04-3575 (SFD)5 PR 29 �a04 s BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT '(760) 777'=701.2 . OF'11 9 7. 3 CALLE'TAMPICO : TAX (760) 777-7011 -LA .QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253. 'INSPECTION REQUESTS (760)-777-7'15'3 BUILDIN Application Number 94-�UVU357.5 Date 4/20/04, Property Address . • 5-.3 3 6 0 ' 'DEL GATO DR. APN: 770-350-017-95 -2;8867 - Application description DWELLING - SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED Property Zoning .LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation 445184 Owner Contract:,or, AVERILL DAN L EASTON BUILDERS CORPORATION P O BOX 3235 P.O.,BOX 3.2.35 PALM DESERT CA 92261_ -PALM DESERT CA..92261 WCC.:` NONE WG: EXEMPT 10/01/`04 CSL'B: 755"1.63" . .1,0/01/04 CCC,: .­ � B --=--------------=--Structure Information.:" -Construction -Type TYPE V -:NON RATED Occupancy Type DWELLG/LODGING/LONG.<=10 Flood. Zone',: NON-AO FLOOD ZONE Other struct info . . . . . CODE EDITION 200'1 CBC # BEDROOMS. 3.00 FIRE SPRINKLERS NO GARAGE SQ FTG,. .89:1.0.0 •.PATIO SQ. FTG:' 158.9 00 NUMBER OF UNITS_. 1.0.0 FIRST FLOOR SQ FTG 503.2.00 `Percriit .-.-. � BUILDING ,PERMIT----.---•- --------------.-------.---- Additional desc. Permit. Fee 1850.50• Plan Check Fee 1202.83 Issue Date 2/05/04 Valuation 445184 Qty Unit-.Charge Per E•xtens'ion BASE -FEE 6139..50 346..0:0 3,.5000 THOU BLDG 100.1,0.01"500,000 12.11.00 -------------------- Permit ELEC-:NEW, RESIDENTIAL Additional desc Permit Fee., 2;37..9.0_ Plan Check: Fee 59.48 •-Issue •Date Valuation . . 0 Qty- Unit. Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1.5.00 P.O..BOX '1 SO4 - •-df 7E-495 CALLE TAMnco LA QUINTA.. CALIFORNIA 922S3 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT li VOICE (260) 777.7012 FAX (760) 777.70:11 INSPECTIONS (760) 777.7153 ApplIgtMN=bw. �`�..3S7S Date: p+pp108*t t r o/rt- Architect or Engineer ' iFf2 Appik:anrs Making Address: Ardiked or EngkwWsAWnw: Lt. No.: LDING PERMIT PECLARATIONS ' LIAISED CONiRACUMS DECLARATIOR r ns d prOdoClapkr0 (aomnie�inp wMh Becton T000) d OMtion,3 a tla'Buaiast aad PAk>Nionelt •M!"WO M VEWWRATM 111aebq s1Rrm Aider pa�dlq d ps+jury from fps cmMseb,' ShM Liouae L�wfalhe to3oMAnp Lesson Ree 7031.6. Bus6Nss and Piafp�ions Codec Mq dq/ ar o0ui�y► rat �aouMet a penaR:b altar, iap ova. do mach , gr rsVOir anq sin�gire.. p�brb IIt ktuanoa.also requitas'fw sppikent for tM psnaR b w iipird ste0aam MIh theor.da k ioaasd pwsuantb M pwrkio n d f+s Coirlraebrs' Stele Liens Law (Chapter f (oommgncYq wllh 6oclm 7000) of Dirklon 3 d:fie 9vdn s ' 0 Proktoia:CW4 orW he er ahs k ezenpt i m ell p wW'fa bsds,brlw aM000 wanp0ac Any vlals6on'of 8oc@w 7031.6 bq aaq appWWfor aONS sib so appiesrd b add pwi ft el od w.we tm So Hundred ddwm,46500}k . U L asowner.d lhs propstly. or mq;wapes a Oair sola oaipenaiat6 wf do the }Moak and the syuoMpe k Nelbdmded or 011wed br sek (Sac 7044. 8udnest.snd Profesdona CoOe: ihs Cadraalois' SbM Lbeass Leiw doss aot applq b an owwer d popeKq wta buifda or ImpreMea bareen. and who does t ovxmk iinrsef or he ieltor Rough his or hw a'snpbyees, porids0 fat Ua mproNnwrds aro ad intended ar oealsd for sale. Ki 'am buldfnp ort po n a is soil wOHn aas gear d:oonpidion. the owner Milder w10 iatis the burden d po* fid to erde dtd aet.bWm or inptova;br the pw*m d ask t O wasrdthL as os ptoperlq. am paduMrey oontrsew�p:wllh t oenese oontracbrs b oonWuct Ore pmjeet'(See. 70". 