This continued hard work by La Quinta SET has kept the crime rate in La Quinta very low compared to other surrounding cities in the Coachella Valley. 495 11 Deputy Tracey Newton CITY OF LA QUINTA Business District Deputy Report August 2011 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITY Traffic Citations 17 Arrest Warrants 1 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY I responded to a report of a shoplifter in custody at a local retail business. I arrested the subject for shoplifting and he was later booked into the Indio Jail. I investigated a report of suspicious circumstances which occurred at a local hotel and resort. A disgruntled former employee dropped off an envelope containing numerous explicit magazine images and a bizarre letter directed at his former employer. The incident was documented and further action will take place as needed. I investigated a theft from a storage business, no suspect or investigative leads have been determined * ® I was dispatched to an indecent exposure incident in a retail parking lot. A female vendor observed an unknown male subject conducting lewd acts in his vehicle. The male fled from the parking lot after being seen. Reporting of the incident was delayed until several hours had passed. I assisted CDF with a customer who was having a medical emergency inside a retail store. The subject received medical attention and was driven home by Business District CSO Curia. I arrested a subject with active misdemeanor warrant, at a retail center. He was issued a citation and released from the scene. I investigated a theft at a retail store. An unknown subject removed several electronic items from secured displays and placed the items into his clothing. The subject fled the scene and the incident was reported several days later by security personnel. I conducted and investigation related to a theft from an unlocked vehicle which was being serviced at a retail store. BUSINESS/COMMUNITY EVENTS I participated in the annual "National Night Out" event which was held at the La Quinta Boys and Girls Club. C.S.O. P. Curia CITY OF LA QUINTA Business District Community Service Officer August 2011 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY Throughout the month of August I have continued my personal contact with the individual members of our business community. Hosting a series of informational meetings, I have shared ways to deter and reduce criminal activities in our business areas. The "Business Network Decal" program has been initiated and businesses are now displaying the decal on their properties as a united expression of their commitment to report suspicious activity and persons to the La Quinta Police Department as well as their fellow merchants. I attended the Chamber of Commerce networking meeting and greeted the businesses in and out of La Quinta speaking to them about the programs that we are now offering to our business community. I represented the La Quinta Police Department at the annual "National Night Out' event which was held at the Boys and Girls Club. Informational pamphlets were distributed as well as age appropriate items for youngsters and their families. "Mc Gruff the Crime Fighting Dog" was ® a big hit in our effort to help kids understand the importance of helping to fight crime and keep criminal activity down in their communities. C I have been working in partnership with Mr. Paul Hess, Emergency Management Coordinator for the City of La Quinta, in giving his presentation on "PREP" (People Responding With Emergency Preparedness) to members of the business community. In addition, during the month of August I have continued to conduct criminal investigations, respond to traffic accidents and issue parking citations for vehicle code and municipal code violations. u•, E u CITY OF LA QUINTA Community Service Officer Report August 2011 C.S.O. Artesia Diaz C.S.O. Melinda Verdugo C.S.O. Bridget Delaney Summary of Activitv Type of Activity Number of Incidents Burglary Investigations 5 Grand Theft Reports 4 PettyTheft