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04-8005 (SFD) Title 24
Title 24 Energy Compliance Documentation Prepared for: Sullivan Designs, Inc. Project Title: FIRESTONE RESIDENCE ,rMa� La Quinta, CA QROFESS/O,y �Q�� \S G• SUI��GIFZ CO o NO. 1436UJ 4 c r LA CI. oF (LJI jvTA EXP 12-31-L DEPT. RSO VV BUILDING & SAFE�F�HAN�OP���P TION FOR CONSTBD 2 .23 -oS pATE3 BY 10308 Placer Lane, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95827 •. 916-364-1786 •FAX 916-364-1789 W.1DATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL (Page 1 of 2) MF -1R Nate: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Building Envelope Measures: ' §I 50(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. ✓ § 1 SO(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. ✓ •. §150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -Factor in metal frame walls ✓ (does not apply to exterior mass walls). • § 150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors. § 150(l): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no N/A greater than 2.0 perm/inch. § 118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate type and form. §116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors, and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. V/ 2. Fenestration products (except field -fabricated) have label with certified U -Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. § 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16only. N/A § 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with § 151 meets Commission quality standards. N/A §150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No / V continuous burning gas pilot lights allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: §110-§1 13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified bythe Commission. ✓ § 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. ✓ § 150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. § 1500): Pipe and tank insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, insulated (R4 or greater) 3. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 / external insulation or R-16 combined intemal/extemal insulation. V 4. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water systems. 5. Cooling system piping below 55° F insulated. 6. Piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank. Compliance Forms August 2001 A-5 . MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL (Page 2 of 2) W -IR Note: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) * §150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirement of the 1998 CMC Sections 601, 603,604, and Standard 6-3; ducts insulated to a minimum- installed level of R4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181A,orUL 181 B. Ifmasticortapeisusedtoseal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. V 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 4. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. 5. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind but not limited to the following: Insulation exposed to weather shall be suitable for outdoor service e.g., protected by aluminum, sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solarradiation that can cause degradation of the material. § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment. 1. System is certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System is installed with: a. At least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating, b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. N/A § 115: Gas fired central fumaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no V/continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr) § 118 (f): Cool Roof material meet specified criteria Lighting Measures: § 150(k) I.: Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily V/greater accessible lighting control panel at an entrance to the kitchen. § 150Ck)2.: Rooms with a shower or. bathtub must have either at least one luminaire with lamps with an ✓ efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternatives to this requirement allowed in § I50(k)2.; and incandescent recessed ceiling fixtures are IC (insulation cover) approved. Compliance Forms August 2001 A-6 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Firestone Residence, Main Date_.02/22/05 13:34:47 Project Address........ Lot 100, Del Gato Dr. ******* --------------------- La Quinta *v6.01* Documentation Author... Gregory Mize ******* Building Permit # Valley Energy Consultants 10308 Placer Lane, Suite 200 Plan Check / Date Sacramento, CA 95827 916-364-1786 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203M Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-1R ------------User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run -41203M ----------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area..... 4333 sf Building Type .............. Single Family, Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 260 deg (W) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Stories ........... 1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 19.4 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.33 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.39 Average Ceiling Height ..... 