0208-347 (DSF)fN W p =) Cn d oz� CO 0- Q �t J o V I. W W I— a LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of , Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License epe�t) # I ,�tLLyicllaA .lClass Exp. Date /Date,; , "Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). () I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (�4) 1 have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier SS'&TEFUND Policy No. 04694"2301. (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' `compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I sh II forthwith comply with tho e p owslons..,. Date: t" `""` Applicant Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. - � Or' Signature (Owner/Agent) { p7 �; Date + '� BUILDING -PERMIT DATE } VALUATION LOT JOB SITE ADDRESS �d�h t`i42 �riK3i't!��31A^63"ETf7ihTi1'ZRil1f5 OWNER LM &.M44 WERNIRR, PO BOX 1899 CARO .k USE OF PERMIT DFMO%.IT1014 A PERMIT # 0:2LXI4347 TRACT 1 146 APN CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/EN (NEER �sj� Bio U14marm, M 81750 M.E. 5() • WD110 Chk 2201 (76{9)7'75••58 1• MR 1546 Df;f4;i'i1: TICYN TO LiAk,I? L" j.ROUWEVSEPTIC,+RBM2f ONSi'61.i'_N f ESTMAM C`0,40' OF CK)MY11DWY10il FRE DEMOU'Y]014 FEE CITY ON E QUINTq FlNANCE DEPT. - . 0 V.Q) WDALFMIMMY 1MM DUE VOW W.00 */ RECEIPT DATE IN;PE4R r Phi. T_R - --cam INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: , ' 08/30/2002 09:34 9092730555 WERNER CORPORATION PAGE 01 r W N FOSTER SAN vet P.O. Box 1899 • Corona, California 92678-1899 (909) 279-1011 • Fax (809) 273.0555 August 30,2002 City Of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253-1504 RE: Demolition Permit for 49-128 Avenida Fernando, La Quinta To Whom It May Concern: As the owner of the single unit residence located at 49-128 Avenida Fernando, La Quinta, I have contracted with and authorized Demo Unlimited, 81-750 Avenue 50, La Quinta, Ca., to take down and remove the existing residence at this address preparatory to the construction of a new home. Further, Demo Unlimited is authorized to acquire the permits necessary and provide any services needed to accomplish the removal of this residence. For any additional information, kindly call me at the above number during business hours. Yours truly, L.M. and M.S. Werner Family Trust, Dated November 14, 1979, Owner LMWAap 08/22/2002 15:47 7603237743 SCOTT MORRISON & ASS PAGE 03 SCOTT MORRISON & ASSOCIATES PO. Box 55329 Riverside, CA 92517 (909)624-1665 Client: Demo Unlimited 81750 50th Avenue Indio, CA 92201 ROSH 92-0248 ASBESTOS SURVEY REPORT Completed On August 22, 2002 PLMOd19#2005 Project 49-128 Avenida Femando La Quinta, CA (single4amily home) 1130 E. Fuerte Circle Palm,Springs, CA 92262 (800) 8243353. On August 19, 2002 an asbestos inspection and bulk sampling was conducted at the above project address. Bulk samples were taken of all suspect asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) at the request of the client named above, A total of (20) bulk samples were submitted to Carolina Environmental, inc. in Cary, NC (NVLAP Code 101788-0 and Cal. Environ. Lab. Cert. #2483) to estimate the percentage of asbestos by volume and determine the types) present . Carolina Environmental, inc. determines WcOrdages and type of asbestos by using EPA approved method 600/M4.824020: Interim Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Samples. Asbestos is quantified by using the visual arena estimation technique and can only determine the approximate percentage of asbestos present. After a thorough search is conducted and no asbestos is detected •n" detected' YAP be noted In the report. The essence. of polarized light microscopy is not to emphatically determine that no asbestos is present, merely that none was detected or, if k was, it was likely to be less than 1.0% of the sample. When findings reveal Was than or close to 1.0% asbestos.contained in a sample, further analysis may be celled for on additiorW samples to confirm or denounce the initial findings. The California Code of Regulations (CCR 1529) requires bulk sampling be conducted according to the A. H. E. R.A. protocol provisions of 40 CPR Part 763.86. The A.H.E.R.A. protocol recommends three (3) or more friable surfacing samples from a homogeneous area be collected and analyzed before any building material is determined to be non -asbestos containing. • ASBESTOS INSPECTION BY: Scott Morison, DOSH #92-0248 BULK SAMPLES ANALYZED BY: Carolina Environmental, Inc., NVLAP #1017680 The results on tite following page(s) indicate that asbestos (greater than 1.0%) was detected in 09 of the 20 samples analyzed. (1) 08/22/2002 15:47 7603237743 SCOTT MORRISON & ASS PAGE 04 P.O. Box 55329 Riverside, CA 92517 (909)624-1665 SCOTT MORRISON & ASSOCIATES ROSH 92-0248 1130 E. Fuerte Circle Palm Springs, CA 92262 (800)824-3353 Sample #DUF-01 Type of material: interior wall plaster Location: interior W. wall, dining room Arowthroughout interior walls Friable:no Results: less than 1.0% chrysotile asbesWe Sampie #DUF-02 Type of material:acoustic ceiling spray Location:kitchen ceiling Area:approx 1,500 toted sq. ft throughout interior Friable: yes Results: 5% Chrywdls asbestos Sample #DUF-03 Type of material:acoustic ceiling spray LocationAiving room ceiling, above fireplace Area:approx. 