OCTOBER 4, 2011
A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of
4:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph.
PRESENT: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Adolph
Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
John Pedalino, 78401 Highway 111, Suite Y, Desert Elite, developer and builder of
Rancho Santana, and homeowners' association president, conveyed his concerns
of mitigation by the staff of the Cities of Indio and La Quinta on the issues arising
from the Coachella Fast concerts.
— None
Mayor Adolph presented a proclamation in honor of 'Fire Prevention Week' to
Battalion Chief Pete Blakemore.
Mayor Adolph presented a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial
Reporting for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010 to Finance Director Falconer.
City Council Minutes 2 October 4, 2011
MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff /Franklin to approve the City
Council Minutes of September 20, 2011, as submitted. Motion carried
MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff /Evans to approve the
Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report.
Council Member Franklin asked what additional improvements have been
made to date. Public Works Director Jonasson stated the widening on the
north side of Fred Waring Drive between Washington Street and Palm Royale
Drive has been constructed as well as the hardscape for the raised medians
with landscaping to follow. Council Member Franklin asked if the City was
reimbursed for these improvements. Public Works Director Jonasson
explained no reimbursement has been received from the developer as this
was a project sponsored by the Coachella Valley Association of
Governments received 75% funding for the project.
Mayor Adolph asked if there are any on -site improvements needed at this
time. Public Works Director Jonasson stated the improvements that are to
be constructed are the parkways and sidewalk, but are not needed at this
Marvin Roos, MSA Consulting, 34200 Bob Hope Drive, reiterated his request
for a three -year extension to wait for the economy, one -year process for the
improvement plans as''in 2004 the improvements were secured by bonds;
and explained most of the salient improvements made on Fred Waring Drive
and Washington Street will come out when the project begins to be
developed, and stated the basic improvements have been made.
City Council Minutes 3 October 4, 2011
Council Member Henderson asked what the challenge is to apply at the end
of the year for another extension. Mr. Roos stated it would take additional
effort with staff, timing for plans, when there is inactivity due to the
Council Member Henderson asked if there is a problem that could arise if part
of the project is sold or a different project proposed. Public Works Director
Jonasson explained it could be a challenge and the City could face problems
when portions of projects are sold where the Subdivision Improvement
Agreement is not transferred; and sometimes when staff contacts developer
for a time extension it is discovered a portion of the project has been sold at
that time.
Council Member Henderson stated no one knows whether it is best to keep
or sell unimproved property in this economy; and stated possibly a one -year
extension is better.
Council Member Sniff stated the future is totally unpredictable, and there
lacking a reason to change the extension to two years, he prefers to support
staff recommendation of a one -year extension.
RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -084
MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Evans /Franklin to adopt
Resolution No. 2011 -084 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report.
Scott Ritchie, Roundabouts & Traffic Engineering consultants, gave a
presentation on the advantages of a modern roundabout.
City Council Minutes 4 October 4, 2011
Council Member Evans asked if the driveway extensions become a part of
the resident's property. Mr. Ritchie explained it will remain as public right -of-
way and allow access.
Council Member Henderson stated driveways proposed are rather large
extensions, and asked if any parking can be placed on the roadway. Mr.
Ritchie explained there are a few locations where the driveway extensions
can be used for double parking on the driveway, depending on the type of
vehicle parked.
Council Member Henderson asked if any parking can be accommodated on
the street at the south entrance of the roundabout on Eisenhower Drive. Mr.
Ritchie explained parking can be considered during the final design, but his
recommendation does not include parking because of the transition from two
to one lane in that area as well as the speed posted for that area.
Council Member Henderson requested an explanation of. how the roundabout
takes and gives parking. Mr. Ritchie explained the existing conditions
include a bike path on the east leg which does not include parking, and the
north leg will lose three parking spaces, but will gain it back on the extension
of the driveways.
Council Member Sniff referenced a memorandum stating a traffic signal will
fit in the existing conditions, and a single lane roundabout will suffice;
conveyed his concern of the feasibility of a roundabout; and stated a traffic
signal would be best.