11.6 ft Component Frame Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Type Type R -value R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments ------------ Wall ------- Wood -------- R-19 -------- R-n/a -------------- TR�)-9 0.065 ------------------------ Front Wall, Left Wall �/ Back Wall, Right Wall Door Wood R-0 R-n/a R-0 0.330 Front Door 1/2 Laundry Dr RoofRadiant Wood R-30 R-n/a R-30%' 0.031 Ceiling S1abEdge n/a R-0 R-n/a F2=0.720 Covered Edge SlabEdge n/a R-0 R-n/a F2=0.900 Exposed Edge FENESTRATION ------------ Over- Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ Orientation (sf) Factor SHGC Shading Shading Fins -------------------- Window Front (W) ----- 36.0 ------ ------ 0.410 --------------- 0.340 Standard -------------- Standard ----- None Door Front (W) 50.0 0.280 0.420 Standard Standard Yes Window Front (W) 14.5 0.400 0.350 Standard Standard Yes Door Front (W) 50.0 0.280 0.420 Standard Standard Yes Door Front (W) 50.0 0.280 0.420 Standard Standard Yes Window Left (N) 54.2 0.410 0.340 Standard Standard None Window Left (N) 15.0 0.410 0.340 Standard Standard None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Firestone Residence, Main Date..02/22/05 13:34:47 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203M Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equipment Type ------------ Furnace ACSplit Tank Type ------------ Large Minimum Efficiency ------------ 0.937 AFUE 12.00 SEER Heater Type Gas HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Refrigerant Tested ACCA Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Airflow Location R -value Leakage D n/a Attic R-4.2 No No No Attic R-4.2 No No WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number in Distribution Type System Standard 2 Tank Energy Size Factor (gal) n/a 76.9 Thermostat Type Setback Setback External Insulation R -value R-12.0 FENESTRATION ------------ Over- Area U- Interior Exterior hang/ Orientation -------------------- (sf) ----- Factor SHGC ------ ------ Shading --------------- Shading Fins Window Left (N) 36.0 0.420 0.340 Standard -------------- Standard ----- None Window Left (N) 14.5 0.400 0.350 Standard Standard None Door Back (E) 80.0 0.280 0.420 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (E) 80.0 0.280 0.420 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (E) 96.0 0.280 0.420 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (E) 18.0 0.400 0.350 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (E) 80.0 0.280 0.420 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (E) 19.3 0.400 0.350 Standard Standard Yes Door Back (E) 40.0 0.280 0.420 Standard Standard None Window Back (E) 27.0 0.410 0.340 Standard Standard None Window Right (S) 22.5 0.400 0.350 Standard Standard Yes Window Right (S) 36.0 0.420 0.340 Standard Standard None Window Right (S) 14.5 0.400 0.350 Standard Standard Yes Skylight Left (N) 7.1 0.280 0.490 None None None THERMAL MASS ------------ Area Thickness Type -------------- Exposed ------ (sf) --------- (in) Location/Comments ------------ S1abOnGrade No 1757 ------------------------ 4.0 Covered Slab S1abOnGrade Yes 2576 4.0 Exposed Slab Equipment Type ------------ Furnace ACSplit Tank Type ------------ Large Minimum Efficiency ------------ 0.937 AFUE 12.00 SEER Heater Type Gas HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Refrigerant Tested ACCA Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Airflow Location R -value Leakage D n/a Attic R-4.2 No No No Attic R-4.2 No No WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number in Distribution Type System Standard 2 Tank Energy Size Factor (gal) n/a 76.9 Thermostat Type Setback Setback External Insulation R -value R-12.0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Firestone Residence, Main Date..02/22/05 13:34:47 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203M Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants. Run -41203M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot System Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light -------------------------------------------------------------------- Large . .805 n/a .0189 R-n/a n/a SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an� emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates a High Mass Design. This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 4 CF -1R Project Title.......... Firestone Residence, Main Date..02/22/05 13:34:47 ---------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203M Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLIANCE STATEMENT -------------------- This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER Name.... Company. Mort & Marty Firestone Address.: ;F Mort & Marty Firestone 21 80250 Hermitage Phone ... La Quinta, CA 92253 License. Signed. (dee) ENFORCEMENT AGINCY Name.... Title... Agency.. Phone... Signed.. (date) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... Gregory Mize Company. Valley Energy Consultants Address. 10308 Placer Lane, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95827 Phone... 916-364-1786— UAM t COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Firestone Residence, Main Date..02/22/05 13:34:47 Project Address........ Lot 100, Del Gato Dr. ******* --------------------- La Quinta *v6.01* Documentation Author... Gregory Mize ******* Building Permit # Valley Energy Consultants 10308 Placer Lane, Suite 200 Plan Check / Date Sacramento, CA 95827 916-364-1786 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203M Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ---------------------------- MICROPAS6 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance = _ (kBtu/sf-yr) Design ---------- Design ---------- Margin = ---------- _ _----------------------- = Space Heating.......... 3.38 2.52 0.86 = - Space Cooling.......... 34.64 35.69 -1.05 = = Water Heating.......... 6.58 5.52 1.06 = = Total 44.60 43.73 0.87 = _ *** Building complies -----------------------------------------==---------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- with Computer Performance GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... 