1,500 total sq. ft. throughout interior Friable:yes Results: 5% Chrysotile "bsstos Sample #DUF-04 Type of materiel -veiling plaster Location:living room ceiling -2nd layer Area: throughout interior ceilings -2nd layer Friable:no Results: less then 1.0% chrysotile asbmstoe Semple #DUF-05 Type of material:w floor tile/ grey .. Location: SE bedroom bathroom Area:approx 35 sq, ft. Friable:no Results:$% Chrysotile aisbostos Sample #DUF-08 Type of material:tile masa black Location: under sample #DUF-05 Area:approx. 35 sq. ft. Friable:no Results: 5% Chrysodle asbestos Sample #DUF-07 Type of materiatacoustic ceiling spray Location:S. side (master bedroom) ceiling Area:approx 1,500 total sq. fL throughout interior Friable: yes Results: 5% Chrysot% asbestos Sample #DUF-08 Type of material: Interior wall plaster Location:Mrterlor S. wall, master bedroom AreaAhroughout interior wells Friable:no Results: less than 1.0% chrysogle asbasum (2) 08/22/2002 15:47 7603237743 SCOTT MORRISON & ASS PAGE 05 P.D. Sox 55329 Riverside, CA 92517 (909) 6241665 SCOTT MORRISON & ASSOCIATES ROSH 92-0248 1130 E. Fuerte Circle Palm Springs, CA 92262 (800) 824-3353 Sample *DUF-09 Type of materieW floor tile/ blue -grey Location: N. bedroom bathroom (under carpet) Aree:spprox. 20 sq. ft Friable:no Results: S% Chrysottte asbestos Sampie *DUF-10 Type of materialAile mastic/ black Location:under sample #DUF-09 Area: approx. 20 sq, ft Friable:no Results. 5% Chrysotile asbestos Sample *DUF-11 Type of materiatexterior wall stucco Locatiomextertor wall, W. entrance Area: throughout exterior walls Friable:no Results: lass than 1.0% chrysotile asbestos Sample *DUF-12 Type of matedat:exterior wall stucco Locatiomexterior NE wall, Area: throughout exterior walls Friable:no Results: lass than 1.0% chrysotlle asbestos Sample *DUF-13 Type of material: exterior ceiling stucco Location:carport ceiling Arewcarport ceiling & perimeter overhangs Friable:no Results: lass #wA 1.0% chrysotile asbestos Sample *DUF-14 Type of material: linoleum/ whits -gold Location:floor of carport storage room Ares'approx. 110 sq. ft. Friabiw.no Results: 30% Chrysotile asbestos Sample *DUF-15 Type of material: linoleum mastic) black Location:under sample #DUF-14 Area: approx. 110 sq. ft. Friable -no Results: 5% Chrywffle mos Sample *DUF-16 Type of material, interior wall plaster Location: interior E. wall, carport storage room Area: interior wails, carport storage room Friable:no Results: less than 1.0% chrysotile asbestos (3) 08/22/2002 15:47 7603237743 SCOTT MORRISON & ASS PAGE 06 P.O. Box 55329 Riverside, CA 92517 (909)624-1665 PLM0819#2005 SCOTT MORRISON & ASSOCIATES DOSH 92-0248 Sample #DUF-17 Type of meterialAar & gravel roofing Location: rod above living room Area:roof-1st layer Friablemo Results: none detected Sample #DUF-1e Type of material: roofing felt Location:roof above living room Ares: roof -2nd layers Friable:no Results: none detected Sample #DUF-19 Type of material:roof stucco with tar Location:roof above carport Arwroof-1st layers Friable:no Results: none detected Sample ODUF-20 Type of material: oofing tett Locationsoof above carport Area: roof -2nd layers Friable:no Results: none detected 1130 E. Puerte Circle Palm Springs, CA 92262 (800) 8243353 Note: There are two (2) transite pipes located on roof above house/ carport that are assumed to be asbestos containing. Note: All asbestos containing building material(s) containing greater than 1.0% asbestos by volume or weight, must be removed by a state certified asbestos abatement contractor prior to any demolition or renovation of the property. Inspector �l 04 _W; Scott C. Morrison Certified Asbestos Consultant DOSH#92-0248 (4) Aug 29 02 09:57a Brickley Environmental 909 381 3433 10-2.' AQMD SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NOTIFICATION OF DEMOLITION OR ASBESTOS REMOVAL 21865 E. Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 (909) 395-2000 MAIL ORIGINAL TO SCAQMD, ASBESTOS NOTIFICATIONS, FILE 955641, LOS ANGELES, CA 90074-5641 AQMD USE ONLY SCREEN BY RECEIVED POSTMARK ENTERED BY NOTIFICATION # COMPLETED BY LAUREL COMPANY BRICKLEY ENVIRONMENTAL PHONE 909-888-2010 DATE 8-29-0.2 CHECK # 2181 FEE $ 56.01 PROJECT # 5141 NOTIFICATION TYPE Original PROJECT TYPE Emergency Removal SITE INFORMATION SITE NAME SFR SITE ADDRESS 49128 AVENIDA FERNANDO CROSS STREET COACHELLA CITY LA QUINTA STATE CA ZIP 92253 COUNTY RIVERSIDE DESCRIBE WORK LOCATION THROUGHOUT BUILDING SIZE (SQ. FT.) 2,500 NUMBER OF FLOORS 1 BUILDING AGE (YEARS) 35 NO. OF DWELLING UNITS 0 BLGS PRIOR / PRESENT USEResidence SITE OWNER L. M. WERNER ADDRESS 49128 AVENISDA FERNANDO CITY LA QUINTA STATE CA ZIP 92253 CONTACT SAME PHONE 909-273-1011 REQUIRED BUILDING INFORMATION ASBESTOS YES PRESENT? ASBESTOS YES SURVEY? ASBESTOS NO REMOVED? BLDG TO BE UKN DEMOLISHED? PROJECT DATES START 9-4-02 END 9-5-02 WORK SHIFT (am/pm) 0800-1500 ASBESTOS AMOUNT TO BE REMOVED (in square feet) FRIABLE 1,610 CLASS