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0106-095 (SFD)
(n` I—, 04 t=S '1 o W IZ IY I,- 6 Z Q o H� LU LU a� co Z LO N ON U °) CL Q Ict Z T cc Q O LU tL Q J J mUU O � 0) `t _Z ob Z. �O �Q J LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. kLicense # It Lic. Class Exp. Date Date(, -- Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. T. TR KMD (This section need not be completed if'the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions:.,., ' Date:Applicant �' .I r.,•, f "'+A 11.. , ... w} v rr v Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building andSafet for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on hi j'a application. '''• L 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person t whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant t any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemni & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employee . 2.Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is. not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of su h permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellatio . I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize`representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspectiop.pti )ses. Signature (Owner/Agent)'"; "-, j / ; Dates ; • � BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT ' '2139.1 A() 61 of_ 2849M4 JOB SITE APN' ADDRESS 79-8S►dD lI&i7 765 77A 08.E OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/EN INFER 3400 C'FN3id,hi),AVENUE ME 325 325 1W4fiTZ87) 7E (A 192506 RMAME E CA. 92 506 (, ,9)682.5352 CBLft 5386 USE OF PERMIT SHFIFFMID Eit�lV1 ',C3'il_,`� GIZWO&LY,i:1WFj LU40 3400 C£EdT1Air." ETV' U :STP 335 SM e LOT 61, K AN 2AIZ , PFUrnUT DOLSW(Yf !N('I.�tfM BLOCK fiVAfl�., POOL OR DIUVEVAY APPROACK CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION ZMA SF POTLC%I+WATIO 324,06 Sir XsTa"I ED C0113vh' OF +C.'` X49MTMON 23917.3.3.Cs'S3 CON€lTk U011071 FEE, 101-000-4-18-000 11,129154 PLAN CHMfwi; FU 101-000-439-319 $915.49 Mi!{�&�4�aMICAL FEE 101.000-42)•a(0 p$65,.50 XLEC d�'RiICAU,r �, E 1011-000-420-000 $164.31 PL'iDMNO ME 101-000-419-000 $191,75 o3';lzf NIQ MOTION FEE w .RESID 101-000-2A1-000 $23.97 GRADING FRE. 101,000423-M Mcc INIFR1'eS!RUCTURLePER' 225-000-441-342 $1,907.00 ART IN PUBLIC PL,AG.U, - RSM 701.-:3{ 255 -OW) A 0 - TOS 7-7 TON i?T m amert JUN 1 5' 0T $4s` 26. r9 LEM PRE -PAM Ti $0.00 CITY OF I A OUINTA T �aUM1111 ���'.j�'S DrUE FINANCE DEPT RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air _ Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck d �d(_ Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap A F.A.U. Framing Insulation 0 110 Compressor, Vents ` Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Will Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath 67 Drywall - Int. Lath 1,POOLS Final Final - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster r Sewer Lateral�` — t Pool Cover Sewer Connection o" Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. , Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power s Final Utility Notice (Perm) —o A -j tv 1 OF LA QUINTA 6 iUILDIN'G& SAFETY DEPARTMENT or.