4333 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 260 deg (W) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Number of Building Zones... Conditioned Volume......... Slab -On -Grade Area......... Glazing Percentage......... Average Glazing U -factor... Average Glazing SHGC....... Average Ceiling Height..... Slab On Grade 1 50421 cf 4333 sf 19.4 % of floor area 0.33 Btu/hr-sf-F 0.39 11.6 ft COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Firestone Residence, Main Date..02/22/05 13:34:47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203M Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP1285. User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zone Type -------------- HOUSE Residence Surface HOUSE 1 Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4 Wall 5 Door 6 Door 7 Door (c) 8 RoofRadiant Surface ------------ HOUSE 9 S1abEdge 10 S1abEdge Orientation PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments 193 0.720 R-0 No Covered Edge 141 0.900 R-0 No Exposed Edge HOUSE BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION 1 Window Floor ------------------------- # of Door Front Vent Vent Air Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage (sf) (cf) Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) Credit 4333 50421 1.00 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No Window Left OPAQUE SURFACES Window Left Area U- --------------- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ (sf) ------ factor ----- R-val ----- Azm Tilt Gains Reference --- ---- ----------------- 36.0 Comments ---------------- 919 0.065 19 260 90 Yes None 14.5 Front Wall 870 0.065 19 350 90 Yes None 80.0 Left Wall 572 0.065 19 80 90 Yes None 80.0 Back Wall 818 0.065 19 170 90 Yes None Right Wall 48 0.330 0 260 90 Yes None Front Door 24 0.330 0 260 90 Yes None Front Door 12 0.330 0 170 90 Yes None 1/2 Laundry Dr 4333 0.031 30 n/a 0 Yes None Ceiling Surface ------------ HOUSE 9 S1abEdge 10 S1abEdge Orientation PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments 193 0.720 R-0 No Covered Edge 141 0.900 R-0 No Exposed Edge HOUSE 0.410 0.340 1 Window Front (W) 2 Door Front (W) 3 Window Front (W) 4 Door Front (W) 5 Door Front (W) 6 Window Left (N) 7 Window Left (N) 8 Window Left (N) 9 Window Left (N) 10 Door Back (E) 11 Door Back (E) FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ----- ----- ----- --- ---- -------------- -------------- 36.0 0.410 0.340 260 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 50.0 0.280 0.420 260 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 14.5 0.400 0.350 260 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 50.0 0.280 0.420 260 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 50.0 0.280 0.420 260 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 54.2 0.410 0.340 350 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 15.0 0.410 0.340 350 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 36.0 0.420 0.340 350 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 14.5 0.400 0.350 350 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 80.0 0.280 0.420 80 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 80.0 0.280 0.420 80 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... Firestone Residence, Main Date..02/22/05 13:34:47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203M Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orientation ---------------------- 12 Door Back (E) 13 Window Back (E) 14 Door Back (E) 15 Window Back (E) 16 Door Back (E) 17 Window Back (E) 18 Window Right (S) 19 Window Right (S) 20 Window Right (S) 21 Skylight Left (N) FENESTRATION SURFACES ---------------------- Area U- Act (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt 96.0 0.280 0.420 80 90 18.0 0.400 0.350 80 90 80.0 0.280 0.420 80 90 19.3 0.400 0.350 80 90 40.00.280 0.420 80 90 27.0 0.410 0.340 80 90 22.5 0.400 0.350 170 90 36.0 0.420 0.340 170 90 14.5 0.400 0.350 170 90 7.1 0.280 0.490 350 30 Exterior Shade Interior Shade Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ---------------------------- Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/.0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 None/1 I None/1 OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin -- Area Left Rght Surface (sf) Wdth Hgth Dpth Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght ----------- HOUSE ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 2 Door 50.0 n/a 8 1.5 0.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 Window 14.5 n/a 2.42 1.5 1.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4 Door 50.0 n/a 8 3 0.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 5 Door 50.0 n/a 8 1.5 0.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 10 Door 80.0 n/a 8 15 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 11 Door 80.0 n/a 8 15 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 12 Door 96.0 n/a 8 15 4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 13 Window 18.0 n/a 3 15 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 14 Door 80.0 n/a 8 18 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 15 Window 19.3 n/a 2.42 1.5 1.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 18 Window 22.5 n/a 5 1 0.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20 Window 14.5 n/a 2.42 1.5 1.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a THERMAL MASS Area Thick Heat ------------ Conduct- Surface Mass Type --------------- ------ (sf) (in) ----- Cap ----- ivity -------- UIMC ---- R -value Location/Comments ------- ---------------------- HOUSE 1 SlabOnGrade 1757 4.0 28.0 0.98 1.80 R-2.0 Covered Slab 2 SlabOnGrade 2576 4.0 28.0 0.98 4.60 R-0.0 Exposed Slab COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Firestone Residence, Main Date..02/22/05 13:34:47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203M Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System Type ------------- HOUSE Furnace ACSplit Tank Type 1 Large System ------------ 1 Large HVAC SYSTEMS ------------ Refrigerant Tested Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage ----------- ------- ------------- ------- --------- 0.937 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No 12.00 SEER No Attic R-4.2 No WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number in Energy Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor Gas Standard 2 n/a ACCA Manual Duct D Eff No 0.743 No 0.637 Tank External Size Insulation (gal) R -value ------ ---------- 76.9 R-12.0 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS DETAIL ---------------------------- Standby Internal Tank Recovery Rated Loss Insulation Pilot Efficiency Input Fraction R -value Light -------------------------------------------------------- .805 n/a .0189 R-n/a n/a SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates a High Mass Design. This building incorporates non-standard Water Heating System REMARKS HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Firestone Residence, Main Date..02/22/05 13:34:47 Project Address........ Lot 100, Del Gato Dr. ******* --------------------- La Quinta *v6.01* Documentation Author... Gregory Mize ******* Building Permit # Valley Energy Consultants 10308 Placer Lane, Suite 200 Plan Check / Date Sacramento, CA 95827 916-364-1786. Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203M Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area.................4333 sf Volume ..................... 50421 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 260 deg (W) Sizing Location............ PALM DESERT Latitude ................... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 32 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range ............... 34 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... Yes Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment.. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all Factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh) (Btuh) ----------- ----------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 24112 10864 Glazing Conduction ............... 10451 9351 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 13754 Infiltration ..................... 26625 17620 Internal Gain .................... n/a 1875 Ducts ............................ 6119 5346 Sensible Load .................... 67307 58810 Latent Load ...................... n/a 11762 Minimum Total Load ----------- 67307 ----------- 70572 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment.. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all Factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Title 24 Energy Compliance Documentation Prepared for: Sullivan Designs, Inc. Project Title: FIRESTONE RESIDENCE H- CG House La Quintal- CA gvILDeNG SAFE � T�R CT1ON FOR COP l , / JAS r'. S11 NO. 143649� m EXP. 12-31--eL 2- Z3• as V 10308 Placer Lane, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95827 - 916-364-1786 - FAX 916-364-1789 iNi7ATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL (Page I of 2) MF -IR Note: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk(*) maybe superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Building Envelope Measures: * §I 50(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. ✓ §I 50(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. ✓ '. § 1 SO(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -Factor in metal frame walls ✓ (does not apply to exterior mass walls). ' § 150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors. § 150(1) : Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no N/A greater than 2.0 perm/inch. § 118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate type and form. § 116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors, and lnfiltration/Exfiltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. V/ 2. Fenestration products (except field -fabricated) have label with certified U -Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. §150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16only. N/A § 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with § 151 meets Commission quality standards. N/A § 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. I. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No / V continuous burning gas pilot lights allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: §110-§l 13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. ✓ § 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. ✓ .§150(.i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. ✓ § 1506): Pipe and tank insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, insulated (R-4 or greater) 3. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 / external insulation or R-16 combined intemal/extemal insulation. V 4. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water systems. 5. Cooling system piping below 55° F insulated. 6. Piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank. Compliance Forms August 2001 A-5 " MAI-IDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL (Page 2 of 2) MF -1R Note: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) * §150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirement of the 1998 CMC Sections 601, 603,604, and Standard 6-3; ducts insulated to a minimum installed level of R-4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181 AorUL 181B. Ifinasticortapeisusedtoseal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be V/compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 4. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. 5. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind but not limited to the following: Insulation exposed to weather shall be suitable for outdoor service e.g., protected by aluminum, sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment. 1. System is certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System is installed with: a. At least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating, b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. N/A § 115: Gas fired central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no ✓ continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/tu) § 118 (f): Cool Roof material meet specified criteria Lighting Measures: § 150(k)1.: Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or V/greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible lighting control panel at an entrance to the kitchen. § 150(k)2.: Rooms with a shower or bathtub must have either at least one luminaire with lamps with an ✓ efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternatives to this requirement allowed in § 150(k)2.; and incandescent recessed ceiling fixtures are 1C (insulation cover) approved. Compliance Forms August 2001 A-6 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R ---------------- Project Title.......... Firestone Res., Guest Date..02/22/05 10:16:23 Project Address........ Lot 100, Del Gato Dr. ******* --------------------- La Quinta *v6.01* Documentation Author... Gregory Mize ******* Building Permit # Valley Energy Consultants 10308 Placer Lane, Suite 200 Plan Check / Date Sacramento, CA 95827 916-364-1.786 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ---------------------------------- - MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203G Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run -41203G I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... 1017 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 80 deg (E) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Stories.......... 1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 10 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.41 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.33 Average Ceiling Height..... 10 ft BUILDING SHELL INSULATION :omponent Frame Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Interior Type Type R -value R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments ------------ -all ------- Wood -------- R-19 -------- R-n/a ------- R-19 ------- 0.065 ------------------------ Front Wall, Left Wall ------ ------ 0.420 0.340 --------------- Standard ------=------- Standard ----- None Window Back Wall, Right Wall )oor Wood R-0 R-n/a R-0 0.330 Front Door zoofRadiant Wood R-38 R-n/a R-38 0.025 Ceiling 31abEdge n/a R-0 R-n/a (W) F2=0.720 Covered Edge ;labEdge n/a R-0 R-n/a Window F2=0.900 Exposed Edge FENESTRATION Over - Area. U- Interior Exterior hang/ Orientation (sf) Factor SHGC Shading Shading Fins -------------------- Window Front (E) ----- 7.5 ------ ------ 0.420 0.340 --------------- Standard ------=------- Standard ----- None Window Left (S) 12.5 0.420 0.340 Standard Standard Yes Window Left (S) 25.0 0.420" "0'.'340 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (W) 1.0 0.400 0.350 Standard Standard None Window ' Back (W) 16.7 0.410 0.320 Standard Standard Yes Window Back (W) 15.0 0.400 0.350„Standard Standard Yes Window Right (N) 23.8 0.410 0.320 Standard Standard Yes 0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R ---------------------------------------------------------------------=-=------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title .......... -Firestone -Res_, Guest Date..02/22/05 10:16:23 ----------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203G Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP1285_ User -Valley Energy Consultants Run -41203G --------------------------7----------------------------------------------------- SLAB SURFACES ------------- Slab Type ---------------- Standard Slab HVAC SYSTEMS •Refrigerant Equipment Minimum Charge and Duct Type. Efficiency Airflow Location Gas 0.920 AFUE n/a Attic ACSplit 12.00 SEER No Attic Area (sf) 1017 Tested Duct Duct R -value Leakage R-4.2 No R-4.2 No ACCA Manual Thermostat D Type ------ ---------- No Setback No Setback SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------7------ *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. REMARKS 9� CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project Title.......... Firestone Res., Guest Date..02/22/05 10:16:23 --- - -- - --------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203G Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built-in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER Name.... Company. Mort & Marty Firestone Address. Mort &Marty Firestone 321 80250 Hermitage Phone ... La Quinta, CA 92253 License . Signed.. ©ate) ENFORCEMEN AGENCY Name.... Title... Agency.. Phone... Signed.. (date) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... Gregory Mize Company. Valley Energy Consultants Address. 10308 Placer Lane, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95827 Phone... Signed.. COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R -------------------------------------=----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Firestone Res., Guest Date..02/22/05 10:16:23 Project Address........ Lot 100, Del Gato Dr. ******* --------------------- La Quinta *v6.01* Documentation Author... Gregory Mize ******* Building Permit # Valley Energy Consultants 10308 Placer Lane, Suite 200 Plan Check / Date Sacramento, CA .95827 916-364-1786 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. -------- ------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203G Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------_----------- ---------------------------- MICROPAS6 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance = _ (kBtu/sf-yr) ------------------------ Design ---------- Design Margin = - = Space Heating.......... 3.77 ---------- 3.24 ---------- 0.53 = - Space Cooling.......... 47.86 43.62 4.24 = - = -------- Total 51.63 -------- 46.86 -------- - 4.77 = _ *** ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Water Heating not calculated GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... 1017 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 80 deg (E) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories.' 