I 110 CLASS II TOTAL REMOVED (ADD ROW) 1,720 ASBESTOS REMOVED FROM SURFACES DESCRIBE TYPE & AMOUNT OF ASBESTOS (in square feet) ACOUSTICAL CEILING 1,500 LINOLEUM 110 INSULATION FIRE PROOFING DUCTING STUCCO MASTIC 55 FLOOR TILE (VAT) 55 DRY WALL PLASTER TRANSITE ROOFING OTHER (DESCRIBE) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION CSLB LICENSE # 610414 OSHA REG # 49 AQMD ID # 76397 NAME BRICKLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ADDRESS 957 WEST REECE STREET CITY SAN BERNARDINO STATE CA ZIP 92411 SITE SUPVR BRICKLEY / GOMEZ / MOORE PHONE 909-888-2010 LARGENT / CRUZ /GORDON WASTE TRANSPORTER #1 BRICKLEY ENVIRONMENTAL LANDFILL AZUSA LAND RECLAMATION CO. ADDRESS 957 WEST REECE STREET ADDRESS 201 GLADSTONE AVE CITY SAN BERNARDINO STATE CA ZIP 92411 CITY AZUSA STATE CA ZIP 91702 Asbestos demolition/Renovation Notification Form REV 990601 Forms, instructions and the Rule 1403 can be obtained from AQMD web site httP://Www.agmd.gov Page 1 of 2 -Rug 29 02 09:57a Brickley Environmental 909 381 3433 p-3 SCAQMD NOTIFICATION OF DEMOLITION OR ASBESTOS REMOVAL MAIL ORIGINAL TO SCAQMD, ASBESTOS NOTIFICATIONS, FILE 955641, LOS ANGELES CA 90074-5641 WASTE TRANSPORTER #2 E.C.T.1. WASTE STORAGE SITE BRICKLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ADDRESS PO BOX 7318 ADDRESS 957 WEST REECE STREET CITY SAN BERNARDINO STATE CA ZIP 92411 CITY SAN BERNARDINO STATE CAcc1� ZIP 92411 CONTROLS: DESCRIBE WORK PRACTICES AND CONTROLS TO BE USED AT THE RENOVATION AND DEMOLITION SITE. Procedure 6, 4, 5 or other. For asbestos removals circle the combination of Rule 1403 procedures used. Procedure 4 and 5 submit plans for AQMD prior approval. 1,3 ASBESTOS DETECTION PROCEDURE: CIRCLE THE PROCEDURES AND ANALYTICAL METHODS USED TO DETERMINE ASBESTOS IN THE BUILDING. Bulk sampling, Inspection, Survey, PLM, PCM, TEM, Assumed as Asbestos, Describe Other. FOR DEMOLITIONS GIVE THE COMPANY NAME AND DATES OF THE ASBESTOS REMOVAL: FOR ORDERED DEMOLITION SEND A COPY OF THE ORDER AND GIVE THE AGENCY NAME: AUTHORIZING PERSON: TITLE: DATE OF ORDER: DATE ORDERED TO BEGIN: FOR EMERGENCY ASBESTOS REMOVAL GIVE THE NAME AND PHONE NUMBER OF THE PERSON DECLARING/AUTHORIZING THE EMERGENCY, DATE AND HOUR OF EMERGENCY AND DESCRIBE THE SUDDEN, UNEXPECTED EVENT: EXPLAIN HOW THE EVENT WOULD CAUSE UNSAFE CONDITIONS, EQUIPMENT DAMAGE OR UNREASONABLE FINANCIAL BURDEN: PLEASE SEE EMERGENCY LETTER CONTINGENCY PLAN: DESCRIBE ACTIONS AND PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED IF UNEXPECTED ASBESTOS IS FOUND DURING DEMOLITION OR NON -FRIABLE ASBESTOS MATERIAL BECOME CRUMBLED, PULVERIZED, OR REDUCED TO POWER. REVISED NOTIFICATION LETTERS WILL BE SENT IF / WHEN APPROPRIATE. REMOVAL WILL BE DONE WITHIN STATE, FEDERAL, CAL/OSHA, EPA RULES & REGULATIONS. TRAINING CERTIFICATE: I Certify that an individual trained in the provisions of the regulation AQMD Rule 1403 and NESHAP will be on site during the removal and evidence that the required training has been accomplished by this person will be available for inspection during normal business hours BRICKLEY ENVIRONMENTAL LAUREL MITCHELL 6W fo PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR 8-29-02 Company Name Print name of operator Signature of operator Title of operator Date INFORMATION CERTIFICATION: I Certify that the above information is correct and that I have enclosed any required attachments. BRICKLEY ENVIRONMENTAL LAUREL MITCHELL PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR 8-29-02 Company Name Print name of operator SignattYe of operator Title of operator Date Notifications are not accepted without the required asbestos fee (AQMD Rule 301). Removal of less than 100 square feet are exempt from notification and fees. Please make checks payable to 'SCAQMD". Fees are per notification, not refundable, and vary according to the asbestos amount to be removed. Fees are as follows: FROM 100 TO 1,000 SQUARE FEET $ 28.66 DEMOLITIONS UNDER 1 D $ 28.66 FROM 1,001 TO 5.000 SQUARE FEET $ 87.61 REVISIONS $ 11.59 FROM 5,001 TO 10,000 SQUARE FEET $205.07 CANCELLATIONS $ 00.00 MORE THAN 10.000 SQUARE FEET $321.56 PROCEDURES 4 OR 5 PLANS $321.56 RESIDENTIAL REMOVALS $ 28.66 RETURNED CHECK CHARGE $ 28.43 - EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FEE S 27.35 SPECIAL HANDLING FEE $ 27.35 ATTENTION: Keep a copy of your notification. State law requires that you provide a copy of the demolition notification to Building and Safety before issuance of a demolition permit. For questions call 909-396-2336. For your convenience please mail and do not hand carry. MAIL ORIGINAL TO: SCAQMD, ASBESTOS NOTIFICATIONS, FILE 955641, LOS ANGELES CA 90074-5641 TELEPHONE: (909) 396-2336 FAX: (909) 396-3342 FAX BACK FORMS: (909) 396-2550 WEB SITE: HTTP://WWW.AQMD.GOV Asbestos Demolition / Renovation Notification Form REV 980610 Page 2 of 2 04/19%2002 13:48 SCPG1MD 4 917603425898 NO.795 D002. SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NOTIFICATION OF DEMOLITION OR ASSESTOS.REMOVAL • ' F a MAIL FORM AND FEE TO SCAQM)D, ASBESM WTiF=TlKW FLE # 55644, LOS ANGELES CA 90074-%41 AQMDUSE ONLY SCREEN BY RECEIVED `%plOFypRK EKED BY NOTIF1CATIQNt COMPLETED BY eQ R o Lw CO1�AN1 e d v>Z �z , te� j� toNE (�0 DATE C - J�jg D4ECK # FEES IZ5. Z j `� PROJECT # uftAMW NOTFFICATION TYPE PROJECT TYPE Nt1 R6V sm DATE6 OTER(ho4N iiAi cem--nm ON Or a Daaunok RezxmTtm (remove) EmRm cY RsmovAL PF .