8uehass sod P.oksft Codi Um C Wado�4' Sbb Lkenee Lsw t m nd apptq;b an, n , -M off bpsAli who bWW or i Wwm twieon� aid who ooMra�ttor the pojeett wM a !b ts) tioented pwriek b the ca*aetxe 8bb Lloense LoW4 O .I am Oxon" WWW Sac . 8 P,.Q forfie leatoa Dob'. Owner • WON ERS' COMPENSATION.DECLIIRAT" 1 hereby eftm under peik ft of pe*nq ere aft* foOowUq decorations _ 1 have and wit mdrAdira oer116cLie d bonserd b vd b we kr workers`. eonpensaSgi. as poMded for bg Sadion,3700 of ft.Lsbo Code, br fa:pedairosuoe of," work iorwhtdr ftpemok istved _ 1 haws end v&,mai�in watggd' 3700 of th oompennow- tepu4ed bq 8ee6or► e Labor Code. for to periorawroe d the wak for wtiah Wo powa k. Iwued o andrin er6y rnnnbet a 1 oet6fq in the I m In anos'd t �c ich, p It k ksued. l dalind ernpbq sad persue in any awrnerao as to beoonrs suDjed b ue worMenr' grp Wo taws of cdbr rie. anq 1f 1 bsoome.arrEjed b fra waken oomparss6on prorisiora d Se66oa 3700 01 frs Lsbw Code, l didl .l ,Z. �l l O sAlh Ogre prviAsierrs. WAFiNMa FAILURE TO 8=RE.%Vfi1%w ?iON COVEPME IS MAMUL. MID SHOLL SUBJECTAN EL*%D'YER TO CROMM PENALIM MIO CFVIL;F�IESUPTDONEl1UHOREDTFIOUSANO,-',i100A00}NI1DofT10NTOTHECOSfOFOOhiF'ENSATION.0+1hAAGESASPRGN10E0E0FtW SECTION 3706 OF THE L�IBOR.L'ODE. WisviST. Am ATrom*- S FEES, CONSTRUCTION UM MO AGENCY 1'hareby ai6na tilde pera4gdV 7fatf�eos iso oonsbuc6onbrdNg apancr brria pwbnaence alto wok,br which Ws PNWA ksued (See•.sm, Ck c,: Lender's Name LendefsAdOress gAPORT/WT Appr«stlon fs her'sbgnNde b the mhome a 1. E" pridtecbr a BuA�p ind Safehrbr a pemit � � rosbie6onsp� � app4ealioa, on port behalf Ws appRcWon is rade, at wlgss pwwgMb w pemdl ksued`at a resrAl d tis Mss owner. and fa sq!p o b. and stroll. d9lend. Midansdtq sM' hold hsmists fie CRg a is Oulnts. Rt olRoea, spalls and awpbYe br aaq eel« omksba10' _ wak being peR�d under ar tdio�- -I k=uanes of fit pWdL . Z Mq pwrail ksued as a'nbrrll dosis application beoaaesi twork k aot oatrraao and wM * 188 des from doW a.( ksuenc a of such PWIWL or oea; m0 m d wak for ISO dart wpl:wbjed pewit b . I,oerlfiy llat ( read Wt app6cabn and ftaband the atww I• aproe to comply wph a6 c tq and,oaudy ordMan me; w4stale bws'rele6ip b buUM oonspudion, hereby authortee rapresWgaBves of thk countq Ore abwie4nadia,ed pmpatq<Ior Ma ori wapowL, DAft Z Q 94Vk a t or All Application Number . . . . 04;-00:003575 Page 2 Date 4/2,0/04. Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 5032.00 .0350 ELEC NEW RES - 1 O 2 FAMILY 176.12. 1,589.00 .0200 ELEC GARAGE OR NON' -RESIDENTIAL .31.7.8 11.00 15.0,000 EA ELEC TEMPORARY POWER,POLE 15.00 Permit . . . . . . GRADING PERMIT Additional de8c . Permit Fee . . . . 15.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation .. 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Permit . . . . MECHANICAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . 139.00 Plan Check Fee 12.75 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 4 ,. 0,0 9.G000 EA MECH FURNACE <=LOOK 36. 