Council Member Franklin asked what the two alternatives are for bicyclists to
navigate through the roundabout. Mr. Ritchie explained one way is to
progress through as a vehicle and the other is to use a multi -use path or
widened sidewalk of 8 to 10 feet, and in the areas where the sidewalk could
not be extended an additional two feet, the bicyclist would need to act as a
Council Member Franklin asked if there is room to consider different choices
for widened paths. Public Works Director. Jonasson explained the narrowing
of four lanes to two lanes accommodates the ability to construct a widened
path for pedestrian or bicycle use.
Mayor Adolph stated he loves roundabouts and drives the one at Avenue 52
and Jefferson Street everyday; conveyed his concern of merging two lanes
into one; and asked what the dimensions are across the roundabout. Mr.
Ritchie stated the roundabout is 100 feet wide on the narrow end and 130
feet wide on the oblong end. Mayor Adolph conveyed his concern of the
homes being close to the curb line and asked if staff has discussed this
matter with the residents. Public Works Director Jonasson stated Mr. Paul
City Council Minutes 5 October 4, 2011
Luna, who is a resident on the south leg, spoke at a Council meeting in
November 2010, and has indicated he is in favor of a roundabout.
Mayor Adolph conveyed his concern of allocating funds for design of a
roundabout if it is not feasible for the residents. Public Works Director
Jonasson stated a number of residents indicated they are in favor and the
concept was well received by the Cove Association.
Council Member Henderson stated she understands the concern for input of
residents, and the Council can obtain input by notifying residents when the
design is being considered at a future meeting.
Mayor Adolph stated he is concerned of funding a design when the project
may not be feasible or come to fruition.
Council Member Evans asked how the concept of a gateway feature arose.
Mr. Ritchie explained he has done many projects that were gateway type
roundabouts, and understands the Cove area is a unique residential area;.
observed the transition from a commercial area to a residential area which by
definition is a gateway feature; there is more than safety and capacity of the
intersection to consider; there are costs, aesthetics, emergency vehicle
operations, pedestrian /bicycle facilities, and the unique feeling an
intersection can give to an area; and stated a modern roundabout can
change a community.
Kay Wolff, 77227 Calle Ensenada, stated she loves roundabouts; and the
selling point is the aesthetics as it would be appropriate for that intersection.
Paul Luna, 51755 Eisenhower Drive, stated at the last meeting this was
discussed, a study was to be conducted; stated the staff report implies the
roundabout would be a better choice; and conveyed his support of a
roundabout for traffic flow, and low impact of light to support the dark sky
Mayor Adolph asked if there will be light standards to light the intersection.
Mr. Ritchie explained there are two ways to light the intersection: 1) Low -
height lighting at the crosswalks; and /or 2) Up lighting in the central island.
Mayor Adolph stated lighting would be acceptable as long as staff can justify
low -level lighting in the area and uphold the dark sky ordinance.
Council Member Henderson stated a traffic signal in of itself will have
enough lighting to be distracting to the residents living near it especially
when residents support underground utilities to comply with the dark sky
ordinance; stated it would be more feasible to proceed with a roundabout at
City Council Minutes 6 October 4, 2011
this location; understands the funding source and dedicated allocation of
funds, and the concerns of the residents; and fully supports the roundabout.
MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Franklin /Evans to direct staff
to negotiate, a Professional Services Agreement not to exceed $ 100,000 for
the design of a modern roundabout at the intersection of Eisenhower Drive
and Calle Sinaloa with the understanding that an additional funding
appropriation may be required for the construction phase, and authorize the
City Manager to execute the agreement.
Mayor Adolph stated the community should be well informed of this project.
Public Works Director Jonasson stated staff can include residents in the
discussion of the final design.
Motion carried by a vote of 4 -1, with Council Member Sniff dissenting.
Planning Director Johnson presented the staff report.
Council Member Henderson asked if the two -year contract was a surprise to
staff based on the meetings attended. Planning Director Johnson confirmed,
and explained that this information was not shared at any of the operational
meetings conducted, as well as the meetings with the City Manager, until a
week ago Monday.
Council Member Henderson conveyed her appreciation of the City of Indio
wanting a two -year agreement with Goldenvoice; and stated additional
meetings will take place on October 11, 2011, which is after .the date the
contract will be considered for approval by the Indio City Council.