*W RENO (enrW' SITE INFO Manan SITE NAME o,c �Ao U s6 SITE iwoREss CRSS STREET cnv. b u17 STATE 27PIaa cojm - der. DESCFaSE WORK AND LOCATION .O�� �e��1e5 BUILDING SIS (90 Fr) a NUMM OF ROM t BUILDING AGE (YEARS) NUMBER OF D. h' NG UNfTS BLDG PRIOR I mmENT USE comem H=AL 9IDnM%& Oto om Rm com HOUSE Soft n SW UWVftU.E(;E srrEomER ADDRESS STATE ZIP ztP ��g CONTACTe.� GU�Ga ' Pl+oNe7� - REQUM BUILIXW ASBESTOS` .f& ASSUMOS NO ASBESTOS YE5 NO 8611.1)ING TO BEYES NO WOFiIdAT*N PRESBM MVEY? ► R9rtOvE07 aEMOIJSHED? NUW17 DATES START �j WORK SHIFT day g, ASBESTOS AFKQUNTTO BE REMOM (in square feet) FRIABLE CLASS I CLASS If TOTAL AMOUNT (add tow) ASBESTOS REWNAL• FROM SUFfACES PIPES COMPONENTS Ah10W OF EACH TYPE OF ASBESTOS (in.sWare*M) AMU= CEILING UNOL£UM INSUTATIONi FIRE PROOFING DUCTING STUCCO MASTIC R.00RTILES (VAT) DRY WALL PLASTER TRANSITS ltri, OTHER CONTR=R UIFORMATION CSLB LICENSE -9 733 OSHA REG* AWD ID # 9 7 L .•! NAM a in �3 d �e " G ADas —End - sTAT 3 `0910 sr sum c/_ fLr G r pive / WASTETRANSPOKTERa➢4 r. tri nil 11 ADDRESS ADDRESS �o g - o J CIN STATE ZP * Asbestos surveys are required prbr to Derrtolit m and Rmm afim . Fomes, instructions, and the Rule 1403 can be obtained from AQMD web site httpll vw"md.gov Pap 1 of 2 F;wm FEV 200610 04/19/2002 13:48 SCAGMD 4 917603425898 SCAQMD NOTIFICATION OF DEMOLITION OR ASBESTOS REMOVAL WUL ORIGINAL TO SCAOMD, ASl3MS NOTIFICATIONS, FILE # 55641, LOS ANGB-ES CA 9oo?4464i NO.795 0003 WASTE TRANSPORTER #2 WASTE STORAGE SITE ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP CONTROLS: DESCR16E WORK PRACTICES AND CONTRALS TO BE USED AT THE RENUATION AND DEMOUTiON SITE Procedure # 1,.2, 3, 4, 5 or Other. For asbesios removals &cle the oorrrdnatlon of Rote 1403 Mmdm used. Robe w 4 and 5 sltbTA plans forAQMD priorapprowal. ASBESTOS DETECTION PROC®URE CIRCLE THE PRO OLMS AND At ALY11CAL METHODS USED TO DETFJzf IIiE ASBES71 OS IN THE BUILDING Sulk Sampling, Inspection, Survey. PLM. PCM, TEM, Assumed as Asbestos. De=be Other FOR DEMOLITIONS GIVE THE COMPANY NAME AND DATES OF THE ASBESTOS M OVAL- r6� FOR ORDERED NHOLITIDN SEND A COPY OF THE ORDER AND GIVE THE AGENCY NAME & PHONE # AUTHORIZING PERSON: TOILE DATE OF ORDER: DATE ORDM TO BE -ON, FOR EMEROMCY ASBESTOS REMOVAL GNE TME NAW AND PFS NULUM OF THE PERSON D£CLARMAL IORQINGTfB EMEI14ENCY, DATE Alm KOUR ag EMERGENCY AND OESCROE THE SUDDEN. UNEVECTED EVENT. DPLAIN HOW THE t99W WOULD CAUSE UNSAFE Caomxn0hI% EMPAENT DAMAM OR UW A$MME FbNANCIAL BURDEN: CONTINGEtICY. PLAN: DESCRIBE ACTIONS AND PROCEDURES TO BE F01.0WEI) IF LgiDFM1WA=ST0515 FOUND DURING DEMDUitON OR NONFRIABLP ASBESTOS MATERIAL BEWK CRUMBLED, PULVF.Ft M, OR ACED TO POWER G TRAINING CERTIFICATION: I a6 that an individual tralr ed In the afreplatlort AQMD Rule 14032W NESHAP xWI be on sb during the reeumval and evidence that ttrr: rr:qulrvd tralnitrg has bean a=r plished by bus person aril avai Me fcr uvpeOon dur og nprmal business hours. Cornpsrry Name Print name or oyvrretloperatnr Sigr>atrre of owrrerfaperabf Tittle of Dae IMFORNATIDN CERTFICATION: I oe* that the above iftft iw IT, oocrect aTtd I any required attafi 1 UnI'tqt, tf.� -TNe- 11 av"byI C.0 V" %-a9.0 Company Name Print name d rnuneNopeta4lr Sgnahrre of aurrter/aperator T the of q r Date Nohfrcations can not be aoxpied wtfhout the uer}rired fee (AQMD Rude 301). AsbMS s reumwels of loss t11an 1 OD square feet arm exempt from ua>i!W6on and fees. Phase make d=1m psyabie tD 'SCAQMD'. Fees ane per naft ion, natreiurrda * and velry a ri - g to this project sine. Fees are as follows: DEMOLMON OR ASBESTOS REMOVAL : PROCEDURE 4 0R 5 PLAN $ 313.72 FROM 1.00 TO 1.000 SQUARE FEET SPECIAL HANWNG FEE $26.68 - FROM 1,001 TO 5,000 SQUARE FEET (-1-95.47> REVISION OF NOTIFICATION $1131 FrROtd 5,001 TO 10.000 SQUAAFE FEET RETURNED CHECK Ct1A[1GE $ 27.74 MORE THAN 10,000 SQUARE FEET 5313.11 CANCELLATION OF NOTIFICATION $0.0 DeJOUT I ON OF LESS THAN 100 SQ FT $ 27.96 ASBESTOS REMOVAL AT oww- S 27.96 OtStl ' Sitf ts�'iif+!urell' ffn3MON: - Keep a copy of yorur noflRr o n. Stade taw regrmes VW yotl provide a Copy 0fthe da wft rroffmalion tD BtaWmg and Safety beiwe issluarrce d a demo0on pormIL For Questions call 90943962336. Foryotr mnrenience please mail the tato and fee asrd do not hand carry tD AQW. MNL FORM AND FM TO: SCACMD. AS}3ESTOS NOTF1CAT=S. FILE # S56d1, LOS ANGflJS CA 900745649 Page 2 a2 TELEPHONE: (909) 39&2336 FAX- (90)39&= Form REV -0615M FORMS. INSTRUCTIONS. AND THE RULE 1403 CAN BE OBTAINED FROM AQNID WEB SITEAT k]% MJ1 W WW.AOMD.GOV SCX MD is located at 21865 E. Copley Drive, Drarttond Sar. CA 917654182 (909) 396-2000 = M E T R O S C A N PROPERTY P R O F I L E_ Riverside (CA) **************************************************************************************** * <<< OWNERSHIP INFORMATION >>> * * * Parcel Number :658 280 002 S:. T: R: Q: * Ref Parcel # :000 000 000 Pos Interest: * Owner Name :Werner L M/M S Trust * CoOwner * Site Address. :49128 Avenida Fernando La Quinta 92253 * Mail Address :PO Box 1899 Corona Ca 92878 * Telephone :Owner: Tenant: * * * <<< SALES AND LOAN INFORMATION >>> * * * Transferred :04/23/2002 Loan Amount * Document # :210467 Lender * Sale Price :$485,000 Full Loan Type * Deed Type :Grant Deed Interest Rate * % Owned :100 Vesting Type :Trust\Trustee * * * * * <<< ASSESSMENT AND TAX INFORMATION >>> * * * Land :$23,550 Exempt Type * Structure :$94,356 Exempt Amount * Other Tax Rate Area :20-002 * Total :$117,906 Taxes :$1,415.86 * o Improved .:80 * *� <<< PROPERTY DESCRIPTION >>> * Map Grid :849 F5 * Census :Tract:451.04 Block:4 * Land Use :R1 Res,Single Family Residences * Legal :LOT 148 MB 037/096 LA QUINTA GOLF * :ESTATES 1 * * * Sub/Plat :La Quinta Golf Estates 1 * Book :37 Page:96 * * * <<< PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS >>> * * * Bedrooms :'3 Stories :1 YearBuilt:1960 AgPreserve * BathFull :3 Units MiscImprv:No * Bath3Qtr : Bldg SgFt:2,648 Street :Paved ADDITIONAL * BathHalf : Gar SgFt :400 Waterfrnt: * Fireplce :Yes Gar Type :Carport Elect Svc:Developed RmAddtns :Yes * Cntrl Ht :Yes Lot Acres:.33 Gas Svc :Developed RmAddSF * CntrlA/C :Yes Lot SgFt :14,374 WaterSrce:Developed AddGarType * Pool :Yes Roof Type:CompositionSewerType:Developed OthrPkng * * **************************************************************************************** Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. INDIO ENVI HEALTH Fax:760-863-7013 May 14 2003 15:47 P.02 COU O , RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY ASSESSDR'S PARCEL NUMBER DE p T NT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH � a -X r �� .r PL ATION FOR WASTE WATER DISPOSAL APPROVAL 4PP ANT, Submit this form with four copies of a SCALED plot plan (1"-20' to 1"-40' SCALE) drawn to County specifications 35 Indicated on The ailachgd fist- A non-refundable filing fee is required when the application Is aubmilted. Check must ba made payable to the County rf Riverside. Approval of this tppliceUon shall remain valid for a period not to exceed one year from date of payment. _MS# 0-,lY of Zi aU�j1is Agent. Contractor, CVonnt�act PersonpY��.,�� Ad r s� c"�' City State Zip WjZjJ tMW CA Owner Address 165--s u -r sIM $j- City'State Zip 11• ,lob Property Address City Zip 4q -I415 A4EL31CA 19EU61,10n I a -A OJI WrX CA Lot Size -wafer Aaenc IweTl Use of Permit, PrP, SUP, PUP. etc. Legal Description DBS ��r rT,ala' ,/ LCfr #" (4-6� TTnQlhn AAH Site Prop.. etc. tt/ G1�.� .. Si nal a or Applicant Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CHECK BOX IF REQUIRED If any box is Checked, this application shall be considered rejected until the 0 Detailed Contour Plot Plane Required (1 to 5 foot interval) information is provided and the fee paid. ResuDmlhals later then 90 days after date rioted below may require repaymen(of fees. 0 Other U Staff Specialist Lot Inspection Required Holding Tank Agreements Completed 0 Certification of Existing S.D. System Required Thomas Broe. Page Grid__ 0 WOCB Clearance Required (Attach for DOH -SAN -007, Santa Ana Region OrUy) 9"ste Lot fnap G'Wn Compjeled: �-/y, t.7 S IniUals 014 �.Ys1+..t�_k..f riur �:•r, qya _ r t .r rdr 1 Remarks: Z _ ! Jk: L t.7 J Soils Percolation Report Required t+ L�-7�r9,_ �• r_fe S 2" Q mointenandt�600 I PrOZde Q Special FeasiDeity Boring Report Required ❑ Final Inspection by Department or Envlronn-ental Health is.requlred. Cl Rereview Requirod Initials Dote Please call 24 hours PRIOR to inspection. 042 f Soils Percolation Boring Report By Uc/Projecl to _0012 Soils Map Page Soil Type Approved By Date No. of Systems Type of System($) No. Dwelling Units 11 1)141[ (1) Seplic Tank Soil Ra Grease/Sand Holding Tank ❑ Replacement Beer oo s, Fixture Units .3� Grease IntcprLint Trap 4 New (] Addition w,ISO Existing U Connect to S Gal. !% Gal. Sq. Ft. Total Linear Sidewall Allowanc6 Leach BDd sq. It. Bottom Area Ft. fl. rock/ sq. ft. running ft. Inslall_Llns(s)_h. longft. wide of Bottom Area Intel Tested Depth Cj NIA with min, inches rock below drainlines Proposed Bottom Tested Depth or Leach fines/bed special design for stupe: (3) Pit Diameter No. Pits Pi( Belem Intel Bt) Seepage Pit Maximum Other: Applicable i Total Depth Allowable Ds llt NIA Overburden Factor Lj 5' 6' �� Tp 7 Well Review Approved: Data: Well Drilling P2 mldt O'CWUse Grading Plan Approved: Dole: �— L4nAT009 Plan Check Ont AporoveftC• Oate: p 1 REMARKS: v ? r% � LLAO IV D I 1)pA 142+_ 9LCA•D 'r '4/ Lt !al., . � r. r� � ,J �h�6�4 This appllcahon APPROVE I ENIED for the category checked In �) - ��''S^ "1 � /'•'��- �y r` ��-/'%� •% i 41t. 1 SECTION 8 atwv regarding t eslgn of a disposal system as indicated C on the occompaMed , U,Ing the requirements set (Orth In SECTIONSL C etwve• A building permit is necessary for the installation of the above• Revenue Codg ✓ �::gg $ �. Y designed system. No construction Is permitted In the rsaulred reserves 100% expansion area. � � p 1) SepUc Tank must be 100' minimum from any we118`.