__ 777-7012 j INSPTCTION REQUEST LINE j "..: 777-7153 SHEFFIELD HQMES W<< Cnntracteti(i IEi,DN©MES Permit Number 0106-095 POST ON JOB IN CONSPICUOUS PLACE R INSPECTOR MUST SIGN ALL APPLICABLE SPACES JOB ADDRESS 79-890 CITRUS SFp - LOT 61, PLAN 2AR - PERAUT DOES NOT INCLUDE BLOCK WALL, POOL OR DRIVEWAY APPROACH TYPE OF INSPECTION DATE INSP. FOUNDATION & SETBACK MAIN GROUND SYSTEM I i -- ----------'_-- - — PRE-GUNITE t . DO NOT POUR CONCRETE UNTIL ALL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ' CONCRETE SLAB JOISTS & GIRDERS ELE RICAL GROUND WORK / DO NOT POUR CONCRETE UNTIL ALL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGH ELECTRIC ROUGH PLUMBING ROUGH GAS & GAS TEST HEATING & VENT- A/C FIREPLACE ROOF �67 - BOND BEAM O.K. TO WRAP r/ GROUT ❑ 4' ❑ 8' FRAMING INSULATION PRE -ROOF - d SiC eN _ a N� .lam COVER NO WORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED DRYWALL INTERIOR EXTERIOR LATH POOL PRE PLASTER WOL FENCE & GATE _ ABOVE APPROVALS DO NOT INCLUDE RIGHT TO TURN ON UTILITIES OR OCCUPY BUILDING Ai. I SEP -11-01 10:17AM FROM -OPTION ONE 10. +9495539720 IIUI 1 :r 9 n e C ✓ N )' 1J 1. % I Av r. N J r /I r. r. Structural Obrpervatlon KeRor- Lot 61, Flan 2AK (phatie 6) T-199 P.02/08 F-606 PROJECT "Cltrus Course" 5FD Option One JN: 0399-0623 LOCATION La Qulnta, CA galtai; NIA DEVELOP15VOWNER 5heffietd Homes ARCHITECT William Hezmalhalch Archltect5, Inc. Architect JN: 98243 ATTENTION Brian Finan, Project 5uperinten6lent Telephone No.. (760) 56+5192 DATE 5epterr:ber11, 2001 Facsimile No.: (760) 564-0481 WEATHER COND. Sunny (hoWclear) Hardware: 51mpaon Structural observation Is the visuat observation of the Structural systems, Including, but not ifmlted to the elements and connections at significant stages of con5truct4on, and the completed structure systems for general conformance to the approved piano and specifications. Structural observation uses visual means and It Is non -continuous and focu5e5 on the building's structural syoteme rather on the use of particular materials, processes, workmanship, and methods and means of construcrlon. It does not provide the quality assurance of continuous Inspection. it does not Include orwalve the re5pon51blllvl for progress, ca lied or continuous Inspt.—Mon510yThe, building Inspector or deputy Inspector. However, structural 006ervatlon does provide additional review of the field construction to substanvolly Increase the Ilkellhood that the structural 5y5tem5 will be In general conformance with the approved plans and 5 ecIflcatlon5. --- - p Option One Comrwitine Englneem observed the construction WLot 61, Plan 2AR (Phase 5heffleld Homes Citrus Coursi project locav:d in La Quinta, Caiffornla. The observation war, perf=ormed on August 31. 2001. Project 5uperimtendent shall make avallable a copy ofthls observation report to concrete and framing contractors, building Inspe,stor, And special deputy inspector. The Items listed below were observed to be either incomplete or Incorrectly Installed per the approved conotruction documents. Refer to 1,he attached drawings for location and/or deocrlption of Items below, _ Roof Framing Elements Kam No. D000ription of Observed Deficiency and/or Resolution of Non-confiorming items 1 13A 2: Epoxy fix Simpson HTT22 at upper end of the "f 4" 6hcar per approved detall If you should have any questions and need additional clarification on Items listed below, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (949) 553-1916 or send your comments and 5ueec5tions to us via facsimile at (949) 553-9720. f er,pectfufly Submitted Dy OPTION ONIF CON6IJLTING ENGINEERS Tidb doeumenv must near an original "WET, :.Igna-wea am Deal for wi womtmii purpo6e6. Principal 0:1600'y\06231ob5ervelPNGL0T6t.doc Option One Page 1 Option One— Consulting Engineers 2.0311 AC000 St, Suite 240; Newport Beach, Co. 92660 9/11/2001 Tel 949,553,1916 Fax 949,553,9720 SEP -11-01 10:18AM FROM -OPTION ONE �w� IFvI .:..liar n•vu +9495539720 IV � - . 7�. G N 1 Ij 1 �I COLS om �.r "RAMING PIAN ol T-199 P•03/08 F-806 Z/`ZI CT * 1 �►w ZAa. ae aywcxn _ r r A1111y�w ,r.. -M w.W O - I rP 1�1�T1 '"rMl ink COLS om �.r "RAMING PIAN ol T-199 P•03/08 F-806 Z/`ZI CT * 1 �►w ZAa. M. «� �. 