2011 11 01 CC Minutes Sp Mtg - Joint CC + Boards & Commissions MeetingSPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE
NOVEMBER 1, 2011
A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and La Quinta Boards,
Commissions, and Committees was called to order at the hour of 3:00 p.m.
by Mayor Adolph.
PRESENT: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Mayor Adolph
ABSENT: Council Member Sniff
MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Evans /Franklin to excuse the
absence of Council Member Sniff. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jesus Rodrigues, 47870 Azalea, Senior Class President, La Quinta High
School, addressed the Council regarding the use of fireworks at La Quinta
High School for the graduation class of 2012.
City Attorney Jenson stated the Fire Department is the agency that issues
permits for fireworks.
Council Member Henderson suggested Community Services Director Hylton
meet with Mr. Rodrigues and guide him through the process.
Council Member Evans asked if Mr. Rodriguez has investigated the cost of a
fireworks display. Mr. Rodrigues confirmed.
Council Member Henderson stated the fireworks display for the City's 25'
Anniversary cost $1,000 per minute.
Mr. Rodrigues further stated the fireworks could be fired from within the
wash adjacent to the school.
Joint Meeting Minutes 2 November 1, 2011
Vice Chairman Wilbur called the Historic Preservation Commission
meeting to order.
PRESENT: Commissioners Redmon
ABSENT: Commissioner Puente and Vice Chairman Wilbur
Mayor Adolph stated the Council is available to listen to any subjects
the Commission wishes to discuss.
Commission Member Redmon reported the Commission received a
grant for a digitization process to preserve and access documents
from the website; informed the Commission will be applying for
additional grants available in 2012; and announced a historic sites and
the materials brochure will be available soon.
Council Member Evans asked if the brochure is modeled similarly to
the bike and trails maps. Commission Member Redmon confirmed.
Commission Member Puente arrived at the meeting.
Commission Member Redmon continued her report by thanking the
Council for the ability to attend the annual conference; and stated the
Commission was gratified to learn their progress is similar to other
organizations in the State.
Council Member Franklin asked what the amount of the grant received
was. Planning Manager Sawyer stated the grant was for $10,000.
Council Member Franklin stated she is happy to hear the conference
was a success and the Commission was able to obtain information
confirming the progress of the City.
Council Member Henderson stated she is glad there is a cooperative
effort and relationship between the Commission, La Quinta Museum
and Friends of the La Quinta Historical Society.
Joint Meeting Minutes 3 November 1, 2011
Council Member Evans stated with the 30 ' Anniversary approaching,
it would be beneficial to have the historical documents available on
the website by that time.
Mayor Adolph stated the City had established direct communication
with the La Quinta Resort and Club regarding the progress of the
Morgan House clean -up, and asked if there has been any progress.
Commission Member Redmon deferred the question to staff. Planning
Director Johnson stated the La Quinta Resort and Club has done a
better job of maintaining the property; explained staff has closed the
files of the expansion project, but part of the effort in working with
the developer was to address the Morgan House and a few additional
locations and the significance to the City as a community to establish
these properties has historical sites.
Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting and reconvened it to
meet in joint session with the Investment Advisory Board.
Chairperson Spirtos called the Investment Advisory Board meeting to
PRESENT: Board Members Blum, Donais, Chairperson Spirtos
ABSENT: Board Members Park, Mortenson
In response to Mayor Adolph, Commission Member Donais stated that
she has enjoyed the first few months serving on the commission.
Commission Member Blum stated that he feels very comfortable with
the information provided by staff and the Commission has a complete
and thorough understanding of it.
Council Member Henderson asked the commissioners if this
experience is what they expected. The commissioners confirmed.
Commission Member Mortenson aiiived.
Chairperson Spirtos stated that Commission is what she expected, is
learning the technical terms, and is thoroughly enjoying the
commission; she further stated that she is proud of the financial
stability of the City.
Joint Meeting Minutes 4 November 1, 2011
Commission Member, Mortenson stated he enjoys his service on the
Commission; and -- commended 'Finance' Director Falconer for his
thorough presentation of information` and patience with the
commission members.
Council Member Evans asked Commission Member Donais if she finds
lack of opportunities to invest City funds because of the current
economy. Commission Member Blum replied by stating that those
cities without finance commissions are in terrible financial status, and
those with commissions are very smart to have them.