Reports 2 Vandalism/Malicious Mischief Reports 13 Traffic Collision Response 21 Vehicle Code or Parking Citations 16 Abandoned Vehicles Tagged/WarningTagged[Warning 6 Towed Vehicles 2 Lost or Found Property Reports 0 Stolen Vehicle Report 0 Custodial / Non -Custodial Transport 12 Miscellaneous Calls 44 5a0 0 Danese Maldonado Volunteer Coordinator CITY OF LA QUINTA Citizens On Patrol Community Policing Office Monthly Volunteer Report August 2011 S rnmary of Activity Communi Policing Office Number Citizens On Patrol Number Monthly Volunteer Hours 211 Nei hborhood Patrol 81 Hours Y.T.D. 1,463 Business Checks 136 Hours 4/03 to Present 21,487 Training Hours 6 CPO Monthly Visits 69 Vacation Checks 80 CPO Y.T.D. Visits 739 Community Events 1 CPO Visits 4/03 to Present 18,010 Patrol 134.5 .Hours Y.T.DPatrol Hours 807 Hours 7/06 to Present 1 1979 CA rate for value received for volunteers is $16.24 - 2010 totals to May = $16,264 savings. Total savings since 2003 = $379,431. CA rate for value received changed and is now $23.29 - 2010 totals = $42,481.00 We are excited to to report that our total savings since 2003 = $503,553.00 We currently have 12 active office volunteers who staff and maintain the Community Policing Office in Old Town. These volunteers do a variety of data entry functions as well as assisting community members who enter the office. We have recently begun to provide office assistance on furlough days for the Business District Receptionist. ® We currently have 10 Citizen on Patrol volunteers serving our community. Three of our COP volunteers are out of the area and are inactive for the summer season. At the request of the Code Compliance Department we have started a special patrol emphasis 5 91 for unlicensed vehicles, expired license plates and inoperable vehicles. Department Report: 0 LA UNTA PiLICI Served by the PJverside County SherOFs Deparmrent Crime Statistics Summary July -- 2011 Prepared for 502 U C CITY OF LA QUINTA Crime Comparison -- Jul CRIME July July YTD 2011 YTD 2010 2011 2010 AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS 6 5 39 28 BURGLARY 42 38 268 276 BURGLARY - VEHICLE 15 12 167 ill DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 12 19 108 116 HOMICIDE 0 0 1 1 NARCOTICS VIOLATIONS 10 16 134 146 ROBBERY 2 2 25 12 ROBBERY - CAR JACKING 0 0 1 0 SEX CRIME FELONY 3 1 17 26 SEX CRIME MISDEMEANOR 1 0 5 3 SIMPLEASSAULTS 16 6 71 39 THEFT 61 56 393 426 VEHICLE THEFT 3 4 32 39 CITY OF LA QUINTA Average Response Time July 2011 TYPE OF CALL RESPONSE TIME (MINUTES) NUMBER OF INCIDENTS EMERGENCY 4.23 3 ROUTINE 8.19 1,180 " Data from Riverside Co. Sheriffs Department Data Warehouse, Average Response Time Report. 503 Crime Distribution Table Jul-11 % of Total Jul-10 % of Total AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS 6 3.51% 5 3.14% BURGLARY 42 24.56% 38 23.90% BURGLARY - VEHICLE 15 8.77% 12 7.55% DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 12 7.02% 19 11.95% HOMICIDE 0 0.00% 0 0.00% NARCOTICS VIOLATIONS 10 5.85% 16 10.06% ROBBERY 2 1.17% 2 1.26% ROBBERY - CAR JACKING 0 0.00% 0 0.00% SEX CRIME FELONY 3 1.75% 1 0.63% SEX CRIME MISDEMEANOR 1 0.58% 0 0.00% SIMPLE ASSAULTS 16 9.36% 6 3.77% THEFT 61 35.67% 56 35.22% VEHICLE THEFT 3 1.75% 4 2.52% Total 171 96.49% 159 96.86% CITY OF LA QUINTA July 2011 Crime Distribution 61 70 60 50 41 40 30 15 17 16 20 6 10 0>,. . a >i+CC) m m <_o x < z z a Ora m W �m a �� m < z A mA O3 mX 3 �x a > xa mm an m om m o a a 5-'4 E C Month to Month Crime Comparison July � 61 60 mJuly 20D 50 42 40 6 nluly 2010 30 --- 20 --�512 19 I - 16 16— : 10 b '� I 6— .-3 0 a c C] a Om A m 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Year to Date Crime Comparison July All aa — �m tip' n zm m o m a 505 n 3,000 2, 000 1,000 0 E Month to Month Calls for Service Comparison July 2011 © Jul-11 m Jul-10 sear822 la i 639 Total Non -Criminal Criminal Year to Date Calls for Service Comparison January -- July � YTD 2011 p YTD 2010 20,000 8,055 15,000"., . . 10, jr 1 ' -." 5, 000000 0 Total Non -Criminal Criminal 11 506.