1•w. ....r ,11Mmr .r1 MI w Itd. AOdYl0lJilL NpTCA PCN P,•P71 omt. 4r=Y NATES: aywcxn _ r A1111y�w ,r.. -M w.W O rP 1�1�T1 '"rMl ink ,�7±±I��A+AYYM1•M PI,J •MY �.1 ��•.r�t�yD.Y NAL 60CUE fA6TC1�pA 9C�77e}C M. «� �. 1•w. ....r ,11Mmr .r1 MI w Itd. AOdYl0lJilL NpTCA PCN P,•P71 omt. 4r=Y ' SEP -11-01 10:19AM FROM -OPTION ONE +9495539720 T-199 P.04/08 F-806 ") WPIKA I (C b IS1.L(i ene Structural Observation Report Lot 62, Plan 3A (Phaea 65) PROJECT -Citrus Course" 5FD � Option One JN; 0399-0623 LOCATION La Qulrta, CA pelta; N/A DEVELOPER/OWNER Sheffield Homes ARCHITECT William Hezdnalhalch Archltecrh, Inc. Architect JN: 98243 ATTENTION 13rlan Finan, Project 5uperlmrendent Telephone No.- (760) 5645192 DATE SepteniPer 11, 2001 Facsimile No.; (760) 564-04V WEATHER COND. Sunny (hot/clear) Hardware: 5lmpson Structural observation is the visual observation of the Structural systems, Including, but not limited to the elements and connections at significant stages of construction, and the complexed Structure systema for general conformance ro the approved pians and specifications. Structural observatlon uses vlSual means and It is non -continuous and focuses on the Oullding'S Structural systems rather on the use of particular materials, procerdes, workmanship, and methods and means of construction. It does not provide the duality assurance of conTdnuouS Inspection. It does not Include or waive the responslbllity for progress, called or continuous Inspections Oy the bullding Inspector or deputy Inspector. However, structural o0servatlon does provide addltlonal review of the field construction to Sub5tantlally Increase Vie likellhood that the Structural systems will be In general conformance with the approved plana and specifications. n 7`1-9p0 �ievss; Option One Consulting Englneem observed the construction ofL"_62. Plan 3A (Phaeaiwfof Sheffield Homes Citrus Course project located In La QulnW, California. The observation was performed on August 31, 2001. Project superintendent shall make avallablc a copy of this observation report to concrete and framing contractors, building Inspector, and special deputy Inspector. The items listed below were observer to be either Incomplete or Incorrectly Installed per the approved construction documents. Refer to the attached drawinea for location andlor deocrlption of Items below. Roof )^taming Elements Item No. Description of Observed Deficiency and/or Resolution of Non -conforming items 1 PATIO: Add ml6sing 51n soon A35F (trusslto late) perdetail "7J501" 2 PATIO: Add Slm on 5T6224 (4xl4EM to top plate) at plaU break 3 MER: Complete Installation of detail "10/6PZ" (blocking and hardware) as Inellcated on slte If you should have any dueoVons an.l need additional clarification on Items N4a below, please do not heSlxate to Contact our office at (049) 553-1916 or Send your comments and suggestions to ua via facsimile at (949) 553-9720. Respectfully Submitted 6y OPTION ONE CONSULTINO ENOINEE95 Thio document muzT Pear an ariglnal WET" bfAnaT.ure and real for all 4u0mlt-L9l purpoec!. Principal D:1600'5106231ob6e,rve\PHOLOT62:.4oc Option One Page 1 Option One Consulting Engineers 20311 Acacia St., Suite 240, Newport Beach, Cd, 92660 9/11/2001 Tel 949.553.1916 Fax 949.553.9720 10:10AM FROM -OPTION ONE WIT OPT. WN UPPER IDININCa lmixW +9495539720 T-199 P-05/08 FRAMING PI -AN -aA F-806 ' SEP -11-01 10:20AM FROM -OPTION ONE +9495539720 T-199 P.06/08 F-806 OP i IU[ I t one ,3 N. I/ J. 