12-0533 (MECH)., P.O. BOX 1504 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 12-00000533 Property Address: 52620 DEL GATO DR APN: 770 -290 -006 - Application Aescription: 70-290-006-ApplicationAescription: MECHANICAL Property Zoning: LOWDENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 22000 � T4ht 4 4& 4"' .Architect or Engineer: BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Owner: HOPKINS JOHN W 52620 DSL GATO LA QUINTA, CA Contractor: GENERAL AIR 31170 RESERV THOUSAND PAL ( 760)343=7488 Lia. No.: 6863.10 VOICE. (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 7774011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date' 5/14/12 — -------————————-—————————————————— ———— — — — — —— -- UCENSED CONTR_ ACT_ OR's DECLARATION — WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby.affirm pe _ Chapter 9. with affirm under nelty of, perjury that am licensed under of I,hereby.affirm under penalty, of perjury one;of the following declarations: Section 700 0) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and m cense is In,full force and effect. = I.have arid,wiilvmamtein a, certificate of'oonsentto self -Insure for workers' compensation, as provided' License Class) C20 License No.: fib 6310' for by,Sectlon 3700 of the Labor Code, for the:performanoe of thework for, which thWpermftIs ntractor:' Issued. I have and, maintain workers' compensation Insurance, as required by'Seetion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued. My workers' compensation OWNER-BUILDER:DECLARATION insurance carrier.and policy number.are: I herebyaffirm under penalty of perjury ;that 1 am exempt from the Contra_ctor's State License-Law'for the Carrier ZENITH INS Policy Number -COIn following riason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Coder Any 'clty or8ounty that requires a permit to -- I cettify7;jT the performance of the work for which this.perrn4 is issued, 1, shall not employ any constnrct, alter, Improve,.damolish, or repair anystructure, prior to,iti Issuance, also requires the applloant;for'the person'in any mennerso as to becomesubject to.the workers' compensation laws of,Callfomia, permit to file assigned statement-thathe or she;ia licensed pursuent:to the provislons;of the Contractor's State and agree that; if'I should'become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing;"' Section 7000) of Division 3, of the Business:and Professions Code) or 3700 of the Labor Cod�shall comply, with those provisions. that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for thealleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by Q any applicarit10 a permit subjects the applicant to &civil penalty oYnot morsthan five hundred dollars (8500).: te: ! f Kant: (_) 1, as owner of -the property; or my employees with wagss-as their sole compensation, will do the wok and the structure Is not Intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and, Professions Code: The WARNING: FAILURE TO SE E WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE'iS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL Contractors' State License law does no,apply to an ownerof property who builds or improves thereon, SUBJECT AN, EMPLOYER: TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED•THOUSAND andwho does the work himself.or herself through, his or her own employees, provided that theDOLLARS'(11100,000).. IN.ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN Improvements are not Intended or offered for sale: If,,however, the building' orimprovementis sold within SECTION 3708 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND.ATTORNEY'S FEES.. otm year;of; completion; the owner -builder will have the; burden of proving that he,or she did not build or Improve for the;purpose of sale.). (_ ► I,:as owner of the.property; am exclusively contracting w1W licensed contractors to construct the, project (See. 7044„Busine4s and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not,apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projec_ ts',with e,00mraetor(s).licsnsed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_ ► 1 am exempt under Sec. , B.AP.C. for this reason Date; Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there1i a,const_ruc_tion lending-agencyfor the performance of the work 'for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, CW. C.). Lender's.Name: Lender's; Address: LQPERMIT APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director ol`Building°and+Safety for a'permit subject to,the. conditions and restrictions set forth or -this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application Is`made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is'performed under or pursuant to any permitissued w.a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend. Indemnity,and' hold harmless the City of La Qulnta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or oniission.related to the work being performed under or following issuance ofthis:permit. 2. Any permit issued as,a result of this application becomes null and void H work isnot commenced within 180 days from date,of Issuance.of such permit, or, cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have reedthis application -and 'stateithatthe above Information lscorrect.; I:agree.to comply. with all city.and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above=mentioned property for Inspecti pu cess. Pd.1. 7�j' 'I-17, S(gnattye'(Applicam or All u y Application Number . . . . . 12-00000533 .Permit.MECHANICAL Additional desc .. Permit Fee . . . . 66:00 Plan Check Fee 16.50 Issue Date Valuation - 0 Expiration Date 11/10/12 Qty Unit., Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15..00 2-00 9.0000 EA MECH FURNACE <=100K, 18.00 2.00' 1.6..5000 EA, MECH B/C >3-15HP/>100K-50.0KBTU 33.00 ---- ------ Special Notes and Comments HVAC CHANGE -OUT: INSTALL (2) 3 TON .SPLIT SYSTEMS, FURNACES, CONDENSERS, INDOOR COILS',, 2010 CODES. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- other:Fees BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473) 1.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited- ---------- ---------- --- --- -- --- Due ----------------- Permit Fee.Total 66.00 :00 .00 66.00 Plan Check Total 16.50 .:00 .00 16.56 Other'Fee Total_ 1..00 .60 .00 1.00 Grand Total 83:50 .00 .00 83.50 LQPERMIT CAICERTS CF -1R Registration ow Page '1 of 1 Pubfic.Fiotne Danielle Garcia logged in [Logout] [Home] CONGRATULATIONS Secure,Home Your CF-IR=ALT=HVAC Registration is complete! AboutUs You may want to print this:page for your records. Training Site Address: 52620 DEL GATO DRIVE (SYS 1) La Quinta, CA 92253 CEC:Registrat(on: 212-40014014A-.00000000-0000 Pater Directory -- ..� ... ..� .,....._ ....... ..�.�..;...........::� . Forms ..