9609-186 (AR)U) H N U) r W O 0 ch 1� 0 ul W r r -Z r - W 0!`�_ (c) j:Z0) W[L ca U) Z co LO N ON U0) CL Q raCr 0 0 J J m<0 Il rn H qt Z c^D 5 0 Q J LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date ty/30/97 :201�d Dat ��natun rac or OWNERf1BUIER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty offerjuryAhat I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason` ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole I compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). () I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason . Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following. declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 37700 offthef Labor Code, for the performance of the, wok ffor wh ich this permit is'Isuedd�-My workers' compensation insurance, car`rier'& policy' no. are. Carrier Policy No. (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). () I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation' provisions of Section 700 of the Lab / Code, I shall fortt4itti comply withthose•provisions. Date: n ADDlicant Warning -c' Faillure to secure Works' Compensation cbverage�uldwful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to$''100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided f�r Aection 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify. & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. BUILDINGPERMIT PERMIT# CONTROL# DATE VALUATION �7� 3••LOT TRACT 4164 JOB SITE #V-A,v AV L t�.L+,HMPUolL" APN t�l�Jl�.i-(!!.S �. ADDRESS - OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENGINEER 131L1,;.S �.Aft,,IN0r T.A. tcly*a�IUDY c:ON911'. CO. 49153 .A -VF NIDA. FI3,11`NAN1.X:i 735(i C>e171.LE .A. RO13A LA QU t'A. %;A 92.253 t,A. QU1NTA, C.A. 92253 (619)_W-4660 C1111# 469 USE OF PERMIT rNQ X.)SE.FX15'1"1N(3 COVERED CN'I'R.Y. . . r (X.41'044 WNSTRUC'QUIN . r-.00 S 1'URM.I Iu bJ',' 89R%V%1ARV ."LAN C'M rte, VII, 101-000-419-319 $rA,35 10218-tii)iJ AJ?:ertifl:t,Id+'l�f,,.d�`Fifs ,r�i {){lf�-cf' I-ii(fi3 $15,00 101.000 -42t1 -iii St'ONO hfCY1'f0A4'1?Wz-12.h..` ID 104-000.241-000. Vt SUB-'1'OTAT,, f. CiN,M1✓fi i1CDN FlNi3 PLAN CNk?CF:, 1. 'SS PP -NA.1D FEES 2. Any permit Issued as a result of this application becomes null and void•If work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of'such permit, or cessation of work for 180. days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this Gity to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. RECEIPT DATE Signature (Owner/Agent) a- Date l l� BY VAD ATE FINALED INSPECTOR 7.403.90 $Hhi,58 $0.0o INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE I INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS Set Backs Forms & Footings Slab Grade Steel Roof Deck O.K. to Wrap Framing Insulation Fireplace P.L. Fireplace T.O. Party Wall Insulation Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath I Final OPERATION 1 DATE I INSPECTOR MECHANICAL APPROVALS Underground Ducts Ducts Return Air Combustion Air Exhaust Fans F.A.U. I Compressor Vents Grills Fans & Controls Condensate Lines I Final POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power i Final Utuity Notice (Perm) V 4 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO —. LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 December 22, 1997 Bill Sparling 49-155 Avenida Fernando La Quinta, CA., 92253 RE: Addition #9609-186 Dear Mr. Sparling The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your Addition Permit #9609-186, for the project at 49-155 Avenida Fernando, has expired. In accordance with 1994 UBC section 106.4.4, no further work may be performed until a new permit has been issued. Please contact Daniel P. Crawford Jr., Building Inspector I, at (760) 777-7012 to obtain any information you need regarding'a new permit and/or any required inspections. Should you choose not to complete the project, we would then have to pursue any or all of the following actions: 1) Abatement of the project through the City Attorney's Office and Code Compliance'Division. 2) Notice of non -conforming structure placed upon property profile. 