'J' , 4 C !. N C i N I. ' 3 Structural Observation report Lot 66, Plan 1R (Phase 6) PROJECT "Citrus Course" 5FD Option One JN: 0399-0623 LOCATION La Qulnta, CA Daltm N/A DEVELOPER/OWNER 511effleld Homes 5 PATIO; Com late InstaIIAtlon of the "P6" shear ARCHITECT ; William Hezmalhalch Architects. Inc. Architaet JN: 98243 ATTENTION 5rian Finan, Project Superintendent Telephone No.: (760) 564-5192 DATE September 11, 2001 Facsimile No.: (760) 564-04x1 WEATHER COND. 5unny (hot/clear) Hardwars: 5impeon Structural o0aervatlon Is the vlr7ua I observation of the structural systems. including, but not limited to the elements and connections at significant stages of construction, and the completed Structure systems for general conformance to the approved plans and specifications. 5rructurai observation uses visual means and It is non -continuous and focuses on the bullding'a Structural systems rather on the use of particular materials; processes, workmanship. And methods and means of construction. It does not provide the duality assurance of continuous inspection. it does not Include or waive the refponfiblllty for progrees, called or continuous Inspections by the building Inspector or deputy inspector. However, structural observation doer provide addltlonal review of the field conftrualon to substantially fncresoe the likelihood that the structural sy6tem6 will be In general conformance with the approved plans and specifications. 79-940 e-)-r"s sr„2 S Option One Consulting Englneero ot,ferved the conatructlon of Lot 66, Plan 10'(Phage)'j of 5hefflcld Homes Citrus Course project located In La Quints, California. The observation was performed on August 31, 2001, Project superintendent rhall make avallable a copy of this observation report to concrete and framing contractors, bullding Inspe.:Ur, and Special deputy Inspector. The Items listed below were observed to be either Incomplete or Incorrectly Installed per the approved construction documents. Refer to the attached drawings for location and/or description of Items below. Roof Framing Elements Item No. Description of Observed Deficlency and/or Resolution of Non -conforming Items 1 SERVICE: Add Simpson C510 x 15" at mudflll break (lumbing lines) 2 PORCH: Add mlffing 2x4 stud under lower bearing point of girder trusses 3 DA 3: Nailing of the -P.5" shear and correspondent 51m son HPAHD22 hoidown5 at Inner ends _4 5A 3: Add missing A35 or H1 (truss/top late) per detail "1-1/5D1" 5 PATIO; Com late InstaIIAtlon of the "P6" shear If you ahould have any jueaVonr and need addltlonal clarification on Items Voted below, please do not heeltate to contact our office at (949) 553-1916 or fend your comments and suge"Vonf to ua via facsimile at (949) 553-9720. Respectfully Submitted 6y OPTION ONE CONSULTING ENGINEERS Tn16 dooument must bear an original'WET' bignbLure i7nd Seal for all �)ubmitiai purpotiva. Principal D:\600'a\06231observeU'H6LOT+ir6.doc Option One Page 1 Option One Consultinq Engineers 20311 Acacia St., Suite 240, Newport Beach, Ca, 92660 9/1'1/2001 Tel 949.553.191 � Fax 949.553.972( e� FRAMING PLAN 44 fox r ,Ja� a a B F-806 _ avwne � Irai��.TA.::�.. i r• • y-ja3i9�•risiii '-' stere wuia �W �r�;raa9� n'Mwu7 ir'Z.".=4Viae"..'"MEOW 71 a•".. ��NrY�tl.��1niN'•� �M �M U �•.Yw w�ii.M..,11�'•i. ,••i.�� FAM EA 9CHWU _ AbUTIONu. NOTO PER eine 1 ' SEP -11-01 10:21AM FROM -OPTION ONE +9495539720 T-199 P.07/0 poi 0 tiL —Il tv °I esit� el Esg�eaxwt �� �I ;s 4 �, i Kari �•'•co u�� i�$IS'b in y �. le e� FRAMING PLAN 44 fox r ,Ja� a a B F-806 _ avwne � Irai��.TA.::�.. i r• • y-ja3i9�•risiii '-' stere wuia �W �r�;raa9� n'Mwu7 ir'Z.".=4Viae"..'"MEOW 71 a•".. ��NrY�tl.��1niN'•� �M �M U �•.Yw w�ii.M..,11�'•i. ,••i.�� FAM EA 9CHWU _ AbUTIONu. NOTO PER eine 1 F,-., . 4.11 -InO! I 66 NOILVA3l3 NVId x001:1 bON3(3db I OG NOIIVA; 908- 80/80*d 661-1 OZ16E598b6+ 3NO NO WO- H WdZZ:01 10-11-d3S .