�� Q ih r^• Fac^ Check A -/,/,,�L�/ WAlic it Leach lines must be 100' minlmum from any weds, Includin expansion w• 2 Oat �1.- l C.� Initial area. (3 Sewer lines nwat ba 50' minlmum from any wglis. (din -S: Cz (4 Seeps a pits must be 150' minimum (roma wells, including expansion RIVERSIDE: 909.955$980 -1y INDIO: 760-863.7000 SOUTHWEST; 909-600-018D Slgnatura vo Do(e r . '/•CJ 'ter r1�i-: �i G O U VIS ENGINEERING • CONSULTING GROUP • E-MAIL TO • SUPPOR7@GOUVISGROURCOM • SALEESSQGOUVISGGR"OUP.COM May 21, 2003 q �Z b %�. vy�/j)•4 I 6- RVA V DO Richard Moreno Holden & Johnson Architects 44-267 Monterey Ave., Ste. A Palm Desert, CA 92260 Re: Werner Residence Lot 148 - G.E.C:G.-60277 _ Dear Mr. Moreno, This letter advises that we have observed the structural requirements that are visible during construction at the time of our site visit. Gouvis Engineering believes that the as -built construction at the time of our visit (except items noted on field notes) is in general conformance with our structural plans and relevant correspondence issued by our office relating to the above referenced dwelling. We observed the building in its framed condition prior to installation of drywall and stucco. We observed the visual and accessible structural requirements. (Exclusions are items such as: size of footings, reinforced steel in the foundations, roof and top plate splice connections and roof sheathing). This report is understood to be an expression of professional opinion by this engineer, which is based on his best knowledge, information and beliefs. As such it consists of a report for only structural elements (as above outlined) and is neither a guarantee nor a warranty, expressed or implied for other trades or requirements of subject dwelling. .:. lccspcc uiry a ucu: Goi s En g: Consulting Group d e 0fl:`'Roiv Sonny Vinoya President :,t<; f� y,�;� J iiFl�c� oject Mana r SJB:SV:cb� +o. C3 5276 r' 052103a Esp. 3/31/05 . 0 2003 Q'. �1=��C�i1-��.. GOUVIS ENGINEERING GROUP OF COMPANIES WITH OFFICES IN: WEB -SITE: H7TP11lv)YIK CouviscRouP. Com 4400 CAMPUS DRIVE. NEWPORTBEACH. CALIFORNIA 91660 (949) 752-1612 • FAX (949) 752-5321 2150 EAST TAHQUI77 CANYON. SUITE 9 PALM SPRINGS CALIFORNIA 92262 (760) 323-5090 • FAX (760) 325-2863 —nT T\v� .T.-r..%Tl1n7-"unm i- A T TVnVXfT A TATrT?DAT A rinxi A T 11T:T trc. wp7w A RA ul oil Ub/ 2OUJ 1 laLjuVLZD r'l--) GO,UVIS ENGINEERING' • C A L l F. 0 A N caoav& WpolwourwWww, •uuW.0v�&o.cov FAXTRANSbgrrAL M179: FROM:— I C.> TO: FAX NUMBF-P. JOB NA4*-Z: NMMER QF- PAGES:(INCLUDING MS TRANSMMAL) REXARM.- ok, W 4, IF YOU HAV -Ts ANY QUESTIONS, OR IF YOU DID NOT REMVE A.L. PAGES, OR PORTIONS OF THIS 7RANSNUTTAL ARE ILLEMBLE, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE. TO CALL THIS OFFICE. GOLVIS 1G.'GJV4&W6 mtoup op caw),.I.Vlfj WITH OFFICES 0: jymoov)W200, CCM 4404 CAMPUS D0,11T. SLY,-jA .. Jqjwjwr acicir, cawowm queo ;.1X19,01 733-J221 211OEAST r4HQiVMC-LV)l0,V, JUMP' rjoj 42j."po 3453M0AVf0L;Sj DRI V& Ster, 2 100 • 5XV (j'JV 633-9041 a 03/06/2003 11:18 7603252863 Ft i. t". iyl GOUVIS PS PAGE 02 o CONNECTION DETAIL Al' { I— SUM BM PER PLAN I lr. MP WAM 3— SIMPSON "MW' HANGERS SKEWED Q SLOPED. 'TOP FLANGI OFFSET & SLOPED 4— SIMPSON "HW' RIDGE HANGER 5r RIDGE BEAM v Ca w m m cm N m w N r N G] J t9 W NJ .n N al alw oLi C C M T Ln b I. STEEL BM. PER PLAN. :2. 57EEL HIP BM. PER PLAN. 5. is THK. x 12" !WADE STEEL SHAPED TO. POLL01�1 BENT STL. BM: 4. i' Tf4K. STEEL 5TIEPENER BEHIND '57EEL HIP WELD A5. SHONN. b. Hid $M. PER PLAN. 5I MPSON "HN" HANCGER - SLOPED'. AND TOP PLANGE �`y tit Of=F-SET... 8: SHAPED BLK'G. / NAILER. q. 5/&"(P STUD BOLTS ® 24" .O.C. CONNEOCTION DETAIL 6c�277-�2SD3 22 W U N 00 <W { H Ln b CD A GOUVIS ENGINEERING CONSULTING GROUP • E-MAIL TO • SUPPORT@GOUVISGROUP.COM • SALES@GOUVISGROUP.COM April 3, 2003 Holden & Johnson Architects .44-267 Monterey Avenue Palm Desert, CA 92260 Attn: Richard Moreno Re: Werner Residence Plan Change and Detail Clarification GECG Job No:: 60277 Dear Mr. Moreno: Pursuant to your request regarding the above captioned project, per our phone conversation on 4/1/2003, we submit the following: 1. Please follow the attached partial roof framing and foundation plan. 2. It is acceptable to cantilever the roof sheathing at the steel hip beam with edge nailing and filler block. Another alternative is to add 3 x nailer and 5/8" diameter stud bolts and 24" o/c over steel hip. This information was taken over the phone and the exact condition should be verified prior to application of the fix. Note: Please verify the above with the building department prior to construction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, GOUVIS ENGINERING CO TING GROUP, INC. Mike Houshmand Senior Vice -President MH;cb Attachments: (5) 60277 OU. Fac ,. ;do, 0042233 r " Exp. 3-31-04 i OF CALIF Sonny Vi6ag Project M GOUVIS ENGINEERING GROUP OF COMPANIES WITH OFFICES IN: WEB -SITE: HTTP//WWW.000V1SGROUP.COM 4400 CAMPUS DRIVE, NEWPORTBEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 (949) 752-1612 • FAX (949) 752-5321 2150 EAST TAHQUITZ CANYON, SUITE 9 PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 (760) 323-5090 • FAX (760) 325-2863 FIELD OFFICE: NORTHERN CALIFORNIA - INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: VIETNAM � I-. ...... NgaW-.IA -11H 9 W2AO CNVG =10 X bGA0 OV -r. 40 NGUNg'.') -V Aym Hova"170 .91 0 SNve Ed -3 W'D HIM GVIG R13b17N007'A7114.1.t1 fds 2 0 0 LL jo 4 lag Ck I lics 1'r L -C .1 110 X -i e- -11 14 lot 1 Cal - !as ........... jar. L .O -,e .E -.b i -�� __�--=:::��.:v----- 4..