2011 12 20 RDA62� 4 #adm Redevelopment Agency agendas and staff reports are available on the City's web page: www.la-quinta.org REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2011 AT 4:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. RA 2011-034 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Agency Board Members: Adolph, Evans, Franklin, Chairperson Henderson CLOSED SESSION — NONE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 2011 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED DECEMBER 20, 2011 001 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA 1 DECEMBER 20, 2011 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORT DATED OCTOBER 31, 2011 3. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED OCTOBER 31, 2011 4. APPROVAL OF LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ANNUAL REPORT OF AGENCY ACTIVITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 33080 OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE BUSINESS SESSION - NONE STUDY SESSION - NONE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS - NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency will be held on January 3, 2012 commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Veronica Montecino, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the . La Quinta Redevelopment Agency meeting of December 20, 2011, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 111, on December 16, 2011. DATED:,, DECEMBER 16, 2011 VERONICA,YMONTECINO, City Clerk City of La tuinta, California '�"•� 002 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA 2 DECEMBER 20,2011 RDA MEETING DATE: December 20, 2011 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Demand Register Dated December 20, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Redevelopment Agency Board: Receive and File the Demand Register Dated December 20, 2011 of which $466,648.51 represents Redevelopment Agency Expenditures. AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR I STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE SEE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NUMBER 1 ON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA •,.�;, . 003 SOF COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 20, 201 1 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Receive and File Treasurer's Report BUSINESS SESSION:� dated October 31, 2011 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Redevelopment Agency Board: Receive and file. PLEASE SEE RELATED BUSINESS SESSION ITEM ON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ", 004 4zo Qumrcv "�9 AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 20, 201 1 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Receive and File Revenue and Expenditure Report dated October 31, 2011 CONSENT CALENDAR: _ STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Transmittal of the October 31, 2011 Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. Respectfully submitted, John M. Falconer, Finance Director Approved for submission by: Mark Weiss, Interim Executive Director Attachment: 1. Revenue and Expenditures, October 31, 2011 N 005 07/0112DII-10/31120111 LA GUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADJUSTED REMAINING % REVENUE SUMMARY BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED PROJECT AREA NO. 1: LOWIMODERATE TAX FUND: Tax Increment 8,802.400,00 0.00 8,802,400,00 0.000% Allocated Interest 4460000 (11,09849) 55.69849 -24.880% Non Allocated Interest 000 443,72 (443.72) 0.000% Miscellaneous revenue 0.00 737,98 (737.98) 0.000% Non Allocated Interest 000 0,00 0.00 0.000% Home Sales Proceeds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Sale of Land 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.000% Sewer Subsidy Reimbursements 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.000% Rehabilitation Loan Repayments 0.00 0,00 &W 0.000% 2nd Trust Deed Repayment 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,000% Williams Note Payment 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,000% Transfer In 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,000% TOTAL LOWIMOD TAX 8,847,01K 00 (9,916.79) 8,856.916.79 41.110% DEBT SERVICE FUND: Tax Increment 35,209.600.00 000 35,209,600.00 0,000% Allocated Interest 3,000.00 (3,947.16) 6,947.16 -131.570% Non Allocated Interest 0,00 000 0,00 0.000% Interest -County Loan 0,00 0.00 0,00 0000% Interest Advance Proceeds 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.000% Transfers In 14288845.00 3374339.28 10914505,72 23.620% TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 49,501;445W 3,370.392.12 46,131,052.88 6.810% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Pooled Cash Allocated Interest 25,700.00 (36,972 W) , 62.672.W -143,860% Nan Allocated Interest 18,800,00 2,166.50 16.633,50 11.520% Developer Agreement Funding 000 0.00 0.00 0.000% Sale of Land Proceeds 0.00 0.00 000 0.000% Rental Income 0.DO 0.00 000 0.000% Litigation Proceeds 0,00 0,00 000 a000% Transfers In 5 000 000.00 0.00 5 DD0 000.00 0000% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 5,044,500.00 (34,806.36) 5,079,306.36 -0690% 2011 TAXABLE HOUSING BOND FUND: Pooled Cash Allocated Interest 0.00 0.00 0,00 0000% Non Allocated Interest 0.00 846.00 (946,00) 0.000% Developer Agreement Funding 0.00 0.00 0,00 0000% Sale of Land Proceeds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Rental Income 000 0.00 000 0.000% Litigation Proceeds 0w 0.00 0,00 0000% Transfers In 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.000% TOTAL 2011 TAXABLE HOUSING BOND 0,00 846.00 (846.00) 0.000% 006 eA LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO, 1: ADJUSTED 10/31111 REMAINING BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET LOWIMODERATE TAX FUND: SERVICES 538575.00 68,126,27 0.00 468,448.73 2nC TRUST DEED PROGRAM 520.000.00 81,000,00 000 439,00D.00 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 300,160.00 5,100.00 0.00 295.060,00 LAND ACQUISITION 0.00 DIM 0.00 0,00 LOW MOD HOUSING PROJECTS 0,00 Dw 0.00 Dw FORECLOSURE 800,000.00 0.00 0.00 800000.00 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 791,561.00 263,856.00 0.00 527,705.00 TRANSFERS OUT 18,424645.00 356860716 0.00 14,858037.24 TOTAL LOWIMOD TAX DEBT SERVICE FUND: - SERVICES 411600.00 4,851.88 0,00 406.748.12 BOND PRINCIPAL 3,540,000.00 3,540,000. 00 0,00 0.00 SONDINTEREST 6,724,310.00 3,418,315.63 000 3,305,994.37 PASS THROUGH PAYMENTS 20,211,350.00 412,909.22 0.00 19,798,440.78 ERAF SHIFT 0,00 000 0.00 0,00 TRANSFERS OUT 18813,498.00 2.915,671,10 0.00 15897,826.90 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: SERVICES 205.700.00 40.567.91 0,00 165,132.09 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 407,125.00 135,712.00 0.00 271,413.00 TRANSFERS OUT 24,173,371 00 117] 157.05 0.00 22,396,213.95 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 2011 TAXABLE HOUSING BOND SERVICES 11.000,00 0,978.22 0.00 2.021.78 TRANSFERS OUT 000 12065.37 000 (12M,517� j0.b435'3 TOTAL 2011 TAXABLE HOUSING BOND 2i!M� gg 0M� !001 3 LA GUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGI REVENUE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO, 2: 07/01/2011-10/3112011 ADJUSTED REMAINING % BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET RECEIVED LOWMODERATE TAX FUND: Tax Increment Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Developer funding 2M Trust Dead Repayment Sale of Lard Transfer In TOTAL LOW/MOD TAX 2004 LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND: Allocated Interest Hone Sale Proceeds Non Allocated Interest Transfer In TOTAL LOWMOD BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND: Tax Increment Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Interest Advance Proceeds Transfer In TOTAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Misc Revenue Sale of land Transfers In TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 4,800,480.00 0.00 4,800,480,00 0000% 60,800. DO (40,572.28) 101.372.28 -66.730% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% 0,00 000 0.00 0.000% 0.00 8,744,99 (8,744,99) 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.000% 0,00 0.00 D00 0.000% 4,861,28000 (31,827.29) 4,893, 10 229 -0650% o.00 0,00 0.00 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0,00 0000% 4,815.00 77.00 4,738.00 1.600% 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.000% 4, 815.00 77,00 4,738.00 1.600% 19,201924W 0.00 19,201,924,00 0000% 20000 (15,100.60) 15,300.60 -7550.300% 000 81.00 (81.00) 0.000% 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.000% 7,268,632.00 1638736.62 5,829,895.38 19790% 26,470,756.00 1423,717,02 25.047,038. 98 5.380% 000 18.853.27 (18.853.27) 0.000% 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.000% 000 0,00 000 0.000% 0.00 000 0.00 0.000% 1,650,000.00 000 1,650,000.00 0000% 1,650,000 00 18.653.27 1,631,146.73 1.140% 2011 TAXABLE NON -HOUSING BOND FUND: Pooled Cash Allocated Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Non Allocated Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Developer Agreement Funding 0.00 D00 000 0.000% Sale of Land Proceeds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Rectal Income - 0,00 000 0.00 0,000% Litigation Proceeds 0.00 0.00 0.00 ow0% Transfers In 0.00 OOo 0.00 0.000% TOTAL 2011 TAXABLE NON -HOUSING BOND 0 00 0.00 0.00 0,000% . n ' 008 4 LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO 2' LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: FUND ADJUSTED 10/31111 REMAINING BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET SERVICES 330,47000 36,51119 0.00 293,958.21 2ND TRUST DEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LOW MOD HOUSING PROJECTS 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,000,00 FORECLOSURE ACQUISITION 450,OW 00 0.00 0.00 4W.000W REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 448,490.00 149,496.00 0.00 298,994.00 TRANSFERS OUT 19, 370,216.00 1815356.46 0W 17554859.54 TOTAL LOWIMOD TAX HOUSING PROGRAMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LAND 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFERS OUT 3307155.00 106.875.87 0.00 3200279.13 TOTAL LOWIMOD BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND: SERVICES 255.100.00 3,025,00 0.00 252.075.00 BOND PRINCIPAL 380,000,00 130,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 BONDINTEREST 633,843.00 252,757,07 0,00 381.085.93 PASS THROUGH PAYMENTS 16,137,298.00 0.00 0,00 16,137,29&W ERAF SHIFT 0.00 0,00 - 0.00 0.00 TRANSFERS OUT 8,91863200 1,436,076.80 0,00 7,482,555.20 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: SERVICES 99,84500 34,248.90 0.00 65,595.10 CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 117,587.00 39,196W 0.00 78,391.0) TRANSFERS OUT 1905,451.00 731,465.24 0.00 11373985.76 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 2011 RDA 2 TAXABLE BOND FUND: SERVICES 11, 500.00 8,49121 0.00 3,008.69 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,500, C00. 00 0,00 0.00 1500,000.00 TRANSFERS OUT 20,500.00 2.659.82 0.00 17,840.18 TOTAL RDA NO. 2 TAXABLE BOND ..h.j 5 �FCFM OF AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL ;LDA MEETING DATE: December 20, 2011 BUSINESS SESSION: _ ITEM TITLE: Approval of La Quinta Redevelopment CONSENT CALENDAR: Agency Annual Report of Agency Activities in Accordance with Section 33080 of the Health and STUDY SESSION: Safety Code PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Approve the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Annual Report of Agency Activities in accordance with Section 33080 of the Health and Safety Code. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Section 33080 of the Health and Safety Code requires that an annual report of agency activities be prepared and submitted to the governing body by December 31" of each year (Attachment 1). The following items are included in the report: • Audited Financial Statement • Redevelopment Agency State Controller's Report - including Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012 Project Area 1 and 2 Statement of Indebtedness • Housing and Community Development Report • Loan Report • Property Report • Housing Activities Report • Blight Report • Annual Fiscal Statement Report • Time Limit Report 010 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1. Approve the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Annual Report of Agency Activities in accordance with Section 33080 of the Health and Safety Code; or 2. Do not approve the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Annual Report of Agency Activities in accordance with Section 33080 of the Health and Safety Code; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, ohn M. Falconer, Finance Director Approved for submission by: k Mark Weiss, Interim Executive Director Attachment: 1. Annual Report of Agency Activities -.A "I 011 ATTACHMENT 1 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 78-495 CALLE TAMICO, PO BOX 1504, LAQUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247 ANNUAL REPORT OF AGENCY ACTIVITIES La Quints Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Project Nos. 1 & 2 December 20, 2011 ' 012 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. www.webrsg.com LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ANNUAL REPORT OF AGENCY ACTIVITIES TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL AND COMPLIANCE AUDIT 1 ANNUAL FISCAL STATEMENT AND FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS REPORT ....................................................................... 1 HOUSING ACTIVITIES REPORT 3 BLIGHT REPORT OUTSTANDING AGENCY LOANS OVER $50,000 IN DEFAULT OR NOT IN COMPLIANCE ................................................. 5 DESCRIPTION OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTIES 5 TIME LIMITS 6 EXHIBIT 1 - INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL AND COMPLIANCE AUDIT EXHIBIT 2 - ANNUAL FISCAL STATEMENT AND FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS REPORT EXHIBIT 3 - HOUSING ACTIVITIES REPORT EXHIBIT 4 - ANNUAL COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORTS EXHIBIT S - BLIGHT REPORT EXHIBIT 6 - HOUSING FUND TRANSACTION DETAIL 013 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTRODUCTION California Health & Safety Code Sections 33000 et seq. (California Redevelopment Law or "CRL") requires that the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") submit an annual financial report to its legislative body within six months after the end of the Agency's fiscal year. This standalone report must specifically address each of the requirements detailed in CRL Section 33080.1 and must be presented to the legislative body prior to December 31 of each year. In addition, the information must be filed with the State Department of Housing and Community Development ("HCD") and the State Controller. INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL AND COMPLIANCE AUDIT CRL Sections 33080.Ila) and 33080.3 The Independent Financial and Compliance Audit ("Audit") was prepared by Lance, Soll, & Lunghard, LLP ("Auditor"), a certified public accounting firm licensed by the State of California. The Audit examines the Agency's operations, financial positions and activities, and uses of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund ("LMIHF"). In accordance with Government Auditing Standards adopted by the Comptroller General of the United States, the Auditor found that the Agency used appropriate financial accounting methods, did not exhibit any deficiencies or material weaknesses in its internal control of financial reporting, and had no instances of noncompliance with any laws, regulations, or administrative requirements governing the Agency. The Audit also shows that the Agency does not have an excess surplus of LMIHF moneys as defined by the CRL Section 33334.12 as of June 30, 2011. The Audit Report is included as Exhibit 1 at the end of this document. ANNUAL FISCAL STATEMENT AND FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS REPORT CRL Sections 33080.1(b) and 33080.5 The Annual Fiscal Statement has been prepared using the State Controller's Redevelopment Agency Financial Transactions Report ("SCO Report") system. A copy of the SCO Report has been included at the end of report as Exhibit 2. In addition to the SCO Report, the latest Statement of Indebtedness for Project Area 1 and 2, filed with the County of Riverside in September 2011, for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 has also been included. Pursuant to CRL Section 33080.5, the following information was included in the SCO Report and as summarized below: a. Outstanding indebtedness of Agency for each Project Area: Indebtedness As of 6/30/2011 Redevelopment Project No. 1 $ 127,318,243 Redevelopment Project No. 2 12,468,920 Low and Moderate Housing Fund 112,053,850 $ 251,841,013 b. Gross tax increment property tax revenues generated by each Project Area: Tax Increment \s of 6/30/2011 Redevelopment Project No. 1 $ 35,192,471 Redevelopment Project No. 2 19,349,036 Low and Moderate Housing Fund 13,635,377 $ 68,176,884 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY c. The amount of tax increment revenues paid to, or spent on behalf of, non -school and non - community college district taxing entities: As of 6/30/2011 Redevelopment Project No. 1 $ 15,771,144 Redevelopment Project No. 2 10,356,607 $ 66,127,751 d. The financial transactions report required pursuant to Government Code Section 53891: The Financial Transactions Report is attached as Exhibit 2. e. The amount of tax increment revenues allocated to school and community college districts pursuant to each of the following provisions: • CRL Section 33401 — Negotiated Agreements; • CRL Section 33445 — Payments to fund construction of buildings, facilities, or other structures in -lieu of pass -through payments; CRL Section 33445.5 — Payments to assist district with overcrowding caused by Agency activities; • CRL Section 33676(a) paragraph 2 — Inflationary pass -through payments; and CRL Section 33681 — This section has been redacted from the CRL. However, the SCO Report contains information on tax increment revenue allocated to reimburse county expenses pursuant to CRL Section 33607. As of 6/30/2611 Total Schools Community College Redevelopment Project No. 1 $ 3,159,736 $ 2,489,407 $ 670,329 Redevelopment Project No. 2 5,940,618 5,006,038 934,580 $ 9,100,354 $ 7,495,445 $ 1,604,909 In addition to the above listed amounts, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency remitted to the County of Riverside $4,855,193 in Supplemental Educational Relief Augmentation Funds to support local education. f. The amount of existing debt, as defined in CRL Section 33682, resulting from the inability to make the 1992-93 educational revenue augmentation fund payments and the amount paid towards that debt during the past fiscal year: Redevelopment Project No. 1 Redevelopment Project No. 2 Low and Moderate Housing Fund Indebtedness As of 7/01/2011 $ 127,318,243 12,468,920 112, 053, 850 $ 251,841,013 Required Payments During Fiscal Year 2010-2011 $ 4,332,310 376,944 1,840,698 $ 6,549,952 According to CRL Section 33080.5(g), the Agency may also include any other fiscal information which it believes useful to describe its programs. During the 2010-11 fiscal year, the Agency expended $12.1 million p'4 015 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in capital improvement projects throughout the Project Areas. Together with outside investment, this resulted in the creation of 142 jobs. More detailed information is contained in the Blight Report, attached as Exhibit 5 to this document. HOUSING ACTIVITIES REPORT CRL Sections 33080.1(c), 33080.4, and 33080.7 Pursuant to CRL Sections 33080.1(c), 33080.4, and 33080.7, the Agency must describe its housing activities. The required information is summarized below and is described in greater detail in the Agency's HCD Report, which is included as Exhibit 3. The Agency's HCD Report must also be submitted to HCD by the end of the calendar year. a. The total number of households displaced or moved from their dwelling units as a part of a redevelopment project during the fiscal year, broken down by affordability level: 'Redevelopment Project No. 1: 0 households Redevelopment Project No. 2: 0 households b. An estimate of the total number of households that will be displaced during the next fiscal year as part of a redevelopment project broken down by affordability level: Redevelopment Project No. 1: 8 households (6 very low, 1 moderate, 1 above moderate) Redevelopment Project No. 2: 0 households c. The total number of very -low, low, and moderate income dwelling units that were removed from the housing market during the fiscal year as part of a redevelopment project: Redevelopment Project No. 1: 0 households Redevelopment Project No. 2: 0 households d. The total number of Agency assisted dwelling units constructed, substantially rehabilitated, acquired or subsidized during the fiscal year, that are restricted by agreement or ordinance, for occupancy at affordable cost by elderly persons and families of very low to moderate income. Must specify units that are not occupied by very -low to moderate income households, units that replaced units removed pursuant to Section 33413, and the length of time agency -assisted units will remain affordable: Redevelopment Project No. 1: 3 units (2 very low, 1 moderate) Redevelopment Project No. 2: 0 units e. The total number of new or rehabilitated dwelling units that are restricted by agreement or ordinance, for occupancy by elderly persons and families of low to moderate income as part of a redevelopment project. Specify the number originally affordable to, and the number currently occupied by very -low to moderate income households, and the length of time the units will remain affordable: Redevelopment Project No. 1: 0 units Redevelopment Project No. 2: 0 units f. The status and use of the LMIHF, created pursuant to Section 33334.3, including information on the use of this fund for very -low, low- and moderate income households, broken down by affordability level. Also include a description of any onsite or offsite improvements funded by 3 016 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY the LMIHF, including the number of housing units affordable to low or moderate income households that benefited from the improvements: In Fiscal Year 2010-11, the LMIHF had a beginning balance of $34,930,716 and an ending balance of $63,824,523. Of this amount, $30,949,000 is encumbered for future payment of legal contracts or agreements and $32,875,523 is designated for projects such as the Washington Street Apartments and Coral Mountain Apartments. Please see Schedule C of the Agency's HCD Report, attached as Exhibit 3, for detailed information on the status and use of the LMIHF. g. A compilation of annual monitoring reports obtained by the agency under Section 33418 is attached as Exhibit 4. No projects or dwelling units are in violation of recorded agreements and covenants. h. A total of $611,338 was expended for non -project specific planning and general administrative costs out of the LMIHF. The following projects will be constructed under an executed agreement or contract within two years from the execution date of the agreement: • Washington Street Apartments (78 very low income units, 83 low income units) • Coral Mountain Apartments (36 very low income units, 144 low income units) Please refer to Schedule A of the Agency's HCD Report, attached as Exhibit 3, for more detailed information. j. The date and amount of all deposits and withdrawals of money into and out of the LMIHF in Fiscal Year 2010-11 are summarized as follows: Fund Increase Decrease Low Moderate Income Housing Fund PA 1 245 9,043,361.85 7,357,955.68 Low Moderate Income Housing Fund PA 2 246 7,117,674.49 3,363,245.25 Housing Authority PA 1 241 245,948.28 126,695.88 Housing Authority PA 2 242 3,013.74 3,013.74 2004 Low Moderate Bond Fund 248 4,062,528.67 4,062,528.67 Exhibit 6 contains the detail transaction listing for each of the aforementioned funds. k. The Agency does not have any excess surplus accumulated in the LMIHF as of June 30, 2011. p 017 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BLIGHT REPORT CRL Section 33080.1(d) The Agency's progress in alleviating blight during the previous fiscal year is outlined in the Blight Report which is included at the end of this report as Exhibit 5. The Blight Report contains specific actions, activities, and expenditures undertaken by the Agency throughout the 2010-11 fiscal year to alleviate blight present in the Project Area. OUTSTANDING AGENCY LOANS OVER $50,000 IN DEFAULT OR NOT IN COMPLIANCE CRL Section 33080.1(e) The Agency is required to report the status of all outstanding loans of $50,000 or more made by the Agency that are currently in default or are not in compliance with the terms of the loan approved by the Agency. During the 2010-11 fiscal year, the Agency did not have any loans that fit this description. DESCRIPTION OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTIES CRL Sect/on 33080.1(t) The Agency currently owns four properties. A list of each property is provided in Table 2. All properties were acquired prior to the 2010-11 fiscal year. Agency -Owned Property as of June 30, 2011 Table 2 La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Description Acquisition Acquisitions . Acquisitions Parcel Number Date Current Year Prior Year Centerpointe-Landscape lot 604-630-018 1/01/1995 A. $ 1,697 Center pointe-Landscape lot 604-630-023 1/01/1995 A. 2,122 Center pointe-Landscape lot 604-630-024 1/01/1995 A. 849 Coral Mountain 600-020-054 6/30/2008 $ 10,626,276 Total 4,668 $ 10,626,276 $ 10,630,944 A. These parcels were added during Fiscal Year 2010-2011 based upon a physical review of parcels in the City. The actual date of acquisition was in 1995. For more information on Agency -owned property please refer to Footnote 6 of the Financial Statements for the year ended June 30, 2011. -••N 018 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TIME LIMITS CRL Section 33080.1(g) CRL Section 33080.1(g) requires that the Agency provide a list of the fiscal years where the following time limits will expire for each project area, each component area of a merged project area, and each addition of land to a project area by amendment to the redevelopment plan: 1) The time limit for the commencement for eminent domain proceedings to acquire property with the project area; 2) The time limit for the establishment of loans, advances, and indebtedness to finance the redevelopment project; 3) The time limit for the effectiveness of the redevelopment plan; and 4) The time limit to repay indebtedness with the proceeds of property taxes. The following table outlines the time above limits for each of the Agency's project areas, component areas, and additions of land to a project area: Time Limit Project No. 1 Project No. 2 ! Project No. 2 Original Area Added Area Effectiveness of FY 2024-25 FY 2029-30 FY 2040-41 redevelopmentt plan Repay indebtedness No tax with property tax FY 2034-35 FY 2039-40 increment revenues Establish indebtedness No time limit No time limit No time limit Commence for eminent iFY 2006-07 FY 2000-01 No authority domain proceedings '�":i 019 .6 EXHIBIT 1 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 020 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 M«u 0 21 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ,.".j 022 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JUNE 30, 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT.............................................................................................1 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON COMPLIANCE AND INTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE............................................................................................... 3 Management's Discussion and Analysis........................................................................................... 5 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Government -Wide Financial Statements: Statementof Net Assets............................................................................................................13 Statementof Activities...............................................................................................................15 Fund Financial Statements: Balance Sheet - Governmental Funds......................................................................................16 Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet of Government Funds to the Statement of Net Assets..................................................................................................19 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Governmental Funds............................................................................................... 20 Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statementof Activities............................................................................................................... 23 Budgetary Comparison Statement — Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund — PA No. 1.......... 24 Budgetary Comparison Statement — Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund — PA No. 2.......... 25 Budgetary Comparison Statement — Housing Authority Fund — PA No. 1................................26 Budgetary Comparison Statement — Housing Authority Fund — PA No. 2................................27 Notes to Financial Statements...................................................................................................... 29 COMBINING AND INDIVIDUAL FUND SCHEDULES Combining Project Area Balance Sheet - AllGovernmental Funds...............................................................................................................48 Combining Project Area Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - AllGovernmental Funds............................................................................................................... 52 Computation of Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds . Excess/Surplus................................................................................................................... 55 ..41 023 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 024 LSLQ coo 61 0 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Brandon W. Burrows, CPA " David E. Hale, CPA, CFP - A Prolea5lpnal Corporation Donald G. Slater, CPA " Richard K. Kikuchi, CPA " Susan F. Matz, CPA Shelly K. Jackley, CPA ® Bryan S. Gruber, CPA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Honorable Chair and Members of the Governing Board La Quinta Redevelopment Agency City of La Quinta, California We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency (Agency), a component unit of the City of La Quinta, California, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2011, which collectively comprise the Agencys basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Agency's management. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Govemment Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and the significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Agency, as of June 30, 2011, and the respective changes in financial position and budgetary comparisons for the Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund — PA No. 1, Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund — PA No. 2, Housing Authority Fund — PA No. 1 and Housing Authority Fund — PA No. 2, thereof for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We would like to draw the reader's attention to Note 16 — "California Redevelopment Agency Uncertainty'. The note provides information on two bills passed, ABIX26 and 27 which dissolve redevelopment agencies effective October 1, 2011 and provide an option to avoid dissolution by making certain defined payments. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated September 27, 2011, on our consideration of the Agency's internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance.with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered. in assessing the results of our audit. Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the management's discussion and analysis as listed in the table of contents be presented to supplement the basic financial Lance, Sall & Lnnphard, LLP , 203 North Brea Boulevard . Suite 203 •.Brea; CA 92821 . TEL: 714.672.0022 . Fax: 714.672.0331 snw.Islcpas.com 41185 Golden Gate, Circle a Suite 103 . Murrieta, CA 92562 • TEL: 951.304.2728 � Fax: 951.304.3940 ..at ^ 025 Ir V*Aio sa To the Honorable Chair and Members of the Governing Board La Quinta Redevelopment Agency statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. We have applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with managements responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the Agency's financial statements as a whole. The combining project area statements and computation of low and moderate income housing funds excess/surplus are presented for purposes of additional, analysis and are not a required part of the financial statements. These are the responsibility of management and were derived from and relate directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a whole. Brea, California September 27, 2011 •M 026 LS(Do E O®O o CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Brandon W. Burrows, CPA David E. Hale, CPA, CFP A Professional Corporation Donald G. Slater, CPA Richard K. Kikuchi, CPA Susan F Matz, CPA Shelly K. Jacklay, CPA • Bryan S. Gruber, CPA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON COMPLIANCE AND INTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE To the Honorable Chair and Members of the Governing Board La Quinta Redevelopment Agency City of La Quinta, California Compliance We have audited La Quinta Redevelopment Agency's (Agency) compliance with the California Health and Safety Code as required by Section 33080.1 for the year ended June 30, 2011. Compliance with the requirements referred to above is the responsibility of Agency's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on Agency's compliance based on our audit. We conducted our audit of compliance in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and the Guidelines for Compliance Audits of California Redevelopment Agencies, June 2011, issued by the State Controller and as interpreted in the Auditing Procedures for Accomplishing Compliance Audits of California Redevelopment Agencies, August 2011, issued by the Governmental Accounting and Auditing Committee of the California Society of Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether noncompliance with the compliance requirements referred to above that could have a material effect on redevelopment program has occurred. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence about the Agency's compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our audit does not provide a legal determination of the Agency's compliance with those requirements. In our opinion, the Agency complied, in all material respects, with the compliance requirements referred to above that are applicable to the redevelopment program for the year ended June 30, 2011. Internal Control Over Compliance Management of the Agency is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with the compliance requirements referred to above. In planning and performing our audit, we considered the Agency's internal control over compliance to determine the auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on compliance, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control over compliance. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Agency's internal control over compliance. A deficiency in internal control over compliance exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, noncompliance on a timely basis. A material weakness in internal control over compliance is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies in internal control over compliance, such that there is a reasonable possibility that material noncompliance with a compliance requirement will not be 0 2 prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. Lance, Sol[ B Lunghard, LLP 203 North Brea Boulevard : Suite 203 « Brea, CA 92821 - TEL: 714.672.0022 * Fax: 714.672.0331 www.lslcpas.com 41185 Golden Gate:Circle-.> Suite 103 « Mutilate, CA 92562 a TEL: 951.304.2728 - Fax: 951.304.3940 LSt *sae �6o� 04 ._..._...____.__..._.__..._.._. m. LEFiiFI EO Ill Bt1C #{CO Y iLANi B To the Honorable Chair and Members of the Governing Board La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Our consideration of internal control over compliance was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be deficiencies, significant deficiencies, or material weaknesses in internal control over compliance. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over compliance that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above. This report is intended for the information of management, the Audit Committee, and the California State Controller and it is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other then these specified parties. oe*w, Brea, California September 27, 2011 4 a 028 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS June 30, 2011 Our discussion and analysis of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency's (Agency) financial performance for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011, provides a comparison of current year to prior year ending results based on the government - wide statements, an analysis of the Agency's overall financial position and results of operations to assist users in evaluating the Agency's financial position, and a discussion of significant changes that occurred within each fund. In addition, it describes the activities during the year for capital assets and long-term debt. We end our discussion and analysis with a description of currently known facts, decisions and conditions that are expected to have a significant effect on the financial position or results of operations. Please read it in conjunction with the Agency's financial statements. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The Agency's governmental activities net assets deficit increased $59.70 million, or -72%. During the year, the Agency had expenses that were $45.58 million more than the $56.47 million in expenses recorded by the Agency in its governmental activities in prior years. • The Agency's governmental activities program revenues and general revenues increased by $3,839,000, or 10% from the prior year, and program expenses increased $45.58 million, or 80.73%. USING THIS ANNUAL REPORT This annual report consists of a series of financial statements. The Statement of Net Assets and Statement of Activities provide information about the activities of the Agency as a whole and present a long-term view of the Agency's finances. Following these Statements are governmental fund statements that tell how these services were financed in the short term as well as what remains for future spending. Fund financial statements also report the Agency's operation in more detail than the government -wide statements by providing information about the Agency's most significant funds. REPORTING THE AGENCY AS A WHOLE The financial reports contained in this document are prepared on two basis of accounting — accrual and the modified accrual basis of accounting as follows: 5 N 029 Government -Wide Financial Statements: The Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Activities report information using the accrual basis of accounting, which is similar to the accounting used by most private -sector companies. All of the current year's revenues and expenses are taken into account regardless of when cash is received or paid. These two statements report the Agency's net assets and changes in them. Net assets are the difference between assets and liabilities, which is one way to measure the Agency's financial health, or financial position. Over time, increases or decreases in the Agency's net assets are an indication of whether its financial health is improving or deteriorating. In the Statement of Activities, we separate the Agency expenditures into general government, planning and development and interest on long-term debt. Revenues are separated into program and General revenues. The major General revenue is property taxes, which are netted against the payments the Agency must pay to other agencies in accordance with Tax Sharing Agreements. Both of these Statements are summary in nature as opposed to the following discussion of the Fund Financial Statements, which are more detailed in nature. Fund Financial Statements: The fund financial statements provide detailed information about the most significant funds and other funds — not the Agency as a whole. Some funds are required to be established by State law and by bond covenants. However, management established many other funds to help it control and manage money for particular purposes or to show that it is meeting legal responsibilities for using certain taxes, grants and other resources. The Agency only has governmental type funds. Governmental Funds - Most of the Agency's basic services are reported in governmental funds, which focus on how money flows in and out of those funds and the balances left at year-end that are available for spending. These funds are reported using the modified accrual basis of accounting, which measures cash and all other financial assets that can readily be converted to cash. The governmental fund statements provide a detailed short-term view of the Agency's general government operations and the basic services it provides. Governmental fund information helps determine whether there are more or fewer financial resources that can be spent in the near future to finance the Agency's programs. The differences of results in the Governmental Fund financial statements to those in the Government -Wide financial statements are explained in a reconciliation following each Governmental Fund financial statement. •.:p 030 THE AGENCY AS A WHOLE The analysis below focuses on the net deficit and changes in net deficit of the Agency's Government -Wide activities. The Agency's net assets deficit increased $59.7 million, or -72%. NET ASSETS Governmental. activities Description 2011 20 Change Current and other assets $ 102,869,352 126,077,764 $ (23,208,462) Capital assets 10,630,944 73,459,707 (62,828,76 ) Total assets 113,500,246 199,537,471 (86,037,225) Current liabilities mmmmmmm, Non -current liabilities 251,841,013 264,980,257 (13,139,244) Total liabilities 256,452,077 282,789,641 (26,337,564 Net assets: - 28,295,747 (28,295,747) Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted 36,262,681 54,781,140 (18758,4 Unrestricted (179,214,512) 57) (12,855,455F- ITotalnet asses , The Agency's Net Assets are made up of three components: Investment in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt, Restricted Net Assets and Unrestricted Net Deficit. Unrestricted deficit, the part of net deficit that can be used to finance day -today operations, increased from $(166.33) million to $(179.21) million, or 7.75%. The Agency currently has an unrestricted net deficit because of the debt it has issued. Proceeds from the debt were used for capital improvements on behalf of the City or contributed to other taxing agencies or the public and is not offset by investments in capital assets. Examples of these contributions would be the issuing of bonds to construct flood control improvements which were donated to the Coachella Valley Water District, bond proceeds that were used for street improvements in the Cove that were dedicated to the City, and bond proceeds for the construction of SilverRock that were dedicated to the Golf Enterprise Fund. Total assets decreased by $86.04 million, which generally represents a decrease in cash of $52.58 million, a decrease of capital assets of $62.83 million, an increase of restricted cash from bond proceeds of $26.03 million and an increase in loans receivable of $ 3.03 million. Total liabilities decreased by $26.34 million, which generally represent an increase in accounts payable of $3.99 million, a decrease of pass through payments to other governmental entities of $13.26 million, and a net decrease of $13.49 million in long term liabilities due in more than one year. ,.a., 031 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS escnpion 2011 1 2010 1 Change rogram revenues: arges For services operating grans and oon ri u ions L;apital grants and con n u ions 1,1U1,44Z General revenues: ropetaxes(net o pass- mug paymen =s se ot money and property intergovernmental ain on sale of asses _ Uther —79F,7727— lotal revenues xpenses: Ueneral government manning and development on ri u ions to other governments Uapital contributions to Other agencies Interest on long-term debt otal expenses Chan a in Net Assets UL asse - e assets Total revenues increased by $3,839,000 to $42.35 million, or 10%. The major reasons that contributed to the net increase were the following: • Decrease in property values that provided less tax increment revenue (net of pass -through payments of — 8.66%. • Increase in use of money and property from the sale of property at SilverRock ($4.88 million) and along Highway 111 ($3.45 million). The major factors that contributed to the increase in expenses from $56.47 million to $102.1 million or 80.81 % was: Increase of $59.1 million in capital contributions to other agencies consisting primarily of the transfer of public property and buildings to the La Quinta Housing Authority and the City of La Quinta. GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS The combined fund balance of $92.73 million decreased from $106.07 million, or - 12.58%. The Agency has restricted as nonspendable a total of $ 65.13 million in long term receivables, future debt service and low and moderate income housing purposes. In addition, $27.60 million has been assigned for future community development construction projects. More detailed information about the combined fund balance reserves may be found in the notes to the financial statements. p:1 032 Major funds balance changes are noted below: For the 2011 Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund, fund balance increased by $25.54 million from a $28.85 million bond issue. For the 2004 Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund, fund balance decreased $119,000. For the Redevelopment Agency Debt Service PA 1 and PA 2 Funds, fund balances decreased by $8.07 million and $13.90 million, respectively, based upon tax increment revenues and interest earnings exceeding debt service, pass through h payments, and transfers. In addition, $22 million in debt service payments for the repayment of an outstanding advance to the City in Debt Service PA No. 1 Fund and a similar increase of $19.38 million in debt service payments for the repayment of an outstanding advance to the City in Debt Service PA No. 2 Fund were made. • For the Redevelopment Agency Low and Moderate Income PA 1 and PA 2 Funds, fund balance increased by $811,000 and $1.16 million, respectively,, based upon tax increment revenues and interest earnings exceeding debt service transfers, capital outlay, and general and planning and development expenditures. • The Redevelopment Agency Capital Project PA 1 Fund decreased by $20.85 million based upon the use of money and property being less than general costs, capital outlays, and transfers. • The Redevelopment Agency Capital Project PA 2 Fund increased by $587,000 based upon the use of money and property and the issuance of $6 million in bonds being more than general costs, capital outlays, and transfers. • For the Housing Authority Special Revenue PA 1 and PA 2 Funds, fund balances increased by $930,000 and $620,000, respectively, based upon transfers into the funds for the La Quinta Cove and Washington Street rental programs. More detailed information on the fund financial statements balances is presented in the notes to the financial statements. „p., 033 Budgetary Highlights During the Fiscal Year, the Agency's Board makes revisions to the Agency budget. Revisions are made on a case by case basis and presented to the Agency Board by staff for their consideration at Agency Board meetings. These revisions are generally for appropriations relating to Capital Improvement Projects to request an additional appropriation to cover the cost of a change order or an additional construction amount based on a bid opening. In addition, a review of all revenue and expenditure Agency line items is conducted by staff based upon mid -year data to determine if changes in other revenue and expenditure line items should be presented to the Agency Board for their consideration. Formal budgetary integration is employed as a management control device during the year for all Agency Funds. Budgetary data for the Agency two (2) Special Revenue Housing Funds has been presented herein. More detailed information about the Agency's budget is presented in the Notes to the financial statements. In addition, the Capital Projects No. 2 Fund includes the unspent bond proceeds from the 2011 Subordinate Taxable Tax Allocation Bonds. In addition, during Fiscal Year 2009-2010, the La Quinta Housing Authority was created. This separate legal entity has been included in the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Statements and follows the same budgetary practices that were previously discussed. CAPITAL ASSET AND DEBT ADMINISTRATION Capital Assets At the end of 2011, the Agency had $10.63 million invested in land. This amount represents a decrease of $62.83 million, or 85.53% over last year. CAPITAL ASSETS NET OF DEPRECIATION escnp Ion - 2011 2010 Change n Buildings Less Accumulated depreciation Net Buildings atter depreciation Total This year's additions to capital assets were as follows: The Agency purchased $8.23 million in land in the Village of La Quinta 10 �a 034 This year's deletions to capital assets were as follows: • The Agency transferred land and buildings with a historical cost of $27.73 million, to be used for public purposes, to the La Quinta Housing Authority. • The Agency transferred land and buildings with a historical cost of $27.45 million, to be used for public purposes, to the City of La Quinta. • The Agency sold two single family homes with a historical cost of $283,000 to income eligible families. • The Agency sold two parcels of property with a historical cost of $17.16 million, to be used for public purposes, to the City of La Quinta. Debt At year-end, the Agency's governmental activities had $251.84 million in bonds and notes versus $264.98 million last year, a decrease of $13.14 million, or -4.96%. OUTSTANDINU 15EBT Al YEAR END escnp ion 2011 2010 Change oans. ya e i y Advances Pass through agreement Tax allocation bonds ( net original issue discount) 137,531,922 135,031,234 $ 2,500,688 venue Donas net original issuepremium) 109,821,032 83,024,965 1 $ 26,796,067 oa The Agency was able to meet its current year debt obligation in a timely manner. In addition the Agency repaid the City $41.38 million in advances during the year and issued two bond issues - $6 million in subordinated non -housing taxable bonds and $28.85 million in subordinated housing taxable revenue bonds. ECONOMIC FACTORS AND NEXT YEAR'S BUDGETS In preparing for Fiscal Year 2011-2012, management is looking at the following factors that will impact its operations: The State of California Budget for Fiscal Year 2011/2012 included AB x1 26 (the "Dissolution Act") which immediately suspends all new redevelopment activities and incurrence of indebtedness, and dissolves redevelopment agencies effective October 1, 2011; and AB x1 27 (the "Continuation Act") which allows redevelopment agencies to avoid dissolution under the Dissolution Act if their 11 ,%•' 035 host cities/counties elect to comply with the alternative redevelopment program described in Part 1.9 thereof.Under the Continuation Act, a redevelopment agency can continue to exist if its host community commits to making certain payments beginning in January of 2012. On August 2, 2011, the City Council adopted an ordinance declaring the City's decision to comply with the Continuation Act in order to enable the Agency to resume its redevelopment activities. The California Redevelopment Association, the League of California Cities, and two cities filed a legal challenge to the Dissolution Act and the Continuation Act directly in the California Supreme Court. On August 11, 2012, the Court issued an order indicating that it would exercise jurisdiction over the lawsuit. The Court set an expedited briefing schedule to allow it to decide the case before the first payment is due in January 2012. The Court also stayed the effectiveness of all of the Continuation Act, and portions of the Dissolution Act. Because the Continuation Act is currently on hold, the Agreement provides that it is not effective until the Dissolution Act and Continuation Act have been upheld by the Court. The Agreement also attempts to preserve the Agency's and City's right to challenge the Dissolution Act and/or Continuation Act, and provides that it automatically terminates if any court of competent jurisdiction determines that either the Dissolution Act or Continuation Act are unconstitutional or otherwise invalid. While the Redevelopment Agency's Project Areas have available land for future development, the recent economic downturn has impacted property tax values in two ways. Construction activity has slowed significantly and projects that had been approved and planned have been postponed due to the inability of builders. and buyers to obtain financing. In addition, existing properties have had their property values reassessed downward by the County Assessor. CONTACTING THE AGENCY'S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT This financial report is designed to provide our citizens, taxpayers, customers, and investors and creditors with a general overview of the Agency's finances and to show the Agency's accountability for the money it receives. If you have questions about this report or need additional financial information, contact Mr. John Falconer in the Finance Department at the City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253-1504, or (760) 777-7150. 036 "a LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS JUNE 30, 2011 Assets: Cash and investments Receivables: Tax increment Accounts Interest Loans Total Receivables Due from other governments Deposits with others Prepaid costs Deferred charges _ Net pension asset Restricted assets: Cash and investments with trustees Capital assets (net of depreciation): Land Total Capital Assets Total Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Due to other governments Deposits from others Long-term liabilities: Due within one year Due in more than one year Total Long -Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets: Restricted for: Community development Debt service Unrestricted Total Net Assets Governmental Activities $ 40,746 78,624 31,191 6,953,592 10,630,944 $ 44,037,780 7,104,153 4,564,860 6,000 10,563 4,441,840 100,393 42,603,713 10,630,944 113,500,246 4,089,937 474,741 46,386 6,601,909 245,239,104 251,841,013 256,452,077 34,957,138 1,305,543 (179,214,512) $ (142,951,831) See Notes to Financial Statements 13' �' U 037 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK N 038 14 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Net(Expense) Revenues and Program Revenues Changes in Operating Capital Net Assets Charges for Contributions Contributions Governmental Expenses Services and Grants and Grants Activities Functions/Programs Governmental Activities: General government $ 4,171,683 $ - $ - $ - $ (4,171,683) Planning and development 17,246,705 - - - (17,246,705) Interest on long -tens debt 14,023,088 - - - (14,023,088) Contributions to other governments 7,549,574 - - - (7,549,574) Capital contributions to other agencies 59,061,958 _ -_ - - (59,061,958) Total Governmental Activities $102,063,008 $ - $ - $ - (102,053,008) General Revenues: Taxes (net of pass -through payments) Use of money and property Gain on sale of assets Other Total General Revenues Change in Net Assets Net Assets at Beginning of Year Net Assets at End of Year See Notes to Financial Statements 15 32,569,795 9,290,106 120,628 372,818 42,363,347 (59,699,661) (83,252,170) $ (142,961,831) .,u 039 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTALFUNDS JUNE 30, 2011 Special Special Special Special Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Redevelopment Redevelopment Redevelopment Redevelopment Agency Agency Agency Agency PA No.1 PA No. 2 PA No. 1 PA No. 2 Low and Low and Moderate Moderate Housing Housing Housing Housing Authority Authority Assets: Cash and investments $ 8,474,291 $ 22,939,847 $. 934,767 $ 597,765 Cash and investments with trustee Receivables: Tax increment Accounts Interest Loans Prepaid costs Due from capital projects funds Due from low and moderate housing funds Due from City Deposits with others Advances to other funds Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balances: Liabilities: Accounts payable Deposits from others Due to capital projects funds Due to low and moderate housing funds Due to other governments Deferred revenue Advances from other funds Total Liabilities Fund Balances: Nonspendable: Prepaid expenditures Long-term receivables and deposits Restricted for: Debt service Low and moderate income housing Community development Total Fund Balances Total Liabilities and .. Fund Balances 6,871 1,278 - - - - 13,542 37,082 5,414 15,926 616 - 4,012,106 641,486 - - - - - 10,563 3,500 - 24,760 - - - 6,000 4,328 - - $ 12,506,510 $ 23,623,297 $ 948,925 $ 651,410 $ 82,824 $ 40,465 $ - $ 2,263 - - 19.967 26,419 1,930,492 641,486 - - - - 4,328 2,013,316 681,951 19,967 33,010 10,563 2,081,614 - - 6,000 8,411,580 22,941,346 928,958 601,837 10,493,194 22,941,346 928,958 618,400 ,,$ 12,506,510 .$ 23,623,297 $ 948,925 $ 651,410 See Notes to Financial Statements 16 " 040 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTALFUNDS JUNE 30, 2011 (Continued) Capital Capital Capital Capital Projects Projects Projects Projects Combined Combined Redevelopment Redevelopment Low/Moderate Low/Moderate Agency Agency Housing Housing PA No.1 PA No. 2 2011 2004 Low/Mod Low/Mod Bond Bond Project Project Assets: Cash and investments Cash and investments with trustee Receivables: Tax increment Accounts Interest Loans Prepaid costs Due from capital projects funds Due from low and moderate housing funds Due from City Deposits with others Advances to other funds Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balances: Liabilities: Accounts payable Deposits from others Due to capital projects funds Due to low and moderate housing funds Due to other governments Deferred revenue Advances from other funds Total Liabilities Fund Balances: Nonspendable: Prepaid expenditures Long-term receivables and deposits Restricted for: Debt service Low and moderate income housing Community development Total Fund Balances Total Liabilities and Fund Balances. $ - $ - $ 9,943,802 $ - 25,535,470 3,331,915 9,204,891 3,931,437 3,500 - - 24,500 8,549 307 - 2,300,000 637.754 3,284,621 1,280,239 $ 25,538,970 $ 3,331,915 $ 23,079,617 $ 7,536,483 - 3,500 24,760 53,296 $ 28,944 637,754 2,300,000 3,500 24,760 53,296 2,966,698 25,535,470 3,307,155 - - - - 23,026,321 4,569,785 25,535,470 3,307,155 23,026,321 4,569,785 $ 25,538,970 $ 3,331,915 $ 23,079,617 - $ 7,536,483 See Notes to Financial Statements - 17 _ O 4 + 1 N LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTALFUNDS JUNE 30, 2011 Debt Debt Service Service Redevelopment Redevelopment Agency Agency PA No. 1 PA No. 2 Total Tax Tax Governmental Increment Increment Funds Assets: Cash and investments $ 1,132,207 $ 15,101 $ 44,037,780 Cash and investments with trustee - 600,000 42,603,713 Receivables: Tax increment 27,485 5,112 40,746 Accounts - - 78,624 Interest 379 - 31,191 Loans - - 6,953,592 Prepaid costs - - 10,563 Due from capital projects funds - - 637,754 Due from low and moderate housing funds - - 28,260 Due from City - - 4,564,860 Deposits with others - - 6,000 Advances to other funds - - - 4,328 Total Assets $ 1,160,071 $ 620,213 $ 98,997,411 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable $ - $ - $ 207,792 Deposits from others - - 46,386 Due to capital projects funds - - - 637,754 Due to low and moderate housing funds - - 28,260 Due to other governments 414,728 60,013 474,741 Deferred revenue - - 4,871,978 Advances from other funds - - 4,328 Total Liabilities 414,728 60,013 6,271,239 Fund Balances: Nonspendable: Prepaid expenditures - - - 10,563 Long-term receivables and deposits - - 2,087,614 Restricted for: Debt service 745,343 560,200 1,305,543 Low and moderate income housing - - 61,726,346 Community development - - 27,596,106 Total Fund Balances 745,343 560,200 92,726,172 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances - $. 1,160,071 $ 620,213 $ 98,997,411 See Notes to Financial Statements. 18 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GOVERNMENTALFUNDS RECONCILIATION OF THE BALANCE SHEET OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS TO THE STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS JUNE 30, 2011 Fund balances of governmental funds $ 92,726,172 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net Assets are different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and, therefore, are not reported in the funds. 10,630,944 Deferred revenue is present in governmental fund financial statements to indicate that receivables are not available currently; however, in the Statement of Net Assets these deferrals are eliminated. 4.871,978 Governmental funds report all pension contributions as expenditures, however in the Statement of Net Assets any excesses or deficiencies in contributions in relation to the required contribution are recorded as an asset or liability. 100,393 Bond issuance costs is an expenditure in the governmental funds, but it is deferred charges in the statement of net assets: Unamortized debt issuance costs - amortized over life of new bonds 4,441,840 Long-term liabilities, including bonds payable, are not due and payable in the current period and, therefore, are not reported in the funds: Bonds payable (250,712,816) Other debt (2,255,242) Unamortized net original issue discounts/(premiums) 1,127,045 Accrued interest payable for the current portion of interest due on Tax Allocation Bonds has not been reported in the governmental funds. (3,882,145) Net assets of governmental activities S (142,951,831) See Notes to Financial Statements 19 ..A 1 0,43 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTALFUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Special Special Special Special Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Redevelopment Redevelopment Redevelopment Redevelopment Agency Agency Agency Agency PA No. 1 PA No. 2 PA No. 1 PA No. 2 Low and Low and Moderate Moderate Housing Housing Revenues: Taxes and assessments Use of money and property Other revenue Total Revenues Expenditures: Current: Planning and development Capital outlay Debt service Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues , Over (Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfers in Transfers out Long-term debt issued Pass -through agreement payments Gain/(loss) on sale of land held for resale Payment to Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund Miscellaneous Total Other Financing Sources (Uses): Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Balances: Beginning of Year End of Year Housing Housing Authority Authority $ 8.798,118 $ 4,837,259 $ - $ - 285,314 143,643 251,940 666,159 54,157 8,719 1,302 3,185 9,137,589 4,989,621 253,242 669,344 2,786,661 1,002,756 224,581 318,911 320,045 409,734 - - - 11 239,768 3,106,706 1,412,490 224,592 558,679 6,030,883 3,577,131 28,650 110,665 781,094 509,112 (5,220,026) (2,461,105) - - 120,628 (5,220,026) (2,461,105) 901,722 509,112 810,857 1,116,026 930,372 619,777 9,682,337 21,825,320 (1,414) (1,377) $ 10,493,194- $ 22,941,346 $ 928,958 $ 618,400 044 See Notes to Financial Statements 20 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTALFUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 (Continued) Capital Capital Capital Capital Projects Projects Projects Projects Combined Combined Redevelopment Redevelopment Low/Moderate Low/Moderate Agency Agency Housing Housing PA No. 1 PA No. 2 2011 2004 Low/Mod Low/Mod Bond Bond Project Project Revenues: Taxes and assessments Use of money and property Other revenue Total Revenues Expenditures: Current: Planning and development Capital outlay Debt service Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfers in Transfers out Long-term debt issued ,Pass -through agreement payments Gain/(loss) on sale of land held for resale Payment to Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund Miscellaneous Total Other Financing Sources (Uses): Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Balances: Beginning of Year End of Year See Notes to Financial Statements 12,065 6,429 5,045,584 3,465,925 - - 305,455 - 12,065 6,429 5,351,039 3,465,925 - 9,144,495 2,582,605 - 125,124 2,018,681 1,797,569 632,214 - - 194,707 632,214 125,124 11,163,176 4,574,881 (620,149) (118,695) (5,812,137) (1,108,956) 28,850,000 (2,694,381) 26,155,619 25,535,470 (15,039,194) (4,303,660) 6,000,000 (15,039,194) 1,696,340 (118,695) (20,851,331) 587,384 - 3,425,850 43,877,652 3,982,401 $ 25,535,470 $ 3,307,155 $ 23,026,321 $ 4,569,785 21 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTALFUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Debt Debt Service Service Redevelopment Redevelopment Agency Agency PA No. 1 PA No. 2 Revenues: Taxes and assessments Use of money and property Other revenue Total Revenues Expenditures: Current: Planning and development Capital outlay Debt service Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfers in Transfers out Long-term debt issued Pass -through agreement payments Gain/(loss) on sale of land held for resale Payment to Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund Miscellaneous Total Other Financing Sources (Uses): Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Balances: Beginning of Year End of Year See Notes to Financial Statements 22 Total Tax Tax Governmental Increment Increment Funds $ 35,192,471 $ 19,349,036 $ 68,176,884 12,802 47,887 9,937,748 - 372,818 35,205,273 19,396,923 78,487,450 386,145 215,555 16,661,709 - - 4,671,153 38,198,962 23,043,762 62,309,424 38,585,107 23,259,317 83,642,286 (3,379,834) (3,862,394) (5,154,836) 19,478,126 6.255,653 27.023,985 - (27,023,985) 34,850,000 (19,309,866) (16,297,223) (35,607,089) 120,628 (4,855,193) - (4,855.,193) (2,694,381) (4,686,933) (10,041,570) (8,186,035) (8,066,767) (13,903,964) (13,340,871) 8,812,110 14,464,164 106,067,043 $ 745,343 $ 560,200 $ 92,726,172 .