Commission Member Mortenson stated the Commission's duty is to
carry out the Investment Policy with the objectives of the Council and
to focus on financial liquidity and safety.
Chairperson Spirtos stated the Commission has a fiduciary obligation
to the citizens of La Quinta.
Council Member Franklin stated it is wonderful to have financial back-
up; and further stated that in communicating with Finance Director
Falconer, he does not make you. feel inept with the questions asked.
Council Member Evans asked Commission Member Donais if she has
been able to inform the residents as a result of serving on. the
Commission. Commission Member Donais confirmed and stated that
the recent corruption conducted by local agencies is a topic discussed,
and is able to enlighten them on the financial stability of the City.
Mayor Adolph asked if the commissioners often disagree when
discussing topics. Chairperson Spirtos stated there are clarifications
made during discussions, but no major disagreements.
Commission Member Blum stated the leadership of Finance Director
Falconer provides guidance and direction, and at times promotes
questions for further clarification of the discussion held by the
Commission Member Mortenson added that a well- written investment
policy statement eliminates disagreements.
Chairperson Spirtos adjourned the Investment Advisory Board meeting.
Mayor Adolph recessed the City. Council meeting and reconvened it to
meet in joint session with the Community Services Commission.
Joint Meeting Minutes 5 November 1, 2011
PRESENT: Commissioners Blakeley, Engel, Lawrence, Leidner, and
Chairperson Fitzpatrick
Mayor Adolph explained the purpose of this meeting is to have a
dialogue with the Commission and turned the meeting over to
Chairperson Fitzpatrick.
Chairperson Fitzpatrick stated the Commission Members will be
presenting the accomplishments made during the course of the year.
Commission Member Lawrence stated the opening of the Fitness
Center was a great success; the are 812 members as of one week ago
and the membership continues to grow; and reported the Community
Services Department is marketing the facility in all City publications,
email blasts, and websites.
Council Member Evans stated the service of the facility is very
personalized due to the friendliness of the core staff at the facility;
and many residents refer to the facility as a City facility although it is
a Desert Recreation District facility; and reported the new CEO for the
Desert Healthcare District has toured the facility to review the
collaborative effort between the City and Desert Recreation District.
Council Member Henderson stated many residents think the La Quinta
Community Park is a City park.
Commission Member Blakeley reported on the 30 Anniversary
celebration and explained the Commission is working with many
organizations in the community; and further reported her and
Commissioner Leidner were a backdrop in a video for the Homestead
Council Member Henderson asked if Commission Member Blakeley is
on a subcommittee for the 30 Anniversary event. Commission
Member Blakelely explained there is no subcommittee for the
Anniversary event but are coordinating efforts for the event with other
organizations of the community.
Council Member Henderson asked if the entire Commission meets with
the individual organizations. Community Services Director Hylton
Joint Meeting Minutes 6 November 1, 2011
explained that there is a marketing plan staff is implementing with a
marketing committee that meets with the Chamber of Commerce,
along with the City's relationships with community organizations, all
aspects of the 30 Anniversary event will be promoted.
Commission Member Leidner reported the Commission would like to
add to the work plan by offering an invitation of other community
organizations to commission meetings to obtain an understanding of
the other organizations, and assist each other for the good of the
Commission Member Engel thanked the Council for the Capital
Improvements Projects completed this last fiscal year; and reported
the new rules have been posted at the Seasons and Pioneer dog park.
Council Member Henderson asked if there have been any complaints
since the posting of the rules. Commission Member Engel stated she
has not heard any complaints from the posting of the rules.
Chairperson Fitzpatrick stated the Commission may hear some
complaints once the seasonal residents return later in the year. Further
stated most of her contacts have been positive and a few residents
have stated they like the new historic plaques recently mounted.
Commission Member Engel further reported that the new playground
equipment at Fritz Burns, Seasons and Adams Park has been installed.
Mayor Adolph asked how the attendance at the pool this year was.
Chairperson Fitzpatrick stated the daily swim was well attended and
there were more private uses scheduled.
Mayor Adolph stated he personally appreciates the service the
Commission provides and asked if they have any suggestions for the
future of the City.
Chairperson Fitzpatrick stated that staff is proactive with providing
programs requested by the residents.
Mayor Adolph stated there are many programs available between the
Library and the Museum, but thought there might be a different
program the City could offer.
Commission Member Leidner referred to Coachella Fast . and
Stagecoach events and how successful they have been for the City of
Indio; and suggested possibly holding a similar event in the City.