� �� � $ I Ias 00 cG- 113G 1c:j L Ja ( C.U+ut O*tfrI WOW," ;1A 11W 9 bGAO CNYG 30 IAO GWIG JO WMNaO IV •lag, rx 47v,a '1210.0 a 6-SVO St 'V1G 2122MOO WIRL v .1 0.1 Ile- --- F7 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CONSULTING GROUP (2001 CRC) SHEET : B - JOB NO. : 60277-200 PLAN NO.: WERNER_R CLIENT : HOLDEN & JOHNSON ENGINEER: SONNY(VER6.00) DATE : 09/23/2002 BEAM NUMBER: 28 REAR OF GUEST #1 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 18.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 18.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 18.,0' PRIMARY ROOF : 462 PLF=21.0*(24+20)/2 @ 0.00' TO 308 PLF=14.0*(24+20)/2 @ 7.00' PRIMARY ROOF : 440 PLF=20.0*(24+20)/2 FROM 7.00' TO 18.00' POINTFROM : DOWN=1751 @7.50'(L. OF BM 3) EXTERIOR WALL : 30 PLF = 2.0' * 15.0 FROM A0.00' TO 18.00' REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT DOWNWARD(DL+LL/MAX.) 5155/5155 5030/5030 UPLIFT (DL+LL/MAX.) 1 0/0 0/0 *** USE GLB 24F V4 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD CRIT MOMENT =.25755 LB*FT @ 7.75' RATIO=0.687(Fb= 2890 S= 155.67) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.766 INCH @ 8.92' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.900 CRIT SHEAR = 4531 LB @ 1.25' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.327(Fv=300 A= 69.19) 0 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CONSULTING GROUP Sheet : L - FLEXIBLE Dl(APHRAGM Job No : 60277-200 CBC 2001(ZONE 4) Plan No : WERNER R Client : HOLDEN & JOHNSO Wind: 1580 Seismic: 2088 Engineer: SONNY wind 121.5 Date :09/23/2002(Ver7.20) seismic 160.6 4T ROOF 26.0 Wind: 1563 Seismic: 1694 wind 156.3 seismic 169.4 3T ROOF 20.0 2 REAR OF GUESTI 1ST FLOOR 2 -POUR Wind 3143 Seismic 4162= 3782+ 380 (A/ , VA. 3.0 14.0 C) STRAP(I) ® STRAP(E) ® DRAG POINT MIXED WALL 6.8 1 10.0 216 10.5 1 33.8 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice B: SIMPSON ST6224(2116 LB) ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice SEE DETAIL INFORMATION ON NEXT PAGE 26(33:56) � 27(33:56) GOUVIS ENGINEERING CONSULTING GROUP Sheet : L- FLEXEBLE DLAPHItAGM Job No : 60277-200 CDC 2001(ZONE 4) Plan No: WERNER R Client : HOLDEN & JOHNSO Engineer: SONNY Date :09/23/2002(Ver7.20) 2 TOTAL WALL LENGTH = .33.75(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 14.00(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAGM = 4162/ 33.75 = 123 (PLF) REDUNDANCY EACTOR:p (T)=1.00 SHEAR = 4162/14.00= 297(PLF)(FLEXIBLE) MAXIMUM -DRAG = 2066(LB) USE TYPE 112x4 5/8" x 12" A.B. @ 40" o/c NL4,X. w/P.L. WASHER DEAD LOADS: Wall 105.0= 10 * 10.5' Roof—S 126.0= 18 *14.0/2 FROM 0.0' TO 33.8' OVERTURN ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) PANEL OA LEFT SIDE : T= 1733 (LB) C= 3272 (LB) RIGHT_SIDE: T= 1733(LB) C= 3272(LB) f+PA28/4x4 t Z GO UVIS ENGINEERING CONSULTING GROUP • E-MAIL TO • SUPPORT@GOUVISGROUP.COM • SALES@GOUVISGROUP.COM March 7, 2003 Richard Moreno Holden & Johnson Architects 44-267 Monterey Ave., Ste. A Palm Desert, CA 92260 Re: Werner Residence Clarification to connection over master suite G.E.C.G.Job No. 60277-403 Dear Mr. Moreno; Pursuant to your request regarding the above captioned project, we submit the following: Attached please find the connection details for the hips and ridge to the bent steel beam over the master suite. Note: Please verify the above with the building department prior to construction. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, GOUVIS ENGINEERING CONSULTING GROUP r Christina R. Silva Vice President CRS:cb Attachments (3) #030703 r t s GOUVIS ENGINEERING GROUP OF COMPANIES WITH OFFICES IN: 4400 CAMPUS DRIVE, NEWPORTBEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 2150 EAST TAHQUITZ CANYON, SUITE 9 PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 No. C 37201 Exp. 6/30/04 MAR 0 7 201 \CIV%V/. WEB -SITE: H7TP11WWWG0UVISGR0UP.00M v (949) 752-1612 • FAX (949) 752-5321 • (760) 323-5090 • FAX (760) 325-2863 FIELD OFFICES : SANDIEGO • PLEASANTON • INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: VIETNAM t 03/a6/200 11:24 7603252863 GOUVIS PS PAGE 02 �l.oZ1� CONNECTION ..DETAIL a 1— STEEL BM PER PLAN 2— TVP. NP BEAM 3•- SPOISON "HW' HANGERS SKEWED # SLOPED. TOP FLANGI OFFSET do SLOPED 4— SIMPSON "HVr RIDGE HANGER 5— RIDGE BEAM CONNECTION DETAIL I. r-ULL FENE=TRATlolN, 2. .5TEEL SM _ PER I*L-AN. 60277-?.3SD3(23 CD W cp- N CD m U7 N N N A J Q1 CD W N UI N OD (31 W G) O C C H U1 Ln b m cDw 1*0900NNECT[ON oETAIL I. STEEL BM. PER PLAN. 2. STEEL HIP BM. PER PLAN. 5. 1" THK. x 12" WIDE STEEL IE 5HAPED TO FOLLOW BENT 5TL. BM. 4. 1" THK. STEEL STIFFENER BEHIND STEEL HIP WELD A5 5HOM. 5:- 5/16" FILLET WELD. 6. HIP BM, PER PLAN. 17. SIMPSON "HA" HANGER SLOPED AND TOP FLANGE OFF—SET. 8. SHAPED BLK'G. / NAILER. q . 