PP 1980-5591e.w-.. COUNTY y RI VERSIDE;: • RIVERSIDE COUNTY PANNING DEPARTMENT P L A N N I N G C O M M I S S I O N ELMER M. KATZENSTEIN, chairman, Ruolaoux RONALD W. SULLIVAN, Home, JESS E. LILLIBRIDGE, Comm KAY H. OLESEN, Palm Des.„ September 9, 1980 KMM:7498 DO La Quinta Properties, LTD. 2101 E. Fourth St., Suite #210 Santa Ana, CA 92705 RUSSELL E. CAMPBELL, Blythe r MARION V. ASHLEY, Partle I PATRICIA NEMETH - A.I.C.P. -PLANNING DIRECTOR 40NU LE MON ST F EE 1 9TH FLOOR. RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 Indio Administrative Center 46 -209 Oasis Street, Room 304 Indio, CA 92201 (714) 342 -8277 RE: 18.30(R -1 & R -2 -8000) Plot Plan No. 5591 Legal Description: A portion of the N� of Section 31, T5S, R7E, and a portion of the NE; of Section 36, T5S, ME, SBB&M. Gentlemen: This letter is to report approval of your application for construction of a model home complex at the SW corner of Vista Laguna and Eisenhower in the R -1 & R -2 -8000 Zone in the La Quinta District of Riverside County. This approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit "A" on file with 18.30(R -1 & R -2 -8000) Plot Plan No. 5591. 2. The applicant /developer shall comply with the conditions contained in the Riverside County Road Department letter dated August 11, 1980 ( a copy of which is attached). 3. A minimum of 1 parking space for each model home shall be provided in accordance with Section 18.12, Riverside County Ordinance No. 348. The parking area shall be surfaced with 2 -" asphaltic concrete paving and appropriately lined and stiped. 4. Prior to issuance of a building permit or the use contemplated, the applicant shall submit ten copies of a parking landscape plan to the Planning Department for approval. Said plan shall delineate 5 ft, perimeter landscaped area and automatic sprinkler system. Said landscape plan shall also indicate the genus, species and size of all plant material. The landscaped area shall be continuously maintained in a viable condition. Said plantings shall be installed prior to final inspection or occupancy of the property by the use permitted. 5. Street trees shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Riverside County Street Tree Ordinance 457.19. 6. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to directly shine upon adjoining property or public rights of way. 7. Applicant shall provide fire protection in accordance with Riverside County Ordi- nance 546 (see attached). Page 1