2011 12 06 HA MinutesLA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 2011 A special meeting of the La Quinta Housing Authority was called to order by Chairperson Franklin. PRESENT: Board Members Adolph, Evans, Henderson, Chairperson Franklin ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA — Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES - None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF AN APPROPRIATION TO FUND SILENT SECOND TRUST DEEDS FOR THE FORECLOSED HOME PURCHASE AND SALE PROGRAM MOTION — It was moved by Board Members Adolph /Evans to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION — None STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF WASHINGTON STREET APARTMENTS SOUND WALL DESIGN Jon McMillen, RSG Consultants, reviewed the sound wall design. Chairperson Franklin asked why seating provided along Washington Street. Consultant McMillen explained a southern gate would be provided to the property and providing seating along Washington Street would enable tenants to rest from the sun. Board Member Henderson asked if there were more than one seating area proposed. Consultant McMillen stated there are two seating proposed, one at the southern and one at the northern entrance of the property; and further stated the wall is over 610 feet long and the seating areas will break up the monotony of the wall. Board Member Housing Authority Minutes 2 December 6, 2011 Henderson stated something must be done to break up the expansion of the wall, but does not endorse a seating area as they will not provide adequate shade; and requested staff to think of more creative opportunities to enhance the wall. Board Member Evans stated there wasn't an opportunity to approach arts in public places because of the time frame of submitting the design; and there may be future opportunities to enhance the wall with public art. Chairperson Franklin asked what the length of the bench is. Consultant McMillen stated the bench will approximately 18 feet long. Chairperson Franklin stated that size will not make an impact to the space and conveyed her agreement with Board Member Henderson's comments of considering more creative options. Board Member Adolph asked if the design includes any enhancements to the brick on the wall. Consultant McMillen explained the existing wall would be reduced down to the plane of the street level and add block similarly to the Mediterra Apartment complex wall to the south, and contrast with vertical pilasters. Board Member Henderson stated there are many more trees on Washington Street. Board Adolph asked what the space from the sidewalk to the wall is. Consultant McMillen stated there is four feet of landscape ,area from the sidewalk to the wall. Board Member Hendersorr stated although the Council promotes La Quinta as a walking community, even though we are not; and asked if there is much foot traffic from the residents of the property and access this particular area of the sidewalk. Consultant McMillen stated currently there isn't much foot traffic from the residents in that area; and explained much of the traffic from the south is from students jumping the wall and cutting through the property, and with the improvements, the students will be forced to walk on Washington Street to access Hidden River Road. Board Member Henderson stated the design will be creating an enhancement to provide access to Hidden River Road. She further stated maintaining the landscape in that area on Washington Street will be difficult due to the traffic. Housing Authority Minutes 3 December 6, 2011 Board Member Evans stated there is landscaping along Washington Street and it has thrived with the current traffic. Board Member Henderson conveyed the appreciation of the design and staff's effort. Chairperson Franklin asked if the wall will be built on top of the two feet of the existing wall, and how the construction of the wall will incorporate the two components of brick. Consultant McMillen explained the construction of the wall design is up coming in the presentation and continued the review of the design. Board Member Adolph asked what the distance between the wall and the nearest building structure. Consultant McMillen explained the distance varies throughout the property but the nearest is 18 feet. Board Member Henderson asked what the furthest distance is. Consultant McMillen stated it is approximately 20 feet. Board Member Henderson asked how much property is visual between the curb and oleander trees. Consultant McMillen explained currently the distance is approximately nine feet with the existing sidewalk being six feet wide, but the current landscaping and sidewalk will be removed to undergrounding of the utilities. Board Adolph stated the design will be an improvement to the current situation. Consultant McMillen stated staff is hopeful the property will be enhanced. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS — None PUBLIC HEARINGS -None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Board Members Evans /Adolph to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectf ly submitted, c ERONICA j. NTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California