0 0 4.00 9.0000 EA MECH B: /C <=3HP/'10O.K BTU 3:6.00 7.00 6.5000 EA MECH VENT .FAN 45.50 1.0110 6.5000 EA MECH EXHAUST, HOOD 6.50 Permit. . . . . PLUMBING Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 213.00 _Phan Check Fee 53.25 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 22.00 6.0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 132.0.0 1.00 15.0.000 EA PLB 'BUILDING SEWER 15.0.0 2.00 7..5000 EA, PLB WATER HEATER/VENT 1.5.00 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB WATER INST/ALT/REP 3.00 1.00 9.0000 EA PLB LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM ;9.00 1.2. 00 .7500 EA PLB GAS PIPE >='5 9.00 1.� 00 15 . 0�0 0 0 EA PLB GAS METER 15.00 Special Notes and Comments 503.2 SF. SFD PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE l Page 3 Application Number . . . . . 04-00.003.575 Date 4/20/04 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments BLOCK WALL.; POOL/SPA OR DRIVEWAY APPROACH. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL FEDERAL &. STATE LAWS, INCLUDING THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT OF 1973 (16.U.8.C. SEC. 15.31, ET SEQ,) IF APPLICABLE, IS REQUI-RED. Other Fees . ... . . . . . . ART IN PUBLIC PLACES -RES 612.96 DIF COMMUNITY CENTERS -RES 97.00 DIF CIVIC CENTER - RES 366.00 ENERGY.REVIEW FEE 120.28 DIF FIRE PROTECTION -RES 97.00 DIF LIBRARIES - RES 225.00 DIF PARK MAINZ' FAC - RES 5.00 DIF PARKSJREC -- RES 502.00 STRONG MOTION (SMI) - RES 44.51 DIF STREET MAINT FAC -RES 15.00 DIF TRANSPORTATION, - RES 1098.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 2455.40 .00 .0.0 2455.4:0 Plan Check Total 132,8.31 .1000.00 ..0.0 328.31 Other Fee'Total 3182.75 .00 .00 3182.75 Grand Total 6'966.46 1000.0;0, .00 5966.46 u�lt,�cv P.O, BOX ding 7CALLS TAM TAMPICO raeQ CkIAOUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 . 2- 3 Tel:/'" 323 � mfo &bassif. .:Zys, r 6 S Judiiii If t herabv aflirrn that 1 am licensed under Drovlslona of Chaptar 9 (commencing,wlM Section e7 hof vision1 of ttW6usinesa arW Rrofesslorn Code and my ilcenee is, Nil full force and SIGNATURE - 0117E OWNEWBU1LDER DECLARATION I _neretiy affirm that 1 am_ exempt from the' Contractors License Law for, the following reason:: (See. 70J1.S;fAablses. anis Frsfassfona Codd:- Any, cAy or county whkh requires a perm* 10 , construe, .ahar, brgrove, dernefth, or row any scorch"': dun to Ma. Issuance also repines rhe, appticgnI I seen permR to ft a statement that he b Seensed, purelrsrd ro as piovplon5 0► tM Contreotorl7 LIcanse Law, Caapror D (earvr+mchp wt1A Sectbn 7000) cI LyM'eletr 8 cf the BrJd%ieJt and Professions Coda, d sNM. l+s. b'.axerr{pt lherehum, sw rhe As* Aon ufe seeped exemptton:.Any 6- of .Section 7091.3 ay 'arty + ror a psi. Sit subjects the appaoantto a ch6 pan -:010. awe than sues hund,•sd doll (S600). 1"1 1; as'owner of the property, or.my employees with wages;as their sole compensation, will ==11.2i o tM work and the structure. s not intended or offarod for ask. (Sec. 7044, suis"ep and wnsr or prop" who Pro►assbns Cods: The contractor's Lkbrlse law dose not appy ro an _ o, builds wapproves- titeroon and afro does aucA.wwk- Idmsed/ or through 'Ne own employees.. pidvrded mat such tmproverrwnts aro not. trdsnded w aflsred for .1. 11, however, the building Of o tMt Aedes old within orun� � the of 20e.) wm Aare His DuMen I'I.I,as,ownere the property, am exclusivelycontracting with ileensW,,coMractore to con- t the Drojaet. (See. 701,1. Bushes and ProfeasgnaCods: The., Corrector's License Law doesnot appy to an.