Council Member Franklin asked what issues have been mitigated in writing
relating to traffic, PM10, health and safety, noise, and security. Planning
Director Johnson stated one additional item that has been created is a
neighborhood action plan addressing operations, traffic, parking, etc., with
an extensive list of communities from both La Quinta and Indio, but no
specific mitigation measures established.
Council Member Franklin stated Indio City Manager Martinez reported noise
levels would be addressed in the agreement when speaking at the July 19,
2011 City Council meeting, and asked if they have been mitigated. Planning
City Council Minutes 7 October 4, 2011
Director Johnson stated the noise level identified in the agreement draft is
the same level that was identified in last year's agreement.
Council Member Franklin stated the Council is stuck between a rock and a
hard place, and don't want to see this concert go away due to the benefit to
our economy, but the City's first priority is to our residents; conveyed her
disappointment with the City of Indio as many issues have not been
mitigated by them or Goldenvoice. Planning Director Johnson stated the
outreach with the homeowner associations in close proximity to the event
has been included and many verbal commitments have been made to ensure
security, but no formal writing has been established to confirm it.
Council Member Franklin commended the involvement of the homeowner
associations; and conveyed her concern of the commitments being kept due
to a lack of a written agreement.
Council Member Sniff stated there is a time problem and if there is any
position to take, this Council must act today as action will be taken on the
contract tomorrow by. Indio; the City's first commitment is with the
residents; the City is considering to request or demand an environmental
issue be dealt with, which might be informative to others that the Council
does have concerns with the quality of life of the residents; La Quinta has
been a good neighbor and he is unsure what Indio has done in the true spirit
of the discussions held; and suggested the City Attorney formulate a letter,
signed by the City Manager, be delivered to Indio before their meeting
Mayor Adolph stated what we are doing here is weighing money with the
comfort and security of our residents; and conveyed his support of the
concerts but, needs to be done under the auspice of the consideration of the
David Yrigoyen, 81874 Rancho Santana Drive, stated he has not seen any
kind of solutions established to address the problems; conveyed his distress
of the proposed two -year agreement with Goldenvoice; doesn't want to
cancel Coachella Fast but does want his quality of life; and conveyed his
frustration with this matter.
Grace Paluck, La Quinta Polo Estates, stated the Homeowners' Association
Board met with representatives from La Quinta, Indio and Goldenvoice and
the Board is very pleased with the promises made with regards to providing
security, traffic and noise mitigation, and curbing noise after hours; and
stated she is supportive of all efforts made.
Scott White, President and CEO of the Palm Springs Desert Resorts
Convention and Visitors Authority (CVA), stated the CVA wants to be a
City Council Minutes 8 October 4, 2011
partner with La Quints and Indio along with Goldenvoice; the event is critical
to our industry and economy, and ' the CVA wishes to reach out to all entities
and assist in any way they can; and offered in kind services and funding
assistance as needed.
Dan Martinez, City Manager, City of Indio, emphasized the commitment the
City of Indio has toward addressing all the issues that have been raised;
many issues have been addressed and included in the agreement; unsure
why the City Council has not 'received a full detailed report on the
agreement; and reviewed' aspects regarding dust control where all camping
and half of the parking will be on grass. Decibel levels did not change but
better monitoring will be conducted by both La Quinta and Indio with nine
levels of decreasing decibels; and explained there are several plans within the
agreement with some of the safety plans remaining confidential.
Council Member Henderson asked if all the plans are public record and
included in the agreement. Indio City Manager Martinez stated the plans are
referenced in the agreement and that Goldenvoice will comply with the
plans. Council Member Henderson asked if staff has reviewed the plans.
Planning Director Johnson confirmed.
City Attorney Jenson stated the decibel levels and the penalties are part of
the attachment to the agreement, and not a separate agreement; and stated
she is unsure if the penalties have changed.
Indio City Manager Martinez stated the City Council has not been briefed on
the aspects of the plans; the venue has added another 3,000 to 4,000 free
parking spaces at the corner of Madison and Avenue 50; increased the
number of attendees shuttled to the venue from 16,000 to 25,000 to help
mitigate traffic; incorporate Traffic Bosses responsible to supervise the traffic
activities on various streets approaching the venue; completed a resident
plan with contact persons from each of the communities; and explained the
City Council has assigned an ad hoc committee comprised of the Mayor and
a Council Member to monitor and report to the Council.