Joint Meeting Minutes 7 November 1, 2011
Mayor Adolph explained many years ago the Council was approached
by a promoter to hold a jazz festival in the City, but the amount of
financial support from the City was too great. Council Member
Henderson stated the Art Foundation has held jazz events in the past;
explained to begin the process of establishing a large event is not
necessarily the outcome desired; and further stated that there is a
great opportunity for the County to offer programs at Lake Cahuilla.
Chairperson Fitzpatrick stated the County has been cordial to work
with and establish a no fee agreement to enable residents to attend
events at the lake with no entrance or parking charge.
Council Member Franklin stated there used to be a jazz festival held at
the Civic Center and asked if it was a successful event. Council
Member Henderson stated the jazz events were held one evening in
conjunction with the Arts Festival, and the artists did not like the
event being held with the Arts Festival because attendees would
meander to the music.
Commission Member Leidner stated the events don't have to be
specifically jazz, but just a thought to have an event in competition
with Indio.
Mayor Adolph asked if the Christmas events in the Village have been
scheduled. Commission Member Blakeley confirmed and stated they
will be held on December 2, 2011.
Commission Member Lawrence reported the Commission has
discussed holding a bicycle event with Community Services Director
Hylton and asked if the City can entertain holding such an event.
Council Member Evans stated such an event go along with the healthy
eating, active living commitment of the City.
Council Member Henderson stated she has not attended some of the
functions held this year due to scheduling conflicts, and has not been
able to visit with the commission members as often as she has in the
Mayor Adolph thanked the Commission for their service and
involvement in the community.
Joint Meeting Minutes 8 November 1, 2011
Chairperson Fitzpatrick adjourned the Community Services
Commission meeting.
Mayor Adolph recessed the City Council meeting and reconvened it to
meet in joint session with the Planning Commission and Architectural
and Landscaping Review Committee.
PRESENT: Commissioners Barrows, Weber, Wilkinson, Wright and
Chairman Alderson
ALRC Members Gray, McCune,
ABSENT: ALRC Member Rooker
MOTION - It was moved by Commission Members Wright /Barrows to
excuse the absence of ALRC Member Rooker. Motion carried
Chairman Alderson conveyed the Planning Commission's appreciation
of meeting with the Council; stated the ALRC suggested an option to
offer their service of reviewing landscape plans for the City projects
along with the Planning Commission.
Mayor Adolph asked if there is a reason why this is not currently the
practice. Planning Director Johnson stated the review is historically
conducted by staff and the City Council; and explained there have
been a few projects the City have requested input from the
City Manager Genovese stated the reason for the current process is
because the Council is the owner of the project, and if the ALRC is to
review the plan prior to the Council, the policies and thoughts of the
Council will be given up to the ALRC; and further stated it would make
sense for the ALRC to review conceptual plans after the review of the
City Council
Council Member Henderson clarified the ALRC could review the plans
after it has been reviewed by the Council. City Manager Genovese
confirmed. Council Member Henderson stated that it is known the
Planning Commission and ALRC can hold plans for review for a long
time; and stated once the Council has reviewed the plans; it makes
Joint Meeting Minutes 9 November 1, 2011
sense for the Planning Commission and ALRC to review the plans as
Chairman Alderson stated the review should be conducted in the initial
design of the plans.
ALRC Member McCune stated the ALRC and Planning Commission can
make recommendations to the City Council at the conceptual stage,
and further stated the plans will not be held up in the process.
Planning Director Johnson explained the process for private projects
are that the initially plans submitted are schematic drawings and are
presented to the ALRC for review, then presented to the Planning
Commission in the public hearing process, and then the conceptual
plans are checked with the signed landscape architectural plans by the
ALRC Member McCune explained the purpose is to provide the
professional review for staff and the City Council to consider.
Mayor Adolph stated it makes sense for a professional to review a
professional design and make recommendations to the Council, but is
unsure if it is the right or wrong process to follow.
ALRC McCune stated as professionals, the ALRC can review 4 to 5
pages of plans in a fairly quick amount of time, and also assist in
streamlining the review process for the City Council.
Mayor Adolph stated there was a safety issue of planting trees in the
medians on Highway 111 because of the possibility of an accident
occurring and hitting a tree in the median. City Manager Genovese
explained that palm trees are currently being planted on the medians
on Highway 111 because we have acquired that portion of the road
and can make improvements as the City has ownership.