•owner of property wtwn buff orapproves Hereon. cad who aonheds foes such projects, with a conrractor(s),sconsed putswnt to Me'CanVactorb License Law.) 17 rem exempt under Sec_ a f: P.C. for this reason Date owner WORKERS''COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm. that.I have a.certificate of,consent to self-,lnsure;'or a certificate of Wo*ers Compensation insurance, or a certified,' copy thereof. (Sec. 9800, Lahb, Coda:j Policy No. Company . n Copyia filed with the city. o.Certified copy.ls hereby furnished. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTK)N FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be complefed It Me perms is for one hun~ dIBers ($100) valusflon or Nas:), I certify tflat in the performance of thp•work.for'which this permit Is issued;,l'shalt,not anPloy.any•ppeerson In any manner 'so as to become subject to tha Workers' Compensation Law6 of GlifoinlIL ==1 ate Owner 110E TO APPLICANT: If, after makap fNs Csrssleats of Exemption you armud become sutfoct to the. VAwkers' Compensation prowtsio s of the Labor Code, you aunt foMwM. cwwiy,wtih such provbbns,or this permit shell be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Ihereby affirm thetthorwis a oonstructioniending,agency fouthe performance of,the. work for"which. this permit I$ Issue& (Sec. 3097,;CMlCode.) Lenders Name Lender's Address This ..is a -building permit.when propeAy lilted out, signed,anQvalidaled, and�.le sub CIO expiration it work lhereunderis suspended'for 180 days., I: certify the! I have read, this applicationand state. that, the above Information Is. correct. I agree to comply with;all city and county ordinances and state,.laws relating to building construction, :and hereby authorize representatives !of this city to enter the above mentioned' property touinspeetion,purposes. Signature of aoplicanf Date Mailing Address City, State, 'Zip all � �ro CA APPLICATION ONLY L o`/-3S?.c:- �v _DING: TYPE'CONST.: s . OCC, GRP. Number_ it Description Description Ft. DW. 49W< Add 0 Alter O Repair 0 Demolition D �Sfl1E1 •,GlST I�2B2tJ!!�� Estimated Valuation PERMIT AMOUNT Plan Chk. Dep.: / n� Plan Chk. Bal. Const: Mech. Electrical Plumbing S.M.I. Grading DrliiewayEnc. Infrastructure TOTAL I lip REMARKS UrTWLAQUINTA ZONE B Minimum:Setback Distances: Front Setback from, Center Line Rest Setback from.Rear Prop. Line Side Street Setback from'Center Line Sidwsetback from Property Line FINAL DATE INSPECTOR Issued by: 'Date Permit Validated by: Validation: WHITE = FINANCE YELLOW'= APPLICANT PINK =i BUILDING DIVISION Date 4/23/04 No. 25817 Owner Dan Averill CERTIFICATE. OF COMPLIANCE Desert Sands'Unified School District 47950 Dune Palms Road La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 7714515 APN # Q 'BERMUDA DUNES V).RANCHO MIRAGE d INDIAN WELLS 7� PALM DESERT y LAQUINTA INDIO Q O L 770-350-017 Address 53360 Del Gato Drive Jurisdiction La Quints City La Quints Zip 92253 Permit';# Tract# Study Area Type Single Family Residence No. of Units. Lot:# No. Street S.F. Lot,# No. Street S.F. Unit 1 53360 Del .Gato Drive Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Comments 4859 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 At the present time, the. Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect feeson, garagesicarports; covered patiostwalkways, residential additions under. 5W square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do notoontain facilities fot.livir g, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile homes. What been determined that the above-named owner Wexempt from paying school fees)at this time.due to the following reason.- EXEMPTION eason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE. This certifies that school facility°fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et :Seq. in the amount of $2.24 X 4,859 S.F. or $10.884.16 have been paid; for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footagb in, this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By C/C='Flathead Bank, Curt Dunham Check No. 126225 Name on the check Telephone Funding Residential. By Dc. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected. /ex7L, by Pat71:, uzza Payment Recd ® $10,884.16 Over/Under Signature — NOTICE: Pursuant to Govemment'Code Sectiom6690(d)(1); this will serve to notify you.that the 90 -day approval period in which you'may protest the fees or other paymentidentfied above,willlbegiirto run from d the aon which hich the building�or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the datwon which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to'another public entity authorized to coliect them.on the DistrictCs)`behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This .Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original - Building Department/Applicant, Copy-Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting MAk-31-200.4 WED'05,`29.PM TRAILS WEST EGL BND RLTY REMADINQ R241JEW160 BY; SOUTHLAND TITLE . INLAND EMPIRd (Tata) MID W"EN RECORDED MAIL TO. Mr. and firs Dan Averi 1 T q&275 b&BjAnA 59911. saftw No.,: w3jm4 w A.P,N. Yn4fla-w-a FAX NO. 400 837 3624 P. 02 DOC to U/MV20e8 @a:@"V66:3i,eR Root; 1 of 3 Oso T Tax Pahl Raoot'dadto OffI 1 ,Maards cowty of RJvw%Jdo Bary L, Crap Aea.0saor, County Clark i RNerarolar r:. JOIN I M 6JL an 1 a �, NGC*t aM� anec y A oOPr �nNo aAruNi NoFfe O DEW 'THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOPp),OECLARI;(S) DOLIMENTARY TRMsFjFt TAXIS $8$2.611 [Y ] computed on fuU value 0170rop" oa "Yed, Or LJ aomputad ah full Valu® less velUQ of !fens or encumbrances remaining at time ofsale, ( ] unincorporated area [ X,] City of La qulr►to FORA VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, reo®Ipt of Which Is.atereby aickrlowledped, N314L Pilneess, (LLC s Adwrin Limited'Llabillty Company hereby GRANTS) to pan L. Averill and Laurie Jo Averi'l l , husband and w1fe as joint tenants the'tollowinq des4r9bed reel property]n th&t:ounty 61 Iitverelde, State of California Lot 29 of Treat No. 28867, In the, Chir of Le ouints, County of Rivetulde, Stak of Callfantla. U Per map recorded in Book 276, Pape(e) 69 throuoh 78 of Mlseellamm a Maps, ifn,thavivice of the County R"order of said County. Dated, Februaryry 13, 2Q0$ STATE CF ,lac�RIVONA C0UNTY'0P Iv1AQ%1ri.6 t= )SS. per$6430Y !mown to me (pr proved,to nle on the to 9f �Z 3998 %M avldenao);ta be the pet9on(9) vftze,nsrne(s) !dere sutvxxibed'ta the witfiin InaWment and acknowteQed to ma,that