�.y..o ..t.o..e.i.,. Membership -Benefice Do you knowyouriHERS'Rater7 If you do, you may. wantto<send this •CF-1R.to,them. Events CalCERTS RaterID: ,OR. Indus" Partners My Rater Quick Select: $elect,From List ' .Every Ca10ERTS rater has: a license number. News. If you need to find.the rater by name [Click HERE] to search our directory. To register for our monthly newsletter, [CLICK HERE] to do another please. click here. Copyright,Z2010 CaICERTS;,Inc: All rights reserved. Revised: January 11, 20i0' [Terms and Conditions) [Privacy Statement] [Class Cancellation Policy] Ca10ERTS,,,Inc. 31 Natoma St:Sulte.120„Folsom, CA 95630 Office:"916-985-3400.TollFree.-.877-HERS-R8R,.(877-437-7787) Fax:: 916`-985-3402 Contac Us BBB �rmnu� https://www.calcerts.com/public.cflR.cfin?project.id=.187101 5/12/2012 Simplified Prescriptive Certificate; of Compliance: 2008 Residential HVACA/terations CF-lR-ALT-HVAC Climate Zones 10 - 15 Site Address: ' Enforcement Agency: Date:Permit # 52620' DEL GATO DR'IVEJ, YS 1) La Quinta,. CA 92253 City �of'La Quinta May 12, ,2012 Duct; insulation Conditioned Floor Equipment Type'1 List Minimum. Efficiency2 requirement Area Thermostat ❑ Package Unit ® Furnace ® Indoor Coil ® AFUE .7s% ®SEER ❑;COP0 ❑ HSPF R 6 (CZ,10 13) ❑ R 8 Served by system 1300 sf ®Setback. If not already present, must be ® Condensing. Unit [3 EER_ ❑•Resi_stance (CZ 14-15) installed) ❑ Other 1. Equipment -Type: Choose the?equipment being lnstalled• if morie than,one system; use; another CF -IR -ALT -HVAC for each system. 2. Minimum Equipment Efflclenelerr 13;SEER, 78%AFUE, 7.7HSPFfor typicahresidentiatsystems: HERS VERIFICATION SUMMARY Listed ,below are'FOUR HVAC alteration Options. The installer; decides what work is being done and picks one of the appropriate Options. Each Option lists the HERS measures that "must be conducted. A copy of the forms shall be left on site for final inspection •and a copy given to -the homeowner:. At°final, the inspector verifies that the work listed on this form was in fa&the work completed by the installer.. The inspector also verifiws that each appropriate CF=6R and registered CF -4R forms (no hand filled CF-4Rs allowed) are filled out and signed.Beglnning October 1, 1010i a registered copy of the CF -1R and CF -6R shall also tw on site for final inspection. ®3. HVAC: Changeout Required Forms: • All HVAC Equipment CF -.6R forms: MECH-04, MECH-21-HERS and (for split systems) MECW25 'HERS replaced - CF-411°forms; MECH-21 and (fo(split systems) MECH-25 • Condens;&'Coil and /or .Indoor Coil and /or CF -611 forms: MECH'-014 ,MECH-2.1-HERS and! (fors systems). MECH-25-HERS • Furnace CF -4R forms: MECH'-21.and (for`split systems) MECH-25 FouSplit Systems:i Duct leakages"k 15 percent; ttC, CCAS. 300 CFM/ton (Minimum Air Flow Requirement), TMAH Pop Packgg all 2 Wilk Exempted from duct leakage testi`: k- p 1 Duct system was; doc- me ed_to have :been previously sealed) and confirmed through HERS verification, or 0 ❑ 2 Duct systems with less th ¢40 linear feet in unconditioned space; or ❑ 3 Existing duct systems are nstructed, insulated or sealed' with. asbestos ❑ 4. The iID not be Du (ie to . e e rge) 172. Ne e"Sy__.. m I Requl .Cut i` ngeout wi RS it sy )MEC RS,td W new (all new ducti all n equip For Split S, an e o PPP For Packaged Units' Duct leakag - ' Nem fl? �)th/or.wltho" Required Formas Replacenr�rli3, , � "� . Includes replacing, or installing 1 new ducting and/or outdoor conden unit CF -6R forms: MECH704, MECH-20-HERS, and (for split,systems) MECH-25-HERS and/or indoor coil and/or `furna .:'.