Council Member Henderson asked if update reports are going to be reported
at a Council meeting. She also stated she does not understand why Indio is
moving forward to approve a two -year agreement tomorrow without
enabling La Quinta to review it.
Indio City Manager Martinez continued and explained there will be better
access control around the venue; resident passes will be implemented, and
wristbands for residents on Avenue 50; will be making adjustments to the
plans during the concert to mitigate issues; stated Goldenvoice approached
the City of Indio a couple of weeks ago to implement a two -year agreement,
and the City has been very open and are not hiding anything from La Quinta;
City Council Minutes 9 October 4, 2011
stated the City came to terms with Goldenvoice on the agreement on a
Friday and Mr. Martinez notified City Manager Genovese the next week on
Tuesday; stated Goldenvoice wanted a two -year agreement because the
scope of the concerts will not be changing for the next two events and are
confident with the format.
Council Member Henderson stated she understands the benefits of a two -
year contract, but doesn't understand Indio approving the contract tomorrow
without enabling La Quinta to review it; and added that a document which is
part of a contract and not a public document is a challenge.
Indio City Manager Martinez explained Goldenvoice has approached
communities in the area and established agreements with them directly to
provide funding for specific security issues; there has been commitments to
provide additional police in certain areas; a pick -up and drop -off area has
traditionally been off -site, but has now been moved to the corner of
Madison and Avenue 52 to divert pedestrian traffic from crossing the street;
parking along Monroe or Jefferson will be designated as free parking; stated
all mitigations are referenced in the agreement as an attachment, except for
the security sections.
Council Member Franklin stated she had listened to the discussion from the
July 19, 2011 Council meeting and reviewed the agreement, but didn't see
the mitigations to the issues as the attachments were not included with the
Council Member Evans asked what are, if any, obligations or expectations of
working together to address residents concerns, or what more might be
needed to be done during the concert event in 2012. Indio City Manager
Martinez stated the commitment of Indio staff is ongoing during the event;
noise levels will be monitored more closely; improvements are made from
one year to the next; and stated Indio staff is able to revoke the permit for
the 2013 event if any safety issues cannot be mitigated.
Council Member Henderson asked what door is open to modify for the 2013
when there is a signed contract. Indio City Manager Martinez explained the
City of Indio has a commitment from Goldenvoice to work with them and
improve the event.
Mayor Adolph asked what guarantees does the City of La Quinta have that
the plans outlined in the agreement with be followed through and what
recourse does the City have if it doesn't happen. Indio City Manager
Martinez stated the City has the commitment of the Indio City Council.
Mayor Adolph stated that just recently the City has dealt with two issues
with the City of Indio and got the short end of the stick; and stated this City
City Council Minutes 10 October 4, 2011
Council needs some guarantee that the La Quinta residents near the venue
will be protected.
Lupe Ramos - Watson, Mayor, City of Indio, explained the adjustment and
modifications made to the contractual relationship with Goldenvoice has
evolved over the past several years and have learned from each experience,
and responded to the community as the concerns have been brought
forward; this year the City of Indio has formalized . that process by
establishing a committee to make sure residents from both the City of Indio
and La Quinta to have an opportunity to convey their concerns for
mitigations; stated although an agreement has been signed, modifications
and adjustments continue to be made with Goldenvoice to address concerns
of the residents; issues with the FAA is a concern of the residents of Indio
as well as La Quinta and staff is working with Congresswoman Mary Bono -
Mack; invited the Council Members to sit in on the ad hoc committee
meetings; and requested La Quinta staff provide specific issues and concerns
for Indio:
City Manager Genovese requested an opportunity to make a correction for
the record when the City Council is ready.
Indio Mayor Ramos - Watson asked what the City Council wants from Indio.
Council Member Henderson requested the approval of the agreement be
postponed for 30 days to enable La Quinta to review the document.
