2012 01 11 IABP.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINIA, CALIFORNIA 92253 I/- r-Iry (7 6 0) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 FAX (760) 777-7101 AGENDA INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD Caucus Room 78-495 Calls Tampico- La Quints, CA 92253 January 11, 2012 - 4:00 P.M. I CALL TO ORDER a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Roll Call II PUBLIC COMMENT - (This Is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled on the agenda.) III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on December 14, 2011 for the Investment" Advisory Board. V BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for November 2011 VI CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL �A� Month En d Cash Report and other selected Financial Data December-2011 . ..... B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - October 2011 and, November: 2011 Vil BOARD MEMBER ITEMS At the request of Chairman Spirtos, she asked that the California Supreme Court's Decision to Abolish the RDA be added as an item of discussion. Vill ADJOURNMENT PUBL NOTICES The� Lo Quints Caucus Room is handicapped accessible. if special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please cell the Finance Department at 777-7150, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations wi� a M3 a. 'Any wri tinge or documents provided to a majority of the investment Advisory Bc,.qrd regarding,any item or. this agenda will be made available for public inspection at th , a City Clark counter at City Hall located At 78-495 Calls Tampico, Ls Quinta, CA 9225�� during normal business hours. INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD Meeting December 14, 2011 I CALL TO ORDER Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the hour of 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson Spirtos followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Board Members Mortenson, Blum, Spirtos, Park and Donais ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director, Louise West, Accounting Manager, Vianka Orrantia, Senior Secretary and Bryan Gruber, Lance Soil & Lunghard LLC, Audit Manager II PUBLIC COMMENT - None III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Mr. Falconer requested that upon approval of the confirmation of agenda that Section VI, Item A be the first item of discussion. Board concurred. IV CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of Minutes of Meeting on November 9, 2011 for the Investment Advisory Board. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Blum/Donais to approve the Minutes of November 9, 2011. Motion carried unanimously. *At this time Section VI, Item A was discussed. V BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for October 2011 Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the staff report for the month of October advising the Board that the portfolio decreased by $1.16 million ending the month at $166.3 million. Mr. Falconer further advised that the decrease was due to major capital improvement expenditure projects as follows: $403,000 spent on the "A" Street extension project, $199,000 spent on the Coral Mountain Apartment Project, $111,000 spent on the Phase 2 Washington Street Drainage Project and $100,000 on the Adams Street Bridge Project. Mr. Falconer advised that the investment activity resulted in an average maturity decrease of seven days from the prior month ending the month of October at 117 days and the overall portfolio performance at four basis points ending the month at .35%, with the pooled cash investments at a little over .50% basis points. Mr. Falconer further advised on the $17 million investment due to mature on December 15,.2011 and a reinvestment of $7 million in commercial paper and $10 million into LAIF. Mr. Falconer noted that the $7 million purchase in commercial paper was a short-term note to coincide with the anticipated $18 million payment due to the State of California in mid -January. In response to Board Member Mortenson, Mr. Falconer clarified that bond funds mentioned in the November meeting minutes on page 2, third paragraph were individual investments made listed on page 6 of the Treasurers Report. MOTION — It was moved by Board Members Mortenson/Donais to review, receive, and file the Treasurers Report for October 2011. Motion carried unanimously. VI CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL *A. City of La Quinta Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Audited Financial Report At this time Mr. Falconer clarified the audit process and introduced the City's audit representative Mr. Bryan Gruber of Lance Soll & Lunghard, LLP, Audit Manager. Mr. Gruber presented the Audited Financial Statement for year ending June 30, 2011. Mr. Gruber advised the Board on the audit and the audit process. He further advised that the audit process is conducted in two steps: 1) Interim F� Audit, which is conducted during the fiscal year, at that time the City's internal controls are reviewed. These procedural controls are in place to protect the City's assets and to ensure proper financial reporting. In relation to cash and investments the procedures are also audited to ensure proper reporting of the City's cash and investment balances, in addition to the compliance of the City's Investment Policy with respect to the City's investment portfolio. 2) The second phase of the audit is conducted after the year-end (the second phase was conducted in the month of August, 2011); at this time the amounts of the disclosures that are reported in the financial statements are audited to ensure they are properly stated in all material respect. This is done through various procedures, i.e. the City's cash and investments, third party confirmations letters are sent to all banks for 100% cash balances to ensure proper reporting. In addition, a review of disclosures in the financial statements is also conducted to ensure compliance with the City's Investment Policy. In response to Board Member Blum, Mr. Gruber advised that that a blank confirmation is sent so that it is completed by the investment institution by June 30, additional follow-up procedures are also conducted after June 30 and prior to the initial audit. Mr. Gruber advised that the only item identified in the Auditor's report was a footnote related to the uncertainty of the Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Gruber reviewed for the Board the City's financial performance as follows: Pages 46 - 48: Footnote 3 is a review of the City's cash and investment balances and disclosures relating to Interest Rate Risk, Credit Risk (this item was added this year due to the downgrading long-term sovereign credit rating from AA+ to AAA), Concentration of Credit Risk, Custodial Credit Risk and Investment in State Investment Pool. Pages 17 — 19: Statement of Net Assets is the amounts which assets exceed liabilities. A decrease by approximately $30 million was noted this year due to the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition, Low - Mod apartment complex. Mr. Falconer advised that page 17 reflects approximately half billion in fixed assets, $319,278, 803 are included as part of this sum due to the fact that the City is required to capitalize their roads and right-of-way of roads. Mr. Falconer further advised that the decline in the net activity was due to the contribution of 3 the construction of the Wolff Water Apartments and the relinquishing of the apartments to Wolff Waters. Mr. Gruber advised that one of the two supplemental reports included as a hand-out to the Board and staff was a GASB 31 audit adjustment for LAIF and Bank of New York Investments of $269,103 and was recommended by the auditors as a journal entry to staff. In response to Board Member Mortenson, Mr. Falconer clarified that the line item on page 46 for U.S. Treasury Bills in the amount of $30,073,080 should be a one-year note. In response to Board Member Blum, Mr. Falconer clarified that the public safety overall total of $19,826,372 on page 26 includes various aspects of public safety and the break down for the total is referenced on page 28. Mr. Falconer further clarified that on page 105 is a budgetary line item for Public Safety of $2,000. This amount was a result of fallen officer Bruce Lee and the City Council's decision to contribute to any future fallen officers family. In response to Board Member Blum, Mr. Falconer clarified that $1,051,000 on page 15 was a carryover of appropriations from the previous fiscal year of unused funds budgeted for slurry seal of City streets. In response to Chairperson Spirtos, Mr. Falconer advised the Board that the corrected estimated population on page iv, third paragraph, second sentence should read 37,836. Mr. Falconer further advised that the final revision of the audit report had the reduced population number in it based on the 2010 consensus. Chairperson Spirtos commented on the current expenditures for Planning on pages 26 and 27 and the possible impact the State Supreme Court decision could have if the decision is made to abolish the Redevelopment Agencies. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding the potential impact of the State Supreme Court's decision and the impact to the Redevelopment and the City. In response to Chairperson Spirtos, Mr. Falconer clarified for the Board the Developer Agreement Payable on page 53. 4 The Board and staff thanked Mr. Gruber for his attendance and review of the Financial Audited Report. Noted and Filed B. Month End Cash Report — November 2011 Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the Month End Cash Report advising the Board that Rabobank's initial interest rate quoted to the City will not remain in effect until the end of the term of the contract, although the interest rate remains ten basis points below LAIF, as a result staff will actively manage the account and will begin drawing down on the account. Mr. Falconer advised that LAIF remains at 38 basis points and the overall portfolio at $67 billion. In response to Board Member Mortenson, Mr. Falconer advised that LAIF has been investing in Mortgages, with the current investments at 0.62%. In response to Board Member Mortenson, Mr. Falconer updated the Board on his short-term interim appointment as acting City Manager and the current appointment of Mark Weiss as the Interim City Manager for approximately six months until a permanent City Manager is in place. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding the request for proposal process of the recruitment of a City Manager. Noted and Filed C. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports — September 2011 Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the Pooled Money Investment Board report advising the Board that the portfolio remains the same in comparison to the previous year, and the maturities slightly longer. Noted and Filed D. November 1, 2011 Joint Meeting Minutes with the City Council Noted and Filed R VII BOARD MEMBER ITEMS - None Vill ADJOURNMENT MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Mortenson/Donais to adjourn the meeting at 4:��Motion carried unanimously. Senior Secretary INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD Business Session: A Meeting Date: January 11, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Transmittal of Treasury Report for November 30, 2011 BACKGROUND: Attached please find the Treasury Report November 30, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: Review, Receive and File the Treasury Report for November 30, 2011 6WA& Tatf 4 4 Q" MEMORANDUM Quinta Ci C , ouncii FROM John M Falconer. Finance DirectOr/Treasure, SUBJECT Treasurer's Report for November 30, 2011 DATE December 30, 2011 Attached is the Treasurer's Report for the month ending November, 2011. The report is submitted to the City Council each month after a reconciliation Of accounts is accomplished by the Finance Department The following table summarizes the changes in investment types for the month $ rest bearing active bank deposit 0 121 $ 13,800:0000() 3g:,�!1:1321) $ (2,350,000) 0 $ 26650 984 26,650.984 tificates of Deposit 19 4 724,0001 39 39,546,824 546 824 11,450000 11,450 000 Treasuries 60,955,235 ' 724 000 724,000 19' 19 004 ,004 0 0 Gov't Sponsored Enterprises 14,996,096 (2) (2) 7,195 96 66.962,430 7,195 Imercial Paper 1 P - (2) 746 1 99 14.996,842 746 )Orate Notes jal Funds 5�008,776 (2) 0 0 0 0 0,247 11% (6,751) 5,002,02F5 t6 M 7SI I I certify that this report accurately reflects all Pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Govemment Code; and is in conformity with the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the Pools expenditure requirement, for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the Bureau of the Public Debt, U.S. Bank Monthly Statement and the Bank of New York Monthly Custodian Report to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. I / q 1 2-6 11- Finance Directorrrreasurer — — — ba�te Footnote (1) The amount reported represents the net increase (decrease) of deposit, and withdrawals from the previous month. (2) The amount reported in the other column represents the amortization Of Premium/discount for the month on US Treasury, Commercial Paper and Agency investments, (3) The cash account may reflect a negative balance. This negative balance will be offset with transfers from other investments before warrants are presented for payment by the payee at the bank. Treasurer's Commentary For the Month of November 2011 Cash Balances - The portfolio size decreased by $3.15 million to end the month at $162.9 million. Major capital improvement expenditures were $1.3 million, including $363,000 spent on the "A" Street extension Project, $127,000 spent on the Phase 2 Washington St Drainage Project, and $493,000 on the Adams Street Bridge Project. During November, $1.7 million was paid toward the County of Riverside Sheriff contract. Investment" Activity - The investment activity resulted in an average maturity decrease of twenty three (23) days from the prior month to end the month of November at 94 days. The Treasurer follows a buy and hold investment policy with the no investments maturing in November. The sweep account earned $ 10 in interest income for the month of November and the bank fees for the month were $ 1,540 which resulted in a net decrease of $1,530 in real savings. Portfolio Performance - The overall portfolio performance was two (2) basis points higher than the prior month ending at .37% for the month, with the pooled cash investments at .52%. The portfolio yield should continue to stay at these levels for the near future. At this time last year, the portfolio was yielding .49% which reflects the current interest rate environment. Looking Ahead In the short term, the Treasurer will be investing in LAIF and may look at short term commercial paper or GSE paper. With the recent State Supreme Court ruling the $18 million payment will not be due to the State of California in mid January. 