�No or some CF -411 forms: MECH-20 and (for split systems) MECH-25 equipment changed'. For Split Systems: Duct leakage < 6 percent; RC, CCA >_ 300 CFM/ton, TMAH For Packaged Units: Duct leakage < 6 percent ❑ 4. New Ducting over 40 feet lRequired Forms: • Includes adding or replacing ,more than. 40 CF -611 forms: MECH-.04, MECH-2I-HERS linearfeet of duct in unconditione&space. CF -4R forms: MECH-21 For split, system or packaged units: Duct leakage < 15 percent ❑ EXCEPTION: Existing ductsystems constructed, insulated or sealed .with asbestos. Contractor (Documentation Author's /Responsible Designer's Declaration Statement) • I certify that,this Certificate of Compliance documentatiowis,accurate and complete. • I am eligible underbivision3 of theZalifornia Business and'Tr.ofessions+Code+to accept responsibility for -the design identified on`this:Certificate of Compliance. • I,certify that the energy features and performance specifications for the design identified onthis Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations: - • TheAesign features Identified on this. Certificate. of Compliance are consistent withathe rif -ftationdocumente&bn other applicable compliance. forms, worksheets, calculations, plans. and specifications submitted to;the enforcement agency'f r.approval with the permit application. Name: Danielle Garcia Signature: Cunielle 6ar!cia Company: HARRISON ENTERPRISES INC Date: May 12, 2012 Address: 31-170 RESERVE DRIVE STE A_ Ucense:.686310 City/State/Zip: THOUSAND PALMS / CA / 92276Phone: (760)343-7488 'Reg: 212-A0024'078A-00000000-0000. Registration Date/Times 2012/05,/12.15:1,4:20 HERS Provider:: Ca10ERTS,: Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms, July 2010 CaICERTS - CF -1R Registration +�upk�n (1 Page I of I Public Home Dan_ ielle!Garcia logged in [Logout] [Home] CONGRATULATIONS Secure Home Your clz=iR-ALT-HVAC Registration Is comoletel About Us YoO May 'W t to,print this page for your records. 52620 DEL GATO DRIVE (SYS.2) Training Site Addreigadla njiWf-aI-A'47Wo914 --------- Rater tory Direc--- - CF-111t-Aut-Hy��- CLICK -HERE TO DOWNLOAD ... . ... . .... ..... . . . ....... Forms Amigne lm . d�Cap : - any 1HARRISON ENTERPRISES INC. Membership Benefits Do YOU knomit your HERS Rater? If you do, ;you may want to send this CF -111 to them: CaICERTS Rater IM OR Industry Partners MV Rater'Quick Select i.- —,Select From List Every Z.410EkTS,rateehake licens&,rit ber. News If You need,to find the rater by name [Click HERE] ,to_ seamh our directory.. To4tgister'for our monthly mewsiditter, [CLICK HERE] to do another ,please click here. COPYright C4 2010 CaICERTS, Inc. AM tights reserved. Revised' January 11, 2010 T.Term&an&Condltlonsl [Privacy Statement] [Class Cancelllatlon0611cy] CaICERTS, Inc., 11 Nathma:st Suite 126, Folsom, CA 95630 Office: 916-.985-340.0Joll Free: 87,74(ERS-118111 (877-4,217-7787) Fax: 916-985-3402 Contact Us s BBB: httpsi//www.calcerts.com/publ,ic—cflR.cfiLn't-proje'ct.'ld=l 87102 5/121/20,12 U Simplified Prescriptive Certificate of.Compliance 2008 .Residential HVAC Aiterations CF-lR-ALT-HVAC Climate Zones 10 - 15 Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Date; Permit #: 52620 DEL GATO DRIVE (SYS 2) La Quinta, CA 92253 City of La Quinta May 12, 2012 DuctInsulation Conditioned Floor Equipment Typei List Minimum Eff,ciency2 requirement Area Thermostat. ❑:Package Unit ® Furnace ®AFUE '78% ❑ COP ❑ R 6 (CZ 10-13) Served by system ® Setback ®Indoor Coil. ® SEER 13.0 [3HSPF 13R 8 (CZ 14-15) sf If not already present, must be ® Condensing Unit [3EER ❑ Resistance -LUIL installed) ❑ Other 1. Equipment Type: Choose the, equipment,being Installed; if more than one system, use_another CF-lR-ALT-HVAC for each system. 