5/8314o STUD BOLTS ® 24" O.G. 602?7-22SD3 1221 CD w _ Q cn N m CDw N J OD w N Ul N co w 0 H GOUVIS ENGINEERING •. CONSULTING GROUP • E-MAIL TO • SUPPORT@GOUVISGROUP.COM • SALES@GOUVISGROUP.COM April 3, 2003 Holden & Johnson Architects 44-267 Monterey Avenue Palm Desert, CA 92260 Attn: Richard Moreno Re: Werner Residence Plan Change and Detail Clarification GECG Job No.: 60277 Dear Mr. Moreno:° Pursuant to your request regarding the above captioned project, per our phone conversation on 4/1/2003, we submit the following: 1. Please follow the attached partial roof framing and foundation plan. 2. It is acceptable to cantilever the roof sheathing at the steel hip beam with edge nailing and filler block. Another alternative is to add 3 x nailer and 5/8" diameter stud bolts and 24" o/c over steel hip. This information was taken over the phone and the exact condition should be verified prior to application of the fix. Note: Please verify the above with the building department prior to construction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, GOUVIS ENGINERING CONSULT UP, INC. � , Mike Houshmand ' ,j , .> Senior Vice -President m# z: .'.0.. C042283 1 Exp. 3-31 _0A, ` ` y MH;cb ' Ir.. ` ., 0 � V 1 Attachments: (5) 60277.. Sonny Vin Project M6nage VC GOUVIS ENGINEERING GROUP OF COMPANIES WITH OFFICES IN: WEB -SITE: H7rP11WWW.G0wtSGR0UP.00M 4400 CAMPUS DRIVE, NEWPORTBEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 (949) 752-1612 • FAX (949) 752-5321 2150 EAST TAHQUITZ CANYON, SUITE 9 PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 (760) 323-5090 • FAX (760) 325-2863 FIELD OFFICE: NORTHERN CALIFORNIA - INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: VIETNAM IN k .E -,Z 1 .O-,£ P -,I I ,.b -,E I.E.-.Z las -- - ------1 r -- ----- • las Ps, �o'v, �;- — — — —A N/1 IOS , r . ' Al a . las sIse, 1 ! 1 (� N22WGIA 11H 9 M6AO ONUS JO w - % `� p•�' -- -'-- --..... 2 M3/O 9VIS d0 1631N37 -V � i I.VM N7V3 •7'O .BI a 52�V9 Ea _ U' ; �" y' q _ d �p� 1 ��H11//M��7 '1 8VI5 313217/1071Hdb� .- / �• I "/��\ .�,t�'�' .r ; � :;J�J ...._.. Id s { I z. SAy I 'lab . - I _ — 1� I / as I'S ! 9 ! .J of ,7, q '. \� -- � `•) /""? Y lab � ! \ �� �.I lJ I �, ;L �I Y� ✓ y J— `A Lit O'M: IVJIdJl i ^Id ;lA -104 9 bMAO aMd6 d0^ — IAO 9V15 40 W&NaO lV d� �- — — �� q N - VIS 31-:WN00 '170.91 0 �IHl -- I y q+ q 1<346 �a .I ,1 1604 yY rl• V I 1 ! 11 ! ' o 12 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CONSULTING GROUP (2001 CBC) SHEET : B - JOB NO. : 60277-200 PLAN NO.: WERNER R CLIENT HOLDEN & JOHNSON ENGINEER: SONNY(VER6.00) DATE : 09/23/2002 BEAM NUMBER: 28 REAR OF GUEST #1 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 18.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 18.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) ; BEAM WEIGHT : 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 18.0'. PRIMARY ROOF : 462 PLF=21.0*(24+20)/2 @ 0.00' TO 308 PLF=14.0*(24+20)/2 @ 7.00' PRIMARY ROOF : 440 PLF=20.0*(24+20)/2 FROM 7.00' TO 18.00' POINTFROM : DOWN=1751 @7.50'(L. OF BM 3) EXTERIOR WALL 30 PLF = 2.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 18.00' REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT DOWNWARD(DL+LL/MAX.) 5155/5155 5030/5030 UPLIFT (DL+LL/MAX.) 0/0 0/0 *** USE GLB 24F.X14 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD CRIT MOMENT =.25755 LB*FT @ 7.75' RATIO=0.687(Fb= 2890 S= 155.67) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.766 INCH @ 8.92' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.900 CRIT SHEAR = 4531 `LB @ 1.25' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.327(Fv=300 A= 69.19) GOUVIS ENGINEERING CONSULTING GROUP FLEXIBLE DIAPHRAGM CBC 2001(ZONE 4) Wind: 1580 Seismic: 2088 wind 121.5 seismic 160.6 ® 4T ROOF Wz 26.0 Wind: 1563 Seismic: 1694 - wind 156.3 seismic 169.4 3T ROOF 20.0 2 REAR OF GUESTI IST FLOOR 2 -POUR MIXED WALL Wind 3143 Seismic 4162= 3782+ 380 1892 216 tA 10.5 n 3.0 14.0 6.8 10.0 0 STRAP(l) ® STRAP(E) N DRAG POINT Drag Force Analysis 33.8 Sheet : L-, Job No : 60277-200 Plan No: WERNER R Client : HOLDEN & JOHNSO Engineer: SONNY Date :09/23/2002(Ver7.20) A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice B: SIMPSON ST6224(2116 LB) ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice SEE DETAIL INFORMATION ON NEXT PAGE 26(33:56) 27(33:56) GOUVIS ENGINEERING CONSULTING.GROUP Sheet : L- • FLEXEBLE DIAPHRAGM Job No : 60277-200 CDC 2001(2®le1E 4) Plan No : WERNER R Client : HOLDEN & JOHNSO Engineer: SONNY Date :09/23/2002(Ver7.20) TOTAL WALL LENGTH = .33.75(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 14.00'(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAGM = 4162/ 33.75 = 123 (PLF) REDUNDANCY FACTOR:p (T)=1.00 SHEAR = 4162/14.00= 297(PLF)(FLEXIBLE) •MAXIMUM,DRAG = 2066(LB) USE TYPE 11 2x4 5/8" x 12" A.B. @ 40" o/c MAX. w/PL. WASHER DEAD LOADS: Wall 105.0= 10 * 10.5' Roof—S 126.0= 18 *14.0/2 FROM 0.0' TO 33.8' OVERTURN ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C)• PANEL OA LEFT SIDE : T= 1733(LB) C= 3272(LB) RIGHT SIDE:` T= 1733(LB) C= 3272(LB) R PA28/4x4