he1sh*M9y,w00uI0d the some In. hWhedtt Wr authorized oapracity(iee) and theory hWherlthelr eIgnmr' (z)vn.the Instrument the pereon(e), or the anal)► upon bft of WhlmAs pareon(a), aalad, axaouted the Instrument. WITNESS Van.dan dal I, i 1 11 signature of Notary (ThI6 area for drr cdal notary *eel) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS A6IDIRECTEID ABOVE NSHE Princess, LLC a Arfzona:Llmbd Llablllty omockn1 afe Iia►- Excl�rivr +�S y . .h Ti A MMiAHAL CIe NOTARY pLgIUC-11 of A&= MARICOPA 65RY coat. Jn ,a, 20 CITY OF ILA QUINTA PLAN CHECK CORRECTION LIST Mr & Mrs Averill Hunt Hale Jones Architects 636 Fourth Street San Francisco, CA 94107 PLAN CHECK NO. 0402-040 (Structural). April 1, 2004 SECOND/FINAL CHECK ADDRESS LOT 95, 53-360 Del Gato Drive OCCUPANCY R -3/U-1. SCOPE OF WORK SFR/Porch/Gar-4,860/690/890 TYPE -OF -CONST. V -N The submitted. plans and specifications have been reviewed by the, VCA CODE GROUP. In our professional opinion the plans are in substantial conformance with the building codes and regulations adopted by the CITY OF LA QUINTAand °the State of California Amendment. APPROVAL FOR A BUILDING PERMIT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED SUBJECT TO OBTAINING APPROVALS/CLEARANCES FROM ALL APPLICABLE CITY DEPARTMENTS, AGENCIES, AND ASSOCIATIONS. Plans checked by: .' ei7 Evans. VCA CODE GROUP 295 N. Rampart Street, Suite A Orange, CA 92868 (714) 978-9780 ext. 1.23 VCA File No- LQ -16001 OF 'IELD VERIFICATION AND DIA, TESTING CF -4R Datq- S/Dyi 1 u1J1�1 S Builder Name Plan Number Sample. Group Number Oertifying Signature Date Sample House Number Firm: J, C. HERS Provider: Street Address: 7946/,Q ffe- W L� -el Circ% eityiStatelzip: /-4r iPW07 ja 1 clot 1l z?_6� Copies to: Builder, HERS Provider i HERS RATER COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The house was: Tested ❑ Approved as part of As the HERS, rater providing diagnostic testing and field veru comply with the a diagnostic tested compliance requirements. Distribution system is fully ducted (i.e., does not use bi ducts) here cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape is'inst with cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal le rMINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR DUCT LEAKAGE RE Duct Diagnostic Leakage Testing Results (Maximum 6% Duct Pressurization Test Results, (CFM: Q.25 Pa) Test Leak-, If fan flow is calculated as 400cfm/ton x num If fan flow is measured enter Leakage Percentage (100 x Test LE Check Box "for Pass or Fail THERMOSTATIC EXPANSIONVALVE.(T I -) or ❑ No Thermostatic Expansion. Valve (or Cc equivalent) is installed and Access is ❑ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR DUCT DESIGN C, 1. ❑ Yes ❑ No ACCA Manual D Design reqs (rater has verified that actual CF -1 R and design on plan. 2. ❑ Yes ❑ No TXV is installed or Fan flow I verified fan flow matches des Measured Fan Flow nple testing, but was not tested tion, I certify that the houses identified on this form. :pecked ,on this form Ing cavities as plenums, or platform returns in lieu 1, mastic and, drawbands are used in combination at duct connections. �. L/4 CTION COMPLIANCE CREDIT A Leakage) Measured values j Flow in CFM! 7 of tons enter 3d value here b :d value here r �' / /Fan Flow) _ 