2. Minimum Equipment Eff dIencles: 13 SEER, 78% AFUE, 7.714SPF for typical residential systems. HERS VERIFICATION $UMMARY'Usted below are. FOUR HVAC alteration Options. The installer decides what work is being done and picks one of the appropriate Options. Each Option lists the HERS measures that must be conducted. A copy of the -forms shall- be left on site for final inspection and a copy given to the homeowner. Atfinal, the inspector verifies that the work listed on this form was in fact the work completed by the installer. The inspector also verifies thateach appropriate CF-6R.and registered CF-4R. forms (no hand filled CF-4Rs allowed) are filled out and signed:Beginning October 1,10W, a registered copy of the CF-1R and CF-6R shall also be on site for final inspection. ® 1. HVAC Changeout Required Forms: • All HVAC Equipment CF-6R forms: MECH-04, MECH-2I-HERS and (for split systems) MECH-25-HERS replaced CF-411 forms: MECH-21 and (forspiit systems) MECH=25' . Condenser Coil and /or . Indoor Coil and dor CF-611 forms: MECH-04, MECH-2I-HERS and (forsplit.systems) MECH-25-HERS . Furnace CF-4R forms: MECH-21 and (forsplit systems) MECH-25. For SplitSystems; Duct Ilea percent; percent; RC, CCA:5 -300'CFM/ton (Minimum Air Flow Requirement), TMAH Exempted from duct leakage'testin if ❑ 1' system wa_s docum rated to have been previously sealed and. confirmed'through HERS verification, or ,Duct ❑ 2..Duct systems with less than 40 linear feet in, unconditioned space, or ❑ 3 ;Existinre g°duct systems a: constructed,. insulated or sealed with asbestos. p 4:Thi syst ill not be Du d (ie, udle" Split_ tem)- - - xemptff Ref Age Chat drge) ❑ 2. Ne. AC m Requite , =: • Cufi i angeout wi new € (all new - MEC ERS, Ida _ 6 MECH-04, `M ERS it syff,,E ducti, all ra w equip :) 2 r;� 1 1 ECHO, fors 't s s CH=2CH,25�: For Split'S stems Duct°Iff 100 t ! FW AH S, an A _i e"SP, `o SP . I. e For Packaged itJnits Ductieaka"g' _;percen 17,3 NeW Ducts��virith/or without Required Forms: Repiaceinent° �„= . Includes replacing or installing all new ducting and/or outdoor 601 " 166'"unit, CF-6R;;foems' MECH-04', iMECH-20-HERS,.and (for split systems) MECH-25-HERS and/or Indoor coil and/or furnace.;No or some CF-4R forms: MECH-20 and. (for split systems) MECH-25 equipment changed. For Split Systems: Duct leakage < 6 percent; RC, CCA z 300 CFM/ton, TMAH' For Packaged Units: Duct leakage < 6 percent ❑ 4. New Ducting, over 40 feet Required Forms: e Includes adding or replacing more than 40 CF-611 forms: MECH-04, MECH-2I-HERS ICF-41116rrns: linear feet of duct'in unconditioned space. MECH-21 For split system or packaged units: Duct leakage < 15 percent ❑`EXCEPTION: Existing duct systems constructed, insulated orsealed with asbestos. Contractor (Documentation Author's /Responsible Designer's Declaration Statement) e I certify that thise.Certificate of Compliance. documentation Isaccurateand complete. •,,I am eligible. under Division 3.of"the California Business and Professions Code to accept: responsibility for the design-Identified on this Certificate of Compliance: • d certify that the energy features and performance specifications forthe design Identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title,24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California. Code of'Regulations. . The design features. identified on,this Certificate of Compliance aretonsistent',with the Information documented on other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and. specifications-submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with the permit application. Name: Danielle Garcia Signature: bonielle 6urcl6 Company: HARRISON ENTERPRISES INC Date: May 12, 20.12 Address: 31-170 RESERVE DRIVE STE A License: 686310 Clty/State/Zip: THOUSAND PALMS/ CA/ 92276 Phone: (760) 343-7488 Reg: 212=A0024079A-00000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2012/05!12 15:15:106 9ERs,Provider: Ca10ERTS, Inc. 2008'Residential Compliance Forma Jiily 2010 Work Order GENERAL AIR CONDITIONING www.calltliegenend.com Job no: 132985. 