3 z w CY 5 0 0 0 E E x E 0 c w E 0 E > 0 0, E 0 z 0 E x E E c 0 0 z 0 z 0 z 0 z 0 z 0 c 0 c 0 0 z z z z E > 0 0 0 0 o E > > E > > > > a 0 0 c 0 c 0 0 0 c 0 0 > 0 .0 E E E E 0 a 0 0 E > 2 0 0 C5 C5 6 a w E 0 aaaas 0 0 0 0 ..a a 0 - 0 z 0 - - - 0 OR 0 0 0 --Ct 0 < I? > 0 0 0 0 00 o q C5 0 0 0 Ct 0 0 to 0 M ci E ..0 0.0,0 .0 0 0 0.0 000 6 6 �d 00 E Is .000 �gg g coi e '0 0 00. 000 0 0 0 0 0 a ci mo L � I F1,61,61 11-101 F c "6 E -E b 0 v 0 c 0 E z c E c -,o 0 0 w 2 E'. - 0 0 0 �.3: I _0 - < 9 & . — ? 0 LD 0 0 z c 0 Z, 0. 0 C. 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I, - Ede. og --------- ------- MA HI ;-Ja�2 E w E 12 '- 00-9.�- ZSE E t I p C.01 uf Le QuInta Comparative Rates oflatefest lb.�Orntba,30,2011 City of u Quints A,ae.g. I I Tma..N 1111aft4ole 1 1 Threes Month August 2W7 5 17% 485% 508% 109 459% 525% Suitt 2007 516% 486% 506% 129 400% 523% W 2W7 5 11% 485% 502% 116 395% 5 14% Nw 2007 503% 483% 4N% 99 334% 4 95% Dec 2007 495% 343% C45% 123 3,39% 480% Jan 2WO 458% 333% 422% 96 231% 462% Feb 2W8 412% 324% 86 207% 4,16% Mar2008 407% 283% 367% 74 150% 378% Agr20N 3,45% 327% 341% 82 170% 340% Wy 2MB 3A4% 327% 3 17% 63 192% 307% June 2008 309% 194% 2.156% 80 214% 289% FY 06109 JJly 2008 299% 193% 277% 62 1.70% IJm% 229% 2,76% 2,16% 279% August20N 316% 192% 288% 51 169% 189% 2.14% 238% 208% 278% Sept2008 281% 192% 2"% 37 142% 179% 1 �% 200% 2 13% 277% Cct2008 266% 261% 261% 29 090% 1,40% 1.72% lm% 207% 2.71% bw 2008 238% 236% 2 M% 64 015% 049% 104% 125% 145% 2 57% Dec 2008 160% 0 18% 1 42% 116 0,05% 025% 059% 0,88% 097% 2 35% Jan 2009 136% 018% 123% 82 015% 0,35% 043% 088% 031% 205% Feb 2009 123% 018% 1 11% 75 0 30% 050% 061% 088% 048% 1 67% Mar2009 126% 018% 1 13% 69 020% 042% 0.70% 088% 037% 182% Apr200Q 0,94% 0,18% 086% 54 031% 033% 059% ON% 028% 161% Wy 2W9 092% 0 18% 084% so 0,18% 030% 0,53% OJm% 023% 1,S3% June 209 085% 029% 0,80% Ill 0.20% 035% 055% IA3% 026% 138% FY 09110 July 2009 069% 030% 0,65% Ill 0.19% 0.28% 047% IJW% 0,28% 104% August 2009 O�% 030% 0.61% 92 0.16% 0,26% 046% 1,00% 0.24% 0,93% Sept 2009 056% 031% 0,53% 112 0,12% 0.19% 0,41% lko% 0,19% 075% W 2009 0,52% 031% 0,50% 90 008% 019% O.M% 100% 019% 0,65% Nov200g 0,56% 031% 053% 152 0,04% 0.14% O.�% 075% OA5% 061% Dec 2W9 0,56% 0,15% 051% 239 OAM 020% 016% 1.00% 016% 057% Jan 2010 046% 015% 0.43% 179 ON% 0.14% 034% 088% 0 13% OM% Feb 2010 051% 016% 048% 162 013% 0,19% 032% 088% a 15% 0,58% Mar2010 050% 016% 047% 172 015% 024% 038% 100% 020% 055% AW 2010 052% 0,16% 048% 162 015% 024% 049% i.W% 023% 059% Wy 2010 052% 016% 0,48% 116 0 17% 022% 037% 015% 028% 0 56% June 2010 052% 003% 037% 134 0 16% 022% 032% 063% 032% 0,53% FY 10111 July 2010 050% 0 15% 047% 119 016% 020% 0,30% 063% 028% 0 53% August 201 049% 015% 046% 108 015% 019% 026% 038% 025% 0 51% Sept20lO 055% 0,16% 051% 107 016% 0,19% 027% 038% 024% 050% Oct 2010 0,55% 0 15% 051% 88 013% 0 17% 0,23% 0,38% 023% 048% No� 2010 053% 015% 0.49% 84 018% 021% 028% 0,50% 023% 045% Dec 2010 057% 0 14% 0.52% 265 015% 0,19% 030% 0,63% 023% 046% Jan 20il 051% 014% 0,43% 206 016% 018% 0,28% 063% 024% 054% Feb 2011 055% 017% 046% 210 015% 0 17% 0,31% 063% 023% 051% sAar201l 054% 017% 045% 218 005% 013% 0,26% 0.75% 023% 0,50% A, 2011 059% 017% 048% 192 005% 010% 028% 063% 020% 059% WV2011 048% 0 17% 041% t56 006% 0,12% 020% OW% 0,16% 041% June 2011 053% ON% 035% 126 003% 0 10% 020% 038% 0 15% 045% FY 11112 July 2011 053% 000% 035% 112 007% 012% 0,15% 020% 014% 0:38% August 2011 060% 000% 038% 02 i24 002% 005% 0 10% 0 13% 016% 041% Sapt2011 058% 0 03% 0 39�� 002% 006% OOA% OA3% 014% 038% Oct 2011 053% 1 117 1 001% 006% 012% 025% 0,45% 039% H.�2011 052% 1 94 1 1 0,03% 0,07% 1 0 10% 025% 0 14% 0 40% 10 E > 0 > c t5 0 ol z -Ef cc —j 0 91 Cc C) C) co cq CD C,4 C) 1 C) 9 tl� C) ci C) c; ci C) IL 11 INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD Correspondence & Written Material Item A Meeting Date: January 11, 2012 TITLE: Month End Cash Report for December 2011 and Other selected Financial Data BACKGROUND: This cash report is not a complete Treasury Report (exclude petty cash, deferred compensation and fiscal agent balances), but would report in a timely fashion selected cash balances. RECOMMENDATION: Information item only. M. Falconer,' Finance Director IN v 0 LN 0 IN LILL cN CIO 0 10 N - M. Nw N W ws d 0 ci 0 ci 0 LM c so 0 0 1 1 0 st co M cD OLD 0 cl I 2.6 g 64 cN6 gi I p, 0 0 12 0 E E L. sw ;<U 75 w am LD IM w ILI �Moz 0 IM A E 9 E 0 0 < t� 0 E E E 0- E 16 FA Bill Lockyer, State Treasurer Inside the State Treasurer's Office Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) PMIA Performance Report 12/15/2011 a a 0.38 0.39 247 12/16/2011 0.38 0.39 247 12/17/2011 0.38 0.39 247 12/18/2011 0.38 0.39 247 12/19/2011 0.381 0.39 2421 12120/2011 0.38 0.39 245 12/21/2011 0.38 0.39 251 12/22/2011 0.38 0.39 256 12/23/2011 0.38 0.39 255 12/24/2011 0.37 0.39 255 12/25/2011 0.37 0.39 255 12/26/20111 037 0.39 H8. 0.39 251 =12/27/2011 0111 0.371 0.391 2541 LAIF Performance Report Quarter ending 09/30/2011 Apportionment Rate: 0.38% Earnings Ratio: .00001042339247730 Fair Value Factor: 1.001847592 Daily: 0.37% Quarter To Date: 0.39% I Average Life: 236 PMIA Average Monthly Effective Yields NOV 2011 0.401% OCT 2011 0.385% SEP 2011 0.378% Taily yield does not reflect capital gains or losses Pooled Money Investment Account Portfolio Composition $66.3 Billion 11/30/11 Loans 20.010/1 Corporate Bonds 0.00% Commercial Papel 4.67% Time Deposits 6.28% , CDs/BNs 8.75% Agencies 10.11% Mortgages 0.62% Treasuries 49.56% r,cuum t3m Auculan iswsum TreasuryDirect III o,, � Trstftut�on a I � A�nAunrq ri—ts, Data & RAI U It, � L.W,1 A. Inro DtIs - wll,'t III I A I� I Io. Kr- I I I Recent Bill Auction Results 5��.lfty mIawflity do- ... I IWI,..Z.A CUSIR Term .1. Raw To ..'a - a 4-WEEK 12 29 -201� 01-2 -2012 0,000 a 000 100 000000 79SY70 qV 13-.EEK 12 29 201 03-269-20 2 00 25 0 025 99 993681 9 279551`4 26.WEEK 12 29-2011 06-28-2012 O�Iss 0 056 99 97"9A 9127953W9 4 WEEK 12 22-2011 01 19 2012 0,000 0 noo too 000000 912,951"? W 13 EEK 22 20�� 03-22-2012 0,005 a 005 99 999736 9127955E7 26 -WEE R 12 2-22 20 R6 21 2012 0 040 0 04� 99 97977K 9127955T� 4 WEEK 12-15 2011 01 12 2017 0 000 0 no. 100 000000 9"7952YG " -WEEK 12 15 2.11 03 1b 20l2 0 010 ano 9� ts7412 912795SD9 2� -WEEK U-I!s 20tI 06 14 2.1� 0 045 0 046 99,977250 91279155il 52-WEIEK 12-15-2011 12 13 20IL2 0 110 0,112 99.868778 912795stio 4 WEEK 12-08 2011 01 I's 2012 0 600 0,000 100 Ontario 9127954A6 13-WEEK 12 08-201l 03 08-20l2 0 U05 ..005 99.9987311 9121953134 26 WEEK 12-08-2011 06 0/ 2012 0 050 0.051 99 974722 91279551`8 4-WEEK 1, 2-01-2011 12 29 2011 0 020 0.020 99,998444 9117953Z2 I 13-WEEK 12 01 20'r 03-01-2d12 0 010 0,031 99.992417 91219SZ46 26-WEEK l2-0t-2 0,07 0.071 99,964611 912/953S8 4-WEEK 11 25 22� !12-21;-1200�1 0 a 200 0.020 99.998500 9127o53Y5 t3-WEEK 11-25-2011 02-23-2012 0 015 0.015 99.996250 91279SZ38 26 WEEK 11-25 2011 05-M-2012 0 050 0.051 99 974861 9127955P2 4 WEEK 11 17 2011 12-IS-2011, a nos 0 005 99.999611 9127952T7 13 WEEK 11 17-2011 02-16 7012 0 010 0 olo 99.997472 91279SZ20 26 WEEK 11-17-2011 05 17 7012 . 040 0.041 99,979778 9127955N7 52 WEEK tt-17-2011 11 IS-2012 a 100 0.102 SS898889 o12795511 4 WEEK 11 to-2.1t 12-08 2011 0 000 )MO 100,000000 9127953X7 13 WEEK it 10 2011 02-09 2(u2 0 005 0,005 99�998736 91279530 26 WEEK 11 10-2011 05 to 2012 0,035 Oa36 99.9`32306 9l27955M9 4 WEEK It-03 2011 12-01 20l, 0 005 0,005 99 999611 9127953VI 13 WEEK 11 0-2011 02-02 2012 0,010 0 010 99.997472 91279SY88 26WIEK, 11-iu-2oll 05-03-2012 0,055 OaS6 99.972194 4127953N9 4-WEEIK 10 27 2011 1�-25-2011 0.005 0,005 95l999597 9t27953U3 13-WEEK 10-27-2011 01-26-2012 0,020 Oa20 99.9949" 91279SY70 26-WEEK� 10 27 2011 O',_26-2012 0 060 0�061 99,969667 912795SK3 4 WEEK t0-20-2011 11 17 2011 0 ons (,015 �9 9a8a3ci 9127s52P5 13 WEEK 10-20-2011 01 19-2012 0,010 0 031 99 992417 91279SY62 26-WEEK 10-20-20ll 04 to 2012 Doss 0 06E 99 967139 q12795516 52-WEEK 10-20 2011 10 18-200 GA20 0 122 99 8186U 9I27955G� 1-WIEK 10 13-2011 11 10-20ti 0 010 O'Glo 99.�`W222 %27953A O-WEEK 10-13 20tr 01-12 2012 1,015 0Al5 Is 196208 gt27952Y6 26 WEEK 10 13 2011 04 12 2012 0 D,15 0 a46 99,q77250 9127955HO 5 DAY Ir-12 2011 10 17 2011 0 0.0 0 HE I no MIKE q12796API Effea,e With the 11/2/98 auction, all bills are auctioned using the single -priced rnethord. ll Iof.nI,o -11 All I Ll, & 3..'].... [ V ...... & Ltq'I N.rrA� r, , I A�c,,�flrN, I D,tl Q,1,1o, U.S f it" ,I Uh, Publ. D'v 4 http://www.treasurydirect.gov/RI/OFBills 1/3/2012 1WUUIIL iNULVy UVIIU, 111U 111 0 -11Or--lO - -I- - -- - TreasuryDirect 11— 1 111�1,hfto�ll I Data & or�suts , LaDst AUCU�ll Dcl�ll I ReCillit WtO. Ul,fld, dild I ill, l`llln�)' R1�111111 Recent Note, Bond, and TIPS Auction Results sa—ft, Dart. I... 1.�.R, Maturity lnl.,Btt Yi,.,Id , P,!,,,O.B CUSDp ..1. Data at. . % t1a 2-YEAR NOTE 01-03-2012 17 31-201, 0 �25 0 240 99,771630 A2828RW2 5 YEAR NOTE 01 03-2012 12-31-7016 .875 0 880 99 975602 912828RUS0 7-YEAR NOTE 01 03-2012 11 11-2018 1 375 1 43. 99,635210 91282BRY8 4 YEAR 1 MONTH TIPS 12 30-2011 04-15 ?016 . 0 125 -0 877 to, Slas... S,2628QD5 3 YEAR NOTE 12 15-2011 12-15 2014 0 2SR 0 352 99,695676 912828RV4 9 YEAR It MONTH NOTE 12 15 2011 11 15 2021 2 ISO 2 020 99,81968M 912828RR3 29 YEAR 11 MONTH BOND U 15-2011 11 15 2041 3.125 L925 103,16.��l 9128iOQIB 2 YEAR NOTE 11 30-2011 11-30 2013 0,250 0 2.0 99 9.02U9 912528ASt 5 �AR NOTE 11 30-2011 11-30 2016 0 875 O�937 99,697S40 9I2828HUA 7-YEAR NOTE 11 30 2011 11-30 2038 1.3/5 1 �15 qq 13'ITI3 9�282BR19 9-YEAR 8 MONTH UES 11-30 2011 07 15 2021 0,615 0 099 10� 133646 912828QVb 3 YEAR NOTE 11-15 2011 11-15 2014 0 315 0 tl� SEI 9r.07T ��2628IQ5 10-YLAR NOIE 11-15 2011 11 15 2021 1 )Do 1�030 �R,/29 /25 91281UPP3 30 YEAR BODD 11 15 20 i� 11-15 2041 3 12S 3 199 96 �19 5�4 9�2810QTB 2 YEAR NOIF 0 31 201 10-31-2. 1 1 0 2SO 0 )81 Ruq1R2 1 9 2828RN2 5 YEAR NO�F 2011 10-31-2016 1 000 JeSS as /12813 912828RM4 N 10 3� Y AR 0 T 0 3 -2011 10-31-2018 1 so i3ol `,q /11189 qI2828E11 '29 YEAR I MONTH D RS �0-31 20�1 02-�S-2041 2 125 0 999 132 9S 12q � 912810QP6 3-YEAR NOTF G_j 7-20 1 10 5 ?014 0 Soo 0,544 99 869476 912820R16 9-YEAR 10 MONTH NOTE 10-17-2011 08 15 1021 2 125 2 271 IN 717572 g12628RC6 29 YEAR 10-MONTH BOND 10 17-7011 09-15-2041 3 15. 3 120 112T66894 912810QSO 2 YEAR NOTE 09-30-2011 09-30 2013 0,125 0,249 99 75?770 912628RN8 5-YEAR NOTE 09-30-2011 09 36-2016 1 000 1 015 99 927052 912828P]l 7-YEAR I OTE 09-30-2011 09 30 2018 1 375 1 496 99,198680 912.29RH5 9 YEAR 10 MONTH In MS 09-30-2011 07 15 2021 0 625 0 076 105 $82684 912828QV5 3 YEAR NOTE 09-15 2011 09-15 2014 0 250 0 334 99 749466 912828RG7 9-YEAR 11 MONTH NOTE 09-15-2011 08 15 2021 2 125 2 000 101 117812 912828RC6 29 YEAR 11 MONTH BOND 09 15 2011 08-15 2041 3 750 3 310 108 310327 912810QSO 2-YEAR NOTE 08-31-2011 08 31-2013 0 125 0 222 99,606517 q12828RD4 4 YEAR S-MONTH IT PS 08 31 2011 04 15-2016 0 125 0,825 106 852530 912828QD5 5-YEAJI NOTE 08 31-2011 OR 31-201b 1 000 ID29 99 659020 9t2828B19 7-YEAR NOTE 08-31 2011 08 31-2010 500 INBE) 99 471828 912828RE2 3-YEAR NOTE 0. 15-2011 08 IS-2014 0 5.0 . Soo 100 000000 912828... 10-YEnR NOTE 06 15 2011 08-15-2021 2 125 2A40 99 865607 912828.CA 30-YUR BOND 08-15-2011 08 15-2041 3 750 3 /50 160 000000 q1281EQ50 1 2 YEAR NOTE 08-W-2011 01-31 2013 0 37S PAT � 99 916547 91222SQY3 9 YEAR NOTE 08 01-2011 01 31-201A 500 LS80 99 617012 qi28?8QXI I -YEAR NOTE OR 01-2011 07-31-2018 2 250 iT280 99 806914 912828QYa 10 YEAR TiPS 07 29 2011 02 15 2021 0 625 . 