7� �5, % b /v =6% or less) ❑ Pass Fail sion approved Jed: for Inspection ❑ rasFail is a pass ANCE CREDIT its have been met Aon matches values in m verified. If no TXV, m ,CF -1 R. ❑ ❑ for 'both 1 and 2 is a'Pass Pass Fail ' YOUNG ENGINEERING SE. October 18, 20,04 Tom Hartung Building Official City of.La Quinta AM- Averill Residence- 5.3-360 Del Gat l !!r. La Quinft (k4 Dear Tom, We have performed ,structural observation with regards to the framing for the above referenced project and,find it to be in general conformance with the approved structural plans with, the exception of the following items: 1. Many of the shearmax`panels, di l not have the required amount of SMTC top plate connectors, need to provide the, adequate amount of SMTC'top plate connectors. The Shear max panels in question are -4,.5, 10, 1.1A, 12,18,2,1,23, and 26. Please reference detail 4/SMI .for correct number of SMTC top plate conr..ectors that correspond'to each wall width. 2. Need to provide coil strap and b locking around. all openings 'in shear wall #30. Please reference detail 6/$1.3 for strap and blocking application information. 3: Needto re -locate hold down at�shear wall#1. Provide double stud at electrical panel location and use PHD2 hold down w/ 5/.8" diameter all -thread WithhAa minimum embedment of 7" into the continuous footing. Epoxy using Simpson structural SET: Special inspection is required. 4. Please provide A-35 from drag triss to shear wall #29 over entire length:of top plate_ Do not need to provide drag strap as per deta.l 16C/S'1.5 as shown on the framing plan. 5.. Need to provide 2x blocking w/ 16d at 4" o% as shown in detail 12/S5.3. This is located at shear wall #28, nail bottom chord of d~ag,truss into 2x blocking, which in turn is edge nailed to shear wall #28. See detail 12/S5,3. 6. Need to provide 2x blocking w/ 435 between every rafter as, shown in ;detail 12/S5.3: Some rafter, ends do not have 2x blocking between them. This is, located at themaster suite. 7. As the location of shear wall #6 has been moved to the outside•wall a new drag connection from beam (R4) to shear- wall#6 is required. Provide MST48 strap. from outside face of beam to inside1ace of 60 blocking present in shear wall #6. Shear wall sheathing should be edge nailed to 6x6 blocking. 8: Need to provide epoxy/hold-doHn application. for shear walls #rand #8. Need to provide PHOS hold down with 5/8" diameter anchor'bolts. Bolts should have a minimum embedment of 7" into continuous footing. Epoxy using; Simpson structural SET: Special inspection is required. 9_ Please provide'MST48 strap fmin beam to beam over shear wall #11A. Reference.detail 16/S5.1. 10. Need to provide drag, strap, as per detail„8/S5.1 in garage area. 'Provide MST72 strap from, bottom chord of drag truss,to 2x blockin; located, at the pony wall above beam (R27). 11. 1 have analyzed beam (113 1 ) as a 6x8„header, which is present. The 6x8 header was adequate. 12. Need to provide A35 at 24” o/c.from blocking, to exterior support beams at the outdoor patio area and provide IOd at 4" o/c from 2:K planking to blocking. please see detail 18/S5.3 for A35 configuration. 13. Need to provide coil strappingar►d blocking. around A/C openings and electrical panel in shear wall #15 as per detail 6/S1: _3. Oise provide 2x flat blocking where 3x sill plate is missing. Z0 39Vd 3S JNSb33NT!)N39WOA 6TLS09E09L 90 *1 b00Z/8i/0Z Need to epoxy PHDS.liold down at existing.interior:6x6"post. Provide triple studs at electrical pane! ,and provide PHD5 hold down. For both ,epoxied. hold down .conditions use 5/r diameter all-thread and epoxy using 'Simpson structural ShT, min. embedment of T? into Continuous footing. Special inspection is required. 14. I1 have analyzed: the new fiamu►g configuration at the .outdoor patioarea and find it to be s"eturallyAdequate. 10x12 Ii F. L,areh #1 at 48" o%w! 2x planking.and roof sheathing. Wx12"-lag bolts: were, used to fasten 1,OxI2 rafter beam to support beams. Pi'rase provide LSTA3.6 strap at ridge Gondticin, strap should be provided over the top of the l0x12 to 10x12 m bea,coAnegtion at1he ridge. This structural: observation does not relieve the; City in:any' way°from performing their standard structurgl inspections nor. is it in -lieu of any code ,required'special inspections: The structural observation performed should not be construed,as a .detailed structural inspection but as:a structural, observation, for general conformance-as, per CBC 1702,220. If you have�any questions please call. Sincerely, Jeffrey R Young S.E. 60 39tid' 3S 9NIM33NI!)N3 9Nnm 8TL509E0 ..L 50 *T b00Z/&WOT 0000 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy O4 p ���0F�9 Building &Safety Department This.Cerifficate is issued pursuant to the. requirements, of Section 109 of the California .Building Code., certifying that,, at the time of -issuance, � - this structure'- was - in compliance with the provisions of the Building Code and the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction, and(ot use. BUILDING ADDRESS: 53,360, Del Gato Drive Use. classific6tibn: Sinale Family .Dwelling Occupancy Group: IRS I Owner of Building: Dan L Averill Temporary 30 -day, see attached corrections, 'Building Official Type of Constructiom VN IN A Building Permit, No.: 04-3576 Land Use Zone,. RL Address: P.O. Box 3235 City, ST, ZIP:Palm Desert CA 92261 By: Daniel P. Crawford Jr. Date: Expires 3116105 ----`CITY �uB k OF LA CUINTA •S. B-CONTRACTOR LIST • !^' NUMBER �d ' �7, R Vii n _ Dr��t�ESS � A• - . PERMIT - 3S OWNER .BUILDER T +form shall be Qosfed on the (ob with the 6uildinq Inspection Gard at all tines M-a e�+.•��3•.-•-_ _._:_• ��Nr�s s appearing on this list or their employees are authorized to work ant K,t, e..y ..�.-.:, �+ .., .�:_ •• ,. . d v MNJ «zi..,4U,# ua appro�ea b+y the Building Division prior to commencement of work.' Fail a to comply will result in a stoppage of work and/or the voidance of buildi permit-4For each a pGcable trade• •all i�formation Te nested below rust be completed by applicant:- -'On File' is not ah accept ble response. �+rttide/_Cisftatioi�' Ceatnetei :': ''= 4,� sA F :" "'°" -Sute•Coritract iD''>a4t!'• is •F�; , es L c" ^'` woAdes-coin tfo� `Mswsnei ' ''CityBusiness -lJcense :; , ` "` CoTpem Name Clsaaific.4don • License Number . . Dote •. Caplet Name P Potlry. Number Exp. Gate License Number Exp. Date O :. •4a. ., (e p, A. B. 0-81 (xxxxxx) Jxxlxx-(a.E.'State Fin d. Ca�Compl Mirmat Varies) xxlxxl lxxzx) o tx3LIXx/xxl �AaTtrin►oax.tc-tzi (,p - coNCIiTE (c-el : ` `G G.� 1r fJn (o j3' S' _ C•53) . %Jl- • c.'� 3 -r t