31170 RESERVE DR THOUSAND PALMS CA 92276 760-343-7488 FAX 760=343-7494 LIC# 686310 Service At:. Customer-# 107949 Bill To: Customer.# 107949 Rating: HOPKINS, JOHN 760-771-4995 HOME HOPKINS, JOHN 760-771-4995 HOME 52620 DEL GATO'DR 52620'DEL GATO DR LA QUINTA CA 92253 LA QUINTACA 92253 Type: RES Source:. Open Balance: Zone: 3 LQ Map: 879-F1 Payment Method: Subdivision: TRADITIONS Credit Limit: Skill: Tax:,RIV Installation Customer Directions Instructions RODRIG - SOLD (2) XC21 3 TON SYS' (2) SL280UH070XV36, (2) LC -23/37 UPFLOW COILS, (2) ICOMFORT STATS„MERV 16 HC16.16X25 -5, TOTAL,PRICE: $22000 (.CRANE NEEDED - EXT 90 FT REACH) DEPOSIT COLLECTED: $10000 DUE UPON COMPLETION: $12000 LENNOX.REBATE: $2000 IID REBATE: $8.70;($435 PER UNIT) *LEAVING' FOR DALLAS ON MONDAY BY LOAM* -INST TO BE ON SITE BY 9AM TO MEET' CUSTOMER AND TAKE SYS OUT, CAN IN, TUESDAY CLIENT COMES' BACK WEDNESDAY. WILL TELL FRANCISCO WHERE KEY IS. Work Sugg Work Done Call Info Job Info Call No:: 132985 Booked by: AMBER Job No.: 132985 Taken: 5/12/12 11:27 AM Type: GASAC Booked Date: 5/14/12 Class: .REPLACEMENT Taken by: AMBER Scheduled! 5/.14/12 &00AM, ,Sched.by: AMBER Type GASAC Cust PO: Pri Level: 5 Ld Sic: TECHS SalesPerson: RODRIG Eq.Age: LS Ref: (Contact: Equipment: Assignments' Employee JORGEM TaskCode Scheduled Time 8:00:00 AM 'Equipment Warranties Type'Sys 'Mfg Model # Serial,* Age Type Parts Ends Labor Ends' MINI FUJ AOU36RLX T005164 1 1YR LAB 06/30/2012 Filters: Loc:GARAGE 2 YR PARTS 06/30/2013 Size:.3 TON 5YR COMP 06/30/2017 MINI FUJ ABU36R5LX, CXA002982 1. 1YR LAB 06/30/2012 Filters: Loc:GARAGE 2 YRTARTS 06/30/2013 Size: 3 TON 5YR COMP 06/30%2017 FAU LNX 80UHG4X-75A3 6300B2414 12 Filters: Loc: Size: FAU LNX 80UHG4X75A=3 630OB02416 112 Filters: Loc: Size: City of, La Qulnta —41 Ming S, Safely Dmion Perinit ! P.O. Box 1504,'78=495 Cge Tampko L?:Q1 ta, CA 92255 -:(760) 77740 11 . C� Buiidtng.Pennit •Appiicadon and Tracking Sheet PwJeec,damn: S2 k.o (Jet Caa1b r. 'Ownees.Name:. ' fl . A P. Number: Addreav: FODDU CJS 1 CagfiO p.r city. sT. zin: I.OQ Ch q 223 00flOval " fir QXOd *c ill , Tee�hm: - :31n stye « tw: Rvftc -t� 1 00 • 2� 3 City, 'sr, zp: - wM, d .nYom, C* ca 11. S S Telapltane. ' �1�C� State Lia #', -230.n �y Lla. #` . • Axi,, AMmm rbc. ST. Zip: Telephone. Sate Lia #: Can*ucdon Type• �p�,, PwJect type (circle one): New Add'a Altar Repair Demo Name.afContact Perm AMM Pam, Sq.Ft.: Z�pO� #;Siorlba: NUnite: Telephone,#,of Contact P . , � Estimated Va[n of Project: 22 D 0 0 0 0 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE 0 - submittal +a ' xcea TRACKING TRIUM, FIM. PGts 8eie Pled ChUb UbmltM Item Amount ft.gefural"Cater. Rcvlewe4 readP tor<eo "cdcee Pbw.Cbakftcdt, " Trull Calot. caw:Cm t d Peron Plan check matinee. I THIS 24 Calci, Ptaan picka4ap construction Flow oft plan Plass rembaitied.* , Mecbsrikal Grading plan. °2'!lte+tew, rade ibrawrectlonr1=e FJeeMeal Sabcontaetor Llrt Caped Coutaetperson Plumbing GrastDeed Pleni #Idled up 8.11L1. S.Q.A. Approval Plain raabmit d Grading IN HO[13Sr ''' llevlevt ready �r eorreetlost/Iieue PlanslogApproval• Coiled Contaet Patron Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit latae &hood Few Devtloper,ImpaaFa A:LP.P. • Total Permit FUS