2012 01 10 PC MinutesMINUTES
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78 -495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 10, 2012
7:02 P.M.
A. A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to
order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Alderson.
B. PRESENT: Commissioners Barrows, Wilkinson, Wright, and
Chairman Alderson.
ABSENT: Commissioner Weber
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Les Johnson, City Attorney Kathy
Jenson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal
Engineer Ed Wimmer, Associate Planner Jay Wuu,
and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker.
There being no comments, or suggestions, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright /Barrows to approve the minutes of November 8,
2011 as submitted.
AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Wilkinson, Wright, and Chairman Alderson.
NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Environmental Assessment 2011 -613, Conditional Use Permit 2011 -
135, Tentative Parcel Map 36421, Site Development Permit 2011-
920; a request by La Quinta Housing Authority and Redevelopment
Agency for consideration of rehabilitation and development plans for
Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2012
the Washington Street Apartments located at the southeast corner of
Washington Street and Hidden River Road.
Associate Planner Jay Wuu presented the staff report, a copy of
which is on file in the Planning Department. He gave an abbreviated
report and then deferred to the representatives for the La Quinta
Housing Authority and Redevelopment Agency to provide further
explanation on the project.
Chairman Alderson opened the public hearing portion of the meeting to
allow the applicant's representatives to speak.
Eric Nasland, with Studio B Architects, (architects for the project)
located at 2258 First Avenue, San Diego California; along with Tilly
Whitehead also of Studio B Architects introduced themselves and they
gave an overview of the project; including going over each of the
Rob Parker with RGA Landscape Architects, 74020 Alessandro, Suite
E,. Palm Desert introduced himself and explained the overall landscape
Associate Planner Jay Wuu summarized their comments and staff's
recommendations, as stated in the staff report.
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Barrows asked about staff's concerns on the design of
the perimeter wall. Staff said there was no real concern; they were
presenting the information to see if the Commissioners had any
Commissioner Barrows asked:
• for a more in -depth explanation of the operation of the thermal
• about the placement of the windows and doors
Mr. Nasland provided an explanation of how the thermal chimneys and
the ventilation system would work.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2012
General discussion then followed regarding window and door locations
as well as how the air conditioning and louver systems operated.
Information of other sites where these systems have been utilized was
also mentioned and discussed.
Commissioner Wright asked if the perimeter walls would be
soundproofed on the Washington side of the complex.
Mr. Nasland said they would be as soundproof as necessary to meet
the City's noise requirements.
Commissioner Wright expressed concerns about the entrance to the
property, and the amount of traffic on Washington Street. He then
asked if the type of trees proposed, along Washington Street, would
allow a good line.of sight.
Mr. Parker responded they would.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked how the chimneys would screen the air
conditioning units on the existing apartments.
Mr. Nasland explained the present roof - mounted equipment would be
removed and a new split system would be utilized with only the
condenser being roof - mounted.
General discussion followed on:
• the air conditioning, venting systems, and their maintenance
• the louvered /ventilation systems and how they work
• vibration /noise generated by the condensers
Commissioner Wilkinson asked about exterior materials and
specifications for the renovated portion of the project.
Mr. Nasland explained what was currently on the buildings and what
was planned for renovation. He referenced the staff report and
General discussion followed on:
• the layout of the units
• proposed patio /porch areas
Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2012
• screening, privacy, and planting areas
• insulation, R ratings, and sound walls /barriers
• type of flooring; hard surfaces and carpet
• materials, colors, and heat penetration
Jon McMillan, RSG, 309 West Fourth Street, Santa Ana, CA,
introduced himself and described the concrete flooring used at Vista
Dunes and their experiences with them. He also talked about
"destructive" investigation done on the Washington Street Apartments
and the extent of the rehab needed on those apartments.
General discussion followed on:
• materials /elements proposed for the Washington Street wall
• height of the existing retaining wall on Washington Street
• sound- deadening properties of the wall
• materials of the vertical columns (pilasters)
• nearest bus stop 11 1
• pedestrian gates, access and gate materials
General discussion followed,'regarding the laundry facilities, including:
• water - heating facilities,
• ventilation
• roof - mounted mechanical equipment
General discussion followed, regarding the common area, including:
• trelliswork proposed in the common areas
• shade structure in the common area
• windows in the common area building
• elongated shade structure proposed for the pool
Chairman Alderson had concerns about:
• the metal sheeting and the heat generated by it
• what was behind the metal wall
• pedestrians passing near the perforated sheet metal
• the morning sun's heat on the eastern side, 'large, glassed
Mr.Nasland explained there was a garden behind the metal wall, and
Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2012
went on to say they had done a digital model of the building on this
spot on the earth and were able to show what the patterns would do
on that building, with that roof, and that overhang, at any hour of any
time of the day in that exact position on the earth. However, when
they ran the building information, most of it was shade from the
earliest point of the morning on, because of the length of the overhang
off of the eastern side.
Chairman Alderson said there were references to solar on the roofs of
some of the buildings and asked if the applicant would be using solar
heat or generating electricity.
Mr. Nasland explained they would hope to provide photovoltaic panels
such as the ones at Vista Dunes. He added, the aerial showed them
on the roofs, and the roof pitch facing south. He further explained
they are planning for use of photovoltaic, solar panels, but it all
depended on what the budget would allow.
General discussion followed on the parking structure design, with or
without solar panels.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked about the benefits of the project to the
City of La Quinta and the estimated project cost. He expressed
concern with the estimated cost per unit.
Discussion followed on the sewer and offsite improvements needed
for the project as well as offsite improvements with an explanation
being provided by Mr. Jon McMillan as to what was entailed.
City Attorney Kathy Jenson clarified the Commissioners look at the
design of the project and if they don't like the design, for whatever
reason, their remedy is to vote against it but that the project cost was
a matter for the City Council to consider.
Commissioner Barrows asked about the fan providing airflow into the
interior living spaces.
Mr. Nasland explained how the fan operated.
Commissioner Barrows said she was concerned about how dust will
impact this because of the desert environment. She explained her
own experiences and concerns about materials getting on the screens
Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2012
and the potential for something coming into the building interior. She
also asked if the potential for solar, on this site, had been maximized.
Mr. Nasland acknowledged the comments regarding potential dust
impacts. He also responded they had enough room on the roofs and
parking areas to cover the entire electric load of this site.
Commissioner Barrows asked if it would be possible to generate
additional power.
Mr. Nasland said he would presume there would be more. He added
the thermal chimneys do create a shading effect over some portions of
the roofs which caused some limitations about where you can and
can't put solar panels, but structurally they could be handled
Commissioner Barrows was concerned about the species of purple
fountain grass noted on the plans. She commented that there is a
species of fountain grass that is a real problem in terms of being
invasive and hybridizing with the typical fountain grass.. .
Mr. Parker responded there are some concerns about it hybridizing
with the standard species, but he could not confirm whether the
species noted was going to hybridize or cross -breed with the other
Commissioner Barrows added that, on projects in the past, one
species of fountain grass would be specified and another would be
Mr. Parker said he had seen that happen, but it was more typical with
contractors that were from outside of the area and not familiar with
what the requirements were in the County of Riverside.
Commissioner Barrows said she would personally be more comfortable
with using another .grass species.
Mr. Parker said, it was no problem changing it to a non - invasive
Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2012
Discussion followed on landscaping concerns, including:
• the type of trees proposed (Tipu trees) and examples of other
areas utilizing that species
• the use of a proposed small water feature and concern for
water and electric usage
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any more questions of the
applicant. There being none he asked if there was any public
Mr. Craig Bedard, 42 -488 Byron Place, introduced himself and thanked
the City for fixing up the neighborhood. He did, however, have
several safety concerns and comments, which were:
• The speed of the cars on Washington Street and the possibility
of a deceleration lane being added
• Addressing the problems with the intersection and the students
from the nearby school trying to cross while cars are making a
right -hand turn from Washington Street to Hidden River Road.
• Consider either putting a crosswalk on the corner, or moving
the crosswalk down on Hidden River closer to the entrance of
their units
• Some type of permanent barrier, on Washington Street to keep
left turns happening from Hidden River, but also keep
pedestrians from trying to cross Washington
• A permanent median island there on Washington and Hidden
• Resurface Hidden River Road as the asphalt is in poor condition
with big pot holes
• Create a No- Parking Zone, or red curb, on Hidden River, in front
the apartments. It is currently a problem when taking a right -
hand turn from Washington Street
Mr. Bedard provided further comments on the wall on Washington
Street, saying the height was good and there was not only a concern
with sound but also safety. He mentioned the possibility of someone
coming off of Washington Street and hitting the wall as it had
happened. He then commented on some of the tenants' concerns
about students peering, and jumping, over the wall, so this height
might be good. He further commented on the aesthetics of the
project, that he was all for it, but would like the City to take into
Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2012
consideration his safety concerns.
Chairman Alderson asked Mr. Bedard about the location of crosswalk
he mentioned which would be east of Washington on Hidden River
Mr. Bedard commented on the area to which he was referring.
General discussion then followed regarding the crosswalk location.
Chairman Alderson asked Principal Engineer, Ed Wimmer for
Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer wanted to make sure he had all of Mr.
Bedard's points. He identified:
1) request for the decal lane on Washington
2) establish a permanent raised median on Washington at Hidden
3) Hidden. River be re- surfaced
4) a crosswalk be added across Hidden River; east of Washington at
Hidden River.
Mr. Bedard confirmed those items and handed Principal Engineer
Wimmer a bullet point list of his concerns.
Principal Engineer Wimmer said they would look at those concerns and
provide a report on those items.
General discussion followed on the possible addition of a deceleration
lane and making left and U -turns in the area.
Mr. Bedard suggested there could be something in the middle of
Hidden River Road to prevent someone from making a U -turn there
since there is not much room for that type of maneuver.
Commissioner Wright confirmed it was a problem intersection.
Principal Engineer Wimmer suggested the City Traffic Engineer do
analysis on each of these individual items since he did not have the
Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2012
information available at the meeting. He said all of these items would
be forwarded to the City Traffic Engineer for analysis.
Mr. Bedard said he would appreciate it.
General discussion followed on line of sight issues, possible area for a
deceleration lane and forwarding this additional information to the City
Traffic Engineer to include in his study.
Commissioner Barrows was concerned about the design of the
sidewalk; taking into account the students and tenants utilizing that
Planning Director Johnson explained how the sidewalk was designed;
taking the pedestrian traffic into account. He included information on
the fact that there was not enough room to make this a meandering
sidewalk consistent with the City's standard design, but there would
be pockets of planters included to pull the sidewalk away from the
street in areas and provide a safer pedestrian environment.
Discussion followed on sidewalk setbacks and legal non - conforming
Chairman Alderson asked if there was any further public comment.
There being none, Chairman Alderson closed the public hearing and
opened the matter for Commission discussion.
Commissioner Wilkinson commented on turn lanes and road
conditions; as well as line of sight conditions and the opportunity to
continue these items in order to review the City Traffic Engineer's
Principal Engineer Wimmer confirmed he would make the Traffic
Engineer's report available to the Commission as well as Mr. Bedard.
General discussion followed on whether to make this a condition of
approval versus continuing the items.
Principal Engineer Wimmer commented that the City Traffic Engineer
had previously reviewed the site plan, was familiar with Hidden River
Road and Washington Street and had not raised any of these concerns
during the project review process.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2012
Commissioner Wright reiterated his concerns about the line of sight
coming out of Hidden River Road on to Washington Street; as well as
his faith in the City Traffic Engineer coming up with a solution.
Commissioner Barrows asked for clarification that this item had
already been to Council and that the Planning Commission only need
to make a determination on the design aspects, negative declaration,
parcel map, etc.
Planning Director Johnson clarified they were the final decision making
body on the environmental determination, parcel map, the conditional.
use permit, and the site development permit application before them
tonight. Their options were to approve, deny, or continue the matter.
Commissioner Barrows said she was pleased with the project but had
concerns that Mr. Bedard's issues be addressed, her landscaping
suggestions be included and the new technology and issues of noise,
water, dust and potential penetration on the thermal chimneys be
Chairman Alderson spoke on the fact that the applicant had to match
the existing project and work with those conditions. He supported the
project with the qualifications of the other Commissioners and
concerns regarding public and traffic safety.
Commissioner Barrows asked if the City of La Quinta had the ability to
condition a No U -Turn southbound on Washington Street; since that is
within the boundaries of Palm Desert.
Principal Engineer Wimmer said the entire roadway is not within the
jurisdiction of La Quinta; and there would have to be liaison with the
City of Palm Desert and the City of La Quinta Traffic Representatives.
At this point, it was uncertain as to whether Palm Desert would be
amenable to such a design change, and both cities would have to
agree on the improvements.
Commissioner Barrows asked if a recommendation be included that
staff consult with the City of Palm.Desert.
Principal Engineer Wimmer said it could.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2012
Chairman Alderson reopened the public hearing to allow public
There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Wilkinson /Wright to continue
Environmental Assessment 2011 -613, Conditional Use Permit 2011-
135, Tentative Parcel Map 36421, and Site Development Permit
2011-920 to February 14, 2012.
AYES; Commissioners Barrows, Wilkinson, Wright and Chairman
Alderson NOES; None ABSENT: Commissioner Weber ABSTAIN:
A. Report on City Council Meeting of January 3, 2012.
B. Commissioner Barrows is scheduled to attend the January 17, 2012,
City Council meeting.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Wright /Barrows to adjourn this regular meeting of the
Planning Commission to the next meeting to be held on January 24, 2012.
This meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m. on January 10, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
6 g "k 6 k
Carolyn GValker, Executive Secretary
City of La Quinta, California