Barbara Bishop, 51053 Marbella, Mountain View Country Club, President of
the Homeowners' Association Board, stated homeowners expect the Board
to protect and provide a safe and quiet community; the Coachella Festival
lures renters who pay thousands of dollars to rent houses in the community;
does not have adequate staff to handle the influx of problems from the
renters; Goldenvoice has assured the community they will provide funding
for additional security for the community but has not provided anything in
writing; and asked if there is a term in the contract requiring Goldenvoice to
pay for additional security for the communities; and further stated if the
Association Board cannot be guaranteed adequate incremental security
funding by Goldenvoice, then will have to be in favor of the proposed
request to the City of Indio to comply with the California Environmental
Quality Act.
Council Member Evans asked if Mrs. Bishop has been involved with the
meetings with Goldenvoice. Mrs. Bishop confirmed. Council Member Evans
asked if there are provisions for renting homes in the CC &R's of the
Homeowners' Association and what penalty is in place for those not
complying with the CC &R's. Mrs. Bishop explained the Association is
increasing the fines and drafting a letter to be issued at the gate when an
inadequate contract is not provided. Council Member Evans stated
City Council Minutes 1 1 October 4, 2011
Goldenvoice has indicated they will pay for additional police services by.
reimbursing the Association with a separate contract. Mrs. Bishop stated
that is the spirit of the commitment of Goldenvoice.
Council Member Evans asked if the community has the same issues with the
Stagecoach event. Mrs. Bishop stated there have been more complaints
with Coachella Fast from the community. Council Member Evans asked if
the Association Board feels Goldenvoice is sincere with their commitment to
provide funding for additional security. Mrs. Bishop confirmed.
Indio City Manager Martinez stated the agreement does not specify a
contract is to be made between the communities and Goldenvoice, as it is a
commitment they are providing on their own.
Council Member Henderson stated it is a challenge because we share borders
and work on many projects together, but we also have a past; and does not
want this issue to be a step backwards in the relationship between the
City Manager Genovese stated there was reference by Indio City Manager
Martinez when asked why the City Council didn't not receive a detailed
report of the contract; explained for the record the City received a copy of
the contract at 5:30 p.m. on the website, after assurances from the first
meeting with their office that the City of La Quinta would be a part of the
contract and discussing the contract; apologized for not being able to provide
an update on the detail of the contract; up until last Tuesday morning, staff
was under the assumption La Quints would be a part of the discussion of the
contract and staff could have provided full disclosure of the contract had
Indio provided the contract in accordance with their first meeting with City
staff. Council Member Evans asked if there is a hard copy of the contract
available for reference. City Manager Genovese confirmed.
Council Member Henderson stated that what took her by surprise was this
matter would be handled legally with an item that would approve or deny
this contract; assuming this item wouldn't have been on the agenda for
tomorrow unless it received a favorable vote and that action would be taken
on the contract tomorrow; does not feel was given adequate information for
a one -year contract, much less a two -year contract; stated the City was
simply asked what does the City Council want from Indio, and stated it
would be appropriate to continue this contract; understands the reasoning
for a two -year contract, but still have items not addressed, and the
homeowners' associations are not comfortable; suggested a letter from the
City Council imploring the Indio City Council to give serious consideration to
a 30 -day continuance, and if they do not, a letter can be issued tomorrow
evening to protect the City's CEQA rights; and action tomorrow will clearly
indicate their concern of working together.
City Council Minutes 12 October 4, 2011
Council Member Franklin asked if in previous years what month of the year
the contracts have been considered. Indio City Manager Martinez stated the
contract was approved in December last year and the permit issued at that
time; explained part of the reason it is being considered now is the issue of
selling tickets and the announcement of an additional concert.
Council Member Franklin asked if the promoter added a third day to the
Stagecoach event. Indio City Manager Martinez confirmed. Council Member
Franklin stated the City would like to have known about that decision as
Council Member Sniff asked what can the City do to request or guarantee
Indio would respond. City Attorney Jenson stated the first step is to
request, prior to the contract being considered, and exhaust all
administrative remedies, and a letter requesting a continuance can be
Council Member Sniff stated it is not the intent of the City Council to hurt
Indio, but to protect the citizens; would prefer to have a top -notch
relationship with Indio; and recommended a letter be sent from the Council
to Indio requesting a continuance but first submitting the CEQA letter.
Mayor Adolph asked if there is any recourse beyond sending the letters. City
Attorney Jenson explained if Indio files a letter of exemption, the City will
have 35 days, if they file a notice of determination, we will have 30 days;
typically the City would want to file immediately, and by law we would have
to file within 180 days, but it is difficult to track the filing, so it is better to
file within 30 days. And further explained the next steps would be to file a
writ of mandate action to comply with CEQA and set aside the agreement.
Council Member Evans reviewed the discussions and action held by the
Council to date; stated a Neighborhood Resident Plan has been established
to mitigate the issues.from the communities, and feels mitigation has begun,
but wants more time indicators included; does not disagree on having the
opportunity to evaluate the contract;' conveyed concern of the 2:30 a.m.
campground timeline with a cut -off of 1:00 a.m. for the rest of the venue;
there is' a need to separate the operations logistics of addressing the
residents' concerns and their interaction, then look at how to continue to
work together after collecting data and making improvements for the next
concert; and further stated she doesn't feel completely assured any actions
will be stopped after tomorrow's meeting.
Council Member Henderson stated all events have been with a one -year
contract and the one -year experience has provided us the opportunity to
make corrections for the following year, but implementing a two -year
contract has made a difference.
City Council Minutes 13 October 4, 2011
Council Member Evans agreed with Council Member Henderson's comments
and stated it does feel like they pulled a fast one on us; although they are
doing business similar to how we would be doing business on certain things;
should the Council decide to send a CEQA letter and then review the
contract for 30 days and provide additional language to the contract, or
continue with working together and look at the event for 2012 to follow
through which could have an impact with a two -year agreement; there has
been more interaction and communication from Indio lately and have to start
building trust; and indicated she is comfortable with the direction it's moving
to; and stated she does not support sending the CEQA letter at this time..
Mayor Adolph stated the Council needs to see commitments in writing;
otherwise all they will do is appease people.
Council Member Evans stated the Council directed staff to address the
residents' concerns. Other members of the Council are asking for a
continuance, I'm asking for something in writing outlining the additional free
parking with grass, the shuttle from 16,000 to 25,000 people, the Traffic
Bosses, Neighborhood Resident Plan, which indicates they are making
Council Member Sniff stated if the City sends the two letters, these issues
could be discussed and clarified during the 30 day period; the City will be on
notice with this CEQA request, but do not necessarily have to go forward
with it; and the letters protect the City on both issues and does not put Indio
in any position, but covers both issues without being offensive.
MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Sniff /Henderson to direct staff
to send a letter from the City Council to the Indio City Council requesting
consideration of the two -year agreement with Goldenvoice be continued for
30 days; and to send a letter requesting the City of Indio to complete the
necessary studies to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act
regarding future concerts at the Indio Polo Field. Motion carried 4 -1, Council
Member Evans dissenting.
Council Member Henderson left the meeting.
Mayor Adolph called a 10- minute recess and reconvened thereafter.
Council Member Henderson returned to the meeting.
City Council Minutes 14 October 4, 2011
Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report.
MOTION — It was moved by Council Member Franklin /Mayor Adolph to
appoint Council Member Evans as a member to the Desert Classic Charities
Charity Evaluation Committee. Motion carried unanimously.
MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Franklin /Evans to continue
Business Session Item 5 to the October 18, 2011 meeting. Motion carried
MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Franklin /Evans to continue
Study Session Item 1 to the October 18, 2011 meeting. Motion carried
Council Member Henderson stated she was contacted by Judy Hoffman regarding
an idea for home beautification awards in the Cove, and requested a letter from the
Council expressing support of the program.
iF N N N N �F N iF IF M N M N
All other reports were noted and filed.
City Clerk Montecino presented the staff report.
The City Council concurred to schedule the Joint City Council /Commission
meeting on November 1, 2011, and the interview /appointments to the
Building and Construction Appeals Board, Historic Preservation Commission
and Housing Commission on November 15, 2011.
City Council Minutes 15 October 4, 2011
There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff /Franklin
to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Respec Ily submitted,
City of La Quinta, California