3) Action filed with Contractor State License Board. Optional if Owner/Builder. Please contact us at your earliest convenience prior to 10 working days to resolve this issue, and for any questions you may have. Sincerely, Mark Harold ,Building & Safety Manager Daniel P. Crawford Jr. Daniel l�� Building Inspector I cc: file dpc MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253�J ' t" Desert Sands Unified School District Notice: 82-879 Highway 111 Document Cannot Be Duplicated Indio, CA 92201 619-775-3500 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Date 10/1/96 No. 14891 Owner Name Bill Sparling No. 49155 Street Ave. Fernando City La Quinta APN # Jurisdiction La Quinta 631-351-013 Permit # Log # Zip 92253 Study Area 122 Tract # Lot # Square Footage 60 Type of Development Residential Addition No. of Units 1 Comments = ose existing covered entry At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways;, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures or replacement mobilehomes. It has-been determined the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: Residential Addition 500 Sq Feet or Less EXEMPT This certifies that school facility fees imposed. pursuant to Government Code 53080 in the amount of 0.00 X 60 . or $ 0.00 the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. , , ; , , Fees Paid By n/a Name on the check By Dr. Carol McGrew Administrator in Charge Fee collected /exempted by Pauline Pearson Exempt Signature R&1 A QPM U` 0 A A A S Tele0ond, $0.00 Check No. n/a Collector: Attach a copy of county or city plan check application form to district copy for all waivers. Embossed Original- Building Dept./Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting lAlz t Mzs 7hIIL S t ;RLI LIQ l55 NFK (DD PEMPKOO �C,R � i R -Y A, 4DL) 7Z s� R EXISTIMG WRLKII W 4x10 14OR 41fG 440L 1�— (o" Y XG ... 8° 8° SL . U4, -. BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTWJe,-- �C�EPTED F®�PER, SUBJECT T® INSTALi.AT�® AND ALL APP[168LE C®DES T -al,� p8M I� A� L fav ����_� dA1p HM GAT 1= l R--2-;37at .2D .r-E>cg-r (ex R inti 11 MNL6 �&X(O-`(10). NFvj � abu( upLL w(-f.A51i� t=tilisA kv WLA �u ST. �'LiiV� �, ovEfliJG 1 L-,A!s : to X12 �- PI tUl( ZxL a7Al uof,I( bNRI LS rt7-�A.aiaG�' '7n? ----- - — 5xtST11VG. CDOVt ED ENTRY :: )NRLQ t New Mi \( L)/ E)v ST. 7DMt2S j 1 K _^T � S4tE1AR t�N�L :ExTr_rt.�ED �,2 QST loxfZ � t A / <d( 6120 4-t)f� "Evt 4issl>. -" dj) 't . e--cG{s c� WIAL (_-T�171 Sq(V\2- loYiu-) c2Eloc�t�i C-tIEST $f=akmM ! ZW C13haETE. an&._wl 11'1 i0:' -+j' b77NC�. X ' *tlft wm - tWEL ►o ExiS? wi 'alt: Rfr R -1411, O.C. . NE1 1Xto LL L:wl-lct %MT ,u/eu'DRYWpLL INT..$ am of 51D FINISu ExT, �-UDITI6N. .� 9 0 Z2 �1 - NEW +=orrrlK16, IT wSr FCartXc-r 1a" r (p)c(oXtO W� 10 wnL its. TITLE 24 Energy Conservation Standards Compliance Report.. SPARLING RESIDENCE ADDITION 49-155 AVENIDO FERNANDO LA QUINTA September 20,' 1996 • Job Number: 16705A Prepared For: T.A. KENNEDY CONSTRUCTION 77-350 CALLE ARROBA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Madlin s en terpnses ♦♦v♦♦♦v _ Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst Post Office Box 1443 v Palm Springs, CA 92263 619-324-1731 / 322-3410 (fax) t Madlin's enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 619-324-1731 / 322-3410 (fax)' ®V ®®®V Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards °,. Compliance Report This proposed project has been reviewed for compliance with the 1995 State of California Energy Conservation Standards, Title 24, by Madlin's Enterprises. The building design described in this compliance portfolio is in conformance with the standards as outlined in the attached compliance forms and documentation. Date: September 20, 1996 job Number: 16705A Prepared For: T.A. KENNEDY CONSTRUCTION Owner's Name: MR. & MRS. BILL SPARLING Project Name: SPARLING RESIDENCE ADDITION Project Location: 49-155 AVENIDO FERNANDO, LA QUINTA Method of Compliance: MICROPAS V4.5 CERTIFIED COMPUTER PROGRAM Orientation Of Entry: EAST Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin -NR 92-90-544 nrrrr .'. R 92-90-144 CAD EC I - Cclifornic Assodt on of Building Energy Consutronts v Post Office Box 1443 • Palm Springs, Ca 92263 • Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 619-322-5004 / 322-3410 (fax) ...... v Title 24 Compliance Forms CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL (Page 1 of 2) CF -1 R Project Title: Sparling Residence Job No.: 16705A Project Address: 49-155 Avenido Fernando, La Quinta Documentation Author: Madlin's Enterprises 619-324-1731 Compliance Method: Prescriptive Addition & Alteration Climate Zone: 15 GENERAL INFORMATION Total Conditioned Floor Area: 72 Sq. Ft. - Addition Alon Building Type: Addition - Alteration Front Orientation: East = 900 Number of Dwelling Units: One Floor Construction Type: Slab Date: 9/20/96 Building Permit # Plan Check / Date Field Check / Date Enforcement Agency Use Only BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Insulation Construction Type _ R -Value Assembly U -Value Location / Comments Wall R-19 Addition walls - wood frame Wall R-13 Alteration wall fill-in - wood frame Roof R-38 Addition roof - wood frame Roof n/a Alteration - no change Floor - Raised n/a Slab Edge N.R. FENESTRATION Fenestration Area Fenestration Shading Devices Orientation (sq. ft.) U -Value Interior Exterior Overhang Framing Type • Note: Addition has no glazing. Alteration glazing area compliance not required. Front ( E) n/a 0.75 None Req. n.r. n.r. metal Front ( ) Left ( S) n/a Left( ) Rear (W) n/a 0.75 None Req. n.r. n.r. metal Rear ( ) Right ( N) n/a Right ( ) Skylight () n/a Skylight ( ) THERMAL MASS Type/Covering Area (sq. ft.) Thickness (inches) Location/Description Exposed 72 3.5" slab Tile over HW concrete slab Entry Addition CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL (Page 2 of 2) CF -1 R Project Title: Sparling Residence HVAC SYSTEMS Date: 9/21/96 Heating Equipt. Minimum Distribution Type Duct or Thermostat Heat Pump ype Efficiency and Location Piping R -Value ype Configuration Existing Cooling Equipt. Minimum Duct Duct Thermostat ype Efficiency Location R -Value ype Configuration Existing WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Water Number Heater Distribution in Type Type System Existing Split Energy' External Tank Rated' Tank Factor or Standby' Insulation Input Capacily Recovery Eff. Loss % R -Value SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS - None COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section. Designer/Owner Name: Tom Kennedy Title/Firm: T.A. Kennedy Construction Address: 77-350 Calle Arroba La Quinta, Ca 92253 Telephone: 619-564-466 Lic. #: 1-ri,42118' Z� ignatur to Enforcement Agency Name: Title: Agency: Telephone: Signature Date Documentation Author Name: Catherine M. Madlin Title/Firm: Madlin's Enterprises Address: P.O. Box 1443 Palm Springs, CA 92263 Telep one: 619-324-1731 �l1/ yL Signature Date Catherine M. Madlin, CEA, CEPS CABEC CEA #NR92-90-544, CBCI CEPE #NRE-88-1048 Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin NR 92-90-544 � � R 92-90-144 C A D E C CcGfornia Association of Duilding Energy Consultants Mandatory Features & Devices Checklist: Residential MF -1R DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR: MADUN'S ENTERPRISES 'CERTIFIED ENERGY ANALYST: CATHERINE M. MADLIN TELEPHONE NUMBER: 619-324-1731 For Enforcement Agency Use Only Building Permit Number NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach. items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES BLDG.DEPT. • § 150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation ............................................ • § 150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value ............................. • § 150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in framed walls (does not apply to exterior mass) ......... • § 150(4): Minimum raised floor insulation: R-13 framed floors; R-8 concrete raised floors ........ • § 150(0: Slab edge insulation - meets maximum wafer absorption rate & water vapor transmission rate • § 118; .Insulation.specified or installed meets C.E.C.. quality standards. Indicate type and form. ... . • § 16617: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/ Exfittraiion Controls ............. a. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage b. Manufactured fenestration products have label with certified U -value, and infiltration certification c. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed • § 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only ....................... • § 150(0: Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with §151 meets Commission quality standards • § 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs ................. _ 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable meatal or glass door. b. Outside air intake with damper and control. c. Flue damper and control. 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. SPACE CONDITIONING, WATER HEATING AND PLUMBING SYSTEM MEASURES • § 110.13: HVAC equipment, water heater, showerhead and faucets certified by the commission ... • § 1500: Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems ....................... .. . • § 15%1: Pipe and Tank Insulation ................................................ . 1. Indirect hot water tanks have insulation blanket R-12 or greater or combined iritJ ext. R-16 or greater. 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non recirculating systems, insulated (R-4 or greater). 3. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water system. 4. Cooling system piping below 55'F insulated. 5. Piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank. § 150(m): Ducts and Fans ........................................................ 1. Ducts constructed, installed and sealed to comply with UMC Sections 1002 and 1004; ducts insulated to a minimum installed value of R-4.2 or ducts enclosed entirely with conditioned space. 2. Exhaust fan system have backdraft or automatic dampers 3. Gravity ventilating systems shall have automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. • § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment .................................... 