Council Member Henderson asked if the improvements currently being
made are plans generated by the City; City Manager Genovese stated
the ALRC and Planning Commission can add to the process; explained
the developer owns the plans and the Council is the developer and
owner of the plans; and wants to make clear that the plans do not go
before the Planning Commission or ALRC prior to the Council's review
because the Council is in contract with the landscape architect; and
further stated with the City Council as owners the Council should
decide on what should be the design.
Joint Meeting Minutes 10 November 1, 2011
Mayor Adolph suggested the ALRC possibly review the landscaping on
the medians at the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington
Street. City Manager Genovese explained the issue with the
landscaping at that intersection is the cost of providing utilities to the
medians to maintain landscaping in that area.
Council Member Evans stated there clearly are two different
processes; and asked if there have been City projects as of late that
the ALRC would have liked to have reviewed. ALRC Member McCune
stated the trees planted at the retention basin in front of the St.
Francis Assisi Church will grow into the first lane of traffic on
Washington Street when they mature. Council Member Evans stated
that was a City project that did not go through review of the ALRC.
Mayor Adolph stated the same problem will occur at the medians on
Washington Street. ALRC Member McCune confirmed and stated he is
happy to see the current tree trimming service be more aggressive
with trimming the City trees.
Council Member Evans stated she is liking the proposed suggestion of
ALRC and Planning Commission review landscape plans the more she
thinks about it; when looking at the role of the ALRC and Planning
Commission, asked why staff is not allowing the same opportunity for
City projects because there are some aspects the City Council will
miss on these projects.
City Manager Genovese stated it will cost a little more for the review
by the ALRC and can be done if directed by the City Council; made it
clear that the first meeting with the landscape architect is with the
Council; and further stated it would be beneficial for the ALRC to
review the plans as well.
Council Member Franklin stated the two processes were initiated
because of a time constraint problem during the years of rapid building
in the City.
Council Member Franklin suggested this matter be brought back as a
study session item. Council Member Henderson suggested staff bring
this item back as a department report.
Chairperson Alderson stated roundabouts have been discussed
recently and asked if the roundabout at Avenue 52 and Jefferson
Street is considered a single or double lane roundabout. Public Works
Joint Meeting Minutes 11 November 1, 2011
Director Jonasson stated it is a single -lane roundabout. Chairperson
Alderson stated it is not striped for a single lane and suggested it be
striped accordingly.
City Manager Genovese staff is looking at enhancements of striping or
signage for the roundabout.
Commission Member Weber stated many drivers are confused if there
is a single or double lane; and suggested signage indicating a single
lane is in place. Mayor Adolph stated there are too many signs
Chairman Alderson stated there is a learning curve to using a
Commission Member Wilkinson asked if the Council is leaning towards
incorporating roundabouts in the future.
Council Member Henderson stated the bigger question is whether the
easement rights will accommodate a roundabout at any intersection;
stated once the roundabout at Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Sinaloa
is installed, the residents will love it; and as corners are built -out it will
be difficult install roundabouts.
Commission Member Weber encouraged the City Council to continue
to consider roundabouts in the future because of the lessoned impacts
of accidents, long -term liability, and maintenance.
Chairman Alderson addressed the regional trail throughout the
Commission Member Wilkinson stated the City had originally planned
for a portion of the regional trail and asked what the status was for
the project.
Planning Director Johnson stated representatives from the Cities of
Indio, Coachella, La Quinta, County of Riverside, and Desert
Recreation District met to discuss a regional trail throughout the Valley
and to get an eastern segment identified as the Palm Springs /Salton
Sea Trail; have been spending staff resources to creating a feasibility
study for the City's segment of the trail and once ready, it will go
through the proper channels for review and have an adopted
document; and further explained the City can obtain 75 to 80% of
funding for the trail system.
Joint Meeting Minutes 12 November 1, 2011
Council Member Henderson stated the legislation is trying to eliminate
the 10% mandatory transportation funding set aside for alternative
transportation sources.
Planning Director Johnson explained staff is working to complete the
feasibility study document and be in the same position as other
communities and be in a much more regional competitive position for
funding sources.
Council Member Evans asked if other communities are also conducting
feasibility studies like La Quinta. Planning Director Johnson stated the
City of Indio already has completed a document and Coachella is a
step behind La Quinta.