„• u 046 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RECONCILIATION OF THE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS TO THE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Net change In fund balances -total governmental funds $ (13,340,871) Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Activities differs from the amounts reported in the statement of activities. because: Repayment of bond principal is an expenditure in the governmental funds, but the repayment reduces long-term liabilities in the Statement of Net Assets. 47,631,001 Bond issuance costs is an expenditure in the governmental funds, but it is deferred charges in the Statement of Net Assets: Debt issuance costs on bonds issued - 431,875 Amortization for current fiscal year (186,407) Unamortized premium or discounts on bonds issued are revenue or expenditures in the governmental funds, but these are spread to future periods over the life of the new bonds: Current year original issuance premium on bonds issued 395,047 Amortization for current fiscal year (36,803) Governmental funds report capital outlay as expenditures. However, in the Statement of Activities the cost of those assets is capitalized and allocated over their estimated useful lives through depreciation expense: Capital outlay expenditures 4,668 Sale of capital assets - (3,688,222) Transfer of capital assets to the City (59,061,958) Depreciation (83,251) Proceeds of debt is revenue in the governmental funds, but these are additions to the Statement of Net Assets. (34,850,000) Revenues reported as deferred revenue in the governmental funds and recognized in the Statement of Activities. These are included in the intergovernmental revenues in the governmental fund activity. 3,040,580 Contributions in excess to the required contribution to PIERS are expenditures in the governmental funds, however in the Statement of Activity only the current contribution is an expense. (6,944) Expenses reported in the Statement of Activities do not require the use of current financial resources and, therefore, are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds: Current accrual of interest due on bonds (3,882,145) Prior year accrual of interest due on bonds 3,933,769 Change in net assets of governmental activities $ (59,699,661) See Notes to Financial Statements" 23 'r.46., - Cl 4 7 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGETARY COMPARISON STATEMENT LOWIMODERATE INCOME HOUSING PA NO.1 YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Variance with Final Budget Budget Amounts Actual Positive Original Final Amounts (Negative) Budgetary Fund Balance, July 1 $ 9,682'537 9,682,337 $ 9,682,337 $ Resources (inflows): Taxes and Assessments: Tax increment 9,912,200 8,802,408 8,798,118 (4,290) Use of Money and Property: Interest income 46,800 46,800 42,092 (4,708) Other revenue: Miscellaneous revenues - - 780 780 Loan repayments - 23,029 53,377 30,348 Transfers from other funds - 40,000 - (40,000) Proceeds from sale of capital asset 150,000 243,222 243,222 Amounts Available for Appropriation 19,791,337 16,837,798 18,819,928 (17,870) Charges to Appropriation (Outflow): Current: Planning and development: Real estate acquisitions - - 678,600 (678,600) Administrative costs 1,071,265 1,071,265 382,103 689,162 Professional services 250,440 250,440 907,077 (656,637) Acquisition cost 1,350,000 51,624 23,383 28,241 Rehabilitation costs 470,558 (470,558) Subsidy to low and moderate housing - 466,000 324,940 141,060 Capital Outlay: Project improvement costs - - 320,045 (320,045) Transfer to other funds 4,631,684 8,205,277 5,220,026 2,985,251 Total Charges to Appropriations 7,303,389 10,044,606 8,326,732 1,717,874 Budgetary Fund Balance, June 30 E 12,487,948 $ 8,793,190 $ 10,493,194 $ 1,700,004 „N. 048 See Notes to Financial Statements 24 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGETARY COMPARISON STATEMENT LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING PA NO. 2 YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Budgetary Fund Balance, July 1 Resources (Inflows): Taxes and Assessments: Tax increment Use of Money and Property: Interest income Rental income Other revenue: Loan repayments Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges to Appropriation (Outflow): Current: Planning and development: Administrative costs Professional services Acquisition cost Subsidy to low and moderate housing Capital Outlay: Project improvement costs Debt Service: Interest expense Long-term debt repayments Transfer to other funds Total Charges to Appropriations Budgetary Fund Balance, June 30 See Notes to Financial Statements Variance with Final Budget Budget Amounts Actual Positive Original Final Amounts (Negative) $ 21,825,320. $ 21,825,320 $ 21,825,320 $ - 5,573,400 4,800,480 4,837,259 36,779 56,900 54,200 143,643 89,443 665,700 - - - - 8,719 8,719 28,121,320 26,688,719 26,814,941 126,222 628,134 625,099 225,496 399,603 354,700 512,000 765,192 (253,192) 450,000 450,000 - 450,000 432,300 435,335 12,068 423,267 - - - 409,734 (409,734) 200,443 200,443 - 200,443 39,313 39,313 - 39,313 1,951,99312,785,865 2,461,105 10,324,760 4,066,883 16,048,055 3,873,696 11,174,460 S 24,064,437 $ 11,640,664 $ 22,941,346 $ 11,300,682 25 w%.., - G 4 J LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGETARY COMPARISON STATEMENT HOUSING AUTHORITY PA NO.1 YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Budgetary Fund Balance, July 1 Resources (Inflows): Use of Money and Property: Interest income Rental income Sale of real estate Other revenue: Miscellaneous revenues Transfers from other funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges to Appropriation (Outflow): Current: Planning and development: Administrative costs Professional services Operation of acquired property Debt Service: Interest expense Transfer to other funds Total Charges to Appropriations Budgetary Fund Balance, June 30 Variance with Final Budget Budget Amounts Actual Positive Original Final Amounts (Negative) $ (1,414) (1,414) (1,4 44) $ - - - 3,744 3,744 216,000 216,000 248,196 32,196 - 120,628 120,628 - - - 1,302 - 1,302 167,076 979,075 781,094 (197,981) 381,661 1,314,289 1,153,550 (160,739) 6,600 6,850 1,939 4,911 22,000 39,000 1,139 37,861 350,000 350,000 221,503 128,497 - 40,000 - 40,000 378,600 435,850 224,692 211,258 $ 3,061 $ 878,439 $ 928,968 $ 50,519 050 See Notes to Financial Statements 26 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGETARY COMPARISON STATEMENT HOUSING AUTHORITY PA NO.2 YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Budgetary Fund Balance, July 1 Resources (Inflows): Use of Money and Property: Interest income Rental income Other revenue: Miscellaneous revenues Transfers from other funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges to Appropriation (Outflow): Current: Planning and development: Administrative costs Professional services Operation of acquired property Interest expense Long -tens debt repayments Total Charges to Appropriations Budgetary Fund Balance, June 30 Variance with Final Budget BudgetAmounts Actual Positive Original Final Amounts (Negative) (1,377) $ (1,377) $ (1,377) $ - - 3,600 1,046 (2,554) 661,500 665,113 3,613 - 4,200 3,185 (1,015) 25,675 534,787 509,112 (25,675) 24,288 1,202,710 1,177,079 (26,631) 4,000 4,000 1,800 2,200 15,000 15,000 1,139 13,861 4,500 433,800 315,972 117,828 - 200,443 200,455 (12) 39,313 39,313 23,500 692,656 568,679 133,877 $ 798 $ 61 0,1 64 S 618,400 S 108,248 ."".j 051 See Notes to Financial Statements 27 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 052 _ 28 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 2011 Note 1: Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies a. Organization and Tax Increment Financing The La Quints Redevelopment Agency (Agency) is a component unit of a reporting entity that consists of the following primary and component units: Reporting Entity: Primary Government: City of La Quinta Component Units: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency City of La Quints Public Financing Authority La Quinta Housing Authority The La Quints Housing Authority (Authority) was established pursuant to California Housing Authorities Law (Health and Safety Code Sections 34200 et seq.) on September 15, 2009. The purpose of the Authority is to provide safe and sanitary housing opportunities for La Quints residents. Although the Authority is legally separate, it is reported as if it were part of the Agency because the Agency's governing board also serves on the governing board for the Authority. Separate financial statements of the Authority are not prepared. Redevelopment Goals and Objectives The general objective of the Redevelopment Plan adopted by the Agency is to encourage investment in the Redevelopment Project Areas by the private sector. The Redevelopment Plan provides for the demolition of buildings and improvements, the relocation of any displaced occupants, and the construction of streets, packing facilities, utilities and other public improvements. The Redevelopment Plan also includes the ability to redevelop land by private enterprise or public agencies, the rehabilitation of structures, the rehabilitation or construction of single family and low and moderate income housing, and participation by owners and tenants of properties in the Redevelopment Project. Redevelopment Project Areas The Agency has established two redevelopment project areas. On November 29, 1983, the City Council approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1. On May 16, 1989, the City Council approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2. These plans provide for the elimination of blight and deterioration that was found to exist in the project areas. Tax Increment Financing The Law provides a means for financing redevelopment projects based upon an allocation of taxes collected within a redevelopment project. The assessed valuation of a redevelopment project last equalized prior to adoption of a . redevelopment plan or amendment to such redevelopment plan, or "base roll", is established and, except for any period during which the assessed valuation drops below the base year level, the taxing bodies, thereafter, receive the taxes produced by the levy of the current tax rate upon the base roll. Taxes collected upon any increase in assessed valuation over the base roll ("tax increment") are paid and may be pledged by a redevelopment agency to the 29 ..«.J 053 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 1: Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) repayment of any indebtedness incurred in financing or refinancing a redevelopment project. Redevelopment agencies themselves have no authority to levy property taxes. b. Basis of Accounting and Measurement Focus The basic financial statements of the Agency are composed of the following: • Government -wide financial statements • Fund financial statements • Notes to the basic financial statements Government -wide Financial Statements Government -wide financial statements display information about the reporting government as a whole, except for its fiduciary activities. These statements include separate columns for the governmental and business -type activities of the primary government (including its blended component units), as well as it's discreetly presented component units. The Agency has no business -type activities or discretely presented component units. For the most part, effect of interfund activity has been removed from these statements. Eliminations have been made in the Statement of Activities so that certain allocated expenses are recorded only once (by the function to which they were allocated). However, general government expenses have not been allocated as indirect expenses to the various functions of the Agency. The accompanying government -wide financial statements for the Agency present negative net assets because the primary activity of the Agency is to issue debt to construct infrastructure that will be owned and maintained by the City. Government -wide financial statements are presented using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. Under the economic resources measurement focus, all (both current and long-term) economic resources and obligations of the reporting government are reported in the government -wide financial statements. Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues, expenses, gains, losses, assets, and liabilities resulting from exchange and exchange -like transactions are recognized when the exchange takes place. Revenues, expenses, gains, losses, assets, and liabilities resulting from non -exchange transaction are recognized in accordance with the requirements of GASB Statement No. 33. Program revenues include charges for services and payments made by parties outside of the reporting government's citizenry if that money is restricted to a particular program. Program revenues are netted with program expenses in the statement of activities to present the net cost of each program. Amounts paid to acquire capital assets are capitalized as assets in the government -wide financial statements, rather than reported as expenditures. Proceeds of long-term debt are recorded as a liability in the government -wide financial statements, rather than as other financing source. Amounts paid to reduce long-term indebtedness of the reporting government are reported as a reduction of the related liability, rather than as an expenditure. •.R.. C54 0] LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 1: Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Fund financial Statements The underlying accounting system of the Agency is organized and operated on the basis of separate funds, each of which is considered to be a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self -balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. Governmental resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. Fund financial statements for the primary government's governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary funds are presented after the government -wide financial statements. These statements display information about major funds individually and non -major funds in the aggregate for governmental and enterprise funds. Fiduciary statements include financial information for fiduciary funds and similar component units. Fiduciary funds primarily represent assets held by the Agency in a custodial capacity for other individuals or organizations. The Agency has no non -major funds, enterprise funds, or fiduciary funds. Governmental Funds In the fund financial statements, governmental funds and agency funds are presented using the modified -accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Measurable means that the amounts can be estimated, or otherwise determined. Available means that the amounts were collected during the reporting period or soon enough thereafter to be available to finance the expenditures accrued for the reporting period. The Agency uses a 60 day availability period. Revenue recognition is subject to the measurable and availability criteria for the governmental funds in the fund financial statements. Exchange transactions are recognized as revenues in the period in which they are earned (i.e., the related goods or services are provided). Locally imposed derived tax revenues are recognized as revenues in the period in which the underlying exchange transaction upon which they are based takes place. Imposed non -exchange transactions are recognized as revenues in the period for which they were imposed. If the period of use is not specified, they are recognized as revenues when an enforceable legal claim to the revenues arises or when they are received, whichever occurs first. Government -mandated and voluntary non -exchange transactions are recognized as revenues when all applicable eligibility requirements have been met. In the fund financial statements, governmental funds are presented using the current financial resources measurement focus. This means that only current assets and current liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets. The reported fund balance (net current assets) is considered to be a measure of "available spendable resources." Governmental fund operating statements present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingly, they are said to present a. summary of sources and uses of available spendable resources" during a period. Non -current portions of long-term receivables due to governmental funds are reported on their balance sheets in spite of their spending measurement focus. Special reporting treatments are used to indicate, however, that they should not be considered "available spendable resources," since they do not represent net current assets. Recognition of 31 "W*.0 - 0 5 5 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 1: Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) governmental fund type revenues represented by noncurrent receivables are deferred until they become current receivables. Noncurrent portions of other long-term receivables are offset by fund balance reserve accounts. Because of their spending measurement focus, expenditure recognition for govemmental fund types excludes amounts represented by noncurrent liabilities. Since they do not affect net current assets, such long-term amounts are not recognized as governmental fund type expenditures or fund liabilities. Amounts expended to acquire capital assets are recorded as expenditures in the year that resources were expended, rather than as fund assets. The proceeds of long-term debt are recorded as an other financing source rather than as a fund liability. Amounts paid to reduce long-term indebtedness are reported as fund expenditures. When both restricted and unrestricted resources are combined in a fund, expenses are considered to be paid first from restricted resources and then unrestricted resources. c. Major Funds The following funds are presented as major funds in the accompanying basic financial statements: Special Revenue Low and Moderate Income Housing P.A. No. 1 and No. 2 Funds — To account for the required 20% set aside of property tax increments that is legally restricted for increasing or improving housing for low and moderate income households. Special Revenue Housing Authority P.A. No 1 and No 2 Funds — To account for activities of the Housing Authority, including the operation of the Authority's housing units. Debt Service Funds, P.A. No. 1 and No. 2 — To account for the accumulation of resources for the payment of debt service for bond principal, interest and trustee fees. Capital Projects Funds, P.A. No. 1 and No. 2 — To account for the bond proceeds, interest and other funding that will be used for development, planning, construction and land acquisition. 2004 and 2011 Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund — To account for the bond proceeds, interest and other funding that will be used for development, planning, construction, and land acquisition for low and moderate income housing projects. d. Cash and Investments For financial reporting purposes, investments are reported at their fair market value. Changes in fair value that occur during a fiscal year are recognized as investment income reported for that fiscal year. Investment income includes interest earnings, changes in fair value, and any gains or losses realized.upon the liquidation or sale of investments. 32 ..N.J . C 5 6 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 1: Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) e. Capital Assets Capital assets (including infrastructure) are recorded at cost where historical records are available and at an estimated historical cost where no historical records exist. Contributed fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair market value at the date of the contribution. Generally, fixed asset purchases in excess of $5,000 are capitalized if they have an expected useful life of three years or more. Buildings are depreciated over a useful life of thirty years. Capital assets include public domain (infrastructure) general fixed assets consisting of certain improvements including roads, streets, sidewalks, medians, and storm drains. Fund Balance The Agency implemented Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 54, "Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions", for the year ended June 30, 2011. As a result, the Agency now reports the following classifications of fund balance: Nonspendable Fund Balance - includes amounts that cannot be spent because they are either (a) not in spendable form or (b) legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. Restricted Fund Balance - Includes amounts that have constraints on the use of resources by being externally imposed, imposed by law through constitution, or through enabling legislation. Assigned Fund Balance — Includes amounts that are constrained by the Agency's intent to be used for a specific purpose. Unassigned Fund Balance - The residual classification which includes all spendable amounts not contained in other classifications. The Agency's Board authorizes assigned amounts for specific purposes pursuant to the policy -making powers granted through a resolution. When an expenditure is incurred for purposes for which both restricted and unrestricted fund balance is available, the Agency considers restricted amounts to be used first, then unrestricted. When an expenditure is incurred for purposes for which amounts in any of the unrestricted fund balance classifications could be used, they are considered to be spent in the order as follows: committed, assigned and then unassigned. Note 2: Stewardship, Compliance and Accountability a. Budgetary Data Budgets and Budgetary Accounting The Governing Board adopts an annual budget prepared on the modified accrual basis of accounting for its governmental funds. The City Manager or his designee is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between the accounts of any department. Revisions that alter the total appropriations of any department or fund are approved by the Governing Board. 33 ."G.J 0 5 7 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 2: Stewardship, Compliance and Accountability (Continued) Prior year appropriations lapse unless they are approved for carryover into the following fiscal year. Expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations at the department level. b. Budget Basis of Accounting Budgets for governmental funds are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Note 3: Cash and Investments Cash and investments reported in the accompanying financial statements consisted of the following: Cash and investments pooled with the City $ 44,037,780 Cash and imestments with trustees 42,603,713 $ 86,641,493 The Agency's funds are pooled with the City of La Quinta's cash and investments in order to generate optimum interest income. The information required by GASS Statement No. 40 related to investments, credit risk, etc., is available in the annual report of the City. Note 4: Notes Receivable In September 1994, the Agency sold certain real property to LINC Housing for $2,112,847. The property was used to construct single-family homes and rental units to increase the City's supply of low and moderate income housing. The note bears interest at 6% per annum and is due in full on June 15, 2029. The balance at June 30, 2011 including matured, unpaid interest of $1,930,492 is $3,965,880. In July 2010, the Agency entered into an Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) with an Garff Properties -La Quinta, LLC ("Garff') that provides for the Agency to provide a rehabilitation loan to Garff of up to $2,300,000 for the construction of a new auto dealership facility and rehabilitation of an existing dealership facility. In connection with the OPA, Garff has executed a promissory note which is secured by a deed of trust, and an operating covenant. The loan will be repaid by crediting future sales and property tax increment taxes generated on the site until the cumulative taxes collected equals the loan amount. At that time, the note will be cancelled and the operating covenant will terminate. If, after ten years of operation, a shortfall exists between the revenues collected and the outstanding loan amount, the note will be cancelled and the operating covenant will terminate. Further, if at any time through no fault of the dealership certain future events outside of the dealership control occur the note will be cancelled and the operating covenant will terminate. The balance at June 30, 2011 is $2,300,000. In February 2011, the Agency entered into Disposition and Development Agreement with Coral Mountain Partners L.P. ("Coral Mountain") to fund up to $29,000,000 for the construction of a low and moderate income apartment complex with an estimated completion date of the apartment complex of March 2015. The Agency's $29,000,000 loan is evidenced by a Promissory Note executed by Coral Mountain ("Note"). interest on the outstanding note amount will bear simple interest of 1%. Principal and interest will be repaid on or before May 1s' of each year from annual residual receipts as defined in the Note once the project is completed and may be repaid early if the property is refinanced, or if the property is transferred to another entity. As of June 30, 2011, the outstanding principal portion on the Note is $640,090 and the outstanding interest portion is $1,396. Other notes receivable totaled $46,226 at June 30, 2011. 34 ,,N.J 050 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 5: Due from Other Governments The Agency advanced funds to the City of La Quinta to help the City meet the cost of developing the public -owned improvements to the La Quinta Park, La Quinta Library and the Highway 111 Median Improvement Project. There is no stipulated repayment date established for the Agency advances. Interest accrues at the earning rate of the City's Investment Pool funds, and shall be adjusted quarterly. At June 30, 2011, outstanding Project Area No. 1 advances were $3,284,621 and Project Area No. 2 advances were $1,280,239. Note 6: Capital Assets Capital asset activity for the year ended June 30, 2011, was as follows: . Balances at Balances at July 1, 2010 Additions Deletions' June 30, 2011 Depreciable assets: .Buildings $ 4,010,888 $ - $ 4,010,888 $ - Total cost of depreciable assets 4,010,888 - 4,010,888 - Less accumulated depreciation Buildings (406,324) (83,251) (489,575) - Net depreciable assets 3,604,564 (a3,251) 3,521,313 - Capital assets not depreciated: Land 69,855,143 4,668 59,228,867 10,630,944 Capital assets, net $ 73,459,707 $ (78,583) $ 62,750,180 $ 10,630,944 'Note: Deletions include transfer of capital assets to the City of La Quinta. Depreciation expense was charged to the following functions of the primary government: Governmental Activities: General government - $83,251 Note 7: Property Taxes Under California law, property taxes are assessed and collected by the counties up to 1 % of assessed value, plus other increases approved by the voters. The property taxes are recorded initially in a pool, and are then allocated to the cities based on complex formulas. Accordingly, the City of La Quinta accrues only those taxes that are received from the County within sixty days after year-end. Lien date January 1 Levy date July 1 Due dates November 1 and February 1 Collection dates December 10 and April 10 The Agency's primary source of revenue comes from property taxes. Property taxes allocated to the Agency are computed in the following manner: 35 «N.,, _ 0 59 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 7: Property Taxes (Continued) a. The assessed valuation of all property within the project area is determined on the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. b. Property taxes related to the incremental increase in assessed values after the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan are allocated to the Agency; all taxes on the "frozen" assessed valuation of the property are allocated to the City and other districts. The Agency has no power to levy and collect taxes and any legislative property tax shift might reduce the amount of tax revenues that would otherwise be available to pay the principal of, and interest on, debt. Broadened property tax exemptions could have a similar effect. Conversely, any increase in the tax rate or assessed valuation, or any reduction or elimination of present exemptions would increase the amount of tax revenues that would be available to pay principal and interest on debt. Note 8: Long -Term Liabilities Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 1994 Tax allocation refunding bonds, Series 1994, in the amount of $26,665,000 were issued by the Agency to refund the outstanding aggregate principal amount of the Agency's Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1989 and 1990. The remaining proceeds were used to finance certain capital improvements within the La Quints Redevelopment Project Area No. 1. Interest rates on the bonds range from 3.80% to 8% and are payable semi-annually on March 1 and September 1 of each year until maturity.. The interest and principal of the bonds are payable solely from pledged tax increment revenues. The bonds are not subject to redemption prior to maturity. There are certain limitations regarding the issuance of parity debt as further described in the official statement. A portion of the proceeds was used to obtain a surety agreement to satisfy the bond reserve requirement. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 2011 is $4,775,000. Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 1998 - Project Area No. 1 Tax allocation refunding bonds, Series 1998, in the amount of $15,760,000 were issued by the Agency to refund the outstanding aggregate principal amount of the Agency's Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1991. The remaining proceeds were used to finance certain capital improvements within the La Quints Redevelopment Project Area No. 1. Interest rates on the bonds range from 5.20% to 5.25% and are payable semi-annually on March 1 and September 1 of each year until maturity. The interest and principal of the bonds are payable from pledged tax increment revenues. There are certain limitations regarding the issuance of parity debt as further described in the official statement. Term Bonds maturing September 1, 2028, are subject to. mandatory sinking fund redemption, in part by lot, on September 1, 2013, and on each September 1 thereafter, through September 1, 2028, at a price equal to the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest. A portion of the proceeds was used to obtain a surety agreement to satisfy the bond reserve requirement. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 2011 is $15,760,000. 36 ..N.1 060, LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 8: Long -Tenn Liabilities (Continued) Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 1998 - Project Area No. 2 Tax allocation refunding bonds, Series 1998, in the amount of $6,750,000 were issued by the Agency to refund the outstanding aggregate principal amount of the Agency's Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1992. The remaining proceeds were used to finance certain capital improvements within the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2. Interest rates on the bonds range from 3.75% to 5.25% and are payable semi-annually on March 1 and September 1 of each year until maturity. The interest and principal of the bonds are payable solely from pledged tax increment revenues of Project Area No. 2. Term Bonds maturing September 1, 2028 and September 1, 2033, are subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption, in part by lot, on September 1, 2009 and September 1, 2019, respectively, and on each September 1, thereafter at a price equal to the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest. There are certain limitations regarding the issuance of parity debt as further described in the official statement. A portion of the proceeds was used to obtain a surety agreement to satisfy the bond reserve requirement. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 2011 is $5,555,000. Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2001 — Project Area No. 1 On August 15, 2001, the Agency issued tax allocation bonds in the amount of $48,000,000 to finance capital projects benefiting the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1. The 2001 tax allocation bonds were issued at a discount of $422,400 and issuance costs of $1,517,325. The bonds consist of $17,280,000 of term bonds that accrue interest at 5.00% and mature on September 1, 2021, and $30,720,000 of term bonds that accrue interest at 5.18°%u and mature on September 1, 2031. The interest and principal on the bonds are payable from pledged tax increment revenues. A portion of the proceeds were used to obtain a surety agreement to satisfy the bond reserve requirement. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 2011 is $48,000,000. Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2002 — Project Area No. 1 On June 12, 2002, the Agency issued tax allocation bonds in the amount of $40,000,000 to finance capital projects benefiting the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1. The 2002 tax allocation bonds were issued at a discount of $360,000 and issuance costs of $1,250,096. The bonds consist of $6,355,000 of serial bonds and $33,645,000 of term bonds. Interest rates on serial bonds range from 1.75% and 4.00% and are payable semi-annually on March 1 and September 1 of each year until maturity. Term bonds accrue interest at 5.00% and 5.125% and mature on September 1, 2022 and September 1, 2023. The interest and principal on the bonds are payable from pledged tax increment revenues. A portion of the proceeds were used to obtain a surety agreement to satisfy the bond reserve requirement. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 2011 is $35,085,000. -,n.J _ C 61 37 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 8: Long -Term Liabilities (Continued) Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2003 - Project Area No. 1 On September 1, 2003, the Agency issued tax allocation bonds in the amount of $26,400,000 to finance capital projects benefiting the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1. The 2003 tax allocation bonds were issued at a discount of $277,200 issuance costs of $629,191. Interest is payable semi-annually on March 1 and September 1 of each year, commencing March 1, 2004. Interest payments range from 4.24% to 6.44% per annum. The interest and principal on the bonds are payable from pledged tax increment revenues. Term bonds maturing on September 1, 2013 through September 1, 2032, are subject to mandatory redemption from minimum sinking fund payments, in part by lot, on September 1, 2004, September 1,- 2014 and September 1, 2024, respectively, and on each September 1 thereafter at a redemption price equal to the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest to the redemption date. A portion of the proceeds was used to obtain a surety agreement to satisfy the bond reserve requirement. There are certain limitations regarding the issuance of parity debt as further described in the official statement. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 2011 is $23,305,000. 2004 Series A Local Agency Revenue Bonds On June 29, 2004, the La Quinta Financing Authority issued revenue bonds in the amount of $90,000,000 to finance projects benefiting low and moderate income housing in La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 and the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 and to advance refund the Agency's Redevelopment Project Areas No. 1 and 2, 1995 Housing Tax Allocation Bonds. The 2004 local agency revenue bonds were issued with issuance costs of $2,600,229 and a premium of $476,496. Interest is payable semi-annually on March 1 and September 1, of each year, commencing September 1, 2004. Interest payments range from 3% to 5.25% per annum. The interest and principal on the bonds are payable from pledged tax increment revenues. Term bonds maturing on September 1, 2024, September 1, 2029 and September 1, 2034, are subject to mandatory redemption from minimum sinking fund payments, in part by lot, on September 1, 2017, September 1, 2025 and September 1, 2030, respectively, and on each September 1 thereafter at a redemption price equal to the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest to the redemption date. A portion of the proceeds was used to obtain a surety agreement to satisfy the bond reserve requirement. There are certain limitations regarding the issuance of parity debt as further described in the official statement. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 2011 is $81,150,000. 2011 Subordinate Taxable Tax Allocation Bonds On June 6, 2011, the Agency issued subordinate taxable tax allocation bonds in the amount of $6,000,000 to finance capital projects benefiting the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2. The 2001 tax allocation bonds were issued at a discount of $86,207 and issuance costs of $108,500. 38 ',*.J . 6 2 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 8: Long -Tenn Liabilities (Continued) The bonds consist of $190,000 of term bonds that accrue interest at 5.375% and mature on September 1, 2016, $280,000 of term bonds that accrue interest at 7.125% and mature on September 1, 2021, $380,000 of tens bonds that accrue interest at 7.600% and mature on September 1, 2026, and $5,150,000 of term bonds that accrue interest at 8.150% and mature on September 1, 2031. The interest and principal on the bonds are payable from pledged tax increment revenues. A portion of the proceeds were used to obtain fund the bond reserve requirement. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 2011 is $6,000,000. 2011 Series A Local Agency Subordinate Taxable Revenue Bonds On June 9, 2011, the La Quints Financing Authority issued revenue bonds in the amount of $28,850,000 to finance projects benefiting low and moderate income housing in La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 and La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No. 2. The 2011 local agency subordinate taxable revenue bonds were issued with issuance costs of $323,375 and a discount of $308,839. Interest is payable semi-annually on March 1 and September 1 of each year, commencing September 1, 2011. Interest payments range from 3.750% to 8.185% per annum. The interest and principal on the bonds are payable from pledged tax increment revenues. Term bonds maturing on September 1, 2026, September 1, 2031 and September 1, 2036, are subject to mandatory redemption from minimum sinking fund payments, in part by lot, on September 1, 2022, September 1, 2027, and September 1, 2032, respectively, and on each September 1 thereafter at a redemption price equal to the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest to the redemption date. A portion of the proceeds was used to fund the bond reserve requirement. There are certain limitations regarding the issuance of parity debt as further described in the official statement. The principal balance of outstanding bonds at June 30, 2011 is $28,850,000. Due to County of Riverside - Project Area No. 2 Based on an agreement dated July 5, 1989, between the Agency and the County, until the tax increment reaches $5,000,000 annually in Project Area No. 2, the Agency will pay to the County 50% of the County portion of tax increment. At the County's option, the County's pass -through portion can be retained by the Agency to finance new County facilities or land costs that benefit the County and serve the La Quinta population. Per the agreement, the Agency must repay all amounts withheld from the County. The tax increment is to be paid to the County in amounts ranging from $100,000 to $250,000 over a payment schedule through June 30, 2015. Interest does not accrue on this obligation. The balance at June 30, 2011 is $1,000,000. Pass -through Agreement Payable to Coachella Valley Unified School District An agreement was entered into in 1991 between the Agency, the City of La. Quinta and the Coachella Valley Unified'School District (District), which provides for the payment to the District a portion of tax increment revenue associated with properties within District confines. Such payments are subordinate to other indebtedness of the Agency incurred in furtherance of the Redevelopment Plan for Project Area No. 1. This tax increment is paid to the District over a payment schedule through August 1, 2012, in amounts ranging from $474,517 to 39 .-N.J - 0 6 3 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 8: Long -Term Liabilities (Continued) $834,076 for a total amount of $15,284,042. Tax increment payments outstanding at June 30, 2011 totaled $1,255,242. The District agrees to use such funds to provide classroom and other construction costs, site acquisition, school buses, expansion or rehabilitation of current facilities. Washington Street Apartments In October 2008, the Agency acquired the Washington Street Apartments for cash and the assumption of the following debt: Provident Bank Loan This loan was originally entered into with the previous owner of the Washington Street Apartments and Provident Bank for $1,696,000 in August 2001 at an 8.36% interest rate. The loan is amortized on a thirty year basis with the outstanding balance due in twenty years or August 2021. The outstanding principal balance in October 2008, when the property was acquired by the Agency was $1,572,031. The loan is secured by a deed of trust on the property and is senior to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) loan which is also secured by a deed of trust on the property. Repayment of the monthly loan amount of $12,873 is made from tenant rent receipts. The source for the final principal payment due in August 2021, of $1,050,109 will be determined at a future date. The principal balance of this loan at June 30, 2011 is $1,503,433. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Promissory Note This promissory note was originally entered into with the previous owner of the Washington Street Apartments and USDA — Rural Development for $1,500,000 in November 1980 at a 10.00% interest rate. The note is amortized on a fifty year basis with the outstanding balance due in October 2030. The outstanding principal balance, in October 2008, when the property was acquired by the Agency was $760,721. The loan is secured by a deed of trust on the property and is subordinated to the Provident loan which is also secured by a deed of trust on the property. Repayment of the monthly loan amount of $7,107 is made from tenant rent receipts and a rental subsidy from the USDA. Rural Development has agreed to a 9% interest rate subsidy on the Promissory Note as long as the Apartment renters meet certain program eligibility requirements. The principal balance of this note at June 30, 2011 is $729,383. Advances from the City of La Quinta The City of La Quints advances money to the Agency to cover operating and capital shortfalls. As of June 30, 2011, the amount due to the General Fund from Project Area No. 1 and Project Area No. 2 were $0. 40-.•N.,, G 6 4 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 8: Long -Term Liabilities (Continued) The following is a schedule of changes in long-term debt of the Agency for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011: Balance, Balance Due Within July 1, 2010 Additions Repayments June 30, 2011 One Year Redevelopment Aaencv PA No 1 City Loans - Principal $ 22,000,000 $ - $ 22,000,000 $ - $ _ Coachella Valley USD Pass -Through Payable 2,072,964 - 817,722 1,256,242 834,076 1994 Tax Allocation Bonds 6,920,000 - 2,145,000 4,775,000 2,305,000 1998 TAB Project Area #1 15,760,000 - - 15,760,000 - 2001 Tax Allocation Bonds 48,000,000 - - 48,000,000 - 2002 Tax Allocation Bonds 35,765,000 - 680,000 35,065,000 705,000 2003 Tax Allocation Bonds 23,810,000 - 505,000 23,305,000 530,000 2004 Series A Local Agency Revenue Bonds 16.000,857 - 335,820 15,665,037 348.365 Total 170,328,821 - 26.483,542 143,045,279 4,722,441 Redevelopment Aaencv PA No 2 City Loans - Principal 19,378,966 - 19,378,966 - - Provident Loan 1,530,958 - 27,525 1,503,433 29,918 US Department of Agriculture 741,171 - 11,788 729,383 12,915 Notes - Due to the County of Riverside 1,200,000 - 200.000 1,000,000 250,000 1998 TAB Project Area #2 5,680,000 - 125,000 5,555,000 130,000 2011A Subordinate TAB Bonds - 6,000,000 - 6,000,000 - 2004 Series A Local Agency Revenue Bonds 4,324,364 - 90,828 4,233,536 94,221 Taxable Revenue Bonds 2011 Series A - 28,850,000 28,850,000 Total 32,855,459 34,850,000 19,834,107 47,871,352 517,054 Unallocated Between Prolect Areas 2004 Series A Local Agency Revenue Bonds 62,564,779 1,313,352 61,251,427 1,362,414 Total 62,564,779 1,313,352 61,251,427 1,362,414 Total -All Project Areas $ 265,749,059 $ 34,850,000 $ 47,631,001 $ 252,968,058 $ 6,601,909 Adjustments: - Unamortized net original issue (discount) or premium (1,127,045) Net Long-term Debt $ 251,841,013 41 «p., C65 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 8: 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 2014 - 2015 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2021 2021 - 2026 2026 - 2031 2031 - 2036 Long -Term Liabilities (Continued) The following schedule illustrates the debt service requirements to maturity for the debt outstanding as of June 30, 2011: Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 1994 - PA No. 1 Principal Interest $ 2,305,000 $ 264,443 2,470,000 90,155 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 1998 - PA No. 1 Principal Interest $ - $ 819,520 - 819,520 665,000 802,490 690,000 767,520 725,000 730,730 4,235,000 - 3,031,210 5,460.000 1,777,100 3,995,000 318,630 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds Series 1998 - PA No. 2 Principal Interest $ 130,000 $ 286,738 140,000 279,819 145,000 272,516 150,000 264,966 160,000 257,013 930,000 1,149,525 1,205,000 872,156 1,555,000 511,744 1,140,000 91,875 Totals $ 4,775,OOD $ 354,598 $ 15,760,000 $ 9,066,720 $ 5,555,000 $ 3,986,342 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 2014 - 2015 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2021 2021 - 2026 2026 - 2031 2031 - 2036 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2001 - PA No. 1 Principal Interest $ - $ 2,430,720 - 2,430,720 1,665,000 2,391,595 1,645,000 2,311,345 1,730,000 2,226,970 10,025,000 9,714,225 12,805,000 6,854,645 16,425,000 3,147,848 3,805,000 97,028 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2002 - PA No. 1 Principal Interest $ 705,000 $ 1,756,429 735,000 1,727,981 705,000 1,695,656 735,000 1,659,656 770,000 1,622,031 4,485,000 7,475,031 5,730,000 6,198,303 10,380,000 4,379,313 10,840,000 662,406 Tax Allocation Bonds Series 2003 - PA No. 1 Principal Interest $ 530,000 $ 1,453,198 560,000 1,423,495 590,000 1,392,158 620,000 1,356,736 660,000 1,316,800 3,970.000 5,891,984 5,390,000 4,438,109 7,340,000 2,414,034 3,645,000 238,441 Totals -$ 48,000, 000 $ 31,605,096 $ 35,085,000 $ 27,176,806 $ 23,305,000 $ 19,924,955 2004 Series A Local Agency Pass -through Payable - Revenue Bonds Due to County of Riverside Coachella Valley Unified School Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest 2011 -2012 $ 1,805,000 $ 4,099,719 $ 250,000 $ - $ 834,076 $ - 2012 - 2013 1,890,000 4,016,581 250,000 - 421,166 - 2013-2014 1.975,000 3,924,681 250,000 - - - 2014-2015 2,075,000 3,823,431 250,000 - - - 2015 - 2016 2,175,000 3.714.463 - - - - 2016-2021 12,715,000 16,686.250 - - - - 2021-2026 16,430,000 12,885,194 - - - - 2026-2031 21,055,000 8,149,884 - - - - 2031 - 2036 21,030,000 2,222,969 Totals $ 81,150,D00 $ 59,523,172 $ 1,000,000 $ $ 1,255,242 $ 42 r.k.. c ss LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 8: Long -Term Liabilities (Continued) 2011-2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2021 2021-2026 2026 - 2031 2031-2036 2036-2041 USDA Rural Development Principal Interest $ 12,915 $ 72,367 14,267 71,014 15,761 69,520 17,412 67,870 19,235 66,047 130,952 295,458 215,456 210,953 303,385 73,179 Provident Bank Loan Principal Interest $ 29,918 $ 124,558 32,515 121,959 35,341 119,134 38,411 116,064 41,748 112,726 269,873 502,499 1,055,627 14,670 2011 Series A Local Agency Subordinate Taxable Revenue Bonds Principal Interest $ - $ 488,648 - 2,171,767 520,000 2,171,767 540,000 2,152,267 565,000 2,127,967 3,340,000 10,117,192 4,685,000 8,774,045 6,780,000 6,681,460 9,930,000 3,530,174 2,490,000 200,943 Totals $ 729,383 $ 926,408 $ 1,503,433 $ 1,111,610 $ 28,850,000 $ 38,416,230 2011 Subordinate Taxable Tax Allocation Bonds Principal Interest 2011 - 2012 $ - $ 107,723 2012 - 2013 35,000 478,768 - 2013-2014 35,000 476,886 2014 -2015 40,000 475,005 2015 - 2016 40,000 472,855 2016-2021 255,000 2,323,194 2021-2026 355,000 2,216,496 2026-2031 515,000 2,056,974 2031-2036 1,635,000 1,776,702 2036-2041 3,090,000 654,033 Totals $ 6,000,000 $ 11,038,636 Note 9: Pledge Tax Revenues As previously discussed, the. Agency has pledged, as security for bonds it has issued, either directly or through the Financing Authority, a portion of the tax increment revenue (including Low and Moderate Income Housing set -aside) that it receives. These bonds were to provide financing for various capital projects and accomplish Low and Moderate Income Housing projects. The Agency has committed to appropriate each year, from these resources amounts sufficient to cover the principal and interest requirements on the debt. Total principal and interest remaining on the debt is $449,572,565 with annual debt service requirements as indicated above. For the current year, the total tax increment revenue, net of pass through payments, recognized by the City was $32,569,795 and the debt service obligation on the bonds was $16,604,838. 43 .,au L 0 6 7 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 10: Transfers In and Out The following transfers were made during the year ended June 30, 2011: Transfers Out: Capital Project Redevelopment Agency - PA No. 1 Redevelopment Agency- PA No. 2 Special Revenue: Low/Moderate Income Housing PA No. 1 Low/Moderate Income Housing PA No. 2 Total Transfers in Debt Service Special Revenue Housing Housing Authority PA Authority PA PA No. 1 PA No. 2 No. 1 No. 2 Total $ 16,039,194 $ - $ - . $ - $ 15,039,194 - 4,303,660 - - 4,303,660 4,438,932 - - 781,094 - 5,220,026 - 1,951,993 509,112 2,461,106 $ 19,478,126 $ 6,255.653 $ 781,094 $ 509,112 $ 27,023,985 a) $4,438,932 was transferred from the Low/Moderate Income Housing PA No. 1 Fund to the Redevelopment Agency Debt Service Project Area No. 1 Debt Service Fund to pay a portion of the 2004 Series A Local Agency Revenue Bond and 1994 Tax Allocation Bonds debt services. b) $1,951,993 was transferred from the Low/Moderate Income Housing PA No. 2 Fund to the Redevelopment Agency Debt Service PA No. 2 Fund to pay a portion of the 2004 Series A Local Agency Revenue Bond debt service. c) $781,094 was transferred from the Low/Moderate Income Housing PA No. 1 Fund to the Housing Authority PA No. 1 to pay for rental subsidies associated with the La Quints Cove Homes. d) $509,112 was transferred from the Low/Moderate Income Housing PA No. 2 Fund to the Housing Authority PA No. 2 to pay for rental subsidies associated with the Washington Street Apartments. e) $15,039,194 was transferred from the Redevelopment Agency Capital Project Area No. 1 to the Redevelopment Agency Debt Service PA No. 1 Fund to repay its part of the City advances. f) $4,303,660 was transferred from the Redevelopment Agency Capital Project Area No. 2 to the Redevelopment Agency Debt Service PA No. 2 Fund to repay its part of the City advances and to fund the SERAF payment. . 44 C68 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 11: Due To/From Other Funds The following interfund receivables and payables were made during the year ended June 30, 2011: Due From Other Funds Due To Other Funds Amount Special Revenue Low/Mod PA Capital Projects — 2011 Low/Mod No.1 Bond $ 3,500 Special Revenue Low/Mod PA Capital Projects — 2004 Low/Mod No. 2 Bond 24,760 Capital Projects Capital Projects Redevelopment Redevelopment PA No. 1 PA No. 2 637,754 Total - $ 666,014 All amounts were for short term borrowing to cover temporary cash shortfall. Note 12: Advances To/From other funds Advances To Other Funds Advances From Other Funds Amount Special Revenue Low/Mod PA Special Revenue Low/Mod PA No.1 - No.2 $ 4,328 The advance was for operating costs. Note 13: Insurance The Agency is covered under the City of La Quints's insurance policies. Therefore, the limitations and self -insured retentions applicable to the City of La Quinta also apply to its Agency. Additional information as to coverage and self -insured retentions can be obtained by contacting the City. Note 14: Net Pension Asset In September 2009, the City contributed funds to CalPERS to payoff the side fund for the Past Service Cost in order to reduce future contribution rates. This amount will be amortized over the next twelve years. The Agency's portion of the payoff was $107,336. The contribution requirements of plan member and the City are established and may be amended by CalPERS. Additional information on the plan can be obtained from the annual report of the City. The balance of the net pension asset as of June 30, 2011 is $100,393. Note 15: Transactions with the State of California a. SERAF Shift for fiscal year 2010-2011 On July 23, 2009, the State adopted legislation, requiring a shift of monies during fiscal years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 to be deposited into the County "Supplemental" Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (SERAF). These monies were to be distributed to meet the State's Prop 98 obligations to schools. The California Redevelopment Association (CRA) and its member agencies filed a legal action in an attempt to stop 45 NM.;� C 6 9 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 15: Transactions with the State of California (Continued) these amounts from having to be paid; however, in May 2010 the Sacramento Superior Court upheld the legislation. The payment of the SERAF was due on May 10, 2011 for fiscal year 2010-2011 and it was made in the amount of $4,855,193 using available resources. Note 16: California Redevelopment Agency Uncertainty On July 18, 2011, the California Redevelopment Association ("CRA") and the League of California Cities ("League") filed a petition for writ of mandate with the California Supreme Court, requesting the Court to declare unconstitutional two bills that were passed as part of the 2011-12 State Budget, AB1X 26 and 27. AB1X 26 dissolves redevelopment agencies effective October 1, 2011. AB1X 27, give redevelopment agencies an option to avoid dissolution if it commits to making defined payments for the benefit of the State, school districts and certain special districts. In 2011-12, these payments amount to a state-wide total of $1.7 billion. In 2012-13 and subsequent years, the payments total $400 million, annually. Each city or county's share of these payments is determined based on its proportionate share of state-wide tax increment. CRA and the League contend that AB1X 26 and 27 are unconstitutional because they violate Proposition 22 which was passed by the voters in November, 2010. The effect of the legislation is to achieve a possible unconstitutional result, the use of redevelopment agencies' tax increment funds to benefit the State and other units of local government, by way of threatening of the dissolution of redevelopment agencies. Therefore, the CRA and the League have requested that the Court issue a stay, suspending the effectiveness of AB1X 26 and 27 until the Court can rule on its constitutionality. CRA and the League also asked the Court to expedite the briefing and hearing of the case so that a decision can be rendered by the Court before January 15, 2012, when the first payments are due. On August 11", the California Supreme Court agreed to hear the case and granted a partial stay which was subsequently clarified. As of the time of the issuance of this report, the outcome of AB1X 26 and 27 upon the Agency is unknown and consequently the status and even future existence of the Agency is uncertain as such. In accordance with AB1X 27, the Agency has passed a resolution of intent to continue and will be required to make a payment to the State by January 15, 2012 to avoid dissolution. The Department of Finance issued their estimated payment amounts and the Agency filed an appeal regarding the calculation. The estimated payment amount based on the revised calculation is $17,018,721. Note 17: Subsequent Event In June 2011, the Agency entered into an Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) with an autodealer, Mega Dealer, LLC ("Torre Nissan") that provides for the Agency to provide a rehabilitation loan to Torre Nissan of up to $1,500,000 for the remodeling of the existing dealership and an expansion of the dealership facility to accommodate a new line of electric and commercial vehicles. The new expansion will also include service and parts sales facilitates. In connection with the OPA, Torre Nissan has executed a promissory note, which is secured by a subordinated deed of trust and an operating covenant. Interest on the note 46 „N., .0 10 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) JUNE 30, 2011 Note 17: Subsequent Event (Continued) shall accrue on the outstanding principal balance at the 1-year LIBOR Rate, adjusted annually on each June 301h. The loan will be repaid by crediting future sales and property tax increment taxes generated on the site until the cumulative taxes collected equals the outstanding loan amount. At that time, the note will be cancelled and the operating covenant will terminate. if at any time during the term of the note Nissan Motor Company ceases to exist, the note will be cancelled and the operating covenant will terminate. At the end of the ten-year operating covenant, the operating covenant will terminate and the note will be cancelled, and any outstanding loan balance will be forgiven. As of June 30, 2011 no payments have been made under this agreement. 47 �" - 071 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMBINING PROJECT AREA BALANCE SHEET ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS JUNE 30, 2011 ASSETS Cash and investments Cash and investments with trustee Receivables: Tax increment Accounts Interest Loans Prepaid costs Due from capital projects funds Due from low and moderate housing funds Due from City Deposits with others Advances to other funds Total Assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable Deposits from others Due to capital projects funds Due to low and moderate housing funds Due to other governments Deferred revenue Advances from other funds Total Liabilities Fund Balances: Nonspendable: Prepaid costs Long-term receivables and deposits Restricted for: Debt service Low and moderate income housing Community development Total Fund Balances Total Liabilities and Fund Balances Redevelopment Agency PA No. 1 Capital Capital Debt Capital Projects Projects Service Projects 2004 2011 Low/Mod Low/Mod Tax Bond Bond Increment Project $ - $ - $ 1,132,207 $ 9,943,802 3,331,915 25,535,470 - 9,204,891 - - 27,485 - 3,500 - - 379 8,549 - - - 637,754 3,284,621 $ 3,331,915 $ 25,538,970 $ 1,160,071 $ 23,079,617 53,296 24,760 3,500 - - - 414,728 24,760 3,500 414,728 53,296 - - - 745,343 - 3,307,155 25,535,470 - - - - - 23,026,321 3,307,155 25,535,470 745,343 23,026,321 $ 3,331,915 $ 25,538,970 $ 1,160,071 $ 23,079,617 48 wp.J 072 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMBINING PROJECT AREA BALANCE SHEET ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS JUNE 30, 2011 - (Continued) Redevelopment Agency _ Redevelopment Agency PA No. 1 PA No. 2 Special Special Debt Capital Revenue Revenue Service Projects Low and Housing Moderate Tax Authority Housing Increment Project ASSETS Cash and investments $ 934,767 $ 8,474,291 $ 15,101 $ - Cash and investments with trustee - - 600,000 3,931,437 Receivables: Tax increment - 6,871 5,112 - Accounts - 13,542 - - 24,500 Interest 616 5,414 - 307 Loans - 4,012,106 - 2,300,000 Prepaid costs _ _ _ _ Due from capital projects funds - Due from low and moderate housing funds - 3,500 - - Due from City - - - 1,280,239 Deposits with others - - _ Advances to other funds _ - 4,328 - - Total Assets $ 948,925 $ 12,506,510 $ 620,213 $ 7,536,483 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable $ - $ 82,824 $ - $ 28,944 Deposits from others 19,967 - - - Due to capital projects funds - - - 637,754 Due to low and moderate housing funds - - - _ Due to other governments - - 60,013 - Deferred revenue - 1,930,492 - 2,300,000 Advances from other funds - - - - Total Liabilities 19,967 2,013,316 60,013 2,966,698 Fund Balances: Nonspendable: Prepaid costs - - - - Long-term receivables and deposits - 2,081,614 - - Restricted for: Debt service - - 560,200. - Low and moderate income housing 928,958 8,411,580 - Community development — - - 4,569,785 Total Fund Balances 928,958 10,493,194 560,200 4,569,785 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 948,925 $ 12,506,510 $ 620,213 $ 7,536,483 49 •�.,_ 073 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMBINING PROJECT AREA BALANCE SHEET ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS JUNE 30, 2011 ASSETS Cash and investments Cash and investments with trustee Receivables: Tax increment Accounts Interest Loans Prepaid costs Due from capital projects funds Due from low and moderate housing funds Due from City Deposits with others Advances to other funds Total Assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable Deposits from others Due to capital projects funds Due to low and moderate housing funds Due to other governments Deferred revenue Advances from other funds Total Liabilities Fund Balances: Nonspendable: Prepaid costs Long-term receivables and deposits Restricted for: Debt service Low and moderate income housing Community development Total Fund Balances Total Liabilities and Fund Balances Redevelopment Agency PA No. 2 Special Special Revenue Revenue TOTALS Low and Debt Capital Special Housing Moderate Service Projects Revenue Authority Housing Funds Funds Funds $ 597,765 $ 22.939,847 $1,147,308 $ 9,943,802 $ 32,946,670 - - 600,000 42,003,713 - - 1,278 32,597 - 8,149 37,082 - - 28,000 50,624 - 15,926 379 8,856 21,956 - 641,486 - 2,300,000 4,653,592 10,563 - - - 10,563 - - - 637,754 - 24,760 - - 28,260 - - - 4,564,860 - 6,000 - - - 6,000 - - 4,328 $ 651,410 $ 23,623,297 $1,780,284 $ 59,486,985 $ 37,730,142 $ 2,263 $ 40,465 $ - $ 82,240 $ 125,552 26,419 - - - 46,386 - - - 637,754 - - 28,260 - 474,741 - - - 641,486 - 2,300,000 2,571,978 4,328 - - - 4,328 33,010 681,951 474,741 3,048,254 2,748,244 10,563 - - - 10,563 6,000 - - - 2,087,614 - - 1,305,543 - - 601,837 22,941.346 - 28,842,625 32,883,721 - 27,596,106 - 618,400 22,941,346 1,305,543 56,438,731 34,981,898 $ 651,410 $ 23,623,297 $1,780,284 $ 59,486,985 $ 37,730,142 50 ".,.; 074 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 075 51 LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMBINING PROJECT AREA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Redevelopment Agency PA No. 1 Capital Capital Debt Capital Projects Projects Service Projects 2004 2011 Low/Mod Low/Mod Tax Bond Bond Increment Project Revenues: Taxes and Assessments: Tax increment $ - $ - $ 35,192,471 $ Use of Money and Property: Interest income 6,429 12,065 12,802 170,584 Rental income. - - - - Sale of real estate - - - 4,875,000 Other revenue: Miscellaneous revenues - - - 305,455 Loan repayments - - - - Total Revenues 6A29 12,065 35,205,273 5,351,039 Expenditures: - Current: Planning and Development: Administrative costs - - 386,145 169,567 Professional services - - 741,732 Real estate acquisitions - - - 8,199,012 Acquisition cost - - - 22,184 Operation of acquired property - - - - Relocation costs - - - 1,257 Site clearance costs - - - 10,743 Rehabilitation costs - - - - Subsidy to low and moderate housing - - - - - Capital Outlay: Project improvement costs 125,124 - - 2,018,681 Debt Service: Debt issuance costs - 632,214 - - Interest expense _ - - - 10,885,440 - Long -tens debt repayments - - 27,313,522 - Total Expenditures 125,124 632,214 38,585,107 11,163,178 Excess of Revenues over (under) Expenditures (118,695) (620,149) (3,379,834) (6,812,137) Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers in - - 19,478,126 - Transfers out - - - (15,039.194) Long-term debt issued - 28,850,000 - - Pass through agreement payments - - (19,309,866) - Proceeds from sale of capital assets - Gain (Loss) on sale of land held for resale - - - - Payment to Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund - - (4,855,193) - Contributions to other agencies - (2,694,381) - - Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 26,155,619 (4,686,933) (15,039,194) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures and Other Uses (118,695) 25,535,470 (8,066,767) (20,851,331) Fund Balances Beginning of Year 3,425,850 - 8,812,110 43,877,652 End of Year - - $ 3,307,155 $ 25,635,470 $ 745,343 $ 23,026,321 52 •...Ill076 LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMBINING PROJECT AREA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 (Continued) Redevelopment Agenc Redevelopment Agency - PA No. 1 PA No. 2 Special Special Debt Capital Revenue Revenue Service Projects Low and Housing Moderate Tax Authority Housing Increment Project Revenues: Taxes and Assessments: Tax increment Use of Money and Property: Interest income Rental income Sale of real estate Other revenue: Miscellaneous revenues Loan repayments Total Revenues Expenditures: Current: Planning and Development: Administrative costs Professional services Real estate acquisitions Acquisition cost Operation of acquired property Relocation costs Site clearance costs Rehabilitation costs Subsidy to low and moderate housing Capital Outlay: Project improvement costs Debt Service: Debt issuance costs Interest expense Long-term debt repayments Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues over (under) Expenditures ther Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers in Transfers out Long -tens debt issued Pass through agreement payments Proceeds from sale of capital assets Gain (Loss) on sale of land held for resale Payment to Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund Contributions to other agencies Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures and Other Uses and Balances Beginning of Year End of Year $. - $ 8,798,118 3,744 42,092 248,196 - 1,302 253.242 1,939 1,139 221,503 $ 19,349,036 $ - 47,887 20,925 780 53,377 - 8,894,367 19,396,923 20,925 382,103 215,555 907,077 - 678,600 23,383 470,558 324,940 320,045 11 - 2,765,596 - 20,278,166 224,592 3,106,706 23,259,317 50,632 231,973 2,300,000 1,797,569 194,707 4,574,881 28,650 5,787,661 - (3,862,394) (4,553,966) 781,094 - 6,255,653 - - (5,220,026) - (4,303,660) 6,000,000 - (16,297,223) - - 243,222 - 3,445,000 120,628 - - - 901,722 (4,976,804) (10,041,570) 5,141,340 930,372 810,857 (13,903,964) 587,394 (1,414) 9,682,337 14,464,164 3,982,401 $ 928,958 $ 10,493,194 $ 560,200 $ 4,569,785 53 ra.�� 077 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMBINING PROJECT AREA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 Redevelopment Agency PA No. 2 Special Special Revenue Revenue TOTALS Low and Debt Capital Special Housing Moderate service Projects Revenue Authority Housing Funds Funds Funds Revenues: Taxes and Assessments: - Tax increment $ - $ 4,837,259 $ 54,541,507 $ - $ 13,635,377 Use of Money and Property: Interest income 1,046 143,643 60,689 210,003 190,525 Rental income 665,113 - - - 913,309 Sale of real estate - - - - 4,875,000 - Other revenue: Miscellaneous revenues 3,185 - - 305,455 5,267 Loan repayments - 8,719 - - 62,096 Total Revenues 669,344 4,989,621 54,602,196 5,390,458 . 14,806,574 Expenditures: Current: Planning and Development: Administrative costs 1,800 225,496 601,700 220,199 611,338 Professional services 1,139 765,192 - 973,705 1,674.547 Real estate acquisitions - - - 8,199,012 678,600 Acquisition cost - - - 22,184 23,383 Operation of acquired property 315,972 - - - - 537,475 Relocation costs - - - 1,257 - Site clearance costs - - - 10,743 - Rehabilitation costs - - - 2,300,000 470,558 Subsidy to low and moderate housing - 12,068 - - 337,008 Capital Outlay: Project improvement costs - 409,734 - 3,941,374 729,779 Debt Service: Debt issuance costs - - - 826,921 - - Interest expense 200,455 - 13,651,036 - 200,466 Long-term debt repayments 39,313 47,591,688 - 39,313 Total Expenditures 558,679 1,412,490 61,844,424 16,495,396 5,302,467 Excess of Revenues over (under) Expenditures 110,665 3,577,131 (7,242,228) (11,104,937) 9,504,107 Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers in 509,112 - 25,733,779 - 1.290,206 Transfers out - (2,461,105) - (19,342,854) (7,681,131) Long-term debt issued - - - 34,850,000 - Pass through agreement payments - - - (35,607,089) - - Proceeds from sale of capital assets - - - 3,445,000 243,222 Gain (Loss) on sale of land held for resale - - - - 120,628 Payment to Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund - - (4,855,193) - - Contributions to other agencies - - - (2,694,381) - Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) - 509,112 (2,461,105) (14,728,503) 16,257,765 (6,027,075) Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures and Other Uses 619,777 1,116,026 (21,970,731) 5,152,828 3,477,032 Fund Balances. Beginning of Year (1.,377) 21,825,320 23,276,274 51,285,903 31,504,866 End of Year - - $ 618,400 $ 22,941,346 $ 1,305,543 $. 56,438,731 $ 34,981,898 54 ..N.� _ 078 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMPUTATION OF LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUNDS EXCESS/SURPLUS Low and Moderate Housing Funds All Project Areas July 1, 2010 Opening Fund Balance Less Unavailable Amounts: Unspent debt proceeds (Section 33334.12 (g)(3)(13)) $ (5,569,552) Rehabilitation loans and advances (2,088,709) Available Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds Limitation (greater of $1,000,000 or four years set -aside) Set -Aside for last four years: 2010-2011 - 2009- 2010 14,820,242 2008 - 2009 15,825,773 2007 - 2008 - 16,641,016 2006 - 2007 15,701,666 Total $ 62,988,697 Base Limitation $ 1,000,000 Greater amount Computed Excess/Surplus $ 34,933,507 (7,658,261) 27,275,246 62,988,697 None Low and Moderate Housing Funds All Project Areas July 1. 2011 $(28,867,385) (2,081,614) 13,635,337 14,820,242 15,825,773 16,641,016 $ 60,922,368 $ 1,000,000 $ 62,277,165 (30,948,999) 31,328,166 60,922,368 . 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O C �y LL Q c y '� O { W d C W N 0 a c O? d m m; fop: v = m o f3i Q NNyq O � C N d O c �+' N C No N m 'o 'c 9c U c C U LL ~ c ~ J w R' '0 �. c L m i m 3 J LL c if o ) 'q� x °u ~ E ~ E N j j C YI LL N C C Lo $ E c m M 4 a 4 d a c. x u. IL a a vi f 0 F O 0 �N•V 126 LU \ \ � \ � � � k aka 4) CO) c 'a 2 .0 to .100 r 'a 0 o mo .. c CL x 10 E Ei 0 CL r 0 co > 'a to 0 0 J) C 0 0 )! . C c E m c c M 0■ 'u- 0 0 w E $ / .7! § \ / 0 M f I $ \ k �� 09 / / m 'R LU \/6 0 0 w 'C a. I r) 0 127 La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report Detailed Summary of Footnotes For Fiscal Year 2010-11 Forms Project Areas Report Did this Amendment Add New Territory ? New Indebtedness Column Additional Details A PROJECT _AREA —NAME ='Project Area No. 2' A PROJECT —AREA —NAME ='Project Area No 1' New Indebtedness A Size of Project Area in Acres A Pass Through / School District Assistance Total Paid to Taxing Agencies C Footnotes PROJECT —AREA —NAME ='Project Area No. 2' PROJECT _AREA —NAME ='Project Area No. 2' PROJECT —AREA —NAME ='Project Area No. 2' Page 1 Footnotes 12.42 acres were added No time limit per SB 211 Ordinance No. 388 adopted 8/22/2003 No Time Limit per SB 211 Ordinance No. 404 adopted 3/19/2004 12.42 acres added in FY 2010/2011 to previous reported 3116 acres for a total of 3128 acres No AS 1290 Taxing Agency payments made. 12/13/2011 r•" J 128 Supplement to the Annual Report of Community Redevelopment Agencies Redevelopment Agency ID Number: l 3 9 8 3 3 3 00 Name of Redevelopment Agency. L-t- vtN A hee CiteJetoe rk,44— Cr Mark the appropriate box below to indicate the ending date of your agency's fiscal year. Report data for that period only. r September 2010 r December 2010 » June 2011 Return this form to the California State Controller's Office. If you have any questions regarding this form please contact: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Shannon Doyle, 1-800-242-452.3 A. Personnel Expenditures Report your government's total expenditures for salaries and wages during the year, including amounts paid on force account construction projects. B. Mortgage Revenue Bond Interest Payments Report your government's total amount of interest paid on mortgage revenue bonds during the year. U20 1 $ U.5 Bureau of the Census — Revised 52011 " 129 W w '-1 y 0 > on o a. U .. 0 d L L 0 Y C F a � G Q C y a � o ON b es d+ r uv pp oo T oo pp F � vj cA sa 3 O W � C 'a H � N i L FF � O O Gy O R u � � 5 My N �i N aW F � y0 F o ° C c w o c w a L W W U U woavF¢'wz" M a� � o � V r� s °c° o e o. •C o �n °o vi M n oo N � � m P ' Y O C l� fA N � N V3 Vf 6d9 f9 fA P N b N r v� •L Q 69 y fA Vi fA fR V u A L_ U � q N N ^ 0.1 C CO N b cl a Q N N P a Q M m d r m oo Fo 0o vi h N w d r4 'J' N fA (.9 Q b9 69 � 69 Yi Vi Vi a0 iH d b9 Q � r W O O O O O O .n- W �a > e F Q ao — ry y V Y Y Y y U_ V_ C m W _U _U — " N - °c °c c c m m m m M y P P .P P a P op P P — vt N d N a0 N 9 G W v a O LrU. C O � N C t y F Y o y � 4 O � =° U � =tl m e• a 4 � � v y P q 0 U U Q U U 0 a 07 U a ❑7 4. 0-1 wax II a lu �c i !E u L L � � W � M 5 eo a o rn a n o r c p, •� O P O V r � Y u G L U c u O O P M CO O �p b Vl 'O Y Y Y V Y •' V � N N ro O b �n W V V � p V O oc E c c W W W m W '^ c m O O O O O P h G C C C C V) 69 W G E > > > > > 3 y y y e F Q Q Q < Q ¢ om ry o Y Y Y y Y y W � V oN aW a .o a o vOOi b O U U U U V O O O O O N 1 C V3 C C C C C �1 yy 6�9 m V1 V1 Vl N m _ r C N Q N 8 _ m � y G > O _ V Q d Q m O W E > a 2 Ca U Q Q 4 Y > p ` O U U C) C U o• U U ry y E C a a b p O ^aiV i N o0 Vl N 0 VI N 50 ��n q3q yg �g�n 'o E E E E � � yyjcVy E F F q 1 1 L 1 g Y O v� in ai in y¢ m U � w ••N ..i 132 L m Y Y Y L F rn C m c m O N e•'C .o V omo a r"". ^ � � eY C L _ V L L ------------- a U a Y O v o o v o e a E.n C N N � FA O N Vl N R a � ------------- o N v v v M b V 4 L O b = � m c Y } .- c Q c m N O N N Y N � b O o a o 0 0 N N C N N Qq — tNV O 00 — b E Q C O LC m O y O O N 9 O C q Q W U O W W C7 T 2 o' s 'o ry E a Yg m ti u d y amuow� �'•Mw 133 W Y O d N O w P Y m m N 6'� w u a e p V S C p e U � a V N Fes' C W n n W P K 0 9 w w e O iy 0 0 0 9 y 0 Ey G V Y V a � A o V E N N $ V. N C O N n V O N O O p N N �V N P P P c G O Z. .c = $ ; 3 s s _O1 O C C � n C C N X N x N x g Q a m a c C C E E m E m v E E E Y E Y a a a E E E Q m U a W � O S �C 3Fn 134 N N - m♦ m a v�i d V N ry OP V b W u W C w w w w w m E w M 6 u ^f S L hll e E V w w w w w w w w w �' OL. pp C L V d O - L n _ N 6 o OI ^i e a rn ro F w w w a Y 3 O � V L y C a' 'Oc y - m u C e a Y a 9 ° a �c r CT P S• O C V iil w w w F a y w w L• Y Y E e G c - u a ° a a Y c m Oci CE ¢I a m y r U 'V P N r O P a_ 3_ m 3 � P O N •O W � L er L a C w N v a W = V a Q e o �a.EO E m = ° F ° 72 c Eye E m c CLw-.. O .C. D `.� _f]= C y V 9 o x O m> V 0 7 H p a� E > E> —W � a �• Wo u,a V '�" Vl F• C L. V� Vi L —W L �y W L¢ V W E O V O 3 U V C V n '- v y V Y V L TyY y iz E m m= m m E mE m= m m` � a. ;3 a � a :5 C � O Ia•� _ h O L V m C U m E V m p V m E y M C y m.E fp O V M S F O F O .•N. 135 H a s JEE Y q r N O r m O N E� 0 C Q � _ O � v W e a KR IA W N (ry ✓ ✓� W � N ° .m Y = N W e a` e r Yw w w ,q Q a G e O h N aI FID C O c O C C v LL V U V O v°i C b C C O d �•' vrl C -V 8°9N e C Y l ou°g ; a v OZ W 1i V O •y V e Y 9 V 0 Y r e ' e � a I O } c L S ..1 .•.0 ; 136 O` vl d O 41I C L O r O O O O p O O � a „o q V = a o � e= a W CI E° a L P m b O N cO vi W y p N b V V T k W ro — F 0 Y e a- W UI V Iii M L u Q E v a e - m Y = W b V p N T P O O b mI OM P N O Vf b W O VI d d v� r W p � C y O N �O r•1 d C C y r nl m N Vl 61 9 m b O r N 69 YI N C N W O b vl .J a nn O V) EE E R92 V C 9 9 C 0 R p m = m C m b — O C e - 2 3 c ¢ d o 0 o a v .� m x. > o _ - F o a a a c m e O m .2 E E g 'g. A LL Y S cY X5. 0 m m Y ^ } Q 137 00 [ii C V O V b V C Y y� N b m } b b 9 p Q ` L � O O �W Y C � C Y C e E 9 p � N I.n z° ° W UI Z' x o C L 9 Y Q a W y h a` L` O e " eo c e C e 9 p m y w W a � 9 Q u u y E e u O_ Q e � p F G V 9C m g W t a m � z m 5 y � C a G p p V Cc a W W H s} ° C m m - m m s E ..a 138 Footnotes to Reconciliation Statement Name of Agency , La Quinta Redevelopment Agency - Name of Project Arta La Qninta Redevelopment Agency Project No. I Tax Year: Fiscal Year Beginning July 1 2011 Reconciliation Dates: From hily 1 2010 To June 30 2011 LOW & Moderate Housing Set Aside Decreases: - Adjustment of forecast Remaining to 2033-34 41,376,528 $ 41,376,528 County of Rivers -de Pass Throm Decreases; S 43,360,787 Adjustment of Forecast Remaining to 2033-34 43,360,787 Desert Sands Unified School District Decreases: $ 4,892,204 Adjustment of Forecast Remaining to 2033-34 4,892,204 Desert Community College District Decreases: $ Adjustment of Forecast Remaining to 2033-34 1836,196 1,836,196 Coachella Vallev Mosa Abat D- t ict Decreases; S 1,40I 179 Adjustment o(Forecast Remaining to 2033-34 1,401,179 Coachella Valley Water District Decrewas: $ 1,641,548 Adjustment of Forecast Remaining to 2033-34 1,641,548 Rent Reimbursement Increases: S 2,250000 Adjustment of extension of lease agreement to the 2,250,000 project expiration date. Overhead/Administration Increases: $ 22379664 Adjustment pursuant to Wrinen agreement for allocation of 22,379,664 overhead and administration over the life of the plan City of La Ouin[a Loan Increases: $ 23,146,667 Interest income and principal 23,146,667 City of La Ou rota Loan Decreases: Repayment of outstanding advance S 22,000,000 22,000,000 •..� 139 Page I of 2 Footnotes to Reconciliation Statement Name of Agency La Quinta Redevelopment Agency - Name of Project Area La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Project No. I Tax Year Fiscal Year Beginning July 12011 Reconciliation Dates From July 12010 To June 30 2011 County Superintendent of Schools Increases: $ 3,020,423 Adjustment of Forecast Remaining to 2033-34 3,020,423 Cemetery District Increases: $ 243,726 Adjustment of Forecast Remaining to 2033-34 243,726 Desert Recreation District Increases: - $ 1,538,747 Adjustment of Forecast Remaining to 2033-34 1,538,747 Resource Conservation Distrito Increases: $ 34,544 Adjustment of Forecast Remaining to 2033-34 34,544 County Administration Fee fSB 25571 Decreases: - $ 1324 159 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 2033-34 1,324,159 - Capital improvement Proem Increases: $ 39,988436 Adjustment pursuant to a funding agreement for 39,988,436 future public improvements Capital Improvement Program Increases: $ 165,000 Adjustment to cover cost of public 165,000 " improvements at Washington St Turn Lane Improvements at Eisenhower Dr Calle Tampico City of La Ouinia Increases: $ 4,044,692 Adjustment of Forecast 4,044,692 SERAF - Increases: $ 4,855193 Payment for FY 20102011 SERAF 4,855,193 previously reported in PA No. 2 but ultimately paid out of PA No. I Graffiti removal Increases: $ 1,987,200 Adjustment to reflect written agreement. 1,987 200 «., 140 Page 2 of 2 CALCULATION OF AVAILABLE REVENUES AGENCY NAME LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROJECT AREA LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROJECT NO 1 TAX YEAR Fiscal Year Beginning July 1 2011 RECONCILIATION DATES: JULY 1, 2010 TO JUNE 30, 2011 1. Beginning Balance, Available Revenues $7 882 740 (Per 2009-10 Statement of Indebtedness) Adjustment to agree to audited balance $929,370 2. Tax Increment Received — Gross: $43,990,589 _. All Tax Increment Revenues, to include any Tax Increment passed through to other local taxing agencies. 3. All other Available Revenues Received $19,490,928 (See Instructions) 4. Revenues from any other source, included in Column E of the Reconciliation Statement, but not included in (1-3) above $1,615,460 5. Sum of Lines 1 through 4 $73,909,087 6. Total amounts paid against indebtedness in previous year. (D+E on Reconciliation Statement) - $73,163,743 7. Available Revenues, End of Year (5 - 6) $745,343 FORWARD THIS AMOUNT TO STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS, COVER PAGE, LINE 4 NOTES Tax Increment Revenues: The only amount(s) to be excluded as Tax Increment Revenues are any amounts passed through to other local taxing agencies pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33676. Tax Increment Revenue set -aside in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund will be washed in the above calculation, and therefore omitted from Available Revenues at year end. Rev. 9/29n011 1 N ... 141 d 0 v o 5 on V n �A a d A A F a zW O >4 � I F, VJ .Ni w� z� A O w N N wH z yA 4 O a 44 p o fr, w E" vd E E G� v V as � u G bD ¢ 0 EaQ o¢ a � F d d I 0 0 a W Y V zz C r 142 w W N .L.. Q Y W yf Vi bq a p Y Q L L U � p W W W f9 f.9 W W yy W Q � A Y Y Y Y N V U V U V V L O Y e C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C L C C C C F ca 2 2 0 2 2 Z Z 2 a o Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Dm L N �ro W W N W q O = _ — e h � t Y 9 g E Y u 3 U o U c.� o o U a�a4aEE3} a .0 -41 a CI U 143 V L G W 00 O r 'V b N 0 0 0 y e S u � O � U V O q G r M < y b r b N O r O 9 N m C W O 00 wl y b vt OJ y y y y O y b Y Y N Y Y Y b V Y Y F C O C O G O C O C C C W y y � n `r\i .Y. ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro h � O q Y u Y Y u Y b O V O O P � V ro ro ro c c y c c c P N Op ^ O G W O O vl M N \t h � � O O N W C G� o � > Q > o F d - ¢ .� Q a ❑ W o u a U u�� U aY:u d c ¢ m U ❑ x es ��t:71ta 84 'Big a» e a 3 �9 y � Q 9~ 5 Q y LL gos8 6 3 � J 144 w Q F o ^ o a a e 6 •C o '^ M h r u e Y) w a a Y ' L' q e U � G — 00 w e o cr m a o C F o oN rn o e 0 a M � w w w e O e• Y Y w Y O Y d w 01 O F c � � _ 0 `o a a a qa — Y O 0 O a 0 o a 0 o •Y C O O N O b •� vi blc u O O O q v N w a g C Y E o a d> s� d'd $ ul 0 3 = U o O � O F a pw, c"a a v 145 � a o � $F w 3 = w �a U o 9 w O 0 0 o 1-e pa va < < - Z Z a e a m 0 c LL 4 o O C t � p8 w M r o 0 z e B m � S a s s o CXj Q m_X Q W s e c 3 e N .' 146 OD W r M b N �p p N O b I•LI E W V N O W ON N 0�0 W v�i p b u V3 W 69 W Vf N u Y (A Y9 b9 •^ yj Y C C 0 � Y a 5 $ c C I � O O a 0 • 69 W fIi O O O P d a f9 fA 69 (A Vi iA M vi M vi m L e amp y 3 0. C = o TF C a No v .E e AI E o o 'r^- a v°Oi e a roi Q r ti M f+i W � w a E e e UI W OK ri p C Y Q Y w E - t Y � V It vF v M M Y 6iI � at O A O Vl O 69 O 69 O O O O O N N E p � .5 G Y {ii f9 Hi 69 69 69 � � Y y ti r n m c o r Y � — m Y W a A y y 9 M C QI .0 O 14 °` '�? m N T V Y Yi a o v o 06 ` a {L y O Ya. W a0 ► h " O Y p L1 A ttaOO - � 0 ° e o o e � �Y'- 3 � � c.j `y' a •- `e :, Y `E'dE e 'v •Y A �" Y m. u E m q E W L Y CJ 'Fs m u m e F F e 'C 'oo u Y 00 y Y Y Y Y c Y c F O F aa C •. N •5 .5 m .5 eo eo au .5 as as O Q a a 147 a F a:s C O O O W I `c E � .. cps cps p» cps sps pw n � O m ` V L N ,00.E N 9 w Q 69 fA S C p C L C 9 Y u ? O a O N P r ^ AI Q rGs r c a C p � W W Nip ir9 f/i fA Vf ry [~ 69 0 .W C N U O] M VI W w va vi Ys w � C M a p Y Q E e 'e C O M r U O Wq O 1p N O M mI Y H O O 00 M p N � O a a u pp 14 `�° a N p o ci Y N a0 M D p� 0 E Y u S A o R' Q `" 3 Ua oo a E E a > a Y 4 0 U U U e 'O Y AY ^ N Q 1G Z N CYl N U N a N 41 C C^ W L Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y a � V aaa.an.:3w;�a;.�a;3c.aa.a m N V N 0 N 41 N W ca a O u Y Y Y Y u Y Y F 'C a0 .E cu ao a0 c co m 00 S pu c O "._ 148 C C a 7 O 69 W fig in � wl c E w � cos cos w w � � con w w a „O 9 y W Y C Q� Y C y C Y � r K F 0 .W UI y^ E � W b .� cos cos � w o» cos W e Y � cos voi W Y a E n c `O K a a Y m m O c u a h w cs cs vj cn vi Y3 Yi tea= 0 0 �x o a y y E x u o o .v. - _ a cY C C w V e Y v v v v u Y v u pa„ rUwaaaa.aa,aa.�a.aa:aa:a O � a N o u v u v v v v v F p 149 T a d Footnotes to Reconciliation Statement Name of Agency La Quints Redevelopment Agency Name of Project Ara La Quints Redevelopment Agmey Project No, 2 Tax Year Fiscal Year Beginning July 1 2011 Reconciliation Dater From July 1 2010 To June 30 2011 Low & Moderate Housing Set Aside Decreases: $ 20,111,563 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 203940 20,111,563 County of Riverside Pass Through Decreases: S 25 110 769 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 203940 25,110,769 Desert Sands Unified School Decreases: S 13 441 230 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 2039-40 13,441,230 Coachella Valley Water District Decreases: s 5-571 283 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 203940 5,571,283 County Superintendent of Schools Decreases: # 1509,415 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 2039-40 1,509,415 Desert Community College District Decreases: s 2.792212 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 203940 2,792,212 Desert Recreation District Decreases: ; 385.508 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 203940. 385,508 Coach. Valley Mosquito Abatement Decreases: $ 1-021.195 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 2039-40 - 1,021,195 Rent Reimbursement Increyus: $ 3,150,000 Adjustment of extension of lease agreement to the 3,150,000 project expiration date. Overhead/Administration Increases: $ 3,338,633 Adjustment pursuant to written. agreement for allocation of 3,338,633 overhead and administration over the life of the plan City of 1a Quinta Advance Increases: $ 20,473,497 Interest income and principal 20,473,497 City of La Quints Advance Decreases: Repayment ofoutstanding advance s 19,378,966 19,378,966 M 150 Page 1 of Footnotes to Reconciliation Statement Name of Agency V Quinta Redevelopment Agency Name of ProjectArea La Qulnto Redevelopment Agency Project No. 2 Tax Year: Fiscal Year Beginning July 1 2011 Rewnciliation Dates From J 1 1 010 To 1 e 30 2011 County Administrative Fee tSB 2577) Decreases: S 692.578 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 2039-40 692,578 Capital Improvement Program Increases; 524.055.249 Adjustment for a funding agreement for $24,055,249 . future public improvements Capital Improvement Program Increase: 152 941 Adjustment for a funding agreement for SI52,941 future public improvements at Miles Ave landscape median Improvements SERAF-FY 10/II Decreases: S 4.850687 Payment for FY 2010/2011 SERAF 4,950,687 Previously reported in PA No 2 but ultimately paid out of PA No 1 2011 Taxable Tax Allocation Bonds Increases: E 17.038.636 New bond issue 17,038,636 Cemetery Distrim Increases; S 298-571 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 203940 298,571 Resource Conservation District - Increases: S 30.916 Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 203940 30,816 City of La Ouinta Increases: S 5,226,02 _ Adjustment of Forecast remaining to 203940 5,226,029 Torte Nissan Disposition & Development Agreement Increase: f 1.500.000 New rehabilitation loan agreement with auto dealer 1,500,000 to rehabilitate existing site and to also expand the - dealership Professional Consulting Services Agreement Increases: $ 102-019 Professional services contact with RBF Company 102,019 - for Dune Palms Road widening Graffiti removal Increases: S 1,656000 Adjustment to reflect written agreement. 1,656,000 " 151 Page 2 of 2 CALCULATION OF AVAILABLE REVENUES AGENCY NAME LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROJECT AREA LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROJECT NO 2 TAX YEAR Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2011 RECONCILIATION DATES: JULY 1, 2010 TO JUNE 30, 2011 1. Beginning Balance, Available Revenues $8,539,780 (Per 2009-10 Statement of Indebtedness) Adjustment to agree to audited balance $5,924,384 2. Tax Increment Received — Gross: $24,186,295 All Tax Increment Revenues, to include any Tax Increment passed through to other local taxing agencies. 3. All other Available Revenues Received S4,269,942 (See Instructions) - 4. Revenues from any other source, included in Column E of the Reconciliation Statement, but not included in (1-3) above $1,538,080 5. Sum of Lines I through 4 S44,458,481 6. Total amounts paid against indebtedness in previous year. (D + E on Reconciliation Statement) $43,898,281 7. Available Revenues, End of Year (5 - 6) $560,200 FORWARD THIS AMOUNT TO STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS, COVER PAGE, LINE 4 NOTES Tax Increment Revenues: The only amount(s) to be excluded as Tax Increment Revenues are any amounts passed through to other local taxing agencies pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33676. Tax Increment Revenue set -aside in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund will be washed in the above calculation, and therefor omitted from Available Revenues at year end. Rev. 9292011 N 152 tXHIM 1 3 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ANNUAL HOUSING ACTIVITY REPORT FY ENDING: 06 30 / 2011 Agency Name and Address: County of Jurisdiction: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Riverside 78495 Calle Tampico Did the Agency pay SERAF from LMIHF? La Quinta, CA 92247 _ ❑ Yes ® No Health & Safety Code Section 33080.1 requires agencies (RDAs) to annually report on their Low & Moderate Income Housing Fund and housing activities for the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to report on RDAs' activities in accordance with Section 33080.6. Please answer each question below. Your answers determine how to complete the HCD report. 1. Check one of the items below to identify the Agency's status at the end of the reporting period: ❑ New (Agency formation occurred during reporting year. No financial transactions were completed). ® Active (Financial and/or housing transactions occurred during the reporting year) ❑ Inactive (No financial and/or housing transactions occurred during the reporting year). ONLY COMPLETE ITEM 7 ❑ Dismantled (Agency adopted an ordinance and dissolved itself before start of reporting year). ONLY COMPLETE ITEM 7 2. During reporting year. how many adopted project are existed? 2 Of these, how many were merged during year? 0 If the agency has one or more adopted project areas complete SCHEDULE HCD-A for each Project area. If the agency has no adopted project areas DO NOT complete SCHEDULE HCD-A (refer to next question). 3. Within an area outside of any adopted project area(s): (a) did the agency destroy or remove any dwelling units or displace any households over the reporting period, (b) does the agency intend to displace any households over the next reporting period, (c) did the agency permit the sale of any owner -occupied unit prior to the expiration of land use controls over the reporting period, and/or (d) did the agency execute a contract or agreement for the construction of any affordable units over the next two years? ❑ Yes (any question). Complete SCHEDULE HCD-B. ® No (all questions). DO NOT complete SCHEDULE HCD-B (refer to next question). 4. Did the agency's Low & Moderate Income Housing Fund have any assets during the reporting period? ® Yes. Complete SCHEDULE HCD-C. ❑ No. DO NOT complete SCHEDULE HCD-C. 5. During the reporting period, were housing units completed within a project area and/or assisted by the agency outside a project area? ® Yes. Complete all applicable HCD SCHEDULES Dl-D7 for each housing project completed and HCD SCHEDULE E. ❑ No. DO NOT complete HCD SCHEDULES Dl-137 or HCD SCHEDULE E. 6. Specify whether method A and/or B was used to report financial and housing activity information to HCD: ® A. Forms. All required HCD SCHEDULES A. B. C. Dl-D7. and E are attached. ❑ B. On-line (hup:11www.hcdca.gov/rda1) "Lock Report" date: . HCD SCHEDULES not required. (lock date is shown under "Admin"Area and "Report Change History') 7. To the best of my knowledge: (a) the representafKmeove andb) a ency information reported are correct. DateSignature of Authokized Agency Representative Finance Director Title Telephone Number • IF NOT REQUIRED TO REPORT, SUBMIT ONLYA PAPER COPY OF THIS PAGE. • IF REQUIRED TO REPORT, AND REPORTING BY USING PAPER FORMS (IN PLACE OF REPORTING ON-LINE), SUBMIT THIS PAGE AND ALL APPLICABLE HCD FORMS (SCHED ULES A -E) WITH COPY OFAGENCY'SA UDIT. • IF REPORTING ON-LINE, PRINT AND SUBMIT "CONFIRMATIONLETTER " UPON LOCKING REPORT • MAIL A COPY OF (a) CONFIRMA TION LETTER (IF HCD REPORT WAS ELECTRONICALLY FILED) OR (6) COMPLETED FORMS AND (c) AUDIT REPORT TO BOTH HCD AND THE SCO: Department of Housing & Community Development Division of Housing Policy Redevelopment Section 1800 and Street, Suite 430 Sacramento, CA 95814 Redevelopment Agency Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2010-2011 (Revised: 7-22-II) The State Controller Division of Accounting and Reporting Local Government Reporting Section 3301 CStreet Suite 500 Sacramento, CA 95816 -..N. 153 HCD-Cover Page 1 of I SCHEDULE HCD-A Inside Project Area Activity for Fiscal Year that Ended 06 / 30 / 2011 Agency Name: La Quints Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 1 Preparer's Name, Title: Suzy Kim, Senior Analyst Preparer's E-Mail Address: skim(a),webrse.com Preparer's Telephone No: (714) 5414585 x116 Preparer's Facsimile No: (714) 541-1175 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Area Information a. 1. Year I' plan for project area was adopted: 1983 2. Year that plan was last amended (if applicable): 2004 3. Was plan amended after 2001 to extend time limits per Senate Bill 211 (Chapter 741, Statutes of 2001)? Yes X No_ 4. Current expiration of plan: I l / 29 / 2024 me day yr b. If project area name has changed, give previous name(s) or number: c. Year(s) of any mergers of the project area: Identify former project areas that merged:_ d. Year(s) project area plan was amended involving real property that either: (1) Added property to plan: (2) Removed property from plan: , 2. Affordable Housing Replacement and/or Inclusionary or Production Requirements (Section 33413). Pre-1976 project areas not subsequently amended after 1975: Pursuant to Section 33413(d), only Section 33413(a) replacement requirements apply to dwelling units destroyed or removed after 1995. The Agency can choose to apply all or part of Section 33413 to a project area plan adopted before 1976. If the agency has elected to apply all or part of Section 33413, provide the date of the resolution and the applicable Section 33413 requirements addressed in the scope of the resolution. Date: Resolution Scope (applicable Section 33413 me day yr Post-1975 project areas and eeoeraohic areas added by amendment after 1975 to pre-1976 project areas: Both replacement and inclusionary or production requirements of Section 33413 apply. NOTE: Amounts to report on HCD-A lines 3a(1), 3b-3f, and 3i. can be taken from what is reported to the State Controller's Office (SCO) on the Statement of Income and Expenditures as part of the Redevelopment Agency's Financial Transactions Report, except for the reclassifying of Transfers -In from Internal Funds and the reporting of Other Sources as discussed below: Transfers -In from other internal funds: Report the amount of transferred funds on applicable HCD-A, lines 3a-j. For example, report the amount transferred from the Debt Service Fund to the Housing Fund for the deposit of the required set -aside percentage/amount by reporting gross tax increment on HCD-A, Line 3a(1) and report the Housing Fund's share of expenditures for debt service on HCD-C, Line 4c. Do not report "net" funds transferred from the Debt Service Fund on HCD-A, Line 3a(7) when reportine debt service expenditures on HCD-C, Line 4c. Other Sources: Non-GAAP (Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles) revenues such as from land sales for those agencies using the Land Held for Resale method to record land sales should be reported on HCD-A Line 3d Housing fund receipts for the repayment of loan principal should be included on HCD-A Line 3h(1) or on Line 3h(2) if the repayment of loan principal is a result of the FY2009-10 and/or FY2010-11 SERAF. ...11 154 Califomia Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 2010-2011 - HCD-A Sch A (Revised: 7-22-2011) - - Page 1 of 7 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 1 Project Area Housing Fund Revenues and Other Sources 3. Report all revenues and other sources of funds from this project area which accrued to the Housing Fund over the reporting year. Any income related to agency -assisted housing located outside the project area(s) should be reported as "Other Revenue" on Line 3j. (of this Schedule A), if this project area is named as beneficiary in the authorizing resolution. Any other revenue sources not reported on lines 3a.-3i., should be reported on Line 3j. Enter on Line 3a(1) the full 100% of gross Tax Increment allocated prior to applicable pass through of funds and deductions for fees (refer to Sections 33401, 33446, & 33676). Compute the required minimum percentage (°/u) of gross Tax Increment and enter the amount on Line 3a(2)(A) or 3a(2XB). Report SERAF on Line 3a(3). Next, on Line 3a(4), report the amount of Tax Increment set -aside allotted before any exemption and/or deferral. To determine the amount of Tax Increment deposited to the Housing Fund [Line 3a(7)], subtract allowable amounts exempted [Line 3a(5)] and/or deferred [Line 3a(6)] from the net amount allocated to the Housing Fund [Line 3a(4)]. a. Tax Increment: (1) 100%of Gross Allocation: (2) Calculate only 1 set -aside amount: either A or(B) below $ 43,990,589 (A) 20% required by 33334.2 . (Line 3a(1) x 20%): $ 8,798,118 (B) 30%required by 33333.10(g) (Line 3a(1) x 30"/"): $ (Senate Bill 211, Chapter 741, Statutes of 2001) (3) Tax Increment Allocated to Housing Fund: $ 8,798,118 (A) SUSPENSION for SERAF Payment: Only allowed in FY2009-10 per H&SC Section 33334.2(k) . — (B) If amount allocated to Housing Fund on Line (3) above differs from the 20% or 30% amount on above line (2) (A) or (B), identify Project Area(s) accounting for difference: Project Area Difference (4) Amount Exempted (H&SC Section 33334.2) ($ ) [if there is an amount exempted, also complete page 3, #5a(1) - (2)]: (5) Amount Deferred (H&SC Section 33334.6) ($ ) [if there is an amount deferred, also complete pages 4-5, #5b(1) - (4)]: (6) Total deposit to the Housing Fund [Net result of Line 3 through 305)h $ &798,118 b. Interest Income: b c. Rental/Lease Income (combine amounts reported to the SCO): $ 249,498 d. Sale of Real Estate: $ e. Grants (combine amounts reported to the SCO): $ f. Bond Administrative Fees: $ g. Deferral Repayments —other than SERAF - [also complete, Line 5b(3), pg 4]: $ h. Loan Repayments - other than SERAF: _ $ 53,377 i. Debt Proceeds: - $ j. Other Revenue(s) [Explain and identify amount(s)]: Property Assessments $ 58,169 Miscellaneous Revenues - $ 780 k. SERAF LOAN Repayments (also complete Sch-C, pg 3, #8(e) & #23, pg 9) $- 1. SERAF SUSPENSION Repayments (also complete Sch-A, pg 3,#4 & Sch-C, #23 pg 9) $ in. Total Project Area Receipts Deposited to Housing Fund (add lines 3a(6) and 3b — 3k.): $ 9,159,942 Califomia Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year 2010-2011 HCD-A Sch A (Revised: 7-22-11) . - Page^ 6f7 155 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 1 Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (SERAF) Suspension of Property Tax Revenue Deposit 4. Refer to FY 2009-10 Sch A, page 2, Line 3a(3XA). Check box below and provide information only if the agency for just FY 2009-10 exercised suspension option to not make full minimum allocation and deposit of tax increment to the Housing Fund for the purpose of using suspension funds to meet the FY 2009-10 SERAF obligation. Note, pursuant to Health and Safety Section 33334.2(k), repayment is required before June 30, 2015. ❑ SERAF [H&SC Section 33334.2(k)]. In FY 2009-10 the agency exercised option to suspend allocating and depositing a portion of the minimum 20% of gross property tax increment. Instructions: Please include amounts for all fiscal years between FY 2009-10 and FY 2014-15 to record agency compliance with repayment requirements as referenced in H&SC Section 33334.2(k)(1)(2)(3). Report cumulative total of all project area suspensions and repayments in Schedule 'C', page 9, box 23. Coll Col Col Balance Identify any (Prior year Col 3 Fiscal Years Applicable to SUSPENSION identify any Balance minus SERAF Suspension and Amount for SUSPENSION Current year Col 2 Repayment Deposit FY 2009-2010 RRre ayment Repayment) 2009 - 2010 $ $ 2010 - 2011 $ $ 2011 - 2012 $ $ 2012 - 2013IN$ $ 2013 - 201 $$ $ S 2014 - 2015 $ Exemption(s) and Deferral(s) 5. a.(1) If an exemption was claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(5) to deposit less than the required amount, complete the following information: Check only one of the Health and Safety Code Sections below (Note. An Annual Findinr is required to be submitted to HCD) ❑ Section 33334.2(a)(1): No need in community to increase/improve supply of lower or moderate income housing. ❑ Section 33334.2(a)(2): Less than the minimum set -aside % (20% or 30%) is sufficient to meet the need. ❑ Section 33334.2(a)(3): Community is making substantial effort equivalent in value to minimum set -aside %(20%or 30%) and has specific contractual obligations incurred before May 1, 1991 requiring continued use of this funding. Note: Pursuant to Section 33334.2(a)(3)(C), this exemption expired on June 30,1993 but contracts entered into prior to May 1,1991 may not be subject to the exemption sunset. ❑ Other: Specify code section and reason(s): (2) For any exemption claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(5) and Line 5a(1) above, identify: Date that initial W) finding was adopted: / / Resolution # _ mo day yr Adoption date of reporting year finding: -/ / Resolution # mo day yr California Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Sch A (Revised: 7-22-11) Date sent to HCD: mo day yr Date sent to HCD: / mo day - yr HCNI - 156 Page 3 of 7 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 1 Exemptions and Deferrals continued Deferral(s) 5. b.(1) If a Deferral was claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(6) to deposit Check only one of the Health and Safety Code Sections b ❑ Section 33334.6(d): Applicable to project areas appr to HCD before September 1986 regarding needing to can include those incurred after 1985, if net proceeds i than the required amount, complete the following information: before 1986 in which the required resolution was sent -ement to meet existing obligations. Existing obligations used to refinance pre-1986 listed obligations. Note: The deferral previously authorized by Section 33334.6(e) expired. It was only I allowable in each fiscal year prior to July 1,1996 with certain restrictions. ❑ Other Health & Safety Code Section here: (2) For any deferral claimed on page 2, Line 3a(6) and Line 5b(I) above, identify: Date initial W) finding was adopted: mo day yr Adoption date of reporting year finding: mo day yr (3) A deferred set -aside per Section 33334.6(d) constitutes in of set -aside deferred and repayments made during the rep, # Date sent to HCD: mo day yr I # Date sent to HCD: mo day yr Iness to the Housing Fund. Summarize the amount(s) year and the cumulative amount deferred as of end of FY: Amount Deferred Amount Repaid Deferral Balance This Reporting FY Minus cumulative Fiscal Year p this Reporting FY Repayments *) (1) Last Reporting FY $ (2) This Reporting FY $ $ $ * Deferral balance for this reporting fiscal year. Should also be shown on HCD-C, page 3, Line If the prior FY cumulative deferral shown above differs front what was reported on the last HCD report (HCD-A and HCD-C), indicate the amount of difference and the reason (use box above if needed): Difference: $ Reason(s): (4) Section 33334.6(g) requires any agency which defers set -a,, If this agency has deferred set -asides, has it adopted such a If yes, by what date is the deficit to be eliminated? If yes, when was the original plan. adopted for the claimed to adopt a plan to eliminate the deficit in subsequent years. ? Yes ❑ No ❑ Identify Resolution # Date Resolution sent toi HCD When was the last amended plan adopted for the claimed Identify Resolution # Date Resolution sent to HCD Califomia Redevelopment Agencies— Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Sch A (Revised: 7-22-11) - mo day yr mo day yr mo day yr mo day yr mo day yr HrAA 157 Page 4 of 7 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 1 Actual Project Area Households Displaced and Units and Bedrooms Lost Over Reporting Year: 6. a. Redevelopment Protect Activity. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(1) and (a)(3), report by income category the number of elderly and nonelderly households permanently displaced and the number of units and bedrooms removed or destroyed, over the reporting year, (refer to Section 33413 for unit and bedroom replacement requirements). Number of Households/Units/Bedrooms Project Activity VL L Id AM Total Households Permanently Displaced — Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly Households Permanently Displaced —Total Units Lost (Removed or Destroyed) and Required to be Replaced Bedrooms Lost (Removed or Destroyed) and Required to be Replaced . Above Moderate Units Lost That Agency is Not Required to Replace Above Moderate Bedrooms Lost That Agency is Not Required to Replace b. Other Activity. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(1) and (a)(3) based on activities other than the destruction or removal of dwelling units and bedrooms reported on Line 6a, report by income category the number of elderly and nonelderly households permanently displaced over the reporting year: Number of Households Other Activity VLJ L IMIAM Total Households Permanently Displaced — Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly Households Permanently Displaced —Total c. As required in Section 33413.5, identify, over the reporting yeaz, each replacement housing plan required to be adopted before the permanent displacement, destruction, and/or removal of dwelling units and bedrooms impacting the households reported on lines 6a. and 6b. Date _/ /_ Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Date _/ Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing plans adopted. Estimated Proiect Area Households to be Permanently Displaced Over Current Fiscal Year: 7. a. As required in Section 33080.4(a)(2) for a redevelopment project of the agency, estimate, over the current fiscal year, the number of elderly and nonelderly households, by income category, expected to be permanently displaced. (Note: actual displacements will be reported for the next reporting year on Line 6). Number of Households Project Activity VL L M AM Total Households Permanently Displaced - Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly 6 1 1 8 Households Permanently Displaced - Total 6 1 1 8 b. As required in Section 33413.5, for the current fiscal year, identify each replacement housing plan required to be adopted before the permanent displacement, destruction, and/or removal of dwelling units and bedrooms impacting the households reported in 7a. Date 06 / 21 / 20l l Name of Agency Custodian Deborah Powell mo day yr Date _/_/_ Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr , .N 158 y58 California Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year2010-201I. - - - HCD-A Sch A (Revised: 7-22-11) Page 5 of 7 Agency Name: I Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing plans adorned. Units Developed Inside the Project Area to Fulfill Requirements of Other Protect Area(s) 8. Pursuant to Section 33413(b)(2)(A)(v), agencies may choose one or more project areas to fulfill another project area's requirement to construct new or substantially rehabilitate dwelling units, provided the agency conducts a public hearing and finds, based on substantial evidence, that the aggregation of dwelling units in one or more project areas will not cause or exacerbate racial, ethnic, or economic segregation. Were any dwelling units in this project area developed to partially or completely satisfy another project area's requirement to construct new or substantially rehabilitate dwelling units? ® No. ❑ Yes. Date initial finding was adopted? Resolution # Date sent to HCD: / mo day yr mo day yr Number of 1 Sales of Owner -Occupied Units Inside the Proiect Area Prior to the Expiration of Land Use Controls 0 Section 33413(c)(2)(A) specifies that pursuant to an adopted program, which includes but is not limited to an equity sharing program, agencies may permit the sale of owner -occupied units prior to the expiration of the period of the land use controls established by the agency. Agencies must deposit sale proceeds into the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund and within three (3) years from the date the unit was sold, expend funds to make another unit equal in affordability, at the same income level, to the unit sold. a. Sales. Did the agency permit the sale of any owner -occupied units during the reporting year? ®No ❑Yes Total Proceeds From Sales Over Reporting Year Number of Units b. SALES I VL L I M Total Units Sold Over Reporting Year Equal Units. ®No ❑Yes Were reporting year funds spent to make units equal in affordability to units sold over the last three reporting years? F Total LMIHF Spent On Equal Units Over Reporting Year Number of Units SALES VL L I M I Total Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Over This Reporting Yr Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold One Reporting Yr Ago Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Two Reporting Yrs Ago Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Three Reporting Yrs Ago California Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2010-2011- _. - HCD- Sch A (Revised: 7-22-11) Page s`) -i) 159 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 1 Affordable Units to be Constructed Inside the Protect Area Within Two Years 10. Pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)(10), report the number of very low, low, and moderate income units to be financed by any federal, state, local, or private source in order for construction to be completed within two years from the date of the agreement or contract executed over the reporting. year. Identify the project and/or contractor, date.of the executed agreement or contract, and estimated completion date. Specify the amount reported as an encumbrance on HCD-C, Line 6a. and/or any applicable amount designated on HCD-C, Line 7a. such as for capital outlay or budgeted funds intended to be encumbered for project use within two years from the reporting year's agreement or contract date. . _ DO NOT REPORT ANY UNITS ON THIS SCHEDULE A THAT ARE REPORTED ON OTHER HCD-As, B, OR Ds. Col A Name of Project and/or Contractor Col B Agreement Execution Date Col C Estimated Completion Data (w/in 2 yrs of Col B Col D Sch C Amount Encumbered Line 6a Col E Sch C Amount Designated Line 7a VL L M Total $ $ 8 i S S $ $ E S S E S $ S S S $ Please attach a separate sheet of paper to list additional information. California Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year2010-2011 - - - HCD-A to - �O Sch A (Revised: 7-22-11) - - Page 7of 7 b SCHEDULE HCD-A Inside Project Area Activity for Fiscal Year that Ended 06 / 30 / 2011 Agency Name: La Quints, Redevelopment Agency Preparer's Name, Title: Suzy Kim, Senior Analyst Preparer's Telephone No: (714) 5414585 xi 16 1. Project Area Information Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 2 Preparer's E-Mail Address: skimAwebrse com Preparer's Facsimile No: (714) 541-1175 GENERAL INFORMATION a. 1. Year 1 n plan for project area was adopted: 1989 2. Year that plan was last amended (if applicable): 2011 3. Was plan amended after 2001 to extend time limits per Senate Bill 211(Chapter 741, Statutes of 2001)? YesX No 4. Current expiration of plan: 02 / 01 / 2041 mo day yr b. If project area name has changed, give previous name(s) or number: c. Year(s) of any mergers of the project area: Identify former project areas that merged:_ d. Year(s) project area plan was amended involving real property that either: (1) Added property to plan: (2) Removed property from plan: 2. Affordable Housing Replacement and/or Inclusionary or Production Requirements (Section 33413). Pre-1976 project areas not subsequently amended after 1975: Pursuant to Section 33413(d), only Section 33413(a) replacement requirements apply to dwelling units destroyed or removed after 1995. The Agency can choose to apply all or part of Section 33413 to a project area plan adopted before 1976. If the agency has elected to apply all or part of Section 33413, provide the date of the resolution and the applicable Section 33413 requirements addressed in the scope of the resolution. Date: - / mo day yr Resolution Scope (applicable Section 33413 requirements): Post-1975 project areas and geographic areas added by amendment after 1975 to M1976 project areas: Both replacement and inclusionary or production requirements of Section 33413 apply. NOTE: Amounts to report on HCD-A tines 3a(1), 3b-3f, and K can be taken from what is reported to the State Controller's Office (SCO) on the Statement of Income and Expenditures as part of the Redevelopment Agency's Financial Transactions Report, except for the reclassifying of Transfers -In from Internal Funds and the reporting of Other Sources as discussed below: Transfers -In from other internal funds:. Report the amount of transferred funds on applicable HCD-A, lines 3a-j. For example, report the amount transferred from the Debt Service Fund to the Housing Fund for the deposit of the required set -aside percentage/amount by reporting gross tax increment on HCD-A, Line 3a(1) and report the Housing Fund's share of expenditures for debt service on HCD-C, Line 4c. Do not report Other Sources: Non-GAAP (Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles) revenues such as from land sales for those agencies using the Land Held for Resale method to record land sales should be reported on HCD-A Line 3d. Housing fund receipts for the repayment of loan principal should be included on HCD-A Line 3h(1) or on Line 3h(2) if the repayment of loan principal is a result of the FY2009-10 and/or FY2010-1 I SERAF. Califomia Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2010-2011 HCD-A Sch A (Revised: 7-22-2011) Page 1 of 7 of 161 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 2 Prolect Area Housing Fund Revenues and Other Sources 3. Report all revenues and other sources of funds from this project area which accrued to the Housing Fund over the reporting yew. Any income related to agency -assisted housing located outside the project area(s) should be reported as "Other Revenue" on Line 3j. (of this Schedule A), if this project area is named as beneficiary in the authorizing resolution. Any other revenue sources not reported on lines 3a.-3i., should be reported on Line 3j. Enter on Line 3a(1) the full 100% of gross Tax Increment allocated prior to applicable pass through of funds and deductions for fees (refer to Sections 33401, 33446, & 33676). Compute the required minimum percentage (%) of gross Tax Increment and enter the amount on Line 3a(2)(A) or 3a(2)(B). Report SERAF on Line 3a(3). Next, on Line 3a(4), report the amount of Tax Increment set -aside allotted before any exemption and/or deferral. To determine the amount of Tax Increment deposited to the Housing Fund [Line 3a(7)], subtract allowable amounts exempted [Line 3a(5)] and/or deferred [Line 3a(6)] from the net amount allocated to the Housing Fund [Line 3a(4)]. . a. Tax Increment: (1) 100% of Gross Allocation: $24,186,295 (2) Calculate only I set -aside amount: either A or B below: (A) 20%required by 33334.2 (Line 3a(1) x 20e/o): $ 4,837.259 (B) 30%required by 33333.10(g) (Line 3a(1) x 30%): (Senate Bill211, Chapter 741, Statutes of2001) (3) Tax Increment Allocated to Housing Fund: $ 4.837,259 (A) SUSPENSION for SERAF Payment: Only allowed in FY2009-10 per H&SC Section 33334.2(k) — (B) If amount allocated to Housing Fund on Line (3) above differs from the 20% or 30% amount on above line (2) (A) or (B), identify Project Area(s) accounting for difference: Project Area Difference (4) Amount Exempted (H&SC Section 33334.2) [if there is an amount exempted, also complete page 3, #5a(1) - (2)]: (5) Amount Deferred (H&SC Section 33334.6) [if there is an amount deferred, also complete pages 4-5, #5b(1) - (4)]: (6) Total deposit to the Housing Fund 1Net result of Line 3 through 3a(5)1: b. Interest Income: c. Rental/Lease Income (combine amounts reported to the SCO): d. Sale of Real Estate: e. Grants (combine amounts reported to the SCO): f. Bond Administrative Fees: g. Deferral Repayments tether than SERAF - [also complete, Line 5b(3), pg 4]: h. Loan Repayments - other than SERAF: i. Debt Proceeds: - j. Other Revenue(s) [Explain and identify amoum(s)]: Miscellaneous Revenues $ 3,185 k. SERAF LOAN Regiments (also complete Sch-C, pg 3, #8(e) & #23, pg 9) I. SERAF SUSPENSION Repayments (also complete Sch-A, pg 3,#4 & Sch-C, #23 pg 9) m. Total Project Area Receipts Deposited to Housing Fund (add lines 3a(6) and 3b — 3k.): $ 4,837,259 $ 150,850 $ 665,113 $ 8 719 $ 5,665,126 California Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Sch A (Revised: 7-22-11) - HCD-A Page 2.Of 16 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 2 Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (SERAF) Suspension of Property Tax Revenue Deposit 1 4. Refer to FY 2009-10 Sch A, page 2, Line 3a(3)(A). Check box below and provide information only if the agency for just FY 2009-10 exercised suspension option to not make full minimum allocation and deposit of tax increment to the Housing Fund for the purpose of using suspension funds to meet the FY 2009-10 SERAF obligation. Note, pursuant to Health and Safety Section 33334.2(k), repayment is required before June 30, 2015. ❑ SERAF [H&SC Section 33334.2(k)]. In FY 2009-10 the agency exercised option to suspend allocating and depositing a portion of the minimum 20% of gross property tax increment. Instructions: Please include amounts for all fiscal years between FY 2009-10 and FY 2014-15 to record agency compliance with repayment requirements as referenced in H&SC Section 33334.2(k)(1)(2)(3). Report cumulative total of all project area suspensions and repayments in Schedule `C', page 9, box 23. Coll Colt Col Balance Identify any (Prior year Col 3 Fiscal Years Applicable to SUSPENSION Identify any Balance minus SERAF Suspension and Amount for SUSPENSION Current year Col 2 Repayment Deposit FY 2009-2010 Repayment Repayment) 2009 - 2010 $ $ $ 2010 - 2011 $ $ 2011 - 2012 $ $ 2012 - 2013 $ $ 2013 - 201 $$ $ $ 2014 - 2015 $ Exemption(s) and Deferral(s) 5. a.(1) If an exemption was claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(5) to deposit less than the required amount, complete the following information: Check only one of the Health and Safety Code Sections below (Note: An Annual Findinr is required to be submitted to HCD) ❑ Section 33334.2(a)(1): No need in community to increase/improve supply of lower or moderate income housing. ❑ Section 33334.2(a)(2): Less than the minimum set -aside i% (20% or 30%) is sufficient to meet the need. ❑ Section 33334.2(a)(3): Community is making substantial effort equivalent in value to minimum set -aside %(20%or 30%) and has specific contractual obligations incurred before May 1, 1991 requiring continued use of this funding. Note: Pursuant to Section 33334.2(a)(3)(C), this exemption expired on June 30,1993 but contracts entered into prior to Mav 1. 1991 may not be subject to the exemption sunset. ❑ Other: Specify code section and reason(s): (2) For any exemption claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(5) and Line 5a(1) above, identify: Date that initial On) finding was adopted: mo day yr Adoption date of reporting Year finding: mo day yr Califomia Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year2010-2011 Sch A (Revised: 7-22-11) Resolution # Date sent to HCD: / mo day yr Resolution # Date sent to HCD: mo day yr HCD-A, Page 3 oQ •,." j . 163 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 2 Exemptions and Deferrals continued Deferral(s) 5. b.(1) If a Deferral was claimed on Page 2, Line 3a(6) to deposit less than the required amount, complete the following information: Check only one of the Health and Safety Code Sections below ❑ Section 33334.6(d): Applicable to project areas approved before 1986 in which the required resolution was sent to HCD before September 1986 regarding needing tax increment to meet existing obligations. Existing obligations can include those incurred after 1985, if net proceeds were used to refinance pre-1986 listed obligations. Note: The deferral previously authorized by Section 33334.6(e) expired. It was only allowable in each fiscal year prior to July 1,1996 with certain restrictions. ❑ Other Health & Safety Code Section here: (2) For any deferral claimed on page 2, Line 3a(6) and Line 5b(1) above, identify: Date initial 0") findine was adopted: / / Resolution # mo day yr Adoption date of reporting year findine: _/ /_ Resolution # mo day yr Date sent to HCD: / mo day yr Date sent to HCD: mo day yr (3) A deferred set -aside per Section 33334.6(d) constitutes indebtedness to the Housing Fund. Summarize the amount(s) of set -aside deferred and repayments made during the reporting year and the cumulative amount deferred as of end of FY: Fiscal Year Amount Deferred Amount Repaid This Reporting FY this Reporting FY Deferral Balance Minus cumulative Repayments *) (1) Last Reporting FY $ (2) This Reporting FY $ $ $ * Deferral balance for this reporting fiscal year. Should also be shown on 11CD-C, page 3, Line 8a If the prior FY cumulative deferral shown above differs from what was reported on the last HCD report (HCD-A and HCD-C), indicate the amount of difference and the reason (use box above if needed): Difference: $ Reason(s): (4) Section 33334.6(g) requires any agency which defers set -asides to adopt a plan to eliminate the deficit in subsequent years. If this agency has deferred set -asides, has it adopted such a plan? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, by what date is the deficit to be eliminated? If yes, when was the original plan adopted for the claimed deferral? identify Resolution # Date Resolution sent to HCD When was the last amended plan adopted for the claimed deferral? identify Resolution # Date Resolution sent to HCD mo day yr mo day yr mo day yr mo day yr mo day yr Califomia Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year2010-2011 . HCD- SOA(Revised:7-22-I1) - Page' of.A_ 164 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 2 Actual Project Area Households Displaced and Units and Bedrooms Lost Over Reporting Year: 6. a. Redevelopment Project Activity. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(1) and (a)(3), report by income category the number of elderly and nonelderly households permanently displaced and the number of units and bedrooms removed or destroyed, over the reportingyear, (refer to Section 33413 for unit and bedroom replacement requirements). Number of Households/Units/Bedrooms Project Activity VL L M AM Total Households Permanently Displaced — Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly Households Permanently Displaced —Total Units Lost (Removed or Destroyed) and Required to be Replaced Bedrooms Lost (Removed or Destroyed) and Required to be Replaced Above Moderate Units Lost That Agency is Not Required to Replace Above Moderate Bedrooms Lost That Agency is Not Required to Replace b. Other Activity. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(l) and (a)(3) based on activities other than the destruction or removal of dwelling units and bedrooms reported on Line 6a, report by income category the number of elderly and nonelderly households permanently displaced over the reporting Year: Number of Households Other Activity VL L M AM Total Households Permanently Displaced — Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly Households Permanently Displaced —Total c. As required in Section 33413.5, identify, over the reporting veaz, each replacement housing plan required to be adopted before the permanent displacement, destruction, and/or removal of dwelling units and bedrooms impacting the households reported on lines 6a. and 6b. Date mo day yr Date / mo day yr Name of Agency Custodian Name of Agency Custodian Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing plans adopted. Estimated Project Area Households to be Permanently Displaced Over Current Fiscal Year: 7. a. As required in Section 33080.4(a)(2) for a redevelopment project of the agency, estimate. over the current fiscal year, the number of elderly and nonelderly households, by income category, expected to be permanently displaced. (Note: actual displacements will be reported for the next reporting year on Line 6). Number of Households Project Activity VL L M AM Total Households Permanently Displaced - Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Total b. As required in Section 33413.5, for the current fiscal year, identify each replacement housing plan required to be adopted before the permanent displacement, destruction, and/or removal of dwelling units and bedrooms impacting the households reported in 7a. Date / /_ Name of Agency Custodian Too day yr Date / / Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Please attach separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing plans adopted. California Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year2010-2011 - - HCD-A Sch A (Revised: 7-22-11) PagN�yf 7 165 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 2 Units Developed Inside the Protect Area to Fulfill Requirements of Other Protect Area(s) 8. Pursuant to Section 33413(b)(2)(A)(v), agencies may choose one or more project areas to fulfill another project area's requirement to construct new or substantially rehabilitate dwelling units, provided the agency conducts a public hearing and finds, based on substantial evidence, that the aggregation of dwelling units in one or more project areas will not cause or exacerbate racial, ethnic, or economic segregation. Were any dwelling units in this project area developed to partially or completely satisfy another project area's requirement to construct new or substantially rehabilitate dwelling units? ® No. ❑ Yes. Date initial finding was adopted? /_/ Resolution # Date sent to HCD: / / mo day yr mo day yr Number of Dwelline Units Sales of Owner -Occupied Units Inside the Protect Area Prior to the Exoiration of Land Use Controls 9. Section 33413(c)(2)(A) specifies that pursuant to an adopted program, which includes but is not limited to an equity sharing program, agencies may permit the sale of owner -occupied units prior to the expiration of the period of the land use controls established by the agency. Agencies must deposit sale proceeds into the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund and within three (3) years from the date the unit was sold, expend funds to make another unit equal in affordability, at the same income level, to the unit sold. a. Sales. Did the agency permit the sale of any owner -occupied units during the reporting year? ®No ❑Yes Total Proceeds From Saes Over Reporting Year Number of Units b. SALES I VL L M Total Units Sold Over Reporting Year Equal Units. ®No ❑Yes Were reporting year funds spent to make units equal in affordability to units sold over the last three reporting years? <-- Total LMIHF Spent On Equal Units Over Reporting Year Number of Units SALES VL L M I Total Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Over This Reporting Yr Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold One Reporting Yr Ago Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Two Reporting Yrs Ago Units Made Equal This Reporting Yr to Units Sold Three Reporting Yrs Ago California Redevelopment Agencies- Fiscal Year 2010-201 I - - - HCD-A Sch A(Revised: 7-22-I1) Page ,Jofi7. 166 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No 2 Affordable Units to be Constructed Inside the Project Area Within Two Years 10. Pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)(10), report the number of very low, low, and moderate income units to be financed by any federal, state, local, or private source in order for construction to be completed within two years from the date of the agreement or contract executed over the reporting _yeaz. Identify the project and/or contractor, date of the executed agreement or contract, and estimated completion date. Specify the amount reported as an encumbrance on HCD-C, Line 6a. and/or any applicable amount designated on HCD-C, Line 7a. such as for capital outlay or budgeted funds intended to be encumbered for project use within two years from the reporting year's agreement or contract date. DO NOT REPORT ANY UNITS ON THIS SCHEDULE A THAT ARE REPORTED ON OTHER HCD Col A Name of Project and/or Contractor Col B Agreement Execution Date Col C Estimated Completion Date Win 2 yrs of Col B Col D Sch C Amount Encumbered Line 6a Col E Sch C Amount Designated Line 7a VL L M Total Washington Street Apts 03/01/11 March 2012 $1,471,200 $ 78 83 156 Coral Mountain Apts 01/05/11 July 2012 $28,828,470 $ 36 144 180 $ Is $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Please attach a separate sheet of paper to list additional information. "•� 167 California Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year 2010-2011 HCD-A Sch A (Revised: 7-22-11) Page 7 of 7 SCHEDULE HCD-C Agency -wide Activity for Fiscal Year Ended 06 / 30 / 2011 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency County: Riverside Preparers Name, Title: Suzy Kim, Senior Analyst Preparer's Telephone No: (714) 5414585 xI 16 Low & Moderate Income Housine Funds Preparees E-Mail Address: skim(7a.webrsg.com Preparer's Facsimile No: (7140 541-1175 Report on the "status and use of the agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund." Most information reported here should be based on information reported to the State Controller. 1. Beginning Balance (Use "Net Resources Available" from last fiscal year report to HCD) $ 34.933.507 a. If Beginning Balance requires adjustment(s)describe and Provide dollar amount (oositive/negative) making up total adjustment: Use < $ > for negative amounts or amounts to be subtracted. Housing Authority Credit Balance <32 79y 1 > b. Adjusted Beginning Balance [Beginning Balance plus + or minus <-> Total Adjustment(s)] $34,930,716 2. Project Area(s) Receipts and Housing Fund Revenues a. Total Project Area(s) Receipts. Total Summed amount of HCD-Schedule A(s) (from Line 3k) $14,825,068 b. Housing Fund Resources not reported on HCD Schedule -A(s) Describe and Provide Dollar Amount(s) (Positive/Negative) Making Up Total Housing Fund Resources Lone -tern debt proceeds $28.850.000 Sale of fixed assets $363,850 c. Total Housing Fund Resources 3• Total Resources (Line I b. + Line 2a + Line 2c.) $29.213.850 $ 78,969,634 NOTES: Many amounts to report as Expenditures and Other Uses (beginning on the next page) should be taken from amounts reported to the State Controller's Office (SCO). Review the SCO's Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report. Housing Fund "transfers -out" to other internal Agency funds: Report the specific use of all transferred funds on applicable lines 4a.-k of Schedule C. For example, transfers from the Housing Fund to the Debt Service Fund for the repayment of principal and interest of debt proceeds deposited to the Housing Fund should be reported on the applicable item comprising HCD-C Line 4c, providing tax increment (gross and deposit amounts) were reported on Sch-As. External transfers out of the Agency should be reported on HCD-C Line 4j (e.g.: transfer of excess surplus to the County Housing Authority). Other Uses: Non-GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) recording of expenditures such as land purchases for agencies using the Land Held for Resale method to record land purchases should be reported on HCD-C Line 4a(1). Funds spent resulting in loans to the Housing Fund should be included in HCD-C lines 4b., 411, 4g., 4h., and 4i as appropriate. The statutory cite pertaining to Community Redevelopment Law (CRL) is provided for preparers to review to determine the appropriateness of Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund (LMIHF) expenditures and other uses. HCD does not represent that line items identifying any expenditures and other uses are allowable. CRL is accessible on the Internet lwebsite. bft://www.leginfo.ca.izov/ (California Law)/ beginning with Section 33000 of the Health and Safety Code. California Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year 2010-2011 HCD-C Sch C (Revised: 7-22-11) Pagq 1 0f 11 16 Agency Name: La Quints Redevelopment Agency 4. Expenditures, Loans, and Other Uses a. Acquisition ofPropertv & Building Sites [33334.2(e)(1)1 & Housing [33334.2(e)(6 (1) Land Purchases (Lmestment — Land Held for Resale) * $ (2) Housing Assets (Fixed Asset) * $ (3) Acquisition Expense $ 701,983 (4) Operation of Acquired Property $537,475 (5) Relocation Costs $ (6) Relocation Payments $ (7) Site Clearance Costs $ (8) Disposal Costs $ (9) Other [Explain and identify amount(s)] * Reported to SCO as part of Assets and Other Debts (10) Subtotal Property/Building Sites/Housing Acquisition (Sum of Lines 1 — 9) $1,239,458 b. Subsidies from Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund (LMIHF (1) V Time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance $ (2) Rental Subsidies $ (3) Purchase of Affordability Covenants [33413(b)2(B)] $ (4) Other [Explain and identify amount(s)]: 2nd Trust Deeds $337,008 $ (5) Subtotal Subsidies from LMIHF (Sum of Lines 1 — 4) $337,008 c. Debt Service [33334.2(e)(9)1. If paid from LMIHF, report LMIHF's share of debt service. If paid from Debt Service Fund, ensure "gross" tax increment is reported on HCD-A(s) Line 3a(1). (1) Debt Principal Payments (a) Tax Allocation, Bonds & Notes $ (b) Revenue Bonds & Certificates of Participation $6,390,925 (c) City/County Advances & Loans $ (d) U. S. State & Other Long —Term Debt $39,313 (2) Interest Expense $200,466 (3) Debt Issuance Costs $632,214 (4) Other [Explain andidentify amount(s)]: - (5) Subtotal Debt Service (Sum of Lines 1 — 4) $7,262,918 d. Plannine and Administration Costs [33334.3(e)(1 (1) Administration Costs $611,338 (2) Professional Services (non project specific) $ (3) Planuing/Survey/Design (non nroiect specific) $ (4) Indirect Nonprofit Costs [33334.3(e)(1)(B)] $ (5) Other [Explain and identify amount(s)]: $ (6) Subtotal Planning and Administration (Sum of Lines 1 — 5) $611,338 Califomia Redevelopment Agencies -Fiscal Year 2010-2011 - HCD-C Sch C (Revised: 7-22-11) - Page 2 of 11 ".J 169 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency 4. Expenditures, Loans, and Other Uses (continued) e. On/Off-Site Improvements [33334.2(e)(2)] Complete item 13 $ f. Housing Construction [33334.2(e)(5)] $2,529,450 g. Housing Rehabilitation [33334.2(e)(7)] $470,558 h. Maintain Supply of Mobilehome Parks [33334.2(e)(10)] $ i. Preservation of At -Risk Units [33334.2(e)(I 1)] $ j. Transfers Out of Agency (1) For Transit village Development Plan (33334.19) $ (2) Excess Surplus [33334.12(a)(1)(A)] $ (3) Other (specify code section authorizing transfer and amount) A. Section $ B. Section $ Other Transfers Subtotal $ (4) Subtotal Transfers Out of Agency (Sum ofj(1) through j(3)) $ k. SERAF loan [Sec 33690] Also complete Line 8e (below) and Box 23, pg 9. $ L Other Expenditures, Loans, and Uses [Explain and identify amount(s)]: Contributions to other agencies $2,694,381 Subtotal Other Expenditures, Loans, and Uses $5,694,389 in. Total Expenditures, Loans, and Other Uses (Sum of lines 4a: l.) $15,145,111 5. Net Resources Available [End of Reporting Fiscal Year] [Page 1, Line 3, Total Resources minus above Line 4m, Total Expenditures, Loans, and Other Uses.] $63,824,523 6. Encumbrances and Unencumbered Balance a. Encumbrances. Amount of Line 5 reserved for future payment of legal oontract(s) or agreement(s). See H&SC Section 33334.12(g)(2) for definition. $30,949,000 Also refer to Sch A, item 10 (Col D) and Sch B, item 4 (Col D). b. Unencumbered Balance (Line 5 minus Line 6a). Also enter on Page 4, Line 1 la. $ 32,875,523 7• Designated/Undesignated Amount of Available Funds a. Designated From Line 6b- Budgeted/planned to use near -term $ 32,875,523 Also refer to Sch A, item 10 (Col E) and Sch B, item 4 (Col E). b. Undesignated From Line 6b- Portion not vet budgeted/planned to use S 8. Other Housing Fund Assets (non recurrent receivables not included as part of Line 5) a. Indebtedness from Deferrals of Tax Increment (33334.6) [refer to Sch-A(s), Lines 4 and 5b(3)]. $ b. Value of land Purchased with Housing Funds and Held for Development of Affordable Housing. Complete Sch-C item 14. $ c. Loans Receivable for Housing Activities $ d. Residual Receipt Loans (periodic/fluctuating payments) $ e. SERAF Total Receivable [Suspensions & Loans] (Also report in Sch C, Item 23, pg 9.) $ f. ERAF Loans Receivable (all years) (33681) $ g. Other Assets [Explain and identify amount(s)]: It Total Other Housing Fund Assets (Sum of lines 8a: g.) 9. TOTAL FUND EQUITY [Line 5 (Net Resources Available) +8g (Total Other Housing Fund Assets)] $63,824,523 Compare Line 9 to the below amount reported to the SCO (Balance Sheet of Redevelopment Agencies Financial Transactions Report. [Explain differences and identify amount(s)]: ENTER LOW -MOD FUND TOTAL EQUITIES (BALANCE SHEET) REPORTED TO SCO $63,824,523 California Redevelopment Agencies- Fiscal Year 2010-201 l HCD-C Sch C (Revised7-22-11) - - Page 3 of 11 ".^ 170 Agency Name: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Excess Surplus Information Pursuant to Section 33080.7 and Section 33334.12(g)(1), report on Excess Surplus that is required to be determined on the first day of a fiscal year. Excess Surplus exists when the Adjusted Balance exceeds the greater of: (1) $1,000,000 or (2) the aggregate amount of tax increment deposited to the Housing Fund during the prior four fiscal years. Section 33334.12(g)(3)(A) and (B) provide that the Unencumbered Balance can be adjusted for: (1) any remaining revenue generated in the reporting year from unspent debt proceeds and (2) if the land was disposed of during the reporting year to develop affordable housing, the difference between the fair market value of land and the value received. The Unencumbered Balance is calculated by subtracting encumbrances from Net Resources Available. "Encumbrances" are funds reserved and committed pursuant to a legally enforceable contract or agreement for expenditure for authorized redevelopment housing activities [Section 33334.12(gx2)]. For Excess Surplus calculation purposes, carry over the prior year's HCD Schedule C Adjusted Balance as the Adjusted Balance on the first day of the reporting fiscal year. Determine which is larger: (1) $1 million or (2) the total of talc increment deposited over the prior four years. Subtract the largest amount from the Adjusted Balance and, if positive, report the amount as Excess Surplus. 10. 11. Reoortina Year Ending Unencumbered Balance and Adjusted Balance: a. Unencumbered Balance (End of Year) [Page 3, Line 6b] $ 32,875,523 b. If eligible, adjust the Unencumbered Balance for: (1) Debt Proceeds[ 33334.12(g)(3XB)]: Identify unspe debt proceeds and related income remaining at end of reporting year $ (2) land Conveyance Losses [(33334.12(g)(3)(A))]: Identify reporting year losses from sales/grants/leases of land acquired with low -mod funds, if 49% or more of new or rehabilitated units will be affordable to lower -income households $ 12. Adjusted Balance (next year's determination of Excess Surplus) [Line 1 la minus sum of 1lb(1) & I Hip)] $32,875,523 Note: Adjusted Balance is not determined the same way for item 10 (Column 4, bottom) and item 12 . a. If there is remaining Excess Surplus from what was determined on the first day of the reporting year, describe the agency's plan (as specified in Section 33334.10) for transferring, encumbering, or expending excess surplus: b. If the plan described in 12a. was adopted, enter the plan adoption date: mo day yr Califomia Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year 2010-2011 HCD-C Sch C (Revised: 7-22-11) Page 4 of 11 Agency Name: La Duinta Redevelopment Agency Miscellaneous Uses of Funds 13. If an amount is reported in 4e., pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)(6), report the total number of very low-, low-, and moderate -income .households that directly benefited from expenditures for onsite/offsite improvements which resulted in either new construction, rehabilitation, or the elimination of health and safety hazards. (Note: If Line 4e of this schedule does not show expenditures for improvements, no units should be reported here.) Households Benefiting from Income Households Households Elimination of Health and Level Constructed Rehabilitated Safety. Hazard Duration of Deed Restriction Very Low Low Moderate 14. If the agency is holding land for future housing development (refer to Line 8b), summarize the acreage (round to tenths, do not report square footage), zoning, date of purchase, and the anticipated start date for the housing development. Site Name/Locathm* No. of Acres Toning Purchase Date Estimated Date Available Comments Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional sites not reported above. 15. Section 33334.13 requires agencies which have used the Housing Fund to assist mortgagors in a homeownership mortgage revenue bond program, or home financing program described in that Section, to provide the following information: a. Has Agency used authority related to definitions of income or family size adjustment factors per Section 33334.13(a)? Yes ® No ❑ Not Applicable ❑ b. Has Agency complied with requirements in Section 33334.13(b) related to assistance for very low-income households equal to twice that provided for above moderate -income households? Yes ® No ❑ Not Applicable ❑ 172 Califomia Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2010-2011, - HCD-C schC (Revised: 7-22-11) Page 5 of 11 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agencv 16. For this reporting period, did Agency use non-LMIHF funds as matching funds for Federal HOME and/or HOPE program? Ifyes, identify amount of non-LMIHF funds used for HOME and/or HOPE program support. HOME$ HOPE 17. Pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)(11), the agency shall maintain adequate records to identify the date and amount of all LMIHF deposits and withdrawals during the reporting period. To satisfy this requirement, the Agency should keep and make available upon request any and all deposit and withdrawal information. DONOTSUBMITANYDOCUMENTS/RECORDS. Has your agency made any deposits to or withdrawals from the LMIHF? Yes ® No ❑ If yes, identify the document(s) describing the agency's deposits and withdrawals by listing for each document, the following (attach additional pages of similar information below as necessary): Name of document (e.g. ledger, journal, etc.): Name of Agency Custodian (person): Custodian's telephone number: Place where record can be accessed: Name of document (e.g. ledger, journal, etc.): Name of Agency Custodian (person): Custodian's telephone number: Place where record can be accessed: Expenditure Detail Report Louise West 760)777-7055 Finance Department/City Hall Revenue Detail Report Louise West 760) 777-7055 Finance Department/City Hall 18. Use of Other (non Low -Mod Funds) Redevelopment Funds for Housing Please briefly describe the use of any non-LMIHF redevelopment funds (i.e., contributions from the other 80% of tax increment revenue or other non Low -Mod funds) to construct, improve, assist, or preserve housing in the community. No non-LMIHF redevelopment funds were used to construct, improve, assist, or preserve housing in the community this fiscal year. 19. Suggestions/Resource Needs Please provide suggestions to simplify and improve future agency reporting and identify any training, information, and/or other resources, etc. that would help your agency to more quickly and effectively use its housing or other funds to increase, improve, and preserve affordable housing? _ 20. Annual Monitoring Reports of Previously Completed Affordable Housing Proiects/Programs (H&SC 33418) Were all Annual Monitoring Reports received for all prior years' affordable housing projects/programs? Yes. ® No ❑ Califomia Redevelopment Agencies — Fiscal Year 2010-2011HCD-C sch C(Revised: 7-22-11) - Page 6 of 11 173 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency 21. Excess Surolus Expenditure Plan (H&SC 33334.10(a) California Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Sch C (Revised: 7-22-11) HCD-C Page 7 of 11 N 174 Agency Name: La Quinta Redevelopment Aeencv 22. Footnote area to provide additional information. Califomia Redevelopment Agencies— Fiscal Year_2010-2011 HCD-C Sch C (Revised: 7-22-11) Page 8 of 11 n 175 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelooment Agency 23. Agency -wide Accounting for SERAF SUSPENSION / LOAN / REPAYMENT / BALANCE Instructions: Supplemental Education Revenue Augmentation Fund (SERAF). Repayment to housing fund required in 5 years. Step l: Identify FY 2009-10 amount suspended and/or loaned and/or any repayment. Compute Balance (Col 4) Step 2: Identify FY 2010-11 amount loaned and/or any repayment. Compute Balance (Col 4) Step 3: Complete information requested in Col 3 and Col 4 for applicable years. Step 4: Repay all FY 2009-10 suspension and loan amounts within required 5 years (before FY 2014-15 end). Step 5: Repay all FY 2010-11 loan amount within required 5 years (before FY 2015-16 end). Fiscal Year Coll SUSPENSION Amount for Applicable Year Colt LOAN Amount for Applicable Years Col REPAYMENT Amount for Applicable Years Col BALANCE (Col 1 plus Col 2 minus Col 3) 2009 - 2010 2010 — 2011 2011— 2012 2012 — 2013 2013 — 2014 2014 — 2015 2015 — 2016 Suspension of Funds to pay SERAF in FY 2009-10: H&SC Section 33334.2(k)(1)(2)(3) I H&SC Section 33334.2(k)(1)(2)(3), applicable only for FY 2009-10, granted agencies the option to make SERAF payment by suspending tax increment revenue from deposit into the Low Mod Fund. Repayment is required within 5 years, by June 30, 2015. F—Borrowine of Funds to pay SERAF in FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-I l: H&SC Section 33690(c)(1)(2) H&SC Section 33690(c)(1)(2), applicable for Fiscal Years 2009-10 and 2010-11, granted agencies option to borrowing funds from the Low Mod Housing Fund. Full repayment is required within 5 years as follows: FY 2009-10 amount borrowed must be fully repaid by June 30, 2015. FY 2010-11 amount borrowed must be fully repaid by June 30, 2016. Penalties for Non -repayment in 5 Years: H&SC Sections 33020.5, 33331.5, 33334.2, 33688, 33690, 33690.5, 33691 and 33692. California Redevelopment Agencies— Fiscal Year 2010-201 I - - HCD-C Sch C (Revised: 7-22-11) Page 9 tE u 176 Agency Name: La Quints Redevelopment Agency 24. Proiect Achievement and HCD Director's Award for Housing Excellence Project achievement information is optional but can serve important purposes: Agencies' achievements can inform others of successful redevelopment projects and provide instructive information for additional successful projects. Achievements may be included in HCD's Annual Report of Housing Activities of California Redevelopment Agencies to assist other local agencies in developing effective and efficient programs to address local housing needs. In addition, HCD may select various projects to receive the Director's Award for Housing Excellence. Projects maybe selected based on criteria such as local affordable housing need(s) met, resources utilized, barriers overcome, and project innovation/complexity, etc. Project achievement information should only be submitted for one affordable residential project that was completed within the reporting year as evidenced by a Certificate of Occupancy. The project must not have been previously reported as an achievement. To publish agencies' achievements in a standard format, please complete information for each underlined category below addressing suggested topics in a narrative format that does not exceed two pages (see example, next page). In addition to submitting information with other HCD forms to the State Controller, please submit achievement information on a 3.5 inch diskette and identify the so tware type and version. For convenience, the diskette can be separately mailed to: HCD Policy Division, 1800 3 Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 or data can be attached to an email and sent to appropriate staff by inquiring of appropriate staffs name and email address by calling 916.445- 4728. AGENCY INFORMATION • Project Type (Choose one of the categories below and one kind of assistance representing the primary project type): New/Additional Units (Previously Unoccupied/Uninhabitable): Existing Units (Previously Occupied) - New Construction to own - Rehabilitation of Owner -Occupied - New Construction to rent - Rehabilitation of Tenant -Occupied - Rehabilitation to own - Acquisition and Rehabilitation to Own - Rehabilitation to rent - Acquisition and Rehabilitation to. Rent - Adaptive Re -use - Mobilehomes/Manufactured Homes - Mixed Use Infill - Payment Assistance for Owner or Renter - Mobilehomes/Manufactured Homes - Transitional Housing - Mortgage Assistance - Other (describe) - Transitional Housing - Other (describe) ' Agency Name: Agency Contact and Telephone Number for the Project: DESCRIPTION • Project Name -• Clientele served [owner, renter, income group, special need (e.g. large family or disabled), etc.] • Number and type of units and location, density, and size of project relative to other projects, etc. • Degree of affordability/assistance rendered to families by project, etc. • Uniqueness (land use, design features, additional services/amenities provided, funding sources/collaboration, before/after project conversion such as re -use, mixed use, etc.) • Cost (acquisition, clean-up, infrastructure, conversion, development, etc.) HISTORY • Timeframe from planning to opening • Barriers/resistance (legal/financial/community, etc.) that were overcome • Problems and creative solutions found • Lessons learned and/or recommendations for undertaking a similar project AGENCY ROLE AND ACHIEVEMENT ' • Degree of involvement with concept,design, approval, financing, construction, operation, and cost, etc. • Specific agency and/or community goals and objectives met, etc. California Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year 2010-2011 SchC(Revised7-22-11) HCD-C Page 10 of I I 177 Agency Name: La Ouinta Redevelopment Agency ACHIEVEMENT EXAMPLE Project Type: NEW CONSTRUCTION- OWNER OCCUPIED Redevelopment Agency Contact: Name (Area Code) Telephone # Project(Program Name: Project or Program Description During the reporting year, construction of 12 homes was completed. Enterprises, which specializes in community self-help projects, was the developer, assisting 12 families in the construction of their new homes. The homes took 10 months to build. The families' work on the homes was converted into "sweat equity valued at $15,000. The first mortgage was from CHFA. Families were also given an affordable second mortgage. The second and third mortgage loans were funded by LMIHF and HOME funds. History The (City or County) of struggled for several years over what to do about the area. The tried to encourage development in the area by rezoning a large portion of the area for multi -family use, and twice attempted to create improvement districts. None of these efforts were successful and the area continued to deteriorate, sparking growing concern among city officials and residents. At the point that the Redevelopment Agency became involved, there was significant ill will between the residents of the and the (City or County). The introduced the project in with discussions of how the Agency could become involved in improving the blighted residential neighborhood centering on . This area is in the core area of town and was developed with disproportionately narrow, deep lots, based on a subdivision plat laid in 1950. Residents built their homes on the street frontages of and leaving large back -lot areas that were landlocked and unsuitable for development, having no access to either avenue. The Agency worked with 24 property owners to purchase portions of their properties. Over several years, the Agency purchased enough property to complete a tract map creating access and lots for building. Other non -profits have created an additional twelve affordable homes. Agency Role The Agency played the central role. The Project is a classic example of successful redevelopment. All elements of blight were present: irregular, land -locked parcels without access; numerous property owners; development that lagged behind that of the surrounding municipal property; high development cost due to need for installation of street improvements, utilities, a storm drain system, and undergrounding of a flood control creek; and a low-income neighborhood in which property sale prices would not support high development costs. The Agency determined that the best development for the area would be single-family owner -occupied homes. The Agency bonded its tax increment to fund the off -site improvements. A tract map was completed providing for the installation of the street improvements, utilities, storm drainage, and the undergrounding of Creek. These improvements cost the Agency approximately $1.5 million. In lieu of using the eminent domain process, the Agency negotiated with 22 property owners to purchase portions of their property, allowing for access to the landlocked parcels. This helped foster trust and good will during the course of the negotiations. The Project got underway once sufficient property was purchased. Califomia Redevelopment Agencies —Fiscal Year 2610-2011 - - HCD-C Pagel] of11 SohC(Revised: 7-22-u) 178 SCHEDULE HCD-D1 GENERAL PROJECT/PROGRAM INFORMATION For each different Project/Program (area/name/age or nonage dev/rental or owner), complete a D1 and applicable D2-D7 Examples: 1: 25 minor rehab (Nonagy Dev): Area 1: 15 Owner, Area 2: 6 Rental; & Outside: 4 Rental. Complete 3 D-1s, & Ds3-4-5. 2: 20 sub rehab (nonrestricted): Area 3: 4 Agy Dev. Rentals; 16 Nonagy Dev. Rentals. Complete 2 D-1s & 2 D-5s. _3: 15 sub rehab (restricted): Area 4: 15 Nonagy Dev, Owner. Complete 1 D-1 & 1 D-3. 4: 10 new (Outside). 2 Agy Dev (restricted Rental), 8 Nonagy Dev (nonrestricted Owner) Complete 2 D-1s, 1 D-4, & 1 D-5. Name of Redevelopment Agency: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Identify Project Area or specify "Outside": Redevelopment Project No. 1 General Title of Housing ProjectiProgram: Agency Resale 2nd TO Program Project/Program Address (optional): Various Infill Lots Street: CM: ZIP: 52-280 Avenida Velasco La Quints 92253 92253 53-710 Avenida Rubio La Quints 52-608 Avenida Diaz La Quints 92253 Owner Name (optional): Martinez, Carbajal, Aleman Total Project/Program Units: Restricted Units: Unrestricted Units: #3 #3 #0 'or prolects/programs with no RDA assistance do not complete any of below or any of HCD D2-06. Only complete HCD-C Was this a federally assisted multi -family rental project [Gov't Code Section 65863.10(a)(3)]? ❑ YES ®NO Number of units occupied by ineligible households (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end #0 Number of bedrooms occupied by ineligible persons (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) at FY end #0 Number of units restricted for special needs: (number must not exceed "Total Project Units) #0 Number of units restricted that are serving one or more Special Needs: # ® Check, if data not available rAl /e: a „nit may satiP mu/tinle "3narial Needs" below. Sum of all the below can exceed the "Number of Units" above) # DISABLED (Mental) # FARMWORKER (Permanent) # TRANSITIONAL HOUSING # DISABLED (Physical) #1 FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSHOLD # ELDERLY # FARMWORKER (Migrant) # LARGE FAMILY # EMERGENCY SHELTERS (4 or more Bedrooms) (allowable use only with -Other Housing Units Provided - Without LMIHF" Sch-D6 u__-i / b... e....�.:w1iw.. Te..n /un}ar else/mnnrn/vast 11Cm0 pIp IL4. @.p. ul/Ul/LYVLI: Aftommurm a11YIvl J ea.im ..eev Re lacement Housing Units _-_ Inclusions Housing Units Other Housing Units Provided With LMIHF Without LMIHF Restriction Start Date 3/14/2011, 3/23/2011 & 4/11/2011 Restriction End Date 3/14/2056, 3/23/2056, & 4/11/2056 Perpetuity Funding Sources: Redevelopment Funds: $ 150,000 Federal Funds $ 0 State Funds: $ 0 Other Local Funds: $ 0 Private Funds: $ 0 Owner's Equity: $ 0 TCAC/Federal Award: $ 0 TCAC/State Award: $.0 Total Development/Purchase Cost: $ 44 Check all appropriate form(s) below that will be used to identify all of this Project's/Program's Units: ❑ Replacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) ® Inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) ❑ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) California Redevelopment Agencies -Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Sch DI (Revised: 7-22-11) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ❑ No Agency Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) HCD-D1 7JA • SCHEDULE HCD-D3 INCLUSIONARY HOUSING UNITS (INSIDE PROJECT AREA) (units not claimed on Schedule D-4,5,6,7) (units with required affordability restrictions that agency or community controls) Agency: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Project Area Name: Redevelopment Project No. 1 Affordable Housing Project Name: Agency Resale 2nd Trust Deed Program Check only one. If both apply, complete a separate form for each (with another Sch-D1): ® Aoencv Developed ❑Non-Aaencv Developed Check only one. If both apply, complete a separate form for each (with another Sch-1011): ❑ Rental ® Owner -Occupied Enter the number of units for each applicable activity below: Note: "INELG" refers to a household that is no longer eligible but still a temporary resident and part of the total A. New Construction Units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG.. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. 2 1 V I 1 3 Of Total, Identify the number aggregated from other project areas (see HCD-A(s), Item 8): B. Substantial Rehabilitation (Post `93/AB 1290 Definition of Value >2 M Credit for Obligations Since 19941: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. =.2 1 3 1 11 Of Total, identify the number aggregated from other project areas (see HCD-A(s), Item 8): C. Acauisition of Covenants (Post '93/AB 1290 Reform Onlv Multi -Family Vlow &Low &Other Restrictions): Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL UNITS (Add only TOTAL of all "TOTAL Elderly / Non Elderly Units"): - /jTOTAL UNITS is less than "Total Project Units"on HCD Schedule Dl, report the remaining units as instructed below. Check all appropriate form(s) listed below that will be used to Identify remaining Project Units to be reported: ❑ Replacement Housing Units ❑ Inclusionary Units (Outside Project Area) Other Housing Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) (Sch HCD-D4) ❑ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ❑ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ❑ No Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) Identify the number of Inclusionary Units which also have been counted as Replacement Units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Califomia Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 2010-2011 - - HCD-D3 Sch D3 (Revised: 7-22-11) - • N 180 SCHEDULE HCD-E CALCULATION OF INCREASE IN AGENCY'S INCLUSIONARY OBLIGATION BASED ON SPECIFIED HOUSING ACTIVITY DURING THE REPORTING YEAR Agency: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Name of Project or Area (if applicable, list "Outside" or "Summary": Summary Complete this form to report activity separately by project or area or to summarize activity for the year. Report all new construction and/or substantial rehabilitation units from Forms D2 through D7 that were: (a) developed by the agency and/or (b) developed only in a project area by a nnagency person or entity. PART I [H&SC Section 33413(b)(1)] AGENCY DEVELOPED UNITS DURING THE REPORTING YEAR BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF A PROJECT AREA 1. New Units Developed by the Agency 0 2. Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by the A encv 3. Subtotal - Baseline of Amy Developed Units (add lines 1 & 2) 0 4. Subtotal of Increased Inclusionary Obligation (Line 3 x 30%) (see Notes 1 and 2 below) p 5. Very -Low Inclusionary Obligation Increase Units (Line 4 x 50%) p PART II [H&SC Section 33413(b)(2)] NONAGENCY DEVELOPED UNITS DURING THE REPORTING YEAR ONLY INSIDE A PROJECT AREA 6. New Units Developed by Any Nonaeencv Person or Entity 18 7. Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by Any Nonaeencv Person or Entity 5 8. Subtotal - Baseline of Nonagency Developed Units (add lines 6 & 7) 23 9. Subtotal of Increased Inclusionary Obligation (Line 8 x 15%) (see Notes 1 and 2 below) 4 10. Very -Low Inclusionary Obligation Increase (Line 9 x 40%) 2 PART III REPORTING YEAR TOTALS 11. Total Increase in Inclusionary Obligation (add lines 4 and 9) 4 12. Very -Low Inclusionary Obligation Increase (add line 5 and 10) (Line 12 is a subset of Line 11) 2 YYYkkiitittiitt Rlttff#ttf tllft YYYYYYY YYt Rt Ritf{ft{ift{fflit YY tYi Riit{t#4ff{flf it Yt YYYk{kkRi{Rf!{t tl tti YYt YYikii Yt {tlftffttYYYi 1. Section 33413(b)(1), (2), and (4) require agencies to ensure that applicable percentages (30% or 15%) of all (market -rate and affordable) "new and substantially rehabilitated dwelling units" are made available at affordable housing cost within 10 year planning periods. Market -rate units: units not assisted with low -mod funds and jurisdiction does not control affordability restrictions. Affordable units: units generally restricted for the longest feasible time beyond the redevelopment plan's land use controls and jurisdiction controls affordability restrictions. Agency developed units: market -rate units can not exceed 70 percent and affordable units must be at least 30 percent, however, all units assisted with low -mod funds must be affordable. Nonagency developed (proiect area) units: market -rate units can not exceed 85 percent and affordable units must be at least 15 percent 2. Production requirements may be met on a project -by project basis or in aggregate within each 10 year planning period The percentage of affordable units relative to total units required within each 10 year planning period may be calculated as follows: AFFORDABLE units = Market -rate x 630 or .15) TOTAL units = Market -rate or A ordable (.70or. 85) (.70or. 85) (.30or. 15) California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 2010-2011 HCD-E SchE-1(Revised: 7-22-11) _ 181 EXHIBIT 4 q RSG INTELLIGENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: December 12, 2011 TO: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager CITY OF LA QUINTA FROM: Becky Caha, RSG ROSENOw SPEVACEK GROUP INC. T 714 $41 4585 309 WEST.4TH STREET F 714 5411175 SANTA. ANA. CALIFORNIA E INFO;aWEBRSG.COM' 92701-4502 W EBRSG.COM Via Electronic Mail SUBJECT: 2010-2011 ANNUAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING ELIGIBILITY MONITORING Since 1997 RSG has been conducting the Redevelopment Agency's annual income eligibility recertification pursuant to the requirements of Redevelopment Law and each affordable housing program. The housing programs involved in this effort as of June 30, 2011 are: • The Seasons at La Quinta - 92 senior multi -family rental units • The Seasons at Miraflores -118 senior multi -family rental units • Aventine - 20 income restricted multi -family rental units • Hadley Villas Apartments - 79 very low senior rental units • La Quinta Rental Housing Program - 28 single family rental housing units • Vista Dunes Apartments — 79 Very Low Income Units • Mountain View @ La Quinta Apartments - 18 income restricted multi -family rental units • Washington Street Apartments - 72 senior multifamily rental units • Wolff Waters Place - 218 very low income multi -family rental units • Assessment/Sewer Hook -Up Fee Subsidy Program - 520 owner and renter occupied households • Agency 2nd TD Loan Program - 504 owner occupied households To date, we have not received information from Mountain View @ La Quinta Apartments, Washington Street Apartments, and Wolff Waters Place. Mountain View @ La Quinta Apartments have been non -responsive to our requests; whole Washington Street Apartments and Wolff Waters Place are in the process of providing the necessary information. It is anticipated that these two projects will have all information provided by mid -January, 2012. By next year they will be in compliance and in the position to provide their annual reports by the Agency's June 30, 2011 deadline. "Confidential tenant information has been removed from the reports." COMMUNITY INVESTMENT & IMPROVEMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS FINANCIAL ANALYSIS REAL ESTATE& DEVELOPMENT HOUSING 182 .• A . . Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager CITY OF LA QUINTA December 12, 2011 Page12 The information received from the property managers for the Seasons at La Quinta, Seasons at Miraflores, Aventine, Hadley Villas Apartments, and the Agency Rental Housing Program, and from the property owners in the sewer connection program, and Agency 2nd Trust Deed Program who responded to our annual recertification mailing are summarized below: The Seasons at La Quinta (Line Housina► Project Income Category Required # Units Actual # Units Total Units Very Low 45 54 54 Season at La Low 30 36 36 Quinta — 92 Moderate 15 0 0 Units Not Qualified 0 0 0 Vacant 0 2 2 M mt / Maint 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL 91 91 91 As of June 30, 2011, this project meets the income affordability requirements. All units are being rented at affordable rents for those tenants occupying the units. The Seasons at Miraflores (Line Housinal Project Income Cateqory Required # Units Actual # Units Total Units Season at Miraflores —118 Units Very Low 70 1 99 99 Low 24 19 19 Moderate 23 5 15 Not Qualified 0 0 0 Vacant 0 0 0 M mt / Maint 1 1 1 PROJECT TOTAL 118 118 118 As of June 30, 2011, this project meets the income affordability requirements. All units are being rented at affordable rents for those tenants occupying the units. Aventine Apartments Project Income Category Required # Actual # Units Total Units Units Aventine Low 10 10 10 Moderate 10 10 10 Apartments — Non -Qualified 0 0 0 20 Units Vacant 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL 20 20 20 As of June 30, 2011, this project meets the income affordability requirements. All units are being rented at affordable rents for those tenants occupying the units. Page 2 " 1 183 Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager CITY OF LA QUINTA December 12, 2011 Page 13 Hadlev Villas Apartments Project Income Category Required # Units Actual # Units Total Units Hadley Villas Very Low 79 79 79 Non -Qualified 0 0 0 Apartments — Vacant 0 0 0 80 Units M mt /Maint. 1 1 1 PROJECT TOTAL 80 80 80 As of June 30, 2011, this project meets the income affordability requirements. All units are rented at affordable rents for those tenants occupying the units. La Quints Rental Housing Program La Quinta Palms Real Project Income Category Required # Units Actual # Units Total Units La Quinta Rental Housing Program — 25 Units Very Low 25 25 25 Non -Qualified 0 0 0 Vacant 0 0 0 M mt /Maint. 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL 25 25 25 As of June 30, 2011, this project is in compliance and all units are being rented at an affordable rent to the occupying very low income household. All vacant units are reserved for very low income tenants receiving Section 8 rental assistance from Riverside County. Assessment / Sewer Hook -Up Fee Subsidv Program Project Income Category Required # Units Actual # Units Sewer Connection Subsidies Very Low N/A 35 Low N/A 38 Moderate N/A 37 PROJECT TOTALS 110 Between the program's inception in 1989 and June 30, 2011, a total of 520 households qualified for and received the Agency's subsidy of the street improvement assessment and/or sewer connection costs. During that time, 410 properties were removed from the program, either through repayment of the subsidy balance as a result of a property sale to an ineligible household, through foreclosure proceedings, through request of the property owner, or the expiration date of the covenant firm. As of June 30, 2011 the program had 110 active participants who were mailed recertification forms. To date, responses have been received from 84 residents (76%). Page 3 -.A.: " 184 Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager CITY OF LA QUINTA December 12, 2011 Page 14 Agency Home Purchase Loan Program As of June 30, 2011 the program had 504 active participants who have received Agency loans for the purchase or rehabilitation of their property. In January, 2011 these participants were mailed recertification forms to verify that they still occupied the subject property. As of June 30, 2011 responses have been received from 475 participants (94%). cc: Frank Spevacek Page 4 185 Edited by Foxit Reader Copyright(C) by Foxit Corporation,2005-2010 For Evaluation Only. CERTIFICATION OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE The undersigned, being duly authorized to execute this certificate on behalf of LINC HOUSING CORPORATION, a non-profit affordable housing development corporation, for the Seasons Senior Apartments at La Quinta, hereby represents and warrants that: 1. He/she has read and is thoroughly familiar with the provisions of the Assignment and Consent Agreement between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, E.G. Williams Development Corporation, and Linc Housing. 2. As of June 30, 2011. the following number of residential units on the Rental Properties (i) are currently occupied by tenants qualifying as a Very Low Income Household at Affordable Rents; (it) are currently occupied by tenants qualifying as Low Income Household at Affordable Rents; (III) are currently occupied by other tenants having incomes of not greater than 120% of area -wide median income (the above terms are defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 50053); or (iv) are currently vacant and being held available for occupancy by Qualifying Renters and have been so held continuously since the date Qualifying Renters vacated such unit, as indicated: i. 94 units at Very Low Income ii. 36 units at Low Income iii. _QD- units at Moderate income iv. -02- vacant units 3. The unit size, the rental amount charged and collected, the number of occupants and the income of the occupants for each unit on the Rental Properties is set forth on the attached list. All units on the Rental Properties are rented at Affordable Rent. Dated: /d / 0 Z"'(r , 2011 LINC HOUSING CORPORATION By: -- Karen Maes Co -COO CFO (Printed name and title) 186 For CERTIFICATION OF CONTINUING The undersigned, being duly authorized to execute CORPORATION, a non-profit affordable housing dei Apartments at Miraflores, hereby represents and warren 1. He/she has read and is tho Consent Agreement between the La Quinta 2. As of June 30, 2011, the following number of resit currently occupied by tenants qualifying as a Very Low Ir currently occupied by tenants qualifying as Low Incorr currently occupied by other tenants having incomes of income (the above terms are defined in California Health currently vacant and being held available for occupancy continuously since the date Qualifying Renters vacated su 1. 71 units at Very Low Income ii. 43 units at Low Income iii. 00 units at Moderate Income iv. _022 vacant units 3. The unit size, the rental amount charged and collect, the occupants for each unit on the Rental Properties is Rental Properties are rented at Affordable Rent. Dated: Cictober 4 , 2011 Foxit Reader (C) by Foxit Corporation,2005-2010 aeon Only. COMPLIANCE its certificate on behalf of LINC HOUSING Dpment corporation, for the Seasons Senior that: with the provisions of the Assignment and Agency, Miraflores, and Linc Housing. fential units on the Rental Properties (i) are come Household at Affordable Rents; (II) are e Household at Affordable Rents; (iii) are not greater than 120% of area -wide median and Safety Code Section 50053); or (iv) are by Qualifying Renters and have been so held ch unit, as indicated: the number of occupants and the income of forth on the attached list. All units on the 187 m CERTIFICATION OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE The undersigned, being duly authorized to execute this certificate on behalf of the AVENTINE APARTMENTS Project, hereby represents and warrants that: 1. He/she has read and is thoroughly familiar with the provisions of the Affordable Housing Agreement between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and The Spanos Corporation. 2. As of June 30, 2011, the following number of residential units on the Aventine Apartments Project (i) are currently occupied by tenants qualifying as a Low Income Household at Affordable Rents; (ii) are currently occupied by other tenants having incomes of not greater than 120% of area -wide median income (the above terms are defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 50053), or (iii) are currently vacant and being held available for occupancy by Qualifying Renters and have been so held continuously since the date Qualifying Renters vacated such unit, as indicated: i. /0 units at Low Income ii. 10 units at Moderate Income vacant units 3. The unit size, the rental amount charged and collected, the number of occupants and the income of the occupants for each restricted unit on the Aventine Apartments Project is set forth on the attached list. All restricted units on the Aventine Apartments Project are rented at Affordable Rent. AVENTINE APARTMENTS 1 Dated: �P�}®, 2011 By:r'�QZ T mun 42/� (Printed name afnd title) M=CUME-1�) a LOCALS-1%Temp\f TLFA94a nLno moniibnnp doe M._ 188 ,r CERTIFICATION OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE The undersigned, being duly authorized to execute this certificate on behalf of the SENIOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING CORPORATION NO. 3 A DEVELOPMENT ENTITY AFFILIATED WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PRESBYTERIAN HOMES for the Hadley Villas Apartment Project, hereby represents and warrants that: 1. He/she has read and is thoroughly familiar with the provisions of the Affordable Housing Agreement between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and the Senior Affordable Housing Corporation N. 3, a Development Entity affiliated with Southern California Presbyterian Homes. 2. As of June 30, 2011, the following number of residential units on the Hadley Villas Apartments Project (i) are currently occupied by tenants qualifying as a Very -Low Income Household at Affordable Rents; or (ii) are currently vacant and being held available for occupancy by Qualifying Renters and have been so held continuously since the date Qualifying Renters vacated such unit, as indicated: i. -a units at Very -Low Income ii. —vacant units 3. The unit size, the rental amount charged and collected, the number of occupants and the income of the occupants for each restricted unit on the Hadley Villas Apartments Project is set forth on the attached list. All restricted units on the Hadley Villas Apartments Project are rented at Affordable Rent. Gated: �J?_Z _.._...2011 By. M=CUME-MW WLOCALS-ItTon,lITLF4AmnMev v0145 nyn,wrng doc HADLEY VILLAS APARTMENTS ; t$eq* — 189 09/21/2011 12:50 7605640344 LA QUINTA PALMS PAGE 02/03 CERTIFICATION OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE The undersigned, being duly authorized to execute this certificate on behalf of LA QUINTA REAL ESTATE, property managers for the rental housing units owned by the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY as part of the LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAM, hereby represents and warrants that: 1. As of June 30, 2011, the following number of residential units on the Rental Properties (1) are currently occupied by tenants qualifying as a Very Low Income Household at Affordable Rents; (dl) .are currently occupied by tenants qualifying as Low Income Household at Affordable Rents; p8) are ourrenty occupied by other tenants having Incomes of not greater than 11200/6 of area -wide median income (the above terms are defined In California Health and Safety Code Section 50053); or (lv) are currently vacant and being held available for occupancy by Qualtying Renters and have been so held continuously since the date Qualifying Renters vacated such unit, as indicated: i. q units at Very Low Income fr. $ units at Low Income Ili. 8- units at Moderate Income iv. -a- vacant units 21 LLn 1.*5 - Sac,+L:) n 2. The unit size, the rental amount charged and collected by Owner, the number of occupants and the Income of the occupants for each unit on the Rental Properties is set forth on the attached list. All units on the Rental Properties are rented at Affordable Rent. LA QUINTA PALMS REALTY Dated: -26b r) 14waaYrrop. Menem. (Printed name and title) rxioowra-rvxenmweus-m.�nsvr ronnwimeAR"a- 190 CERTIFICATION OF CONTINUING PROGRAM COMPLIANCE The undersigned, being duly authorized to execute this certificate on behalf of Vista Dunes Apartments Project, hereby represents and warrants that: 1. He/she has read and is thoroughly familiar with the provisions of the Affordable Housing Agreement between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Vista Dunes Apartments. 2. As of June 30, 2011, the following number of residential units on the Vista Dunes Apartments Project (1) are currently occupied by other tenants having incomes of not greater than 50% of area -wide median income (the above terms are defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 50053); or 120% of area -wide median income for the single moderate income unit; or (ii) are currently vacant and being held available for occupancy by Qualifying Renters and have been so held continuously since the date Qualifying Renters vacated such unit, as indicated: units at Very Low Income vacant units 3. All restricted units on the Vista Dunes Apartments Project are rented at Affordable Rent. VISTA DUNESAPARTMENTS I Dated: _ 2011 By: NhA I � ��( ' AW #a,f rn ner ennett, Natidnal CORE �— �..��. 191 EXHIBIT 5 EXHIBIT 5 — BLIGHT REPORT This section presents the Agency's activities and expenditures made in Fiscal Year 2010-11 to alleviate blight in the Project Areas. Economic Development In FY 2010-11, the Agency provided $2.3 million to substantially rehabilitate and expand a vacant car dealership. An out-of-state dealer purchased the closed KIA dealership at 79-225 Highway 111 and modified the facility to accommodate a new Chevrolet and Cadillac dealership. The total cost to rehabilitate the facility was $3.2 million. The Agency's investment alleviated blight by eliminating vacancies and improving building conditions. It also created an estimated 51 jobs. As detailed in Table A-1, this consists of 33 temporary jobs related to construction and 18 permanent jobs. The estimate includes direct jobs related to design, construction, and operations, as well as indirect and induced jobs such as those created from providing goods and services to the project. a.� 192 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Jobs Created From 2010-11 Vacant Car Table A-1 Dealership Rehab & Expansion La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Car Dealership Rehabilitation Total Design and Construction Project Costs $3,200,000 Spent in 2010-11 Temporary Direct (Design and Construction) 23 Jobs Created Temporary Indirect and Induced Jobs 10 Created Total Temporary Jobs Created 33 Car dealership building area 31,189 Car dealership jobs per 1,000 square feet* 2.13 Permanent Direct Jobs Created (From 15 Expansion)** Permanent Indirect and Induced Jobs 3 Created (From Expansion) Total Permanent Jobs Created 18 Total Jobs Created 51 * SCAG 2001 Employment Density Study - Average square feet per employees "R&D Flex Space" for Riverside County using Narrow polygon approach - pg 24 ** Assumed IMPLAN Industry Category "Retail Sales - Motor Vehicles and parts" to determine indirect and induced impacts from new car dealership jobs Capital Improvement Projects The Agency invested nearly $12.1 million in capital improvement projects in Fiscal Year 2010-11 ($10.3 million in Redevelopment Project No. 1 and $1.8 million in Redevelopment Project No. 2). The projects are described in Table A-2. Capital improvement projects alleviate blight by repairing inadequate public improvements and removing impediments to development, which encourage new development and expand the City's economic base. 193 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I FY20102M1 'Uprta' bymjmwtPmiods rffileh2 _LaCuntaRedvMq nentAgmW - RojedAm Agawy 0"WRlyd Nat - pmjed _. TOW00st Cantifbtim Sauces Shel ckaUlaw 12511.00 12,5ll.DD Qr4 SherFbckPhase 2lnfre5nacre 5884.00 5,884.00 01Hdd Cb6 Cart- Phase l 1,687.00 1,687.00 Conplete SherFbckCarral 14339.00 14,339.00 CarshcxionRem MIlageArm Irfill lnpmwrents 135821.00 57,349.00 56821 EgdeGad Cprplele IarxiscapeGeersProjecct 232864.OD 3D,64000 Gnaal;AB939 CaroLdonRom EsmfoaeSyrdroMratim 27Q183.OD 64,09300 CIVIAQ CorshudonPhase ArawnDtneS2etalxdDanagelnproerwts 275,407.00 275,40700 Carrpkb VfthgbonSt&QdleTanpaaTnpleLAt-pdUrded 164000.O0 165,OOQOD CorsbuctionRase WlageLaclAapsitim 3,931,777.00 3,931,777.00 InPrg7ess vwlSIbMtigatim 1,26Q875.OD 1,265,87500 CarstrcctimPase Vage lard 98a9880D 988,96849 Omplete Fisder5plex lQ00D.O1) 10,00000 InRcgres Yess14ac5plec 402,823.00 412,82300 Canplele Yessayiyia Mllgelad 1,449,352.00 1,449,35200 Complete Uvon H xm mars land Rrdese 9460D 94600 - In Ragress PalwWkge lard 1,44Q310.00 1,449,310.00 In Ragres Frn+odfhlSubbml $ 10751078.00 $ 1Q25529249 ASreetBdemcn(DuaePanne toKam Ctr) $ 1150460D $ 1,375.00 Trarspaistim;La«doper Urder0.sgn HNy111 Ulilyllydargwrid 8527100 85,60200 Lk brDsagn FMy111LbIityUAsrgaurd-pukndad 75244.00 75,244.00 UberDeagn JefiasonShe ParMayLaclampng 34$250.00 348,250.D0 llderDesign Drainage lnproeerw(NESrmn&V%bshm * 72,280.00 72,2B0.00 Curplele AdaneSAdrm¢dim 85445.OD 50,56200 GTr4''l.1. InPmgres MraPbest9;ferfiar Basin Mr6ficatiare 69,474.OD 60,474.00 In Pmgew MraFlom Pawn im Basin Mx56csbons� 34177.00 325,177.00 In Rag m Washington SMal Left atMoe4Bl6serlan -prafi dai 255670.00 255,67QDD InRoges FMy1llDadicatedP4tTunalVYshirgtmSLer! 4277.OD 4,777.00 CoslndimRase VOtshugonStDairagelnpmwrents-Phase 2 33,710.OD 33,710.OD InPmgrem Wshirgtm St Drair ege lnpoerrenls- Phase 2-pdcrded 332785.00 332,766.00 In Rages MIsAe. lardscepirg 152,767.00 152,7157.00 In Rogaam PmjedNo62SrAlobl 1.958379.0D 1809154.00 - PIXXMAFEPSNO&I&27OTAL $ 12709.457.00 $ 12064,44649 n 194 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY In addition to alleviating blight, Table A-3, the projects funded construction. It also created an construction. Jobs Created From capital improvement projects create jobs for the community. As shown in by the Agency created an estimated 104 direct jobs related to design and estimated 38 indirect and induced jobs generated from activities related to in FY 2010-11 A-3 Project No 1 Proiect No 2 Total Total Design and Construction Project Costs Spent in 2010-11 $10,255,292 $1,809,154 $12,064,446 Temporary Direct (Design and Construction) 88 16 104 Jobs Created Temporary Indirect and Induced Jobs 3 Created 2 6 38 Total Jobs Created 120 22 142 Sources: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency; Minnesota IMPLAN Group Software & 2009 Data In addition to economic development and capital improvement projects, the Agency implemented the affordable housing activities detailed in the Annual Report. a:; 195 EXHIBIT 6 EXHIBIT 6 - HOUSING FUND TRANSACTION DETAIL This section presents the Agency's Housing Fund Transaction detail for Fiscal Year 2010-11. LOW MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND PA 1 - FUND 245 Increase Decrease 7/11/2011 151.50 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 6/30/2011 628.30 0.00 GAIN ON INVSTMNTS/GASB 31 6/30/2011 10,470.19 0.00 GAIN ON INVSTMNTS/GASB 31 6/30/2011 0.00 3,500.00 REVERSE DUE FOM FUND 248 6/30/2011 10,783.37 0.00 INT ALLOC Q/E O6/30/11 6/30/2011 0.00 1,588.74 TRNS INT FOR ADV APR-JUN 6/30/2011 2,140.14 0.00 TRNS INT FOR ADV APR-JUN 6/30/2011 0.00 197,922.25 JUN'11 CIP ACTIVITY 6/30/2011 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 6/28/2011 0.00 14,191.38 JOURNAL SUMMARY 6/16/2011 417.46 0.00 HOX PROP TAX REC'D 6/16 6/15/2011 645.85 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 6/14/2011 0.00 1,300.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 6/3/2011 0.00 29,532.30 JOURNAL SUMMARY 6/1/2011 40,736.88 0.00 SBE ROLL REC'D 6/1/11 5/31/2011 0.00 196,259.97 MAY'l1 CIP ACTIVITY 5/31/2011 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 5/27/2011 0.00 4.59 JOURNAL SUMMARY 5/24/2011 0.00 12,213.03 JOURNAL SUMMARY 5/19/2011 4,348,888.82 0.00 EQUAL ROLL 2 WIRE 5/19/11 5/11/2011 342.85 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 5/10/2011 0.00 26,183.21 JOURNAL SUMMARY 4/30/2011 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 4/30/2011 0.00 65,000.00 SALE/53710 RUBIO/CARBAJAL 4/30/2011 0.00 103,799.93 APRIL'11 CIP ACTIVITY 4/30/2011 0.00 55,627.79 SALE 53-710 AVENIDA RUBIO 4/29/2011 0.00 53,413.30 JOURNAL SUMMARY 4/27/2011 342.85 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 4/26/2011 0.00 21,185.11 JOURNAL SUMMARY 4/22/2011 0.00 13,132.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 4/21/2011 101,217.87 0.00 HOME SALE/52608 AVE DIAZ 4/13/2011 55,627.79 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 4/12/2011 0.00 21,852.50 JOURNAL SUMMARY 4/1/2011 0.00 32,030.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 3/31/2011 0.00 265.07 TRNS INT FOR ADV JAN-MAR 3/31/2011 5,837.85 0.00 INT ALLOC Q/E 03/31/11 3/31/2011 0.00 112,368.25 MARCH'11 CIP ACTIVITY 3/31/2011 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 3/22/2011 57,004.17 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 3/17/2011 32,218.06 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 3/8/2011 0.00 15,146.35 JOURNAL SUMMARY 3/1/2011 0.00 32,243.19 18.5% LOW/NOD TO DS 3/1/2011 0.00 1,387,010.97 LOW/MOD TO DS TRANSFER ,a,; 196 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 2/28/2011 0.00 305,972.36 FEB'11 CIP ACTIVITY 2/28/2011 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 2/181201.1 0.00 6,000.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 2/8/2011 0.00 7,490.45 JOURNAL SUMMARY 2/3/2011 14,741.63 0.00 PROP TAX D12 REC'D 2/3/11 2/l/2011 32,149.60 0.00 SBE ROLL REC'D 2/l/11 2/l/2011 233.75 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 2/1/2011 494.35 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 1/31/2011 0.00 2,500.00 JAN'l1 ADD'L CIP ACTIVITY 1/31/2011 0.00 123,513.29 JAN'l1 CIP ACTIVITY 1/31/2011 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 1/27/2011 4,260,468.24 0.00 EQUALIZED ROLL REC'D 1/27 1/10/2011 1,240.04 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 12/31/2010 1,266.47 0.00 INT ALLOC Q/E 12/31/10 12/31/2010 4,756.70 0.00 INTALLOC Q/E 12/31/10 12/31/2010 0.00 1,050.00 TRNS INT FOR ADV OCT-DEC 12/31/2010 0.00 113,785.41 DEC'l0 CIP ACTIVITY 12/31/2010 0.00 1,306.94 FINANCING AUTH ALLOCATION 12/31/2010 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 12/28/2010 0.00 182.27 JOURNAL SUMMARY 12/27/2010 0.00 8,343.77 JOURNAL SUMMARY 12/17/2010 0.00 2,224.04 JOURNAL SUMMARY 12/3/2010 0.00 3,966.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 12/2/2010 23,029.00 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 11/30/2010 0.00 62,579.35 NOV'10 CIP ACTIVITY 11/30/2010 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 11/23/2010 0.00 15,803.91 JOURNAL SUMMARY 11/12/2010 0.00 12,517.10 JOURNAL SUMMARY 11/9/2010 0.00 13,067.27 JOURNAL SUMMARY 10/31/2010 0.00 204,592.83 OCT'l0 CIP ACTIVITY 10/31/2010 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 10/28/2010 897.19 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 10/26/2010 0.00 11,186.44 JOURNAL SUMMARY 10/12/2010 0.00 238.61 JOURNAL SUMMARY 9/30/2010 0.00 750.00 TRNS INT FOR ADV JUL-SEP 9/30/2010 153.59 0.00 INT ALLOC Q/E 09/30/10 9/30/2010 1,112.94 0.00 INT ALLOC Q/E 09/30/10 9/30/2010 0.00 24,293.90 SEPT'l0 CIP ACTIVITY 9/30/2010 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 9/30/2010 0.00 443,552.30 TRANS 18.5% LM TO DS 9/30/2010 0.00 2,576,126.97 TRANS LOW/MOD TO DS 9/22/2010 1,246.10 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 9/14/2010 0.00 23,956.95 JOURNAL SUMMARY 9/2/2010 151.50 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 9/2/2010 600.00 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 8/31/2010 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 8/31/2010 0.00 13,852.07 AUGUST'10 CIP ACTIVITY 8/31/2010 0.00 2,279.10 RECLASS CLEAN-UP EXPENSES 8/31/2010 0.00 300.00 RECLASS REHAB CLEAN-UP 8/24/2010 0.00 2,280.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 8/17/2010 8,171.64 0.00 PROP TAX D06 REC'D 8/17 8/17/2010 6,119.00 0.00 PROP TAX R06 REC'D 8/17 197 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8/11/2010 694.19 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 7/31/2010 0.00 17,231.20 JUL'10 CIP ACTIVITY 7/31/2010 0.00 200.00 RECLASS CIP CLOSED PROJ 7/31/2010 5,059.22 0.00 RECOGNIZE FY09/10 INT REC 7/30/2010 0.00 78,964.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 7/27/2010 0.00 12,282.72 JOURNAL SUMMARY 7/27/2010 845.69 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 7/23/2010 0.00 1,192.50 JOURNAL SUMMARY 7/8/2010 484.83 0.00 PROPERTY TAX RHE 7/8/10 7/8/2010 11,992.23 0.00 TAX INCREMENT D05 7/8/10 9,043,361.85 7.357,955.68 LOW MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND PA 2- FUND 246 Increase Decrease 7/12/2011 0.00 1,404.50 JOURNAL SUMMARY 6/30/2011 40,572.28 0,00 GAIN ON INVSTMNTS/GASB 31 6/30/2011 31,720.76 0.00 INT ALLOC Q/E 06/30/11 6/30/2011 0.00 24,759.45 ADJUST Y/E NEGATIVE CASH 6/30/2011 19,426.90 0.00 JUN'11 CIP ACTIVITY 6/30/2011 1,404.50 0.00 REVR 7/12/11 AP CHECK RUN 6/30/2011 204.83 0.00 R05 PROP TAX REC'D 6/30 6/30/2011 73.27 0.00 D05 PROP TAX REC'D 6/30 6/30/2011 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 6/28/2011 0.00 1,517.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 6/16/2011 209.78 0.00 HOX PROP TAX REC'D 6/16 6/14/2011 0.00 1,472.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 6/1/2011 12,866.18 0.00 SBE ROLL REC'D 6/1/11 5/31/2011 0.00 73,762.29 MAY'11 CIP ACTIVITY 5/31/2011 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 5/31/2011 3,138.75 0.00 RECLASS TERRA NOVA 6/26/2011 947.85 0.00 TAX INCREMENT DO4 5/26111 5/26/2011 18,330.12 0.00 TAX INCREMENT RO4 5/26111 5/24/2011 0.00 29,070.16 JOURNAL SUMMARY 5/19/2011 2,387,599.77 0.00 EQUAL ROLL 2 WIRE 5119/11 5/10/2011 0.00 6,043.72 JOURNAL SUMMARY 5/5/2011 15,508.65 0.00 TAX INCREMENT R12 CY NOV 4/30/2011 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 4/30/2011 0.00 61,248.58 APRIL'11 CIP ACTIVITY 4/26/2011 0.00 24,003.72 JOURNAL SUMMARY 4/22/2011 0.00 6,468.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 4/12/2011 0.00 28,666.82 JOURNAL SUMMARY 3/31/2011 20,395.82 0.00 INT ALLOC Q/E 03/31/11 3/31/2011 0.00 24,823.44 MARCH'11 CIP ACTIVITY 3/31/2011 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 3/22/2011 0.00 3,500.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 3/10/2011 0.00 100.00 DUNE PALMS APPL FEE 3/8/2011 0.00 24,560.12 JOURNAL SUMMARY 3/2/2011 0.00 5,905.00 TRF APPLICATION FEES 3/1/2011 0.00 683,154.66 LOW/MOD TO DS TRANSFER 2/28/2011 0.00 190,574.41 FEB'11 SILVERROCK REVENUE . ; 198 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 2/28/2011 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 2/18/2011 0.00 3,077.68 JOURNAL SUMMARY 2/8/2011 0.00 24,300.08 JOURNAL SUMMARY 2/1/2011 10,173.49 0.00 SBE ROLL REC'D 2/1/11 2/1/2011 233.75 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 1/31/2011 0.00 16,240.68 JAN'11 CIP ACTIVITY 1/31/2011 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 1/27/2011 2,337,121.96 0.00 EQUALIZED ROLL REC'D 1/27 1/11/2011 0.00 622.54 JOURNAL SUMMARY 12/31/2010 0.00 13,845.60 ADD'L DEC'10 CIP ACTIVITY 12/31/2010 31,180.46 0.00 INT ALLOC Q/E 12/31 /10 12/31/2010 0.00 30,017.45 DEC'10 CIP ACTIVITY 12/31/2010 0.00 735.16 FINANCING AUTH ALLOCATION 12/31/2010 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 12/28/2010 0.00 790.81 JOURNAL SUMMARY 12/27/2010 0.00 31,329.61 JOURNAL SUMMARY 12/17/2010 0.00 9,854.07 JOURNAL SUMMARY 12/14/2010 0.00 2,800.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 12/10/2010 0.00 573.95 JOURNAL SUMMARY 12/3/2010 0.00 12,909.88 JOURNAL SUMMARY 11/30/2010 0.00 2,353.13 NOV'10 CIP ACTIVITY 11/30/2010 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 11/23/2010 0.00 28,938.75 JOURNAL SUMMARY 11/12/2010 0.00 17,587.11 JOURNAL SUMMARY 11/9/2010 0.00 23,801.03 JOURNAL SUMMARY 10/31/2010 0.00 2,628.63 OCT'10 CIP ACTIVITY 10/31/2010 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 10/28/2010 8,719.00 0.00 CR CASH RECEIPTS 10/26/2010 0.00 27,777.58 JOURNAL SUMMARY 10/12/2010 0.00 118.88 JOURNAL SUMMARY 9/30/2010 3,847.58 0.00 INT ALLOC Q/E 09/30/10 9/30/2010 0.00 3,696.85 SEPT'10 CIP ACTIVITY 9/30/2010 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 9/30/2010 2,143,702.47 0.00 REVERSE DUE TO/DUE FROM 9/30/2010 0.00 1,268,838.66 TRANS LOW/MOD TO DS 9/14/2010 0.00 30,398.31 JOURNAL SUMMARY 8/31/2010 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 8/31/2010 0.00 9,969.95 AUGUST'10 CIP ACTIVITY 8/24/2010 0.00 10,980.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 8/17/2010 11,918.17 0.00 PROP TAX D06 REC'D 8/17 8/10/2010 0.00 684.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 7/31/2010 15,404.68 0.00 RECOGNIZE FY09/10 INT REC 7/30/2010 0.00 45,969.00 MONTHLY GF REIMB 7/27/2010 0.00 34,945.40 JOURNAL SUMMARY 7/23/2010 0.00 2,037.50 JOURNAL SUMMARY 7/13/2010 0.00 8,730.09 JOURNAL SUMMARY 7/8/2010 224.75 0.00 PROPERTY TAX RHE 7/8/10 7/8/2010 1,195.42 0.00 TAX INCREMENT D05 7/8/10 7/8/2010 1,553.30 0.00 TAX INCREMENT R05 7/8/10 7,117,674.49 3,363,245.25 ".: 199 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 6/30/2011 6/30/2011 6/30/2011 6/30/2011 6/l/2011 5/24/2011 5/6/2011 4/30/2011 4/30/2011 4/30/2011 4/29/2011 4/21/2011 4/l/2011 3/31/2011 3/31/2011 3/l/2011 2/28/2011 2/28/2011 2/28/2011 2/22/2011 2/4/2011 2/l/2011 1/21/2011 12/31/2010 12/30/2010 12/30/2010 12/l/2010 11/l/2010 10/22/2010 10/112010 9/30/2010 9/l/2010 7/l/2010 6/3012011 6/l/2011 5/24/2011 5/6/2011 4/29/2011 4/l/2011 3/31/2011 3/l/2011 2/28/2011 HOUSING AUTHORITY PA 1 - FUND 241 Increase Decrease 931.22 0.00 195.84 0.00 1,226.43 0.00 0.00 2,140.14 0.00 100.00 0.00 1,138.74 0.00 75.00 0.00 121,217.87 65,000.00 0.00 55,627.79 0.00 0.00 100.00 121,217.87 0.00 0.00 175.00 0.00 184.93 774.13 0.00 0.00 200.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 139.20 0.00 75.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 75.00 525.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 125.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 125.00 375.00 0.00 0.00 125.00 0 250.00 245, 948.28 126,695.88 HOUSING AUTHORITY PA 1 - FUND 242 Increase Decrease GAIN ON INVSTMNTS/GASB 31 ALLOC Q/E INT TO FUND 241 INT ALLOC Q/E 06/30/11 TRNS INT FOR ADV APR-JUN PAYROLL SUMMARY JOURNAL SUMMARY JOURNAL SUMMARY RECL SALE 52608 DIAZ SALE/53710 RUBIO/CARBAJAL SALE 53-710 AVENIDA RUBIO PAYROLL SUMMARY HOME SALE/52608 AVE DIAZ PAYROLL SUMMARY TRNS INT FOR ADV JAN-MAR INT ALLOC Q/E 03/31/11 PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY JOURNAL SUMMARY JOURNAL SUMMARY. PAYROLL SUMMARY JOURNAL SUMMARY TRNS INT FOR ADV OCT-DEC PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY JOURNAL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY TRNS INT FOR ADV JUL-SEP PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY 1,588.74 0.00 TRNS INT FOR ADV APR-JUN 0.00 100.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 0.00 1,138.74 JOURNAL SUMMARY 0.00 75.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 0.00 100.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 0.00 175.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 450.00 0.00 TRNS INT FOR ADV JAN-MAR 0.00 200.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 25.00 0.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY N. _ 200 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 2/28/2011 ' 25.00 0.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 2/28/2011 0.00 100.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 2/4/2011 0.00 75.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 2/1/2011 0.00 50.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 1/21/2011 0.00 75.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 12/31/2010 525.00 0.00 TRNS INT FOR ADV OCT-DEC 12/30/2010 25.00 0.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 12/30/2010 0.00 100.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 12/1/2010 0.00 100.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 11/1/2010 0.00 125.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 10/22/2010 0.00 100.00 JOURNAL SUMMARY 10/1/2010 0.00 125.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 9/30/2010 375.00 0.00 TRNS INT FOR ADV JUL-SEP 9/1/2010 0.00 125.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 7/1/2010 0 260.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 3,013.74 3,013.74 2004 LOW MODERATE BOND - FUND 248 Increase Decrease 6/30/2011 24,759.45 0.00 6/30/2011 0.00 54,902.66 6/30/2011 30,143.21 0.00 2/28/2011 0.00 1,863,923.54 2/28/2011 2,213,923.54 0.00 1/31/2011 1,793,702.47 0.00 9/30/2010 0.00 2,143,702.47 4,062,528.67 4,062,528.67 ADJUST Y/E NEGATIVE CASH JUN'11 CIP ACTIVITY JUN'11 FISCL AGT ACTIVITY FEB'11 CIP ACTIVITY REQ37 2004 SERIES DRAWDWN JAN'11 CIP ACTIVITY REVERSE DUE TO/DUE FROM a 201