16�u Ilu) 076731 "2828cw, 3 YEAR NOTE 07 IS 2011 07 15 7014 . 625 OB70 99 8665bg 91292SQ117 Denotes TIPS bond; all other TIPS without asterisks are notes ....... lnfi,"�""" -Ct I i" � [ f - ... ii l ... ! No I m, I o iL "', i,'rl I. C, T, [Ti"i Q'." I, k' TS, L111,1n.11,11 lift", TTalu,, IT; h, "ITT, n'," http://www.treasurydirect.gov/RI/0FNtebnd 1/3/2012 5 r KD:. ii-orrunerclai rapUr J1,dLUN autJ k_;UtbLdUlUlll6 OUL11111011y Where New - What's Next - Site Map A�Z Index - Germans RSS - s,r,.h . r" . r� � , Banking Erommile About N. Flood., Payment peaeure, Consumer Communflor R�poftmg P.1,11ratinins none, Information Irbarm.a... D.e.l.orner, Far.. the Fed SE Verde ntmm z s,"em, . Do. - Home > Econom, Research & Data > Sonatesil ReleageS and Historical Data Commercial Paper Summary Rates VolumeStabstics Outstanding Year-end Maturity Distribution About Announcements Commercial Paper Rates and Outstanding Summary Derived from data supplied by The Depositary Trust & Clearing Corwration Data as oi December 30. 2011 Posted,lanuaiv 3,2012 The Commercial paw release will usually be Posted daily at 9 AS a m. Howeyer the Federal Reserve Boom makes no guarantee regarding the timing of the daily posting This polficy is subject to Change at any time without notice Rates AA nonfinancial Period 1-day 7-day 15-day 30-day 60-day I 90-day Dec: 27 0.04 0.121 0.101 0.0: ____n.a. n.a. Dec. 28 0.04 0.10 0.05 i 0.0 nua. 0.15 Dec. 29 , 0.05 0.11 0.05 0.04 0.09 0.14 Dec. 30, 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.07 0.11 0.15 Jan. 2 nua. na. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. A2/P2 nonfinancial _T_ 1-d.y 7-day 15-day 30-day 60-day 90-day 0.36 0.47 0.55 0.49 0.66 nua. 0.35 0.45 0.49 0.44 0.62 n.a. 0.36 0.40 0.52 0.55 0.61 ..a. 036 J, 0.39 0.47 0.60 0.27 na. n.a. na. na. nua. nua. n.a. Note ne, indicates that Inside data was insufficent to support casnabon of Me particular (ate AA financial Period ­ 1-day 7-day ' 1 15-day -- 30-day 60-day 90-day Dec. 27 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.12 Dec. 20 0.05 0.13 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.13 I Dec. 29 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.08 0.15 -0.02-, -0-02 DB._a 0--_ 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.13 ]Ihn. 2 ra. . n.a. F.a. n.a. nua. n.a. AA asset -backed 1�d.y 7-da, 15-da, 30-day 60-day : 90-day 0.57 0.71 0.69 0.31 0.27 0.33 0.59 0.94 0.82 0.30 0.31 0.27 0.64 0.90 0.35 0.18 0.26 0.28 0.76 0.24 0.32 0.27 0.46 0.55 Full. na. nua. n.a. n.a. n.a. Nots: na, indicates that trade data was insufficient to supped calculation of Me particular rate Outstanding Levels Seasonally adjusted Billions of doll. Nonfinancial Financial Asset - Period I Total f Total Domestic Foreign Total Domestic i Other Foreign I backed lilodrrthly�ncl leigals 2011 Aug. 1,091.1 1 169.9 137.4 32.5 557.5 1 333.5 224.0 363.7 0 Sept. j 028.5 167.1 130.7 36.4 513.8 320.4 193.4 347.6 .0 1 Oct. 1,019.0 186.7 147.0 39.6 -4 490.8 299.1 191.8 341.5 .0 Nog. 993.3 187.6 149.3,1 38.2 479.3 292.5 186.8 326.3 .0 Dec. 937.5 174.9 139.1 35.8 434.4 269, 2 1 65.3 328.0 i .2 Weekly (Wednesday) lakelf; 0 1llDDP AFrot 6 http://www.federalreserve.gov/Releases/CP/ 1/3/2012 p": commerciai raper KaEes ana Near. 30 : j 1,002.1 199.1 159.1 40.0 482.1 306.7 175.4 320.8 .0 Dec. 7 997.3 201.3 162.3 39.0 471.5 303.4 168.1 324.4 A Dec. 14 991.7 199.6 161.6 , 38.1 460.3 295.7 164.5 331.7 .1 Dec. 21 986.5 201.1 162.2 38.9 454.3 294.8 159.5 331.0 1 Dec. 26 959.3 195.3 157.9 37.4 435.9 283 1 152.7 328.0 .2 Not seasonally adjusted Billions ofdollars Nonfinancial I Financial Asset - Period Total -Total Dome-S-ti, Other Total i DomestiC Foreign Monthly -and laurels __ ___ 2 ____ F__ 011-Aug. 1 1,049.6 175.5 1".1 1 31.4 516.3 f 315.0 201.3: 357.11 C 1 Sept. 11,004.41 158.6 124.7 1 34.0 495.6 1 309.0 186.6 1 350.21 C Oct. i 1,027.11 193.8 159.4 34.4 480 6 291.3 189.3 352.7 C Nov. 1,006.5 187.0 155.6 31.4 471.4 289.1 182.2 348.1 X Dec. 969.2 146.3 116.2 30.2 472.4 291.7 180.6 350.4 .2 Weekly (Wednesday) hinnals; Nov. 30 1,006.5 187.0 155,6 31.4 471.41 289.1 182.2 348.1 C Dec. 7 1 1,006.21 188.0 156.2 31.7 474.9 292.6 182.3 343.3 .1 Dec. 14 1 1,004.5 185.5 153.2 32.3 469.7 290.2 179.5 349.2 .3 Dec. 21 1,005.5 IBO.8 148.3 32.5 473.3 299.2 174.1 351.3 Dec. Z8 982.6 160.2 128.6 31.5 472.6 297.5 175.0 349.8 Retum to top Home I Economic research and data Accessibility Contact us Disclaigair ff� Linking Policy FOA PDFReader 0 7 leases/CP/ 1/3/2012 http://www.federalreserve.gov/Re rnmer v ersicin - Douru oi uiovurum s ui ux r cuu, w �ubul v v oy �Lvlll L ar,� i vi Selected Interest Rates (Daily) - H. 15 Current Release Release Dates Daily Update Historical Data About Announcements P4iIy_ljP4ate---- -- - ----- - - - --- Release Date: December 30, 2011 The weekly release is posted on Monday. Daily updates of the weekly release are posted Tuesday through Friday on this site. If Monday is a holiday, the weekly release will be posted on Tuesday after the holiday and the daily update will not be posted on that Tuesday. December 30, 2011 Selected Interest Rates Yields in percentper annum Instruments 2011 Dec 26* 2011 Dec 27 2011 Dec 28 2011 Dec 29 Federal funds (effective) 1 2 3 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 Commercial Paper 3 4 5 6 Nonfinancial 1-month 0.08 0.08 0.04 2-month n.a. n.a. 0.09 3-month n.a. 0.15 0.14 Financial 1-month 0.03 0.02 0.03 2-month 0.06 0.09 0.08 3-month 0.12 0.13 0.15 CDs (secon ary mar et 3 7 1-month 0.25 0.25 0.25 3-month 0.51 0.51 0.51 6-month 0.64 1 0.64 0.64 Eurodollar deposits (London) 3 8 1-month 0.36 0.36 0.36 3-month 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 6-month 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 Bank prime loan 239 3.25 1 3.25 1 3.25 1 3.25 http://www.federaireserve.gov/Releases/HI5/update/ 1/3/2012 rrinier version - t5oaraoi uovemurs ot u1c r cuu, a, �ubclvv oy�tclll , i ar,� � vi , Discount window primary credit 2 10 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 U.S. government securities Treasury bills (secondary market) 34 4-week 0.01 0.00 -0.01 3-month 0.02 0.01 1 0.02 6-month 0.06 0.0.5 0.07 1-year 0.11 0.11 0.11 Treasury constant maturities Nominal 1-month 0 01T 0.00 0.00 3-month 0.02 0.01 0.02 6-month 0.06 0.05 0.07_ 1-year 0.12 0.12 0.12 2-year 0.30 0.28 0.28 3-year 0.45 0.42 0.41 5-year 0.96 0.91 0.88 7-year 1.49 1.41 1.38 10-year 2.02 1.43 1.91 20-year 2.72 2.59 2.58 30-year 3.04 2.91 2.90 Inflation indexed 12 5-year -0.69 -0.72 -0.73 7-year -0.39 -0.42 -0.42 10-year 2 :::�� 71 -0.05 20-year 0.58 0.50 0.54_ 30-year 0.81 0.74 0.78 Inflation -indexed long-term average 13 0.53 0.47 0.50 Interest rate swaps 14 1-year 0.7::2:]::-: 0.72 0.71 2-year 0.77 0.78 0.77 3-year 0.89 =0 9 0=0 .8 8- 4-year 1.11 1.09 1.08 5-year 1.35 1.32 1.30 7-year 1.77 1.72 1.71 10-year 2.17 2.10 2.09 9 http://www.federalreserve.gov/Releases/H I 5/update/ 1/3/2012 rrinter version - DOLinj U1 UUVCHIL11b V1 L11U I �U�Ial I IJI�11 ... . -5- - — 30-year 2.76 2.67 2.65 Corporate bonds Moody's seasoned Aaa 3.94 3.79 n.a. Bea 5.32 5.18 n.a. State & local bonds 3.88 Conventional mortgages 17 3.95 * Markets closed. n.a. Not available. Footnotes 1. The daily effective federal funds rate is a weighted average of rates on brokered trades. 2. Weekly figures are averages of 7 calendar days ending on Wednesday of the current week; monthly figures include each calendar day in the month. 3. Annualized using a 360-day year or bank interest. 4. On a discount basis. 5. Interest rates interpolated from data on certain commercial paper trades settled by The Depository Trust Company. The trades represent sales of commercial paper by dealers or direct issuers to investors (that is, the offer side). The 1, 2, and 3-month rates are equivalent to the 30,60, and 90-day dates reported on the Boards Commercial Paper Web page (www.t'cderalreser%,e.pov,lreleaqes,lcp/). 6. Financial paper that is insured by the FDIC's Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program is not excluded from relevant indexes, nor is any financial or nonfinancial commercial paper that may be directly or indirectly affected by one or more of the Federal Reserve's liquidity facilities. Thus the rates published after September 19, 2008, likely reflect the direct or indirect effects of the new temporary programs and, accordingly, likely are not comparable for some purposes to rates published prior to that period. 7. An average of dealer bid rates on nationally traded certificates of deposit. 8. Source: Bloomberg and CTRB ICAP Fixed Income & Money Market Products. 9. Rate posted by a majority of top 25 (by assets in domestic offices) insured U.S.-chartered commercial banks. Prime is one of several base rates used by banks to price short-terin business loans. 10. The rate charged for discounts made and advances extended under the Federal Reserve's primary credit discount window program, which became effective January 9, 2003. This rate replaces that for adjustment credit, which was discontinued after January 8, 2003. For further information, see W%NrW tcderalre��i Ne.gi)v.�bo�ir(t(loc�,�pi�essibci,eg/2002,�200210312i'Llef',I(Ilt,litiii. The rate reported is that for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Historical series for the rate on adjustment credit as well as the rate on primary credit are available at "w�.fe(icr�tirleserve,gLiv/r,clewcsy'h I �/data.htm. http://www.federaireserve.gov/Releases/H I 5/update I /' 1/3/2012 10 rrinter Version - j3oUriji Vi UL)vt;i1iuLb vi mc; i c,ucicu .-5- — 11. Yields on actively traded non -inflation -indexed issues adjusted to constant maturities. The 30-year Treasury constant maturity series was discontinued on February 18, 2002, and reintroduced on February 9, 2006. From February 18, 2002, to February 9, 2006, the U.S. Treasury published a factor for adjusting the daily nominal 20-year constant maturity in order to estimate a 30-year nominal rate. The historical adjustment factor can be found at k%NNW.treastit�.2()%,/rC.�OLirce-ccjiter�'d�ita-chart-ceiiter�interesi-tatcs". Source: U.S. Treasury. 12. Yields on Treasury inflation protected securities (TIPS) adjusted to constant maturities. Source: U.S. Treasury. Additional information on'both nominal and inflation -indexed yields may be found at www.tre�istit�,.go��'reqotirce-center/dEltzi-cliirt- center"inicrest-rates/. 13. Based on the unweighted average bid yields for all TIPS with remaining terms to maturity of more than 10 years. 14. International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDAO) mid -market par swap rates. Rates are for a Fixed Rate Payer in return for receiving three month LIBOR, and we based on rates collected at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time by Garban Intercapital plc and published on Reuters Page ISDAFIXV. ISDAFIX is a registered service mark of ISDA. Source: Reuters Limited. 15. Moody's Am rates through December 6, 2001, are averages of Am utility and Am industrial bond rates. As of December 7,2001, these rates are averages of Am industrial bonds only. 16. Bond Buyer Index, general obligation, 20 years to maturity, mixed quality; Thursday quotations. 17. Contract interest rates on commitments for fixed-rate first mortgages. Source: Primary Mortgage Market Surveys) data provided by Freddie Mae. Note: Weekly and monthly figures on this release, as well as annual figures available on the Board's historical H. 15 web site (see below), are averages of business days unless otherwise noted. I Current and historical H. 15 data are available on the Federal Reserve Board's web site (www.federalrcserve.gov/). For information about individual copies or subscriptions, contact Publications Services at the Federal Reserve Board (phone 202-452-3244, fax 202-728-5886). Description of the Treasury Nominal and Inflation- Indexed Constant Maturity Series Yields on Treasury nominal securities at "constant maturity" are interpolated by the U.S. Treasury from the daily yield curve for non -inflation -indexed Treasury securities. This curve, which relates the yield on a security to its time to maturity, is based on the closing market bid yields on actively traded Treasury securities in the over-the-counter market. These market yields are calculated from composites of quotations obtained by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The constant maturity yield values are read from the yield curve at fixed maturities, currently 1, 3, and 6 months and 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, and 30 years. This method provides a yield for a 10-year maturity, for example, even if no outstanding security has exactly 10 years remaining to maturity. Similarly, yields on inflation -indexed securities at "constant maturity" are interpolated from the daily yield curve for Treasury inflation protected securities in the over-the-counter market. The inflation -indexed constant maturity yields are read from this yield curve at fixed maturities, currently 5, 7, 10, and 20 years. http://www.federalreserve.gov/Releases/H15/update/ 1/3/2012 City of La Quints Cash Fl� Budget to Actual November 30, 2011 Cash Basis Amount Budget Actual 11/11 Accrual Adjustment Tdju-stedTot.f 11/11 --Vahahm Over(Under) Notes Property Tai Tax Increment Transient Occupancy Tax Sales Tax SilverRock Golf Library 318,444 229,925 13,515 f237,550246.677 289.421 402.5,tO 13,515 246.677 289,421 402,540 - 13,515 9,127 (29,023) 172,615 Higlair .�,i tio� orditead Other revenues 801.762 655,104 655,104 (146,658) Franchise Tax underbodget $1881, Revenues 1,587,682 1.607,25? 1 1,607,257 19,576 Expenditures Salaries & Fringe Benefits 828,941 869,479 M9,479 40,538 Other expenditures 2,392,372 2,830,042 2.81 437.670 Paid Mo montins Poke Subtotal 3,221.313 3,699,521 3,699,521 478,208 Did mt spere $1251, for Redevelopment Agency Debt Service (Principal/Inleni Through) 209,020 - 24,421 - 24,421 - (11,5") E.n.mic Dvviaoprr�t,n 2011 PA 2 Bond Fund Subtotal 209,026 1 24,421 1 24,421 1 (184,599) $17,523 Capital Projects Total Expendlidures 4,747,856 5,041,465 1 5,041,465 293 I Net Reverues/Expenclitures 13,�,Zoal NOTE 1 Expenditures are budgeted at 8 3,t% per month Difference deoveen actual and budget (Underspent) DEPARTMENT Overspent Notes GENERAL GOVERNMENT (7,629) CITY CLERK (il,383) COMMUNITY SERVICES (105.128) Library, undleraudget $118, FINANCE (27,052) BUILDING & SAIFE� (92,926) Building Division underbudget $701, PUBLIC SAFETY 6�18,403 Paid 1x,e monfle Posted ii PLANNING 1,599 PUBLIC WORKS. (106.201) Lighting & Larchical siddribul $63k 299.W3 SUBTOTAL - GENERAL FUND Library Gas Tax Federal Assistance JAG Grant Slesf (Cops) Revenue CMAQ Lighting & Landscaping RCTC Development Agreement - AS 939 3,486 Quimby Infrastructure Proposition 18 South Coast Air Quality (3,354) Tramp.n.b.it Park. & Recreation Civic Center Library Development Community Center Street Facility Park Facility Fire Projection An. In Public Places 3,214 Interest Allocation - Equipment Replacement (35,472) Information Technology (29,W7) Park Maintenance Facility (W.378) Silvei Golf 28.226 SilverRock Reserve - LO Public Safety Officer (167) Housing Authority 34,444 Finance Authority (966) Supplemental Person Plan - Capital Improvement Total 269349 12 INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD Meeting Date: January 11, 2012 TITLE: Pooled Money Investment Board Report for October 2011 and November 2011 BACKGROUND: Correspondence & Written Material Item B The Pooled Money Investment Board Report for October 2011 and November 2011 is included in the agenda packet. RECOMMENDATION: Receive & File POOLED MONEY INVESTMENT ACCOUNT SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT DATA A COMPARISON OF OCTOBER 2011 WITH OCTOBER 2010 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) Average Daily Portfolio $ Accrued Earnings $ Effective Yield I Average Life -Month End (in Days) 63,739,140 $ 20,805 $ 0.386 % 229 64,924,891 $ -1,185,761 26,468 $ -6,663 0.480% -0.095% 191 +38 Total Security Transactions Amount $ 17,336,997 $ 35,257,908 $ . 47,920,911 Number 348 720 -372 Total Time Deposit Transactions Amount $ 3,863,800 $ 3,770,000 $ +93,800 Number 153 150 +3 Average Workday Investment Activity $ 1,060,040 $ 1,868,472 $ -798,432 Prescribed Demand Account Balances For Services $ 1,768,701 $ 1,643,886 $ +214,816 I BILL LOCKYER TREASURER STATE OF CALIFORNIA INVESTMENT DIVISION SELECTED INVESTMENT DATA ANALYSIS OF THE POOLED MONEY INVESTMENT ACCOUNT PORTFOLIO (000 OMITTED) October 31, 2011 DIFFERENCE IN PERCENT OF PERCENT OF PORIFOL10 FROM TYPE 3F SFCURI AMOUNT PORTFOLIO PRIOR MONTH Government Bills $ 21,802,312 32.13 -2.32 Bonds 0 0.00 Notes 12,845,889 18.93 +1.03 Strips 0 0.00 0 Total Government $ 34,648,201 51.06 -1.29 Federal Agency Debentures $ 1,417,880 2.09 -0.79 Certificates of Deposit 6,760,015 9.96 -0.55 Bank Notes 0 0.00 0 Bankers'Acceptances 0 0.00 0 Repumhases 0 0.00 0 Federal Agency Discount Notes 3,892,817 5.74 -0.02 Time Deposits 4,188,140 6.17 .0.01 GNMA9 33 0.00 0 Commercial Paper 4,023,312 5.93 -0.26 FHLMC1R9mIcs 418,333 0.62 -0.03 Corporate Bonds 0 0.00 0 AB 55 Loans 409,668 0.60 -0.08 GF Loans 11,801,300 17.39 +3.84 NOWAccounts 0 0.00 0 Other 300,000 0." -0.01 Reversed Repurchases 0 0.00 0 Total (All Types) $ 67,859,399 100.00 INVESTMENT ACTIVI OCTOBER 2011 SEPTEMBER 2011 NUMBER AMOUN NUM13ER AMOUN Pooled Money 348 $ 17,336,997 395 $ 19,663,209 Other 4 32,382 17 $ 427,035 Time Deposits 163 3,863 �800 112 $ 248-8000 ___ Totals 505 $ 21,233,179 524 $ 22,568,2" PMIA Monthly Average Effective Yield 0.385 0.3TS Year to Date Yield Last Day of Month 0.388 0.389 Pooled Money Investment Account Portfolio Composition Corporate Bond 0.00% Commercial Pape 5.93% Time Deposits 6.17% CDs1E 9.96 $67.9 Billion 10131111 Loans Agencies 8.27% Mortgages 0.62% Treasuries 51.06% POOLED MONEY INVESTMENT ACCOUNT SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT DATA A COMPARISON OF NOVEMBER 2011 WITH NOVEMBER 2010 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) Average Daily Portfolio $ 64,646,903 $ 66,312,942 $ -1,666,039 Accrued Earnings $ 21,243 $ 24,776 $ -3,533 Effective Yield 0.401 % 0.454% -0.063% Average Life -Month End (in Days) 220 184 +36 Total Security Transactions Amount $ 19,581,552 $ 27,237,972 $ -7,666,420 Number 394 563 -169 Total Time Deposit Transactions Amount $ 1,786,980 $ 1,753,990 $ +32,990 Number 110 92 +18 Average Workday Investment Activity $ 1,`124,660 $ 1,625,893 $ -401,233 Prescribed Demand Account Balances For Services $ 1,777,405 $ 1,375,647 $ +401,768 I BILL LOCKYER TREASURER STATE OF CALIFORNIA INVESTMENT DIVISION SELECTED INVESTMENT DATA ANALYSIS OF THE POOLED MONEY INVESTMENT ACCOUNT PORTFOLIO (000 OMITTED) November30,2011 DIFFERENCE IN PERCENT OF PERCENT OF PORTFOLIO FROM TYPE OF SECURITY AMOUNT PRIOR MONTH Govemment Bills $ 20,608,310 31.09 -1.04 Bonds 0 0.00 0 Notes 12,246,303 18.47 -0.46 Strips 0 0.00 0 Total Govemment $ 32,854,613 -1.50 Federal Agency Debentums 1,410,018 2.13 +0.04 Certificates of Deposit 5,800,017 0.75 -1.21 Bank Notes 0 0.00 0 Bankers'Acceptances 0 0.00 0 Repurchases 0 0.00 0 Federal Agency Discount Notes 4,991,329 7.53 +1.79 Time Deposits 4,161,640 6.28 +0.11 GNMA9 32 0.00 0 Commercial Paper 3,098,536 4.67 -1.26 FHLMC1RemIcs 408,658 0.62 0 Corporate Bonds 0 0.00 0 AB 55 Loans 308,389 0.47 -0.13 GF Loans 12,953,900 19.54 +2.15 NOW Accounts 0 0.00 0 Other 300,000 0.45 +0.01 Reversed Repurchases 0 0.00 0 Total (All Types) $ 66,287,132 100.00 Pooled Money Other Time Deposits Totals PMIA Monthly Average Effective Yield NOVEMBER 2011 NUMBER AMOUN 394 $ 19,681,552 Is 879,303 110 7 , 0 523 $ 22,247,835 0.401 OCTOBER20il NUMBER AMOUNT 348 $ 17,336,997 4 $ 32,382 153 $ 3,863,800 505 $ 21,233,179 0.385 Year to Date Yield Lost Day of Month 0.391 0.388 Pooled Money Investment Account Portfolio Composition $66.3 Billion Loans Corporate Bonds 0.00% Commercial Paper 4.67% Time Deposits 6.28% CDs/E 8.75' 11/30111 Agencies 10.11% Mortgages 0.62% Treasuries 49.56% BOARD MEMBER ITEMS ABlX 26 I OM Flo, I Ll foi� Prepared January 2012 I Table of Contents Introduction ..... ABIX26.......................................................................................................................................................... I Glossary......................................................................................................................................................... 4 ABIX26 Responsibilities .......................................................................... 10 Appendix..................................................................................................................................................... 20 AB1X26Date Matrix ............................................................................................................................. 20 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule ........................................................................................... 23 1 Introduction This handbook has been prepared to assist with the understanding and implementation of ABIX 26. It is not meant to be a legal guide nor should this Handbook be relied upon in taking actions required by the legislation. We advise that legal counsel be consulted before taking any actions pursuant to the legislation. In upholding AB1X 26, the Supreme Court reformed certain deadline dates. TheCourt revised each effective date or deadline for performance of an obligation arising from part 1.85 of division 24 of the Health and Safety Cone arising before May 1, 2012, to take effect four months later, except for actions to be taken by September 1, 2011 which are extended until January 13, 2012. Where a provision imposed obligations in both this and subsequent fiscal years, only the provision as it relates to obligations arising before May 1, 2012 is extended. We hope you find this Handbook useful. If there are any questions, corrections or comments, please contact us by phone (909) 861-4335 or by our email addresses: Martin Coren mcorenObdiccprol2erWax.com Paula Cone pconePhdIccpropertZax.com David Schey dscheyRhdlccproVeEWax.com Cheryl Murase cmurase0hdlccVroperty=com ABIX 26 Redevelopment Agencies Under ABIX 26 redevelopment agencies are dissolved and replaced with Successor Agencies responsible for winding down the affairs of the redevelopment agencies including disposing of their assets. Upon the effective date of the legislation (June 29, 2011) Redevelopment agencies can no longer incur indebtedness, amend or modify existing agreements, increase pay, pay bonuses or hire employees, refund, restructure or refinance bonds or transfer money out of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. A dissolving redevelopment agency must adopt an Enforceable Obligation Schedule by August 28, 2011, perform obligations required by enforceable obligations, maintain reserves, preserve agency assets and cooperate with Successor Agencies. Employment agreements stay in place until September 30, 2011. The redevelopment agency must provide the Successor Agency with a draft Recognized Obligation Schedule by January 30, 2012. Enforceable Obligations consists of bonds, loans, payments required by governments (except pass -through payments), court judgments and settlements, legal contracts and agreements and contracts necessary for continued administration. Enforceable Obligations do not include unencumbered assets transferred to cities or counties after January 1, 2011. After August 28th, redevelopment agencies can only pay obligations listed on the Enforceable Obligations Schedule. Actions to determine the validity of a redevelopment plan or plan amendment that were commenced on or after January 1, 2011 may be brought within two years of the event. Successor Agencies Successor Agencies become operative on February 1, 2012. On this date all assets, properties, contracts, and leases of the former redevelopment agency are transferred to the Successor Agency. The unencumbered assets transferred to cities and counties must be returned by February 1, 2012. Communities may elect to become the Successor Agency for its former redevelopment agency. If no local agency elects to become the Successor Agency, a designated local authority shall be vested with the powers of the Successor Agency and the Governor shall appoint three residents of the county to serve as its board. Successor Agencies shall create a Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund, continue payments on the Enforceable Obligation Schedule, maintain reserves, perform obligations required by Enforceable Obligations, dispose of assets and property, and enforce all rights for the benefit of taxing agencies. The Successor Agency will continue to oversee development of properties until contractual obligations can be transferred to other parties, use bond proceeds. to continue fimded activities and defease bonds and prepare administrative budgets. By March 1, 2012 the Successor Agency shall prepare a draft of the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for payments through July 1, 2012. From May 1, 2012 forward only payments listed on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule may be made by the Successor Agency. Successor Agencies are entitled to an administrative allowance. Subject to approval of the Oversight Board, the administrative allowance is up to five percent of property tax for 2011-12 and three percent each year thereafter. The amount shall not be less than $250,000 for any fiscal year unless agreed to by the Successor Agency. Oversight Boards Oversight Boards must report their chairperson and members to the Department of Finance by May 1, 2012. Oversight Boards are to be composed of one member each appointed by the county board of supervisors, mayor, the largest special district by property tax share, the county supervisor of education, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, a public member appointed by the county board of supervisors and a member representing employees of the former redevelopment agency appointed by the mayor or the chair of the county board of Supervisors. Oversight boards direct the staff of the Successor Agency, have fiduciary responsibilities to holders of enforceable obligations, approves actions of the Successor Agency and establishes the Recognized Payment Obligation Payment Schedule. It takes a majority of the Oversight Board to constitute a quorum and to vote to take action. On, or after July 1, 2016, a single oversight board for the county shall be appointed. County Auditor -Controller The Auditor -Controller is required to audit each dissolved redevelopment agency's assets, liabilities, and tax -sharing obligations and determine the amount and terms of indebtedness by July 1, 2012. The Auditor -Controller also certifies the initial Recognized Payment Obligation Schedule. Upon the effective date of the legislation the Auditor -Controller shall determine the amount of tax increment that would have been allocated to each redevelopment agency which are deemed property taxes by the ABIX 26 and shail deposit the amount in Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund. The Auditor -Controller administers the Trust Fund for the benefit of the holders of Enforceable Obligations and the taxing agencies that receive pass -through payments. No later than November I and May I of each year, the Auditor -Controller provides estimates of the amounts to be distributed to the entities receiving the distributions and the Department of Finance. From February 1, 2012 to July 1, 2012, after deducting administrative costs, and after making tax -sharing payments, the Auditor -Controller allocates moneys from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund, to the Successor Agencies. Should the Successor Agency report to the County Auditor -Controller no later than December I and May I that the amount in the Property Tax Trust Fund is insufficient to meet tax -sharing payments, Enforceable Obligations and the Successor Agencies administrative allowance, the Auditor -Controller shall verify that there are insufficient funds and report to the State Controller and.the Department of Finance within ten days. If the State Controller concurs that there are insufficient funds, the Auditor -Controller shall first reduce the Successor Agency's administrative allowance and second, subordinate tax - sharing payments. If there are still insufficient funds, the county treasurer may loan the necessary funds. No community may establish a new redevelopment agency if the former redevelopment agency has been dissolved until the Successor Agency has retired all the enforceable obligations of the former agency and only if the community adopts an ordinance to provide Continuation Payments. Glossary Administrative Budget - The budget for the administrative costs of the successor agencies. 34171(a) Administrative Cost Allowance - For Successor Agencies, and subject to the approval of the Oversight Board, up to five percent of the property tax allocated to the Successor Agency for 2011-12 and up to three percent of the property tax allocated to the Redevelopment Obligation Trust Fund for 2012-13 and each year thereafter. The Administrative Cost Allowance shall not be less than $250,000 for any fiscal year or such lesser amount as agreed to the Successor Agency. The Administrative Cost Allowance shall exclude administrative costs that can be paid from bond proceeds or from sources other than property taxes. 34171(b) Community - City or county that created a redevelopment agency. Designated local authority - If no local agency elects to serve as a Successor Agency a "designated local authority" shall be immediately formed and vested with all the powers and duties of a Successor Agency. The Governor shall appoint three residents of the county to serve as the governing board of the authority. Effective Date - The date ABlX 26 and Was enacted by the Legislature: June 28, 2011. Emergency Refunding Bonds - To avoid default on outstanding bonds or lines of credit obtained from a financial institution, a redevelopment agency may issue Emergency Refunding Bonds. Both the county treasurer and the State Treasurer must approve the issuance. Emergency Refunding Bonds can provide funds only for any single debt service payment due prior to February 1, 2012, and that is more than 20 percent larger than a level debt service payment would be for that bond, or for a letter of credit that expires prior to February 1, 2012. The principal amount is not to be increased except if Emergency Refunding Bonds are issued for the purpose of paying off a line of credit, and only in the amount of the line of credit payment as well as costs of issuance. 34162(c) Enforceable Obligation - Obligations of the former redevelopment agency to be paid by the redevelopment agency until the Successor Agency is formed and then paid by the Successor Agency. Enforceable Obligations include: • Bonds • Loans borrowed by the redevelopment agency for a lawful purpose, including money borrowed from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund to the extent they are legally required to be repaid pursuant of a required repayment schedule. • Payments required to the federal government, preexisting obligations to the state or obligations imposed by state law, or legally enforceable payments required in connection with the agencies' employees. Tax -sharing payments are not Enforceable Obligations as they will be paid by the county auditor -controller. • judgments or settlements entered by a competent court of law or binding arbitration. • Any legally binding and enforceable agreement or contract that is not otherwise void as violiting the debt limit or public policy. • Contracts or agreements necessary for the continued administration or operation of the redevelopment agency including agreements to purchase or rent office space, equipment and supplies, and pay -related expenses. • Amounts borrowed from or payments owning to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund that had been deferred that had been deferred as of the effective date of Part 1.9 provided that the repayment schedule is approved by the Oversight Board. Enforceable Obligations do not include any agreements, contracts or arrangements between the community and the former redevelopment agency except: 1) written agreements entered at the time of issuance and not later than December 31, 2010, and loan agreements within two years of creating the redevelopment agency or project area. 34167(d) & 34171(d) Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule (EOPS - The EOPS is to be adopted by August 28,2011 (within 60 days of the effective date of AB 26). After the adoption of the EOPS, the redevelopment agency and Successor Agency cannot make any payments not listed on the EOPS. The EOPS is to include all of the following: • The project name associated with the obligations • The Payee • A short description of the nature of the work product, sevice, facility, or other thing of value for which payment is to be made • The amount of payments obligated to be made by month through December 2011 Payment schedules for bonds and employee agreements may be aggregated.The Schedule shall be adopted at a public meeting of the redevelopment agency and posted on the redevelopment agency's web site. The schedule may be amended at any public meeting. The EOPS shall be transmitted by mail or electronic means to the county auditor -controller and the Department of Finance. A notification providing the internet web site location shall meet this requirement. 34169 Former redevelopment agency - A redevelopment agency that has been dissolved in accordance with AB 26 Indebtedness Obligation - Means bonds, notes, certificates of participation, or other evidence of indebtedness issued or delivered by the redevelopment agency, or by a joint exercise of powers authority to third -party investors or bondholders to finance redevelopment projects. 34171(e) Initial Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule - The former redevelopment agency is to prepare an initial recognized obligation payment schedule by September 30, 2011. 34169(h) See Recognized Obligation Schedule Oversight Board - The Oversight Board directs the staff of the Successor Agency to perform work in furtherance of the Oversight Board's duties and responsibilities. The Oversight Board shall have fiduciary responsibilities to the holders of enforceable obligations and the taxing entities that benefit from distributions of property tax and other revenues. 34179 Each Successor Agency shall have an Oversight Board composed of seven members: 1. One member appointed by the county board of supervisors 2. One member appointed by the mayor of the community 3. One member appointed by the largest Special District (see Special District) by property tax share with territory within the territorial jurisdiction of the former redevelopment agency 4. One member appointed by an elected county supervisor of education or the county board of education if there is no elected supervisor of education S. One member appointed by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges 6. One member of the public appointed by the county board of supervisors 7. One member representing the employees of the former redevelopment agency appointed by the mayor or.chair of the county board of supervisors from the largest recognized employee organization Any individual may simultaneously be appointed to up to five Oversight boards and may hold an office in a city, county, special district or community college district. There are special provisions When the redevelopment agency was formed by joint powers authority, if there is no eligible Special District, a charter city and county. The Governor may appoint members if a position has not been filled by May 15, 2012. Recognized Obligation - Means an obligation listed in the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 34171(g) Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) - The Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule mean the document setting forth the minimum payment amounts and due dates of payments required by enforceable obligations for each six-month fiscal period. 31171(h) The Successor Agency is required to prepare a ROPS before each six month fiscal period. The ROPS shall identify one or more of the following sources of payment (not required for the EOPS): • Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund • Bond Proceeds • Reserve Balances • Administrative Cost Allowance • The Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund • Other revenue sources including rents, concessions, asset sale proceeds, interest earning and any other revenues derived from the former redevelopment agency� as approved by the Oversight Board The ROPS is not deemed valid unless: The draft ROPS is prepared by the Successor Agency by March 1, 2012. From October 1, 2011, to July 1, 2012, the initial draft shall project the dates and amounts of scheduled payments that the former redevelopment agency would have made. The initial draft shall be certified by an external auditor [the county auditor -controller]. The certified ROPS is approved by the Oversight Board A copy of the approved ROPS is submitted to the county auditor -controller, the State Controller and the Dept. of Finance and posted on the Successor Agency's web site. The ROPS shall be forward looldng to the next six months. The first ROPS for January 12012 through June 30, 2012shall be submitted to the State Controller's Office and the Department of Finance by April 15, 2011. Each January 16th and each June ls� the county auditor -controller allocates revenue from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund money to each Successor Agency for payments listed on the ROPS for each six month period. 34182(a)(2) & 34185 Commencing May 1, 2012, the ROPS shall supersede the Statement of Indebtedness which shall no longer be prepared for dissolved redevelopment agencies. 34177(a)(2) Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund - The Successor Agency shall create the Redevelopment Retirement Trust Fund in its treasury. 34170.5(a). Each January 16th and each June 1s% the county auditor -controller allocates revenue from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund money to each Successor Agency for payments listed on the ROPS for each six month period. 34182(a)(2) & 34185 Commencing May 1, 2012i the Successor Agency may pay from the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement only those payments listed on the ROPS. 34177(a)(3) (or from sources other than those listed on the ROPS with the approval of the Oversight Board). 34177(a)(4) Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (the Trust Fund) - The county auditor - controller shall create within the county treasury a Redevelopment Property Tax Trust fund for property tax revenues related to each former redevelopment agency, for administration by the county auditor -controller. 34170.5(b) The county auditor -controller shall administer the Trust fund for, the benefit of the holders of form redevelopment agency enforceable obligations and the taxing entities that receive pass -through payment and distributions of property taxes. The county auditor -controller shall prepare estimates of the allocation and distribution of the property tax revenues deposited in the Trust and provide those estimates to the Department of Finance and the taxing entities receiving distributions no later than March 1, 2012 and each November 1st and May 1s, of each year. 34182(c)(3) The county auditor -controller may charge the Trust Fund for the costs of administration, audit and oversight. 34182(d)(e)&34183(d) Beginning February 1, 2012 the county auditor -controller shall first deduct its administrative costs, providing there are sufficient funds, allocate the money in the Trust Fund in the following order: • Pass -through payments to taxing entities no later than May 16,2012, and each January 16th and June 1s' of each year • To Successor Agencies on May 16,2012 and each May 16th and January 1st and June Ist of each year for payments in the following order: - Debt service for tax allocation bonds - Payments for revenue bonds but only to the extent that the pledged revenues are insufficient and tax increment revenues were also pledged for the bonds - Payments for other debts and obligations listed on the ROPS to be paid with tax increment revenue - The administrative cost allowance for the Successor Agency - Any remaining moneys to local agencies and school entities 34183(a)(2) &34185 If the Successor Agency reports no later than April 1, 2012, and each December 1st and May 1st thereafter to the county auditor -controller that the allocation from the Trust Fund to the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund, and other funds, are insufficient to fund payments for the next six months, the deficiency shall be deducted: first from the property taxes that would have been distributed to taxing entities; second from subordinated pass -through payments and third from the Successor's Administrative Cost Allowance until all funds have been exhausted. 34183(b) Whenever a Recognized Obligation has been retired, the auditor -controller shall pay the property tax revenues associated with that obligation to pay other Recognized Obligations and then as property taxes to the taxing entities. 34187 n Successor Agency - Means the community (or member of a joint authority as specified in Section 34173) that authorized the creation of each redevelopment agency. 341710) Except for the provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law that are repealed, restricted or limited by AB 26, all authority, rights, powers, duties and obligations of the former redevelopment agencies are vested in the Successor Agencies. 34173(a) All assets, properties, contracts, leases, books and records, buildings, and equipment of the former redevelopment agency are transferred on October 1, 2011, to the control of the Successor Agency. 34175(b) Successor Agencies are required to do the following: • Continue to make payments due for enforceable obligations • Maintain reserves in the amount required by indentures, trust indentures, or similar documents governing the issuance of outstanding redevelopment agency bonds • Perform obligations required pursuant to any Enforceable Obligations • Remit unencumbered balances of the redevelopment agency funds to the county auditor -controller for distribution to taxing entities Dispose of the assets and properties of the former redevelopment agency as directed by the Oversight Board Enforce all former redevelopment agency rights for the benefit of taxing entities, including, but not limited to, continuing to collect loans, rents and other revenues due the redevelopment agency Effectuate the transfer of housing functions and assets to the appropriate entity • Expeditiously wind down the affairs of the redevelopment agency with the direction of the Oversight Board • Continue to oversee development of properties until the contracted work has been completed or transferred to other parties • Prepare a proposed administrative budget and submit it to the Oversight Board for approval � • Provide administrative cost estimates from its approved administrative budget that are to be paid for each six month period to the county auditor -controller • Before each six month period prepare a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule Special District - A local agency, other than a city, county, or school entity that receives a share of property taxes from the project areas of the former redevelopment agency. The Special District with the largest property tax share in the territorial jurisdiction of the former redevelopment agency becomes a member of the Oversight Board 34179 (a)(3) If there isno eligible special district the County may appoint a public member 34179(a)(9) Taxing Entities - Means cities, counties, a city and county, special districts and School Entities 34171(k) ABIX26 Responsibilities Auditor -Controller • Commencing with the effective date of the legislation, the auditor -controller shall review the activities of redevelopment agency to determine if an asset transfer occurred after Jan. 1, 2011 between the communities and the redevelopment agencies and order the available assets to be returned to the redevelopment agency or Successor Agency - Transfer housing responsibilities and all right powers, duties and obligations to the appropriate entity pursuant to Section 34176 - Terminate any agreement between the dissolved redevelopment agency obligating the redevelopment agency to fund any debt service obligation of the public entity for the construction or operation of facilities owned or operated by the public entity where the Oversight Board finds that early termination would be in the best interests of the taxing entities - Determine whether any contracts, agreements or other arrangements between the dissolved redevelopment agency and private party should be renegotiated or terminated to reduce liabilities and increase revenues to the taxing entities. The Oversight Board may approve such agreements when they would be in the best interest of the taxing entities • Create in the County treasury a Redevelopment Property tax Trust Fund for the property tax revenues related to each former redevelopment agency • Conduct, or cause to be conducted, an agreed upon procedures audit of each redevelopment agency in the county that is to be dissolved to be completed by July 12, 2012, to establish each redevelopment agency's assets and liabilities, tax -sharing obligations, the amounts ad terms of redevelopment agency indebtedness, and certify the initial Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 34182(a)(1) • By July 15, 2012, provide the State Controller's office a copy of all audits performed, and maintain the audit documentation and worldng papers 34182(b) • Determine the amount of tax increment that would have been allocated to the former redevelopment agencies. These amounts are deemed property tax revenues. The Auditor -Controller shall calculate the property tax revenues using the last equalized roll, and pursuan ' t to statutory formulas or contractual agreements with other taxing entities, deposit that amount into the Redevelopment Property Tax TrustFund. 34182(c)(1) • Administer the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund for the benefit of the holders of the former -redevelopment agency enforceable obligations and taxing entities that receive pass -through payments and distributions of property taxes pursuant to the legislation 34182(c)(2) 10 Prepare estimates of amounts to the entities receiving the money and the State Department Finance of property tax revenues to be allocated and distributed no later than March 1, 2012, and each November Ist and May 1s, of each year. Disburse the proceeds of assets sales or reserve valances to taxing entities 34182(c)(4) By February 1, 2012, report the following information to Controller's office and Department of Finance - Amount of property tax remitted to the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund for each former redevelopment agency - The sums of property tax remitted pursuant to tax -sharing agreements - The sums remitted to Successor Agencies for payment of debt service payments listed on the Recognized Payment Obligation Schedule - The sums remitted each Successor Agency for administrative costs - The sums paid to each city, county and special district, and the total amount allocated to schools - Any amount not distributed due to insufficiency of funds. 34182 &34183 On October 1 and July 1 of each year, after deducting administrative costs, allocate the money in the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund, in the following order: - Amount of property tax remitted to the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund for each former redevelopment agency - The sums of property tax remitted pursuant to tax -sharing agreements - The sums remitted to Successor Agencies for payment of debt service payments listed on the Recognized Payment Obligation Schedule - The sums remitted each Successor Agency for administrative costs - The sums paid to each city; county and special district and the total amount allocated to schools - Any amount not distributed due to insufficiency of funds. 34182 & 34183 • Shall set aside sufficient funds to pay the State Controller's audit costs • Commencing May 16, 2012, and each Jan. 16th and June ls' thereafter, transfer from the Redevelopment Property. Tax Trust Fund of each Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund an amount specified in the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for payment of obligations • May audit adjustments to Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules due to differences between estimates and actual payments 34186 • Commencing May 1, 2012, whenever a Recognized Obligation is paid off or retired, to the extent the money is not required for other Recognized Obligations, distribute the money to taxing entities as property taxes 34187 • Commencing February 1, 2011, the county auditor -controller shall make the calculations required by Section 97.4 of the Revenue and Taxation Code in such a manner that the calculations shall result in cities, counties, and special districts annually remitting to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund the same amounts they would have remitted but for the dissolution of redevelopment agencies Revenue & Taxation Code 97.401 11 Calculations of the Tax Equity Allocation for qualifying cities shall recognize that tax -sharing payments are continuing as if they are being made in accordance with the Community Redevelopment Law, and that payments to the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund are considered payments to a redevelopment agency pursuant to Section 33670(b) of the Health & Safety Code Revenue & Taxation Code 98.2 California Law Revision Commission - shall draft a Community Redevelopment Law cleanup bill for consideration by the Legislature not later than January 1, 2013. 34189(b) Chancellor of the California Community Colleges * Appoints one member of the Oversight Board 34179(a)(4) * 0 1 n and after July 1, 2016, in each county when there is a single Oversight Board, the Chancellor appoints one member, and public member 34179(a)(j) County Board of Supervisors • Appoints one member of the Oversight Board 34179(a)(1) • Appoints a public member to the Oversight Board 34179(a)(6) • May appoint a member to the Oversight Board if there are no Special Districts within the territorial jurisdiction of the former redevelopment agency 34179(a)(9) • On and after July 1, 2016, in each county when there is a single Oversight Board, the county board of supervisors appoints one member, and public member 34179(a)(j) County Superintendent of Education • Appoints one member of the Oversight Board 34179(a)(4) • On and after July 1, 2016, in each county when there is a single Oversight Board, the county supervisor of education appoints one member, and public member 34179(a)(j) County Treasurer - May loan any funds from the county treasury that are necessary to ensure prompt payments of the redevelopment agency debts 34183(c) Communities • Shall have no authority to create or otherwise establish anew redevelopment agency or community development commission 34166 34i72(a) • Community may elect to retain the housing assets and functions previously performed by the redevelopment agency 34176(a) Community development commissions retain their authority to act in its capacity as a housing authority or for any other community development purpose except to act as a redevelopment agency, to act 34176(c) RIVA Department of Finance • Has the authority to require any documents associated with enforceable obligation 34167(i) 34177(a)(2) • May review a redevelopment agency action regarding the Enforceable Obligations Schedule and initial Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 34169(i) • Has standing to file a judicial action to prevent a Violation of the Act and obtain injunctive relief 34177(a)(2) • May review an Oversight Board action within three days of the action. In the event that the Department requests a review it shall have ten days to approve the action or return it to the Oversight Board for reconsideration and such action shall not be effective until approved by the Department 34179(h) • May approve budget augmentations for the State Controller to reflect the reimbursement of audit costs ; 34183(d) Amount distributed to school districts as local property taxes shall not impact school revenue limits for 2011-12 and will count against revenue limits thereafter pursuant to Education Code Section 41204.3 34194.1 (in AB 27) Governor May appoint individuals to fill any Oversight Board member position that has not been filled by May 15, 2012, or that remains vacant for more than 60 days 34179(b) May appoint members to fill vacancies to the single Oversight Board established on or after July 1, 2016 that has not been filled by July 15, 2016 or is vacant more than 60 days Oversight Board • Approves amendments to the Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule adopted by Successor Agency 34177(a)(1) • Not prevented, with the prior approval of the Oversight Board from making payments for Enforceable Obligations from sources other than those listed in the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 34177(a) (4) • Direct the Successor Agency in the expeditiously winding down of the affairs of the redevelopment agency • Approve the administrative budget of the Successor Agency 341770) • The members of the Oversight Board shall elect one of their members as chairperson 34179(a) • The Oversight Board may direct the staff of the Successor Agency to perform work in furtherance of the, Oversight Board's duties and responsibilities. 34179(c) • Oversight Board members shall have personal immunity from suit for their actions taken within the scope of their responsibilities as Oversight Board members 34179(d) 13 • A majority of the total membership of the Oversight Board shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of the total membership of the Oversight Board is required for the Oversight Board to take action 34179C • The Oversight Board is deemed a local agency for purposed of the Ralph M. Brown Act, the California Public Records Act and the Political Reform Act of 1974 • All notice required by law for proposed Oversight Board actions shall also be posted on the Successor Agency's web site or the Oversight Board's internet web site 34179(f) • Each member of an Oversight Board shall serve at the pleasure of the entity that appointed the member 34179(g) • Oversight Board actions are subject to review by the Department of Finance. As such, the Oversight Board actions shall not be effective for three days pending a request for review by the Department Each Oversight Board shall designate an official to whom the Department of Finance may make requests for information and provide the Department with the telephone number and email contact information. • Oversight Boards shall have fiduciary responsibilities to holders of Enforceable Obligations and taxing entities that benefit from the distributions of property tas and other revenues. 34179(i) • The provisions of Division 4 (commencing with Section 1000) of the Government Code shall apply to Oversight Boards. An individual may simultaneously be appointed to up to five oversight boards and may hold an office in a city, county, special district, school district or community college district 34179(i) • Commencing July 1, 2016, in each county where there is more than one Oversight Board, there shall be only one Oversight Board 341790) • Any Oversight Board for a given Successor Agency shall cease to exist when all of the indebtedness of the dissolved redevelopment agency has been repaid. • All of the following Successor Agency actions shall first be approve by the Oversight Board 34180 - The establishment of new repayment terms for outstanding loans where the terms have not been specified prior to the date of enactment - Refunding of outstanding bonds or other debt in order to provide for savings or debt spikes provided that no additional debt is created and debt service is not accelerated - Setting aside amounts of reserves required by indentures, trust indentures or similar documents - Merging of project areas sistance from - Continuing the acceptance of federal or state grants or financial as public,or private sources where the assistance is conditioned upon matching funds - If the Community wants to retain any properties or other assets for, future redevelopment activities funded by their own resources, it must reach a compensation agreement with the other taxing entities to provide payments in proportion with their shares of base property taxes Establishment of the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule A request by a Successor Agency to enter into an agreement with the Community 14 - A request by a Successor Agency or taxing entity to pledge property tax revenues pursuant to valid agreements with the Community pursuant to Section 34178 The Oversight Board shall direct the Successor Agency to do all of the following 34181 - Dispose of all assets and properties that were funded by tax increment, or to transfer assets that were constructed and used for a governmental purpose to the appropriate public jurisdiction - Cease performance and terminate all existing agreements that do not qualify as Enforceable Obligations Redevelopment Agencies 0 Shall incur no new indebtedness, including: 34161 - issue or sell bonds - Indebtedness from prohibited sources of repayment (income and revenues of the agency, sales tax revenue, loan repayments or contributions from state and federal sources - Refund, restructure or refinance indebtedness - Take out or accept loans from any public agency or private lending institution - Execute trust deed or mortgages - Pledge or encumber revenues or assets 34162 Make loans or advances Purchase mortgage or construction loans Enter into contracts Amend or modify existing agreements, obligations or commitments Dispose of assets Acquire real property Transfer, assign, vest or delegate any of its assets, funds, rights, powers or ownership interests 31463 Prepare, approve, adopt, amend or merge redevelopment plans Prepare, formulate, amend or otherwise modify an implementation plans Prepare, formulate, amend or otherwise modify relocation plans . Prepare, formulate, amend or otherwise modify a redevelopment housing plan Direct or cause the development, rehabilitation or construction of housing units unless required to do so by an Enforceable Obligation Make and new findings or declarations of blight, Provide or commit financial assistance 34164 Enter new partnerships or joint powers authorities Imp ose new as I sessments pursuant to Section 7280.5 of the Revenue & Taxation Code (sales taxes) - Increase pay, benefits, or contributions of any sort for any officer, employee, consultant or contractor - Provide optional or discretionary bonuses - Increase the number of staff beyond the number employed on Jan. 1, 2011 is - Bring an action to determine the validity of any issuance or proposed issuance of revenue bonds - Begin any condemnation proceeding or process to acquire real property by eminent domain 34165 - Prepare or have prepared a draft environment impact report • Nothing in the legislation shall interfere with a redevelopment agency's authority to pursuant to Enforceable Obligations make payments due, enforce existing covenants and obligations, and perform its obligations 34167(h) • Until Successor Agencies are authorized, redevelopment agencies shall do all of the following: - Continue schedules payments of Enforceable Obligations - Perform obligations required by Enforceable Obligations including observing covenants for continuing disclosure and preserving the tax-exempt status of interest payable on outstanding bonds - Set aside or maintain reserves in the amount required by indentures - Preserve all assets, minimize all liabilities and preserve the records of the redevelopment agencies - Cooperate with Successor Agencies and provide necessary information - Take all reasonable measures to avoid trigger an event of default under any Enforceable Obligation 34169(g) - Within 60 days (August 28,2011) adopt and Enforceable Obligation Schedule 34169(g) - Prepare a preliminary draft of the initial Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule and provide to the Successor Agency 34169(h) • Each redevelopment agency shall designate an official from whom the Department of Finance may make requests for information regarding Enforceable Obligation Schedules and Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules 34169(i) • Prior to its dissolution a redevelopment agency shall retain the authority or meet and confer over matters within its scope of representation (per Government Code 3500) 34190(b) • Redevelopment agencies, prior to and during their winding down and dissolution shall retain the authority to bargain over matters within the scope of representation 34190(d) State Controller Has the authority to require any documents associated with enforceable obligation 34167(i) 34177(a)(2) Has standing to file a judicial action to prevent a violation of the Act and obtain injunctive relief 34177(a)(2) May audit and review any county auditor -controller action pursuant to the legislation. As such, any auditor -controller action will not be effective for three business days pending a request for review from the Controller in which case the Controller shall have ten days to approve the auditor -controller's action or return it to the auditor -controller 34182(f) 16 • May recover the costs of audit and oversight from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund by presenting the auditor -controller and invoice 34183(d) • May audit adjustments to Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules due to differences between estimates and actual payments 34186 Successor Agency - defined as successor agencies to former redevelopment agencies 34173(a) • if not performed by the redevelopment agency, each Successor Agency shall designate an official from whom the Department of Finance may make requests for information regarding Enforceable Obligation Schedules and Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules 34169(i) • Create a Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund within its treasury to be administered by the Successor Agency 34170.5(a) • Successor Agencies are vested with all authority, rights, powers, duties, and obligations previously vested with the former redevelopment agencies except provisions of the Community Law that are repealed, restricted or revised • All assets, properties, contracts, leases, books and records, buildings, and equipment of former redevelopment agencies are transferred on February 1, 2012, to the control of the successor agency for administration. • Continue to make payments due for Enforceable Obligations • May amend Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule at any public meeting subject to the approval of the Oversight Board • Commencing May 1, 2012, pay only those payments listed on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 34177(a)(3) Not prevented, with the prior approval of the Oversight Board from making payments for Enforceable Obligations from sources other than those listed in the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 34177(a)(4) • Maintain reserves in the amount required by indentures of trust, indentures, or similar documents governing the issuance of outstanding redevelopment agency bonds 34177(b) • Perform obligations required pursuant to any Enforceable Obligation 34177(c) • Remit unencumbered balances of redevelopment agency funds to the county auditor -controller for distribution to the taxing entities 34177(d) • Dispose of assets and properties of the former redevelopment agency as directed by the Oversight Board. The disposal is to be done expeditiously and in a manner aimed at maximizing value. 34177(e) • Enforce all former redevelopment agency rights for the benefit of the taxing entities, including, but not limited to, continuing to collect loans, rents and other revenues that were due to the redevelopment agency • Effectuate the transfer of housing functions and assets to appropriated entity 34177(g) . cordance • Expeditiously wind down the affairs of the redevelopment agency in ac with the direction of the Oversight Board 34177(h) 17 • Continue to oversee development of properties until the contracted work has been completed or the contractual obligations of the former redevelopment agency can be transferred to other parties. Bond proceeds can be used for the purposes for which bonds were sold unless the purposes can no longer be achieved, in which case, the proceeds may be used to defease the bonds. 34177(i) • Prepare the proposed administrative budget and submit it to the Oversight Board for approval 341770) • Provide the county auditor -controller the administrative cost estimates for each six month period, from its approved administrative budget that are to be paid from property tax revenues deposited in the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund 34177(k) • Before each six-month fiscal period, prepare a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 34177(l) • The Successor Agency shall pay for all of the costs of meetings of the Oversight Board and may include such costs in its administrative budget 34179(c) • Differences between actual payments of Recognized Obligations and past estimates on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule must be reported in subsequent Recognized Obligation Schedules and accounts adjusted 34186 • A Successor Agency shall constitute a public agency within the meaning of 3501(c) 34190(c) • A Successor Agency shall become the employer of all employees of the redevelopment agency as of the date of the redevelopment agency's dissolution. The Successor Agency shall be deemed a successor employer and shall be obligated to recognize and to meet and confer with employee organizations, shall bargain over matters within the scope of representation 34190(e) • Former redevelopment agency employees subsequently employed by Successor Agencies shall, for a minimum of two years, transfer their status and classification to the successor agency and shall not be required to requalify. Any such individuals shall have the right to compete for employment under the civil service system of the SuccessorAgency 34190(h) Taxing Entities • Has the authority to require any documents associated with enforceable obligation 34167(i) • Has standing.to file a judicial action to prevent a violation of the Act and obtain injunctive relief 34177(a)(2) is x m m x V-1 co 2-M Co q Ln Z 40 m to �;; a Lr, -zr Zo 10 m m 0 0 0) RLP 100 u u > w E 75 'm ci -0 E mo w . 0 > m w m 12 w 0 w 0 w u — 0 u 0 v w a '0 0 < w c I'D M M c 0 0 m > > w to -S 0 w tD c 4) w m E > t u E cs E 0 ti- M M m w IL 0 w 0 0 w .2 M w 0 < m E > �4 .2 a as w 'D 0 W 0 , ac LO w 00 'o = w E w 46 M V W g 0 0 tc E 0 w 0 W a = w 2 Z m E . m 4 :5 0 75 w to W 0 E = 0 be w a) d, 0 -0 w 0 w m .0 -0 W 0 E 0 > -0 w -0 -0 Z E a .0 �B m cw mw 'C M 0 mw w cl w � w C, >. w 0 -iW3 W W dl m 0 < w 0 0 0 m M CL -:5 E 0 0 u E m In z 'o 'a w 0 u r w ED m CL w > W '0 0 u '0 m 0 o c c 0 0 0 10 0 el w 0 w > E w w w w x X o E o B U, um W to w < u u u u w w w w w < w w E w E w w E 0 E CL CL CL CL CL 0 0 '@ 0 — 0 0 0 w z > M > w > u > E n t'a 4) W w -M E M W w w 0 cri cr cc I u 6 CE os Di 06 err u w a w c 0) c 1� ci n rl rl r� r, rl 0, 94t 'o 00 cr u R M u m o % m to 0 CD u .0 0 E 0 mn M 'a w 'a 0 Cc, t.X > c 'o to W, 0 0 u w x 2 CL E 0 w w Z U C '0 a x 75 u u w E a q m M = w c 4: m 46 m 0 P CD W Ll x w E tc u m w w w m m cl me 0 x o t; E cL 5. 0 r = & E 0 0 0 C 0 0 w E 0 '0 w Z dL m > 0 y CL L w a c bo w u 0 d# m t1l W 0 W .2 W 0 0 M m wo E 0 N V 0 U> 0 E .0 = C CL � 0 x .2 > 0 o cu > '0 E 9 " c 0 .2 w E E to I mw too 0 0 u a a 0 to 8 S m E c o 0 Fx = W E w w z w .0.0 a jq E 0 a CL w c w 2 � E bi > w w U u 0 W =0 0 E r= q 0 F-i 7F) -2 r Cl 0 m .0 :6 W -0 *0 0 w s > 0 -0 w 4) 0 w u ,.z E w o Z tx E W E 0 4: 0 E m 0 w w 4q w a m u .0 e m 0. 0 CC o 'o .0 M w w .2 . 'R U m w 4 -.2 ba w c - > w to > W w w o % > c , W c .2 CD S > w ,!I 0 'a > w % Z; .5 o E w E > w > E w w 0 - t! E E 4) 0 c .2�. > :p M W > 'a '0 0 c '0 w E w '0 CmL >_I E w w cc u I L) I = m 4) 0 m c 0 w 0: 0 m W co CL cr 0 m cc W ac -0 m = U < & m m cL E E CL CL 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 a 8 0 > E E a 0 0 w m 'wo E :5 u u u E "a M w Ix w w a u z < 0 LA 0 u < < 44 4 4 N N N N C04 W 0 N N a a r 4 C .6 .6 E! to Z R co r Do Ch m Ln 00 -4 r� co v co 00 v fn x w '0 .43 M W E 0 w W a �o tio w w 0 E a 0 0 w X W cc E a E x 12 0 w w m c 0 >- E m Oc E 0 1 CL m W 0 M -@ s 2 E m w o E 0 > rA a: >d m w 'cc 0 , W m CL CL E =0 0 w u c w w 0 > m m OC M C C 0 w E cl 0 w w M 0 & V CL 0 w 0 w c w m '0 TL3 w E .> > cr x w tkc 20 0 0 0 w .!: :9 0 -0 M m cr CL CL w CL � w w = m w W M w cc w J4 x !� c � 46 t m om 10 c 0 w E w CL > CL C 0 c c m w 0 W. .0 i� E 2 1! X — m CL u W 0 :p cu 0 w W bm 2 cu CL M 0 co m w o CL x m C a 'a m 0 AO 75 v E E o Cl w aj E 0 >. w 2 0 w '0 UO W E w a 0 w 0 m 0 E 0 a 1! y c 0 o w 0 0 w m W 10 0 0 0 p > CL CL o 0 Z; .0 "5� w w W c E UD bo 0 0 4;; — .0 m o w c be 0 w 0 w N = m E w 0= c CL E 0 be '0 < w w AD O'D E m o 0 m -0 w W to 0 U u w W 0 w .5 CL tko w cc 6 Q c 0 w 0 Qj u Lu c , 4 u tw; E bo w o E 0) '0 w w 0 0 CL c ap E c 0 W & CL w 0 0 '0 CL w CL 0 (A m 0 w u cc co �o cn cc E 0 E w w 0 0 a 0 co 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 u u u 0 0 :5 & W '0 > 3 M 0 < 0 < (D c W C w N C-4 N N N e- m m r- �4 �l .4 M m "I w 0 w N :E r4 CL m m OW W m Z S z -ci :3 00 00 co co 00 r, (U CL o to u E 0 c 0 u m x E m 0 M 12 E 0 0 o 0 0 CL w CL Z o E > 4w' cd' '0 1 c 0 -0 T Cc m 0 cx 0 0 w -c CL 0 co 16 5 0 �o -10 E —0 Wu SZ > M 0 U > W m M 0 0 0 0. CL Q . U 4) > 0 w ce w M� X w z 0 0 m E i% 3: -6 1� E 0 0 2 0 Ct o w cu 0 '0 a E a 0 m U 0 M, W a 0 C, .2 0 US o tc 0 x m L 0 w w u u U .1 o w 0 u w M CU — 0 E w — E w CL a u w x E w c E E m c m E o w c 0 12 0 0 0 0 2 w 'rz 0 le u a cm, m to E 0 0 u = 0 M CL M m w 0 0 E im ci > w cc 0 0 0 0 0 0 U u u u 0 0 0 0 0 0 E :L t: Ae c w E = > 0 0 0 u u u N u w M lu C� C4 0 m 0 m 0 m > m m 75 0 Instructions for Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule (EOPS) General Instructions: Agencies may wAm the sample forms Provided and either write in mormatIon on the blank forms, or email HdUCC for a worksheat version "Other Obligatione have been included with Its, cmm form. Although not required, an agency may be interested in complefifing one set of forms for each of its projecl Mass. Specift Inbructions by Column Heading: Names of projects aswolabid with the enforceable obligation Refer to ABXI 26, §34167(d) for the definition of an wildromble Project Nam payment. Which include the following: obuggbDn. p%M note for each listed item. supporting documentation W not required to be Provided in the EOPS, houmebr, it is adAWtIO to maintain such docummustom Rundw Includes debt servics, mamwe set -asides and my other includes bonds as defined by H&S Code §33602 and Issued liu� payments Misted to the repsyment of bonds, not". mtedin to Govemment Code SW38. On the form. bond payments May be certificates. debentures, or other obligations. Examples include taxx grouped together. hcv�er, it vs r000mmended that wn-housing aid allociefion bonds, revenue bonds, cerfificates of partWicipadon (COPS). housing bond payments be entered under separate Poled names and California infrastructure and Economic Devvdmpment 8Bmk (IRANK) bond& Other payments niteffied to bonds could include fiscal agent fees, When of credit bank few, continuing disclosure fees, eta Lee" or Mmi Sonowed by Auency. " Includes loam or moneys Tins schedule should include all CRY - Agency loan agrOwnefft The borrowed for legal purposes. Exanow iWduda loans from Vie LMIHF W of Enforceable Obligations to be approved by the Successor and certain Win from the sponscring erefity—i.e. the cfty, counly, or Agency has differing requirements. and Agencies should review with city and county that created the agency. Other awamples include legal counsel prior to making any decisions. repayment of lows, from other public agencies, such as GaIHFA. HUD Section 108. Parmteafte required by the federal and state go%eunments or in Includes Pension payments, p� connection with agency errowees. obhgabon debt fm4w, and unemployment payments. Does not include passothrough payments. Judamffft and igiolififiligils, Includes payments ralated to court or Other binding C100540mi, Lahway binclinto and thillowmble sorefamints or contracts: Par ABXl 26, 11411 67.(dXS). includes; my legally binding and Includes all obfigabons of agency not fisted abm, both housing and enforceable agreement or contract 00 is not Otherwise Vold AS nom,h,,Mg. plasma rjolq� report all regardless of source of furiding. violating the debt limit or public policy. H�. as noted atIONs. such as those Vind vA be funded with bond a other debt proceeds. pursuant to ABX1 26, §34171.(dX2), the definition of enforceable Examples include obbIlmont such as construction contracts, obfifilmore to be paid by a Successor Agency does not Include MY Disposition and Development Agreements (DDAS), Oumer agreements, contracts. or arrangements beheam the sponsoft Participation Agreements (OPAs), pre-developmerd lows, Conmurnity, entifty and the agency, except for the two categories of loans Facilities District (CFD) reimbursements. rental subsidies, and described sooner in Call C13 above. Pleame note: list 80 other prolessional searicew contracts. Also includes agreements pledging sponsurng entity and agency agreements In the Other Obligations" future receipt of tax movement to other entities. such as a matching section of this EOPS Form. Pleass sl� note: discuss with Your legal great a prownissory role. counsel whether an agreement such as an Exdusiw Negotiation Agrasmard (ENA) should be listed as an enforceable obligation under §34167 and §34169 Encromble Obligations, or Included in the KOIJW Obligations Payment Schedular" portion of this form. Contracts orr wreemants meceirsavir for continued admilrdstrattlon Par ABX1 26, §34167.(d)(5). includes contracts or agreements or operation of mency such as, but not limited to. offim space rest, necessary for continued administradiort W operation Of the agency equipment, stipplies, insurmce, and services. inducling, but not limited to. agreements to purchase or rent office space, equipment and supoles, and pay-palated wrpenses pursuant to §33127 and for carrying insurance pursuant to §33134. —pubbenency Pay- Recipient of debt or obligaffion payments. Include �Wm of entity or other organumon to receive payment. hatilid Dow Date the Agency entered into the debt or obligation payments Description Descapificin of the nature of the WrK product, servics, facility or other thino IsIel of value for which payment is to be made. Souncear Repayment Total Outstanding Total remaining debt or obligation, including principal and interest, as Although this Mount is not required by §UI69, it may be prudent to DOM or Obilgadw applicable. include the road antourd for purposes of Preferring the R9c09rft9d Ofifigeow Payment Schedule (ROPS) or SOL Please note 431111111111te forthe remaining term of obligation. The SOI is a good source for the date. Total Due During Total payments (including principail and Interest) for FY 201 IM1 Mile not required to be included on the nedulet this Column is FIWWYM included to help with mordity payment calculations for those payments that Me budgeted on an annual baws, rather than an a ffmrdwv basis. Payments by Month Payments remitted in each month from August through December Notations ;hould be made in cases where an agency is allimsfing the 2011. Plapse note payments that have to be made in the month prior amount to be Paid In any given monlK to their due date should be listed in the month preceding the actual debt service MM2M eta Other Obligations - Include all other Agency, such as contractual and Pleuras include § 33401. 33607.5 and 33607.7 pauthrough payments. Payment Schedule statutory pass*mQh pWffwft. AJW fidude any other ON90WM Alm includes sponsoring entity and agency agreements not mduded, required by the CRL. such as housing fund ddM repayments. elsewhere. Include my other statutorily required payments. 23 LU ul x C) U) ul IL a P 0 0 LU N 0 w It lz 81 - - - - - - - - - - - .2 19 EL vo Ug. 2.3 is 18 I LU LU z LU c z 01 LU 0 I Ml 3 9 322 k 5 Bw .4 11 IN I M .9 if P, ! i OR �m 'I ov LU W x 0 fn IL Z 0 LU w z 0 0 0 uj 0: HIM tu w ca MCI W., O'D w w 9 10 w it wo- WO HdL Coren & Cone Services HdL Coren & Cone provides property tax services to 180 California cities and their redevelopment agencies. The HdLCC team has over 200 years combined experience in every aspect of city government: finance, management, auditing, economic development and legislative consulting. The company's reputation for thoroughness and its approach of quiet and cordial relations with the business community and state and county agencies have always served its clients well. HdLCC's property tax information system is the most technologically advanced in California. We also provide our clients with property tax data on the City's computers and/or network, including software for easy use. Our software provides access to parcels by name, address, assessor's parcel number, as well as the ability to consolidate parcels by geographic area and print specialized reports. Successor Aaencles The responsibilities of the Successor Agency are complex and time consuming. HdLCC Coren & Cone is prepared to assist Successor Agencies with individual requirements such as preparing Redevelopment Obligation Payment Schedules, monitoring of the repayment of debt obligations, reporting requirements, staffing for Oversight Boards, and liaison with the County Auditor -Controller, the State Controller, the Department of Finance, Special Districts and local educational agencies. We are prepared to take complete staff responsibilities, including supervising and monitoring on -going projects, programs and activities. We are also prepared to assist county auditor -controllers with the interpretation and calculation of redevelopment tax -sharing agreements and AB 1290 and SB 2 11 calculations. -28,