Council Member Henderson asked if there is only a mile of the trail
within La Quinta. Planning Director Johnson stated it is approximately
1 A mile from Jefferson Street to the western boarder at the
Cliffhouse Restaurant.
Planning Director Johnson stated the ability of the trail to interconnect
with the south side of the Whitewater Channel, and many eastern
communities could utilize the trail to travel to shop in La Quinta; and
further explained the City of Indian Wells has no interest in the trail
system at this time.
Commission Member Weber suggested the possibility of a trail loop to
be self contained in the City.
Chairperson Alderson addressed the use of renewable energy and
stated there are no provisions in the current building codes dealing
with alternative energy issues; and asked if there are any provisions
that address renewable energy used to be established.
Mayor Adolph stated he was under the impression that codes have
been established. Planning Director Johnson explained State Law
prohibits the city from establishing restrictions or prevent renewable
energy uses.
Commission Member Wilkinson stated he understood that the City
could not impose an additional expenditure of 15% to the cost of
installing renewable energy for the purpose of screening of units.
Planning Director Johnson stated in 2006 State Law took oversight of
the process out of the City's hands and also addressed restrictions of
homeowner associations as well.
Joint Meeting Minutes 13 November 1, 2011
Chairman Alderson asked if the City can not place restriction on
renewable energy installations at all. Planning Director Johnson
confirmed, and explained as long as the installation meets the
permitting requirements.
Chairman Alderson stated different forms of sources of energy will be
coming in new construction; and further stated the City should be
looking into establishing codes. Planning Director Johnson explained
the State building codes have been established for the point of
ratcheting up the requirements of greater energy efficiency, every
three years, and as they ratchet up, the possibility of more renewable
energy will be used to counter the energy efficiency mandates; and
stated technology is rapidly advancing.
Commission Member Barrows discussed what types of incentives the
City can establish such as streamline permitting, fee reduction, since
the obstacle is the cost; further explained the Imperial Irrigation
District pID) is establishing a wind energy project; there is a general
recognition of renewal energy throughout the Coachella Valley and it
would be worth for the City to look into simple ways to help promote
energy efficiency.
Chairman Alderson stated collecting solar power has come a long way
since its inception.
Commission Member Wilkinson stated he is wondering the
appearances of solar panels can be improved from a design
Planning Director Johnson stated staff is looking into mitigating non-
residential projects, and the challenge is with the existing developed
Council Member Franklin agreed with the statement that the
technology will improve as it is utilized more often.
Council Member Henderson stated other than looking around to
observing what other communities are doing right now, she is not in
favor of providing incentives with permit fees at this time for
installation of renewable energy.
Chairman Alderson stated the Commission has discussed the use of
geothermal energy conducted by IID.
Joint Meeting Minutes 14 November 1, 2011
Commission Member Weber reported on the project; and discussed
the representation of the Coachella Valley and the potential political
influence of La Quinta to IID.
Council Member Franklin stated another consideration is that III)
intends to sell off the Coachella Valley portion which will leave the
Valley at the mercy of any company.
Chairman Alderson stated there was discussion of redistribution of
lines passing the Salton Sea and to the upper valleys. Council Member
Franklin explained the problem is an import/export issue.
Commission Member Weber stated we will be harmed if the City does
not take the driver's seat on this issue. Council Member Franklin asked
how the legislative process begins. Commission Member Weber stated
the City must make some noise about the subject.
Mayor Adolph asked if proposal of the IID would require state approval
by the State. Commission Member Weber stated it depends on what
they are proposing and if they will have an area that is not being
Mayor Adolph asked if we currently don't have representation.
Commission Member Weber confirmed. Council Member Franklin
stated IID want to abort this area and be contained all in Imperial
Council Member Henderson stated in order to change representation it
would need legislation.
Commission Member Weber confirmed, and further stated concerns of
future service, rates, representation of this area, and sufficient
engineering staff in this area.
Chairman Alderson adjourned the Planning Commission meeting.
Mayor Adolph thanked the Planning Commission for their service to
the community.
Mayor Adolph recessed the Joint City Coundl//Boards, Committees and
Commissions meeting to the regular City Council meeting.
Joint Meeting Minutes 15 November 1, 2011
There being no further business, -Mayor Adolph adjourned the Joint City
Council /Boards, Committees and Commissions meeting.
Respectf y submitted,
City of La Quinta, California