1. System shall be 78% thermal efficiency, have an on-off switch, & weatherproof operating instructions. No electric resistance heating and no pilot light. .2. System is installed with: a. At least 36- pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spa. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and circulation pump time switch. • § 115: Gas-fired fau, pool heater, spa heater or household cooking appliance have no continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliance with pilot < 150 btu/ hr.) ........ LIGHTING MEASURES - _• § 150(k): 40 lumens / watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens and rooms with water closets; and recessed ceiling fixtures IC (insulation cover) approved ............................... madlin I s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 619-324-1731 / 322-3410 (fax) ....... Job Number: 16705A - Kennedy Construction, Sparling Residence TABLE 7-1: PRESCRIPTIVE COMPLIANCE OF ADDITIONS SLAB "D" SUMMARY OF SECTION 152(a)1 REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARDS COMPONENT <100 FT PROPOSED COMPLY Insulation: Ceiling R-19 R-38 Yes Insulation: Wall R-13 R-19 Yes Insulation: Floor - Raised R-13 Slab Yes Fenestration: U -value 0.75 No Glass Yes Fenestration: % of CFA <50 Ft. No Glass Yes Shading: South n/a No Glass Yes Shading: West n/a No Glass Yes Shading: East n/a No Glass Yes Shading: North n/a No Glass Yes Thermal Mass n/a 72 Sq. Ft. Yes Space Heating & Cooling Mandatory Measures Existing Yes Water Heating - Replacement n/a Existing Yes REMOVED GLAZING ADDITION GLAZING SIZE AREA SIZE AREA WA WA TOTAL - ALLOWED GLAZING TOTAL- PROPOSED AREA x 16% = TOTAL ALLOWED REMOVED GLAZING COMPLIANCE Yes TOTAL ALLOWED Madlin s l enterprises Catherine M. Madli% Certified Energy Analyst . 619-322-5004 / 322-3410 (fax) ....... Addendums and Notes r Macllln s v Consulting • Training • Calculations enterprises r Plan'Check V . Y . V . Excerpts from California Energy Commission Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Design Manual 7.5 ALTERATIONS In the Standards (see §101(b)), alterations are distinguished from additions as remodels, or replacements wnten ao not increase oottl the building's conditioned volume and conditioned floor area. Alterations include changes to the building envelope, space conditioning system, water, heating, system and lighting system.' In any alteration: (1) All the mandatory requirements that apply to the component being changed must be met. (2) All new fenestration products must have a U -value equal to or less than 0.75. Mandatory Measures Any building alteration must comply with the relevant mandatory measures listed in §111 through § 118 and § 150. of the Standards. See Chapter 2, Mandatory Measures, for a full discussion of the required features and the Mandatory Measures Checklist (MF -1R) form. See also Chapter 1, Section 1.3, for a i discussion of the Certificate of Compliance (CF - 1R) required with. all building permit applications subject to the Standards. Fenestration Requirements Another requirement for building alterations is that any new windows, skylight, glass door or other fenestration installed as part of an ' alteration must have a rated U -value of 0.75 or less (see Section 8.5 on Fenestration and § 152(b) of the Standards). For the purposes of compliance for alterations, dual glazed greenhouse windows and skylights may be assumed to meat this requirement. v Post Office Box 1443 • Palm Springs, Ca 92263 • 619-322-5004 • 619-322-3410 (fax) • Madlin 's enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 619-322-5004 / 322-3410 (fax) ....... Mandatory Features and Devices Residential Energy Standards Mandatory Features and Devices NOTICE TO CLIENT, CONTRACTOR, AND BUILDING OWNER All of the energy conservation devices and features outlined in this compliance portfolio are required to meet Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards for the State of California. This project will not be in compliance if any of these features or devices are omitted or altered. The heating and air conditioning load calculations included in this compliance portfolio are to assist our client in demonstrating compliance with Title 24 Standards. Final equipment selection and h.v.a.c. system(s) design are the responsibility of others. Madlin's Enterprises accepts no responsibility for h.v.a.c. design load calculations or equipment selection. The load calculations in this compliance portfolio are in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Standards and are not meant for actual h.v.a.c. system design. Other criteria affecting the selection of equipment and the system design should be considered by the mechanical system designer. (For example air flow requirements, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, equipment location, availability of equipment, over sizing safety margin, and etc.) It is the mechanical system(s) designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting equipment and preparing the. design. All equipment selections should be forwarded to the building department for plan check review. Madlin's enterprises Catherine M. Madl" Certified Energy Analyst . 619-322-5004 / 322-3410 (fax) ..' ..... Mandatory Features and -Devices This section describes the mandatory features Resp lty of Slg and devices which must be Installed In new Title 21, Sec _ _Mates that the residential buildings regardless of the method Cficatd used to demonstrate compliance with the —_ energy standards. It Is Important to understand shall bLs-signed-byy= ie person Bible for its that the mandatory measures represent a. gyration. The signer shallril engineer, minimum level of conservation which may be In mewl engineer, electricd�eer, architect, addition to or superseded by the features = genera contractor, mem_ tical contractor, required for compliance calculations dependln — ectricactor licensed and registered to on which Is more stringent. u -tp of California or other w�du 'sion 3 of the Business essions_ ign such documents. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEWhen 3 of the Business and Professions (CF -1 R FORM) ode exerroject from the requirements to Mate I crofessionals or contractors All building permit applicants °shall file tate c ass ponsi for the project, the person of Compliance on the plans° as require tie responc the document's preparation shall 24, Part 1, Section 10-103(a)2A of the Com sign the document and shall indicate the reason for Regulation. The certificate, also he CK the exertion—in writing on the Certificate of 1 R form, must: ---Complies °indicate the features performance= T1tner must sign the Certificate of specifications needed to c with [the Compliance. If the building type requires that a Standards], and shall be approve a local lensed individual take responsibility for design enforcement agency :stamp oriized mer the Business and Professions Code, than signature. The individiih overall respii_� individual signs as designer and lists his or her for the design shed—Certficate� nse number above the signature. When the Compliance." — _ — wilding type does not require the signature of a —_ licensed individual under the Business and The items list —e CF -1 rep _ Professions Code, the building owner may take of minimu�erform - ations, = responsibility as designer. _ including the ris heating maculation. The person who signs as the designer certifies that The building debe cucted to he/she has either: meet mexceed the ecmae_e�vel esiAiished (1) Directly prepared and coordinated the by eacl�the feats acficN_ ans cont ed��rtficat m compliance documents; or (2) That the energy documentation author has The requiremrat-�i� be "on the provided the compliance analysis and plans° may be met - lacing U ck'_trans- documentation under the responsibility of the parency of the CF -IR. drawlhgs, taping a designer. CF -1R to the drawings or=Tinting the CF -1 R --drawings. The documentation author shall be listed on the information directly on the Verify Certificate of Compliance. acceptable means with the local enforcement agency. - i Madlin Is en terpnses Catherine M. Madlb; Certified Energy Analyst • 619-322-5004 / 322-3410 (fax) ....... Mandatory Features BUILDING CONSTRUCTION The enforcement agency may require the person with overall responsibility for the construction to provide any other reasonable information to determine that the building as constructed is consistent with the approved plans and specifications and complies with Part f requirements. Installation & Insulation Certificates Installation (form CF -6R) and Insulation Certificates are required to be posted at the job site during the construction phase of the project. The Installation Certificate is used to document all event and fenestration products installed in the 018WIV=7The HVAC equipment installer is responsi verifying and complying with tteies use to achieve compliance. Th st meet or exceed each vows or - Certificate of Compliance. The Standards require that the path overall responsibility for construction or tFrn or persons responsiblq �stallation o rf d manufactured devic _ make avat with the building perm wilding the installation certificiFto—W for d devices regulfikd by the awe _ Part 6. S ation ce all be made availab ropriateons. These _certifie with.€ (2) Include a (3) State the (4) Be signed by the individuiiif�eligible under Division 3 of the Business a► S -'Professions Code to accept responsibility for construct - Ion, or their authorized representative. If I roman onesponsibility for b onstr on may prep part oocument iicab HE LMWortion of fiction for which they are �esponsibleately, the Ogson with chief respon r• fiction may prepign the do Jor the entire Co ruction. portion of the building be impossible to :went construction, the ency may require the installation I posted upon completion of TO BE PIDED BY BUILDER ball provide the building owner at time icy the appropriate Certificate of e and a list of the features, materials, iponents, and mechanical devices installed in building, and instructions on how to use them :ientiy. The instructions shall be consistent with cifications set forth by the Executive Director of CEC. For residential buildings, such information shall, at a minimum, include information indicated on forms Certificate of Compliance (CF -1 R), Mandatory Measures (MF -111), Installation Certificate (CF -6R), Insulation Certificate (IC -1) and a manual which provides all information specified in Section 10-103. The CEC publication Home Energy Manual, may be used to meet the requirement for providing a manual. It Madlin 's enterprises Catherine M. Ma&4 Certified Energy Analyst • 619-322-5004 / 322-3410 (fax) ....... Mandatory Features and -=-Devices MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST A Mandatory Measures Checklist MF -1 R form is included with this compliance portfolio. The in- dividual with overall design responsibility shall verify that the applicable mandatory measures are incorporated in the permit documents. As noted on the MF -1R form, certain mandatory measures which may be superseded by conservation leve established in the oompliance.approach are marked with an asterisk('). The mandatory measures other features specified in the compliance anal on the Certificate of Compliance must be listed orl the plans and in the specifications. INSULATION CERTIFICATION Builders may not install insula the product has been certified All insulation materials a installed compliance with the flame sprees and smoke density requirements of Sections 707 of Title 24, Part 2. Application of urea f off i@0k6fiffi Mmm insulate restricted to exterior sites - s. A =_ four mil thick plastic polyeffifte vap equivalent plat heeting var — installed betW&W92ML urea fo foam insulation and ace indications. An Insu 1st berme site. After installing wftg, ation, the installer shall post in cuoution in the building a certificate sign&__e_installer stating that the insulation is consister�_-=the plans and specifications for which the building permit was. issued. The certificate shall also state the manufacturer's name, material and the installed °R" value. W 1 qpaq frame separating con�i�aed auditioned shall meet ft.requirements of either 1 or=: (1)iated between wining members _ wither reater insulates, or a verage U -value equivalent to I with R-13 insulation exterior walls do not have to inimum of R-13 insulation. Notst between stories of a multi -story building f the wall and must be insulated to the sameas the wall. sting structures with R-11 frame not need to meet the minimum R-13 irements. See Section 150(c) of the foundation walls of heated basements or crawl spaces must be insulated above the it outside ground line with ' at least R-7 R-13 Mitimum No Minimum r. .y Wood frame Concrete Madlin's enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 619-322-5004 / 322-3410 (fax) ....... Mandatory Features and Devices CEILING INSULATION Ceiling ' n should not block eave vents in attics. _ The opaque portions of framed ceilings separating conditioned and unconditioned spaces shall meet To the inte ing insulation the requirements of 1 or 2 below: r9A irem eilir do extend far erfto t Is to ooh top plate. (1) Be insulated between wood framing members fRHowever. insu ay be tart the wall with R-19 or greater insulation; or a roof slopes down; a -wed truss or atment for full insepth at the (2) Have a weighted average U -value equivalent to outs a wall is not i but may be a ceiling with R-19 insulation between framing_ rable �ered insulation isequired for more Insulation which is not penetrated by outside wall, a weighted members may meet an equivalent minimum_R- r n_is required. value which includes the effects of fry= members on the above R-19 insulated ceilir@ GOOSE INSULATION • — VVe fill inion is installed, it should be Toper Insulation if necessary to blown Blown or poured type insulation allow air passage —= material be used in attic spaces where the slope --d tfW- roof is at least 2-1/2:12 and the — slope ofiling does not exceed manufacturers' is not greater than 6:12. Also, the ' =ism the top of the bottom chord of the -ceiling truss dr joists to the underside of the roof i R—gym sheathing is at least 30 inches at the roof ridge. — _ men save vents are installed, adequate baffling of Soyer over plate vent opening shall be provided to deflect the ��ming air above the surface of the material and all be installed at the soffit on a 45 -degree angle. ===-_ Baffles shall be in place at the time of framing = _ inspection. The thermal resistance (R) of the insulation required to comply with these regulations - shall be shown on the building plans. When loose fill insulation is installed, the minimum ion is installed weight per square foot must conform with = the manufacturers installed design dens' per 9 �Y square foot at the manufacturer's labeled R -value. -- - —=—int Io a ctiiR .. A Madlin's enteypfises Catherine M. Ma&u; Certified Energy Analyst . 619-322-5004 / 322-3410 (fax) ....... Mandatory Features and Devices RAISED FLOOR INSULATION Concrete raised floors separating conditioned and unconditioned spaces shall be insulated to an overall assembly R -value of R-8.0. All other raised floors separating conditioned and unconditioned spaces must either: (1) Be insulated between wood framing with R-13 or greater insulation; or (2) Have a weighted average U -value eqi a raised floor with R-13 insulation framing. r =_ r Concrete RaijaLfloor: R-8 Minion R Material used4oiff=sla6—ern must meet the following minimum: sp crlt a water absorption rate no gfeate=than 0:3fercent when tested in accordance with #tie=American Society of Testing and Materials ASTM -C-=272133 and a water vapor transmission rate no gCeater than 2.0 per /inch when tested in accordance with ASTM - addition _-gQncrete slab perimeter I be pnd and/or n Dnd ultraviolet DOORS ANDTRATION doors =and fenestration I to the Commission as to .ue performance. ufactured doors and they are certified and labeled neat the standards in Section 1 Site build windows must be caulked and weather-str'ipr otherwise sealed. They are not required e. tested and certified in the same way ajggq nufactured doors and windows. EXCEPTION: Fre rated doors and windows, unframed glass doors, and fire doors do not have meet the requirements of this section. CERTIFIED U -VALUE FFENESTRATION PRODUCTS Each manufactured fenestration product must: (1) Be certified as to its overall U -value as rated in accordance with the National Fenestration Rating Council's NFRC 100-91 (June 29, 1991) or in accordance with the default table method approved by the Commission; (2) Have a temporary label, not to be removed before inspection by the enforcement agency, listing the certified U -value and certifying that the requirements of §116(a)1 are met; and (3) Have a permanent label listing, or providing the means for determining, the U -value, certifying organization, and rating procedures. 41 J Madlin-'s enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 619-322-5004 / 322-3410 (fax) ....... Mandatory Features and Devices INFILTRATION CONTROL - JOINTS & VAPI OTHER OPENINGS In cfii The following openings in the building envelope vapor must be caulked, sealed, or weather-stripped or ir&all otherwise sealed: - ins (1) Exterior joints around window and door frames, between wall sole plates, floors and between exterior panels and all siding materials; (2) Opening for plumbing, electricity and gas lines in exterior and interior walls, ceilings= and floors; —_ (3) Opening in the attic floor (such as where ceiling panels meet interior and exterior walls and masonry fireplaces); and (4) All other such openings in the buil envelope. Door openings between condi unconditioned space, such as closets for central forced air _d outside air for combustion, a limit air leakage. FANS All fan systems that to the outside, raga must be provw dampers to All gravity ventilate conditioned space i auto_ �dily operat�=damp=efO including elotlae"s=dO combustion irr Com elevator shaft venfs Some examples of tt exhaust fans used d in exhaust fans. The designed 14 Ln irk r walls, attics �a-n-~ floors ov to protect insulation frog a continuous ed, must be aside of all Me floor of tented crawl &nsation. ash define a vaporer r as a material -permeaf one perm or less. Products i�orpolyethylene sheet or wall king may meet this moment, as w other product which, Wa�the appropriate testing procedure, is t barrier permeance rating of one 6 -or less.— -raft paper backing on batt Vinay q-ubW if the paper backing meets the varier peri-neance rating, and is properly installed.- per installation, the Kraft paper tabs on each -sWe of the insulation batt should be fastened face of the conditioned side of the mer. In addition, at the end of the �vity, the Kraft paper must overlap the framing members to create a continuous barrier at Abe wall cavity. SPECIAL NOTES ass ume r ie — M-graphicsprovi&d in this handout are from back d>r aunt - the California Energy Commission Residential —leakage: — Design Manual. �fi her Any changes made to the building materials, i — components, or manufactured devices after the butdide completion of the Title 24 compliance report ng should be forwarded to the building department and for review & comment.