1 Weather Data Type.......... ReducedYear Floor Construction Type.... Number of Building Zones... Conditioned Volume......... Slab -On -Grade Area......... Glazing Percentage......... Average Glazing U -factor... Average Glazing SHGC....... Average Ceiling Height..... Slab On Grade 1 10170 cf 1017 sf 10 % of floor area 0.41 Btu/hr-sf-F 0.33 10 ft COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R Project Title.......... Firestone Res., Guest Date..02/22/05 10:16:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203G Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zone Type -------------- HOUSE Residence Surface HOUSE 1 Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4 Wall 5 Door //�►� 6 RoofRadiant Surface ------------ HOUSE 7 S1abEdge 8 S1abEdge Orientation PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments 118 0.720 R-0 No Covered Edge 40 0.900 R-0 No Exposed Edge HOUSE BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION 1 Window Floor ------------------------- # of ' Left Vent Vent Air Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage (sf) ----- (cf) ------- Units ----- itioned ------- Type ----------- (ft) ----- (sf) Credit -------- --------- 1017 10170 1.00 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard No Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 OPAQUE SURFACES 0.350 260" 90 Area U- --------------- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ (sf) ------ factor ----- R-val ----- Azm,Tilt --- ---- Gains Reference ----------------- Comments ---------------- 328 0.065 19 80 90 Yes None Front Wall 392 0.065 19 170 90 Yes. None Left Wall 327 0.065 19 260 90 Yes None Back Wall 406 0.065 19 350 90 Yes None Right Wall 24 0.330 0 80 90 Yes None Front Door 1017 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes None Ceiling Surface ------------ HOUSE 7 S1abEdge 8 S1abEdge Orientation PERIMETER LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments 118 0.720 R-0 No Covered Edge 40 0.900 R-0 No Exposed Edge HOUSE 0.420 0.340 1 Window Front (E) 2 Window Left (S) 3 Window Left (S) 4 Window Back (W) 5 Window Back (W) 6 Window Back (W) 7 Window Right (N) FENESTRATION SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ----- ----- ----- --- ---- -------------- -------------- 7.5 0.420 0.340 80 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 12.5 0.420 0.340 170 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 25.0 0.420 0.340 170 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 1.0 0.400 0.350 260 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 16.-7 0.410 0.320 260 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 15.0 0.400 0.350 260" 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 23.8 0.410 0.320 350 90 Standard/0.7.6 Standard/0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Firestone Res., Guest Date..02/22/05 10:16:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203G Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERHANGS AND SIDE FINS SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type (sf) ---------------- ------ HOUSE Standard Slab 1017 HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant ---Window-- ------Overhang----- ---Left Fin--- ---Right Fin -- Duct Manual Area Type Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage Left Rght ------------- HOUSE ------------------------------- ------- --------- -------- ---- Surface (sf) Wdth Hgth Dpth Hght Ext Ext Ext Dpth Hght Ext Dpth Hght ----------- HOUSE ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 2 Window 12.5 n/a 5 1.5 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 Window 25.0 n/a 5 6.5 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 5 -Window 16.7 n/a 4.17 3.5 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6 Window 15.0 n/a 5 1 0..1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 7 Window 23.8 n/a 5 1.5 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type (sf) ---------------- ------ HOUSE Standard Slab 1017 HVAC SYSTEMS SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. REMARKS Refrigerant Tested ACCA System Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct Type Efficiency Airflow Location R -value Leakage D Eff ------------- HOUSE ------------------------------- ------- --------- -------- ---- Gas 0.920 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 ACSplit 12.00 SEER No Attic R-4.2 No No 0.637 SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. REMARKS HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC ------------------------=------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... Firestone Res., Guest Date..02/22/05 10:16:23 Project Address......... Lot 100, Del Gato Dr. ******* -----------I---------- La Quinta *v6.01* Documentation Author... Gregory Mize ******* Building Permit # Valley Energy Consultants 10308 Placer Lane, Suite 200 Plan Check / Date Sacramento, CA 95827 916-364-1786 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -41203G Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP1285 User -Valley Energy Consultants Run-41203G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area ................. 1017 sf Volume ..................... 10170 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 80 deg (E) Sizing Location............ PALM DESERT Latitude ................... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 32 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F ' Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F A Summer Range ............... 34 F Interior Shading Used....,.. No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... Yes Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements°, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. Heating Cooling Description --------------------------------- (Btuh)' (Btuh) ----------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 9453 ----------- 3947 Glazing Conduction. .............. 1592 1424 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 1328 Infiltration ..................... 5370 3554 Internal Gain .................... n/a 1875 Ducts ............................ 1641 1213 Sensible Load ..:................. 18056 13342 Latent Load....... ............... n/a 2668 Minimum Total Load ----------- 18056 ----------- 16010 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements°, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment.